#stu pickles meme
throwbackblr · 5 months
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thenumberfives · 10 months
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presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
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OC stuff! The true identities of Pork Chopper, Frog Flipper, Patty Puree and Hippo Pot, as Compton best remembers each of them.
For context, see this post where I talk about my headcanons about Compton's Cookoff and the Boole family.
Some additional facts!:
I headcanon Compton as having been born in the UK - mostly because of his accent - hence why his dad is a British bobby.
Newton St. Peter got his name because Compton couldn't decide if he wanted to give him a scientific or religious name, so he went with both.
Compton met Patti after he joined the Animal Liberation movement. Together with Ryan, they pulled 'rescue missions' all over Europe. Compton got the animals to cooperate with his powers, Patti used her family's money to bribe their way around, and Ryan was the getaway driver. He'd always say "I'm all fired up an' ready to go!" when it was time to go. :V
Newton was born eighteen years before the Maligula incident - he was already a baby when Compton had that accident at the dog pound. Patti thought that Ford Cruller was taking her husband away to some kind of 'psychic therapy' to calm him down (which wasn't wrong, per se). She grew increasingly impatient over the years, thinking her husband had been sucked into some kind of cult. Learning the truth behind the Psychonauts and how Compton put himself in danger in Grulovia pushed her to divorce him, not helping his already fragile self-confidence issues.
Compton's psychic powers skipped a generation; neither Newton nor his wife Shelly are psychic. He didn't have the best relationship with his father to start with, since he spent all his time at Green Needle Gulch and rarely visited (apparently Compton floated the idea of inviting his family to live with them, but nothing came of it, possibly because he didn't think Ford and Otto would want non-psychics to know about their experiments). It only got worse after the Maligula incident and Compton refused to help with Dogen, after Newton had a front-row seat to a bully's head getting blown to chunks.
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branzinos · 3 months
frying pancakes in this hot weather is demented I am the meme of stu pickles making chocolate pudding at 4am
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menialfiend · 2 years
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For the Eyeshield 21 2022 Winter Gift Exchange for @yanderefoeyay !!!
I set out with the most legit and serious intentions of doing some Not A Meme. The joke was on me tho bc it turns out my brain only communicates in memes and what we get is basically a meme mood board of Unsui trying to parent Agon lol. literally I remembered the Stu Pickles 2am chocolate pudding meme and was like “yeah that’s how this would go”. Unsui forced to make chocolate pudding at 2am because of 5yo Agon’s demands is just.... I feel it in my heart.
Also can we talk for a minute about how wild Agon’s kid design is in the manga because his hair isn’t colored in even in like, elementary school so like.... how old was he when he started dying or bleaching it???? like which direction did he go????? what color IS his natural hair????? i’m BAFFLED.
I planned on coloring the last one too but I liked the lines as is so much I just didn’t oops.
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"It was me, Barry... I made it so Stu Pickles bought a gross of eggs from the store without realizing it, knowing you wouldn't want to waste food, thus diluting your system with cholesterol and allowing me to kill Iris!"
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superbeans89 · 4 years
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owillofthewisps · 4 years
my coworkers: silently watching me eat capers directly from the jar
my boss:,,,bee,,,
me: if this is slander about my current life choices I Will Not Hear It
my boss: okay so let’s move on to finance i guess
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puddleonthemoon · 4 years
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bitchforbakusquad · 4 years
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late night idea
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Your Fave MIGHT Be Catholic: Stu Pickles
Known for: One of the main adult characters from the hit animated television series Rugrats, he is the father of the main baby character Tommy, the husband to Didi, son of Grandpa Lou, brother of Drew, Uncle of Angelica, & later on becomes the father to Dil. He is an inventor of children’s toys, usually working independently at home & spending much of his time working on groundbreaking technology that, in his words, “will put Pickles Toys on the map!” He has the imagination & ambitions of a child (he’s even a fan of cartoons like The Dummi Bears & Blocky & Oxwinkle), & the intelligence to back it up, but he can be very absent-minded at times, hence why he often forgets things, makes impulsive choices, & why many of his inventions don’t work. Despite that, he still loves Tommy & Dil very much & is a very loving father, & he is also a devoted & loving husband to Didi as well. He often will get into arguments with his brother Drew, but most of the time they get along, & he is also great friends with Chaz, Betty, & Howard (& later on Chaz’s second wife Kira). Tommy also loves him very much, made especially clear in episodes like “Regarding Stuie”. In short, he’s the genius fun dad every child would want to have, & is a very friendly & brilliant guy with great skills. Years later, he also became popular thanks to an internet meme involving the scene from the episode “Angelica Breaks A Leg” where he makes chocolate pudding at 4:00 in the morning because, “I’ve lost control of my life.”
Why I say MIGHT as opposed to IS: Rugrats is very notable in the world of television for being one of the very few animated television series aimed at children to discuss the subject of religion. The show has received great praise for its exploration of Judaism & for having lovable Jewish characters in the cast, with their Chanukah special & their Passover special being considered some of the best episodes in the series. This is mainly because Stu’s wife Didi is Jewish, as are her parents Grandpa Boris & Grandma Minka. However, one thing that the series also has made clear is that Stu is not Jewish, & this is made clear through the fact that the Pickles family celebrates Christmas & has had two Christmas specials: “The Santa Experience” & “Babies In Toyland” (more about the latter in a bit). This makes Tommy & Dil half-Jewish, though the other half is unknown. It’s clear that because the Pickles family celebrates Christmas & because Stu mistakenly calls a synagogue a church in the Chanukah special (which Grandpa Lou is quick to correct him on, “It’s a synagogue, Chanukah boy!”), it’s clear that Stu & everyone else on the Pickles side of his family is Christian. The show has even made is clear that Stu believes in God, as in the episode “Man of the House”, Tommy mentions that when his daddy is trying to come up with his inventions, he will go “talk to no one” & say “Please, please, let me make a good toy this time! Pleeease!”, which is essentially how a baby would interpret praying to God (or “Bob” as they call Him). Another point that greatly hints at Stu’s faith in Christianity is during the Christmas special “Babies In Toyland”, the babies & their families go to a Christmas theme park called Toyland that Stu helped design & help build, & one of the sections is a petting zoo recreation of the Nativity Scene, which the babies visit at one point leading to an adorable & beautiful scene where they give the Baby Jesus mannequin some presents, & it smiles at them. Some stills from that scene can be seen here, here, here, here, here, & here. The point is, since Stu had a hand in developing the Toyland park, it’s possible he included the Nativity Scene to express his own faith in a way. Unfortunately, the show has never explicitly stated what denomination of Christianity Stu & all the other Pickles follow. But even if they never directly stated it, it wouldn’t be a bad guess at all to believe that Stu is Catholic. After all, Catholicism is one of the biggest sects of Christianity, & it wouldn’t really be too far-fetched. Thus, for the time being, I can confirm that while Didi is Jewish, Stu is certainly a Christian of some sorts, & if you want to think he’s a Catholic Christian, who’s to stop you?
TL, DR: Rugrats has made it clear that the Pickles family is a bi-religious household, as they celebrate Jewish & Christian holidays. They make it clear that Didi’s side of the family is Jewish, & therefore Stu’s side is the one that practices Christianity. The official denomination has never been confirmed, but it’s perfectly acceptable to theorize that Stu & all the other Pickles might be Catholic. I apologize for this post being excessively long!
(On a side note, even though it was a nightmare Chuckie was having, in the episode “Chuckie VS. the Potty”, he did imagine Tommy as a Catholic priest who does Last Rites, & I always found this somewhat amusing! The image of Tommy as a Catholic priest can be viewed here.)
If this post is wrong: If this post is wrong & show creators Arlene Klasky, Gabor Csupo, or Paul Germain have stated otherwise, whether it be that Stu is a different sect of Christianity or he converted to Judaism for Didi, then please politely let me know & I will fix this lengthy post as soon as possible.
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madlad-memes · 5 years
Drawing Stu on the back of my sketchbook turned out better than I expected:
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galacticgather · 5 years
bloodofthecovenants replied to your post: .
just be the true gremlin you are, we’ll keep you company ;w;
[I cannot fight my true nature any longer. I must become who I really am.
A perpetually tired nocturnal creature capable of eating an entire pizza at 1am]
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interretialia · 6 years
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“Stuarte, quid facis?” “Erneum socolateum facio.” “Hora quarta ante meridiem est. Cur in tellure erneum socolateum facis?” “Quia potestatem meae vitae amisi.”
“Stu, what are you doing?” “Making chocolate pudding.” “It’s four o’clock in the morning, why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?” “Because I’ve lost control of my life.”
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ludthemumrik · 6 years
Headcanon where Ace plays the nose flute like spongebob w/ his nose
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schwifty-memes · 7 years
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