#stoic reader
earth2rin · 5 months
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bakugo x fem!reader college au
2.1k words
warnings: mild cursing, slightly suggestive, alcohol use
friends not answering your calls? ubers not available? guess it’s time for your last resort.
“fuck” you slur as your screen reads that iida had not answered your phone. you called jirou, then momo, then izuku, todoroki, sero and kiri, but no answer.
you were drunk. absolutely hammered and the clock on your phone currently reads 2:37 in the morning. there were no ubers available and you were in desperate need of a ride home back to your apartment from the college frat party you and your friends decided to go to.
you originally had a DD, but ochako ended up leaving early, something about deku getting home earlier than expected from his trip in the states. you told her to go and see her man, and how she better fill you in on all the deets or else you were never going to cover for her whenever she and deku “mysteriously” disappear from functions.
so here you sat on the couch in some random fraternity house, pouting about how you had no idea of how you were gonna get home. the music was loud and your body was buzzing, all the loud conversations going on around you didn’t help brighten your mood. you were tired, and your feet hurt from the heels you were wearing. you wanted to go home. you contemplated just crashing on the couch and waking up super early to leave, but the skirt you were wearing would ride up every 5 minutes and you were sure if you slept on the couch someone would get a show when they would wake up in the morning. you also thought about walking home but for obvious reasons you decided against it, walking 7 miles in the middle of the night in a miniskirt was an absolute no!
then an idea popped into your head. you had absolutely no faith, but it was your last chance to get home before you started walking. you chewed on your lip, anxiety making you ponder if you really should go through with it, it wasn’t like you had any other choice!
biting the inside of your cheek, you wait as you hear the familiar sound of your phone ringing, hoping the call will go through. your nerves grew as the ringing had continued in your ears.
“hello?” a gruff voice answers on the other end of the line.
“bakugo! oh my god i’m surprised you answered!” you say excitedly, smile extending from ear to ear.
“the fuck are you calling me for? it’s 3 in the god damn morning” he mumbles, you bite on your lip from being chewed out at.
“listen, i’m reeeeally sorry, but i’m really drunk and i need a ride home.” you whine and the desperation in your voice makes you cringe but you really meant it.
“so fucking call some one else, don’t bother me!” he sounds angry and your eyes begin to well with tears.
“i did! but no one wants to answer me and i’m really tired and want to go home, but my feet hurt and i can’t walk home and i’m hungry and there’s no food here, and i really want to go home.” you babble as the tears start pouring and the people around you give you stares but you’re too drunk to care right now.
“alright alright i’ll come get you! jus’ quit your crying already” you manage to get out a broken and whiny ‘okay’ before he asks you to send your location hangs up
even though you know you’ll regret it in the morning, you take 3 more shots and wander out into the front yard. the grass is cool, dewy from the 3am air and the leaves in the trees sway from the light breeze. the moon is out, and you can’t help but stare, mesmerized by its beauty. you find yourself lying in the grass, staring at the sky, hoping the nauseous feeling and pounding headache would go away soon.
your eyes begin to flutter shut, but soon you hear a voice speak up.
“what are you doing on the ground?” you flutter your eyes open and there standing at your feet was bakugo katsuki.
“oh heyyy. ‘m jus a little tired” you smile.
he stares at you and sighs
“well c’mon, get your ass up and let’s get you home.” you shake your head and pout.
“don’t wanna. ‘m so comfy. i think i'll throw up if i stand.” your brows furrow as you adjust your head, turning it to your side.
he groans, dragging and his hand down his face.
“alright, c’mon, up and attem” he lifts you up, throwing you over his shoulder (making sure to cover your ass from anyone seeing your baby pink underwear) and you groan.
“oh god, you’re making me nauseous!” your cheeks bubble up, trying to hold back your barf as you see the ground move from underneath you.
rolling his eyes, he replies “oh buck up, we’re almost at my car.”
you stare for a little, speaking up to drunkenly say, “you have a nice ass” and he pinches your arm, making you squeal and giggle.
you feel him stop, and hear the sound of a car door opening. he gently puts you in the seat and squats down.
“what are you doin?” you hum, eyes closed.
“give me your foot” he mumbles.
you make a confused face to which he replies, “just give me your damn foot!” you comply, sticking out your foot and frowning for being scolded.
he gently unclasps your heels and sets them underneath your seat, repeating the motions for your other foot. he then sets your feet in the car and leans over you, buckling your seatbelt for you.
you catch a whiff of his cologne and you internally sigh, he smelt absolutely heavenly. it didn’t help that he was wearing a wifebeater and his biceps were bulging right in front of your eyes. you wanted to bite him. he was ethereal, a sight to behold, an angel in front of you. why couldn’t he like you?
closing the door, he makes his way to the driver seat and hops in, tying himself in.
“ ‘m cold” you whine, and he turns around to his backseat and grabs a blanket, placing it in your lap.
you unfold it and wrap yourself in it, secretly taking a whiff and hiding your smile in the blanket.
“thanks” you quietly say, he nods in acknowledgment.
the ride to your apartment is comfortable. the radio playing music quietly, leaving you both to your thoughts. you had known bakugo since high school. you had been close friends with deku, and you knew his infamous bully. you tried to help deku and even defended him, but all izuku would say was that it was okay and that you didn’t need to fight for him. so you let izuku handle it, next thing you know you’re all at the same college. your class had all been relatively close, almost everyone was friends. but for some reason bakugo could just not stand you. you tried to figure out why, but you never really had interactions with him so there was nothing that tipped the scale.
you decided to not let it bother you, which was hard because you unfortunately found him ridiculously attractive. you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be friends, but you never acted upon your thoughts, settling in the belief that ignorance is bliss.
“you hungry?” you turn your head and blink.
“no ‘m okay, thanks.” you turn your head back to the window and he chuckles.
“alright but you’ll regret it in the morning.”
your eyes widen and you snap your head back to him.
“wait! i am hungry!” he rolls his eyes and says ‘okay’, pulling into a taco bell.
you feel giddy as he hands you your burrito, immediately unwrapping and chowing down on the warm heaven sent food.
“thanks!” you say with a smile and a full mouth, to which he slightly grimaces and says that you owe him one, which you decide to ignore.
shortly after, you arrive at your apartment and he parks, getting out to open your door.
“i don’t wanna go im barefoot! that means i’ll have to walk across the dirty concrete!” you whine and he tries his best not to show his frustration, but the vein popping out on his forehead says otherwise.
“c’mon, i came all this way AND bought you taco bell and you can’t even walk to the door?” you pout and he groans, tossing you over his shoulder again.
he grabs your heels and your purse, beginning his tread up the stairs.
“wait a minute, how do ya know where i live, hmm?”
he rolls his eyes, which he knows you can’t see and responds, “you had a party for ochako remember?”
you gasp and giggle, “oh yeah! and then they left early so they could fu-“
“and we’re here!” he cuts you off, digging through your purse for your keys.
once in your apartment, he asks where your bedroom is, finding the room he sets you down on your bed and puts your heels by your closet. he leaves the room, heading to your kitchen. you frown due to the lack of his company, but he returns with a glass of water and a bottle of tylenol.
“here, take this for your feet and headache.” you grab the two pills he’d taken out the bottle and swallow them, chugging the water shortly after. the tension is thick as you both stare at each other.
you get up, walk to your dresser and look through your drawers, he stands awkwardly behind you trying hard not to stare at your ass as you bend over to look for pajamas. you began stripping and before you can get your tube top over your head he blurts out.
“where’s your bathroom?” you turn your head and blink at him.
“i have an en suite, it’s the door to your left,” he nods and quickly rushes inside the room.
after changing into your pajamas you make yourself comfortable in your sheets, waiting for bakugo to exit your bathroom. your eyes begin to shut until you hear the click of the door opening.
he had assumed you’d fallen asleep and began to exit your room.
“why don’t you like me?” you mutter. he freezes, he feels like a deer caught in headlights.
“what are you talking about?” he plays dumb but you don’t falter.
“why don’t you like me?” you repeat, this time more confidently.
he swallows thickly and turns to look at you, you sit up and look at him.
“i never said i didn’t like you.” he says as if it’s a matter of fact.
“well you sure as hell make it seem like i’m the last person on earth you’d rather be with.” you chuckle bitterly, the alcohol coursing through your veins giving you the courage to say what you’ve always wondered.
“it’s a shame really, i thought we could be good friends, i find you quite charming, dashing even. i wouldn’t have minded if things went further then just being friends as well.” you sigh falling back into your sheets, snuggling into your comforter.
“that makes two of us.” he mumbles and he thinks you didn’t hear it, but you remove your blankets and make your way towards him.
“well maybe when you give up the act of thinking i’m insufferable you could give me a call, yeah?”
he’s at a loss for words, you’re standing awfully too close to him, he can feel the heat radiating off of your body and it sends shivers down his spine. he swallows, examining your face and he licks his lips.
“you're drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying” he tries to rationalize, more to himself than you.
“oh i’m perfectly aware of what i’m saying” you send him a small coy smile and he feels butterflies as you stare into his eyes.
“if i call you sometime will you go to bed already?” he takes a small step closer and you smile at him.
“anything you’d like.”
“i’ll call you then.”
you nod like a school girl, and head back to your bed.
“night.” you say as he slips through your door.
the next morning you woke up with a horrendous headache, making your way to the kitchen for some water. a bottle of vitamin c gummies, a free pizza coupon and the blanket you had last night folded up were sitting on your counter top. on the bottle of vitamin c there was a sticky note attached.
for the hangover. call you tonight?
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seraphdreams · 3 months
well, personally I'm thinking about boy next door Megumi who likes to spy on reader from outside of her window... and yeah I think his sensitive cock would leak so much simply by looking at her taking off her cute pink bra
it’s not like he means to stare, you were just settled right in front of the window, giving him a perfect view as if you were just asking for his eyes on you . . with the way you slowly slip the garment off, your tits bouncing from the gravity of being free from its confines and nipples hardening under the cool breeze — of course, megumi takes it upon himself to palm at his aching cock, cursing to himself over how much of a pervert he’s being but he simply can’t help it!! how you continue to remove the rest of your clothes leaves his mind at odds with itself . . he wants to feel your body, wants to hold your hips down as you ride him, wants to hear you moaning his name . . and before he knows it, his hand is wrapped around the base of his hard, leaking cock, pumping gingerly at the shaft n swirling his wrist at the flushed pink tip . . his soft n breathy moans, the rising and fall of his chest as he gets himself off like he’s been needing the relief all day — maybe he’ll come over sometime soon, to introduce himself.
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girlfromflor · 1 month
atsumu and his infatuation with stoic!reader - part 1
wc: 1371 | tw: some swear words ig | a/n: i did not proofread this lol, part 2
atsumu was never one to think too hard about other people’s actions. he always thought that when someone said something, they meant it. when they didn’t say anything, well that’s just because there is nothing to be said. he was just as simple, so why worry, right? but that was before he met you. 
he still remembers the very first time he saw you come over practice. you seemed so lost, trying to speak to the coach and see if there was any chance you could be part of the club, only to have your voice completely drown in the loud sound of the balls hitting the court’s floor. atsumu was stunned, he had never seen you around and yet it felt like you were known, like that one person he can always count on. you were so gorgeous, your hair matching your pretty face and soft eyes. he almost immediately asked you to marry him. his eyes worked unceasingly to memorize every part of you. how you were a bit shorter than him, how the school uniform wrapped every part of your body oh so nicely, and he wondered how you would look rid of all those layers. so he gathered all his courage and after a deep breath he approached you, “uh, hi. i’m miya atsumu, do you need help?” 
you, with your ever so practical and stoic persona, had the immediate reaction to just say no. usually not one to chit chat or kill time doing something so trivial as talking about ordinary and banal things. but as you turned to answer the atsumu guy, you freezed. probably it was the first time you ever stood in a situation like this, but god, he was so absolutely gorgeous to you that your whole demeanor changed. you were a loss of words. flustered with your own traitor thoughts and, as you realized you were taking too much time to answer a simple question, your mind went blank for a minute. “sorry, what…?”
he laughed. and god, what a cute laugh he had. he wondered if you were always this distracted. “do you need help? with whatever it is that you’re doing…” and gave you a smile, trying his hardest to not add a random ‘love’ into the phrase. to his surprise you didn’t smile back, face expressionless as you said, “oh, right. yeah, i think i could use some help. i need to subscribe to some club activities and i thought maybe i could be part of the volleyball team… do you think that can happen?” after having a few seconds to recompose yourself you managed to mutter, thanking whatever wave of luck that allowed you not to stumble over your words.
and after that, atsumu knew he was in for a long journey. being head over heels for someone that he later learned to be a first-year, that he now would most likely see everyday and that – much to his dismay – did not utter a single word towards him, unless absolutely necessary. he did not understand any of it. why he felt so breathless around you and why you seemed so oblivious to his advances. he didn’t know how to deal with all of it, he just wanted to know you completely, to have access to your deepest desires and wills and have you share all parts of you and your life. 
but you never really seemed to realize how intensely he cared for you. and nowadays all he can do is to be deeply attentive to everything you do. whenever you say something – or when you don’t, for that matter – he’ll find a way to read your words and actions over and over again. he’s obsessed with it. he can’t imagine why in the world you are so little affected by the things he says and does. how could you not have any sort of reaction when he was around you doing all types of things to get your attention. it wasn’t until a random practice day that he realized just how much you actually noticed him.
he couldn’t help but reminisce that afternoon, it was very meaningful to him. after a few months of coexisting, he managed to remain well behaved with you. only exchanging a few words of politeness whenever you two met. he had just thrown another bad set to one of his teammates, growing frustrated and bothered by the minute. you don’t notice at first what’s wrong. nevertheless, you are the very first to really understand the problem. while all of the boys swim in confusion as to why atsumu seemed so lost in his thoughts during practice, you decide it’s time for him to focus already.
“atsumu” you call, waiting for him to look at you. he lifts his eyes slowly, so caught up in his frustration to notice the soft glint of affection in yours. “yes…?” he answers at last, still not paying you full attention. 
“i know you’re stressed over exams…” and that’s enough to have him looking at you with attentive eyes, wondering how did you know that since you’re not usually aware of those things, always having the best grades of your class. “but it will be okay. you studied harder than ever, if that’s not enough then i don’t know what would be…”
he lets out an amused chuckle, thinking that you’re just trying to be practical and make him not waste a whole practice just because he’s worried. but then it clicks, he never mentioned exams. during the whole time he spent studying, he did not mention it once. he was pressured enough, he didn’t want anyone else to add up to his stress. he questions then, why would you assume that, of all things? 
little does he know that you noticed how he was getting a few minutes later than the others at practice, because he was finishing a summary of his exams topics. how he would look at the paper in his pocket from time to time to check if he had gotten the right answers to the questions he was mentally doing over and over. how he stopped staying after hours so he could get home sooner, probably to go over his notes about that one topic he never really manages to understand just right.
so he tilts his head a bit to the side, still looking at you with some amusement in his eyes and says, “is not only that, you know… i have to study so much to get good grades and can’t even set right while doing so, it makes me wonder if i won’t ever be able to do two things at the same time…”
and for that you just giggle. a light, sweet sound that just makes atsumu drown even more in his infatuation for you. you raise your eyebrows, hardly believing these words had really left his mouth. “atsumu…” is soft, trying to not sound aggressive, but all the boys that are paying attention can see that you’re actually dead serious when you say, matter-of-factly “you’re recognized as the number one high school setter… what are you so concerned about?”
and that just hits him like a fucking punch, because you are not saying it to encourage him nor is it to make him feel better. you stating a fact, he is indeed one of the best players in high school, he should be able to study hard and still play well, it comes naturally to him anyway. his eyes fill up with something you can’t quite point out, his smirk spoke volumes though “well, i guess it just gets hard to remember that sometimes”
after that short dialogue you two shared, he managed to not miss one move throughout the rest of their practice. his humor all but recovered as he wonders just how much you watch him around and that, maybe, you think of him just as much as he thinks of you. but nothing could have prepared him for the next day, when he was changing at the locker room and found a note that said “so you don’t have a hard time remembering it” with a simple black bracelet underneath that had “best setter” engraved on it.
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naffeclipse · 5 months
I HAVE THR GREATEST IDEA!! Raindeer centaur!Y/n with orca!Eclipse and she finds two calves of sun and moon raindeer centaurs and bring to eclipse how would he react??
Oh my gosh, Reindeer Centaur Y/N!! You'd have a thick, brown coat and velvet horns. Strong and stout, you traverse the ice and snow with a silent forbearance.
Eclipse sees you before you ever see him. He's immediately enamored by the beautiful centaur trotting around snowbanks—he has to see you up close! It takes patience, but he follows from the coast, and he's rewarded. He finds you. He introduces himself the only way he knows how.
You kneel at the water's edge, hooves folded underneath your body as you wash your hands in the thick salt. The taste warns you to not drink it, but it does well cleaning away the sweat and grime from constantly moving. You lower your hands, cupping a gentle handful to wash the fine, velveteen fur of your neck when you realize a face is staring at you from below the surface, grinning.
You slowly straighten where you sit and he follows, emerging from the water in soft splashes and a gleaming gaze. He sizes you up as if deciding where to take the bite first. You, calmly, regard him, and listen to his gushing of how beautiful and handsome you are! He flicks his tongue over his teeth when he tells his name. When you share your own, you study how his claws thrum against the ice and how intently he locks eyes with you.
He often calls you 'my dear' and adores touching your antlers and stroking your thick, velvet fur. You take your time letting him close. When you're not racing along the ocean shore, you'll watch Eclipse breach, showing off with grandiose splashes before he pops up to catch your reaction.
On one rare occasion, he convinces you to lie down on your side, four cervine legs sprawled out, and lay your head on his stomach. You're both quiet the sight, a centaur and a siren, sprawled close together, but you don't mind his claws petting through your hair and scratching between your antlers so long as he's gentle. He sings you lullabies that lull you to sleep (you swore you wouldn't drift away so easily but he had other plans.)
When you're ready, you stroke his head fins and touch his flukes. He's practically beaming under your interest and snowflake-soft palming. He melts when you allow him to press his cheek against the velveteen fur on your reindeer half. He's clingy, but you gradually settle into his constant touches and affectionate affirmations with your treasured time.
Later, much later, when you cross a field, and discover two small bodies with bumbling cervine legs struggling through the snow, you calmly take a calf of beige and buttery yellow colors, and the other, blue metal and silvery, under your arms. They're just old enough to hold themselves up. They bawl, not yet having found their words. The twins nuzzle into your fur. It's not a pretty picture—two abandoned centaur young, but it's nothing you and Eclipse can't handle.
He accepts them without hesitation as you thought he might. It's not a question of acceptance but a matter of finding the right manner in which to tend to the children. You gently point out to Eclipse how the nub markings show how the buttery-yellow babe will have horns like a blossom of petals or a fan of sun rays, and the blue metal babe will have a singular horn like a shooting star or the crescent curve of the waning moon.
(He names them Sun and Moon, and you agree; it fits them fine.)
Eclipse watches over the three of you at night, quietly lapping at the ice's edge while you hold the babies close and provide them with warmth. (Eclipse laughs when the babes attempt to suckle on you, much to your bemusement.) During the day, he stows away though never too far and you find good moss and ferns that Sun and Moon can nibble on. You watch over them, minding predators and coaxing them to stabilize their gangly legs and hold themselves high. Evening falls, and you reunite. Eclipse plays with them tenderly, keeping them from falling into the sea but stimulating them to build their strength and their mind. They take to you both, much to your silent fondness. It's an odd little sight, but you're a family.
You wouldn't have chosen any other.
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planetsano · 8 months
you know what? i honestly feel like the highest level of praise and satisfaction you could possibly get from your anime boyfie is.. making him cum. there’s nothing better than the feeling of knowing that you made him feel good— so good to the point where he’s writhing.. cursing or panting, sweating or even crying at your touch & effort. sex itself is such an intimate act between two bodies that gets lost sometimes when you’re reading a fic so really thinking about how he’s viewing you in that moment. the.. buildup of of his high all the way up until he just simply cannot hold it anymore and he cums. you’re solely responsible for it— you made him cum. ♡
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thirteenducks · 1 year
dinner & diatribes
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(zhongli x wife!reader) [NSFW]
༻❁༺ content: fem!reader, established relationship, ~5k wc
༻❁༺ tags: dom!reader, sub!zhongli, accidental stimulation, masturbation, handjobs, orgasm denial, teasing, zhongli has dragonesque tendencies including a rut season, reader is only a little mean about it <3
For all of his wisdom and eons of knowledge, Zhongli's not quite certain what to do when he ends up achingly aroused at a dinner party with his wife. The plan from here: survive, and retain his pride at all costs.
Zhongli’s long, gloved fingers were curled so tightly around the glass in his hand that it was a miracle it hadn’t cracked yet. 
Curses. To be in such a state, in a public place like this, with her and all of our friends as witnesses...
He let an obscenity softly slip out under his breath. 
It was partially his own fault, Zhongli told himself. After all, that dress had been handpicked by him to adorn his beloved tonight. His eyes naturally gravitated to her the way they always did, admiring the beautiful flush that animated conversation had brought to her cheeks, though it besieged his mind with thoughts he’d rather not be having at the moment.
It’s a good thing you retired, you old bastard. These are hardly thoughts fitting of an archon at any time, let alone at a banquet with his wife and dearest friends. 
Zhongli took a shaky sip of his wine and bit back a low groan, wishing it would cloud all of his senses the way it did his thoughts. His discomposure, to his dismay, was growing by the minute. Under the table, he could feel the uncomfortable tightness in his suit trousers every time he shifted. 
Earlier that afternoon, he’d felt the telltale stirrings of something in his subconscious. As he helped his wife prepare for the evening, fastening her necklace of jade, his more base desires had urged him to leave a mark on her lovely exposed neck, as if her garments and the arm wrapped around her waist were not enough to announce her as his. He had heard the rush of blood in his ears, had felt the outbreak of sweat on his forehead, and yet he had done nothing to prepare.
And now, Zhongli would pay due penance for neglecting to keep on top of his calendar.
Curse the limits of this human body. In his archon form, he wouldn’t be considering bringing himself off in the restroom of a reputable establishment to stave off a rut, of that he was certain.
While excusing himself to the men’s room was the quickest way to relief and thus the most tempting course of action, it would never be enough; Zhongli knew his vessel too well to pretend the issue would be resolved that easily. If memory served—and his always did—this might go on all night, regardless of how many times he...
He drummed his gloved fingers anxiously on the expensive tablecloth. No, temporary release was not the solution. Besides, he’d rather relive the wrath of Osial a thousand times than walk across this dining room with his arousal prominent in his trousers.
This brought him to the next scenario, which required letting his beloved know of his current... predicament.
It wouldn’t be too difficult. He was worked up enough that a gentle pass of her lovely hand over his lap would convey his message just fine. He pushed past that dangerous thought before he could dwell on it for very long.
While she would most assuredly be understanding, as she was in all her husband’s matters, Zhongli’s pride protested just a little too much to really consider going through with it. The promise of leaving early under the guise of sudden sickness was enticing to his weary mind, but at home, he could hide nothing from her. To show such vulnerability, even to his wife, would be a trial indeed for an ex-archon. 
He sighed, bringing his eyes back into focus from a few decidedly unsophisticated fantasies of what she might do in response. Tch. Stay lucid, Morax. 
Only one option remained. He fought back a grimace at the thought of it, but if he was to end the night with the same grace he began it, he would have to suffer through the rest of dinner and endure until he was safely at home behind a locked door. Such a show of restraint actually might kill him, he thought, but what other choice did he have?
A woman’s voice from across the table interrupted his internal monologue; Yanfei had asked his opinion on a popular betting game. In the interest of appearing like his normal self, who never passed on an opportunity to impart knowledge, he suppressed the sound that was forming in the back of his throat and attempted to compose himself. 
Surreptitiously pressing one hand to the obvious outline in his pants and curling the fingers of the other into his palm, he gathered himself enough to give a believable response, if not quite of the usual length. 
His friends seemed satisfied enough with his answer to leave him alone for the time being. He begged a prayer to the heavenly principles that his wife wouldn’t happen to look over on a whim and see her husband with a hand slotted between his legs and a thinly veiled blush.
The marginal friction it provided was simultaneously heaven and hell, but he couldn’t stay like that forever. Not when he might be discovered at any moment. He dug his nails into his palm harder, leaving crescent marks even through his glove, and bit his inner lip as he released his shaft and placed his hand limply on the table. 
As he was fighting to stabilize his lust-shrouded mind, Zhongli felt a soft hand on his flushed upper thigh. He turned to his right, his cock twitching in mingled surprise and pleasure, and cursed internally. There, looking so lovely that she hurt to behold in his current state of mind, was his wife, who turned her body toward his and met his eyes with a look of gentle concern. Did she know...?
To his quiet dismay, her thumb began to move in circles against his thigh in what he assumed was meant as a comforting gesture to a husband she believed to be feeling ill. (He was. Please, attend to your sick husband, he thought.) 
Unfortunately, her ministrations were having quite the opposite effect on Zhongli’s hormone-riddled vessel. The circles became larger, spanning the skin from his inner thigh to his trouser pocket. As her movements got bolder, she began stroking his leg like she would be stroking a different part of his body right now, if he had his way, and oh— if she would just move her hand a little to the left, please. Please.
But no, they were still at this accursed dinner and he had a reputation to maintain, he reminded himself staunchly. He fought off a headache as his southern head pulsed in mocking synchrony.
It was pathetic how easily he melted under her touch in any circumstance. With this added to the already considerable strain on his self control... 
At the moment, Zhongli was barely fighting the urge to buck his hips into his wife’s hand, to grind against it for any source of satisfaction he could get.
 He gripped the edge of his seat with the hand hidden from her view, knuckles turning white with exertion, and coerced his features into a calm smile. She returned it and fell back into conversation with someone on her other side, but kept her hand on his leg, tracing shapes in the fabric and driving her poor husband absolutely out of his damn mind.
He slipped into a dazed state for a minute, feeling nothing but her soft touch and the rubbing of the sensitive head of his cock against the seam of his pants. 
The scraping of a chair across the table brought him back half to his senses, and he bit his cheek hard, the pain momentarily clearing his mind. He looked up from the clock his eyes had been fixed to on the far wall of the restaurant just in time to see most of the table gathering their belongings from the coat rack and hugging their goodbyes. 
Mercifully, her hand then eased from its maddening position on his thigh as she arose to give her farewells; “—for the both of us, as my husband is unfortunately not feeling his best right now,” he heard her explain as she ushered the Liyue Qixing out the door with many sweet compliments to their families. He could collect himself only enough to smile and give a gentle wave as they and the rest of their dinner companions exited the parlor into the brisk night. 
He then had only to wait for the check to be delivered by the waitress before he would be on his way home, one minute closer to relief, to having her under him and—
He bit back a curse. He was still here. Childe had yet to finish his umpteenth glass of expensive Snezhnayan wine and seemed to be in no rush to leave the company of Morax and his darling wife, much to his friend’s chagrin.
Liyue customs stipulated that the hosts of the table may not leave until after their last guest had quit the table, a fact that was all too inconvenient for Zhongli as he recalled it bitterly. Why did he establish that rule? That surely must have been one of Guizhong’s.
But, he thought, he had made it this far. He would not make a fool of himself now, even if it ended up being the final nail in the coffin for the man known as Zhongli.
Now that there were less prying eyes, he took the opportunity to shove his left hand between his thighs under the table and waited impatiently, biting his cheek at intervals until he drew blood. He could taste it, metallic and sharp on his tongue, and it shamed him enough to keep his composure.
And still the bastard wouldn’t leave. 
Zhongli had always been in an uneasy truce with the Cryo Archon while he reigned, but at the moment he felt like socking her in the face on her subordinate’s account. Was he waiting to pay the check? Or did he just unconsciously enjoy watching his friend wallow in agony? 
If the former were the case, there was no need. Even if his wife had not brought his wallet with her when she left the house that evening– always two steps ahead of her husband’s mistakes– her purse was just as able to cover the cost of dinner. So much planning and preparation had gone into tonight, he recalled with an edge of bitterness, only for his own hormonal cycle to throw a gargantuan wrench into his well-earned enjoyment.
His thoughts momentarily went blank as the tightness in his pants throbbed in time with his rabbiting heartbeat, sending whatever blood his cock could spare rushing to his cheeks and shivers down his spine. Principles above. Zhongli would never go out at this time of year again while he walked this mortal earth, he vowed.
Body desperate, mind cloudy, conscience resigned, he dimly wondered whether he could get away with rocking his hips against his hand in his current slouched position.
Before he could give in to his base urges, the check finally did come and it was paid and sent away with as much grace and elegance as the poor man could contrive while barely fighting off the desire to thrust into his own hand.
As the waitress left the room, bidding them a ‘restful night’ (Zhongli would have scoffed if his mind was clearer), his beloved yawned and stretched her arms out. He watched almost in slow motion as she let a hand drop under the table to his lap, inches from the pronounced outline in his pants, with a noise of tired contentment that went straight to his dick. He jolted from the sudden touch so close to where he needed it most, slamming the hand holding his coin purse onto the table with a conspicuous jingling of coins. 
The noise drew Childe’s attention from the animated story he was telling, and he glanced from Zhongli’s tightly clenched hand to his pained expression, raising an eyebrow. 
He was spared an explanation by his wife. “You’ll have to excuse my husband, he’s feeling a little off at the moment,” she murmured, caressing his amber tresses with her manicured fingernails, her knowing eyes trained on his. Zhongli could do nothing but close his own and pray that she didn’t move her other hand any lower on his lap. “I’m afraid the soup did not agree with him tonight... in any case, we shall be departing shortly to get him to bed, poor dear.” 
If he was listening rather than lost in fantasies of pressing her into their mattress, he would have thought that an excellent choice of words.
Childe took the hint and pushed himself back from the table, giving his regards to both of them and gathering his belongings. To his credit, though having stayed far past his welcome in his friend’s eyes, he did not tarry long with his goodbyes. 
And if the harbinger did make a noise that sounded too little like a cough and too much like poorly contained laughter on his way out of the building, Zhongli internally thanked him for keeping his suspicions to himself.
“Are you able to stand, my love?” 
Her voice was a balm to his frayed nerves on any other night, but he had pushed past his limits tonight. As it was, Zhongli was undeniably coming apart at the seams. It would be a miracle if he held it together until they arrived at their home, let alone convinced his companion he was merely feeling the effects of some ill-prepared dish.
He sighed. Pride be damned, there was certainly no use in concealing what would soon come to light by more embarrassing means than these.
“Beloved, I’m afraid —” His words slid into a choked moan as she moved her hand sharply to hold him, right there, applying steady yet unmoving pressure in a way that nearly brought him to tears from mixed pain and pleasure. 
“Ngh - I- You—” He swallowed a low, guttural sound that originated from his hindbrain and turned to face her, eyes clouded with lust. “You knew. I should have- ah - guessed.” 
She smiled, caressing his cheek with one hand and while pressing into him with the other. “Of course I did, love. Should I not notice when my husband is in distress?” she purred. In a gentler tone, she added, “Is this helping? I don’t want to make it any more difficult for you...” 
He took a moment, steadying his breathing and focusing the rest of his spent energy on her soothing presence.
 “I- Mm. Yes, I- I think so.” The heat and gentle pressure of her hand had abated some of the tightness in his pants for the moment. Gingerly moving his thigh from its locked position, he found that he could put weight on it without losing his balance.
He made a motion to get up and she moved with him, adjusting her hand so that he could stand as comfortably as possible. She gathered the rest of their belongings, Zhongli standing stock-still while she tucked his wallet back into his coat pocket. He tried not to focus on the warmth of her hand over his chest and the thrumming heat that rose to meet it. 
Finally, after a certain man’s longest night in centuries, they moved from the accursed dining room out into the Liyuean night. The light breeze cooled his flushed cheeks as they stood in comfortable silence in the doorway of the restaurant, watching the muted streetlights sway in the city below.
Until now, the thought of logistically how to maintain this compromising configuration while walking about the streets of Liyue Harbor had not yet crossed the foggy wasteland behind Zhongli’s dilated pupils, and it was clear by his hesitation in beginning the journey home.
“You know... you could always duck into an alleyway, if you’re that desperate,” she giggled, relishing the annoyed blush that spread across her husband’s face. Both of them knew he’d never agree to such a scheme— he, the former Geo archon, rutting in an alley like a stray tomcat...! 
He barely allowed himself to entertain the thought. Restaurant bathrooms were one thing, but the moonlit streets of the city he raised from the ground? Not while he still retained an ounce of pride.
Still, the matter yet remained.
She glanced at his face, seeing the restraint that was causing his brow to knit and his jaw to tighten as he considered their options. It did cause her pain to know that her beloved was so uncomfortable, yet her own desires weren’t impervious to the thought of his growing sexual frustration and the feel of the warm length pressed against her left hand.
The ghost of a whine escaped his lips and she was shaken out of her own reverie by his obvious need for her to take initiative.
“Well then, my love, let’s get you home. Shall we?” She smiled up at him as she undid his coat buttons and wrapped one shoulder of the ample fabric around her, shielding his predicament from the world as long as she stayed close to his side. Thus prepared, she took his trembling hands in hers and tugged him along next to her as they fell into step.
Much to Zhongli’s relief, stay close she did. As they started down the restaurant steps, she felt one of his gloved hands release hers and snake around her cloaked waist to cling to her, desperate for stability. 
As aware as she was that she had this powerful man in the very palm of her hand at the moment, she valiantly resisted the instinct to tease and test his resolve to maintain respectable appearances while in public.
At first, she succeeded. Until he started being unfair and moaning under his breath in the lewdest way imaginable, that is. 
They were halfway to their residence and Zhongli was trying oh-so-hard to keep it together, for her sake and for his own, but for fuck’s sake, the way her hand would involuntarily stroke him when he took a step, sliding up and down his clothed shaft and making walking ten times harder than it needed to be— 
“Ngh~ My-My dear, I- Mmph.”  
She chanced a glimpse of his face and momentarily lost her balance, causing both of them to stumble and her husband to whine lowly at the loss of friction.
Between the sounds coming from the beautiful man next to her and the look of utter pleasure melting his expression, she decided she couldn’t keep her vow. Blushing, she gripped him harder in retaliation, which earned her a gasp. 
“Please, darling, I- o-oh,” he whispered, trying very hard to glare at his assailant through the haze of lust that clouded his gaze.
Craving the gentle sounds escaping him more than her conscience could fault her for, she began moving her hand a little more purposefully with each step, rubbing him through his pants in a gentle rhythm until an uncharacteristically weak hand caught her wrist.
“N-No. No more.” He looked simultaneously aroused, angry, and pleading; he was far too close to the edge to conceal anything. “I beg, darling.”
That settled it. Slowing her pace to nothing, she ceased her teasing to instead hold him gently as her face buried itself into the warm crook of his neck. They stood there in the darkened street for a peaceful moment, no sound breaking the silence aside from the distant sounds of the commercial district and Zhongli’s panting breaths.
“My apologies. I got carried away,” she murmured into the fabric of his collar. Her breaths ghosted across his collarbone and made him shiver, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Can you keep going? Should we stop here and rest?” 
He exhaled shakily, relieved at her change of heart. Had she known just what fantasies of taking his wife against the nearest wall, decorum be damned, were currently making his blood run hot, he was sure she wouldn’t feel near so much remorse for her earlier actions. 
Against all odds, they arrived at their doorstep in one piece. To the empty Liyuean night, they appeared to be a newlywed couple returning from a nice night out on the town, though the husband looked to have had a few drinks too many by his mannerisms.
Zhongli fumbled with the key in his breast pocket with his other hand braced against the doorknob, almost dropping it in his uncharacteristic haste. His companion gently took his hand in hers and guided it to the lock, sliding it open with a click. A gentleman even in his current state, he ushered her in ahead of him before passing through the familiar doorway.
That disciplined façade was dropped as quickly as he could shut the door behind him. Barely remembering to turn the lock behind him, he slumped against the wall of the entryway, panting.
Sensing his inability to move on his own, she took his arm and half-carried him to their bedroom, cheeks heating from the very vocal response his body gave to her touch. He’d moan for her again like this when he was feeling better, she vowed, already planning her method of attack.
He slumped onto their freshly made bed as she propped him against the headboard and watched through clouded eyes as his wife started to undo the lacing of her intricate gown. 
Feeling his gaze on her, she gave him an apologetic smile as she worked on removing her clothing. “I’m sorry, dear, I promise I’ll be there in a moment. This lace is so delicate,” she murmured, glancing down at it as if certain it would tear any second now.
She had meant to attend to him straight away, but she couldn’t bear to ruin the beautiful dress he had picked out for her, nor the jewelry that had caught her eye on their honeymoon so long ago. They were gifts from him, pieces of his love, and she could feel that love in his gaze whenever he saw how she treasured them; she knew how much it meant to him that she treated them with such care.
On most nights such as this, Zhongli would be the one removing them from her body with a tenderness that spoke to his patient nature. Tonight, however, her husband’s low and breaking voice called out from where he lay on silk sheets behind her, less composed than she had ever heard him when she wasn’t performing some act of pleasure on him.
“Please, my dear, my-my gem, I-” He swallowed thickly, biting back another moan that rose in his throat. They were getting more difficult to swallow by the moment. “I need- I won’t last much longer without-” 
The desperation in his tone nearly made her fold, but she was determined not to ruin his gifts. No matter how he moaned, she thought.
As she pulled the dress over her head and moved quickly to hang it up, she heard a rustling of fabric behind her and the sound of clothing hitting the floor. By the sound of it, he’d succeeded in removing his coat, at least. 
Her name fell from his lips like both a curse and a prayer as a tie and pin clattered onto the nightstand.
“Ngh- You...” he cut himself off, panting, as he unzipped his pants enough for the impressive tent in his boxers to spring out of them. “Leave me no- ah! - choice, then.” He was palming his cock with abandon now, working himself desperately through the damp material like his life depended on it. She turned from the closet just in time to see him finally ridding his erection from its confines and gasping as the cold air met his flushed, weeping head.
If he had been suppressing his sounds of arousal before now, no longer. They tore from his throat like an erotic music box, some high and needy, some like the rumbling of far-off thunder.
He tore his gloves off in annoyance, apparently not getting the friction he sought, and discarded them to the floor in a way she’d never seen him do as he stroked himself faster, chasing release. 
It didn’t take long to work up to his peak, with the state he had been in all evening. His head was thrown back against the headboard, incoherent sounds forming at his lips, and in that moment, his wife thought him the perfect picture of a debauched god.
“Zh- Dear, I...” Half-conscious, she dropped the earring in her hand onto the dresser and took in the finest piece of art she’d ever seen before her. It was certainly something to witness a man like him in his moment of sheerest vulnerability. Knowing how much he needed her touch just then, she forsook the rest of her jewelry and rushed to him.
It was her name on his lips as his hips began to buck wildly and his breath hitched, tears forming in golden eyes trained on her as she knelt next to him. She pressed her forehead to his own, caressing his face and murmuring words of praise.
The knot snapped all at once, his whole body twitching and flushed and heavenly. 
She held his face as he came down from his intense high, breathing heavily and holding her gaze through half-lidded eyes. An impressive amount of release decorated his bare chest, while some had landed on the unbuttoned dress shirt that still clung to his shoulders and arms. His beautiful face was covered in a thin sheen of sweat as she kissed him softly, carefully, his lips red from abuse by dragonlike fangs. Before she closed her eyes, she mentally burned the image into her brain forever. 
Humming quietly as his breathing began to steady, she retrieved a towel from the cabinet of her nightstand and began tending to his slicked stomach and hands, gently cleaning the remains of his pleasure with care. Bent over his chest, she felt arms around her waist pulling her up, some of his usual strength having returned to him after his initial release. She let him. Straddling his lap in her lace undergarments, she settled herself against his hips as she helped him remove his shirt and let it fall next to the bed.
Another obstacle between them having been removed, he pulled her in by her jade necklace, meeting her lips halfway in a soft, passionate embrace. Momentarily satisfied, he shifted to target the side of her neck, trailing a line of burning kisses until he got to the offending piece of jewelry that had kept her from his side for so long. 
As his warm lips met cold metal, Zhongli brought up an elegant hand and expertly unlatched the chain, laying it on the nightstand with far more control than she would have expected of him— though she caught the subtle shake in his hands as he pushed his legendary self-control to its limits.
It had been mere moments since he had come, but his body was already responding to her proximity, cock hardening at an amazing rate as she started to rock her hips against him. He groaned in response, hands coming up to grab at her thighs, feeling the effects of his rut kick in yet again. 
A bead of sweat rolled down his abdominal muscles and through the neatly-trimmed trail below his navel before disappearing into gold-hemmed boxers. She watched its progress, in no hurry to quicken her pace, and migrated her fingers from his flushed cheeks to the amber strands of hair that stuck to his forehead. Smoothing them back, she smiled at him and massaged his scalp with her fingernails, eliciting lovely sounds from her husband’s parted lips. 
He took the opportunity while she gazed at him so lovingly to capture her lips with his own, elongated canines nipping at her as she deepened the kiss. 
Once his wife had succeeded in lulling him completely, her hand dipped between them suddenly to grab at his length and Zhongli gasped prettily into her mouth. She smirked against his lips. Fingers dancing along his shaft that flushed a beautiful gold with arousal, she teased him enough that she could feel his heartbeat rabbiting against her hand and his breathing hitch in his throat.
Taking pity, she finally moved her forefinger up to his sensitive head and swirled the bead there into his soft skin, slowly building in intensity. Before he could wince from the overstimulation, she resumed a rhythmic pace on his shaft that caused his head to fall back against the headboard with a thunk . Finally, finally, she had her hands on him and he was getting the friction he needed so desperately all evening. He could cry from relief.
Then, just as he started to feel the knot in his abdomen build once more from her steady attention, she pulled her hand away with a butterfly kiss to his nose and he whined, pulling back from her with a pitiable look in his eyes. 
“-Really, darling?” His words spoke to his annoyance at being denied, but his face betrayed him, as did the breathlessness of his tone. “ Please stop teasing or I’ll- ah- ”
She cut him off with a gentle kiss to his tip that forced him to inhale sharply. Her grin was akin to a Chesire cat’s. “Or you’ll what, dearest?”
Zhongli huffed gently, his hips rocking against hers traitorously. He made no reply.
She placed a hand lovingly to his chest, tracing the markings that streaked his torso from collarbone to hip. They flushed gold under her wandering touch, thrumming with power and arousal, as well as barely-contained anticipation.
As she finally brought her eyes up to his, gaze swimming with endearment, he allowed himself to hope that his torment was over for the evening. His wife’s more teasing tendencies surely must have been satisfied by now. She did love him, didn’t she? She must feel some sympathy for her partner of so many years. She must.
“Now, let’s get you out of these pants, hmm?”
Oh, thank fuck.
His last thought was of gratitude before she helped him kick off his trousers and his mind finally, mercifully, went blank.
Later that night, when the hormonal effects had mostly subsided and he lay with his exhausted wife on his chest, playing with her hair while she rested, he made a few mental notes in whatever part of his brain was lucid. 
One was to buy a calendar for his office. The second was to evaluate the removal time coefficient of a gift before buying it in the future. The final was to invest in a more durable set of sheets.
And if any other thoughts crossed his mind before he succumbed to his own exhaustion, they were lost to the Liyue night.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆。゚
A/N: this is my first work on here! thank you for reading! <3
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adaptacy · 10 months
Hear me out-
Johnny with a very stoic, silent reader who is actually really really deadly if that makes sense?? Maybe they met while she was sitting at a bar and ended up getting into a fight with some guy who was bothering Sissy or something, OOH maybe she’s a bouncer, love me a woman who can fight ngl 💕💕 (and very psychotic men but that’s not important-
OOO okay!! honestly i was expecting johnny to be the strong silent stoic type i was so surprised when i played the game and he was a chatterbox douchebag who cant stop talking shit
so i think a stoic type partner could be fun >:)
He and sissy didn't go out very often-- Well, at least not together. Once sissy moved back into the Sawyer house, she remained there most of the time while Johnny was the one to go out and have all the fun.
But, whenever he was absolutely exhausted of her constant nagging him to take her out, he'd let her ride along to a bar while he scouted. He'd immediately regret it as she loudly sang along to the radio, off-tune without a care in the world.
She'd had a lot more experience in the outside world than him, so while she remained at home a lot, she didn't lack social skills. Sissy loved chatting up guys at the bars, and sometimes, once in a blue moon, they'd each bring back someone to the house.
This day was no different. Johnny wasn't having any luck finding girls he deemed interesting, so he excused himself to go to the bathroom as Sissy drank his wallet empty and chatted a couple of guys ears off.
While he was in the bathroom, washing his hands, he heard some kind of commotion outside, and he frowned, assuming that sissy had made some awful mistake that would get them banned from yet another bar. there was a reason why he hated letting her come along.
Yet, when he returned to the bar, sissy being problematic was not what he saw. Instead, it was a woman he'd seen before, but wasn't familiar with. He'd seen her around this very bar a few times, but hadn't ever paid much attention to her. she always had an expression that made her seem busy.
Sissy was sitting in a different bar stool than when he'd left, and she seemed almost startled, but an eerie grin spread over her face as she watched this woman beat the absolute shit out of a guy that Johnny remembered had been talking to her before he'd gone off to the bathroom.
The guy was draped over the bar, and the mystery woman slammed her fist into his face one more time, earning a groggy, blood-strained gurgle from the man before she grabbed him by his collar and dragged him out of the bar.
Whether he wanted to admit it or not, johnny was still a little concerned for Sissy, seeing as how it seemed something had gone terribly awry.
"What the hell happened?" he'd ask, visually checking over the brunette for scratches or bruises or anything, and she'd drunkenly explained that he'd tried to slip something in her drink, even a little too loudly joking about how he was using their own tricks against them.
"Did you drink it?" no, of course she didn't. she didn't have the option to. the woman, who Sissy identified as a bouncer, had stepped in almost immediately and taught the guy a lesson.
Well, Johnny couldn't let that go unseen. So, he left Sissy again, this time to go outside and try his shot at getting to know more about this bouncer. He thanked you, and all you gave him back was a nod. it was your job, after all. why the hell else would you be here?
he'd try to ask more questions, like how you'd noticed, or how long you'd worked here, and you gave him short, one or two word answers, which he found both frustrating and intriguing.
rest assured, he made sure to regular that bar frequently, and would consistently try to get to know you.
Also, he would not try and pull girls from that bar again. not after he saw what you did to that one guy. Johnny wasn't necessarily intimidated, but...
well, if he got kicked out of the bar, he wouldn't get a chance to see you again, and that didn't sound like much fun.
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nadiside · 1 year
You don't like my f/o? Good, more for me 🤗
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dan9a-00 · 4 days
I need more posts about how similar kim dokja and aventurine are oughhh I'm gonna explodeeeee
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bookwyirm · 8 months
Felt soft, might delete later idk
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“If you say something stupid I’m going to separate your head from your neck.”
“…Because I see you. I really, truly see you.”
”No you don’t.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Heh, you know I’m right”
“Just finish cleaning up this blood…I’m too sober for feelings right now.”
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girlfromflor · 21 days
atsumu and his infatuation with stoic!reader - part 2
wc: 2301 | tw: swear words, mentions of princess as a nickname for reader, but mostly is gn!reader | a/n: this is much longer than i expected
to say atsumu was whipped was an understatement. he was completely in love with you, absolutely unaware of everything else, no thoughts in his pretty head other than you, you, you. everyone could tell. he would always follow you around, even if it was just with his eyes. he would often offer to do whatever it was that you needed “do you need help?”, “don’t you want me to do that for you?”, “are you sure you don’t need anything?”. he would be the nicest guy ever with you, but totally rude with whoever tried to bug you – or hit on you for that matter. 
one day you were leaving class a bit late to practice and accidently bumped into an older boy on the way out. atsumu, who was waiting for you at the end of the hallway – as usual –, only watched, waiting to see if you would need any assistance. the guy was ready to throw a bitter remark, but before he even said anything you started “i’m sorry, you were standing in front of the door, there wasn’t much i could do”.
atsumu smiled, thinking he was so lucky you were so direct. he never really had any trouble reading your actions towards others – because when it came to you two he never really knew if he did understand right. but then he heard the dude’s reply, “couldn’t you at least ask for me to move? are you this disrespectful to your elders?” and his blood boiled. who was that guy to call you out like that? you didn’t react, though. with a blank expression, you talked very briefly and calmly, bothered that you had to prolong the dialogue when you should be heading to practice. “couldn’t you not stand in the way? and i am respectful to my elders, but only to the ones that deserve it, anyway.” and then you left, turned on your heels and went to astumu’s direction, knowing he would be there even if that meant he’d be late too.
“i should’ve told him that–” he started, face burning up at the way someone could feel so comfortable being a dick with an angel like you. but you stopped him, holding his wrist with your right hand only to hook your fingers in his bracelet – the one he never stopped using since the day he received it, the one you gave him. you both kept walking towards the gym, your fingers on his bracelet as you said “thank you, for waiting for me” with your face serene, something he doesn’t usually see. then he understood, that stupid guy was not worth stressing about. he replied with a small laugh, much more at ease now that you all but wiped his anger with just a simple gesture of gratitude. “sure. anytime, love.”
as for the days you guys were off school, he could not bear to have no news from you, so he often sent a message or two only to be sure nothing happened and that you were fine. but you were such a dry texter, frequently replying with hand emojis and abbreviated words. he often waited for you two to be together to tell you things he was excited about, that way he wouldn’t misunderstand your words. although, there was one day. one where he felt such an excruciating longing after spending what felt like weeks without seeing you – you had skipped friday classes and it was sunday already, which meant almost three days away from you and it was just too much. 
so he grabbed his phone, his lock screen wallpaper making him smile – a photo he took of you when you fell asleep at the bus on your way back home after winning a game – as he unlocked it and looked for your number in his contact list. as soon as he found it he clicked the call button, a much sincere “hi! i missed you, love” falling from his lips when he was greeted with your soft, low voice. you were caught off guard, not expecting him to be so blunt like this. you flustered and covered your face with your free hand, forgetting that he couldn’t see you, replying with a muttered “uh, i didn’t expect you to say it like that” as always a straightforward princess, he thought. but then you finished with “i missed you too, but we're gonna see each other tomorrow anyway, right?” 
he saw stars, your sentence hitting him so hard he had to take a deep breath to recompose himself. smiling ear to ear, eyes sparkling with this new found version of you, he tried to get more – always the eager one. “did you, huh? guess i can’t skip class now” he laughed at the teasing and you just braced yourself for what was to come, because you knew he wasn't finished “how could i ever deny that, especially now that i know you’ve been missing me, princess”.
you giggled, thinking he’s so endearing when he wants, always bringing you a much peaceful and warm feeling whenever he said things like that. you thought you could do what you always did – point out that he was too affectionate for no reason, maybe say “you would know everything about that, right?”. but you felt too good for that, the “anonymity” of the phone call giving you enough courage to say what you really wanted. your voice sounded much more like a whisper – but he was too focused to miss anything – when you said “you better. three days are enough, don’t really want to stay another day away from you”.
he could almost see the pout forming in your lips as you finished your sentence and he could not believe that you were acting lovingly towards him. why? does it mean you feel the same as he does? or were you just being polite? did you even know what that did to him? he wanted to stay in this moment forever, he wanted to hear you say it over and over again. god, it was so unfair. why’d you have to be so goddamn perfect? “why are you so perfect? i don't know how to deal with it”.
“welcome to the club, then” you whispered and atsumu was really starting to think the boys convinced you to prank him. you were even coping with his corniness. “could i be any other way? i have to get even with you somehow, right?” you blurted, mindlessly. and he lost it. he was way too down for you for this to be okay. he dropped dead in his bed, eyes glassy thinking about what that meant. what it all meant. “why do you do this to me?” he voiced out, sounding weak and in much need for a hug. but you’ve had enough, “why do you do the things you do to me? i don’t know if you know what it is, but it’s mutual, you know?” you said. sounding much more calmer than you actually were, you swore it was getting on your nerves. you knew it was time to be honest with him. you’ve been so infatuated with the boy but never managed to demonstrate just right.
after that, your call was just like any other conversation you guys had – except atsumu was extra happy this time. when you guys met the next day, he couldn’t hide his smile if his life depended on it. you guys talked like you always did, walked like you always did, but the feeling of fulfillment never left. and that made you think it was never not-romantic. you were never just friends, but how would it be now? it wasn’t until almost a whole month after your convo that you finally got your answer. 
afternoons at miya’s household were a very common, very nice thing between the inarizaki boys. they would often have sleepovers and game nights when there were no classes and everything was so light that time passed by almost too quickly. when you finally accepted to be part of the movie nights it was only because atsumu had tenderly caressed your face, asking very softly – very persuasively – for you to be there, he said he really needed you to go. so you went. knowing full well that he had taken advantage of a new found weakness of yours – his furrowed brows and pouting lips as he asks something to you and you could never deny his pretty pouting lips.
as you got there, atsumu greeted you with a tight hug before any of the boys could see you, thinking maybe you wouldn’t be too comfortable with pda – but mostly because he knew neither of you would hear the end of it. then he walked you in and as you took your shoes off you saw osamu standing by the couch offering his spot while waiting for you to join them. but you denied, a bit shy – which was atypical of you – as you walked past him and sat down the closest you could to atsumu. 
everyone eyed you two, atsumu could already feel his cheeks growing kind of hot as aran started “well, look at you getting comfy”. you gave him a tight lipped smile, surprisingly not feeling shy at all anymore as you replied bluntly “nothing wrong with that, right?” then you turned to atsumu, hand resting on his knee, voice just a bit softer than the first time you spoke, “right?”. he laughed, a truehearted sound and it melted you. for a moment you let go of any restraints, your eyes glued on his as he smiled at you. you felt your heart so warm, your body was floating at the sudden realization that he was just as translucent with his feeling as you were with your bluntness. his arms came to rest on your shoulders as his hand shoved your face on his chest, ruffling your hair lovingly “yeah. right, love”. you could only smile, feeling truthfully happy with the interaction and the boys decided to not comment on it, even as they saw the brush of atsumu’s lips on your forehead – a quick kiss being pressed there as he squeezed you lightly on his embrace – and your eyes sparkling, face just as calm and receptive, like they never saw before.
and that went pretty well for the night, you both on your own moment. sometimes making comments about the movie, sometimes complaining about the boys chit-chatting during it. but it came to an end and you had to go home. atsumu guided you to the front door, eyes dancing on your figure as he looked at you through his lashes and you knew something was about to come “thanks for coming, love. it was much nicer with you here, you know”. you nodded slowly, body swaying awkwardly as you asked “are you going to kiss me?”, your voice sincere and calm, your eyes low and your lips slightly pouting. 
atsumu thought he couldn’t be happier, finally having the opportunity to feel this close to you. finally able to see your true colors. “do you want that?” he asked, lips forming an inevitable smirk, eyes flicking to your lips quickly before returning to yours. you stopped mid-track, the butterflies in your stomach making you remember the very first time you felt this – when you first met atsumu. your mind was racing, your eyes failed to maintain eye contact and fell on his lips, coincidentally right when he decided to wet them a bit – which he often does when feeling nervous. you flustered even harder, nervously looking back at his eyes only to get lost again. you did your hardest to remember what it was that he asked, but nothing came to mind and “huh?” was all that left your mouth. he absolutely adored you, growing excited by the minute he repeated with a smile “do you want it? a kiss?” and that’s all that took for you to snap back to the moment, you brows furrowing as you said “are you for real?” he tilted his head to the side, smiling harder. “yes…” you muttered, “i want a kiss”.
he slowly grabbed your waist, eyes never leaving yours as he felt your hands on his shoulders and then on his neck. it took a lifetime for him to touch your lips with his own, but when he did, time felt like it stopped totally. the kiss was soft, calm and reassuring, both of you putting all your feelings in it. when his tongue dragged on yours slowly you felt like there was no floor touching your feet. you got closer to him, fingers running through his locks as your chests pressed together. atsumu was losing his mind, a soft sound leaving him as he felt you reward all his actions and advances with only one kiss. and he would never forget it. the urge to squeeze your waist overcame him. he did just that, hand caressing your hip as you guys broke apart, panting from the lack of air.
“i wanted to do that for so long, love…” he said, his arms hugged your waist and you kept yours around his neck. “since we met.” you replied, his brows shooting up in confusion but you didn’t let him ask as you continued “i wanted to do that since we met…” and he embraced you even harder, with all he could. his mind blank only you, you, you replaying over and over. he drowned in your scent, with his face in your neck he whispered “i think don’t think i will ever have the strength to let you go” and you knew he wasn’t only talking about the hug you shared but it was okay, because you felt the same “i don’t think i will either”.
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veryvaughnny · 2 years
Imagine being woken up by a bunch of tiny kisses all over your face. On your cheeks, chin, nose, forehead, etc. Just very gentle kisses. And once you open your eyes, you hear a soft "good morning, my love."
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iputthebomp · 11 months
The thing about friends, who like each other, hanging out one-on-one is that neither know if it’s a date or not.
Of course, Ei doesn’t know if anything’s a date either way.
Luckily, she had Yae Miko to tell her the difference.
Ei had that outing with the Traveller, and that wasn’t a date. She goes out occasionally with Miko now, and none of those are dates, right? So what made this a date?
You picked her up at around noon for lunch, leading her to a small stand in the city you discovered a while ago. You said something about the stand having something you thought she’d like, and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. But that happens between friends, right? Not inherently romantic.
Then you sat under a sakura tree together, enjoying the breeze and food. You asked her questions and laughed at her stories, making her feel warm. And she listened to your stories without ever feeling bored or wanting you to stop. But, that could just be platonic, right? Yeah.
Quietly, you climbed up to the roof of a detective agency, offering your hand to Ei when you reached the top. She took it, and felt a nervous excitement she didn’t notice before while you helped her up.
“I love sunsets,” you whispered, leaning back with your hands behind you for support. Ei did too, but when she looked at you to tell you that, she stopped. The suns last rays were shining on your face, highlighting your features and beautiful, soft smile.
She swallowed, then slowly put her hand behind her like you, and let her hand crawl closer to yours. She didn’t know why, but she felt a need to touch you, to hold you. And she didn’t want to ignore it.
You felt her finger poke at your hand, and you let your hands tangle together with a grin. Her purple eyes were sparkling, and she looked ethereal with the fading light making her look like she was the only person in the world.
She couldn’t look away from you, and she didn’t move away when you leaned over and brushed some of her hair out of her face with your other hand. You didn’t move away either.
“And then what?” Yae Miko asked, swirling her tea with a knowing look.
Ei simply answered with, “The sun set and she walked me home,” before taking a sip of her own tea.
Miko hummed, clearly knowing something Ei didn’t.
“What?” The goddess asked, setting her cup down. “What is it?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“It’s not ‘nothing.’ Tell me.”
“You’ll find out soon enough,” the shrine maiden laughed.
“Tell me!”
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ermespop · 1 year
i've had these thoughts for sooooooo long and its- i think is just chef kiss y'know?
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kita shinsuke. kita mr perfect shinsuke. kita meticulous way of cleaning the changing room shinsuke. kita higher than average grades shinsuke. kita hard work shinsuke. kita exemplar senpai shinsuke.
but also.
kita shinsuke. kita wild group of friends shinsuke. kita clumsy shinsuke. kita shy when in love shinsuke. kita shinsuke, who gets as sleep high as everyone else when late into night but for some reason is still awake. and even tho atsumu and suna share their dumb, outta pocket late night thoughts, and he tells them to get sleep, he can't help but ponder those dum *ss late night thoughts and have some of his own
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postin this in honor of @loveephia and her kitaphilic followers
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just-french-me-up · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* I am dying for some dream x reader! From the second link: ❛ show me how much you missed me. ❜?
Rating : Smut | E ( as in ExcusE mE 👀👀)
Pairing : Dream x Fem!Nameless!Reader (3rd person, no (Y/N))
Tags : Established relationship | PWP with feelings | 1.7K
Author's notes : This prompt kinda got away from me and got way smuttier than expected. Oh well... Enjoy! Feel free to yell at me afterwards (please do yell in my general direction)
There was a soft knock on the door. She smiled to herself as she picked her earrings from the vanity and turned towards the full-length mirror. The Lord of the Dreaming might not need or ask for permission to enter dreamers' most intimate thoughts, but he did make a point of announcing himself around his palace. Even if it meant knocking on the doors of his own chambers.
"Come in."
She barely had time to put on one earring that Morpheus' reflection had joined hers in the mirror, leaving the door untouched. She briefly looked over her shoulder, greeting him with a warm smile.
"Welcome home, beloved. How was your sister?"
Dream stood behind her, his dark frame envelopping hers in the mirror.
"She is well. I am to give you her fondest regards," he said, absently.
His mind seemed elsewhere. As she slipped on the second earring, she noticed his gaze in the reflection, travelling up and down her body, as one gazes at art. A quiet smile danced on his lips. Gods she'd missed him.
"Perhaps I should leave more often if you are to greet me like this when I return."
He planted a kiss on her shoulder, settling his hands on each side of her waist, feeling the fabric of her dress, one of his creation, one she knew he felt particularly proud of. She melted into his touch, allowing her back to rest against his chest.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?"
She gave out a small sigh. He wouldn't be pleased, but there was no dancing around it.
"I'm afraid we've received an invitation."
Dream's reflection frowned slightly.
"An invitation? From whom?"
An expected displeased groan rolled out of his throat.
"They said the Threshold was ours to visit whenever you would be available," she added, only worsening his sullen expression.
"Must we?" he complained.
"It would be impolite to refuse, unfortunately. We don't need more tension between you and your sibling than already exists."
Morpheus rolled his eyes and gave her shoulder another, though significantly more frustrated, kiss.
"I have barely set foot in the Dreaming!" he protested against her skin. "Am I to obey my sibling's every whim now? I have my kingdom to attend to! And you! I don't wish to share your company with anyone else just yet!"
His annoyed gaze met her eyes in the mirror. She rested her hands on top of his, in a comforting touch. She couldn't help but find him endearing in his discontent. And terribly handsome.
"I missed you," he grumbled, kissing the top of her nape. His breath sent a warm shiver down her spine, leaving her skin yearning for more.
"Oh, have you now?"
Oh just to hear him say it... She couldn't hold back the resquest burning her lips.
"Show me then."
Their eyes met again, Dream's now alight with a mixture of surprise and amusement. Gone was his disgruntled pout, as it was quickly replaced by the hint of a playful smile.
"Pardon me?"
"Show me how much you missed me," she repeated, holding his gaze intently through the mirror.
At once, Dream tightened his hold against her waist, his hands shifting to her hips as he pulled her firmly against him.
"It is a dangerous game you're playing, love of mine," he murmured in her ear, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Is it?" she teased, a familiar warmth flooding through her at his touch. His gaze had been reverent before, but it had shifted to something darker. Hungrier. She could feel her heartbeat racing from its intensity alone.
"It would make us late," he reminded her, though he did not sound concerned in the slightest. Eager was more accurate. "Awfully late."
"Surely you haven't missed me this much." She could feel her throat getting dry with every word. The warm breath blowing against her neck was the sweetest of torments.
"I shall prove you wrong, then."
Promptly, Dream wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her to the nearest piece of furniture he could find. She found herself pressed against his desk, before he lifted her up on it. Relieved sighs escaped them both as their lips met, quickly replaced by more feverish sounds, each kiss more demanding than the next.
Her fists closed around the lapel of his coat, tugging him closer. There was a need within her, an urge to feel him, to reacquaint herself with the touch and the taste of him. Morpheus responded in kind. His hands hooked behind her knees, he pulled her hard against him, drawing her gasp from her.
"I once asked you what your thoughts were when we were apart, remember? he whispered against her lips.
As he spoke, one of his hands travelled up her thigh, fingers scorching her skin, while the other cupped her cheek. He ran his thumb over her lower lip, the softness of it clashing with the fierce kisses he'd offered her just a second ago. Short of breath, her head spinning, she hummed in response.
"Shall I tell you mine?"
His fingertips danced on her thigh, only adding to the heat radiating from her. She could feel him hard against her, his desire as obvious as her own.
"Please do."
The small smile he gave her was nothing short of devilish. There was power in his words, he knew it. They could undo her as well as his hands could. No, better. For his words would haunt her, catching her off guard days later, leaving her as flustered as she had been when she first heard them. As flustered as she was now.
"When my mind wanders it always finds you," he whispered, his breath dripping with lust. "Visions of you. Your body underneath mine." His hips rolled against hers at an excruciatingly slow pace, enough for her to feel all of him through his clothes. "I can almost feel you when I picture you writhing against me, your pleasure almost unbearable. You look exquisite when you surrender to it."
He stole a kiss on her lips, the hint of his teeth accentuating her already laboured breathing. Her frantic heartbeat echoed furiously in every part of her as he leaned forward, pressing his mouth against her ear.
"You feel so heavenly when you're about to come, my love. I could lose myself in the memory of it all day long. Picturing how helpless you look when your trembling body is about to give."
A quiet moan answered his words, the heat of them matching the one consuming her flesh little by little.
"My love?" his affected innocent tone was as frustrating as it was alluring.
"I want you to show me," she panted. "Make me feel it. All of it."
She was lifted off the desk before she could realise it. When her back hit the mattress of their bed, all the fabric keeping them apart had vanished, leaving their skins burning against each other, their heaving chests meeting with every breath.
Dream's hands explored her body, his fingertips running over the curve of her breasts, brushing over the tip of her hardened nipples before continuing their journey to draw her waist and hips. She wrapped her legs around him, waiting for him to push inside her, but Dream decided otherwise. Gently, he turned her over on the bed, her stomach against the sheets.
"I wanted to look at you," she protested.
"You will, I promise," he reassured her, pressing multiple kisses against her shoulder blades.
Her frustration was forgotten as she felt the head of his cock press against her entrance. His hands holding her hips, he pushed slowly inside her, a hoarse sigh companying his thrust. She pressed her forehead against the mattress, welcoming the sensation with a pleased hum of her own.
"Look up my love."
She forgot to listen. Lost in the feeling of him, she kept her face down, focusing on the pleasure growing inside her with every measured thrust. She felt his skin against her back as he leaned forward. One of his hands left her hip to tip her chin up gently. When she looked up, her own eyes stared back at her.
"You wanted to see how much I've missed you," Dream breathed heavily against her, his eyes burning into hers through the reflection of the many mirrors now surrounding the bed. "Let me show it to you."
It was the strangest thing, seeing the effect he had on her. How flushed her cheeks were. How her body responded to his. How arousing the sight of her own pleasure was. Dream quickened his pace, his eyes hardly ever leaving her, only closing them when the sensation of her got too much to bear. He threw his head back once, exposing his neck, breaking out a deliciously low moan, and she thought pleasure would overtake her at the sheer sight of him.
"Look at you," he told her breathlessly. Each thrust was harder than the next, getting her closer to her climax. "How could I not miss you when you look at me like this?"
She moaned loudly into the sheets, unable to hold his adoring gaze. Any second now, she could feel it. Her heart was about to burst out of her chest. A series of warm, languid kisses travelled down her back, making her whole body shiver.
"Let me see you," he said, the pleasure in his voice making it awfully close to a plea. "I want to see you when you come."
It took all of her strength to look up and meet her reflection. He was right. She did look helpless, alluringly so. All it took was another thrust and she came undone, her eyes drowning in his. Listless, she couldn't help but watch as pleasure washed over Morpheus soon after, his lips parted in another wanton sound she couldn't get enough of.
Panting heavily, they both fell back onto the mattress, bodies numb and heads filled with stars.
"Perhaps you should leave more often indeed," she chuckled, her chest struggling to keep up. "Just enough for you to miss me."
Dream pulled her closer, removing a few strands of wild hair from her face.
"Perhaps I should."
They stayed like this for moment, body against body, trading gentle touches until their breaths steadied somewhat.
"We should go," she reminded him.
"I am aware."
She tried to sit up, but his arm kept her close.
"One more minute. Please."
One minute turned to two. Then three. Then, lulled against his chest, cloaked in their shared warmth, numbers ceased to exist. As did the rest.
AO3 link
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imkumichan · 1 year
based on this scenario.
There she is. 
Standing straight with both arms beside her. Eyes to the front with no emotion detected on her face. She looks so young. He bets she’s not even reached 20s yet. It looks so wrong to see a youth mixed up with adults like them in this kind of environment making her stands out a little bit too much. As much as he doesn’t want her here, there’s nothing he could do. He feels ashamed to admit that having her in his force was a big advantage. She’s so agile in the field and really have a good aim. No wasted movement in her move. He could understand why they prefer her as a weapon than a child.
About MC.
After she no longer served in the mercenary army, she lived with foster parents who also are a veteran. They agreed to take her in after learning about MC’s circumstances. Staying as their foster daughter for about two years before accidentally getting pulled up to become a soldier again.
I imagine she doesn’t really understand.. emotions. So, sometimes people might see her as a cold person, but she just mostly doesn’t know how to express herself. To be honest. she doesn’t really thinking about why the war is happening and all. All she cares is that she has missions to complete. Also she’s blunt.
Getting the force’s attention after they saw her in the city where they turned it into a war zone. She’s not doing much actually, just probably running around to survive and picking a weapon or two to just defend herself out of instinct since she doesn’t know what actually happens. 
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