#story: pursuit
clouvu · 2 months
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yknow what. *undooms your yuri again*
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mari-beau · 1 year
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(Warning: Coarse Language)
Petra had known there would be danger inherent in such a job. More so than her usual burglaries and cons. But apparently, she had not prepared enough for the level of chaos involved in simply being at Tecpan. She hadn't expected the sudden, shocking cacophony of weapons fire to tear through a calm mid-morning.
And she'd reacted poorly, allowing her instincts to take over, to escape, to hide, taking the head of Calixto's security along with her, for some unknown reason. Generally, her instincts were for self-preservation and not concerned with random strangers. But still, a normal person, someone whose trade wasn't to sneak about and deal with unsavory types, would've frozen in shock at the sound of gunfire out of nowhere.
Had she given too much away?
It was difficult to say with Gabriel, with those perceptive dark eyes that also seemed to somehow give nothing of his own thoughts away. Neither had his behavior given her any signs whether he'd bought her excuses, her cover, or if he suspected something else was going on.
He had been quite surprised when she'd shoved him into the conservatory's greenery and up against a wall. But so had she been.
He'd looked at her in that intense way of his for a moment that felt an eternity, before she finally removed her hand from his chest, breaking her connection with the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat.  And he'd left, to do his job, telling her to stay put until he -not just one of his men, she'd noted- came to tell her it was safe.
Apparently, it had just been Calixto's men playing target practice with some new toys out in the barren, deforested part of the property behind the house. 
Ironically, Petra was finding the silence currently encapsulating the mansion far more unsettling than the random gunfire, or the noise of the rave-up raging through the night afterward.
She was wearing soft-soled flats this morning but her footfalls sounded like clodhoppers echoing off the high walls surrounding the courtyard. The uncanny sound of her own footsteps in the seemingly empty house was mitigated when she entered an enclosed hallway, but the dearth in signs of life continued to agitate her nerves. Funny that. Quiet buildings devoid of people were usually her purview, her comfort zone. But not here.
The kitchen was also empty, but Petra found herself instantly relaxing when she entered the space. There was always something comforting about kitchens. The domesticity, perhaps? Or the fact that they contained food, a necessary and significant role in the lives of human beings despite modern society's attempt to streamline, sideline or eliminate the art (or chore, as many viewed it) of food preparation.
Petra admittedly fell into the latter. She viewed cooking as an art form in the hands of others, but it was decidedly a chore in hers.
She went for the coffee pot. It had a significant amount of dark liquid still remaining in the glass carafe. She gave it a sniff. It didn't smell burnt. She tossed a splash into a mug she found in the cupboard overhead and hazarded a sip. Oh. Mm. It was a dark roast of a quality bean, with strong chocolate-like notes and a slight tangy-fruity aftertaste when she swallowed. The brew was cold but not stale. Someone had been up and about at some point that morning. She filled the mug, located the microwave and popped it in for a warm-up. 
She studied the kitchen while she waited, assessing the room, which with state of the art appliances and tasteful fixtures, cupboards and countertops, did not need updating. Except perhaps for that outdated-looking dinette set by the glass sliding doors, the style and orange-blonde wood stain reminiscent of middle class homes circa 1993. It was a peculiar choice for- oh bloody hell, she had sunk into her cover character so completely, she was thinking like her alias when there was no one even around to deceive. When she should be contemplating how to case the house for the valuable collection she was after.
The microwave beeped, adding its admonishment. But Petra hummed her gratitude, retrieving the mug of steaming coffee with immense anticipation. It smelled heavenly. Maybe it was a sin to zap such a fine coffee. But it deserved a french press and not a Mr. Coffee, for that matter. And oh, joy, the brew was all the more delicious when hot. She sipped it, closing her eyes and savoring the flavor, her brain and body already perking up in anticipation of the caffeine. As much as she'd hate to admit the advertisements were right, she had to concede that drinking a cup of coffee could be meditative and soothing... if one took the time to allow the moment its full measure. 
"Good morning."
"Christ!" Petra started, sloshing the coffee onto her hand. Thankfully, what was hot enough for her tongue was merely warm on her skin. But there was already a set of hands taking her coffee-soaked one.
"Are you okay?" The familiar hands turned hers this way and that, fingers running over the reddened skin. The familiar scent of tobacco and spice filled her nose. She watched Gabriel, his head bent to her hand, his dark eyelashes distractingly pretty from the angle. "Did it burn you?" "I'm fine," she said, pulling her hand away and wiping the coffee off on a hand towel nearby. The only person seemingly alive in this place would be him, wouldn't it just? "It wasn't that hot." She took a large gulp to prove her point.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
He went to the Industrial level fridge and opened one of the large stainless steel doors, disappearing behind it.
"You didn't," Petra said. "I mean I was a little lost in thought but..." It was disturbing that he'd been able to sneak up on her. That didn't bode well for the snooping-about that she still needed to do, not to mention the theft itself. "Why is the house so empty?"
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leveloneandup · 1 month
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dateamonster · 11 months
[ripping out my hair] rebecca was not an evil master manipulator and rebecca was not a girlboss. rebecca was a woman whos entirely life was dictated by her desirability to men. but also rebecca was an upperclass woman who threatened and used people especially those below her because what she wanted more than anything was the level of power only men of her class possessed. rebecca wanted to live with a rich white mans freedom but the best that was available to her was becoming a rich white mans wife and having domain over the estate which represented his patriarchal power. and still no matter how she went behind his back no matter how she deliberately provoked him she only became a true threat to him when he realized her affairs might lead to an illegitimate heir inheriting that estate. the only real power she ever really held over him was that of the potential unborn male that existed within her and that! was a lie! she was infertile! her only fear in life was of a slow death by sickness! because sickness would cause her to lose her beauty and ability and at the end of the day those were the only things she had! and when her worst fears were realized she killed herself for the slim chance that her death might be a final fuck you to the men that could only be infatuated with her but never love her! AHHHHHHH!
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archerinventive · 1 year
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A tremendous tiny Tuesday to you all!
Sometimes I like to make tiny adventuring items just for fun. :)
Remember to take some time to do the things that bring you joy. No matter how big or how small they may be. :)
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sonik-kun · 8 months
I've seen a lot of people claim lately (mostly JC antis) that WWX performing the experimental core transplant on JC was emergency surgery, and I just have to stop them right there.
This was not emergency surgery by any means. Emergency surgery implies that it is something that NEEDS to be done, or else it would mean imminent death for the patient.
JC did not need that core to survive. He could have very much lived without it. He only needed it for revenge. To get back into joining the war effort to avenge his parents and his sect.
WWX didn't have to do it at all. Sure, JC was miserable, borderline suicidal. But I've seen and read aus where him coming to terms with his new disability is and can be very much possible. Hard, and a lot to work through mentally and physically, but not impossible.
JC did not force WWX to give up his core. It was very much implied that he would grow HIS OWN one via Baoshan Sanren. There was no way JC could have assumed that it was WWX's or anyone else's core for that matter when the concept of a core transplant did not exist at that moment in time. He was the first one to have survived and lived to tell the tale.
Plus, his mental state at that time was questionable. On the surface, he was willing to "consent" to anything if it meant getting his core back, regardless of how and why. But because of his vulnerability, that doesn't mean he consents to being treated like a guinea pig, nor should he have been treated like one for that matter. Although the intentions were good and pure, his vulnerability and naivety was still taken advantage of here. That cannot be disputed.
He also did not consent to having someone else's core (someone else who he cares for deeply, mind) being inserted in him. That possibility was obviously something that would have never crossed his mind in that moment. It is unfair and unreasonable to assume it would and claim he consented to something he didn't even know was possible.
He was led to believe that Baoshan Sanren could successfully give him a new core willy nilly, no questions asked because she was a fabled person with amazing abilities. It was that he consented to here alone, nothing else.
So yes, although WWX's intentions were pure and from the goodness of his heart, he did in fact mislead JC. The whole core reveal and the shock revelation behind it is proof of that. What would be the point in that scene otherwise if it was 100% consensual? And Jiang Cheng's famous "why didn't you tell me?" Break down?
It's okay to accept the moral greyness behind WWX's heroic actions, you know? It won't make him any less of a protagonist, nor does it undermine his HUGE sacrifice. You're still allowed to like him, warts and all. I know I certainly do!
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alizalayne · 9 months
it’s so sad i don’t really do autobio because i am leading children into witchcraft and homosexuality and a challenging attitude and now the witchfinder general is after me.. such a sordid tale !!
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gorgynei · 3 months
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quick sketches showing that morgan works on an oil rig now (unhappy about it) (his life kinda sucks) (sorry morgan)
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astrangertomykin · 3 months
The first time Essek felt a wave of Dunamancy pass over him felt like freedom. Each spark shooting through his veins helped ease the tension in his muscles until they were just a dull throb instead of a burning star. His bones, which were usually so heavy, floated as if he was gliding on air; it wouldn't be long until he actually was.
There was something different from any school of magic he had tried before, something that made him feel like he was breathing for the first time. There was an electricity underneath his skin that awakened every nerve ending. Not in the painful, stabbing way that had accompanied him since his youth but something that left him wanting more.
When the magic ebbed from his fingers, the coldest drew closure. The weight of the world slowly crushed Essek back down to Exandria until the world was suffocating him again. The withdrawal shooting ice through his veins until his body was screaming for the warmth it had only just come to know. The moment Dunamancy first flowed through his essence, Essek knew, was the day he was truly lost. He would chase that feeling for the rest of his days to chase the pain away. Essek would be the one to decipher Dunamancy's mysteries and make that power his own, that first wave of freedom his call from the Universe that he was made for this purpose. He would do anything to feel a single second of that spark beneath his skin again, anything to unravel that feeling and never let it go; no matter the cost.
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aquitainequeen · 6 months
Me, so physically exhausted that I am basically the equivalent of sloshed, stabbing the table with my finger for emphasis:
The point is. The point is. The point is. Everyone's always adapting Greek and Classical mythology, and Norse mythology. Maybe Egyptian, if you're lucky. More Chinese mythology now, that's good. But. They never do Irish mythology. Where's my adaptation of The Táin/The Cattle Raid of Cooley????? I want to see Cú Chulainn use the belly spear!!!!
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Frank, if you could tell the world anything, what would you tell them? If you could say one thing, just one, what would it be?
I am always in the pursuit of beauty and truth. And, on occasion, a lot of really really yummy food.
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diamantdog · 11 months
question! is it just me or is d.p. season 2 episode 3 supposed to turn everyone into a sobbing mess!?
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mari-beau · 1 year
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(Warning: Coarse Language and Mild Violence)
Pain wriggled like a parasite in his guts. Was it anxiety? Nerves and fear about walking into a meeting with a dozen of the most ruthless sort of people on the planet, and purposefully handing them loaded automatic weapons?
The agitated thing twisted in his stomach. And growled.
Oh. Well, that made more sense. He was just hungry. Had been surviving off cowboy coffee and processed garbage power bars for far too long.
Remy Sinclair patted his lean (maybe getting too lean) stomach, promising it a real meal, with real food, after this initial meet was over. Then he grabbed a handful of his t-shirt and used it to wipe the sweat off his face. All those people who wanted to live in the tropics, Remy didn’t think they understood what it was really like, the unrelenting equatorial sun, no reprieve from the heat. Of course, working in it was different than vacationing in it. And smuggling was an extremely physical endeavor.
Remy wanted to be done with this job. He wanted to leave the tropical region of the planet. Well, he supposed this part of Mexico might technically be north of the tropics, but not by much and damn, was it still irrepressibly hot. 
“¿Cuánto tiempo?” Remy asked of the men who had met him at the back gate to the property, searched him and escorted him to this wonderful, remote, could-hide-untold-numbers-of-bodies mostly-forested acreage. 
Patience was a virtue he sometimes possessed, but most of the time did not.
“Soon,” the one in charge replied in Spanish. “The boss knows you are here and is on his way.”
Remy nodded, studied the sprawling house in the distance, wondered if there was a cook on staff. And how fluffy the beds were. Probably better than the cots in the bowels of Nadira’s rustbucket smuggler’s vessel. There were probably showers… bathtubs… jacuzzis… even a swimming pool? 
Fuck, he needed a real bath. Or shower. Or dip in a pool. Beggars couldn’t be choosers. And the layer of grime coating his skin was certainly rendering him a beggar. But he expected no invite to that fancy house. Nor did he want one, to be frank. (He wanted to finish this job and move onto the next.)
He swiped the back of his hand across his forehead, even though it was likely of little use, just smearing sweat and dirt around. And oh, boy, here came some more dirt, being kicked up off the primitive roadway into clouds as vehicles approached from the mansion.
It took an interminable amount of time for the vehicles to reach where Remy had been directed to park his own rented truck, with its case of ill-gotten weapons in the back, just a small sample of what was in the cargo hold of Leuk’s Song.
“Buenos dias,” Remy greeted the men who exited the somehow shiny SUVs. They must have an employee whose full-time job is just washing the dust off the cartel’s fleet of vehicles. 
It was obvious who was in charge even before the man stepped forward to greet Remy and introduce himself. He was shorter than Remy, but not short. He had dark hair and dark eyes, a tan that would’ve looked fake on a white American but suited him fine, and a smile that was both charming and incredibly insincere.
Remy returned the snake’s smile. He was good at it. A charming smile, whether real or not, was a handy tool in anyone’s repertoire, but especially for someone in Remy’s line of business, which was a little bit of everything.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Calixto,” Remy said in Spanish, shaking the man’s hand. 
“We can speak in English.” Máximo Tomas Calixto Balan, head of the Tlatoani Cartel, surveyed Remy with keen interest before releasing his hand from his firm grasp. Maybe the grime was a good thing, an extra layer of protection against scrutiny. Not that Remy’s purpose for being there was anything but what he’d stated; to sell them some merchandise. 
“Whatever you prefer,” Remy said. 
Calixto nodded, then continued in English. Remy wondered if he enjoyed keeping some of his men, who perhaps didn’t understand the foreign language, in the dark? He seemed the controlling, superior type. But what crime boss, drug lord, or dictator, wasn't?
“So, what is it you have for me today?” 
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leveloneandup · 28 days
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lexitoons · 6 months
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A design consisting of elements from sea slugs and horses.
Like slugs, they eat about anything, including carrion. And due to their size, they eat quite a bit. In some areas of the world, people revere these creatures as holy beings. They say the progenitor goddess of water took care of many Gastrolux in the distant past, as she loved them dearly. Descendants of the ones she cared for are highly valued.
Halgaria Folder: www.deviantart.com/lexitoons/g…
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attackoneyebrows · 2 years
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because things change when you realize not everything's about you
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