storiesofsvu · 2 years
Dunbar Magic Hot Cocoa
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Heather Dunbar x reader Warnings: language, some gentle teasing, illness. Covers "hot chocolate" square of my bingo, and the "sick/illness" square of @resanoona s bingo Is this a *very* self indulgent fic because I'm sick, feverish and unfortunately DONT have someone to take care of me and make me soup and god forbid i had to even do the dishes in order to make my soup earlier despite not wanting to move? Yes. Yes it is.(which also means if its total garbage or doesn't make sense... it is because i am feverish and sick and my brain is not good...)
Heather taking half days was no strange thing. It was easy enough for her to work from home if she had any last minute calls, paperwork or the like and she much preferred it. The comfort of her own home meant she didn’t have to be wearing the sky high stilettos, there were no phones ringing off the hook from other offices, no chatter of other White House employees and most of all no one could pop up into her home office unannounced.
The front door swung shut behind her and she hung up her coat, stepping out of her shoes before letting out a soft groan at the relief of being home early. Wandering through the living room her plan was to pour a glass of wine, head upstairs to change and then work on some paperwork. She tossed her bag over the bag of the couch with the intention of coming back from it later when a muted, “oof” groaned from the other side of it and she stalled in her step.
“You throwing things at me now?” You grumbled, shoving her bag down to your feet as she rounded the couch.
“Sweetheart! I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you were home.”
“What’re you doing home?” You grumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around you as you nestled into the couch.
“Took a half day.” She shrugged, perching on the edge of the couch and she frowned, watching the way you shivered, pulling the blanket right up to your neck, your eyes already shut again. “Hey, what’s going on?” Her hand reached out, the back of it resting against your forehead.
“Nothing. Just tired. Woke up with a bit of a cough.”
“Well you’re burning up.” She tsk’d, swiftly moving from the couch and you could hear her rummaging around in what you could only assume was the bathroom before she returned to the couch. The thermometer beeped and she let out a soft sigh, “you’ve got a fever sweetheart.”
“I’m freezing.”
“Yeah that’s how a fever generally works.” She chuckled, “I assume you haven’t taken anything?”
“I had some cough syrup right when I got up but I’m pretty sure I puked it all back up.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Mm-mm.” You shook your head, your eyes finally cracking open to find her sitting on the edge of the couch again, her sick kit sitting on the coffee table.
“Let’s start with some Tylenol to help with that fever.” She popped the bottle and handed you one along with a water bottle and you let out a groan as you half sat up to take it. “Now stay here, I’ll put something together that should be easy enough on your stomach, you need to eat.”
“Thank you.” You murmured, dropping down into the couch cushions before Heather pressed a soft kiss to your temple and slipped from the room.
You slipped in and out of dozing while you listened to Heather quietly move through the house, the sound of her disappearing upstairs to change followed by her in the kitchen. It wasn’t long before she was back at your side, smoothing back your hair from your face,
“You think you can sit up for me?” She asked softly, helping you shift on the couch after you nodded, wincing at the stiff aches all through your body. You glanced to the tray on the coffee table, she’d brought you a small bowl of oatmeal with banana slices and honey drizzled on the top, a steaming mug of tea and a container of coconut water.
“Isn’t the go to supposed to be soup?” You croaked.
“It’ll be easy on your stomach and settle a bit better than something like broth, fill you up more too.” She handed you the bowl and you sunk into her side the best you could while staying upright as you slowly started to eat. Heather’s arm wound around you, hand gently rubbing at your shoulder and she pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Did you only throw up the one time?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, mouth full of oatmeal that you swallowed down before you spoke, “it’s the coughing… my body tries to get the phlegm out and then…the motion just keeps going and I puke.” You glanced up at her with a wince, “sorry, it’s gross I know.” Heather laughed, kissing your forehead.
“Oh sweetheart, I’ve raised two kids, I think I’ve dealt with my fair share of far worse things than vomit.”
“Gross.” You grumbled and she chuckled.
You slowly worked through the bowl, taking time between each bite to make sure it was settling properly in your stomach instead of shovelling it all down and hoping for the best. The last thing you wanted now was to puke again and have Heather hear it. Heather’s hand continued to rub at your arm, little murmurs of conversation here and there while you ate and she pulled out her phone to start on a couple of emails. When you were finished eating you started to lean forward but Heather was faster, swiftly taking the bowl out of your hand to move it to the table so you wouldn’t have to move. She picked up the mug of tea, now not so hot,
“Drink at least a little bit for me, try and get some fluids in.”
“Okay.” You started with a couple of small sips, making sure the beverage was cool enough and to not overwhelm your system.
“Good girl.” She praised, kissing the side of your head. “We’ll give it some time and if you vomit again I’ll make some calls, get you an IV bag or two, alright?” Her hand cupped at your cheek, thumb rubbing at your skin and you nodded.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” She smiled, “I’ve got to take care of my best girl, don’t I?” She leant in, kissing your forehead gently, “now why don’t you try and get some rest? You want to go upstairs?”
“Don’t wanna move.” You grumbled, flipping yourself so your feet and head were opposite and you were able to bury your head in her lap and she chuckled.
“And I guess I’m not going anywhere either?”
“Absolutely not.” You yawned as your eyes fluttered shut again.
Heather laughed quietly, adjusting the blanket so it was tightly wound around you, one hand coming to softly play with your hair, scratching at your scalp gently to soothe you while the other one picked up a work file. She was incredibly glad at the fact that you only coughed a few times, though she winced at how deep and wheezy they were, your entire body rocking when you coughed. She could tell by the way you were shifting that you were doing your best to not cough, not wanting it to cause an upset stomach again. Her hand moved to your back, softly rubbing circles between your shoulders until you were finally breathing regularly and she knew you were asleep.
She checked your temperature a few more times while you slept, happy to see that the Tylenol was helping and she hoped you were through the worst of it. She was used to taking care of people, but she absolutely hated seeing the ones she cared about sick, especially you. It dulled your shine, turned you into a zombie of a being and she hated it. She groaned quietly when her phone started to ring and she had to gently ease you off her lap while trying not to wake you before slipping into the other room.
You only woke up when she returned to the living room a while later, she’d set up one of the humidifiers next to the couch and placed a glass of wine down on the coffee table.
“Feeling better?” She asked, slipping back onto the couch beside you.
“A little queasy still.”
“You want some more tea?”
“No.” You grumbled, your gaze drifting out the window, watching the snow flutter down in the sky, “it’s the holidays, I deserve magic hot cocoa.”
“Okay, okay.” She laughed, knowing that you were already feeling better than when she had originally come home, kissing your cheek softly, “wait right here.”
You did exactly as she asked, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around your shoulders as your hand reached out for the television remote, turning it on. You flicked through a couple of options before you found one of your classic comfort shows, picking a random episode to start on while Heather putzed around in the kitchen. Her hot cocoa was always homemade, and there was definitely a secret ingredient that she would never in a million years tell anyone what it was. No matter how many times you tried to recreate it you never could. She would tease and simply say it was “made with love”, causing you to roll your eyes and poke her ribs until you thought she’d admit what it was but she never did. She also never allowed you in the kitchen while making it, just to be safe.
You heard the telltale sign of the whip cream canister right as you heard the front door open and swing shut. Two shoes were clunked against the floor and the pitch of the cough told you it was Becca showing up unexpectedly. She rounded the corner a second later, pulling her hoodie tighter around her as she made a beeline for you and the couch.
“Hey.” She groaned, dropping down beside you and grabbing a second blanket.
“Becca?” Heather re-entered the room, two mugs of cocoa in her hands that she placed down on the table, “I thought you were staying at your dad’s this week.”
“Dad may be a literal doctor, but you’re so much better at this.” She glanced between you, “sorry to like, barge in on your night.”
“It’s not a worry.” Heather smiled, leaning over you to kiss her daughter on the head before gesturing at you, “this one’s a day or two worse than you already.”
“Is… is that your famous magic hot cocoa?” Becca asked, shooting her mom puppy dog eyes and the older woman laughed.
“Good thing I made enough for seconds.” She winked before slipping off back into the kitchen and coming back with a mug with extra whipped cream for Becca, “you know, you probably wouldn’t have caught whatever’s going around if you weren’t going to so many make-out parties with your friends.”
“Eww! Mom!”
“Heat!” You laughed, swatting at her.
“Yeah I’m sure that’s how y/n got it.” Becca shot back.
“Oh for sure. Make out parties are all the jam, haven’t you heard.” You raised a brow to Heather’s direction and she rolled her eyes as Becca laughed.
“All the jam? God you guys are so old.” Her laugh turned into a minor coughing fit and Heather frowned, picking up a bottle of cough syrup from the table and handing it to her.
“And you sound like crap. No more than one movie and both of you are in bed, understood?”
“Yes.” The two of you replied in near unison as Heather chuckled.
Her natural and mom instincts were completely right after all, she made sure the two of you got some soup and toast for dinner, and another round or two of hot chocolate during the movie. Once it was over, both of you were nearly asleep, yawning and burying into the embrace of the other bodies on the couch. Heather placed a gentle kiss to your head, urging you to take some night time meds while she got Becca situated in her room upstairs with some extra meds, water and Gatorade. She came back down a few minutes later to find you attempting to clean up the dishes and clicked her tongue.
“None of that.” She wrapped around you, placing a kiss to your shoulder as her hands guided yours to put the stuff down on the counter, “I’ll take care of everything.”
“You always do.” You turned in her arms, a sleepy smile on your face.
“How about we get you upstairs? Get you tucked in nice and warm?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“Good.” She kissed the tip of your nose, “I love you sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
“Thank you for always taking such good care of me.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
__________________________- @mickey-gomez @naturalxselection @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @giftedchildturns40 @anya-casablanca @svulife-rl  @swimmingstudentchaos891 @alexusonfire @red1culous @oliviaswifey @mysticfalls01 @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @svushots @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @addictedtodinosaurs @imaginaryoperagloves @multifandomlesbianic @bookpillows @drduckthief @whimsicallymad @mmmmokdok @ladysc @momlifebehard @mmemalwa @holycrapraewth @poisonedcrowns @wannabe-fic-reader @when-wolves-howl @dead-of-niight @borg-queerr @godard-musee  @itisdoctortoyousir @brooklynmhm @nobody-important1212 @emilyprentiss4life @httpjupiterbby @summergeezburr @leelizzzle @regulus-black-223048 @thatesqcrush
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cycat-carisi · 3 years
After Midnight
Part 2 of Gift Exchange!
Ship: Sonny x Reader Summary: Covers the New Year’s Eve square on @storiesofsvu’s holiday bingo! Tags: Just more fluff! Total Word Count: 720 AO3
Your red scarf is looped around Sonny's neck, trapping him against your body as you share in breathless kiss after breathless kiss.
"We -" you kiss Sonny, stealing his words. "Hafta -" This time he claims your lips with just as much passion. "Tell the Captain -" Another kiss. "’Bout us..."
Sonny reluctantly drags his lips away from yours, tenderly placing his hands on your shoulders so you look at him. His cheeks are flushed, contrasting those blue eyes of his. You bite your lip, only wanting him to resume kissing you in this perfect little world the two of you share. "I know, Son, but can't it wait til after tonight?"
You watch a sad smile creep onto his face. Sonny is an honest man; it's one of the things you love about him, but he also understands the gravity of your new relationship. Once the squad knows, one of you will have to transfer. And even though you've gained one another as romantic partners, there will still be the loss that accompanies losing your best friend at work too.
Sonny raises a warm hand to your cheek and gives you a loving smile. "You're right, doll. One more night can't hurt." He then recaptures your lips in a sweet kiss.
"Hey, we match!" you say cheerfully as you walk the hall leading to Olivia's apartment.
Sonny looks down at himself noticing that the tie his boss had given him for Christmas was the same color as the scarf he had gotten you for the gift exchange. A little wave of panic flutters in his stomach as Sonny recalls telling Olivia about the scarf beforehand, but the thought is quickly set aside as you flash him a winning smile.
"Ready?" you ask, unlinking your arm from his. He gives you a nod and you knock on the Captain's door.
It's opened to you with warm greetings from your colleagues. "Look who I found along the way!" you laugh and the small crowd cheers as Sonny steps in behind you.
Once the hellos are out of the way and the two of you hang up your coats, Sonny brushes your arm tenderly as a way to let you know he loves you. You secretly place your hand atop his before parting to mingle with the rest of your squad.
You quickly lose track of time laughing and swapping stories with your friends as the clock ticks towards midnight. Then all of a sudden you hear Olivia say Sonny's name. You covertly flash your gaze across the room to see her lead him into the kitchen...
Sonny found it a little strange that his boss had pulled him away from the party and into the little kitchenette. Nonetheless, he followed obediently.
"You wore your tie!" the Captain chimes, keeping her voice low.
"Yeah, I love it," grins Sonny. "Love the red too!"
"I knew it was her favorite color." Olivia's eyes then flick towards you in the living room.
Sonny' cheeks redden, officially panicked.
A warm smile spreads across the Captain's face. "Some things can wait until after midnight, Carisi." she taps Sonny's shoulder reassuringly as she rejoins the group with a fresh bottle of wine.
You see the interaction unfold and fidget nervously as you watch Sonny stiffen. He then releases a breath and the Captain walks out. What had just happened? You try to make eye contact with Sonny for some indication as he leaves the kitchen, but are interrupted when the countdown begins.
With cheeks rosy from wine, your friends and squad members begin to chant the backwards count from ten. You halfheartedly join in, not wanting to stand out but your eyes finally find Sonny's blues. He's counting down too yet he's fixated on you.
Happy New Year! rings out through the tiny apartment and you watch Sonny smile. There's a glint in his eye as he crosses the room towards you. Your heart lurches. What is he doing? He stops in front of you. You're so close that his breath tickles your cheek. “Happy New Year, doll,” he breathes before placing a hand behind your head and cradling you against him for a tender kiss.
In that moment you didn’t care that all eyes were on you. After all, it was after midnight.
Thanks to @witches-unruly-heart for inspiring to make a part 2 🥰
Taglist: @barbasbodaciousbeard @teamsladsandgents @caracalwithchips @averyhotchner
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“Christmas Bake Off”
Ayyyy I can call BINGO! on @storiesofsvu​ Holiday Bingo! 
I was inspired by this photo I just saw today, mayhaps from the new SVU episode?? 
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Anyway, it gave me this super cute idea and I hope you like it. 
Oh the square is “XMAS BAKING”
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You were nervously standing at the back of the stage in a line of all the other ‘wife contestants’. You didn’t realize when you married a member of the NYC judiciary system, that there would be ‘commitments like this. The “duties” of a ‘cop wife’. Which was absurd to you, seeing as you weren’t even married to a cop, you were married to the ADA. But he explained that it would look to his boss and his boss’s bosses if you were a “team player”. 
So here you were, roped into some idiotic Christmas Baking Competition at some stupid Cop Christmas Ball, standing at the back of the stage of the City Hall ballroom, waiting to be judged like cattle. 
Truth be told it was an auction, but you knew whoever’s cookies and cakes and what not went for the highest amount of money would earn bragging rights for her and her partner. 
Unfortunately for your husband Rafael Barba, those bragging rights would never be yours. You stared helplessly at your plate of burnt Christmas Tree shaped cookies amongst all the other perfect looking cakes and pastries. There was no way anyone was bidding on your sad “island of misfit toys” cookie platter.
“And now, for entry number 50543, this lovely--” The judge picked up your platter and made a face. “Forest Fire Of Christmas Trees,” He smirked, causing the whole room to chuckle.
Bunch of assholes, the lot of them. 
You saw Rafael notice the embarrassed and practically sobbing mess of a face as you cowered in the shadow of the stage lights, hoping to remain unseen. They hadn’t been told beforehand which desserts were their wives’ creations, but he knew instantly these poor trees were your handiwork. 
“Should we even bid on these?” The woman host laughed. “They don’t look too edible…”
“$100!” Rafael held up a paddle. You instantly locked eyes with him and knew what he was doing; God he really was the perfect husband, wasn’t he?
“Uh...Mr. Barba are you sure you want to--?” The male host made a face at the cookies.
“$200!” Rafael ignored his snide comment and outbid himself, raising his paddle higher above his head.
“Mr. Barba, there’s no reason for you to--” 
“$1000!” He waved the paddle around like a mad man, causing everyone around him to chatter curiously. It quickly became very clear what was happening, and the hosts were having none of it.
“Alright alright, we get it Barba,” The male host settled the room down. “Will the arsonist of the forest fire please come claim your victim-- I mean, winner?” 
You proudly sauntered up to the front of the stage where your husband met you and handed him the plate of cookies with a huge smile and a sweet kiss.
“$1000 it is, to the white knight firefighter over here,” The male host continued to joke at your expense. 
“Hey Connor, I wouldn’t give him too much grief. That man is looking to be husband of the year right now, am I right ladies?” The woman host looked at you and gave you a wink while the ladies in the room erupted in cheers.
You really did have the best husband in the room. And that was all the bragging rights you needed.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 3 years
Wrapping Gifts (Unwrapping Her) - Pippa/Rita/Elana (Elana/Nikki)
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gif by @notsosecretlyalesbian
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A/N: Another fic for @storiesofsvu​ ‘s bingo. Gift Wrapping.... and unwrapping. (Also ignore Raf in the gif, I just love that gif too much not to use it) Gift wrapping always took Elana a lot of time and she had used every spare hour when she was alone to wrap gift after gift, placing them all under the tree. Pippa and Rita had worked to ‘wrap’ Elana’s gift the one day she was busy, smirking at how willingly Nikki let them dress her, wrapping parts of her in tinsel before settling her to gently tie her to the bed, each limb tied into place with soft ribbons. They had waited to tie the last surprise, a mask that covered Nikki’s eyes, into place until just before Elana came home, making excuses to leave them alone together, both Pippa and Rita more than happy to excuse themselves into the other room, smiling slightly when Elana pushed the door closed, knowing she was making use of the time she’d have alone with Nikki in a room that had long been sound-proofed. Alex and Casey had agreed that they would keep their girls, Nikki and Elana, safe with Pippa and Rita’s help. They would also work to give Nikki and Elana time alone, this was a gift not just for Elana but for Nikki too. Nikki had trembled under Elana’s first gentle touch, seeming to relax once she was freed from the ribbons and eye-mask, Elana’s gentleness had put Nikki at ease, Nikki sighing softly at Elana’s light touch as she focused her attentions at Nikki’s chest and lower, gentle fingers teasing against her clit before pushing in to make a pace. Nikki’s release was slow to come, Elana gently drawing Nikki’s release from her, easing her down after her release, kissing her gently. It was a gift and a pleasure for Elana, but Nikki felt just as sure that she had been gifted someone new to share love with. She may still stay with Alex and Casey, but she was learning to be free all over again.
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caracalwithchips · 3 years
Christmas Eve Traditions
This is my first fic for a bingo and fills the Xmas Eve square for @storiesofsvu storiesofsvuholidaybingo. 
Mike Dodds x (fem) reader
As always, I’m open to feedback and writing advice! 
You jerked awake with a start, the seatbelt holding you in place. “Sorry, Darling, I wasn’t expecting the road to turn to gravel so abruptly,” rumbled Mike’s deep voice.
“That’s okay,” you mumbled, smiling. You looked at the time, only 4:30pm but the sky was quickly fading to a dark blue, made darker by trees surrounding the road on either side. “How much longer? I thought we were supposed to be there by now.”
You glanced to Mike and could barely make out his ears turning red in the dim light of the car. “I may have gotten turned around a few times. All the turn-offs look really similar and aren’t exactly marked well.”
“Sweetie, you should have woken me.” He glanced at you dubiously. “I couldn’t have helped, but you would at least have had moral support.”
He huffed out a laugh, “you were here, that was enough. Besides, I know how tired you must be. I appreciate you coming with me straight after work.”
“Of course, there’s no one I’d rather be with.” You reached for his hand. This was a big step for both of you. Your first out-of-town trip and your first holiday together. You had been dating for around seven months, but with your work schedules this was the first time you were actually able to get away. You both had worked on Thanksgiving with no complaints, but Mike had spoken with Liv unbeknownst to you and practically begged her to make sure that whatever cases came to SVU this time of year, someone could cover you for a few days. Over at Joint Terrorism, he had been with the task force long enough to trust his new squad completely and left his Sergeant in charge. This trip was going to be the first true test, but he was starting to picture a future where he could trust his squad enough to leave them for a few days. He didn’t want to be a control freak like his father had always been, he knew there were Lieutenants who spent holidays with their families. His memories of Christmas were…unremarkable, immemorable, and he wanted more.
Now, it was Christmas eve and you had the next five nights booked at a luxury cabin in the Adirondacks.
You rubbed your thumb across his fingers absentmindedly. “Are you sure your dad’s not going to hate me even more for taking you away from him on Christmas?”
“Y/N,” Mike admonished, “you know my dad doesn’t hate you! While he doesn’t approve of us yet..”
You cut him off, “he doesn’t approve of me.”
“Yet. He doesn’t approve of you or us yet, but he will.”
You looked out into the trees, “but this certainly isn’t improving my case.”
Mike took a deep sigh. “Maybe. Or maybe not. But you have to understand, this is the first time in what feels like forever…or maybe ever, that I haven’t cared. For once, I care more about what I want to do than what he thinks I should do. Or at least I care enough to actually do it.” He squeezed your hand tightly, “and what I want to do is be with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat, “Mike, I—” you didn’t even know what to say, but you were saved from having to try to articulate what you felt for him as the car bumped back and forth, up-and-over a bumpy ridge.
In a starlit clearing was a two-story cabin. Mike threw you a huge grin, parked at the edge of the gravel road and ran to your side of the car to open your door. You took the hand he offered you and leaned in close to him once standing, the air was bitterly cold. “Look at the lights and garland on the porch! I didn’t know it would be decorated for Christmas.”
“It’s a service they provide. In a perfect world, we could have come up early and decorated together, but I figure with our work schedules we could make do with a professional taking care of it for us. Here, let’s get inside then I’ll start bringing our things in.”
You stomped up wooden stairs to the short deck, trying to knock off the mud and sludge that accumulated on your boots during the short distance from Mike’s Jeep. Mike unlocked the door, held it open, and followed behind you.
You both let out a soft “wow” at the sight before you and his arm wrapped around you as you both took it all in. Any time of the year the cabin itself would have been impressive, the entire back wall was glass that looked out into the forest and mountains beyond. However, the rental agency had decorated every surface inside the cabin with pine garland, twinkle lights, and pinecones dusted with snow. There were even silver antlers dispersed tastefully throughout the room. They had been able to bring the same festive feeling you got from walking around Rockefeller center this time of year to a cabin in the middle of the woods hours outside of the city. In the middle of the room stood a 9 foot spruce, decorated with woodland themed ornaments—fluffy, feathery owls, woodcut moose, knitted bears, and hand-painted reindeer.
You turned to look up at Mike who was already smiling down at you. “What do you think, Love?”
“Oh Mike, it’s perfect! Why don’t you start bringing things in and I’ll get the fire started?”
“Do you know how?” he asked, seemingly impressed.
“I do, actually, although I’m sure they have one of those fire-starter logs which makes it super simple. Even a city-boy could do it,” you shot him a grin. 
“Who knew I’d be spending Christmas with a bonafide mountain-lady, you surprise me every day.” You laughed as he headed back out into the cold and got the fire started promptly. You made a quick trip through the cabin to turn on lights and inspect the rooms. Even the bedrooms were decorated, with garlands threaded through the head-and-footboards of the beds and a small spruce decorated with simple lights in the master bedroom. There was another fireplace in the master with a small seating area with a faux fur rug. You had plans for that spot later on.
By the time you were coming back downstairs, Mike had finished bringing all your luggage, packages, and groceries inside. You planned to cook together the next few days, only leaving the cabin to hike and explore. There was a fire pit a short distance from the cabin and a hot tub on the back porch. You wondered if you’d be brave enough to make the quick run to the hot tub in below freezing temperatures, but you figured you’d go anywhere there was a shirtless Mike Dodds.
As you were still contemplating all the things you wanted to do, Mike came up from behind and wrapped his arms around you. His lips found your neck and you let out a sigh. “What do you want to do first, Love?” There were the things you wanted to do that involved Mike and your neck, and then the things you probably should do first.
“Why don’t we unpack the groceries and I’ll get us some dinner made?” Mike mumbled his agreement into your neck, but pulled away long enough to say “and then presents.”
“Oh? Were you one of those families who did presents on Christmas eve instead of waiting? That seems more nontraditional than what I would have thought. Your family seems like it was very ‘by the book.’”
He harumphed into your neck. “No, we had to wait growing up. Everything was dictated by what was expected. But I don’t want to wait until tomorrow to watch you open your presents.”
You laughed, “okay, well I don’t want to wait either.”
He spun you around to face him completely and looked into your eyes, “Y/N, I want us to have all new traditions, traditions for you and I. Whatever will make you happy or me happy, I want us to do it. And then do it every year after that until we can’t even remember a time when we didn’t do those things together.”
You reached your hands around the back of his neck and felt tears prick your eyes. “So they’ll be our traditions, always?”
He rubbed his thumb along your cheekbone, “Yes, our family’s traditions, you and me and one day our children too. Starting this year and every year after this one. Does that sound alright with you?”
You reached up to kiss him, his nose against your cheek was still cool from his trip outside. His hand still caressed your cheek and his other hand wrapped against your lower back.
You pulled back from the kiss, “That sounds better than anything I ever could have imagined on my own.”
“As long as you have me, you won’t ever have to be on your own.” He rubbed his cold nose against yours as you giggled and squirmed away.
“Then let’s start our first tradition. Something hot to drink, you feel cold and I don’t want you to catch a chill,” you led him towards the kitchen.
“Alright,” he followed behind you and started sorting through bags for the hot chocolate supplies, “but let’s bundle up and drink it on the porch. I want us to watch the Christmas eve sky together. If you can light a fire, maybe you can teach me a constellation or two.”
“And watch for Santa’s sleigh! You never know if we’ll see a shooting star or two under such a clear sky.”
He gently held your hips while you started stirring the milk in a pot on the stove. He moved your hair to the side and kissed you in the spot where your shoulder meets your neck. “I think our list of traditions is already off to a great start.”
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Washington Whiteout
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Elizabeth Keane x reader (kinda) Warnings: language, mentions of alcohol, that's about it Covers the "blizzard" square of holiday bingo & the "snowed in" square of @resanoona bingo! Will have a follow up/part two sometime before the end of the month!
You always worked late, you were already used to it and honestly didn’t mind it at all. At some of your previous jobs it meant you could come in a couple of hours later and there were few things you adored as much as a good sleep in. As the days got shorter and the hours of sunlight got smaller and smaller you often found yourself losing track of time, the darkness wasn’t a sign to head home, it was barely six o’clock some days, which meant you were still completely in the clear. On top of all this, working in the White House meant there was always work to be done, and people were usually still puttering around the halls late into the night. You could hear footsteps moving through the hallway outside your office, the sound of a shoe scuffing on the marble floor as it stalled outside your office.
“Oh jeeze, you’re still here?” Rob Emmons’ voice rung out through the night and you glanced up from your computer.
“Yeah.” You shrugged, starting to stretch out your body as you realized how stiff you were, “someone’s gotta work on all her holiday speeches.”
“Sure hope your car has winter tires on it.”
“Why on earth would I need winter tires? It barely snows here.”
“When was the last time you looked out the window?” He raised a brow, nodding toward it and you twisted in your chair, letting out a little gasp at the sight. Thick, heavy white flakes flurried through the air, your entire window sill was crystalized, a layer of snow sitting on it and at least a foot and a half on the ground.
“Oh fuck….” You groaned, dropping back into your chair, “anyone else snowed in?”
“It’s nearly ten thirty.” He replied with a chuckle, “once it started most people left early.”
“And you?”
“No winter tires, wife didn’t want me driving just in case.”
“God.” You grumbled, “you know, we joke about sleeping in our offices but I never thought I’d actually have to sleep in my office.”
“Y/N, you do remember the building we’re in is connected to one that has sixteen extra bedrooms, remember? You can stay in one of the guest suites.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, c’mon, I’ll get you clearance.”
You let out a weary sigh, shutting your lap top and stepping back into your heels as you collected your things from around your office. Slipping back into your blazer you nodded to Rob and the two of you made your way through the winding halls of the White House. He had been completely correct of course, everyone but essential staff was gone, the halls empty and quiet except for the sounds of your shoes. He got you a clearance badge for the residence so you wouldn’t run into any issues with the security team (although you’d been around a lot before, it was just an extra precaution for an overnight stay, and as he reminded you, this freak storm might last a couple of days). He guided you into one of the guest suites,
“There’s always some generic, more comfortable clothes and pyjamas in the bedroom, and the bathrooms are fully stocked with whatever you might need, but there’s probably nothing in the kitchen, use the one down the hall on the left if you’re hungry. I’m pretty sure a few of the service staff is still here if you want them to make you something.”
“I’m sure I can handle a midnight snack myself.” You laughed, thanking him for everything before he bid you goodnight and you turned back to the suite.
First things first you wanted to get out of your work clothes, stiff and uncomfortable, your heels pinching at your toes in the worst of ways. You headed to the bedroom, searching through the closet, ever thankful to find a selection of clothing and pyjamas, you swapped your suit for a cozy pair of pants and an oversized tee, grabbing a hoodie if you got cold later on. You heels were abandoned for slippers and you let out a sigh of relief as you found make up wipes to clean your face. It was only now, that you weren’t distracted by work that you realized just how hungry you were, scooping up your laptop and phone, making sure you had your all access pass before slipping out of the room.
You easily found your way down to the main kitchen Rob had mentioned, it was stocked to the brim full of any and everything you could possibly need. It was late, you were feeling lazy so you grabbed one of the frozen pizza’s and waited for the oven to preheat before sliding it in. In the meantime you made yourself at home at the kitchen island, opening your laptop once again to continue working on one of Keane’s speeches to kill some time while you popped your earbuds in to focus. You couldn’t help but let out a series of shivers, pulling the sleeves of the hoodie further around your hands, shrinking into it. The residence was almost colder than the West Wing, less inhabitants, the heat not ready for the storm that tonight held. You were thankful for the oven heating the space, giving you a little bit more comfort until you could return to your room under the blankets.
You were focussed on your laptop, squinting at the screen as you wrote and re-wrote a line of the speech, trying to figure out what would work best. The music blocking out most of the white noise from the room as you worked, it also blocked out the sound of soft footsteps, which is why you jumped out of your skin when she spoke.
“You know, just because you’re snowed in doesn’t mean you have to work overnight.”
“Jesus!” You whipped around, ripping out an earbud and immediately felt the need to sit up straighter, “oh, M’am, I… sorry.”
“What for?” She smiled softly, chuckling as she crossed the kitchen and flicked on the kettle.
“I… didn’t mean to intrude, I’m just waiting on food to be ready.” You gestured toward the oven.
“It’s not a worry.” She waved it off, “Rob let me know you were here.” She opened one of the cupboards, pulling down a mug, then turning back to you as she reached for a second one, “can I interest you in a hot toddy?”
“Didn’t realize they stashed whiskey in here.”
“I’ve got a private stash back in my suite.” She grinned, “which, may I say is much warmer than this, it’s freezing in here.”
“Yeah.” You tugged the hoodie tighter around you, silencing the timer on your phone when it went off and you shifted over to the oven, sliding the pizza out onto a cutting board and turning the oven off.
 “Is it this cold in the suite they’ve got you in?” Elizabeth asked, letting out a little shiver as she added cinnamon, honey and lemon juice to the mugs.
“Colder.” You sighed, “think the heat of the oven is helping in here.”
“Well that’s fucking bullshit.” She swore and you faltered in your movement as you started to cut up the pizza. You’d heard her swear a few times before but it still always caught you off guard, especially when it was so casual. “How about you bring that back to the main suite?” She gestured towards the food, “I’ve got to go back to get the whiskey anyways.”
“Are you sure M’am?” You asked, glancing up as the kettle went off and she chuckled.
“Yes.” She poured out two mugs of water, slowing stirring it into the mix-ins and leaving space for the alcohol, “and sweetheart you can drop the m’am, it’s just the two of us.”
“Oh… Alright.”
You felt your breath catch in your throat, the chill in your bones was already started to dissipate as your heart rate picked up. You’d always had a fondness for the president, it was part of why you’d taken the job instead of sticking with the congressman you’d been working for prior. You’d grown fonder of her working closer, almost one and one with Rob the only other staff member around some nights as you went over speeches. Catching yourself a little too distracted in awe of her as she rattled off about politics, having to quickly shake out of it and remember you were at work. She always praised you well, saying that the speeches you wrote were by far the best she had and she wouldn’t want to be working alongside anyone else, but you thought it was only on a professional level, not that the sentiment was returned.
She seemed to sense your inner monologue taking over your brain and chuckled, nudging at your elbow and bringing you back to earth.
“C’mon. It’s not like you can just stay here freezing working on speeches I might not even need for weeks.”
“Yeah…” You muttered, sliding the pizza onto a plate and gathering up the things you’d brought with you, following her through a couple of hallways into the main suite of the residence.
Unsurprisingly it was laid out and decorated much like the suite you were staying in, though this one was larger, and more cozy. Elizabeth having added enough of her own nick-knacks and personal items though the space to make it less cookie cutter. There was also a decently sized fire place with a glowing fire going in it, which was definitely helping with the heat situation.
Elizabeth moved easily through the space, placing the mugs down on the coffee table and you noticed she’d been watching A Christmas Carol before taking her little hot toddy break. She crossed back over to the bar cart, but before picking up the whiskey picked up the phone beside it and had a muted conversation before grabbing the booze.
“Well, make yourself comfortable.” She smiled softly and you shook out of it.
“Right.” You let out an awkward laugh, placing your things down on an end table, leaving the pizza on the coffee table as you took a seat on the couch. Elizabeth pulled a blanket off the back of it, dropping it over your lap before she poured out whiskey into the steaming mugs.
“Think that should get you warmed up nicely. And I’ve called to make sure the heating gets turned to full blast over in your suite.”
“Thank you.” You smiled back at her and felt the warmth blooming in your chest at the warmth coming from her eyes. Feeling you cheeks heat you quickly looked away, focussing on the television and your brow furrowed, “is this the Muppet version?”
“Yes.” She laughed, settling onto the couch beside you, pulling a second blanket over her legs.
“Never would’ve pegged you for a Muppet fan.”
“I used to watch it with Andrew ever year.”
“Awe.” You smiled, “okay that’s adorable.”
“He loved that Fozzie Bear more than anything.”
“I was always more of a Gonzo girl.” You replied, picking up a slice of pizza and offering the plate to her. She accepted a piece, smiling fondly as the movie played and you were able to pick up on a much more personal and intimate side of the president.
“Classic Kermit for me.”
Conversation was comfortable, easily flowing between the two of you while the movie played for your main entertainment and distraction. To be completely honest, it wasn’t long before you’d forgotten that you were sitting with the President of the United States in the White House and it was just as if you were sitting with a friend enjoying their company and time. (Albeit, a friend you were harbouring some kind of feelings for, even if you hadn’t really figured them out yet). Elizabeth was quick to refill the hot toddies when they were drained, and not much longer after that the movie finished, the credits rolling across the screen before the nighttime news started. Much to your distaste, the main breaking story was about the freak storm, and by the looks of things, it was just going to keep getting worse over the next three days.
“Looks like you’re going to be stuck here a while.” Elizabeth murmured and you huffed out a sigh.
“It’s gonna take a snow plow for me to get home, so yeah.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, it really is nice to have some company for once.”
“Yeah.” You turned to her with a warm smile on your face, “agreed. I may be stuck but it’s honestly better than going home. My place definitely doesn’t have the proper heating system for this.”
“Well…” Elizabeth reached out, squeezing at your hand gently, “you stay as long as you need.” She picked up the television remote, passing it to you, “why don’t you check the movie channel for something that’s not this boring crap.”
“Another hot toddy?” She asked, raising a brow as she stood, picking up the mugs.
“Who am I to say no to the president?”
“Good girl.” She praised and you felt your cheeks heat once again, quickly distracting yourself with finding something to watch.
It was only at the faint whistling sound that you glanced up in the direction of the noise, noticing that beside the bar cart was a fully stocked coffee and tea cart. Honey, cinnamon, lemons, cream, sugar, flavoured coffee, hot chocolate and apple cider packets, everything and anything that one could possibly want without having to leave the suite. Your head tilted as you watched Elizabeth pour out the steaming hot water into the mugs, swirling it around with the whiskey before she turned back to you.
“You look perplexed?” She asked with a grin and you shook your head.
“Uh.. no, no not at all.” You accepted the fresh drink from her, settling back against the couch as your attention returned to the television.
All things considered, maybe this storm wasn’t such a bad thing.
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melk917 · 3 years
Snow & Tell
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Warnings: oral sex (m receiving), fingering (m receiving), a touch of thigh riding
Rating: E
Pairing: Rafael Barba x f!Reader
WC: 4,864
A/N: This covers the 'Sledding' square for @storiesofsvu holiday bingo.
Super unedited. Like wow. I had a really hard time writing this one for some reason, but it's here! Some fluff, some smut. Getting December started off right. I hope you enjoy!
There were many places Rafael fit in with little to no effort. Everything from the shittiest dives up to high-end cocktail bars, little local bodegas to Michelin star restaurants, the Bronx to Soho...
But there were plenty of places where he stuck out like a sore thumb. Your boxing gym for one. And that horrible EDM club you both had ended up at with your grad school friends. Oh and of course the super grungy comedy club Carisi had dragged everyone to for his birthday last year...And now you had one more to add to the list: a suburban midwest winter with your extended family.
It wasn’t the first time he met your parents, but this was the first time he came home with you for the holidays and was exposed to the whole family. They were loud, they were nosey, and they were all a little more effusive with their affection than he was comfortable with. You were torn between pulling him aside and pressing soft kisses to the stress lines on his face until he relaxed and laughing so hard you were crying every time he threw a look of fear your way when he was cornered by another aunt or uncle or cousin.
Things only got worse as the family traditions started piling up. There was the pie making night where your aunt managed to get an apron over his head before he could protest that he was better at eating pie than making it. And the early morning wake up calls from your grandmother, poking her head into your room and cheerfully suggesting it was time for breakfast, and to get up before it was gone. But he had rolled with it with minimal grumbling (well not so minimal when he was woken up by an overly-cheerful woman hours before he would have wanted to be all while wedged between you and the wall in your tiny childhood bed). But this… this last one he was putting his foot down. Or at least making his case for why he should get out of it.
“I don’t have the right clothes,” he told you as you sat down to pull on your snow boots. You looked up at him, taking in the deep green cashmere sweater and dark fitted jeans he had on, all the way down to the purple socks with thin green stripes.
“You don’t need anything special, Raf. It’s sledding. Just put your coat and boots on.” You toed his out from under the bench. Even these were a stylish pair of duck hunting boots vs. your bulky, waterproof monstrosities.
He eyed them, brow furrowing and chewing on his lip. He tried again. “My coat isn’t waterproof.”
You stood up, boots laced, and rested your hands on sides, stroking him through the softness of the sweater and smirked up at him. “Well, then I won’t push you into a snowbank.”
He frowned.
“Come on,” you wheedled, sliding closer into his personal space and slipping your fingers under his sweater to tease along the waistband of his jeans. He shivered and leaned a bit into your grip. “I’ve got a thermos filled with an extra strong hot toddy and, when everyone is distracted with the snow, we can sneak off into the trees and make out. I’ll even let you stick your hands inside my coat if they get too cold.”
His eyes dropped to your lips and his hands came up to rest on your hips, uncertain if he wanted to pull you closer or push you away. “I don’t know...You should spend some quality time with your family. I’m happy to give that to you.”
The smirk fell from your face. “I wanted that quality time with you, too.”
His eyebrows pinched together and he flinched at your tone. Sighing, he dropped his head to your shoulder and pressed his nose to your neck. “Cheater. Fine. Pass me my coat.”
30 minutes out in the hills behind your house and you almost felt bad for having guilted Rafael into coming with you. He stood off to the side, shoulders up around his ears, gloved hands clutching at the thermos of hot toddy like it was a lifeline, nose practically dipping into the liquid it’s so buried in the steam curling from the top. His hat jammed down around his ears, expensive down coat zipped up to cover his chin, and he was shivering.
He looked utterly miserable. And a little adorable.
Your younger cousins were screaming and yelling as they went down the hill time after time, shrieking with laughter as they hit bumps and went flying off their sleds and into the snow drifts that had piled up. Even you weren’t spared, taking a fistful of snow to the face in a mock snowball fight.
You managed to get away, breathless and laughing as you slid up behind Rafael, wrapping your arms around him and shoving your cold fingers under both his coat and his sweater, making him yelp and squirm away.
He turned a furious glare on you, cheeks pink from the cold.
You grabbed the front of his jacket before he could speak and tugged him close, shoving your hands in his pockets instead and leaning up to kiss him softly. “Sorry,” you whispered against his lips, a curl of a tease threading through. “Cold hands, warm heart.”
He huffed against your lips, leaning back quickly, eyes darting to the rest of your family, occupied on the hill.
“Hey,” you tugged him closer again, corners of your mouth twitching up. “I think the cat’s out of the bag that I like you. A kiss isn’t going to shock them.”
The pink across his cheeks deepened and he shifted in your hold, tugging back. “With you, I never trust that it’s just a kiss.”
You laughed and shrugged. “You’re a hard man to resist.”
His eyebrows were still knit together in disapproval, but the corner of his mouth twitched up in a pleased little smile.
“Hey! The big hot shot city boy still hasn’t taken a turn!” Your uncle’s voice boomed out from the bottom of the hill. The smile immediately dropped from Rafael’s face, mouth pressed in a thin line. You turned to look down as your uncle was running up the hill, cheap plastic sled under one arm. He slowed to a stop in front of you, grinning, breathless, holding it out for you to take.
Rafael made a noise behind you as you laughed and took the sled, turning to wiggle it at him invitingly, eyes wide and grinning.
He eyed the molded plastic in your hand and shook his head. “No. Absolutely not.”
You pouted, wedging the bottom edge in the snow so you could lean on it. “We’ll go down together. I’ll even steer since it's your first time.”
Rafael frowned. “There is no way we both fit on that.”
You nudged it with your knee until it dropped flat, stepping on the edge to keep it steady, and gesturing to the back end. “You sit first, and I'll sit between your legs. It’ll be nice and cozy.”
He narrowed his eyes at you.
“Hey, you didn’t seem to mind getting cozy just a second ago.” Your uncle let out a booming laugh, nudging Rafael with his elbow and winking at him in a way that was intended to be friendly, but only deepened his frown.
You grabbed his sleeve and tugged him closer, pouting ever so slightly. “Come on, one trip down the hill? Just for me? And you can cross it off your bucket list.”
“What makes you think this was on my bucket list?” He muttered, but let himself be pulled closer.
You tugged more until he was pressed as close as his puffy coat would allow. “Well maybe it's on mine. Doing this with you.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes to the sky. “Fine.”
You grinned.
Rafael had been right about one thing: together, the sled was a tight fit. He had settled as far back as he could without his ass hanging off the end, legs spread to either side, knees bent. You wedged yourself in between as best you could, legs under you, the curve of your ass tucked up against his hips.
He leaned forward, chest pressed against your back, arms tight around your waist as you grabbed the string at the front and started to wiggle, rocking back and forth to loosen the snow underneath.
“You owe me one of those extra sloppy blow jobs when we get home.” Rafael muttered in your ear as you started a slow slide down the hill, his breath curling hot and humid over your skin. “Absolutely filthy.”
You laughed and wiggled your hips against his, draping your arms over his bent legs to keep him in close as the sled moved. “Go down with me another time after this and you can come all over my face, too.”
His breath puffed warm across your jaw as he let out a low rumble in response and squeezed you tighter as you rocked forward one more time and you were moving forward, tipping over the crest of the hill.
You laughed, loud and bright, as the sled started to pick up speed. Your cousins and uncle were cheering loudly, as you hit a small bump and the sled gained a few inches of altitude, and Rafael’s arms tightened around you painfully. His face was buried in your neck as the wind whipped across your cheeks, and you felt every lump and bump in the snow as you sped over it, kicking up snow on either side.
You were grinning, reveling in the sharp, cold air, and the warmth of Rafael wrapped around you, his breath damp on the tiny stretch of skin showing over your coat. He lifted his head and his hold tightened even more, breathing in sharply. The bottom of the hill was coming up fast, and you pulled up on the strings that directed the front, trying to slow things down before you hit the straightaway but your combined weight increased your velocity beyond what you anticipated.
Rafael choked and scrambled to grab the string as well, adding his upper body strength to yours.
You laughed even as he seemed to hold his breath. “Stop—it’s fine! It’s—”
“It’s too fast—” his voice had taken on a slightly hysterical edge, and he yanked particularly hard as you hit a dip, spinning the back of the sled out as you gained altitude and sending both of you tumbling over the side and into a snowbank.
You were laughing still, breathless with amusement and the impact, as you struggled to sit up, brushing snow from your face and hair. Kneeling up you looked over to see Rafael completely sprawled out on his back, half covered in snow, arms flailing as he tried to sit up, only to sink even further. It was the least dignified you had ever seen him and you collapsed forward, choking on your own laughter.
He grunted and rolled to his side, struggling up on his hands and knees, looking murderous. He’d lost his hat somewhere in the crash and his hair was packed with ice and sticking up in all directions, face a brilliant red with both the cold and embarrassment.
You were hiccuping, tears at the corners of your eyes as you crawled forward to grab his flailing arm and tug, getting him right-side up. He wobbled, and for a split second seemed like he’d get his feet under him, before the snow shifted and he ended up face planting. You could hardly breathe, collapsing under your own amusement as he reared back, sputtering, shaking snow from his face.
This time you managed to get your feet under you and, grasping his hands, pulled both of you to your feet. He was soaked, snow packed into the tops of his boots, the collar of his jacket, even in his pockets. It had started to melt where it was packed against his skin, dripping down to soak into his sweater under his coat. He looked miserable.
You struggled to bite back your smile as he scowled at you. You reached up to brush snow from his hair and collar, cupping the side of his face with your cold fingers. “In my defense, I still didn’t push you into the snowbank…”
He huffed, tugging out of your grip. He opened his mouth to probably demand additional sexual favors in payment, but before he could get the words out his face scrunched and he sneezed. Loudly.
“Uh oh.” His eyes were wide, nose red and starting to drip more than just melting snow. You slid your arm around his back and started to tug back towards the house. “Come on. Let's get you inside and dried off before you get sick.”
He dug his heels in and tried to turn a glare on you but the effect was ruined as his face contorted and he sneezed again. Twice, in rapid succession. Shoulders drooping in resignation, he sighed and dropped his head.
“If I get sick, I will never forgive you.” He muttered as you pulled him in close and guided him back to the house.
“Well then, let's get you warmed up.”
Warming up in this case meant stripping both of you of all your wet clothes and shooing him up to the bathroom for a hot shower while you laid out your clothes to dry in the laundry room, trading him a fluffy robe for his cashmere sweater so he wouldn’t have to make a run through the house in his underwear.
He had resisted at first, refusing just to be contrary, but another sneeze won your argument for you, and you could now hear the running shower as you paused outside the bathroom door, water almost covering the sound of his sigh as he stood under the hot spray.
You knocked and cracked the door open. “Hey, Raf, it’s me.”
He grunted in acknowledgment and you slipped in, shutting the door behind you. The room was humid and filled with curls of steam, thick enough that you could only see the suggestion of Rafael’s naked body through the glass of the shower doors, water and suds slipping over the curves of his biceps as he rinsed his hair, sliding down his back and over the curve of his ass. Your heart beat faster at the sight, temperature rising despite the cold air. You bit your lip and threw the lock.
Loosening the tie on your robe, you let it fall to the floor before cracking the shower door open just enough to sneak in behind him, closing it before you could let in too much cold air. He shivered anyway, and you pressed forward, up against all that tempting wet skin as it started to flush a pretty copper under the heat of the spray.
He froze, body stiff against you as you ran your hands down his back, following the soap suds as they traced their path down. “What are you doing?” He shivered as your cold fingers curled around his sides.
“I thought you could use some help warming up again,” you said, tugging him back against you and pressing your face to the side of his neck. You let your hands wander over his chest and belly, soothing the tension in his frame until he sighed softly and leaned back against you, the spray of the shower heating his front while you warmed his back. You ran your fingers through the wet curls of his chest hair, over the curve of his pecs, appreciating the solid strength of him in a way you hadn’t been able to in days, deprived of true privacy, even at night. You traced the line of hair down his sternum and over the curve of his belly before scraping your nails lightly along the line of his hips, making him shudder against you with a soft gasp.
You leaned up to press a kiss behind his ear and he huffed out a breath, tilting his neck to grant you more access as he tangled his fingers with yours where they rested low on his hips, holding them there. You ran your lips down the side of his neck to his shoulder, nipping at the muscle just to hear him gasp and press back against you.
“C’mere,” you husked against his ear, tugging him to turn and face you. “Let me make up for the snow drift.” You leaned up to kiss him, one hand cupping his face as you licked into his mouth, swallowing the soft noise he made against your lips. You breasts brushed against his chest and you shivered as wet skin slid over wet skin, curling your fingers in the short hairs at the back of his neck and tugging. He made a soft noise, hands sliding up your sides, fingers tracing along your spine.
You pressed forward, a smirk curling at the corner of your mouth as you crowded up against him and walked him back until he was pressed against the cool tiles. Your hands dropped to his sides, stroking lightly and he shivered. A sly smile spread across your face as his cheeks flushed further and you could feel him start to harden against your hip. You rolled yours down along the line of his cock, earning a shaky exhale as his eyes slipped shut.
“Wha-what about your family?” he murmured, hands coming to rest on your hips, not quite guiding your movements, but not stopping the motion either as you undulated against him.
“Mmm, they’re all either outside or at my grandmother’s house.” You ducked your head to brush a kiss along his jaw before chasing the rivulets of water that ran from his hair down the slope of his neck with your tongue. You sucked lightly where they pooled in the dip of his collarbone and he swallowed around the moan that threatened to shake loose. “This might be the only time I get you alone in the house while we’re here. Let me get my hands on you.”
His breath caught as you scraped your teeth along his collarbone at the same time as you rolled your hips again, the water and suds slicking the thrust of his cock against you. He shivered and his grip on your hips tightened.
You ran your lips up his neck, nuzzling behind his ear before taking the lobe between your teeth and tugging, earning a soft groan and the jerk of his hips against you. “C’mon Raf. Let me warm you up.”
He breathed out long and low, meeting your gaze, his own hooded and heavy as you continued to rock down against him, feeling him twitch and swell. You ground down as you pressed the edge of your teeth to that same spot behind his ear, working it with lips and tongue, worrying this skin until you brought blood to the surface and every breath he took had the curl of a whine in it.
“Fuck,” he breathed out, head falling back as he rolled his hips up against you. “Yes, ok. Yes.”
You pressed your triumphant smile to the mark you had worked in his skin before pulling back and sliding to your knees, the water beating against your back as he trembled at your front, watching you through hazy eyes.
He was fully hard now, cock flushed and heavy between his legs, and you couldn’t stop the needy whimper that slipped from your lips as you came level with it. You leaned forward, hands braced on his thighs, to nuzzle along the length, pressing your face into his low abdomen and breathing deep. He smelled of the woodsy body wash he had been using, undercut by something that was uniquely him, musky and clean with a hint of sex as precum started to gather at the tip. You groaned, heat flaring in you that had nothing to do with the steam or the shower.
He shivered as you dipped lower to nuzzle at his balls, tongue flicking out to lick up the seam before placing a wet, open mouthed kiss at the base of his cock. His hands flexed, fluttering forward to hover over your shoulders before pulling back to rest at his sides, fingers twitching. You glanced up through your lashes to see him watching you, pupils blown, lips parted, flush starting to spread down his chest.
Holding his gaze you poked your tongue out, tracing the vein that ran along his cock from root to tip before teasing it against his slit. He shuddered at the sensation, more precum welling up to bead at the tip before spilling over to drip down the crown. You ducked forward to capture the drops, licking them up before pressing a damp kiss to the head of his cock and moaning at the taste of him.
He breathed out hard, hips arching towards your mouth as the vibrations from your moan traveled down his length, curling behind his balls. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as his hands wound through your hair, tangling in the wet strands to cup the back of your head, thumbs stroking along your hairline in a gentle caress.
“You know,” you murmured against the velvet skin of his cock as you reached up to grasp him tight at the base and gave him a single, firm tug that had him tightening his hands in your hair and pulling, sending sparks of pleasure shivering down your spine.
“You’ve been so good, so sweet the last few days, putting up with my family, the twin bed, the sledding…” You tightened your index finger and thumb around the crown as you twisted at the top, pulling a groan from deep in Rafael’s chest, his head dropping back to rest on the tiles, as you worked the tight ring of your fingers of the sensitive skin just under the head.
“I want to show you how much I appreciate it. How much I appreciate you.” You gave him another slow, tight pull that had him shaking in your grasp, thighs flexed against the urge to thrust into your grip. “Please?”
His head was tilted back against the tiles, throat working as he swallowed and groaned as you brushed your lips over the sensitive crown again, humming. His tongue darted out to lick his lips and he let out a long, shuddering breath. “Yes, God, please. Please. Whatever you want.”
You gave him a slow, sweet smile and a gentle kiss to the head. “Just let me make you feel better.” You murmured, rubbing your thumb along the prominent vein as you teased him with your tongue. He was flushed a deep red now, lips swollen from biting, and completely on the precipice after days of holding back.
He cried out as you took him deep, swallowing around his length, hollowing your cheeks on the way up. Even on the first pass, you could feel his legs start to tremble like they did when he got close. You gripped and kneaded the muscle in his thigh as you bobbed your head, working your fist in counterpoint to your mouth when you couldn’t take him all.
He swallowed a groan and gave a small abortive thrust of his hips. You stroked his thigh soothingly, hand running up to his hip and back around the generous swell of his ass. You took him a little deeper on the next pass and he choked on a bitten off yell, pulling hard on your hair as his cock hit the back of your throat while you swallowed around him and your fingers slipped over the curve of his ass to play at the dip between his cheeks.
You choked at the unexpected intrusion, breathing through your nose to control your gag reflex and pulled off with an obscene pop. “Do you want it, Raf? Want me to finger you with your cock in my throat?”
He was breathing harshly through his nose, biting at his lip and gasping as you rubbed lightly at his hole and kept up your firm pulls on his cock.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned as you dipped to lick messily over the head, curling your tongue to get all the precum that’s starting to drip in a steady stream as you played with him.
“Please?” You pouted up at him. His eyes were wide, dark and desperate, as he looked down at you, stroking your wet hair with shaking fingers. His eyebrows pinched together and his mouth fell open as you pressed just the tip of your finger inside, dragging a groan from deep in his chest, rough and low.
“God, yes, yes please I want it. Please.”
You moaned in response, taking his cock back into your mouth. You worked him desperately now, spurred on by the gasps and moans and whines falling from his lips as he spread his legs wider, gaining leverage to thrust forward into your mouth and then back onto your fingers. You’re hardly able to breach him, just the tips of two fingers, and hardly past the first knuckle, but it’s enough to make him desperate, bringing him to the edge incredibly fast.
His hands were tight in your hair, and his cock hot against your tongue, seeming to grow impossibly harder and longer as he thrust back and you took him to the hilt, nose brushing his pubic bone. You gagged and swallowed and as you pulled back you looked up to see him, head thrown back, eyes scrunched closed, a beautiful flush all the way down his chest. He was past words, only able to gasp and whine as you gripped him tighter, jacking him quickly while you sucked particularly hard on the head. He cried out then, voice echoing in the bathroom in a way that should have concerned you, but he was thrusting back hard on your hand, forcing you to slip in to the next knuckle as you worked him with your mouth. And then he was coming, cock twitching, cum filling your mouth as he gripped your hair and held you there, grinding back on your fingers as he shook and trembled and fell apart.
You swallowed it down, taking everything he had to give. Even when you pulled off, you gripped him tight, milking the last drops out and across your lips even as he whined and jerked, moving into oversensitivity.
Licking your lips you hummed at the salty taste of him. With gentle fingers, you stroked and rubbed long, soothing lines over his trembling thighs. Leaning forward, you pressed a kiss to his hip bone before pulling yourself to your feet and boxing him in where he slumped against the back wall of the shower.
His eyes were still shut, breath coming unevenly as his heart rate slowed. He shivered and hummed as you pressed close, his arms sliding around you to pull you against him. You nuzzled under his jaw and pressed a kiss to the mark you had left behind his ear.
“Feeling sufficiently warm now?” you murmured. He huffed a laugh and turned to brush his lips over your cheek, his eyes still closed.
“Yes, I think you’ve managed to get my body temperature back up.”
“Good,” you pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth as you shifted your hips and sighed, spreading your legs so you were straddling his thigh. “Because I think I still need a little help here.”
“Oh?” His eyes were open now, pupils still blown wide as his hands came to your hips, thumbs rubbing slow circles over the sensitive skin. You shivered and he gripped harder, encouraging your motion as you rolled down against him, your mouth falling open as you ground yourself against his thigh. “I think I can help with that…”
You slid your hands up his sides, one curving over his pec while the other slid into his hair, pulling him down so you could kiss him, slow and deep as he pressed his leg up, flexing this muscle against you and you rocked down, friction against your clit sending sparks along your nerves and making you shudder. One of his hands dropped from your hip, curling around to slip between your legs when there was a loud banging on the door followed by your sister’s voice.
“I swear to God, I’m not covering for you with Mom, so you better get out of there in the next five minutes, or she’s going to have a lot of opinions.”
You were lucky you were already mostly standing, or you would have ended up falling on your ass, Rafael backed off so quickly, eyes wide and panicked.
You groaned, head falling back, denied your own release.
“You fucking owe me.” Your sister continued. “Both of you.”
Well. So much for making it up to him. Rafael looked mortified, eyes wide, mouth pressed into a thin line, pleasured flush now a mottled, angry red.
You laughed weakly and shrugged. He glared. Oops.
Tag list! (join or edit here)
@madpanda75, @alwaysachorusgirl, @detective-giggles, @dianilaws, @detectivebarba, @objection-argumentative, @prurientpuddlejumper, @designersophisticate, @thatesqcrush, @greeneyedblondie44, @ashtheironbat, @chasingeverybreakingwave, @crowfootwrites, @dreamlover31, @barbabangme, @amelia-song-pond, @witches-unruly-heart, @darkheart-brightsmile, @mrsrafaelbarba, @ellevandeberg, @simpforbarba
149 notes · View notes
melk917 · 3 years
All Wrapped Up
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Warnings: Teasing, a little holiday bondage, p in v sex
Rating: E
Pairings: Rafael Barba x f!Reader
WC: 3,225
A/N: Ticking off the 'gift wrapping' square for @storiesofsvu's Holiday Bingo!
Heavily unedited (like I only sort of read through it once after I wrote it) so please let me know of any errors!
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Rafael rolled over with a shiver, body still heavy with sleep, eyes closed, reaching out to pull you close and curl into your heat. Only, instead of you, warm and soft, he found the cold, empty sheets. With a grunt he levered himself up, cracking open an eye to peer over the edge of the duvet. Sure enough, the other half of the bed was empty. In fact, the pillow was still unblemished, indicating you still had yet to come to bed at all.
If he focused, he could hear the faint hum of Christmas carols from the living room and there was a thin sliver of light showing under the door. He frowned. The clock next to the bed showed 12:37am, meaning that the “just one more hour, I promise” you had told him when he turned in had turned into at least twice that. And you had left him to fend for himself against the chill of the room.
He curled back up under the blankets, brow furrowed, frown deepening, debating if he should leave the guaranteed semi-warm cocoon for the hopeful promise of your body pressed hot against him. He had almost drifted back off when he was wracked by a shiver, making the decision for him.
He slipped out of the blankets, cursing softly under his breath as he pulled on a robe and slippers, pushing open the door to see if he could convince you to leave aside the presents now and keep him warm instead.
He blinked, eyes taking a second to adjust after the darkness of the bedroom, only to see you still sitting where he had left you earlier that evening, cross-legged on the living room carpet, a pile of wrapped gifts to one side, with a much smaller pile waiting to be wrapped on the other. There was a mess of paper and ribbons littered around you and you had a marker stuck through your hair, holding it back from your face.
You didn’t seem to notice him at first, tongue caught in your teeth as you focused on getting a sharp fold in the paper and taping up one end of the box in your hands. You nodded your head along to the music absently, completely focused on your task.
Sighing, he shuffled over and leaned down to press his lips to the top of your head, hands resting on your shoulders, watching as you secured the edge. Finished, you tilted your head back to look up at him, your small smile spreading wide to see him there and you turned your head to press a kiss to his wrist through his shirt.
“You’re a dirty liar,” he murmured, voice still hoarse from sleep as he dropped to the carpet. “You said you were coming to bed hours ago.”
Your lips twitched as he settled behind you, arms around your waist, legs on either side of yours, nose pressed to the back of your neck.
“Just a few more, and I’m done.”
He peered over your shoulder and gave the side-eye to the pile still waiting. “Just put them in bags and come to bed.”
You laughed lightly and shook your head. “No, this brings me joy. I’ve got all the paper and ribbons. And it’s so much more fun to open something wrapped in paper, anyway.”
He huffed and pressed his lips to your neck. “I don’t particularly care if your sister’s husband has fun opening the puzzle you got him.” He bumped his nose to your jawline before following it with another press of his lips. “We’re not going anywhere until the afternoon, anyway. Finish in the morning.”
You turned your head to press a kiss to his temple, lips twitching at his poorly concealed petulance. “Go back to bed, I’m almost done here and then I’ll join you.”
“No,” his voice was muffled in your skin as he held you tighter. “The bed is cold. Need you to come with me.”
You laughed at the obvious whine in his voice and then shivered as he slipped his hands under shirt to stroke across your skin, just barely dipping under the waistband of your sleep pants.
“That isn’t going to help things go any faster.”
“M’not trying to help,” he murmured, pressing soft kisses up your neck before nipping at the point of your jaw, making your breath hitch. “I’m trying to show you why coming back to bed is the better idea.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes, but tilted your neck to give him greater access. “Don’t make me restrain you with all this ribbon…”
He growled playfully, hands slipping further up your shirt to cup your bare breasts, flicking and tugging gently on your nipples, making you arch into his touch and moan softly.
“Don’t tempt me with a good time.” His lips were warm on your ear, his voice low and dark.
“Raf…” Your warning was unconvincing, your voice turning breathless as he tugged you around, pushing you back on the carpet, shirt now rucked up to your armpits.
“Hm?” He asked, unconcerned, dipping low to nuzzle at the curve of your breasts, his breath ghosting over your skin and making you shudder underneath him.
“I only have a few more…” You trailed off, thoughts disappearing like smoke in the wind as he took one nipple in his mouth, just barely flicking the peak with his tongue before following it with a hint of teeth. You groaned, hands flying to his hair, tangling in the soft strands.
His voice was soft but firm as he worked his way to your other breast, teeth scraping along the sensitive skin while his fingers pinched and tugged at the first, making you arch against him, moaning as sparks of pleasure skittered down your nerves.
The puff of his chuckle across your spit-slick skin had you tightening your hands in his hair and rolling your hips up as you groaned, all thoughts of wrapping gifts pushed aside in favor of the fire he was stoking in you now.
He continued to work you over with his mouth, alternating from one breast to the other, using his fingers to tease the curve, brushing his knuckles along your skin before cupping the swell in his palm and kneading gently.
Your breath was coming faster, a heat building in you, each tug of his teeth on your nipple ratcheting it up higher, making you clench and shiver underneath him, craving more. Dropping your hands, you fumbled with the front of his robe until you could slip them inside, rucking up his shirt as you wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him down against you. He was still sleep-warm and soft, moaning faintly as you cupped his ass, rocking your hips together.
In your haze of desire, you slipped your hands up higher, wanting to feel his skin under your palms, pressing them to the hot skin of his lower back.
But instead of grinding down against you in response, he yelped, rocking back on his heels and glaring at you.
Chuckling you reached out for him, trying to slip your fingers back under the hem of his shirt even as he batted at them, tugging on his clothes to deny you access.
“C’mon, Raf. You wanted me against you… they won’t warm up if I can’t tuck them under all those layers…”
You tangled your fingers in the fabric of his shirt to tug him close, almost getting your other hand underneath. But he was too quick for you, grabbing your wrist in one strong hand.
Holding your gaze, his eyes gone dark, pupils blown, he used his grip to bring your hand to his mouth, pressing kisses to your cold fingers, breath brushing warm against your skin.
Your eyes widened and you breathed out, long and slow, groaning lightly.
“Ok… that works too.”
He smirked and parted his lips to drag his tongue along your middle finger from the base to the tip before taking it into his mouth and sucking, scraping his teeth along the skin.
You groaned at the sight of him, the way his tongue peeked out, curling around the knuckles, the way his lips would purse as he sucked, conjuring all sorts of images and memories that make your cunt clench and your heart beat faster.
His smirk widened, knowing, as he did it again, his eyes hot and heavy on you, flashing with mischief.
Swearing, you hooked your finger over his jaw to yank him back down and into a hard kiss, licking into his mouth and swallowing his gasp. You chased that sly, clever tongue with your own until he was groaning, rocking down against you, the press of his hard cock obvious through his loose cotton pants.
“Come to bed,” he entreated again, moaning and breathless as you slid a hand between your bodies to run your knuckles along his dick.
An evil little smile curled at the corner of your mouth and you leaned up to tug on his earlobe with your teeth as you twisted your wrist so you could grasp the length of him, teasing at his balls through the cloth with your fingers.
“Make me.”
“Fuck.” He swore, eyes clenched shut against the sensation as he ground down against your hand, arms shaking as he tried to hold himself up above you, pleasure rushing through him.
“Come on, Raf. You want to get me back to bed? You’re gonna have to try harder than this.”
He shivered and shook above you, bottom lip caught in his teeth as you tugged his balls lightly and mouthed wetly along his jaw.
“You’re not playing fair.” He complained, turning his face so he could capture your lips again, moaning softly into your mouth.
You broke away, laughing, brushing kisses to the corner of his mouth, along his jaw. “Oh, I’m not playing fair now? You came out here trying to seduce me to bed first.”
He laughed, breathless, and it curled into a groan as you gripped him firmly, rubbing your thumb back and forth over the sensitive head of his cock. His hips jerked in your hold, and the fabric grew damp where it pressed against the leaking tip.
You licked your lips with a hum and sat up, free hand tangling in his hair. You tugged his head back, directing him to move with you while you kept up your slow, teasing strokes to his cock through the fabric. He shivered, worked up and uncaring of the mess he was making out of his pants. He moaned, arching into you as you pressed soft kisses under his jaw and down his neck to the hollow of his throat.
“What do you want, Raf?” you murmured against his skin, nosing along the collar of his shirt, breathing in the scent of him: citrus and cedar and musk. “Are you going to take me to bed? Or are you going to let me do what I want to you out here?”
“Fuck,” he moaned. “Whatever you want.”
You chuckled, pressing your sly smile into his skin, even as your eyes flicked to the gift wrap supplies still off to the side, a wide spool of dark red satin ribbon lying uncoiled on top.
“Whatever I want? Well, then I think you can wait until I'm done wrapping all the gifts.”
He whined in displeasure, lips parting to protest, to beg you not to abandon him for the remaining presents. You smirked in response, grabbing the end of the ribbon in one hand and one of his wrists in the other.
His eyes dropped to your hands and back up and his cheeks flushed brighter. He licked his lips slowly and, holding your gaze, held his wrists out for you, offering them up together, the corner of his mouth twitching.
If possible your smirk grew wider and you wrapped the soft, satin ribbon around his wrists, looping it three, four times, before picking up the scissors to snip the end, leaving quite a bit of trailing off. With quick, nimble fingers, you twisted and looped the ends, weaving them together and tying them off into an elaborate bow.
“There,” you said, smug and pleased. “Now even my gift is all wrapped up and ready to be opened on Christmas morning.”
He made a soft sound of protest as you shifted away, making as though you were going to resume wrapping the remaining boxes.
He rocked forward, forehead resting on your shoulder as he whined, nipping at the skin showing above your collar.
You shivered, lips parting around heavy breaths as he scraped his teeth over your skin again, nuzzling at your neck.
“You get to open one gift the night before,” he murmured against your skin. “Don’t you remember?”
You turned to face him, one hand cupping his jaw to tilt his face up to yours. He was beautiful, flushed, pupils blown. You stroked your thumb along his bottom lip and he sighed, pressing into your hold.
“I already picked one and opened it,” you reminded him, amusement shading your voice, lips twitching.
He groaned and you laughed. His bound hands rested on his thighs, the triangle framing the obvious press of his hard dick in the loose pants.
“Well, then, maybe you also open one I pick.”
You laughed, bright and full and ducked down to kiss him, firm and hot, your thumb pressing at the corner of his lips until he parted them for you, groaning.
“I swear to God, if you make a joke about how this gift is going to fill me up, I will leave you right here on the living room floor and go to bed alone.”
He huffed a laugh against your lips, “Noted. Now take my damned pants off so I can fuck you.”
Grinning you nipped at his lips and shoved his shoulders as he tried to wiggled his bound hands under your shirt. You pushed until you had him sprawled out on the carpet beneath you, cheeks flushed, eyes sparkling.
Knowing he had your eyes on him he lifted his bound hands above his head and arched, leaving himself open and on display, completely at your mercy.
You groaned lightly and leaned in, tugging his pants down his thighs, far enough that his cock was freed, length flagging hard and heavy between his legs. It was flushed a deep red at the tip and slick with precum, and you moaned lightly at the sight of it, your pussy throbbing in anticipation.
Reaching out with trembling fingers, you wrapped your fingers around him, feeling the taught skin in your palm, and gave him a firm tug that had him arching and cursing.
“If the objective is to make me beg, I can give you that, just–fuck.” He arched, trembling, as you gave him a few more rough strokes.
Your breath was coming hard and fast as he whined and writhed underneath you. You were soaked; you could feel it slick between your legs, as your pussy fluttered and clenched at the sight of him.
You had teased enough. Now you just wanted to have him. Kicking your pants off in a rush as he panted, licking his lips, you straddling his hips, sinking down on his cock before he could even catch his breath.
“Oh fuck,” your head fell back as you took him to the root, the burn from the stretch making you shiver and you pussy clench around him.
He cursed, and when you glanced down his eyes were unfocused, jaw working as he trembled and fought for control. You rocked your hips every so slightly just to watch how his eyes tightened and to hear him groan. You ducked down to taste the noise, to taste his desperation and he threw his bound hands around your neck, pulling you close so he could lean up and take your mouth in a bruising kiss as you really started to move.
He gasped and bucked and whined underneath you, and you knew he wasn’t going to last. Not with how you were slamming your hips down, taking him deep on each thrust. His heels were scrabbling at the carpet behind you as he bent his knees, trying to gain more leverage to thrust back. He groaned, frustrated, as his pants caught on his thighs and left him at your mercy.
“More–please more,” he moaned, and you rocked back harder, taking him deeper and crying out as his cock hit that spot that made you light up from the inside, your entire nervous system humming with pleasure.
“Again.” He was gasping, demanding, pleading. His eyes were squeezed shut, head thrown back, throat working, as you did what he asked. You were crying out with every thrust, shaking, dropping forward to take his mouth in a hard kiss that matched the force with which you were riding him.
“Touch yourself.” He gasped against your lips, catching the lower one in his teeth and tugging hard until you groaned. “Fuck, please. Touch yourself. Want to feel you come on my cock.”
“Shit.” You dipped your fingers between the two of you, working yourself with quick, firm strokes that snapped that hazy pleasure into something sharp, something focused, a single, white-hot blaze of pleasure that had you seizing and crying out as you came. You ground down against him, gasping, the tight, hot rush of your orgasm powerful enough to pull him over the edge with you.
“Fuck, oh fuck–” he groaned, head thrown back, hips jerking as he started to cum, the throb and hot rush of him inside you prolonging your aftershocks, making your shudder and clench around him, moaning into his neck and he shivered and shook and fell apart beneath you.
It was long minutes, the two of you gasping, limbs trembling, before you started to come down.
Eventually he shifted under you, turning his head to press his lips to your temple, resting against your skin in a barely-there kiss as his breath evened out.
You hummed, pressing your face further into the crook of his neck, enjoying the feel of him against you, how your heart beats slowed to match, a perfect echo in the warmth of the afterglow.
He twisted his hands, ribbon loosened in the frenzy of activity, and slipped them out, tossing the bow to one side and wrapping his arms around you properly, fingers dipping low to stroke patterns across your skin, over the curve of your hips, down your thighs, and all the way back up to tangle gently in your hair.
You sighed in pleasure as he rubbed your scalp for a minute before wrapping strands around his fingers and tugging affectionately, ducking his head to press his lips to the curve of your ear.
“Now will you please leave this for tomorrow and come to bed?”
You snorted, turning to face him, and smiled back at the warmth and affection you saw in the curve of his lips and the crinkle around his eyes.
You heaved a dramatic sigh, lips twitching as you tried to hide your own amusement and affection.
“Oh, alright.”
And then you ducked in, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth, shutting him up before he could protest.
Tag list! (join or edit your listing here!)
@madpanda75, @alwaysachorusgirl, @detective-giggles, @dianilaws, @detectivebarba, @objection-argumentative, @prurientpuddlejumper, @designersophisticate, @thatesqcrush, @greeneyedblondie44, @ashtheironbat, @chasingeverybreakingwave, @crowfootwrites, @dreamlover31, @barbabangme, @amelia-song-pond, @witches-unruly-heart, @darkheart-brightsmile, @mrsrafaelbarba, @simpforbarba, @beardsanddetectives, @shittanyy, @ellevandeberg, @pascalispretty, @marvelousmermaid, @katieslotherford
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melk917 · 3 years
Should've Made a Pastry (Part 2)
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< Previous Part : Next Part >
Warnings: Teasing (lots of teasing), kissing, groping, some fingering (f receiving), and the offer of a threesome
Rating: E (maybe M, but just to be safe)
Pairings: Rafael Barba x f!Reader, Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi, Sonny Carisi x f!Reader
WC: 5,036
A/N: For those have you who have been waiting for it.... Part 2! I hope the wait will have been worth it. This stretched on to be exceedingly long, so stay tuned for part 3 dropping tomorrow morning.
This fills the 'xmas baking' + 'holiday party' squares for @storiesofsvu’s Holiday Bingo.
BIG thanks to @thatesqcrush for taking a look and helping me through the last efforts for all this when all I was doing was banging my head against the wall.
And for those of you who have never had the joy of a pizzelle, you can def find them at Whole Foods, but they're also really easy to make. They're a traditional Italian waffle cookies made from flour, eggs, sugar, butter, and flavoring. In the case of the ones in this story, they're anise, as that is the most traditional (at least where my family is from). They're thin and crunchy and great after a big meal!
The title comes from my absolute favorite line in Banana by Anitta & Becky G: “Oh, Willy Wonka, how’d you get so tasty / Mama made a boy, but she should’ve made a pastry”
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Days turned to weeks and time passed without further mention of that particular fantasy. It seemed to fade to the background as life took over in the lead up to the holidays, neither of you bringing it up again in such vivid detail. Though, it was never far from your mind… or Rafael’s.
In fact, it had become a bit of a problem for Rafael. It was as though acknowledging the fantasy out loud made into a real, tangible thing, tension present in every interaction. Every glance, every “Am I right, counselor?” took on new meaning, and Rafael couldn’t even look in Carisi’s direction without blushing. He compensated by being even more brusque than usual, cutting down the detective with harsh remarks every time he leaned in.
But much to Rafael’s dismay, it didn’t seem to deter the younger man. If anything, it made him even more eager for validation, more eager for acknowledgment. And it was how he found himself trapped in his current situation.
The squad had posted up in Rafael’s office, bringing a stack of files they had been going through for their most recent case. Rafael was making a conscious effort to maintain eye contact with Olivia as she enumerated the details of the victim’s statement. He was doing his best to ignore where Carisi was perched against the conference table, long legs spread wide, arms crossed as he twisted to the side to peer at the plate of cookies Rafael had laid out for his own consumption.
He thought he was doing pretty well, too. He was focused on the case and not fleeting thoughts of you pressing against his back as Carisi tugged him forwards to stand in the V of his spread legs, trapping him between the two of you.
At least he was until Carisi let out an obscene moan, drawing everyone’s attention. He had a half eaten cookie from the plate in his hand, eyes shut tight in pleasure as he chewed. He made another small noise as his tongue flicked out to pick up the crumbs, drawing Rafael’s eye to his full lips, making him groan internally as he flashed back to you wondering if Carisi had sucked dick before.
No evidence either way, but Rafael had a sudden vivid image of what he might look like, lips stretched thin around his cock, as Carisi took another bite of the cookie.
“Do you need a moment, detective? Should we leave you alone with the plate there?” Rafael was gruff, short, and shifting his hips to hide that maybe he wasn’t unaffected.
Carisi flushed a bit and ducked his head sheepishly. “Sorry, Counselor. Just… wow, where did you get these? They’re almost better than my nonna’s and I didn’t think you could get pizzelle like that in a store.”
He shoved the last of the cookie in his hand in his mouth, already reaching for another from the plate.
Carisi’s enthusiasm had drawn Fin and Amanda over as well, and they were peering down at the snowflake-shaped cookies with great curiosity.
Rafael rubbed his hands up and down his thighs as Carisi took another big bite and held the plate up, wiggling it under Amanda’s nose in encouragement.
“They’re not from the store, I brought them from home.”
Carisi made a noise of surprise as he swallowed his latest bite. “Oh, man, really? That’s gotta be great, living with someone who bakes…you gotta get her to bring ‘em to the holiday party. I’ll make my nonna’s version and we can compare.”
Rafael frowned slightly. “I’m not volunteering someone else’s time to feed your sugar cravings, Carisi.”
As disapproving as he tried to make it sound though, he knew you’d jump at the opportunity to prove you were the better baker. And if it encouraged the rapturous look on Carisi’s face as he shoved another cookie in his mouth, Rafael was pretty sure you’d do it just to hold it over him, teasing until he was hard and begging.
Before he could make up his mind if that made it better or not, Carisi interrupted again.
“I’ll ask her then, Counselor. Just lemme try? We gotta compare. I promise—I’ll bring the goods, and it’ll blow your mind.”
Rafael choked slightly, but Carisi looked totally guileless, not even a twitch to indicate if he knew how his promise sounded.
It was Amanda who intervened in the end, brushing crumbs from her own half eaten cookie off her jacket and shrugging. “I mean, I’d eat more of these.”
Carisi beamed. “Awesome. I promise, counselor, you won’t be disappointed in this Carisi specialty.”
Rafael groaned internally. Carisi Specialty Goods, indeed. You would never let this go.
Two weeks later, you and Rafael were in the elevator, headed up to Olivia’s apartment for the squad’s holiday party, an extra large tupperware filled with pizzelle in your arms and a smirk on your face.
Rafael had tried to dissuade you initially, saying you didn’t need to feel obligated to bring anything, never mind setting aside a few hours to make cookies. But he was right, you could never pass up an opportunity to show off your baking (or an opportunity to tease him, holding him at your mercy).
With each press of the pizzelle iron the day before you had thrown out suggestive comments or glances, wondering out loud what the Carisi Specialty might be, and if he’d make more of those little moans Rafael mentioned over this batch of cookies as well.
You had poked and prodded and teased until Rafael shut you up the only way he could in that moment, mouth hard and insistent against yours as his fingers slipped into your pants and brought you over the edge with firm strokes.
(That round of cookies in the press ended up in the trash, burnt to ash and still smoking, but neither you nor Rafael were complaining from where you were sprawled naked on the kitchen floor, breathless and satisfied.)
And now he was taking great pains to not meet your eyes as you rang Olivia’s bell and Carisi himself opened the door, grinning widely.
“Oh great!” He exclaimed at the sight of the two of you. Impossibly, his grin got even wider as he clocked the box of cookies in your arms. “Oh this is perfect. I made mine too.”
He took the cookies from you with one hand while he pulled you close with the other into a tight hug.
“I’ve been waiting all night for these. Barba made it sound like you wouldn’t have time.” He leaned in, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “I think he was just selfishly keeping them for himself. I’m not sure he shares very well.”
You laughed and met Rafael’s eye over Carisi’s shoulder, a knowing smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Well, I’m very good at sharing. You only have to ask.”
Rafael’s lips pressed into a firm line, but the innuendo went over Carisi’s head as he tucked the cookies under one arm. He turned to Rafael, free arm going out like he intended to hug him, too, but Rafael dumped his coat into Carisi’s grasp instead and brushed past him before you could say or do anything else to tease color to his cheeks.
Carisi was unfazed, tossing Rafael’s jacket with the others and gestured towards the kitchen.
“C’mon, grab some drinks and let’s get these laid out. I want to see how they stack up. I’ve got mine in the kitchen.”
You followed him further into the apartment. Inside was warm, the scent of cinnamon and cloves heavy in the air from the pot of mulled wine on the stove, the soft hum of Christmas carols in the background, just barely audible through the boisterous conversation of everyone gathered.
You and Rafael were a bit on the later side, and it appeared everyone else was quite a bit ahead of you on drinks, if the flush across Amanda’s face and the way Mike was gesturing were any indication. It was impossible for you to tell how many deep Carisi was, his grin and enthusiasm standard operating procedure for him.
He hummed along to the music as he unboxed your cookies, arranging them on a plate next to another holding the pizzelle he had brought. They looked nearly identical, and you picked up one of his, bringing it to your nose to breathe in the spices.
“Made them the same flavor you did, I think. Near enough anyway.” He was fidgeting with the presentation now, long fingers brushing over the edges, lining up the stacks of cookies, turning them this way and that until he grinned, satisfied. “There. Identical.”
Amanda and Mike had wandered over, leaning over the counter from the living room to watch as Carisi fussed.
“How is this going to work?” you asked, ladling a large glass of mulled wine for yourself. Carisi clocked your pour and held up a bottle of brandy in offer, adding a rather heavier pour to the mug than you might have yourself. He giggled a bit at the end and you bit your lip. Maybe his cheer wasn’t all organic after all.
Across the room, Olivia had turned to pour a hefty four fingers of scotch into Rafael’s glass and gestured for him to drink up. He met your gaze and you wiggled your eyebrows in response and he flushed, covering his reaction by taking a big sip from the glass and grimacing as it went down the wrong pipe in his haste.
“Well, I think everyone eats at least one of each and then votes?” Carisi suggested.
Mike frowned at the cookies. “Any particular features we’re voting on?”
Carisi looked over at you and you shrugged.
“Just whose tastes best?” he suggested. “Let's not complicate it.”
“Well what about texture? Mouth-feel?”
Amanda snorted, “You watch too much British Bake-Off, Sarge.”
You laughed into your mug, leaning into Rafael as he brushed a hand over your lower back, joining next to you.
Mike frowned. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“No—just like Carisi said.” Amanda leveled a finger at Mike. “Keep it simple. Take a bite of each, and your vote goes to the one you liked better.”
Rafael peered over your shoulder at the plates and you cut him a look out of the corner of your eye, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips. He rolled his eyes, sipping his drink to hide the color on his cheeks as he leaned against the counter to watch the proceedings unfold.
“Come on, come on. Fin, Lieu. Everyone take your cookies.” Carisi took both plates, pushing them towards the rest of the squad, gesturing and grinning wide.
Fin and Olivia started to reach for the cookies when Amanda cut in: “Wait!”
Everyone froze.
“Wait, wait, wait. What does the winner get?”
You and Carisi looked at each other. He shrugged this time. “Bragging rights?”
Amanda snorted. “Boring.”
Carisi frowned and crossed his arms. “Fine. Then what do you suggest?”
Amanda frowned, chewing her lip.
“Loser has to bake something for them?” Mike offered.
Amanda rolled her eyes. “Why would you want to eat the shitty cookies as a reward?”
“Hey now—” Carisi broke in. “Losing doesn’t make them shitty….”
Olivia cut in at the look on Amanda’s face that signaled a possible argument. “Loser buys everyone a round the next time we’re at Forlini's?”
“I might not be there,” you pointed out. “I usually host office hours in the evening.”
“Barba can steal your credit card?” Mike suggested.
“Hold on, what about—”
The conversation was quickly devolving as Carisi jumped in again, gesturing wildly and spilling some of his mulled wine across the counter, barely missing the cookies. Amanda’s voice rose in protest, and Olivia seemed to be trying to moderate, an eye down the back hall to Noah’s room where he was sleeping. Fin had wandered off with what looked like more than just his share of cookies, clearly over the whole endeavor.
While the rest of the group argued over possible rewards, you reached over to tangle the fingers of your free hand with Rafael’s, tugging him until he was pressed close to your side and you could press an exaggerated, smacking kiss to the corner of his mouth. He grunted and ducked his head to hide the pleased twitch of his lips at your teasing display of affection, his face flushed ever so slightly.
You leaned in further, impervious to all his put-upon, petulant grumblings, lips against his ear. “Pout all you like,” you murmured, voice low, “but I know that blush on your cheeks has more to do with a certain detective’s denim-clad ass and not all that scotch Olivia is topping you up with.”
Carisi took that moment to lean over the counter and get in Amanda’s face, putting said denim-clad ass on full display.
Pressed into you like he was, you could feel the shiver that passed through Rafael’s body in response, undermining the glare he shot your way. You arched a brow, challenging, lips twitching. He didn’t deny it.
You tangled the fingers of your free hand in the front of his sweater, intending on pulling him firmly against you and properly kissing the grumpy lines off his face. Instead you were interrupted by the sharp crack of Amanda slamming her glass down on the table with enough force that the remaining ice jumped over the lip.
“I’ve got it,” she announced. “Winner fucks Barba.”
Rafael choked on his drink.
“Excuse me?” He had flushed a violent red, eyes wide as they darted to you.
The giggle bubbled up from deep in your chest and spilled out, the frantic edge of panic in Rafael’s voice setting you off.
He frowned and pinched your side, but it only served to make you laugh harder, doubled over as Carisi sputtered next to you.
“Geeze, Amanda. Had enough?” The younger man gave an hysterical little laugh, voice cracking on the end as his eyes cut to you and Rafael, wide with panic.
Amanda was flushed and grinning, nodding as though she knew she had totally nailed it.
Rafael was looking at you, eyebrows pinched. Oh, outwardly you were sure the bright flush across his cheeks and the panic in his eyes appeared to be from his objection to being auctioned off. But pressed against you like he was, you could feel the twitch of his half-hard cock against your hip, betraying his true interest in the possibilities.
You flicked your eyes to the side and clocked the bright blush that was spreading from Carisi’s cheeks down his throat as he startled and looked away, embarrassed that he had been caught staring.
A slow, teasing smirk spread across your face and you licked your lips. Maybe all those fantasies weren’t so far out of your grasp as it had seemed.
You turned back to the group and shrugged a casual shoulder. “Ok, deal.”
Both Rafael and Carisi choked this time, and a slow, evil grin spread over Amanda’s face.
“Awesome. Now pass me those cookies.”
Much later you were getting yourself a glass of water when Rafael slid up behind you, one hand on your hip as he pressed his nose to your neck. You huffed a laugh and turned into him, gently threading your fingers into his hair and tugging affectionately. “How are you holding up?”
“Wanna get you home,” he murmured, pressing his lips, then his teeth, just under your jaw, making your shiver and sigh.
“Oh yeah? Gonna put me to bed, counselor?”
He growled and nipped at your jaw playfully. “Teasing me like that in front of everyone…I know you threw the competition on purpose. I ought to send you to bed without supper for all your insolence.”
You turned in his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down to you and brush your lips together. “But didn’t you want to see if he’d take the bait?”
Your eyes flicked to the side, clocking the detective’s gaze as he watched you run your hands over Rafael’s shoulders, licking his lips and clearly not listening to whatever story Amanda was recounting to the group.
Smirking you leaned up, lips grazing Rafael’s ear, your voice low and dark. “He’s got his eyes on us now. Don’t you want to see if he follows us home?”
Rafael groaned lightly and pulled you hard against him, hand slipping low to grasp your ass before giving it a sharp swat.
You jerked in his hold and giggled as he dipped low to kiss you, hiding his own grin.
“Go grab our coats while I call the Uber.”
The cold air was welcome on the flushed skin of your cheeks as you stumbled outside to wait for your Uber. It was impossible to tell if it was the alcohol or Rafael himself that had you lightheaded with intoxication. Amanda’s drunken suggestion had reignited the flame of every filthy suggestion concerning Carisi you had whispered in his ear the other day, and he seemed dead set on leveraging all that frantic sexual energy to turn the tables on you, whether or not Carisi was there to join in.
He pressed against your back, hands on your hips as you made it out to the sidewalk, pulling you firm against him, lips pressed warm under your jaw, nipping at your skin.
You let out a soft moan, tilting your head to grant him more access, and he pressed his advantage, nuzzling behind your ear before using his lips and tongue to suck a light mark.
“Mm, you smell good,” he murmured in your ear, the contrast of his warm breath and the winter air making you shiver against him.
“I don’t think it’s just my perfume that has you like this.”
His hands slid up your front, undoing the buttons on your coat so he could slip his hands inside, long fingers curling around your ribs and turning you so you were pressed flush to his chest.
“Hm…no, not just that.”
You hardly had time to register the smirk curling at the corner of his mouth before he ducked his head to press his lips to the hollow of your throat, hands slipping down your back to push up your skirt and cup your ass through your stockings, gripping and rolling the muscle in his palms.
Your head fell back with a soft moan, your hands coming up to rest on his arms, hips rolling into him on instinct. You could hardly feel him against you through the layers of clothing, your frustrated huff tapering off into a moan as he scraped his teeth up the column of your throat, nipping at your jaw. He soothed the bite with his tongue before the sting even registered and you gripped him harder, tugging on his coat sleeves.
“Raf—” you meant for it to come out as a warning, but instead the end curled on a whine as he pressed his teeth to your pulse point.
“Oh, no,” he murmured into your skin. “You wanted to tease me all night in there. If you can’t handle the consequences of your actions, you shouldn’t provoke me.”
One big hand slipped under your sweater, cold fingers making you gasp and arch as it slipped higher to cup your breast.
“Oh hey, Counselor—”
You groaned lightly as Rafael’s thumb flicked over your nipple through the lace of your bra, desire curling bright and hot through you as Carisi froze, eyes wide, lips parted as he processed the moment that he walked out into.
It wasn’t even that suggestive in the grand scheme of things… no skin was on display—your coat is hiding just how far up Rafael has rucked up your skirt and the spread of his hands on you. But the tilt of your neck, and the angle of Rafael’s head hinted at something lustful. A tease that had a bright flush spreading over the detective’s cheeks.
“Sorry—I didn’t realize—”
Rafael lifted his head to meet your eyes, a smirk spreading slow across his face as he tweaked your nipple again and you visibly shuddered, knuckles going white as you gripped his sleeves harder.
Even with the blood rushing in your ears as Rafael continued to tease his fingers over your skin, you caught Carisi’s bitten-off whimper. And from the way Rafael breathed out hard, you knew he caught it too. You licked your lips, arching an eyebrow at him in question. His eyes were dark, pupils blown wide as he ducked his chin in acknowledgment.
And then he was stepping back slightly, hands smoothing your skirt back over your ass as you tug your sweater down, peering sheepishly around Rafael to look at Carisi.
“Ah, no, you’re good, Carisi. We just um… got distracted.”
“No, no… it’s my bad.” The detective laughed nervously as he ran a hand through his hair and seemed to be trying to look anywhere that wasn’t where Rafael’s hands are still obviously moving inside your coat.
You cut a sideways glance at Rafael who was still smirking at you, eyebrows raised expectantly as his fingers brushed the thin strip of skin between your sweater and your skirt.
A wave of possibility and anticipation surged through you, making your blood run hot and your breath come quick. You turned back to Carisi who’s eyes had dropped back down to track the movement of Rafael’s hands under your coat.
“How are you getting home, detective?”
He started, eyes flicking back up to yours. “Oh, uh, just the train.” He jerked his thumb in the direction of the entrance to the 1 at the other corner.
Rafael slid his hand down the back of your skirt in that moment and you gasped lightly, pitching forward into him. Carisi's fingers curled into his palms, his eyes tracking every involuntary roll of your hips.
Rafael was flushed, too (and completely unrepentant) as his hand slipped lower to grasp your ass in full, licking his lips as you shivered.
Carisi was still watching, brow furrowed the way it had been in the bar weeks ago when his eyes had been on both of you at the booth, hot and heavy. Behind you, your Uber pulled up to the curb.
“It’s awfully cold out. And late,” you told him, a bit breathless as Rafael kept up his teasing. “Let us give you a ride.”
Carisi’s head jerked up, eyes wide. “Oh, no—” he choked a bit, hands flailing. “I mean—not no, but it’s uh, I live in the total opposite direction. I wouldn’t wanna put you out or anything…”
You finally managed to extricate yourself from Rafael’s hold as he moved to open the door to the car, tugging your coat closed as best you can to hide your disheveled clothes, but not before Carisi’s gaze dropped to your exposed thighs. “You wouldn’t be putting us out at all.”
Carisi was caught in your gaze like a deer in headlights, wide-eyed and flushed a deep pink.
“I uh…”
“There’s room for one more, Carisi, if you’re joining.” Rafael’s voice was deep and dark with promise as he pressed against your back, one arm sliding around your waist to hold you to him.
Carisi’s head whipped up to stare hard at Rafael, lips parted around his soft gasp of surprise. Rafael held his gaze as he slowly slid his palm down, long fingers dipping under your waistband to tease across the sensitive skin of your abdomen, lazy smirk tugging at his mouth as you shuddered and melted back into him at the touch.
Carisi looked shell shocked at the older man’s encouragement. Then he shook himself and shivered, licking his lips, taking a half step forward before he paused. “I uh,” he looked from Rafael to you and back. “If you’re sure I’m not imposing…”
“Now or never, Carisi,” Rafael's voice rumbled through you. “Meter’s running.”
You didn’t add Carisi’s address to the ride and the detective didn’t bring it up. Instead a heavy, loaded silence settled thick amongst you like the tension before the break of a storm, undisturbed by the soft murmur of the driver on the phone in the front seat.
A little hiccup of hysteria bubbled in your chest as the silence stretched on, your fingers trembling in anticipation where they rested on your thigh. You were so absorbed in the warm press of both Rafael and Carisi against you that you startled as Rafael covered your hand with his, a soft gasp falling from your lips. The sound drew Carisi’s attention from the window and you heard his sharp intake of breath as Rafael’s hand slipped past yours to curve over your thigh, sliding up to rest high under your skirt, fingers stroking your skin.
You shivered at the play of his fingers over your sensitive skin, body craving more of his touch (always more), but you breathed out hard, catching his hand in yours and lacing them together before things could spiral further. Carisi let out a soft sound, and then choked on it, trying to swallow his obvious interest.
“This doesn’t have to go anywhere you don’t want it to go, Carisi.” You kept your voice low, soft and generous at the glimpse of his face you caught in the flash of the streetlights, jaw slack and dumbfounded. “The competition… the prize… It can stay a drunken joke.”
His head jerked up to meet your eyes, gaze flicking from you to Rafael behind you, down to your intertwined fingers, and back. He let out a little hysterical laugh like he had earlier, shifting restlessly in his seat, running his hands through his hair, shaking his head.
“Jesus, is this real? This isn’t like, some fever dream pulling from my deepest fantasies?”
“Want me to slap you, Carisi? See if you wake up?” Rafael offered, dryly.
He yelped as you pinched his thigh in admonishment, ruining the effect of all his smug arrogance with a pout.
You turned back to the detective, meeting his eyes. “It’s as real as you want it to be. Seriously, Carisi, you say stop, it stops.”
His eyes widened and he gave a short, sharp shake of his head. “Fuck, I’m not saying that… I just…” He breathed out hard. “Jesus really? I… both of you?”
“If you want both of us.”
“What do you want, Carisi?” Rafael’s voice was low, threaded through with promise.
Carisi squeezed his eyes shut as though he could better control the onslaught of his desire at the older man’s tone and breathed out hard, his voice shaking. “God. Whatever you’ll give me.”
Rafael moaned so softly you almost missed it. He caressed your knuckles with his thumb, the barest tremor of anticipation in his hands before he untangled your fingers, once again teasing along the soft skin of your inner thigh. You glanced up at him but he was watching Carisi, who’s attention was once again rapt on your legs, his knuckles white as he gripped his thighs.
“Say stop, detective, and it stops. At any point.”
“And if I say ‘green,’ you’ll keep going?”
Rafael huffed a surprised laugh and arched an eyebrow at the other man, fingers pausing, “Not quite the ingenue, then, are we?”
Carisi flushed.
Rafael’s smirk sharpened from pleased to predatory.
Emboldened by Carisi’s response, you wrapped your fingers around Rafael’s wrist and directed his hand higher as you shifted your hips, letting your legs fall open with a soft moan. You missed his smirk in the darkness of the backseat, but not how he shifted, switching hands so his left was now cupping your inner thigh, fingertips brushing across your mound in a tease, his right arm wrapping around your shoulders to cup and grip your jaw.
Your gasp was cut off by his hand over your mouth and Carisi swore softly, eyes flying up to meet Rafael’s.
“So needy,” Rafael murmured in your ear, holding Carisi’s gaze in the dim light. “Is this for me?” Your soft groan was muffled as he brushed his knuckles back and forth across the damp crotch of your stockings. “Or are you this worked up for Carisi?”
Your breath caught and Rafael chuckled, breath ghosting across your hairline.
“Should we show him?”
You whimpered as Rafael’s palm curved over your thigh, pulling your leg over his so you were spread open across the seat, your other leg pressed firm against Carisi’s.
“What do you think, detective?”
“Shit,” Carisi breathed out, eyes darting to yours as he licked his lips. “I…”
You reached out to grasp his wrist, pausing as your fingers curled around it. His fingers flexed in your hold, reaching out to just barely graze your thigh. You made a soft noise from behind Rafael’s palm and pressed your thigh into Carisi’s more firmly.
“Shit,” he murmured, palm warm as he ghosted his fingers up your leg, pausing at the hem of your skirt to toy with the edge as he met your eyes, searching for something. Something he must have seen in the pinch of your eyebrows and the way you tilted your head to press into Rafael’s hand across your mouth, because he slipped his fingers under your skirt to skate along your inner thigh.
“That’s it. Just like that, Carisi.” Rafael rumbled from your other side. “See for yourself.”
Carisi breathed out hard as he brushed his fingers higher and across where you soaked through your stockings and you let out a muffled gasp. Just that light touch sent pleasure sparking along your nerves and you arched into it, your other hand flying up to knot in Rafael’s hair as Carisi’s fingers went from questioning to a firm stroke. His other hand grabbed your hip in a tight grip and pushed you back down to the seat, holding you there as he stroked his thumb along your slit through the thin fabric covering it. Rafael breathed out hard in your ear, his fingers trembling against your skin at the display of easy dominance.
“Fuck.” Carisi’s voice wavered, shell-shocked.
Rafael let out a breathless laugh. “Oh, if you’re lucky, Carisi. If you’re lucky.”
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Christmas Classics & Cuddles
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Jackie Sharp x reader x Heather Dunbar (poly!) Warnings: language, fluff otherwise. Very self indulgent. Wanted a fic of yn being sick and being taken care of and couldnt decided between the two of them, and this way it now covers the “Christmas Movies” square for bingo! (Also my apologies for the stupid formatting, my desktop tumblr decided to not work so I’m posting this on mobile and we all know how that loves to work properly…. 🙄)
Jackie had been incredibly thankful for the day off, wanting to finally and officially get things started for Christmas. While the house was mainly decorated, and the tree had been put up over the weekend, there was still so much to go over and prepare for. Christmas was always a little hectic, as were most holidays thanks to your little throuple relationship, but there was something extra about Christmas. The three of you would always celebrate on Christmas night together, a little something special just for the three of you, but the rest of the day was usually spent with Heather’s family. Starting with presents and brunch, leading into an afternoon of fun and playing catch up before feasting on dinner. Then it was goodnight to Rob and the kids as everyone went their separate ways. Jordan and Becca were old enough now that they were usually coming with a date, and darting off with said date to another family dinner (or coming in late from one).
Jackie let out a soft sigh as she stepped out of her shoes, slipping out of her coat as she moved to hang it on the rack. Crossing through the kitchen she rounded the couch, gently dropping the bags of shopping beside the tree to be wrapped later on. She noticed the t.v was playing on a super low volume, but assumed Heather had left it on accidentally before she’d left for work. It was only when there was a little groan from the couch that she nearly jumped, whipping around to find you burrito’d up on the couch in a mountain of blankets.
“Jesus.” She muttered, letting out a soft laugh, “what are you doing home?”
“Mmhmph..” you replied, shifting slightly to stretch out your aching body as you rubbed at your eyes, “felt like garbage. Called in. Was hoping it was just burnout.”
“Oh…dove…” perching on the edge of the couch Jackie raised the back of her hand to your forehead, frowning at her findings, “I don’t know about burnout but you certainly are burning up. How’re you feeling otherwise?”
“I’m fucking freezing.” You grumbled, pulling the blankets tighter around you as you let out a little cough.
“Okay…this is definitely more than burnout.” Leaning forward quickly she pressed a kiss to your temple, “I assume you haven’t taken anything yet?”
“Was trying to sleep it off.” You replied with a shake of your head.
“Well I am not letting you try that any longer.”
Her hand trailed across your cheek as she stood from the couch, disappearing deeper into the apartment. You could hear her rustling around for a few moments down the hall before the sound of her footsteps took her back to the kitchen where you heard her fill up a glass of water before she returned to the edge of the couch.
“Here.” Her hand extended out, one with a couple of pills and the other with the water, “maybe these will knock you out long enough to get some actual rest and you’ll wake up feeling better.”
You let out a little grumble as you pushed up to sitting, but knew that Jackie was right. The meds would make you feel better, and more sleep would definitely help. You shivered slightly as the blankets slipped off you, letting out a hum of appreciation as Jackie nudged it back up over your shoulders the moment she had a free hand to do so. You gulped down the pills, taking a few extra sips of water before dropping back down onto the couch, croaking out a ‘thank you’ as you nuzzled deeper into the warmth. Jackie smoothed back your hair, giving you a sympathetic smile as she placed the glass of water onto the coffee table. Although when she stood from the couch this time, you let out a frustrated whine, your hand shooting out to close around her wrist and she chuckled.
“I will be right back to give you all the cuddles you want, just let me change.”
“Fine.” You pouted, but nestled into your blanket burrito, knowing that she wasn’t going to go back on her word. It only took Jackie a few minutes to dart down the hall and get into something cozy, knowing that she probably didn’t have a lot of time before you were completely knocked out. She only paused to grab a couple of work files and a drink before she shifted you up on the couch so her back was against the arm, your head buried in her chest.
“You want to try to watch something? Or just sleep?”
“Christmas movies.” You mumbled back, nuzzling into her embrace. One of her hands picked up the remote while the other settled against your head, playing with your hair.
“I am not turning on Die Hard only for you to fall asleep in five minutes.”
“Die Hard’s not a Christmas movie.” The small fit of laughter turned into a small coughing fit that Jackie grimaced at, rubbing at your back, “‘sides…Heather only thinks it is ‘cause of Rob and Jordan.”
“What would you like then?” She asked with a small grin.
“We like Home Alone…she finds them annoying…may as well start there?” You replied and Jackie hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Sounds perfect. And you’ve seen them a million times, so try to get some rest.”
Jackie scrolled through the app until she found the movie, pressing play on it as she sunk a little deeper into the couch, letting out a soft sigh. As much as she had been looking forward to Christmas things, she was just as happy to have some one on one snuggle time with you, especially if you were under the weather. Her and Heather saw a lot more of each other at work, even if they weren’t able to partake in as much PDA, you worked more sporadic hours, and not in the same industry as they did, especially around the holidays, she missed you. She let out a little sigh of relief at the sound of you softly snoring before Kevin had even truly gotten into his shenanigans, glad that you were hopefully able to get some relief from feeling like crap for a few hours. She pleasantly surprised herself with actually enjoying the movie, barely touching her phone, and not even considering looking at the work she’d brought over, she wasn’t sure the last time she’d actually seen it. As you’d mentioned, Heather found the trilogy annoying as all hell, so the three of you hadn’t watched them the previous year, so she let it auto play into the second as you peacefully dozed in her arms.
It was only as it rolled into the third one that she lost interest, the change in cast no longer intriguing her. On top of that, her stomach was starting to growl for dinner, and she knew whenever you woke up, you’d be hungry, and probably in need of some tea and more meds. As gently as she could, she slipped from under you, laying your head down on the couch pillow impeccably soft as she placed a series of light kisses to your skin.
Arriving in the kitchen her lips pursed as she opened the fridge, trying to figure out what to make for herself and Heather, knowing you’d probably only want soup, but they’d want something more substantial. Eventually deciding on an easy story fry, she pulled the chicken from the fridge, starting to prep it and the veggies as she poured herself a glass of wine. She was so distracted with dinner she didn’t even noticed the third movie wrap, automatically rolling into another Christmas classic while she cooked. Though she did hear the door finally open as she was moving the rice to simmer, Heather letting out a soft sigh while she finally stepped out of her shoes, unwrapping her coat from around her to join the other two on the rack, her bag being dropped on the table by the door. It was only once she moved into the open kitchen, her eyes on the t.v that she spoke.
“The animated Grinch? Really?”
“Sssh.” Jackie held a finger up to her lips, a small pout on them as she turned away from the stove, the pot with your soup beginning to steam.
“What? You need to hear the dialogue to this?” Heather teased, moving in for a hello kiss that Jackie easily accepted.
“No.” She replied in a small giggle, her voice soft, “but our little dove is sleeping on the couch.”
“Rough day at work?” Heather asked, wrapping around Jackie’s back, pressing gentle kisses into her shoulder.
“She didn’t go in.” She mused back, giving the other woman’s hands a gentle squeeze, “and she’s running a fever.”
“Oh fuck.” Heather suddenly pulled away, a concerned expression shooting out to the living room that Jackie laughed softly at.
“I made sure she took some medicine, and she’s been sleeping since I got home, I’m sure she’ll be fine.” She turned back to the stove as the timer began to go off, quickly silencing it, “you wanna wake her up for dinner? You’ve always been the more convincing one.”
Heather let out a little scoff and an eye roll at the comment, but she knew it was true, crossing to the living room. She couldn’t help but let out a little smile at the way you were completely burrowed into the couch, multiple blankets wound tightly around you, no doubt tucked in by Jackie. She took a seat on the edge of the couch, the way it dipped alerted you, letting out a little groan as you tried to hold onto your sleep. Your lips twitched upwards in a small smile when she spoke, her hand caressing at your cheek,
“My love..i know you’re tired, but you’ve got to eat something. Jackie’s got some soup for you, do you think you can get up for us?”
“Do I have to move?” You croaked back and she laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I’d advise you to sit up at the very least, you’re not getting spoon fed.”
“Rude.” You teased, finally cracking open an eye and both of them were happy to hear you teasing, knowing that you must be feeling at least somewhat better than earlier in the day. With a hefty huff, you pushed up to sitting, groaning at the stiffness of your body, not only from the cold, but from sleeping on the couch.
“How’re you feeling?” Heather asked, the back of her hand coming to rest against your forehead.
“I think better? But maybe also worse?”
“Some food should help.”
“And snuggles?” You pouted and she nearly rolled her eyes.
“God you’re as needy as my kids used to be sometimes, you know that?”
“Oh don’t chastise her.” Jackie scolded as she rounded the couch with a bowl of soup for you, “besides, at least she’s adorable when she’s needy.” She pressed a kiss to your forehead, “I’ll grab you some more meds, but eat that before you pass out again.”
“Mmhmm.” You shifted on the couch, nestling into Heather’s side as you started to eat your soup.
“Can we turn this off?” Heather asked, gesturing towards the t.v.
“Yeah, but no Die Hard.” You murmured over a spoonful and she laughed, “I want Christmas movies.”
“Alright sweetheart.” She left a kiss to the top of your head, sifting through the options until she came across one that suited both of you. “I guess this means you’re not up for present wrapping tonight?”
“Maybe tomorrow.” You mumbled back, letting out a happy hum as Jackie settled on the other side of you, handing Heather her dinner and a glass of wine.
“I’ll just have the kids do it.”
“Nooo…” your head shot up, pouting the whine towards Heather, pulling a laugh from Jackie, “you know that’s my favourite part!”
“Okay, okay.” She laughed with a tease, “just try not to get your germs all over the presents.”
“We’ve got three weeks, I can wait til I’m better.” You huffed, dropping against her shoulder again.
It didn’t take you long to finish you soup, nuzzling against Heather as you sprawled out along the couch again, your legs over Jackie as Heather shifted to place you between her own as she leant against the arm rest. She let out a grumble that your neck was a complete rock of knots that you simple agreed with, the meds beginning to take over as her hands started to softly work out the tightness in your back.
By the third yawn you let out, Jackie let out a small laugh as your eyes fluttered shut, your body drooping against Heather’s. With promises of cuddles until you were asleep, you finally agreed to move to the bedroom, only pausing to brush your teeth before you climbed into the bed, burrowing under the blankets, smiling happily at the feel of both of your loves on either side of you as you drifted off to dreamland.
“I love you both so much.” You murmured over a yawn, squeezing at their hands, earning chuckled and soft sighs from the other women.
“I love you too dove.” Their voices were nearly in unison, a gentle kiss pressed to your forehead and neck at nearly the same time before you let out a happy sigh. If you had to be sick at Christmas time, at least you had the two most wonderful girlfriends to take care of you no matter what.
@jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @imlike-so-gay-dude @svulife-rl @oliviaswifey @bumblebear30 @paulson-hargitay @molllss @nocreditinthestraightworld @imaginaryoperagloves @wandasbrat @samwithnoplan @swimmingstudentchaos891 @anne-gillettes-wh0r3 @season4scullyhair @whimsicallymad @alexusonfire @1-lindsay83 @ms-calhoun @holycrapraewth
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melk917 · 3 years
Should've Made a Pastry (Part 3)
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< Previous Part
Warnings: Fingering (f receiving), Oral sex (f receiving, m receiving), some light smacking, facial (m receiving), hand job, light 'Daddy' kink, lots & lots of dirty talk
Rating: E
Pairings: Rafael Barba x f!Reader, Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi, Sonny Carisi x f!Reader
WC: 8,960
A/N: And here we are... à la fin. Our three friends will uh... hit quite the crescendo here.
Part 3 for my 'xmas baking' + 'holiday party' squares fill for @storiesofsvu’s Holiday Bingo.
Once again, thanks to the lovely @thatesqcrush for her help smoothing this out. And shout out to @detectivebarba for probably my favorite line of dialogue in this whole thing (though I won't spoil that in advance here for all of you).
The title comes from my absolute favorite line in Banana by Anitta & Becky G: “Oh, Willy Wonka, how’d you get so tasty / Mama made a boy, but she should’ve made a pastry”
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The rush from the Uber up to the apartment was a whirlwind. You were so turned on you could hardly breathe, pressed between the two men in the elevator, your hands fisted in the front of Rafael’s coat, his hands firm on your hips as Carisi ran his lips down the back of your neck.
You’re not even sure how you got from the elevator into the apartment. There were hands everywhere, coats and shoes discarded, hands tugging and pulling, the three of you stumbling together into the bedroom.
And now you’re there, light from the bedside lamp throwing a soft glow across the room, Rafael's chest pressed firm and hot along your back. He lost his shirt along the way, and he’s sitting on the edge of the bed, your naked body spread across his lap, legs draped over his, spread wide to hold you open. One arm wrapped around your torso, the other stroking teasing lines up your thighs that made you shiver and arch.
Carisi leaned against the dresser opposite you, awestruck as he watched Rafael taunt and tease and show you off. He followed the slide of his hands up your legs with his eyes, lips falling open in a silent groan as Rafael parted your pussy with his fingers, the gathering slickness glistening in the low light of the lamp. He gripped himself through his pants as Rafael dipped a finger inside again, rolling it in a gentle circle that made your hips stutter and your head fall back on his shoulder as you moaned softly.
“Does that feel good, corazón?” Rafael’s voice was low and dark and you rolled your hips in response, seeking out more friction, panting as he stoked the fire inside you. “Yeah?” he murmured, eyes flicking to Carisi, who had his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he rolled his palm over the hard line of his dick.
“Look at what you’re doing to him.” Rafael’s hand slid up your torso, skimming over your breasts to your throat. You shivered, restless with desire as he ghosted his hands over your skin. Seeking something, anything to ground yourself, you turned your head, pressing your face into his neck, breathing in his scent. His rumble of disapproval rolled through you, and you whined as he took your chin in a tight grip, forcing your gaze back around to Carisi, who now had his legs spread wide, rocking his hips into his hand.
Rafael used his grip on your chin to tilt your head further and pressed a wet kiss to the side of your neck. “I think he likes what he sees.”
Your breath caught and Rafael softened his grip, stroking his thumb along your jaw. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s give him a bit of a show.”
You moaned and turned your head to take his thumb into your mouth, sucking lightly.
Rafael groaned and pressed the digit further into your mouth. “You like that, huh? You like being watched?”
You sucked harder on his thumb and nodded, eyes fluttering closed.
“Let him see you then.”
Carisi made a soft sound and his hand tightened on his dick.
You whined as Rafael slid his thumb from your mouth, dragging the wet digit across the swell of your bottom lip. You reached up and behind you, one hand tangling in Rafael’s hair, tugging him close so you could nuzzle at his temple. He looped his free hand through your other arm, twisting it up behind your head as he grabbed your hair, forcing your back to arch, long lines from your neck to your spread legs on display.
There was a distant clang of metal as Carisi’s belt fell to the floor, but it hardly registered past the roaring in your ears as Rafael’s hand on your thigh slipped higher and he slid a finger into your slick heat. You gasped, hips jerking in his grasp, but unable to roll against his hand, his powerful thighs holding you open. One finger quickly became two and you whined, shaking against him, pulling against the hold he had you in.
“That’s it, just like that,” Rafael breathed out, voice thick with desire. You could feel how affected he was, the firm press of his hard cock against your ass as he watched you undulate against him, caught between the solidness of his chest, and his hands, restrained by the power in his arms and thighs. He had you pinned, spread open, and completely at his mercy. It sent a rush of heat through you and you groaned, trying to grind down against his hand as he slid a third finger inside you, a soft, wet sucking sound as you easily parted against the intrusion.
“God, you’re getting so wet, can you hear that? Can you hear how fucking soaked you are?” He pumped his fingers once, twice. “Fuck, sweetheart, open your eyes. Look at what you’re doing to him.”
Your eyes blinked open to see Carisi in front of you, pants and briefs shoved halfway down his thighs, hand tight around his cock as he jerked it with slow, firm strokes. His breath was coming hard, timed with each upstroke, each brush of his palm over the sensitive head. There was a deep pink flush across his cheeks and down his neck, disappearing into the open collar of his shirt.
You let out a choked, desperate little whimper at the sight and tried again to grind down on Rafael. He made a soft, disapproving noise and twisted his one hand in your hair and tugged hard as he yanked his fingers out of you. Your whine at being left empty and wanting was cut off with the sharp smack of skin on skin as he laid a light slap across your sensitive folds. You cried out, pain curling into something altogether more thrilling.
“Fuck.” Carisi groaned, hand gripping tight at the base of his dick as you trembled and shook and whined. “Fuck, do that again.” He demanded, the imperious note making your pussy clench.
There was another wet slap, this one a harder, and you groaned loudly, legs spreading even wider as you arched, chasing more of the exquisite torture. You were completely exposed to Carisi’s eyes, Rafael’s fingers holding you open, your pussy glistening, throbbing, empty.
“Good girl. Such a good girl.” Rafael’s warm praise had you moaning as he ran his fingers over your folds, teasing at the sensitive skin, smearing slick across them, over your inner thighs, making a mess with your arousal as he took you apart.
He turned his head to nuzzle at your jaw, pressing a light kiss at the hinge before pressing his cheek to yours and turning to face the man opposite, eyes tracking the movement of his hands over his cock.
“You like watching, Carisi?”
The other man groaned, and you watched with hazy eyes as he ran a languorous hand over his prick again, dropping further to tease at his balls before dragging his fingers up to play with the head.
“Yes.” His voice shook.
“What do you want to see?”
Rafael's voice was lazy as he flicked your clit with his thumb and you let out a choked sob, the brief shock of pleasure it sent through you only fanning the flames of your growing need.
“Oh, fuck. I want to see you make her cum. Make her cum, counselor.”
“Oh yeah?” Rafael seemed unconcerned, indifferent to the suggestion, despite how his fingers started to tremble as he continued to stroke nonsensical patterns over your flushed skin. “And how should I do that?”
The only response at first is the soft sound of skin on skin as Carisi’s hand sped up on his cock. He swallowed hard, throat working as he thought, as he watched Rafael run his fingers absently over your pussy, making you shiver and turn to press your face into his neck, an attempt to ground yourself amidst the onslaught of sensation.
Carisi’s eyes flicked back up to meet Rafael’s, dark, intense. Holding the detective’s gaze, Rafael tugged on your hair, pulling your head back around so he could see the desperation on your face, the pinch of your eyebrows; your lips, swollen from biting at them. You could hardly follow the exchange at this point, brain clouded with lust, unable to focus on anything except the little shocks of pleasure Rafael was conjuring with his hands.
Carisi’s eyes dropped to Rafael’s mouth, drawn by the flash of tongue as he wet his lips. The younger man groaned lightly as he gave himself a hard tug. “Eat her out, counselor. Wanna see her cum all over your face.”
You’re so far gone you barely register the hitch in Rafael’s breath at the demand, the way his cock jumped where it was pressed hard against the curve of your ass, still trapped in his clothes.
Carisi’s demand was close, so close, to the dark, whispered fantasy you had conjured weeks ago—the promise of your slick smeared across Rafael’s face, making a mess out of him while Carisi watched. It sent the same thrill through him now, curling tight at the base of his spine and he spread his legs wider, rocking up against you in response, jaw clenched against the moan that threatened.
He breathed through his nose, hand tightening in your hair as he sought to regain a level of control, but your soft moan went straight to his cock. He tugged your head back so he could brush his lips over your cheek and along your jaw to your ear, hiding the growing flush on his face.
“How does that sound corazón?” His breath ghosted over your skin and you ground down against him. “You want to cum all over my face while Carisi watches.”
You made a desperate noise and arched against him, nodding desperately. He groaned internally, continuing to run his mouth in an attempt to cover how much he wanted this, too.
“Use your words, sweetheart. Let him hear.”
“God, yes,” you managed to breathe out, and Carisi groaned at just how wrecked your voice was. “Please.”
“Come on, then.”
Rafael loosened his hold on you, hands stroking across your skin as he stood with you, turning so you were backed up against the bed now. Facing each other, Carisi momentarily out of sight, his face softened and you gave him a small smile, hands coming up to stroke his sides as he pressed close. He cupped your jaw in a gentle hold, tilting your head to kiss you soft and slow for a second, reassuring, and you sighed into it, leaning into him.
But the moment was brief and then Rafael was pulling back, pushing lightly at your shoulders, crowding you until you fell back on the bed, sprawled out across the covers.
“Any particular requests, Carisi?” He asked, smirking down at you, and you squirmed on the mattress at the heat and promise in his eyes.
Behind him, Carisi let out a shaky breath. “No. No, just take her apart.”
Rafael’s smirk slid into something altogether more predatory at that and you groaned, need twisting hot in your gut, curling at the base of your spine and making you arch, legs falling open in a silent plea.
He started slow, leaning over you on the bed, hands pressing into the mattress on either side of you as he brushed his lips over yours in a tease. He moved on before you could respond, laying a path of light kisses and nips down your body until he was kneeling on the floor between your spread legs, palms firm on your hips as he pulled you to the end of the mattress, breath ghosting warm across your inner thighs.
“Perfect,” he murmured, nuzzling at the soft skin where your leg met your hip, making you shiver. “Just like that. Let Carisi see all of you spread out.”
There was a rustle of cloth, and you startled as you felt the bed dip. Carisi had kicked his pants and briefs off the rest of the way and lost his shirt. Now beautifully naked, he came closer, one knee on the bed, for a better view.
He froze as you jerked, hands hovering in the air, eyebrows raised. “Ok?”
You breathed out and smiled at him, nodding.
“Ye—esss.” You gasped as Rafael ducked forward and took that moment to lick a broad, firm stripe up your slit, shorting out your brain.
“Oh, shit,” Carisi breathed out as you arched, his eyes wide, rapt on where Rafael was now buried between your thighs, tongue curling in your cunt, lapping up the slick he had smeared all over before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking.
Your hands flew to Rafael’s head, fingers tangling in his hair and you groaned, long and loud, as he went to work, all teasing forgotten as lost himself in you.
He loved eating you out, the scent of you, the taste. Just how soft and hot and wet your pussy got for him, the mess you would leave smeared across his face as you ground up against him. The way his name sounded in your mouth as you moaned it, hands tight in his hair…
Next to you, Carisi’s hand sped up on his cock, jerking himself off with firm strokes, gripping tighter at the soft, wet sounds of Rafael’s mouth as he worked you over, the slick sound of his fingers as he slid one, then two into your heat, curling them to shock a gasp from your throat.
Carisi groaned, gripping himself just under the head, thumb teasing at the edge, precum starting to bead at the tip, slicking his length as he worked himself over at the sight of you, wrecked and desperate as Rafael took you apart with his mouth.
He was trembling, unconsciously leaning closer when Rafael pulled back, nosing at your clit, making you whimper at the loss of his mouth. He nipped at your inner thighs in admonishment before running his tongue over the mark. Cheek pressed to your thigh, fingers still slowly pumping, curling in the hot clutch of your cunt, he turned to Carisi, his face an absolute wreck, your slick smeared across his mouth and cheeks and chin.
“You want to see her cum, detective?”
Carisi gave himself a rough tug, breathing out hard on a groan at the sight, and the dark promise lacing Rafael’s voice. “Oh fuck, yes.”
“Then you should get up there and let her suck you off. She’ll cum harder with your cock in her mouth.”
Carisi choked on a groan, gripping tight at the base of his prick against the sudden pressing urge to cum. Rafael’s smirk turned a bit evil, like he knew exactly what effect his suggestion had on the younger man, the effect even more devastating with the mess you left on his face.
“Go on,” he said, dipping back down to nose at your clit and make you shudder and whine, “why don’t you give it to her?”
Carisi looked from Rafael to you, and you reached out blindly with one hand until you grasped his wrist, tugging. He let out a shaky breath and crawled up the bed until he was kneeling next to your head, cock flagging heavy between his legs.
You moaned softly at the sight of it, flushed and damp with precum. He was longer than Rafael, though not exactly thicker, and flushed a deep pink that matched the blush across his cheeks and chest. You grasped at his hip, mouth falling open as you leaned forward to taste, tongue flicking out to capture the precum welling up.
Carisi gasped then groaned as you wrapped your lips around the head and sucked gently, his fingers weaving into your hair to cup your skull.
“Good boy,” Rafael rumbled, and Carisi moaned, tugging at your hair as you swallowed him down.
“Oh, fuck.” Carisi doubled over as you took him deep on that first swallow, the shocking tight heat of your mouth sending pleasure blazing through his veins. He gripped his hand hard in your hair, pulling you back before he came embarrassingly quickly and ended this fantasy wet dream he somehow landed in.
Your eyes were shut tight, brow furrowed, jaw slack as you arched your neck, pushing back into his hold even as you rolled your hips faster, grinding down on Rafael’s face. You whined, hand on Carisi’s hip tugging him forward as you sought out more, tongue darting out to swipe at the drops of precum on your lower lip. He breathed out hard, taking himself in hand and using his hold on your hair to guide you back onto his cock, keeping a firm grip to control you. Your mouth dropped open further and you licked at the head, dipping into his slit to lap up the precum that had spurted out at the sight of you strung out between the two men.
It was overwhelming, the onslaught. You were caught, pinned on both ends; your cunt split open over Rafael’s fingers as he worked you over with those clever lips and tongue, while Carisi pressed his thumb to your jaw, forcing it wider as he rolled his hips, fucking further into your mouth, the heavy weight of him on your tongue fanning the flames of the inferno inside you.
You moaned around Carisi, one hand tight on his hip, the other clutching at Rafael’s hair as you tugged him in closer, thighs tight around his head as he curled his fingers and sucked hard on your clit.
And that last little bit of suction was like oxygen to the fire that had been building in you for the last hour, your orgasm tearing through you like a backdraft, a powerful force that had you arching, grinding down hard on Rafael’s face as he worked you through it, your cries muffled on the girth of Carisi’s cock.
“Fuck. Fuck.” Carisi yanked your head back as you shook and shattered apart, gripping hard at the base of his cock to stave off coming himself.
“Jesus Christ, that is so fucking hot.”
His voice shook, stunned as he sat back on his heels, hand still tight on his dick. He trembled, breath coming hard as he watched you start to come down, body slack, legs falling wide as Rafael hummed in contentment at a job well done, nuzzling at your inner thighs and laying light kisses across your swollen lips that made you shudder and whimper from the overstimulation.
Eventually he took mercy on you and stood up slowly, hands stroking over your sides, brushing his lips over the curve of your heaving breasts and up your sternum to your throat, where he nuzzled under your jaw.
“Good girl,” he murmured in your ear and you groaned softly, arching up under him, seeking out the feel of him against you. “Was that good? You liked having Carisi in your mouth when you came?”
You moaned, hands coming up to stroke over his hair and across his shoulders, shaking, restless motions. “God, yes.”
Your voice was rough and fucked out and Carisi moaned softly as you wrapped your legs around Rafael’s hips to pull him closer and he ground down against you, groaning at the friction on his neglected dick, your slick smearing across the front of his slacks.
“Fuck.” Rafael groaned into your neck, working his hips against you as he lost himself in the sensation, the weave of the fabric against your sensitive clit making your whine and grip him harder. “Oh, fuck.”
Your hands slipped down his sides to his waistband and tugged.
Carisi groaned at the sight of the fabric stretched tight across the other man’s ass, the need to see it in full rushing through him and making his breath come short.
Rafael kept up the motion of his hips, clenching his jaw against the sparks of pleasure each thrust sent bursting along his spine. You tugged harder at his pants and rolled your hips up against his in counterpoint, making him gasp and freeze.
“Shit.” His hand gripped your hip hard and pressed you back down into the mattress, groaning under his breath as he clawed back some control. He was shaking, muscles in his arms and chest straining with the effort to hold back. You made a soft sound of disappointment.
“Oh, sweetheart, I know. I know, but we have a guest.”
Rafael pulled back from you, turning his gaze on Carisi, eyes dark, pupils blown. “We can’t neglect our guest.”
Carisi gripped his thighs hard at the roughness in Rafael’s voice, biting his lip as the ADA took him in, eyes dragging heavily across his bare chest, flushed and heaving with each breath, down to where his cock hung, thick and heavy between his legs. He swallowed a groan as Rafael’s tongue flicked out, wetting his bottom lip as he watched another drop of precum well up, spilling over, his eyes tracking its progress as it slid down Carisi’s neglected shaft.
“Such a pretty cock. Don’t you think, sweetheart? Did it feel good in your mouth? Do you want him to choke you on it while I fuck you?”
He was talking to you, but his gaze stayed hot and heavy on Carisi.
You swallowed your answering moan, tracing shaking fingers along his waistband to his fly, tugging on the button. He shifted his weight to one arm, grabbing your wrist with the other. But rather than pull your hand away, he pressed your open palm to his hard length through his slacks, rolling his hips into your grasp, breathing out a sigh, his eyes still intent on Carisi.
“Do you want that Carisi?” His voice was low and rough and he shivered as you rolled the heel of your palm along his length. “You want to fuck her face while I fuck her pussy? Make her choke on that pretty cock with each thrust of my hips?”
“Fuck,” Carisi’s head fell back on a groan, fingers slipping low to tug his balls.
Rafael turned back to you, dropping his head to suck a wet kiss under your jaw. “Did he taste good?” he asked, breath ghosting over your ear. He dragged his lips along your cheek, pausing as the corner of your mouth, lips just brushing yours. “Think I could get a taste of him if I licked it out of your mouth?”
You moaned and tilted your chin up, chasing his mouth. “Raf,” your voice wavered, thready with the desire he was stoking in you as he conjured fantasies with his words. “Raf, please. Fuck. Yes, anything. Felt so good, tasted so good.”
Rafael pulled back before you could kiss him properly, a smirk curling the corner of his lips. “I bet he’s good with his hips.” He rolled his own against your hand. “I bet he could fuck your face so well. What do you think? Should we ask our guest?”
Carisi could hardly focus, his cock so hard he could swear he could feel his heartbeat throbbing deep at the base. The way Rafael was looking at him…the flush that was spreading down the older man’s chest as he ran his mouth… The sight of his arms flexing, biceps taut as he held himself above you, his full ass straining the seams of his pants with his legs spread… There was a tight, hot pressure building in the detective’s gut, settling firm behind his balls that told him he was close, so close. All of it clouded Carisi’s brain, making him stupid with lust and terrifyingly honest, words falling from his lips before he could think twice about what he was saying.
“Fuck, counselor, you want to know so badly, how about I shove my cock in your mouth and show you?”
It was like the air had been sucked out of the room, the three of you frozen as Carisi’s words settled between you, heavy with filthy promise.
Carisi gulped, eyes going wide in shock as his brain caught up with his mouth. His lips parted as he went to speak—to walk it back? To double down? You would never know because he was cut off by Rafael choking on a shocked groan, hips jerking against your hand as you squeezed him hard, a flare of heat rushing through you at the image of Rafael on his knees for the other man.
Rafael’s eyes were wild, pupils blown as his head dropped forward, face buried in your neck. The front of his slacks were damp as his cock jumped, precum spurting out to soak through the fabric, adding to the mess you had already left behind.
To say he liked the idea was an understatement.
It was your dark chuckle that broke the spell in the end, stroking your thumb back and forth over the sensitive head of Rafael’s dick through his pants and making him groan into your skin. “Oh, Carisi,” your voice was thick with lust and warm with amusement as you threaded the fingers of your free hand in Rafael’s hair and tugged sharply until he gasped. “I think you just said the magic words.”
Carisi was frozen, jaw slack and eyes wide, looking for all the world like the axis of everything he knew had just shifted under him.
Rafael pressed his teeth to your skin in warning, but you were immune. Abandoning his cock, you slid your hand around to cup his ass, fingers stroking before laying a sharp smack over the curve that had him gasping, hips rocking forward of their own volition.
Carisi watched, utterly dumbstruck, as you used your hold on Rafael’s hair to tug him with you to sit up, until you had him kneeling up on the bed, legs spread, broad chest open, long line of his neck on display. You pressed close, nuzzling at his jaw, free hand sliding up his chest to pinch his nipple, making him arch and groan.
“You heard him, Raf. Get on your knees for our guest.”
Carisi let out a choked moan as Rafael went pliant for you, sighing out the trembling tension from his muscles, kneeling there on the bed, eyes closed, biting his lip as you absently rubbed your thumb over his peaked nipple.
Carisi remained frozen, his hands gripping at his thighs and your face softened. “You can have something else, Carisi. If this isn’t what you wanted.”
The implication that this wasn’t what he wanted seemed to shock Carisi from his frozen state. That he wouldn’t want this man, who swayed entire juries with just the power of his voice and a clever tongue, turning all that cleverness on him and his pleasure…To see him soft and at Carisi’s command… “Oh fuck. No, no I want that. Fuck, I just didn’t think…”
No longer concerned that things were going south, a slow smirk tugged at your lips. “Didn’t think what, Carisi?” You tugged on Rafael’s hair again just to watch him shiver and moan. “What do you want, Sonny? Because I know what he wants, but you’re the guest. Raf can wait his turn like a good boy.”
Carisi’s groan is guttural, dragged from deep in his chest. “Holy fuck. Look at him like that, fuck. You want that counselor? You like that counselor?”
Rafael flushed and nodded, eyes shut tight as Carisi unknowingly stumbled further into conjuring the fantasy you had whispered low in his ear weeks ago.
You tugged lightly on his hair again until he blinked open his eyes to meet yours, his pupils so blown there was just a thin ring of green. Your smirk growing sharp, you lifted your hand to drag your thumb back and forth over his lips in a tease before pressing at the seam until he parted them, lapping at your digit, sucking it into his mouth. You thrust it in a few times, and he hollowed his cheeks, sucking hard in blatant advertisement.
“Oh, fuck.” Carisi’s voice shook. “Hell yes I want to see his mouth stretched wide over my cock, holy crap.”
Rafael held your gaze, eyes sharp, and he mouthed at your finger as you withdrew it, pressing a light kiss to the tip. Your hand still clutching his hair went soft, stroking, and he leaned into your palm for a brief moment. But then you were shifting, pushing at his shoulders, getting him to stand with you next to the bed.
You took your time, trailing your fingers down the center of his chest, lower to skate over his soft middle, knuckles brushing the line of dark hair from his navel to his waistband, making his breath hitch as you teased along the edge. Here you paused, tugging his belt loose and opening his fly, the sound of the zipper loud in the room.
He breathed out, sighing as the pressure on his hard cock lessened, but you didn’t tug them off completely yet. Instead you slid your hands back up, kneading his pecs to watch him shudder at the sensation, hyper-sensitive. You dipped your head to press your lips to one nipple, smirking against his skin as you pulled a deep moan from him, working your lips and tongue over it.
His hands came up to cup the back of your head, tangling in your hair as he arched into the sensation.
“Oh fuck, that’s hot,” Carisi’s voice was a reverent whisper as he crawled to the edge of the bed, sliding close for a better view.
You huffed a laugh, the warm puff of your breath over Rafael’s nipple making him shiver as you pulled back, stroking the side of his face until he looked at you, gaze hazy but warm.
You circled him, trailing your fingers over his chest until you were pressed behind him, nuzzling at his neck. He stood there, hands loose at his sides, waiting.
“How do you want him, Carisi?” Rafael pressed back against you almost imperceptibly at the dark tone of your voice.
Carisi was sitting on the edge of the bed now, legs spread wide as he jacked his cock, eyes hot and heavy on Rafael.
“Fuck. God I … God, I want to see him naked and on his knees. Want to watch him take my cock while you tease him just like that.”
You groaned lightly as Rafael did as he was asked. You knew this was for Carisi, it followed from his request, but you couldn’t help the way your heart beat faster and your temperature ticked up at the sight of Rafael on his knees, legs spread as he sat back on his calves, head bowed as he waited for further instructions.
You had helped strip him down, peeling away his ruined pants and briefs until he was beautifully naked, all the lines of his body on display. A coppery flush warmed his cheeks and down his chest. His cock rested hard and heavy between his legs, but he made no move to touch it. His hands rested on his thighs, fingers loose. He looked, for all intents and purposes, completely relaxed. Ready and waiting to do whatever might be asked.
Carisi on the other hand, looked to be at a complete loss of words, more than a little dumbfounded at how easily the other man granted his request. He sat above Rafael at the edge of the bed, legs spread wide for him to settle between, his own cock hard and flushed and wet from the constant drip of precum. He had moved his hands to the bed for now, watching Rafael below him, eyes wide with awe, lips parted. He took in Rafael’s broad chest, his strong shoulders, the power inherent in his physicality… You knew just how striking that image was. Like seeing a god on his knees, acquiescent but never subservient.
But while Carisi seemed hesitant to reach out yet, you were compelled to. You pressed close to Rafael, your front along his back, brushing your lips along his hairline and smiling at how he shivered in response. You could feel the fine tremors in his muscles as he practically vibrated in anticipation, forcing deep, even breaths through his nose in a vain attempt to disguise just how much he wanted this.
He leaned back into your hold as you stroked soft fingers up arms, across his shoulders, letting you arrange him however you wanted for Carisi’s gaze. He pressed gently into the hand you threaded into his hair, his tongue flicking out to lap at the fingers you pressed against his lips and then shuddering as you dragged them, spit slick and shiny, down the column of his throat and across the broad expanse of his chest to tease again at his nipples. His breath caught and his mouth fell open at the sensation, cock jerking between his legs.
The lines of his body begged to be dominated, to be pushed and pulled where you wanted them… where Carisi demanded them.
The younger man made a small, desperate sound as he watched. You tugged on Rafael’s hair, pulling his head back to expose the long line of his throat, your other arm coming up to wrap around him, thumb stroking the curve of his pec like you had done weeks ago in the bar, Carisi trembling at the picture the two of you made.
“Open your eyes, sweetheart,” you murmured in Rafael’s ear, fingers teasing at his nipple now, making his breath catch and his legs spread wider on the carpet, hips rocking up into the empty air. “It’s your turn with that pretty cock. Look at how hard it is, how hard Carisi is for you.”
Rafael whined softly, but when his eyes fluttered open and he met Carisi’s gaze, they were just as sharp, just as intense, as when he had been commanding you earlier, lust blown and dark. It was clear that no matter what happened next, it was only because he allowed it, only because he was granting Carisi the opportunity.
“Come on, babe. Show him just how good you are.”
You rose up on your knees slightly and gave him a gentle shove between his shoulder blades, encouraging him forward between Carisi’s legs. He went easily at your direction, his hands sliding up Carisi's thighs, thumbs digging into the muscle and making the younger man groan.
He glanced up at him through his eyelashes, a tiny smirk on his face as he wet his lips, Carisi’s eyes dropping to hungerly track the motion, and ducked down to nose at the base of Carisi’s dick.
The detective took a sharp breath that twisted into a groan as Rafael dropped further to lick firmly along the seam in his balls.
“Oh shit,” Carisi breathed out, head falling back as Rafael leaned up, kissing the shaft and licking up the precum that was smeared all over the length of Carisi’s cock, moaning softly at the taste.
If the mere sight of Rafael on his knees had Carisi trembling, and the soft, wet trail of his tongue had him swearing, he completely lost awareness of the world around him when the older man wrapped his lips around the head of his cock and sucked.
He worked it with lips and tongue, not yet going deep, nothing more than some light suction that had Carisi cursing and whining.
“Oh God, Barba. Fuck,” Carisi’s groaned, his hands hovering in the air like he was going to slide them into Rafael’s hair alongside yours. But then he seemed to think better of it, dropping them to clutch at his own thighs, knuckles white.
Rafael pulled back to lap at the head, licking up the precum that was welling up, before parting his lips to take more of him, setting a teasing pace that had Carisi shaking, soft, desperate noises falling from his lips. He clutched at his thighs, the bed… anything except for Rafael’s hair. In fact, his muscles strained, flexed hard as he clearly tried to hold himself back, mind shorted out from the searing wet heat of Rafael’s mouth.
Your own breath was coming short, watching the play of Rafael’s muscles under his skin as he worked Carisi over, how his shoulders bunched and released, how his ass flexed as he shifted his legs and rocked his hips. It was like something out of your own fantasies, all that strength under your command, at your service… Only he was always more than happy to surrender to your control, let you direct him where you would, and the headiness of that power made desire curl hot and sharp along your spine. You were drawn to him, like a magnet to lodestone, touching everything on offer.
Your hands were gentle, soothing at first, rubbing circles over the dimples in his low back with your thumbs, dipping lower to caress the curve of his ass, before dragging them back up to press lightly between his shoulder blades, encouraging him to take Carisi deeper.
He went easily under your direction, taking the detective down to the root and humming around him, making Carisi buck and groan as you littered kisses across Rafael’s upper back, dragging your lips over the soft skin. You tugged on his hair to watch his eyes flutter shut, pulling him off of Carisi’s dick to breathe.
“Oh sweetheart, you look so pretty like this.” You nosed at his hairline, breathing in the scent of him. “Just look at you, flushed and trembling from sucking his cock.”
You brushed your lips over his cheek as you turned to face Carisi, looking up into his lust-blown eyes.
“What do you think, detective? Isn’t he pretty, shaking and needy like this?”
“Jesus Christ,” Carisi licked his lips as Barba swayed into you, moaning, a bright blush across his cheeks.
“Come on, Carisi. You had promised to show him just how good you were with your hips. Give it to him, let him be good for you. I can see you’re holding back.” You reached out to grasp at Carisi’s wrist, tugging his hand forward to slide into Rafael’s hair alongside yours. The younger man breathed out hard, fingers shaking, as he curled them into the strands and gave an experimental tug.
Rafael whimpered, shivering as the motion sent sparks of pleasure skating down his spine to settle in his balls.
“Yes,” you encouraged. “Just like that. Show him you know just how to use that pretty cock of yours.”
“Fuck.” Carisi tugged lightly until he could look in Rafael’s eyes. “You want that, counselor? Want me to show you?” Carisi’s other hand joined his first to bury tight in Rafael’s hair, your own stroking the short hairs at the back of his neck as Carisi ran his thumbs over Rafael’s cheeks, along his jaw.
And Rafael, forever mouthy no matter the part he played, huffed, a mean little smirk tugging at his lips even as he pressed back into Carisi’s hold, voice hoarse. “Sometime today, Carisi. You’ll find I’m not above kicking you out, hard and wanting.”
Carisi barked a laugh at that. And then he was using his grip to tilt Rafael’s head back, thumb pressing hard at the corner of his mouth until his lips parted and Carisi was feeding him his cock, hips rocking forward as he met no resistance.
Rafael groaned at the intrusion and Carisi’s hands tightened in his hair, hips starting to work, fucking into the older man’s mouth, slow and deep. “That’s it, counselor. That’s right. I’ll show you how good I am, just like I promised.”
And fuck, you felt your pussy clench as Carisi really started to move, fucking into Rafael’s mouth, loose and easy, making the older man moan around him, a beautiful, desperate pinch in his eyebrows as he whined and choked, hands clutching at Carisi’s thighs. You stroked a gentle finger down the line of his neck, feeling Carisi deep in his throat.
“Oh fuck, Raf, you’re hot when you’re desperate like this, huh? You must be so hard, getting throat fucked by such a pretty cock.”
Rafael whimpered, arching back against you even as Carisi pulled him forward onto his cock. You trailed your free hand down his chest, reveling in the feel of his sweat-slick skin, dipping low to tease along his thighs, dragging your nails up the sensitive skin there until they were ghosting over his dick, making him twitch and moan around Carisi. You pressed a smirk into his shoulder, in response, continuing to toy with him. You tugged his balls, rolling them in your palm until his hips rocked up into your grip and you slipped your hand lower to press lightly behind them, rolling your knuckles along the soft skin.
He choked and groaned, hands going bruisingly tight on Carisi’s thighs as he sucked harder, Carisi gasping in response.
“Oh fuck, do that again. Fuck, make him do that again, goddamn.”
So you pressed harder, Rafael letting out a muffled wail, hips jerking as he cock twitched hard, precum dripping in a steady stream as you teased his prostate from the outside, working it until he was trembling, just on the edge of shattering apart.
You stopped your torture, grabbing his cock in a tight grip, trapping it firm against his body where he could get no friction. Precum smeared across his belly, leaving a messy, sticky trail, the pressure from your grip making him buck against you and whine at the lack of friction.
“Oh no, not yet. Not like this.” You murmured low in his ear. “I know how desperate you get, taking a cock like this, but not yet.”
Rafael was gorgeous. Flushed, tears at the corner of his eyes as he whined and groaned and shook as Carisi shoved his cock deep and held it for a second. He was a wreck, more than just your slick smeared across his cheeks now. He was a mess with spit and precum, whimpering as you tightened your grip on his cock.
Your voice was low, dangerous. “Be a good boy, Daddy, and wait your turn.”
Carisi fucked deeper at your words, a groan pulled from deep in his chest. Rafael choked at the intrusion, off rhythm, and Carisi was pulling back so he could breathe, one hand tight around the base of his cock to stop his impending orgasm.
Rafael was sucking in air, whining breathlessly as you slid your arms around his chest to kneed his pecs, pinching and rolling his nipples until he was gasping. You nuzzled at his jaw, kissing up to his ear, pressing close, voice a bare murmur intended for him alone. “Still good, Raf?”
He gave a jerky nod, reaching back with a shaking hand to grasp the back of your head and tug you even closer so he could turn his face to meet yours. The kiss was hardly one at all, no finesse as he moaned into your mouth.
“God, yes. Yes, don’t stop.”
And his fingers were tangled in your hair, catching on the strands and pulling in a way that sent electricity shivering down your spine as you leaned forward, hand slipping low behind his balls again to press your knuckles into the soft skin there, just to feel him shake and arch against you.
“Shit.” Carisi stroked himself once, twice, at the image before gripping himself hard and groaning. “Fuck. Daddy, huh?”
He tightened his hand in Rafael’s hair, tugging him closer again, rubbing his spit-slick cock across the older man’s cheek, smearing more precum. “Can Daddy take even more?”
Rafael moaned, eyes slipping shut for a second as he shivered. But then they were open, gaze sharp as he tilted his chin up defiantly and dropped his jaw, tongue flicking out to tease Carisi’s dick in response. His mouth was soft, but eyes hard with challenge.
Carisi’s mouth twitched, smug around the edges at the slip, and he smacked Rafael lightly across the face with his dick before smearing the tip across his lips, leaving a trail of precum. “Behave.”
Rafael let out a small noise, lips parting to mouth at Carisi’s dick, licking up the precum and moaning softly. His hips jerked, his own dick steadily leaking and leaving a mess across his stomach where you pressed the tip.
You gave him a single stroke, twisting your wrist at the top, just to hear him groan, his mouth falling open entirely as he tried to thrust into your hand, shaking as you gripped him tight again, denying him.
“You’re being so good, Raf. Taking that long pretty cock like that.” You stroked his hair with your other hand, pressing a wet kiss to the point of his jaw. “Don’t you think so, Carisi?”
“So good,” Carisi’s voice shook as he pressed his cock past Rafael’s lips, hips jerking as Rafael tilted his jaw so the head would drag along his soft palate. “Fuck, so good.”
Your voice was low, warm with promise as you continued. “Do you remember what I said about Raf being a good boy to get what he wants? Well? Was he? Should we give it to him?”
Rafael shuddered at your words, trembling in anticipation.
Carisi’s brow was pinched, lips parted around harsh breaths as he sped up his hips again. He was pulling Rafael forward on his cock in counterpoint, motion encouraged by your own hand on the back of Rafael’s head as well. Rafael moaned and choked, noises obscene as he gagged and clutched at Carisi’s thighs, ensuring he didn’t back off.
Carisi’s head was thrown back and he was breathing harshly, hardly conscious of your words. “God, yes, fuck yes, so good. So good.”
“Then you should pull out and cum all over his face.”
Carisi’s responding moan was guttural, like the surprise of your command had punched it out of him, and he watched with bleary eyes as you used your grip on Rafael’s hair to pull him back off Carisi’s cock, face tilted up, lips parted around each labored breath.
The hand you had tight around Rafael’s cock came around to grasp at one of his arms, twisting it back until you had him well and truly on display, back arched and chest open, bright flush spreading over his sternum. His nipples were red and hard from your earlier attention, and each desperate breath that shook through him only called further attention to them.
“Go on then,” you told Carisi, “give him his reward.”
Carisi had his hand on his cock now, stripping it quickly, the sound of slick skin on slick skin obscene as he worked himself over.
“Oh fuck, counselor, you want that? You want me to mess you up? Get you all filthy—? That what you want?”
Rafael whined and pressed back into your grip, letting his tongue rest on his lower lip as he looked up at Carisi with hooded eyes.
“Oh fuck. Fuck—!” Carisi choked on his groan, hand in Rafael’s hair going punishingly tight as he shot across his face, hot ribbons of cum streaking across his cheeks and lips, catching in his hair even, as Carisi swore and shook. He stroked himself through it until he was shivering from the overstimulation, milking the last of it onto his fingers and smearing it across Rafael’s lips before pressing them inside to curl against his tongue.
“Oh fuck.” He groaned as Rafael closed his lips around the fingers with a moan, sucking until he had lapped up the last of the salty spend from them. With absolutely no finesse, Carisi ducked down, using his hold on Rafael’s jaw to yank him up. He kissed him hard, biting at his lips with the tail-end of all that frantic need, swallowing Rafael’s answering gasp. He pulled back a hairsbreadth to drag the flat of his tongue through the mess on his chin, groaning at the taste.
“Fuck that was so fucking hot. Jesus, counselor.” He softened his hand in Rafael’s hair as he pulled back the rest of the way, thumb stroking through the cum striped across his face, smearing it. “Such a pretty picture.”
Stunned, Rafael fell back against you, breathing hard, lips kiss-bruised and swollen from how Carisi had used him. You pulled him close, groaning at how wrecked he looked, flushed and sweaty, smeared with cum: Carisi’s, yours, and his own. You trailed your fingers down his chest just to feel how he trembled, dragging them through the mess. He let out a soft whine, reaching back for you with shaking hands, little desperate jerks of his hips as his own cock flagged heavy between his legs, flushed, hard, and neglected.
“Tell me what you need, Raf,” you pressed a kiss to his neck, scraping your teeth over his pulse as your fingers dipped lower to brush along his cock.
He arched, hips jerking and grabbed frantically at your hair to pull you close, turning his face to meet yours, the kiss hot and frantic and messy.
“Please,” he whined against your lips, hips rocking, seeking more of your hand against him. “Want to cum.”
You groaned, a hot pulse of desire flaring through you at how he was putting himself on display for you now, head thrown back on your shoulder, legs spread wide, hips working. Spreading your fingers across his pelvis, you teased the curve of his balls, pulled up high and tight as he teetered on the edge of orgasm.
He was groaning, twisting so he could bury his face in your neck, breath hot on your skin as he panted and whined.
You took mercy on him, curling your fingers over his hip and tugging, pulling to get him to move, to slide over you and let you pull him close.
He scrambled up, desperate, throwing a leg over your lap so he was straddling your hips, his cock, flushed and heavy, pressed between you as he rutted down against your skin, glide made easy with the precum he had been dripping all night.
“I’ve got you, Raf, just like this. Yes, just like this—shift your hips back. Yes, perfect.” You got your hand around him and he moaned, ducking down to lick into your mouth, biting at your lips. He pitched forward, hands tight around your upper arms as you jerked him off with hard, fast strokes.
“That’s it. So good, Raf, you were so good. Look at you. Come on, cum for me, want to see you cum, Daddy. Cum for me.”
You gripped him harder as you ran your mouth, twisting your palm over the head, and it was all he needed.
He cried out against your mouth, a hoarse, desperate sound, as his hips jerked, coming hot and hard between you. His release smeared across your abdomen and his, slicking your stroke as you worked him through it, swiping your thumb across the sensitive head and pressing on his slit to make him arch and shake in your grasp, whining as you worked him into that pleasured-pain of overstimulation that he loved.
Carisi groaned above you and you startled, having been lost in the press and desperation of Rafael in your lap, the feel of him under your hands as he started to come down, limbs loose and fucked out, aimless press of his lips along your jaw, down your neck.
“Fuck, that was hot. The two of you are so hot together.”
The puff of Rafael’s snort tickled across your skin and you pressed a smile to his hair, hands stroking long, soothing lines down his back as you shifted. You tugged him up on shaking legs, encouraging him to lie back on the bed until you were both stretched out, legs tangled, pressed together sticky, sweaty, and satisfied.
Carisi still sat off to the side, watching, seemingly uncertain now that all the passion was burned up.
“Take a picture, Carisi, it’ll last longer.” Rafael was gruff, voice muffled as he pressed his face into your neck.
Spell broken, Carisi rolled his eyes and leaned forward to run a hand up both of your thighs. You shivered, humming in response as Rafael pulled you in tighter to him, huffing.
You laughed softly, stroking your fingers through his hair, his annoyance melting immediately into a contented rumble, and you met Carisi’s eyes over his head with an amused twitch of your lips.
“You can stay, or leave,” you told him. “Whatever you want.”
The detective’s eyes flicked to Rafael curled against you, his eyes closed, lips parted as he started to doze off, and shook his head, dimples flashing as he smiled at you.
Kneeling up, he brushed his lips against your hip before turning to nuzzle at Barba’s, making the older man huff and squirm.
“Nah, I’ve got an early morning.”
Rafael snorted against your skin. “Mass? Don’t linger too long with the priest, Carisi, or they’ll have you saying Hail Marys for all these sins. You have a shit poker face.”
Carisi chuckled as he stood, rooting around for his clothes and pulling them on. “I dunno, Barba. Maybe I’ll get lucky and the father will crumble if I call him ‘Daddy’, just like you did.”
You snorted and Rafael lifted his head to glare at you before turning his frown on the detective.
“You ever want my mouth on your dick again, Carisi, you’ll keep that to yourself.”
Carisi froze as he was buttoning up his shirt, eyebrows so high they were almost in his hairline. “Yeah? So if I keep my mouth shut…”
Rafael’s glare melted into a smirk. “Prove you can do it, and we’ll see.”
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@madpanda75, @alwaysachorusgirl, @detective-giggles, @dianilaws, @detectivebarba, @objection-argumentative, @prurientpuddlejumper, @designersophisticate, @thatesqcrush, @greeneyedblondie44, @ashtheironbat, @chasingeverybreakingwave, @crowfootwrites, @dreamlover31, @barbabangme, @amelia-song-pond, @witches-unruly-heart, @darkheart-brightsmile, @mrsrafaelbarba, @simpforbarba, @beardsanddetectives, @shittanyy, @ellevandeberg, @pascalispretty
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melk917 · 3 years
Home for the Holidays
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Warnings: None. Just some kissing and cuddling. And airport cancellations, which personally, I constantly live in fear of.
Rating: G
Pairing: Rafael Barba x gn!Reader
WC: 1,897
A/N: This covers the 'Home for the Holidays' square for @storiesofsvu holiday bingo. Wanted to get this out today as it's the last night of Hanukkah (but suspend your disbelief a bit because in the calendar year the fic takes place, Christmas and Hanukkah overlap, so... not this current year, ha). It's an incredibly self-indulgent piece of fluff based on my own experience growing up with two religions and none at the same time. Written while exhausted from my booster shot and visiting with the cutest 13 day old baby you've ever seen (yes, I'm biased, she really just looks like a grumpy old man) so just like, all around sappy fluff. Enjoy!
And Hanukkah Sameach to anyone else celebrating
You pressed the number for your floor and leaned back against the wall of the elevator with a sigh. You were exhausted, arms and legs so heavy it was like they were filled with lead, and you were drained of all possible cheer after a day of flight delays, arguments with airlines over rebookings and cancellations, and finally the terrible call you had with your parents, telling them that you were going to miss the holidays. A brutal snow storm over the Midwest had utterly destroyed your hope of getting there in time. And now you were coming back to a cold, empty apartment for a holiday alone.
You had thought about crying, but couldn’t even summon the energy. Not even when your three year old niece had gotten on the phone, sobbing, devastated you wouldn’t be there to turn on the tree and light the menorah with her. Instead, you had texted Rafael to just let him know you were fine and turned off your phone so you could come home and wallow.
You had briefly considered asking him to come over, the thought of him curled warm around you in bed like a balm to your disappointment, but you deleted the text without sending it. You knew he was at services with his mother, the one time a year he went, and you didn’t want to interrupt, especially not to complain. And anyway, you didn’t think you were quite at the point yet where you could ask to spend the holidays together, even in an emergency. (And maybe it terrified you a little bit that the one thing you thought of to comfort yourself in the moment was him, gruff and grumpy or otherwise.)
And so you found yourself back at your apartment, defeated, lonely, and way too exhausted to deal with either. Right now you were just looking forward to taking a hot shower and getting in bed to sleep off the whole saga.
You were so absorbed in your own misery that you didn’t process anything out of place as you opened your apartment door, kicking off your shoes and hanging up your coat. It wasn’t until you had gotten halfway out of the entryway that you realized you weren’t alone and you froze.
Light was spilling into the hall from the kitchen and living room while Christmas carols played softly. You wondered briefly if you had forgotten to turn it off when you left that morning, but the thought was cut off by the clatter of dishes.
Heart in your throat, you grabbed your keys from the side table to slide in between your knuckles as you crept forward, pressed against the wall to slowly peer around the corner. And promptly almost dropped the keys in surprise.
Rafael was leaning up on his toes to peer at something in the microwave over the stove, a dish cloth thrown over one shoulder. He reached in only to yank his hand back, cursing under his breath, blowing on his now reddened fingers.
Your chest felt tight, a rush of affection and confusion twisting through you as you watched him there, casually stripped down to his shirtsleeves and slacks, tie pulled loose, sleeves rolled up, a pair of festive red and white suspenders pulling across his chest. He looked almost soft, domestic as he grumbled, pulling the dish cloth from his shoulder to pull whatever it was out of the microwave and set it down, unaware you were watching.
He must have let himself in with the key you had given him? But why would he have set up here for Christmas Eve…? And...
“Raf? What the hell?”
He jumped, pan clattering on the stove as he whipped around to see you standing in the doorway. “Fucking hell,” he muttered. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I just got here…” You took a few steps into the room, but stopped short of approaching him, tossing your keys onto the counter. “What are you doing? I thought you were with your mother.”
He fidgeted with the dish towel still in his hands for a few seconds before he seemed to realize what he was doing and let it drop to his side. “I uh, figured you would be hungry after being stuck at the airport all day.”
Affection and confusion warred in your chest, twisting your stomach in knots. You tilted your head to the side, watching him. He flushed a little under your gaze, muscle in his jaw working, eyebrows pinching slightly.
“I told you I was fine, that you should stay with your mother.”
He frowned. “Did you want to be alone?”
“I—” You flushed too, desperately happy to see him, but hating how the feeling turned sour at the thought of him abandoning his mother to be with you. “I didn’t want to mess up your holiday, too.”
The uncertain pinch of his eyebrows melted away at that and he snorted, leveling a smirk at you. “I was there for dinner and Christmas Eve service. If anything you’ve saved me from additional hours of my mother’s friends drunkenly telling me about all the ‘nice young women’ they know.”
You laughed and his smirk softened into something closer to affection.
“Anyway,” he continued, “you underestimate my mother’s meddling if you think she hadn’t all but shoved me out the door when she heard what happened. She says 'Merry Christmas', by the way, and sent food.” He gestured to the pan on the stove and out into the rest of the room.
You looked around the whole space for the first time to see more dishes set out on the coffee table with a bottle of wine and… nine candles from around your apartment, lined up along the edge.
“Redecorating too?” you asked, eyebrow raised, jerking your chin at the candles. To your surprise, he flushed in response and fidgeted with the dishcloth again.
“Ah, actually.” His fingers tightened on the cloth briefly, voice gruff and uncomfortable. He shrugged, flush deepening. “I know you were looking forward to it being your niece’s first time celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas together so I thought…”
Your breath caught, your chest too tight for words as the last of the confusion in you melted away and your heart swelled with affection and something more… something you were pretty sure neither of you weren’t quite ready to verbalize, even if actions might be indicating otherwise.
The longer you were at a loss for words, though, the more he seemed to fidget, tension drawing his shoulders taut. Finally, he waved at the setup, brushing it off with a flick of his wrist. “We don’t have to, either,” he said, quickly, “I know you don’t normally do anything to celebrate.”
“No,” you said softly, brow furrowing, still not sure what to say. And he seemed to both collapse in on himself and turn rigid at the same time as you trailed off. His jaw took on a stubborn set even as he dropped your gaze.
He was clearly wildly out of his element, having exposed that he might care, that he wanted you to have the holiday you had wanted. He was almost folding in on himself now, shoulders hunched, hands shoved in his pockets as he started to lean up off the counter, eyes darting to the doorway behind you. He was hovering, perched there in a way that made you think he’d make a run for it if you weren't been between him and the way out.
“No, I mean…” you stepped forward the rest of the way and crowded into his personal space, boxing him in before he could actually make a break for it. “No, I love it.”
You could hear his sharp intake of breath as you leaned in, finally just feeling warm and content as the familiar scent of him curled around you. You slid one hand up his suspenders to rest on his chest, the other coming up to cup the side of his face, thumb soothing the tension lines that pinched at the corner of his eye. “This is unbelievably sweet.”
He twitched at the statement, even as he turned his face to nuzzle into your palm. You laughed and leaned in to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth before he could start to truly frown at the implication he was soft.
“It’s ok, I won’t tell anyone,” you whispered against his lips. “It’s not like they’d have believed me anyway.” You winked and he huffed in response, his lips curving into a small smile instead and he let out the breath he was holding, tension melting off his frame on the exhale. His hands came up to rest on your sides, fingers tangling in your sweater as he pulled you closer.
Grinning even wider, you turned to press your smile to his jaw so he wouldn’t see, trailing light kisses along to his ear and back. He hummed, pressing his face into your hair.
“Ok, but one thing,” you murmured into his skin, brushing your lips over his cheek. “If we're lighting these candles, we’re going to have to Google the prayer and what direction you light them in. Because it’s always been my dad who does it. I have no idea.”
He snorted. You didn’t bother to hide your smile this time as you pulled back to wag your finger at him. “Hush. No commentary. I told you that I was both Jewish and Catholic and neither. All at once.” He smirked at you and gestured like he was zipping his lips shut and dropping the key in the sink.
You rolled your eyes and shoved at his shoulders. “Go. Open the wine and pour me a glass while I sort this out. And then you can have your first Hanukkah, too.”
He gave you a lazy salute and the smirk widened, turning to do as you asked.
Hours later, the candles burning low, Rafael was wrapped around you on the couch, lulled into a doze by the power of a good meal and red wine.
You shifted in his arms, stretching your legs out to tangle with his, his answering grumble at being woken vibrating against your back. You hummed and brushed a kiss across his knuckles in apology and he pressed his nose into your hairline, trailing soft, sleepy kisses along the back of your neck.
“I know how much you were looking forward to being home for the holidays,” he murmured into your skin. “I hope this makes up for it, just a little bit.”
You took in the spread across the coffee table. The Christmas carols playing softly in the background, the home-cooked food Lucia had sent for you, his improvised attempt at a menorah, his arm around you, holding you snug to his chest, fingers interwoven... You honestly felt more at home than you had anywhere in years.
“Eh,” you shrugged, shoving down the feeling before it overwhelmed you and twisted around so you could smirk at him instead, sliding your fingers into his hair to tug his face down to yours, lips just brushing his. “Maybe a little bit.”
He huffed, lips curling into a smile as he pulled you close to kiss you properly.
Maybe a little bit. Maybe a lot.
Additional A/N: Ok so there was this one exchange that I didn't find a home for in the story without making it longer than I had capacity for, but this outtake happens between the two little parts:
You peeked at the dishes he had laid out on the coffee table. “And uh, we just won’t tell my very conservative Jewish grandmother that we celebrated with a dinner of lechón, yeah?”
You laughed as he froze, bottle of wine half opened, a look of mild horror on his face. “Oh God, I didn’t think—”
Tag list! (join or edit here)
@madpanda75, @alwaysachorusgirl, @detective-giggles, @dianilaws, @detectivebarba, @objection-argumentative, @prurientpuddlejumper, @designersophisticate, @thatesqcrush, @greeneyedblondie44, @ashtheironbat, @chasingeverybreakingwave, @crowfootwrites, @dreamlover31, @barbabangme, @amelia-song-pond, @witches-unruly-heart, @darkheart-brightsmile, @mrsrafaelbarba, @ellevandeberg, @simpforbarba
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Making Gingerbread House with the Carisi Clan. Also if you're interested you can add in a fake dating trope where Carisi asks y/n to come coz his whole family is bugging him. P.S: Can't wait for all the amazing stuff you will come up with for this bingo challenge. 😍😍 #the christmas bingo you posted. I forgot the name. Sorry
Building Blocks
A/N: This prompt is so cute! And of course, I had to take that idea of a fake dating trope! All the Italian translations are done by google, so I hope they're sufficient--the translations are in the beginning. This covers the Xmas Baking square in @storiesofsvu holiday bingo. I hope you enjoy!
PS: this takes place around the end of s17, back when Sonny was a tad overdramatic 🤣
Tags: none outside of food mentions
Words: 2064
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @beardsanddetectives @reading--mermaid @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31
Italian translations:
Perchè no = why not
Non dirmi che siete solo amici, voglio dei nipotini = don't tell me you're only friends, I want grandkids
Un giorno, prometti = one day, promise
“Please, please, please come over for the weekend with me! All my sisters are going to have a plus one and my parents keep askin’ me when I’m gonna bring a woman home with me. Please!” Sonny begged. He was on his knees on the carpeted floor of your living room, hands clasped together like a prayer.
“Sonny…” you started, but you stopped when he bent forward, head on the ground.
“I’ll do anythin’ ya want! I’m already grovelin’ at your feet, doll! Please!”
You leaned down, touching his shoulder gently. “What I was going to say was that you don’t have to beg me, Sonny. I don’t mind going to your parent’s place for a weekend.”
He popped up to his knees, giving you a smile of disbelief. “Really? You’ll come?”
“Of course; we’re friends, aren’t we?”
His grin solidified, taking up his whole face. “Best friends,” he agreed. “I owe ya.”
When Sonny pulled up in front of his parent’s house on Staten Island, you quirked an eyebrow. There was only one car in the driveway, but otherwise, the street was deserted.
“Are we here early?” you asked. When Sonny gave you a confused look, you continued, “I don’t see any cars…unless your sisters took public transit.”
“Nah, they’ll be here tomorrow. I always come a day early ta help ma with the baking,” he explained. You found that incredibly endearing, and you smiled softly as he guided you up to the front door.
He knocked and you waited with bated breath before the door opened, revealing an older woman with a smile brighter than the sun—you finally understood where Sonny got his smile from.
“Sonny,” she muttered affectionately before holding her arms open. He wrapped her in a tight hug, and even though she only reached his chest, she leaned fully into the embrace.
“Hey ma,” he whispered back, ducking his head to kiss her cheek. He finally let her go and introduced you. Mama Carisi greeted you the same, pulling you in for a tight hug and kissing your cheek.
It was easy to feel at home in the Carisi household; it was warm and full of love. You shook hands with Dominick Sr., who towered over even Sonny. And then you followed Mama Carisi into the expansive kitchen, Sonny on your heels. He rolled up his sleeves and went to wash his hands, and you followed suit.
“I thought you said we were going to be making gingerbread houses, Sonny,” you asked, voice hushed so his mom wouldn’t hear.
He turned the water off and grabbed a towel to dry both your hands. With a grin, he said, “we are. Tomorrow. Gotta make the gingerbread, first, doll.”
You quickly learned that the gingerbread house kits that most stores sold were seen as blasphemy by the Carisi’s; it was fresh or nothing. There were two separate ovens—a relic from raising such a big family—and Mama Carisi started to preheat them both.
You weren’t quite sure what you were supposed to be doing, so you just followed the instructions given to you. Mama Carisi made the dough—by hand, mixers were not allowed, and even with her older body, her forearms proved years of making food by hand—and Sonny rolled out the dough, cutting shapes and designs into it. Your job was to take the finished dough from Mama Carisi and pass it to Sonny, then take the cookies he’d finished and put them in the ovens. You set the two timers and took the cookies out when they chimed, letting them cool for a bit before taking them off the sheets and refilling them with new dough. It was a well-oiled machine, and once you found the rhythm, you found that it was so much fun.
“So, how long have you two been together?” Mama Carisi asked. She had planned this: in the kitchen, neither of you could escape her questioning. You looked to Sonny, wondering if you should correct her, tell her you’re not dating, or if he would just play along.
“Um, we met a few years ago while in line at Starbucks,” Sonny explained. Not a lie; you had met when the barista called out an order and you both reached for it. You both argued over who should take it, and you had been friends since.
Mama Carisi clicked her tongue in disapproval. “And you didn’t bring her over earlier, Sonny? Perchè no?” You didn’t understand Italian, so you just continued kneading dough, your face burning.
“Ah, we haven’t been dating for years, ma! We’re only—”
“Non dirmi che siete solo amici, voglio dei nipotini, Dominick.”
“Ma! Un giorno, prometti! Now please, don’t, not now!” he said.
She gave him a look, and when her eyes connected to yours, you swallowed and paid super attention to the cookies you were transferring to the cooling rack.
That night, you slept in Bella’s old room after Mama Carisi not-so-subtly told you both to sleep separated. Your face was on fire in embarrassment while you sat on the bed. There was a knock on your door, and you called out, “uh, come in?”
Sonny quickly opened the door, squeezed in, and closed it again. “Hey, sorry about my ma—she’s just...she really wants me to settle down, ya know?” He was shifting back and forth on his feet, wringing his hands.
“Um...it’s fine. I don’t know what she was saying, anyways,” you explained, smiling sheepishly.
He looked down at his feet, refusing to make eye contact. “Yeah, that’s probably for the best. But, um....”
“What is it, Sonny? You know you can tell me.”
He finally looked up at you, and you could see his nerves all over his face. “Is it...I mean, would it be okay if we.... Tomorrow, could you just...maybe pretend we’re dating? To appease her?”
“I—I—” you sputtered. Now you were really curious what it was she was saying in the kitchen. But Sonny looked so desperate, and you found yourself saying, “yeah, sure. Won’t be a problem.”
“Really? You mean it?” he asked, a smile pulling across his face. “Ah, you’re the best! Thank you so much—I’ll never forget this!”
After a few more thank you’s, he left your room and you collapsed onto your back. Was it too late to tell him that you didn’t want to fake date him? That you wanted to date him, for real?
Breakfast was delicious, but tense. You and Sonny sat across from each other and you caught him giving you long, linger looks, looks that made your face heat. You would give him a small smile, eyes connecting, before looking away. But you couldn’t tell if that was part of the façade or not. What made it more awkward was when you’d catch Mama Carisi watching you both.
The chaos started before Dominick Sr. finished washing the last dish. Teresa and her daughter Mia showed up first, followed closely by a very pregnant Bella and her new husband, Tommy. Gina and the guy Sonny referred to as “the boyfriend of the week” arrived about 20 minutes later.
You had dutifully been next to Sonny as he greeted his sisters, niece, and brother-in-law warmly, and you tried not to look embarrassed when he introduced you as his girlfriend. But the title made you smile sincerely—you only wished it wasn’t fake. Which is why you pretended it wasn’t.
Sonny, Dominick Sr., and Tommy started moving the tables together, and you, Bella, Teresa, and Mia started bringing out the cookies. Gina, her boyfriend, and Mama Carisi began arranging the cookies by what they were: the walls and roofs together, doors and windows together, people together, etc.
The girls had brought over the icing and decorations, and those got laid out, too. Once everything was out, you were unsure where to even start. So, you waited. Mia, being the youngest Carisi (not in name, but it still counted), picked her starting piece, a wall, first. And then, it was simultaneously a free-for-all, and a collaboration.
“Gina, can ya pass two roof pieces, please?”
“Hey Tommy, can you hand me that tube of red icing?”
“Mr. Carisi, could you please pass me that bag of gumdrops?”
Everyone worked on their own house, but would help each other if asked. At one point, you held Sonny’s walls up as he placed his roof on top. And everyone was talking, laughing, telling stories that happened between now and the last time they were all together.
“This gingerbread smells so good,” you commented to Sonny. It was true that the smell was overwhelming while it baked yesterday, but now it was more muted, and smelled delicious. Your mouth was watering as you build your ramshackled house—it wasn’t about who made a better looking house. It was about the tradition.
“Here,” Sonny said. He broke a leg off the gingerbread man he was currently decorating and held the leg up to your mouth. “A warning, though—once ya try my ma’s gingerbread, there’s no goin’ back ta the store bought crap.”
You smiled and bit into the leg he offered. At first, you thought he had been over exaggerating, but he wasn’t; you could never go back. “Please tell me you know the recipe—”
“I do; I’ll teach it to ya,” he replied. You gave him a smile, and he noticed a bit of frosting on your lip. Without too much thought, he leaned in and kissed you, licking the frosting from your skin. You melted into that kiss, but too soon he was pulling away from you. The look on his face though...if you didn’t know better, you’d think that kiss was intentional and not a ploy to trick his family.
The gingerbread houses lasted long enough for pictures, their makers standing proudly next to them, before they were devoured. By the end of it, everyone was waddling around like Bella, happy and full.
Everyone helped with cleaning up, Dominick Sr. taking his place at the sink, washing the dishes as they came in. You and Sonny had collected garbage into bags and were carrying them outside, and you figured there was no better time to talk than now.
“Hey, Sonny?” you asked as he lifted the garbage can lid.
“What’s up, doll?”
You placed the bag in the can, then stood there awkwardly next to him. You could feel his eyes on you, so you just let it out, “you know how you said you’d do anything if I came this weekend?”
“Uh, yeah?” he replied sheepishly, curious about where you were going with that.
“Well, um...I’d like to cash that in now.” You finally looked up at him to find his blue eyes scanning your face. “May I have a kiss?”
His cheeks turned a bright pink and his eyes widened. “Oh! Uh, I’m sorry about that kiss earlier—we, uh, we don’t haveta pretend out here—”
“I meant a real kiss,” you blurted before a hand flew up to your mouth. “I’m sorry, I mean...if you didn’t want to, then that’s okay, too.” I’m so fucking stupid, you thought, turning back towards the house.
But you didn’t get too far before a hand enclosed around your wrist, pulling you backwards. You turned and Sonny was kissing you, his lips crashing to yours in a desperate kiss. You had a moment to be shocked before you closed your eyes, kissing him back with passion. His hand came up to cup your cheek, tilting you to give him more access to your mouth.
“Was that real enough for ya, doll?” he muttered against your lips, a small smile on his face.
You let out a soft chuckle before kissing him again. It was only your first “real” kiss with him, but you already knew that you didn’t want to stop. His lips were so soft against yours, his hands gentle has they held you to him.
“Would you two lovebirds hurry the hell up?” a voice called.
Sonny grinned against your lips before pulling away. “Shuddup, Gina, we’re comin’!” he yelled back. Then he reached down and laced his fingers with yours, leading you back into his family’s home, and into his life as a real girlfriend.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Snow Angels
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Sonny Carisi x reader Warnings: language, alcohol consumption. Covers the snow angel sq for bingo Req’d by @teamsladsandgents
· Your first Christmas with Sonny you’d spent on a tropical getaway with your family. Your parents were snowbirds who would rather be anywhere but the cold when they didn’t have to be, no matter how much you complained about wanting a white Christmas.
· Which meant the second Christmas you spent together you were dead set on staying in New York, especially since you’d grown up elsewhere and wanted to finally get to do all the cute coupley Christmas things the city had to offer.
· You hit up the lighting of the Rockefeller tree, did a night at the Christmas market where you bought way too much stuff, a date night spent ice skating, and another one spent wandering the neighbourhood’s all decked out with lights and fancy blow up decorations and themes.
· Evenings spent at home were snuggled up on the couch with eggnog, making gingerbread houses with his nieces and nephews, and starting to decorate the tree, wrapping all the presents, getting even more excited for the holiday.
· As the 25th neared, he asked if you wanted to accompany him to his work Holiday party, and while you were a bit nervous at first, he assured you that it wasn’t going to be that crazy uppity life that all the ADA galas were. The staff party was everyone letting off steam, letting loose and taking more than advantage of the open bar and free food being served.
· While still apprehensive as you got ready and headed into the bar, it didn’t take long for things to get relaxed. A couple of drinks, some delicious bits and bites, and one the speeches and award type things were done and the higher ups took off things started to let loose.
· You both definitely over indulged, having an absolutely wonderful time, laughing over stories, getting to know Sonny’s coworkers, spilling little embarrassing stories of his own to them (nothing that he minded too much, but the tips of his ears were a little pink with some of them)
· Eventually, you stumbled your way into a cab, surprised that you even managed to get one at the late hour combined with the thick flakes of snow that were coming down from the sky.
· You nuzzled into Sonny’s shoulder in the back of the cab on the ride home, commenting that you were so happy you were truly getting a white Christmas for once. He pressed a gentle kiss to your head, mimicking your words, and reminding you how much he loved you and thanked you for coming out with him that night.
· What you weren’t prepared for on the walk from the cab to the front door was how slick the sidewalk would be. Combined with your level of intoxication, and the stilettos you were rocking, even Sonny’s lanky arm couldn’t save you from toppling onto your back into a thick pile of fresh snow on the lawn.
· Sonny shot out an “oh my god doll! Are you okay?”
· But it was only met with a fit of giggles and laughter, though you were thankful for your coat keeping you mostly covered.
· “I’m fine babe.” You laughed, letting out a little snort at how ridiculous you must look.
· “You sure?” You nodded, “At least it’s all fresh snow, don’t have to worry about ice chunks or anything.” He noted and you let out a gasp.
· “It’s all fresh!? Like no marks or footprints around me?!” You looked up at him without moving, an excited sparkle in your eyes, probably fulled by too many gin and tonics.
· “Yeah..” Sonny replied, nearly cocking a brow
· “THEN IT’S SNOW ANGEL TIME!” You shrieked with another fit of giggles as you threw your arms up above your head into the snow, flailing until you were sure you’d made the best angel you could, then extending your hand up to Sonny, “help me up! I can’t ruin it!”
· Sonny grabbed your hand and you nearly toppled him over into the snow bank behind him in a fit of laughter before turning to view your artwork. “Fucking perfect.”
· “I’ve never done that before!” Sonny yelped and you gasped, “are you fucking serious?! Dominick Sonny Carisi! You have the biggest family I know and you have NEVER made a fucking snow angel?!!!”
· “Ma didn’t like us diving into the snow too much!” He defended.
· “Then you better make your first one!” You gestured wildly towards the fresh powder, cackling intensely as he DOVE into it, flipping so he landed on his back.
· He proceeded to flail WILDLY with a dopey grin on his face the entire time, pulling even more drunkenly laughter from you as you tried to not topple over into the snow once again.
· “How’d I do!?” He grinned up at you and you laughed again, “I can’t tell yet, get up here!” You extended your hand, pulling him up from the ground.
· Sonny wrapped an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your head as you let out another dramatic gasp.
· He let out a bark of a laugh, only pausing to snap a picture on his phone of your two snow angels before tugging you inside, promising you that he would warm you up properly from your little tumble in the snow.
@bisexualcrowley @detective-giggles @stardust-galaxies @averyhotchner @glimmerglittergirl @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @qvid-pro-qvo @thatesqcrush @altsvu @hurricanejjareau @lawandorderimagines @whimsicallymad @fandom-princess-forevermore @caracalwithchips @mysticfalls01 @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @bisexual-dreamer02 @mrsrafaelbarba @lila-lola45 @pleasantunknownnacho @ssaic-jareau @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @chasingeverybreakingwave @svushots @nocreditinthestraightworld @australiancarisi @rafivadafreddy @wandas-wife @prettypyschoinpink @thestarrynightslover @newyorker14 @disn3y7
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Traditions, Old & New
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Elizabeth Keane x reader Covers the Christmas Eve square of holiday bingo. Warnings: language, tiniest mention of smut if you squint. All fluff here friends. Takes place in the “Little One” universe.
Elizabeth and yourself had finally adjusted to a life outside of the White House, one with no politics, no drama, just easy living out in Boston. She’d basically retired, having enough savings and the post-presidential paycheques still rolling in, picking up a few odd hours here and there at a locally owned bookshop. That was where she’d spend the days reading, flipping through dusty pages, recommending piles of stories to those who looked for them while the owners cat wound its way around their ankles. She found it incredibly peaceful, and a lovely way to interact with people, customers always happy to see her, talking novels over mugs of coffee in the cozy café. You in the meantime had gone back to your paralegal roots, working at a firm in town, though it was only part time. That had been part of the plan, deal, whatever you wanted to call it, with moving to Boston, the intention was to spend as much time together, without the world’s eye on you anymore.
For the first time in years Elizabeth felt free, the weight of the world no longer on her shoulders, and she was incredibly thankful to have you by her side, and that you no longer had to be some hidden away secret. As the year moved on, the air got crisper, winter moving across the city faster than you’d expected it to, decorations were up around the city before you knew it, and you started to discuss Christmas. It had always been such a lavish and publicized event at the White House in years prior, which is why Elizabeth jumped on the idea of getting out of town when you mentioned it.
Together, you found a nice little cabin town up in the White Mountains that had availability for a week and a half over Christmas and eagerly awaited your check in date. Bags were packed well in advance, double checking what was available inside your personal cabin, what amenities the town had, and what specific items you might need to bring yourselves.
When the twentieth rolled around you packed up the car, nestled into warm coats and made your way into the wilderness. You never minded driving, letting Elizabeth choose the music, laughing over memories of Christmases past, telling little stories from your childhood Holidays, the little traditions you used to indulge in. You especially adored hearing Elizabeth talk about the Christmases when Andrew was still a kid, her eyes getting that dreamy far away, yet extremely happy look in them as she reminisced about the years, the innocence and magic that only a child could bring to the holiday season.
The two of you settled into your cabin easily, slowly exploring the place as you unpacked, pausing to catch each other in your arms, pressing gentle kisses to the other’s skin. The cabin was fully decorated for Christmas, a plate of fresh baked cookies on the kitchen table, and fresh eggnog in the fridge waiting for you. The tree in the sitting room was large, covered in shiny baubles and sparkling garland, and Elizabeth did not miss you sneaking a small handful of gifts under it when you thought she wasn’t looking. A shorter fire place was built into the wall, a t.v mounted over it, across from a very plush couch covered in fuzzy Christmas blankets.
“It’s perfect little one.” Elizabeth hummed, wrapping you in a hug from behind as she pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
“A far cry from Christmas at the White House.” You replied softly, pulling one of her hands up to your lips to kiss as she chuckled.
“And far superior.” She kissed your temple gently, “would you like to go out and explore, or just have a lazy evening in?”
“I think..” you turned in her arms with a gleam in your eyes, “the only thing I want to explore right now is that jacuzzi tub upstairs.” Pressing a kiss to her lips you smiled, murmuring against then, “and then find out if that bed is as comfy as it looks.”
Over the next couple of days you did finally make your way through the small town, making friends with locals and other vacationers. It was something that Elizabeth just had a natural knack of doing, whether she was recognized or not, she was always friendly and chatted with strangers constantly. You teased her often about it, saying it was like when you’d go out with your Mom as a kid and she ‘knew everybody’ because she talked to people constantly. In return, Elizabeth would just scoff, playfully rolling her eyes at you as you laughed.
You became regulars at the coffee shop in town in the afternoons, often indulging in a sweet treat and a cup or two of drinks while you read through whatever books had been left around, filling out daily crosswords and otherwise enjoying each other’s company. In the evenings, it was tradition to walk through the snowy streets, arm in arm with spiked hot chocolate in your cups enjoying all the elaborate Christmas decorations on all the cabins and small houses.
Everything seemed so serene, romantic, and simply…perfect…especially as super soft snowflakes started to fall from the sky, catching on your hair and eyelashes as you walked back to your cabin. The only pauses were to take in the fresh air, the sparkling lights, and to pepper each other with kisses, truly appreciating the season.
Elizabeth was slightly confused when she woke up from a cozy nap on Christmas Eve afternoon to find you missing from the cabin. Though you’d left a note on the kitchen table,
‘Just stepped out quickly. Will be back before dinner. I love you.’
Scrawled in your loopy handwriting across the post it, she smiled at the sentiment, plucking the note from the counter to place in her wallet, making sure she would be able to add it to the box of little notes and the like you’d left her over the years. Padding through the cabin, she pulled her flannel tighter around her, shivering lightly at the cold that had sunk through the rooms, the snow starting to fall heavier outside. She wondered how long you’d been gone already, deciding to busy herself with starting a fire to both warm the place up and make it even more homey and welcoming when you did arrive back home.
Back in the kitchen, she pulled out the pre-made mulled wine from the fridge, flicking on the stove to heat it up. You’d mentioned being home for dinner, but she wasn’t sure if you had dinner plans, opting to curb her cravings by munching on the various cheese and meats you’d picked up for a charcuterie board.
It wasn’t much longer that she heard the front door creak open, a small smile breaking her cheeks at the sound of you kicking off your boots, letting out a warm sigh as you hung up your coat. She could hear the rustling of something else and was curious as to just what you’d gotten up to that afternoon.
“I was beginning to think you’d ran out on me.” She teased, moving into the entry way to hand you a mug of mulled wine. You laughed, greeting her with a warm kiss.
“I had to pick up dinner, didn’t I?” You held up the bag in one of your hands and she chuckled, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Go set up in the living room? I’ll bring the drinks out?”
“Ah…but not before you change.” You grinned.
“Oh? And what is wrong with what I’m wearing?” She raised a brow and it was your turn to laugh, “and what have you brought us for dinner? That doesn’t look like the regular containers from the diner?”
“It’s not.” You smirked.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s in the other bag?”
“Find out for yourself.” Grinning, you handed the bag to her as you both moved into the living room, where the food found a home on the coffee table, Elizabeth a step behind you as she sifted through the bag.
“Are these matching pyjama’s?” Her brow furrowed as she looked up at you and you shrugged.
“You mentioned something on the drive up, how one of the traditions Andrew never let go of, even when he was an adult was matching pj’s and Chinese on Christmas Eve, and that you missed it.”
“Oh little one..” Elizabeth felt her heart absolutely melt at your acts of love, she barely even remembered mentioning it on the drive. But you somehow had that knack to pick up on exactly what she needed without her even realizing it, especially when it came to things concerning Andrew.
“You mentioned keeping the Chinese tradition alive after your divorce, but the pj’s kinda died off since it was lonely. So…I get if you don’t want to or anything”—
“Oh but sweetheart, how could I possibly be lonely with you here by my side?” Her eyes nearly brimming with tears you let out a squeak as she pulled you to her in a tight hug, “it’s all wonderful.” She murmured, “it’s more than wonderful. It’s fucking perfect. Thank you.”
“Anything for you.” You pressed a kiss to the side of her head, “I just want you to have the best Christmas possible.”
“Every day with you is the best possible little one, you know that.” She pulled away from the hug, swiping at her eyes with a smile.
“You’re too kind.” You teased, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose.
“Well?” She raised a brow, “we better get changed before that food gets cold.”
You laughed, happy that you’d made the right call as she dragged you off to the other room to change into the cozy pyjama sets, peppering you with a million kisses as she did so. You barely stopped giggling enough to make it back downstairs where a true feast of Chinese takeout awaited you.
Bellies and hearts truly filled with love and the holiday spirit, you curled up together on the couch, snuggled under the blankets as you watched the fire crackle. It wasn’t even actually Christmas yet, but it was already one of the best ones either of you had ever had. Elizabeth left a tender kiss on the top of your head, her hands trailing across your body softly when she spoke,
“We should make this our own tradition.”
“What?” You turned your head to look at her, “come up here every year?”
“Mmhmm.” She replied with a smile, ducking to steal a kiss, “without a doubt the best holiday season I’ve had in years.”
“Then I’m all for it.” You let out a giggle as she stole yet another kiss from you, the smile on her lips mirrored on yours, nearly too wide to actually be able to get a proper kiss in. “Merry Christmas Eve my love.”
“Merry Christmas Eve little one.” She murmured against your lips, holding you tighter in her arms.
“I love you.”
“I love you more. Forever and always.” She assured, kissing your lips, your nose, and then your forehead before letting out a happy sigh, snuggling deeper into the warmth of your body as you watched the snow continue to fall through the windows.
@lesbianologist @screenee @jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @laurenhope13 @imlike-so-gaydude @svulife-rl @gay-ass-bitch @oliviaswifey @mysticfalls01 @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @paulson-hargitay @molllss @solemnnova @svushots @nocreditinthestraightworld @yourtaletotell @cerberus-spectre @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @addictedtodinosaurs @rosiewritesagain @imaginaryoperagloves @wandasbrat @lustvolle-liebe @disn3y7 @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @swimmingstudentchaos891 @anne-gillettes-wh0r3 @season4scullyhair @whimsicallymad @alexusonfire @mmmmokdok @lazarettta @muscatmusic18 @sia2raw @ladysc @dxtery @1-lindsay83 @mmemalwa @ms-calhoun @holycrapraewth
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
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That’s right!! It’s bingo time again!!
Prompts are all winter/Christmas/holiday related, or songs.
Submissions can be anything, a mood board, a ficlet, headcanons, drabbles, gif sets, one shot, social media au’s, whatever you want!!
Read the rest fo the rules under the cut!!
Song Prompts: pick 2-4 lines of lyrics from the song and use them in your fic (bold them for reference). You can change pronouns to make a song fit a fic better!
Prompts can be any genre, make it super spicy, make it tooth rotting fluff, make it angst as fck, make it an AU, just make sure to include any and all appropriate warnings and tags!! (Preferably at the top of the post, not just in the tags)
Fics can be either a ship, a reader insert, or an OC, mix and match, crossovers from different shows/fandoms, stick with one, try out something new!
Accepted characters:
-Olivia Benson
-Odafin Tutuola
-Trevor Langan
-Melinda Warner
-Amanda Rollins
-Sonny Carisi
-Rafael Barba
-Casey Novak
-Alex Cabot
-Nick Amaro
-Peter Stone
-Kathy Stabler
-Sonya Paxton
-Kat Tamin
-Elizabeth Donnelly
-Mike Dodds
-Rita Calhoun
-Pippa Cox
-Angela Wheatley
-Ayanna Bell
· Outside of SVU
-Bryan Kneef
-Ricardo Diaz
-Nevada Ramirez
-Fredrick Chilton
-Abigail Borin
-Anthony DiNozzo
-Ziva David
-Elizabeth Keane
-Carrie Mathison
-Heather Dunbar
-Jackie Sharp
· Other fandoms you can write from
-Ted Lasso
-The Morning Show
-One Chicago
-Mayans MC
-Criminal Minds
-Grey’s Anatomy
-The L Word
- Fate the winx saga
Ships can be any combination of the above characters, crossovers welcomed as well! If there is someone or a fandom not on the list you’d like to write for, just send me a message and I can probably add them!
· You must tag me
and use the hashtag storiesofsvuholidaybingo on each creation and I’ll put together the masterlist.
· Bingo begins December 1st and runs all the way through to January 10th! (Yes. We be running for more than a month! And that is because Christmas is the INSANELY busy season for me at work and I’ll need more time to get organized and this way we’re not under such a time crunch). You may only submit ONE creation PER DAY. And only one square per creation.
· No underage readers/oc’s.
· Tag all and every warning appropriately at the top of a fic
· Anything over 1000 words must be under a readmore
If you have any questions, feel free to message me!!
_______ tagging some people!!
@lesbianologist @cabensons @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @detective-giggles @tropes-and-tales @itsjustmyfantasyroom @witches-unruly-heart @prurientpuddlejumper @hurricanejjareau @qvid-pro-qvo @wannabe-fic-writer @fighterkimburgess @natasha-danvers @beardsanddetectives @tinyboxxtink @meddisonmilfsupremacy
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