#strength 20 charisma 18 intelligence 8
nooskadraws · 1 year
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himbo strongman oath of glory paladin for a dnd circus campaign 🔥💪
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iaus · 4 months
okay. i figured it out. putting this under a read more because i'm absolutely fucking bonkers and this went deeper than i expected to.
wall of text under the read more eheheh.
let's start out with jace (my beloved) who made making a character sheet so easy by being an obviously straight up sorcerer. i'm making the assumption that all teachers at aguefort somehow got to level 20. and here is what i came up with using standard array, no rolls:
strength: 10 (+0) dexterity: 14 (+2) constitution: 17 (+3) intelligence: 8 (-1), it is a 5 in my heart but i'm not messing with numbers for standard array purposes. wisdom: 12 (+1), which i think is in line with canon because i feel like i remember him having to make a WIS save and bleem said he only had a +1 charisma: 20 (+5), i think an argument could be made for his CHA to be higher but i don't... remember him doing any damage spells or having to make and CHA saves so. again, for standard array purposes i'm leaving it. he's at least 22 CHA in my heart.
but so with all the numbers out of the way... that leaves figuring out spell splots/subclass. because of fanfic (do i need to namedrop? we know what fic) i went with divine sorcerer.
gave him heightened, subtle, quickened, and careful metamagics but could be convinced of others.
for feats i lined him up with:
fey touched: misty step without giving up a learned spell slot as well as a +1 to CHA bringing it to 18 actor: +1 charisma to bring CHA to 19 as well as advantage on deception and performance checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person. prodigy: expertise to deception as well as proficiency with a language and tool kit didn't think about language or tool proficiency... but i am strangely fond of jace having proficiency with a forgery kit. skill expert feat for another +1 to round him out to CHA 20 (as well as expertise in persuasion).
now i also figured that even if he isn't an adventurer, he might have some gear so gear wise i gave him a ring of protection, bloodwell vial +3 (brings his spell save to a whopping 22), and a barrier tattoo (rare) which sets him at a comfortable 18 AC and takes up 3 attunement slots. (i know he did not have 18 AC but i love him more than bleem)
now. spells.
taking into consideration that jace has canonically used or implied to use: enlarge/reduce, misty step, counterspell, bigby's hand, and flesh to stone (which... i hadn't realized was a sorcerer spell), and detect magic. that leaves SOME wiggle room with the rest of his spells.
this is the spell list i generated thinking about my own characterization of him and considering that i think he might've been more used for control magics and they probably would have used oisin for more offensive stuff since... wizard.
and as i was typing this i realized that jace and oisin did use some sort detect thoughts or something.... though. it could have also been a dominate spell? anyway.........
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cantrips to level 2
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3 to 5
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and finally 6 to 9.
so OF COURSE this is gonna be so different to what bleem used because he probably used an npc stat block and just added very minimal flavor to it. but this is what i've come up with.
now. porter is a lot more straightforward literally between my textpost about his multiclass split to now i finished his sheet.
once again i used standard array. and made him an 18 barbarian path of the zealot, and 2 level paladin. he does not get an oath with only 2 paladin levels which i think works for his narrative.
strength: 20 (+5), however i do want it noted that porter HAS to have a 27 to strength to get his +8 and his +14 to strength saves and athletics checks. dexterity: 14 (+2) constitution: 17 (+3). considering that bleem said porter was health over AC, this means he has to have something artificially inflating his CON or just basic hit points. because a barb/pal multiclass with average dice is only 190 HP which for a bbeg is laughable. (again, i know that bleem did not use actual character sheets but, pre-final fight bear with me) intelligence: 8 (-1), his INT is also a 5 in my heart but not messing with standard array. wisdom: 12 (+1) charisma: 13 (+1), i do think that porter has more charisma than this. he is genuinely a creepy guy, but i think he's at least a +2 maybe even a +3. but i digress. i used standard array.
now for feats. i selected these with the thought in mind that porter's (pre-final fight) weapon is a vicious maul (extra +2d6 on crits) and i'm ASSUMING he's just going for straight damage which is scary.
Great Weapon Master Crusher (+1 to STR) which basically gives him the ability to once per turn push a creature away from him if he hits it with bludgeoning damage. it ALSO gives him advantage on a creature he scores a crit that does bludgeoning on until the start of his next turn.... scary opportunity attacks Athlete (+1 to STR) and makes it so it only takes 5 feet of your movement to stand when knocked prone, climbing doesn't take extra movement, and you can make a running jump with only 5 feet of movement vs 10 ability score increase (+1 STR, +1 CON) brings STR to 20 and CON up to 16 for a +3
now with the paladin multiclass, porter does not get access to the barb capstone and instead gets access to 2 paladin spells and smites. however, with this multiclass he can only smite twice.......... like bro....... LOL
his extra stuff is funny because he only has 10 lay on hands charges so he can technically get rid of disease/poison but only twice per long rest LOL. 2 divine sense which eh. and then 6 rage charges which isn't bad. but. i digress.
anyway. this was more of a huge thought exercise in order to justify what i'm doing in my fic. and also to think through if i really do want to multiclass my own barb.
funnily enough...... realized path of zealot gives me some wiggle room with stuff.... ehehehe.
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strikerangel · 1 year
Aughhb egg dnd.
Juanaflippa is the dungeon master who does shit just to piss off her players. Yeah theres no shortcut, if you huys try you get stung by a bunch of bees and take 2 poison damage. Yeah.. it says for an hour. Too bad. Go the long route. This howver doesnt mean that her players dont piss her off too. Which brings us too!!
Tilin! She plays as a Aasimar cleric who fucking loves to ask questions . "Hey flippa if im like. Born to serve the gods and am reveried . Can i worship myself for the cleric role" "kill yourself, die. Slash lighthearted joking No you cant" <- flippa is deadpan
Strength - 7
Dexterity - 11
Constitution - 12
Wisdom - 15
Intelligence - 11
Charisma - 19
Chayanne plays as a dragonborn barbarian who is. Very boasty. Hes arrogant but for a reason <- has the highest strength stat 4 a reason. Anywas chayanne goes fight first and talk later and that directly conflicts with tilin who attempts to talk first. They have a very friendly rivalry with their initiative rolls.
Strength - 18
Dexterity - 15
Constitution - 16
Wisdom - 13
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 14
Tallulah is a water genasi druid, she decided thaf being a bard irl was enough. Chayanne is willing to back her up in any decision she makes so tilin attempts to get her on her side . Sibling rivalry go strong. Her character has a shit ton of funny moments relatinf to water
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 15
Constitution - 18
Wisdom - 14
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 13
Bobby is a changeling rouge who is shifted to an owlins form. Hes like a packrat. So much shit in his inventory . Bobby brings his gun to a session once and flippa makes it canon that it has one. Guess how that goes with a trigger happy rouge. Theres a reason flippa told him to start with a dagger.
Strength - 12
Dexterity - 9
Constitution - 16
Wisdom - 13
Intelligence - 17
Charisma - 17
Richarlyson is a triton bard and their weapon is a guitar with a really fucking sharp spike on the end. They are very liable to stab through enemies with it and it just gets sharper as they bloody it. Theyre also flippas favorite player as she claims them as her little sibling. Hers now! Little sibling advantage roll.
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 18
Constitution - 18
Wisdom - 12
Intelligence - 14
Charisma - 14
Ramón is a warforged monk, he and dapper are fuckin twining . Warforgeds made by the same person. Despite being made of metal this fucker is so fucking agile. Ramon is very into dnd and brings everyone little figurines of their characters that move when flippa or their owners tell them to.
Strength - 13
Dexterity - 17
Constitution - 13
Wisdom - 12
Intelligence - 11
Charisma - 11
Leonarda is a triton paladin, he brings food for everyone and gives everyone little trinkets theyd enjoy after the session , flippa says she doesnt have to do it but she enjoys watching their faces light up as she gives it to them.
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 14
Constitution - 14
Wisdom - 10
Intelligence - 12
Charisma - 9
Dapper is a warforged artificer, he and ramon are twinning, however hes not gonna let ramon up him with the figurines. He makes everyone character sheet books that change at will . This does happen because of the ritual he did with the books and maybe some sheep blood.
Strength - 15
Dexterity - 14
Constitution - 15
Wisdom - 10
Intelligence - 13
Charisma - 8
Trump is an elf ranager who is quite literally the best to play with. The campaign would go literally nowhere with him (<- he consistently rolls high on perception and insight checks and is like. The only one who does.) Rlly fucking lucky btw. Nat 20s all across the board. Flippa hates this guy
Strength - 14
Dexterity - 16
Constitution - 12
Wisdom - 14
Intelligence - 15
Charisma - 10
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
This game is gonna be a little different than my usual ones. Instead of my characters answering questions, I'll be answering them. I know it's not that different from when I answer asks regularly, but I can provide a little bit of insight on a character, answering things they normally wouldn't answer in character :>
Ask about my OC/Muse(s)
Rules: Send me a question with the name of the character you wanna ask about. ALL canon and non-canon characters can participate
1) How easy is it to make them angry? Do they show their anger or hide it?
Have fun! ^^
1) How easy is it to make them angry? Do they show their anger or hide it?
2) What is their highest physical stat (strength, stamina, defense, speed, etc) and their highest non-physical stat (intelligence, perception, charisma, luck, etc)?
3) How would they react if someone lied to them, even if it meant it was for their own safety/well-being?
4) How easy is it for them to tell someone about their feelings or worries?
5) How high/low is their pain tolerance?
6) Which of the senses would they hate to lose the most: vision, hearing, smell, taste, or touch?
7) If they could ask anyone one question and get the absolute truth, who and what would they ask?
8) Who had the biggest impact on their life, both positive and negative?
9) How would a stranger they just met describe them?
10) What is their dream house like?
11) What is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them?
12) Are they a heavy sleeper or do they wake up easily?
13) Baths or showers?
14) It's a rainy day. What will they do cooped up inside all day?
15) Do they have a nice singing voice?
16) Surprise birthday party! How do they react?
17) How does your character feel about wearing jewelry?
18) Do they have a sweet tooth?
19) Haute cuisine or cheap eats?
20) Do they talk to themselves?
21) What do they wear when they're just at home hanging out?
22) If you can put them in a different fictional universe, like (name of universe), how would they react?
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popeplaceholder · 3 months
Conan O'Brien Build Fallout New Vegas
(Quick Disclaimer, this was made as a joke and not for practical viability. Some perks are for practicality but the bit was prioritized)
Have you ever wanted to roleplay as latenight talkshow host Conan O'Brien? Well this is your lucky day!
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Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 3
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 7
Luck: 6
Tagged Skills:
Guns, Survival, Lockpick(for the weapon "Lucky") or Science
The high intelligence was chosen because Conan is very intelligent and a Harvard graduate, and for perks later on. The low endurance is a reference to Conan's jokes about his disproportionate physique, this is also why agility is high because the jokes about his long legs. Luck was chosen for perks, and the extra point was put into charisma because he was a talk show host.
Level 0: Small Frame, Good Natured
Level 2, 4, 6: Swift Learner (Inteligence 4)
Level 8: Educated (Inteligence 4)
Level 10: Rapid Reload (Agility 5, Guns 30)
Level 12: Travel Light (Survivial 45)
Level 14: Fortune Finder (Luck 5)
Level 16: Nerd Rage (Inteligence 5, science 50)
Level 18: Math Wrath (Science 70)
Level 20: Cannibal
Level 22: Ghastly Scavenger
Unlike for the perk Skilled, Conan O'Brien is very experienced and learns new things. So you need all 3 ranks of swift learner, and educated. Nerd rage and math wrath were chosen because he is intelligent, pistols were chosen because of this archer sketch he did, travel light because he will only wear suits. Cannibal perks because I think it's funny. Fortune finder because he is rich. All perks are base game.
Dirty Pre-War Businesswear
Formal Wear
President Kimball’s Suit
Dean Domino’s Suit (Dead Money)
Maria (9mm round)
That Gun (Guns 50) (5.56mm round)
Lucky (You need lockpick 75 to get it) (.357 Magnum round)
A Light Shining in Darkness (DLC Honest Hearts) (.45 auto)
Veronica, because she's like Sona
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wyllzel · 6 months
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This is my Tav, Asa, whom I beat Honor Mode 🏆 with! She's my take on the Tavern Brawler Open Hand Monk (TB OH Monk).
I didn't take a dip in Thief Rogue for the Extra Bonus Action, and I took her Strength to 20 instead of relying on potions for the whole game – so her damage could definitely be improved. However, I was already more than happy with her combat performance. 🫡
(More details below!)
Class: Level 12 Monk (Way of the Open Hand)
Ability Scores: 20 Strength, 14 Dexterity, 23 Constitution, 8 Intelligence, 16 Wisdom, 10 Charisma
Saving Throws: +9 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, -1 Intelligence, +3 Wisdom, 0 Charisma
Race: Seldarine Drow
Background: Criminal
Hit Points: 135
I created Asa as a Drow for the Darkvision and to easily pass a lot of the Act 1 checks (the goblin camp). She took the Criminal Background for the proficiency in Stealth (my parties are usually designed around Stealth and Surprise rounds).
Skills: Athletics (+9), Stealth (+6), Insight (+7), Perception (+7), Deception (+4)
Feats: Tavern Brawler, Alert, ASI
Tavern Brawler is one of the most broken feats in the game. 😁 Alert is pretty crucial for Honor Mode, as you can easily take the upper-hand in combat by just having high initiative.
Headwear: Haste Helm
Smooth Start: At the start of combat, the wearer gains Momentum for 3 turns.
Monks are a very melee-dependent class, so it's important to make sure that your Monk is able to zip around the combat zone.
Cloak: Fleshmelter Cloak
Caustic Reprisal: Whenever a creature deals melee damage to the wearer, that creature takes +1d4 Acid Damage.
Monks will almost always be in melee combat.
Armor: Helldusk Armor
You are considered Proficient with this armor while wearing it. (This is the only Heavy Armor I know of that offers this passive.)
Infernal Retribution: When you succeed a Saving Throw, the caster receives Burning for 3 turns.
Prime Aegis of Fire: You have Resistance to Fire Damage and cannot be Burned. You take 3 less damage from all sources.
Fly: Grants the ability to Fly.
As of Patch #6, Hotfix #21, the extra movement speed granted to Monks by Unarmored Movement is not lost when wearing this armor.
Because Monks don't have any armor proficiency (earning them the "glass cannon" nickname), I put Asa in the best "grants proficiency" armor in the game.
Handwear: Gloves of Soul Catching
Soul Fist: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional +1d10 Force damage.
Soul Catching: Once per turn, on an unarmed hit, you regain 10 HP. Alternatively, you may forego healing to gain Advantage on Attack rolls and Saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Constitution +2, up to 20.
Footwear: Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo
Experienced And Deadly: The wearer deals additional damage equal to their Wisdom Modifier with Unarmed Strikes.
Amulet: Amulet of Greater Health
Sets the wearer's Constitution score to 23. The enchantment has no effect if their Constitution score is higher without it.
Advantage on Constitution Saving throws.
After getting this amulet, I dumped Asa's Constitution score and put those points towards Wisdom instead (for the Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo and Manifestation Passive (Way of the Open Hand)).
Ring A: Ring of Flinging
Throwing Boost: The wearer gains a +1d4 bonus to Throw Damage.
Ring B: Burnished Ring
Paralyzing Ray: Cast as a Level 3 spell (Recharge: Long Rest).
I don't think I ever used this spell, but it was nice to have just in case!
Main Hand (Melee): N/A
Unarmed Strikes all the way. 😎
Main Hand (Ranged): Bow of the Banshee
I don't think I ever used the bow (instead relying on Throwing Weapons), but like the Burnished Ring, it was nice to have just in case.
Combat Performance
Melee Damage: Unarmed Strike
Attack Roll Bonus: +14
Damage (Bludgeoning, +1d4 Radiant, +1d10 Force): 19-38
Flurry of Blows Damage: 38-76
Stunning Strike Save: 17 DC
Flurry of Blows (Condition) Save: 17 DC
Ranged Damage: Thrown Dagger
Attack Roll Bonus: +14
Damage (Piercing): 12-18
Most of the time, I would have Asa land two Unarmed Strikes (often a Stunning Strike) and a Flurry of Blows on a high HP target. Because her Attack Roll Bonus is so high, she was almost always doing 76-228 Damage per round.
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tiefling-anarchy · 2 years
Name: Siofra "Fray" Leiptera pronounciation: "Sho-fra" "Ley-pt-erah"
Age: 24
Race: Papiliara (homebrew)
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: any/all (he/she/they/it + neos)
Sexuality/orientations: unlabelled
Relationship Status: single
Partner: n/a
Class: Paladin
Birthday: Feb 06th
a very pale and soft looking person, comes off and gentle, quiet and cold or shy, maybe distant at times but is quite a bit agressive when they want to be.
wings flat against their back almost
looking like shes got a cape or cloak on.
he tends to blurt out whats on his mind otherwise fae stay quiet.
likes to stare at the moon and eat sweets.
quiet, soft spoken normally but does have a temper. they are loyal, a bit brash, insightful and tend to be a closed off kind of person.
D&D style, out of 20 for greater variation.
also dnd style- choose 4-6 from the following list:
Acrobatics / Athletics / Insight / Intimidation / Slight of Hand / Survival
leather armor, glaive, two handaxes, dungeoneer's pack.
melee weapons, specifically polearm style. their fighting style is similar to Naginatajutsu. they know common, sylvan/elvish, and papial.
years ago, Siofra was separated from their people after everyone fled from the current settlement due to an attack, they've been trying to find where their people had migrated to. during the attack they, along with other young papiliara, were taken. they'd grown up as a weapon, killing and hunting people down until, upon learning her people were hunted and had their wings(if they had any) ripped from them, they finally had enough, snapped, and used their glaive against their captors. Fray's time working for them earned him names such as "The White Death" or "the Ghost". she's been trying to avoid this large part of her past and find what remained of her people and where they'd fled to but with the fact that her people migrate during season's changing its been difficult for them.
vox: friends/acquaintances with the group, travels with them but isnt particularly close with any of them at first.
hair: white/grey
eyes: black
skin: tan
height: 5'8
fray has white, near-translucent wings that rest against their back almost resembling a cloak without the hood and is often mistaken for such, at least at first glance. they have a natural sort of fluff around their collar/lower neck and small "fuzzy" antennae-looking things growing from the top of their forehead similar to where horns might be for other races. Siofra's ears are pointed rather than rounded like a human's however they arent long like an elf's. his eyes are completely black similar to a Tiefling's eyes. fae keep faer hair in a braided style, the sides partially shaved, the colour is naturally white with grey undertones. unbraided the length nearly reaches their waist, braided it reaches the small of their back. their skin is a very light tan, a contrast against the rest of their white colour palette. they have an athletic and androgynous build.
outfits: colour palette is typically white, grey, brown/tan. following images resemble their style
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pupcat · 1 year
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Part 3
11. So this is only my opinion, and nothing in canon supports this, but I think that the stats can go as high as 30. 20 is the normal stats for most mewmans, monsters, and half-monsters. 25 for monsters with longer lifespans like the septarians, demons, most magic beings and creatures altered by magic. 27 for gods, and ancient magic being(like Glossaryck?).
I don't believe that Jushtin nor Dirhhennia's other attributes can go higher than 20, but maybe they can, I don't know, I personally hope that's not the case.
12. To emphasize a trait or skill, some spellcasters are given unique attributes, usually related to the common ones like potion crafting(intelligence), or wrist power(dexterity). Some even take the place of the attribute like the ones mentioned.
Traits like cold determination, and shyness are outside the influence of the six attributes, because low stats won't stop someone from being a ruthless, unrelenting force, who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals and you can still be very charismatic even if you're very shy(From what I heard in discussions on how to rp stats).
13. To emphasize how weak, dumb, naive, graceless, sickly or tactless a spellcaster is, some of the spellcasters have attributes with extremely low scores, take Celena for example.
Celena has a 2 in strength, a 3 in dexterity, and a 4 in constitution, akin to that of a baby or a very elderly person. If her characterization follows this scores, she would not be strong enough to stand up on her own, in fact, she would probably be paralyzed from the neck down(Str). If by miracle she could walk, it would be uncoordinated and awkward, not to mention painful(Dex). If she was able to leave the castle despite that, she would be too tired to continue further, already exhausted her mental and physical energy on a basic motor function. The outside makes her very susceptible to illnesses, and increases her risk of dying early, even just from a simple cold(Con).
14. Dirhhennia has the most unique stats hands down. Not one of her attributes have any scores, most are replaced with the abbreviation of "No Answer," as if Glossaryck had given up on her stats.
I mean I would too if my subject acts like a sims character with free will disabled. Like Dir would much rather stand or sit idly than do anything like practicing her magic.
15. Speculating the scores of the replaced attributes—Starting with Moon and working our way up.
So Moon. I think her dexterity score would be between 12 to 15, because she seems agile, but not as agile as Eclipsa or Star, at least I don't remember her being as agile. She should at least have an above average score because Star said she attended a pole dancing class, though we don't know how often.
Next her great-grandmother Celena. Celena would have 18 in intelligence because she has 20 in potion crafting. Her charisma score would be between 18 to 20 because she is "alluring" and "admired," according to her aurole sign. Corroborated by her tapestry, which depicted her with a long line of admirers holding gifts/offerings for her.
I believe her mother Rhina's dexterity score would be between 17 to 20 because she apparently can pick her nose and use her rubrikian wand with her toes, which is very impressive. Also, with how complicated her wand is, she likely need to be extremely dexterous to avoid attacks while she charges her wand.
Aunt Dirhhennia's charisma score is hard to answer, because if she can turn it on and off, then she would have two charisma scores. If this is the case, I think her natural charisma's score, based on her chapter and interactions with people, would be between 5 to 8; and her supernatural charisma's score would be between 23 to 26.
Solaria dexterity score would likely be the same as Rhina's, though I admit I don't really have much proof besides that scene of her landing so gracefully on a gable roof.
Last should be older brother Jushtin, but I'm setting that aside for NSAP part 3, so yay, we are finally done...for now.
Part 1 | Part 2
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paperanddice · 2 years
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Taking the form of a massive snake, its underside pulsing and flowing like mist or water, the carrion spiker is a nightmare that feeds upon the death of living creatures. Not the bodies themselves, the energy released upon the moment of death by creatures nearby. It grows stronger as creatures die, its attacks channelling the energy of death. This can rapidly spiral out of control if it feeds upon enough death, meaning that those who hunt the nightmare must either keep it from prey while trying to bring it down. The nightmare isn't as intelligent as others, making it easier to lure into a vulnerable position. They are clever enough to know they're less vulnerable shortly after feeding, and so will try to find large concentrations of prey to kill quickly for a quick burst of power.
Rather than a dream, the carrion spiker could be an undead creature that sustains itself with the deaths of other creatures. It could also feasibly be a fiend of some kind, perhaps one of Pathfinder's soul devouring daemons, or even a particularly twisted monstrosity. Originally from the Dreamblade base set. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Carrion Spiker Huge aberration, unaligned Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 157 (15d12 + 60) Speed 30 ft. Str 21 (+5) Dex 15 (+2) Con 19 (+4) Int 5 (-3) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 8 (-1) Saving Throws Cha +3 Skills Perception +5 Damage Immunities necrotic Damage Resistances poison, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from attacks not made with silvered weapons Senses passive Perception 15 Languages - Challenge 11 (7200 XP) Aura Of Death. At the start of each of the carrion spiker's turns, each creature within 10 feet of it magically takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The carrion spiker can activate or deactivate this effect as a bonus action. Thanatomancy. Whenever a living creature within 20 feet of the carrion spiker dies, the carrion spiker must succeed on a DC 11 Charisma saving throw. On a success, the carrion spiker absorbs energy from the creature's death. The carrion spiker automatically succeeds on this saving throw if it had the creature Swallowed. Each time the carrion spiker successfully absorbs energy, it deals an additional 4 (1d8) necrotic damage with all weapon attacks, and its Aura of Death deals an additional 3 (1d6) necrotic damage. This effect lasts for one hour. Actions Multiattack. The carrion spiker makes two attacks: one with its Bite and one Constrict. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+5) piercing damage and the target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+5) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the carrion spiker can't constrict another target. Swallow. The carrion spiker makes one Bite attack against a Medium or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite's damage and must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw. On a failure, the target is swallowed and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the carrion spiker, and it takes 22 (5d8) necrotic damage at the start of each of the carrion spiker's turns. The carrion spiker can hold up to four Small or Medium creatures in its stomach. If the carrion spiker takes 20 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the carrion spiker must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 5 feet of the carrion spiker. If the carrion spiker dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 10 feet of movement, exiting prone.
13th Age
Carrion Spiker  Large 7th level spoiler [aberration]  Initiative: +10 Death’s Fangs +12 vs. AC - 25 damage plus ongoing 10 poison damage. Natural Even Hit: If the carrion spiker doesn’t have a creature grabbed, it can use death’s coil against the target as a free action. If it is grabbing the target, the target takes no damage, the grab ends, and the target is swallowed whole (see below). Death’s Coil +12 vs. PD - 25 damage, and the carrion spiker grabs the target. Until the grab ends the carrion spiker can’t use death’s coil against another target. Swallowed Whole: A creature that is swallowed by the carrion spiker is stuck, hampered, and unable to attack or affect anything outside of the carrion spiker (and vice-versa). It also must start making last gasp saves at the start of its next turn. A successful save means the creature manages to escape from the carrion spiker’s stomach. On the fourth failure, it dies and the carrion spiker automatically succeeds on the save for its thanatomancy (see below). Thanatomancy: Whenever a nearby living creature dies, the carrion spiker can make a saving throw. On a success, the carrion spiker absorbs energy from the creature’s death, and until the end of the battle its attacks deal a cumulative +5 negative energy damage. Resist Negative Energy 14+. AC 22 PD 21 MD 18 HP 220
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zachafinackus · 2 years
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I figured that with mention of Ildrex's wife and daughter, it's only right to post the art for each of them in separate posts. Also though that adding her stats would be a fun change since all 3 of them are level 20 adventurers.
Firth Argenthrixus Bronze Dragonborn Big Game Hunter Fighter Level 20 AC - 21 HP - 240 Strength - 18 Dexterity - 14 Constitution - 18 Wisdom - 12 Intelligence - 8 Charisma - 12
Magic Items L - Red Dragon Mask L - Gurt's Greataxe --- VR - Plate Armor +2 VR - Battleaxe +3, Warleader VR - Battleaxe +3, Unbreakable VR - Fire Absorbing Tattoo VR - Juiblex's Ooze (reflavored Kyrzin's Ooze) VR - Battle-Standard of Infernal Power --- R - Horn of the Endless Maze R - Bowl of Lil' Jubi (reflavored Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals) --- U - Gauntlets of Ogre Power U - Battleaxe +1 --- C - Feather Token C - Ceremony Spellwrought Tattoo C - Clockwork Amulet
Meet Firith Argenthrixus, the daughter of Ildrex and Shuu. She helps out at her dads smithy with the blacksmithing projects, and even made her own armor and axes with her skill. Being a bronze dragonborn doesn't help too much in smithing work, but she excels in using it in combat situations. She's been working as a smith since she was a child, though once she came of age she asked if she could go north to train up in Icewind Dale. Spending several years there she learned many ways to fight foes much bigger than herself due to facing off against Yeti, Giants and other such large beings. She came to realize that fighting with two axes was her preferred method, allowing her to have more dexterous strikes, attacking from different angles. Returning back to her families blacksmith in Neverwinter, she took up adventuring jobs whenever they had downtime. She's had many adventures, but none as memorable as one. What started out as a rescue mission quickly turned south as they learned that Demon Lord Juiblex (or at least a fragment of it) has made its way onto the material plane in this mine. Luckily the party she was in managed to escape due to a warlock being especially adept in making deals with devils. The cost for leaving? Firiths servitude to Juiblex to feed it, time undermined. Though it might sound like a bad thing, Firith grew to appreciate the relationship, as Jubi provided many boons like a part of it that could be summoned in battle as well as the ability for Firith to turn to ooze for a short time and the gain of immunity to acid damage. Over time once Firith became more powerful she was also gifted an onyx warhorn with gold filigree from Jubi. Upon blowing into the horn up to 15 abyssal minotaurs could be summoned to fight for her. She doesn't use it often, only for last resorts, but when summoned the minotaurs fight fiercly until they either die or reach their limit of being on the material plane.
Like Shuu, she has gone through some design changes since I got this commission, mostly that her armor has been blackened and the symbol of the abyss covers the majority of her chest plate.
Whoever reads this, I hope you enjoyed!
Art by Bluidu Subclass source here
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Day 181: item
Horn of Er’drazda wondrous item, artifact(requires attunement by a humanoid) this horn resembles a black unicorn horn when you attune to or are attuned to this item, you take 1 piercing damage. to attune to this item, you must hold it up to your skull. Once you are attuned to the item, it attaches to and becomes fused with your skull. Once it is attached to your skull, only greater restoration can cause it to become unfused with your skull. This also causes you to become unattuned from the item as if remove curse had been cast. you have a pool of 10 d6s, which you can use to heal and harm others. As an action, you can spend as many dice of this pool that you want and have, and touch a creature, and choose to heal or to harm. If you choose to heal, the creature regains a number of hit points equal to the roll of the dice. If you choose to harm, the creature must succeed a dc 18 constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes the roll of the dice in necrotic damage. you regain all expended dice from this pool when you finish a long rest, and half your expended dice from this pool when you finish a short rest. you can make a horn attack with this horn. If the horn chooses, you either add or subtract your proficiency bonus to or from the attack roll, which uses strength. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 base piercing damage plus 3d6 necrotic damage Spellcasting: the horn of Er’drazda has 8 charges and regains 4 at dawn. Using these charges, you can cast the following spells(save dc 16, +8): arms of hadar(1 charge) hellish rebuke(1 charge) witch bolt(1 charge) crown of madness(2 charges) Mind spike(2 charges) Ray of enfeeblement(2 charges) Fear(3 charges) hunger of hadar(3 charges) vampiric touch(3 charges) hallucinatory terrain(4 charges) Shadow of moil(4 charges) Sickening radiance(4 charges) enervation(5 charges) synaptic static(5 charges) eyebite(6 charges) personality: the horn of Er’drazda is a sentient neutral evil artifact that has intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores of 16, 16, and 20, respectively. They communicate with their wielder by telepathy and are fanatical in their service to Er’drazda. If a creature starts its turn within 5 feet of the horn of Er’drazda and has at least one attunement slot unused, the horn can force the creature to make a dc 18 dexterity or constitution saving throw. On a failure, the horn jumps onto the target’s forehead, causes the target to become attuned to the horn, and attaches itself to the target’s forehead. If the target loses the horn due to greater restoration being cast, the horn cannot attempt to attune to the target or any other creature for 8 hours. Curse. When you attune to this item, you are cursed. While cursed this way, you cannot unattune from or become unattuned to this item. Only remove curse can remove your attunement to the item. In addition, each time you go unconscious, the horn can cast dominate monster on you(save dc 19). If you survive the period of unconsciousness, you regain hit points as if you had not spent the rest doing heavy activity, even if the horn made your body do heavy activity to complete its goals. In addition, no more than once per week, the horn can cast Dominate monster on you even if you are awake(save dc 21). destroying the amulet: only a creature of the Far Realm can destroy the amulet.
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Hell Rager - CR16 Devil
A barbarian-like devil based on Hell Sonja from the Red Sonja comic books.
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Artwork by Junggeus Youn on ArtStation, cover of Hell Sonja issue #4.
Given the source material that this artwork comes from, I wanted to create a devil that felt like a barbarian.  I also wanted to try to create a high level fiend that wasn’t too complicated to run, and more than one of could be used in a single fight, but still felt interesting to the players.  I did not actually try to recreate the powers of Red Sonja or Hell Sonja, both of which are probably much higher than CR 16.
The hellfire sheets can cause some interesting battlefield movement shenanigans, especially if there are two or more hell ragers able to use them to box a character in.
The combination of Cornugon Smash plus Hurtful gives this creature a very solid chance to gain a fifth attack each round, or a moderate chance to gain a second attack if it has to move.  It can create a hellfire sheet in place of this attack, but doing so means that the shaken condition automatically ends on the target, since hellfire sheet causes no immediate damage.  Note that Cornugon Smash can’t be used on attacks of opportunity, though, since it requires the user to take a free action.
If a creature has multiple sources of DR, only the highest DR applies.  In other words, a hell rager normally has 15 DR, and only has 8 DR against good-aligned weapons.
Hell Rager - CR 16
The muscular devil perched ahead has a roughly humanoid appearance, with gray skin, cloven hooves, and bat-like wings.  Its large goat-like horns are charged with a strange hellish fire that swirls in eccentric patterns as it burns.  It wears minimal armor which appears designed to show off its toned physique.
XP 76,800 LE Medium outsider (devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful) Init +7 Senses darkvision 60 ft., see in darkness, true seeing; Perception +24
AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed 21 (+5 armor, +7 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 natural, -2 rage) hp 224 (17d10+136) Fort +16, Ref +15, Will +12; +4 vs. enchantment Defensive Abilities spell cancellation, heavy fortification, improved uncanny dodge DR 8/— and 15/good Immune fire, poison Resist acid 10, cold 10
Speed 50 ft., fly 80 ft. (good) Melee 2 claws +27 (1d8+10 plus 6d6 fire plus hellfire soul mark), 2 wings +25 (1d6+5 plus trip or hellfire sheet) Special Attacks hellfire sheet, hellfire soul mark
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th)     Constant—concealed breath, fire shield (see text), freedom of movement, true seeing     At will—greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only)     1/day—summon (level 8, 1 erinyes, 50%)
Str 30, Dex 24, Con 27, Int 15, Wis 20, Cha 21 Base Atk +17; CMB +27; CMD 45 Feats Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Hurtful, Mobility, Multiattack, Step Up, Power Attack Skills Acrobatics +25, Escape Artist +25, Fly +29, Intimidate +24, Perception +24, Sense Motive +24, Stealth +25, Swim +28 Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft. SQ eternal rage Gear +1 heavy fortification chain shirt
Eternal Rage (Ex) A hell rager is constantly considered to be raging, as a barbarian.  While in its eternal rage, a hell rager cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration (including casting spell-like abilities).
Any effect which would end a babarian’s rage can end a hell rager’s eternal rage, including falling unconscious.  A hell rager can also choose to end its eternal rage as a free action.  When its eternal rage ends, a hell rager is fatigued for 1 minute.  While not raging, it takes a -4 penalty to Strength and Constitution, takes a -2 penalty to Will saves, loses its +4 bonus to Will saves against enchantment spells, and gains a +2 bonus to AC.  This penalty to constitution can kill the hell rager.  It can re-enter an eternal rage as a free action as soon as it is no longer fatigued or exhausted.
A hell rager may only use spell cancellation while raging.
Fire Shield (Sp) Once per round as a free action, a hell rager can change its fire shield between a chill shield and warm shield.  It can do this even while under its eternal rage.
A hell rager typically uses a warm shield, swapping to a chill shield only when fighting enemies that are immune to fire and don’t use cold-based attacks.
Heavy Fortification (Su) A hell rager’s +1 heavy fortification chain shirt causes critical hits and sneak attacks against it to have a 75% chance to be negated.
Hellfire Soul Mark (Su) A living or undead creature that takes any amount of fire damage from a hell rager’s claw attack or hellfire wall, or that dies to a hell rager’s claw attack, has its soul permanently marked with no save.  Such a creature becomes vulnerable to fire damage (taking 50% additional fire damage from all sources) and gains a -2 penalty on saving throws vs. evil effects and effects from evil creatures.  This is a curse effect, and its DC is treated as 21 for the purposes of removal.  This effect does not stack with itself.
Any creature killed while under the effect of a hellfire soul mark (including the attack that inflicted the hellfire soul mark) must attempt a DC 21 Will saving throw; failure means the creature’s soul is damned to Hell as a burst of brimstone appears around its corpse.  A nonevil spellcaster attempting to bring the creature back from the dead must attempt a caster level check (DC = 10 + the slain creature’s level) to succeed; failure means the spellcaster cannot try again for 1 day.  Evil spellcasters can raise the slain character normally, without requiring a check.  A raised character’s soul is no longer automatically consigned to Hell.
Hellfire Sheet (Su) In place of a wing attack on its turn, a hell rager can launch flames from its wings which form an opaque 15-ft x 15-ft sheet of hellfire in an unoccupied area within 30 feet of it, oriented either horizontally or vertically (but not diagonally on any axis).  A creature other than the hell rager that passes through this sheet takes 4d6+18 points of damage with no saving throw, and is subjected to the hell rager’s Hellfire Soul Mark ability if it takes any amount of fire damage from this effect.  Half of the damage from a hellfire sheet is fire, but the other half results directly from unholy power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by fire resistance.  A creature that is vulnerable to fire damage effectively takes 125% damage instead of 150% damage from a hellfire sheet, since only the fire portion of the damage is increased.
Hellfire sheets last for 10 minutes or until destroyed.  If any 5-foot length of hellfire sheet takes 20 points or more of cold damage in 1 round, that length goes away. (Do not divide cold damage by 2, as normal for objects.)
A hell rager can see through its own hellfire sheets.  This ability can be used while under the effects of eternal rage.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) A hell rager cannot be flanked or caught flat-footed, nor does it lose its Dexterity bonus to AC against invisible attackers.  It can still lose its Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully feints against it.  This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the hell rager by flanking it.
Spell Cancellation (Ex) A hell rager has five spell cancellation points which recharge each day when it rests to regain spells.  While under the effects of eternal rage, it may spend one spell cancellation point to grant it a Will saving throw against a spell that allows spell resistance but doesn’t normally allow for a saving throw.  It may spend one spell cancellation point to automatically succeed on a saving throw against an effect that allows for spell resistance.
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creacherkeeper · 1 year
LUKAAAA do the whole thing for lost npcs pspspsps
youre insane <333333 i love you
under the cut for obvious reasons
have the highest and the lowest strength score?
highest is scruggs and lizzie with +5 and lowest is kelsey and davey with -2 :o)
2. have the highest and the lowest dexterity score?
highest is latrowe and annalise :D with +5 <3 lowest is lizzie with -2
3. have the highest and the lowest constitution score?
highest once again scruggs and lizzie with +5. they are tanks. lowest once again davey with -1 (he's just a little guy!!! he has 4 hit points!!!)
4. have the highest and the lowest intelligence score?
lizzie and kelsey both have +5 and scruggs and colter have -2 (the waylon squad siblings are,,,, so minmaxed)
5. have the highest and the lowest wisdom score?
latrowe has +5 and kitten, davey, and hawk all have -2 <33 hawk does not have the excuse of being 7 years old he's just autistic
6. have the highest and the lowest charisma score?
brandi, sarah, and annalise have +4 <33333 hawk and kelsey have -1 for autism reasons and davey has -1 for he is a shy deaf 6 year old reasons
7. is the fastest?
of the mortals, scruggs has 40ft of movement and can move his speed again as a bonus action towards an enemy. however of all the characters, latrowe has 60ft move and 60ft hover fly but he is. kind of a ghost so. he cheats
8. is the tallest? the shortest?
scruggs is the tallest at 6'9 (hehe) of the "adults" brandi and kelsey are both 5'1
9. is the oldest? the youngest?
waylon is 95 and davey is 6 and juniper is a baby!!
10. is the hottest?
scruggs <33333 & im correct
11. is the biggest flirt, or has had the most romantic stuff going on? 
brandi is by far the biggest flirt but she does not have as much romantic stuff going on as she would like <333
12. is the best singer?
formerly waylon :o) i think hawk is a good singer and you will learn this over his cold dead body
13. is the best dancer?
formal dances, waylon. for just Goin For It, sarah
14. lies the most?
oh brandi for sure
15. lies the least?
cat :( it makes her tummy hurt
16. has the most scars?
probably tied scruggs and lizzie but scruggs has more small ones and lizzie has more big ones
17. has killed the most?
brandi <33333 he is An Assassin
18. needs the most therapy?
im not sure i can answer this question.
19. would be the best therapist?
scruggs :D
20. has the most siblings?
also scruggs. 5 bio sisters and 2 adopted sisters
21. is the best cook?
scruggs is the best at making fancy stuff and sarah is the best at good downhome cookin
22. would be the best to get a beer with?
once again either scruggs or sarah. ideally both of them
23. is the most likely to start a fight?
hawk :o)
24. would win a battle royale with all the others?
hard to say. brandi and lizzie would be the last two standing, thats for sure
25. is the most likely to charge right into battle?
scruggs <3 that's what he's there for
26. takes the most risks?
brandi,,, not for healthy reasons
27. is the most careful?
a lot of the characters are careful in very specific ways but just like. generally. probably cat <3 she's a very careful person
28. is the most competitive?
lizzie for sure
29. is the most girlboss?
help. brandi
30. is the biggest jock?
probably lizzie. scruggs is like i am just Built This Way
31. has the most theatre kid energy?
julian :o)
32. is the most likely to be a twitch streamer?
sarah <3 she exclusively plays farming sims and her fanbase is incredibly wholesome. she frequently goes on tangents about like. you are stronger and smarter than you think and you need to believe in yourself and you'll start seeing progress if you try but you need to let people in to help look after you too- MY CHICKEN IS LOOSE!!
33. is the most likely to be an instagram influencer?
kelsey is simply so so popular on gothic lolita instagram
34. would have the most fun playing a ttrpg?
okay so here's what i imagine. fake saloon vignette. stay with me. hawk is the dm. he is running a module that quickly goes off the rails. imagine his dm style is extremely anthony burch. sarah is having a great time but has literally no idea how this game works at all, is trying to make friends with every npc including the villains and also unionize every workplace ("they dont even have dental" ass). scruggs is playing a bard and his response to everything is "i play little song about it what happens" and is mostly there to egg sarah on. lizzie is so frustrated the entire time and keeps only trying to use her character abilities because she doesn't understand how roleplay works until the second they need to like. intimidate a guard or something and her character steps in and is like okay listen here-- and makes everyone at the table a little nauseous at the threats she's coming up with. cat is so so so so scared the whole time and keeps getting too shy to talk to npcs and just ends up attacking them but being soooo upset about it. and then after the game she's like hawk you did such a wonderful job that was so impressive. and hawk is like you people are all insane this is never happening again
35. is the funniest?
personally i think sarah i do just fully turn my brain off when i say things as her
36. is the most empathetic?
37. takes the least shit?
probably sarah again and not even in a tough guy way but completely in a if youre mad at them Even A Little theyre gonna climb in your lap and be like ARE YOU MAD AT ME @n@ WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME??? she simply doesnt let things escalate Ever you Will be talking about it Right Now Immediately. but like also if she hears people like. gossiping at market they have no issues being like HI WANT TO SAY THAT LOUDER <333 and scaring them off
38. is the best with kids?
a good chunk of the characters are good with kids actually!!! doesn't say anything about me. cat, sarah, scruggs, and brandi are all like ough babbies <33 and waylon was good with. kelsey specifically but also theyre a weird little freak so it worked
39. is the best with animals?
probably hawk! both in a caretaking way and also humane hunting way. he really misses his childhood dog
40. is the best at making Hard Decisions?
probably. lizzie.
41. is the best leader?
gonna throw a curveball and say annalise
42. is the worst leader?
cat. sorry bbygirl i love you she would make herself sick trying to tell someone what to do
43. would you most like to be friends with?
probably sarah <3 i think we would get along
44. is the most like you?
hawk :(
45. is the least like you? 
simply a very hard question when you do put a little of yourself into every npc. of the ones we've met so far probably lizzie. she is simply so so hard for me to play
46. would you most like to trade places with?
horrible question. scruggs probably. has his own house and has an adoptive family and a boyfriend(?) and a job where he doesnt have to work too hard and is starting to make some nice friends. also magical transition would be pretty dope
47. would you least like to trade places with?
mmm. brandi <33
48. do you consider the most sterotypical/classic example of their class?
BAD QUESTION FOR ME SPECIFICALLY. i think baby cleric cat makes the most one to one sense?
49. is or was your favorite to roleplay?
HMMMMM. i think sarah. simply. no filter. they just Go. also latrowe though he doesn't have much screentime because he is just a very placid coyote who has no godly idea what to do with maeve and it's very very funny 2 me
50. is or was your favorite to play in combat?
well i've only played brandi in combat so far and my ass got so so kicked but i have learned my lesson and annalise wont be so easy. of the characters on the table i simply really want lizzie to wreck some shit. smites my beloved
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masquenoire · 2 years
Your Muse's Stats if this was D&D
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“Kill him, and I'll pay you whatever you want! Make him suffer, and I'll double it!”
Strength: 18-19 (4)
Can break objects like wood with bare hands 
Dexterity: 18-19 (4) 
Light on feet, able to often hit small moving targets 
Constitution: 20-21 (5) 
Very difficult to wear down, almost never feels fatigue 
Intelligence: 18-19 (4)
Very intelligent, may invent new processes or uses for knowledge 
Wisdom: 16-17 (3)
Reads people and situations fairly well
Charisma: 8-9 (–1)
Something of a bore or makes people mildly uncomfortable
Tagged byStolen from;; @elisethetraveller​
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charaday5e · 5 days
Splendor, Paladin Noble Human
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Name: Splendor Class: Paladin 1st level Origin Background: Noble (Strength +1, Intelligence, Constitution +2) Origin Feat: Skilled Species: Human Str 15+1, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14+2 HP: 12 (1d10+2) AC: 18 (16 chain mail, +2 shield) Init: +0, Speed: 30, Saves: Wisdom +2, Charisma +5 Origin Skills: History +1, Persuasion +5 Paladin Skills: Medicine +2, Religion +1 Skilled: Herbalism Kit, Athletics +5, Survival +2 Skillful: Perception +2 Versatile: Magic Initiate Cleric Languages: Common, Goblin, Orc Origin Tool Proficiency: Gaming Set Dice Paladin Traits: Lay on Hands, Weapon Mastery (longsword sap, warhammer push) Human Traits: Resourceful, Skillful (Perception +2), Versatile (Magic Initiate Cleric) Cantrips: Light, Resistance Prepared Spells (2/long): Healing Word (1/long), Heroism, Shield of Faith Longsword: +5 (1d8+3 slashing, sap disadv on next attack) Warhammer: +5 (1d8+2 pierce, push 10 feet) Bonus Actions: Healing Word, Shield of Faith Equipment: 200 gp, Chain Mail (75 gp), Longsword (15 gp), Warhammer (15 gp), Shield (10 gp), Backpack (2 gp), Bedroll (1 gp), Oil (2 sp), 10 Rations (5 gp), Rope (1 gp), Tinderbox (5 sp), Waterskin (2 sp), Herbalism Kit (5 gp), 2 potions of healing (crafted 50 gp) Coins: 20 gp, 1 sp
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elitefashionhub · 21 days
The Quiet Charisma: How to Be an Attractive Introvert
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Being an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t be attractive. In fact, introverts possess unique qualities that can make them incredibly appealing. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to be an attractive introvert:
Embrace Your Authentic Self
1. Self-Acceptance: The first step to being attractive is to accept yourself as you are. Embrace your introversion and understand that it is a strength, not a weakness. Authenticity is magnetic; people are drawn to those who are comfortable in their own skin.
2. Confidence: Confidence is universally attractive. Work on building your self-esteem by setting and achieving personal goals. Remember, confidence doesn’t mean being the loudest in the room; it’s about being sure of who you are.
Develop Strong Communication Skills
3. Active Listening: Introverts are often great listeners. Use this to your advantage by being genuinely interested in what others have to say. This makes people feel valued and understood.
4. Thoughtful Conversations: Engage in meaningful conversations rather than small talk. Ask open-ended questions and share your thoughts and experiences. This depth can be very appealing.
Cultivate Your Interests
5. Pursue Your Passions: Whether it’s reading, writing, painting, or any other hobby, pursuing your passions makes you more interesting and fulfilled. It also gives you something to share with others.
6. Continuous Learning: Always strive to learn and grow. This not only makes you more knowledgeable but also more confident and engaging.
Enhance Your Physical Appearance
7. Personal Style: Develop a personal style that reflects who you are. This doesn’t mean following every fashion trend but finding what makes you feel comfortable and confident.
8. Grooming: Good grooming is essential. Pay attention to your hygiene, skincare, and overall appearance. This shows that you care about yourself.
Build Emotional Intelligence
9. Empathy: Being empathetic and understanding others’ emotions is a powerful way to connect. This can make you very attractive as it shows you care about others.
10. Self-Awareness: Understand your own emotions and how they affect your interactions. This helps in managing relationships better and being more present.
Create a Positive Mindset
11. Optimism: A positive outlook on life is contagious. Try to focus on the good in situations and people. This doesn’t mean ignoring problems but approaching them with a constructive attitude.
12. Gratitude: Practice gratitude daily. This can improve your mood and make you more pleasant to be around.
Social Skills for Introverts
13. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on building a few deep, meaningful relationships rather than many superficial ones. This aligns with your natural tendencies and can be very fulfilling.
14. Set Boundaries: Know your limits and don’t be afraid to set boundaries. This helps in maintaining your energy levels and ensures you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Leverage Your Introvert Strengths
15. Reflective Nature: Use your reflective nature to think deeply about situations and people. This can lead to insightful observations and advice, making you a valued friend.
16. Creativity: Many introverts are highly creative. Use this creativity in your work, hobbies, and even in how you interact with others.
Practice Self-Care
17. Alone Time: Make sure to take time for yourself to recharge. This is crucial for maintaining your well-being and ensuring you can be your best self when interacting with others.
18. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness or meditation to stay grounded and reduce stress. This can help you stay calm and composed in social situations.
Be Open to New Experiences
19. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Occasionally push yourself to try new things. This can help you grow and discover new interests and strengths.
20. Adaptability: Be open to change and willing to adapt. This flexibility can make you more resilient and attractive to others.
Being an attractive introvert is about leveraging your unique qualities and continuously working on personal growth. Embrace who you are, develop your strengths, and maintain a positive mindset. By doing so, you’ll naturally attract others with your quiet charm and depth
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