#streddie headcanons
derrydeer · 2 years
i think stanley uris drops some mean acid
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lluvguts · 3 years
Let's seeeeeee here me out 11? I think...
Streddie going to get icecream, and going star gazing. But richie is bugging them and stan or eddie shut him up by kissing him, and richie then blushing..
part 11! (*insert corny eleven reference here*)
richie had been planning out their little date for weeks now, but could only afford to buy two of the ice creams.
he let eddie and stanley take their pick, with eddie getting vanilla bean while stanley wanted strawberry cheesecake.
richie tried to steal bites first from eddie's ice cream, but the smaller boy ducked out of the way of richie's hand slung around his shoulder (because he knew the trashmouth was only being sweet so he could steal his free ice cream).
stanley shared with him instead, with richie's arms wrapped playfully around stan's waist, much to eddie's annoyance.
when they get to the spot on the hill at nightfall, stanley spreads out the blanket he'd brought in advance ("so bugs don't crawl all over us.")
eddie snuggled right up to stan's open arms and listened, giggling softly now and then when stanley kissed his cold nose while pointing out different stars and constellations.
richie tried to get their attention by prodding eddie's ribs, over and over, even pulling the blanket out from underneath them.
stanley sighed, uttering a little "fine" before scooting over and taking richie's arms to pull him in the middle of him and eddie. eddie took one of richie's hands and tenderly kissed the pads of his fingers (something he only did when richie was being an attention-whore...so all the time).
the other boy blinked with his cheeks turning red. he wasn't expecting to be sandwiched between his two favorite people.
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emmettspeakz · 5 years
Strike headcanons
Compiled by me and @g-ay-gatsby <3
Bisexuals: Dangerously adorable
Richie: you right, you right
Eddie: hell yeah he’s dangerous adorable
Eddie: but, well, mostly he’s just adorable and he thinks he’s dangerous
Stan: who are we talking about? Bill? Mike?
Richie: no you other boyfriend
Stan: Eddie?
Eddie, Bill, Mike: *blushing*
Richie: ….
Stan just being like “I love my boyfriend!!
Eddie, Mike, Bill, Richie at once: Which one?
Eddie and Richie are making out on one side of the couch, Mike and Bill are making out on the other side and Stan is just sitting in the middle BEAMING with HAPPINESS because his boyfriends are so good and he appreciates them so much but also is fine with not making out with them most of the time just being there is good
-Stan is just holding Bil and Richie’s hands in the middle and sighing contentedly 
Richie: did you want a turn at some point stan?
Stan: nah it’s okay I just wanna hold your hand for now
Richie: alright stan lemme know how you’re doing *returns to eddie*
Stan and Richie cuddles with Edie next to Richie at the end o the couch, Mike at the other end of the couch and Bil has his head resting on Stan’s lap and Stan is just BEAMING and blushing so hard cuz he’s soo happy
Richie totally calls him stan the man at the worst possible time and he rolls his eyes/blushes so the other 3 do it as well
Easily embarrassed!Stanley Uris; he’s embarrassed no matter what they call hiM
Protective!Bill Denbrough is canon
Stan decides to try to join in a bit and is kissing bill or something and richie walks in and goes “stan the man! Feeling brave today” but not in a mean way he knows it’s okay and respects stan’s boundaries and stan just gapes at him with his mouth wide open
Bill: Shut up richie
Overusing pet names for stan
Richie: don’t be a ucking pussy stan!
Richie: I was just jok--
All of them are so respectful of his sexuality and take it easy and slow with him and never push him. Richie is the one who always talks him through everything and explains stuff to him. But bill is the one that gets SO ANGRY if anyone says SHIT about his beautiful ace boyfriend
Richie teases him but only in a soft, richie way where stan knows it’s light hearted and all in good fun
Mike is more quiet about it. Never initiates anything with stan cause he’s scared to do something wrong
Mike is super protective of Bill though, especially about his stutter
Stan and mike just at the library casually holding hands and reading books cuz stan is too shy to ask him to kiss or do anything remotely sexual
Asexual spectrum! Mike Hanlon - demisexual? Shy!Mike
Mike is comfortable with Bill and they’ve figured out what works for both of them, for the other 3 he’s more...not scared just less confident in what he should be doing
Mike i could see as being someone else along with Stan maybe even Bill if he has needs to be more sexual. But he assures stan that he’s enough and is pure and loving
Bill reassures Mike that he’s safe with all 4 o them no matter what and he talks him through what to do
Reddie is just going at it, as they do, stan is smiling, watching, loving life. Bill joins in and they’re used to mike sorta being nervous and bill just whispering something in his ear and mike turns red but agrees cause he trusts bill
Mike isn’t as comfortable with himself around Richie and Eddie. Might be a bit more distant from them cuz they’re always connected at the hips so it takes time for him to loosen up
Bill being secretly kinky with mike
Bill and mike go off to be sexual and stan is just like “what do i do now?” and richie and eddie cuddle him and watch a movie until he falls asleep
Since mike is so safe with bill he tries new things sometimes and explores his comfort zone but that’s ONLY WITH BILL, with the rest of them he stays with what he knows is okay
Mike doesn’t like that the others know they’re specifically leaving to be sexual so he asks bill to make an excuse every time and it gets more and more ridiculous - but mike asks him to do it every time even though he knows that they know what’s goin on and he knows that he won’t be judged
-“We’re gonna go watch paint dry”
“We’re off to destroy the patriarchy!”
Richie: destroy the patriarchy...alone in your bedroom?
Eddie slaps him
Stan is still just beaming
Mike: yeah, toxic masculinity and all that. Come ON Bill and he makes *that* face
Bill’s just like “s-sorry stan” and Stan acts like he’s okay but he’s clearly feeling insecure and Eddie and Richie cuddle him on either side and make him feel happy again
Stan is often super uncomfortable with it but every once in a while he’ll talk to eddie about stuff. Cause he knows eddie is co comfortable with sex and stuff, and he won’t joke around like richie. So he just asks him specific questions about things without being judged and then eddie hugs him so hard 
*richie walks in and sees them hugging* hey, why wasn’t I invited?
Eddie and stan are best friends and boyfriends like they could easily come off as just friends to other people except eddie will hold his hand in public and be super lowkey flirty
Eddie: it’s eds’ turn rich
Stan: quit interrupting tozier
Mike and stan being super jokingly sexual cause they know neither person is really interested in being sexual with the other
Mike only wants to have sex with bill and stan just wants to be soft and hold hands so they overdo it 
“Wanna go strip off out clothes off and go skinny dipping?”
“Pfft as if!”
Mike would be more shy but stan would totally start picking up on sexual jokes from spending too much time with richie
Stan being super uncomfy with naked boys’ bodies at first like having a pool party and them being shirtless he’s like “what do i do”
And one day he makes a super inappropriate joke in front of bev and she’s like ….what?
STAN never gets over seeing his boyfriend change and stuff, like eds changes his shirt in front of him and he just blushes
Ben is like “when did you turn into richie?”
Richie: *pretending to wipe away a tear* i taught him everything he knows
Eddie: that’s not something to brag about trashmouth
Richie takes of his shirt and he’s just like “want a taste?” and stan just goes “i’m not even gonna attempt to beep you. You know what you did.”
Eddie teaches stan about sexual things, bill teaches him about finding a comfort zone and richie fully just gives him lessons and talking dirty
“So stan when you flirt with a girl--”
“I’m gay.”
“In case you forgot you’re also gay”
“Oh shit, is that why i have four boyfriends?”
“You’re beautiful mike. You know who else is beautiful?”
Stan: “literally all of you. Fuck all of you for being pretty.”
Richie: i didn’t think you were into that
Bill: shut up richie
Stan is attracted to all of them but mostly romantically. So one day reddie are just being so damn cute and telling each other how much they love each other and how attractive the other is and what they wanna do to each other
Eddie: gosh your lips are beautiful richie i just wanna--
Stan: but you know what’s more important? You have a BEAUTIFUL PERSONALITY
Richie: yeah that’s great thanks stan but can we get back to what we’re gonna do with our lips?
They’re planning the next time they’re all gonna meet up and stan, being an ace stereotype occasionally offers to bring snacks
Richie is like  “I NEED ALL THE SHOTS”
Mike’s like: oh fuck yeah stan brings the best snacks
Stan to richie: you strip when you drink please don’t
Richie snorts
Eddie: *under his breath* please do
Stan: i’m just gonna go get some snacks. Y’al fucking behave
Mike: i’ll help
-Bill: i guess i’ll help too (* is so attached to his baby*)
-And, oh shit, they left reddie alone again
-They come back and reddie are making out on the couch, of course
-Stan is holding both Bill and Mike’s hands so it’s hard for them to bring the snacks but stan doesn’t want them to let go
-Bill is organizing, richie is in charge of alcohol, mike and stan bring snacks, and eds is responsible and brings protection 
Stan has to be holding someone’s hand at all times, otherwise he gets all nervous
Richie: a condom? What’s this for?
Eddie: so you don’t--
Stan: So i don’t get tozier diseases
-Richie has cooties
Richie slicks his hair back, fingers guns out* you already got em baby
Stan is holding richie’s hand while richie and eddie are about to have sex and richie just goes, “hey uh stan do you think you could hold bill’s hand for a bit?”
“Sure, why?”
“I think i’m gonna need both hands for this”
*eddie giggling*
Mike and Bill: we were about to ask you the same thing
Stan: *not having it* Y’all need to leave
Stan can go hold ben’s hand cause he doesn’t stand for any toxic masculinity around here
Bev is like “you can hold my hand” and ben’s like “hey that’s my job”
They joke about ben being the only one they haven’t taken and ben jokes along with them and bev rolls her eyes
“Why don’t you join them already?”
Bev doesn’t care if they joke cuz she just KNOWS ben loves her and ONLY HER
So there’s just moans being heard from all over upstairs and stan just goes “so how’s life you guys?” to ben and beverly
Stan is super red but they don’t point it out
Bill and stan makeout sessions are the ultimate soft fest - Those are the only times stan moans cuz he’s enjoying stuff
Stan and Richie have a neck THING
Richie thinks stan’s moans are the cutest thing and has to hide his arousal coming into the room with bill making out with him
Bill: “Do you mind tozier?”
R: nope not one bit
B: get the fuck out richie
Richie just goes and kisses stan on the forehead
R: have fun you too *leaves*
Stan is at work and bill brings him lunch or something and kisses him on the cheek and stan is blushing like crazy of course and this happens a lot but also eddie comes by sometimes just to check in on him and in general he gets visits from his boyfriends and all of stan’s co-workers are getting confused
Make is panromantic? But homosexual
Co-worker A: omg stans boyfriend is so hot
Co-worker B: yeah i love his curly hair
Co-worker A: *meant bill and is so confused*
“Yeah i just met richie, he’s pretty funny.”
“I thought his name was Eddie.”
Bev drops stan off at work and kisses his forehead and just says something like “have a good day honey” cause she’s ultimate mon friend and everyone is just like?
Each co-worker only meets one boyfriend like the one who meets richie only knows richie, etc. 
“Stan, you straight now?”
“Ew, no, what would give you that idea?”
*co-worker gestures vaguely towards Beverly*
Co-workers somehow manage to always be in the room with the same boyfriend
Mike and Bill are holding hands talking to someone and she’s like, 
“Do one of you work here?” and at the same time they say
“Yeah my boyfriend does”
Richie and eddie get there last
Random co-worker: there really seems to be a lot of gay couples here?
Stan: No just us I think *not realizing it looks like two separate couples plus stan*
Someone’s like: hey stan where’s your boyfriend?
Stan: they’re almost here I think
Then everyone assumes he has one boyfriend who uses they/them pronouns
Richie, Eddie, Bill, and Mike all basically line up and kiss Stan and every co-worker is thrown for a loop
One co-worker who always saw stan with eddie at work, then at the party they see stan holding mike’s hand and later they’re like “oh stan i’m so sorry to see you broke up with eddie!” and stan gets really worries that they heard eddie say something
He’s completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone is in a polyamorous relationship with four men, like he has no idea that anyone would be surprised by it
Stan is like “are we okay?” to eddie who’s like “yeah babe what’s wrong?” and consoles him
One co-worker who is down with everything, who is stan’s advisor just shakes his head and goes, “stan you’re a lucky man” and stan’s face turns TOMATO red
Jealous co-worker is just like “you have four men but I can’t even get one?? wtf??”
Stan: sucks to be you i guess
Richie: *pretending to tear up* i taught him how to do that. That’s my sassy boyfriend!!
Bill is hugging stan from behind and eddie is holding mike’s hand while richie is off being hilarious and making people fall in love with him by accident and then out of nowhere richie yells “SWITCH SHIFTS” and they very naturally switch to stan cuddling with richie, mike and bill being soft and cute and eddie is checking the food and pointing out what’s unsanitary to the poor people who happen to be at the food table
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sillybitchhours · 5 years
Tumblr media
( @paperboatsandredballoons )
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mikeandeddie-blog · 7 years
i'm at 200 followers!!!
so my inbox is open for any requests, headcanons, and ship related fics!
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thaliasthunder · 5 years
Can we talk about stan's "be who you wanna be, be proud"??? Like seriously stan knew richie was a pining trashmouth for that angry little shit in short shorts and then remembered it even 27 fuckin years later of not thinking of him once, yeahh and he even dared to put it on his letter encouraging richie to show his true self, bitch if that isn't a legend idk what the fuck it is
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fairytozier · 5 years
Stan: Eddie.
Eddie: Stan.
Richie: Richie.
Stan: ok you said your own name
Richie: I was the only one left
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antisociallilbrat · 4 years
Losers’s Club Deaths 2/7
Part one
Part three
A/N: Round two is here, who’s gonna go? Warning from last time, even though these are headcanons, they can get pretty angsty. In my Poly!Losers universe, Stan is NB so heads up. Also this one made me cry so uh yeah
The losers get four years to adapt to Ben’s death 
They learn to happy again
On their marriage anniversary, they light a candle for Ben and visit him under the oak tree, knowing he’s right there with them
They have family dinners and no one comments on the seventh empty chair
They have four years of almost normalness before everything goes to shit again
It’s Richie
Richie had always had a terrible cough, but none of them ever thought too much of it
Even Eddie, he always assumed, like everyone else, Richie’s cough was due to years of smoking cigarettes
A nasty habit that him and Bev both quit together when Bev got pregnant the first time
Richie quit with her to help motivate her, and he wanted to quit anyways for their child
That was over twenty five years ago
Now his cough had been getting progressively worse, Eddie and Stan both urging him to get it check out
But Richie just brushed it off, saying he was just getting older
Eddie and Stan believed him, because besides the cough, Richie seemed to be in perfect health
That is until he’s doing a show one night and goes into a coughing fit, coughing up blood and passing out right on stage
Lung cancer; stage four
They were all in the hospital room when the doctor gave them the news
Mike and Stan were sitting off to the side, holding each other for comfort
Bev was curled up in the bed with Richie, and Bill was sitting beside him, holding his hand
Eddie was practically in the doctor’s face, asking about treatment options
The other losers didn’t have the heart to tell him to back off
Chemotherapy was an option, but in reality would just make the remainder of Richie’s life miserable
Which the doctor estimated to be six months, max
When the losers got home, Richie was quite
The jokes had stopped
They all thought that maybe he’d start drinking again, he didn’t
He became a husk of his former self
Richie spent a lot more time out at Ben’s grave, and could be spotted having conversations with him
A month went by like that, till it was Eddie that snapped
Richie was laying himself in their Alaskan King Size bed, staring into space when Eddie went off on him
The other losers were there, they heard Eddie cry about how all this sucks, but that Richie isn’t dead yet so he needs to stop acting like it
That they need him to be here with them, especially when he won’t make it to the end of the year
That seems to stir Richie out of his depression, and he starts making an effort to spend his time with his loved ones
Bev and him watch every raunchy comedy they can find, determined to find the worse one
They also smoke weed to which Stan and Eddie get mad over
But Richie is already dying, and weed helps with the pain so they muffle their complaints
Richie starts helping Mike around the house more, spending more time outside with him and the farm animals
Richie has always been Mike’s little cooker helper, but he’s even more so now, delighted when most nights Mike is cooking his favorite meals
Bill takes a break from his writing during these months, and him and Richie do literally anything everything
Like I mean Richie is scrolling through Instagram and sees someone’s vacation photos from the Grand Canyon and mentions about he’s always wanted to go there; Bill is booking the trip before he can finish talking
Or there’s some new stupid internet challenge trending Richie wants to try? Bill is right there with him
With Stan, Richie goes bird watching with them
That’s something he typically doesn’t do, finds it too boring, but now a days with his aching body, he finds it quite peaceful
Stan is happy to spend that special time with their lover
Eddie, Richie just relaxes with Eddie
Eddie is the one Richie can cry too, and Eddie just holds him
Sometimes they spend hours wrapped in each others arms, comforting each other
Richie also makes sure to spend time with his kids and now four grandchildren
Richie is four months into the six when he’s moved to hospital permanently
That only lasts a week before his health takes a dramatic decline
They all seem to know his time is drawing near one night, when the six of them are crammed into his hospital room
They’re all crying, Richie too, but he’s going on and on about how he’s going to get Ben all to himself, that they should be jealous
He passed away that night surrounded by five of his great loves
They bury him next to Ben underneath the oak tree, another piece of their heart buried
Their house starts to feel a little too big for the five of them
A/N:  Who’s gonna be next?? If anyone wants to write an actual story based on these I’d love you forever, but if you take ideas from this please give creds ! More to come
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likes-to-many-ships · 4 years
Begin of the relationship
Eddie isn’t dead I promise 
They were all secretly crushing on each other for years 
All of them were scared to tell the others. They know their town isn’t accepting towards two guys dating and wouldn’t take well to three. They were also scared of how the others would react. 
Richie was the first to confess, but he was really drunk. He told Eddie first. Richie climbed up to Eds’ window and told him everything. Then Richie drags Eddie to Stan’s house. Richie climbs into Stan’s room with Eddie following his tail. Richie tells Stan the same thing that he tells Eddie. 
They end up talking in the morning, so Richie isn’t drunk 
That is when they started dating 
The three of them decided not to tell the other losers, but that only lasted for a week
The other, especially Bev, was getting subspecies. 
Eddie, Stan, Richie would end up cuddling on the couch during movie night 
All the other loser has seen the three of them holding hands 
Mike swears he saw them kiss 
Bev, Bill, Ben, and Mike brought it up to the couple. They confess to being in a relationship. 
Everyone was happy for them, what do you expect. The Loser stick together and love each other. 
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gxenbev · 5 years
Hc that the Princess Bride is Richie and Eddie’s favorite movie to watch together. It's comical and romantic and just fits both of their personalities so well. They watch it all the time and annoy the other losers by quoting it every chance they get.
Eddie will ask Richie to grab something for him and Richie will respond with, “as you wish,” and Stans about ready to throw hands.
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lluvguts · 3 years
middle spoon
this is hardly edited so ignore any mistakes! 
eddie and richie had invited stanley over for a sleepover, but couldn’t help but feel as though he was being extra grumpy. not just grumpy...jealous. richie would reach out and take eddie’s hand and they’d hear a soft sigh coming from stanley, in the furthest corner from them, with a book pressed as close to his eyes as it could get. eddie would giggle as richie snuggled closer during the movie, and stan would roll his eyes and get his own blanket. as the night wound to a close, richie turned to eddie with a knowing question in his eyes. eddie climbed into bed first, flipping open the covers and motioning to stan to come closer. 
“come on, i’m giving up little spoon for this.” 
stanley shot a worried look at richie, though his cheeks were burning. richie laughed and gave him a gentle push so he’d lie down next to eddie. 
only after richie had slipped under the covers last and shut off the lights did stanley relax, the pressure building up in his chest the whole night finally releasing as eddie carefully rested a sleepy hand on his shoulder from behind.
“you two are always so affectionate,” stanley whispered in the dark.
richie laughed again and leaned against stanley’s chest.
“aw, was poor little stan feeling left out?”
in the end, he just wanted to be comforted. stan fell asleep warm and full on love.  
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summerflesh · 5 years
brain shutting off . all i care about is trans stan
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zhongliswallet · 4 years
Stan and Richie watch Rick and Morty together while Eddie really doesn't understand why they like it so much. Richie definitely told him you need high IQ to get it more than once. Eddie hates the show with a passion now.
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johnandthearth · 5 years
Streddie + Ukulele
-Stan is a ukulele player. He gives big string energy, and he'd want something easy to carry.
-He usually takes it to the park to play for a while. Birds like it and he has more chances to watch rare species.
-Stan's self-taught. His mother taught him guitar bases but the figured the rest out of books and well-known players.
-Both Richie and Eddie love to listen him play.
-At first Stan hid the fact he played. It was a shame that they discovered him playing "Somebody to love" in the middle of the park. Richie and Eddie hug him silently when Stan finished it. They almost cried.
-Stan doesn't like singing for other people, not even his boyfriends. He usually hums or says a couple words softly, but not much more.
-Richie knows too many songs, so he doesn't mind being the lead singer (that doesn't mean he knows how to sing.)
-When Eddie sings everyone lowers their volume or directly shut up. His voice is high-pitched, and both Richie and Stan describe it as angelic.
-Stan has taught them some basic notions, like chord progressions or simple strumming patterns.
-Eddie was thrilled after the first mini lesson! He learnt four chords (C, G, Am and F) and practiced chord changes. But, until you're used to it, you can get marks at your fingers. In some chases even reach a little bit of blood.
-That's why Eddie's mom forbid him to be near an instrument ever again. That didn't stop the cuddle session of the day, letting him be the small spoon (they usually take turns because they all like it so much).
-He still plays from time to time though. Stan and Eddie have tried to play at the same time, but they haven't achieved it yet.
-Stan and Eddie almost killed him, but Richie learnt a song behind their backs.
-"I wanna play you a lovely serenade" "But you don't know how to play" "Wait Eddie, let him try"
-Stan still regrets to have said that. Richie had memorized the chord progression of Never Gonna Give You Up.
-Richie lost the right to play forever.
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inumakkis · 5 years
I'm taking writing requests for IT ! no nsfw ! Give me a prompt !
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thaliasthunder · 4 years
Eddie: you are what you eat
Richie: then am i you?
Stan: [chokes]
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