#such a strange choice to make
dapper-lil-arts · 7 months
What are your thoughts on the fact that Equestria Girls turned a group of career successful adults into high school teenagers
Profoundly dissapointed. This is a part of the trend of copying monster high/ advertising to young people that's just friggin sad. It would have made more sense if they were adults on community college, but i guess that wouldnt be as easy to advertise to kids. Rarity has a FRANCHISE!! twilight becomes a teacher! fluttershy out here with unliscenced illegal animal sanctuary lmao. Applejack is a business owner and so on and so forth, its kind of a major step down to go from that to high schoolers! Dont get me wrong, there is an inherent entertainemend value of "we need to save the world with a battle of the bands" that makes for entertaining movies stuff. But i always thought it was damn weird they never acknoledge that the worlds have them on diffrent ages, pretty blatantly too
By far the ones that suffer the most from this is Rarity because shes such a business oriented and successfull character on FIM, they basicaly remove a massive facet of here character for EG, and a pretty good one at that, all dropped for high school life! So sad. Still, outside of that, there's some satisfying and fun movies and shorts on the series and i like them! Plus, EG gave us Sunset shimmer. applause
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gunstreet · 1 year
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sorry I'm not a photoshop master but would someone mind hanging this up in the SNW writers' room because I think we have all had enough
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kacetheplace · 17 days
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coelacanter + socials
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robo-bozo7125 · 11 months
we need more old man jekyll representation. as the book intended
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birdricks · 9 months
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cant stop thinking about how much more tired rick looks in bps memory compared to his own. almost like he was far more aware of ricks struggles than rick was himself
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nipuni · 10 months
Doctor Who report! We finished S8 and we loved it, Twelve is great! This season started really strong for us, we loved "Listen" and there were many fun episodes!! sadly the "kill the moon" episode also happened and it was such a mess that we are going to pretend it never did lmao I'd rather talk about what I loved instead and that is Missy!! HELLO?? I always enjoy The Master so this was such a treat!! I love her I hope she comes back next season!! Clara's and Danny's character development on the other hand we didn't enjoy as much and we felt it kind of went downhill since the moon episode but I'm curious to see where Clara's arc is going from here. I love Capaldi so damn much!! Also the 60 anniversary special is coming out tomorrow and we are so excited!! 😭 I need to draw so many things about this show already but things keep getting in the way AAA I have a ton of deadlines, a few events to attend to and a trip on top of it all next week so I'm losing my mind but I will have some art and stuff to share soon I promise!! I hope you are all doing well, I love reading your comments and opinions and I'm very grateful for the messages!!
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spookygibberish · 1 month
Made a faintly insane list of of every animated movie I have good enough memories of to feel confident ranking, although some of them I would probably move around if I saw them more recently....
#Apparently “It's Such a Beautiful Day” is my favorite American Animated Movie which is not something i REALIZED before I made this...#movies i haven't seen since i was a little kid aren't on here which excludes a lot of Disney Classics. I have seen more animovies than this#i made up the word animovies to fit that sentence in that tag#also i watched all of the nge reboot movies but it was several years ago and I genuinely do not remember anything that happened in them#i remember not liking them compared to the tone of the series or original movie or thinking they contributed much#despite ostensibly fleshing out the world more#the lower you go on this list the more deranged it looks#i am not actually a big Pixar stan or anything. i do feel like this list makes LUCA being my highest ranked Pixar movie make sense tho..#like. contextualizes that choice by laying bare my Proclivities#i have not watched as much complete and utter dogshit slop as Emily#i DID make her watch Igor (2008) tho it was like... not actually terrible but i went in with my expectations on the ground#i made this list when we were watching strange world and strange world didn't end up on this list on account of me not actually paying#enough attention on account of the deep thought i was putting into this instead#texting#off topic#I have not been having an easy time doing creative things so you get movie and book opinions#i feel vaguely apologetic for some of the choices in this. but not really. It's ranked 100% by how much i enjoyed it there is no pretense o#objectivity
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
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Let death be a lesson to you.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 7 months
ok so we're all in agreement that the way the show is handling trixie and matthew's storyline is complete shite right?
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happycattail · 8 months
Orym is this, Orym is that. Orym is a small little guy with so many issues that negatively affects both the people around him and himself and I want to shake him until he breaks and gets put back together
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four-pointed-leaf · 3 months
thinking abt the time i wrote a very short snippet of a siffrin and loop interaction immediately after beating the king for the first time (and talking to loop thereafter) and hemmed and hawed for like thirty minutes about it probably being ooc considering i didn’t know most of what was going on with both of them still, then sent it my friends and they were like. no you pretty much got it man ggs
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bibxrbie · 1 year
I don't really know how to feel about the fact that Ahsoka has all these things that could help revive the Order, and she just doesn't share it with Luke who is actively trying to revive the Jedi Order. Like, Hyuang is with her as she goes on an intergalactic space trip, and she has holos of Anakin training lightsaber combat, which I would argue she doesn't really need.
And, idk, I wouldn't say it's selfish for her to have these things, that's not really fair on her, and I don't expect her to give them to Luke, but I do hope she shares that knowledge with him.
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
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Why do I feel like this post just got personal and going in for the attack like she did for the radio one on twitter I'm not shocked or surprised by this cos the behaviour is getting more stranger and nasty and a fan on twitter shared this on her page saying we got ur bk u got a whole army behind u. I'm sorry what army and I'm sure if they spilt the fans wouldn't be behind her them they literally making it worst
What do u think ?
So, I saw/got a whole bunch of DMs over this Insta story this morning, but didn't have a chance to talk about it until now.
My first thought was that this was almost certainly in response to the negative reviews and backlash coming out for The Way in the wake of episode 3. The two biggest culprits in terms of media outlets seem to be the Daily Mail (Fail) and the Telegraph, and while I won't link to them here because I don't want to give either site any traffic, both reviews can easily be found via a Google search. Adding to those were a stream of vicious comments, both in the comments sections on the respective websites and on social media, largely from what seem to be right-wing/leaning accounts and public figures.
Knowing that, it made me think that Michael had to have been aware of what the potential reaction to the show could be. We know he was, actually, because he's talked about it in several interviews over the past few weeks, such as this one. And I think with Michael being who he is, he would be entirely amused at knowing he has pissed off exactly the right people. So while I could certainly see him in private having a reaction like the one in AL's story--more than understandably so, given how nasty some of the reviews and comments were--that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good reaction to have publicly. And I think Michael knows that, too.
What also adds to the disconnect for me is that a few hours later, an article that Michael had written as a rebuttal came out in the New Statesman:
What Michael wrote is a brilliant repudiation of remarks made by a Tory MP--a piece that is intelligent, snarky, direct yet unfailingly eloquent. It wasn't just Michael defending his show, but using it (and Nye) to make a point, to make clear what he believes in, and to stand for the truth. And in much the same way that Michael's acting and oratory skills elevate any piece of work he performs, his writing conveyed that same depth, and it came across as effortless as everything else he does.
Which again left me with that feeling of disconnect when looking at Michael's article side-by-side with Anna's Insta story. It's not even that I disagree with her in this instance, as I do think the reviews were unduly harsh and devolved entirely too quickly into personal attacks in the comments. It's that when it comes to acting/directing, criticisms are part of the job, and whether she intended it or not, an Insta story like AL's conveys a sense of unprofessionalism. And when you put it next to Michael's writing, it looks more like a teenager throwing a fit instead of an adult giving a fierce clapback, which again probably was her intention.
Also keep in mind that everything I just wrote is predicated on the idea that someone seeing this story knows what AL is talking about. But I have to wonder how readily apparent it was, because it's so vague that it would probably be difficult for most people to suss out what she is referencing. So it's confusing to me that she is seemingly charging to Michael's defense...but without actually saying his name or the name of the show. Again, it feels like there is a disconnect/sharp contrast between Anna vague-blogging and how specific and incisive Michael was in that article, and it seems like they're not even close to being on the same page.
Those are my thoughts on Anna's Insta story from this morning. It's definitely a fair bit of whiplash, especially given the drastically different tone of her last few recent posts. But I'm interested as always to hear from my followers with your take, regardless of whether you agree or disagree. Thank you for writing in! x
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mai-komagata · 1 year
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so i was reading memory-alpha casually (as one does)... and was reading the Kirk article and noticed that Kirk and Spock were not let into a command conference in the 2360s so they went to a dive bar. But ok if Kirk was captain of the Enterprise (i.e. the flagship) they would not have kicked him out. So this must be before 2365. Which hopefully means Spock is good friends with Jim before then, and we see more of their friendship evolve in SNW, to the point where they would feel close enough for these shenanigans (and maybe we'll even see this event, but that would probably not make for good storytelling).
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captain-hen · 5 months
i get why people are hesitant to believe buddie is endgame or will go canon soon but it’s impossible for me to believe they aren’t going there with how they write buck and tommy’s relationship. everything in 704 and 705 had eddie haunting it (literally like buck coming out was only really about him lying to eddie, you could argue that buck has his feelings confused in all of 704 because half of the clown shit he pulled didnt have anything to do with tommy, the whole maddie coming out scene was about eddie) and even in 706 eddie was all over it. suggesting the couples costume, making the effort to dress up because buck was excited, being basically attached at the hip with him all episode vs tommy not dressing up and then being uninvolved throughout the rest of the episode until the end. like it feels like a deliberate choice!!! maybe a couple instances of stuff like that could be a coincidence but not with this much stacking on top of each other yknow
no yeah the way eddie has been haunting the narrative is literally insane like they didn't have to do All That. it would have been infinitely easier, from a writing perspective, to leave him out of it completely, but here we are! 🤷🏼
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maxthesillyy · 3 days
This is gonna sound pessimistic, but I always found Chloe not reacting at all to Joyce dying...pretty weird tbh. I haven't read the comics so I don't know what happened, but it's something that really bothers me. Cause after Lis2/Bae the only family she has left is David and it's a little crazy that Chloe and had to lose borh William and Joyce in order to grow as a person. Idk if this makes sense at all, but it's something I think about at all the time Thoughts?
well, first off, please dont take the comics as a “Canon” continuation of the sacrifice arcadia bay ending. it has the same level of canon as any old fanfiction does, the only difference is that the comics are officially licensed. it’s a HUGE common misconception i see almost anytime i see someone talk about them.
and secondly, i would say chloe very much does react at the idea of joyce’s death.
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but i guess you could’ve meant when after max makes the decision to sacrifice arcadia bay. and in that case i would say the answer to that then is simply that chloe was respecting and supporting max and her decision.
i mean, i feel like even someone as emotional as chloe could tell that it wasnt the right time to fall to the ground crying about how her mom was going to die. she knew max needed her support in that moment, and chloe was ready to momentarily push away her own emotional turmoil to give that support to max.
(something something. chloe is full of love. something something. parallels. something something. topic for another time.)
especially when they get to the point where theyre driving off from the destroyed town— chloe has accepted it, even when max clearly isn’t as sure of herself as chloe is of her.
(something something. literally their entire dynamic. something something. topic for another time x2.)
she trusts max to have made the right choice, and even if she wasn’t so sure about it, it’s not like she couldve done anything about it.
i mean maybe she couldve yelled, screamed, and begged max to rewind and make a different choice, but whether you think she trusted max in those moments or not— i feel like chloe knew there wasnt any going back on it.
i think that specifically really shows when chloe says max is the only one who can make the decision of who to sacrifice. both in a literal sense and in a “i’ll follow you in either choice you make.” sense.
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honestly i think chloe dropping any doubt she couldve had in that moment just to support max is literally the most in-character thing she could’ve ever done in that scene.
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