#stone corporation
petrillostone · 5 months
Discovering Excellence: Petrillo Stone Company's Legacy of Craftsmanship in New York
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Antonio Petrillo laid the first stone of what would become one of the most significant stone working company NY teams ever to grace the city in 1907. This was long after the influence of Dutch architects, Georgian-style symmetry, or the Federal/Gothic revivals that provided the high steeples you’ll see throughout the city.
Instead, our company began at a time when art deco and modernism were all the rush, but we wanted to focus more on elegance and longevity. That instinct to look beyond into the future by only crafting the best possible structures using our store of natural stone, artisan skills, and advanced technology is what has allowed us to maintain our spot as a leading stone working company NY team for generations.
AT the root of this legacy is Italian stone working. This was the perfect foundation to expand into New York City as major buildings, companies, and institutions all sought to solidify their presence in and around the area. Over the years, we have developed solid partnerships and network connections around the many artists, architects, designers, and homeowners the city knows. From the iconic structures of the United Nations Headquarters to the imposing nature of the Lincoln Center, we have always focused on marrying aesthetic beauty with functional and structural integrity.
These innovations are why we are sewn into the very cultural fabric of NYC. You’ll find the precision touch of our artisans in the many public spaces around the city, communal areas where historical events are hosted, and even the serene parks that only a lucky few get to see in the middle of one of the world’s busiest locations.
Most importantly, we continually seek to refine our skills and technologies. Every single year we meet with industry partners and attend training courses or conferences that expand our capabilities. We do this because when we look at the skyline of NYC, we see the history of our stone working company NY founders staring back through time.
Today, Petrillo Stone Corporation is a leading provider of premium quality stone fabrication that works for anything from a small home on the city’s outskirts to a thriving new museum boarding Central Park. Our association with everything from recent buildings to historic building restoration is why we often are the first name to come to mind whenever any project is being considered in NYC.
To learn more about how our legacy of stone working company NY beauty and precision can boost your upcoming project, give us a call. We are always happy to discuss how we can blend our unique skills, techniques, and network of materials to any sized endeavor. With over 100 years working as NYC’s leading stone working company, we are your first choice for a wonderful outcome merging beauty, architecture, natural materials, and precision.
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waugh-bao · 2 months
Do you think in the "Out of Tears" video the cameras just happened to be rolling when Charlie went in the telephone booth to call Shirley and ask her to come pick him up from this bloody music video set and then captured his disappointment when he realized it was just a prop? I do.
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sleeping-terr0r · 4 months
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I forgot I made this
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geekynightowl1997 · 1 year
If I had a nickel for everytime a Christian Kane character dealt with a Major Wheat corporation I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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haztory · 1 year
Your recent kuroo fic hello???? IM OBSESSED
can we talk about it? i’m dying to talk about it. lets talk about it (link to my previous kuroo drabble here)
im OBSESSED with the idea of kuroo who was introduced to the dom/sub lifestyle by someone older. he liked the dynamics, enjoyed the release, and liked the person enough to continue it for a while. wasn't heartbroken when the affair ran its course, but when work started to spike up in stress and his only reliable form of release was kaput, he went out looking. not creepily, but with people he casually dated, flings he met on work trips, even a brief stint on tinder. he's a young bachelor after all.
he likes the control, the casualness, the constant variety that the lifestyle can bring. it's almost liberating to be able to hang up the sturdy corporate hat he wears so dutifully and fully immerse himself in a healthy, yet thorough session. and he was always open with everyone he engaged with, that he had others that he was also practicing with that counted on him, and that wasn't going to change any time soon. it's relief, it's fun, and after a hard day's work, he thinks he deserves it.
then you come into his life and manage to fuck that all up. he's working his way up the ladder within the sport promotion division which often means he has to do the dirty work of dealing with things that the higher ups don't want to deal with. this time around, it's lawyers. meeting with the counsel to ensure that all materials and slogans don't toe the line of copyright infringement and that the intellectual property of the company is protected to the highest degree and yada yada yada. he doesn't care all that much about legalese, but he's charming enough and knows how to work people to make the dry meeting somewhat enjoyable to get through it. but then he sees you.
junior attorney, newly added to the team, equally relegated to the status of grunt worker in trying to work your way up and its game over. he spends the whole meeting trying to get you to laugh, only feeling slightly defeated when you remain stoic, but still treads on. when it becomes suggested that the legal team should be meeting on a monthly basis with the promotional team just to make sure nothing goes wrong-- and when it's suggested that you, the grunt worker, will need to be the one to routinely check in with the promotional team-- well, kuroo feels like the lucky bastard who won the lottery.
and he doesn't know what he's aiming for just yet. it's not like he has some grand design or ulterior motive when he meets you, he just... meets you. likes you. wants to know you. and the monthly meetings, as dreaded as they may be by you, become the foundation for what you both will eventually embark on.
spurred on by the a brief conversation you both had about needing to find more enjoyable ways to relieve stress and your unassuming comment in which you said, "i might just start drafting contracts for fun. maybe that'll relax me."
and... lightbulb.
"well," kuroo begins, trying to stamp away the giddy butterflies that seem to float in his chest, "i got an idea for a contract you can draft up. for fun, of course."
(you're equally as interested in the idea of the dynamics when he presents it to you. the contract and its terms and conditions drafted that very night and presented to him the next day. written and sent in a very formal email and signed off as "best regards".
kuroo falls in love right there.
he also ends all of his relationships with other subs the very day he signs his name to the agreement.)
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yourmilwaukeebeers · 1 year
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guys i promise i’m onto something i promise
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fiapple · 2 years
society if dc hired a writing team of colour who could acknowledge the racial coding of starfire & raven, explore vic's status as a Black man in modern america who's specific disability further means his body is going to be read a certain way by certain people no matter what he does, along with potentially finding a way to sort through the racisim + fetishization that went into prior depictions of dick's heritage:
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jrueships · 29 days
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the booger on it??? also look at his skinty little hand.. how big are these slices damn? no wonder the crust is a lil dark. the bigger it is the longer it bakes n whatnot n so on and so forth
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lol man wearing leather pants lol
spin around for me.
im talking 180 not the Xbox 360 baby.
... jump .
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maleficsin · 5 months
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Quit my job the other day....I'll miss my coworkers but I will not miss working for a douchebag owner anymore! Here's to not being as stressed out and having less work related anxiety c:
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stonernatural · 1 year
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Happy 420! Here’s beat sheet fan art to celebrate
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demonerium · 1 month
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et tu me manques
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zponds · 7 months
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hunterisnearme · 1 year
Director Of Land Development please 🙏
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who would win
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nicklloydnow · 3 months
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“In 1932, Adolf A. Berle Jr. and Gardner C. Means wrote a book entitled The Modern Corporation and Private Property. A critique of corporate management for being aloof and complacent, out of touch with the consumer and irresponsible to the stockholder, this volume became the bible of Marxists, left wing intellectuals and interventionist politicians. Under the banner of separation of ownership and control, the Berle-Means thesis led to an attack on the corporate structure from which today's top executives are still reeling.
With this background, one would have thought that the people urging a greater role for the public sector would have welcomed the advent of the corporate raider. For this new breed of capitalist has sent shivers down the spines of the denizens of the boardroom. Swooping down, launching "unfriendly" or "hostile" takeover bids, these corporate raiders have succeeded in replacing management from coast to coast in dozens of industries, and in frightening thousands of other out-of-touch chief executive officers into greater responsibility.
At least under the theory of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," it might have been expected that critics of the marketplace, noticeably the followers of Berle and Means, would have rallied `round the cause of the corporate raider.
In the event, however, this expectation has remained unfulfilled. Not only has the activity of the corporate raider been deprecated by the champions of government interference in the marketplace, but it has been roundly condemned by practically all pundits and commentators on public policy. In 1987, the left-leaning film director Oliver Stone distilled the common image of the corporate raider into the supposedly loathsome Gordon Gekko, brilliantly portrayed in an Oscar-winning performance by Michael Douglas. And this is the image of Gekko under which the corporate raider must labor in the present day.
Yet, despite this all-but-universal criticism, the unfriendly takeover bid has benefited consumers and stockholders, and served notice on complacent management across the board. In one celebrated case that unfolded shortly before Stone's film Wall Street was released, corporate guerrilla Carl Icahn put in a bid for a block of shares of Phillips Petroleum. Stung by Icahn's bid, Phillips' executives offered to improve a recapitalization plan they had been forced to put forth in response to an earlier planned takeover, this one by T. Boone Pickens. As a result, Icahn walked away with a cool $50 million, Pickens registered a profit of $89 million on a resale of his holdings to the company, all Phillips' shareholders gained from the better offer, and the oil firm itself was left far leaner and meaner than before.
Needless to say, neither Icahn nor Pickens nor any of the other masterminds of "the 1980s takeover boom," were publicly thanked for the good they had done. On the contrary: both men were not only mocked by Oliver Stone, they were also robbed of the opportunity to do any more such good by a rash of anti-takeover statutes adopted late in the decade. Henry Manne reported that hostile takeovers had "declined to four percent from fourteen percent of all mergers."
The conventional wisdom holds that this outcome is a good one for investors, but the facts show otherwise. No story of the corporate raider can ignore the role of the heroic Michael Milken. Assume there was a hotel worth $20 million as a present discounted capital value. Given an interest rate of 5%, this concern should throw off roughly $1 million to its owners. But stipulate that due to inefficiency, or general avarice, or to the fact that the CEO salary was far higher than justified, or a combination of all such phenomena, the owners were earning far less than that in dividends. And, guess what? The stock was trading at a lower value than might have prevailed, had these tape worm factors not been in operation.
Enter the "evil" Michael Milken. He swoops in, purchases enough of the stock in this corporation to kick out the old board and replace it with his own nominees. This is considered a "hostile" takeover by a corporate "raider." From whence springs the hostility? All Milken did was buy up a mess of stocks. Did he threaten any of these stock owners that they would walk the plank if they did not sell to him? No, of course not; we are talking arm's-length stock market deals here. We can logically infer that the owners of these stocks preferred the price offered them by the "raider," otherwise they would not have sold out. No, the "hostility," instead, stems from the CEO and his cronies who were mismanaging this hotel into the ground.
The Milkins of the world are akin to the canary in the mine; they are the Distant Early Warning Line for the economy.
When they get active, it is in response to something rotten that is going on. And what was the public reaction to this corporate raider? Instead of hoisting him up on their shoulders and holding ticker tape parades in his honor, he was given the back of the public's hand to his face. To wit, he was prosecuted by the Securities and Exchange Commission for insider trading, violations of U.S. Securities Laws and other financial felonies. He pled guilty only after the authorities threatened to go after his ailing brother. For shame.” - Walter Block, ‘Defending the Undefendable II’ (2013) [p. 41 - 44]
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bunn13z · 2 months
the fact that i am spending my day job hunting and not on my knees for someone is a crime tbh
men and minors dni
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months
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The other titans consider the offer made to fund them while dick staunchly refuses (Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #1)
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