#submitted by kels
greyias · 4 months
29. The smell of burning wood
Pairing: Gale x Tav (pre-relationship) Words: ~3600 Notes: Mostly self-indulgent fluff, takes place the first night of the game
The sun had started its descent in the sky by the time they’d found a suitable site for a camp and scrounged enough supplies and crockery among the carnage around the Nautiloid’s crash site. This close to the campfire, the sweet, earthy smoke that wafted her way managed to block out the acrid scent of the smoldering wreckage of the strange, alien ship that had brought them here, or even the lingering sulfurous stench of Avernus that seemed to cling to their clothes.
The crackling fire burned bright, the snaps and pops of the dried wood in the flames a steady percussion, as if measuring the progress of the setting sun. If Aravyn closed her eyes, breathed in deep, she might almost pretend this was any normal night on the road. But every time she did so, that damned tadpole would squirm anew and shatter the illusion before it even really began. Stupid bugger, not even a day in and she was already ready to evict it purely on the grounds for being such an ungrateful little guest. All impending threats of ceremorphosis aside.
After the quiet, terse, yet surprisingly delicious meal their resident wizard had pulled together from their random assortment of fish and dried rations, most of their ragtag group had retreated to their own corners of camp. Instead of withdrawing into momentary fantasy, she eyed the dirtied, abandoned makeshift bowls and plates they’d found amongst the carnage, and the retreating forms of her fellow adventurers with a small frown.
Everyone seemed more intent on setting up their own tents for however long they’d be here — wherever here was. They all had a lot on—and in—their minds at the moment. Much more than daily chores.
Well, not quite everyone. Over by the now emptied cook pot, Gale seemed lost in thought, brow furrowed as he piled discarded fish bones and herb stems on a ragged cloth. He’d spent most of their time in camp preparing their evening meal, and had yet to set up his own area. Mind made up, she set about gathering the dirtied crockery and utensils, making just enough noise to rouse him from that deep contemplation.
“Allow me.” She indicated the bundle he was currently tying up. “You already worked enough magic transforming these rations into a feast. The least I can do is the dishes.”
That summoned the semblance of a smile, his lips quirking up ever so slightly as the frown smoothed away to a friendlier expression. “Oh, trust me, my arcane prowess extends to more impressive feats than conjuring flavor from our meager scrounging. But I appreciate the sentiment.”
“You don’t give yourself enough credit,” she said lightly. “That meal was a sight more flavorful than any jerky soup I’ve cooked over a campfire.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask, but what, pray tell, is ‘jerky soup’?”
“Well, it’s when you get a pot of water boiling, then throw in a mess of jerky. You can tear it up into pieces if you’re feeling ambitious. Then let soak until soft enough to not break your teeth.” 
Gale looked positively horrified at the culinary abomination described. “Do you drink the—I hesitate to call it broth?”
“Of course! Waste not, want not.”
“That sounds like quite the… unique concoction.”
“You can say bad, it’s all right. I think it would violate my oath to inflict that particular delicacy on others.”
He pressed his lips together, either to repress a smile or perhaps in relief that his intestinal fortitude wouldn’t be challenged anytime soon. “It sounds like for the foreseeable future of our journey that I should maintain control of the cook pot.”
“I would not wish to give you more duties,” she hedged, “but perhaps that is wise for now. We probably shouldn't add gastrointestinal distress to the list of things we’re dealing with.”
“Grand adventures do rarely involve epic tales of food poisoning.”
“I wouldn’t say it was that bad — but point taken. Cooking has never really been in my repertoire. That’s probably not going to change much.”
“Come now, there’s always the chance to learn,” Gale insisted, “and I have been known to instruct a wayward student once or twice in my day.”
“Have you now?”
“Granted, my apprentices, if you would call them such, needed tutelage of the more arcane nature, but! I am not a man to who would hoard knowledge from a willing pupil.”
“If you’re offering to teach me how to cook,” she threaded a note of teasing into her tone, “I am not sure I would be a talented student—”
“Please, I won’t have you downplaying your own aptitude. You had enough creativity to invent a new genre of soup, regardless of how…” he paused, as if searching his broad vocabulary for the most polite way to phrase it, “—uh, palatable it wound up being. I bet if you used more than two ingredients, perhaps a vegetable, mixed in the concept of spices, then the flavor would expand exponentially.”
“I knew I forgot something.” That elicited a quiet snort. “That’s the kind of feedback that would be helpful in the future.”
“All that and more.”
“Well, in that case, I wouldn’t mind learning from a master.” She gave him a smile. “Especially if it would help ease the burden of cooking.”
“Ah, but is it a burden to feed others?” Gale tapped the side of his nose as he gave her a wink. “Or just good manners?”
“Speaking of good manners,” she deftly grabbed the bundle before he could protest, “as you cooked the meal, it is only appropriate for someone else to clean up.”
“Yes, I guess that is true,” he conceded. “And in truth, I do appreciate the assistance. This has been… well, rather more excitement than I’d prefer for one day.”
“Hard to argue with that.” The clatter of her trying to stack their eclectic assortment of makeshift crockery with the cookware and pot nearly drowned out her murmur of agreement. “Not every day starts with ilithid abductions, crashing nautiloids, with a side trip into hell.”
The stack of cookware tilted dangerously as she tried to arrange it in one hand and reach for the dirtied cookpot with the other, and Gale rushed forward to steady it. “Please, let us not compound the day’s adventure with another crash.”
“I’ve got it,” she insisted with good nature. “Just trying to save on trips.”
“I have already added enough work for you this evening,” he grabbed the dishes that were moments from taking a tumble, “let me offset that by at least helping with transport.”
“Very well,” she dipped her head in acknowledgment. “I suppose I wouldn’t want to be accused of breaking Astarion’s new favorite plate.”
“Is it really, though? It’s not like he touched much of his meal earlier. Perhaps it wasn’t to his taste.” Gale added a few more dishes to his own stack for good measure, and gave a side eye to the way she easily hefted the heavy cooking pot to bear. “Are you sure you have that?”
“Oh, this? Yeah, it’s nothing. Really.”
“Are you sure? I nearly threw my back out when I was trying to adjust its position on the fire.”
“You just have to lift with your knees.”
“If you say so,” he murmured.
“I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“My back?”
“No—I mean, it’s your back, you have every right to worry about that, don’t let me stop you—but I was talking about Astarion picking at his food. The meal was delicious. Maybe he just has a weak stomach. As you said, it has been a long and arduous day.”
“Hm, do I detect a hint of sarcasm there?”
“No,” Aravyn insisted, perhaps a little too quickly.
“Well, a lesser person might hold a little grudge for the way he pulled a knife on you.” There was a knowing look in the wizard’s eye that had her snorting out an annoyed breath, especially when he added, “You moved on from that with a surprising amount of grace.”
She tried not to wince at the memory of the knife pressed against her throat, its sharp edge slightly cooler than the one in Gale’s threat to incinerate the pale elf threatening her. “Well, he did eventually put the knife away.”
“Only after you nearly knocked out his teeth with that headbutt—a very nice move, by the way.” The smile she tried to dredge up at the intended compliment may have come out more of a grimace, but he forged on, voice dropping to more of a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s very strange, but I couldn’t help but notice how sharp his canines are. Do you think he files them down?”
“What? No—who would do that?”
“I don’t know… Bhaalists, cannibals, oh, maybe he’s part orc?”
“He doesn’t seem to have the physique for that particular bloodline.” Aravyn set the pot down as they reached the water’s edge, the babbling of the river’s current adding a serene soundtrack to their hushed conversation now they were further away from the hub of the camp. “And a Bhaalist would have just slit my throat.”
“So we’re agreed, then? Definitely a cannibal.”
She quickly turned to Gale, letting out a hushing noise as she grabbed for the set of plates he’d rescued from their ignoble end. “You’re horrible. Stop!”
The strength of her plea was weakened by her half-laugh and wide-eyed look she tossed back towards the subject of their conversation, who could barely be seen past the large outcropping of rocks lining the shore. Gale let out a quiet, almost satisfied chuckle as he delicately set the plates on her outstretched palms.
“And yet you indulge in my salacious speculation.” There was a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Perhaps it’s my charm.”
She shot him a wry, side-long glance as she knelt into the wet soil of the riverbank, spreading out the cookware and crockery to prepare for her task. “Might I remind you that you just accused one of our party of secretly wanting to eat us?”
Gale let out an affronted huff. “Are you impugning my character?”
“Maybe just a little.” She flashed a smile at him. “Although I should probably factor in that you were gentlemanly enough to help me haul my horde down here.”
He quirked an eyebrow at that. “This grading system of my character seems to have a lot of complexity to it. Is it a sliding scale?”
“Would you believe I invented it on the spot?”
“I might.”
“Well,” the brightness of her smile faded to something a little softer, “regardless, I think you have been gallant enough for the day. You’ve spent all your time in camp preparing us a fine meal and haven’t seen to your own tent. I’m sure you have plenty yet to unpack and arrange after the day’s chaos.”
Gale opened his mouth as if to continue a polite protest, then shut it again as he mulled over the statement. “I suppose you make a fair point. We need an area for research if we’re to be stranded here for any length of time, and my books! Well, what few I had on my person doesn’t hold a candle to my library back in Waterdeep, but still enough to fill a shelf or two. That I’ll need to construct somehow, come to think of it.”
“It seems like you have your hands full, then.” She made a shooing motion. “Go on, mine are busy with the dishes.”
As Gale turned to leave, an action she had very much been encouraging, there was just the smallest flicker of disappointment in her chest. Before he could take another step, or her mind could catch up with the compulsion, her hand shot out to catch his sleeve. She reeled the impulse back in just enough so that her fingers just brushed against the fabric, gaining a bit of a startled look back in her direction.
“Wait, I…” As he glanced down at her quizzically, she could feel her cheeks flushing and the tips of her ears burning, but she didn’t avert her gaze. “I just wanted to say. About earlier, when Astarion pulled the knife. You threatened to incinerate him.”
“Ah. Right. Not my finest moment.”
“No, no, what I mean to say is…” Gods, why was this so difficult? “Thank you. You hadn’t known me for even an hour, yet you still made an effort.”
“Well, it’s hardly the act of a gentleman to let some scallywag slit your throat, especially after you so valiantly rescued me from that malfunctioning portal.” The self-deprecating smile that twisted his lips now seemed more genuine than the practiced one that accompanied his more braggadocios statements. Like this was what came to him more naturally. “Not that my efforts amounted to much. You were obviously more than capable of handling the situation on your own.”
“That you tried means something.”
“I suppose that’s a refreshing change of pace,” he mused, almost to himself. At the quizzical tilt of her head, he seemed to remember himself and added. “Worry not. If things continue as they have, I’m sure there will be ample opportunity for me to be successful in returning the favor and save your life.” An awkward beat passed as he considered his words. “Not that I would wish more danger upon us, of course. But we do seem to attract… excitement.”
“Like moth to a flame,” she agreed quietly.
“Well,” Gale cleared his throat, clasping his arms behind his back, “I do have those books to organize. I suppose I shall leave you to it.”
At her nod, he quickly retreated towards the camp, and she let out a frustrated breath that threatened to become a sigh. Without even really thinking, she started to methodically work through the dishes and get them clean. Or as clean as they could get with the limited supplies they were working with. They needed some soap—and something rough enough to really scrub out this pot. For now, elbow grease would have to do. If she focused more on the rag in her hands, then there would be less of her mind to try to sort out her lingering disappointment.
She didn’t even know what she was disappointed about. If she thought about it at any length, bringing up the earlier incident was probably not very appropriate. She wasn’t even sure why'd done so, it was almost as if it had burst forth from her as if from its own accord. It had just made things awkward — and she hadn’t been trying to imply that Gale had failed in any way. She had just wanted… gods, she didn’t know that either.
The problem with losing oneself in a task was that each one had a finite end point. By the time she stacked the last dish inside the cook pot, the sun had shrunk behind the horizon, bleeding vivid hues across the sky in its wake. Absently she shook out the bundle of cooking scraps into the flowing water, watching them disappear into the deeper currents of the river.
They’d reached the end of the first day. Of seven if the more learned members of their ragtag group were to be believed. Seven days until the thing in their heads burst forth, ripping through their skin, burning up their souls and—
She shoved herself to her feet with an unnecessarily violent movement. No. No. She hadn’t finished with her task yet.
She carefully stacked the dishes inside of the large pot, taking time to inspect the structural integrity before hefting it to bear. She could count the steps back to the center of camp individually, rolling her feet so that the crockery didn’t clink too loudly on the trip, before setting it down in its appropriate spot near the campfire. Unfortunately, even if she dragged her feet, it only stretched out her distraction for another minute or so.
That was fine, everyone else was busy getting their own spaces prepared. She should do so as well. She'd already laid out her meager belongings in her little lean-to, but perhaps a little more organization wouldn’t hurt. The tenets of her oath had been placed carefully upon the bedroll that still needed to be unfurled for the night, and the slender neck of a lute peeked from behind where she’d stacked her armor, tabard, and shield for the evening. 
The lute wasn’t hers. Not really. It had been years since her own had been sold off, and this one had been found it amongst the wreckage on the beach. An admittedly useless item for a pack of strangers focusing on survival. While a fairly light instrument, it was still unwise to haul around extra weight that served no real utility. And yet, she couldn’t just abandon it to rot in the sea air, its song forever silenced like the countless bodies littering the shore of the crash site.
She wasn’t actively aware that she had dropped to her knees until her fingers were tracing over the nicks and divots worn into the fretboard from countless years of fingertips pressing strings against it. A few lighter scratches showed newer use — perhaps a child taking lessons, inadvertently adding their own marks.
Or maybe that was just a bit of imagination, or perhaps projection, shining through, she told herself as she struggled to swallow past a sudden lump in her throat. Though in her mind’s eye it was all too easy to see small, chubby fingers being guided along the fretboard by larger, more experienced hands. Perhaps an older relative, or a tutor. Index finger and thumb working in tandem to pluck out familiar chords to a timeless tune.
Its bright notes would be the same, whether plucked out by a small child, or drifting out the open window of a tavern. Her teenage self would have never risked going into one. Even taking just a moment to pause and listen to the full length of a tune would cut into her overly filled schedule. And yet her fingers would keep their own time, drumming atop the large tomes of mathematics and elvish history she lugged between lessons across the Lower City.
Aravyn blinked, out of memory and half-imaginings, back into her dirty, bloody reality on the banks of the Chionthar. There were no tavern musicians or traveling bards with a merry tune to chase away the dark thoughts looming at the edges — just her and the lute that somehow was already cradled into a familiar position. The fading light of the sun seemed to glimmer along the strings, and her thumb was already in motion, plucking the first string, her index finger moving on muscle memory as it picked a corresponding note that sung a crisp, familiar note.
It was brief, but just encouragement enough that her fingertips continued to dance a familiar refrain, weaving a familiar song. She could hear the cheerful tune in her head, but as her fingers continued to work the strings, the notes didn’t match. Discordant and jarring, the thin threads of music tangled together, crashing into an unrecognizable and inharmonious cacophony.
“If that racket does not stop right now,” the voice of an angry githyanki hanging on to their last thread of patience cut through the camp, “I will end both it and whoever is responsible!”
Her fingers felt as heavy and uncoordinated as those sour sounds, and the lute was quickly lowered back to her lap. Of course, some random instrument found in the carnage of the nautiloid’s crash wouldn’t function properly. Only a silly fool would think not only that but also that it would somehow lighten the heavy mood in their camp.
A familiar paternal voice in the back of her mind chastised her for chasing her own comfort and wasting time on such frivolous things, especially when there were far more important matters to tend to. And their impending ceremorphosis certainly wouldn’t be cured even if she could coax a festive song from the lute’s untuned strings.
“It’s time to put away childish things, Aravyn,” that echo from the past reminded her, the reprimand carrying the weight of a lifetime of failed expectations. She exhaled sharply to shake off the familiar, stifling sensation. If there was no time to indulge in frivolities, then there was also no time to indulge in self-pity, either. 
Even though her cheeks burned at the thought of the entire camp hearing that wretched sound, Aravyn couldn’t find it in herself to take her frustrations out on the lute. She instead forced herself to glance up. The fading sunlight cast a warm glow over her new companions, all of whom were engrossed in the rhythm of their own tasks. Even renowned musical critic Lae’zel had waited long enough to ensure the return of silence, before resuming the construction on a training dummy that was beginning to resemble a Mindflayer. Had she spent the entire afternoon attaching tentacles to the thing?
She shook her head. What did that matter?
Regardless, if Aravyn’s faux pas wasn’t enough to warrant anything more than a grumbled threat, perhaps she shouldn’t linger on it too long. With one last lingering glance at the lute, she carefully set it away, far, far to the back of her tent. Out of reach, and out of temptation’s range. Her focus right now needed to be on what tune tomorrow’s winds might carry. She gave a wry smile at the thought, hoping a new dawn might bring a little more harmony than today’s chaos.
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omori-in-odd-places · 7 months
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would these count?
Yeah thanks for the submission!
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"i think she'd be able to stave off the horrors of forest cryptids and cat furry aliens with the power of estrogen and a copy of new vegas to keep her company (and also a shower but dont tell her that she'll cry. or flip you off. idk, probably both)" - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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perotovar · 5 months
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hey sweeties!! kel and i put a list together of all the submissions we got for our event and split them into two masterlists of fics for you all to read and enjoy! this is my part of the list, so if you don't see yours give @beskarandblasters 's list >here< a look and see if that's where your fic/submission ended up!
we can't thank you enough for submitting and helping us give a voice to the smaller writers of the fandom ♥ oh, and for any multi chapter fics/series, we only read the first chapters to make it fair!
please make sure to read each fic's warnings carefully and happy reading! ♥
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@iamskyereads - Compulsion (Ezra x ofc!Beatrice)
i can't even begin to describe how much i love this fic already. it's so smart and the worldbuilding?? incredible!! it feels like a sequel to the film, or like it could easily take place in the same universe. just brilliant. and ezra's voice is so clear here, i could hear him saying every word. and the oc, beatrice, is fascinating already, i can't wait to see where it goes!
@all-the-way-down-here - This Is Why We Fight (Dieter x nb!oc!Bell)
i love the start of this. both dieter and bell have excellent characterization and the conversations being had by every character feel so real and are so important. bell's group of friends all sound like friends i would have, and i would love to hang out with them. i love the direction this is going!
@linzels-blog - Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie x f!reader)
ahh what a delightful little fic! it feels very much like an early 2000s rom com and i mean that in the best way! very cute and i love the vibes. everyone's characterization is great and i can't wait to sink my teeth into the rest of it!
@elvenmother - Context and Perspective (Marcus M x f!reader)
completely obsessed with this concept. i love a good enemies to lovers and this is such an awesome way to do it! i always see marcus m fics featuring someone without superpowers, but to have a character that's just as powerful as him? sign me up!
@kedsandtubesocks - In the Dead of the Night (Din x f!reader)
one of my absolute favorite din fics. the worldbuilding and din's creature form is incredible. i love a horror au that's flipped on its head. i also love the "creature is also the hunter" trope and this does that incredibly well. the atmosphere is off the charts.
@ghostofaboy - Rock Bottom (Frankie x original male characters)
god, i don't even know where to begin with this story. it's so raw and visceral and i can't say enough how much i enjoy it. i love reading something new and especially if it's coming from a male perspective. this is, unfortunately, something i could see frankie getting up to. frankie is such a deeply tragic character and this fic does that justice in a dark, but really intriguing way.
@ishabull - The Way We Were Drawn (Marcus P x f!reader)
ohh this is such a sweet fic. i love the imagery painted and the dynamic between marcus and reader is so sweet!
@secretelephanttattoo - Headshots (Marcus P x f!reader)
this fic is beyond sweet and so dreamy. the ideal scenario for anyone, in my humble opinion. who wouldn't want to take pictures of handsome fbi agents and then fall in love with said agent?
@lesbianhotch - you walk by and i fall to pieces (Frankie x f!reader)
THIS WAS THE CUTEST DAMN THING. i love me a nervous frankie (hello, have you read my fic lmao) and this was by far one of the cutest. i'm obsessed with reader's confidence and i just know those two are gonna be menaces once they're together. throw in some patsy cline and i am a goner. this is going on the reread list for sure.
@insomniamamma - Remain Nameless (Ezra & Cee w/ gn!reader)
ok, this one actually made me cry. i'm not sure if it's my own sleep-deprived ass that caused it but this is probably one of the most beautiful but sad fics i've read in a long time. i mean all of this in the best way because i don't normally get emotional from fics. prospect as a movie makes me emotional, though, so it doesn't surprise me that this did as well. it's such an incredible missing scene that i can, unfortunately, see absolutely happening. have some tissues nearby.
@sweetercalypso - Unlikely Friends (Joel x gn!reader)
this fic is one of my absolute favorite fics for joel. a big reason for that is i have a cat named tilly. and imagining joel reluctantly and grumpily cuddling with my tilly makes me emotional, ok??
@softstarlite - The Casualty of Love (Javi P x f!reader)
very cute! i love the awkward tension around not seeing someone for so long and there being a huge glow up maturity-wise from one of them! seeing someone in a new light is always a strange thing and i love the start to these two and their journey!
@julesonrecord - Shots (Jack x f!reader/oc)
probably one of the best post-movie fics i've ever read for jack. the way jack's trauma and therapy is handled is so fucking brilliant and tonic is one of the best fucking characters, god. eva is written so well and i just. i can't recommend this fic enough. if you like jack, hell even if you don't, give this fic a shot. i promise you'll come out of it liking it.
@coulsons-fullmetal-cellist - The Audition (Dieter x f!reader)
goddd this was so cute! dieter's insecurities don't come up very often and i absolutely love what a match he and reader make. she's so sweet with him and takes such good care of him. and he loves her so much and i love them ok
@max--phillips - A Little Lipstick Never Hurts (Max P x f!reader)
this is one of the best explorations into kink that i've ever read. it's so respectful and hot as fuck. completely obsessed with this take on max as a character and i can't get enough of the dynamic between him, reader, (and eventually dieter). it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but i highly encourage you to give it a try. max gets some well deserved lessons taught, and who doesn't love that?
@coastielaceispunk - The Gift of Lingerie (Max L x f!reader)
god, this was so fucking hot. i'm so here for a mentally healed maxwell in a healthy marriage with a fulfilling sex life lol the little bit of teasing on both their parts was beyond sexy and i loved how equal everything felt. ugh, will be rereading this one for sure.
@lotrefcp - Hidden Away (Javi P x f!reader)
i'm obsessed with a no nonsense reader with just as much attitude/sass as javi does lol i just kept reading going GET HIS ASS. an excellent start to a universe i'm excited to sink my teeth into!
@beefrobeefcal - On the Waterfront (Frankie x f!reader)
oh, this is dark. i love the vibes immediately. i've had a weird fascination with the mafia for most of my life and this has that air about it. a dark, chubby mob boss!frankie is right up my alley for sure. i love that he's still frankie tho. sensible, practical, but with an edge. mind the warnings.
@flightlessangelwings - La Estrella de Mi Vida (Javi G x f!reader)
ahhh so romantic and so tragic!! i swear, it's impossible to make javi unappealing but this fic is just so sweet and manages to make me love him even more (somehow). but i love the added drama and tension from outside forces!! i need to read the rest of it asap!
@littlemisspascal - Rockford & Roan (Tim x f!reader)
my god, i love this?? i'm not usually one for superpowers/soulmate au's but i'm in love with the practicality of this? it feels otherworldly without being too much and it's very grounded. i love the reader and the way tim is written is so believable. i love that we as a fandom have created such a visceral image of this character from only a minute's worth of footage!
@something-tofightfor & @the-blind-assassin-12 - Aphelion (Oberyn x Ellaria & f!reader)
goddd the imagery painted in this one. so heartbreaking. absolutely breathtaking. i'm a slut for vampires and i'm a slut for oberyn/ellaria. this is absolutely something i will be reading the rest of lol
@bluestar22x - The Rockford Files (Tim x f!reader)
ok this is insanely good. one of my favorite books of all time is "red dragon" by thomas harris and i felt like i was reading that again while i read this. the details of the case and the cadence of everything was top notch. obsessed with the psychic element thrown in there and i'm beyond excited to see where tim and psy end up next!
@sweetenerobert - Fiction vs Reality (Tommy Miller x m!reader)
ohhhh my god. you give me a bisexual tattoo artist tommy miller with stretched ears and i'm supposed to be normal about it??? UNLIKELY. i am extremely tempted to edit this into reality ngl but my god. this was so fucking hot lmao
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drarrydisabilityfest · 2 months
It's That Time of Year Again...
Drarry Disability Fest 2024
Welcome Back to the 2ND YEAR of Drarry Disability Fest (2024)!
For those who don't know, Drarry Disability Fest is a fest dedicated to the accurate representation of disabilities, d/Deafness, medical conditions, and mental illness; Drarry Disability Fest is the first of it's kind. In this fest there will be no romanticism of disability (though romance will definitely be present elsewhere), instead we want our artists and writers to focus on accurate depiction - whether it be of the sad, mad, or glad times of disability and mental illness.
Our goal is to add diversity to the Drarry fic and fanart community, and we firmly believe that while disability and mental illness can be very difficult to handle, they do not mean that we're destined to a life of inaction and solitude; we are an empowered community.
All the mods for this fest are disabled/mentally ill to some extent, and have experience with a variety of additional disabilities to ensure that we have maximum ability to give feedback and filter prompts to the best of our ability.
We would also like to say that everyone's experience with mental illness and disability is different, so if you end up reading a depiction of your illness or disability that differs from your own, please accept that we do our best to filter the media in this fest so that it is safe for disabled readers, and remember that every different experience with a condition is valid.
This fest will not be anonymous, and we're posting to the fest AO3 Collection in July as that is Disability Pride Month. This year we are starting everything slightly earlier so that all you beautiful creators have more time to create, so follow our tumblr and join our discord sever to be sure you don't miss anything.
Anyone may prompt to this fest, even if you don't plan to create anything, however we will be filtering your prompt submissions on the AirTable to ensure they are sensitive to the disability/mental illness you are wishing to see depicted.
You don't need to be disabled to write about disabilities, but please do your research, ask questions from disabled sensitivity readers, and if you're ever unsure our wonderful mods Ceylon, Rowan, and Kel are happy to help. We have a wordcount minimum of ~1000 or equivalent. This means if you're not doing a written piece then put in the effort equivalent in your digital fanart, podfic, or other media. We do not accept videos at this time.
Beta readers/viewers are required for each submission. You can self prompt when claiming, and you can claim multiple prompts as long as you submit each work before claiming a new prompt.
The Dates are as follows in MST/MDT:
February 29 (Leap Year): Prompting Begins
March 20: Prompting Closes (Self-Prompting still allowed)
April 1: Claiming Opens
June 15: Claiming Closes
June 16 : Submissions Deadline
July 1: Posting Begins
July 31: Posting Ends & Fest Wrap-up
Further in depth fest rules can be found at the pinned post on our tumblr, please give them a read as they have been updated!
Your mods: Rowan @basicallyahedgehog (tumblr), Ceylon @quackquackcey (tumblr), Kel @slytherinthelibrary (tumblr)
A PSA: We acknowledge that J.K. Rowling is the author of the series this fandom is based in, however all mods involved strongly disagree with and refute any and all racist, antisemitic, transphobic, homophobic, and other prejudiced ideas the author holds. This is a safe space for trans people and two of our mods are trans themselves. If you are transphobic or homophobic or otherwise prejudiced against any marginalized group; you are not welcome here.
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beskarandblasters · 4 months
Kel’s 2k follower sleepover
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Hello!! First I just want to say thank you so much for following me!! I never thought I’d be writing fics for so long or make it to this many followers. And it means so much to me that you decided to support my silly little stories!! To celebrate I thought I’d plan a sleepover!!!
You can send me as many of the following emojis as you want! I’ll be accepting them from now until Sunday 1/14! That night, I’ll answer them and we can all have fun together!!
🖼️ - I’ll make you a moodboard! It can be for a fic (mine, yours or one of your favorites— whatever you want!) or for your overall vibe!
⁉️ - Send me a FMK, a would you rather, or any questions in general!
🐈 - Send me a picture of your pet!! All sorts of pets welcome!!
🎶 - Send me a character, a trope, a show, movie, literally anything and I’ll create a mini 5 song playlist for it!
💫 Send me a drabble or a headcanon request for a Pedro boy! You can submit them for any character and I’ll try my best. But just know I have not seen The Mentalist and The Equalizer yet!
Thank you so much again!! I’ll be tagging all of the asks with #kels2ksleepover in case you want to filter out the posts! And special thank you to @chaotic-mystery for absolutely popping off with these gifs for me 🥹🤍
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Congrats on your amazing accomplishment! I'd like to submit a request for your event. I was thinking of a fic for a female reader and either Wolffe or Cody. My idea was that the reader works with either the 212th or 104th and has feelings for her Commander. Unbeknownst to the reader, her Commander has feelings for her as well. For whatever reason (winning the war, undercover mission, or whatever you're feeling), the battalion has to attend a black-tie formal event, and everyone (especially your Commander) is blown away at seeing you in a gorgeous floor length dress and all dolled up. That evening, the pining is unreal, and feelings are finally revealed🥰🥰🥰 Congrats again, and thank you for sharing your amazing work!!!❤️😁👍
thank you so much!! here is the fic, i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did writing it :)
words: 1,808
summary: there's only one thing that makes an event like this worth going to, and wolffe doesn't realize what that is until he sees you walk by in a bright red dress.
clone troopers masterlist || join my 3k celebration!!
Hard to Breathe
If Wolffe got to choose a way to celebrate the bravery and honor of his troops, he definitely would not have picked a gala like this. They had recently returned from a mission that apparently caught the attention of the Senate and the Chancellor, and now the entire company was wearing their officer’s dress uniforms and awkwardly shuffling through a ballroom while people tried to make small talk to them about the horrors of the front lines. 
“Do we really have to go to this thing?” he had asked the general the day before, the scowl on his face only growing when the Kel Dor nodded. 
“The Republic would like to acknowledge the bravery of this battalion. We may wish their support came in a different manner, but it is important that we put our best foot forward tomorrow evening.” 
Wolffe could read between the lines. He knew that meant he was required to attend, no matter how much he didn’t want to. It also meant that they were doing this partially to keep the Senate on their good side, and that even the General saw the uselessness in this kind of celebration.
And so far, Wolffe was feeling incredibly bored. The food and drinks were high quality, but that was the only good thing about this whole event. Or at least, it was until he saw you walk through the doors. 
He didn’t usually forget how to breathe. Wolffe was a seasoned commander who had served on the front lines of the war from the moment he left Kamino, and he had been on more life threatening missions than he could shake a stick at. He also had a reputation for being calm and collected, no matter what the galaxy threw at them, even when they were faced with certain death. 
But of the sudden, as he stared at you in a bright red dress, he felt like the entire world stopped. His brain had to metaphorically slap him back into function, because he had genuinely forgotten how to breathe. 
He was a goner, he knew that now. 
There was only so many times he could deny his feelings for the battalion’s civilian secretary when being questioned by Sinker and Boost, and now, there was really no way around it. You hadn’t noticed him yet, and he was perfectly fine with that, because he would prefer if he got himself under control before he interacted with you for the first time tonight. 
If it took him a while to remember how to breathe, it took even longer for him to tear his eyes away from you in that dress. Floor length and bright red, the bodice was fitted but the skirt flared out at your waist, making it seem like you were floating over the floor as you took steps across the room to get a drink. 
He had never seen you like this before. War wasn’t exactly the most conducive environment to this kind of dress code, and usually you wore sensible pants and a simple shirt, a symbol of your place on the front lines and your employment by the Republic. You had gone to battle with them before, and even wielded a blaster (something Wolffe was still not happy about). In his mind, you deserved to exist in a world where nothing bad ever happened to you, where you could live your days doing whatever you wanted, and where you could wear dresses like this one every evening for the rest of your life. 
“Not so keen to leave now, huh?” Wolffe knew that voice, and he turned around to give Sinker a disapproving look. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Oh really? So you’re not still scraping your jaw up off the floor because you watched her walk by in that dress?” 
Wolffe huffed. Sinker was right, but he didn’t want to admit it. “Shut up.” 
“You can lie to yourself however much you want, but you can’t deny the fact that your body language tells a different story. Maker, why do neither of you seem to realize that the other is just as disgustingly in love as you are?” 
Wolffe desperately wanted to believe the words of his brother, but he tried not to show it. “You may be right about me,” he said lowly. “But you’re certainly wrong about her, so why don’t you just give it rest before she hears about this and requests a transfer to get away from me.” 
To Sinker’s credit, he didn’t push the topic, but he did give Wolffe a look that clearly displayed his disapproval in how the conversation was going. 
The real moment when Wolffe wanted to strangle his brother began when Sinker called your name and waved you over to them. 
Kriff, you were even prettier up close. 
“How are you enjoying the gala?” Sinker asked. 
You shrugged. “It’s okay, but I think I’d rather have celebrated in more low-key way. Taken the cost of this ridiculous event and given it to you all in gift cards to 79’s, let everyone spend their nights in whatever way they wanted. Or given you an extra week of leave, something more meaningful than this.” 
Wolffe nodded. “I agree,” he said. 
Sinker rolled his eyes. “You both are no fun, perfect for each other. Why don’t you go dance a little, and then maybe you’ll change your mind about all this.” 
Immediately, Wolffe knew what Sinker was doing. He and Boost had also been less-than-excited to have to attend this event tonight, so now he was just lying through his teeth. 
But before Wolffe could apologize for his brother and assure you that you were under no obligation to dance with him, you spoke. “I suppose we could,” you said, extending your hand to Wolffe. “May I have this dance, commander?” 
Not trusting himself to speak, Wolffe just nodded as he followed you to the center of the room. The song was slow, one very clearly played for lovers, and couples swayed together all around them. 
Wolffe’s hands rested on your waist, and he could feel the soft material of your dress. He desperately wanted to run his hands across your back, feeling the way your skin shivered under his calloused fingertips. 
He didn’t really know how to dance as well as some of the other Senators and their partners (it wasn’t really something they covered in basic training on Kamino), but he put all his focus in trying not to step on your toes, and so far, he was successful in his endeavors. 
“I’m sorry you had to waste leave time attending this event,” you said sincerely, looking up at him with a kind expression on your face. 
Wolffe chucked. He would never admit it, but seeing you in that dress and being able to dance with you right now had made this entire experience worth all the trouble. He would do battle a million times over if it meant he would be thanked by you in a dress like that. “It’s okay,” he said. “I suppose it’s better than letting our actions go without acknowledgment.” 
“But still, I wish-” 
“Mesh’la,” he said, the pet name escaping his lips before he could think twice about pulling it back. “I’m serious, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Alright,” you responded. “I’ll let it go.” 
The song ended, and Wolffe let go of your waist, instead reaching down to take your hand. “Do you want to take a break from all this?” he said, leaning down to whisper the words in your ear. “I need some time away from all the stares and smalltalk.” 
You nodded, leading him out the doors of the venue and into a small garden area. Secluded and quiet, Wolffe immediately felt more at ease now than he had for most of the night. 
A comfortable silence settled over the two of you, and Wolffe couldn’t help the way he stared at your dress, the lantern lights in the area dancing across the fabric with every shift of your body. 
Eventually, you spoke. “What does that word mean?”
Puzzled, he looked at you. “What word?” He had an inkling you were asking about what he had called you in the ballroom, but he wasn’t going to admit to anything before knowing if that was indeed what you wanted to know. 
“The one you called me before, mesh’la?” you asked. “I didn’t recognize it.” 
“It means beautiful,” he admitted, voice much more quiet than it had been all night. He was baring his heart to you, and now you would either accept or spurn his affections. 
“You think I’m beautiful?” 
To him, that was the dumbest question he’s ever heard, because of course the answer was yes. But he was no stranger to a spotty self esteem, so he just nodded. “I always have, but tonight only made me more sure. I forgot how to breathe for a while when I saw you walk through the door.” He squeezed your hand. “And I tried so hard not to make things weird when we were dancing, because I don’t want you to transfer.” 
Now it was your turn to be puzzled. “Why would I transfer?” 
“Because you don’t return my feelings,” he said, a twinge of sadness in his voice. “I know-” 
But you cut him off before he could finish. “Who said I don’t return your feelings?” 
“What?” There was probably a better way he could have voiced that thought, but oh well. 
“Wolffe, I’ve had a crush on you from the moment we met. If anything, I thought you were too good for me.” 
“You could never be too good for me, cyar’ika.” Rather than go back and forth for any longer, Wolffe leaned closer to you, and soon your faces were only inches apart. “Can I please kiss you?” 
“Yes,” you breathed, and when his lips landed on yours, Wolffe learned the real meaning of “forgetting how to breathe.” 
He had kissed people before, but no one else could hold a candle to the way your lips felt as they moved against his. His hands found your waist and you pulled away for a split second, eliciting an honest-to-maker whine from the commander. You very clearly got the message, and the two of you remained in that garden, bodies pressed together and lips locked in passionate exploration, separating only to breathe when absolutely necessary. 
There were only thoughts in Wolffe’s mind at this point, and they were: 1) how much he wanted to keep kissing you until he literally had to be dragged away from here, and 2) how much he hoped none of his brothers decided to come looking for the two of you, because he wanted to keep you to himself for just a little while longer. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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daily-omori-quotes · 8 days
"Ewww… pink is a gross color."
- KEL (Submitted by @i-like-bagel)
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dukeoftheblackstar · 7 months
got any plo koon fic recs? looking for some new stuff that's good. one shots and long fics welcome! I'll take anything i can get
Shamelessly promoting my own:
Dom!Plo ask by yours truly, submitted by the lovely @mild-disorganization
Some tired dad!Plo headcanons maybe?
And for some that I have read and adored:
Plo Koon Masterlist by @my-head-is-an-animal (Mixed)
Thigh Kink with Plo by @saradika (NSFW)
Not a fic, but hella spice by @saradika (SFW & NSFW)
Friendship - Plo Koon & Wolffe by @wild-karrde (SFW)
PloKit Art (their entire blog) by @uiro-mgmg1 (NSFW - mostly art)
SFW & NSFW Alphabets for Plo by @samspenandsword
My favorite ♥:
Sovereign (PloKit, idk if you're into it, but I am) by @tits-fisto (NSFW but very wholesome)
The Tiniest Councilor by Quiet_Shadow (SFW)
Name and Soul by @decepticonsensual (SFW)
Haven't read but is on queue when I have the mood and will power to actually read and not thirst for our Kel Dor Emperor ♥
of claws and tusks by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- Apparently, it's hella angsty and I reserve the angst for weekend when I'm not out here thirsting for this King.
in deditionem by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- I've seen them write ♥, it makes me squeeeeeeee ♥
Helium by @cynderiaopus who also made my current bomb AF pfp of Plo steepling ♥
Other materials and interesting read:
@exosorcery has very interesting comics and posts about Kel Dors in general. Here's one specific of Plo Koon:
A few faves from them:
@veny-many for their AUs and Plo Koon & Wolfpack Art (also includes others) <- Presenting you the bebbis ♥
My faves:
The entire post AU 66 where Plo lives is a quintessential to any post AU 66 imho because I'm heavily invested in this and I'm about to cry because I need to organize my bookmarks (and update this) so I can give you the proper start to fin link.
I'd post more from @veny-many and @exosorcery, but if you spend a good 10 minutes scrolling, you'll be there forever. Quality art content!
You may also want to check World building and ConLang Kel Dor study, apart from their OC x Plo Koon art. Big thanks for this neat document by @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows
[[ @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows I hope it's okay to share. If not, I can take it down ♥ ]]
So far just these at the top of my head. Thank you for the Plo-related ask :D! I enjoyed sifting through my bookmarks ♥
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Don't forget to give love and reblog, comment, follow these amazing people who do so much for the Plo Koon, Dorin, Kel Dor tags ♥
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hot-take-tournament · 3 months
In case anyone's confused, for context this take was actually submitted back when this blog became a Starbucks roleplay for a while, and at the time I bitterly resisted giving any of you the orange joe you oh so desperately craved.
However, having since been forced by you guys to both make and actually drink orange joe, I now fully endorse this take. You all deserve this. So drink up.
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Submission 672
The pollrunner should give their costumers the orange joe they deserve
Propaganda is always encouraged.
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure. Exposure to my suffering.
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pennpenn · 2 months
What story of Fractured Wishes (Pokemon Villain Basil au) should I share first?
With a small explanation under the read more with details of what each option means.
The summary chosen will encapsulate both Act One and Act Two of the story, but will not share any story into Act Three.
Watching Basil:
More of a summary of what Basil ends up doing. With facts on things he can't remember or comprehend during Acts One & Two.
Basil POV:
A summary of what Basil remembers and perceives himself doing during Acts One & Two. Details may be left out or changed to what he understands to be truth. This may help understand his character more intimately than the previous option.
These two are somewhat the generic heroes from Pokemon games. Just two young teams happen to come across an evil organization, take it personally, and decide that it's their job to stop the impending doom instead of letting adults handle it. This will lack specific details of what Basil is doing behind the scenes but will have more Kel content.
Just the villain's plot:
Give character info instead of story:
You just want more information on the villains. This will include information on what the evil team is hunting and general facts on the hierarchy of the organization. This will also open up the option for people to submit characters into the au. You can CANNONICALLY be in this au. 💥💥💥
The Penn has only made one character page and really should make more. You want more designs!! Not story!!
Option for if you don't care about the au and just wish the Penn will choose
Technically the 'see results' but I really need opinions and I feel like adding a button for if people don't have opinions or don't want to offer their thoughts can actually be more damaging in a poll designed to see what my followers want. If nobody gives their opinion then I don't know what to do to actually please the greater audience.
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Hey so, you kinda inspired me to try this. So I made some
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Heck yeah!
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shardofhope-fanfic · 5 months
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Dread Hunt has hit 50K hits and 1000 Kudos! I've been watching this goal closely for a while now, and decided a LONG time ago when I hit that goal, I would have a special little event!
I will answer your questions!
Now what does that mean? Well, for the next few days, any asks sent in with "DREAD Q&A" will be answered by the cast? THATS RIGHT. you will be able to ask questions and the cast of Dread Hunt will answer them to the best of their ability (current cannon chapter being 37). You wanna bother Sunny with your questions? You wanna ask what Kel thinks about snails? Wanna annoy Aubrey? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. (No nsfw shit man, you know the drill.)
If you want a chance of your questions being answered by the cast, submit your question via my ask box by Friday the 24th, with "DREAD Q&A" at the top!
Its that easy!
Happy hunting!
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kel from omori is non-binary (headcanon)
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submitted by @shark-with-16-eyes
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aubreysheadspace · 9 months
hi! i hope you're having a nice day <3
if it doesn't trouble you and doesn't violate any of your rules, could i please have a mari x hero x reader thing? whatever format works for you! mari and hero are already dating but they're kinda developing a crush on reader. reader is a sweet and quiet type of person, maybe even a little shy. mari and hero just think they're cute and want to date them (poly!)
i hope this isn't too demanding :,)
first of all anon and everyone else who submitted a request, i would want to apologize for the super long delay, i feel like an airport with all these delays </3 but i’ll try my best and not disappoint you all anymore!! this is my first polyamorous request, and so if there’s anything wrong i got, please correct me and i will fix my changes IMMEDIATELY !! that being said, hope you enjoy !!
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i feel like HERO and MARI aren’t really aware of a lot of sexualities, as they are just two people in love with each other! they probably don’t know the term polyamorous just yet.
that being said, when you come into the picture, they first treat you like a friend. they both understand you’re just a little shy but that’s okay, MARI has a little brother who’s just the same.
MARI might be the one who falls in love first with you as well before HERO does, i think he thinks he only has eyes for MARI (well, he does in canon but shhh)
at first, MARI feels bad for liking you while she’s dating HERO, as she doesn’t feel like she’s loyal at first. but she has a computer for times like these!! that’s when she finds out polyamorous exists, and now she feels better.
during this time, HERO also starts slowly falling for you. he tries to tell himself he doesn’t because he’s dating MARI at the time but he can’t help his feelings for you, how he also gets flustered at the sight of you. thankfully, MARI sees it and knew what it meant.
after some talking, they both decide to approach you and would like to speak to you privately. MARI starts speaking first, telling you they both would like to add you into their relationship, as she’s more educated on these things than HERO (he just figured out what polyamorous means from MARI)
in the end, you accepted and they couldn’t be any more relieved yet also happy!! they treat you more amazing than anyone ever could, bonus points if MARI teases you both a lot about how the two of you are super cute.
they couldn’t really hide anything from the young ones in the friend group, so you three decide to just tell them the truth. they were.. confused, mostly KEL and SUNNY, but decided to support you three nonetheless and even promised not to tell your guy’s parents
i doubt MARI and SUNNY’s parents would understand the whole thing, the same goes for KEL and HERO’s parents. it’s up to you though if your parents are understanding and accepting of your new relationship.
it doesn’t matter though, you three are happy and in love no matter what anyone says. MARI loves you and HERO, HERO loves you and MARI, and you love HERO and MARI, it’s a big win for all three of you! it’s something new, yeah, but it’s exciting right?
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