#submitted april 20
incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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*A formless plushie spontaneously materializes itself into existence. Its form changes depending on who is holding it to give the proper amount of cuddle comfort. It is not sentient, and is incapable of turning into anything harmful. Enjoy!*
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Really? Now? Another one?
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Well we haven't seen what the plushie looks like in your hands, Ellie. Care to show us?
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Yeah!! Ellie!!
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Okay, fine.
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(Ellie hugged the plushie and it turned to...)
(A normal teddy bear.)
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That's it? Just a teddy bear?
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Are you disappointed?
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(Ellie hugs the teddy bear again.)
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I suppose a teddy bear would have very good "cuddle comfort". Even if it is so..
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soon-palestine · 3 months
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The House of Representatives has voted to effectively conceal the death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza.
On Thursday, lawmakers voted 269-144 on an amendment to prohibit the State Department from citing statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry. The measure is part of the annual State Department appropriations bill. It was led by Democratic Reps. Jared Moskowitz, Fla., and Josh Gottheimer, N.J., and Republican Reps. Joe Wilson, S.C.; Mike Lawler, N.Y.; and Carol Miller, W.V.
In total, 62 Democrats joined 207 Republicans in supporting the amendment.Here are the 62 Democrats who joined 207 Republicans to ban giving funds to the State Department to cite the Gaza Health Ministry, undermining the organization’s death & injury figures. https://t.co/n7DveMQaPQ pic.twitter.com/Nas0Fgm4Ag
— Prem Thakker (@prem_thakker) June 27, 2024
While party leaders often push their members to vote “yes” or “no” on any range of proposals, Democratic leadership gave “no recommendation” to its members on how to vote on the amendment. After the House passes the full bill, it will head to the Senate for consideration.
Mohammed Khader, policy manager at the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action, told The Intercept that the amendment is part of a trend of anti-Palestinian sentiment in Congress since the start of Israel’s atrocities in Gaza. “By preventing any recognition of the number of Palestinians killed since October, this amendment is a clear example of genocide denial and is no different from what was done towards victims of genocides in Rwanda and Armenia.”
On Wednesday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., the only Palestinian member of Congress, took to the floor to make a similar argument. “This is genocide denial,” she said.
After reciting the death toll and other statistics about casualties, Tlaib said she intended to introduce the list of Palestinians killed in Gaza to the congressional record. “It is important to note this to everyone here: The list is too long that I can’t even submit it because of the text limit,” she said. “That’s how many have been killed.”
The Ministry of Health is the only official entity tracking the death toll in Gaza; its figures have been cited broadly, including by the U.S. and Israeli governments. Over the last eight months, Israel has killed at least 37,765 people and injured another 86,429, according to the ministry’s latest figures. These numbers are likely an undercount due to the decimated medical infrastructure, killed medical workers, and thousands feared trapped under the rubble in Gaza.
“It’s despicable but not shocking that 62 Democrats joined Republicans to refute the Gaza death toll,” one Democratic staffer told The Intercept. “Democratic leadership should be ashamed for refusing to take a stand and call out the blatant anti-Palestinian racism and genocide denial in our party.”
Moskowitz and Gottheimer are among several Democrats who have repeatedly worked to undermine the movement for Palestinian rights and pro-Palestinian speech.
In April, the pair joined Republicans to lead a resolution condemning the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as antisemitic. In December, the duo joined Republican Reps. Elise Stefanik and Steve Scalise to lead a resolution condemning university presidents and calling for their resignations for allegedly tolerating antisemitism on campus. In November, the two Democrats joined 20 others in censuring Tlaib, for reasons that included posting a video calling for a ceasefire that contained the phrase “from the river to the sea.”
Gottheimer has gone even further, calling Democrats who don’t support Israel a “cancer” and suggesting that Muslims in America are “guilty” of Hamas’s attack on October 7. Along with Lawler, he headlined a call hosted by No Labels, in which he spoke with university trustees about how to push the FBI to take a bigger role in investigating campus protests. During that call, Lawler suggested that student protests for Palestine were the type of activity that inspired the TikTok ban.
The pair also joined 60 other Democrats in expressing their “disgust” at South Africa’s 84-page suit accusing Israel of genocide and praising White House spokesperson John Kirby for calling it “meritless, counterproductive, and completely without any basic in fact whatsoever.” Not long after, the International Court of Justice concluded that Israel is plausibly committing genocide.
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butchfairyzine · 9 months
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Butch Fairy Zine: Answering questions
What art style are we looking for? What is the estimated timeline? Will you get paid? we answer them here!
We will be answering more questions and posting them in the days leading up to the artist application form opening. So if you have questions, use our inbox, or you can fill in our interest form and leave them at the bottom. And if you have queries for the frog, you can leave them there too. He is very busy, so keep that in mind.
Find the interest form here.
Our Artist Application form will open on the 12th of January 2024.
text version under the cut
What type of artists are you looking for? And are you after a specific style or a range of styles?
We are looking for artists who can create pieces with fully rendered fairies and a background within the specified schedule. These can be digital artworks that are flat colour artworks, paintings, a mixture, or another style entirely.
We will also accept mixed media and traditional artworks, but they will need to be scanned at a minimum of 300dpi.
When you sign up for an artist position, are there any requirements to be a part of the team?
E-mail communication is required (discord is optional).
You must have a PayPal account to receive payment.
You must be able to communicate comfortably in English.
You must be 18 or older at the time of signing the contract by the 16th of February.
For artists accepted into the zine what would be the timeline for completing and submitting artwork?
Our current schedule for the artists requires concept ideas to be submitted by Feb 16th, and the final version by May 16th! Progress check-ins will be on Feb 29th, March 21st, and April 11th.
(In the image there is also a table including this information as well as the final submissions date being May 16th)
When the zine is for sale, where would the profits go to (charity, zine admin, etc.)?
We are aiming to hold pre-orders in June/July of 2024, with a flat fee paid to all contributors and additional proceeds split between contributors and mods.
Our priority is to make sure each contributor is paid fairly for their work. If sales do well enough, 20% will be used for future books and projects, and 80% split between taxes and fees, production costs, contributors and shipping costs.
Is this physical or digital and will there be prints of the art available? Got any merch ideas planned to go along with the zine?
Both physical and digital! Our goal is to make a 210 x 148 mm (A5) perfect-bound soft cover book.
We also plan to add some paper merch, including prints of some of the art from the book. Additional merch ideas include stickers, sticker sheets and bookmarks.
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thetorturedpoetsfest · 5 months
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We're super excited to announce The Tortured Poets Fest, a Harry Potter themed fest centered around Taylor Swift's newest album! ✨
Calling all writers, artists, and video editors! Below are important dates, rules, and information you'll need to know if you'd like to join in with us. This fest is focused on The Tortured Poets Department — Taylor Swift's newest full-length album released on April 19, 2024.
This fest is open to ALL Harry Potter generations including Marauders, Golden Era, and Next Gen. All pairings are welcome!
We've also created a little community of participants on Discord to help with round tabling and creativity. We'd love if you joined us! This is an 18+ only fest.
⚡️ Timeline
Sign-Ups Open: April 22, 2024
Sign-Ups Close: May 20, 2024
Submissions Due: June 24, 2024
Posting Begins: July 1, 2024
🌙 Sign-Ups & Claiming
You must complete the Google Form for your sign-up as well as claim your choice of prompt on the AO3 collection.
You may only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt, but you must submit your first prompt as per submission guidelines.
One song prompt can be claimed by multiple people (it's not first come, first serve). You can use a song in any way you like for inspiration — title, lyrics, vibes… You do not need to title your work after the song or use lyrics in any way if you don’t want to.
Collaborations are welcome! Collabs can be illustrated fics, multi-writer fics, multi-artist artworks, etc.
✨ Creating
All ships from all generations are welcome (Marauders, Golden Era, and Next Gen). This is not a ship-specific or generation-specific fest.
There is a minimum word count of 1,000 words for all submitted fics. For podfics, the recorded story should be a minimum of 1,000 words. There is no maximum for either fics or podfics.
Multi-chapter fics are allowed, but you must finish the first chapter of the fic by the submission deadline.
All works must be tagged appropriately! In light of the mental health topics alive and real in this album, please consider yourself, your fellow participants, and your readers when discussing any themes on mental health in your works.
🏛️ Posting
Posting will begin on July 1, 2024, and the schedule will not be publicly released.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us an ask!
From your Tortured Poets Mods — @imdamagecontrol @wolfpadx @lemonlans @heartsoncover @multiimoments and it's many helpful and incredible organizers who managed to put this whole fest together in a few days' time 🖤
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end-otw-racism · 6 months
OTW Board Meeting on April 21!
The OTW has announced the next public Board meeting will be held on April 21 from 02:00 to 03:00 UTC. For some of us that'll be April 20, though, so be sure to check when that is for you.
The currently planned agenda:
Decisions made since the last public board meeting
DEI and organizational culture update
Organizational Culture Roadmap
Any other business (Questions & Answers)
Meetings are held in the OTW Discord server and last approximately an hour. The Board will address the agenda first, and once that business is concluded they will take at least ten questions.
Questions should be asked in the #open-chat channel where they will be collected by moderators and added to the ⁠#questions-voting channel. There, they will be upvoted by meeting attendees and then answered in order of descending emoji count. The Board requests that questions be reasonable and polite, under 50 words, and that each person only submits one. Questions that require Board members to read and respond to any linked posts will not be accepted.
Unanswered questions will be combined and posted as weekly Q&A threads in the ⁠#questions-answers channel, starting two weeks after the most recent public meeting. This means if your question isn't covered in the meeting, there's still a chance it'll be answered later.
The full Community Guidelines can be found in the OTW Discord's #rules channel, and we recommend reading them to familiarize yourself with how the meeting will be run.
We hope to see you there!
--The Fandom Against Racism Team
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snapscube · 9 months
Hi! we saw that you had a 20 age limit for the mod apps! We were considering applying but we're only 19 and will be turning 20 in April. Was curious if you were okay with us submitting an application and starting after we turn 20 or if you would prefer us not to? Just wanted to ask first :D thank you! -Woomy
I appreciate the enthusiasm and the interest but applicants must be 20 at minimum AT THE TIME of application, I'm sorry! This is planned to be a pretty quick turnaround from application to implementation into the server and 20 is just the minimum I have set to ensure a specific baseline of emotional maturity and general ease of communication, just as much for my own comfort as for the needs of the community.
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yosukezine · 6 months
🌻 Orders for Youthful Wind: a Yosuke Hanamura zine are open! 🐸
Physical zine is available April 2 – May 2 Digital zine via direct charity is available April 2 – May 31
🔻Bundle details & instructions for digital zine below🔻
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Zine bundle $25 ✦ Physical and digital zine
Zine & Merch bundle $40 ✦ Physical and digital zine ✦ Postcard ✦ Sticker sheet ✦ Keychain Check out the physical store at https://yosukezine.bigcartel.com/
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Digital Zine & Merch $10+ ✦ Donate at least $10 (or your currency's equivalent) to a charity of your choice ✦ Screenshot proof of your donation and remove any sensitive information ✦ To send us your screenshot and email, fill out the Google form 🐸 Special promotion while supplies last: Donate $20 or more to receive a b-grade sticker sheet! You must fill the form above and provide your mailing address to send the sticker sheet to in this form.
This is separate from the physical store and only applies to donations made directly to a charity.
After submitting your form, please be patient as this is a manual process. We will send the zine to you within 1-3 business days.
Not sure where to donate? We encourage you to donate to local LGBTQ+ charities (where your impact will be the greatest), but you may donate to nation-wide LGBTQ+ charities or current causes as well. Here are some charity suggestions.
Let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!
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toapril-official · 6 months
ToApril 2024
ToApril is once again upon us! Can you believe this is the third year this is taking place?
At this point we will assume everybody gets the concept of ToApril, but if you don’t, don’t hesitate to reach out! 
Before we jump right into it, we want to emphasize the rules of toapril:
Please keep it TOA related. You can use characters from other series or your own, but the prompts were made with the characters of TOA in mind.
No NSFW. There are adults and minors alike participating and definitely browsing the internet within the fandom. Mature topics can be brought up, but anything graphic is not allowed.
Note: None of the prompts are ship based, but you are definitely allowed to include  ships!
If you write a fic on ao3, please put it in the toapril 2024 collection. If you’re not sure how to do that, here are some instructions:
Option1: Go to the collection. There should be a button at the top right saying ‘post to collection’. Click that button and the rest should be as it would normally be when you post a fic.
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Option 2: Post a new fic as usual, but in the associations section, type in toapril in the post to collections / challenges space and it should pop up. Make sure you add it in the 2024 one. It will stay open for a couple of weeks after April just in case you need more time to finish something. 
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If you want to post something on tumblr, please tag it with #toapril and #toapril2024. You can also tag this blog in your post, we would love to see all of your amazing works this year :D.
Have fun! If there’s any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Prompts below the cut.
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Text version:
Day 1: Missed Target
Day 2: Growing Pains
Day 3: Divine Intervention
Day 4: Facing The Unknown
Day 5: For The Best
Day 6: Hair Holds Memories
Day 7: Fathers Who’d Kill
Day 8: Moonlight’s Reflection
Day 9: The Hour Past Midnight
Day 10: This Isn’t Goodbye
Day 11: First Meeting
Day 12: Revenge Served Cold
Day 13: Curse of Eternal Youth
Day 14: Every Rose Has Its Thorns
Day 15: Without Requisite or Deadline
Day 16: Nymphs and Negligence
Day 17: The Cyclical Nature of Things
Day 18: In The Next Lifetime
Day 19: Haunted
Day 20: Chaos Soup
Day 21: The Sun and The Earth
Day 22: Never Forget
Day 23: Cheesecake & Demons
Day 24: Unexpected Allies
Day 25: Race Against Time
Day 26: Wilting Flowers
Day 27: Missing Objects
Day 28: Silent Thunder
Day 29: Lost City
Day 30: Fading Memories
Thank you to @okathleen, @star-flcwers, @worlds-oldest-teenager, @reostuffzies, @tsarinatorment, @nyaningthroughlife, @money-and-dandellions, @ferodactyl, @xxzephyrbreezexx, and @solahflare for submitting these prompts.
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wheeboo · 6 months
wheeboo's 2k follower event
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guess what, everyone? the wheeboo garden has officially reached 2,000 flowers! i seriously cannot express the amount of thanks and love i have for every single one of you, and i appreciate all the support this place has gotten since the moment i first started posting <3 i can't wait to continue this journey alongside you all and for us to continue blooming together! to commemorate, i planned a lil event in celebration for this milestone that you all can participate in!!
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⋄❥ everything will be kept sfw. i'm fine with writing suggestive scenes, just nothing explicit.
⋄❥ any content involved in the event will be under the tag #wheeboo's 2k event!
⋄❥ asks/requests for the event will be open until april 30th. anything sent after that will not be written.
⋄❥ i will start writing/answering your asks this upcoming week.
⋄❥ my general requests are closed, but it will be open for this event only, so if possible reference the event in your ask whenever you send it in!
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FIC GAME ⭐ (limited slots -- 20 slots)
⋄❥ submit a member of your choice, and up to two dialogue prompts from the lists down below OR a song of your choice, and i will write you a fic (!! please remember to be specific from which prompt list you choose from !!) ↳ ex: mingyu + #17 from list 2 ↳ ex: seungkwan + #5 from list 3 + #10 from list 1 ↳ ex: jeonghan + daylight by taylor swift
⋄❥ the fic will be 500 words or more, depending on the prompt(s) sent in and how much inspo i get <3
⋄❥ you can send in multiple reqs, but i cannot promise i will write every single one you send in or if i get to it at all. and of course, i humbly ask for all of your patience while i get as much done as i can <3
⋄❥ prompt list 1 (@eddysocs) | prompt list 2 | prompt list 3 (@dumplingsjinson)
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ASK GAMES ⭐ (unlimited slots)
⋄❥ ask me questions about myself AND/OR my fics whether published or unpublished, and i will respond as long as i am comfortable with it (ask me my favourite colour, drink, opinion on something, favourite trope to write, my wips, what the process of ___ fic was like, etc. anything!).
⋄❥ send me an ask describing your personality and i will match you with a member and a trope, and i'll write a mini-headcanon for you! (non-mooties, be as much detailed as you wish! you can be anon too!)
⋄❥ you can send in as many asks as you want, but please keep it in separate asks if you choose to do both!
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo @honglynights
also tagging some moots for visibility n boosts srry guys ^^ ʚɞ @etherealyoungk @fairyhaos @blue-jisungs @slytherinshua @welcometomyoasis @haecien @mangocustard16 @weird-bookworm @kyeomyun @bookyeom
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Welcome, friends!
This is the OC tournament! Submit any of your original characters to have them go head to head! Just submit their full name, the title of their story (if applicable!), and a little biography for me to use as propaganda in the polls!
There are just a few rules you must abide by:
You may NOT submit someone else’s OCs, but you may send them this post and/or tag them in it so they may submit OCs themselves!
Any form of OC is acceptable! Sonic OCs, self inserts, characters in a story of your own creation, etc so long as they are yours (adopted characters are also welcome!)
The only exception to the above rule is I will NOT accept any OCs that were made for the HP universe OR the AOT universe. Please don’t fight me on this
you may submit multiple of your OCs, BUT, they must be from separate storylines. No two OCs that are able to interact (unless they’ve interacted in a temporary crossover form). And, of course, only submit the same OC one time! Once is all you need
If you have an OC, and your friend has an OC, and they exist in the same universe, they’re both still able to be submitted because they’re owned by different people!
The picture you submit of your OC must fall under one of the following categories: a piece of art that you’ve drawn, an image from a picrew, a picture of yourself cosplaying your OC, or a piece of art drawn by someone else (a commission, art request, art gift, etc)
Under no circumstances may you submit a picture of someone (a face claim) that you found on google images or wherever, as i do not know if they consent to having their likeness as part of this tournament
When the voting commences, there is to be absolutely NO making fun of or being hateful towards ANY of the characters in this tournament. Be civil and polite, I’m begging you
If you have any questions, just send an ask!
I think that pretty much sums it up! Now to tag a few bracket blogs
@blue-character-brawl @redandyellowbracket @multicolorhairswagtournament @redcharacterbracket @green-guy-showdown @green-character-battle @mfshipbracket @princesspoll @deadhorrorcharacterfight
Submit here (the deadline is April 20 at 5 pm CST):
Have fun ;)
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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nudibutch · 7 months
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Lesbian Connection submission about Minnie Bruce Pratt, March/April 2024 issue. Written by LauRose Felicity, from Ashland, OR.
I found this personally moving, and very glad it was submitted. Full plain-text transcript under the cut.
"LC's passing on MINNIE BRUCE PRATT (whom I had known as a friend since the early '80s) did not record her sex writings as clearly as I (and perhaps she) would have liked (Nov/Dec 2023). True, Minnie Bruce was a wronged mother, a staunch radical feminist and activist, an authentic Southern voice speaking about the perniciousness of racism, an anti-capitalist. But she was also a sex-positive femme who gloried in a reciprocated passion that anyone would envy. The kind of lesbian passion that, as in this case, is sometimes erased.
This passion is very clear and present in her books S/He and Magnified. In them, Minnie Bruce describes the consuming sexuality of her and Leslie's butch-femme union in a way that is still legendary today. The majority of S/He is a finger-licking, torrid account of the infinite desire of a fierce Southern femme for her urban, strap-wearing butch.
I needed to write this for Minnie Bruce, and for all of us tawdry femmes who will never be shamed into passing, or denying our driving need for our butches. Once, in our own lifetimes, our love was illegal. In my Southern state of Kentucky, our "crimes against nature" carried a 20-year sentence and for me, as an attorney, possible disbarment. In North Carolina where Minnie Bruce was living, the felony was used as justification for stealing her children. But our sexual desire was not to be denied. We risked everything for it: children, income, houses, professional stature, incarceration. And it deserves to be mentioned at our passing."
- LauRose Felicity, Ashland, OR
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cr-summer-wildflowers · 5 months
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Do you think Reani and Keg should huddle for warmth in the mountains while they talk about moral ambiguity? Do you wish Elsie and Rajan had gotten a happy ending? Did LOVM season 2 leave you wanting more polymachina?
All of these and much, much more can be found in the Critical Role Summer Wildflowers Exchange, now taking nominations for the summer 2024 exchange! The exchange is intended to showcase rarepairs, crackships, and even canon relationships that could use a little more love. Platonic and romantic relationships are allowed, as are poly relationships and groups.  For this year, we've chosen to limit the exchange to relationships with fewer than 500 works before April 18th. This rules out most of the top ships and can be easily checked before you nominate.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Check your schedule. Nominations run from May 3rd until May 16th. The rest of the dates for the event can be found here.
2. Nominations are not sign-ups. They do not get you added to the exchange. They do not commit you to the exchange. You MUST sign up when they open (they haven’t yet, check the dates at the link. above) in order to participate. If you nominate tags, however, please at least plan to sign up.
3. Go to the tag set to nominate ships. This will decide the pool from which you can pull when you make your requests. It requires you to have an ao3, and you can only do it once, but you can submit up to 20 relationships.
4. If you have questions, message us. We are available on Dreamwidth, the Haven Discord Community, Ao3, and here on Tumblr.
If you want more information on what a nomination is, go here! We hope to see you in the exchange!
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spaus-week · 7 months
SpAus Week Prompt Suggestions
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... So, it's happening! SpAus Week 2024 will be held in April 20~26! I am currently gathering prompt suggestions, if you have any please fill the module below~
If you don't want to fill the module, you may also send an ask or a DM. You don't have to be interested in joining in order to submit prompt suggestions, anyone's input is welcome! ^^
I will collect prompts until March 11-12. Prompts will be revealed later in March.
Reblogs are very welcome :3
@hetaliacalendar @hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books
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thetorturedpoetsfest · 5 months
Sign-ups are open! ✨
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Calling all writers, artists, and video editors! This fest is open to all generations (Marauders, Golden Era, and Next Gen) and all ships in the Harry Potter world. It's focused on the newly released The Tortured Poets Department, and there are 31 prompts corresponding to the 31 brand new songs on the album!
Below are important dates to remember if you plan to sign up, as well as a quick reiteration of the rules of the fest. We hope you'll come join us and have fun creating some angst, some happy endings, and maybe a combination of both and then some 🖤
⚡️ Fest Timeline
Sign-Ups Open: April 22, 2024
Sign-Ups Close: May 20, 2024
Submissions Due: June 24, 2024
Posting Begins: July 1, 2024
🌙 Sign Ups, Claiming & Rules
You must complete the Google Form and claim your prompt on the AO3 collection. If you do not submit the Google Form, your submission will not be considered.
There's an option when signing up for those who are still undecided (we totally get it since there are a lot of songs to choose from), but your first prompt must be decided by May 20, 2024, when sign ups close (you can do an additional prompt if you want to after this date, but the first must be fulfilled).
You may only claim one prompt at a time. If you decide to change your prompt, please let us know. You cannot claim two prompts; one must be fulfilled before you claim the other.
Collaborations are welcome!
Betas are not required to submit to the fest, though you're more than welcome to use an outside beta if you'd like (and there are other participants in the Discord server happy to help out).
There is a 1,000 word minimum for all submitted fics. There is no maximum.
This fest does allow darker themes (including dead dove: do not eat), but we require that all works be tagged appropriately and sensitively. This fest is an 18+ fest.
All submissions are due on June 24, 2024, by 11:59 PM EST. If you need an extension or to drop out, please let the fest mods know ASAP so we can adjust the posting schedules.
If you have any questions not answered here or in the FAQ & Rules sections on the AO3 collection, don't hesitate to shoot us an ask 🖤 We'd be more than happy to help!
We look forward to creating with you, and we hope you'll come join our little community on Discord where we talk all things Harry Potter, Taylor Swift, and so much more ✨🏛️🌙
From your Tortured Poets Mods: @imdamagecontrol @wolfpadx @lemonlans @heartsoncover @multiimoments @abz-coralsunset
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