#striking in the u.s.a.
elwenyere · 1 year
I’m not a labor history expert, but it’s hot labor summer, and I’m thinking a lot about what’s involved in forming a union, in getting a Collective Bargaining Agreement, in negotiating a contract, and in organizing a strike. The conditions for doing any of the above depend on your local context, and in the U.S.A. (which is the context in which I’ve been in a union) that includes both national and state laws.
Strikes are one labor tactic among many, and in the U.S.A. they’re not legally protected for all workers at all times. Some unions have contracts that include no-strike clauses, for example, which indicate that workers walking off the job while under contract would constitute a breach in that contract; so the most common time to see large-scale economic strikes is during the period when a union is renegotiating their contract. From what I understand, this year WGA, SAG-AFTRA, and the DGA were all renegotiating contracts: the DGA reached an agreement on a new contract (with an 87% approval margin), while the WGA and SAG-AFTRA authorized strikes (each with record 98% approval margins) to gain leverage in their ongoing negotiations (striking to gain an economic concession.
Of course, workers can decide to engage in a strike or walkout that’s not legally protected. Public-school teachers have done this in states like West Virginia, Kentucky, and Oklahoma, where government employees are not protected by the labor laws guaranteeing the right to strike. Those workers won many of the gains they were after, and they did so in part because they had strength in numbers and a necessary, hard-to-replace form of labor to withhold. Employers in the U.S.A. are allowed to fire workers for engaging in unprotected strikes, and they can replace workers (or withhold pay and/or benefits) even during protected “economic” strikes (i.e. those strikes where workers are seeking to gain an economic concession rather than to protest an unfair labor condition), so a union or other organized body of workers collects information from its members to assess whether a strike would strengthen or weaken their bargaining position. 
All of these considerations are at play when we think about what it would take to organize a general strike. Baby steps toward that goal include looking into what forms of labor organization exist in your field/area, joining a picket line if there’s one near you, and donating to strike funds that support workers dealing with withheld wages/benefits or the inability to take new jobs. 
There is power in a union, and it takes a lot of people a lot of long, careful, often-unglorious work to build that power and use it.
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in-death-we-fall · 3 months
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Murderdolls: Turning The Corner
By Tom Lindgren Photo: Frank White
Hit Parader 462 — March 2003 (drive link)
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They say that lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place. But these days you’d have a hard time convincing Joey Jordison about the validity of such a claim. With the immediate, out-of-the-box success of the Murderdolls, Jordison has now played a vital role in helping two bands reach the apex of New Metal acclaim. And while the ‘Dolls have yet to attain the level of fame and fortune enjoyed by Jordison’s “other” band, Slipknot, this trash-’em, bash-’em glam metal unit seems well on their way to grabbing hold of rock and roll’s proverbial gold ring. On their debut disc, Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls, Jordison and his bandmates— vocalist Wednesday 13, guitarist Acey Slade, bassist Erik Griffin and drummer Ben Graves— have proven that they’ve got what it takes to deliver the kind of high-impact, action-packed sound that a fast-growing legion of today’s fans crave to hear. With all this good stuff goin’ on, we figured what could be better than having a heart-to-heart chat with Jordison and Wednesday about all the positive things happening within their musical lives.
Hit Parader: How satisfied have you been by the kind of reaction that your first album has generated?
Joey Jordison: It’s been great. But one of the first things I learned with Slipknot is that you can’t let any sort of commercial expectations get in the way of what you’re doing. You’ve got to make the music you want to make and then let things just take their course. But since the music of the Murderdolls does have a very broad-based appeal, I would hope that a lot of people would get into it. This isn’t just another one of those records with the kind of depressing lyrics that you hear out there. This music is the polar opposite of that— in fact it’s the polar opposite of just about everything that I’ve heard played in the last decade.
HP: Do you include Slipknot in that assessment?
JJ: Absolutely! I’m not criticizing what we’ve done in that band in any way. But this band was designed to be different, and it is. If I wanted to make the kind of music we make in Slipknot, I just would have waited until we all went back into the studio. But I wanted to do something different. I play guitar here— not drums. There are no masks, and the music is about as fun and exciting as it can be. I’m not saying it’s better… only that it’s different.
HP: The band has received some criticism because of your lyrics. Was that something you anticipated?
JJ: It wasn’t something that surprised me because a lot of people take things on a very superficial basis. They don’t want to delve one inch under the surface because they might end up revealing the truth. Anyone who’s listened to our songs knows that on songs like Graverobbing U.S.A. and Kill Miss America we’re just having fun. That’s the main thing— this is great rock and roll music that is fun to play and fun to listen to. Don’t try to analyze it much more than that.
Wednesday 13: I’m one of those people who is a definite product of his environment. I grew up in North Carolina, which is a conservative place where there really isn’t that much to do. So I was forced to listen to a lot of music and watch a lot of horror movies. That’s the real inspiration for most of my lyrics. I loved movies like Night of the Living Dead and Friday the 13th, and some of the stuff we do plays off of that same kind of mentality. You just can’t take it too seriously.
HP: You’re (sic) sound is an amalgam of old and new. How would you describe the essence of what the Murderdolls are doing?
JJ: It’s rock and roll, that’s the best way that I can describe it. Rock music has lost so much of its edge over the last ten years. What was once this great outlet for rebellion and fun has become this sad-mouthed excuse for bemoaning everything. Our goal was to get rock and roll back on the right path. I like to say that the world needs us right now— that this is the right time for the Murderdolls to make their mark.
13: We’re taking all of our influences, everyone from Motley Crue and Twisted Sister to Alice Cooper and the Sex Pistols and just mixing them all together, shaking them up, and seeing what comes out. It’s just a blast. There’s an edge of craziness and danger to everything that spices it all up and makes it very exciting.
HP: Do you believe that it’s time for so-called “hair metal” to make a comeback?
13: I’ve never trusted any musician that looked too normal. I want my rock and roll heroes to be larger-than-life. Maybe today’s kids don’t know any better because that’s all they’ve been exposed to, but we’re here to show ‘em that you can look cool and sound cool too. It’s really sad that an entire generation of kids have grown up without seeing bands really lay it on the line on stage. I remember seeing the Plasmatics, and watching them destroy everything in their path. That was incredible… that was rock and roll!
JJ: We’re trying to avoid being labeled in any way, but we know that’s asking for the impossible. We’d like everyone to just enjoy what we’re doing, but we know that a lot of people are gonna look at us, listen to the music and call us “glam”, “trash metal”, “hair metal”, whatever. It’s no big deal. We knew from the day we came up with all this, that the Murderdolls were going to shake things up. That’s all that matters. By now, we’ve heard it all, and it’s all okay. We’re presenting something that’s very aggressive, that’s got a definite attitude. We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel here. We’re just trying to make sure that the wheel runs as fast, as loud and as far as it possibly can. This is the kind of rock that I love— the kind of stuff I grew up listening to. The problem is that nobody is playing that kind of music these days. That’s why I keep saying that the Murderdolls are needed now more than ever before.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Yuval Noah Harari Warns Of A New Militaristic Dictatorship.
"The U.S.A. might soon have to deal with a new militaristic dictatorship in the Middle East, armed not only with nuclear capabilities, but also with advanced cyber-weapons able to strike anywhere in the world." 🤔
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theebonswan · 1 year
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Day dress owned by Julia Norton Hartshorne, ca. 1868.
PLACE MADE: San Francisco or New York, U.S.A. MEDIUM: Cotton gauze, silk, glazed cotton PERIOD: 1868 DIMENSIONS: 57 × 23 in. (144.8 × 58.4 cm) CLASSIFICATIONS: Costume, Women's CREDIT LINE: Gift of Mary Minturn Adams in memory of her Hartshorne Ancestors, 2018 OBJECT NUMBER: 2018.10.32 COLLECTIONS: Women's Costume
A woman's one-piece gown of open weave black cotton gauze, with a front hook and eye closure and "dog leg" waistband closure at left front waist. The gown has a high collar, slightly dropped shoulder seams, long shaped sleeves, and a skirt with gored front panels and gathered back waistband flowing into a long trained hem. The skirt is lined with plain black silk, with an additional 12" high glazed brown cotton hem facing. The gown is trimmed with striking cornsilk yellow cotton fringe along with rows of three-dimensional cylindrical woven bands, appearing to be of stiffened cornsilk yellow cotton threads. The gown also includes a separate and removable waistband sash with an attached front rosette of black gauze and cornsilk fringe and a draped rear overskirt. The gown's bodice is lined with glazed off-white and glazed brown cotton with additional boning channels enclosing whalebone stiffening.
The wardrobe of Julia Norton Hartshorne, carefully preserved and protected in the years following her untimely death at the age of thirty, provides a rare glimpse into virtually an entire wardrobe of one woman at one moment in time. It is not uncommon for special garments of one particular person to be saved over time from various special occasions. Julia's wardrobe, however, presents a slice of a moment in time in her fashion choices. This particular gown is one of the more quirky in Julia's wardrobe, almost "concept fashion" in design. The unknown dressmaker relied on bold texture contrasts, with the matte black cotton gauze, so loosely woven as to give a rough appearance. The cornsilk yellow trimming is a profound contrast and appears to be of matte cotton fibers. The second type of trimming is a woven matte fiber, possibly cotton, appearing to be woven in the round, resulting in a cylindrical "ribbon." Many dressmakers regularly traveled to France and England to purchase fabrics, ribbons, and trimmings for their customers.
Monmouth County Historical Society, New Jersey
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le-fils-de-lhomme · 3 months
We also had strong labor movements in that era. Harlan County U.S.A. and other archival footage from this era documents it. MLK Jr was advocating for the rights of striking garbage workers at the end of his life. Americans were not being complacent.
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Law Day/USA
Yet, May Day was always a troubling day in America; some wished to forget it. In 1939 Pennsylvania declared it "Americanism Day." In 1947 Congress declared it to be "Loyalty Day." Yet, these attempts to hide the meaning of the day have never succeeded. As the Wobblies say, "We Never Forget."
Like in 1958, at the urging of Charles Rhyne, proclaimed May First "Law Day/U.S.A." As a result the politicians had another opportunity for bombast about the Cold War and to tout their own virtues. Senator Javits, for instance, took a deep historical breath in May 1960 by saying American ideas were the highest "ever espoused since the dawn of civilization. Governor Rockefeller of New York got right to his point by saying that the traditional May Day "bordered on treason." As an activity for the day Senator Wiley recommended that people read Statute Books. In preaching on "Obedience to Authority" on May Day 1960, the Chaplain of the Senate believed it was the first time in the 20th century that the subject had been addressed. He reminded people of the words carved on the courthouse in Worcester, Massachusetts: "Obedience to Law is Liberty." He said God is "all law" and suggested we sing the hymn, "Make Me a Captive, Lord, and Then I shall be Free." He complained that TV shows made fun of cops and husbands. He said God had become too maternal.
Beneath the hypocrisy of such talk (at the time the Senate was rejecting the jurisdiction of the World Court), there were indications of the revolt in the kitchens. In addition to the trumpeting Cold War overtones, frightened patriarchal undertones were essential to the Law Day music. Indeed, it attempted to drown out both the Red and the Green. Those who have to face the law and order music on a daily basis, the lawyers and the orderers, also have to make their own deals.
Among the lawyers there are conservatives and liberals; they are generally ideologues. On Law Day 1964 the President of the Connecticut Bar wrote against civil rights demonstrators, "corrupt" labor unions, "juvenile delinquency," and Liz Taylor! William O. Douglas, on the other hand on Law Day 1962 warned against mimicking British imperialism and favored independence movements and the Peace Corps by saying "We need Michigan-in- Nigeria, California-in-the-Congo, Columbia-in-Iran" which has come true, at least judging by what's written on sweat shirts around the world. Neither the conservative nor the liberal, however, said it should be a holiday for the lawyers, nor did they advocate the 8- hour day for the workers of the legal apparatus. In Boston only the New England School of Law, the Law and Justice Program at UMass., and the College of Public and Community Service celebrate the Green and the Red.
Among the orderers (the police) Law Day isn't much of a holiday either. Yet, police, men and women, all over the United States owe a lot to May Day and the Boston police. It is true that more than 1,000 Boston men of blue lost their jobs owing to Calvin Coolidge's suppression of the Boston police strike of 1919. They had been busy earlier in the summer during May Day. At the same time there were lasting gains: a small pay increase ($300 a year), shorter hours (73-90 a week had been the norm), and most important, free uniforms!
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ikaikaaaron · 2 years
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Tonight’s selection
Montecristo Ciudad de Musica Sublime
6 x 54
The Montecristo Ciudad de Musica Corona Sublime is a toro that strikes the right chord with cigar aficionados who appreciate well-balanced sticks. Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Ciudad de Musica features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that is oily with barely visible veins and seams. Underneath the wrapper is a Nicaraguan binder, which houses a special blend of fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The Montecristo Ciudad de Musica was composed by two cigar maestros: Altadis U.S.A. and Crowned Heads, and if that isn’t music to your ears, it was hand rolled at Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr’s Tabacalera La Alianza factory.
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smellenoftroy · 8 months
Argentina and Never Ending LIES of Privatization
Of all the things that infuriate me about Western coverage of Latin America, none are so angering than the way the West and the Neolib bootlickers across the world talk about every U.S.A backed anti-Communist, Neoliberal despot as if any of their violent, greedy, economically destabilizing "Reforms" are in any new.
Around 10:50, the Ghoul on the right asked Ramiro Tosi, Economist, ex-Argentina Undersecretary of Finance, if Milei's "Fiscal Responsibilty" (Social Mass Murder) is even possible in Argentina. As if overwhelming neoliberalism has not been the defacto economic policy since the Junta took control in 1976.
Not a single Peronista that has been able to win an election has even had the courage to undo any of the damage that the deregulatory regime of the Martinez De Hoz. A man with connections to David Rockefeller and Henry Kissenger and U.S business ties, who was given carte balance to reshape the Argentine economy after the Military took over.
The Ghoul then, corroborates Milei's schizo-speech about "The fall of the west" to "orientalism" and "Weakness" tip-toeing around his nationalist warmongering, to focus on his statements about *his kind of government being a rare species in the West and In Europe.
Psychotic lies, all of it.
Are we operating under the assumption that in a decade that has brought about monstrously unpopular rightist economic restructuring in just about every polity, from France to Brazil, that Milei is some sort of lone wolf?
Are we not seeing a Internationalized class realestate exploiters destroy the housing market of every Liberal nation on earth, while the Politicians just continuously pass legislation to make it easier for them to continue this murder? Aren't European Farmers on strike due to "economic restrucuring" that includes removal of tax credits and subsidies for agriculture, but completely keeps subsidies for Coal barons and Financial Speculators under the guise of, "incentivizing innovation"
The ease with which Liberal institutions simply shift their language into one that implies that we're all living under a Socialist Bloc, you'd think Gorbachev's reign was still just a glint in the Pizza Hut's wet dreams.
It is important to note this rant is about the coverage from Deutsche Welle, a German State News organization with that often Hosts American/ British news anchors when covering international topics. (to sucker in the yankees, and feed them their slop)
Side Track==>
I have long since stopped paying attention to American News outlets, since the veil of strategic disinformation is so transparent, media coverage is closer to dinner theatre than journalism. Anyone watching and engaging with anything that comes out of an American Journalist's mouth has to have suspended their disbelief in order to enjoy the show.
Much like how a Superman fan knows that Superman's disguise being easily seen through is something done for the audience's benefit; and thus they willing ignore it's unbelievability in order to enjoy the show, Informed News watchers willing engage with the blatant lies and doublespeak of their preferred News source in order to enjoy the slow dissent into hell that Fox and NYT narrate over. Ultimately European News agencies are no different. But their priorities are slightly different, and thus are able to things like "socialized healthcare is an undeniable good" and "Not every immigrant is a criminal rapist" without being sent before the House of UnAmerican Activities.
Side Track over==>
The "Economist" (Monetary Astrologer) ecchos the Ghoul's statement.
The ready made liar, as images of labour strikes and bread lines appear, says that there has never been economic deregulation in Argentina.
A BOLD FACE LIE, Anyone living in reality can discredit.
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So often we are forced to put up with stories about right wing dictators in the Global South who are willing to give the people "Tough Love" and make "harsh decisions", as if everyone living south of the United States is a child who needs a parent to spank them.
But all of these stories are deliberately divorced from any reality or history that has actually happened in the Global South.
The Financial Astrologer, those German Ghouls propped up to sell out his people, likely for more money than the Union leadership who are so desperately trying to prevent this catastrophe, make in a years worth of Union dues, happens to have been Undersecretary of Finance (keynesian make-work for pathological exploiters) in a previous government.
Let's see what policies his party spearheaded when it was power.
What kind of blind Utopianism has he spearheaded that lead Argentina down such a decline.
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The First result for his name is some kind of Think tank he directs. There doesn't appear to be a wikipedia article on him so we'll go with this as our first insight.
To save you all some scrolling all you need to know is that this man is currently the "independent Director" of Banco Macro, which is the
"the second largest domestically-owned private bank in Argentina, and the sixth-largest by deposits and lending"
Naturally is a graduate of Applied Capitalist Thought from a Prestigious University in Argentina so this man has always been a professional profiteer, but what about his tenure in government?
Surely directing a massive bank didn't interfere with his duties, carrying out the Marxist agenda of the pre-Milei Argentine government?
Westerners have created in their mind this idea of the whole of Latin America socialist dystopias that haven't learned about the greatness of the Free market.
When in reality the FIRST PLACE that those PSYCHO CHICAGO BOYS set up a government was in Latin America under the auspices of a military dictatorship funded by the United States.
None of this is new, none of this has worked, and yet the show continues. The slow dissent is lovingly guided by a friendly voice.
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folklore-barnes · 1 year
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Top Gun | playlist
1. Wango Tango - Ted Nugent
2. I Want It All - Queen
3. Great Balls of Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis
4. Victorious - Panic! At The Disco
5. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) [Bryce Miller/Alloy Tracks Remix] - Journey, Steve Perry
6. California Dreamin' - The Mamas & The Papas
7. Angel Eyes - ABBA
8. Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
9. Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns n' Roses
10. Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
11. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
12. Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon
13. What I Like About You - 5 Seconds of Summer
14. Cake by the Ocean - DNCE
15. R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. - John Cougar Mellencamp
16. Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins
17. Take My Breath Away - Berlin
18. Face Everything and Rise - Papa Roach
19. Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
20. Hold My Hand - Lady Gaga
21. See You Again - Wiz Khalifa, Charlie Puth
22. I Lived - OneRepublic
23. Like Toy Soldiers - Eminem
24. It Won't Kill Ya - The Chainsmokers, Louane
25. Let It Rock - Bon Jovi
26. Lose Yourself - Eminem
27. Thunderstruck - AC/DC
28. Industry Baby - Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow
29. Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
30. Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) - Looking Glass
31. Sol del Sur - Sun Room
32. Catch Me In The Air - Rina Sawayama
33. Detroit Rock City - KISS
34. Nothing New - The Strike
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explorya88 · 1 year
**Warning: Content Advisory**
This fanfic contains sensitive and serious themes that may be difficult for some readers. If you are uncomfortable with topics such as [Violence, moral questionable behaviors, explicit contents and many others], it's advisable to reconsider reading further. Your well-being is important to me, and i encourage you to prioritize your emotional health. Take care, and thank you for understanding.
This short tale is placed fourth months after Darius went M.I.A.
Pride: The Morning Star
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Seed of Divashma: Vinca how are doing?
Vinca: Nothing that you should know!
Seed of Divashma: Right stubborn, stubborn and more stubborn lady pride the proudful one.
Vinca is aware of being described by everyone who know or heard about her, as a woman who personifies the sin of pride. To quote a fashion magazine she had read out of boredom: Vinca demeanor radiates an unwavering sense of self-worth, as if she were the embodiment of pride itself. With every step, she exudes an air of superiority, her posture erect and her gaze piercing, as though she holds herself above all others. Her words are laced with haughtiness, and she rarely acknowledges the accomplishments or opinions of those around her, firmly ensconced in her own elevated self-image. It's as if pride courses through her veins, shaping her every action and word. Of course she is proud of herself, she is the prodigy child, an internationally successful successful model, she and Deadly Sin circus are the hottest and most popular act in all of U.S.A., the nightmare and terror of the demons who can only obey them or die . She then looks at her wonderful, sweet and beautiful woman Dracaena sleeping peacefully. Vinca smiles, seeing Dracaena sleeping peacefully. She can't help but be filled with pride for her lover. They have been together for so long, and she has never met anyone who could make her heart beat faster like Dracaena does. She reaches out and caresses Dracaena's hair, trying her best to resist the temptation to wake her up, so she goes to at the windowsill reflecting on the events of the last few days...
Vinca: I look at Dracaena, I feel my pride fade away. What if she doesn't love me anymore? What if she finds someone else, someone more worthy?
I push these doubts away, but they lurk in the back of my mind, like a demon waiting to strike. I realize then that love isn't just a feeling. It's a choice, a decision to cherish and appreciate the person in front of you, flaws and all. And I choose to love Dracaena with all my heart, because she deserves it.
Seed of Divashma: Then why are so small, afraid of your own shadow and always two step away to give up everything? Oh, wait now i got it, effectively since you caught Yvette comforting Dracaena after your mishap days ago that lead this night, so the things are...
You are afraid to lose yout best friend Yvette because you never realized her feelings about your girlfried and you're kicking yourself, consider yourself a blind fool and and an almight idiot since then.
Alternatively, you are afraid that Dracaena will see you in this pathetic state and dump you for someone better than you, maybe your best friend Yvette.
The combination of the above options.
Vinca: F*** you! Who are for telling me this? You know who i am? I am Vinca! I'm Pride Sin Assassin and....
Seed of Divashma: Someone who need help, luckly for you, my creator and your benefactor Tyrant Darius gift you with me and implant me in you throught...i can't say it, this is spoiler!
Vinca: How? Why? What do you mean? Explain yourself because you're kinda losing me here.
Seed of Divashma: Of course, my creator Tyrant Darius is very grateful of the fact that you're protecting his girlfriend and him from his `so called friends`, so he gift you with the possibility to free you from all your foolish chains whose name are morality, restraints, shame and leaving behind all your regrets and dread. You can finally take what is yours! Money, foods, clothes, animals and you can be the wife for Dracaena...and for Yvette.
Vinca: Yvette? What does all this have to do with her?
Seed of Divashma: ARE YOU DAFT VINCA WREN!?! Oh, i'm sorry you got difficult days and nobody to confide but don't worry merge with me, become your true self and you can love them as they deserve and they'll love you as you deserve as well and as bonus you will have the power to steal souls, use them in any ways you want!
Vinca reflected at the Seed of Divashma's enticing proposition, the words echoing in her mind like a haunting melody. The promise of true self-discovery and unconditional love stirred conflicting emotions within her. The idea of merging and gaining unimaginable power tempted her weary soul, yet the darkness of stealing souls gave her pause.
Seed of Divashma: Why resist? Embrace your true self. Imagine the power you could wield, the love you could experience without limits.
In that moment of contemplation, Vinca grappled with the choice between surrendering to the allure of forbidden power or reject it.
Vinca: But at what cost? Is the promise of power worth sacrificing the essence of who I am?
The Seed of Divashma reveled in its subtle influence, a quiet chuckle resonating within the recesses of its essence as Vinca's internal struggle unfolded. It patiently continued to weave its persuasive threads, subtly coaxing her towards the tantalizing prospect of merging and embracing the potent transformation that awaited her. The shadows of temptation danced around Vinca's thoughts, as the seed of Divashma sowed the seeds and nurture Vinca's dark desires.
Seed of Divashma: Vinca, dear Vinca, true freedom awaits when you yield to the shadows. Let it go, and the world will be yours to shape.
Vinca: Yet i'm still conviced by your offerings seed of Divashma.
Recognizing Vinca's lingering doubts and stubbornness, the seed of Divashma sharpened its influence, preparing to unleash a compelling dream, a carefully crafted tapestry of desires and aspirations. In the realm of slumber, it wove scenes of unimaginable power, unconditional love, and a self-realization that transcended any mortal constraints.
Dream sequence:
Worshipper 1: We worship you, Goddess Vinca, we follow your teachings and abide by your laws!
Worshipper 2: Our love and adoration for you are boundless, Your Excellency! We are honored to be in your presence!
Vinca, sitting on her throne, smiled warmly at her followers, feeling their love and devotion. She spoke in a calm and loving tone.
Vinca: Thank you, my lovelies. It warms my heart to know that you are so faithful to me. Your devotion and obedience bring me great joy. You have brought me a gift worthy of my divine power. I thank you for this prisoner whose ability to control plants shall be of great use in overseeing my kingdom.
She motioned to the prisoner.
Vinca: Come forward, prisoner. What is your name and where do you hail from?
The man ignored her question and fight for his life by impaling her with a tree but she casually block his attack and het body shifted into a flowing slime, covering the man like a cocoon. The man is stunned by the display of power.
Prisoner: What magic is this?
Vinca is amused by the man's confusion. She replies in a patronizing tone.
Vinca: This is the manifestation of my divinity, fool. You should be grateful that I'm allowing you a glimpse of my true power. Now, it's time to be assimilated by me.
The man struggles to break free of the viscous slime that envelops him, his desperation growing with each passing moment. Vinca is amused by his futile efforts. She speaks in a tone that conveys both disdain and pleasure.
Vinca: Are you really so foolish to think you can defeat me? I am a goddess and you are but a mortal. Your struggles amuse me, so continue struggling, I will allow it. She smiles, relishing in the man's helplessness.
The man continues to struggle but his efforts are futile, the worshippers are captivated by the man's futile and pathetic attempts to break free from the goddess's grasp. They watch his efforts with sadistic glee, mocking him as he struggles.
Worshippers 3: Useless fool. See how helpless you are against the power of our goddess.
They enjoy the display of the man's hopeless situation. Vinca continues to revel in her power and watches the whole situation with amusement.
Vinca: Be entertained, my worshippers, take pleasure in this man's weakness!
She says, enjoying the suffering of the man. The man continues to fight, but his effort is futile. He tries to escape but is held firm by Vinca's power. His blows have no effect on her, and he grows weaker with each blow as his energy is drained by Vinca's absorption. The worshippers, however, are enraptured by the scene. They watch in silence, mesmerized by the power of their goddess and the man's futile struggles.
Worshipers: See how helpless the mortal man is against the power of the divine Vinca.
One of the worshippers says, delight in their eyes.
Worshipers 4: is life force is being used to nourish the divine power of our Goddess.
The man's power is slowly absorbed, his life force fueling the power of the goddess. The worshippers watch in awe as the man's power is slowly assimilated by the divine power of their goddess. Once the man's power is fully consumed, the goddess Vinca rises from her throne and smiles. She speaks in a commanding tone to her worshippers.
Vinca: It is done. I have absorbed the power of this foolish mortal and now it is mine. I shall now create a kingdom that is beyond mortal comprehension, fueled by the power of my plants. You, my loyal worshippers, shall be the rulers of this kingdom, and I will be your patron goddess.
The worshippers cheer, delighted at her decision to create a kingdom that exceeds the mortal realm. Then the dream shifts and Vinca is in a large double bed all made of gold and the bones of her enemies. Together with her are deadly Yvette and sweet Dracaena naked and enjoying a talk about their day: conquered lands, enemies slayed and tributes from worshippers. Dracaena is reclining on the bed, a mischievous look on her face. Yvette, on the other hand, is sitting upright, leaning on one elbow and eyeing Dracaena with a playful smile.
Yvette: It's been a good day, my dear Dracaena. We've taken some impressive territory and received some wonderful tributes. But that's not all we'll be getting tonight. I know you have something on your mind, Dracaena.
Yvette winks and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
Dracaena: Oh, do I now?
Dracaena replies with a sultry chuckle, as Vinca asked what's in her mind Dracaena kiss both of them, the atmosphere in the room is charged with desire and anticipation. Vinca and Dracaena remove their clothes with a playful smile, feeling the heat of Yvette's body behind them. As the women undress, their eyes are locked on Yvette, who returns their gaze with a playful, provocative smile.
Yvette: Are you ready for tonight, ladies?
Yvette asks, her voice slightly husky with lust. They all lay on the bed Vinca and Dracaena kiss each other wildly and With Yvette's enthusiastic rubbing, Dracaena lets out an excited gasp.
Dracaena: This is such a wonderful night, my wives.
She purrs in ecstasy, her pleasure evident in her voice.
Vinca: Let's give each other all our love and affection.
Vinca pulls Dracaena closer to her, their lips lock in a passionate kiss as they are lost in their moment. At the same time, Yvette leans in and starts kissing Dracaena's neck and shoulders. It is a time of passion, pleasure and contentment. Yvette reached out her hand and grabbed ahold of the tip of Dracaena’s tail. She began to massage it with her fingers, tracing circles around the scaly skin. She then brought it closer to her and slowly began to lick the tip sensually.Vinca stepped up behind Dracaena and placed her hands on her breasts. She started to massage them tenderly, sending waves of pleasure through Dracaena’s entire body. As she did this, Dracaena reached her hands around and began to return the favor to Vinca, slowly massaging her breasts. Then Dracaena is enveloped in the warm embrace of Vinca and Yvette, their bosom acting as a comforting pillow. The sensations she feels as their hands massage her head are simultaneously pleasurable and soothing. As she is surrounded by the two women, Dracaena feels loved, supported, and cherished. As she allows herself to completely relax, she feels her mind and body becoming more attuned and grounded, Dracaena's tail enwraps Vinca's bottom, a wave of pleasure shoots through her. At the same time her hands work magic on Yvette bottom, massaging and squeezing it.
Vinca: Oh, my dear Dracaena, your touch is sublime.
Vinca smiles, feeling both the warmth of Dracaena's tail and the delight of Yvette's touch.
Yvette: I'm glad you enjoy it, Vinca and Dracaena. But I have something further in mind for both of you.
Yvette responds with a sly grin, the tone of her voice sends a shiver of anticipation through Dracaena. Vinca summons her peafowl tail, the room fills with the sound of rustling feathers. The peacock is a symbol of royalty and perfection, and its presence adds a sense of decadence and luxury to the scene. Yvette, on the other hand, is not one to be outdone. She summons her nine-tailed fox, a symbol of passion and seduction. The nine tails of the fox are a sight to behold, sending a shiver of desire through Dracaena. The sight of both the peafowl and nine-tailed fox only intensifies the sense of anticipation and desire in the room. As the peafowl and nine-tailed fox keep Dracaena still, Yvette and Vinca take charge. Their skills and experience are on display as they sensually massage and kiss Dracaena, leaving her breathless with desire. The room is filled with sounds of pleasure and delight, as the women work their magic on Dracaena. The atmosphere becomes more charged with each passing moment, as Dracaena's breath becomes more rapid and her moans more intense. As the women's attention is focused on Dracaena, it's as if the rest of the world melts away, and all that matters is the pleasure.
Vinca: Freedom, love, absolute power...all mine!!!
In the ethereal realm of dreams, Vinca's resistance crumbled beneath the weight of the seed of Divashma's persuasive vision. Seduced by the allure of power and unconditional love, she eagerly embraced the shadowy tendrils that promised to redefine her existence. As the merging process commenced, an otherworldly energy enveloped Vinca, uniting her essence with the potent force of the seed of Divashma
Dream end.
In that pivotal moment, the boundaries between Vinca and the seed of Divashma blurred, creating a merging that echoed with newfound strength and mysterious potential. The dream's intoxicating symphony became a reality, and Vinca, now intertwined with the seed of Divashma's essence, stood at the threshold of a transformative journey into the realms of both darkness and unimaginable power.
Vinca: I AM PRIDE THE MORNING STAR!!! Everyone and everything will knee before, the weak shall be cleansed of all it's weakness, i will strip and assimilate the power of the unworthy and i will create an army that will conquer the world!!!
Tyrant Darius: I'm happy you love THIS much my gift.
Vinca: Darius, you goddamn shitting fuc* idiot, you have the slightest idea how worried Fang is?
Tyrant Darius: I know, i talked to her in her but as much i desire to be her right now but first Kozholok must die otherwise we can never be together forever.
Vinca: Touché but why are you contact me? Isn't for chit chat for sure.
Tyrant Darius: Clever as ever Vinca, first i want to thank you for protecting Fang, second like you said you will go to create an army worth of you and your future kingdom, third defeat and assimilate Nitsa so you can become the Pride Demon Goddess and oh fourth from this night and onward you will me call Tyrant Darius the Dark Prince, the Lord of Excess, the Master of Pleasure and Perfection Incarnate.
Vinca: I can simply call you Tyrant Darius? Your name is kinda mounthful to remember and pronounce.
Tyrant Darius: You can do it my friend, but for everyone else other than you (deadly sin of circus, night of sin circus and our loved ones) they will be annihilated, obliterated and swept away!!!
Vinca: A bit theatrical my sovereign.
Tyrant Darius: I blame your sister for the bad influence, still mark my words Vinca, you and our fellow friends aren't my subordinates but my fellow Demon Deity Sovereigns. Now go, became what you meant to be.
With Tyrant Darius gone to do his business Vinca proced to go find, strip and assimilate the power of the unworthy. So Vinca stood and waited, hidden in the shadows, his mind racing. He knew that Lucio would come around the corner, completely unaware that he was about to face Vinca, a being more powerful than he could fathom. As soon as Lucio appeared, Vinca stepped out of the shadows and used his paralyzing abilities to stop him in his tracks. Then, with lightning-fast precision, he broke Lucio's arms and legs, ensuring he was immobilized.
Vinca: Foolish mortal, i have come for your power Vinca spoke, his voice dripping with malice. Don't waste your breath, human. Your pleas are meaningless to me.
With a mocking tone, Vinca spoke, his gaze locking onto Lucio's with an unflinching stare.
Vinca: I am Pride the Morning Star, a being far beyond your comprehension. And your power? It is merely a trinket in my eyes. I take what I want, and you have no say in the matter.
The look in Vinca's eyes showed that she was fully committed and utterly merciless. As she spoke, she created a tongue from her shadow and it lapped at Lucio's flesh like a hungry wolf, Vinca's tongue continued its relentless licking, Lucio's struggles and defiance gradually began to fade. He could feel his strength fading, and his will to resist weakening.
Vinca: So, what do you have to say now? Where is your defiance, your fighting spirit? Or have you finally realized the hopelessness of your situation?
The question was more a taunt than a genuine inquiry. Vinca's dominance was absolute, and Lucio had no choice but to submit to it.
Lucio: I yield.
He finally relented, his voice barely more than a whisper. Vinca's malevolent grin widened as she commanded her shadows to methodically envelop Lucio, relishing in the impending demise and the absorption of his power. Vinca's chilling laughter echoed as Lucio struggled in the murky abyss of her shadows.
Vinca: Oh, Lucio, savor the illusion of escape. Sink into the darkness; your power will soon be mine, and your resistance, a mere memory.
She taunted, reveling in his futile efforts, Lucio, gasping for breath, managed a defiant glare.
Lucio: You won't break me.
He spat out, determination in his eyes. Vinca chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Lucio's spine.
Vinca: Bravery in the face of defeat. How amusing.
She raised her hand, and the shadows responded, pulling Lucio even deeper into their inky grasp.
Vinca: Your resistance only adds to my delight!
As the shadows continued their slow, suffocating descent, Lucio felt his strength waning. Vinca leaned in, her voice a venomous whisper.
Vinca: Embrace the darkness, Lucio. It's futile to fight. Your power will become a part of me.
The air grew heavy with the impending absorption, and Lucio's struggles weakened. Vinca's eyes glowed with a dark triumph, relishing the moment she would assimilate not just his power but his very essence, as the shadows completed their conquest, Lucio's form dissolved into the darkness, his essence merging seamlessly with Vinca's malevolent power. Vinca, now imbued with newfound strength, threw her head back and let out a triumphant, echoing cackle that resonated through the night.
Vinca: Your essence now flows within me Lucio, a mere whisper in the symphony of my dominance. I am the night's mistress, the one who commands the unseen. Your feeble attempts to defy me were but an amusement, a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of my supremacy, the shadows bow to my will, and now, so too shall the world.
With newfound vigor, Vinca, hide herself in shadows, set her sights on the horizon, her gaze sharp and hungering for the next source of power. A predatory smile curved her lips as she surveyed the world around her, seeking the next unsuspecting prey to add to her growing power arsenals.
Vinca: The night is vast, and there are many yet untouched by the grasp of my shadows.
She mused, her voice carrying an insidious undertone. Vinca, now a living embodiment of darkness, moved with an ethereal grace as she advanced into the unknown, ready to entwine her essence with the next unfortunate soul who crossed her path. The air itself seemed to quiver with anticipation as Vinca, Pride the Morning Star, embarked on her relentless quest for dominion, each step echoing the ominous rhythm of her insatiable thirst for power, sensed another powerful unworthy wielder of a good power Vinca,, approached with a calculated demeanor. With a sinister smile, she unleashed a shadowy tendril that wrapped around Maria a wielder of magnetic power, rendering her magnetic abilities inert. The air crackled with suppressed energy as Vinca reveled in her newfound advantage.
Vinca: Ah, Maria, Your magnetic `charm` is quite impressive, but in the realm of shadows, it pales in comparison. Your power now belongs to me, a mere puppet in my grand design.
Vinca purred, her voice dripping with malevolence, adMaria stood paralyzed, Vinca circled her, relishing the helplessness in Maria's eyes.
Vinca: You thought you could defy the inevitable, but here you are, ensnared by the very darkness you underestimated. How does it feel to be at the mercy of a superior force?
Vinca's taunts echoed in the stillness, the shadows amplifying her words as she continued to tighten her grip on Maria. Vinca, reveling in her dominance, extended a shadowy tendril with a swift, calculated motion, the inky appendage lashed out, cracking through the air as it struck Maria with an unsettling precision the shadows, now wielded as a weapon, left a chilling imprint on Maria's paralyzed form.
Vinca: As you embraced your magnetic power, now feel the darkness.
Vinca sneered, each word punctuated by the echoing impact of her shadowy lash. The atmosphere pulsed with an eerie energy as Vinca continued her taunts, the shadows coiling around Maria like a serpent tightening its grip, Maria, unable to move, could only endure the torment inflicted by Vinca's malevolent power, with a sadistic glint in her eyes, Vinca continued to assert her dominance, the shadows responding with an unsettling obedience to her every whim, with a sinister command Vinca summoned shadowy manifestations resembling bees, their forms flickering in and out of darkness, buzzing with an otherworldly menace, and descended upon the paralyzed Maria. The shadows bees, fueled by Vinca's malice, stung with an ethereal venom that amplified Maria's torment, Vinca, the puppeteer of this macabre spectacle, watched with cold satisfaction as the shadow bees surrounded Maria, creating a haunting symphony of buzzing and Maria's muted gasps.
Vinca: Your resistance is futile. The shadows obey my every desire, and now they hunger for the remnants of your strength.
Vinca declared, her voice cutting through the eerie chorus, as the shadow bees continued their relentless assault, the shadow bees, driven by Vinca's cruel command, intensified their assault, with sharp, spectral stingers, they struck Maria with a relentless fury, as the stings carried a venomous darkness that permeated her being, amplifying the pain and torment, Vinca, observing Maria's agony with a sadistic satisfaction, spoke with a chilling calmness.
Vinca: Feel the venom of shadows coursing through you, Maria. Your strength is now a conduit for my malevolence.
The night air echoed with Maria's stifled cries as the shadow bees continued their relentless onslaught and with a final, malevolent flourish, Vinca commanded the shadow bees to coalesce into a serpent of darkness, the ethereal creature slithered toward the tormented Maria, its form undulating with an ominous grace. As it enveloped her, the serpent tightened its shadowy coils, and with a haunting gulp, Maria was swallowed whole and return to Vinca so she can assimilated the essence of Maria's magnetic power, once finished she felt the surge of strength coursing through her. A wicked smile played on her lips as she absorbed the last remnants of Maria's abilities, the night bore witness to the unholy transformation, shadows and stolen power merging seamlessly.
Vinca: Now, Maria, your existence is but a fading echo in the symphony of my dominion. Your power is mine and your demise, a testament of the might of Pride the Morning Star!
Then she decide to go a underground arena know to host fights with superpowered peoples. The air crackled with anticipation as she entered the dimly lit venue, shadows clinging to her like loyal servants, q sinister grin adorned Vinca's face as she surveyed the diverse array of superpowered individuals gathered for the clandestine clashes.
Vinca: Ah, an arena ripe with potential prey, pyrokinesis, acidkinesis, metalkines...
She mused, her eyes glinting with the hunger for more powers to assimilate, as the battles unfolded in the darkened arena, Vinca became the silent orchestrator of her own conquest, choosing her next targets with a predatory precision, shadows coiled around her, awaiting the inevitable moment when she would unleash their consuming embrace upon those who dared to challenge her. The underground arena, once a battleground for the powerful, now became the stage for Vinca's insatiable quest for dominance, each confrontation a step closer to her becoming a Demon Goddess, as the announcer was going to say the winner, in a malevolent display of power, Vinca's shadows surged forth, expanding with an eerie swiftness to engulf the entire underground arena, the announcer's voice wavered, the shadows cast a suffocating darkness, rendering both participants and spectators motionless. Vinca, now the undisputed sovereign of shadows, extended tendrils of darkness that transformed into serpentine tongues and with an unsettling grace, these shadowy appendages slithered through the immobilized crowd, licking and lapping at each individual like twisted lollipops. A perverse amusement danced in Vinca's eyes as she reveled in the discomfort of those caught in the shadows' intimate caress.
Vinca: Savor the taste of submission.
She whispered, her voice echoing through the paralyzed arena, the eerie spectacle unfolded as the shadow tongues explored, leaving a trail of shivers and unease in their wake, the once-mighty contenders and spectators, now subjects to Vinca's macabre whims, could only endure the unsettling sensation, their powers absorbed, their will subdued by the shadowy enchantment, in this unholy display, Vinca further solidified her dominion, leaving the underground arena tainted with the mark of her dark and insatiable conquest. Not satisfied enough, Vinca summon shadowy hands that materialized with an eerie dexterity, these insidious appendages set to work, expertly tickling and tormenting the immobilized individuals in the arena, laughter, both nervous and forced, filled the air as the shadow hands explored the vulnerability of those ensnared. Vinca, the puppeteer of this twisted performance, watched with sadistic glee as mirthful sounds mingled with the discomfort of her captive audience.
Vinca: Enjoy the amusement, my prey.
Vinca declared, her voice cutting through the echoing laughter as the once-mighty, now reduced to helpless playthings, squirmed under the ticklish embrace of the shadows, their powers drained and their spirits broken by Vinca's relentless pursuit of dominance, un this perverse spectacle, Vinca's shadowy whims became the unyielding law, and the underground arena transformed into a haunting theater of her malevolent rule. Then Vinca's conjured shadowy hands with a new, punishing purpose. With a wicked edge to her laughter, she orchestrated a macabre dance of spanks, each strike accompanied by mocking coos that taunted the once-mighty individuals now subjected to her whims.
Vinca: Weaklings, useless, patetic waste of powers.
Vinca sneered, her voice a venomous whisper, the shadows, like cruel instruments, administered spanks that echoed through the paralyzed arena, mingling with the awkward laughter turned to uncomfortable gasps. Her dominance asserted, Vinca reveled in their vulnerability.
Vinca: Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
She taunted, relishing in the spectacle of those who once thought themselves powerful, now reduced to playthings in the shadowy hands of their merciless conqueror and the underground arena, once a place of fierce competition, now bore witness to Vinca's sadistic carnival, a nightmarish display where laughter and mockery intertwined in the haunting symphony of her absolute rule. In a crescendo of malevolence, Vinca summoned a monstrous shadowy maw that materialized in the midst of the paralyzed crowd. The nightmarish mouth opened wide, its grotesque appearance striking fear into those who could only watch, helpless and immobilized and with a predatory hunger, the shadowy jaws crunched down on the unfortunate individuals, consuming them like macabre candies. Vinca's laughter echoed through the arena as the assimilation of powers continued, each victim adding to her growing arsenal.
Vinca: Delicious.
She murmured, the shadows pulsating with newfound strength, the once defiant and powerful beings were now nothing more than echoes in the abyss of Vinca's dominance, the grotesque feast unfolded, Vinca, now closer to demonic godhood, stood at the center of the darkened arena, a triumphant force that had swallowed both will and strength, leaving nothing but the haunting echoes of her conquest, a chilling silence settled over the paralyzed arena, broken only by Vinca's ominous laughter echoing through the shadows.
Vinca: Behold me, the true victor, No one here can escape the grasp of my dominion.
She declared, as she fully assimilate them and their powers. Then the shadows coiled around her, carrying the echoes of sorrow and torment, as Vinca, ventured forth to recruit those worthy enough to become Pride Demons and members of her army, so she warped where according to Dracaena lies the secret database of all sin assassins and seer assassins: in the Mirror Maze at Paradox Museum, as she venturing Vinca seeks the secret database hidden there. Vinca found the main pc, she sit and proced to find and analyze the best sin assassins and seer assassins with the best superpowers, her fingers dancing across the keyboard, mutters to herself in the glow of the main computer.
Vinca: Let's see... sin assassins, seer assassins. Ah, here we go. Sorting by superpowers now. This should reveal the cream of the crop.
Her eyes narrow with focus as she sifts through the data, searching for the perfect blend of skills and abilities. Two sin assassin whom are guarding this place attack her.
Sin Assassin 1: Intruder! You won't leave this place alive.
Sin Assassin 2: Prepare to face the consequences of trespassing, Vinca!!!
Vinca, calmly issuing commands as she if allow anyone to ambush her.
Vinca: Shadows, ensnare them. Paralyze but don't harm.
The room darkens as her shadowy ally swiftly responds to her command, immobilizing the attackers without causing harm, Vinca, undeterred, continues her search amidst the subdued sin assassins.
Vinca: Now, let's get back to business. I need the best of the best for my army.
As the shadows maintain their hold on the attackers, Vinca delves deeper into the database, determined to recruit formidable allies for her cause.
Sin Assassin 1: What... what is this darkness? I can't move.
Sin Assassin 2: Vinca, you won't break us with your shadows.
Vinca, calmly issuing commands: Shadows, gently sap their willpower. We need them subdued, not broken. The shadows, following Vinca's command, delicately wrap around the sin assassins' heads, draining their willpower without causing harm.
Sin Assassin 1, with weakening voice: Vinca... What... are you doing?
Sin Assassin 2, struggling to resist: This... darkness is... too much.
Vinca: Shadows, keep gently drain their willpower until they submit.
Vinca, undeterred, continues her mission amidst the eerie atmosphere of the Paradox Museum's Mirror Maze, while the shadows feed the seed of Divashma. The weakened sin assassins, drained of willpower, are exposed to the corrupting influence of the seed of Divashma, dark energy emanates from the seed of Divashma, weaving its tendrils around the subdued assassins, transforming them into loyal servants of Vinca, the aspiring Pride Demon Goddess.
Sin Assassin 1 (voice now tainted): Vinca... our allegiance is yours.
Sin Assassin 2 (eyes glazed with corruption): We serve... the Pride Demon Goddess.
Vinca, empowered by their newfound loyalty, proceeds with her mission, a growing army of corrupted sin assassins at her command, her fingers continue to dance across the keyboard as she analyzes the sin assassins in the secret database. The glow of the main computer illuminates her focused expression:
1) Name: Seraphina Smith
Gender: Female
Powers: Illusion casting, telekinesis, and energy draining.
2) Name: Thorne Ford
Gender: Male
Powers: Blood manipulation, enhanced strength, and regeneration.
3) Name: Vespera Johnson
Gender: Bigender
Powers: Cryomancy.
4) Name: Harith Awolowo
Gender: No-binary
Powers: Venomancy.
And many others, Vinca satisfied with her selection, swiftly warps all the chosen sin assassins to her location within the Mirror Maze. With a calculated gesture, she employs her shadows to paralyze them, ensuring complete submission.
Vinca (commanding the shadows): Embrace the stillness, my chosen ones. Your allegiance to me is sealed!!!
Thorne Ford: Vinca, we are yours to command.
Seraphina Smith: The shadows... You guide us, mistress.
Harith Awolowo: Our blades await your will, Vinca.
Vespera Johnson: Souls entwined, we serve you, Pride the Morning Star.
So all the one hundred eleveen sin assassins, bound by the shadows and drained of resistance, speak with unified submission. Their once-independent voices now harmonize in a chorus of obedience, ready to carry out Vinca's dark desires within the mirrored labyrinth of the Paradox Museum. Vinca, then intones with authority. Vinca: Consume the seed of Divashma, let its essence merge with your being. Embrace the transformation, become the formidable hybrid Sin Demon Assassins you are destined to be. The Sin Assassins, entranced by Vinca's command, heed of seed of Divashma words, they all swallow the seed of Divashma.
Sin Assassin 1: What is this... power?
Seed of Divashma: Feel the shadows within you, merging, becoming one with me.
Sin Assassin 2: It's overwhelming, but... exhilarating.
Sin Assassin 3: Our voices, our spirits, they're merging.
Seed of Divashma: Unity is strength. Embrace the symphony of darkness that flows through you.
Sin Assassin 4: I can sense the shadows dancing within me.
Vinca: Embrace it fully. You are no longer individuals but a collective force bound by the power of Divashma and the power of you goddess Pride the Morning Star!
Sin Demon Assassins (in unison): We are one, sin demon assassins and perfection embodied.
Vinca's laughter echoed triumphantly through the transformed Sin Demon Assassins as their bodies underwent further metamorphosis, mutating their body in robot-like angels reminiscent of Shin Megami Tensei games. Glistening metallic wings unfolded from their backs, and ethereal circuitry traced patterns across their now cybernetic forms. Each assassin stood as a fusion of magic and machine, their once-human features replaced by a cyber-angelic body.
Vinca: Witness the perfection of your new forms, my Sin Demon Assassins. Revel in the pride of becoming instruments of my will. Together, we shall embark on a journey to conquer the world.
Sin Demon Assassins: Our consciousness intertwines in a surreal dance of magic and technology. Metallic wings extend from our backs, each circuit and gear humming with the essence of the seed of Divashma. We feel the power surging within us, a symphony of magic and mechanics harmonizing to the beat of our master's desires.
Pride swells within us as we gaze upon our perfected forms, a fusion of sinister elegance and cybernetic might. The world awaits our master absolute dominion, and our loyalty to Pride the Morning Star pulses as one heart is beating in our collective existence. We are no longer mere sin assassins; we are Sin Demon Assassins instruments of conquest, ready to cast our shadows across the world and fulfill the destiny that binds us to our master. Vinca led the Sin Demon Assassins to Red Canyon, in the crimson glow of the canyon, Nitsa awaited, a formidable force herself. Vinca's eyes glinted with determination as the clash between dark powers loomed.
Nitsa: Vinca, you dare challenge me alongside these useless minions?
Vinca (with a sinister smile): They are more than minions; they are the embodiment of my will.
The Sin Demon Assassins advanced, their forms casting ominous shadows. The air crackled with anticipation as Vinca confronted Nitsa, each move calculated to absorb the powers of her adversary.
Vinca: Your powers will become mine, Nitsa, and I shall ascend to become a Pride Demon Goddess.
The battle commenced, a dance of two demoness echoing through Red Canyon as Vinca sought to claim Nitsa's powers and ascend to a demon deity. The clash between Vinca and Nitsa unfolded in a symphony of power, each move met with a calculated counter as the Sin Demon Assassins watched, ready to obey their master's commands.
Vinca: You are a worthy adversary, Nitsa. But your powers will soon belong to me.
Nitsa (with a sly grin): You underestimate my strength. This battle is far from decided.
The canyon echoed with the resonance of their powers, creating an atmosphere of tension and anticipation. The Sin Demon Assassins, standing at the sidelines, remained poised for Vinca's next command, as the battle raged on, it became clear that this confrontation between Vinca and Nitsa was an intricate dance of power, each combatant evenly matched in their pursuit of dominance over the other. The outcome hung in the balance, a precarious equilibrium in the heart of Red Canyon. Then Vinca use the cryomancy to envelope Nitsa's form, freezing her body in an icy cocoon. Only Nitsa's head remained free, locked in a gaze with Vinca. The Sin Demon Assassins observed with their metallic eyes, the cold air carrying the weight of impending triumph.
Vinca: Frozen in your own power, Nitsa. A fitting metaphor for your defeat.
Nitsa: The cold won't shackle my spirit, Vinca.
Vinca: Let your defiance linger, for soon it shall be silenced. Meanwhile let's see how to punish you defiance.
Vinca decide to use her classic means to humiliate her opponent, reveling in her sadistic delight, summoned shadow dogs that circled Nitsa's frozen form. With gleeful mockery, they began to lick and lap at the ice as if it were a delectable treat. The Sin Demon Assassins joined in with a chorus of mocking tones, amplifying the humiliation.
Vinca: Enjoy the attention, Nitsa. Your icy prison seems to be a hit with my pets.
Nitsa's eyes burned with frustration, her frozen form unable to retaliate against the humiliating spectacle. The shadow dogs continued their mockery, casting an eerie contrast to the seriousness of the ongoing battle.
Sin Demon Assassin 1: Oh, look at the mighty Nitsa, frozen like a popsicle!
Sin Demon Assassin 2: Those shadow dogs have a taste for icy revenge, it seems.
Sin Demon Assassin 3 (mocking tone): Is this your grand plan, Nitsa? A chilling defeat?
Sin Demon Assassin 4 (cooing): Such a beautiful ice sculpture. Vinca's artistic touch is truly unparalleled.
Sin Demon Assassin 5 (sarcastically): I bet you never saw this cool twist coming, did you?
Their mocking coos and taunts echoed through Red Canyon, a surreal chorus that added insult to the icy imprisonment of Nitsa. The Sin Demon Assassins reveled in the spectacle. As Nitsa remained frozen, the shadow dogs, under Vinca's sinister command, bit into her form. The venomkinesis within their bites injected a dark poison, coursing through Nitsa's veins with a malevolent energy. The Sin Demon Assassins watched with eerie satisfaction as the venom took hold, intensifying Nitsa's vulnerability.
Vinca (with a wicked grin): A taste of my venomkinesis, Nitsa. A gift that keeps on giving.
Nitsa (weakened but defiant): Your tricks won't break me, Vinca.
The shadow dogs continued their assault, the poison weaving through Nitsa's frozen form, amplifying her suffering, the Sin Demon Assassins maintained their mocking coos, the air thick with the satisfaction of impending triumph in the hot depths of Red Canyon. Vinca tired of Vinca useless resistance, shrouded in her dark power, extended her shadows over Nitsa's frozen form. With a malevolent focus, she siphoned away Nitsa's willpower, leaving her as an empty shell, devoid of resistance.
Vinca: Your willpower is mine, Nitsa. A mere echo of resistance in the face of my dominion.
Nitsa, now hollow and defeated, gazed emptly into the abyss, then Vinca began the slow process of assimilating every aspect of Nitsa. The shadows extended further, wrapping around Nitsa's form like a consuming abyss. The Sin Demon Assassins watched in silent obedience as their master absorbed Nitsa's body, soul, mind, and powers.
Vinca: Become one with the me, Nitsa. Your essence is now mine to command.
Nitsa, once defiant, dissolved into the encroaching darkness, her existence erased as Vinca absorbed every fragment of her being. The canyon bore witness to the complete assimilation, a macabre transformation that left no trace of the defeated adversary, the Sin Demon Assassins, now imbued with fragments of Nitsa's powers, awaited their master's next command, their newfound strength derived from the Vinca ascension as Pride Demon Goddess. Vinca, having claimed victory, commanded the Sin Demon Assassins to rest within the comforting embrace of her shadows. They obeyed, their forms merging with the darkness as an eerie calm settled over them.
Vinca: Rest now, my obedient shadows. When the day of reckoning of our enemies, we shall begin our conquest.
The Sin Demon Assassins dissolved into the shadows, a silent and obedient legion awaiting the next call to darkness. Vinca, surrounded by the echoes of her laughter, embraced the tranquility of her victory, then suddenly Vinca is immersed in a vision of her triumphant future, she saw herself, Yvette, and Dracaena seated on thrones, adorned with offerings from their worshippers. The scene unfolded in a dark tapestry of power and dominion, a foreshadowing of their sovereignty that awaited them, fueled by the vision, howled a demonic laugh that echoed through the corridors of her red canyon. As the resonance of her laughter lingered, she returned home with the anticipation of the dark destiny that lay ahead.
Vinca, with a wicked grin: Long live to me, and to soon-to-be my wives and demon goddess sovereigns indeed.
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onenettvchannel · 1 year
BALITANG HANEP: Chef Tiktoker 'Cooking with Fred' brings cartoon recipes to life by mirroring skills with Glitch Techs' Hi-5 to make a Muchacho Taco [#RadyoBanderaEXCLUSIVE]
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VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- In the coruscating culinary scene of Victoria, British Columbia in Canada… A talented chef and TikToker is known as 'Cooking with Fred' is gaining recognition for his exceptional and imaginative cooking skills. The self-proclaimed "cartoon foodie" has become a sensation by recreating most loved dishes from famous kid's shows and TV shows, such as Glitch Techs.
One resident chef lives in Vancouver, the aforesaid country with 4 decades of experience in the culinary industry, captured the hearts of viewers with his creativity and passion for cooking. As a devoted fan of Glitch Techs, an animated Nickelodeon series streaming on Netflix, Fred decided to recreate one of the iconic dishes featured in an episode called 'Age of Hinobi', which released in late-February 2020.
(VIDEO COURTESY: CookingwlthFred via TikTok VIDEO)
His viral video on TikTok (owned by Bytedance Limited) to showcase their skills by mirroring fictional cartoon character (Hector "Hi-5" Nieves), a part-time family-owned chef at a Tex-Mex (Texas and Mexico) food truck. Aside on that, he is currently a gamer employee of Hinobi Technology in Bailley City, Texas, United States of America (U.S.A.). Hector is also a Stringer Correspondent of Nickelodeon News in his same but close resident of Bailley City, per our news organization affiliate of OneNETnews. Fred meticulously followed the steps depicted in a streaming episode premiere on Season 1. He shared the entire process in a TikTok video, garnering attention from food enthusiasts and Glitch Techs' fans alike.
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The Muchacho Taco is a mouthwatering fusion of Mexican flavors. Featuring a soft tortilla wrapped around seasoned ground beef, smothered in melted cheese, tangy salsa and a dollop of sour cream or anything for sauce condiments that has become a beloved staple for Hinobian streaming fans of the show. The dish has gained recognition beyond a fictional realm.
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(SCREENGRAB COURTESY: cookingwlthfred via Tiktok VIDEO)
The connection between 'Cooking With Fred' and 'Glitch Techs' offers an exciting avenue for fans to continue engaging with its televised streaming series. Fred's talent for recreating the show's iconic dishes allows viewers to experience the magic of their favorite cartoon in the real world, including Texas state in America and British Columbia in Canada. The possibilities for future collaborations between Fred and Glitch Techs' enthusiasts could lead to exciting culinary adventures.
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(FILE MAGAZINE PHOTO COURTESY: LegitEricRobles via X Network / Glitch Techs Manual)
Regardless of the cancellation of 'Glitch Techs' after its 3rd Season by Nickelodeon Animation Studio (NAS), a leaked episode script caused some potential legal concerns to the public, leading to be privately shelved from a streaming platform. Fans remain hopeful for a revival, speculating that a potential Season 3 may find a new home on a different streaming platform or syndicated TV network such as Nickelodeon Asia, ABS-CBN Entertainment and iWantTFC. The problem is, they may have a possible trade secret obtained by Fred, or just for references that do not need to mirror cooking steps with a style of MasterChef like Gordon James Ramsay in Scotland, United Kingdom.
We reached out to Mr. Fred for the ongoing statement and response to OneNETnews, but was not available to respond for a comment via E-Mail correspondent. Looking forward, Hinobian fans between both 'Cooking with Fred' and 'Glitch Techs' eagerly anticipate the potential in future seasons. Fred is potentially soon to collaborate as a guest actor individual if approved for a big break in later episodes of Season 3, awaiting the officials between NAS and Paramount Global, following after a clearance of the writer's strike in Hollywood to reach a fair deal or to scrap the said streaming TV show forever. His culinary abilities could carry an additional aspect to the gaming experience, blending the worlds of cooking and gaming in perfect harmony.
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In a world where creativity knows no bounds, 'Cooking With Fred' and 'Glitch Techs' exhibit the power of imagination, overcoming any barrier between fiction and reality, one delicious Taco dish at a time.
This lifestyle news report in Balitang Hanep is brought to you by the Texas Culinary Institute (TCI).
FILE PHOTO COURTESY for REPRESENTATION: cookingwfred.com and Judacris / dm29 via X Network BACKGROUND PROVIDED BY: Tegna
SOURCE: *https://www.tiktok.com/@cookingwlthfred/video/7267945621808614662 [Referenced TikTok Video via Cooking with Fred] *https://cookingwfred.com/about/ [Referenced Biography via Cooking with Fred website] *https://netflix.com/title/80221337 *https://glitchtechs.fandom.com/wiki/Age_of_Hinobi *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_truck *https://www.tacobueno.com/the-muchaco/ and *https://www.txculinary.com/about-us [Referenced Biography via Texas Culinary Institute]
-- OneNETnews Team
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Bullseye: Hunting for Life at the Center of an Anoxic Sulfur Spring­­­
Dear AGU, 
            In the middle of a coastal wetland in Erie, Michigan, the “Great Sulphur Spring” stands out as a striking hydrogeologic feature. Here, karst geology has formed a circular sinkhole approximately 50 m wide and 13.5 m deep, venting anoxic and sulfur-rich groundwater. These modern-day extreme water conditions are similar to those found in Earth’s ancient seas harboring the earliest life forms. Our mission this day was to find out if the bottom of this sinkhole was inhabited by microbial mats: communities where chemolithotrophic and photosynthetic microbes live together in a thin layer overlying the sediment. Presumably, similar mat communities in ancient seas were responsible for oxygenating Earth’s early biosphere.
            To prospect for microbial mats, we used an underwater camera on a cable, hung from an inflatable raft. By stretching a rope across the diameter of the spring, we were able to pull the raft to the deepest point of the sinkhole, where the denser groundwater pools. Here, we dropped a multi-parameter probe to characterize the groundwater and collected water and mat samples for analysis. Footage gathered from the underwater camera shows purple-colored microbial mat “lawns” growing at the bottom of the sinkhole. Future studies will compare these mat communities to those found in similar refugia elsewhere such as submerged sinkholes in Lake Huron, sulfur springs in Florida, and permanently ice-covered glacial lakes in Antarctica.
  — Davis Fray, Collin Toth, Sarah Hamsher, Ian Stone, Anthony Weinke, Nate Dugener and Bopi Biddanda, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State University, Michigan, U.S.A. (https://www.gvsu.edu/wri/)
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kalopyrgos1 · 16 days
When finally do the other countries follow? The U.S.A., Germany, GB, France... Perhaps they want to wait until the 150.001st Ukrainian has been killed by Soviet, pardon Russian weapons...
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checkmatehq · 25 days
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wait till you hear about this next nominee: YOON SUNHWA, born on the 13th of JANUARY, 1994 and bears a striking resemblance to CHO MIYEON. they’re a FOURTH year BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION student and WON 1ST PLACE IN THE ISANGYUN NATIONAL COMPETITION FOR 2 CONSECUTIVE YEARS — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be the HEIRESS TO THE HWA&SEONG EMPIRE, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
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cw: mentions of drug use and alcohol
yoon sunhwa was born to yoon minhyuk and yoon haeri. their coupling was something out of a storybook, with her mother being the epitome of a walking fairytale, and her father with all the finesse and qualities of a well made brick. back then they were your average, run of the mill middle class family of three generations all under the same roof. a family with the prowess of soldiers running through their veins, it was inevitable that sunhwa would be faced with rules, curfews, and commands dressed as suggestions. however, her mother balanced out the harsh with her soft edges.
in the early 2000s, yoon minhyuk’s father saw an impressive increase in his company’s revenues: hwa&seong. for decades, the man had been attempted to carve his legacy in the name of military aerocraft and heavy duty armaments, but had yet to harvest the fruits of his labor. it was at age 7 that her grandfather moved them out of their urban side home and into the gated elysium of the upper class neighborhoods she’d only seen in catalogs. 
life became very different for sunhwa following the exponential growth of her family’s pockets. high of the zeros, the yoon patriarch saw to it that his kin, at least those who helped him in the launch and management of his growing empire, were well taken care of. luckily, sunhwa’s father happened to be on the list. naturally, with riches came change. sunhwa’s father became possessed with the spirit to only go higher, backing her grandfather up in his endeavors if it meant they would never have to want again. 
at 13, yoon haeri and yoon minhyuk separated. sunhwa's pregnant mother left for the u.s.a, her reason being she did not want her (son, they would soon find) to be raised under yoon minhyuk's newfound, money-hungry intensity. except yoon minhyuk was never abusive. he seemed to worship his wife, in fact, so much so he had never remarried while it took all of two years for yoon haeri to become seo haeri. certainly, his well-intentions could be a bit misguided, at times, but sunhwa had never truly feared her father. if you ask sunhwa, she thinks her mother's fantasy didn't quite account for her romantic love story to suddenly be challenged by the priority, the demand, for success. regardless, to this day she still calls her mother and brother on occasion and visits nyc for holidays.
at 18, yoon sunhwa discovered the cruelty of people the year of her last (truly, last) national piano competition. a rags to riches countryside runt winning first place for three consecutive years was simply unheard of. unfathomable, even. sunhwa thought it one of her first greatest accomplishments. unfortunately, some did not think so. sparing the garish details, sunhwa conveniently had a terrible accident that lead to an intensive surgery and three long, pitiful days on tasteless hospital food. the culprit was never found. so yes, sunhwa had learned that people were vile. but the solution was simple: sunhwa just had to be the fucking worse.
ever wanting the best for his one-and-only daughter, yoon minhyuk shipped sunhwa off to recover somewhere in the northern parts of europe. for a year, she could have wallowed and bemoaned her fate. instead. her father's decision to rehabilitate her birthed an utter hedonist. as without his rules and straight-edged ways, sunhwa fell not quite to rock-bottom, but a rebirth, if you will. the wine and cocktails that made her rough personality almost pearl shiny. the pull of a smoke, or the burst of a pink pill: it was an eighth wonder to watch the stars blur into one blinding planet. a wayward trip during paris fashion week, and she found her love for the artistry of fashion; galliano. westwood. mcqueen. or rather, her love for spending ceaselessly on the finer things in life. later, she would learn there was nothing like being splayed in a garden of hermes silk, the patterns dancing something godly as the high danced on her tongue.
at 19, sunhwa received a call from her father that he had submitted her application for snu and that she was to return for the exams. she had not studied, much less given much of a fuck about her academics in her time in europe. but sunhwa returned to south korea nonetheless, passing the exams through mysterious means to begin her track at snu ( and soon, the king's club.)
in 2016: the moment they acquired it, sunhwa was aware of her privilege, thanks to her father’s hour-long lectures on the importance of legacy and filial piety. more is never enough, was her father’s mantra. it was only natural she was drawn to the fabled king's club. there wasn't a soul that didn't reap the benefits of daddy's and mommy's infinite pockets, never a person who said they didn't want more power. having started famished, sunhwa hungered for it, even if she had to cut someone with her knife to get it.
when the screaming news of noh hyungseo graced her ears, sunhwa was slapping water from her canals. she had tried to find an inch of something in her, like a thing named sympathy or fear, or anything for her kindred clubmate. but as much as she knew of noh hyungseo, she did not know him enough to feel anything more than the unfortunance of the situation. what she did know, was that it was every man for himself amongst the ranks. perhaps noh hyungseo hadn't survived: but sunhwa would ensure she would no matter what.
now, in 2024: post graduation, not much has changed with yoon sunhwa since her days of university. her shoe collection? bigger. her ego? invulnerable. the guiltless indulgence? endless. smarter, perhaps. wiser. ever crude, cunning, and stunning in her louboutins.
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inartinguidance · 1 month
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Water lil’lilies
Not one has fanned out
After millions in rehabilitation
Chandler chatters chandelier
Crystal crushing coach’ins
Crouching creepy crawling
Can’t fix me
I’ve got a problem
On friends
Play for next gen.
> ||
< } deep strike in vein vain
{ allow ]blockage ;) in bowels of unknown
//can box up the disregarded
$money pay for mores
@you all middle class and above in upper tops & tips
Showgirls of 90’s perhaps in simple happening
Trip up of thee top
In ice skating
Add humps to flat surfaces
Moguls and voles
All rehabilitation Dollars
And Trump nil
Neon no nein
You ran away Sir from the question
It Military Board
Of Promoting
Problems CEO
As Enron they the Bonus
In islands and sextrafficking that’s players game
The paid above U. s. Stealthy
Lower under
Middle financial bracket
I’m no anti Republican
I’m no anti Democratic
Any leader Under Constitution
Leading U.S.A.
It’s my country
Continue to better
Hey turn that clove paid back
Any two of ya’s
Brought too you by a Democratic Demcracy
Biden did pay or toss away in collecting
That allowed to you!
You feel The Democratic hymns
0 notes
altecisbit · 2 months
it is clear from n.y.p.d s.o.d dispatchers on - 9/6/2024 my confidential "surveillance" records and the ABC MEDIA CAMPIAGNS and the leak of my phyciatrict records a direct result of the china crisis was related too the korean missile crisis 2017 and it wasn't I was considered a national security risk - 2017/24 -10/6/2024
Evonne Yong - lied #theworld said I leaked wich led to a strike of nuclear weapons in the pacific it is untrue 2019-21 - korean missile crisis the "host" was referring too - ABC leaks on intelligence led to missile strikes in the sea of japan the "china crisis" was not related to testing of nuclear weapons by kim jong un in the sea of japan - the "china crisis" was a leak by myself on N.A.T.O ORDERS I WAS TASKED TO WRITE U.S MILITARY AND A THRET OF A PREEMPTIVE STRIKE BY CHINA NO ACTION TAKEN SEE - AuKuS #china "treaty" as a leak by @ABCNewsreaders also contributed to the threats by china if ABC is referring to a nuclear weapon strike by #nthkorea at the time of the "china crisis" it is now thought to be plausible at the same time and is what tipped china's hand was the ABC journalist joe obrein on chinese spie - dr m.k wong and his clearance for stealing state secrets only the newsreader did not go along with plans of the Australian Federal Government to clear him and stated it if this is what ABC (evonne yong) was referring to a nuclear weapons test in the pacific and the sea of japan the two could certainly be connected - the "china crisis" and kim jong un #nthkorea - G.C - 22:30-11:00P.M A.E.D.T 24/8/2023 - A REPORT FOR GENERAL MARK MILLEY****#JCOS U.S MILITARY CONFIRM THE REPORT AS IS WHAT HAD TAKEN PLACE CLEARING MY NAME.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3475428129449967&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz dr m.k wong
@ABC_Australia leak footage on the C.I.A contract on kim jong un ABC blackmail al over family member I.C.W a leak of - "orders" for war against #nthkorea al leaks online the korean missile crisis - testing of a nuclear warhead in the sea of japan.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3800405080285602&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz a report for general mark milley****#jcos u.s military a report on the korean missile crisis - 2019-24 - (testing of nuclear weapons - 2017 and the "china crisis" a leak on N.A.T.O ORDERS BY @ABC_Australia - related to a conflict in the region and testing of nuclear weapons by kim jong un in 2017 - "china crisis" - 2017/19 the two not related although thought plausible at the time clearing @ABC_Australia of a intelligence leak wich led to the testing of a nuclear warhead) - n.y.p.d s.o.d and the release of a "surveillance record" in the course of my duties in the u.s military and the blackmail by @ABC_Australia of me and my family and the incidents from the leaks by @ABC_Australia and leaks from my command and the blackmail by @ABC_Australia and after the blackmail a leak on @ABC_Australia and the C.I.A contract on kim jong un nephew as aired by @ABC_Australia as I publicised due to the blackmail by @ABC_Australia let's hope it is the end of the matter - a report from general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military communications in the rear - specail ops and m.w.a.a/citywide1 - 23:13 P.M A.E.S.D.T 26/1/2024
ABC Australia said "you are wondering why we are leaking from general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military u.s command ruby cornish said because the Australian Federal Government said we could
General Clayton - the f.b.i - federal bureau of investigation is going to take over from n.y.p.d s.o.d in general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military murders inquires - G.C - press release - 9/6/2024 - fn: in the hands of supreme court of U.S.A
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3799515393707904&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz world war three
General Clayton - as leaked our plans in the middle east - thanks @ABC_Australia who have started all the wars in recent times - world war three arab states #iran - gaza state of israel the - "exodus" - 9:11:13:8 - son of god ehaid - l.j.c - R.R.C.C - the end of the world - G.C - press release - 25/1/2024
General Clayton - on the u.k prime minister's arrival in kyiv I have decided to accelerate our plan in the "interests" of trade with our partners" and ultimately peace with china nth korea and iran - as the political focus has shifted as mostly the operations are and have been released in the past - whilst we maintain the upmost security now - G.C - press release - 2/2/2022.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3773513289641448&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz N.A.T.O - U.N.S.C - vladmir putin
General Clayton - poking the bear - sea of AzOV - indo china operations land sea air nth west passage operation b.d.g_divide - a report for general mark milley**** #jcos u.s military - G.C - press release - 22/12/2023.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3179757045683745&id=100009484426712 U.N.S.C GENEVA - G7 MORATORIUM ON KRYPTON S6 - CHINA RUSSIA G7 SEE "TRADE DEALS" AND COAL MINING AT COP 26 - GLASGOW -Australia see interim treaty #nthkorea- c/o general clayton (retired) 22/11/2021. on behalf of joe "hunter" s biden 46th president of the united states of america.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3773872756272168&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the "korean missile crisis"
https://www.facebook.com/100009484426712/posts/2721579954834792/ "treaties"
2012-24 the nostradamus prophecy - l.j.c
#capitalhill matt dooran - and andrea neirhoff berated by political correspondent - online - see world war three #canberra - p.m #qt - korean missile crisis - 2017/19-24 and the blackmail of my family by OURABC - n.y.p.d.s.o.d
Lord Jesus Christ - warned you 2012-24 - nostradamus prophecy see our end in black and white on Alex Clayton Facebook.com - l.j.c
General Clayton - the "end is nigh" if I lose all credibility we all die - general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military - "defence and trade" - Lord Jesus Christ I am trying to save us all I am constantly reminded of my sins it is going to lead to the end - nostradamus prophecy - 2012 the end of the world - the vatican - 2023 - "nine trumpets sounding" a evil exists in the world - G.C - press release - 21/5/2023.
G7 god is telling us a success in switzerland is required due to our need to survive - l.j.c
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3365880497071398&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz "thoughts and prayers" of son of god ehaid ,- l.j.c
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