#stringless shredding
alchemisland · 10 months
The Moon Specimen
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evercelle · 8 months
Hi Ever!! Some time ago I asked about Venti constellations, and since then have reached c5! I’m losing years off my life waiting for his next banner, but I wanted to ask if it’s all that worth?? Should I be investing in a weapon and its refinement instead? If so, which weapons are the best for a DPS build?! He’s been benched for a while because I don’t really know what else to do for him but he needs better treatment 😰😰 please help !!! 🙏🙏
hiya! well, first and foremost, weapons banner is a scam and i can't in good conscience recommend anyone roll on it. dont ask me how i know. but if you're prepared to potentially drop $$ i guess it comes down to (1) what kind of venti build you run and (2) what's more useful for your account
c6 is a nice con that increases both venti and and his teammates' dmg, bc it's a rare source of anemo res shred (+ shreds whatever element you absorb in his burst). getting a limited con is theoretically cheaper than a weapon if you have bad luck, but it's not a game breaker the way some other units' c6 are. the most practical benefit to trying to roll a weapon instead of con is that you can use a weapon on other characters if you wanted to... but that's also weighed against how cursed it is trying to get & refine it lol
for EM build, r5 stringless is a better choice than pretty much every r1 5* bow. for a crit build, polar star if you're actively proccing all its passive bonuses is probably the strongest pick, but aqua and harp are competitive options if you don't wanna micromanage rotations. refining a 5* weapon is almost certainly not worth it for most players bc there really isn't content hard enough in the game that demands insane stat sticks, so if anything, maybe consider trying for c6r1? r5ing is some real simp money... dont ask me how i know
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baiwu-jinji · 2 years
Jun You Ji Fou (君有疾否) appreciation/audio drama songs translation post
A while ago someone reblogged a post I wrote on the danmei novel Jun You Ji Fou and asked if I like the novel and could talk more about it, but I was too busy to reply and I think they’ve deleted the reblog, which makes me sad :/ But anyway I do like the novel, it’s an engaging and emotional read. I like how the main characters Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu, while both being ambitious politicians at the top of their game with a cold, ruthless, and calculating side, are really such hopeless romantics at heart. Su Shiyu loves Chu Mingyun silently and hopelessly without expecting anything in return, and Chu Mingyun thought that if only Su Shiyu had truly loved him, politics be damned and nothing else would really matter.
Jun You Ji Fou has a really good audio drama adaptation, and fans like to joke about the audio drama being a musical because there’re a lot of beautiful songs and soundtracks in it. I’ve translated two below, please enjoy:
无人洲 (Lonely Island)
Snowy pear blossoms cover the branches in the city
Gazing at the wine before you, you only have the mind to drink
While I only dream of growing old with you
Tear to shreds those records of gossip
All of them vulgar prattle
I sighed softly for I once held you
And it was like being plunged in both snow and fire
The east wind doesn’t know my sorrows, it sweeps away the petals falling like snow
I have to be the heartless one,
And hold this heartfelt song at the tip of my sword
And pretend I dreamed a dream I never had
The snowy pear blossoms fall and startled the sorrowing one in the courtyard
He confronted the nobles and reprimanded the entitled, out of nowhere his anger is like a nocked arrow
But the sharp and bright sword he uses to brush off the fallen petals on your shoudler
With the sword by my side, I set out to conquer the country
But for you, I would carve out my heart
I don’t have the heart to watch you kowtow before the emperor’s golden stage
Who among us is entirely faultless?
If the one I long for could be by my side tonight
Why would I need to drown my sorrows at this snowy tower?
When you have ascended the throne and bath in endless glory
Would you collect my bones for me?
Through blurry eyes I looked to the tower in the clouds, and tipped over my wine
The horses and carriages come and go as they please, but you could never stay
Standing by the silent stairs of white jade, how far does my longing reach?
I wish to imprison you on a lonely island in my heart
There the lights never dim as we travel through the city of Chang’an
Full moon shines above, and there is no one like you in this world
无弦歌 (Stringless Song)
我有渠一方 晚来迟迟香
I have a pond where the sweet-scented flowers bloom late in the evening
莲开半池光 莲去何思量
When the water lilies bloom [1], they light up half the pond; when the water lilies fade, my thoughts go with them
银弦琴不休 烧灯映寒窗
Endless music floats from the silver strings of guqin; the burning lamp casts a shadow on the frosty window
飞来城边云 飞去雨一晌
Clouds fly past the city and leave behind a moment of rain
不见将军泪 马革作衣裳
Don’t you see the general’s tears, he comes back wrapped in horse leather [2]
 遍地王孙草 处处是故乡
Everywhere the grassy scenery makes me homesick, yet everywhere is my home
 遍地王孙草 处处是故乡
Everywhere the grassy scenery makes me homesick, yet everywhere is my home
[1] Water lilies are associated with one of the main characters in the novel.
[2] “Wrapped in horse leather“ is an expression for dying on the battlefield.
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novankenn · 9 months
Unnatural (v1-8)
(Chapter List)
MATURE CONTENT WARNING : This story deals with some disturbing themes. Check the tags. IF any of these are triggers for you or will disturb you... then DO NOT READ!!
Samuel’s eyes opened as wide as they could as his left tendons of his entire left arm tore, allowing all the joints to separate, making the limb utterly useless. Then suddenly, his left eye went dark. He writhed in agony as a single razor sharp nail was slowly pushed through his eyeball, picturing it, causing bloody goo to cascade down his face. The grip on his hair was relinquished, letting him collapse like a stringless puppet to the cement floor.
“Hang in there… father… I’m not done yet… Mother has tasked me with giving you so many tender mercies…”
For over an hour, the malicious and sadistic little girl toyed with him. Repeatedly stabbing him with inhumanly strong claw like nailed fingers. She routinely slashed him, shredding his clothing, and leaving deep weeping gouges all over his body. He squirmed and writhed as joints were torn free of each other. He whispered as various bones we snapped or crushed.
Slowly his sanity was breaking, as he desperately tried to call for help, but due to his mangled jaw, nothing came out by muted and garbled sounds. He couldn’t understand why no one had come to check on his. How no one could hear what was being done to him.
“You are nothing but garbage, refuse, a parasite in this world…” the girl hissed into his one still functioning ear. “You are not worth even the minutest of concern…”
Samuel choked and gagged, his eyes rolling back into his head in pain as slim fingers forced themselves past his utterly destroyed jaw and tore his tongue free. A rich metallic taste filled his mouth spill from his hanging open jaw and cascading down his throat. He didn’t even register the wet slap of the organ impacting the cement floor.
“I grow tired… goodbye father…” the soft sinister voice whispered.
Samuel convulsed on the floor, his blood pooling around his, fractions of a second after his genitalia were twisted and tore free from his body. As his motions grew weaker, she knelt down, dipping her night shirt into the growing pool of blood. Licking her lips in hunger, she drove the fingers of her right hand into his chest… ripping out his tainted heart, sundering flesh and snapping ribs. The gore dripping organ, slowly withered in her hand, before turning completely to a fine black dust, that dispersed into the air with a simple puff of air from her lips.
Stepping backwards, she left bloody footprints leading to the shadowed corner, through which she vanished completely.
Saphron couldn’t help but gasp and rush towards the blood and viscera splatter figure that stepped out of the showed corner. She still couldn’t understand what compelled her to grant Annabel her blessing to merge with Jaune. But it was done, and seeing how strong and healthy he looked eased so many fears buried deep in her heart. Ignoring the gore Spahron pulled her child into a hug, tears forming in her eyes. Tears of fear, and those of relief.
“It is done… father is no more.”
"You’ve been gone for over an hour.” Saphron whispered, not wanting to alert anyone to what was going on in the isolated private clinic room. “What happened?”
“I made sure he…paid for his transgressions.” Annabel replied.
“So it is truly over? He’s gone… gone forever.”
“He is.”
“So what now?” Spahron asked releasing the being that was her son, and a possessive  malevolent being. “We get cleaned up… and tomorrow when they can find nothing wrong with me… you take us home.”
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deviamist · 5 years
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“Come closer sugah~ We won’t bite ya...well at least Ah won’t anyway hehehe!~” ............................................ Here’s a full body drawing of Stringless Isabelle. With her once elegant dress now torn to shreds, she uses the framing of her hoop skirt as a handle for the makeshift leashes of her pet arachknits. They are like her guard dogs and will keep her safe from any bandit that tries to shoot her down; but she’s not helpless for the large pair of scissors strapped to her back are sharp enough to cut all five of a puppet’s strings with a single snip! Even if it is a little hard to hold them thanks to the sewing needles tapped to her fingers. Still if you see her walking around nearby, best keep an eye on her cause once she has her sights on you, there’s no escape.
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theunholygrails · 7 years
Summary: Clint is back in town and you two have a lot of catching up to do.
Warnings: Innuendos. Jeopardy?
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Being pinned to the wall just outside of your apartment by a man with muscles so taunt they could end you without much strain had not been in your calendar for this friday night. The arms of your stringless hook up are braced on either side of your head and you cannot quite decide if your end will come from him building this up so goddamn much or from the intentions of pure filth swimming in those pale blue eyes.
“Give me five seconds you bastard. My keys are in here somewhere.” Your digging through your purse is a hopeless feat with your throat under full on assault and your eyes close tight to keep from giving in to Clint’s every whim quite so soon.
“Two weeks away was hell. Can’t help it.”
His teeth nip at the juncture of your throat, bracing a growl there too when your nails lash out to leave a little claiming mark beneath his thin grey shirt, the fabric of which was already so bunched up it might as well be on the floor of the hallway for all the skin it covered.
“I hate your job,” you pant, nearly crying out with relief when you finally find your noisy key ring.
You hoist  it in the air in victory before Clint snatches your wrist, pressing it to the hard wood at your back and angling his hips to roll against yours, pressing something even harder to your front. You were sure breathing was supposed to continue through these affairs and the heart was supposed to remain relatively normal in it's pacing, or at least functioning. While your body runs itself ragged, his remains as stoic as a damn tree.
“You live for the suspense,” he mocks, voice rasping just loud enough that any neighbor not watching their evening jeopardy will overhear.  
“Clint,” you warn while his smirking mouth makes itself useful following along the line of your none too conservative night-on-the-town blouse.
The gaze that meets yours is writhe with many things--humor and exhaustion and need being the main contender--but it is the tantalizing lack of shame that turns your already ragged breath into something forgotten altogether. “Say it louder,” he demands, dislodging your bra clasp and catching the first button of your top with his teeth.
You wish him across the world again. You wish for him in your bed already. You pray your basest instincts will not overpower your last shred of propriety and have you take him right here.
“How long are you in town?”
“Officially I’m not in town.”
“Then no one will mind if I hold you hostage?”
Snatching the keys from your hand, he deftly unlocks your door. One hand pushing it inward and the other sliding under your loose bra to offer an insignificant fraction of the friction you require, he leans in to let his breath fan over your ear. “I’m all yours.”
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paperandpenpoems · 7 years
Faithless at the dawn of your last day of purpose, your last shred of control... Think with your skewed mind and ignorant beliefs. I'll remind myself that your narcissism is a self-righteous disease of yours and yours alone. A disease that you've been inflicted with by an all but affectionate hand. You were thrusted upon a stage and faced a harsh spot light and was demanded to perform. Perform you did and perform you shall for many years to come. You are nothing but an automaton. A puppet without it's puppeteer. Live your meaningless existence, but do not criticize me for breathing air outside of your precious theater you built around your established stage. I am not your puppet. You are not my puppeteer. Your master did not grant you such a title. You will forever live on the empty stage, with the blackened light of your father, and the empty audience of your small town. I will not be the one to close the curtains on your sad little show, But I will be the one to bolt the doors shut of the theater you created, so you can dance your compliant act into oblivion.
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happytoexist · 8 years
my femininity has no problem with my masculinity my femininity dresses only in drag my femininity is best expressed in oversized overalls and hiking boots my femininity grows out its body hair and always smells like tangerines my femininity walks strong, tall and sure of itself my femininity used to keep my self from self-love my femininity keeps me balanced my femininity gives me a few shreds of hope my femininity tears me apart most of these days my femininity gets aggressively assertive my femininity is sick of the bullshit my femininity forced courage on me my femininity stands with your femininity my femininity feels our difference and holds close our sameness my femininity is fiercely competitive my femininity dominates my public image and dictates how others interact with me my femininity erases my masculinity my femininity erases my queerness my femininity erases my queerlessness my masculinity is not threatened by my femininity my masculinity dresses only in drag my masculinity is best expressed in floral leggings and a snow white wig my masculinity carries the weight my masculinity shaves to look sharp my masculinity cries over and over all the killing my masculinity sparkles my queerness is not dependent on how others perceive it my queerness dresses only in drag my queerness is best expressed in fishnets and fur vests my queerness is flexible my queerness kisses friends my queerness kisses queerness my queerness kisses masculinity my queerness kisses femininity my queerness likes the blur , best is the in-between, where the scripts aren’t all written my queerness wishes everyone identified as pan and/or queer my queerness stands with your queerness my queerness has influence my queerness encourages flex, the spread of glitter, consent, stringless flirtation my queerness is not to blame for your discomfort my queerness contradicts itself my gender keeps me free my gender doesn’t give a fuck my gender is not the same as my pronouns my gender is not a public debate my pronouns are they/them my pronouns are straightforward my pronouns are not new or difficult or inconvenient my pronouns are no longer ruled an affront to eNgLiSh GrammAR my pronouns are not the problem my gender is not taking up any more or less space than other genders my gender is isolating and it adapts my gender is performative, every day and every minute my choice was to become, to enjoy life and all its tiny parts all gender is a trap and a choice and a platform and a leash my genderlessness is invisible my genderlessness is my weakness my genderlessness is my super power
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samtgutierrez · 6 years
stringless kite
#amwriting #poetry
a little lost now
following a kite
map shredded
two nights to get it
and i have never felt, whatever this is-
a chilling call
not a heroes call
an endless brawl through the nights free-for-all
and i have been losing
easier to count the small moments when i felt everything was whole
can do it with one hand
do not see the second being used
yet to push aside this feeling of being used
left beaten…
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newsintodays-blog · 6 years
Plucky air guitarists chase stringless glory at world titles in Finland
New Post has been published on http://newsintoday.info/2018/08/25/plucky-air-guitarists-chase-stringless-glory-at-world-titles-in-finland/
Plucky air guitarists chase stringless glory at world titles in Finland
HELSINKI (Reuters) – Air guitar enthusiasts gathered in the Finnish city of Oulu on Friday to shred and strum their imaginary instruments in pursuit of the world championship of the bizarre dance form.
Nanami ‘Seven Seas’ Nagura from Japan performs during the Air Guitar World Championships final in Oulu, Finland, August 24, 2018. Lehtikuva/Eeva Riihela/via REUTERS
Under gray, wet skies, this year’s 15 finalists appeared on the open air stage on Oulu’s central square, twanging, jangling, riffing, screeching and plucking the air.
This year’s title was taken by Japan’s Nanami Nagura, who performed under the artist name Seven Seas in the contest’s 23rd edition.
Slideshow (16 Images)
She started her performance dressed as a modest cleaning lady before transforming into a heavy metal guitarist as her song kicked in. Her prize was a hand-carved guitar called the Flying Finn.
“I’m really, really happy, I can not believe it now!” she said after the contest.
Nagura was one of the seven performers who had entered the final through qualifiers in other parts of the world. The other eight finalists qualified through a “dark horse” round that took place in the host city the night before.
This year’s oldest participant Bob Wagner, known as “Mr. Bob”, traveled from Canada to celebrate his 75th birthday on stage at the dark horse contest.
“I believe it’s their desire to perform and to vent their artistic visions…The Japanese take this quite seriously, training to their heart’s content. It’s a combination of drive to compete and artistic delivery,” assistant producer Anssi Ikonen said.
Reporting by Anne Kauranen; Editing by Sam Holmes
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
Plucky air guitarists chase stringless glory at world titles in Finland
HELSINKI (Reuters) – Air guitar enthusiasts gathered in the Finnish city of Oulu on Friday to shred and strum their imaginary instruments in pursuit of the world championship of the bizarre dance form.
Nanami ‘Seven Seas’ Nagura from Japan performs during the Air Guitar World Championships final in Oulu, Finland, August 24, 2018. Lehtikuva/Eeva Riihela/via REUTERS
Under gray, wet skies, this year’s 15 finalists appeared on the open air stage on Oulu’s central square, twanging, jangling, riffing, screeching and plucking the air.
This year’s title was taken by Japan’s Nanami Nagura, who performed under the artist name Seven Seas in the contest’s 23rd edition.
Slideshow (16 Images)
She started her performance dressed as a modest cleaning lady before transforming into a heavy metal guitarist as her song kicked in. Her prize was a hand-carved guitar called the Flying Finn.
“I’m really, really happy, I can not believe it now!” she said after the contest.
Nagura was one of the seven performers who had entered the final through qualifiers in other parts of the world. The other eight finalists qualified through a “dark horse” round that took place in the host city the night before.
This year’s oldest participant Bob Wagner, known as “Mr. Bob”, traveled from Canada to celebrate his 75th birthday on stage at the dark horse contest.
“I believe it’s their desire to perform and to vent their artistic visions…The Japanese take this quite seriously, training to their heart’s content. It’s a combination of drive to compete and artistic delivery,” assistant producer Anssi Ikonen said.
Reporting by Anne Kauranen; Editing by Sam Holmes
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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The post Plucky air guitarists chase stringless glory at world titles in Finland appeared first on Today News Stories.
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amnonjakony · 6 years
Plucky air guitarists chase stringless glory at world titles in Finland
Plucky air guitarists chase stringless glory at world titles in Finland
HELSINKI: Air guitar enthusiasts gathered in the Finnish city of Oulu on Friday to shred and strum their imaginary instruments in pursuit of the world championship of the bizarre dance form.
Under grey, wet skies, this year’s 15 finalists appeared on the open air stage on Oulu’s central square, twanging, jangling, riffing, screeching and plucking the air.
Air Guitar World Championships in Oulu
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Air guitar enthusiasts gathered in the Finnish city of Oulu on Friday to shred and strum their imaginary instruments in pursuit of the world championship of the bizarre dance form.
from Reuters: Entertainment News https://ift.tt/2PDmcz2
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theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
Plucky air guitarists chase stringless glory at world titles in Finland
Air guitar enthusiasts gathered in the Finnish city of Oulu on Friday to shred and strum their imaginary instruments in pursuit of the world championship of the bizarre dance form.
from Reuters: Entertainment News https://ift.tt/2P3SG4e
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