#strongest contestants
aroaceleovaldez · 1 month
the dynamic of demigods thinking which other demigod is the most powerful is always amusing to me because. like, we know the big 3 kids are all the most powerful. That's just a fact of their universe. And then we know nearly every character views Percy as the strongest demigod, and most people are very rightfully intimidated by him.
and you look at the powers of the Big 3 kids and there's Percy, but then you realize Nico is just kind of objectively more powerful than him but simply chooses to hang out in Percy's shadow like he's Percy's scary dog privileges. Like, the two of them are pretty equally capable of causing multiple different apocalypses. Nico just also has like four different instakill powers and it's not like he doesn't use them. He very much uses them! Not infrequently, even! And they don't seem to take a significant amount of energy from him! And other demigods are pretty intimidated by both of them! But Nico makes a conscious point to keep his cards close to his chest and not let on exactly how dangerous and scary he can be if he wants to. People are already scared enough of him without knowing anything about him and he doesn't like that. Percy doesn't think about that nearly as much, and so usually just goes in guns blazing and that's part of why he's considered a wildcard. And then Nico himself puts Percy on a pedestal, so those who do know more about Nico's abilities then presume Nico knows something they don't about Percy that implies Percy is even stronger than him.
And even on a meta level Nico's narrative role requires him to be functionally more powerful than Percy, because he very often serves the purpose of getting Percy out of situations he can't handle on his own. That's just part of his function as a character! But also narratively he can't overshadow Percy so he just takes a backseat of his own accord and that's very amusing to me.
#pjo#percy jackson#riordanverse#nico di angelo#i will also note it is implied though we never see that Hazel has the exact same powers as Nico#and Hazel has trained with her powers way longer than Nico has plus is older so theoretically is more powerful already#she killed a giant all by herself. sank a small island. and successfully subdued Gaea for like another 60 years#so given that + her also having Nico's powers then *Hazel* is theoretically the strongest demigod no contest#Jason and Thalia end up kind of nerfed by the plot in that neither is allowed to overshadow Percy either#but they dont play the same roles that characters like Nico do - Nico keeps getting stupid abilities just for convenience factor#and Bianca never got the opportunity to use many powers besides astral projection/dream manipulation and similarly hades kid illusion stuff#and general ghost stuff. and she does all that as a ghost really. her killing the skeleton wasnt even her powers that was just a normal sta#and it was just by virtue of her being a hades kid and fulfilling the ''can kill these skeletons'' requirement that it blew up#technically she also showcases underworld immunity with the lethe stuff wearing off but that's very subtle#Hazel also doesnt play the same role as Nico and so doesnt get to showcase all that#plus is similarly nerfed with the ''cant be cooler than Percy'' constraint and so never gets to really do anything#even though logistically she is the most powerful and should showcase the full extent of her abilities to the same degree as Percy and Nico#Jason at least gets a little bit more wiggle room than Thalia being a main protagonist#Nico just gets the most wiggle room out of both not being a protagonist and being functionally a dues ex machina most of the time#versus Thalia or Bianca who are only ever secondary or supporting characters
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Fjord has such a solid narrative arc over the campaign and I am blown away by it every time.
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lxikoniko · 6 months
Going off my last post about Jay's lightning powers having the potential to be broken, I was looking into what lightning/electricity powers could entail, and I stopped to consider whether that could involve electromagnetism since it is technically involving electricity but ultimately decided against it since that felt like too much of a stretch
But then I looked at the list of lightning abilities on the Ninjago wiki and umm
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I'm not an expert on this sort of thing but... isn't electromagnetism the second strongest force to exist? Like it's insanely more powerful than the force of gravity and is responsible for a bunch of stuff like light waves/x-rays/gamma rays? Isn't it responsible for electrons binding to protons/neutrons via whatever form of like static electricity?
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 1 month
Will we ever get more drawings of the monster and mythical AU?
honest answer is maybe...i would really like to at least get the designs of all the students out but. like. motivation fluctuates like a wave. time passes and life moves unpredictably. sorry anon but it might take a while...in the meantime though i welcome anyone to make designs of their own/draw art/whatever based on what i've done already lol
take these old byakuya's dragon form design sketches as apology
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exeggcute · 1 year
its been too long since I last played we love katamari and I forgot how funny it is that you have to twist the king's arm into accepting any tasks EXCEPT for when hansel and gretel want to roll up a gingerbread house and then he's like "sweets? fuck yeah let's do it"
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emdotcom · 10 months
Ay, yo, I haven't seen anyone mention it, but ain't it fucken crazy that FNAF movie had a Sparky the Dog cameo?
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thecranewivesrpf · 2 months
:( I have to fulfill the responsibilities I signed up for. sad day to be alive
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ivyprism · 1 year
Hey remember ur game guys? Which ones the strongest lifting wise? No magic or nothing. On a scar from least to most what would it be?
My main boyos lol?
Hip Hop Latin Caramel Glamour Tango Vanilla Rhythm Syrup Navy Cardinal Captain Ebony Hound Cinnamon Classic Clove
From strongest to weakest!
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epickiya722 · 2 years
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chaoscheebs · 1 year
Was pondering what types/Pokemon the Yu-Gi-Oh cast would have in that sort of AU for fun and decided Honda just has a single Pokemon because he really doesn’t get the hype????  And that Pokemon is this:
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Level 100 Stoutland.  Named Blanky.  He raised it from a Lillipup.  It is the single highest-leveled Pokemon in the entire friend group.  It can, at least temporarily, stonewall the inevitable Dragon-type fest Seto Kaiba has.  Yes, this is entirely because a Stoutland carried my fucking team in Pokemon Black; Honda deserves The Goodest Boy, as a treat.
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lets-steal-an-archive · 2 months
By Bernie Sanders | July 13, 2024
I will do all that I can to see that President Biden is re-elected. Why? Despite my disagreements with him on particular issues, he has been the most effective president in the modern history of our country and is the strongest candidate to defeat Donald Trump — a demagogue and pathological liar. It’s time to learn a lesson from the progressive and centrist forces in France who, despite profound political differences, came together this week to soundly defeat right-wing extremism.
I strongly disagree with Mr. Biden on the question of U.S. support for Israel’s horrific war against the Palestinian people. The United States should not provide Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist government with another nickel as it continues to create one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern history.
I strongly disagree with the president’s belief that the Affordable Care Act, as useful as it has been, will ever address America’s health care crisis. Our health care system is broken, dysfunctional and wildly expensive and needs to be replaced with a “Medicare for all” single-payer system. Health care is a human right.
And those are not my only disagreements with Mr. Biden.
But for over two weeks now, the corporate media has obsessively focused on the June presidential debate and the cognitive capabilities of a man who has, perhaps, the most difficult and stressful job in the world. The media has frantically searched for every living human being who no longer supports the president or any neurologist who wants to appear on TV. Unfortunately, too many Democrats have joined that circular firing squad.
Yes. I know: Mr. Biden is old, is prone to gaffes, walks stiffly and had a disastrous debate with Mr. Trump. But this I also know: A presidential election is not an entertainment contest. It does not begin or end with a 90-minute debate.
Enough! Mr. Biden may not be the ideal candidate, but he will be the candidate and should be the candidate. And with an effective campaign taht speaks to the needs of working families, he will not only defeat Mr. Trump but beat him badly. It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.
I understand that some Democrats get nervous about having to explain the president’s gaffes and misspeaking names. But unlike the Republicans, they do not have to explain away a candidate who now has 34 felony convictions and faces charges that could lead to dozens of additional convictions, who has been hit with a $5 million judgment after he was found liable in a sexual abuse case, who has been involved in more than 4,000 lawsuits, who has repeatedly gone bankrupt and who has told thousands of documented lies and falsehoods.
Supporters of Mr. Biden can speak proudly about a good and decent Democratic president with a record of real accomplishment. The Biden administration, as a result of the American Rescue Plan, helped rebuild the economy during the pandemic far faster than economists thought possible. At a time when people were terrified about the future, the president and those of us who supported him in Congress put Americans back to work, provided cash benefits to desperate parents and protected small businesses, hospitals, schools and child care centers.
After decades of talk about our crumbling roads, bridges and water systems, we put more money into rebuilding America’s infrastructure than ever before — which is projected to create millions of well-paying jobs. And we did not stop there. We made the largest-ever investment in climate action to save the planet. We canceled student debt for nearly five million financially strapped Americans. We cut prices for insulin and asthma inhalers, capped out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs and got free vaccines to the American people. We battled to defend women’s rights in the face of moves by Trump-appointed jurists to roll back reproductive freedom and deny women the right to control their own bodies.
So, yes, Mr. Biden has a record to run on. A strong record. But he and his supporters should never suggest that what’s been accomplished is sufficient. To win the election, the president must do more than just defend his excellent record. He needs to propose and fight for a bold agenda that speaks to the needs of the vast majority of our people — the working families of this country, the people who have been left behind for far too long.
At a time when the billionaires have never had it so good and when the United States is experiencing virtually unprecedented income and wealth inequality, over 60 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, real weekly wages for the average worker have not risen in over 50 years, 25 percent of seniors live each year on $15,000 or less, we have a higher rate of childhood poverty than almost any other major country, and housing is becoming more and more unaffordable — among other crises.
This is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. We can do better. We must do better. Joe Biden knows that. Donald Trump does not. Joe Biden wants to tax the rich so that we can fund the needs of working families, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor. Donald Trump wants to cut taxes for the billionaire class. Joe Biden wants to expand Social Security benefits. Donald Trump and his friends want to weaken Social Security. Joe Biden wants to make it easier for workers to form unions and collectively bargain for better wages and benefits. Donald Trump wants to let multinational corporations get away with exploiting workers and ripping off consumers. Joe Biden respects democracy. Donald Trump attacks it.
This election offers a stark choice on issue after issue. If Mr. Biden and his supporters focus on these issues — and refuse to be divided and distracted — the president will rally working families to his side in the industrial Midwest swing states and elsewhere and win the November election. And let me say this as emphatically as I can: For the sake of our kids and future generations, he must win.
Bernie Sanders is the senior senator from Vermont.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 10 months
Hey, does anyone remember that one episode of the OG teen titans where it was that contest of champions or whatever? Becuase...
"Welcome, champions all! I am the Master of Games, and you are hereby invited to compete in the Tournament of the Strongest! Each of you have been specially chosen as the smartest and strongest each species has to offer."
"Hey, isn't that a fourteen-year-old?"
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Is it legal to say I love this blog and made my own polling as well? @ffxiv-smackdown to vote on who would is truly the strongest of them all!
that sounds interesting! Gonna show this to Mod Reaper when its ready! -Mod Fisher
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would-you-punt-them · 1 month
I just want to tell you this:
Thank You So, SO Much for informing people about the horrid Mr. Beast situation occurring within his Squid Game Beast Games.
I don’t think would’ve known about this awful and disgusting event occurring as much as I do now if you didn’t post about it on this blog.
Thank you.
I do think it isn't something that should be brushed under the rug, and I also feel that the more people know about it, the worse it becomes for Jimmy when the Beast Games show actually comes out.
One thing I forgot to include in the post is that the Las Vegas shoot is going to be uploaded on YouTube as an extended qualifier to the actual show on Amazon Prime.
It's worth noting that the contestants didn't know that until they arrived at the stadium. They'd been told that the Las Vegas shoot was the Amazon show, and there would only be 1,000 competitors (which is how it is marketed by Amazon). They only learned that the player-count had doubled and this wasn't going to be on Prime once they were on set, and were shown a video message from Jimmy saying he forgot to mention that actually there were 2,000 people and this wasn't the Amazon show (though MrBeast later claimed that this was always the intent).
I don't know when the video(s) will be uploaded, but I honestly can't wait because I'm dying to know how they're planning on editing the footage to cut out the horrors that took place during the challenges.
Like, how are they going to show the Red team losing the first challenge with the rope and pulley? On the one hand, surely they've got to show the 400 people who were eliminated in that challenge. But on the other hand... what exactly do they have to work with?
The production team refused the Red team's pleas to stop the challenge and demanded they keep going to the end, presumably because they needed them to do it for the sake of the video. Instead, anti-capitalist icons that they are, the entire team abandoned the challenge mid-way anyway so they could go help their teammates who were literally being strangled, throwing the game. And once they'd abandoned the rope, they never picked it up again.
Obviously, the producers can't show competitors being throttled. But that means that they also can't explain why the Reds lost the challenge. If the throttling happened toward the end, maybe they'll be fine, but if it happened closer to the middle, there's no way for them to explain why those 400 people just gave up so early.
It also presumably means any overhead shots of all the teams are ruined, because that would require them to explain why the Reds just aren't participating.
Maybe they could show the Reds giving up, but give a different reason. But no reason I can think of works. If they say they "tried their best but knew they couldn't win", they would then also have to answer the question of why the challenge was impossible for them - the reason being that their team of 400 consisted of about 380 women, while their opposing teams consisted almost entirely of the youngest and strongest male competitors.
And I'm not sure how they're going to explain that, because if they show the challenge of everyone going for coloured jerseys, they can't reveal why the teams ended up so unbalanced, as the actual reason is that the male contestants were hoarding jerseys and were physically violent against the female and elderly contestants, and organised themselves to guarantee they were all on the same team, resulting in a gender split.
I'm also not sure how they plan to edit around challenges like the briefcase game, where in the middle of the cramped field the male contestants were attacking and trampling the women. It's going to take a lot of editing to cut around that. And while they can edit out the injuries occurring they can't edit out the fact that by the end of the challenge there are suspiciously fewer female contestants remaining than there were to begin with.
Additionally, they're going to have to justify why the contestants started off so diverse in gender and age, only for the 1,000 who made it to the actual Amazon show predominantly being young and male, without it becoming clear that no one else had any chance. They can't introduce new contestants to re-diversify the cast, because 1,000 were promised by Amazon, 1,000 qualified, and people will complain if they try to fudge the numbers or cheat by introducing last-minute entries, which is especially bad now that he's currently under fire for allegedly faking and rigging competitions.
Jimmy also can't just not upload it at all, because then he'd have to explain that as well, and this is such a massive event people, both fans and detractors, are going to notice.
The more people know about it, the worse his situation becomes, because there's just no way out of it without inviting questions he doesn't want people to know the answers to.
While this is obviously too much to hope for in this timeline, in an ideal world enough people start talking about this that Amazon cancels his show due to the controversy - Jimmy has said Beast Games is intended to be his break into more traditional media, and I think it would be nice to shut that down.
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
You think when gojo was training his infinity technique, he still had his slip ups where he actually did manage to fry his brain a little, resulting in a prolonged migraine? And then reader chimes in to take care of him to ease his pain?
considerate — gojo satoru x f!reader
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satoru's feet are dragged behind him as he walks into your shared dorm. the familiarity of the room welcomes him and he feels his shoulders relax just a tiny bit.
on his path to perfecting his infinity, the strongest sorcerer was bound to slip up. unfortunately for him, slip ups like these—no matter how tiny—would cause the worst migraines of his life which he is currently experiencing.
for a moment, he can’t find you, and he would like to dramatically call for you. but the migraine is limiting theatrics for now.
he knows you’re here, but he can’t see your figure yet and it bothers him.
he rubs his eyes a little harshly with a groan while his hand runs through his hair, “y/n, where are you?”
he hears your feet pad on the ground before he is finally met with the sight of you.
and despite the pain and how much he wants to close his eyes and drown everything out, he really wants to see you. a small smile—albeit pained—appears on his pretty face as he pulls you close, mumbling, “missed me?”
you pull his face towards your own and press kisses to both of his cheeks, “I always do, you know that,” your hands cover his eyes gently and his own hold yours to press them closer to his face.
he sighs, leaning further into your touch, and you frown, “tough day?”
“something like that,” he mutters, “fried my brain just a little.”
your hand moves to stroke his hair—he whines, but quietens at the feeling of your fingers carding through his hair—then you tease him, “careful, pretty boy, keep that up and you will really live up to your dumb boy reputation.”
he grins down at you. “you think I am pretty?”
“of course, that’s what you will focus on,” you grumble then move to sit on the couch. you think he will lay his head on your lap as usual with his enormous body stretching on the couch, but he doesn’t.
instead, he sits on the ground between your legs. he buries his face in your stomach and his arms wrap around you.
“’toru, I have to get you a cold wrap.”
“you should at least drink some water so your migraine can get better.”
“I already feel so much better.”
“satoru, are you telling me that simply burying your face in my stomach is enough to magically heal you?”
he pulls away slightly to grin at you, “are you the one having the migraine?”
“no, but I am the responsible one—“
“exactly, so let me hug the love of my life,” he cheekily says before kissing the pulse point on your forearm, “thank you.”
you grumble causing him to chuckle, but he quickly goes quiet once again.
your hands are gently massaging his scalp and he lets out a soft sigh.
considering what he went through, you guess that he will probably fall asleep in a while, but then he speaks up slowly, “I…wanted to show you this new trick with my technique.”
he nods and continues, “I managed to teleport.”
“really? that’s awesome, ‘toru!” you beam, hands never stopping their movements.
“exactly!” he quips then grumbles, “and I wanted to teleport to that place you like so much, but I can’t right now and it’s so lame!”
this is one of the things people tend to not notice about satoru. he is an annoying idiot, sure. he reminds you of those kids in middle school that pull the ponytail of the girl they like.
but he is still so considerate to other people in his own way. he speaks a lot and loudly, but his actions always speak louder.
you feel your heartstrings tug at the sentiment so you tilt his head up and your eyes look intently into his own azure ones.
satoru is convinced you’re having a staring contest so he puts on his “concentrated” face.
you humor him for just a moment, before a helpless chuckle escapes your lips, “you silly goose,” you softly kiss his eyelids, “my silly goose.”
you gently pull his head toward you and press a kiss to his forehead, then his cheeks, and then a gentle peck to his lips.
his cheeks turn the slightest shade of red as he watches you, and his ears are a tinted a light shade of red.
awestruck, he can’t help but stare at you, “I…I am caught between telling you that I fell in love with you all over again and telling you that that was so corny.”
with a roll of your eyes, you pinch his nose lightly, “then you should just go to sleep, loser.”
he gasps then huffs and looks away, “always so mean.”
“right?” you hum while you pet his hair, “whatever shall you do, lover?”
satoru is endearing when he is quiet like this, not quite flustered but just a tad bit shy. and even when he is mad at you, he always leans into your touch. so you’re not surprised about his following line.
“if I sleep right now, we will cuddle, right?”
and you smile with a nod because as much as satoru actively wants your love, you want his just as much.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @wemma67 @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
I can totally imagine the 141 team “peacocking” at reader, like after a mission they all hang out at the base, and Alejandro just starts to strip is cloths off until he’s in his boxers because it’s “more comfortable” this way, but in reality Alejandro just wants to show off his muscles to you. The next five minutes all of 141 are in their boxers and seeing who has the biggest and strongest muscles by having an arm wrestling contest, and when someone loses they try to defend themselves by saying how their arm hurts because they did “100 pull up’s and push ups” before the mission. Then they start showing pictures off their houses and cars, bragging about how much money they make just from investments and stocks, all trying to one up each other saying “yeah I just bought this summer Victoria mansion last month and re-renovation the interior all by myself” or “oh this? No it’s not a house it’s just my 3 level parking garage for all of my cars and motorcycles I have, I’m probably gunna have to build another level soon”
meanwhile reader's too busy trying to figure out if they left the stove on at home. i'd bet that air is thick with testosterone.
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