#stuff that David could be like ''Okay I know what she's going through right now and how to handle it- more or less'' lol))
abrushwithdeath · 1 year
@thcangriestboy It happened so fast. He knew it was an accident. Just a brush of skin while he and Rogue were alone out on the grounds. They were always careful, too careful. They weren't even *doing* anything that would mean a likelihood of touching. He knew it only took a second. He'd felt a little queasy, but hoped Rogue wouldn't be hit with much, some light telekinesis, maybe. Minor telepathy. It could be fun, right? "My dad says it's a bad idea to just go to the astral plane while your powers - or my powers - are unstable. We'll just ride it out here. Are you -- Are you feeling okay?" He asked tentatively.
She felt like it was her fault. She'd not been paying attention, talking, and almost tripped. It shouldn't have constituted more than a laugh. But David had reached out to grab her arm, to steady her, and all it took was the brush of a finger against the barely exposed skin at her wrist...
She heard what he was saying, but, for just a moment, he felt distant. That wasn't entirely unusual after her powers had kicked in. A bit of disorientation was normal, though it usually came with longer contact than the brief second they'd shared. She just had to blink it away, welcome herself back to the present. Are you feeling okay? "Yeah." She assured him. It was the truth. She felt fine. Well, as fine as she could feel when she was still worried she'd hurt him. "Yeah, no, yeah... I'm fine." Clearly David was too. He was talking to her. He was checking on her. Maybe she hadn't really taken anything from him at all. That would be the best case scenario, right? "Yer a'right?" She asked, tossing the question back his way just to be sure. Even if he seemed okay, she couldn't not check on him.
Except that concern was short lived because, rather suddenly, she was well aware that something was wrong. The voices started first. The thing was- Rogue was used to hearing voices of other people in her head, she heard them all the time. But most of those, aside from a stray few that she had stolen too much from, were almost... static. They repeated the same things a lot, like NPCs in a shitty video game. A student reciting facts for a history test. A man worried his wife would find out about his affair. One spoke lewd thoughts. Another was caught in prayer. She knew them each by face, by sound, and she knew how their voices would cycle in and out of a one-person conversation until they eventually faded from her forever. This was not that. It felt so different, in fact, that she paused to look around them, as if anticipating the voices were coming from elsewhere. From a person hiding in a tree nearby. Or slinking across the ground. But there was no one. Just her and David. They had to be from somewhere though.
In hindsight, she should have realized that she'd maybe taken something from him after all- some symptoms of his illness. But she hadn't experienced them before herself. Her only basis for what he endured was, well, what he said. What little he explained. So then, why should it have occurred to her, in this moment, that what she was hearing (or seeing) wasn't entirely real? Eyes still darting about, searching, she grabbed at David's wrist. Her gloved fingers held a little tighter than she should have. Despite being a girl who wasn't really scared of much, she looked borderline terrified. "I don't think we're alone..." She told him quietly, so that she wouldn't be overheard. Someone was out there with them. That was the only explanation. And it made all the more sense when she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye, head whipping to the right to search for it to no avail. "We should go... go back inside... somethin's not right..."
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savvy4618 · 5 months
Look at Me (Part 1?)
Dwayne x Reader (Female)
So excited to write again, the lost boys def has a choke hold on me right now and so does Billy Wirth. I am open for requests though it may take me some time to write them and if someone wants a second part or has any suggestion let me know!!
As usual the boys were out on the boardwalk. They stood at a random corner on the boardwalk, looking at the passing people and trying to scope out some good victims. Paul and Marko were sitting on top of an old fence by one of the shops, watching the crowd while David lean against the same fence. Dwayne was turned, watching people look through the vendor's stands and walk into little window shops.
That's when he saw you. You walked along the pathways, looking at jewelry and little books people sold, picking things up and inspecting them.
He thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He watched you shop and look around, not able to tear his eyes away. He was hit with an urge to know about you, he wanted to know your name, age, favorite color, what things made you smile. The thoughts that went through his head scared him, why was he so worked up?
"You alright Dwayne?" David asks following his line of sight and spotting you.
Dwayne nodded his head and looked slowly at David, hesitant to look away scared you'd disapear. "Yeah," he says.
"She sure is pretty," David says nodding his head towards you.
"mh," Dwayne hums in agreement.
"Who is?" Paul asks turning around to look through the crowd, Marko soon doing the same.
"Girl with the y/hc hair, by that stand," David tells them.
Dwayne just watches them. He watches you buy a little trinket from the stand you were at. You start to walk and continue to look around.
As soon as you start to walk, the other three boys loose their focus and start to talk about random stuff. Dwayne sneaks away and walks up beside you.
"That's very pretty," he says motioning to the braclets you were fiddling with on your arm.
"Thank you," you respond with a warm smile.
"I'm Dwayne, sorry if I frightened you, just wanted to say hi," he says, still walking by your side.
"That's alright, I'm y/n," you respond, looking at the lights and rides as you pass by.
"That's a gorgeus name," Dwayne says with a grin.
"Thanks," you say, "I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you walking with me?"
Dwayne wasn't off put by this question, "Saw you looking though stands and you caught my attention, that's all," he responds.
"Well did you want something?" You ask curiously.
"Just to talk to you, I couldn't imagine living with myself if I hadn't," he says flashing a grin.
You shake your head and chuckle.
"Look at him go," Paul says, watching the interaction from the same fence where he was perched.
"What were you up to anyway?" You ask.
"You're full of questions aren't you honey?" he jokes, "just watching people."
You look at the shops as you walk, looking for anything that might catch your eye.
"You aren't from here are you?" Dwayne asks.
"No, just moved here."
"By yourself?" Dwayne asks looking at you.
"Yeah," you answer.
"no family around here or anything, no friends?" Dwayne asks looking back and realizing that the rest of the boys are no longer in sight.
"Nope, I've always liked being kind of on my own, having space," you reply looking at him. "What about you?" You ask.
"I live with my brothers and my sister," he replies.
"The ones you were with?"
"You saw us?"
"Hard to miss," you answer with a grin and a soft hit to his arm.
The comfort he gave off should have seemed odd but he was so nice and playful, unlike many people you had met. He thought you were beautiful and smart, someone he could envision spending the rest of his life with, but then there was the though of you knowing what he was, a monster. Even if you were somehow okay with that, you were still a human and he would never want to put you through the pain of having to become a vampire like him.
"Are you alright?" you ask laying a hand on his arm, the two of you had stopped walking but the two of you were now in a slightly less crowded space.
"Hm? Yeah I'm okay," he says giving you a small smile and a playful wink. He tosses an arm over your shoulder and you start to walk again. You weren't really walking to get somewhere, just looking around.
"This isn't to much is it?" he says softly, leaning down closer to your ear.
"my arm," he replies, nodding his head towards yours.
"No, it's okay," You chuckle.
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mj-the-guy · 4 days
Drdt theories after Ep 13 for my drdt pookies in the crowd bc school is making me tear out my own hair😘😘😘
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Okay chat i have a lot to get through💀💀💀💀
1) As I stated before, I do not believe Teruko's secret is the family one, theres no fucking way. We saw how PERFECTLY it aligns with xander from the bonus episode. Also as-fucking-if David got a DEAD PERSON'S secret. Come on now David💀 It would be interesting if it was somehow Xander's secret that the killing game was HIS fault but it makes no sense to me...
2) So.. Eden. We need to talk. I was looking at a DRDT theorist blog I rlly like, @1moreff-creator (GO CHECK OUT THEIR STUFF THEY R SO SMART) and a post stuck out to me,
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IT WAS RIGHT THERE. Eden is not escaping the attacking Xander allegations and I am not gonna stop chasing after her until they r revealed. Not even 50K is gonna save lil bro. I don't think she's the killer of this case, but she is sus as hell. BUT BUT. CHAT I HAVE SOME NEWS
Eden's secret message was, "You can't go back, no matter how hard you try" ISN'T THAT SUPER SIMILAR TO WHAT AREI SAID IN THE EDEN CG?
3) Nico, what the sigma- Do we all still think Nico tried killing Ace? It rlly seems like it but it'd be rlly cool if they didn't. I'm a bit confused on the end of episode 11, is Teruko implying Nico did it? Or is she just asking Nico a question.. Idk atp
4) This section is my own theory and lil rant but- HOW THE FUCK DOES WHIT KNOW SM ABT HANGING? IS THERE SOMETHING U WANNA TELL US WHIT??? I made a lil theory that maybe Whit knows sm bc his Mom died from hanging herself. THAT WOULD BE SO FUCKED. Theres not a lot of evidence for it, but maybe thats why he omits the truth sm, maybe he blames himself for his mom's suicide
5) DAVID U CUNT. I genuinely feel like a part of him did care for Arei. Due to the fact that she accepted him of his shitty personality and his reaction in episode 10, I think he did.
Now for minor details!
1) Ace's Friend- We know it's not Mai, due to the he/him pronouns that Ace used. I wonder who it could be tbh
2) Levi's emotions- Genuinely didn't expect that one, the Acevi shippers r weeping
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roses-for-rosalyn · 1 year
okay, I just saw your post asking for ideas and I have one. What about like a fic with Ellie and the reader but Ellie is really over-sensitive/not very comfortable with physical touch because of everything that happened pre-returning to Jackson (David and Fireflies and all that stuff) and she gets so in her head about it.
Basically, touch-starved Ellie whos scared of touch being looked after by gentle and patient reader who helps her through it all. Bonus points for crying Ellie because that girl needs a good cri
Ask and you shall receive!! I actually love this because I too struggle with physical touch and this was very therapeutic. This is sort of just Ellie talking out her feelings with the reader listening, but i have no idea what I'm doing. This is about 19 year old Ellie with a reader at the same age.
word count: 1.6k (sorry I went a little crazy)
content warning: Mentions of assault (nothing explicit or graphic), comfort, a lil bit of cuddling, lil angst, love confession? sort of?, friends to lovers-ish, mildly traumatized reader
You were a very patient person. Some would say too patient, especially when it came to Ellie. You had lived in Jackson for just a year longer than her and you were both the same age when she arrived. When she first came to Jackson you were relieved you were no longer “The New Girl”. You watched her from afar at first, observing Ellie doing almost exactly what you did when you first arrived: scarfing down food like it was going to run away from her. She consistently flinched at any sudden loud noises, which you could understand, you were the same in that way too, even now. The difference between you two is she came to Jackson with someone, someone clearly very close to her. You had no one when you arrived. Of course you eventually found your people. It's been 6 years, but it was hard. 
You were probably the most eager to meet Ellie out of everyone. One day you just sat next to her at lunch and bombarded her with questions. You scared the shit out of her of course, but you were a kid, and you were excited to meet someone who might relate to you a bit more than the kids who grew up in Jackson. She answered some of your questions with one word responses and others she didn’t respond at all. You didn’t let that deter you though, 14 year old you was going to figure her out no matter what. 
Five years later you two are pretty close, you don’t know everything about her, but she didn’t know everything about you either so it kept things interesting. Some things would just come up in conversation randomly and you held on to what you learned like it was your lifeline. Eventually you realized your feelings for Ellie might be a little more than friendly, but you never said anything. You never understood your feelings completely so why share them with her? You would just confuse Ellie and mess everything up. 
Now you two are sitting on Ellie’s couch watching a movie. You both just got back from patrol and trying to recover from a sort of awkward moment. You and Ellie were running away from a clicker and right as Ellie shot it down you stopped whilst Ellie kept running and you sort of…fell on top of eachother. Ellie landed right on top of you with her chest touching yours and your faces inches apart. Her eyes were wide and she just stared at you for a hot minute before quickly scrambling to her feet. She was really, really quiet after that. You’re not sure if that was exactly why she was acting weird, but nothing else out of the ordinary happened. You two weren’t strangers to a comfortable silence, but this was definitely not comfortable in any definition of the word. The movie credits pop up and you honestly could not recall what it was about, you were completely lost in thought. Brainstorming how to confront Ellie on what happened, you weren’t really mad, just confused. You’re constantly worried if you are crossing a line with Ellie, she can open up to you at times but if you go too far or inquire about the wrong thing she sort of snaps shut. Obviously if anyone was going to understand it would be you. Life outside of Jackson will fuck you up. Like a lot. 
You look at Ellie and she’s staring intently at the black screen as if the movie was still on. She’s avoiding looking at you at all costs.
“Ellie?” You say trying to get her attention.
“Yeah?” she responds but keeps her eyes set on the TV.
“This is gonna sound stupid, but are you, like, okay?”
 “What do you mean?” she finally turns and looks at you. You can’t read her expression which is not helpful.
“You’ve been weirdly quiet since we got back on patrol and I was just worried I did something wrong or something to upset you. I don’t know I’m realizing I sound kind of stupid now that I’m saying it out loud but I just… I worry about you ya know?” god this sounded so whiny now that you’ve actually blurted it out.
Your confession causes Ellie’s face to soften a little, her face melting into a sort of sad expression.
“Aww you worry about me? Didn’t know you cared that much.” She smiles a little, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. You wait for her to elaborate and she ends up staring into your eyes for a few seconds, deep in thought. 
“I’m not mad at you, there’s not much you could do that would make me mad to be honest.” She pauses, takes a breath. 
“I just… I get freaked out when people touch me, it’s really dumb. And then I sort of get mad at myself for being weird and I get all in my own head. Most of the time I can’t talk after something like that happens ‘cause I’m just stuck in an endless loop of memories that remind me why I don’t like people getting too close to me. I sort of shut down and I’m sorry about that. It was bitchy.”
You take a moment to formulate a response, it’s impossible to say the perfect thing, but you’d like to try. “It wasn’t bitchy at all, you just had me a little worried. I’m glad you explained it to me. I understand how people touching you can feel like, I don't know… gross.” you laugh dryly. “Just like it sticks on to you in a way where you feel like you need to scrub it off.” You have no idea what Ellie went through that made her feel like this, but you understood. You had gone through something that made you feel similar.  
“No one has ever explained it like that before, but yea. It’s fucked up.” you nod “fucked up” doesn’t cover half of it. “I just wish I could like it when people touch me, you know? I know they don’t want to hurt me, but how do I know for sure? I’ve had too many people do fucked up shit because I let them too close to me. I always think that maybe I could have tried harder to stop it.” There are tears forming in her eyes now. You have a feeling she hasn’t talked about this much. 
“Sometimes those people, they pop into my head at night and I can’t get rid of them. A little while ago I figured out that if I picture myself beating the ever loving shit out of them I start to calm down. Just enough to sleep, even if it doesn’t last long.” You study Ellie for a moment, she seems a little less tense. She has a tear streaming down her face and you just feel helpless. 
“God you have no idea how many times I wanted to touch you.” A sad smile tugs at her lips. “You’re the only person besides Joel I’ve ever gotten sort of close to. Obviously with you it’s different. There’s been so many times I wanted to touch your hand or just sort of be close to you, but I stopped myself.” You’re pretty sure your mouth opened a little from the shock of her confession. She’s felt the same as you? For how long? God how much time have you wasted? You pull yourself together as quickly as possible.
“Why didn’t you say anything before?” you ask, genuinely curious. Maybe she felt the same as you. “You could have asked and I would have said yes.” Ellie is the one that looks shocked now. 
“I guess I never thought of that.” She laughs, a real laugh this time. “Would you be okay with that?” 
“Are you kidding? Yes I would be very, very ok with that.” You pause to think for a second. “You need to be honest with me though and understand that your feelings about not wanting to be touched are perfectly valid. When you need space you tell me and I won’t get mad, promise. If anything I would be mad if I made you uncomfortable.” Ellie looks like she feels a little awkward from your bluntness. 
“I adore you.” you say. You watch her face light up as she smiles and laughs a little, her green eyes are a little brighter. 
“You have no idea.” She says and she moves to sit closer to you. “I’m exhausted, but I want to try something if that’s ok with you.” 
“Ok” You have no idea what she has in mind, but you’d gouge your eye out to make her feel good at this point. 
She lays back resting her head on one of the throw pillows on the couch. You stand up giving her room to spread out, you have to admit you’re really confused. 
Ellie laughs, “No come here.” 
“Like lay there with you?” you ask sounding like a dumbass, but you wanted her to clarify.
“Yes. Come 'ere.” 
“Okay...” you have no idea how to approach this but, uh, ok. 
You kneel on to the couch and crawl your way awkwardly to Ellie. You put your head on her chest gently and intertwine your legs with hers. You had no idea that being this close to someone could feel good, comfortable even. You can feel the warmth of her body through her t-shirt and you can hear her heartbeat. You could fall asleep in seconds if you wanted to.
“Thank you for this. This is nice. Maybe we can even graduate to holding hands soon.” She says.
“Woah I think that’s getting a little ambitious don’t you?” You both giggle and you can hear it echo through her chest. 
You both fall asleep eventually. You don’t know it, but it’s the first good night’s sleep Ellie has gotten in years. 
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carpedzem · 2 years
hahaha ah haha tom simons it is me hehe hello okay um hah voice actor time hehehaha okay um haha okay (punches the mic) how do I do it heh tommy are we a bad guys okay so (punches the mic) AAAGH HEUHEU okay should I do it should I do it or not should I say the line should I should I should I say the thing should I say the thing umm tommy who's that ouuuu tommy I'll give you I'll give you I'll give you the stupid voice umm tommy who is that ooh tommy who's that I know you're gonna use that one you're gonna wanna use that youuuu have a sister hahaha mmhmm tommy has a sister okay so those are two good lines that you could and should use alternatively you could use the boring one um this is weird because I feel like you're here listening to me now okay I have to like get into character I need to RP as previous george exclamation mark previous george wait previous exclamation mark george from like england george all right england exclamation e e exclamation mark george from a few months ago I’m listen okay I'm gonna get into the mindset of exactly how I was so I got off the train my eyes are closed I'm envisioning I'm in stupid Brighton train station um I get out and I see a bunch of idiots surrounded by surrounding a tall Wilbur and I don't really realized that there's a girl there and I come over get through the gate oh there's a girl okay who's the girl tommy goes it's my sister and I say wait no I messed up I didn't know this bit l- canonically I I don't know if she's your sister yet okay okay so I come over here and I'm like tommy who's that wait HA wait that could have been it haha okay wait hang on tommy who who's that hahahaha oh my god I am a voice actor your honour okay hahahaha okay yeah this is gonna be annoying for you to like find the right clip I guess it's not that annoying I mean we're only two minutes wait we're two minutes in right now two and a half minutes in to this recording okay well some there's some usable footage here maybe tommy who's that that was hahaha that was too like to- oh who's that you know it needs to be more casual more cas like tommy who's that that's too sassy but maybe I am sassy maybe I am sa- maybe I am okay maybe I am is that a problem tommy  who's that tommy who is that TOMMY WHO IS tHAt hahaha uh tommy who is that who is that who's that who who is that who is that heh tommy hey tommy um okay you have a sister and that was pretty good that was pretty good you have a sister that was a bit more enthusiastic YOU HAVE A SISTER okay obviously that one's not gonna be used but you have the option you have a sister you have a sister that was like the that was like the david dobrik you have a sister eeeheh you know like laughing like you have a you have aa sister hehehehe yeah you have a sister um am haha I really gonna send you this whole thing you know actually you know at this point I've made it such a bit that it's gonna be more difficult for me to go through this and cut stuff out so actually I am going to send it all to you um and I know you said ASAP but now you have to sit through four minutes of unusable um trash to find what you want so yeah um all right let's get this is all for two lines which is a total of eight words by the way five minute recording tommy who who is that tommy who's this you know you you're like limiting me with the phrasing because you want me to say tommy who is that but I feel like maybe I wouldn't say that like I just wouldn't say that tommy who is that that's not very georgenotfound I like tommy who's that maybe that was the one who's that heh tommy who's that tommy who's that see I would say who's instead of who is you fuc- clearly clearly you don't know me very well tommy and me providing you this full recording I'm hoping you will learn more about me you have a sister and like I don't know if I would really say that I would probably say it I'd I’d maybe say it in Spanish you know which obviously would be um (keybaord sounds)
um it would obviously be tienes una hemana you see I put the h H that's how you know I'm Spanish I don't know if they even do that I'm not sure but yeah one last thing who's that tommy tommy who's that was too quick I'm like trying to rush it now uh um tommy who's that who is that tommy tommy who is that you have a sister all right that's what you're getting
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shimmerystyles · 2 years
Mistletoe Makeup - Harry x Famous!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Harry have broken up just before the holidays. You decided that fighting over tabloids and rumours were just corrupting your relationship. Is there still a chance for a reunion before Christmas? Or are you destined for a holiday full of heartbreak.
word count: 3.9K
warnings: angst, arguing and swearing, accusations of cheating (if you blink you'll miss it), a happy ending (pinky promise (;)
You've been keeping yourself busy for days and days now as you had just broken up with your boyfriend, Harry a few weeks prior. He was your person, the one you did everything with as often as you could, so to go from having that outlet to losing it so quickly you tried your best to preoccupy yourself.
You turn the Christmas tree lights on to fill the once dark living room you were sitting in. As sad as you were, the holidays were your favourite time of year.
You've baked enough cookies to gift everyone and their nephews a few for the holidays, you've watched and rewatched Schitt's Creek three times and now, a fourth time.
"Why can't I have a love like David and Patrick, Ellie?" Your cat comes and sits next to you, purring into your lap. You smile and pet her head. "At least you love me, right baby?" She licks your hand once and nuzzles her head back into your lap.
You grab your phone with your free hand and turn it back on, your phone flooding with messages and missed calls you were meant to get back to but just never had the energy to.
One person remained missing from these messages.
You knew he was probably going through his own grief but it still hurt that he wasn't apart of the urgency of needing you like the rest of the people in your notifications.
You decide to call back your manager, Maria, seeing as she left dozens of messages for you.
"Y/N? Oh thank goodness you picked up. You have an event tonight, girl. I was nervous that I was gonna have to cancel on them."
You sigh. "Maria, I don't really feel up for an event tonight. I don't feel up for anything really."
"Y/N, I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't this important, honey. I've cancelled carpet appearances and rescheduled meetings for you, but this is an important event. I can't cancel this one."
"Great, I'm sorry honey. Your stylist and team will be up shortly. This is Columbia Records holiday gala. You'll be seated with friends and familiar faces so it'll be a nice environment for you."
You felt your stomach drop. "Is Harry gonna be there?"
Silence filled the other end of the line.
"He will be there, yes. Not seated at your table, to my knowledge. If that's the case, I will call the event immediately and have you moved."
You gulped and breathed out slowly. "I can do this." You say through the phone.
"That's my girl. See you later, honey." The line clicks and you throw your phone across the couch.
"Well, Ellie. So much for finding out if Ted and Alexis get back together." She meows at you and you scoff.
"I KNOW i've seen it three times and know what happens, but let me live okay?" She rubs up against your hand and you smile.
"You're lucky you're cute."
The team came upstairs almost immediately following the call. "Y/N!" They exclaimed, rolling their stuff inside. You wave and smile weakly and your MUA, Marty pulls you in for a hug. "We're gonna make you SO hot babe, don't you worry!"
You sit and take his hand in yours. "Don't worry, hun. We got you."
You close your eyes and let them work their magic. Curling your hair and pinning pieces back. Natural but sparkly makeup. The dress, a red off shoulder sparkly gown with a high slit.
"That gowns too beautiful for me. I don't think I would pull that off." You chuckle nervously.
"Are you KIDDING?" Your stylist, May exclaims.
"May, I'm serious!" You laugh some more at her reaction.
"Baby, you're drop dead GORGEOUS. The dress is wearing YOU." She motions you over to the bathroom to change.
She helps you slip into the dress and turns you to the mirror. "You. Look. PERFECT!" She squeals. You smile softly. You felt beautiful, the most beautiful you've felt in days.
"Thank you, guys. Let's get tonight over with." You flip hair over your shoulder and they laugh.
The driver parks in front of the red carpet and gets out to open the door for you. You breathe in and out nervously, anticipating the crowd of paparazzi screaming questions at you as you walk.
When the door opens, you hesitate for a moment but his hand extends in to help you.
"Thank you." He smiles and nods his head as you pick up one side of your dress to lift up onto the carpet. You're immediately rushed on and off you went, posing as if nothing was wrong.
The sounds of the paparazzi's were muffled and lights were blurry but you kept composed as you walked from marker to marker as they got their shots. You reached the end of the carpet and immediately sighed and dropped the smile.
Time to face the music.
You enter the venue and are greeted by trays of champagne. You grab a glass and make your way to the seating chart, looking for your name.
Table 3;
Y/N Y/L/N Chloe x Halle + 2 James Arthur + 1 Dove Cameron + 1
You froze as you looked at the table chart again.
Harry Styles + 1
You must've been the +1 that was added to his name but now you were independent on the list. That made you more nervous than ever. You took a couple deep breaths before you heard your name being called.
"Hey, girl! How are you?" You turn to see Dove reaching out to grab your hand. You extend it and she gives it a squeeze.
"I'm alright, Dove. How are you?" You smile weakly. She gives you a sincere look.
"I'm okay, girl. It's looking like you and I are at the same table, shall we?" She opens her arm to hook with yours and you take it.
As you enter the grand ballroom, you stand at the top of the staircase and everyone's gaze goes to you and Dove. You immediately turn your head to her and give her a confused look.
"What are they looking at, Dove?"
"Hun, they're looking at you." She rubs your hand with hers and you shake your head.
"A-are you sure?" you ask nervously. You look out into the crowd and see Harry, mouth open, in complete awe of you.
"Dove, I don't feel so well."
She gives you a nervous look. "Let's get you to the table okay?" She helps you walk down the stairs and to your assigned seats. You wave quickly to all your friends calling your name and throwing compliments out to you. When you reach your table, Dove helps you out.
"Hey guys, where are we seated?"
They gesture you to the seats on the other end of the table, away from Harry.
Thank goodness.
She walks you over to the other side and you both sit down.
"I'm sure it's because you haven't had anything substantial to eat. Hopefully they serve something better than that nasty pollock last year."
The table laughs, but you are too busy staring at Harry, who unfortunately, is staring right back. He breaks the gaze for a moment and you reach for your phone to keep yourself distracted. While scrolling Instagram, you get a text.
Harry: You look beautiful, Y/N/N.
You look up at him and he's still on his phone.
Y/N: No contact for weeks and this is the first thing you say to me?
Harry: I'm sorry, we broke up. I was pretty upset about everything.
Y/N: Even after our breakup, you didn't message me once. Not once.
Harry: That's the thing with breakups, Y/N. You end contact because the relationship you once had, was gone.
Y/N: Look at us, even after breaking up, we're still fighting.
Harry: I miss you.
You look up at him, his eyes pleading for you to say it back.
Y/N: Harry, you know I miss you.
Harry: Then what are we doing?
You sigh, feeling your eyes well up with tears. The first course is served and you take that excuse to drop the conversation you were having with your ex-boyfriend to take in the warm and spicy soup.
"This soup is so good." You say doing a little wiggle as you normally do when you like something and the table giggles at you.
"What?" You laugh back.
"It was cute, your wiggle when you like something, it's adorable." Harry says, everyone agreeing with him.
"Oh." You smile and continue to eat your soup, trying hard not to wiggle but you can't help it and Harry is mesmerized by you.
After all, you were the love of his life. It wasn't hard to see that.
"That chicken was the best food they've ever served here." Dove says patting her stomach. You giggle.
"Honestly, the soup was the best part. I may dance while I eat a lot of stuff, but not with that." You joke and the table laughs with you.
Harry, hands on his face, listening to you joke and laugh with the table. A small smile creeping up on his face.
You catch his gaze as someone starts another conversation and you smile softly at him. He tilts his head towards the dance floor and you look down at your phone.
Y/N: Harry. What's happening?
Harry: Come dance with me.
Y/N: Is that the best idea?
Harry: Just come dance.
You place your phone on the table and stand up, Harry following. You walk over to his side of the table and he takes your hand softly as you guide him to the dance floor. You wrap your arms around his neck as he places his hands on your waist.
"So... how've you been?" He asks and you roll your eyes.
"How do you think, H?"
He smiles.
"Miserable, like me."
You nod.
"How did we get here, love? How did we break each other's hearts?" He asks.
"You're a fucking idiot if you think I don't see the shit they're trying to pull over us." You spat at Harry as you walk away from him. He angrily follows you.
"And you're fucking crazy if you think a stupid tabloid would be true, Y/N. Never in my life have I EVER thought about cheating on you, seems like you're just insecure."
That stung.
"Fuck you, Styles. You're telling me you've NEVER been insecure either? How fucking dare you."
He scoffs. "Yeah, Y/N, I have. I see you with guys on carpets in interviews, hugging and them flirting with you. It hurts me too. But it’s not enough to drive you away from me. I feel like the second I'm seen with another woman, you grow cold and we argue and then this fucking happens."
"Oh so it's all my fucking fault then? I'm the one taking the pictures of you leaving clubs with "mystery" girls and sending them to these fucking paps?"
"I didn't say it was your fault. Jesus, Y/N, why are you acting like this?"
"You have NO idea what it's like to see these stories, made up or not, of you and girls I have no idea about "leaving parties together" or my favourite "canoodling in the back seat of an uber" like HOW am I supposed to take those pictures, Harry?"
He shakes his head. "Y/N, you're being ridiculous. You and I both know when we’re photographed with ANYONE how twisted the stories get. I love you, and only you. Fuck all the other girls I'm photographed with, fuck the paps. You're what matters."
"You just went against everything you just said. You insulted me, you made me feel like I was crazy for feeling anything about the situations I've seen you in and now you want to kiss up to me? No, not happening, Styles."
"And here you are, acting like the fucking hero and I'm the villain. Once again, you're the angel, Y/N. Congratulations." He claps sarcastically and you grumble in frustration.
“You know what? Maybe we need to break up."
The room fell silent. You both stare at eachother, chests breathing heavily after the screaming match you both just had and Harry shakes his head.
"Fine. We’re done."
Harry gathered his coat and hat and walked towards the door, slamming it. You felt your body give out on itself as you fell to the floor, tears falling as you loudly sob into your knees.
There went the love of your life, and your soul left with him.
"We've been bad for eachother, Harry." You say softly. You feel yourself lean your head into his chest, he brings your arms down to his waist as you hold him in a hug, he wraps his arms around your shoulders. "We're also good for eachother, Y/N/N. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." He places a soft kiss on the top of your head before swaying back and forth with you.
You lift your head up and both turn to a woman, hands on hips and Harry looks flustered.
"May I cut in?" She says in an annoyed tone.
"Of course, my apologies ma'am." You let go of Harry and immediately you feel cold. Your warmth was gone. "Y/N-"
"I'll see you later, H."
You walk towards the table and take your seat back with Dove. "Let me guess, ex problems?"
You nod. "We broke up not even a month ago and he already has a new girl. He just fed me more lies" Your voice cracking.
"Oh, honey. She's nowhere near the woman you are. You're exquisite. Trust me, he'll see what he's doing."
You stare at them dancing and talking, your face tensing up. You decide you've seen enough.
"I'm going to get some air." You stand up.
"Want me to come, girl? I'll leave my date here! He's more interested in James anyways." She giggles.
"I'm okay, I just need a few alone. Thank you for everything." You take her hand and squeeze.
"Take your time, girl." She smiles warmly before turning back to the table's conversation.
You make your way towards the exit, maneuvering your way through tables and towards the staircase.
"Harry, this has to be believable." Erica says nonchalantly as they dance.
"Maybe I don't want this." He tries to look over at you, but you're not in your seat. "This was the labels idea, Harry. We can't make that choice."
Harry looks up towards the staircase and takes matters into his own hands.
"I gotta go, Erica." She stops him. "Go where?"
"To follow my heart, she's not getting away this time."
Except this time, Y/N got away... again.
You had already gotten into your town car and had the driver bring you home.
Harry ran a hand through his hair and frustratedly stomped back into the venue. "Fuck" He muttered under his breath.
'But don't you worry, Mr. Styles. There's still one more chance to get Y/N back... patience is a virtue.'
As you walk inside your apartment, Ellie prances to you immediately, meowing away as she tries to rub against the sparkly gown you're in. "Sorry, baby. Let me go change."
You quickly change into this, and walk back to Ellie who greets you once again, this time purring because she's not rubbing against sequins. "Sorry, my girl. I know that must've been painful." You pick her up and carry you with her to the couch.
"Well, my love, it's you and me tonight... how do you feel about Elf this time?"
She gets comfy in your lap and you smile. "Alright, let's watch"
You hear your phone ring and you pick it up to see Harry calling. You let it go to voicemail and turn your phone off.
'Y/N, Y/N, don't you know that your gift can only come when you least expect it? Stop being stubborn and listen to the messages being sent your way!'
Christmas came quickly. Holiday dinner after holiday dinner, you forced smiles through them all as you mingled with your family when you'd rather be wrapped up in a blanket, eating your many, MANY cookies and wallowing by yourself. But here you were, in your nice clothes at your parent's house with your brother, parents and grandparents. At least you weren't alone on Christmas eve.
"Y/N, you okay?" You looked over and your brother, Charlie, looked concerned. You simply nodded. "Yeah, sorry. I'm not in a big celebrating mood." He rubs his hand on your back. "Sorry, kiddo. Hopefully the feeling changes soon. I know how much you love Christmas." he shoots you a small smile and you reciprocate it. "Thanks."
You stare down at your phone, the lock screen of you and Harry from your 6 month anniversary. You smile weakly at the photo, trying your best to hide tears. A text pops up and you open it immediately.
Harry: C'mon, Y/N. Please talk to me. I'm going crazy over here.
Y/N: What is there to say, H? Clearly you moved on, I need to do the same.
Harry: You've got it all wrong. Please.
Y/N: I'm tired of fighting, Harry.
Harry: I am too, please let me explain this and I promise I won't bother you if you don't want to hear me out.
You sigh and excuse yourself from the dinner table and walk into the nearby guest room.
"You've got 2 minutes, Styles." You cross your arm and start pacing around the room.
"Okay. Erica was the girl who cut in between us at the dinner. Management had her come so it wouldn't look weird of me to show up alone to the gala. I wanted to come alone, but, it wasn't my choice. She was only doing her part in all of this because her career was just starting and she really wanted to kickstart it. What better than to be seen canoodling with Harry Styles. I didn't want this, Y/N. Please believe me."
"Harry. This was exactly like the last time. Girls I don't even know being seen with you and twisting tabloids around, making themselves and you look like the "New Couple of the Year" while I sit at home wondering what's fake and what's real. I don't want to do this anymore."
"Neither do I, Y/N. I only want you. To be around you, photographed with you, going places with you. I don't want these tabloids, but sometimes they're unavoidable. I try my very best to keep to myself but one bad picture can change anyone's POV and create a story. Please, Y/N. I don't want anything else"
"I-I'm sorry Harry-"
"No. I'm not losing you this time."
"That's not your choice to make, Harry. Like you said, this isn't our decision."
"Y/N. Please. Don't give up on us."
"Have a good Christmas, Harry." Your voice cracks as you hang up the phone.
You take a minute to compose yourself and walk back out to the dinner table. You take your seat and Charlie notices your sadness right away. He takes your hand and you bite your lips to hold back tears. You nod frantically and he catches on right away. "You're a strong woman, Y/N. You can cry. It's okay."
You sigh and wipe your eyes. "Thank goodness I didn't wear any eye makeup." You giggle and he smiles.
"Even when you're sad, you find a way to lighten up the mood."
You smile weakly. "That's me."
"Well, kids. I think the turkey isn't going to eat itself." Your mom walks in with the last of the trays.
"Alright, let's eat everyone!" Your mom starts passing dishes around when you hear a knock at the door. Charlie gets up to answer it. You scoop some mashed potatoes on your plate and pass it over to your dad, wiggling in excitement over the food.
"Uhhh, Y/N?" Charlie peeks his head back in. "Hmm?" You say pouring gravy. "Harry's here."
You almost drop the gravy on yourself and everyone stares at you. "S-sorry, i'm coming."
You smooth your dress out and walk over to Charlie. "If you need me, come grab me." You nod and he taps your shoulder as you walk into the doorway and see Harry in a beanie, big puffy jacket and snow covering his exposed curls.
"Harry, what in the world are you doing here?"
"I told you, Y/N. I'm not losing you this time. We're going to talk."
You let him in as you see him shivering and he sighs a relief when he feels the warmth hit his face.
"Thought I was gonna freeze, I forgot how cold it gets in New York." He chuckles.
"You can hang your jacket. I'll be right back." You say as you walk over to the dining room. "I'll be just a moment, guys." Your family all nods and continues eating as you walk back to Harry, now showing his big Christmas sweater and black pants. He looked cute.
"Come." You guide him to the living room, and slide the sliding door closed so you had some privacy. "Y/N..."
"You crashing my families Christmas eve dinner wasn't on my list of things I was expecting, Styles." You crossed your arms.
"Y/N/N, just hear me out." You stop and sit across from him.
"I'm listening."
"Okay. I talked to management. I've made myself very clear what I want and what I want, is you."
You unfold your arms as he continues.
"I can't control what paparazzi's say, or tabloids, but I can avoid those things. You mean everything to me and I'll do anything to make sure you're mine forever."
You smile softly. “Okay.” You manage to get out.
“Okay?” His eyes lighten up at your acceptance.
You get up and walk over to sit with him. You stick out your pinky and he looks at you with furrowed brows.
"I want to make a promise to each other. If we see something that bothers us, we talk to each other. We communicate our feelings. We be honest and kind. Pinky promise?"
He wraps his pinky around yours. "Pinky promise."
You stand up. “Also, Ellie’s pretty upset with you so she’ll need her own apology” You look off to hold back your laughter and he chuckles.
“Of course, can’t have my darlings mad at me, can I?”
You smilie and hold your hand out to him. He gets up and you smirk.
"What?" He wraps his hands around your waist. You look up and he looks with you.
"Mistletoe... pretty convenient, don't you think?" You say wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Hmmm, i'd say so." He leans in and kisses you softly and you smile in the kiss.
"I love you, H."
"I love you, more. Y/N/N."
You kiss him one more time before grabbing his hand.
"Want to stay for dinner? My mom makes enough food to feed 20 for the 8 of us." He chuckles.
"Of course, I'd love to gas up your mom's cooking." You laugh and take him into the dining room, everyone warmly greeting him as he sits down with your family.
Christmas music plays in the background as you and your family help Harry make a plate. You smile at your family and then at Harry, your heart warm once again.
Now this was the Christmas gift you were hoping for.
Another one down! Holiday!Harry is truly my favourite to write about. That and angsty harry idk whyyyy hahahhaah. i hope you guys enjoy! I have 3 more in my drafts so lets hope I can edit them well enough to post for ficmas! I’m trying my best to write something smutty but i’m not very good at it hehe my next one is gonna be a sad ended one because not EVERY story can have a happy ending, right? hehe okay i hope you guys like it!
love you all<3
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Saul silva x teen!reader - what I wouldn’t do to make you better
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Part three:
Eventually Jess and David decided to call Sky and tell him about your condition so he knew, but with Saul being imprisoned they couldn’t tell him.
You were kept in the OR all night, there was barely any new updates for the nurse to give them, not until they brought you back through that morning.
“(Y/N)!” The two called.
They rushed by your side and looked at you, holding your hand in theirs.
“One of the nearby hospitals had a match for them, the surgery was successful, but it will be a long recovery process. And right now we’re still in the stage of trying to find out if (Y/N)s body will accept their new heart or not.” The doctor said.
“Accept it or not?” David asked.
The doctor sighed.
“It’s strange, usually if the body is going to reject the new organ it does it right away. (Y/N)s seems to be on the verge of accepting or rejecting, stuck between.”
The doctor carried on exposing to things to them, and explained the only thing they could do for you now is keep monitoring your progress.
And even as time slowly went by, there wasn’t much of it.
When Saul managed to escape with the help of Bloom and her friends, Sky was on the phone to her while she tried getting him to talk to Saul.
“Bloom tell him something for me.” Sky said.
“What is it?”
Sky sighed a little bit.
“Tell him.. tell him to find (Y/N).”
With that, Sky hung up and Bloom looked at her phone in confusion and she turned to Sebastian and Saul.
Saul was wrapped in the blanket Sky forced them to bring with them, and she put her phone back in his pocket.
“Bloom?” Sebastian asked.
“He told Saul to find (Y/N).”
Immediately Saul’s head shot up.
“What’s wrong with them?”
“I.. I don’t know that’s all he said.”
“I need to go, now. Drive me to the border.”
“You can’t! Not in your state, not while they’re looking for you.” Sebastian said.
“I don’t care, I have to go. Now.”
Sebastian looked at Saul and sighed heavily.
“Wait an hour. Let me get some things ready.”
So they did, they waiting an hour while Sebastian and Bloom gathered food, water, some clothes, some weapons they could find.
Literally anything they could find in order to help him the best they could.
“Oh, here.”
Bloom reached into her pocket and handed Saul his phone back.
“Do you even know where they are?”
“I know where they should be.”
Bloom nodded and Saul hid in the back of the car as she drove to the edge of the barrier which connected them to the other world.
Saul got out, throwing his bag over his shoulder and he looked at her.
“Thank you.”
“I hope they’re okay.”
Saul nodded his head, nervously looking around.
“So do I…” he whispered.
He thanked her again and walked past the barrier. He was a mess, he hadn’t showered, he probably looked like he’s just crawled out of a hole.
But he didn’t care.
He knew Sky wouldn’t tell him to go find out without a reason, so he had to go and find you, even if it meant walking across the other world to get there.
He tried calling Jess and David, but his phone wouldn’t get signal, he had no clue where he was, no map, no clue, so he just wondered aimless in a random direction.
Months had passed, and the most Jess and David knew about your condition was that your body seemed to have accepted the new heart.
You were stable, but they still couldn’t take you from the machines, not yet, so they kept you hooked up to them and still monitored your condition closely.
They did everything they could, they talked to you, sat with you, brought all your stuff to your hospital room.
Anything to try and make the situation better.
Saul hitchhiked, ran, walk, fell, swam, tripped, got lost, found his way again.
He kept going until he was in the city you were supposed to be in, and he ran to the nearest coffee shop, getting weird looks from everyone.
“I.. I need to charge my phone…” he whispered.
“Yeah Uhm.. here we can do that. Do you want a drink?” The young man asked.
Saul nodded his head and the man brought over some water which he quickly downed.
Saul had lost everything aside from his phone, charger, your necklace and your blanket which was around his shoulders.
Saul sat down at a table and ran a hand down his face.
“Here, I thought maybe you’d be hungry.”
The man set a plate down and sat in front of him with a plate of his own.
“I don’t have any money on me.”
“That’s fine. You look like you’ve been through hell bro.”
Saul smiled a little.
“You’ve no idea. Thank you.”
The man nodded and gestured to the blanket.
“What’s with the cape?”
“It’s my kids.”
The man nodded.
“You know where your kid is now?”
“Wouldn’t be here if I did.”
The man nodded once more and stood up, he disappeared for a few moments before coming back with Saul’s phone and charger.
He handed them both over and Saul looked through his messages, finally finding one which said where you were.
Saul stood up.
“Thank you for everything.”
With that he ran out of the coffee shop and started to run down the streets.
He knew where he was going, he had been to this hospital once before, but that memory was burned into his brain.
He ran towards the large building, and he stopped when he saw the familiar solaria cars outside.
“No… no!”
He ran inside, rushing straight to the reception he showed the woman his lock screen.
“I’m looking for this person. (Y/N) Silva.”
“Oh, some more family?” She smiled.
“Oh yeah we’ve just had some people come in. Here.”
She handed him the room you were in and he ran through the hospital hallways, but it seemed like no matter how fast he ran everything was in slow motion.
Jess and David where being held back by two soldiers as Rosalind and Andreas stood next to your bed.
“He’s not going to come here.” Andreas said.
“Don’t be so sure. He left Solaria, this is the only place Saul is going to come to.” Rosalind mused.
There was a thud at the door and she turned around with a small smirk.
“I told you.”
Saul stepped in, gasping for air, he pointed at her.
“Don’t you dare touch them…” he growled.
“Okay then. You’re coming back with us.”
Saul shook his head.
“You have no authority here.”
Rosalind nodded her head.
“Maybe not, but I do have control over whether or not I pull out this wire.”
She reached down towards the socket in the wall and gripped the plug.
“Rosalind!” Andreas yelled.
“Either he comes willingly or we force him.”
Saul looked between you and Rosalind, clenching his jaw.
“Fine. Okay. Okay… just.. just let me say goodbye… please…?”
Rosalind stepped aside and Saul walked over, taking the blanket from around his shoulders he draped it over you.
Then he took your necklace off, and he gently lifted your head, putting it around your neck and slowly lowered your head again.
He looked at you, how pale you seemed.
He turned to look and Jess and David.
“What happened…?”
They looked to Rosalind, and she raised her hand, the two soldiers releasing them.
They explained everything to him, and he sighed, ducking under the wires he laid next to you, running his fingers through your hair.
“You promised me you were going to keep fighting…” he whispered.
Saul placed his head on your shoulder, fighting with his emotions.
“I know it’s tiring…” he whispered.
He took a small breath.
“If you want to stop fighting… you can…”
His voice cracked, and everyone moved to one side of the room to give him some space.
“You don’t have to fight anymore… I’m here (Y/N)…”
His tears soaked your shoulder, because he couldn’t even begin to imagine what pain you must have felt, what pain you must’ve been in.
He asked you to keep fighting, and you did, but he couldn’t let you keep going like this, he knew what you wanted.
And a life on machines wasn’t that.
So even if it hurt him, he was ready to let you go, let you move on so you wouldn’t be in pain anymore, because he knew your mum was close, and she would watch over you just like he’d done.
“You can go…” he whispered.
Saul leant up, kissing the side of your head.
“I love you.”
The room went silent, aside from the beep of the machines, it was steady at first, then followed by one long constant beeps.
Alarms went off, and nurses rushed in and Saul shook his head.
“Don’t… please…”
They stepped back, but one of them turned the alarms off, and the volume to the heart monitor.
Tears streamed down Saul’s face as he pulled you against him, resting his head over yours.
“You did so well…” he whispered.
Rosalind stepped forward.
“Let’s go.”
Saul shook his head.
“Give him a minute Rosalind please.” Andreas said.
“He’s had a minute.”
“He’s just lost his child! Give him time!” David snapped.
The nurses urged everyone out of the room but Saul, and they left him laying there, holding you.
They took the tubes out of you, all the wires but a few, announced your time of death and they left him alone.
Rosalind was growing impatient, and she stormed back into the room.
“You’re done. Let’s go.”
Saul didn’t moved and she sighed.
“Fine. We’ll do this the hard way.”
Her eyes glowed and Saul suddenly found himself unable to breathe, he stood up to try and catch his breath as one of the soldiers grabbed his arm.
They began pulling him away, but stopped and Rosalind let Saul breathe.
“Well, take him then.”
“We cant.”
“Why not?!”
Saul looked down, your fingers grasping his hand in a white knuckle grip.
Your eyes were still closed, and he slowly moved his eyes to the heart monitor that was still connected to it.
It was tracking your heart that was now beating strongly.
Yet you weren’t actually awake.
“Oh fuck…” Andreas whispered.
“Well grab him!”
Andreas walked over but when he tried to reach Saul, he found himself unable to move, like he was frozen, and he looked down at his feet, ice crawling up his legs, the same with the soldiers.
Jess and David came in, and they stood next to you, nothing happening to them.
“What are you doing?!” Rosalind hissed at them.
“This isn’t us. We’re not magic like you.” Jess said
Rosalind tried to step forward, but she was frozen in place as well, and no matter how many times she tried to break it, it came back faster than before.
She looked at you, finding your other hand pointed in her direction.
“It’s the kid…” a soldier whispered.
Saul had his eyes glued to you, still unresponsive, but his hand still gripped tightly in yours.
“Rosalind they’re going to kill us if we stay here.” Andreas said.
She growled a little, and focused her stared on you, trying to use her magic, but she found it useless, like there was something protecting you.
Kicking the ice from her feel, she looked at Saul.
“This isn’t over.” She sneered.
They all left, and Saul immediately turned to look at you while Jess and David went to find a nurse or a doctor.
He gripped your hand back just as tightly in both of his, and tears fell down his face.
“(Y/N)…?” He whispered.
He looked at the heart monitor that was still going strong, and looked back down at you, and he slowly fell to his knees as he cried.
He didn’t know what happened, one minute you had passed, you were gone. Now you were back, stronger than ever before, and he had no answers as to why.
But he needed to know if you were going to wake up, if there was ever going to be a chance of you actually waking up even if it was a slim one
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thealleydog · 1 year
Guest starring @wint3r-h3art ~! 💖💖💖
This is chisme. Gossip. Personal life stuff. But I am, still, very much unemployed.
This wasn't on my 2023 bingo card. I didn't know this was gonna happen when I ate those grapes under the table of a New York dive bar. But sometimes you gotta get your heart broke before you can shake some shit up.
My mentor and close friend owns the tattoo shop we work(ed) at. He taught us how to tattoo on top of some real-life lessons. And if people were to ask me, I'll always credit him for getting me to where I am now. But this bitch is a severely traumatized, unmedicated bipolar who ends up taking it out on the people closest to him. Amazing man who wants to be a good person to his people. But - untreated and refuses therapy.
And while he can be a good man, he will put your ass THROUGH IT. I'm telling you, my homie, Fabian, and I literally had almost quit our apprenticeships because we were helping him build that shop, and it was STRESSFUL. But it made us tough. Instead, I settled for a full mental breakdown along the shore and stared at the lake for an hour or so.
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(Side note, why does crying clear up the face and make you look beautiful??? That's no makeup right there?!?!)
We two and our other homie, Primo, have been there for the beginning. I'm talking as soon as quarantine was lifted enough that shops in the city were allowed to reopen and could cut our hair again. (I got a shaggy mullet.) So that's three years of our lives to give to this shop and him. Everyone else that came in and was with us to the end are literally amazing people. Like the social circle we had there was something we don't wanna let go of. And he was almost like our dad in a way.
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Anyways! So this summer hasn't been the best and in an effort to get new blood and clients into the shop, four of us decided to work a booth at Anime Magic and represent the shop. There was a whole row just for tattoo artists and we knew a handful of them from other shops. (The community is surprisingly small.) We spent about a month worrying and preparing and buying supplies. It's mine and Mari's first con, but Fabian and David knew what to do and we passed inspection.
All's good, right? I'm excited. I booked @wint3r-h3art and her husband! They came all the way from Boston to get stabbed by me. (Which oh my god I'm still humbled someone would do that!)
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So I'm tattooing my first internet friend I get to meet in real life...
Then Mari stopped tattooing and showed me the mass text we got from him.
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My heart fell into my ass and I felt the world crumble. It was so embarrassing. Had to pull up my big girl panties and knock out these tattoos though. I ain't no punk.
At the end of the night, Fabian and I try to call him, trying to see where his headspace is at and if he's okay. He didn't answer at first, but he called back. I didn't say anything because I was sitting all quiet, full of disappointment and crying a bit. Fabian tried to tell him we are here for him and we love him - only for him to hang up on us.
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So we head to the shop to check on every still there. The mood is just...
Everyone is heart broken and disappointed and scared even. But the kicker is the lady who does the office paperwork felt safe enough to tell us how he was acting lately. How he'd talk shit about us and vent his frustrations to her. But he'd act more than okay with us. Even when we would talk to him, he never showed his feelings about anything he vented to her. His mental health was definitely getting worst and with four of us at the convention, all he wanted was for something to go wrong that Friday.
And it did. One of the artists has to go back to her home country for surgery because of a numbness that has been bothering her for three years. She told us she was gonna put her two weeks in and work a little at other places until she had to leave. So when she holds his hands and begins to tell him "I have to leave -"
"Okay then go. Pack your stuff immediately."
Didn't give her a chance to explain or talk even when she begged him to listen. Had to pack her stuff into garbage bags.
Then he sent that massive text that morning we were at the convention.
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Mind you, we are a crew of nine people, including two baby apprentices. We think we ain't got jobs. I was able to not think about it the rest of the night because Linda and her hubs were so awesome, and I got to eat and drink something for the first time since 8 or 9 am. (But for real, you guys are the highlight of my story so far!) Anxiety? Betrayal? The streets??? On an empty stomach, good Lord. ⚰️
Day 2 and Day 3 go by. We're still tattooing. But now people are starting to ask questions. So we tell them our situation. It's like blood in the water.
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"Come work with us!"
"We got spots!"
"You should come by and talk to the owner of our shop."
Apparently our shop has a GOOD reputation. And all the artists do good work so people want us to work for them.
The now Refuge Gang decided on Sunday night to go to shop and just clean out our equipment, which would leave the owner with a very empty shop on Monday. We just didn't want to deal with him anymore considering he was being very manic with his texting and how he was responding to people in the shop. Gave no illusion that he would change his mind.
That night I felt empty and lost. I felt terrible about that this had to happen with him. He really saved me by teaching me. But this was abusive. With a heavy heart, I was the last to leave my key in the office. Wasn't expecting to cry.
We ended the night with Korean BBQ, plum wine, and several shots of shochu.
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I think everything is gonna be alright. He tried to call me twice during this whole thing. But I ignored it because I'm not going back and I need space from him for a long time. Still love him, but that was something I won't tolerate anymore is people abusing me in any shape or form. Even cherished friends.
I have a job lined up not too far from my place and I'll be apprenticing one of the babies from the old shop as part of the deal! Even though she's like my age, but Dani's awesome as fuck. Gotta step my pussy up and guide her and myself on this wild unknown road!
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Fingers crossed I just need to meet the boss this Friday to iron out the details. But this one is set up where I could actually... have a life. I can be an artist again. A real, piece of shit, beautifully grotesque, smut artist that I've been! (Check out my Instagram and scroll down, you'll see what I mean.) The Refuge Gang have started a group chat to support and look out for each other. We're making sure everyone will be working again and stable. Someone us even got into some real Chicago staple shops! I'm proud of all these talented hoes.
AND and, HOPEFULLY, because we liked each other so much and we're all incredibly talented - Fabian has spearheaded an idea and is in the works of starting an artist collective! Working on getting funding, investors, a building, THE WORKS. That way we can be artists AND tattoo artists. We'll be our own bosses. If everything goes well, we should have everything organized by the spring. It takes fucking forever for shit to happen in Chicago, but we'll be having meetings to talk and work together on this project.
TLDR: My homie got me and the Refuge Gang fucked up but we're wily. Tattooing isn't for punk bitches.
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NITA STRAUSS Announces Second Solo Album, 'The Call Of The Void'
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ALICE COOPER guitarist Nita Strauss will release her sophomore solo album, "The Call Of The Void", on July 7 via Sumerian Records. The LP's latest single, "The Golden Trail", featuring a guest appearance by IN FLAMES vocalist Anders Fridén, can be streamed below.
Regarding the album's title, Strauss shared: "Have you ever been at the top of a high building and had the fleeting thought, '… I could jump right now?' This feeling is sometimes called 'The Call Of The Void,' also known as 'high place phenomenon.' It's not a suicidal impulse, rather the exact opposite — a subconscious decision to live your life, to step back from the ledge, and take control. As researcher April Smith aptly put it: 'An urge to jump affirms the urge to live.'
"I wanted the follow-up to 'Controlled Chaos' to be exciting, new, and fresh, to take listeners to a new place and take myself somewhere new as an artist too. We have some amazing collaborations on this album with incredible musicians, as well as the instrumental guitar music that first inspired me to play.
"Some pieces of music come into the world gracefully and easily. This album is not one of them! 'The Call Of The Void' was born kicking and screaming, a labor of love for sure, but also of blood, sweat and plenty of tears. I couldn't be more proud of the end result. Making this album helped me learn and grow so much as a musician and songwriter and I'm excited to finally unleash it on the world."
On the collaboration with Fridén, Strauss said: "When I was first learning how to play guitar, IN FLAMES were my BEATLES, my first favorite band. Anders's iconic vocal style is burned into my mind! To write a song like this and have him sing on it, as a kid who grew up with IN FLAMES posters on my walls, is an absolute dream come true."
"It was a lot of fun to collaborate with Nita on 'The Golden Trail'," added Fridén. "She's an amazing guitar player and I can hear the history of metal flowing through her fingers."
"The Golden Trail" is the fourth song Nita has released featuring a star guest vocalist, the first being the enormously successful "Dead Inside" which featured guest vocals from DISTURBED's David Draiman and saw Nita become the first-ever solo female to have a No. 1 hit at Active Rock radio. She also returned to her instrumental roots last year with the release of single "Summer Storm", a fast-paced, emotive shred-fest. In October 2022, Nita dropped "The Wolf You Feed", an epic headbanger of a track featuring the insane vocal talent of Alissa White-Gluz of ARCH ENEMY. This past March, Strauss released "Winner Takes All", featuring a guest appearance by Alice Cooper.
Back in February 2022, Nita told SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk" about her upcoming LP: "It's gonna be half and half — six tracks with vocalists and six tracks of instrumental [music]. We've been doing ['Dead Inside'] live on the solo tour and it's been getting a super-good reaction from our crowds."
In early December 2022, Nita told "The Mistress Carrie Podcast" about her decision to make the upcoming LP half vocal songs and half instrumental: "I did feel, and the label and everybody agreed, it's still important for me to keep my identity as a guitar player and not just branch off too much and go, 'Okay, well, now it's just guests.' Let me still have a little of what makes me me, which is the instrumental shred stuff. And the instrumental pieces that I've written on this record are, I think, better than anything I did on the first one — definitely more… I don't know if it could be more emotional but they're very emotional pieces of music and I think a little better crafted this time around. So I think all the songs in general are more well thought out, better put together this time around. And I do have some of my absolute favorite [singers guesting on it]. I have three amazing powerhouse female vocalists on this album so far."
Nita released 2018's "Controlled Chaos" to mass acclaim from fans and media alike, with Metal Injection calling it "a great debut that — as its creator intended — leaves no doubt", and Guitar World stating "'Controlled Chaos' is a panoramic view of Nita Strauss's many strengths".
In March, it was announced that Nita would return to Alice's band for his 2023 tour.
The Alice Cooper North American tour, with an all-new show dubbed "Too Close For Comfort", kicked off in late April in Michigan and will continue through late September, including a handful of August stadium shows with DEF LEPPARD and MÖTLEY CRÜE, followed by a co-headlining late summer "Freaks On Parade" tour with Rob Zombie.
Nita spent eight years playing with Alice before joining Demi Lovato's band last summer,
Strauss played her first full live show with Demi in August 2022 at the Grandstand at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield, Illinois.
Nita made her live debut with Demi in July 2022 with a performance of "Substance" on ABC's Emmy Award-winning late-night show "Jimmy Kimmel Live!".
Strauss had been playing with Cooper since 2014 when she replaced Australian musician and former Michael Jackson player Orianthi. She joined Alice in time for a mammoth MÖTLEY CRÜE tour. She was recommended to Cooper by the legendary rocker's former bass player and WINGER frontman Kip Winger.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
(if you're still taking these)
Vanessa and Gregory?
💛 (Yellow heart) for a familial ship!
Hm okay so I don't really do stuff with Gregory much so bare with me on this one
I'm not sure they'd fit into any sort of traditional family roles like "mother and son" or "siblings" or anything. Neither of those feel right. That doesn't mean they can't be close though! They have their own unique bond!
Their friendship is probably heavily based on their mutual animatronic friends. That's no doubt where that started. I mean if we're post SB, Vanessa absolutely doesn't trust herself near him and he absolutely doesn't trust her, so their relationship has to be built up from a distance. Every time Vanessa is involved in the group, they get ever so slightly closer, gradually building that bridge through small moments, short conversations and the occasional laugh at someone else's expense. It build up from there, the moments getting longer, the conversations more complex, and the jokes more frequent until eventually they can hang out on their own together.
Vanessa cares a lot about him and would go out of her way if need be to help him or to get him anything he wants within reason and Gregory will steal and make things for her in return. They never expected to get particularly attached to each other, but now whenever Vanessa gets in the shit for some shenanigan that happened during her shift, Gregory is unexpectedly mad and whenever Gregory is in trouble with any other kids, Vanessa is unexpectedly just as mad about it. Like they'd grown to be decent enough friends with eachother that they actually give way more of a shit about each others feelings than they did before, which isn't saying much for Greg since he started off not giving a shit at all.
But more importantly, Vanessa is Gregory's link to the outside world. Gregory returning to school? Vanessa makes it happen. Gregory wants to hang out with some friends? Vanessa makes sure he can get back okay. There's a local youth club doing some fun stuff in the week? Vanessa gets him over there. At first, he wasn't so appreciative of suddenly being pulled into some sort of 'normal' routine but once things start to settle, he actually much prefers this to what he had before where it was just "whatever happens happens" every day. It's nice to know what to expect and the animatronics and constant daily buzz of the Plex can be a bit much sometimes so it's nice to get away from that too. She's also his best bet at a consistent meal that isn't just whatever shit Chica decided would be fun to eat today. Pizza every day is probably not good for him, especially if it's Fazbear quality.
They'd probably have fun at the various Plex attractions and playing this game Vanessa came up with when she was bored in her first week on the job where she watches the animatronics and commentates like it's a nature documentary. They have fun with that one for sure. Just "And here we see... Roxanne Wolf in her natural habitat... in some randomass box in the middle of the corridor." and "Ah yes. The Moon. Also known as the FuckFaced Bat." in terrible David Attenborough voices. The best things these two can do together though, are the things not at the Plex. Vanessa took him to the beach once and they got stranded when the tide came in whilst they were looking at rock pools and had to frantically call a coastguard to come and save them. They brought seashells back for everyone of course!
They could have a real wholesome thing going on here! They love each other like family, and don't need to categorise it any more than that. They're great!
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crazedlunatic · 2 years
Anemia Part 1
“Blaine, you’ve got to get up.  You’re going to be late for work.”
Blaine whimpered and pulled his blanket over his head.
“I’ve tried to tell you a couple of times but I’m going to have to leave soon, babe.” Kurt pulled the blanket back again and then gasped. “Are you okay?”
“I couldn’t sleep.” Blaine said, his voice scratchy. “My head is killing me. I’m freezing. My throat hurts. Really everything hurts. I tried to get up to pee earlier and got dizzy.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Kurt put his head on Blaine’s forehead and his eyes widened in shock. “I’ll be back when I find a thermometer.”
Blaine went to cover his head with his blanket when he heard a faint, “Dadaaaa.” He struggled to sit himself up as both Nick and Zach toddled in.
Nick let out an excited “DADA DADA DADA!” as he tried to climb up to where Blaine was.
Then Blaine heard Sophie starting to cry from her crib. He pushed himself up into a sitting position and then bent over and threw up into the bedside garbage can.
“Nick, Zach, come here!” Kurt called. “Dada doesn’t feel good.”
Zach poked Blaine’s too-rosy cheek and giggled. Nick then giggled too and ruffled Blaine’s curls—both he and Zach’s new favorite hobby after having seen Grampa doing it a few days before. Which secretly didn’t bother Blaine as much as he acted like it did.
When Kurt made it back into the room he couldn’t help but laugh a bit at how pitiful Blaine looked compared to the boys’ gleeful giggles.
“Help.” Blaine rasped as his work cellphone rang. The only person he knew that called the work cellphone this early would have been one of the four ‘bosses’—Tammy Jo, Ryan, Jake, or Bob. Even though Jake still technically wasn’t a manager or boss. That was beside the point.
Kurt rushed back in and answered Blaine’s work phone. “Hey, Bob. He’s sick and slept in… No, he was fine last night. I’m not really sure… Honestly, I don’t know if I’d trust him to drive to the doctor’s office.”
Blaine leaned off of the bed and threw up all over the floor with zero warning.
“Shit, I’ve got to go.” Kurt hung up on Bob and helped Blaine get back on the bed properly since he seemed to be having issues.
“What’s wrong with me?” Blaine whimpered. “I was fine last night.”
“I don’t know but I’m going to see if Carole can watch the boys.” Kurt said as Nick sat on Blaine’s chest. “Hey, Dad. I need to take Blaine to the hospital. Can you and Carole—”
“We’ll be right over.” Burt said before hanging up.
“My heart feels weird too.” Blaine took a deep breath as Kurt went to the changing table and began to replace Zach’s diaper. “The last time I ended up in the hospital minus when I punched my dad, I almost died and they drilled a hole in my head.”
“Oh God.” Kurt looked horrified and said, “Please doesn’t put that stuff out into the atmosphere.”
“What’s going on?” Bob plopped in a waiting chair next to Kurt. “Sorry. The text didn’t go through until I was already in court. I got through it as quick as I could.”
“I’m not sure. They’re doing tests.” Kurt sighed. “David is with him. He had been texting me every so often but I… I don’t know. Nobody’s told me anything.”
“I’m sure he’ll be okay. He seemed fine up until yesterday. I should have stopped by to check on him this morning, though. The one time he actually uses that garage that you have piled high with boxes.” Bob checked his watch and then made eye contact with Kurt. “Sarah’s been down, right?”
“No. Her assistant has been.” Kurt bit his lip. “Would Sarah know what’s going on?”
“Even if she knew, she wouldn’t legally be allowed to say anything.” Bob sighed.
“Even with him being your legal son now?”
“She’s a rule stickler when it comes to work.” Bob rolled his eyes.
“Did his case get covered?”
“No. I had it banked due to a health emergency.”
They both looked up when not David but Eric walked out in scrubs. “Hey, he’s asleep but—wait. Would Blaine care if you’re here for this?”
“It’s fine. He’s Blaine’s legal father now.” Kurt said. “Is he okay?”
“Okay…” Eric said, tone pretty urgent. “Both of you level with me, here. How’s he been? Kurt, how much sleep are you all getting? Most importantly him. Also how has eating been going? Are you both getting breaks?”
“What… is going on?” Bob asked, confused.
“He’s Anemic. I’m not talking feeling a little tired. I’m talking you’d think he’d barely had sleep in four months Anemic.”
“Wait, what?” Kurt asked, eyes widening.
“Another three or four weeks of this, he could end up needing blood transfusions. My suspicion is he didn’t even know what his body was trying to tell him because he’s that exhausted.” Eric continued and looked at Bob. “Great on being the legal guardian but you may want to cut him a little slack at work.”
Bob looked surprised. “What?”
“Most people take two to three months to bounce back.” Eric continued, more talking to Kurt now. “I’m going to take a look at his anxiety and depression medicine to see if I can mess with stuff there but this is pretty severe.”
“Can we see him?” Bob asked.
“You can but you all need to get this in check. I get it. Being a parent to twins must be super difficult. But if Blaine or you, Kurt, aren’t operating well the twins will suffer. There has to be work-life balance here. And if there’s something else going on, we need to figure out how to help him. This isn’t good. People can die from anemia if it goes too long.”
“Wait.” Bob cut him off. “You are saying—”
“I’m saying that if we don’t get him to a healthy base level, that there could be irreparable damage. I mean he’s inherited millions. He shouldn’t be this stressed and overwhelmed.”
“What needs to happen?” Kurt asked.
“He needs a break. A legitimate break. Sleep. He needs to be getting in his full meals. All three meals. I’m also talking red meat, pork, and poultry. Seafood, beans, leafy greens, bread, pasta. Not just eating those tiny oat cereal bars. I’ve told him all of this already and wrote him a list. Kurt, can you get time off work?”
Kurt hesitated and then said, “I can get time off but I can’t take paid leave. Legally I’m contracted to work 25 hours per week in the office but I’ve used up my FMLA.”
Eric turned to Bob. “And you’ll give Blaine time off to recover from this.”
“Of course I will.” Bob said, an edge in his voice. “If I had known he was sick and not tired, he wouldn’t have been working.”
“How long does Blaine need to be out of the office?” Kurt asked.
“Two to three months to fully recover if he gets the rest he needs.” Eric said. He then switched his tone of voice to just friend. “Look. Alec and I can come help you all if you need it. Alec’s schedule is a little less hectic than mine but we’re here.”
Kurt opened his mouth to speak when Eric’s pager went off. As he rushed away he called behind him, “The code isn’t for Blaine.”
“Blaine.” Bob groaned and looked up at the ceiling.
“My dad has said his name in that tone so many times.” David came up behind them.
“How is he?” Kurt asked.
“Feeling embarrassed and like shit.” David sat in a free chair in the waiting room making Bob in the middle. “Ready for some overtime?”
Bob looked confused.
“Welcome to anxious and depressed Blaine hiding everything until it comes spewing like a volcano.” David said. “He’s an overachiever and then sometimes ends up figuratively driving into a brick wall at too high a rate of speed.”
Kurt nodded in agreement. “Yeah. It’s happened less since you’ve been around, though.”
“Yeah.” David’s voice was soft and he sighed. “He seemed like he was having a good run. He’s never handled stress super well, though.”
“Do you think he needs counseling?” Bob asked.
“We had a doctor he doesn’t know administer the Beck Depression Inventory. He’s definitely stressed out but it doesn’t seem like he’s having a ton of depression… then again after everything in high school… Honestly you have always been more able to bring him down from this stuff than any doctor or counselor ever could.” David sighed again and then looked at Kurt.
“Can we see him?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah. That’s why I came out.” David led them to an elevator and then into another room.
Blaine was alone except for Marcy who was showing him something on her phone. He brightened up when he saw Kurt and then looked embarrassed when Bob followed behind. “You called him?”
“You didn’t show up at work.” Bob said, neglecting to mention he’d talked to Kurt prior. “Why wouldn’t you ask for help? We are a few houses down, Blaine. I have a whole house of kids and young adults who would love to watch and play with the twins. I would spend all day with them. Shit. I’ve got like four weeks of vacation time I could use to just sit with them so you can shower, eat, and sleep.”
Blaine opened his mouth and closed it several times.
“What?” Bob asked.
“I thought I was just tired.” Blaine admitted. “Truly.”
“You’re overtired.” David said. “And your body is telling you to rest.”
Kurt sat on the edge of the bed with Blaine and played with his curls. “I think sometimes you forget you aren’t alone anymore. You’ve got David, Wes, me, and Bob.”
“You’re in the same boat I am.” Blaine sounded sad.
“Not exactly because I’m getting all my meals in. I’m getting sleep. You can’t just stay up late doing all this house stuff by yourself. We can hire someone to help us clean.”
“No.” Bob said. “Sarah, I, and the kids can help you clean, cook, and we can make sure you two get to eat so you both are taken care of.”
“You can’t take care of the twins if you aren’t taking care of yourselves.” David added. “And, Blaine, you hate the hospital. I know you don’t want to be here.”
Blaine took a deep breath and nodded.
“You have to accept help, Blaine.”
“Are you going to tell Wes?” Blaine winced.
“You need to. Legally I can’t.” David said as Marcy’s pager beeped and she slipped out of the room after squeezing Blaine’s arm affectionately.
“I’d much rather he be mad at me than Wes.” Blaine pointed to Bob.
“Wow. Really?” Kurt asked him, shocked.
Blaine, facial expression very serious, nodded with wide eyes.
“Wait.” David said. “You think Wes is scarier than Bob?”
“Yeah. He’s not afraid to curse at me. Bob doesn’t want to hurt my feelings and make me cry.” Blaine said.
Bob rolled his eyes but didn’t deny it. “How do you feel?”
“Exhausted. Embarrassed.” Blaine bit his lip. “Is my heart going to be okay?”
“It will be if you get enough to eat and rest.” David said.
“But it will take three to six months to replenish your iron levels. Eric is looking into your anxiety and depression medications to see if he can find a better fit. Sometimes that makes a big difference…. Which you already know. That’s something else you could have looked into before reaching where we are now.”
“Do I have to stay here?”
“Maybe overnight. That will be up to Eric or his boss depending on when the decision is made.” David said. “I’d admit you overnight if you were my patient.”
Blaine sighed and then yawned.
“If I were you, I would try to get some rest while Carole and Burt have the twins.”
“Sarah and I can take them tonight and tomorrow.” Bob added. “And you two should be taking us up on bringing you dinner or coming to eat with us. Or, better yet, drop them with us, you two go back home, eat and nap. When you two wake up come over, eat again, and then I can get them down for you so you all can go to sleep. I can’t tell you how many times Mom and Dad took Charlie the first six months. It was invaluable and possibly saved our marriage.”
Blaine bit his lip. “We can’t do that.”
“Yes, you can. No more hospital trips. No more trying to do everything. Accept it. Please.”
“We don’t want to put anyone out.” Kurt said.
“Nonsense. What is family for?”
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anotherdaveyjacobs · 2 years
Jack and David get into a fight.
Warnings: Major Character Death
"I'm just so sick of waiting for you to up and leave for Santa Fe! I can't keep second guessing our relationship, or wondering if I'll wake up one day and find you gone!" David is pacing around the living room of their apartment. His hair is a mess from constantly running his fingers through it, his face flushed in anger.
"Dave, you knew I wanted to go to Santa Fe the day you met me," Jack argues. "I've never hidden it from you. It's not my fault you thought you could- could change me, fix me!"
"I'm not trying to fix you, Jackie! I just thought that three years together might mean something to you, and clearly I was wrong."
"That's not... Dave, that's not true. I love you, it's just..."
David scoffs, voice thick and tears threatening to overflow. "You love Santa Fe more," he finishes.
There's an ugly silence that falls over the apartment. David's chest is heaving, and his hands are shaking. Jack can see it from where he's sitting, and he wants desperately to go hold his partner, but he knows it wouldn't go over well.
"I have to go," David says, heading for the front door and grabbing his keys. "I can't be around you right now. I'm going to Sarah's. I'll... I'll come over for my stuff another day. I just can't..."
Jack crosses the apartment to stand in front of David. "Please, don't go. Don't drive like this, just... I'll have Kat come get me and I'll crash at her place tonight."
"Don't bother, Jack."
The door slamming behind David as he leaves might be the worst sound Jack's ever heard.
Jack waits an hour, long enough for David to cool down and have gotten to his sister's house, but David doesn't answer the phone. He tries again, and then shoots a text.
Jack: please just let me know u got to saz's safe
Unanswered Call to Davey
Unanswered Call to Davey
Jack: im worried about u, pls answer the phone
Unanswered Call to Davey
Unanswered Call to Sarah
Jack: sarah pls tell me hes there, he wont answer the phone
His phone rings a few minutes later.
"Sarah, thank god, is Davey there?"
"No, is he supposed to be?"
"We got in a huge fight, and he stormed out. I tried to keep him from driving upset, but he wouldn't listen. Now he isn't answering the phone. I'm gonna call around to the group and see if anyone's seen him."
"Fuck. Okay, I'll call Kat and see if she's heard from him."
Jack calls Race first.
"What the fuck do you want, Jack? It's like one in the fucking morning," his younger brother grumbles, clearly groggy.
"Race, please tell me you've heard from Davey, tell me he's with you guys."
There's the sound of shuffling as Race is probably sitting up, shaking Spot awake next to him.
"Jack, what's going on?"
He gives him the same explanation he gave Sarah.
"Jesus. No, Jack, we ain't heard from him. I'll call Al and-"
There's a knock at Jack's front door. "Hang on, Race, there's someone at the door, maybe it's Davey."
When he opens the door, he finds a police officer on the other side. "Excuse me, I'm looking for the next of kin for David Jacobs."
"Uh, I'm his partner, is- is he okay? I've been trying to get ahold of him, but he ain't answerin'- is he in some kind of trouble?"
The officer shakes his head. "Do you mind if I come in for a moment?"
"Racer, I'm gonna call you back. Don't call Al yet."
The officer is sitting gingerly on the edge of the sofa, and Jack's ears are ringing.
"...accident... injuries incompatible with life..."
He doesn't remember the officer leaving, or calling Sarah. He doesn't remember her arriving, or telling her what happened, but he does remember the way she broke down in his arms.
He doesn't even cry until the next day, when it really, truly hits him that Davey isn't coming back- that there will be no making amends after their fight.
All he knows is that he was wrong- he didn't love Santa Fe more than David. He just didn't know it until it was too late.
Jack leaves for Santa Fe the day after the funeral and doesn't come back.
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debbiechanclub · 1 year
AO3 is down so I finally finished reading over here. I take my time, sorry. So Finlay is endgame huh? Nellie and David make sense. She seems more secure with him than the others. David just knows what he wants so I'm glad she finally found herself a real man that's gonna lock it down. Jay missed out and I hope it's killing him that she's with David. Now Riley...he really can't do anything right. Kissing her when she was sad and drunk was a big no-no. Nellie stepping over his stuff was SAVAGE. I'm already rooting for evil Nellie 😈
No worries!!! Thank you SO much for reading and taking your time to send this. I know AO3 is down, but I've been thinking in the back of my head that people haven't said much to me about this fic because they lowkey hate what I've done 😅 So this means a lot to me. But yes, David is endgame. And while I'm not gonna sit here and lie that my own personal bias toward him had absolutely nothing to do with that decision, a lot of thought actually went into it. And since you sent this ask, I'm gonna go through and explain individually why all of Nellie's other love interests just weren't it for anyone who may be wondering! (And reveal just how different things could have turned out 😅)
Okay so first up: Jay. There was a point in time where Jay was endgame. You remember that teaser scene I posted where someone is reluctantly congratulating Nellie for being engaged? Jay put the ring there (and Zack was the person speaking). And to be perfectly honest, if I had finished this fic before Jay lost the IWGP title and left NJPW for real, he probably would have remained endgame. But then he left, and I started thinking about how Nellie's whole life is in Japan, and how her career would really just be starting to take off right around when Jay left. And then I started thinking about how he really didn't treat her that well at all, and I realized her taking him back would have looked so spineless. And so I started looking elsewhere for Nellie's endgame.
Now, I still have to write Jay's arc, and there's still some stuff going on between him and Nellie in that. But she's definitely going to keep him at arm's length, and he's going to lowkey try to sabotage her getting together with David (which I alluded to a bit in the first flashback scene). So Jay and Nellie's story definitely isn't done as written yet.
Next up: Kyle. Like Jay, there was a (brief) moment in time where Kyle was endgame! HOWEVER. I base my fics as much in reality as possible re: schedules and real storylines/fueds, etc. And after Kyle and Nellie hookup in fall 2021, based on Kyle's actual schedule (as detailed on Cagematch; I fucking live on that site) and what I had in mind for Nellie, they don't see each other again for a whole ass year. And by the time they do see each other again, Nellie is already in the process of reconnecting with David. (Yes, reconnecting! They go on a date wayyy back in 2017 during Nellie's first trip to Japan, which I also have plans to write about.) And actually, Kyle plays a part in Nellie realizing she has feelings for David—which is yet another thing I plan to write about. (It might be a flashback scene in part 2, actually.)
But to sum up Kyle and Nellie: right person, wrong time. It really is kind of bittersweet. And I wrote a REALLY long scene establishing Kyle as endgame that I might just post as a bonus because I worked hard on it and like it and don't just want to scrap it.
Zack. There's honestly not much to say here. Zack and Nellie have hella chemistry, but they don't work as a couple (outside the bedroom 🤭). And that's basically the entire reason they don't get back together despite Zack being the only one of Nellie's love interests/exes who lives in Japan. He was never (seriously) considered to be an option for endgame (despite that Cruel Summer fic I wrote that I regret every time I remember it 🙃). I do plan on writing a bit about when they were together before they realized they weren't right for each other, though.
And last and maybe least. Riley. Riley was never endgame. (After the rewrite) He was never anything more than a casual ongoing hookup for Nellie before she got together with Zack. But like I've written, she has a soft spot for him because she pities him a bit, I think 😂 That being said, her stepping over his things on the way to the Bullet Club locker room was absolutely a deliberate choice on my part.
So yeah, there's my long-ass explainer, and I hope it helps anyone who may be thinking I just willy nilly threw Nellie together with David. And thank you again for reading and seeing my vision. It means more than you know 💖
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"I am hungry for touch and ashamed to be looked at" -Safia Elhilo
Alec POV by beloved 🥰🥰 can he pass me some of his wisdom??
The Clave being kinda fuck up as usual I see...
And a leader, no matter how hard it was, had to show up.
That’s how you’re different from everyone else.
You show up.
You hold things together.
You lead.
They are all great leaders and I'm so proud of them😭
Anjali is just... ✨Wow✨ she is the only goodness I will ever swear loyalty to. I am in awe, I respect her, I admire her, I love her, I-
David said what??? I mean, same, but I'm surprised he said it in a Clave meeting....
Yeah, Selena deserves more recognition!!! She is the absolute BEST and we stan😎
The amount of hatred I feel towards Kingsley is unreal. Fuck him and his Idris Patrol🔪🙂
Will the fact that Anjali and Rafael respect and trust Alec's judgement make me cry? ✨Yes✨
Diego, my friend, Alec thought, how proud you must be. Too soon😭😭
Kit is upto something....
YESS Alec!! Get some sense into David's head bc I feel this is going to go south
That’s how Alec knew Rafael was going to be okay.
Good leaders must know how to handle criticism. Good leaders must accept their flaws and admit their mistakes.
Rafael was a good leader. And he will, in time, become a great one too.
He learned from the best 💙💙
Alec and Hunter meeting!!! I need this like, yesterday!!! I'm so excited jdvdkdndn
Nico is so cute and sweet I keep forgetting he's old and smart af!!!
My mind rn: David with kids. David with kids. David with kids. David-
“You’re still in your bad bitch era, Sirenita,” Gabriel grinned. “It has no expiration date.” How can you expect me not to love Gabriel when they do cute shit like braiding Selena's hair and saying things like this???? 🥺🥺
This plan is more complicated than I thought lmaoo
“You must learn how to heal yourself,” Nicolas said.
Selena smiled. “Sure. I’ll do it sometime."
“You must do it soon,” Nicolas said.
Something is going to happen to Selena or to someone she loves bc THAT definitely means he knows something!!!
He could still hear her screaming. Good. In other news I'm ready for arson🥰🔪🔪
Why does he want 9 cities down????
Why does Claire think it's her fault??? What is she talking about?? Is it just parent guilt or something more??😭
Soldiers who can heal themselves.
Soldiers who can’t be killed.
“I’m trying to play god,” Marcus smiled.
“Dope,” Mallory said distractedly. “Good luck."
Mallory, stay tf away from my girls!!!! And stop stealing Max's stuff, it's creepy!!!
I'm a simple person. I see Magnus and Max discussing inmortality issues, I cry :))
“Power doesn’t always change people,” bapak smiled. “But pain does.” THERE ARE MANY FAVE QUOTES!!!
"You will. You can," the man promised. "Because every time you have to climb it, I will climb with you. We can climb together."
Max gave him a small smile. "You can't climb shit in those."
Bapak smirked, looking at his fluffy bumble bee slippers. "Is that a challenge, Blueberry?"
My fave inmortals😭😭😭 can we take a moment to appreciate how no one helped Magnus through all his inmortality crisis (obviously except Ragnor and Catarina when they could) but now Max has a support system and can always go to his bapak or to many more?? Bc I think that's beautiful 💙
Them giving each other their magic, holy shit why do they insist in making me soft??🥺
He pressed a kiss on his forehead. “I want infinity with you.”
A timeless love.
Can we really blame Max? I would also want infinity with David!!! But you promised Magnus, babe!!!
“Maxwell,” Nicolas Thorn said, looking wide awake. “You are late for your lesson.” HOLY SHIT!! Nico teaching Max warlock math😭 I am scared but sooo excited for this!! What did Nico saw in the future?? What are they going to practice?? Ahhh so many questions!!
I support Max's rights, but I also support Max's wrongs and I don't think I'm the only one!!!
Song rec: ... I honestly have just been vibing to Taylor Swift lately... What was your favorite song from the album??? I think mine was "You're on your own kid"😭
Support Max's wrongs or be gone 😤😤
I'm still listening to the album! I did like Midnight Rain a lot 😭😭
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cintasfics · 1 month
Woman Seeking Dead Husband: Smokers Okay, No Pets - 1x04
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Marley arrives to the station separately to the guys, meeting chief Vick on the way to her office
They have a nice little chat about how Marley is finding the work, saying that she enjoys it, that the boys are good fun but that they know when to be serious
She wants to take back her words once she sees Gus sitting in Vick’s chair drinking a smoothie
Watching Shawn win Raylene over gives her an insight into how the agency works
Marley: Okay, I’m starting to get it now Gus: Get what? Marley: If we don’t get given a case, we take it, so we’re never out of business Shawn: Huh, I guess you’re right Marley: That wasn’t your intention? Shawn: Well, I mean- Marley: Oh, I see, you’re just nosey and can’t help yourself, got it Gus: Yeah, that’s more like it
Like Gus, she’s unsure about how they’re going to get any answers from a dead person, but agrees with Shawn when he says they don’t need to talk to her dead husband to get information
Marley: Cold reading Gus: Huh? Marley: You do a cold reading, you know, like those tv psychics with their vague and open-ended questions that get their targets to tell them everything they need to sell it Shawn: See? She gets it Gus: Gets that it’s a scam, sure
She argues against the séance though, mainly because she thinks it’s a dirty move messing with people’s emotions like that, but also maybe because she’s a bit scared
Shawn: Ghosts aren’t real, Marley. Nothing’s going to happen at the séance Marley: You don’t know that for sure, one wrong move and the next thing you know we’re in The Conjuring Shawn: You know those movies aren’t 100% true, right? Marley: Yes I know that the Warren’s were frauds and the real life events are greatly embellished, but that still doesn’t mean I’m risking it Shawn: Come on, it’ll be fun! You can help me with the special effects! Blowing curtains, flickering lights, all the fun stuff! Think of it as a small theatre production
She’s still a bit iffy, not feeling like it’s right, but she can’t deny the allure of playing around with special effects while also getting information from the family
Gus: Did you do that? Shawn: Why would I ruin our totally cool window? Gus: For effect, to make me think you contacted an evil ghost. Shawn: Gus, please. Marley - Why didn't you think of that? That's genius. I expected better from you Marley: Hey! I didn’t know smashing the window was an option! Shawn: Come on, Marley. You can’t let the fear of a little property damage stop you! Gus: Yes she can!
At the station, she waits outside while Shawn goes into the records room and Juliet stops to talk to her
Juliet: Marley, you’re still here? Marley: Yeah, just waiting for Shawn, he had to use the bathroom Juliet: Hey, sorry I couldn’t be more help, I could get in big trouble for showing you guys those files without the chief’s permission Marley: Don’t worry about it, I completely get it. I’m sure that if we really need to know something then the spirits will provide Juliet: You really believe he’s psychic? Marley, keeping up the ruse: If I didn’t know him I wouldn’t, and I admit that sometimes I have my doubts, but the more I work with him the more I believe it Juliet: Hmm, right. Well I should get back to work, see you later Marley
Knowing the plan for tomorrow, she’s able to be ready and waiting for the guys to pick her up so she doesn’t wake up to Shawn in her apartment like Gus did
She’s completely taken off guard by the SuperSniffer
Shawn: Oh, Gus, please, with the supersniffer. You have to stop Marley: I’m sorry, the what? Gus: The supersniffer. It’s a gift passed down through my family, we’re all blessed with a heightened sense of smell. Observe - Marley, trying not to laugh: Wow, that sure is uh, impressive
When discussing what their next step will be, Shawn notices that Marley is being oddly sympathetic to David
Shawn: Why do you want to help him? Marley: He just seems like he genuinely regrets what he did and wants to make it right Shawn: Really, Marley? Marley: What? Shawn: First Gus has a thing for the wife, now you have a thing for the husband Marley: I do not have a ‘thing’ for the husband Shawn: Oh yeah? That’s why you kept staring at him, huh Marley: I was just surprised to see him alive! Shawn: Hmm, sure
After finding out about Raylene from the bank robbers
Marley: I knew he was a good guy, she was just manipulating him! Gus: A good guy? He robbed a bank, Marley Marley: We all have our flaws, besides, he was under a lot of pressure Gus: And you think that makes it okay? Marley: Hey, I’m not the one crushing on ‘the viper’ Shawn: So you admit you have a crush on David Marley: Be quiet, Shawn, I never said that
After the confrontation in the mausoleum, she comments on the new experience of being held at gun point
Marley: I’ve been in this country for almost 8 months without incident, but one day with you guys and I get held at gunpoint twice Shawn: Welcome to America!
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Zero Sum (4x21)
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When Billy awoke, everything hurt. He could barely lift his eyelids, couldn’t remember the last thing he saw.
Screaming. Running. His friend scattering across the playground.
And buzzing bees. So many buzzing bees.
He heard people bustling around him, and he recognized their coats and scrubs. Mostly that smell. It was the same smell he remembered from when his dad died. Hospital smell.
He slowly twisted his neck to the right, and was horrified by the sight before him. In the next bed over was David from his class, his face covered in gross red bumps. He looked dead. 
Billy didn’t know what else to do. He started crying.
A woman’s voice came from his left. It wasn’t familiar, but it was nice-sounding. He twisted his neck the other direction, warm tears spilling from his eyes, to see a pretty lady with blonde hair sitting next to him. She looked like a life-sized Barbie.
“Who are you?” he asked, his lip trembling. “Where’s my mom?”
The woman stood up and shushed him, looking around the room. “Billy, I need you to settle down. You’re okay. You’re safe.”
“But… David…” he started to cry again. Yeah, he shoved the second-grader around sometimes, but he’d never wanted anything like this. “Is he… gonna die?”
“I’m afraid so.”
Billy squeezed his eyes shut. When he could finally open them again, he took in his surroundings, and now he could see beds everywhere, kids everywhere. Gross red bumps everywhere. There were moms and dads crying, doctors pulling sheets over his classmates’ faces. It was a nightmare, it had to be. This couldn’t be real.
“Can you tell me what you saw?” the lady asked him.
“It was the bees,” he said. “There were billions of them, everywhere. Ms. Kemper always said if we ever got stung to tell a grownup, but…”
Screaming. Running. Everyone scattering across the playground, and Ms. Kemper…
Oh, no. Ms. Kemper.
He remembered now, his teacher had gone back through the swarm to save David. But David was dead. 
“Is Ms. Kemper dead, too?”
The Barbie lady was quiet, and he knew the answer. “Billy, I need to ask you a question,” she said gently. 
He shut his eyes. All he could see was Ms. Kemper, covered in a swarm of bees, screaming. Just last weekend he’d been over at Lucas’s house and they’d watched Candyman, even though he knew they weren't supposed to. And in the bathroom at lunchtime, they’d even tried to summon Candyman. Now this…
Was this all his fault?
“What else did you see, Billy?”
“I saw…” After Ms. Kemper, there was nothing. Had he passed out? Had the bees gotten him? Maybe he was dead too, and none of this was even happening.
“What happened to me?”
“I need to know if you saw anything,” she asked again. “When you went to recess, were there any men? Any strangers around you didn’t recognize?”
He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“I need you to try, Billy. Try to remember. This is very important.”
He tried, thinking back past Ms. Kemper, past the screaming, past the bee stings…
“There was, I remember now,” he told her. “An older man. He asked me where the nearest mailbox was. There’s one right across the street from the playground.” He didn’t look like Candyman, he thought in relief.
She sat up straighter. “Was he carrying anything?”
“Yeah. Like… some envelope thingies, the kind Ms. Kemper puts our tests and stuff in.”
“What did he look like?”
Billy shrugged. “He was old.”
“That’s all you remember?”
“I don’t remember anything else besides his stinky cigarette.”
The Barbie lady stood. The look in her eyes was hard to understand. Billy didn’t know what was going on but he had the strangest feeling that everything he’d told her she already knew. And maybe he was imagining it, but she looked almost as scared as he felt.
“Thank you, Billy. You’ve been very helpful.” She turned to leave, but he reached out and grabbed her sleeve.
“Did he do this? The man?” What if it was Candyman in disguise?
“Of course not,” she said. “Get some rest, Billy.”
“Please,” he said to the lady, tugging at her sleeve. “Can you please find my mom?”
“She’ll be here soon,” she said. “You’re going to be okay.” Then she looked around the room full of weeping parents, and although she tried to hide it, he could see sadness on her face. “Everything is going to be okay.”
He watched her go, but before she left the room, some big men wearing camouflage came in. She went over to talk to them —a Barbie and a couple of G.I. Joes— and they all looked over towards him. Had he said something wrong?
A chill ran up his spine as the army guys approached him. They were big and scary.
“Billy Richardson?” one of them asked in a deep voice.
“Your mom is on her way,” said the other, “but I’m sure you have a lot of questions. We’ve figured out what happened, and when you’re all better, you can tell your friends all about it.”
Billy listened intently as the men explained how the swarm of bees had migrated much further south than they were supposed to (he’d learned about that in school just this week!) but thanks to the brave efforts of the military, the swarm had been contained and eradicated. Whatever that meant.
“Chin up, little man,” one of them said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little pin. “This is a medal of honor. For exceptional bravery. You earned it.”
He leaned down, attached the pin to his hospital gown, and patted Billy on the head. Then the two men disappeared.
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on Archive of Our Own!
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