#straight cath
mcatmemoranda · 2 years
If the bladder has more than 300 mL in it, you should straight cath
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oranges-for-calico · 11 months
I just finished watching Deadloch and it was so good!!!!! I liked how comedic it was without the comedy overshadowing the plot and stuff. (very mild spoilers) i'm happy that they hugged at the end because imo the characters in the shows I watch don't hug enough. also they did an awesome job at making me really mad at the misogynistic/racist characters. anyways, great show, definetly worth the fact that i just stayed up until 3am to finish. i reallyyyy hope season two gets confirmed because it was a really intrigueing setup for season two.
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dykrophone · 10 months
i am the most cath avery coded person you will ever meet
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cannibalslut · 23 days
me giving all my s/is self harm scars on their thighs like my life depends on it
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bleedeverywhere · 2 years
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legend in my spare time
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The car chase was so masterfully done honestly great job to the director 👏👏👏
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
hiiii hi so ik i havent been that present on tumblr recently but i saw you in my notifs just now and hey <3 ily btww <3
:"OOO this is. literally so wholesome omg. lyt <3333
hru?? anything you want to share?? do you want an axolotl picture for any reason at all?? (because axolotls are cute and you deserve good things??)
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ultimatecryptid · 14 hours
wip: emery ostagar fic
The warden woman is doubled over her own sword dry heaving, the mage behind her is shaking so much their stupid feather cap looks ready to fly off, Alistair is frozen, and Emery can feel a dozen more darkspawn staked out behind the stupid door. The fire from the barricades on the first floor might not be following them up the stairs, but the crackle of it is echoing and she can't think past it. 
She forces her breath out through her nose. 
"I'm taking her shield," she says. It's not like the woman is using it. "I open the door. Pop in. They chase me out. You," she points at the mage, "Fire. Freeze, maybe. Alistair and I keep them pinned in the doorway until you can go again. Freeze first, actually, to block the door more. When they push through, we swing."
That seems to drag Alistair back. "Cath."
What? Emery blinks, she can feel her face twitching. Alistair isn't even meeting her eyes. "Their name's Cath." Ah. Forget the twitch, Em reels herself back with yet another breath. It tastes like the blood.
"Cath sparks. You and me keep the darkspawn back. Ready?"
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 9 months
i feel like this set was in ultraman gaia or something
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jeonghanurl · 2 years
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any advice for nursing students/new nurses?
When you buy a stethoscope, get it engraved with your name, I literally cannot tell you how much that has saved my ass. All stethoscopes look the exact same, even if you think you got a unique looking one, and they're super easy to lose, and they're a hundred plus bucks. engraved!!
There's literally so many acronyms, and everyone assumes the acronyms they know are universal, and no one is correct. Get comfortable with the phrase "remind me what [x] stands for" when someone rattles off a string of letters you don't recognize. (sometimes the person talking to you doesn't know either! whoops!!)
Ask questions all the time actually. This is the ideal time to do so and everyone will be scared if you don't.
For straight cathing patients, you can usually get a lidocaine gel that numbs the urethra, which helps with discomfort. Also for straight cathing patients, if they have a vagina, make sure you visualize the urethra before you start the whole process. You don't want to have to find it later when you're sterile and can't touch anything.
If you've never used a bed pan, it is surprisingly much harder than you would expect. familiarize yourself with them before you have to place one for the first time.
At the end of every shift, find one thing you can point at that you did and were proud of. You can be proud of helping a patient get up and walk. You can be proud that your patient's pain never got above a 4. You can be proud that you helped out another nurse's patients while they were dealing with an admit. You can be proud that you didn't get visibly mad at a patient who was screaming at you. You can be proud that you got to the end of the shift and everyone is alive. You can be proud that you realized you were in over your head and called for help. Find something each shift to be proud of, and the corollary to that is behave in ways that make it easier to be proud of yourself when you look back at the way you spent your shift
get good shoes.
prioritize sleep.
meal prep
pick a few things about yourself that are harmless, not at all intimate small talk. I also have a few fun facts about myself that I love to talk about but don't overstep any boundaries (stuff like that I'm from Virginia, that I'm part of float pool so I can tell you how this room compares to others in the hospital, I have dyed hair and people love talking about that). Draw boundaries to be personable but not inappropriate. Genuinely, practice small talk. You have small talk when things are going fine so you can have Big Talk when someone's breaking down crying or starts screaming in the hallway or wants to leave against medical advice or is furious that their visitors are gonna get searched on the way in. Build rapport before you need rapport.
Sort of similar to the last one, I try to care very deeply about my patients on shift and then forget about them when I go home. I debrief with my mom or Cyrus or my journal, and then I take a shower. The shower is my mental reset time. I tuck my nursona away and emerge as just some dipshit in a towel. Find whatever ritual helps you end your shift.
there are many ways to be a good nurse. sometimes you need a hardass. sometimes you need a cheerleader. sometimes you need a goofball. sometimes you need someone who doesn't chit chat but will always get your teeth brushed, your hands washed, and your hair braided before breakfast can even get to the floor, no matter how shortstaffed the floor is. sometimes you need someone who will talk to you at three in the morning about what the dying process is like. it is impossible to be all things to all patients. as a new nurse, you start by focusing on basic minimal competency, but pay attention to what parts of the job energize you, what parts come easy to you, and lean into those. get competent at the things you are bad at, get passionate about the things you are good at, and you'll have a better chance of building a nursing practice that you can keep up with the shit times start.
the shit times can start anytime but oooh boy do they tend to arrive at your six month mark.
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jazzythursday · 6 months
Did anyone else have the experience of reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell at the ripe age of 13 and relating to Cath because you read fanfic and had crippling social anxiety, and THEN eventually growing up to be a young adult who wrote fanfic and had crippling social anxiety, in your first year of uni and trying to finish your biggest fic yet by a specific self-imposed deadline at the expense of your finals assessments? Because boy do I have I story for yo—
I didn’t write fic when I read Fangirl for the first time—I didn’t write fic until the summer before my first year of uni, funnily enough—but seeing a character that used fictional worlds/relationships to escape the real one, who struggled in the same ways as me and didn’t so much as change by the end but grow and evolve was really special to me.
Rainbow gave me a little too much credit, maybe… I did not, unfortunately, get a Levi or a Reagan, nor do I have a spunky twin sister to reconnect with. It’s just me and my writing, my blorbos and my fandom friends—even now that I’m going through another fic deadline rush worryingly close finals in my second year, AGAIN—but I can’t help but think about how serendipitous it is that my life ended up mirroring a lot about a character that spoke to me so much as a tween.
I reread Fangirl every now and again and always, I think: oh, I feel like that. She gets it… which is maybe a little bit sad when it’s because you’re hiding in a bathroom for an hour because you’re too scared to go to the canteen, or crying because you’ve lived the whole first quarter of your life and you still don’t know how to talk to people, but even those times, being alone didn’t feel as… alone, I think, because of Fangirl.
I think about Cath when I’m on hour 6 of writing and I’m hunched over my laptop in the dark. I think about her when I put up fandom posters on my dorm room walls, or reply to fic comments, or straight up start crying because, besides fandom, I’m really lonely. (I think about her when I’m not so lonely too—when I talk to people and it goes ok, and maybe I can be person, actually).
I think about Cath when I’m scared. I think about her when I’m terrified and I just have to keep going anyway.
All that’s to say, I’m really grateful that Rainbow Rowell read so much drarry fanfiction wrote Fangirl, and I’m really grateful it was displayed at the front table of the bookstore I was in. I’m really grateful I read it, and related to it, and that I still do.
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elliebyrrdwrites · 3 months
Dramione Drabble 12
This story that started out as a Drabble is bout to hit 20k words. So, yeah, things have turned serious. To those who enjoy this story and have left me beautiful comments, you are literally the reason I cant stop writing this. It feels like a group effort, you know?
“The last spell performed by Hermione’s wand was an Incarcerous.” Harry muttered as he spoke to Robarbs.
Draco and Hermione were sat in a interrogation room. They sat, together, on one side of the table while Ron, Harry and Robarbs all stood together on the other side. Robarbs and Harry were filling out a report while they questioned the two. Ron was staring at Malfoy, eyes accusatory.
“And Malfoys?” Robarbs asked, gruffly.
“A warming spell.” Harry glanced up at Hermione, awkwardly. Draco had used a warming spell as her body suffered the aftermaths of performing dark magic. The shock of taking a life.
Malfoy’s knee pressed up against hers under the table. Their hands were resting on the table, visible to the Aurors questioning them.
“Everything seems to check out. Cath’s story lines up with theirs.” Robarbs said of the witch who called in the break in and nodded to Harry who agreed.
“You don’t find it curious?” Ron asked, glancing over at his boss. “That the past two calls Malfoy has been sent out on, the assailant has ended up dead?”
“Well, not the one that got away.” Draco drawled, leaning back in his seat, hands flat against the metal table. His legs opened wider, his knee pressing hard into Hermione’s. They weren’t handcuffed to the table but it was protocol to keep the suspects hands visible when questioning them.
She blinked up at Ron. “Do you really think I would let Malfoy get away with murder, Ronald?”
Ron grimaced at her cool stare and looked back at Malfoy. “I think this is all too convenient. He saves your life, you save his. Both suspects dead?”
“You know, you’re right, Weasley.” Draco looked over at Hermione and smiled when she turned to look at him. “You saved my life, Granger.” He blinked and leaned into her. “Allow me to thank you.”
Hermione did nothing as his warm lips pressed into hers. Nothing whatsoever, as they nudged hers open and his tongue slipped inside. It only lasted a moment, seconds! before Ron’s body crashed into Draco’s.
Draco’s seat tipped over with the force of the hit, both men slamming to the floor.
“Ron!” Harry bellowed while Robarbs sighed out a “Weasley.”
But Ron was lost to the world, his knees were dug into Draco’s hips while his fist pulled back and hit Draco square in the mouth.
Hermione jumped to her feet, heart pounding furiously in her chest.
But then Draco was laughing and shoving his hands into Ron’s face, his fingers pushing against his eyes and his nose.
Hermione blinked.
Suddenly, she was seeing everything from Draco’s point of view.
The fuming sputtering red face of Ron. She could taste the blood in Draco’s mouth as he held Weasley’s face away from his own, laughing up at him, taunting him. Because Draco was taller, his limbs longer. He held him back, digging a thumb into his eye. Weasley wasn’t a threat to him. He was only doing exactly what he wanted, making a fool of himself, destroying his reputation as an Auror.
And then Robarbs and Harry were lifting Ron off of Draco as Hermione blinked back into her body. Ron was kicking and cursing Draco. “Don’t you ever touch her again, you evil bastard!” Ron was bellowing as he was dragged away from him.
Draco stood up and grinned at him. There was blood climbing up and down the cracks between his perfectly straight teeth as he looked at Ron. He straightened the jacket of his suit and lifted his chin. “For someone who cant get get it up, I would think you’d understand her need for being touched.”
“You fucking asshole!” Ron was yellowing as he was dragged from the interrogation room. “She isn’t yours to touch. Hermione, don’t you fucking dare —” But then his vice was cut off with the sealing of the large, metal door meant to keep criminals inside.
Hermione glared at Draco as he turned to look at her.
His brow lifted as she took in his bloody mouth, lips swollen and red.
“You meant to provoke him.” She hissed.
Draco nodded.
Hermione slapped him. She knew then that something was wrong with her, with him. The both of them had something deeply wrong with them.
Draco’s head snapped to the side, his hair flying over his forehead with the force of it. He pushed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, near the corner of his lip that was dripping blood before he turned to look at her.
His eyes were dark but she knew that he wasn’t angry with her.
Maybe it was because he knew what she was going to do, next.
Hermione grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him into her. She pushed herself to the tip of her toes and Draco’s hands went to her shoulders, his long fingers wrapping over them and then she kissed him.
Draco groaned into her mouth and then his hands were in her hair, pressing her mouth harder against his as it slanted over hers. And her hands were suddenly at his face, cupping them over his jaw.
She tasted copper and salt and the lingering hint of peppermint. She smelled him, inhaled him into her as she nudged his mouth open wider, deepening the kiss. The kiss became indecent, their tongues tasting one another’s as their bodies fought to get closer.
He wanted to fuck her on this table, she felt it, the thought. Felt the idea flutter behind his closed eyelids as he pressed her ass against the edge of it. He wanted Ron to watch through the two way mirror as he bent her over it, fucking her from behind and forcing her to cry out his name.
She’d never called out anyone’s name during sex. Nobody had pushed her to that irrational edge of ecstasy. But she knew Draco would. He had come close when he went down on her on Friday. And now she was entertaining the idea of getting fucked on the table in an interrogation room.
But then he was ripping his mouth away from hers and panting into her face as he held her an arms length away from her, hands back on her shoulders.
“Not yet.” He said, breathlessly.
Just before the door opened and Harry walked in, shaking his head, angry with Ron. Angry with Malfoy.
But when he looked at Hermione and found her lips smeared with Draco’s blood, he closed his eyes and exhaled. Long and slow. “Hermione,” He took a breath. “What the fuck?”
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
A list of nnt "headcanons" that's actually me just blatantly denying canon bc nakaba is only getting weirder with 4kota so I am revoking his rights
Ban is still immortal. I'll be damned if he ages at human pace while his son, wife, best friend, and teammates outlive him. Also it's just too badass to throw away conceptually
Elizabeth is much more similar to her goddess/Liz personality after her memories/revival
Merlin isn't evil, Arthur isn't evil, neither of them care/know about chaos. Yeah. Straight denial of the main 4kota plotline. Yea.
I just rlly love merlin and I dislike this characterization
Escanor's alive. Bc I like him. He's a good kid. Maybe he and Merlin can be together as a treat for them both
Meliodas and Elizabeth (and Zeldris) were pretty young when they were cursed/sealed and are going to look older in a century or two. They're straight up just babies frozen in time and they'll look older than like 15 soon enough
Elaine too. She can still be short and petite and have short hair but like... just age up her face a bit damn
The sins waited (much) longer to have kids, are actually good parents, and raise their kids together - they overall stay together bc why have found family just to break them apart in the end, that's dumb
This is canon but never utilized but Elizabeth is just powerful as fuck and will use her powers bc she's a bad ass
Ban and Meliodas have fucked. This is not particularly important and is technically canon compliant but like... come on... they're too boyfriend coded to have not fucked in the long years in which both of their loves were dead/a child. They fucked.
Jericho doesn't have a character assassination and settles down with a lesbian lover. Maybe Guila. But is family to Ban. And is def not a p*do with his son. Because what the actual fuck
Howzer (best boy) gets bitches. Maybe Guila. Maybe they're in a throuple. Idk. But I want him to find love
Dreyfus and Hendy (also best boy) are gay. Again, this one feels low key canon compliant. But yeah, they're dating
Tristan is proud of both his demon and goddess heritage, or at least he and Meliodas are on journeys of self acceptance together bc they're bad ass and I love them, especially as demons
Hawk Mama is still a weirdly goated mystery pig. Just kinda chaotic neutral being who just rlly likes being in the ground and having a bar on her back. Also Cath isn't fucking evil. I miss Cath
Okay that's all I can think of for now. But yeah. I am fucking delusional so I truly believe all of these things. They're canon. I'll add more as I think of them
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applesforthis · 5 months
Deadloch fic rec list!
There's some really enjoyable fic out there in this fandom — this is by no means an exhaustive list. In fact, my whole reason for posting it is to encourage people to explore what's out there, if you haven’t yet.
That said, here are my personal favorites. I really love a fic where a character's voice has come through really well, and that's true of all of these.
Eddie, Dulcie and Cath:
north to the ocean, hotter than the sun by halfeatenmoon (explicit)
This is so hot and so funny. I love this Cath: so in-character and so completely excellent. So many of her and Eddie’s lines in this made me die laughing ("domestic"!!). And I really love Dulcie and Eddie’s vibe, here; their interactions made me flail so hard. 
Deadloch, day eight by Despire (teen and up)
One of my favorite things about the show was the way Eddie looks at Dulcie, and how it changes over time as they get closer. This fic...has somehow managed to capture that energy perfectly, and it really got me in my feelings. I love Eddie so much and I love Eddie with Dulcie so much.
Keep On Gruckin’ by kirazi (explicit)
This fic includes a lot of little character notes that feel so absolutely right, to me, particularly for Dulcie and Cath. I love how…sort of shy Dulcie and Eddie are around each other. And I love seeing what Dulcie loves about Cath; I love seeing those two in a really believable, really happy relationship. Searing hot, as well. 
house rules by halfeatenmoon (teen and up)
This has two things I love: Eddie and Cath becoming friends, and Dulcie playing the straight man/stooge who has to deal with their shenanigans. This is so in-character and so cute and fun.
despite all my bad decisions by DeanBean (explicit)
I love this version of Dulcie SO MUCH. She has a lot of overlap with how I see Dulcie, actually. I really buy her — I felt very convinced by this and like I could see the things that were happening while I was reading. Excellent, and also so hot.
In Plain Sight by applesforthis (explicit)
I feel awkward reccing my own fic. But, well — I posted it on April first, and afterward a couple people pointed out that tumblr was full of boops that day and that many people may have missed it for that reason. If you want a very character-driven, slow-build Eddie/Dulcie(/Cath) story leading to polyamory, with lots of personal growth and relationship-building and a very happy ending, then this is for you.
The difference is kissing someone you actually like by Lenore (teen and up)
This Abby is so absolutely in-character. And so is Deadloch. Can a place be said to be in-character? I don’t know but this fic has nailed it. I love seeing Abby’s ups and downs as she works on doing something daunting without the support that she’s used to. I love how much she loves her job, and I love the happy ending.
Everything Good Happens After Midnight by skyvillage (teen and up)
This is so sweet. I really liked Abby and Sharelle being friends in canon, and this feels like such a natural extension of that. 
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