wyndolls · 10 months
Strangozzi with Tomato & Anchovy
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xxblackechoxx · 1 year
Strangozzi with Tomato & Anchovy
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hannahology · 1 year
Strangozzi with Tomato & Anchovy
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wordyneonlights · 1 month
Late Birthday Gift
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Should I stop using the same header for literally everything I write??? probably Here, have a Renga fic that I'm sure you'll love very much (this is like the fifth draft this thing almost killed me) Oh, this is part one by the way. Part two will arrive (somehow, someday)
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It had been a long hot week and Reki was leaning on a tree at the skate park thinking of everything and nothing at once.
He was thinking of his favourite brand of hair dye that had been discontinued, a new design for a Skateboard commission and the ginormous aching crush he had on Langa Hasegawa.
OK maybe he was being a bit overdramatic, he wasn't even sure it was a crush, maybe he'd reached some secret level of friendship no one had ever heard of.
The type that had you daydreaming about your friend, and thinking about kissing them. But did he really want to kiss Langa or was he just curious as to what it would be like to kiss a boy in general.
Sure he'd always found guys hot, in the general sense that is. Like, girls are hot, guys are hot, the sun is hot, ice is cold. Those were just regular everyday facts, it didn't mean anything, and it didn't prove anything.
But then again, if he really wanted to indulge in the idea then it would be accurate to say that he did in fact have an annoyingly large crush on his best friend.
And that was the main problem with it, Langa was his best friend, if things went badly then ... he didn't even want to think about it. Choosing instead to slump further into the tree.
Trees were cool, he thought. They didn't have to worry about cute guys or sexuality crises. All they had to do was take in carbon dioxide and give everyone else oxygen.
It was during Reki's tree pondering that Miya Chinen happened to be skating by the park and stopped at the sight of the despondent looking red head
"Why are you moping?" He asked once he had approached the boy
" 'M not moping," Rei responded, "I'm thinking,"
Miya rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the grass next to him
"Doubt you have much brain in there to think," he muttered before yelping as Reki elbowed him in the arm
"It's grown up stuff," he said somberly, "You wouldn't understand,"
"You are like four years older than me," he deadpanned as Reki got up.
"As I said, grown up stuff."
He picked up his Skateboard and gestured to the younger boy, "You wanna go to Joe's?"
Miya didn't really have anything else to do so he agreed and they began their walk to the restaurant.
Reki didn't talk much on the way there, turning over possibilities in his mind and worrying so thoroughly he was afraid he was going to be sick by the time they had reached their destination.
When they got to the restaurant, he slumped onto the table and picked up a menu. Strangozzi or strozzapreti he saw. But wait what was the difference? Why were the words so similar?? Why was it so confusing! Why was EVRYTHING SO CONFUSING.
He almost felt like crying, choosing instead to bury his face in his arms on the table.
"Reki," he heard Miya ask, "Are you ok? Are you sick?"
"I wish I was a tree," the older boy groaned in response.
It was only a couple of minutes after his admission he felt a warm hand on his back and sat up to see Joe slipping into the booth opposite him.
"What's this I hear about you wanting to be a tree?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips
"Just going through some stuff is all," Reki muttered, somewhat embarrassed of his earlier admission
"Grown up stuff?"
Reki blushed slightly and shrugged as the older man continued.
"Not too grown up I hope,"
"I'm just confused is all," Reki admitted
"About the menu?"
"No... well yes, but no it's not that..."
Joe lifted his eyebrow and urged Reki to continue
'Ugh this is so embarrassing!' He thought
"I've got... romance issues,"
"Girl troubles?" The older man asked and Reki blushed deeper
"Ah, boy troubles,"
Joe leaned back in his chair placing the tips of his fingers together.
"I have feelings for someone," The red head managed to choke out, "And I'm not sure what to do about them,"
"Confess?" Joe suggested and Reki sighed
"He's my best friend and I'm scared that it might not... work out I guess. And I don't even know if he's into guys-"
"We're talking about Langa right?" Joe interrupted and Reki coloured before nodding, "Alright then you don't need to worry about if he likes guys or not,"
Reki blinked, "How do you know?"
"Kid I may look young and fabulous but I've been around enough to tell these sort of things. Call it a sixth sense," he winked and eliciting a small smile from the red head.
'At least,' he thought, 'One thing was sort of sorted.' But then... there were the other problems, the more choking problems. He'd never been a boyfriend before, he'd never even been in a relationship before, what if he sucked at it? What if Langa was disgusted with his lack of experience.
What if he just wasn't good enough.
"Look," Joe started, taking Reki out of his spiral, "I can't force you to confess or anything, but I can tell you that you don't have to tear yourself up about anything. There's nothing wrong with you and your feelings right now are one hundred percent valid." He stopped observing the red head who was looking at him with a strange sort of expression on his face, "You like girls?" He asked, and Reki nodded, "And you like guys?" Another nod, "Then that's all you really need,"
Reki wasn't sure what to make of the feeling in his chest, equal parts relief, fear and tiredness.
"You've got this kid," Joe said, getting up "You've got a good head on your shoulders," he squeezed the red heads shoulder before walking off to the kitchen.
Reki watched him walk away, before his eyes drifted towards Miya who had been trying (and failing) to eavesdrop on the conversation. He felt a smile stretch his face as he walked over to him.
"Nice to see you were worrying about me," he teased
"Whatever," the younger boy replied playing with his straw, "But you're like, ok and everything,"
Reki paused, trying to figure out if that was a question or a statement, before ruffling his head, "I'll live. You wanna come with me to Langa's?"
Miya's nose wrinkled at the proposition, "You can do that on your own,"
Reki nodded, annoyingly Miya was right, this was something he had to deal with on his own. He waved goodbye to the boy before heading towards his... best friend? Future boyfriend? 's house.
This was going to be everything but easy.
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Again I'm demonstrating my brilliance at writing endings anyways hope you enjoyed!!
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stranotizie · 1 month
Andiamo alla scoperta della ricetta del primo piatto umbro per eccellenza, gli strangozzi alla spoletina, molto più di una pasta al pomodoro. La cucina della regione umbra è tutta da scoprire. Tra le varie prelibatezze però ce n’è una che merita assolutamente di essere provata. Stiamo parlando degli strangozzi alla spoletina, un primo piatto dai sapori semplici in grado di conquistare tutti al primo assaggio. A prima vista questo piatto tipico dell’Umbria potrebbe sembrare della semplice pasta al pomodoro ma vuoi il formato di pasta, vuoi il sugo saporito, le fanno fare quel salto di qualità in più. Gli stringozzi, anche noti come strangozzi o strozzapreti, sono un formato lungo preparato unicamente con farina (00 e di semola) e acqua. Vediamo insieme come preparare questa pasta umbra. Strangozzi Come preparare la ricetta degli strangozzi alla spoletina Per prima cosa dedicatevi alla pasta. Riunite in una ciotola le due farine, un cucchiaio di olio e l’acqua e iniziate a impastare prima con un cucchiaio poi a mano, trasferendo tutto sulla spianatoia. Se avete una buona manualità potete anche fare direttamente la fontana con le farine. Una volta ottenuto un impasto liscio e omogeneo, fatelo riposare sotto una ciotola capovolta per circa 30 minuti. In questo modo faticherete molto meno a stenderlo. Nel frattempo preparate il sugo. Scaldate in una padella l’olio con gli spicchi di aglio. Unite quindi i pomodori tagliati in 8, una presa di sale e una macinata di pepe e lasciate cuocere per 30 minuti. Dovrete ottenere una salsa densa. Volendo potete utilizzare pari peso di pomodori pelati. Stendete ora la pasta, aiutandovi con della farina, fino a raggiungere 2 mm di spessore, il doppio delle classiche tagliatelle. Arrotolatela poi su se stessa e tagliatela a fettine di circa mezzo centimetro. Non c’è una linea comune in questo quindi potete scegliere la larghezza che preferite. Lessate la pasta in abbondante acqua salata per 3-4 minuti, scolateli e saltateli in padella con il condimento a base di pomodoro, profumando con il prezzemolo tritato al momento. In questo video potete farvi meglio un’idea dei passaggi, dello spessore della pasta e di come tagliarla senza fare fatica. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ln_cj-gpic Rimaniamo nella bellissima regione Umbria per provare anche un altro piatto tipico, gli umbricelli. Anche in questo caso una pasta fresca senza uova rustica e di spessore perfetta per accogliere anche i sughi più ricchi. Conservazione Questo piatto si conserva in frigorifero per massimo un paio di giorni. Trattandosi di pasta fresca, quando andate a riscaldarlo è opportuno aggiungere un filo di olio. Origine e storia Strangozzi, stringozzi, strengozzi: paese che vai, nome che trovi. Il formato di pasta però è sempre lo stesso senza uova e dalla forma simile ai tagliolini. Differiscono dagli umbricelli per forma e miscela di farine. Gli umbricelli infatti sono più simili a grossi spaghetti mentre questi, come accennato poc’anzi, sono più assimilabili a tagliolini. Sebbene poi non esista una linea comune, solitamente per gli umbricelli si utilizza farina 0 mentre per gli strangozzi una miscela di farina 0 e semola rimacinata. Secondo un detto spoletino gli stringozzi devono essere “nerte de pasta e fine de cortello”. Una leggenda fa risalire l’origine del nome all’epoca in cui la regione ospitava il palazzo pontificio. Gli anticlericali erano soliti strangolare i preti per le vie della città utilizzando le stringhe di cuoio delle scarpe. Dall’unione dei due termini, stringa e gozzo, nasce questo nuovo termine. Fonte
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dieswaytoofast · 5 months
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Pici, umbrecelli, and strangozzi - same pasta and different names depending on where you are in Umbria…
#Lillotatini #Panicale
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recipeselected · 1 year
Pasta alla Norcina is a typical dish of Italian Umbrian cuisine prepared with Norcia sausage crumbled in a pan with oil and onion, fresh cream, truffle and pecorino cheese. It is usually prepared with short pasta: penne, rigatoni, pici, strangozzi, but there is also a version with long pasta, spaghetti or tagliatelle, which is made only with black truffles, garlic and anchovies, to which you can add mushrooms . We will prepare the first version with sausage and cream, creamy and rich in taste. If you do not find Norcia sausages you can use the classic pork sausage, but the final flavor will be less aromatic: the appellation "alla norcina" derives from the use of the sausages of the master butchers (norcini). Here's how to prepare this ideal first course for Sunday lunch that will conquer everyone.
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Day Three - Sunday, March 26
Our real vacation was about to begin.  We woke at 7 a.m. and had a great breakfast at our hotel.  Italians love to eat breakfast and it did not disappoint. Laura and I walked around Bologna for a few hours and couldn’t believe how many people were out and about on a Sunday morning.  Apparently there is some type of concert or music festival going on so the town was really crowded.
We found the 2 towers in Bologna which encompass part of the 12 gates of Bologna.  The taller tower is Tower Asinelli and the smaller, but more leaning, tower is the Tower Garisenda.  If you are a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, you would understand the ritual and significance of the two towers in Bologna.  We walked through the Basilica di Santo Stefano, the oldest and most famous church in Bologna.  We finished our walk with our first gelato at Gelateria delle Moline.  It was outstanding.  We watched as the owner was making it fresh for that day.
We checked out of our hotel and got into our rental car, a very nice Mercedes, for our 1 ½ drive to San Marino.  
San Marino is one of the smallest Republics in the World.  An actual separate country, with a full government, inside of Italy.  It also holds a special memory for me.  In 1981, as a college student while I was studying abroad in Rome, our group made a stop in San Marino on the way back to Rome from a weekend in Venice.  The one reason for that stop – the President of the school knew that I liked Amaretto and he said they had the best.  I bought that bottle 42 years ago and as we made our way, on the bus, from San Marino to Rome, the bus driver was driving fast and swerving.  I watched in horror as my bottle fell from the overhead bin and came crashing down on the floor of the bus.
It would be 12 years before I was able to taste that Amaretto again.  My then legal secretary, Grace, and her husband, Dave, rented a car in Rome on a business trip and drove to San Marino to buy me a bottle around 1992 (after I told her the story about my experience in 1981).  I slowly sipped that bottle for years.  This was my chance to taste the sweet liquor again.  It was better than I remembered.
Once we arrived in San Marino, we parked and took the cable car up to the town high upon the hill.  The views were incredible.  It was a gorgeous clear day and we could see the Adriatic Sea about 40 miles away. The countryside was spectacular.  It was a little windy and cooler (about 50 degrees) at the top.  We got our passports stamped (it is a thing there), picked up a quick panini sandwich and took the cable car back down.
Next, we drove to our next destination, Assisi.  Our drive down the highway along the Adriatic Sea was gorgeous. We arrived at our Agriturismo called Le Mandrie Di San Paolo.  An Agriturismo in Italy is actually a family farm.  They rent rooms and serve food sourced from their farm.  This home was built over 1,000 years ago.  Le Mandrie also has one of the top restaurants in the area. 
We checked in and walked around the property.  We have a great little suite above the restaurant.  
We had a fantastic dinner, starting with a selection of locally made cheese and bruschetta, then a fabulous local pasta dish called strangozzi (local large fresh homemade spaghetti) the Mandrianna way (homemade cheese and bacon and fresh eggs), then grilled lamb with roasted local onions in olive oil and finished with crescionda cake,  (a sweet chocolate cake) and homemade vanilla gelato.
We drank their locally made wine which was fantastic when paired with our meal and capped our dessert with two cordials – Danny of course had limoncello with organic lemons and Laura had a digestive with olive leaves and rosemary.  We had over a 2 ½ hour dinner and thoroughly enjoyed our hosts.  The restaurant was not crowded, but manageable.
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exportinukr · 2 years
Parliamo oggi di un piatto tipico umbro: gli strangozzi al tartufo nero. 'Gusto Italiano' vi propone la ricetta preparata senz' uova.  Ecco gl'ingredienti:  Semola rimacinata 150 g Farina 150 g
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matteobaudone · 2 years
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#strangozzi al #ragubianco #ragùbianco from #perugia #perugiacentro #holiday #sonoinvacanza https://www.instagram.com/p/CcBV36WqrrH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cuoco-celestino · 4 years
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Un #primopiattotop : #strozzapreti ai #funghichampignon e #prezzemolo ... Facili da preparare, buonissimi da mangiare!!! 🔝😉👍🏻 . #cuococelestino #primopiatto #primipiatti #pasta #pastafresca #bicoli #strangozzi #wlapasta #cucinare #cucina #cibo #food #foodblogger #foodblogger #foodporn #foodpics #instafood #instapic #amocucinare #quantoamocucinare #cuoco #vamos https://www.instagram.com/p/CE41OCVhf5O/?igshid=n00iiru7mqds
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travelale15 · 4 years
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Il mondo in tavola: Strangozzi alla Spoletina,un must della cucina umbra Strangozzi alla Spoletina è questo forse il piatto più famoso in tutta la bella cittadina di Spoleto.
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valnerinaonline · 4 years
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Un bel piatto della nostra Umbria? Gli #strangozzi e quando sono secchi richiedono un tempo di cottura abbastanza alto! Ma... #iorestoacasaecucino con tranquillità! Qui una foto di @lacucinadi_jen • • • • • • Strangozzi alla spoletina. • • • • • • Piatto tipico della mia città. Qual è il vostro piatto tipico? • • • • • • Usa l'hashtag #valnerinaonline per farci condividere le tue migliori foto! • • • • • • (presso Valnerina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ZmLfxFC47/?igshid=6qmk082a3d44
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costantino-invictus · 5 years
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Strangozzi con la crema di zucchine!🤤 #pasta #strangozzi #porri #salsiccia #primipiatti #philadelphia #food #cibo #gnam #pranzoitaliano #bestoftheday #cucina #food #love #picoftheday #lifestyle #delicious #love #followme #foodporn #food #beautiful #italianfood #2smart4food #ifpgallery #clickeatadvisor #piattiitaliani #firstpost (presso Testone) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_avmeIL7w/?igshid=1jl483rzzbl79
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martussa87 · 6 years
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#strangozzi al #tartufo!!! igitaly #igitalia #igersitalia #igersitaly #igersnapoli #igumbria #igersumbria #pasta #pastalovers #pastalover #food #foodporn #foodgasm #instafood #instagood #cooking #cookingram #cucinaitaliana #cibo #scatta_e_mangia_#foodbloggeritaliani#foods_mania__#bontaitaliane#food_super_pics #ledolcitentazioni #f52familystyle @onlyfood_official #ilfood_delsud @golosiefelici #golosiefelici @scatta_e_mangia @foodbloggeritaliani @foods_mania__ @bontaitaliane @food_super_pics @ilfood_delsud (presso Naples, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtGXUV-hJ8e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lfa5uxjzlev3
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dieswaytoofast · 6 months
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TFW when you pick a random trattoria, and the strangozzi is amazeballs
Note: to be precise, the feeling is that of utter normalcy . This is Italy after all…
#TrattoriaOberdan #Perugia
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