#strauss x reader
Hello! How are ya?
If you're in the mood, could you write something for Strauss x f!tremere that works really hard, maybe even *too* hard? Like, borderline thinking she will be killed or something if she fails (like college, where is she failed she would be terribly behind), so he shows up to her room to check on her and she is slouched over notes and almost hyperventilating so he has to calm her down and reassure her? General fluff and cuteness. <3
[Hello! I’m doing alright. So sorry this took a bit to get here, I’ve had the worst brain fog lately so words hated me for like a week or something, haha. Hopefully it was worth the wait though :)]
Strauss x f! Reader
There were many things that Strauss had learned during his many years of being a regent. One of these things was the difference between when someone hadn’t been seen in a while because they were busy and when someone hadn’t been seen in a while to the point of it being concerning. Such was what he suspected the case to be with you tonight.
When he had seen you at the end of the night before, it seemed like you were stressed about something, though he was not able to tell what that was. You had seemed troubled, but not so much that it was alarming at the time. However, Strauss had neither seen nor heard you at all tonight which became concerning as it was now pushing 1:00 in the morning. This was more than enough time for you to have risen from the hold of the morning and come down from your room; even if it was not to report to him, then for a myriad of other reasons.
That is why Strauss had made his way up to the door of your room and began knocking. It was gentle at first, but he then gave another, more firm rap at the door when you didn’t answer even after he called your name. Eventually, enough was enough and he was turning the doorknob which he found was unlocked, and announced himself as he let himself in.
The sight that he saw when he was in the room wasn’t anything that Strauss had not seen before, at least in one form or another. He had thought that you weren’t likely to fall prey to major burnout, but here you were, hunched over your desk, shoulders shaking, and so much into your despair that you probably didn’t even comprehend that he was there, at least not fully.
“Childe,” Strauss called softly, placing a hand on your shoulder. “What troubles you?”
It seemed that you did not notice him as previously thought, but you did little more than gasp a bit before your breathing went back to its stunted attempts to even itself. If he was going to find out what was happening then he was going to have to stop your hyperventilating.
Once again from his experience of being a regent for so long, Strauss was often prepared for most situations that could arrive. And, though perhaps not the most coddling of people naturally, he wasn’t completely without empathy; some understanding of people was useful to have, be that for ill or good. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a small vial with a flat bottom. Popping the lid off of it he sat it on your desk out of the way of where you were lying your head and arms. Soon a soft and calming aroma was wafting into the air.
This was already starting to help you calm down, but it wouldn’t do the job alone. However, Strauss was hopeful that now you would be able to explain at least something about what had happened.
“Now, if you could, tell me what you have been doing.” It was a command, but a gentle one.
“I…I have been studying the… the….”
You seemed like you were still having trouble talking clearly much less explaining things, but you were able to sit up a bit more and motioned to the material on your desk.
Looking it over, Strauss could see that it was indeed something that he had assigned to you a few nights prior, and stressed only last night how imperative it was for you to learn it.
He should have known to be a bit more cautious with his insistency as this was indeed something that many young Tremere would often fret over seeing as it was one of the first things they would have to present to a higher member of The Pyramid themselves rather than having their regent do so. But, once again, you being one of his most promising pupils in quite some time led him to mistakenly believe that you were somehow immune to this anxiety.
Strauss gave a thoughtful hum, “I see,” he seemed to be disappointed, though at his own shortcomings in this situation rather than anything that you were doing. “And, for how long have you been studying?”
You gave a shaky breath, deep yet still troubled. The fact that you were breathing at all was concerning as the one of only reasons for kindred to partake in the act was to try to calm their nerves, a soothing method leftover from their past human life. There was an equally shaken exhale before you responded, “Since last night.”
“When did you revive and start your studies again tonight?”
“I didn’t.”
“Beg pardon?”
You froze for a moment when you thought that you might have offended him somehow with your answer. However, a glance in his direction let you know that he was truly puzzled and not wanting you to expound your answer in apology.
“I was awake the whole morning.” You explained.
At this Strauss gave a sigh, an exasperated and almost woeful sigh.
“To be awake with the sun is something that even seasoned kindred can struggle with. It was neglectful for you to attempt something so foolish.” He was correcting, but it still held the gentle tone that he had maintained since he had come into your room.
“Neglectful?” Your question came in a mumble.
“That is correct: neglectful. To both your health and your studies.”
“Yes, I know. You stayed awake this whole time to study the required material.” Strauss interrupted, something that he only did when he thought that teaching was more important than manners, and thus catching your attention.
“And, tell me, childe, did your actions result in a better understanding of your reading, or did it upset you to the point of being ill?”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t need to as you both knew the state you were in right now. Strauss wasn’t going to let you delve back into your sorrow, though your body threatened to return to its violent sobs at any moment.
“Worry not. I am not angry with you. This whole ordeal is partially my fault. As your regent, I should have better prepared and worked with you rather than expecting you to be able to accomplish all of this work alone.”
There was something more soft about this side about Strauss; something that you could have sworn you had never seen him show to anyone else before. And, to be honest, he thought so as well. Though he might never admit it verbally, or perhaps even mentally, he did have at least a bit of a soft spot for you.
A small and endeared smile made its way to his face without his knowledge as he continued, once again placing a hand on your shoulder. “My erring was due to you being very bright. You excel in so many other things that I had thought you could handle something of this caliber with ease as well. That, however, was unfair of me to expect of you.”
It seemed that you were starting to settle, but not fully. Strauss, not wanting to make you more stressed by feeling like he was eyeing you like a hawk, decided that he should give you space for a while.
“You are to spend the rest of the night away from your studies. I do not care how you use your time, as long as it is away from those books and your notes of them.” He instructed, this time in a more firm and demanding tone so that you knew how serious he was about it.
“But, what about the exam? It's coming up soon and you told me that if I don’t do well then- then-“
“Do not worry about that now.” Strauss once again cut in to keep you from spiraling again. He also scolded himself for telling you of the student who did so poorly with his tone, memory, and presentation that the invigilator used Blood Boil on him. That was a yarn that he most certainly should have saved for after the examination. But, once again, he underestimated the stress this whole thing would place on you.
He started to make his way to the door. “You shall do fine. More than fine; you shall do well. I have as much confidence in you as I have had in all of my other students combined. That is if you rest and allow your mind to achieve its full potential. An overworked mind is an underutilized one. If the path of knowledge is not clear, then the haze of clouded memory with prevent it from passing.”
Strauss had to stop himself from giving another platitude. He was trying to calm you right now, not teach another lesson. So, he ended his time in your room by saying, “Rest and be sure that you do not make yourself go mad by staying in this room. Be sure to walk about if you need to. As you are aware, we are the only ones in the Chantry at this time, so you will not be disturbing anyone if you are wandering. Farewell.”
By the way you were looking when he shut the door, Strauss felt it was safe to leave you alone. He was also hopeful that you would sleep, or rather, the vampiric equivalent of it. He couldn’t be too outwardly affectionate with you as his role of regent was supposed to be equally attentive to all in his charge, and showing you favor would call his qualifications into question.
However, he did make sure to, “forget,” his aromatic vile on your desk. Not only to leave you with its soothing properties for a while longer but also so that he could return to you later when he went to retrieve it.
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smuttyfang · 9 months
Strauss, His Favorite Blood Doll
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"If you're still interested in doing these, there's so many things I could ask for, but the thing I'd most dearly like to see is Strauss/Reader. Uh... NSFW if possible. I don't think the wizard-king gets enough love. My first thought was the reader would most likely need to be a Tremere apprentice at the Chantry for it to be in character... but heck, maybe Max has what was once just a private blood doll that he's growing irrationally fond of. (Your human/vampire scenarios are hot, okay?) I'll be stoked to see whatever you come up with!"
Words: 1,461
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"There, finally.." You were standing in front of your mirror, checking on your appearance after getting ready. You were wearing what he always preferred for you to wear. A little classic black dress, hidden by a black trench coat until you arrived. Also a little makeup, but you did that more for yourself rather than doing it for him. You also wore a pair of sunglasses, despite it being night time. There was a good reason for you to be so inconspicuous. You were the favored blood doll of a pretty powerful vampire, a Tremere. A Regent.
There were a multitude of reasons that he picked you. He was extremely private, did NOT want his blood doll to be a well known person. He did NOT want you to be noticed or seen by anyone, nor did he want you to have any sort of connection with anyone. It's not like you had a problem with it. The amount of pleasure you got from his Kiss was worth more than anything else. You didn't have anyone in L.A. you were close to from the start, no family, no friends. Pretty much just work acquaintances. Being alone for some time, you had never been happier to be desired by someone like this. Especially someone so powerful. It felt like your own dirty little secret, and you loved every second of it.
As you approached the door to the building, you knocked. There was a particular way he wished for you to knock, so he would be aware that it was you. You weren't sure if this was his clan's base of operations or not. Sometimes the building looked slightly different to you when you'd come. Oddly enough, it would sometimes appear slightly off, but you couldn't put your finger on why. Maybe he was hiding it from you with magic, as it sometimes looked different on the inside too. You didn't dwell on it too much. He probably didn't want you to have a lot of information on him, as private as he was. After your knock, the door swung open on it's own. You were used to this. Stepping inside, the door closed on it's own behind you and locked. Walking up the stairs right beside of the front door, you noticed that the door to the room was already open. As you stepped inside, you saw him. Strauss was sitting at a desk close to the bed, reading what looked like a very old an ancient book. It was practically falling apart.
"Hi." You said, somewhat shyly. Something about even seeing him made you nervous. Your mind just became fogged with craving the feeling of his Kiss.
"Hello, my dear. You look lovely." You smiled brightly at his words as he closed the dusty book he was looking at.
"Thank you, I always get dressed up just for you." He stood up from his desk, pushing his chair in. He approached you, helping you take off your coat like the gentleman that he was.
"Haha, yes. I know." He was so confident and well spoken that it made you feel small. But it was an addicting feeling. He held his hand out to you, taking your hand and leading you toward the bed. He helped you sit down on the edge before kissing your hand. "Have you been doing well with your diet?" He asked. You had almost forgotten the list of foods he wanted you to eat. He said in some slight ways, it could change the taste of the blood just a tad.
"Yes, to the letter. Only what you approved of." He kissed higher this time, planting his lips on your wrist. You would swear that he was using magic on you simply by kissing you.
"Good, as I expected of you." His kisses trailed up your arm until he reached your shoulder. He nibbled on your skin just a bit. "Do you have any idea how thirsty I am? It's been far too long." Unable to speak, you only whimpered beneath his touch. His teeth grazed across your neck before he slowly sunk them into your skin. How was it not painful? It was something you'd never be able to understand. Two large fangs piercing deep into your flesh would have to be painful, or so you would think. But there was nothing you'd ever felt that had been as pleasurable as this. No drugs, no amount of alcohol, nothing could ever compare to how the Kiss made you feel. Pleasure flowed throughout your body, your skin tingling and feeling as if it was on fire. Unable to control yourself, you threw your head back and moaned loudly. Your head began to feel light, as if you were floating. He pulled away, licking the wound he had created. Now that the pleasure was gone, you felt dizzy and uneasy. "My apologies." Strauss said.
"For.. what?" You breathed out, still somewhat shaken with pleasure.
"I took quite a bit, I was.. so thirsty. Lie down, please. I insist." You did as he asked, lying back on the bed and placing your head on the soft pillow. He gently placed his hand on your stomach, lightly rubbing up and down. It was strange, you think vampires would all be violent and gruesome like they are portrayed in the media. You knew well enough that plenty of them were like that. From the time you had spent with Strauss though, you knew that a few of them were kind, even a little caring. You trusted him with your life.
"I'm okay, I promise. I don't feel too bad." You smiled at him. He gave a half genuine smile back. "Is everything alright?" You asked.
"Yes. I just feel some strange and conflicting emotions currently." You hummed.
"May I ask what they are?" You questioned, but didn't expect him to give you an answer. He thought for a moment, stopping his movements.
"I feel strangely close to you. I do not wish to ever be away from you. I feel.. drained, when you're not close by." You heart started beating faster in an instant. He must have sensed it, because he placed his hand on your chest, right over your quickly still beating heart.
"I feel the same." You admitted. He took his small rounded glasses off, looking directly in your eyes.
"May I give you a real kiss?" He asked, kindly and quietly. You nodded your head, smiling up at him. He leans down, closing his eyes and pressing his lips to yours. It was.. different. His lips were cold and dead, sending shivers down your spine. His tongue slid past your lips. It began cold and dry, but slowly warmed up and became wet. His.. saliva, you weren't sure.. began mixing with yours. He tasted just like a living, breathing person.
"Wow, I.." You were unable to create sentences, shocked and anxious at his words and actions. "Strauss.."
"Yes?" He laughed a little, seemingly enjoying how nervous he was making you feel.
"Can you.. do anything else with that power of yours?" You smiled at him, unable to control yourself at this point. You were so turned on it was difficult for you to focus on anything.
"Of course. Let me show you.." He began undoing the buttons on his long trench coat, revealing the black shirt underneath. He didn't remove anything else, only began undoing his pants. He pulled out his cock, revealing that it was hard and standing at attention.
"Wow.. that's incredible.." You smiled seeing it, never wanting anything more in your whole life. He crawled onto the bed on his knees, pushing your legs apart and getting in between them. He lifted your little black dress up, somehow tearing your panties. Like he had cut them with a knife to get them out of the way. He removed the fabric, then using his hands to keep your knees apart.
"Are you prepared?" He asked, you quickly nodding your head in response. You'd both been secretly wanting this the whole time without realizing it, and there was no reason to be patient any longer. Using one of his hands to position himself, he slowly pushed his cock inside of you. It was like his tongue, now alive and warm, pulsing with want and desire. He quickly began thrusting, still keeping that cool and collected composure he always had. Meanwhile, you were unable to do the same, throwing your head back and moaning loudly in pleasure. He used one of his hands to cover your mouth, smiling at you. "Shh, shh.. you don't want to disturb my neonates.. do you?"
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happilychee · 6 months
how fairy tail takes care of you when you're sick
cw: descriptions of being sick
I have covid and I wanted to cheer myself up :(
♡ it's a normal day at the fairy tail guild. the job board is crowded with papers, drinks and food are flowing, someone's starting a fight (natsu), and the air is filled with lively chatter. there's only one thing off: you're not there.
♡ gray is the first one to notice. he's at a table with lucy, cana, and erza. he and erza just got back from a stealth mission that paid them well, and he's looking forward to relaxing. except... "where's [name]?" he asks. lucy furrows her brow. "they weren't in yesterday... should we check on them?" gray nods, and the four of them leave the guild hall.
♡ you feel like someone threw you through a wall. your nose is clogged, feeling stuffy and congested. your throat itches and every time you cough it feels like you're hacking away at your lungs. there's a building pressure in your head, a pulsing pain that signals the onset of a migraine. you think that you'd be able to handle the usual symptoms of a cold, except for the burning aches in your lower back. your coughs shake your entire body as your muscles scream in protest, and you curse whatever virus decided to infect you.
♡ you manage to get yourself out of bed and into your kitchen, hoping to make yourself some rice or hot tea with honey. instead, you start seeing black spots swim across your vision, and the world starts tilting like you're swaying on the prow of a ship. you lower yourself onto the cool tile floor, relishing in the soothing temperature against your burning skin. you're so out of it that you don't register the knocks at your door turning into insistent bangs.
♡ finding you half passed out on your kitchen floor was not on gray's to-do list for the day. his worried hands hover over your shivering form, unsure what to check first. erza settles the matter by scooping you into her arms, Requiping out of her armor as she carries you to the couch.
♡ gray takes charge of the kitchen, your favorite recipes coming to kind. he settles on a warm and hearty soup, sure to soothe your hunger and your aches. he starts chopping vegetables, turns on the stove, and soon enough, the kitchen is filled with a delicious and appetizing aroma.
♡ erza is the one who takes your temperature, gets you back to enough coherency to explain your symptoms, and then finds the right medicine for you. she props your back up with pillows, tucks a blanket around you, and feeds you the disgusting cold medicine that porlyusica and wendy swear by.
♡ cana would love to help you and take care of you, except lucy looks pale as a sheet and a little green. she helps the blonde sit at the kitchen table, patting her arm soothingly. lucy mumbles that her mom passed from an illness, and seeing you so sick makes bad memories come back. cana soothes her, reassuring her that you'll be fine. lucy only relents when your eyes crack open, and you direct a gooey smile at her.
♡ you fade in and out of consciousness, snippets of sound and touch registering in your brain. someone is petting your hair while singing, their soft hands braiding and unbraiding your locks. a hand trails over your back, warm and calloused fingers digging into the knots in your shoulders. you purr under the sensation, leaning into the comforting touch. a soft arm, usually covered in armor, wraps around you to sit you up as a chilly hand brings a spoonful of something warm and delicious to your chapped lips. cold bangles brush against your skin as someone lifts you up, carrying you to the land of dreams.
♡ when you regain consciousness, your friends don't let you lift a single finger. gray cooks every meal for you with cana as his sous chef, erza is on top of your medication, natsu distracts you by telling silly stories, and wendy casts pain-relieving spells to help you recover faster. lucy refuses to leave your side until you're fully healed, so she's always fluffing your pillows, bringing you hot tea with honey, and feeding you snacks. the only time she calms down is when you ask her to read for you. her calming voice lulls you in and out of sleep as you listen to her read about a fairy tale princess's adventure.
♡ levy drops off books at your place so you can occupy your mind. most are either your favorites or her recommendations, but gajeel manages to sneak in a spicy book or two, which has you laughing so hard you start coughing.
♡ mira cooks up a storm in the guild hall, partially out of a desire to help you and partially out of worry. there's enough soup to feed fairy tail ten times over, and she insists that half of it be sent to you. lisanna ans juvia also stop by with some homemade baked goods. juvia gives you a steaming hot loaf of banana bread, some cookies and muffins, and a bunch of pastry buns. "it's just a cold, you didn't have to do all this." you try to reason, but no one listens to you when you look nauseous and your shoulders are shaking.
♡ there's someone at your place every day while you're recovering. it could be natsu and happy raiding your pantry and making a mess, it could be lucy and gray cleaning up their mess while erza yells at them, it could be wendy with balms and salves and a story to tell you, it could be the strauss siblings with more food and cheer than you'd ever seen before, it could be juvia with gajeel, lily, and a basket of your favorite buns. point being, fairy tail doesn't take their eyes off you for a moment while you're under the weather.
♡ when you feel well enough to come to the guild hall, everyone starts cheering. laxus fires up the grill, mira pours drinks in a flurry, and cana drags you into some drinking game. the entire guild hall roars to life, partying the night away, because what better reason is there to celebrate than the return of a dear friend?
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fuckingstrange · 6 months
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"...don't look at me like that."
WARNINGS: Workplace verbal abuse, Mean!Strauss, mention of neglectful mother, mention of crying in the bathroom, pet names ("sweet boy"/"sweetheart"), self-insult (I think?), kissing on the neck and lips
WORDS: 1,236
PAIRING: S.R. x m!reader
You sit at your desk, a small stream of tears pouring down your cheeks from your dead-gazed, tired eyes. Strauss has been yelling at you for the past thirty minutes, somehow only finding more creative ways to make you feel bad about yourself every other sentence. You've been at work for three, maybe four days straight with barely any breaks. Yet, she found out that you took a ten minute break because you were on the verge of a breakdown. JJ's son, Henry, is visiting her on the job and seeing how their bond was the exact thing you hoped for as a child with your own mother just hit the right nerve to push you to tears. You had to take a break, narrowly avoiding the breakdown only because the second you made it into the restroom stall it suddenly felt like you couldn't cry.
Strauss only shuts up when her phone rings, giving you one last "I expect better" before she walks off to answer the call, talking to whoever in the most kiss-assingly gentle tone ever.
You remain staring at the file she slammed on your desk within her rant, there lays a shredded paper within the yellow-tint file that you instantly recognize as the one hand written thing you felt somewhat proud of. Your tears only roll faster, leaving light red stains on your pale cheeks.
Spencer walks up behind you, his hand grasping at the back of your swivel chair before turning you to face him. He puts his curled index finger underneath your chin, slowly pulling your head to look up at him. Your tear-filled gaze full of nothing but exhaustion and dread meets his lovingly worried one. Somehow, you manage to cry even harder at how gentle he is treating you even though he's barely done anything. His gaze softening pulls a soft sob from you as you begin to completely break down.
"please.. please, don't look at me like that." You plead quietly, only to hear the sound of him gently shushing you as he cups the back of your head and guide you to press your face against his abdomen, holding you as you break down. His cardigan muffles the sobs that fall from your trembling lips as you nuzzle your face into him, his fingers beginning to run through your hair as he shushes you soothingly. Though, he isn't telling you to be quiet by any means since it's almost one in the morning, meaning nobody else is here to witness you in your most vulnerable state. thankfully. He is simply soothing you the way you wish you were when you were young, crying probably as hard as you are right now when your mother left you on the doorstep of a Liquor store.
You cry even harder at the memory, your chest contorting as you begin to choke from the sheer force of your sobs. The sound of your strangled cries causes him to bend down to your level, resting his hands on each side of your face as he begins to kiss your tears away, his gentle lips soaking up the salty tears. "My sweet boy.. Shh, I've got you.. I swear, I'll hold you as long as you need me to." He promises, his voice quiet and deep, the gentlest tone you've ever heard. You wrap your arms around his neck, burying your head into his chest as you continue to let out choked sobs. "I'm sorry. m' so sorry." You apologize, merely for nothing, just feeling sorry. Sorry that he has to deal with you in such a state, Sorry that he probably feels like he has to, Sorry that he still ended up having to work overtime to complete his files even though you took on triple the amount just so everybody could get off early to go spend time with their loved ones and families. Though, if you asked him, he'd probably tell you the truth; He's just here to be with you. "You don't have anything to apologize for, sweetheart. You went above and beyond to make everyone else happy, can I do the same for you? Can I try to make you happy?" Spencer asks sweetly, the way he talks to you so.. lovingly, it's making your heart swell with love and shatter at the same time. All you can do is nod your head and move your hands to wipe away your tears, though the man you have the honor of calling yours grabs your wrists and slides his hands into yours, grasping them gently and pulling your hands so he can kiss your knuckles. His soft lips pressed against the knuckles full of small paper-cut like indents of your left hand, the small cuts from when you found out your thumbnail is just long enough that you can pinch your skin and inflict harm without drawing blood, the sight makes the corners of your lips turn up to make that of a small sad smile. He kisses the knuckles on your right hand, no miniscule cuts littered along the skin this time. His lips ghost their way up your arm, and you swear you can feel his warm breath through the fabric of your suit shirt. He reaches your shoulder and begins to place butterfly kisses along it, his hands guiding yours to rest on his own shoulders.
You let out a small sigh of contentment, your head automatically tipping back when his lips reach your neck. Spencer presses a small kiss to the crook of your neck, trailing up and over to where your Adams apple sticks out, seeing the way it bobs when you swallow down some spit. His hands find their way on the back of your head, pressing you into him as his lips press against the bulge of your throat. He gives it a long kiss, exhaling through his nose. He pulls off of it when he feels you tug on his shirt with a needy whine, looking up to meet your pleading gaze. "You want a kiss?" Spencer asks, though knowing the answer before you even nod your head. He leans up, letting his lips meet yours in a moment full of love and care, your eyes slipping shut as you whine into the kiss, wanting him to be impossibly closer. Your small noise pulls a chuckle from the man, his lips unlacing with yours, though he doesn't stray far. His forehead rests against yours as he waits for your eyes to open.
It's a few seconds later but your eyes slowly flutter open, meeting his gaze. "Hey there." Spencer greets with a smile, his hand moving from your hair to your cheek, giving it a gentle caress. "Hey." You whisper back, a smile forming on your face to match his. "..What are you up to?" He asks, both of your smiles only growing at his joke of a question. You lean back with a small laugh. "No longer feeling like I'm dying." You say, a huff of laughter falling from Spencer's perfect lips. "That's good. Means I did something right with that kiss, hm?" The man replies, giving you a quick peck. Your cheeks flush a little red, the smile so big by now your cheeks hurt, but you don't mind. At least they hurt because of him, his love being something you wouldn't care if it killed you.
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Hi! Hope your doing well!
I wanted to know if I could do a request with David Rossi? He has a daughter who has a higher IQ than Reid (it’s like 190 or 200?) has following in her father‘s footsteps and is high up in the FBI like higher than Strauss and he calls her down for a favor because Strauss is bothering Aaron and the team so she’s cracks down on Strauss and stuff?
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David Rossi X Daughter Reader
Request: I wanted to know if I could do a request with David Rossi? He has a daughter who has a higher IQ than Reid (it’s like 190 or 200?) has following in her father‘s footsteps and is high up in the FBI like higher than Strauss and he calls her down for a favor because Strauss is bothering Aaron and the team so she’s cracks down on Strauss and stuff?
Third person pov...
Y/N Rossi was in her office in Quantico, she was in thr FBI, she had worked hard and was in a high position within it, Only being 18 she was making a good life of herself with an IQ of 200, it was a normal day she was in her office going over some files when she gets a call.
Wondering who was calling her she picks up. "Agent Rossi speaking" she answers, for work she uses 'Agent' as its easier. "Well hello Agent, this is your padre talking" come her Dad voice, this makes the adult laugh.
"papà non si era accorto che eri tu (1) "she laughs, the man chuckles lightly, she puts down her pen and spins around in her chair.
She looks out the window, her office being on one of the highest floors, a couple below the leader of the FBI. "allora perché chiami, c'è qualcosa che non va? (2) " she asks getting straight into business.
The man sighs wearly before answering
"It's Erin figlia (3) she going after Aaron and the tea. Again, can you do anything?" He askes, the man has just lost his wife a couple months ago.
Struass is pushing the man to leave the BAU, Y/N sighs once again Struass, the woman never knows when to shut up. "I'll see what I can do Papà (4) see you soom" she says, Rossi sighs he sounds less stressed out.
"Thank you piccolo" he says, Y/N sighs ans rubs her forehead looks like she's going to take a trip down to the BAUs floor tomorrow.
The next morning...
Strauss was taking over the case once again, the team gathered around the table, all with sullen looks as Struass looked around.
They were missing one person. "Has Agent Rossi not arrive yet?" She asks the silent room, even the evert rambling Spencer Reid didn't feel like talking to her.
Growing annoyed she goes to talk when a commotion starts in the bullpen, hearing it the team and Strauss stand up and walk out of the room, they are shocked to see Rossi standing with Agent Y/N F/N, one of the only Agents with ties to the chief of the Bureau.
"What is the meaning of this!" Exclaims Strauss, this made Y/N look at the woman, a glare on her young face. He the  looks at her Dad. "I guess that's Struass" he says, the man nods his head.
Y/N cracks her knuckles. "You know Struass if you paid more attention to ypur family than this family then maybe you wouldn't be hated as much" she says, this earns her gasps of shock from around the bullpen.
Struass opens her mouth to retort but the H/C girl is quick with more. "You better leave this team alone unless you want a certain fact of yours to come into conversation" Y/Ns ruthless.
Eventually Struass has enough andeaves the bullpen fuming with anger, Y/N smirks at the woman, She gets a smile of thanks from her Dad.
After everyone calms down Y/N gets to meet her Dad team. She looks at Hotch and waves. "Hello Uncle Aaron" she smiles.
The others stare at their boss in shock. "You know her!" Exclaims Derek and Emily, Hotch just gives them a look. "Of course he knows me !" Smiles Y/N.
Rossi soon saves the team from confusion, as he wraps an arm around his daughter pulling her in for a hug and kisses her forehead. "lavoro assolutamente meraviglioso, piccola, hai bruciato quella strega (5) "He says in Italian.
"What how do you know her!" Yells Penelope, the team stare at the two, wondering how close they were, looking at her Dad Y/N laughs.
"You haven't told them about me" she accuses making the old man blushes embarrassed.
Pulling away her him  Y/N straightens her suit of before talking, she looks around at the team smiling. "Nice to meet you all I'm Y/N Rossi, F/N is my Mothers last name, I use it so Papà and I are safe from people who wish to kill me or hurt him to get to me." She explains.
Everyone takes the nes well and welcomes Y/N into the family, they all thank her for what she did, Derek and Emily loving how she black mailed Struass into finally leaving them alone.
"It was no problem, Papà called about the old witch, of course I had to help him out"she says, Reid was surprised to meet someone who had a higher IQ than him but was happy when she actually listened to his ramblings about anything and could actually keep up with him.
As the day was coming to an end the team had gone home, apart from two,
Y/N and her Dad, the woman was waiting for him to finish up, once he was done the two walk to bus car.
"Thank you again piccolo, we couldn't of done it without you" he confessed. Y/n hugged the man, "it was nothing Papà, you can pay me back by cooking your famous pasta for dinner" she bargained.
This man the man laugh, of course as always she speaks with her stomache. "Pasta it is piccolo!" He announces making the girl laugh.
The end!
Italian translation
papà non si era accorto che eri tu - Dad didn't realize it was you
allora perché chiami, c'è qualcosa che non va? - so why are you calling, is there something wrong?
figlia - Daughter
Papà -Dad
lavoro assolutamente meraviglioso, piccola, hai bruciato quella strega -
Absolutely wonderful job, baby, you burned that witch
Hope you liked this oneshot! Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count : 1040
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discodreaming · 8 months
Could we please get some general romantic relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane?
genre: fluff
general romantic relationship headcanons
characters: erza, juvia and mirajane
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i feel like she's shy with dating, or anytime of romantic gestures
but also like really excited to be having such a romantic time with someone!
Now these next ones are pure rambles bc erza
I feel like she secretly has ur guys wedding planned out to the t
Like she won't tell you until u ask her to marry you
And she'll pull out thus giant book filled with wedding plans
Erza is also very sentimental with the dating
She keeps all your little gifts and eveey picture taken of you two
i like to also think she's clumsy during ur first kisses, and she's so flustered about it her face is all red
and it's the time where you can't help but laugh
she'll remember that
i feel like erza is also a lot more anxious in terms of needing to protect if you're a nonmage
but if you're a mage shehas more belief in you if you tell her you got it
she won't help the small anxiety she has with worry
but she still believes in you so much
now that's with fights though, but you guys only ever get into arguments about each other's health tbh
she is a lot more snappy in terms of protective but overall
miss ma'am is out here devoted to you so u better be devoted to her
juvia is also another sentimental person that she basically hoards like every little thing
I'm talking a small treasure chest or plastered on the pinboard type sentimental
confetti? tickets? photos? etc? it's up there
i feel like she'd love to match clothes tbh imo, bc even though she's got a style
i feel like she has some matching outfits planned for things like date night, important events
wear the outfits and she's gonna be !!!!!!!!!!!
i also see her as another one planning the wedding like
she has a book just like erza but make it a binder, and two books and like it's a lot she has it planned to the t
she also has a lot of faith within you, like fighting? day to day things? hell yeah
but she'd also not hesitate to protect you too
she would not hesitate to take on so much pain from you
her favorite dates are the most thought about ones, like a picnic? hell yeah. a nice dinner where u guys dress up?? just take her on dates SHE DESERVES IT
you guys def have kids later on
if it seems self indulgent it is i love her
whoo boy there wouldn't be much difference of friend mirajane and dating mirajane except the fact it's subtle but in the cute ways that makes people go fucking nuts
you could just simply be talking to someone and she'll come and run her fingers over your shoulder or neck
or you'll give her a quick peck on the lips before any quests
and the small but cute gifts
you two are also a matching outfit couple for dates
and it's this soft type of romance for a bit where everything sets your guys heart a flutter, like just
it's a sweet, soft romance but she's also ur support system vise versa
her siblings are very supportive!!
the entire guild is !!!! i shit you not it's like a huge family there's gonna be teasing but also okes and just overall being brought in by a huge family
she's also super protective of you like i mean she knows ur capable but also a scratch after a job? ur cheeks are in her hand and she's asking you what happened, are you okay, who did this?
you know the song where "ur beauty never ever scared me" that's u guys fight me
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a/n: i really am sorry for taking so long for this job has me by the scruffs but i hope you enjoy these
if you'd like mre i can give more i love these three women just bites hand
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virgolixx · 9 months
Could we please get some nsfw/kink headcanons for Erza, Juvia and Mirajane with a male reader?
Head cannon:
:How are these fairy tail women in bed with their Male S/O, what are their kinks?:
Erza, Juvia, Mirajane
Theme: NSFW 18+
⚠️warnings: Sexual mentions
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For Erza I feel like she’s more on the “normal” side when getting heated in the bed room.
Erza is a switch but leans more to a submissive side, yes she’s powerful on the battle field but I know for a fact this woman wants a man to dominate her in the bedroom, allowing her femininity to come out (But I know she gets flustered easily).
I know for a fact Erza’s tough exterior will crumble the moment you would man handle her into different positions (of course in a silly respectful way). Erza would mostly like good old missionary or any position where you both can see each other’s faces. (Erza is just trying to take in this intimate moment she’s having with you).
As for kinks I feel like Erza would probably enjoy the more simple common ones, like spanking, a mixture of praise and degradation. But I feel like if you where to mention any other kinks she wouldn’t mind to try it out.
Rounds: I feel like it all depends on the time you both may have. Around 1-3 rounds for sure.
Noise: Erza makes a good amount of noise at a good volume. She’ll moan, whimper and grip onto you (As I said earlier Erza gets easily flustered so I know for a fact Erza would bite on her hand, as a way to muffle her noises and to hide from the slight embarrassment).
With Erza I feel like she wouldn’t really like to give head but if you ask her nicely for it on occasions she will agree.
So please complement her and take good care of her, make sure she’s totally comfortable, she’s just a soft baby who wants pleasure from her man, but sometimes with her hard exterior during battles to this change can quite maybe have her a bit afraid.
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Juvia hands down is 100% submissive and absolutely a loud proud freaky girl.
Knowing Juvia is absolutely obsessed with you so she will absolutely do anything to please you in bed.
Juvia would love being man handled during intimacy moments. Juvia is down for any position you would like to try, but I feel like Juvia would mostly like to be cowgirl and doggy (Miss Juvia just wants to be fucked into the mattress and have you controlling her hips while she’s on top during cowgirl).
As for kinks I know for a fact Juvia would be into temperature play, roll some ice cubes over her skin. I feel like Juvia would like edge play, degradation and choking.
Rounds: Differently 4-5
Noise: Juvia makes the most noise. Either by moaning or praising how good you are doing her (Juvia will probably be flustered but will keep going, her body would feel fresh due to her power but her cheeks are very blushed and warm).
Juvia would absolutely love to give you head, it honestly gets her going as well and ready for the action to begin.
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Mirajane is also a switch but I feel like she would lean more towards being dominant (I mean come on miss girl is literally a she demon, that soft girl vibes are out the window the moment you and her are alone behind doors).
If you are to catch Mirajane when she’s more submissive she would possibly be as flustered as Erza is but would completely let you ruin her in any way you would see fit.
Just like Juvia, Mirajane is open to any position, but I feel like her favorite would be cow girl when dominant. But when submissive Mirajane would like it when the both of you are on your sides and you just slip into her from behind.
For kinks Mirajane is down and open with anything. Either it be her receiving or giving she’s so down. (Though I feel like she’s mostly enjoy, choking, her to leave back scratches on you, edge play, degradation and biting/leaving marks)
Rounds: I pray for you sir cause if Mirajane is on her dominant side…well you basically have a long night ahead of you, but either way even when Mirajane is more submissive she could probably go up to 3-5 rounds.
Noise: I feel like Mirajane would be more on the quieter side but she would still whimper and gasp.
I know for a fact Mirajane would give the best head any man would ever get to experience. Could possibly make any man cum multiple time with head alone.
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wynndynights · 3 months
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜: 𝙼𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚓𝚊𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚜, 𝙴𝚛𝚣𝚊 𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚝, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙹𝚞𝚟𝚒𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚔��𝚎𝚛
𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙼𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚏𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜, 𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙹𝚞𝚟𝚒𝚊'𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚗𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚝.
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚜 𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸'𝚖 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝! 𝚃𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚛𝚣𝚊 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚖 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚘𝚋𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜. 𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚘𝚛!
𝙸 𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝙸'𝚖 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢
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❀When you first get together, Mira would likely want to keep your relationship a little more quiet, at least for anyone outside the guild. It’s inevitable that the news would get out amongst your guildmates, but when it comes to the public eye, she doesn't want it spreading too fast. This is to keep you from having any trouble more so than anything else. She’s a famous model and extremely popular wizard, and she probably has more than her fair share of crazy overly obsessive fans that would be filled with jealous rage over the news. She fully believes you can handle yourself, but she sees this as something she can do to take care of you even when she's in a physically weakened state. Her form of protectiveness is unique, but it shows that she cares.
❀Get ready to have the entire Fairy Tail guild ready to throw hands with you at a moment's notice if you ever upset her in any way. Even so, for as overprotective as they can be, they're all very glad to see her as happy as she is anytime you're around.
❀Mira is very very sweet, and overall just an amazing person to spend time with. She never runs out of stories, jokes, or things to talk about, so no matter what you're doing, you’ll definitely never have to worry about getting bored. You can't count the amount of times you've spent entire days hanging out with her behind the guild's bar just serving drinks, helping clean up, and chatting about whatever topics first came to mind. If you're not a very talkative or chatty person, she doesn't mind in the slightest. She would never force you to carry on a conversation, but you should be prepared to do a lot of listening. In her mind, a one sided conversation is still an exciting and wonderful conversation if it's you she's getting to talk to.
❀She loves having you help her in the bar and around the guild hall. If not for the conversation, then just for the help and company. She loves the job she does for the guild, and it never lacks as a source of entertainment with all the shenanigans that occur, but whether she admits it or not, It would definitely get stressful sometimes. Having even just a little bit of help takes a lot of weight off her shoulders. Plus, getting the work done faster just means all the more time off to spend together outside of the guild hall.
❀She's not one for super elaborate dates. She doesn't mind going out to nice places or having planned activities, but some of her favorite time spent with you is when you can just take some time to relax together. She loves at home dates, just eating home cooked meals, chatting about your days, and resting after a long day of work. When you do feel like getting out of the house, she really enjoys quiet late night walks.
❀More often than not, whenever you do have the chance to have a meal at home, her siblings will join you. Elfman and Lisanna both look up to you a lot, and really enjoy your company, though they probably wouldn't admit it out loud for the sake of keeping up the tough protective siblings act. From the start though, you became such close friends with both of them that you're already practically part of the family. They’re hoping to keep you around for a long time, and definitely run your secret ship fan club.
❀Mira really likes letting you style her hair for her. It's very relaxing both before heading out into the chaos of a new morning, and afterwards to help wind down from the excitement of the day. One of her favorite things to do is lay with her head in your lap and let you just play with her hair however you want. She has definitely accidentally fallen asleep like this a few times. She also loves this in the reverse. Whether you have long hair, or short, she just likes playing with it, running her fingers through it, or even just resting her hand on your head.
❀She has a very playful side to her, and you’d be surprised by the amount of pranks you'll have to deal with on a day to day basis. A particular favorite anytime she wakes up before you once you're living together is changing into either one of your guildmates, or some other friend or acquaintance of yours, and waiting watchfully for you to wake up. Almost every time, you end up waking up to the sound of her being unable to muffle her own giggles, and almost every time, you still end up falling out of bed in tired baffled confusion. She always apologizes and checks in to make sure you're alright after though and then makes you breakfast to make up for it. At least every once in a while, she'll ask you for help with jokes or pranks on other guild members. Sure you get into trouble, but nobody can stay very mad at the two of you for long.
❀She likes having your company when it comes to performances and photoshoots. If you can sing or play an instrument, she would be absolutely thrilled to have you up on stage with her when she's performing at the guild or city events. Even if you can't, just being able to see you at the front of the crowd or backstage behind the curtains gives her a big energy and confidence boost. When it comes to photoshoots, she just likes being able to see you nearby while she's doing them. While it's one of her jobs and you've never had any problem with it, she has some very showy shoots sometimes, and now that you're together, she just feels a lot better and more comfortable with those particular types of shoots when you're around to keep an eye on things and cheer her on.
❀A relationship with Mira is signing yourself up for a serotonin overload. Not a day will go by that she doesn't make sure she's gotten a good deal of smiles and giggles out of you. Seeing you happy makes her happy, and vice versa. She's very affectionate and loving, and generally just a very positive person to be around. You're never going to have to feel lonely with her around. You get an amazing sunshine girlfriend, two caring and supportive siblings, and the whole guild family backing you both up to boot.
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𖤓For starters, Erza is definitely the most quiet about your relationship of these three. She prefers to keep your relationship less public, not for lack of loving you, but actually quite the opposite. While she definitely doesn't mind those close to you knowing that you're together, announcing every little detail of your relationship for the world to hear makes it feel much less intimate to her. She believes that your love is something that should be shared between the two of you, so even if it's no secret that you're in a relationship, she's not one to go parading information or bragging about it.
𖤓Despite this, she actually has no problem with simple acts of PDA as long as they're not too intimate. While she's far from being the type to go clinging to you in public, she actually quite enjoys having physical contact with you while out and about. Holding hands, linking arms, resting her head on your shoulder or vice versa while seated, or simple kisses on the cheek are some of her favorite things, though she may not admit it out loud.
𖤓Erza’s also definitely not one to go hopping from relationship to relationship. With her past, she’s not letting herself become 100% emotionally invested in any one person unless she can truly trust them to stay by her side and return those emotions and trust. If you’ve managed to work your way into her heart, you can expect to be there for a long, long time. Even with the unpredictable lives you live, she has no fear in saying you're someone she would like to spend her whole life with.
𖤓Especially at the start of your relationship, Erza won't be one for talking about feelings much. She thinks verbal affection and communication are extremely important, but would shy away from deeper emotional conversation by instinct. Especially with any questions regarding how she grew up, she initially waves them off and avoids the topic whenever possible. She trusts you immensely, but she feels that the emotions of her past are hers to bear, and feels a lot of guilt about letting that weight fall onto others.
𖤓Further into your relationship, however, she feels much more comfortable allowing herself to be vulnerable around you. Be it physically or emotionally, she trusts you to see her and lend her support in her weakest moments. This goes both ways, as well. Just as you're there for her, she'll be there to lift and support you through the hardest of times with unwavering devotion.
𖤓She thinks communication is one of the most important things in a relationship, so you rarely have to deal with any conflicts between the two of you lasting very long. In the case of any disagreements, while she isn't opposed to giving you your space when you need and want it, she thinks the best thing to do can be to just stay in each other's company in silence until you're both ready to talk through the problem.
𖤓Her love languages are definitely quality time and words of affirmation
𖤓She has a lot of somewhat unusual hobbies and passions. She'll pick up almost any activity that strikes her interest at any point in time, and nothing brings her more joy than seeing you express interest in those same things, even if just to humor her. You support and invest time in her odd endeavors, and in return she's happy to try out any hobbies and interests you pick up as well.
𖤓She places a lot of value in the time she spends with you, and therefore likes to spend as much time as she's able to with you. She enjoys having you tag along on jobs with her, be those solo jobs or with the rest of the team. Whether you're a strong fighter or not, your support is extremely meaningful to her especially in tough situations. When you're unable to tag along on jobs with her, especially if they're longer ones, she enjoys writing you letters or sending you back souvenirs.
𖤓Expect to have a LOT of dates out to cafes or bakeries. If you are a fellow enjoyer of strawberry cake, be glad that you are one of very few people she would allow to share her cakes with her. If you are not, that just means more for her, but you'll be sitting around for a while waiting for her to finish. If you can bake those cakes yourself, oh boy be ready because there's definitely no way you're ever getting rid of her now (though you're insane if you’d even want to).
𖤓The rest of the guild has a tendency to hide behind you and rely on you pretty heavily to calm her down in some of her scarier moments. She has a hard time saying no to you, so you're definitely the person to go to for anyone trying to escape her wrath for any given reason. That being said, sometimes if they really deserve it, it's best to just let her dish out punishments unless you want to be dragged into them too.
𖤓All in all, while Erza has her more intimidating moments, she can be an extremely gentle and caring lover. She can be a lot of fun to be around, be that at home, at the guild, out traveling, or on jobs, you'll definitely never be bored in her company. Every day is going to be an adventure with her, but you're going to get your fair share of love in return for putting up with the shenanigans that seem to follow her wherever she goes. Being in a relationship with her is not something for the faint hearted, but it’s undeniably well worth the trouble.
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★Juvia is by far the most open about your relationship. If someone around you doesn't know you two are together, they definitely will by the time you've left. She doesn't mean to overshare or brag, she just finds a lot of joy in expressing her love for you and making sure everyone she comes across knows how much she cares. She also feels a certain sense of security in being able to say that after so long of being alone, she has someone who loves her just as much.
★She can be extremely insecure about both herself and your relationship, and tends to need a lot of verbal affirmation to keep her from getting into her own head. She was bullied so often as a child that it's very easy for her mind to spiral to dark places. However, having you around always helps clear away some of that gloom, especially if you are willing to help talk her through whatever may be bothering her at any given point in time. Most of her doubt comes from herself rather than from anything you do, so giving her compliments or pointing out things she does well is always a huge help.
★This goes for jealousy as well. We've all seen how she can be when she feels like something may be threatening your relationship. She can be extremely protective and over reactive about anyone else spending too much time around you. While it will take her quite a while to get used to getting along with your friends without feeling threatened, she'll come around a lot faster with extra reassurance that that's all they are. Now if a stranger were to flirt with you, that may be a whole different story. Be ready anytime you're out in public to have to hold her back if anyone tries.
★Another of Juvia's love languages and one of her favorite things in the world is gift giving. Sometimes her gifts can be a bit on the odd side, but she just enjoys giving you tangible tokens of her appreciation. She'll make you meals at home or pack you some if you have to go out for the day, bring you home trinkets or objects that she says reminded her of you, or make little craft projects to give you for special occasions. Reciprocating this and giving her gifts in return may cause her brain to short circuit. She never gives you gifts with the intention of having the favor returned, so when you show up with any gifts for her, it always surprises her and brightens her entire day.
★Adding to the note of her love for making meals for you, she's surprisingly a very good cook. She can make a bit of a mess in the kitchen sometimes when she’s scrambling to decide what to make or frantically get meals ready to surprise you with, but even when it's a bit messy, everything tastes amazing. She absolutely loves cooking food with you too. It tends to help keep things a bit less messy when she's working together with you and has you around to help pace out the cooking process a bit more. Whether you're a good cook or not, she always enjoys having your help. She would also eat any food you make her even if it’s the biggest culinary disaster in history.
★She is also huge on physical affection. She's not always the most composed or best with words, so she'd much rather express her feelings through physical touch. Wherever you go, she always wants to be holding hands, clinging to your arm, hugging, snuggling, or just having some form of physical contact with you. In private, this is even more true. Hopefully you enjoy snuggles and kisses, because you're probably going to be smothered in them. Nothing makes her happier after a long day than coming home to curl up and fall asleep in your arms.
★Juvia enjoys dates that take place outdoors. Now that she's able to enjoy sunlight, she likes to do so as often as possible, and it's all the better if she's enjoying it with you. You'll be eating at lots of outdoor restaurants and cafes, taking walks in the park, having picnics, and cloud gazing.
★Juvia also really likes training with you. She'll take it easy on you of course if you're not all that strong. She doesn't want to hurt you, but your presence motivates her to work harder and makes her even stronger, so especially sparring against you, she has a lot more confidence in herself. Same goes for cases where she's training with or sparring against others. If you're watching, it's like a massive strength boost for her. She tries to go on long rants about how the power of love gives her strength, but everyone knows she's actually just extremely determined to show off and look cool in front of you.
★It can be a handful getting her to prioritize herself every now and then, especially if you're hurt or in any danger. Juvia would put her happiness, health, and even life on the line for you without question, so you may have to put a lot of effort into getting her to actually take care of herself as well. Making it a sort of trade off is a good way to start with her. Take care of her the way she takes care of you, and over time it will help her to recognize her own value and importance. This still probably wouldn't stop her from throwing herself in harm's way if it came down to protecting you, but she can be much better at rationalizing situations where you're in any sort of trouble now.
★While she has her many ups and downs, Juvia is overall very sweet and loving especially when you're willing to put in the effort to show her you care. Even though she can seem overbearing at times from outside perspectives, she just wants to show you how deeply she cares about you, and returning that deep love and devotion is one of the best ways to put her more at ease and calm her down. Many people may not quite understand or view your relationship as normal, but you boost each other up and give each other strength both physically, mentally, and emotionally, and that's all you could ever ask for in a partner.
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All works belong to @wynndynights. Please do not copy, translate, or repost. Reblogs are welcome!
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levisrations · 2 months
Modern Levi thought:
He would absolutely find me getting mad at randoms when playing an online game hilarious.
Maybe he’s in the living room reading or on his laptop. (Has a whole set up himself for his job with three monitors in the same room but he needs a break from that space) Suddenly you just start yelling and he smiles to himself because he’s in for a show.
“Why the FUCK are you all the way over there by yourself” “Get FUCKED dummy” “I just wanna know what made you think you could push a whole squad by yourself and gave absolutely no comms” “AAAAAAHHH!!!!”
You’re 100% aware how obnoxious you’re being but you can’t help it when playing these online FPS games. You should probably stop, maybe stick to the story mode games, Levi prefers those anyways. Right now you’re replaying RDR2 and he sits next to you while you play. Kinda like catching up on a show together but instead it’s video games. You know exactly what happened in the game but you let Levi figure things out and he immediately did not like Dutch.
“He looks slimey and so does that Micah”
He also HATED the Strauss missions. Always told you not to do them.
“He purposely preyed on people that were desperate he’s a rat and deserves to lose the money” Boy did he have something to say when he learned how Arthur got sick. (He shed a tear when he died and you were sobbing even though it was like the 4th time you played)
Anyways he oddly finds you freaking out playing video games comforting as well. You suddenly get quiet and he goes to check on you. You’re on the floor on your stomach and your cat is laying on you.
“Did you win?” He smirks. You just turn your face and glare at him while he chuckles at you.
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thesimpirediaries · 27 days
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane? Thank you!
✍️: eeeeek the Fairy Tail girlies! *squeals* I love them all so much! Thank you so much for this request nonnie!
⚠️: gn!reader (reader is however you imagine them), relationship headcanons, subtle suggestiveness, headcanon format
word count: 1.08k
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 protective girlfriend, through and through. You can hold your own, and she knows that; but she will still be very protective of you — physically, mentally, and emotionally.
🌀 you can talk to her about literally anything. She is one of the best listeners in the world. She won’t necessarily speak; she will wait until you’re done talking, and then she always knows just what to say.
🌀 she’s the type of girlfriend who’s effortlessly pretty – no matter what she’s wearing.
🌀 although she isn’t upfront or obvious about it, she loves going out on dates. Candle lit dinners, fancy restaurants, the chance to dress up — she’s still a woman at heart, and she loves romance. Woo her, just do it.
🌀 she can be awkward at times, too. Especially when it comes to intimacy. She’s not accustomed to it, so at first, you’ll have to take it slow with her. Kisses on the cheek and handholding will be about as far as you get at first. But, once she’s more comfortable, expect to be smothered with embraces — particularly in private. She’s not the biggest fan of PDA.
🌀 her kisses are especially soft. She kisses you as if you’re the most delicate, fragile, otherworldly entity on the planet. It’s not that she truly believes you’re fragile — she just adores you so much that she can’t help but be soft with you.
🌀 cake sample dates. Cake sample dates. Cake sample dates.
🌀 depending on how she’s feeling, she can be the big spoon or the little spoon. If she’s feeling vulnerable, or sad, or otherwise negative, she likes the feeling of your arms around her. She feels safe, protected and loved that way. But, if the roles are reversed, she’ll hold you in her arms until everything simply melts away and it’s just the two of you.
🌀 loves with her whole heart, body and soul. Rest assured, if you’re with Erza, you’ll never feel any inkling of doubt as to if she loves you or not.
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 bakes for you. All the time.
🌀 Juvia is a lover — no matter the time or place. She will smother you with affection with no care as to who’s around.
🌀 she has multiple love languages; physical touch, gift giving, acts of service, etc. She falls hard, deep, and fast, and she’s not ashamed to show it.
🌀 will make you blush with how aggressive she is. (It’s a good kind of aggressive.)
🌀 love her, love her, love her. Juvia is exceptionally talented at expressing her love, but she is also exceptionally insecure. She needs reassurance, craves it even. Sometimes, she feels as though she’s not truly worthy of love, and that’s why you have to show her that she is.
🌀 kisses you like she’ll never get the chance to again.
🌀 stares at you. All the time. Heart eyes. Heart eyes. Heart eyes.
🌀 clingy, very clingy. She just loves being around you. She loves hearing your voice, your laugh; she loves seeing you smile. She loves feeling you right next to her, in front of her, or behind her. Just around her period.
🌀 a total little spoon. Hold her, she loves it.
🌀 a fan of hugs from behind; both giving and receiving.
🌀 take her on sweet little dates. Picnics, private dinners, home-cooked meals, etc. She eats it up.
🌀 loves to show you off. (Hint, hint: show her off too.)
🌀 forehead kisses. Forehead kisses. Forehead kisses.
🌀 she loves hand holding. Just hold her hand, or put your arm around her when you’re sitting together. Little physical acts of affection make her so happy.
🌀 legit wants to marry you. It’s her goal.
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You’re in a relationship with…
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🌀 literally sweet enough to give you a cavity.
🌀 her ideal date is sitting for a cup of steamy tea, swapping stories and fantasizing about the future.
🌀 high wifey energy. Will cook you dinner, make you lunchboxes, and is a huge fan of little domestic activities.
🌀 her kisses vary depending on the situation. Sometimes, they’re feather light and brief; but when it’s just the two of you, they’re deeply passionate and near endless.
🌀 she loves being the big spoon. Of course, she’s alright with being the little spoon, but she loves the feeling of your body in her arms and pressed tight against her. Even if you’re bigger than her.
🌀 showers you with compliments; an ultimate hype man. You’re wearing pajamas? You’re sexy. You’re dressed up? You’re more than sexy. You’re the sexiest thing alive.
🌀 she likes to sneak off with you. (Wink, wink.)
🌀 alone time is very important to her — but she also likes for the both of you to spend time in the guild.
🌀 hates when you go on S-Class missions; her biggest fear is losing you.
🌀 a doting girlfriend. She always checks in on you; makes sure you’re feeling okay, if you’ve eaten, and if you have even a tiny cut she will fix it up for you.
🌀 couple photoshoots.
🌀 literally the prettiest couple in the room; when you enter, no one is sure who to be jealous of.
🌀 exceptionally attentive and observant.
🌀 cuddles. Cuddles all the time. And cheek/forehead kisses.
🌀 you’re dating a model. Expect to witness countless people hit on her — she finds it attractive when you get jealous.
🌀 she’s also very prone to jealousy herself; if someone even looks at you she’s fuming.
🌀 very sweet, but when she gets angry, expect the silent treatment. She’s a professional at that.
🌀 couple’s spats are very rare between the two of you, though.
🌀 dreams of a cozy little house on the hilltop. She wants nothing more than to be a wife. Wife her.
🌀 family is very important to her. Family dinners, family holidays, family everything.
🌀 she always worries about others, so sometimes, she forgets to worry about/take care of herself. You’ll need to either remind her to do it or do it yourself.
🌀 super supportive girlfriend. No matter what dream you have, she will cheer for you and push you to reach it.
🌀 likes to surprise you with gifts and out-of-the-box date ideas (like, a candle-lit picnic atop a giant floating lily pad in the middle of a lake.)
🌀 massages. She loves to give massages.
🌀 matching outfits. She loves matching outfits. Please match with her.
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These are just a few headcanons that came to mind upon reading this request (I may make another list of others), and I hope you all enjoyed them! If you like the way I write, please don’t hesitate to send in a request! They’re always open!
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amber-bella · 24 days
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane? Thank you!
Dating Headcanons
Erza x reader
Juvia x reader
Mirajane x reader
Notes: Of course! Gotta give my girlies some love too obviously 💙Summary: As the title implies, dating headcanons
Warnings: Mental health, minor arguments, but mainly fluff
She definitely gets flustered easily, but she’s really good at playing it off
She’s not good at showing her love romantically, but she learns to overtime
Babe is touched starved, and adores when you’re comfortable enough to lay on her
Now, her biggest form of love is quality time
As long as you’re around she feels content, just don’t get hurt or into too much trouble
If you go on quests with her you bet her guard is up, even if you’re stronger than her
If you stay home, she’ll be so eager to get back that the quest will be finished so fast, you won’t even have time to miss her
Example here
There can be ups and downs in any relationship, and with her they tend to be very rare
When you guys do argue it’s always over health, mental and physical, if you both
Which means it’s rather easy to resolve, just promise to work together on it
Speaking of mental health, she’s a firm believer in cuddling for serotonin 🥱
She’s a major cuddle bug so prepare lmao
Obsessed with you, I’m talking, everyone shes talked to is tiiiired of hearing about you 💙
She loves any form of love, if it’s coming from you, but any words of affirmation and she’ll combust
Any gifts you give her you know she’ll treasure, and best believe she’ll keep them forever
She’s the type to have every bit of your future planned out.
Wedding? Check.
Kids?? Check.
Where you’ll be buried??? Double check.
Example here
She’ll memorize everything about you, but if you do the same she’ll curl up and cry
Babes is such a sweetheart, she adores learning things you enjoy (cooking styles, hobbies, even the lives of celebrities you’re into) but if you teach her she’ll love it more
Now, while most of your relationship is good, there are occasional arguments
Typically over how she represses herself so you can shine…
To help her out of that you must make sure she knows you’ll adore her no matter what she hides about herself
She’s the first to say ‘I love you’ and if you don’t reciprocate she’ll be closed off for sometime, watching from a distance
She’ll tease the ever living shit out of you
If you fluster easily, then it’s a major win for her
If you don’t, she’ll make you, eventually…
Her love language is quality time and words of affirmation
She loves physical touch, but on occasion it can be overwhelming, especially because that’s all people tend to want from her
On the other hand, she craves it from you, if you don’t let her know how much you love her and her body she’ll get insecure (yk, the validation is a different thing from those you love)
Example here
Arguments, they happen, but she’s a big person of communication and listening, so as long as you talk things through and hear one another out, you’ll be a-okay! 😊 Right…?
Now, she loves taking pics with you
She’s in the middle of a photo shoot? Jump in!
You know she’ll talk about you two to anyone she can in the form of advice
“My partner just…they don’t understand the pressure I’m under…” “Have you tried to sit and talk with them?” “Yes, but they just won’t listen.” “Have you tried listening to their problems too? Conversation isn’t a one way street you know!”
She’s just very proud of being with you
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Angry Strauss x Tremere fledgling reader
[TW- emotional manipulation. This came from me realizing there’s nowhere near enough fics for him and also not enough of him actually showing the cruel side of his nature totally not me saying I want him to be mean to me]
There was little that upset Maximilian Strauss. Even when there was he wasn’t the type to show those emotions outwardly. However, even he had his limits; the times when circumstances and his own disposition of the day aligned such that he was a bit more vocal about his feelings than he usually ever would be. And, as you were about to find out, when he was pushed too far there was a reminder of why he, though usually carrying himself as a quiet scholar was feared by many of the other kindred. He was going to make you aware of that; gently, but you were going to be made aware.
Strauss would say that he is at least partially to blame for this, as he had appointed you to be the go-between for himself and the Anarchs. He knew that you being younger than he and closer to the age of the people in their group would be a better fit and that the Anarchs would be less inclined to antagonize someone that wasn’t higher in the ranks of the Camarilla. This would likely be because if you proved yourself as non-threatening to them and perhaps even friendly, they might be inclined to recruit you; though Strauss was convinced that you would never, knowing that your loyalties lay with the clan. It seemed he didn’t take time to think of all of the possible outcomes for this as you and those brutes down in that dive bar were starting to become quite close. A side effect of that was you taking on some undesirable characteristics of theirs, namely thinking that you could do whatever you want whenever you wanted. If word were to get out that you were acting in such a way while you were under his supervision, his reputation would be ruined. More important than that, however, was the fact that he refused to be disrespected like this.
The door to the chantry opened and Strauss knew it was you. The two of you were the only ones living here at the time. The ever-changing corridors were very straightforward tonight, almost as though they could feel his dark mood and the chantry itself was getting out of his way to avoid it. You, however, seemed to be wholly unaware of how serious the situation was as when he entered the foyer you greeted him with a cheery, “Good evening.” Strauss didn’t respond, he only commanded, “Come speak to me in the main study.” Still not comprehending the situation you landed yourself in, you replied, “Of course. Just let me-”
Strauss didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t need to. The fact that he was demanding rather than politely asking let you know there was something big going on. Without another word, you wouldn’t dare to try another, you followed him. When you got to the study, you could have sworn that he had the flame in the fireplace burning hotter and more noticeably and dangerously brighter than it usually was. But, this could be your natural disposition to fire as a kindred mixing with the nerves of what he might want to talk about. When the both of you were in the study Strauss gave a curt, “Sit,” without even turning to look at you and motioning to one of the decorative sofas. When you hesitated, he then turned just enough to eye you, those eyes burning like the fire he was standing in front of. “Sit.” He repeated unkindly and there was no longer any hesitation on your part.
“Before we begin our talk, let me make something clear. We will not be actually talking. I will be reminding you of how you are to behave yourself and how you are to represent your clan when you are out of this chantry, and you will be still and listen quietly until I am finished.” You went to affirm that you understood what he had just said, but were cut short as soon as your mouth opened. “I said quietly.” Strauss scolded.
There was silence for a time. Strauss was facing away from you once again. The smoking jacket that he was wearing tonight was black with silken patterns shining a dark silver, the shadowy tones of it making his already pale skin look ghostly. The glimpse you caught of his eyes earlier, burning amber tempered only by red lenses let you see the anger that the rest of his face stoically hid. This bout of silence was terrifying, harrowing, and it was meant to be. You were supposed to sit there and stew in the unknown ramifications of whatever it was that you had done to upset him to this extent. Your nerves were stinging, eroding, eating you from the inside out, making it so that Strauss wouldn’t even have to say a word to make you frantically search through all of your actions to find and apologize for the offending ones. Unfortunately for you, he still had plenty to say.
“There was a certain level of trust that I gave you when I appointed you for such an important task. I believed that I could give you that trust and that you would respect that privilege.” Strauss then turned to look at you fully and his leer made your entire body tense up. “It seems that trust was misplaced and that respect was disregarded.” Strauss stepped from the fireplace and in front of you. There was never a time when you felt so small, shrinking back into the corner of the sofa even more than you already had. “How do you suppose I should react to such a blatant disregard for myself as a person?” If there was one thing that he could commend you for it was that you remembered instructions and didn’t try to answer. Strauss did not make any effort to answer either; much more effective to have you think of your own fears than for him to try to guess at them.
Strauss placed a hand on the arm of the sofa, making you feel even more boxed in. The feeling worsened when the other hand was placed on your shoulder, hold firm, threatening, just firm enough for his nails to start to push into your skin; he wasn’t wearing gloves as he almost always did for this very purpose. “Until you have proven to me that you are in fact able to show me the proper amount of respect- respect for guiding you through your challenging first nights as a kindred, respect for taking you into this chantry as your haven, respect for risking my credibility and status by advocating for your acceptance into the Pyramid- I will not allow you to return to the Anarch’s territory. I cannot and that is your fault.” He gave a moment for these words to sink in. “Furthermore, your time away from this chantry will be limited and supervised. You have already proven that you will toe the line on your given boundaries, and I will be sure that you do not cross them entirely.” The hand on your shoulder moved to take hold of your jaw; though his grip was firm but not painful, his cold hands burned like ice. “You will learn to behave yourself properly or there will be more than talking happening if I must correct you. Am I understood?”
“Yes.” Your warbled voice did its best to answer
“Perhaps you should reconsider your wording.” Strauss’ hold did tighten now.
“Yes, sir.” You corrected yourself quickly, feeling your stomach twist in knots at this newfound, terror-inducing side of your regent.
Letting go of your face, Strauss reached into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief. “There now. No need for the theatrics.” He admonished, but this time with a nurturing, almost babying tone as he used the cloth to dab away some bloody tears that you didn’t realize were starting to gather in the corners of your eyes and crawl down your face. “You be good and take this lesson to heart, and there will be nothing more said of it. You are my brightest pupil in the longest time after all. We just need to be sure your efforts are going in the correct direction.” Strauss took your hands and lead you to stand, and you were too dazed from the emotional whiplash to question the action. “Come, let me walk you to your room.” He knew that even though he had to make a point, being too emotionally distant would simply push you from him even more. So, now that the necessary firm hand had been introduced, the gentle one must be there to comfort its metaphorical blow. As he walked you through the halls he had an arm wrapped around you, pinning one of your arms to your side and the other to his. His free hand continued to dry your eyes with the handkerchief.
Once your room was reached, he opened the door and walked you in, leading you gently to sit on the edge of your bed. With a few more pats to your face, Strauss took your jaw to look at him once more, this time it was a cradle rather than a grip. “Rest yourself. It has been an intense night for you. I know I seemed harsh, but it’s all for your good, childe. Remember the duality of all things in life as comfort and aspiration for the future. Just as disobedience must be corrected, so shall good behavior be rewarded. Do well, follow guidance, commit to this life you were destined for, and I will be prouder of you than I already am. But, rest now.” His thumb glided along the area it rested on. “I shall return before dawn to check on you.” Strauss used this as a signal to politely tell you that you had better stay in here for the rest of the night, and you knew it would be foolish to ignore that implied command.
With that, he turned to leave. Right before the door closed him out of your view, you saw him place a corner of the bloodied handkerchief into his mouth.
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anathemaspeaks · 1 month
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Erza, Juvia, and Mirajane? Thank you!
hey! i'm straight, so i'll try my best to make this seem accurate, i hope you like it though!
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her love language is aggression. a punch from her is like an 'i love you.'
you are the only person she would share her beloved strawberry cheesecake with - she loves the glint in your eyes and the beam on your face when you eat it with her.
she loves napping with you after jobs. you unwind in the sauna at the guild, and then you spend the rest of the night cuddling and watching tv while eating snacks.
she blushes every time you bring up the fact that you two are together, her face turning as scarlet as her hair.
in fact, the first time you ever heard her stutter was when she was telling natsu and gray about you two.
(they then proceeded to fight about who gets to talk to you first. they ended up knocked out cold by erza.)
she's surprisingly shy, so you were the one to initiate your first kiss, after which it became a very common thing for you guys to do.
you'd think she's the shy one, but it's really quite the opposite. she says the most flirtatious, butterfly-inducing things with a sweet smile on her face in her normal, adorable voice.
you both tend to see who can make whom blush more (obviously, she ends up winning).
your way of showing love to her is through spoiling and pampering her. massages are a frequent occurrence, and you always cook means for her whenever you can because she works so hard at the guild.
you love giving her nose kisses, she really does seem like an angel when she giggles after that, the sweet noise ringing in your ears for a few seconds.
you were already like a sibling to elfman and lisanna long before you and mira became a thing, so they accepted your relationship with her with open arms and wide grins.
she was so hopelessly obsessed with gray until you came along. you showed her what it was like to feel truly wanted, where the relationship wasn't just one-sided.
she takes some time to warm up to you, but once she does? oh boy, she will not stop smothering you in affection every second of the day.
she pours her heart and soul into your relationship. she believes in all of the love languages, so you receive handmade gifts almost every week.
the first one to find out about you both was cana. she caught you both making out in the pool, with her hands on your waist and yours groping her breasts, faces red and lips swollen.
so of course she stood on a chair and announced it loudly to everyone in the guild, followed by loud whistles and cheers and a few shouts of "about damn time!"
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the last one was so hard to write bc i actually love gray and juvia together
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happilychee · 6 months
how good I think fairy tail characters are at traveling pt. 1
♡ gray fullbuster -> he's calm and reliable; he'll check the route before the trip and always have a map on hand to make sure you're going the right way. overall a 9/10 experience. -1 point because he doesn't make time to stop and look at trinkets >:(
*this is if you're traveling just with him though. if you add basically anyone else, including natsu, cana, loke, or lucy, gray will become completely distracted and you might never get to your destination.
♡ erza scarlet -> she'll get you to your destination. you might obtain life-altering trauma, bury a body, and become a local eldtritch legend, but you will get to your destination. 8/10 if you don't mind coming out of the experience Changed.
♡ mirajane strauss -> this can go one of two ways. if you're with other people, mira goes into Big Sister Mode, and you will get to your destination with minimal shenanigans. she does factor in Trinket Time, so overall a 10/10 experience. if it's just mira, though, prepare to go on a spiritual rollercoaster. no plans, no tickets, no maps, just vibes. mira likes to explore new towns and cities without worrying about a schedule or keeping track of other people. she has disappeared for a week straight to just wander around fiore. it's about the journey, not the destination, y'know?
♡ lucy heartfilia -> this poor girl isn't directionally challenged but she is financially challenged. will accidentally spend your train money on a cute necklace in whatever town you're stopping in. she's a good travel companion, willing to socialize with the locals and find out the best sight-seeing and restaurant spots. allocates a bit too much time for Trinkets. you'll probably arrive at your destination with empty pockets but full hearts (and shopping bags.) a 7.5/10, could be higher or lower depending on how much you value your wallet.
♡ natsu dragneel -> just give up. if he doesn't scoop you up in his arms as happy flies the two of you in the completely wrong direction, natsu's probably wandering off without you. gets distracted by everything: food, shiny objects, bickering people. you're working double time to get to your destination in one piece AND not lose natsu in the process. a 4/10 that can be upgraded to a 6 or 7 if you buy him a fire-resistant leash backpack.
♡ sting eucliffe -> surprisingly, he's the one coordinating your trip. all cheery smiles and lighthearted jokes, he makes it look easy. you don't even know what train you're getting on or how long the ride is, you just trust sting. he's charming everyone: the train conductor, the old ladies at the market stalls, the young ticket seller at the station. all of that completely disappears once you get on the train and sting is reduced to a nauseous puddle of dragon slayer. 10/10 experience as long as he doesn't throw up on you <2
♡ gajeel levy and pantherlily -> where's gajeel? you don't know. he was supposed to be at the station half an hour ago, he won't answer his lacrima, he's gone off the map. don't worry, though, levy and pantherlily will keep you company. 2/10 for gajeel. the worst part is, he shows up at your destination before you! he didn't even take the train or fly with lily! he's just... there somehow.
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cyrusthedragon · 3 months
I! Need! A! Beta! Reader!
I'm currently working on one explicit miraxus fanfic and i really really really need a beta reader, cuz English isn't my first language so I actually believe i have some pretty big mistakes there, thus i NEED a beta reader to at least mark them!! There are monstercocks. One monstercock. Mirajane's monstercock.
So if you're not allergic to monstercocks and can help with editing a huge fanfic where Mirajane Strauss is the best girl in the world and Laxus Dreyar is FUCKED 'til semi-fainting - you're absolutely welcome, please, contact me as soon as possible!!
If u can't help me with the editing but wanna read that fic - pls share this post so more people can see it and I'll finally have that one fic DONE, jesus christ
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Anyways!! Thank y'all!!
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
Hi Atlas :0 i have new request but for BAU team with teen!werewolf!reader?
Hotch & Rossi are the only ones to know about reader being a werewolf when he is put on the team bc government wanted to keep him under the eye and recruited him in the end, his records are sealed so Penny doesn't snoop around the important stuff lol. And Rossi being his handler and the main person to see after the boy, to do a report to Hotch about his performance etc. And the reader mostly being there for scent search ( like the reader has a sharp nose for scents and us able to distinguish them with ease even if old and somewhat able to even if masked under fresher scents or added scents) but he's in general a lot faster with more stamina and energy to burn unlike humans .
So the team gets to know the reader's so called secret by seeing him action just zooming past them to catch up with a escaping Unsub in a mountain-like scenery and they're having a hard time catching up to them bc Rossi gave him the go ahead bc the Unsub would otherwise be able to escape in-between the trees and rocks.
Just imagine reader being big enough in his werewolf form(doesn't matter if 4- or 2-legged form to me (as in folklore or twilight type lol) ) that he can just plop all his weight down on the Unsub and pin them to the ground. Possibly disarm them by grabbing the thing in their hands or biting their arms/wrists.
How would the team react? Would they have had some suspicions on the topic?
Sorry the request's a bit long again lmao. Please if the request is too much, your requests are closed or you just don't feel like it, don't feel pressured to do it! Stay hydrated, have a nice day and keep your head up! uwu
Okay, so I wasn't going to write this originally because I wasn't sure how to, but then I started thinking about it and ideas kind of just came to me aha. I hope you like it, I'm posting it now because I just finished writing it and I'm giggling and I just wanted to post it because I think it's funny, but not like a funny funny like a stupid funny if that makes sense?
Warnings: Bullet wound, blood, make shift first aid
Word count: 1385
“A handler?” You asked in disbelief, you scoff, shaking your head at the director with a laugh, “I don’t fucking think so, I’m not a dog-”
“We need someone to monitor you who’s on the team.” He said, pausing before continuing, “Like a mentor,”
“Then call it a mentor. Not a fucking handler,”
“Could you give us a minute?” Rossi asked, speaking for the first time. Hotch, Strauss, and the Director look at each other for a minute before leaving the room. 
“The prick may as well ask me to roll over,” You muttered bitterly, wiping the frustrated tear that had made its way down your cheek.
“Look, kid, all I’m going to be doing is making sure you’re settling in okay,” Rossi said with a shrug, “I don’t care about what else they’re saying. I’m only concerned about if you’re okay.”
That’s how you were introduced to one: the fact that you would be working with the BAU, and two: that you’d have a ‘handler’ constantly monitoring you. 
When you met the team, an hour or so later, they noticed that you seemed to be full of energy and, despite only having met Rossi an hour ago, seemed to be pretty loyal to him already. Over the next coming months, your secret (as promised) was kept between you, Rossi, and Hotch. All the team knew was that you ‘had good tracking skills’ and that’s why you were recruited. You knew the truth was going to come out eventually, but you didn’t think you would ever be prepared. 
There wasn’t much difference with this case then the others, an unsub who was a horrible person, lashed out at people, the usual. He even had a lair surrounded by woods. When you found him and the team confronted him, he ran (also not unusual) and he was fast (unusual), really fast (definitely unusual). 
You stare at Rossi until he nods, giving you approval. You pelt your legs fast after the unsub, even if you did lose him, you’d be able to find him quickly. He stunk of the familiar scent of blood, mixed with cigarettes, and Jack Daniels. You let yourself shift as you run, the familiar feeling of your bones resetting subtly as you did so - more energy and strength seeping through your body as you changed, clothes tearing as your body transformed. Soon enough, you’re ready to drop down on all fours, a growl crawling up your throat you do. It doesn’t take you long to catch up with him, maybe thirty seconds. When you do, you tackle him to the ground, keeping him pinned with a heavy paw, you lift your head into the air, howling loudly to signal to Rossi that he’s been detained.
The team stared at you in absolute shock when you walked back over to them, now dressed in the spare clothes Hotch and Rossi always kept close by (as a just in case). 
“What the fuck-” Derek’s the first to speak.
“It’s sort of a long story?” You reply, unsure. 
“There’s been numerous sightings of werewolf individuals throughout history, not to mention clinical lycanthropy,” Spencer chimes in.
“So you’re a-?”
“Say it,” You say dramatically, you hear Rossi and Hotch sigh deeply, already knowing where this was going. “Say it. Out loud.”
Derek and Emily share a confused look. “Werewolf.” Hotch mumbled, hoping to get this whole thing over with.
You turn around dramatically, “Are you afraid?”
“No.” You grin, you had never heard Hotch sound so done with you in your life. This was brilliant. 
“This is the face of a killer, Bella.” You say, disappointed when none of them get your reference. “Really? None of you? JJ, come on, you know what Cullen means, surely you get it?”
“Sorry, I’ve never actually seen Twilight,”
“Ugh,” You groaned, “Penelope would get it, you all need to be more like Penelope and laugh at my jokes,”
“No need to bite back so hard, kid,” Derek grins. 
“If this becomes a frequent thing, I might actually kill you.” You state. 
“You’re all bark and no bite,” A growl sounds through your throat and your eyes flash. Derek puts his hands up in surrender, “Alright, alright, no more jokes. Can you eat chocolate though? Serious question. Rossi, why’s he looking at me like that? Rossi, Rossi-!” Derek yelped as you tackled him to the ground.
“Yes I can eat chocolate, it makes me feel sick though.” You answer, you hadn’t shifted, you just wanted to scare him a little. “Nice yelp though, sounded like a little girl.”
“I did not!”
“Yeah, you did,” Emily answered with a snort. 
Now, months later, you stand in a warehouse, locating the unsub with Rossi whilst you wait for backup. “He’s definitely here,” You mumble, “Jesus, he eats a lot of fast food,” Rossi gives a small snort, “I think he’s in here,” You say, pointing at the room just ahead of you. Rossi nods, raising his gun slightly as he begins to enter the room, you’re close behind.
You watch in horror as the gun cocks into place, you let yourself start to shift - knowing that you wouldn’t be able to make it in time in human form. You weren’t going to let them get hurt. You were nothing if not loyal. Rossi waits for the bullet. He knew it was going to happen eventually, it was inevitable in this line of work. But the bullet doesn’t come, instead, the crack of the gun in heard, as well as the sound of impact. Then nothing. And then the small whine comes. It’s pathetic and sounds like a wounded animal. A wounded animal. It clicks and Rossi looks around, spotting the form of a wolf, he watches as the fur shifts, slowly turning to skin in order to preserve your energy. 
Another shot sounds and the unsub drops down dead. Rossi sends a brief nod of thanks to Morgan as he rushes over to you, shrugging off his windbreaker to place over you. Morgan joins him, peering over you, eyes widening when he sees the bullet wound. He reaches for the radio, “We need a-” Rossi puts his hand up and Derek stops.
“What do you need us to do?” Rossi asked, turning back to you.
“Rossi, he needs an ambulance,”
You shook your head, “My body will heal, I just need to get it out,” Rossi nodded as you lifted your head, the bullet wasn’t too far in. You could probably just reach in and grab it, you’re body would flush out any infection or bacteria that was in the wound and you’d be as good as new within a day or two. Your fingers hovered above the bullet wound and you let your head drop back to the floor. You take a deep breath before you plunge the fingers into the wound, feeling for the bullet. Your back arches and you ground your teeth, you clench the bullet with your finger tips and force yourself to take a deep breath before you pass out or something. And then, when you’ve got a good grip, you yank it out. And fuck it hurts. You groan loudly through your teeth, throwing the bullet to the floor.
“You okay?” Derek asked, you huff a small laugh as you nod.
“Just peachy,” You mumble. “I’ll be fine. The outside of the wound will close within a few hours anyway,”
“Won’t you bleed out?”
“Should be fine,” You said with a shrug, “This is hardly the first time I’ve been shot,” And with that, you force yourself back on your feet, clutching a hand to the wound as you walk.
When you’re back on the jet, now with a gauze over your wound, you lay slowly on the couch. “I know what will help,” You say, lifting your head up slightly, “I’m going to make you all watch Twilight. You need to get my jokes - they’re like over half of my humour and none of that can be appreciated if you haven’t seen it.”
“Is it any good?” Emily asked, you shook your head.
“Nope, it’s absolute horse crap,”
“Then why make us watch it?”
“Because you all need to suffer to get my humour,” You said, before adding, “And I’m injured so you can’t say no,”
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