#stop project willow
nomadicflowers · 1 year
Environmental impact documents conclude that if the oil produced by Willow is burned, it would create 260 million metric tons (260,000,000,000 kg ) of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound made up of molecules that each have one carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms. It is found in the gas state at room temperature. In the air, carbon dioxide is transparent to visible light but absorbs infrared radiation, acting as a greenhouse gas. The noise, traffic, and pollution the project brings will disrupt ecosystems that Indigenous Alaskans have relied on for millennia. And the project threatens the already vulnerable caribou population — a vital resource many native communities rely on.
What happens when you drill in Alaska? Seismic vibrations can disrupt plants' growth patterns. In addition, the infrastructure from oil drilling can cause drainage issues for plants. Infrastructure, particularly road-building, can also lead to alkaline dust spreading across and settling on topsoil. Expansion of oil and gas drilling in their habitat could be extremely damaging. Direct contact with spilled oil would kill polar bears but an invisible threat could persist for years, as toxic substances lingering in ice or water may impact the entire food web of the Arctic ecosystem for years to come.
Offshore oil and gas drilling threatens our beaches, rivers, creeks, salt marshes and Sea Islands. It threatens wildlife like brown pelicans, bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles and endangered North Atlantic right whales. Offshore oil and gas drilling threatens our coastal way of life.
The production and use of oil and gas are inextricably linked to water. The extraction and processing of oil and gas consume large volumes of water, produce wastewater and may accidentally pollute water supplies. These effects have an impact on water supplies, human health and natural resources.
Is oil drilling help cause global warming?Not only that, the oil and gas industry releases massive amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas that is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. All told, the industry is responsible for 38% of all methane emissions in the United States, or 3.8% of all greenhouse gases.
Methane (CH4) is a hydrocarbon that is a primary component of natural gas. Methane is also a greenhouse gas (GHG), so its presence in the atmosphere affects the earth's temperature and climate system. Methane is emitted from a variety of anthropogenic (human-influenced) and natural sources.
Why is the Willow Project bad?
* The proposed project is a climate disaster in waiting.
* The analysis for the project covers only a sliver of ConocoPhillips’ plans for the area.
* New information on the risk of gas leaks has not been properly assessed.
* ConocoPhillips has played an influential role in the environmental review.
Oil destroys the insulating ability of fur-bearing mammals, such as sea otters, and the water repellency of a bird's feathers, thus exposing these creatures to the harsh elements. Without the ability to repel water and insulate from the cold water, birds and mammals will die from hypothermia.
The impact of an oil spill.
* harms animals and insects.
* prevents photosynthesis in plants.
* disrupts the food chain.
* takes a long time to recover.
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initial-lime · 1 year
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I hate rich demented old men, they make me mad.
Not to mention America is too large, you ever notice how the largest countries work the worst? Too much land makes people greedy, do like the smaller countries, better life, better future
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corvus06 · 1 year
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alicemccombs · 1 year
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asherisawkward · 1 year
End Project Willow
Project Willow is drilling more oil in Alaska to create profit for big companies, regardless of the negative effect on the atmosphere, environment, and all that live on it. This disgusting project produces up to 180,000 barrels of oil per day , which is 1.5% of the total oil production in the United States. It will continue to run for 30 years and has the potential produce more than 287 million tons of greenhouse gasses and introduce them to the environment. This project leads to the decimation of the natural world, the corruption and pollution of the atmosphere we need in order to breathe, and the poisoning and increased deaths of animals. This needs to stop. If we want a future for our children or the generations after us, things need to change.
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lilstrawberryghost · 1 year
Sign the petitions
We have until March 6th
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serene-sun · 1 year
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Please, we need your help. The willow project is a project being viewed by the President in this moment, the plan is to sell ALASKA and its land, homes, and WILDLIFE for oil drilling. The project will produce up to 180,000 barrels of oil a day, according to the company — about 1.5% of total U.S. oil production. But in Alaska, Willow represents the biggest oil field in decades. What’s the problem with that? Project opponents point to its potential impact on global climate change. Environmental impact documents conclude that if the oil produced by Willow is burned, it would create 260 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. Exposure to CO2 can produce a variety of health effects. These may include headaches, dizziness, restlessness, a tingling or pins or needles feeling, difficulty breathing, sweating, tiredness, increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, coma, asphyxia, various cancers, and convulsions. Once the plan is approved, climate change will be irreversible and unfixable no matter the effort. But the only way we can stop this is if 189 more environmentalists and citizens like you sign our petition before it's too late. We only have one month left before it’s approved, without your help- the human race will suffer more than it ever has. Don’t let old white men in the government decide the fate of generations, and centuries of human history and cellular evolution. I’m asking you not as a fellow american citizen, but as a human being- take a few minutes to end the end from consuming life as we know it.
Plz reblog so we can get as many signatures as possible!!
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jasonntodd · 1 year
Stop the Willow Project
Broskis I have never done a post like this and tbh, I barely get interactions on my posts so this may be a complete dud, but recent i’ve gotten an influx of followers so I’m going to use that momentum right now.
If you care even the slightest about the planet and want to piss off the boomers and ConocoPhillips (a disgusting ass oil company 🤢🤮) with a big fuck you, please please please sign the Protect The Arctic petition against the Willow Project in Alaska and the Arctic and/or the Change.org petition against the mining.
If the Biden administration does go ahead with the plan, it really will mark an end for the planet - ConocoPhillips wants to drill for petroleum and as a result, will destroy local habitats and disrupt the wildlife. It will pump over 278 MILLION tons of greenhouse gases into the air. You know, one of the biggest things currently warming our planet and killing us? The locations that they want to destroy are “…critical habitat for migrating caribou, waterfowl and other wildlife.” They have even aggressively lobbying Congress and the White House to try and pass the bill to allow for the project! It will destroy any progress towards the end for oil drilling and the destruction of the climate. The warming planet is wreaking havoc on the wildlife there (and across the world) as well.
Please, if there’s anything you take away from this, is that this is a threat to my future! To your future! To our future! Please sign the petition I’ve linked and i’ll link the change.org link as well. I’ve also included links about the project itself and how it’s detrimental to the arctic and it’s wildlife, alongside how important the arctic is as a whole to keeping the balance of Earth’s climate.
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bananapaliooza · 1 year
I’m not asking for much but stop the willow project.
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In these dark times, I just wanna say: TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS! STOP BANNING BOOKS! STOP POLICE BRUTALITY! STOP THE WILLOW PROJECT! DONT OVERTURN ICWA! GUN CONTROL IS A MUST! MY BODY MY CHOICE! BLACK LIVES MATTER! The state of the U.S (probably the whole world, too) is so shitty right now, and honestly I am genuinely scared for our futures. The core of the U.S is being rewritten and destroyed. It is no longer free, and it hasn’t been for a while.
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The Willow Oil Project is run by ConocoPhillips and is a project to drill gas and oil in Alaska because it will bring them more money. It is said that it could produce up to 180,000 barrels of oil per day - that's 1.5% of the total oil production in the US alone. The project will run for 30 years and will produce more than 287 million tons of greenhouse gasses.
The project will not only harm the environment, it will harm the whole world. Especially the people living in the area, and it will destroy Indigenous Alaskan land. The project could would cause many humans to die as well. Animals such as polar bears, penguins, arctic foxes, whales, orcas, seals, and so many more will go extinct. Global warming would intensify drastically and ecosystems would collapse entirely. These animals and ecosystems are already in danger and the Willow Project would just add more fuel to the fire.
The Arctic is already warming four times faster than the rest of the world and we can't afford to go ahead with this project. We don't have long to stop this, but it's not too late.
Sign the petition below to stop this project, follow this account for more news, and please share this post to spread awareness.
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queerbrownvegan · 1 year
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Sadly, The Willow Project has been approved, but I know we can count on it being fought against every single day - starting now and lasting for its entire existence (there's already an open lawsuit against it). -qbv
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dolphingirl1234 · 1 year
I'm helping to spread awareness about the Willow Project, a project that will cause many animals to go extinct and will ruin the climate completely. Go follow my side blog about it for more information and ways to stop the project. The account is @stopthewillowproject
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clambuoyance · 1 year
hello, i’m an avid follower and love your art! (i promise i really do despite the message being a completely different topic.)
however, i was wondering if you’d be willing to spread the information about the willow project, an initiative the united states is debating on doing that may have serious repercussions on our planet’s future. it is a plan to drill for petroleum in the arctic in alaska, which will be detrimental to not only the wildlife but to our planet’s future. you have a really big following and i was hoping that you might want to bring awareness to this major issue! there are major petitions going around right now asking for signatures to try and somehow stop the biden administration from going through with this.
thank you and sorry for the random message!
No need to apologize, it’s very important so thank you for sending me this message!
Here’s a link about it plus one of the petitions. I found several petitions as well but this had the most.
I’m not sure how well this site works but it does have a template you could use to send to your government officials and locals and let them know that this is not okay!
If you have more links or posts feel free to share
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d1n0m1te · 1 year
To cut it short and sweet, this needs everyone immediate attention, and I’m honestly both upset and pissed that I hadn’t heard about it sooner. I’m sure by now a lot of people are just now hearing about it with it now circulating on social media - TikTok especially.
Right now, The Willow Project is being decided on by the Biden Administration which will basically not only be destroying native land in Alaska, wolf life, ecosystems and so on for the sake of oil and material gain, but this could also permanently damage the O-Zone layer as this project is apparently meant to hon for thirty years. THIRTY FUCKING YEARS. That damage will never be able to fixed.
We need to do something, I have two links for which you can send in letters to the Biden administration on as well as a change.org. Regardless, something needs to be done, do what you can, boost the hell out of this because this is a problem that won’t just harm us, but those in the future too. I literally had my own younger sibling come to me because she was so stressed about The Willow Project. They’re twelve. Fucking TWELVE, NO TWELVE YEAR OLD SHOULD BE STRESSED ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE POTENTIAL END OF THE WORLD.
I don’t care how you do it or where, but boost the fuck out of this, let it be known that we are fucking tired of these people I’m power who are SUPPOSED to take care and help us repeatedly keep fucking us over and making things worse solely because they’re all old and it wouldn’t be affecting them in their lifetime. How selfish. Do something, not just for yourselves, but for those in the future that will be impacted by these choices.
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zephersbumblebee · 1 year
You can use this letter template.
President Biden,
With a projected lifespan of 30 years and accumulated greenhouse gas emissions of more than 280 million metric tons, ConocoPhillips’ massive Willow project in Alaska would be – if approved by your administration – a carbon bomb.
Now that the Bureau of Land Management recently recommended approval of the drilling plan, this is a good time to pause and remember that America’s Arctic is warming about four times faster than the rest of the planet, causing permafrost to melt and Arctic communities to literally be consumed by the sea.
In a display that would be comedic if it weren’t so absurd, ConocoPhillips is literally deploying equipment to refreeze and stabilize permafrost so they can continue to extra destructive fossil fuels from beneath the tundra.
You campaigned for the presidency on a promise to “lead the world to address the climate emergency and lead through the power of example.” You assured the nation that we would achieve a 100-percent clean energy economy and net-zero emissions by 2050.
But with a projected 30-year lifespan, in 2050 Willow would still be pumping out greenhouse gases, and its infrastructure would have resulted in more widespread oil development in the Western Arctic.
You have the power to defuse this carbon bomb. Please, for your climate legacy and the health of the world, reject BLM’s shortsighted recommendation. Stop Willow with a formal record of decision that selects a “no action” alternative
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