#stolitz tickles
cookiepie11 · 1 year
Change it~ (stolitz SFW tickle fic)
Blitzø has such a wierd name for stolas on his contacts and stolas tells him to change it being the stubborn playful imp he needs some convincing..
lee blitzø, ler stolas (romance and tickles SFW!)
Stolas and blitzø was cuddling in bed both looking at blitzø's phone comfortably
"Bl-itzy!" Stolas said out of nowhere "why such a rude name for me?" He said teasingly
"what it's not that badd" he replied grinning
" it's litteraly creepy mouth aka one night stand" he said "that's so mean compared to your name on my phone"
"And what is my name on your phone? Fucking blitzy?" He said in a annoyed tone despite loving the nickname
"How did you guess?" He said and smiled "I even added a lil heart at the end!"
Blitzø blushed just a little
"of course it is"
"anyways you better change that name blitzy I gave you a sweet name you gave me a awful name!"
"ehe why should I?" Blitzø said getting cocky
"because im oh so upset at that nickname" stolas replied in a jokingly dramatic tone
"So what happens if I don't change it?" Blitzø grinned he was just being a little shiz to get what he wanted and he wanted affection
"I'll do this~" stolas practically purred and scratched his sides slowly
"Dohont you dar-dare!" Blitzø giggled " I swear to god I will kihille you- ehehe stolass STAHAP!"
"oh you shouldn't have got so cocky with me now my little imp" he teased "your laughter is so cute it almost makes me blush" he added even though they both knew his heart shaped face was blush pink
"say blitzy which spot should I get next? The neck? The horns? Or perhaps the feet? I can't decide! Why don't you choose a spot" stolas said knowing it would be a hard choice
"you have to choose or I might stop" stolas teased though he wouldn't stop Blitzø's fun.
"PAHAHA UHH..THE FEEHET!" he yelled , they was all ticklish choices
"oh very well!" He said and grabbed his foot lightly , he started to scratch it softly
"PWEHEHEH!" he laughed with the cutest little blush "NAHAH!"
stolas grabbed a blue feather from his pocket and fluttered it on his sole
"aw but you look so cute and you still havent said you would change it!" He cooed "maybe if I tickle here?" He said and nibbled his neck softly
Suddenly he stopped and blitzø breathed heavily he had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard
"oh my darling did I go to far?" He asked genuinely
"No.." he stopped to breath "that was just fine..thank you" he said with a blush on his face and he layed back into Stolas's fluffy chest
He got his phone out and went to contacts to change the name
"oh you don't really have to change it blitzy I was just playing"
"nah I think this name suits more anyways"
He changed it to "my bird x"
Stolas almost cried at the name being the emotional bird he is but instead he just snuggled blitzø tight and kissed his forehead
"thanks you blitzy.." he said but he realised his little imp has falling asleep on him "aww..you do not understand how much I love you blitz.."
when heard that his tail wagged whipping stolas lightly
"shut up ya dork" he giggled half asleep
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kirausamaria · 13 days
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A very fluffy Stolitz' illustration made by MARRIE from Twitter. Go follow her!
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sapphireblaze12 · 8 days
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***CREDIT TO @artdoer93 ***
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
Yay! First Tickletober prompt of the month!
To start off this wonderful month we have
TickleTober Day 1: Teasing
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c0metpunk · 1 year
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Commish for KnightlyPupper!
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jixic · 1 year
I promise i'm trying to look for prompts i just can not think of anything but ler stolas lee me rn
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ethereousdelirious · 2 months
Um I don't know if you're into Stolitz from Helluva Boss but if you are do you have any Snz headcanons for them?
No pressure! Just excited and wanting to hear other people's Helluva Boss thoughts.
- Bewitched feathers
I've only seen Helluva Boss once so forgive me if any of this is off or contradictory
Also these are more sick headcanons than snz headcanons, so if anyone wants to jump in with some allergies, etc thoughts, please do!
But I think Stolas is the type to play it up a little when he gets sick. Not outright fake anything, but definitely exaggerate and act pathetic depending on who's around. If it's Blitz, I'm SURE Stolas would playfully like pretend to swoon and sniffle and act all helpless. But I also think he's a textbook case of getting quieter the worse he feels.
As for snz, I think he was probably trained to have a tiny little dainty sneeze and not take up a lot of space or have a lot of presence. But because it's a subconscious way of holding back, I'm sure it's not very satisfying. He probably gets a lot of stuck sneezes and little tickles and ends up hitching a lot.
I think he also can't help but excuse himself every single time. Which can lead to situations where you'll hear like. Just the tiniest little "mmh" if it's a VERY small sneeze and then "Oh, dear, excuse me" and it can take a second to figure out what just happened.
But yeah I really think breathy, almost whiny, vocal hitching is the name of the game with him. Whimpering, if you will 😈
Also. Handkerchiefs.
Blitz, on the other hand... Can't help but be loud. I think he has the kind of sneezes that leave him with a sort throat because he just can't help but vocalize, even a little bit, every single time he sneezes. Occasionally he just. Sneeze-yells. Usually unintentionally.
He also seems like the sort of hide himself away the minute he passes a certain Vulnerability Threshold, but I think that he really really just can't help but be heard. Loud sneezes, loud breathing, loud expressions of pain and annoyance.
I also think he's the type to swear after a certain point. And he's not quiet about that either. Three sneezes and "fuck!" And then a newer, breathier, more creative swear with every subsequent sneezes.
Optional section for the Mess Enjoyers (I am not one so ill be vague, but if you're really sensitive, just skip this paragraph. It's the last one so you won't miss anything else)
I also think that when he's really feeling low and hating himself, cleanliness is the absolute last thing on this mind, so if his sneezes start to get messy, he just lets them. Wipes his nose on his sleeves, his blankets, whatever. Blows his nose in his paperwork.
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negative-speedforce · 3 months
Fandom questions!
A, F, G, J, O, S, V, and Z please?
A, J, and S answered here
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
Star Wars, which I've loved since I was like 11.
G: What was your first fandom?
Probably My Little Pony. I was a huge fan of the Equestria Girls movies, especially Sunset Shimmer (Besties, is it queer to love the former bad girl outcast who feels like she doesn't really fit in with any of the other students because of some fundamental differences about her?)
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
This one really reminds me of Thrawn/Eli Vanto, especially the forbidden aspects of their relationship (mentor/mentee, no fraternization in the Imperial Navy, massive age gap, etc).
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
I'm actually a big fan of Westhallen (Iris West/Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)!
Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
It's more that everyone hates the fandom, and I don't want to piss off my mutuals because apparently there was some twitter drama or something surrounding it? Idk, my girlfriend made me watch Helluva Boss with her and I immediately fell in love with Stolitz. I never talk about it because I feel like people might unfollow me for it because internet drama, but they're just so toxic and messy, I'd hate it in real life but it just tickles my brain in just the right way.
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artdoer93 · 3 years
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@hhf23 Here it iiiiis!!  Sorry for the waiiit~~
TICKLES PART 3!  Tickle fight(?)  Not sure if this counts but they’re both kinda fighting for control so I just went with it XD  Sorry if it’s a little chaotic / not as good as the other ones, I was trying something new :D  Hope it’s workable! <3 
 Had so much fun, I love drawing them so much!! 
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Tickletober Day One - Teasing
Notes: Finally wrote something for Helluva Boss! I’ve been wanting to for a while now but have been lacking in inspiration, but here it is! 
Summary: Blitzo and Stolas decide to try something new. 
“Well, look what we have here~”
His eyes sparkled horrendously down, matched with a light smile that had Blitzo’s insides squirming. He knew what the other was doing by now and panic and excitement fought for dominance inside him.
“Someone who’s impatient for you to get started already,” Blitzo drawled, rolling his eyes with a bored disinterest they both knew was merely a front. “I mean, really. How long are you going to make me wait here, you’ve already got me tied up. Might as well skip to all the fun stuff.”
He tugged on his wrists in emphasis, the bonds jerking back tightly in resistance. They were pulled far above his head, out of the way in case he tried to do anything ridiculous like protect himself.
“Ohhh, is someone getting all riled up?” Stolas asked, cocking his head at him in fake sympathy. His hands were rested slightly on his sides, where they had been for the last five minutes, unmoving. Blitzo’s nerves were on high alert, and he couldn’t help but twitch with every slight movement of those long fingers. “If you’re this eager for me to wreck you like the helpless little creature you are, you should have simply said so.”
Blitzo’s swallowed, avoiding his gaze. “Yeah, well, it’s not like it’s doing me much good, is it? I’m starting to think you don’t have it in y—fuck! Fuck! Fuhuhuck!”
His strangled yelp was quickly followed by a stream of undignified giggles, squirming back into the mattress as Stolas’s fingers launched into action all at once. Dragging lightly over the skin, gentle scratches that were made all the worse by the nails that seemed to have direct access to his nervous system. “S-Shihihit, Stohohoholas!”
“Yes, Blitzy dear~?”
“Ihihihihit fuhuhuhucking tihihihickles!”
“Well, I should hope so,” Stolas agreed simply. His fingers seemed almost to dance on his sides, an elegant and graceful action that Blitzo couldn’t help but find oddly alluring despite the way it was driving him utterly insane. “That is the point of this after all, is it not? To “tickle you until you could hardly think” were the words you used, I believe. Of course I’m happy to oblige. There’s nothing I love more than watching you laugh and squirm underneath me.”
“Fuhuhuhuhuck ohohohoff!” Blitzo managed, the only thing he could think to say. It was hard to think of good comebacks under the circumstances. Red flushed violently across his features, though it was difficult to tell with his natural hue.
It was Blitzo who had first come to Stolas, suggesting they do things differently that night. It had taken quite a bit of guessing on the latter’s part, as Blitzo had struggled through his words, unable to get out the simple request. Stolas was patient, however, listening to him explain and waiting while he tried to find the right words. He had been very sweet then, quickly assuring the other that there was nothing wrong with him, and of course he would be willing to try it. Now, however, the owl’s words had taken a different turn, a teasing lilt to them that made Blitzo’s head spin in the best way.
“Where’s all that eloquence from earlier?” Stolas inquired, caressing his hips with deft strokes and swirls. “You always were so good with your words, never without a comment. You seem quite subdued now, though.”
Blitzo arched up in response to the tickling, which unfortunately only brought him closer to those devious fingers. “S-Shuhut ihihit ohohor I-I’ll mahahake yohou!”
Stolas’s voice took on a dangerous pitch, a smirk unfolding slowly across his face. “Make me? Oh Blitzy, I don’t think you can make me do anything right now. No, I think the only thing you’ll be doing tonight is laughing. You can handle that, can’t you darling?”
“Fuhuhuck yohohou!” Blitzo managed to growl, tossing back a rebellious glare.
“Well that’s not very nice, now is it?” Stolas squeezed his hips in warning and Blitzo yelped, ticklish shocks traveling from where the former’s thumb dug into the nerves there. “You might make me resort to drastic measures.”
Blitzo knew exactly where he was talking about, his struggling increasing accordingly. “D-Dohohohon’t yohohou dahare!”
“Tickle,” Stolas started slowly, his words lilting teasingly as his touch travelled downwards, landing on his thighs. “Tickle…” Gently stroking the skin, a prelude to what was to come. “Tickle!”
Blitzo threw his head back with a stream of curses and cackling as Stolas squeezed the spot, his nerves jumping near out of his skin. His thighs had always been infuriatingly sensitive, a fact Stolas had been quick to discover and take advantage of. It was both Blitzo’s worst and best spot, and he thrashed and squirmed wildly on the bed, unsure whether he wanted to escape or not.
They had established a safe word in the beginning, just in case, and Blitzo found himself torn. He needed it to end and yet at the same time he couldn’t stop a well of disappointment from rising up inside himself at the idea of the tickling coming to a stop. It was conflicting in an odd, new way that Blitzo didn’t entirely hate.
“NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” Blitzo squeaked, squeezing his eyes shut so he didn’t have to face that piercing gaze. It didn’t help.
“Not here? You don’t really mean that, do you?”
Fuck him. Blitzo’s blush was worsening by the second. He couldn’t respond, couldn’t think of a good response, too wrapped up in laughing his head off.
“It’s alright,” Stolas assured him. “There’s no need to answer. You can just sit back and laugh and let the tickling overtake you until it’s all you can think of. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?”
As Blitzo continued to giggle and writhe and let out all kinds of profanity, some never before heard by demon ears, he had to admit that it did. 
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cookiepie11 · 1 year
Stolitz tickle headcannos (Romance and tickles)
scratches you with his claws ✨
Teasy lil 💩
"ohoho is this a tickle spot ey?"
Soft spot for giggles
can be rough sometimes
"Oh shut it bird brain"
"or what..?"
"I'll do this.. tickle tickle"
Will swear at you through his laughter
His tail litteraly whips from side to side when he is tickled
He has strange tickle spots like the place where his horns meet his head and the tip of his tail
Speaking of his tail it is sensitive to light scratches and his tail will slap you in the face
(his tail wags when happy, exicted or scared)
Teasy but sweeter than blitzø
"aww aren't you just so cute blitzy~"
Will coo no matter what you do
Uses feathers sometimes
He usually tickles blitzø to cheer him up, playing around or revenge
Blitzø's laugh makes him blush sometimes
Giggles and hoots alot
Blushes ✨
ticklish armpits and legs
blitzø finds him so adorable as the lee
He loves it but he won't admit it to anyone unless he's tickled into saying it
He is pretty strong so if he wanted tickles to stop he could litteraly turn someone into stone which proves he likes it
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kirausamaria · 12 days
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Art from Terronxi. https://twitter.com/i/bookmarks?post_id=1798581853865341133
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wolfiethewriter · 2 years
A Cure for Grumpiness (another fluffy Stolitz fic)
summary - Blitz has a bad day and Stolas helps to cheer him up... in a very uncnventional waay.
Also on ao3
 Blitz stomped through the I.M.P. headquarters and growled. “Fuck today!” he snarled. “Fuck today and fuck tomorrow, too!”
 He kicked the door shut as he stormed into his office. Today had not started off well. Firstly, he slept in because his shitty alarm didn’t go off. Then he got stuck in a fucking traffic jam for the best part of an hour on the way here. And the barista got his coffee order wrong! Needless to say it was a pretty shitty morning as far as mornings go. But Blitzo was not happy.
 He chucked his wrong coffee order into the bin and snarled, tail whipping back and forth. Damn it, he really could shoot something right about now. He wondered what clients today might bring, logging onto his laptop and booting up his emails. Maybe he’d ask Moxxie to bring in another load of stolen TV’s off the back of a truck so he could shoot em up and blast them all into bits.
 He was just about to get up and ask Moxxie to do just that, when Blitz heard him come in. He scowled instantly.
“The fuck you want, Birdbrain?”
 Stolas stood in the doorway at his full height. Dressed in those ridiculously fancy princey clothes of his. Smiling broadly. Fucking dick. Blitz      wished    he could look that good and Stolas did it so effortlessly.
“Oh Blitzy, I was just in the neighbourhood and-” he paused, looking Blitz up and down. “Bad morning?”
“Bad day, and it’s only just started.” Blitz huffed, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Oh dear. Anything I can do to help?”
 Blitz narrowed his eyes, suspicious. Knowing Stolas, there would be only one specific way he’d ‘help’.
“Some good coffee would be a start,” Blitz told him. “They gave me the wrong order at the shop and there wasn’t aby time to demand to speak to a manager or get a new one.”
 Stolas nodded. “We can go get a coffee, if you like,” he offered. “My treat, of course.”
 Blitz grunted. “Fine by me. Need some caffeine in me. Free caffeine is even better.”
“Of course,” the bird nodded. “But first, allow me to put a smile on your face. I’m afraid you may scare people if you go out with that scowl on your face. You look positively terrifying.”
 Blitz blinked. “The only thing scarier than my face is me with caffeine withdrawal,” he said, with so much sass in his voice.
“I think we can fix that though,” Stolas told him with a little smirk, eyeing Blitz up and down again as the imp rose from his seat and walked over to him.
“Yeah, you can buy me coffee.” Blitz sassed him, but Stolas’ expression didn’t change. Instead, his grin only broadened like a predator spying its prey.
 Blitz glanced up at him, nervously. “Hey, uh, Stolas? Why are you looking at me like that?” He took a step back as Stolas moved forward, and he knew that whatever Stolas had planned for him couldn’t be good.
“I’m going to make you smile, Blitzy,” the owl teased, hands clawed as he backed Blitz into a corner.
“Stolas,” Blitz warned. “Stolas no!”
“Oh, I do think I will, my dear Blitzy~” Stolas cooed, and blitz realised he’d backed himself into a corner when his back touched the wall.
“Fuck it. Stolas, I’m warning you…”
 Stolas dove for him, and Blitz let out a little scream. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting. For the prince to rip off his clothes, to be kissed, or something else. But Stolas fingers were wriggling under his armpits, making him shudder and jump. A weakness he didn’t think knew about. A weakness that left Blitz snickering and trying not to laugh and snort and give himself away.
     Don’t laugh, Blitz don’t you dare fuckin’ laugh you’ll make it worse!  
 But he couldn’t help it. He lauched. He burst out into a set of chuckled and then laughed loud as Birdbrain tickled him.
“Stoooo-hohohohlassssss! You fucking dii-hehehehehe-ihihck!”
 Stolas grin turned smug and just a little sinister. “There we go, that’s a much better face you’re making, now Blitzy!”
 Blitz wriggled and pushed and tried to get away, but the owl had him firmly in his clutches. Blitz squeezed his elbows in to try and shield his weak spots, but it was no use. Stolas had long fingers and was making very good use of them. His legs eventually gave way and he lay on the floor, still giggling and laughing, snorting occasionally as Stolas tickled him on the ribs, under his armpits.
“AhahahahahahaHAHAHA! Fuck- ha – fuckin’ stop tickl-hahahahaha- tickli…!”
 His pleas were punctuated with more giggles and he struggled to even finish a basic sentence. His tail thrashing about as he rolled about cackling like a madman.
“Fuckin’… fuckin dick! Fuckin… tickling me… StAHAHAHAHAP!”
 Stolas smile never faltered. “Not when you laugh so adorably like that!” Stolas cooed, still not ceasing his tickling of him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you laugh before. Not like this, anyway.”
“BIHIHIHIHIHITCH!” Blitz laughed out, “I’ve laughed before!”
“Not like this, Blitz,” Stolas answered. “Not a whole body laugh. Not a proper laugh.”
“Fu-HAHAHAHAHA-uck you!”
 Stolas smiled softly. “Perhaps later.”
 Blitz wanted to spit back a snarky remark to that. Something like ‘go fuck yourself!’, but he was just laughing and giggling far too much to say anything. He couldn’t even raise his arms to try and push Stolas off him. The bird now kneeling over him as he continued his assault on him. Blitz wheezing as he struggled to laugh and inhale air once.
“Stol… hahaha… Stol, I can’t… can’t breathe…”
 Finally,      finally,    Stolas ceased his tickling and gave him a chance to catch his breath. The owl kneeling back as he lay there, chest heaving, utterly exhausted and panting. Taking in big gasps of air as he slowly recovered. His ribs already starting to ache from laughing so much.
“Feel better?” Stolas asked, too innocently for Blitz’s liking. He responded by raising a shaky hand and pointing in his general direction as he lay flat on his back. “I’ll...” he panted. “I’ll fuckin’ kick yer ass for this.”
 Stolas just chuckled at the threat. Probably because he was in no fit state to be threatening anyone. “I’ll take that as a yes, then.”
 Blitz scowled as he lay there.      Damn Stolas. Damn him to… Double Hell.  
“Seriously gonna kick your ass. As soon as I can stand up.”
 Stolas thankfully waited for him to recover a little. And eventually Blitz could breathe enough to sit himself up. “That’s better.” He sighed, relieved to be spared another assault and had a chance to reclaim his shattered dignity.
 Blitz huffed another breath and got to his feet, helped up by Stolas. Fuck, his ribs were gonna be sore later. But he did feel a bit better about his shitty morning, so that was something. He dusted himself off and straightened up his suit and jacket.
“Okay, now I really need caffeine,” Blitz said. “I’ll let you buy me a coffee before I kick your ass.”
“Of course you will, darling,” Stolas smiled down at him. “Feeling better, though?”
   Blitz huffed out another breath, not as harsh as before. “Yeah,” he said. “Much.”
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sapphireblaze12 · 9 days
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amazingmsme · 3 years
i’m living for the helluva boss content you’re posting !!! may i pls request 10 & 27 with stolitz ?
These numbers must be really popular lol. I think it’s so funny how you & that anon picked the exact same numbers! Great minds think alike! It’s kinda suggestive but hey, it’s Blitzo & Stolas, can you blame me? It’s a little suggestive tho, but nothing explicit.
Stolas had been wanting to try something new for a while, but was afraid of how Blitzo would react. Would he think he was weird and mock him? Would he refuse and walk out on their little session? He doubted he would, but he couldn’t help the anxiety eating away at him.
“What’s goin’ on in that bird brain o’ yours? You’ve been unusually quiet,” Blitzo inquired. And wasn’t that just the perfect segway to talk about his feelings.
“I’ve actually been wanting to try something new…” he trailed off, tracing the pattern of his bedspread. Blitzo smirked and leaned in closer.
“It couldn’t possibly have something to do with those fuzzy cuffs I saw earlier, could it?” he purred. “I gotta say, I admire the aesthetic, even if it’s not my exact taste.”
“Yes, I know. You prefer leather. And it ties into it…”
“HA! Tie, like bondage! I get it,” Blitzo barked out a laugh at the unintentional pun. Stolas offered a tight smile. Blitzo stopped chuckling, realizing that he was serious.
“Well what is it? Go on, you can tell me,” he encouraged.
“Well alright. But you have to promise not to laugh.”
“I can’t guarantee anything, but I can sure as hell try,” he assured.
“It’s just- I’ve been feeling a bit down lately, and could really use a good laugh. So I was wondering if you could- um- wow I didn’t think this would be that hard to ask,” he said nervously, a slight giggle in his voice. Blitzo’s lips quirked up and he huffed in amusement. “Couldyoutickleme?” he rushed out in one breath.
Blitzo heard him loud and clear, but couldn’t pass up an opportunity to tease him. “I’m sorry, what was that?” he asked, cupping his ear.
“I know you heard me! Don’t make me repeat it,” he whined.
“You want me to, what was it? Pickle you? Like put you in some vinegar and age you? That is fuckin’ weird,” he teased, but even as he spoke, he started cuffing him to the bed.
Stolas whined and looked away. “Blitzyyyy!” He chuckled as he straddled his waist.
“Oh I’m gonna enjoy this,” he said, wiggling his fingers above him. He faked an attack, making the owl demon shriek. Blitzo cackled as his cheeks reddened.
“Y-you’re a horrible tease! I-I changed my mind, you don’t deserve this,” he said in a prissy voice, tugging on his arms.
“Oh no, too late to back out now. Besides, I know you love it when I’m mean,” he purred, cupping his chin. Stolas melted at the touch.
“That I do…” he agreed with a dreamy smile.
“You up for a little challenge?” he asked, mischief dancing in the imp’s eyes. A pleasant chill ran up Stolas’s spine.
“As always,” he purred.
“Good. I wonder how long you can go without laughing?” he pondered aloud. “I mean, if you can manage to stay quite during all that other stuff, this should be a piece of cake for you,” he teased.
“Ihihi don’t know… want to find out?” he invited, arching his back.
“You bet your sweet ass I do! Don’t think this means I’ll go easy on ya,” Blitzo teased with a wink. “I love watching you break.” Without further ado, he began scratching over his belly. Stolas squeezed his eyes shut, squirming side to side. A wobbly grin was plastered on his face, and he sucked his tummy in, trying to escape the tingly feeling.
Blitzo traced shapes over his feathery tummy, making him writhe around on the bed. His breath was starting to get more sporadic as he fought to stay quiet.
“I’m actually surprised you haven’t cracked yet. I know how sensitive you are,” he teased, dragging a single finger down his chest all the way to his waist line. Stolas arched his back sharply, a giggly whimper escaping. Blitzo smirked down at him, walking his fingers up his sides. Stolas was smiling brightly, clearly struggling to contain his laughter.
“What happens if I tickle you… here?” Blitzo asked, suddenly diving for his exposed pits. The floodgates broke and Stolas’s wild laughter flooded the room.
Now the real fun could begin.
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tickled-in-pink · 3 years
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your stolitz hc’s are so cute and i thought i’d share this with you. it isn’t finished cuz i haven’t finished stolas’s clothing of choice or background but enjoy a giggly birb ☺️
And thank you so much! I'm glad you liked them~! ^v^ 💞💕
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