aromaticfog · 3 years
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Day 5. 5x5
Squat 60kg
Bench 45kg
Row 40kg
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petergetsfit · 6 years
9/26/18-9/14/18: Trending Up!
Bad about posting, as I have been for a while, but training has been ticking upwards as I’ve been starting to incorporate more and more CFSBK training WODs into my workouts. Not a ton, more like 2 a week, and I haven’t been training very thoroughly much more beyond that, so this period has felt more like a very slow shake-the-dust-off for things like the big lifts, etc. 
Deadlifted 355, failed on 375. Could have had 365 but skipped it.
Bunch of handstand push-ups.
A cool TGU workout.
A bunch of other cool metcons that aren’t worth reporting on.
RESULT: Getting a bit of a baseline again, maybe.
Diet has been loose, and I look/feel it.
I haven’t been foam-rolling consistently, and I feel it. I feel stiff and rickety in general. Need to get on my mobility game.
I did an All-Clean workout the other day, and on a fail at I believe 175lbs, the bar caught my right wrist as I bailed and I think it’s sprained. It’s sore, not overly so, but enough to definitely limit certain kinds of training in the immediate future. I don’t really see myself doing push-ups or handstands on it, or overhead pressing, this week at least. And I’m not sure about gripping/pulling. Might be a week for conditioning/squatting (blergh.) At least it’s not broken. I think.
RESULT: Stiff beast, sore beast.
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beahealthybee · 7 years
Weight loss/Fitness question
So four weeks ago, I started running again. I also started strength training for the first time in a while. Two weeks ago, I had lost 4lbs. Then I injured my leg because I did too much running at once (dumb). I’ve only done very light cardio for the past two weeks as a result. I kept on strength training 3x /week. And doing as much light cardio as I can that doesn’t bore me to tears.
And I’ve been eating, more or less, in a calorie deficit. DEFINITELY not enough to gain weight.
I (think) I look thinner, and I see some muscle on my arms, but I gained the 4lbs back. This morning I weighed the same as I did at the beginning....which is honestly a bit disheartening. 
Is it because of the strength training? Am I doing something wrong? How do I “fix” it?
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zuzkana · 7 years
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Pr for 2 sets of 8 in deadlift last night. 105 lbs, almost bodyweight!
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aromaticfog · 3 years
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First workout in months. Training outside and without a rack. Felt great but oh dear, I am so unfit.
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3dlumberjerk · 9 years
Fitblr in your 30s?
I'm looking for more folks to follow, especially those in their 30s that focus on health/strength/fitness. Reblog or like so I can check you out
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saladfingrz-blog-blog · 10 years
A Huge victory for me, I started lifting weights today!
Today I completed my first successful lift in over a year. I'm feeling intensely proud because I've put this off for so long, making excuses and hiding behind fear. Last time I'd lifted was before I had a steel rod hammered through my tibia. What's that? Oh is it time for a little back story? Well, okay. In 2013 I was on a roll lifting weights at the gym each morning at 5 am, 4 days a week. I'd developed a sudden passion for fitness and health and I tell you, I was on a fucking roll! By Halloween I had lost 15 lbs of fat and my body was already looking better. I dressed up in my cutest dead girl outfit complete with a tight, collared Wednesday Addams getup and started pre-gaming with some friends before hitting a zombie themed pub crawl. I am embarrassed to admit that I was hammered by the 3rd stop and on our way to the 4th I had stumbled and broken my leg. I got into a cab and went home and slept before going to the hospital. When I woke up to pee I tried to walk on it because I'd forgotten all about my little accident. 5 days later, after having surgery and getting several pieces of permanent hardware, I was released from the hospital. I was on strict bed rest for weeks and was not allowed to even attempt walking for 2 months. My surgeon praised me on how quickly I was recovering when I walked into his office with no crutches or canes only 4 months after surgery. I could have began lifting then, but I just kept putting it off. I continued with junk food and excuses and the couch for far too long but today, even though I didn't want to, I fucking did it. This feels awesome. I just had to share that.
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happpyaf · 10 years
I'm gonna try and compliment people more. I used to do that so often and consciously. I get too shy and weird now so I'm gonna start trying a bit harder to do it.
Also thinking of doing an intensive back workout before work tomorrow... Never done that before so thinking of roughly doing
- 2km warmup (or more if I feel like it)
dumbbell row
lat pulldown
bent over row
tricep pulldown
bicep curl
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the-built-biologist · 9 years
I deadlifted again today.
I'm still a bit flued up but I had a great session. Worked my way up all the way to 230kg for 1 rep which was nice. I'm finally getting some of my strength back after my long hiatus from lifting. Hopefully in 6 months time I'll be at my best again!
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aromaticfog · 3 years
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5x5 day 2
Squat 55kg
OHP 30kg
1X5 deadlift 60kg
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petergetsfit · 7 years
Finally, after months of wanting to go, I managed to get back to the Next Level Weightlifting Club--the Olympic Weightlifting specialty class offered three times a week at Crossfit South Brooklyn. The times don’t really jive well with my schedule, so I have trouble motivating myself to go, but I finally sucked it up and got myself to the 5-7pm class on a Friday evening.
Power Snatch Singles
Snatches with Pause at the Hip
Clean and Jerk
RESULT: Completed. Power Snatches up to 125lbs, everything else at 95lbs. Honestly, this was really just me working with a coach for about two hours as he evaluated my lifts and helped me, more than a “workout,” so the numbers aren’t terribly important. This was with the other olympic weightlifting coach, Coach Joe, who seems incredibly experienced and has evidently been coaching weightlifting for decades. Okay, I think that covers all of the essential information. On to the review.
This was AWESOME. I learned so much. It’s really amazing to work on weightlifting under supervision by a good coach. His main point for me, on both lifts, was this: I have to stop pulling the bar with my arms. The “jump” from the legs is enough to move the bar high enough for me to get under it. He said a couple times, “I don’t want you to pull the bar with your arms, I want you to beat the bar to the ground.” I’m really starting to understand weightlifting, conceptually. It’s so easy to think of it as lifting a weight over your head, but it really isn’t. In a lot of ways, it’s more a slow lift to bring the bar to your waist, and then the REAL lift is just beating that bar to the floor to get underneath it. I think if I stop thinking about the pull as the lift, and start thinking about jumping DOWN as the lift, that will help me break my “pulling” habit. This was a great class, and highly recommended.
Some salient information: drop-ins for NLWC are I think $25, and classes often don’t start right on time. It’s kept loose, and treated more as a proctored session with programming posted for the group through a Facebook group that then goes up on a whiteboard. 
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happpyaf · 10 years
Does anyone have any liquid food suggestions?! I'm going crazy here, on a liquid food only diet for the next 1-2 weeks and it's been 3 days and the only hearty stuff I've figured out is sweet potato/pumpkin soup :(. 
My mouth has a virus which makes it literally impossible to chew anything: I'm talking cold ice cream and nutella are too hard! So I need to figure out some foods that aren't deserts that will fill me up and keep me satisfied for dinner!
I'm doing an oat/milk/mango for brekky and I'm thinking of doing a protein/oat/greens/raspberry for lunch tomorrow but I can't eat pumpkin soup again for dinner! I'm STARVING AND I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO!
Any suggestions?
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the-built-biologist · 9 years
Managed to pull 220 kg for an easy single today, really struggled with 200 kg last week.
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aromaticfog · 3 years
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It’s so nice to be able to train inside again. Still by appointment but the gym is plenty big enough for everyone. Although it was really quiet when I took the photo.
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petergetsfit · 6 years
9/24/18: Back To Basics
Hazardous Mutation was a big success. I loved following it, and I shared it with a friend who, to my delight, had some awesome gains with it. Now that it’s the Fall (which has always felt like the beginning of the year for me), I’m ready to switch things up a bit and work on my baseline fitness again. I don’t want to overthink things, so I’m just going to follow the CFSBK programming and do it on my own. I picked a great week to start, as apparently they are doing 1RM tests (HA). Big lifts, no conditioning? And I’ve been away from the gym for a while? Sounds like a PGF workout to me. Actually, it’s probably not a bad idea for me to re-establish my maxes and see where my strength is at, since things have likely gone to shit over the summer.
1RM Strict Overhead Press
RESULT: I ground out an UGLY 135lbs, about 15lbs short of my PR weight and, more importantly, I was extending my back like a joke. Not proud of it. I got a bunch of other reps in around 125lbs and lower. Good to know where I’m at.
1RM Deadlift
RESULT: 355lbs came up well, 375lbs didn’t go. My lifetime PR is 408. I didn’t try 365 since I hopped from 355 to 375, wanting to save the energy, but my hunch is that it would have moved. I’ll call 355 my 1RM now, for functional purposes. I’m fine with that.
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thebarbelles · 10 years
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Lost Battalion Hall in New York City
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