#stone cold steve austin x reader
90s-suplex · 28 days
this clip rewired my brain
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judgementdaysunshine · 11 months
Can i ask for a Stone Cold Fic using prompt 43. "I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you" please
Texas heart
Pairing: Stone Cold x Fem reader
Description: Steve gets emotional after the two of you go home from the ER when you get injured
Warning: Swearing, emotions, and fluff
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Ringing fills your ears as you groan in pain after a beatdown by Stephanie McMahon and Triple H after your match against Ivory rolling out of the ring. You notice the duo following you as you walk up the ramp very injured yelling as stephanie grabs you by your hair until Lita knocks steph down gasping for air as triple h grabs you by your throat until a familiar voice speaks "You better put my woman down you son of a bitch" triple h drops you halfway off the ramp breathing heavily as Chris Jericho helps you backstage while Steve and lita take care of the couple as your checked out in the medical room leading to an ambulance being called hearing footsteps in the hallway as your laid on the stretcher holding steve's hand tightly while being put in the ambulance and the whole way to the hospital waiting anxiously as your checked out by doctors until he was allowed to be with you feeling relieved that the only thing you had was a black eye, bruises, sprained ankle and a dislocated elbow holding you tightly and carefully in his arms. Finally the two of you arrive at home after another hour of being in the hospital before being discharged, you felt upset that you would be out for a little while but you knew that steve would make sure that the helmsleys knew to never mess with you ever again "Baby you okay?" you nod as steve gives you water and pain relievers as you watch tv in bed laying your head on his shoulder before he slowly moves you to his lap with your head on his chest and good arm wrapped around him seeing tears brimmed in his eyes "Honey hey look at me" he looks down at you as he tries to keep things together caressing his face "I thought you were gonna be killed" his emotion filled voice shattered your heart seeing him so emotional when he was usually stoic but he couldn't handle if something ever happened to you "I don't know what I would do if something happened to you" you kiss him sweetly before he's holding you with his chin on your head.
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aritamargarita · 4 months
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we are so back its not even funny.…chat put W’s and 1’s in the chat. also if u catch this on ao3 im trying to fix the spacing it just ruined everything omg. (I FIXED IT)
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WITH NEW RESURGENCE of WCW wrestlers, the WWF has a brand new problem on their hands. Under pressure, Vince decides to create the Invasion pay-per-view, an entire show dedicated to WWF vs WCW. In turn, Shane initiates your undercover plan. Oh, and Trish Stratus also gives you a proper thank you for helping her out. Lita isn't too welcoming, though. Matt isn’t either..
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All of you had heard the announcement of Invasion just this morning. Supposedly, you and your team would fight the WWF next month, culminating in a winner-takes-all match.
You figure Shane was making his calls to let everyone know. You wouldn't be surprised if you were the first to know it, but it's unbelievable. Is the WWF challenging you guys? The answer is yes, but you know they will lose that battle.
This may have been the beginning of the end for that company, and nothing brings you more joy than seeing it crumble beneath your feet. Vince must've felt incredibly pressured by WCW. Dare you say, he felt threatened if he was going as far as making an entire show dedicated to this.
Supposedly, no one knew the entire card yet. The only thing Shane knew was that one of those matches would be Team WWF vs. Team WCW and that he needed extra time to prep everyone for it.
There's an inevitable group meeting to be called; you're sure of it. You don't mind being there one bit. You have to ensure your fellow wrestlers are pumped up with a pep talk before going out there.
Hell, you might even have your own match! So exciting. The only person you could think of them pitting you against is Lita, which you didn't mind at all.
"[Name], your hands are shaking."
Torrie's speaking pulls you out of your thoughts, and you bring up your hands to look at them.
You are shaking, and you find it incredibly hard to stop, as much as you try to will your body to.
"Ooh, you are!" She exclaims, looking over you again. "Like, really bad."
The black leathery couch creaks as you shift in your spot. You two were hanging out backstage at the next show, just as Shane requested.
There's gotta be something else you could do instead of sitting around like this. You wish you could run some interference, but as of tonight, you're trying to get into Team WWF's good graces.
You grimace at the thought. That is NOT your company, nor will it ever be. It even feels wrong to think that you belong to them.
You try to twist and turn one of your hands, but you're still jittering. "Sorry." You quickly apologize. "No idea why I can't stop."
When Torrie says absolutely nothing, you turn over to her. It's like she's examining you, but the awed look on her face is starting to agitate you.
She exhaled sharply and pointed a finger at you with a smile. "I get it now! You're nervous!" She exclaims.
"No," You're quickly denying it. "I'm cold, that's all. There's a draft in this room. I don't know how you're not cold with what you're wearing." You motion to her red jumpsuit cut in possibly the most revealing way ever.
"What's wrong with this?" She asks, looking down at herself. "If we want to get contracts, we'll have to make some sacrifices."
The first thing you say is: "…Ew." And although you mutter out an apology, you still find the implication gross.
 "Anyway," Torrie moves on. "You know there's nothing to worry about. Shane has everything under control!"
"Under control?" You jump out of your seat. "Invasion is next month! We have no idea what they're gonna put on the card. I don't think any of us has control over it, WWF does!"
Whenever you get wound up like that, Torrie would always back off to let you cool off. You'd generally sort it by your lonesome. But with how you're acting this go-around, it seemed like you need her intervention today.
"It's okay! That's why we're here." She reminded. She stands up to look you right in the eye. "To figure out what they're up to."
At first, you don't say anything. All you do is look back at Torrie. She gives you an expectant look, and you suck your teeth in response.
"I know." You say. "It's—"
You two are startled by the door slamming open, nearly falling off its hinges. You can hear Vince McMahon's voice from the outside, which makes you stand on guard.
Two men enter the room instead. They look around, turn the room upside down, move chairs, and look behind some plants.
Could Vince not come in himself? Too cowardly to come in? What a pansy.
A camera follows in right behind them, and you get the notion that you're on live TV. You can't hear it, but the crowd cheers at you and Torrie's appearance.
Torrie instinctively hides behind you. In turn, you do your best to stand strong. You try not to show your nervousness, crossing your arms so that you can hide your hands.
The two men in here were still turning the entire room upside down in search of something. You're not happy that these guys are ruining your "unassigned-assigned" room.
"Excuse me! Are you looking for something?" You finally say.
They freeze in tandem, and one looks at you in realization. They didn't care about your presence at all, huh? "Get in here!" One of the men yells out. "That's the girl with Booker T!"
With those words, Vince McMahon himself storms right into the room. You push Torrie even further behind you when he enters.
"Where the hell is Booker T?!" He gives the room a once over and then turns toward you. "You! You would know! Where is he?!"
"…. He's not here." You answer. The sound of shuffling makes you turn your head to the right. One of the men decided to toss your bag across the floor. "Hey! Watch it, that's mine! What the hell is wrong with you?" 
He slowly turns around. "What?"
"You heard me! "Whoever this guy was, your patience was already running thin. "Don't you have any manners? Pick it up!"
"I'm not picking that damn thing up." He says. Now that you get a better look at him, he looks exactly like the figure you saw at WWF New York.
If your memory serves you correctly, this is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Who just threw your very expensive bag on the floor?
The other guy with medals around his neck leans down and picks it up instead. "Here you go." He reaches it out toward you.
"Kurt, what the hell are you doing?!" He yelled. "She's a WCW girl! You [Name]?"
"Oh." Kurt falters, then drops your bag right onto the floor. Again.
"That's me, yeah." Though you confirm your identity, you feel exasperated. The crowd can't help but laugh. "…Please." You beg. "STOP DROPPING MY BAG." You kneel to pick it up and gently place it on the couch behind you. This time, they won't throw it around as if it had no value.
After that whole debacle, the question remains. "Well, where is he?" Vince asks. You narrow your eyes at him.
It takes everything, and you mean everything, not to insult him. It's all too easy to beat everyone up with a makeshift weapon and leave with Torrie for the rest of the night.
"You didn't hear me before? I said, I don't know." You repeat. "Maybe you should open up your ears, ol—"
"W-We don't know, Mr. McMahon!" Torrie cuts you off quickly. It's for the best. "You see, we're so glad you came here. Our contracts are expiring, and we were looking for something new."
You're sure that they were suspicious. After you attacked Lita, you weren't sure they'd go through with her idea. Torrie, sure. You already know she'll get in because she wasn't guilty, and newsflash: she's also attractive.
You, you're not sure. Obviously, you're attractive, but you may have ruined your chance by jumping on Lita like that. You decide to decorate your white lie with another.
"I just don't want to be a leader. I was told to do that to Lita, and I feel horrible. I don't want to be involved with WCW." You kick up your act to 100 by forcing tears to spring to your eyes, which sells it more. "Shane may even fire me for talking to you…"
"That's what you get when you deal with those classless WCW folk," Kurt snidely remarked, shaking his head. "Am I right, fellas?"
Vince and Austin look at each other for a moment, then nod their heads. Then, Kurt turns to you with his hand out.
"Hi, [Name]. Nice to meet you. I'm Kurt Angle, Olympic gold medalist." He reaches his hand out for you to shake, and you use your non-wet hand to shake it. Sorry about your bag." 
Guess an apology is a good way to start.
"Hello. It's fine." You shake his hand quickly and then return to your sob story. "I guess you're right. That company is classless." 
Torrie rubs your shoulder. "It's okay. It's okay, [Name]." She then turns to Vince. "Will you consider it?"
He's still not convinced. "And you are…..?"
She fills in the blank for him. "Torrie Wilson. From WCW. We would be so honored to work with you."
'We?' You think. Torrie must've been taking French classes. 
Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Seeing as no one's jumping out at them, all three men relax at her words.
"I might be able to tell you where I think he is." When you say that, all three men perk up toward you.
Torrie looks alarmed but quickly calms down in fear of getting caught. You try to reassure her by patting the hand she kept on your shoulder.
"My only request is that you consider hiring us when our contracts go down the drain."
Honestly, you don't know where Booker T is, but you still try to compromise to get in good with them.
"Alright then. I'll do it. But Torrie, it's good to meet you. Very, very good." Vince was clearly trying to make moves on your blonde friend. "Maybe this weekend, dinner?"
Before Torrie can respond, you're quick to answer him. " We," You emphasize, "—can meet you at the show. No dinner, sorry. I don't think we'll be hungry."
Austin is pleased to hear it. "That sounds good. We don't need her. Then we'll go to dinner, Vince. I'll clear my schedule."
Kurt immediately jumps on the bandwagon. "Me too. I'll be there."
Austin shakes his head. "…We don't need you."
You clear your throat, making everyone look at you. "If you wanna know, I'm 99% sure Booker T is somewhere in the locker rooms. He could be looking for you guys like you're looking for him."
You can see them get all hyped up at your reveal, so you hope that was the push so they can get the fuck out of here.
Kurt is the only one who thanks you; he mutters it while vigorously shaking your hand one last time.
And thankfully, it was the push. They weren't sticking around for too long. At the very least, the three bid you and Torrie a quick goodnight and bolted out the door.
It must be important to find him. It's too bad you pointed them in the wrong direction. You knew that he wasn't anywhere near the stadium yet.
The more they looked, the more they wouldn't expect his appearance. They'll think he's not there at all, and the next time they're defenseless…WHAM! They won't see it coming!
God, you need to find a way to top that. Booker T is beating you in that department! You pray that Shane wouldn't actually get rid of you because you weren't performing up to standard.
You've got this. All you have to do is start plotting in your hotel room. You won't ask Shane what he thinks should be done. You'll spring the idea on him instead.
You wipe the crocodile tears, swiping a few fingers under your eye to not smudge the makeup you had on. Torrie walks over to the door and peeks out to ensure they're gone. She gently closes the door behind her afterward.
"When they came in, you looked like you were about to scream." She says.
You snicker. "I wish I could tell you how uncomfortable that entire exchange made me. Starting from pretending I'm something I'm not to that McMahon being around making me gag."
"I could've handled it myself." She starts. "But I still appreciate you saying something. We definitely wouldn't have gotten those contracts if you said anything more than that."
Yes, sometimes you could say some crazy things, but it's not always your intention to! Things tend to slip out of your mouth. You're just speaking your truth…
People have told you before that you like to speak about what's on your mind. Whether that was bad or good was always left to your interpretation.
"Pretty much. Anyway, we should split up." You suggest. "I'm going to try to apologize to Lita. Maybe I can find other people in the meantime."
"Oooh, you're finally deciding to make friends! Now you don't need to bother me and Stacy anymore." Torrie teased.
"I'm not gonna be friends with anyone in here!" You clarify. Seriously, you wouldn't be caught dead hanging with someone from here. "Besides, you guys love me and would get jealous of seeing me with anyone else."
She smiles at you. "Hmm, we get jealous? I'll have to get back to you on that."
You try to stay in your itty bitty circle for the most part, but you have no qualms about hanging out with coworkers.
Now, people from the WWF? No way. You don't think they could replicate the charm that the others had. Sure, people like Sting would stare creepily at you as you played chess. That was neat, but you can't beat him to this day!
You learn things, too. People like Randy Savage would yell at you and tell you to raise your voice to present yourself better. Fun!
And then you had people like Mona, who was friendly and calm. She's given you advice many times. It was a change of pace from the energetic characters you surrounded yourself with. 
You think there's no competition.
You move past Torrie and open the door, peaking your head down the hallway. There is someone not too far away. It's not Kurt, Vince, or Austin. It's someone else.
He's blonde, and he's holding something almost obnoxiously large. From this distance, it's safe to assume it's a trophy.
You retreat into the room. "And just like that, I already see my first target. How about I meet you back here when the show's over?"
"Fine with me." She agreed. "You know, I saw a Friday's on Time Square. Do you want to go after the show? Oh, oh, and who was it at the door?"
"I don't see why not." You don't mind hanging out. Not one bit. "And I think you're asking the wrong person. I can tell he's not a part of our team. He was blonde, and I think he was holding a trophy. No clue who that is. I need Shane to run me down on these people. I only know Trish, Lita, Matt, and the Big Show from him. I think I know the commentators, too?"
Shane was only telling you important information, so you figured these other randoms were less important to be known by you.
"Oooh, he's blonde?" Torrie's got that knowing sound in her voice, and you groan. "That's totally your type, [Name]. Everyone backstage used to say that you loved the blondes."
You look at her incredulously. "You're joking." Because she had to be. Who would even say that? It's not your fault that 80% of your friends had that hair color.
"Hehe. Yeah, I am. Wait, come here! If you want his attention, you've gotta oil up the good bits! Also, I think you need to wear something else!" Torrie exclaimed, dashing over to her bag.
Nuh-uh. No way. Not this time. She will NOT make you her Barbie doll again. You let the woman recommend clothes to you once and now she thinks she's your stylist!
"Torrie, what the hell do you mean oil up?! Leave me alone!" You exclaim. "I've gotta get this guy before he leaves!"
She's got the bottle in her hands, shooting you a pout. "Fine. But can't you lift your shirt just a little so that—"
"If you say anything else, I swear to god I will get you." You threaten, pointing a finger at her.
She backs off, holding her hands up to you. "Touchy!"
Saying nothing else to her, you open the door and walk down the hallway to approach this stranger.
You remember to keep a puzzled look on your face, then look around the room, all confused. The more ditzy you act, the more men will feel inclined to help you.
You let out an aggravated sigh, which is the one thing that caught his attention. He shifts the trophy in his hand to take a better look at you and then takes a few steps back in alarm.
"Woah, rogue WCW woman spotted. Don't attack me." He says. "I'm armed." He holds out the trophy to you warily, then pokes your stomach with one of the tiny metal prongs of the trophy.
"Ow—not a threat!" As plastic as those prongs were, they hurt like hell.  You feign panic, throwing your hands up. "I'm not a threat. I was just looking for someone! I want to tell Lita I'm sorry. Have you seen her?"
He's not sold at all, considering you cracked her head open the other day. "You want to say you're sorry? Listen, I don't care how tempting you are, I won't fall for whatever you've got going on. You're gonna try and take her out!"
This guy may have got the wrong idea. You're not into seducing him. Not yet, anyway.
"Thank you," You accept the compliment. "I, and probably you, have no idea what you're going on about." He may be in his head about you. "I'm only here to make amends because my contract may expire. I'll be out of work and out of a leader spot in no time."
They'd have to pry you from Shane's cold, dead hands. You don't have a choice but to hold onto the lie that your contract is ending soon.
"That sucks." He outright says, using a hand to comb through the top of his hair. "Uh, I mean, I'm sorry to hear that." He genuinely did seem apologetic, so he may be falling for it.
You’re still trying to be nice. "I'm [Name], but with you knowing what I did to Lita, you might already know."
"Yeah," He nods. "People've been talking about you beating up Lita. They're wondering what they're gonna do now. You're kinda gutsy for even showing up tonight. I'm Edge." He feels it's only fitting for him to introduce himself back, but it's easy to see that he's hesitant.
You smile anyway. Your following words are honeyed when you speak them. "Hi, Edge. Good to meet you. I'm gonna remind you that I mean no harm, seriously. After I talk to Lita, I'll even leave the arena. Are you sure you don't know where she is?"
"Lita.." Edge repeats, looking away from you for a second. "She might be with the Hardy Boys. I'm pretty sure."
It's part of a confession, making you think he had been holding back due to his suspicion.
"Hardy Boys, huh? Ah, do you know where catering is?" You ask. "I got so lost, completely forgot how big the Garden is." It's an exaggeration, but you should get some directions while you're at it.
…This is partly because you're hungry too.
Will the WWF's food hold its own against WCW catering? You need to put it to the test. You won't lie; your company had some of the best food by far.
It's not like you could put anything else to the test anyway. You hadn't even gotten a chance to get started on those local circuits because you took the chance and signed up for the Powerplant instead. It may have been too early, but it's gotten you far enough to be handed that beautiful contract.
It's not like you minded, you practically grew up watching it with relatives. Calling home with the exciting news was returned with happiness and playful jealousy.
Edge turns and points down the hallway. "Should it be that way to your left? Could be wrong, so don't come back trying to attack me."
You wave him off. "I won't. I think I'll give you a suplex. How does that sound to you?"
"I think I'd be the one doing that to you, [Name]." He countered. "You look pretty easy to carry."
"Edge! Been lookin' for you, man. Where'd you go?" Another voice makes you turn around to see yet another blonde man with goggles approaching you, and you fight the urge to throw your arms up in exasperation.
Maybe Torrie was right. You're not beating the blonde-lover allegations. You're losing… she's winning!! You hate it!
He looks over toward you, eyeing you up and down. Then he comes closer to Edge, muttering something else. "Who's that?"
"[Name], this is Christian, my brother." Edge introduces. "Christian, this is [Name]."
Brother, huh?
Christian looks between the two of you incredulously, then settles his eyes on Edge. "Wait, this is the chick that—"
The both of you say the end at the very same time. "…smashed Lita's head into the ground." You already knew it was coming. "Yes. That's me."
"Guess it's obvious then." He snickered.
"I may have done it, but it wasn't my intention." For a second, you pause because it was. There's no way it was just a freak accident. "It wasn't my intention to make her my enemy." You correct. "All I wanted to do was say sorry about it. It was all a misunderstanding on my end. Maybe we can work together against WCW."
You're trying your best to present yourself as a charity case towards them, and they, along with the others, are taking the easy bait.
He's not as apologetic as Edge was, but Christian still shakes his finger at you. "Work together, eh? You know what? She could help us, Edge. Those Hardy's, you know we've been feuding since 1999."
He then turns to you. "[Name], it's a big thing."
"What was the last time we won, last month?" Edge asks.
Christian takes a second to think about it and then replies. "Yeah, man. It was us and Rhyno. Eddie tagged along with them. Then we lost to him and Jeff. Remember?"
"Yep. Something happened every time." Edge reminisces about those matches. "We won that first one, sure, but Lita kept getting in the way."
"Exactly." Christian's leading up to something with this. "I hate to say it, but they've got us beat, man. We never got someone to deal with Lita, and she's done that hurricanrana crap to both of us! That's what usually messes us up." Christian continued to explain.
"If we have her…" Edge vigorously nods his head, waving his finger back at him. "I see where you're going with this man."
This was perfect! You swear you'd kiss Christian if you could. He's got you right where you need to be for the most part. A smile grows on Edge's face. "She can get rid of Lita! Dude, you're like, genius level of genius."
Genius level of genius? That’s original.
Christian takes that trophy out of Edge's hands for some reason. He snugly adjusts it in his arms, holding it as if he wouldn't let go.
Neither you nor Edge question it; they are more interested in getting rid of those Hardy Boys once and for all.
Well, you're only partly in on their fantasy. You had no idea how their feud went! The only question you have to ask is, "Are you guys going to be able to get us on the card for that?"
"You don't have to worry about that, [Name]. As the King of the Ring winner, I'll make sure it gets done!" Edge exclaims.
Aha! No wonder he had that trophy. It makes sense, but you're not sure how big of an achievement it was. As long as it got you on the card, you're good.
"Commissioner Regal is a real pain. Are you sure you're gonna be able to do it, dude?" Christian asks. "You know, it's always the Brits. He acts like he's got a stick up his ass."
"Don't worry about it. Me and you will go into his office." Edge pats his shoulder. "We'll get that match in no time."
You're down. "Okay then. You guys tell me when we go. I'll be ready. Edge, you said catering was down that way, right?"
He gives you a thumbs up, and you say goodbye. Maybe you'll see them more in the future, especially since you're teaming up now.
You turn your head behind you and see they're still watching you go. You decide to give them one final wave for real. Before you get to catering, you wait until you're a reasonable distance to pull out your phone and dial Shane up.
It's a quick detour, hitting a sharp left in the hallway. You're met with another room nearby, a gift from whatever god was out there, the janitor's closet.
It would be better to finish the call there, wouldn't it? No curious eyes, no listeners. It'll just be you. 
Your paranoia starts to spike because you're already peeking around the corner to see if anyone's there. The coast may be clear, but you won't take your chances. Closet it is.
You've already got your phone in your hand as you open the door. The only thing that would keep you company now were the cleaning supplies lined up on the shelves. 
You're already dialing Shane up once you close the door behind you. Most of your paranoia has subsided after closing it, and you keep your hand on the doorknob to ensure that no one else opens it to interrupt you.
Your back is turned, but what more should you be afraid of? Those mops and brooms? If anyone saw you going in, you'd say you needed some fresh air alone. Something like that.
"I wasn't expecting any company."
"My god!" You instinctively yell, jumping out of your skin. Goddamn it! Why would anyone be in the dark, in the janitor's closet of all places?! Your hand reaches for the light switch, flipping it on as soon as your fingers land on it. 
Just your luck. You walk into a squatter's home. You turn behind you to see a man sitting before you, slumped over with his curly hair falling in front of his eyes. "[Name], isn't it?"
Your hand is still on the doorknob. Would it be wrong to say you don't think you can leave yet? He knows your name. You're still alert. "Um, maybe. Why in the hell are you in here alone?" Other than being a total creep.
"Doing drugs. You want?"
He offers it to you so casually! You're taken aback, and it takes you a minute to reply. "No!"
"Relax, I'm joking. You're not a cop, are you? All I am here for is the silence. It's the only thing I can ever find peace of mind in." He says. 
You look at him and nod. "Right. Yeah. Okay. Well, this was all an accident. I have a really important call, so I'm gonna have to leave. Although a word of advice, maybe some pink would be good for your decor."
You're turning away from him, but he's saying something else the next thing you know.
"WCW shouldn't be alone in this fight. We need to take this company down. The WWF is fated to fall."
He makes you turn back around curiously. This may not be a squatter after all; he knows about WCW.
"Who exactly are you?"
As soon as you ask that question, the phone picks up. Shane's voice is loudly on the speaker, "Hello, [Name]? Are you alright?"
You immediately hold the phone to your ear. "What? Yeah. I'm fine. Can I call you back?"
"It's good to know it’s actually your name," the man says, setting his hands on his ankles to stand up from his spot. "Don't hang up now. The show's just starting." He comes closer to you, and you're already trying to hit buttons on your phone for some privacy.
"Don't suppose that's Shane McMahon on the phone? Let me talk to him. We're close. Real close." There's supposed to be excitement in his voice, yet it's delivered to you in the most monotone way possible.
"No, you can't talk to him! I mean, it's not Shane!" You try to cover your tracks, holding out your hand to him. "I have to go, so go do your drugs or whatever you were up to."
He doesn't leave you alone, instead reaching over and snatching the phone out of your hands. He lifts the phone in the air so you can't reach it, then turns away.
"Shane, can you hear me?" He asks, pulling the phone closer to his mouth. "Remember me?"
There's silence at first, and then Shane's voice comes from the phone. "Oh! Hey, Scotty! How're you doing?" You're in complete disbelief.
"You know this guy?!" You exclaim. "Shane, are you pranking me right now?!"
"I don't go by that anymore. It's Raven now. I'll be the first to tell you that ECW wants in. We've seen what's been going on."
"ECW as in Extreme Championship Wrestling?" Do they really want in? Any help is good, and it'd be two against one. You're not entirely against the idea. "Wait, give me my phone back! This isn't for you!"
"You're with [Name] right now?"
"Yeah. She's pretty aggressive. It goes to show what kind of women you surround yourself with, Shane." He comments.
"Who in the world told you that?" You ask, ignoring his snide remark. "Are you ECW's leader or something? I bet you don't have as much authority as I do."
"Okay, okay. There's no need to fight, guys." Shane is trying to be a peacemaker, doing his best to ease any tension. "Raven, if you can clue Paul Heyman in, we can discuss this in more detail in person. My invitation is extended to you, but I need to speak with [Name] for now. We can't proceed unless I talk with her first."
Thank god Shane was on your side. You can't fight the cheeky smile as you expectantly hold your hand out.
"Fine. I'll be the person to spread the message to him. The sooner, the better. Besides, no one wants to keep this outdated Nokia anyway." The sarcasm in his voice is the first emotion you've heard from him.
And you groan in response. For the love of god! Everyone needs to leave the Nokia alone! Raven begrudgingly hands it over and turns over to the door.
You'd think he'd say something else to you, but he only gives you one last glance before leaving.
"And stay out!" You yell behind him, slamming your palm onto the door.
"It's a pleasure to hear your voice, [Name]," Shane says. "I'm assuming you didn't just call me for some casual conversation before you were interrupted. What's going on?"
"Right, right. Before, I was so rudely interrupted." You say. "I ran into this guy Edge and his brother, Christian. They wanted me to team up with them to get rid of Lita. I figured it was a good opportunity to get myself out there. I'm also on my way to apologize to her after I finish talking to you. Is that alright?"
"Is what alright? You apologizing? I was the one that recommended you should—"
"No, no, that I'm even here. You called me a part of your dream team. Torrie told them our contracts were expiring soon. I played off that, but any smart person wouldn't get rid of their leader that fast. I don't want them to doubt me." At the end, you let out a sharp sigh.
Thanks to your explanations, no one's questioning you, but it's pretty easy to get caught up in a lie you tell.
"You worry a lot!" He laughs again, and you furrow your brows. "It'll be fine. A lot of those wrestlers aren't smarter than a bag of rocks. Trust me, I know this for a fact. My father's not any smarter. He has no idea what's coming to him, especially with ECW possibly helping us."
Talk about throwing people under the bus. It seems Shane's pretty relentless when it comes to his old employees. You're just glad you're not on the receiving end. Shane's been here longer than you, so you have no choice but to believe him.
However, you still feel hesitant. "Are you really sure?"
"How about this, then. I keep Torrie so she and Stacy can feud with Trish and Lita; you continue to play nice with the WWF since you're already there. You let them think that you're working your way to betray us when, in actuality, you're going to betray them."
Keeping Torrie after she told them that your contracts were expiring? That would be risky, along with you slotting into the roster. But you'll try and conform to it. "Okay, okay." You agree. "I think I can do that."
"Have some faith in me." It's like he can sense your hesitation. "More importantly, have some faith in yourself, [Name]. Was that all?"
The only thing you can do is try. "Yeah, I'll talk to you when I hear anything new."
"Alright then, you take care, [Name]."
Ending the call with those final words, you shove your phone back into your pocket. As much as you want to take a second to breathe, Lita's the next person on your list.
Opening the closet door, you head straight towards the double doors of catering. Oh boy, you hope Lita's in here. If not, you'll have to continue your journey elsewhere. You don't have all night, though.
You're met with a few unfamiliar faces when you open the door. They stare at you in confusion, which quickly turns into alarm. Some people even stand up from their seats.
You come in peace, for now! "Everyone can relax. I want to be on your side now. I came to apologize." You don't even beat around the bush.
Most are suspicious but still get back into their seats. What were they going to do anyway? You could defend yourself with one of these chairs if you needed to.
Scanning the room, you find the woman of the hour looking at you with wide eyes. You immediately approach her. A relieved smile appears on your face as your searching is no longer needed, tossing out your arms. "Lita!"
Just as you call her name, two men protectively stand before her. The only one you knew was Matt, although the other guy had a striking resemblance to him. Siblings, perhaps?
Matt was the one that had enough gall to get in your face. "You've got a lot of nerve showin' up here," Matt started, waving his finger at you. The southern twang in his voice almost makes you giggle. It's so out there.
You do your best to cover it by looking sad instead. "Tell me something I don't know. Sorry, but losing was your fault, though." That's one thing you had to make clear. "Tell me, was it nice when Trish kissed you? Did you even try to push her away?"
You pucker your lips toward him and kiss the air as he huffs at you. Matt is frustrated at your taunt and clenches his fist. What you say is true; you and Lita had your own business. Whatever he did in the ring was his responsibility.
Didn't mean you could tease him so freely about it, though.
He's going to say something else to you, but Lita shakes her head, getting up from her seat and stepping in front of him instead. "No, Matt. Just leave it. It's okay." And then she looks at you directly. "You must be really brave to show up here after what you did, or maybe you're just stupid."
It's the second time you've heard that tonight..
"Never stupid." You'd like to get that straight now. "Only apologetic." And for her to even say that makes you sure about your decision. You're glad you beat her up on Raw.
"I thought attacking you would prove my allegiance to Shane. He ordered it. I did it, but I see how wrong it is and how fucked up WCW is. After thinking about what I did to you, I wanted to come to this show and make things right."
It seems like you're taking a breath when, in actuality, you're trying to get your lies together. "I was sad and idling the halls. I want WCW to crash and burn. I have my allegiance and want it to be with all of you." You make sure to say it loudly enough so others can hear you.
"Well, I don't think any of us trust you." Matt cut in. "Something's not right about you."
"Matt, give the woman a break." The other guy says. "She's tryin' to help us. She apologized for what she did. I'm sure we've made some mistakes, so we could try and give her some credit."
Whoever this guy was with brightly dyed purple hair, you're glad he stepped in. You make a mental note to remember his face if he never introduced himself to you.
No, you won't let that happen. The only person you extend your hand to is him, although your proper introduction is meant for all of them. "I think we should get off on the right foot now. I'm [Name]. I want to be on your side now."
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Lita and Matt share some telepathic looks. All you did was introduce yourself to him!
He reaches out his hand. "Jeff."
Matt's the one who brings Jeff back to Earth, smacking his shoulder. It makes Jeff retract his hand before you can even take it. "The hell are you doin'?! We can't trust her!" It's a whispered shout that you're in clear range of hearing, not that Matt cared.
Jeff shrugs at him, then holds his hands up. "I thought…”
"Hardy meeting," He points toward the door, sounding as stern as they come. "Right now. Lita, you do what you need to do with her."
Jeff slunks over to the door, and Matt is just about to follow, but Lita gives him a parting kiss before he goes. She mutters, "I love you," but Matt's already storming off to deal with Jeff to even reply.
"So, you two are an item after all. It wasn't just jealousy." You comment. The urge to make another Trish jab was strong, but by divine intervention, you didn't say it.
"Yeah. A year, now." She confirms.
That information goes right into the filing cabinet. You give a half-smile to her. "All of you are friends then?"
It's a bit tense between you two, but Lita replies anyway, albeit strained. "Yeah, uh, we're a team. They're brothers. Matt's the oldest."
It makes sense. They looked similar, and Matt used that authoritative tone when telling Jeff to go outside.
Either way, you decide to jump straight to the chase. "I'm gonna take this chance to clear the air while it's just me and you. Lita, I was being honest when I said I wanted to take WCW out. I've gotten so close to Shane McMahon that it would be a shame for all of us to waste this opportunity. Even out of all this, I want a friendly rivalry from you at most."
Friendly, yes, that's what you wanted. It's not like you'll stiff her in the ring or anything.
"Like they always say, it's just business, you know? No hard feelings."
Lita takes a minute to think about it, turning her head away from you and then turning back. "You know what? Fine. No hard feelings. I'll give you another chance, [Name]. But if you screw up again, I can't guarantee that I won't fight you about it."
"That is totally fine. Trust me, I won't mess up again. I'll be there to help you when our goals align." Your professional tone was leaking out...
This is partly thanks to the many creative meetings and other ventures you've had at WCW. Reassurance and composure are two ways to worm your way inside a company. "Is the food any good here, by the way?"
And you can understand if Lita doesn't fully trust you. If you were in her position, you wouldn't trust yourself either.
Lita shrugs. "I mean, yeah. It's alright, I guess. You'd have to try it yourself." You still do think she believes you, despite her dry responses. It's just more progess you need to make.
"Oh my gosh, [Name], right?"
Lita groans and tosses her head up toward the ceiling. Whoever said your name, Lita wasn't happy to see them.
You turn your head over to see Trish. "Could I have a moment?" She clasps her hands together.
It's like Lita gives you the same look she gave Matt, trying to tell you something without using her words. It's difficult for you to understand, so she instead decides to leave you two be.
"Do whatever the hell you want. She's all yours." She'll probably join that Hardy meeting if they're still out there.
The both of you watch her go, and once she's out, Trish gives you her undivided attention. "Lita's always been...catty. I mean, she's been bullying me since my debut! How crueler can you get? I don't understand why she doesn't like me. And here I am, trying to let creative put us together in case we have to go against WCW. Not you now, of course."
"Stacy Keibler. Torrie Wilson." You offer up their names. "Only two they'll probably pit you against. They're all they have now."
On another note, you're trying to understand why Lita disliked Trish that much. Well, it's obvious why she didn't like you, but that's only because you did something to provoke her into it.
As you recall, Trish did end up kissing Matt. It all makes sense now, Lita looking pissed about it as she retaliated. They're an item! It's no wonder Lita wants her out.
You'll let Trish figure out that part by herself some time. "Guess you've gotta get to know her a little better. You're Trish, right?"
"That's me. I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to say thank you. Lita was gonna rough me up some more if you didn't step in when you did." Her fingers move a few strands of hair out of her face. "I feel like I owe you. What do you say to lunch next Wednesday?"
Lunch with Trish? Looks like you're already getting in good with these superstars! "Fine with me."
"I'm sorry about Shane McMahon, by the way." She adds. "We need all the help we can get, and you deserve this spot. Guess all McMahon's are pigs."
All? Like, all of them? Not Shane, at least. Shane's been nothing but pleasant and respectful to you. Unlike your previous boss, Eric Bischoff, who you were sure hated your guts with the way he treated you.
"Oh yeah, probably. I wouldn't be surprised. Even my old boss was a sleazeball." You mention.
You always thought he preferred Stacy to you when booked in certain segments. You and "Miss Hancock" were always set together when possible, but she was always going over most of the time.
At first, you had a time when you resented Stacy, putting a strain on your relationship for months. But you slowly came to terms with the fact that it was never her fault. It was management. You'd bring up your problems to Eric, and he'd dangle your contract over your head. He was quick to tell you that you didn't have to stay. Could head back right to your hotel.
That's something you don't miss.
"Then I guess we've both had some problems with our bosses, huh?" Trish mused. "It's not a very good thing, but it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone."
You're not sure what history she's had with Vince McMahon, but if she was comparing her situation to your own, then she's definitely seen some shit. You'll have to ask her about it over lunch.
Honestly, you're happy she was so sweet. Considering you saved her skin, it was fair, but hospitality goes a long way for you right now.
"Did you want to sit with me? I've got an extra seat right next to me." She uses both of her thumbs to point to her left.
"I don't see why not," You smile. Let me get something to eat first." You're already sauntering off towards the table of different foods as you hear her say, "I'll just be over here then."
You have no idea where to start. To distract yourself for only five seconds, you grab a plate. Then you're already back to square one. What do you want to eat?!
Fruit, muffins, salad, you name it, they've got it. Everything looks appealing, and it's damn near stressing you out.
You make a mental apology to Trish because you're definitely going to be here for quite a while.
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as i said on the ao3 ver, i envisioned 90s look raven because that’s probably my favorite iteration of that asshole. and this is actually really fun to write since I can build up relationships 😭 i kinda cringe seeing my old writing but im happy u guys really liked it!! Thanks for reading :D
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salemshotspot · 7 days
I *cannot* ever take my own mental illness seriously because tell me why I opened my notes app trying to find a password and I opened my notes and found just a massiveee like vent essay about my fp and when I read the words 'for a Godless man I find myself constantly at his feet begging to understand the sacrifice of martyrdom' instead of thinking 'huh maybe I should actually get fucking medicated' I instantly went, LIKE IM SAYING THIS WAS MY FIRST AND ONLY THOUGHT, 'haha Shawn/Hunter fic in the making, there's so many different pairings actually like Steve Austin/Brian Pillman' LIKE?? SOMEONE FORCEFULLY MEDICATE ME ATP /lh
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goreinfested · 2 months
Okay I caved I haven’t written in years so I might not be any good BUT I’m taking requests ( THEYRE NOW CLOSED ) TO WRITE ABOUT ANY OF THE PPL BELOW: (Sidenote I’d love to start out with headcanons for them bc I’m rusty and unsure if I could do you all justice with a whole fic and can/will write for male/female/non binary readers :3 )
Triple h
Randy orton
Cody Rhodes
Dominick mysterio
Rey mysterio
Cm punk
Stone cold Steve Austin
The undertaker
drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Jey uso
Roman reigns
Jeff hardy
Aj Lee
John cena
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Ok redoing this bc I just found how to request lol can I please request a stone cold Steve Austin headcanon were him and f!reader are dating ty!
Dating Stone Cold
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Taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @legit9thlunaticwarrior @auburnwrites @damnnhausen @thesusbunny @blaquekittycat @writtingrose
A relationship with Steve would move really slow
He’s not looking to rush into a relationship
While still working he would want to make sure you understood exactly what you were getting yourself into
He worked a lot, and wouldn’t always be home
But if you’re will to try so is he
It will take a while, but when he decides to be vulnerable with you it will worth it
He’s sweet, and romantic, and supportive 
Steve would also become very emotionally dependent on you
You provide him with love, and it makes him feel amazing
His love language is making fun of you, but he also knows where your limit is
People would be surprised when seeing you two together
He stoic most of the time, but immediately is soft with you
Not that anyone would actually mention it.
He could still beat their ass.
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livfastdieyoung69 · 2 years
Bones, Body, Soul.
A Jeff Hardy story. (Ch.4)
A dislocated knee.
One single injury from one single match and Lemmy's wrestling career was pushed to the side. It had happened so suddenly, the entire mood of the whole stadium changing so fast as the EMTs rushed out to help them, the Hardys and Steve Austin following shortly after. It had only been a small match meant to be around eight minutes tops, but more likely around five to make Luna look better like every other jobbing match. But instead, Luna had gotten a little too rough and thrown Lemm out of the ring at just the right angle, causing their left leg to bounce right into the metal ring steps. Unfortunately, because Vince is an asshole, he wouldn’t let their dad ride in the ambulance with them because he had a match in thirty minutes, so Jeff quickly hopped in before Matt could even think to do so, refusing to have Lemmy go by themselves. Not that Lemmy would’ve known anyways, they had blacked out the second their head bounced off the floor.
A bright light in Lemmy’s eye forced them into consciousness with a groan. They moved to put their hand up, trying to block the ringing sound in their ear but instead, Jeff grabbed it and held it in his own.
“What the hell’s going on?” Lemmy tried to look around as they croaked out the words, only able to see the bright, white metal of the painted ambulance ceiling.
“You got hurt Lemm, you’re in the ambulance. C’mon their tryna ask you stuff, gotta try to listen, alright?” Lemm only groaned again and tried to cover their ears again but finally responded to the EMT’s questions when Jeff only held their hand tighter.
“What’s happening? I can’t fucking feel anything Jeff, what’s going on?” Their voice tightened, eyes going glossy while they tried to find some sort of relief in Jeff’s presence.
“You’re alright, sweetheart. Hurt your leg, you’re gonna be alright, I’m right here. I’ve got you.” His hand that wasn’t holding theirs went up to hold their face. Jeff brushed the hair out of Lemmy’s face, just like they had done to him in their car rides, and plane rides, and waking up next to him and Matt on the couch of the Hardy house, and every other day since 1992.
“They're not gonna let me wrestle, are they?” The tears in Lemmy's eyes started pouring, a small sob leaving their mouth.
“Don’t worry about anything like that Lemm, you’re hurt.” Lemmy only started crying more. Jeff’s lips met their forehead in an attempt to give some sort of comfort along with the nonstop praises.
“They're not gonna let me wrestle, Jeff.” Lemmy started shaking their head under his hand. “What-what am I supposed to do? They won’t- they're not gonna…Jeff..” As more sobs continued bubbling out of Lemmy's throat, Jeff gave up on trying to stop it and used the hand that had been used to brush their hair back to rub their cheek with his thumb, trying to let Lemmy know he was there.
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Lemmy sat in the hospital bed staring blankly at the tv, the sound of Jeopardy filing the small room. They tried to watch what was left of Smackdown but Jeff- who had left, hoping to find a Dr.Pepper to try and make Lemmy feel better- thought it would just make them feel worse, so Jeopardy it was. The heavy metal door quickly swung open revealing their father who had clearly left the stadium right after his match.
“Hey, dad.” A sad smile set of their face as they looked up at their father with puffy eyes.
“Hey, Lemmy.” He took a seat in the chair Jeff left unhabited. “They figure out what happened on yet?”
“My kneecap popped out of place and moved a bunch of bones out of there places too. I guess a vein or something popped too, so its worse than what it normally is. Its still out of place they just pumped me full of pain killers.”
“Christ..should’ve known something was gonna happen to your knees with all the shit mine do. God, I’m sorry kid, I should’ve been paying attention.” His hand went up to his forehead as he spoke, quickly blaming himself.
“No! No, it’s not your fault. My knees have been hurting for a while, but so has every other part of my body, If anyone should’ve been paying attention it’s me. Plus you're always on the road and I barely see Uncle Scott 'cause I'm always at Matt and Jeffs, let alone you.” The door opened again, and Jeff with a Dr.Pepper in hand entered the room. He gave a quick smile and raised a hand in Steve's direction, handing Lemmy the bottle before sitting in the chair on the other side of Lemmy.
“Thanks, Jeffro. Hey, I think the doctors supposed to come back and tell me when i’m supposed to have surgery cause they hadn’t really figured that out yet. It could take awhile though, so like, you can go man, it’s fine.”
“I’m not going anywhere Lem, I’ve been here too long to give up now.” Jeff and Lemmy smiled at each other, Lemmy whispering a thank you. Steve stood up with a sigh.
“Well, I’m supposed to go let management know what happened so they can figure out whats going on with your debut. I’ll stop by later, call if you get out alright?”
“I will. See you dad.” He ruffled Lemmys hair as they spoke before making his way to the door.
“So, um, thanks for riding in the ambulance with me. Sorry about all of uh, that.” Lemmy fiddled with the thin bed sheet, embarrasment creeping through them. Jeff scooted farther up in his chair, grabbing their hand to get their attention.
“Dallas. You don’t have anything to be sorry about, you had no clue what was going on and found out the one thing you’ve been working for your entire life is being pushed back. It’s fine to be sad about that.”
“Ok, well I get being sad about it but I had a complete meltdown and cried all over you.”
“And I let you because I care about you and I love you. Stop being sorry and let people do nice things for you once in a while, alright?”
“..Fine, I guess.” Lemmy let out an exagurated sigh and an eye roll. Jeff softy hit their shoulder. Once again, the door opened. This time it was finally the doctor.
“Alright, I’ve been told that the nurse who was supposed to keep you notified on your situation had to help with something in the ER. So here I am. You were supposed to be in surgery two hours ago but we have a limited amount of surgens. Fortunately, one of them just left surgery and will be able to perform surgery on you immediately. If that isn’t something you’re ok with, you would have to wait until tommorow.”
“Oh..um, okay. Would I get to go home tonight if I went into surgery right now?”
“Yes, as long as you would have someone to drive you home and look after you for the night.” Lemmy put their hands up to their face with a loud sigh and rubbed their eyes before looking over at Jeff.
“Would you, um..would that be ok with you?”
“Of course it would be. You do what you’re comfortable with, I’m gonna be here no matter what.”
“Um, okay. Yeah, right now is fine.” Lemmy let the doctor know with a nod.
“Alright, I’ll let them know. A nurse should come in and give an IV soon.” The doctor quickly left, leaving Jeff and Lemmy alone again. The pair sat in silence, the voice of the Jepeorady host invading the quietness.
“Well, I guess I’m going into surgery now.” Lemmy looked over to Jeff, anxiety clear in their eyes. Jeff grabbed their hand for what seemed to be the umpteenth time.
“You’re gonna be alright, I promise. You’re gonna have surgery, and then you’re gonna go home with me and we’re gonna lay in bed all day and watch movies and play GTA. You don’t have anything to worry about, everything's gonna be fine.” Lemmy let out another sigh at Jeffs words, this time the anxiety leaving their body. They scooted down a little in the bed, moving their torso forwards to lean onto Jeff. Jeff’s hand left Lemmy’s as his arms moved to hold them, rubbing up and down. His head moved to sit on top of her chin.
“Thank you, Jeffro.” Lemmy whispered into his shoulder.
“Of course, sweetheart.” Jeff whispered back.
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Look at me go! Updating in a month instead of in four :) I’ve not the happiest with this but I really like the part in the ambulance. The ending is kinda super cute tho. @joeyfilth <3
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Hi! Can I please request a Bayley/Reader/Becky Lynch where the reader is out with an injury and feeling really down about it but her partners are there to cheer her up and they take really good care of her?
Thank you very much!
Fun and distraction || Becky Lynch x Reader x Bayley
Summary: You're benched with a broken elbow and it's hell on earth for you. Becky and Bayley make the best of the situation.
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Being sidelined with a broken elbow had been an absolute nightmare for you. You were used to the constant rush of adrenaline, the feeling of the ring beneath your feet, and the roar of the crowd. Now, all you had were doctor's orders to rest and heal, and it was driving you crazy.
But you had two amazing partners, Becky and Bayley, who were determined to make the best of this unfortunate situation. They couldn't stand seeing you so down, and they were determined to put a smile back on your face.
One sunny afternoon, Becky and Bayley decided to surprise you. They showed up at your door with bags of your favorite snacks, a stack of classic wrestling DVDs, and a determined glint in their eyes.
"Alright, champ," Becky declared with a wink, "we've got a day of fun and distraction planned for you."
You couldn't help but grin at their enthusiasm. They were like a whirlwind of positivity, and it was infectious.
The three of you settled on the couch, surrounded by snacks, as Becky popped in a DVD of some of the greatest wrestling matches of all time. You watched in awe as legends like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and Shawn Michaels took to the ring.
As the matches played out on the screen, Bayley grabbed a controller for the video game console. "Who's up for some wrestling action?"
You hesitated at first, thinking about your injured elbow, but Bayley assured you it was just for fun. So you joined in, and soon you were all laughing and competing in your own mini WWE tournament.
Between matches and games, you chatted about wrestling, shared stories, and talked about your favorite moments in the ring. It was like having your own personal commentary team right in your living room.
Becky and Bayley's infectious enthusiasm began to work its magic. Your worries and frustrations about your injury started to fade as you realized how lucky you were to have such incredible partners by your side. They were there to remind you that while injuries were tough, they were also an opportunity to rest and come back stronger.
Hours flew by, and before you knew it, the sun had set. You looked at Becky and Bayley with a heartfelt smile. "Thank you, both of you. I needed this more than I realized."
Becky hugged you tightly. "Anytime, love. We're a team, in and out of the ring."
Bayley added, "And we'll be right there with you when you're ready to make your comeback."
With your partners by your side, you realized that even in the face of setbacks, you were never truly alone. Together, you'd get through anything, and your wrestling journey would continue, stronger than ever.
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Shawn Michaels x Fem Reader- "Crowded Table"
Some famous wrestling commentators used to be professional wrestlers, such as Jerry Lawler, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Gorilla Monsoon, Larry Zybyzko and Bobby Heenan.
There also have been professional wrestlers who have stepped in and done wrestling commentary themselves---"Macho Man" Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Jeff Hardy, Chyna, Lita, Val Venis, you name it.
You've been a World Wrestling Federation/WWE superstar and you've done some commentary occassionally yourself, and you love it.
The good thing about when wrestlers and commentators do commentary, they sit in front of a table.
But have wrestling commentators ever done something like this?
On a "Sunday Night Heat" episode that aired in August 1998, Shawn Michaels was sitting at the commentary table while you were standing next to the ring.
Shawn had his long hair hanging down when he sat at the commentary table, he looks so good with this new hair he had during the summer of that year.
You were dressed in a typically skimpy outfit, not to mention didn't do much in the match except for distract the opponents.
While you were standing next to the ring, there were times you were standing several inches in front of the table Shawn was sitting behind with your back turned in front of him as well as this table.
You were leaning your chest forward and resting your forearms on the corner of the ring, not doing this to seduce, but watch this match.
Shawn's eyes were focused on you during this match, but how could he not be distracted over you?
Luckily, Shawn's legs and especially his lap was underneath the top of this commentary table so people wouldn't see what he was about to do.
His chair he sat in was pushed as close to the table as much as it could, so he could hide his hand and his lap.
As you were standing several inches nearby the table Shawn was sitting by, and while his lap was hiding under this table, one of Shawn's hands reached under the table and slipped underneath his pants.
Thankfully, the camera didn't seem to catch his hand under the table sliding under his pants.
Despite that Shawn and these commentators are sitting in front of fans, hopefully the fans sitting behind Shawn won't see his hand sneak under his pants.
Shawn has been sitting in between 2 other commentators while he sits at the commentary table as well as his hand enters under his pants.
Now that his hand was under both of his pants as well as his boxers, Shawn's hand grabbed his penis and began to masturbate it, stroke up and down it.
Blood was forming and rushing to his dick from seeing you near the ring, making his cock grow harder.
Shawn wanted to you to stay in the spot you were standing so he could focus on looking at you and masturbating to you, but even you walked to another corner, he'd still jack off to you.
Wrestling as we all know it is staged and scripted, so Shawn Michaels masturbating to you was something you already knew about.
Shawn would love to unbutton his pants and pull his dick out to jack off, but his penis would be exposed on television.
While he may be secretly masturbating to you, his hand jerking his erection isn't being filmed by the camera.
His hand has been underneath the table this entire time, and some people in the audience are wondering and thinking "Why is Shawn's hand under the table?".
Hopefully precum won't fall out of his slit from masturbating.
During this match, you walked in different corners around the ring.
However, Shawn still had his eyes focused on you.
Shawn may be jacking off to you, but he isn't just obsessed with and focused on you.
He also said a few things during the match that weren't related to you, not to mention his eyes sometimes watched this match.
Some people in the audience saw his hand slip under his hands and stay there, where the fans could see his hand moving about under his pants in his crotch area looking like he's jerking off.
These fans who saw what his hand did (and what it's currently doing) got a huge rise out of this, their eyes growing wide and their eyebrows raising while their mouths spread from ear to ear in either shock or amusement.
Some people covered their appalled mouths with their hands, whereas others pointed to his hand and laughed and others cheered and roared.
There were many moments where the camera was filming in front of the commentary table Shawn was sitting behind while he was masturbating, where the camera didn't film his hand jerking off.
If the camera did film him masturbating, it probably would've gotten him arrested for lewd behavior, but it would give him some attention, even if it's negative publicity.
Eventually, Shawn's hand let go of his penis and left his pants, where he didn't masturbate to you anymore.
Masturbating at the commentary table seems like something Val Venis would most likely do, since his wrestling gimmick is a porn star.
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magnoliacharmed · 2 years
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fanfic masterlist & requests || updated 6/4/2024!
(i post my fic here on tumblr and on archive of our own)
please see my #magnoliafanfic tag for everything i’ve posted/requests i’ve gotten
World Wrestling Entertainment/Federation
Hard Candy [Shawn Michaels / one-shot / smut]
Worthy of Her [Jeff Hardy / one-shot / smut]
Not So Scary After All [Bret Hart / one-shot / smut]
Say What You Feel Inside [Bret Hart x fem!McMahon reader / one-shot]
Michelangelo’s Billy Gunn [Billy Gunn / one-shot / smut]
I’ll Show You A Winner [Shawn Michaels / one-shot / smut]
Golden Boy [Shawn Michaels x Billy Gunn / one-shot / smut]
It Takes Two To Tango [Billy Gunn / one-shot / smut]
Don’t Stop [Bret Hart x Shawn Michaels / one-shot / smut]
Acting Up [Stone Cold Steve Austin x Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart x Shawn Michaels / one-shot / smut]
Godless [CM Punk x Reader / one-shot / smut]
Hard Working Man [Shawn Michaels x Kevin Nash / one-shot / smut]
...The Jerk Store Called! [Billy Gunn x Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash x Shawn Michaels / one-shot / smut]
Sextape [CM Punk x Randy Orton / one-shot / smut]
Little Death [Randy Orton x Roman Reigns / one-shot / smut]
Awakening [Shawn Michaels x Sycho Sid / one-shot / smut]
Hurtin' But It's Happy Hour [Shawn Michaels x Sycho Sid / one-shot / smut]
Lace [Shawn Michaels x Bret Hart / one-shot / smut]
World Championship Wrestling
Employee of the Month [Sting / one-shot / smut]
Thunderstorm [Sting / enemies to lovers / series] (Chapter 4/6, last updated 12/30/22)
All Elite Wrestling
Christian’s Good Girl [Christian Cage / one-shot / smut]
Fucked My Way to the Top [CM Punk x Billy Gunn / one-shot / smut]
**Fluffy February 2023 (WWE & WCW) **
Better Call Saul
One of Those Nights [Lalo Salamanca / one-shot / smut]
Mango Lip Gloss [Lalo Salamanca / one-shot / smut]
Request - Soft Lalo
Diamond Girl [Lalo Salamanca x Female OC / series]
What We Do in the Shadows
Vampire Weekend [Nandor the Relentless x Female OC / series]
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90s-suplex · 29 days
NSFW alphabet Stone Cold Steve Austin
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I am tired of pretending that this man isn't hot
nsfw below the cut! Don‘t like, don‘t read :)
Minors don‘t interact!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Will depend on his partner and relationship status! Generally speaking, he isn't one to 'hit it and quit it' - he'll help you clean up and will check up on you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Since Austin works out a lot, he is proud of his physique as a whole, he does not have a favourite body part. However, if he notices there's a specific body part of his that you have a great liking for (i.e. his chest) this will secretly become his favourite body part.
His favourite body parts of his partner are boobs and thighs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He has a thing for creampies. He loves to cum deep inside you (with your permission of course) and watch his cum drip out of you. Just the thought of it alone will get him going.
Sometimes he will pull out in the last second to finish on your pussy.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When you weren't looking, he sneakiliy stashed away some pairs of used panties of yours. He stores them in his bag for whenever you can't travel with him for... reasons.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Let's just say he knows what he's doing.. he's been around the block.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary and cowgirl!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He loves making you laugh, but once you two are fucking he is serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He will trim his hair down there every once in a while when it gets too long for his own liking, but won't shave.
He won't expect his partner to shave downstairs, he's happy with how ever you feel the most comfortable.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Austin isn't one to say 'I love you' easily. Once you're in a committed relationship, those words still won't leave his lips regularly.
But he has lots of 'southern' pet names he loves to use for you :) Sweet cheeks, doll, doll face, hon', sugar ...
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He has a high sex drive, so he when you're spending time apart, he's masturbating one to two times a day.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
This man has a degradation kink (2001 heel run hello??) - if you're into it, he loves to explore this with you. The same applys to impact play.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Being on the road constantly, it's safe to say he's had sex outside his home more often than inside. If you travel with him you'd usually end up doing it in your hotel room bed, since it's the easiest option and you wouldn't always get assigned the most spacious hotel rooms with lots of room to experiment either. (..or you would end up doing it in the car on the way to your hotel, if he can't keep his hands to himself beforehand..)
If you decide to join him to the arena, he wouldn't say no to doing the deed in his locker room. Though he is a private man, so he'd prefer to not get caught in the act.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Austin has a high sex drive, you in his presence alone will get him going ;)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never do something unconsensual.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves giving oral! If it was up to him, he could spend hours inbetween your legs.
Since Austin's knees aren't in the best condition (hence his knee braces) he enjoys to just lie flat on his back and have you sit on his face. He'd find it cute if you're shy about doing so and he'd soon prove to you that you won't hurt his jaw/face and he can more than handle it.
Holding your hips/pinning them down and eating you out invokes something primal in him. He'd be moaning into your pussy and hearing you moan back in response would go straight to his cock (and feed his ego).
He's truly the happiest when he can go down on his partner.
Of course, he won't turn down the opportunity for a blow job ;) BUT he doesn't expect one in return for eating you out.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
When you are not running low on time, he likes to start slow and work up the pace ;)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes to quickies! He lives a pretty fast paced live, so sometimes this is all that is managable.
But he prefers to take his sweet time with you >:) he is big on foreplay!!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As mentioned before, he is a private man. He isn't too fond of the idea of sex out in public unless it's in the middle of nowhere.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Stone Cold does have quite the stamina. Usually he can go for two rounds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Austin doesn't own toys besides maybe some handcuffs. He likes to keep it basic! If his partner owns toys he might try incorporating them, but he will be sceptic at first. He likes to believe he can make you cum on his own without any help juuust fine.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh, he is really big on teasing, he never stops. You thought he's only talkative in the ring? No!
He is big on dirty talk and never shuts up during sex - Austin will talk you through it and praise you for how good you're doing for him. During the day, he loves to watch you get flustered when he squeezes your body and tells you all the things he'll be doing to you later in the day once he gets ahold of you.
Sometimes he will truly make you work for his cock and for getting your release...
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Austin is vocal and appreciates it if his partner is as well. He enjoys hearing all the sounds he's able to drive out of you during sex. He pays close attention to what makes you respond and your body ache for more.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Considering all the beers he's drinking when wrestling/after the matches, you two would end up having drunk sex a lot.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is well-endowed. 7 inches when hard and thick/girthy
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He has trouble falling asleep and is usually sleepdeprived to some extent because of it. Sleeping pills and/or sex will help him getting some rest though.
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judgementdaysunshine · 11 months
🔥- Fire with Stone Cold please
Pairing: Stone Cold x Fem reader
Description: You and Steve wake up to find your home on fire
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You and Steve groan after the long day from training and matches for Raw, the two of you eat dinner and head to bed. You wake up a few hours at 3AM needing a drink deciding just to grab a quick drink of water noticing the light outside from under the door thinking one of you may have left a light on until you open the door only to be blinded by smoke and screaming as flames roar towards you screaming as you fall on the floor feeling the intense heat before coughing at the smoke as you stay on the ground "Y/N?! What the hell is going on?!" you yell out for steve as you crawl to his side of the bed grabbing his foot making him relieved as he lays on the ground beside you "I don't know! I woke up to get a drink and when I opened the door I just saw smoke then the flames" you hear the crackle of the fire along with the glowing orange as steve crawls to the window opening it as fast as he can, you yell out as the flames move closer into the room making steve grab you as you crawl to him coughing roughly from the smoke flooding everywhere not even being able to see your own hand in front of you as you and steve climb onto the roof. The two of you look down when you hear yells seeing neighbors down below feeling terrified as you jump down being caught by your next door neighbor who happened to be a paramedic who immediately checked you over before the ambulance came followed by firefighters a second later, both of you are taken to the hospital immediately being treated for smoke inhalation another neighbor comes in telling the two of you that the fire was put out and the firefighters were looking to find what was the cause but so far most of the damage was the living room and kitchen later on finding out that the cause of the fire was an old electrical wire in the living room that had sparked from a leak through the roof into the attic where the old wiring was, the two of you stay with your aunt until the house was fixed and the wiring was taken out, both of you were thankful that the two of you found and got out as quick as you did otherwise things would have turned out differently making the two of you even more grateful for your lives and each other.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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im sorry if this chapter is kinda shorter than expected. im sleepy and i would’ve put a timeskip to add the next show but it makes sense to wait on it. promise i’ll make it up to you, time out with [name] will return in the next chapter!
i feel like reader is getting sassier every time i write her—also i don’t even like jerry lawler but im going to deal with it for the sake of commentary.…
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The match wasn’t too bad so far. You were already a bit in and you focus your attention to the ring. Currently, The Rock had just hit Kurt Angle with a Samoan drop.
You could feel the crowd becoming antsy, even chanting ‘Rocky!’ every second they got. ‘Wow.’ You begin, adjusting your headphones. ‘They’re really coming alive tonight, huh? Hey, Austin! Who’s side are you on tonight??’
It got to the point where both men were crawling over to their respective corners, reaching out their hands for a tag.
He looks over at you with a dumbfounded look. You should know better than to even ask. ‘No one’s side but my own.’
‘It sounds you’re supporting The Rock.’ You conclude. He starts to speak, but you quickly cut him off. ‘Hey, viewers at home! Austin’s supporting Rock! Can you belie—‘
‘Shut your damn yapper!’ It’s not like he denied it either. ‘I told ya’ who’s side I’m on. You need to be put in time out.’
‘Time out? What am I, 10?? You can’t put me on time out!’
The two of you go back and forth like that for a while, but as soon as The Rock makes his hot tag to Kane, it all went out the window. The crowd erupts in cheers at the Big Red Machine taking care of Kurt.
To the point where you kinda felt bad. Of course, just for him. There’s zero sympathy for Jericho. It’s why you smile with glee when Kane takes him down with a Big Boot after trying to interfere.
So this is Kane, huh? He was monstrous. A force of power. For some reason you felt captivated by his strength.
‘[Name], now you and Y2J have your issues. But there’s rumors that say you two are involved with each other.’ JR says. ‘How do you feel about that?’
You look over in disgust. ‘Ew, don’t ever assault my ears like that again. I should be the last person you should even be asking about being involved with Jericho.’ You gag, covering your mouth. ‘I almost threw up!’
Austin agrees with you. ‘I’m right behind ya’. Let loose right on this table here. There’s a stick so far up his ass I bet he can taste it. Between him, little Rocky, and Angle, I’m not sure who I hate more..’
You decide to piggyback off of him. ‘I don’t mind anyone in the ring besides Jericho. I hope he loses tonight. I’ll laugh in his face as soon as that bell rings. If you open a dictionary, he’d be the definition of egotistic.’
‘It really is the battle of egos in the ring!’ Jerry nods.
Back and forth, Jericho and Kurt tag each other in for a double team. The Rock has yet to be tagged in.
‘This isn’t looking too good,’ You say. ‘I don’t know—‘ As soon as you say that, Kane recovers and Irish whips Kurt into the corner. Kurt runs right back into him and Kane quickly power slams him into the mat.
Now, both men were crawling to get a tag. ‘I’ll eat my words!’ You chime. The both of them make their respective tags and they switch, with The Rock immediately getting the upperhand. ‘Wow! Rock’s on fire!’
Austin just rolls his eyes. ‘I hope he burns ta’ death.’
Completely dominating the competition, The Rock goes even further and flips Kurt into the ring, then tosses him out. He then hits Jericho with a Spinebuster.
But then, he starts trying to apply a Sharpshooter! You had to stand up out of your seat, excited to see it. It had to be one of your favorite submission moves. He could really win with this one.
Oops, nevermind. Kurt comes back and slams his forearm into the back of The Rock’s head. Kane was there to take care of things.
Kane picks Kurt up and tosses him out of the ring once more, the latter slamming onto the ground in front of color commentary. Kane then gets out of the ring, hopping onto the floor.
All you can do is stare, and as he’s about to deal more damage to Kurt, he turns his attention to the commentary table. He’s looking straight at you and you stare back.
You wave. He doesn’t do anything back. He just stares.
Austin somehow had mistaken that Kane was looking at him. ‘The hell are you lookin’ at, ya damn jobbernowl?!’ Just for extra measure, he gives him the middle finger. It’s like he WANTED to go to anger management, jeez.
The Rock finally hits Jericho with a DDT and pins him. And that’s it! That’s the match!
You give a round of applause. You’re elated that Jericho lost tonight, it’s what he deserves. You were so excited that you took your headphones off, hop out of your seat, and grab The Rock’s title.
‘The hell is she up to??’ Austin was confused by your actions, taking off his own headphones.
You reach the title through the ropes with a smile. The Rock looks at you warily, but slowly takes the title. You smile up at him. You could tell he’s confused.
Suddenly, a hand on your shoulder pulls you back.
“What’re ya’ doing givin’ him the title?!” Austin yells.
“Um?! I was just being nice!”
He’s already heard that excuse. “What a load of bologna!” He waved his hand at you. “We’re gettin’ outta here!”
Was it really time to go? You had one last thing to do before you left. “Hold on!” You wanted to rub Jericho’s loss in his face.
But before that, you could see the final stare off between Austin and The Rock. Everyone was definitely anticipating something happening between them, but you didn’t want to stay long enough to witness.
You quickly roll in the ring, leaning down so Jericho can hear you. “HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE A LOSER?! HUH?! HUH?!”
He flinched at your words, but before he could grab at your leg to pull you down, you jump back. No way he’d take you down that easy.
But, hey, you have to remember what Debra said. You couldn’t antagonize him. You had to be the bigger person..
And you damn sure would try your hardest. Maybe if you walked away now, she’d reconsider your classes!
You do so, rolling out of the opposite side of the ring and wait for Austin to meet you there. It’s time to get the hell out of here.
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The phone rings, so you roll over in bed to pick it up. “Hello?”
“Hey.” Lita’s voice came from the other side of the line, her voice slightly tired. “What’re you up to?”
“Nothing.” You respond. “What, are you going to ask what I’m wearing next?”
Your words bring a laugh out of Lita. “Hilarious. I was just curious on how things went with Jeff yesterday?”
“Things got interesting. Promise to not tell anyone?”
“Of course.”
“Well, I kissed him when you guys left, but that’s all. We did nothing other than that.”
Lita gasps. “Really?? That’s why he was smiling like crazy the entire night...”
Thank god the room was a single suite. You weren’t sure what you’d do if this information got into the wrong hands. Your clothes were neatly folded once more, this time with no shaky hands! You were proud of yourself.
“Oh yeah? He was smiling the whole time?” It brought a smile to your own face. “That’s nice. But enough about me. What’s up with you and Team Extreme??”
Lita sighs. “Still unresolved. I don’t know what I’m going to do. All of us, all we’ve been doing is fighting and I don’t know how to fix it….’
“Hmm..” You go into thought for a minute. How would you approach a situation like that anyway? It’s hard to talk after all that yelling. You’ve witnessed one argument, and it’s safe to say you don’t want to see anymore. “You know, Debra is forcing me AND Austin into anger management. On that note, maybe you should look into couples therapy. You and Matt.”
Lita’s just starts to snicker. “Oh wow. I’m sorry—“ You could tell she was trying her hardest not to laugh. “You and none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin,” She says the name for a full effect, “..are going to anger management. That is something I never thought I’d hear.”
“It’s a shocker, isn’t it?” You say, rolling over to the nightstand. The cord had gotten stuck, so you had to untangle it. “We were forced, it’s not like we can go against Debra’s word.”
“She’s like your mom or something.”
“Hey, wait, you weren’t doing anything, right?“ Lita asks. You give her a “no”, and you could just tell there’s a smile on her face. “Good. We’re going to IHOP. What’s your room number?” A pancake addict in the making, it seems. “I still haven’t gotten any and I think it’d be a good way to talk. There’s a lot I need to tell you that I can’t say here.”
“And what better than doing it over a plate of pancakes, right? Sure, I’ll come with you.” You definitely had a lot to tell her, but you were pretty sure it was vice versa. Before you can talk with her anymore, the phone rings again. “Hold on, I’m getting another call.”
Momentarily trying to figure out what button was used to put someone on hold, you tap it quickly and hit the button to accept the next line. “Hello?”
“Evening, Nitro Girl.”
It’s Triple H. Or should you say Hunter? You were shocked to hear his voice again.
“Evening.” You greet back.
“Got anything new for me?”
“I don’t, unfortunately.” You sigh. “I’m surprised you’re calling me, what’s the deal?”
“I’m returning to the ring in about a week. I’ve already been making my rounds backstage. I’d like you to keep your eyes peeled and your ears open. I know there’ll be a lot of talk.” He said. “If Jericho or someone close to him has a blabber mouth, report back to me.”
You weren’t sure how you missed him tonight, but there’s always next time. “As if Jericho has any friends. His ego is so inflated I’m not sure there’s any room for them. But I’ll do what you ask.”
“Atta’ girl. That’s all I can ask for. Stephanie’s been acting….normal for the most part. Hasn’t talked about anyone else lately since I’ve mentioned coming back to wrestle. She seems excited.”
“That’s a given. You’re coming back to the ring. From what I’ve heard, you two were pretty unstoppable when it came to matches. She helped you out a lot.” It was true. Stephanie always interfered one way or another. You shrug slightly. “I’m sure business partners are out of the window.”
He’s silent for a minute, but before you can begin talking again, he goes first. “I’m still led to believe that she could be sleeping with someone else. You’d better get used to this, we’ll be calling very frequently from now on.”
Oh great! You’ll be talking to him for a while then. Especially if what he thinks turns out to be true.
“You know, I can think of maybe TWO people who definitely wouldn’t approve of this partnership…” You trail off, wrapping the phone cord around your finger.
“Then this is just our dirty little secret. I told you, nothing more, nothing less.”
“Well, what if there’s more?”
He seemed intrigued. “Go on.”
You’ll take your chances. You’ve already made your bed, it’s time to lie in it. Even if the accusations were false, you’d pretend like you never spoke to him. “You and I, how about we get even closer? I mean, if Stephanie’s possibly stepping out, why don’t you give her a taste of her own medicine? I mean, if your instincts are telling you the truth.”
“That’s cute. Listen, I’m only about business. I don’t normally stray past business relationships.”
“However, I may make an exc—“
Knocks at your door had made you get up out of bed. “Shoot. I’ve gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.” You don’t even give Hunter a chance to respond before you slam the phone onto the base. Getting up, you open the door.
Of course, It’s Lita that’s waiting for you, car keys in hand.
“You ready?”
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You were in fact, not ready. Between having to throw something suitable on and haphazardly printing directions, you were a little off.
“…When you printed out those directions, are you sure they were to go to IHOP?” Lita asks. “Because right now, that looks like a Waffle House.”
“Waffle House?” You repeat. “What?” She stops the car momentarily, pulling over so she can read the directions herself. She points to the yellow sign first, then looks back to the paper.
“Yup. This says to Waffle House. What the hell did you do on the hotel computer? More importantly, how did you mess up?! International House of Pancakes and Waffle House aren’t the same thing!”
You just laugh. It’s all you can do. There’s always something getting in your way. No pancakes tonight!You two were already close to the end. “W-Why aren’t you laughing?”
“…Because it’s not funny.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know how that happened! I guess we’re eating waffles tonight. We’re already here.” You shrug, throwing your hands out defensively. Lita can only huff.
“Fine. But next time, I get to print the directions and you drive.” She pulls back into the street to enter the parking lot and all you can do is smile.
It’s only about 8:35. You’d probably be getting back to your room at a decent time! Not bad at all. You were pretty hungry, so you hoped they could cook fast.
You two entered the building and were seated quickly. It was sort of busy, but you liked hearing the chatter from nearby. It made you feel comfortable.
Lita takes a seat from across you. “I think me and Matt are done for a while…” She begins. “It’s just too much. I can’t deal with it right now. I feel like all he cares about is himself.”
“I told you, you’d better look into like, some type of therapy. It sounds like you guys are really going through it right now.”
Instead of laughing, she seems to mull over it. “Mmmm, I don’t know. I’m just tired of all the yelling. They’ve got another match coming up so I’m hoping this all goes away.”
“I could invite you to anger management.” Extending the offer to her could only make her scoff.
“Hell no.”
Once you two ordered your food, you felt like it was your turn to say what’s been on your mind. “You know remember who called on the hotel phone? You’ll never guess who it was.” You pause for dramatic effect. “..Triple H.”
“What??” Lita was definitely taken aback. She could remember it like it was yesterday. Funnily enough, it was him and Austin who had terrorized not only herself, but targeted both the Hardy Boys. Even Stephanie got in on it. And it’s not like you had a clue, you weren’t in the company yet. “Are you serious?”
You idly pick up your fork with a nod. “Yeah. Whole thing is, he thinks Stephanie is cheating or something. Now we’re like not-so-official business partners.”
Lita was all for taking Stephanie down. She was a thorn in her side last year for the Women’s Championship. The feud was mostly over, but she had a right to feel bitter. “Whatever you do, I’ll be supporting you.”
For some reason, you felt a bit surprised she didn’t protest. No doubts, no nothing. She just said she’ll support you. “Wow, okay.”
“And I’m sure Jeff will be right behind you.” She gives you a devilish smile, making you roll your eyes.
You weren’t entirely sure about that. “That was only a one time thing, I don’t think it’ll happen again. I’m sure Jeff was still pretty woozy from his last match and the one before.” You can only hope it’s the opposite.
Lita can only reply in a sing-song voice, mocking and mirroring yours from earlier that night. “I don’t think sooooo!”
Your food was set down on the table. After thanking the waiter, the only thing you could do was rub your forehead. “You’re a real piece of work.”
“I’m sure you love me anyway.“
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reader + jeff is in fact, not a one time thing. *puts y’all in a tag team match*
i’ve always heard mapquest was used for directions back then…so staying true to the 2001 theme they had to use it LMAO
lita & reader are just fun to write together!! you gotta love team extreme. but im trying to think how to involve matt tbh he is a big meanie. and im sorry i have to say this but y’all gonna be like 😮 at one of the parts next chapter IM SOO SERIOUS it’s definitely in the works
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salemshotspot · 4 months
‘Say the weird thing’ they say as I start tweaking [I want to write steve austin x shawn michaels x reader or x triple h instead of reader sb but ik no one but me wants to read that]
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justclowning420 · 6 months
updated intro post!!
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18+ ONLY. period. i am not comfortable with minors here.
no fics/thirsty posts are aimed toward the irl people who play the roles, but rather the characters they play in kayfabe
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a little about me:
- i go by clown :)
- im transmasc nonbinary (they/he)
- i'm a disaster bisexual :'(
- i started watching wrestling around 2018 (ish?), but recently got back into it and started watching stuff from '97-'98!
- i'm autistic and wrestling is one of my all time special interests! so i made a little blog where i can talk about it
- fav wrestlers: shawn micahels, bret hart, stone cold steve austin, undertaker, cm punk, razor ramon, chyna, mick foley (mankind <3)
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i plan on getting into writing fanfics, so this will be updated with a link to my ao3 when i make my first post there -> requests are currently: CLOSED
rules for requesting are below the cut, and can also be found under '#rules' :)
thanks for checking out my blog!!
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gif by: skeletonrodeoqueen
do not spam requests, i am only one person
keep in mind that i have the right to say no to your request, especially if it goes against the rules.
there are somethings i will simply NOT write, this includes: sc*t, watersports, noncon/SA, inc*st of any kind, extreme kink, a/b/o, any form of p*do shit (seriously, get out), and probably some other stuff i'm forgetting
i also don't write x readers, sorry :(
thank you for reading the rules <3
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ok so for a steve austin request maybe him having a younger gf and trying to understand wtf she is ever talking about because of the age age difference
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Taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax
Steve isn’t stupid, he knows that there is going to be a bit of a divide in how you talk
But damn did he under estimate how bad it would be
“Babe, did you clean the dishes?”
“That’s sus.”
Honestly, you could make a game out of it.
‘How confused can you make Steve?’
“I’m in Spain without the s”
“Are you ok?”
Depending on how far into meme cutler your are on how confused he is.
Imagine his confusion when your laughing your ass off at a distorted picture of a can of beans.
He draws the line when you see a rug sort of look like a pussy
“The rugussy.”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
You live watching him get confused, but you also take the time to explain it if he wants.
But eventually he gets used to it.
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