#stop systemic transphobia
babsaros · 26 days
hey. when cis society is oppressing a trans man, what he is experiencing is. In Fact. misogyny. i'm sorry i know none of us like to be reminded of our agab, and it hurts whenever people perceive you as the wrong gender. but a cis person hate-criming, assaulting, verbally abusing, etc, a trans man is not doing "transandrophobia" because they do not perceive him as a man.
they perceive him as a woman failing at her gender, as a woman who has been seduced and lied to and manipulated because women are so easily led astray, just like it says in the bible. they perceive him as a woman who has been mutilated. they perceive him as a dyke that needs to be fixed. if they are hate-criming him because they *do* perceive him as a man, because he passes well enough they aren't thinking he could be trans, then they're doing so out of homophobia, perceiving him as a gay man, a pervert, a sissy, a danger to children. OR, they are being transphobic but specifically because they think he might be transfeminine instead. when cis society oppresses a trans woman, they are able to do it on multiple levels at once. She's a woman failing at her gender, a dyke that needs to be fixed. Or she's an evil and grotesque crossdressing pervert, a rude caricature, a danger to polite society. she will never be doing enough to escape oppression entirely, no matter if she gets every surgery she can and wears makeup every day and passes perfectly, because she lives under a patriarchy, and she's a woman, so she lives in a panopticon, and HAVING to get surgery and wear make-up to be respected IS oppression, especially if the alternative is being hate-crimed.
trans women (and trans men who pass) are not experiencing "transandrophobia" when a 'queer women and nbs" event turns them away at the door for being too masculine. they are. IN FACT!! experiencing the byproducts of misogyny in a patriarchy!!! where the terfs and coward cis women running those events and occupying those spaces have been taught (sometimes through experience, sometimes by men, sometimes by women) throughout life that men = stronger and more dangerous than women ALWAYS. That they need to protect themselves at all times and always be vigilant. That men and women can't be friends without sexual tension (and so as queer women the mere existence of what they perceive as a "man" is a threat). That women need a separate sports league because they can't possibly compete with someone who has even a little bit "extra" (an unquantifiable amount actually because there isn't a standard range) testosterone. That women should cook and men should fix cars. i promise you, i promise i promise i promise. it's misogyny. like!!! you don't say cis gay men experiences "androphobia", bc that's not a thing!! you sound like fucking mens rights activists guys please! you don't say a black man experiences "misandrynoir"!! because living in a patriarchy fundamentally means men do not experience oppression based on their gender. its not happening. shut the fuck up. stop walking us back to 2014 can we please take a step forward and stop bitching about this. there are genuine issues in the world and i'm frankly sick of people who should be smarter than that needing to be gently hand-held through this fucking explanation for the millionth time and still stomping their feet.
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pocketsizedquasar · 9 months
it would be really nice if ppl harping on transmascs for talking abt anti-transmasculinity (or even, gasp, giving a name to it!) actually listened to the experiences of transmascs of color (particularly Black transmascs), disabled transmascs, fat transmascs, etc. etc. instead of centering the hypothetical thin, white, cis-passing able-bodied trans man they have in their head who they use as the benchmark for all transmasc experience. any of the beliefs about how transmascs aren’t targeted as much, aren’t hated by terfs, face less violence, aren’t treated as predators, are simply “invisible” by default (rather than being deliberately erased and buried), etc wouldn’t be happening if people just listened to transmascs saying over and over again that yes, we do experience these things, yes, these harms do happen to us. you wouldn’t believe we don’t face those things if you listened to us.
anti-transmasculinity is a whole and unique experience, multifaceted and intersectional, and it involves the continued and deliberate erasure of transmasc folks and our struggles and the violence we face, and the lumping in of violence against us as “violence against women.” anti-transmasculinity is not a counter or an “opposite” to transmisogyny; they are interconnected struggles — transfem & transmasc are not opposites! the existence of anti-transmasculinity does not mean that transmascs have it “worse” or “better” — honestly, judging oppression by such metrics is unproductive and unhelpful. we have more to gain from engaging with each other and understanding how our experiences mutually connect with one another.
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janokenmun · 5 months
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ok it pisses me RIGHT off that "crossdresser" is on here
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ciderjacks · 5 months
Hey FYI killing or assaulting or raping a woman due to misogyny is a hate crime. It is as much of a hate crime as killing or assaulting or raping any other marginalized group due to bigotry and I’d appreciate if we stopped downplaying misogyny and misogynistic violence when literally every single woman I have met has at some point been a victim of misogynistic hate crime. No, men are not “also oppressed by the patriarchy”, if I see one more person make that claim I’m going to kill them. What the hell do you guys even think the patriarchy is. like. Ok. The patriarchy isn’t a gender norm system, that’s it’s own issue that tends to form under the patriarchy. The patriarchy is a system designed to serve men and oppress women, it’s designed so that men are able to obtain power but women aren’t. That’s literally all it is.
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homophyte · 3 months
sorry i cant stop thinking about it. i genuinely hate that the response lately to ppls worries about hrt--not talking about 'eveyone needs extensive therapy first' or 'you need to be [some unreasoble entry barrier %] certain cause itll change u forever' or othersuch scaremongering but people literally going 'im worried im gonna lose my job/housing/close relationships that are important to me'--is like. 'well too bad. couldnt be me. i would simply not worry about those things. skill issue. why would anything stop u from going on hrt. if literally anything might make you slightly hesitate or god forbid dissuade you this is a sign youre actually The Enemy.' what is fucking with that
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cedarkiller · 15 days
There's a big and frankly stupid debate about trans women in sports and how we're supposedly predisposed to win in sports. I'll talk personal experiences rather than some big research. Not that people that hate trans women care for what we say, but I digress.
Prior to being on HRT, my body had a far higher nmol of t than actual cis men. It hovered between 230 and was almost above 250. The dysphoria I felt from that was awful. I was aware that at some point I had the crazy ability to just repeat a physical exercise a bunch and get muscular rapidly. I always avoided arm exercises yet I could lift up fairly heavy things. After starting estrogen, I noticed that I got weaker. After I started taking t blockers, it became significantly more apparent. Groceries of 5-10 kg that became easier to carry around now feel like me trying to carry them in my preteens to early puberty time.
None of this is to say cis women are weaker. Since our bodies are not absolutes and some cis men have lower t and some cis women higher t. But, trans women are likely to be taking some form of t blockers if transitioning. And this does affect our physical strength a lot.
The sports discourse is a fascinating intellectual tool used by actual sexists. It isn't necessarily just transmysogynist in its structure. The core argument made is that women are more physically weak than men. Therefore women need intervention so that they're protected from the physically superior men. It asserts that a patriarchal hierarchy is natural and actually beneficial to women. And I feel like it's this logical tool which tricks people into assuming this is to their benefit. We're nothing but a tool for actual cis men to assert themselves and gain power. So people that use the label feminist yet defend these actions aren't all that feministic. It reminds me of how many issues second wave feminism had in the US due to excluding non white women and lesbians. This isn't real feminism in this case. It gives acknowledgement that men are indeed superior and all feminism amounts to is an idea to beg and seek approval of spaces that men decided for women.
But all I hear is how we, trans women, dominate women's sports. Most of us can't even lift a bag of groceries well, let alone dream of doing this. The other rhetorical reasoning behind this is to belittle and attack our femininity as trans people. Our womanhood is denied while we're also called failed males. And ya know, this rhetorical idea was used by white feminists in the past to deny non-white women too. You're not the defender of women you think you are, if you're not seeking genuine liberation from this garbage gendered system.
But what do I know. I'm just the supposed weak "man" that's also somehow super powerful and superior to cis women. I'm also supposedly having a super imposing male privilege because everything I say is heard and enforced over cis women while people debate my literal right to pee in a public restroom.
Do I feel privileged and mighty? No. And I certainly doubt I can overpower cis women. And to be quite honest, I don't understand why I'm supposed to. I've never understood why men have this idea of domination and aggression. That should hint to you that I'm not a man.
Trans rights. Women's rights. The ghouls that enforce all this suffering can go to hell.
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redd956 · 5 months
Tumblr is wondering who I block more radfems or antisemites
The block button and me are ✨️ besties ✨️
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eleftherian · 4 months
I really just wish i could get through ONE doctors appointment without my birthname being shouted across a waiting room at me
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
the destruction and running into the ground of the term “toxic masculinity” will always piss me off because the people who were the loudest about it being a ~bad term are the ones who understood it the least
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synthient · 2 years
"Maybe it's not as binary as that" is really funny as a response to "either I'm having another mental breakdown, or I'm trapped in a virtual reality that's imprisoned me." "Actually you're mentally ill and trapped in a simulation. Hope that helps <3"
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wildcreativekatz · 1 year
Stay safe, make escape plans, and do whatever you need to do to keep your friends and family safe.
I believe that we really need to have organized protests against the GOP as well as against the dangerous anti-Trans propaganda. The fact that there are people purposely spreading misinformation as a means to dehumanize trans people and spread fear-mongering and encourage violence is disgusting, it is fascist, it is unconstitutional, it is anti-freedom, and it is dangerous.
I implore everyone to have a means to defend themselves (whether it's guns or a bat or simply learning how to physically defend yourself) Whatever works for your situation. Learn about the states and where it is safest, as well as learn about what it would take to immigrate somewhere else. Better safe than sorry.
Protest, be vocal in politics, talk to your politicians, and fight misinformation with information. Teach people about trans laws and what it takes to transition, why the ability to transition is important, how transitioning impact health, and the laws around trans kids. There is a lot of misinformation about how kids transition (a lot of politicians are claiming that kids can just 'go to a hospital and get 'mutilated' into another gender. This is deeply untrue. Trans kids do not have access to surgery until they're 18, and most 18-year-olds aren't going to get surgery cuz it's too expensive. Not only that, but kids go have to go through a lot of therapy and different solutions until they are diagnosed as trans. The same goes with literally any other health issue. There are policies in place to ensure that people don't get misdiagnosed as trans.)
People also need to be educated on what grooming actually is and how it happens. It's gross that it's become a buzzword and it's insulting that they would misuse it, not just to trans people, but to actual victims of grooming.
If these politicians were actually concerned about grooming, they wouldn't be protecting the laws that allow those with money to get away with those crimes. And if they actually cared about children, they wouldn't be spreading laws and misinformation that actively puts them in danger.
I seriously believe that the people spreading this hateful propaganda and misinformation for their political benefit should be held accountable and arrested. I want them to get their comeuppance.
Stay safe, and keep a lookout. Remember that you aren't alone, we all are in this together. I wish you all the best.
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despite-everything · 2 years
genuinely how the fuck are we supposed to live like this. rent in my town is up 17.5% from what it was last year. gas is now $5/gallon. food prices are going up. tuition is going up, but even university student employee wages aren't. i know i know i know this is how everything is designed but it just hurts to live in a world that wants you dead if you aren't fucking loaded
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incredibly uncomfortable finding out a mutual of mine (thankfully one i wasn't very close to) has been rbing shit complaining about "theyfabs." absolutely vile, if you think that shit is anywhere near okay please weed yourselves out. unfollow, block me, whatever. apparently i haven't been vocal enough about this
your transphobia and bioessentialism is not made progressive by supposedly doing it in defense of other trans people
afab trans people don't have privilege over amab trans people. different experiences do not inherently mean one is better, more desirable, or more privileged than the other. it means they're different
afab vs amab is a reductive binary that not only ignores so many complexities of experience and brushes away even the attempt at intersectionality, but it contributes to the ever-present problem of perisex trans people only acknowledging that intersex people exist when it's convenient to do so. also your bioessentialism is not made progressive by supposedly doing it in defense of other trans people
i've made nicer worded posts about this but they seem to have gone under the radar so let me try again. tme vs tma is a dumb ass fucking excuse for any sort of "analysis" and shows everyone you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. NOBODY is "exempt" from transmisogyny that's the fucking point of systems of oppression!!! they're SYSTEMS!!! white people are not racism exempt! non-muslims are not islamophobia exempt! skinny people are not fatphobia exempt! straight people are not homophobia exempt! stop talking out of your ass and think about your words for longer than five goddamn seconds! also! your bioessentialism is not made progressive by supposedly doing it in defense of other trans people!
stop attacking other trans people! there is an entire fucking attempted genocide happening and you're here just spinning your wheels in the fucking mud getting pissy at random trans people over the internet who are in the exact same struggle as you are! you're not getting anywhere! all you're succeeding in doing is LITERALLY creating new slurs to be used by transphobes against those who should be your fucking siblings
your transphobia and bioessentialism is not made progressive by supposedly doing it in defense of other trans people. it wasn't cute when kalvin garrah did it. it's not cute when blair white does it. and it's not fucking cute when you do it either
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edenfenixblogs · 3 months
Kinda crazy how any post I make about my experience of antisemitism — whether or not it mentions Israel — immediately becomes inundated with comments about Palestinian pain and suffering. Do you really not see how inappropriate that is, people?
When Black People post about their experience of racism, it’s not OK to come in to that space and talk about, idk, war in Sudan.
When Asian People talk about their experience of racism, it’s not appropriate to come into that space and start talking about China’s treatment of Uyghur people or North Korean aggression.
When Muslim people talk about their experience of Islamophobia, it’s not OK to come into that space and start talking about all the horrible things Isis or Al Qaeda have done.
When a trans person starts talking about their experience of transphobia, it’s not OK to come into that space and start talking about the latest horrible thing Caitlyn Jenner said.
Why are you able to understand this when it comes to every other group, but posts about Jewish pain are always filled with arguments about Palestine that blatantly imply that actually—my group, Jews—actually deserve the hatred we receive?
Spoiler alert: It’s because you’re antisemitic and will double down on your beliefs 100000 times to prove to yourself that you’re not, because actually confronting that you have hateful beliefs is too scary for you.
I’m sorry if it messes with your sense of self righteous inherent goodness, but you have and perpetuate systemic antisemitism just like you have all other forms of systemic bigotry. And if you don’t address it, that makes you a bigot on purpose. Deal with your hatred and stop being horrible to Jews.
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
te/rfs will probably find this and crucify me but i am honestly so sick of hearing abt cis women’s trauma. not because it’s not valid or important or doesn’t need to be talked about, but because cis women consistently weaponize it against trans people when we’re trying to talk about transphobia and the violence we face or have conversations about gender essentialism and bioessentialism. if a trans person says hey masculinity can be beautiful and it helps trans people if you stop thinking of men and masculinity as inherently evil and instead celebrate positive and healthy masculinity, and your response is to say “UMMM ACTUALLY MEN HAVE TRAUMATIZED ME SO I GET TO SAY WHATEVER I WANT TO MEN INCLUDING TRANS MEN” you are literally perpetuating the toxic system that harmed you. if you condemn positive and healthy masculinity, the only masculinity that will be able to thrive is toxic masculinity. and the only people who will be substantially hurt are trans people and some cis women, not cis men. so like honestly hate me all you want, but i’ve survived a lifetime of trauma from the patriarchy AND years of transphobia so i’m just no longer interested in hearing cis women’s sob stories and excuses for why wallowing in their trauma is more important that trans people’s lives and the betterment of society.
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yanderenightmare · 6 months
Bakugou Katsuki
TW: platonic to romantic yandere, no transphobia but transgender themes, bullying, not proofread
male to fem reader
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had a crazy idea about a platonic yandere bully Bakugou, who's always pushed his childhood friend around ever since he found out he was quirkless (just like BakuDeku only with reader)
but then, one day, reader gets hit with a gender-switch quirk, turning him into a girl. at first, he decides to wait it out at home, but then several weeks pass, so he decides to go see the doctor - who then tells him that since he's quirkless, there's nothing preexisting in his system to fight off the foreign cells that have mutated his body - basically telling him that there is no cure that will change him back to the way he used to be, but giving him the same option one would give any girl who wants to transition.
just think about the fucking change in dynamic.
like, Bakugou would continue on with his bullying bullshit, but the reader finally puts down his foot, telling him he's going to file sexual harassment if he doesn't keep his sweaty hands off him.
and Bakugou's just like ??? you'll fuckin' what ???
and Bakugou's friends are all, "it's kinda lame to be pickin' on some girl- we're a little too old to be pullin' pigtails..."
and again, Bakugou's like ??? fuckin' what ???
and then he's like, "well, if i can't bully him as a guy, then..." and reports you for not wearing the girls uniform, thinking he's being so fucking clever.
but then you show up in a girl's uniform, and everyone's just fawning over how cute and perfect you are.
you have other girls asking you to sit at their table, fixing your hair with cutesy clips and your face with some lipgloss.
guys are stopping you by the lockers, a little awkwardly since they know who you used to be, but fuck- you're just so adorable- it really suits you
and Bakugou's forced to look at it all with his eye twitching. you used to be such a fucking loner; he could have you all to himself and know people want to be your friend and shit, or worse...
and then boom, platonic yandere turns into romantic yandere
and everything is so fucking awkward on both sides...
because he'll still bully you, but it's changed very clearly from getting the crap beat out of you and being stuffed in a locker to...
well... a whole new range of things
from being told that all the boys only flirt with you as a joke and that you look like a fucking clown with all that makeup on - even when you're only wearing chapstick and have been so dim in your boyish mind to even have noticed that anyone's been flirting with you.
but then there's this one guy who's been sending you love letters almost every day who decides to corner you and confess, and even though you turn him down, he still refuses to let you leave. and there's this instinctual terror blossoming inside you that you've never ever felt before once you see him looking down at you with that predatory look in his eyes, and before you know it, you're standing there fucking crying even though he hasn't even touched you yet.
and then comes your unlikely hero, and Bakugou just fucking thrusts this guy up against a wall with his hands balling his collar, sneering at him to fuck off
and feelings of relief are so confusing you end up just standing there awkwardly, blinking your eyes that won't stop spilling with tears for some odd reason you're not yet used to. you end up saying a small "thanks," but even the small gesture makes you blush and feel flushed because fuuuck wasn't that kind of attractive what Bakugou just did for you ???
but no, you hate that guy ??? he used to give you swirlies and wedgies and black eyes, and even now, he still bullies you
being a girl is so confusing
but being Bakugou is also confusing because he's feeling the simmer of other instincts that had previously lied dormant - protective instincts and something else that makes him have to fight off a boner standing there seeing your pretty little face all teary and cute
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