#still not 100% but i'm getting there and that's what's important
soaringwide · 2 days
Pick a Card - What is you Persona?
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Today we're going to look at your persona, or as the definition goes:
"an individual's social facade or front that, especially in the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, reflects the role in life the individual is playing"
So this reading won't be about who you are from your point of view, but the role you play socially and lean into, and that others perceive you as. It's especially important for people in the public eye, but I think everyone can gain from being more aware of the mask they wear in society, whether you want to craft a mask of your choosing or desire to be more authentic.
If we're being technical, everyone has different persona depending on the social context (work vs friends, etc), but we'll look at one of them/the main one only.
As always, this is a general reading meant for multiple people so it might not apply to you 100%. Take what resonates and leave out the rest.
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Cards: The Gem, The Thread, The Prayer, The Moon, 3 of Wands, the Empress, King of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, Justice, Knight of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, 2 of Wands
Let's start with a description of your persona, as in, the role you take on in society.
You role in society seems to be of someone who prioritize actions that assist and improve others, embodying the role of a helper. You are a path-maker and actively encourage people to follow along, and they do, because they sense that there is something you see or know that they don't. They see you as someone who has accumulated a lot of wisdom in their field of interest, that makes them some type of refined diamond that shines among common rocks. You are respected and admired for your abilities and people go to you for your specialized advice. They see you as a trailblazer, someone who is not afraid to take the lead and who people come to for their advice and knowledge.
The first impression people get from you is that you appear rather withdrawn and mysterious, secretive even. You don't seem to share a lot about yourself and they don't really get what's going on inside of your head. You might even come off as moody to some because they don't see the inner emotional tides that affect your behavior. This makes total sense after the last paragraph that highlighted that your role is someone who takes action, what you are on the inside you keep somewhat hidden and probably show that to only a few selected people. I'm getting internet persona for some, for others it has to do with work.
For the perceived qualities, people can see that you're someone who is a visionary, someone who has a higher perspective on things. They see you as driven, ambitious and a force to be reckoned with. You are able to communicate your energetic curiosity to others, which makes you a great team leader. Someone who's able to plan ahead and make the right decisions at the right time.
As for your flaws, they see you as someone who has a hard time enjoying the simple pleasures of life, because you're so dedicated to your cause. All work and no play, so to speak. You are very action-oriented and the drawback of that is that you seem rather unreachable, someone who is affected by nothing and that people have a hard time connecting with on a deeper level. They have a hard time getting to know you on a friend or romantic level because you are so focused on your own path that you don't let people in easily.
What others think drive you in life is your desire to be a positive influence on people around you and your dedication to whatever career or cause you are involved with. To lead with compassion and fairness with your greater understanding of things. They also see you as driven by the desire to better your craft and work for your community tirelessly and almost egolessly. So I think despite your withdrawn nature, you still come off as empathetic, it's just very neutral and it doesn't seem to affect you personally.
Above all, as someone who values integrity, you seem to fear unfairness and facing unjust repercussions. There is a fear of being attacked for the wrong reason or by the wrong people and not being able to defend yourself or the people you protect. I'm getting that in our world, things are not always just, in social settings, or even and especially on the political and executive level of things, which makes you very wary of that and you do your best to shield yourself or others from that. There is also a fear of losing control over the situation, again for reasons that would be unjust and outside of your control.
Now getting back to you, your persona has developed within you with the goal of being a link to your community, to bring you together and create a fairer and happier society for you and the people you care about. To bring forward the ideas and values you hold dear to your heart. It allows you to be someone people can rely on to have a positive impact on them. A solid foundation people can go back to when they need to. I'm also getting the word armor, as in, your persona protects yourself.
And it seems its quite aligned with your relationship with your persona, which I intended as a way to see its level of healthiness in your psyche's landscape. I think you're quite happy with the way you work in society. You persona does allow you to grab greater opportunities and makes things happen for you and your community. It's also a way to protect yourself by giving you some type of distance between your core-self and the way you are among others. It brings you a sense of control and security (which I was getting in the previous section), which is the goal of the persona.
I would say, however, that it might feel a bit lonely at time, so make sure you do share who you are on the inside with your chosen people and don't stay trapped in your persona at all times. I really think you're a great person who does amazing things, but don't forget that you also need deep connection and authentic exchanges to remain balanced and happy. You just need to find the right context to allow yourself to do that.
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Cards: The Vow, The Lover, The High Priestess, 5 of Swords, 6 of Wands, 4 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Death, the Magician, the Chariot, Judgement, 7 of Swords, the Fool
First let's look at the description of your persona, as in, the role you take in society and how you appear.
You're someone who appears to others as having a rich inner world that they can't quite understand, as if they could sense the ties that bind you to the realm of the mind and the spirit. On the outside, they can tell that you seek living things deeply and experiencing reality with all senses, but that it's not superficial but rather a way for you to reach the meaning of life, in the way of the poet. But there's also some type of almost ascetic vibe to you, as if you indulged in excess in a serious manner. I don't think you appear very grounded or emotional, as if you explored your social settings in an almost disembodied, experimental way; gathering information for a purpose people cannot comprehend because you just don't talk about it and keep it to yourself. They can tell you have secrets and they might not dare asking. You also appear fully committed to your individuality and unapologetic about who you are. It's like you are not grounded in reality/society but rather grounded in your inner world. I will develop more further but I just wanted to give a heads up that this persona is quite complex and layered.
The first impression you make on people is of someone who is proud of the battle they fought and openly talks about their past struggles. They can sense that you are strong and confident even if you haven't exchanged any words yet. They can sense you are a very resilient person who will not let anyone belittle them. You might come off a bit strong though for those who do not resonate with your vibe. However I do think you are aware of that but just don't care.
For your perceived qualities, you appear rather calm and composed, as if nothing and no one could break your peace. They see you as easy going and not someone who will create needless drama with others. You keep to yourself and if there's mayhem around you, you just don't engage. There is again this idea that you're very connected to your inner self and have a lot of personal integrity and always try to align your words and actions.
For your perceived flaws, people can sense you still have some baggage you are dragging with you. You may have had your heart or mind broken a few times and it's making you lacking trust in social interactions and it's blocking you from forming deep connection. You have a vibe of someone who's always a foot in the door, as if you were just passing by. It's like, they can sense your authenticity and you do share who you are on some level, but you're also metaphorically facing away from others, not letting anyone close to your heart. There are no cups in this reading at all, so, again, you don't really show any emotions publicly and would rather show the way you think and your philosophy of the world rather than being emotionally vulnerable. You are very guarded in that sense.
As to what you show as driving you in life, you display the fact that you are here to keep changing and evolving, mastering your self completely and not letting any setbacks get in your way of doing so. You take the saying that one must change themselves in order to change the world at heart and make it a core principle. I keep getting this feeling that you're always pushing and pushing forward without rest, all consumed that you are by your what you desire to transmute.
So it makes sense that your fear would show up as the fear of losing control. Sometimes, it's like the mask of your persona slips for a second and that people see you are terrified of losing agency over your own world. You are afraid of getting lost or trapped in a situation that you do not like and it can make you quite rebellious in sudden outburst, when that mask slips. You don't like when people put into question your way of living and are very protective of your life choices and your personality. You may snap back at people who try to break your balance by attacking your personality, or at least that's what you perceive it as.
Your persona developed as a way to help you communicate the deep and intense person that you are on the outside. I also get the idea of showcasing some aspects of your personality in a way that is intentional and powerful. I think you may have been rather shy and withdrawn in the past, or even as a child, and this persona allows a safe way for you to exist in society with as much authenticity as possible. You have a very soft heat on the inside and you want to protect it.
Finally, for what's your relationship with your persona, which one could also read as how healthy it is, I'm getting that you are fully aware of the mask you wear or the trick you play on people so to speak. Not that you are lying, but you're forging a very specific image and I think you're stealing yourself a bit here because you are not communicating the full depth of your feelings to anyone unless you are 100% sure of their intentions, and it's shooting yourself in the foot because some people will just not connect to you at all because they feel that they can't since you won't allow them in.
However, I do get that your persona is prone to evolving and shifting easily, so I don't think you are stuck in that, at all. I think your persona will naturally evolve as you transmute things within yourself and feel safer expressing other facets of yourself. You do have a deep poetic heart and it would be a shame to hide it behind a wall of spikes at all times.
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Cards: the Tear, the Prayer, 3 of Cups rx, 2 of Pentacles, the Tower, Knight of Pentacles, the High Priestess, Page of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, the Devil, 10 of Swords, King of Cups, the Hanged Man, 8 of Wands, 4 of Cups, Page of Wands rx
Right off the bat I get the sense that you are quite young or at least not fully developed yet and that your persona is not fully formed and is some type of unintentional byproduct of what happens on the inside of yourself. You are probably struggling with mental health issues which may also be why you are appearing in such state, because you got pulled back a bit.
But let's start by describing your persona, of the role you take on and how you appear to others.
You appear as rather closed-off, quite disconnected from the people around you. You may be shy, reserved or even socially anxious. People get the sense that you are quite vulnerable and easily overwhelmed and not at ease at all in social settings. A bit of an antisocial personality as well that make you withdraw and dislike connecting with others, perhaps because you just don't have the spoons although it's hard for other people to understand.
The first impression you make on people is that you are quite unbalanced in the way you behave and react. I get the sense of a past traumatic event that affects your personality greatly and that you're trying to balance by trying to be composed and grounded but it's like you keep shifting between those two opposite sides of the scale. You might appear erratic and unpredictable or the complete opposite depending on the day. But on the good days people can tell you are trying to move forward steadily and carefully.
For your perceived qualities, people can tell that you have gained some type of inner knowledge on life and its pain and that you are committed to rebuilding yourself with hope and dedicated, even if it's in its state of infancy. They can tell you hold some wisdom about human nature and you might be quite intuitive. It's like you're holding this treasure close to your heart and you sometimes show it to others very briefly.
For your perceived flaws, the idea of being disconnected from others show up again, this time to show you are not invested in your community and are very centered on yourself. Can't blame you as I think you have your reasons, but that's definitely something people see. I really think you're just very focused on rebuilding yourself and you don't have the energy to invest in others.
As to what people think drives you in life, it seems you are dead set on overcoming your deep anxiety and just get better and get out of the hole you are in currently. You have your own demons to fight and you are determined to slay them, so to speak. Again, I think you are definitely struggling with mental health issues or substance abuse, perhaps you're even hospitalized (or have been), or are in a time of recovery and that's what's being shown out: this desire to get better and to break the chains that hold you mentally and emotionally.
So it's interesting that for your perceived fear, getting worse and losing mastery of your emotions come forward. You are afraid of losing your stability and not being able to ask or reach out for help. There is a deep rooted fear of further isolation and losing grasp of anything good in life.
Why you developed this persona is because, well, it seems you just didn't have a choice and it happened as a way to survive in some way. You felt stuck as a result of your past struggles and it got pushed outside of you for others to see, so that you could communicate your inner issues and perhaps communicate your need for support in an indirect way. It all came with a sense of urgency like you suddenly had to shift the way you appeared to others in an emergency reaction of sorts.
As I said in the very beginning, you persona appears as an underdeveloped defense mechanism and I don't think it's in a healthy state at all. It's definitely not intentional and right now you're just living in it because that's all you can do. I think you have a very passionate and adventurous core to you that got somewhat pushed back but that will totally emerge again once the crisis is over. Keep hanging on, try to communicate with others more directly and have faith that things will get better because they will!
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littlewigglers · 3 days
Okay I’ve never asked on tumblr but I just found your page and I’m OBSESSED!!! I want to get/make a Vivarium/bioterrarium for millipedes and isopods and I can’t WAIT!! Please please if you have any advice at all, I’d love to hear it! Where to get supplies, the buggies themselves, how to handle them, what do you do if they get sick, how much space to they need for how many there are, etc? Your buggy babies are so cute!!
First off thank you! I love all my little guys as well <3
I ramble kinda a lot so I'll put this under a read more.
For advice I'm still very much a novice when it comes to keeping but I'll tell you what I can!
For tanks I got my glass ones second hand or ones made my the store I buy used to buy my millipedes from, you'd be surprised how cheap you can get a nice big one! For Acrylic THESE are the ones I've had the best luck with not warping BUT they sometimes have kinda blurry parts on the plastic, but still I'd say good for the price if you can't afford glass. I tape up some of the ventilation holes to keep more moisture in.
For soil that ISN'T bought from a specialist stores(Sometimes I can't afford it) I use Peat free compost, paired with leaves and rot wood I buy off ebay stores that sell bug/reptile products, I mix them together with some water and leave them in a tub for 1 week to soften up the leaves. Some people go out and get their own leaves and wood but I'm not really in an area to do that so I can't give advice on that. It's important to keep it moist BUT NOT WET!
Heat mat! You want one to put on the SIDE of the tank and not under it, just one would be enough. I have a timer plug for mine so they're on a few hours a day on and off all day. If you REALLY wanna spoil them then I've seen a few people use reptile headlamps.
For moss and plants I again just buy it off ebay in sheets and give it a cheap over to make sure there are no hitchhikers on it before I put it in the tank. It needs watered and looked after for a while for it to take to the tank. Carpet moss is mostly for looks while sphagnum moss is used to keep moisture in areas and should be water/sprayed often. I have a little fern plant in my tank rn they seem to leave alone. I know a lot of people use fake plants as well for decor!
You should make a point to put a little temp and humidity monitor in your set-ups as well. The special reptile ones can be expensive so I just but the little ones you put in rooms and have had no issues with them.
Don't forget to give them hides! Cork wood/bark or coconut shells are nice and cheap. You can also use man made items just make sure they can handle the moisture and aren't made of anything toxic to your new friends. Also give them little sticks and things to climb up on. Just make sure the lid is secured so they can't escape.
For food I just use kitchen scraps like carrot peel, cucumber, apples and melon, give them a cuttlefish bone and some dried tiny shrimps in small amounts once a week or so, but you can also use fish flacks instead. But remember! Leaf litter and rot wood is meant to be their main diet for most species.
For the millipedes I would recommend Ivory millipedes as a good starter one, they're lovely in colour and are often up top, hardy as well, and usually you can get them captive bred which I've had much higher survival rates with vs wild caught. For each species you'll have to look up their needs yourself though, there isn't a 100% catch all set up for all species. Woodlice/isopods I'd suggest dairy cows as they're lovely and also very easy to get a hold of. I will say species of Armadillidium(roly poly/pill bugs) are my fave and I'm very biased and want 500 of them.
For handling just be gentle! I wear gloves in a lot of my videos but that because I've incredibly sensitive skin and can't stand soil under my nails. The worse they can do to you is them staining your skin(not all species), or give you a little nibble. Make sure if you're handling to wash your hands off BUT be careful what hand soaps you use! Wash hands after as well some can be toxic to bugs from what I've heard.
For tank size hmm that's hard, usually you want soil as deep as their body but that can be hard, 10-15cm is what I aim for my BIG boys and 7-10cm for my others, deeper is better but sometimes you'll also just never see them again! You'll want a tank at least a few times longer than your pets body or at least big enough for them to filly stretch out in if you get really big millipedes like giants and a 120cm tank is just kinda unrealistic haha.
I do not have a lot of advice for if they get sick sadly, it's kinda of hard to tell honestly and usually when you can it's too late. I would just say don't beat yourself up too much if some pass away sometimes bugs just do that especially if you don't know their history.
Where to get them depends on where you're from and what you want. A ton of reptile/specialist stores will have wild caught which isn't great but they will have the largest range of species and usually also sell all the stuff you need to tank care of them. Ebay is where I've gotten most of my captive bred and I just message people if I've questions about their bugs there.
I think that's everything I can think of,
Again I'm a big novice when it comes to bugs, @onenicebugperday and @crevicedwelling likely know way more than me, though idk if they're open to questions but they likely already have a lot of info on their blogs.
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sonicrainbooms · 3 days
Alright, I'm in a mood so I'm gonna make a post I've been wanting to make for a while. I'm not interested in proofreading at this time. I'm aware I've been rambling a lot lately and it will happen again!
Everyone, including myself, yaps on and on about Wrecker's emotional intelligence, which is all great and true, but I think we all need to remember he also is just...smart. I don't think we're to blame for forgetting, even the show forgot it most of the time.
I know that most of his intelligence is tied to his role as the demolitions expert, but we really need to dissect what that means and entails.
He knows everything about every type of bomb/ordinance, including how to arm and disarm them. I don't think working in explosive ordnance disposal or being an explosive engineer is easy. I just went through the wikipedia page for bomb disposal and it's a LOT. There's so many different types of tools and equipment. Can you imagine all that being translated in the Star Wars universe which 100% has more dangerous types of bombs? Other than understanding electronics in general, he also needs to know electrical engineering, math (apparently arithmetic and algebra are really important to EOD work), chemistry (esp in Star Wars, remember in TCW when that guy made Blue Shadow Virus bombs? not to mention biological warfare in general and deadly chemical reactions.), and apparently EODs need to know how to build bridges, build shelters and build roads, so he knows structural/general engineering as well.
And here's the kicker- HE HAS TO REMEMBER AND RECALL IT, TOO. Every structure of a bomb, every way to arm and disarm, he has to remember and recall it all in what we know is highly stressful environments. He has nerves of steel. He either does his job correctly, or he (and sometimes, others) are dead. There is no room, ever, for mistakes. (This is why I got so angry a few weeks ago when he forgot plan 55. He has never been shown to forget a plan/code before that, and imo, very out of character)
So it's no surprise, then, that he's somewhat of a mechanical engineer- remember when he built a hand-held tank? The show didn't! He did that within minutes while being shot at, without a back up plan. When they saw the electric staff thing on the ground of the ship with the loose Zillo, Wrecker immediately recognised it and knew what it was, so he knows other types of weapons just as easily. Even Fennec used his skill for her gain! (That sounds like a diss, it wasn't, she's my best friend)
Don't get me wrong, Tech is still easily the most intelligent, and I love him dearly, but he is not their demolitions expert. Wrecker is.
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thydungeongal · 3 days
A question for the resident Rolemaster expert.
I'm a WFRP player through and through, but I've recently been attempting to write my own complex fantasy system and I can't figure out why D100 systems ARE in fact D100 systems.
I'm gonna assume you're somewhat familiar with WFRP as a system, correct me if that's not the case, obviously, I will explain whatever is necessary.
Hear me out - besides the fact that ability bonuses, AKA the first digit of your two-digit Ability Score (for example, at 57 Intelligence, your Intelligence Bonus is 5) are sometimes relevant for damage rolls and the like, there's no reason why we should use D100s instead of, say, D20 and just have lower maximum ability scores. Like, whether you roll a D20 against an ability score of 7, or roll a D100 against an ability score of 35, there's no difference. It is very rarely relevant whether your ability score is 35 or 36, so why not opt for more meaningful level growth and let your players go from 35% chance of success to a 40% by upgrading your score from 7 to 8?
So if the math doesn't change much, we get more meaningful character upgrades each level, AND on top of that, we make the game more approachable by getting rid of the D100 so many newcomers dread (even though it's absolutely my beloved) why keep the D100?
So, finally, here comes my question:
Does Rolemaster use particular systems or mechanics that absolutely require a D100 to be rolled? What are some, in your opinion, interesting ways in which Rolemaster uses its precious D100?
Thanks for taking the time to read and answer this, I'm sorry for the wall of text, I'm unfortunately super autistic about TTRPGs and the primary reason I'm asking this is because it's somewhat important to me writing my TTRPG.
One of the things that d100 systems do have for them which you pointed at is that it gives fine-grained results. Now, lots of d100-based systems only go halfway with this and end up still having advancement being done in increments of +5% and +10% so, yes, ultimately the effect is of having advancement happen in increments of 1/20 even though your system supports increments of 1/100. RuneQuest and other BRP derivatives are a good example of games that do make use of that fine-grained advancement.
Now, if you don't find growth in increments smaller than 5% meaningful, yeah, I understand, but to me that extra resolution granted by the d100 is a very important part of the fun!
If you're only interested in measuring success in increments of 5% then, yeah, going with d20 might be the way to go. In fact, Dragonbane is an example of a d20-based roll-under game that is very similar to WFRP in many ways.
Anyway, here are some examples of things from Rolemaster that are only possible due to its use of d100:
Fine-grained modifiers. While Rolemaster mostly uses modifiers that are divisible by five (although this varies from edition to edition), every edition of the game also makes use of smaller modifiers. Traditionally, after 10 skill ranks which each give a +5 bonus the rate of skill advancement slows down, with the next 10 skill ranks only giving a +2 bonus, and once again slowing down so the skill ranks 21 to 30 only give +1 each. Things get even more fine-grained with Rolemaster Standard System/Fantasy Roleplaying, where characters can develop ranks in Skills and Skill categories separately with different rates of advancement for each.
Skill rank bonuses slowing down is one of my favorite things about Rolemaster, because it means that character advancement can slow down once you reach a plateau but due to the increased resolution granted by the d100 you still get meaningful growth (I'll demonstrate this later).
Stat modifiers also tend to be more finer grained in Rolemaster with the exception of RMC, but making the stat modifiers more fine-grained is an easy house rule if that's what one wishes. I also prefer the finer-grained stat modifiers especially since stat growth is an important part of Rolemaster, and having stat modifiers increase in increments of +1 instead of +5 makes it less "bumpy" (I also happen to prefer the way RMSS and RMU handle it, with stat modifiers being more modest but each skill getting its stat modifiers from THREE stats).
Anyway, unmodified rolls of 66 are special. In a lot of Rolemaster tables there is a separate result for what happens when you get a 66 on your dice, which is always a 1% chance. This allows for a special result that is relatively rare and feels special. With a d20 this would have a 5% chance.
Also, lots of Rolemaster's tables also rely on the results being fine-grained. Look at this cool table:
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Now, of course, if you don't want this extra resolution it can be flattened onto a d20. That's what Lightmaster does. But Rolemaster does utilize the extra resolution granted by the d100 to its fullest.
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leithanienwnt · 2 days
This was an incredibly fun and really technical clear, and it was also way harder than it needed to be. See, you might have noticed that Bassline doesn't have his module (and if you're familiar with his kit, you might have realized that he's still at M2 on his S1). That's because neither him nor Viviana are at 100 trust yet. I've been using all my sanity potions in the event to try to get their trust up, but it still takes time. But: having four new ops for the niche is too exciting for me to sit and wait. The plan was originally just to start labbing this out, starting with an easier 8 op with Carnelian and Lessing, then a 7 without Carnelian. But I thought I might just be able to make it a six, and here we are. Now, I'm going to break this down in detail, because there's a lot going on and I'm really pleased with how it all came together:
First of all, Viviana. She's here! The reason I built this niche! A lot ended up relying on her, and she was perfect for what I needed: doing good damage to take out key targets, but durable enough to stay out when I needed it. A really good highlight of this is when she takes out an agitator and a greatswordsman back to back, outside of healing range, while being targeted by Damazti. She didn't even need to take out the greatswordsman; just stalling them for a few seconds would have been fine! But she did it, even without the attack she'll get from finishing her trust. She also could have finished Damazti on her own (and she did so in a previous iteration when Eyja was defeated before I could use her skill after I mistimed placing her), but I needed Eyja for the opening and to take out one of the trilbies, so I used her to speed up the burst.
Speaking of Eyja, she was kind of the least important unit in this. It really was just the opening, the trilby, and then just boosting Eben's attack and speeding up bursts. It's enough that I don't think I can optimize her out, but for the most straightforwardly strong unit in the squad, it was a relatively quiet stage. But it's okay, her alter still totally trivialized the elemental damage, which made it possible even without Bassline's trust and module.
It was relatively quiet for Bassline here too, largely because he's not fully built yet (don't worry, I have plans that'll highlight him more when he's done). But he still helped healing (which was good to have since there was a point where Czerny gets kind of low) and having another three block is huge. Also his redeploy may not have seemed necessary (and technically it wasn't), but it meant that Eyja would live through her skill activation as he became the target of Damazti's last skill activation instead of her.
Eben, however, was pivotal to this, and this was a really good showing of why he's more than just a funny boss killer. He's really good on pretty much any map, because even when he's not attacking a boss, he can make sure you just don't have to deal with the map's biggest threats. Like here, the tyrant captains might as well have not existed, because they never so much as got close to attacking my units. Add in taking out most of the agitators and greatswordsmen, and I don't get why he's so looked down upon.
And last but not least: Czerny. It kind of looks like a quiet performance for him, but there was actually a lot going on. For one, him having the bulk and block count of a defender but being able to actually do enough damage to take out the enemies that made it to him was why he was on that lane and not Bassline. Plus, having a form of damage mitigation that wasn't a +% defense meant he could still last even when the corrosion started to pile up. But the biggest contribution was his S2's taunt. If you watch for it, you'll see I activate it pretty much any time I drop Viviana or especially Eyja, in order to keep Damazti's skill targeting on him, giving them the best chance to land safely. Without this, Eyja can't last long enough to take out the trilby, and a couple of Viviana's deployments get a lot more reliant on good off-skill shield RNG.
Anyway, that's all! I'm really excited to play around with the new units some more and to see what I can come up with. Thanks for watching! :)
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redbootsindoriath · 9 months
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Whichever anon sent me this today, thank you. There's no way you could have known, but a couple of days ago I suddenly and without warning lost a cat that I raised from the day he was born. When I saw this in my inbox I was confused at first, because what...checkmark...huh...but then I realized that it meant somebody had sent me something--out of the blue, just because--at a time that I really could use something good in my life, even something silly and fun. So, really, thank you. And green is my favorite "real" color, so having one of the checkmarks be green is pretty neat.
I've not really been able to draw anything worth anything lately, believe it or not, so here's the last picture I have of my Night Furry. He loved drives and walks, so earlier this summer on a road trip I took him to the top of the continental divide for a little hike.
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(Yes, he's wearing a harness. He had an adventurous and independent temperament, so there was always a risk of him running off to explore someplace where he shouldn't go alone. I didn't just make him wear it because I'm a cruel and stifling cat butler.)
#yo somebody talked to me#/end classification tags#his name is toothless by the way#after the dragon in how to train your dragon of course#ALSO by the way#i would NORMALLY give myself time to actually process this sort of thing and recover because i'm pretty sure i'm in psychological shock#but i'm moving halfway across the continent in like two days (less than a week after he got sick) so there was no way to just#cancel that or delay it or something#so i'm having to just get over it or whatever#👍#the car ride is going to be lonely but at least i have one more cat to keep me as good of company as she can#even if we've never been as close as toothless and i were#a VERY IMPORTANT note to all of the pet owners who follow me: PLEASE check your yards for poisonous plants#regularly and repeatedly even if there wasn't anything dangerous there before#even if you're only staying in the area for a little while#even if you only let your pets out under close supervision#even if you trust your landlord/landlady (if you rent)#because i was all of those and this still happened#check every single plant out there and be 100% sure you KNOW what each one is#did you know that silverleaf nightshade looks nothing like other kinds of nightshade?#neither did i because i never lived in this area before#anyway sorry for the dump y'all#i don't generally like to share a lot of details about my personal life but i think i'm not quite myself right now#poor little guy hadn't even lived half his expected lifespan so i wasn't ready for this to happen for years#i've been kicking myself over it for days even though i know the blame doesn't TECHNICALLY lie with me and it's messing with my psyche#he was a very special cat#in korean the term is 개양이 and google says the english is puppycat#a cat that is friendly and acts like a dog#i will likely never get a cat anything like him again and that's an awful thing to realize#i would go broke and risk my future to have him back which is stupid i know but he was really something else
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coockie8 · 1 month
do you ever think about unblocking the person who made the callout about you?
Sometimes, yeah, but then I remember I'm above willingly opening myself up to a brain cell-killing argument with a troglodyte who thinks what a person engages with in fiction indicates in any way, shape, or form what a person's real-world morals are.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Thinking about the two drabbles I did yesterday where Dean was a bit of an asshole, and I do hope that it doesn't come across in those, or in any fic, that I'm making Dean needlessly antagonistic just because I'm more of a Samgirl. Esp when it comes to him reacting to samifer.
It feels realistic to me, whether due to actual logical reasoning or due to his Various Assorted Issues™️, that Dean's obviously not going to accept his little brother having a relationship with the devil with open arms. You know, it's a combination of Dean's canonical Sam-Abandonment-Complex and also, it's Lucifer, on the heels of Ruby, and what's going to present outwardly as "Sam is making a bad choice and trusting the wrong person. Again. So I need to fight back against that," is really covering up the more self-loathing, "I couldn't protect Sam from Ruby, and if he gets hurt/used/etc again, it'll be my fault for letting it happen a second time."
In one drabble, that showed up as 'separate Sam from the reminder of his trauma that he's keeping for reasons I don't understand', which is! hey that's wrong of him to do! even if Sam is only being hurt by keeping it, what gives Dean the right to make that choice? But he is Dean, he is Sam's older brother, and he is going to make that choice to try and protect him, and I love him for that. Overprotective brother who's making choices without knowing the full story. That's the Supernatural way.
Just some of the behind-the-scenes that goes into writing, I suppose. tl;dr Dean is an asshole and I love him so much.
#he really is trying his best! his best is just. not perfect.#which it shouldn't be! he's dean! he has. All The Issues.#god if i wrote ducifer and turned this around and wrote antagonistic sam#actually that would probably be more full-on angst than mostly humor#god the betrayal there. because dean's thing is abandonment yeah but sam's is betrayal.#dean siding against him. dean choosing for him. dean not being in his corner 100%#like wow these idiots are both so codependent. good for them. bad for everyone else. but good for them.#i mean the obvious solution here is that lucifer just fucks everyone because he's a slut-#ooooooooooooo no see now im thinking about ducifer + sam reactions#depending on the time frame it just gets worse and worse#(i'm not reneging on my hc on sam not being tortured in hell for this angst btw. i wouldn't do that.#and dean wouldn't fuck someone who hurt sam like that so moot point.#but post-cage is a fascinating time for ducifer. because of how much sam & lucifer know each other.#for lucifer to go to dean instead? oh. painful. fascinating. but painful.#eventually could be resolved by sam realizing he's still so very important to luci because he always will be.#the boys disentangling the hierarchy of romance with the devil's help. good for them.#it's the same as sam & dean Both realizing that no matter what other relationships they have. they will always put each other first.#winchester brother chosen platonic life partners v important to me. if you can't tell.)#dean winchester#spn#sam winchester#lucifer spn#samifer#lucifer/sam winchester
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linabirb · 6 months
i will NOT talk about what i think about the current twst event but i still want y'all to know that every time i see any new info about it i just go.
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aliennooboo · 1 year
#nonsims#been thinking of the support group that starts this sunday#in a way my brains are all 'you don't need to go if it makes you uncomfortable!!! you can just stay home!!! that would be sooo comfy!!!'#but at the same time i recognize that stepping out of my comfort zone might be very good in this particular case#not that i haven't been out of my comfort zone all my life lol#i just know that i need Something that feels real and important in my life#i need to build myself some kind of a life where i will still have things to live for if/when i lose the most important people in my life#and you know what. i counted the social things i've done independently as an adult#like sure my bf's friends visit us a few times a year#but for me those visits are 100% tied to my bf and i would never see those people without him cos they're HIS friends#i do always refer to them as our friends but the reality is that i would never hear from them again if me and the bf split up#so i counted the stuff i've done independently (school or work or hanging out with mom/grandma/bf not included)#i've had dinner with my coworkers TWICE (i didn't want to go but i didn't dare stand out by not going)#i've been to a bar with my work partner ONCE (after one of those dinners)#i see my BFF 2-3 times PER YEAR#that's it. that's my independent social life for AT LEAST the last 12 years#so you know if i were to go to the support group and attend all 11 meetings...#that would be like the biggest social thing for me in my whole adult life#and it's so funny cos it's an AUTISM support group!!! my biggest social thing would be an autism support group!!!#so i'm trying to get into this mindset that i'll go at least this first time to see what it's like
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astrxealis · 1 year
sometimes (often) i think about the characters i kin or relate to and then the realization comes in again and again that i need therapy (/lh?)
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#unfortunately i doubt i will ever get therapy bcs i have this. thing. idk. but i believe in myself to just rely on myself?#and yeah i uhh can go on more about that BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF THIS sorry i suck at explaining things. anyways#humans. interesting. i am fascinated by humans and myself and i'm tired of typing now GOODBYE anyways xiv music is so fucking good#and also idk how to interact w others sorry ..... i am scared of getting close to people bcs everyone i've grown close to has ended up#leaving me or i mess up! but tbh it's better now i think and also not as bad as i think but sorry i still have bad issues with. that#me saying i don't want to type anymore and then proceed to rapidly type out so many words oopsies#pls just do not PERCEIVE ME !! unless you want to ig but idk why you'd want to do that uhm#yk i like tumblr most out of all social medias bcs it feels like i can... sort of just be my weird self here! and it's not fully nice#and i still have anxiety problems and overthinking problems and whatnot which is evident by my 100+ notifs i havent checked since#christmas but that's not the point (?) idk whats the point honestly uhhhh nvm (??)#OH I LOVE FF SO MUCH tbh it's w/o a doubt still my favorite series ever but drake/nier is also up there for sure#which i think is amazing bcs i have yet to finish a game. and ive only like played idk 5 hours of replicant and automata#and then ive already spoiled myself on important aspects of all games but that helps ngl uh. i could explain but im tired of typing#ANYWAYS GOD actually noehgjbsejhbghjes i really suck w interacting w others i really wish i were better at all that#im not super introverted or shy im just kinda awkward and anxious but im a fun person and all and idk#and tbh its interesting thinking abt my personality... some parts of me havnt changed at all from a bit (/pos) like my lively. aspect of my#personality !! i was a bundle of energy and a little annoying (perhaps unintentionally but now i think its a bit more on purpose lol)#but the only person who really sees my true self is me. and the closest to that is lune. but even i dont know who i really am#and yeah... wnvr im like woa ill make more friends !! and then when i have the opportunities i suddenly dont care anymore IT SUCKS#anyways i think i have Opportunities now again so lets see haha ?? at least uhh in school. its like 2nd sem and i dont rlly have friends#as usual haha that sounds so sad help BUT its not like im disliked im just rlly quiet and shy at school..... throwback to 7th grade tho#that was rlly the worst but also now is just as bad in a diff sense but back then i cldnt talk w my crush at ALL i didnt speak at all im so#sorry about that HELPPP I RLLY JUST CLDNT SPEAK anyways moving on in my class rn i do have a group of sorts. like#we're grpmates wnvr theres grpworks and we can pick which is nice! ive been classmates w em all b4 and theyre the cool kids#but in the more fandom sense and one used to be a close friend of my twin and of mine too by extent and then the other was someone#who knew me when i was more extroverted so yeah uhhh anyways#OKAY ALMOST MAX TAGS im DONE rambling. bye. hopefully. bye. oh god
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#okay so#i was kinda waiting for them to announce dub casting for mob season 3 because of chris niosi#only know broad details about all that mess but it seems to be well documented that he's kind of a self absorbed jerk#and I would've found it totally understandable if he was let go#(although selfishly I still have the same feelings I would if I knew nothing about any of the actors-)#(-I enjoyed reigen's dub voice acting. it's iconic and I won't lie and say I wouldn't be a little sad to lose it)#but kyle mccarley???#never in a million years did I see that coming#and they let him go over something so stupid too#i hate it when voice actors get replaced#i do not think these idiot dubbing companies understand just how important their actors are#no. i know they don't. or the actors would be paid fairly in the first place and not need unions.#or even more likely they know but just don't care#kyle mccarley is your LEAD. he voices the PROTAGONIST. he is a GOOD VOICE ACTOR.#switch him out and chances are high you end up with a mob that sounds like he's doing an impression of kyle mccarley as mob#he has the range. the way he plays the transition from regular more timid mob to 100% mob? chills#you cannot let him go without losing something really important#there are lots of other actors out there and lots of them will do a good job I'm sure#but none of them are going to do it the same way and that sucks. because mob already has an english voice.#we already know what he sounds like. and it's kyle mccarley who's been doing this for two seasons already#pickle pontificates#immeasurably disappointed nothing but hate for crunchyroll allowed here
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voids-ideas · 2 months
Ok I am going to do this simply because the first thing I will put here I NEED to do it and I have 0 motivation to do it even though it is EXTREMELY important
In fact, I think that's the reason why I don't want to do it... anyway
If this gets to 30 notes, I do that thing ✅️
50 notes, I call to ask if my doctor's appointment has been scheduled (I've been avoiding it for two weeks now) ✅️
100 notes, I go wash my shoes that have long needed washing and are just sitting there, existing, waiting for me to deign to wash them. ✅️
200 notes, I finish organizing my room (I organized it halfway and then left a bunch of things that still don't have a defined place) ✅️
500 notes, I use the things I have to bleach and color my hair. The only thing that has stopped me is the fear of doing it wrong or being too lazy to maintain it. ✅️
1k notes, I stop doing things that I know will trigger my chronic pain with the pure intention of confirming that the pain was indeed real (don't do this. 0 recommended) ✅️
5k notes, I try some new food without fear of wasting money by buying something I most likely won't like (my autism hates new foods) ✅️
10k notes, I wear my bi flag earrings in front of someone I wouldn't usually wear them with. I trust that they possibly wouldn't have a problem with me being bi, but I would never get up the courage to tell them anything ✔️ (I haven't, but that person was in my room next to where the earrings are. They were 0% hidden)
20k notes, wtf I have absolutely no idea. If it comes to this, ehhh... Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing here. Do I promise to be honest in therapy and stop telling them that everything is perfect even though nothing has ever been perfect? Yeah, that probably works. Please don't go this far, I don't know how to do this. Maybe I should... but... it would be awful to learn it
April 2024: I stop procrastinating editing this post with the things I've already done. I WANT THE HAIR SO MUCH BUT IT'S SO DIFFICULT
May 2024: Red hair, red hair, red hair. I'M CROWLEY, RED HAIR!!!!!
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eff-plays · 8 months
Ok so I watched the interview with Stephen Rooney, Astarion's writer, and here are some highlights. (I'm an aspiring writer and current game design student who wants to write for games so I'm sorry if some of these insights aren't as interesting to you as they are to me <3)
He calls Astarion his "horrible little vampire boy"
He loves seeing the fandom around Astarion<3
He did write other characters in the game, but mostly NPCs surrounding Astarion or his storyline, so it mostly revolved around Astarion
Astarion is not as connected to other companions/Origins as, for example, Lae'zel and Shadowheart, or Wyll and Karlach are to each other, but he is still reactive to their stories, even if it's just to stand off to the side and laugh when something terrible happens
He had a clear sense of where Astarion's story would start and end, but it got "muddy in the middle", but those are also moments where the best ideas come from
They write from the general idea that every character has one "good" and one "evil" ending, in order to give the player choice. RIP Ascendant apologists :(
According to Stephen, two of the most important aspects of Astarion's character (to keep consistent when bringing him to Idle Champions, at least) is that he enjoys violence, but is also fun about it
"He has a certain appreciation for violence, I guess? A bit of a murdery streak. [...] He's a vampire, he's all about blood, and he's all about, kind of, those darker sides of humanity. [..] But at the same time, he is ... He is really fun, he's really fun to write, he's really fun to have in your party, and it's very important for me that that is also represented."
"He's gonna stab you, but will have a smile on his face as he does it? I mean, I dunno. That's kind of him in a nutshell."
Larian would not have allowed for Astarion to be a typical brooding Dracula type, and there were scenes that were shot down for not being original enough
The main thing about Astarion was trying to get a "sense of fun." It would be easy to write a character that was very unlikable, and they absolutely did not want to do that
Rooney says Astarion is consistently terrible throughout the game and awful in a whole lot of ways, but he also needed to be charming enough that you could tolerate his presence and wanted him around
Rooney also had a lot of input on Astarion's stats (meaning the 10 Charisma is probalby 100% intentional)
He also had input on how certain lines should be delivered, even though the writers didn't directly work with voice actors
The way Astarion moves and poses is "all Neil"
Apparently, Neil Newbon worked on the character for years and Rooney did not speak to him once, though his voice work did influence how Astarion's lines were written and it became a "feedback loop" (Possible context for "ONLY SLIGHTLY, NEIL")
There were no points where a line delivery drastically changed Astarion's writing; rather it was a constant, slow evolution
However, there was one very spoilery moment where Neil gave such emotion to some "basic" lines that it fundamentally changed the scene (WHAT IS IT OMG)
It's difficult to balance approval, as you don't want to straight up write a monster. Every character needs to have some humanity in them. So if it comes to leaving the party, it needed to be the result of something central to said character. They wanted to be mindful of situations that would cause actual rifts between characters. (I assume this is why most generic disapprovals/approvals are +/- 1 or 2, while character-related ones give +/-5 or more)
However, as they don't write straight up horrible people/monsters, it doesn't come up as often as one might think.
The interviewer makes a point about how characters like Astarion and Lae'zel are good examples of how to play "evil" characters, as they are maybe not the best people but are still eager and willing to stick around the other party members
They worked to make sure the characters would work as a group, no matter the configuration of the group. The characters needed to be on the same path, even if they don't always agree or walk that path the same way.
Stephen Rooney is very proud of the "climactic" scene of Astarion's story. (AS HE SHOULD BE.) He even had to step away from the computer and have an emotional moment. Me too, man.
He's also "extremely pleased" that there's a point where you can punch Astarion in the face. "Actually, that one might be my favorite part" A MAN OF THE PEOPLE!!
Stephen Rooney's tip on what specific thing you should try out with Astarion: When he's trying to get a "sneaky nibble" at night, you should "probably" let him bite you. Way ahead of you there, sir.
No discussion about Astarion's romance unfortunately, but that's that!
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needlekind · 1 year
filterable picrew database!
original post updated march 7 2024
hey pals!! i'm working on a filterable, tagged collection of picrew i like. right now there's over 100 picrew (and other such makers such as those from neka or meiker) in there with tags for things like fashion, hair options, skin colors, specific features like horns or headscarves, and body types. you can search for multiple tags at a time and filter out tags you don't want. the whole thing is organized in a big grid of sample results from the picrew in question, so you can see the style at a glance and click it for more images and the url, but you can change the view and organization system however you like.
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the link is here!!! feel free to share this wherever. i'm still going through my folders and adding more makers, so expect lots of updates real soon.
i'm hoping this makes it easier for people to find picrew that suit them and their characters, especially in cases where it's unfortunately harder to find certain features like dark skin options and fat bodies.
really important notes:
i do not take requests for additional tags. sorry!! please understand that every time i want to use a new tag, i have to manually go into every maker in the entire backlog and check to see if they have it. it's a pain! it takes a while! there's only one of me! the only circumstance under which i'm willing to add a new tag is if you're willing to go through the backlog and link me every picrew that needs the tag, and i can use it going forward.
if something is tagged wrong, i need to know which maker it is so i can fix it. you need to tell me! the most useful way to send me a specific picrew is a direct link, or the artist name (which will be the title when you click into the item in the database). sometimes i get vague comments like "there are makers in x tag that don't fit" and no one EVER follows up with which ones they are so i can't FIX IT.
one big thing that you can do to help me with this database is take one of the links on my tba page and tell me what tags apply to it. literally just one! enough folks see and use this resource that just a few people taking one takes a load off my plate.
💖🍵 if this resource has been useful for you, consider sending me a tip on ko-fi!!
have fun!!!! i hope this is helpful for people!!!
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mystigaron · 2 months
IMPORTANT FINAL EDIT: THE PARTNERSHIP AND UPDATE PLANNED WITH IT HAVE BEEN INDEFINITELY SUSPENDED. i might delete this post within the next few days i'm still not 100% sure if i should or not especially since the information on it about ludeo is still relevant. however rain world has halted working with them and the update planned to implement the feature is not going ahead. thanks to everyone who spoke up and helped getting this out there and to the attention of the developers and akupara
i haven't seen this up until this morning and not all that many people within the rain world community seem to be talking about it but
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it's come to my attention that rain world has recently partnered with a company known as ludeo for the game's newest update. this was tucked away in the replies of their rain world art month post
ludeo is an israeli company run by two brothers based in tel-aviv. this is incredibly disappointing and fucked up to be doing during the on-going genocide israel is committing in palestine and the surrounding regions and i quite frankly do not care if it turns out this was just down to "poor research" and was an "accident": you can quite literally look up the two founders' names on linkedin and find out where they are based in under a minute. there are no excuses for this
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another point of note about ludeo that i find upsetting is that a lot if not all of the images used on the company's site to advertise this product are 99.9% guaranteed to be ai-generated
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while this is absolutely not the main issue at hand here as promoting your partnership with this company at this time is already fucked up enough to begin with, going and hiding this post within the replies of another promoting your art month event to the artists within this community is so astoundingly ironic and ignorant
i am not trying to suggest that there are alterior motives behind putting this post in the replies of another about a community event rather than making an entirely new and separate one dedicated exclusively to information about this update, but i do find it strange. i woke up to finding out about this and was absolutely livid, and while what's done is already done, i am hoping whoever was responsible for this knows how fucked it is to be promoting this company at this time, or just in general. i am not trying to start a witch hunt or start shit for the sake of starting shit, but i think this needs to be addressed and spoken about, as money towards israel is money towards more bloodshed and violence in palestine. this shit makes my blood fucking boil
edit: i feel like i should also put this here if this wasn't already terrible enough
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please continue sharing support for palestine. links below are sites and donation links that go directly towards supporting palestinian people in need
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