wheelsupin-five · 2 years
Oh my god pls post something from 7 lol
7. Late night you is never to be trusted rest in pieces
this was also requested by @stromlidjess thank you sm <33 this fic was also started late at night (life imitates art am i right) and i dont really have much of it bc its so silly but <33
“If you consider it fun being getting drunk on cheap beer home alone then yeah, I guess you could say that.” Eddie takes the pills and empties the glass. “Thanks”
“I can confidently say I have been there.” Buck knocks their shoulders together. “Hey, Ravi showed me this cute cat video the other day, let me see if I can find it” Buck jumps to his feet and disappears down the hallway. “Gonna borrow your laptop okay?” Buck calls.
Eddie makes a sound of confirmation as he drags himself out of the warmth of the blankets.
Oh shit. 
Eddie, now more awake than ever, sprints down the hallway after him “No no no not my lap…” The word dies on his tongue as Buck comes into view looking at his open laptop, eyes darting back up to him.
“Do,” Buck swallows, “do you want to uh… talk about this or should I just find the cat video?”
Eddie doesn’t know what the protocol is for when you accidentally out yourself to your best friend by not closing the results of one of the many quizzes you’ve taken. He knows ‘78% gay’ is staring back at Buck
anyways eddie accidentally coming out via ami i gay quiz my beloved hsjdhd
Send me a title of a WIP
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
okay i don't have soft but i can give you softly 🥰
Buck spots Sophie almost instantly. She gives an eager wave but when she realises who Buck is standing with she runs back towards the building. She emerges again a moment later with Christopher in tow. Eddie makes a noise beside him and Buck casts him a sidelong glance, finding him smiling softly.
“She’s sweet.”
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.
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bisexualbvck · 2 years
21, 36
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
the only thing I can think of is my teddy bear
36. how many times have you changed your url?
so many times that I've lost count lol
send me some weird asks!
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hoediaz · 2 years
all this lucy talk got me thinking actually that we never see eddie and lucy meet, right? but it sure seems like in may day when they interact they are not strangers, have at least met each other before then. i wonder how/when that happened and how it went?
unless i'm remembering wrong and they do meet before then in which case i'm an idiot please ignore me.
i don't think they did meet before then! their lil interaction in may day didn't SEEM like strangers but idk if they actually met before then, i feel like Maybe they just heard about each other so much and the circumstances were so ! that they didn't really have the chance to properly meet? but honestly i WISH i had gotten a scene of eddie and lucy meeting!! i am honestly desperate to see how that would have gone and i know i make my lil lucy jokes but i actually am SO interested in eddie and lucy interacting, eddie has such interesting relationships with women and i'm SO excited to have another woman around the Full Team with eddie there
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captain-hen · 2 years
they responded to my comment that the fic was labeled crack fic and don't i know what crack fic is and couldn't i do the bare minimum before commenting. i'm not even sure what that means except that i guess the bare minimum is excusing the content of anything labeled crack fic. 🙄
love how they're just reaching so hard with these arguments, doubling down, digging themselves in deeper; when they could just suck it up and apologize. but nope, they always have to play the victim
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pavlmescal · 2 years
just wanted to thank you for the countdown to season 6 sets! it’s been a lot of fun following along with them and reminiscing and you’ve got perfect scene choices. <3333
Ahhhh you are all so nice to me!!! I'm so glad you're all enjoying them as much as I've enjoyed making them. I honestly felt like I was biting off way more than I could chew, but it's all gone by so fast and I can't believe we've got less than a month to go!!
Thank you so much for this sweet message 💕
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trippedandfell · 2 years
all i can see (is you) buddie | rated m | 21k | read on ao3
“Okay,” Buck says, collapsing beside Eddie on the sofa with a glint in his eyes that almost definitely means trouble, “before you say no, remember that I already said yes for both of us, so you don’t actually have a choice.” The TV in the loft is soft and fuzzy like all things are in the early hours before dawn, infomercials playing quietly on a loop. Eddie mutes it halfway through a Shamwow commercial and turns to face Buck, who shoots him a nervous grin.  “What did you do?” “What makes you think I did anything?” Buck huffs, leaning in to rest his head on Eddie’s shoulder. The tips of his hair tickle the underside of Eddie’s jaw, allowing Eddie to catch a whiff of whatever conditioner he’s currently using - coconut, apparently. Buck cycles through hair products like other people do relationships. “I mean, I did, but it’s not just for me. Or even us. It’s for the good of the firehouse.” “The good of the firehouse.” “Yeah,” Buck grins up at him, brilliant. “And also for a hundred grand.”
or: Buck and Eddie agree to fake date to win a reality TV show. It goes... well, pretty much exactly how you'd expect.
written for @gayravi for the love letters fic exchange <3
tags under the cut (click here to be added!)
@queerpanikkar @fallingthorns @hetrez @stromlidjess @two-cut-lines @make-a-desert-call-it-peace @swiftiesisters14 @arrenemris @theideaofhome @himbodiaz
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buckttommy · 2 years
like the petals in our pockets (may we remember who we are) {40k}
IT'S HERE! My Big Bang fic is finally here!! I'm so excited to finally put this out into the world for you all to read. This fic is sans art, and therefore no longer apart of the challenge since my artist unceremoniously dropped out, but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless! Please be mindful of the triggers and enjoy the ride <3
His name is Evan Buckley. Alias: Captain America. The year is 2022. He is not on the battlefield. This is not World War II. He is alive. He is alive. He is alive. What a goddamn curse that is. or; seventy years is a long time
.i. сон (slumber)
Sunlight streams through the curtains, a warm August breeze ghosting the soft skin his neck from the open window.
Buck is dreaming.
He knows the weight and feel of the dream by now like the lingering sweetness of cream soda on his tongue. Can probably draw every inch of it from memory, down to the notches in a wooden floor that’s long since been torn down and gentrified, and the dark shadows of the mouse hole in the kitchen baseboards.
Slightly chapped lips press against his temple right where his hair meets his skin, Eddie’s body a warm, solid anchor beside him where Buck’s head is pillowed on Eddie’s bicep. Late afternoon sun heats the worn patch of floor underneath their backs.
Buck turns his head and studies the side of Eddie’s face—the slope of his nose, the hills of his cheekbones and the soft curve of his mouth. He is beautiful in a painful sort of way, a crystal so sharp it cuts your hands when you cradle it, but Buck wants to cradle him forever. Wants to keep him tucked into the ventricles and chambers of his heart, locked away and kept safe from the world at large. He wants, he wants, he wants. If he had a sketchpad and stick of charcoal, he would draw every inch, every plane of Eddie’s body over and over again and never get bored, but he’s never been good at art, and he’s not sure he’d be able to capture the resplendent beauty of him anyway.
read on ao3
tags list (please interact with this post if you want to be notified when i post a new fic!) also, if you asked to tagged and weren't included here, it's because i tried to tag you and was, for some reason, unable to <3
@trickster-archangel @dadbodbuck @hetrez @iwasrunningwiththew0lves @ravipanikar @eusuntgratie @shannonhutchins @treesofgreen @stardustsea @welp-that-didnt-work @ellelans @goldenretrieverfirefighters @person-personified @slowlyfoggydestiny @rosepersomnium @kananjarus @hearteyesdiaz @recklesslyhealing @paxbe @bitchhans @stromlidjess @magiicisms @queen-of-books13 @fear-o-phobia @bibuddie @wild-fire-heart @leothil @kaseysgirl86-blog @eddiecore118 @anthotneystark @elenaazra @timothyonlyfans @raemarr @likeawesternwind @oriyatea @simwizard43 @enbyeddiediaz @ekstasisandangst @toboldlynerd @yeaheddiediaz @imsupposedtobewritting @prettyboyandthekid @alex1424 @captainhaterade @dearbuck @wallflowerjournal @peaceoutbitchez @buddierights
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housewifebuck · 10 months
given your buck bisexually leaning comment i thought you might relate to some of these tags lol (i love this post):
literally losing my shit over this this is exactly what im talking about. also im glad someone else made the vertical sequel post to my buck sitting bisexually gif set cause now I can stop working on mine JDSFHKJD
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trashendence · 2 years
(tag game: reveal the significance/meaning of your username.)
i was tagged by @stromlidjess @rewritetheending and @leothil (thank you lovelies, yours were so good💕).
so. to make a very long story short, i studied ancient greek, philosophy and latin in high school and had a wonderful professor of greek for most of my years there. he once delivered a beautiful speech about how thinking (as most critics do) that plato talked about ‘transcendence’ in an afterlife/higher plane of reality is actually totally untrue (or, as my professor said: ‘trash’). for him, eternity - the world of ideas - is not something to be reached or to strive for but is actually here with us and it’s a choice to see it or not (basically, there is no universe screaming at you, you are the only one with a voice…iykyk). i found it really fascinating and kind of refreshing to be honest, and even though trash and transcendence sound somewhat similar only in english, it came to mind and here we are.
after this literal slice of life - sorry about that - i tag: @kinvgslayer @colonoscopys @sorryalecwho and @gayofthefae - if you want to share💕 - plus literally anyone who sees this and wants to join!
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soullistrations · 2 years
Tag game! Reveal the significance/meaning of your url!
i was tagged by @stromlidjess--which is such a fun url!
i started this blog in 2012 (or really the last iteration of this blog) and when i started it was largely a dream journal. there's this marsha norman quote 'dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about your life' so i took soul illustrations from that and turned it into soullistrations. it's a bit silly and a decade later my blog is far from a dream journal, but i've had the same username for 90% of the last ten years so i don't really want to change it now
thanks for tagging me!! I'm tagging @bisexualshakespeare (i love the url but have always wondered how you decided on that particular reference), @paranoidbean, and anyone else who wants to share. i love hearing people's 'origin stories' so if you decide to do this tag me!
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gayravi · 2 years
idk why it should be so surprising to believe buck doesn't realize he's talking about eddie? this is the guy who was like 'you've put masking tape over my name plate you obviously don't love me anymore'. and sat around in abby's place for how many months waiting for her to come home. and was secretly preparing for ravi to replace him on the 118. i love him but the boy does not always have the greatest understanding of his personal relationships.
EXACTLY omg you get it and articulated it so well like … buck’s childhood left him with a messed up view of interpersonal relationships. it’s part of the reason why he has such an issue with intimacy. so it makes perfect sense imo that buck can list all these qualities that obviously are applicable to eddie and just … not put two and two together. it has nothing to do with his emotional maturity or anything like that, it’s just like — the man has trauma to work through when it comes to relationships!
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drysdaales · 2 years
sorry to bother you on your hiatus but i thought you might want to know that your writing link in your header is broken. just wanted to mention that and now i'm off to read more of your fic! 😊
omg hi no worries!!! thank u for letting me know <333
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hoediaz · 2 years
i had the shittiest day at work today so your timing for posting chapter 5 is flawless. now i am happy and have something to read on the bus. thank you!
i'm SO late to this so i'm sure your shitty day at work has been replaced by many good days (i'm manifesting it) but thank you SO much and i'm so glad my silly lil fic could help even a lil with your crappy day mwah mwah 🥰
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captain-hen · 2 years
sorry but i’m gonna fangirl for a second and tell you i’m excited to see your stuff for 911 week! your sets for all the weeks are always amazing. 😊😊
🥺🥺 this is so kind of you, thank you so much!
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captain-hen · 2 years
idk if you will want to give away your secrets but do you do anything different on 911 season one gifs? all your sets always look so good no matter the season or episode. i am just a baby gifmaker and have a hard time getting a handle on the coloring with season one. like i think maybe it's more yellow toned? but i'm not great with figuring that stuff out.
hi, this is so kind of you to say! ❤❤ you're right, s1 of 911 has a weird yellow filter on most scenes (thank fucking god they got rid of that) and a lot of scenes in general across the seasons - especially the ones happening in characters' houses tend to be a little more yellow, which is really annoying to color.
i don't really do anything special, and each scene is different so it's more of a trial and error process, but i can tell you what is almost a laughably easy way to color correct! bear in mind a lot of gifmakers do it differently so don’t take my word as the only one, but hopefully this is simple!
i’m using this scene as an example; this is the gif without any coloring at all:
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pretty yellow, right? before you add any of your regular coloring, start off with adding a selective color layer. go to the neutrals tab, and reduce the yellows, and slightly increase the cyans and majentas, like so:
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using this layer has very drastic effects, so keep your changes at a minimum! again, it varies from scene to scene, and you need to adjust it as required. this is what the gif looks like now:
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if you’re satisfied with how it looks, go ahead and color your gif as you normally would! this is my final result:
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looks pretty okay, right? this should work with any gif with a weird filter—if a scene is too blue, for example, you reduce the cyans and increase the yellows and majentas. the trick is to know which colors complement each other and which ones cancel each other out!
do keep in mind what i said about the layer being drastic—especially while you’re coloring poc. you might need to add in some selective color and color balance layers to correct their skin tones. here is a tutorial on anti-whitewashing, and here is a guide on how to make characters of color look less red or orange in your sets.
here’s a comparison of the og and finished scene!
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really hope this helps you!
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