#stop buying shein
cozylittleartblog · 2 months
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yeah like having to deal with the obnoxious middle aged women who thrift to resell wasn't bad enough, now we got the braindead fast fashion bozos cluttering things up too.
its ok shirt, i will love you like somebody else apparently couldn't even if you shed microplastics into the water supply and will fall apart after 7 wears. and then i'll sew you back together like anyone with two braincells to rub together Should
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cloudmancy · 7 months
I think gluttony is such a deeply underrated sin. I don't see it as the act of eating but the instinct to consume. different from greed but they drive each other: indulgence. consumer products. what is a consumer? capitalism will tell you: it's not about food. to glut: supply or fill to excess. it looks like perishable luxury. overindulgence. gluttony is not inherent to food. there is nothing sinful about nourishment. what does gluttony look like? cheap plastic crap used once and strewn about the room. designer shoes mouldering away in a display case that need to be fumigated every two years or the leather will begin to rot. indulgent exotic treats exported from halfway around the world sitting at the back of the fridge expiring before it can be used. rotting in luxurious excess. navel-gazing while the world starves around you.
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a dude my ma works with at amazon died of a stroke on the job because they force them to work in hot conditions and they refused him water. they bring in modified temperature readers so they can say "see, it's a safe temperature in here, all up to code uwu" but someone snuck in their own temp reader and it was much hotter than they claim it is.
it was ninety degrees Fahrenheit. heavy lifting for several hours at a time, no water, in 90 degree loading docks.
stop fucking using amazon. or at the very least, fucking unionize.
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britneyshakespeare · 8 months
shapeless horse dress
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a horse a horse my figure for a horse
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bass-alien · 2 years
I love supporting businesses/stores that sell plus size goth and alternative clothing because a lot of places are not plus size inclusive
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tiamathh · 3 months
so u want to enslave urself to be another money obsessed sheeple in an already broken af system just like everyone else?
Bro... It's not that deep to me I just want to be comfortable there's nothing wrong with that, take this somewhere else it's annoying me now lol, I'm not interested in breaking the system nor can I do anything to it so shoo
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turbonini · 3 months
whenever i see someone online be like: just bought 500$s worth of shein clothes 🤩🤩🤩 i'm like genuinely taken aback that society still finds that okay???
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hollowboobtheory · 1 year
goth fashion is a parody of old money. the sooner you understand this the sooner you can unlock the full potential of your inner darkness. also stop buying from shein.
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demigodofhoolemere · 9 months
*looking at clothes online*
Oooh, I love these styles so mu—
*sees prices*
Oh lol just kidding actually
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mondo-grosso · 1 year
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vitamingummybear · 1 year
i like it here cause i don't see shein ads.
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pkbeamgamma · 1 year
yesterday this old guy was preaching to me and a coworker how good temu is while we' re trying to get him to contact customer service bc they refused to allow him to return an item
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brehaaorgana · 8 months
I'm never going to stop thinking about how people order shit from shein and temu not even knowing whether or not it's made by slave labor and imprisoned uyghurs. It does get talked about but...so often people still couch criticisms with excuses for people who "can't afford" anything else.
This is such a a weak weak caveat. The majority of people who shop temu or shein can afford somewhere else to dress themselves. Their target demographic is not "people who can only afford a $3 shirt." They have no interest in marketing to poor people, especially because they're already actively losing money.
Secondly, thrift and second hand stores exist, as well as buy nothing groups and swaps. Clothing closets also exist. There is an overabundance of clothing globally — there's no actual shortage of wearable clothes, and secondhand shops have more clothing than they can ever sell and that stuff gets thrown away. Fashion & clothing waste is massive. Shein and Temu do not fulfill roles in society for people in poverty that simply don't exist anywhere else.
They don't aim to do that, they don't intend to do that, and they're certainly not the only places who can provide that.
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cinnabargirl · 2 years
There is literally nothing more jarring than seeing someone whose "alt" style is obviously plucked from tiktok
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corvidstar · 3 months
I can't fucking stand people buying tails from unethical sellers and then lying about it. It just shows how immature some people are.
I don't care how old you are, if you've got the capacity to buy real taxidermy you also have to stick to the consequences of doing so.
And for the love of god stop lying. If you got the tail in Shein or Amazon I don't even care anymore, just don't lie because it's just so blatantly sad. You're lying to yourself.
Be better, honestly.
If you claim to be non-human, if you claim to be human even, prove it. Because it's just plain infuriating to see people disrespect their own kind like that.
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thedeathwitchescats · 17 days
My collection of tips for people who are just now developing a chronic illness or just now realizing they have one. ((As someone who has only been struggling with mine for a little over a year))
-dont blame yourself for not being able to do what you used to. Your body used to do its job to a better degree than it does now. You are not lazy bc your taking more breaks or bc you cant get out of bed. Your taking care of yourself. I struggle with this all the time. Especially considering my living situation. Shit doesnt get done when I dont do it but I simply cant sometimes.
-that leads me into my next point. Take advantage of your good days, but dont overwork yourself just bc your "not feeling chronically ill." When you have the energy, start the laundry, do the dishes, take out the trash, but still take breaks as needed
-keep a set of your meds literally everywhere. I have a pill box I specifically keep in my car with a weeks worth of my morning meds. I have a three sets of my most important meds in my bag at all times. I have pain meds stashed in every crevasse they could be stashed. Trust me, when your running late and you get half way to work before you realize you havent taken your meds your gonna want to be able to reach into your glove box and take them rq
-buy the mobility aid. You think you need a brace bc a specific joint hurts like hell and wont stay in place?? Get it. You cant walk for long periods of time and think a cane would help?? Get it. You think a shower chair would do you good so you dont pass out with shampoo in your eyes and naked?? Get it. Just get it. Walmart sells canes for under ten bucks and they work really well. They also have extra tips in a two back for 2.50. Dollar tree has braces and like 12 different pain creams. Five below also has some braces and quite a few pain relief options. You can also get them cheap on sites like shein or Amazon and sometimes depop. ((I know I know, dont support those sites but a bitch is broke and two bucks for compression socks is a fucking steal)) You can also sometimes find wheelchairs and canes and crutches at goodwill. It isnt a guarantee but its a good option if you need smt cheap. ((Be careful and check that their not broken before you buy))
-take the pain meds. Put on the pain cream. Ice that joint. You dont get brownie points for toughing it out and it will help your health in the long run. If someone looks at you like your weak for taking smt to help with your pain, their the problem, not you.
-create a good support system. Find the people who will drop their brand new iced coffee to stop you from slamming your head into the ground during a fainting spell. They are out there. Find them and hold onto them for dear fucking life
-try to make the best of what you can do every day. Put on cute earrings. Buy cute compression socks. Get braces that fit your vibe. Put stickers on your mobility aids. Put pins on your bag. Carry a cute weighted stuffie for when you need some extra comfort. Make the most of what you are capable of doing.
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