#stonathan is mentioned
wren-stirlinglove · 2 years
Robin looked up at the sky and sipped her drink. The rest of the party was inside celebrating another successful defeat over Vecna and the Upside Down, but Robin's hand wouldn't stop shaking.
She almost lost her best friend because the doofus was self-sacrificing and put everyone else's safety over his own, and she had almost lost Nancy.
Robin could still hear Steve screaming at Nancy to wake up and remembers passing him the player with the mixtape already loaded in. She remembers feeling hopeless as this girl that she had started to get to know better and, okay, yea, maybe fall a little in love with, was under Vecna's control.
Thank god the rest of them had appeared when they had. Thank god, El had faced Vecna and won. Thank god, that everyone was getting their happy ending. She pursed her lips and took another sip. Everyone except her, of course. Because the lesbian never got a happy ending, right?
Before she could fall too far down that spiral, the door behind her opened and footsteps stopped just behind her.
"I'll be back in just a minute, Steve." She called, not even bothering to turn around. When the footsteps didn't move away, she turned and looked up. "Seriously, people are starting to think we're co-dependent or some bullsh-" She cut herself off as Nancy walked around and sat next to her.
It's quiet for a bit. Nancy stares at the moon, and Robin tries to regulate her breathing so that it seemed normal. "W-where's Jonathan? Did you get everything worked out with him?"
Nancy smiled a small smile and shook her head. Robin had almost been expecting that. "I get it.. So, Steve's your guy, huh?"
At this Nancy scoffed and rolled her eyes. Then, before Robin could react or say anything, Nancy leaned in and kissed her. It was soft and sweet and tentative, but as soon as Robin's brain began working again and she started kissing back, it became rougher, more passionate.
They broke away panting, and Robin noticed that Nancy wouldn't meet her eyes. "I'm sorry. It's just, I thought you were... Nevermind." Nancy stood up, but Robin scrambled up after her and grabbed her wrist before she could go back inside.
"No, no. That was great and everything, and I would really like to do that again, but I guess I'm just confused. I thought you and Steve..."
Nancy snorted. "I think it's more like Steve and Jonathan, actually." And oh. Ohhhh. That actually made so much sense. In her mind, she high-fived Steve for going after what he wanted. Then, her mind finally processed what had happened.
"Wait, so you... like me? Like like me? How is that even possible? You're Nancy Wheeler, and I'm just-" Nancy cut her off by kissing her again. Hard. "Okay, okay, I got the message. You're Nancy Wheeler, and I am shutting up now."
They stayed out there kissing for a while before Steve and Jonathan poked their heads out to make sure they were okay. As they all shuffled back into the house, Robin looked back up at the moon and smiled.
Then she grasped Nancy's hand and dragged her back into the party. She had to tell Steve all about this.
Okay, I just finished Season 4, and I had this idea of what a kiss between these two would look like. I'm very scared they are gonna kill off my babies and I don't know what to do, so I wrote some fluff instead.
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catharusustulatus · 5 months
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This is insane to me: https://t.co/WslCOnBtJU
They didn’t even call him. How the hell is he supposed to be explained out of the show? Jonathan’s best friend, who drove the gang all the way to Indiana? He’s just…gone? Not even being killed off - just not invited back. What!?
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bellaramseystan · 9 months
if billy Hargrove abused my found family sister, attacked her boyfriend, broke into my boyfriends house, and called my ex a bitch, I would hit him with a car, not knowing he was flayed too.
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natshipsbyler · 3 days
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emily-mooon · 3 months
OK! here's the general idea for this Nordegrim Ghosts AU that has been haunting me:
Stacey, Scott, and Lawrence inherit this big house from a distant great aunt they have never met after she passed of old age. Scott is in debt so he cant take the house like he was supposed to, and Lawrence wants nothing to do with it, so Stacey gets it instead.
It’s perfect though cause her and Neil, who is also her husband now here, were planning to move houses anyways and were struggling to find a good place. Also since the house is super big, they thought about opening a hotel at one point once the house is all fixed up.
What they don't know is that the house is haunted. the ghosts in question are:
Knives Chau: A teenage girl from the 1950s who was a fan of rock n' roll that got pushed down the stairs by a jealous classmate (not Tamara btw that was her gf) at a party
Julie Powers (IDK her married last name yet): An Edwardian women who got pushed out the window by her husband (who is Joseph in this AU btw)
Stephen Stills: A folk singer from the mid 60s who dies in a fire (people confused him with the other Stephen Stills all the time)
Gideon Graves: A music producer from the late 60s early 70s who was poisoned by a rival producer
Lucas Lee: A Victorian lumber guy who was crushed by a wooden beam during the construction of the houses renovation
Todd Ingram: A 90s Rockstar who died while having sex with his bands drummer (which like in the comic, was also cheating on his girlfriend and it is still Lynette and Envy)
Lisa Miller: A somewhat famous 1930s actress who died while filming a scene
Matthew Patel: An early 19th century poet who died in a duel that was orchestrated by a good friend of his
Roxie Richter(she has no last name in this au btw, putting it here cause I put everyone elses last names here): A Viking who was struck by lighting
Ken and Kyle Katayanagi : Inventors/mechanics from the late 19th century who died in a car explosion along with their dog (who is a dog version of robot 0-1 btw). They live in the carriage house as its far more peaceful than the main house
The ghosts overhear the hotel idea when Stacey and Neil are talking about it and they are not too pleased with it. So they try to haunt them so they'll leave, but ultimately fail.
Then either Gideon or Todd, come across Stacey leaning out the window and decide to push her in an another attempt to get them to leave which in turn, almost kills her. Because of this, now Stacey can see ghosts and forms a close friendship with them. Neil, like Mike and I assume Jay in bbc and cbs ghosts respectively, will have a collage of what they all look like since he cannot see them.
So yeah that's my idea so far! I’m still tweaking things but I’m happy with this rn. I’ll definitely make art for it at some point (and if people want it, an ask blog). Feel free to also suggest some ideas for this au if you have any :]
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siobhanroygirl · 2 years
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ronancebyler · 4 days
Jargyle headcanons?
the usual heads up of i might mention past jonathan ships/character friendships and also canon is a mere suggestion for me to do whatever I want so if some of these contradict each other shut up <3
they/them pronouns for argyle, he/she/they pronouns for Jonathan (if you see me using other pronoun hcs in other posts keep your mouth shut /lh)
argyle falls first jonathan falls harder <3
when it comes to things like this argyle doesnt really notice when they fall, it's just a small and slow buildup of feeling until one day they're sitting next to Jonathan and they realize. it doesn't feel like it hits them more than it feels like a flip switched. like something they've been feeling and aware of feeling for quite a while and they just put a word to it so it isn't very panic inducing
argyles demiromantic and Jonathan is gray aro
jonathan it hits all at once. it is fucking insane how intense it is. his feeling has obviously building up for a while too but she hasn't had the subconscious awareness that argyle had. they've been aware of their nwlnw identity for quite a while (unlabeled) but they also have never liked someone where if theyre getting into a relationship, to be honest about it, she has to come out
like he's forced to be vulnerable about a potentially dangerous identity to be honest, and he's really not into that
like with nancy they at least could tell people they were together and let them assume that this was a cishet relationship even though they weren't really a man
but to tell family and friends and anyone about this, she had to come out
when having this panic was so worried about this that in that night at like 4 am she suddenly had the realization that "oh my god argyle might not like me back"
but immediately squashed that with "even if they don't it really doesnt matter because theyre understanding and chill enough i wont lose this friendship"
meanwhile argyle is literally giving him heart eyes waiting for them to confess
jonathan confesses because argyle realized quickly and unobtrusively and realized it was probably reciprocated, but didnt want to confess before jonathan had time and energy to do self reflection on her own
so their relationship continued with not much change. very gabriel and Beelzebub vibes from good omens, quite, gentle, and romantic but never with big displays. just contentment with hanging out with your buddy that you like kissing for as long as they want (i should probably give hcs instead of just outlining how they get together)
argyle does jonathans hair every day
argyle is also who convinced jonathan to grow it out because pretty
argyle is very close to el and will, and gets to hear about their silly little love stories, they find it adorable
"argyleeee, mike brought me flowers! i mean, he fell over when he gave it to me, but I thought it was cute" "argyleeee, max and lucas asked me out and I don't know what to wear!"
they're not the touchiest couple but they're somehow still one of the softest, just living in each others presence all the time
(quality time love language)
double dates with ronance because I said so
jonathan is best friends with both of them and argyle nancy friendship matters to me very much so it makes sense
they know about every previous crush the other has had because they're both deeply unjealous
neither of them have liked many people before the other anyways so it doesn't bother either that much
jonathan liked steve and then nancy, argyle liked their best friend when they were like eight
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tal-vez-o-quizas · 1 year
We always discuss how badly El needed a female friend (she got Max), how Nancy needed a female friend (now she has Robin) but why do we never discuss how badly Steve needs a friend that is around his same age?
Sure, Steve's friends with Dustin and is very close to Robin (he's the only person that knows she's a lesbian) but imagine Steve becoming friends with Jonathan?
That would be so beautiful, poetic and it will literally kill two birds with one stone: Steve gets a male friend closer to his age group, he bonds with Jonathan, they both see how great each other are as a person and regardless of what happens with Nancy, more character development ensues and everyone is gonna love to see those two interact.
It's a win-win situation!
That's how we get Stonathan.
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robinswise · 11 months
Leave your love and your longing behind
Stonathan ficlet
"Shit-" Jonathan cursed under his breath, using the palm of his left hand to wipe tears from his eyes.
There was a searing pain in his right hand, a pain he had felt a few times before, but never knew who was causing it until now.
The attention of everyone at the party was turned to him - or at least it felt like everyone.
"Jonathan?" Nancy stepped forward, letting go of Steves hand, causing the pain to subside "Jonathan are you alright?"
Jonathan looked up at Nancy through teary eyes, and simply nodded "yeah-" his voice was hoarse "yeah I'm ok"
He looked around, noticing the people staring, and readjusted his gaze to Nancy, who looked like she saw right through his lie.
"I uhm..." He looked down at his shoes "am just tired, I'm gonna head home" he spun around on his heel, and pushed his way through the people to the door, not stopping to hear Nancy respond.
When he got to his car, the pain came back, it felt like his hand was being burned. The tears began to flow down his face once again. He pulled the car door open, practically throwing himself inside.
It was probably around midnight when he got home, he couldn't care less though, his mom and brother weren't home anyways.
The pain was gone at that point, he sat on the couch and pulled his knees to his chest, he knew it would come back eventually.
He looked down at his right palm, a small mark right in the center.
Sometimes he wished to cut it off of his hand, maybe it would make the pain stop.
It didn't take long for the pain to return, somehow knowing who his soulmate was made it worse.
Jonathan didn't cry much, not even when the pain happened before, maybe it was because he was drunk, although he barely even drank one beer, or maybe it was because he didn't love his soulmate.
Really, he didn't want Nancy to be his soulmate, he wanted someone else, someone like Steve...no, just Steve really.
The pain receded, and after waiting for what felt like hours, he figured it had stopped for the night, and he fell asleep on the couch.
He woke up at around 8 in the morning, his phone buzzing lightly on the coffee table in front of him.
He picked it up and immediately saw a text from Nancy
'Hey Jonathan, I'm coming over'
Shit, he knew what this meant.
Nancy must've known. She must've known that they were soulmates.
Jonathan was hoping she wouldn't realize.
About an hour later, he heard a knock at the front door, Nancy, no doubt.
He debated pretending not to be home, but he knew she saw his car.
He pulled himself to the door, opening it slowly. Sure enough, it was Nancy.
Before he could even speak, she grabbed his hand, pushing their soulmate marks together, he furrowed his eyebrows "what are you doing?" He asked, pulling his hand away "I need to know" she responded. 'Need to know what?' He wanted to ask, but he figured he already knew.
"We're soulmates, right?" She asked, looking down at his hand, which now hung as his side.
"I think so" he breathed, his voice quiet.
"I thought Steve was my soulmate" she admitted.
'I wish he was mine' he wanted to say, but he knew he shouldn't
"What now?" He asked, crossing his arms. "I guess.." Her voice trailed off "I break up with Steve?"
Nancy knocked on Steve's front door, and Jonathan stood awkwardly next to her.
Steve looked upset when he opened the door, not just upset, angry.
"Are you cheating on me?" Steve looked between Nancy and Jonathan "I felt it Nancy!" He sounded exasperated "It hurt like hell" he laughed humorously, tears pricking at his eyes.
Nancy looked confused "but...Jonathan is my soulmate" she grabbed Steves hand, pushing their palms together.
Jonathan squeezed his eyes shut, the pain in his palm catching him off guard, why did Nancy do that?
Nancy let go of Steves hand, and nodded "I think we got this wrong"
She grabbed them both by the wrists and put their hands together, earning a small yelp from Jonathan.
"No pain" she whispered, mostly to herself.
Both of their eyes widened "Jonathan is my soulmate...?" Steves voice was quiet, Jonathan thought it sounded almost hopeful, but it was probably his imagination.
"I'm gonna walk home" Nancy smiled, a sad but genuine mix of emotions showing on her face, as she walked away. Steve and Jonathan were both to shocked to debate with her.
Jonathan was staring at Steve, their hands still pressed together, Steve smiled sheepishly "we should uh" he pulled his hand away "probably go inside"
Jonathan nodded, following Steve into his living room.
"I'm sorry" Steve sighed, sitting down on the couch. "For what?" Jonathan asked, sitting next to him. He thought he probably knew why, but he had forgiven him forever ago.
"For everything" he gestured at Jonathan vaguely. "For being an asshole, for that fight in the alleyway" Steve was listing things on his fingers as he spoke "for accusing you of stealing my girlfriend less then 5 minutes ago"
"Most teenage boys are assholes" Jonathan responded, wanting to defuse the situation "and I won the fight anyways"
This earned him a quiet laugh from Steve. His laugh was nice when it wasn't mocking people.
The situation really hit him then "you're my soulmate..." Jonathan stated, more to himself then to Steve. "I'm your soulmate" he confirmed, looking down at his palm.
"Listen man.." Steve sighed, leaning back so that his head rested against the back of the couch "I really don't know how to feel about this"
Jonathan hummed in response, adjusting his position to mirror Steve's.
"I just, I don't know" Steve ran a hand through his hair "I never really saw myself with a guy..."
"I get that" Jonathan nodded "I'm not sure how to feel either"
'That's a lie' he thought, but maybe it wasn't, liking someone doesn't mean you have to want a relationship right?
"Lets try to be friends" Steve smiled "Like, real friends"
Jonathan liked that idea.
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toburnup · 10 months
thoughts on trans steve? fem or masc or nb, idrc I just love all of your takes lol
i like trans steve! i mean, i like most iterations of steve in general, but anything that plays around with his gender is fun. i enjoy seeing the fanart. i have distant memories of a trans!steve stonathan fic that i really liked but now i'm like ?? was that real. i hope so.
i don't think i have any real take here other than I Like. i can't say i've read many trans!steve steddie fics or anything, though.
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sparrowin · 2 years
i love steve more than life but the scene where jonathan beats the shit out of him in the alley will always be one of the most satisfying ( hot ) scenes in the entire series
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kneworder · 6 months
i really don't mind st*ddie and i do read it but i won't pretend i don't kind of resent the way it's made the stoncy ao3 tag almost exclusively porn and hard AUs like i miss when the steve ship that everyone who also hated the racist guy was writing good plot heavy fic about was the one i was rabid about 😔
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n0isetanks · 2 years
I saw your post about infamously well written stonathan fics and i was wondering if you had any fic recs? also i’m so grateful that you still make stonathan content, i keep seeing steddie everywhere and although it’s cute it’s no stonathan lmao
honestly it makes me really happy knowing people like my stuff because sometimes it feels like i'm speaking into the void. i feel the exact same way abt the ship too, i like the art and some interactions and whatnot but, eh! as for the stonathan fics, oh boy, i'm going to be real i haven't picked up a stonathan fic since 2018 and they were all multi chapter ones that haven't updated in ages if i recall.
i feel like every stonathan fan and their mom has read these ones but farewell transmissions & farewell transmissions redux are the ones i recently read and found myself enjoying. they're probably the ones i see talked about the most nowadays. check them out and also make sure to look at what the writers for those has to offer, they're stil publishing stuff i think!!!
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emily-mooon · 1 year
Ask me random questions!
I don’t have any sort of prompt that you can follow as I have tried looking for one that doesn’t ask personal questions. I will give some examples.
You can ask me what my favourite food is, era of fashion I like, details about my other interests that I mentioned in my pinned post, my thoughts on random characters, how I got into my favourite ships, what I used to ship, my favourite fanfic at the moment, etc.
I don’t want questions about my personal life asked as I would like to keep it private. All you need to know is my name and pronouns (which are in my about).
So ask away in my ask box!
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vanweezer · 8 months
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alphabet-soup-3 · 2 years
"you're really pretty" he whispered, it had to be a whisper because they could hear him if he spoke louder so he kept quiet because if he was loud it would all shatter. "Your beading everywhere," ah so he wasn't as quiet as he thought. "Now is hardly a time for romance" the other's not mad, that's good maybe he can push a little further and- "now is the perfect time for romance"
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