#such an interesting character behind that confident facade
didiersdragon · 2 years
doing character studies of Kai is always so heart breaking because despite everything, he is quite the tragic character
loosing his parents, loosing his sister, being thrust into something he had no clue about in his adolescence, not becoming the one thing he expected he would've been (and its canon that he has/had repressed emotions that was never explored)
he definitely looks in the mirror and does not recognise who's staring back. he knows who it is. but is it him?
ninjago's protector. the elemental master of fire. a hero. a ninja.
yet something that had given him purpose, now felt like a stranger. but he is more than that, even though he doesn't realise it.
a son. a lover. a student. a brother. a teammate. a friend.
or maybe even those titles that had once came so easily to him felt heavy now. he'd feel so exhausted. so disconnected from what he was. who he was.
him loosing his powers has definitely made him question himself, even after he got them back. because in firemaker, at a time where he believed he had no identity outside of his elemental power, and was struggling due to having lost it, by regaining them it might've even felt like a confirmation of one of his greatest fears.*
honorable mention to this fic by sugarglider-s on being the most perfect kai identity crisis fic I've ever read, highly recommended
everyone talks about this but it still makes u think every now and then
if the next series is going to be abt the same ninja, i -just like everyone else- hope kai gets a season where he explores himself; his identity, his past, his trauma, everything.
*this is only one of my interpretations regarding him loosing his powers though, because firemaker can be interpreted in so many different ways. i really cannot butter it down to just one when there's so many facets to it (that the show could've most definitely explored) this is just one interpretation that reflects his identity issues
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ambros1an · 2 months
hsr x gn!reader relationship hcs
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warnings: penacony spoilers (2.0+), bug mention (screwllum), angsty (aventurine & acheron), ocd mention (sunday), slight dark content (ie stalking) at end in Sundays but it’s marked in red to avoid if uncomfy
characters: sunday, screwllum, acheron, aventurine
a/n: i feel like it’s so obvious i did like 2 of these a week later 💀 i need more Sunday content in game
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❧ if you manage to get past Sunday’s formal exterior, what lies behind it is a complete “know-it-all.”
❧let him nerd out about the greatest books in the current and past amber eras. he’ll make sure to tell you all about the authors too.
❧if the two of you have liking books in common, congrats! he’ll bring you on a tour to the primal waking library where you can chat all about it.
❧sunday’s compulsions become even worse with you around. is his shirt properly tucked in? he hopes there’s no wrinkles, maybe he should iron all his shirts again. oh gosh-are his shoes untied? you don’t even notice this. he’s used to hiding his true feelings.
❧he definitely confesses first. he’s aware that his status can be a hindrance when forming genuine relationships.
❧ maybe afterwards he’ll let you touch his wings. he loves the feeling of you stroking his feathers. especially when those annoying pin feathers grow in. the biggest sign of trust amongst birds- and sunday of course.
❧ and obviously you always get free vip to robin’s shows.
❧before and after the “Robin incident” are two very different Sundays.
❧the after, is a very possessive Sunday. he can’t have you become like Robin. he uses nightingales to keep watch on you, to make sure you’re safe. he knows it’s unhealthy but he just lost his sister, he can’t lose you too.
❧aventurine’s flirty facade fools most people. they think he’s sleazy and untrustworthy, and so do you in the beginning.
❧at first he talks to you because he thinks your reactions are amusing.
❧eventually your relationship gets too deep for comfort.
❧this guy will never open up. if he has feelings for you, you’ll never know. it’s not because he’s ashamed. it’s because he cannot comprehend someone actually liking him.
❧the only way he’ll confess is if you do it first. and even then he plays it off like a joke, something he can’t even believe. it takes a lot of button pressing to get him to admit his feelings.
❧aventurine is a very vulnerable person. he may rub off insults but they still hurt him deep.
❧the first time you hug him, he is baffled. affection has been foreign to him since the extinction event.
❧worming your way into his heart will get you even more riches then before. sure, he hands out money like nothing, but to you? that credit card is unlimited.
❧”what, that’s all?” he encourages you to spend.
❧brings you to casinos for good luck. not as if he needed any, but with you at least his hand doesn’t shake.
❧ it isn’t uncommon for inorganic species to feel love. just as it isn’t uncommon for organic species not to.
❧ Screwllum, however, hasn’t experienced that feeling.
❧ he sees the way organic species love in a way he hasn’t. as a genius society member and one interested in life itself, how could he not be interested.
❧ which is why when he starts feeling a fluttering in his chest whenever you’re around, he must get to the bottom of it!
❧ confesses instantly. he has zero experience yet remains so confident.
❧ immediately takes time out of his day to interact with you. in whatever way possible.
❧ it could be the busiest day of his life and he’ll still make time for you.
❧ he’s described as a gentlemen by his close companions. this means opening doors for you, taking you out to places, etc.
❧ sounds too good to be true. but it is true.
❧ his one flaw, if you can even call it that, is his love for all life. and that includes bugs! no smashing them on his watch! he’s picking them up before you even get the chance.
❧ if you like bugs, even better. he’ll gently pick them up and talk about them with you. the two of you can take turns.
❧ the first time you meet her, you think she’s a polite but introverted lady. she claims to be a galaxy ranger and you have no reason to doubt her.
❧ her blunt way of speaking leaves no room for questions.
❧ that is, until you get too entangled in each other’s destines.
❧ your first meeting with acheron, wasn’t actually your first. you’ve met her many times. every time though she seems not to know you.
❧ Acheron lies to protect you. just as she lied about being a galaxy ranger, she lies that she has no feelings whatsoever towards you.
❧ perhaps you remind her of someone she once knew.
❧ on some days, acheron traverses through her memories to look for you. she sees the hurt look in your eyes, but sees your smiles too. the path of a self-annihilater is a lonely one.
❧ ultimately, if you manage to convince her with words and actions that you truly care for her. she will put forth that effort tenfold. she desperately doesn’t want to be alone anymore.
❧ acheron is very protective towards you. if there’s a hint of danger, she’ll encourage you to take her with you. even going on her own to eliminate it herself.
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credit to @/miau-meow-miau for first divider 🫶
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buggyjuggie · 4 months
Could you do Johnny, Kitana, Kung Lao, Syzoth, and/or Smoke w/ a reader who has a Katya Zamolodchikova type personality/sense of humour? I'm talking pure chaos, but with a loving and caring vulnerable side. :)
──★ ˙ ̟ Johnny Cage, Kitana, Kung Lao, Syzoth and Smoke x GN!reader with a Katya personality
Note: I watched so much rupauls drag race just for this request because i was so scared of getting something wrong oh god i really hope you like it also @rueschronic you saved me i love you bitch
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「 ✦ Kung Lao ✦ 」
* you and Kung Lao are competitive and like to show off both of you can walk into any place and all eyes are on yall
* Both of you lift each other up as much as you can because you and Kung lao both know what it feels like to put on a character/facade or joke around people even when your hurting on the inside or try to hide it to appear fine
* When you called him queen he wore that like a badge of honour
* He picks up your vocabulary extremely fast and manages to confuse everyone around him
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「 ✦ Johnny cage ✦ 」
* THE duo not a duo it’s THE duo
* I feel like Johnny has wanted to try out more ,,feminine” things but due to holywood and it being looked down upon he hasn’t yet until you gave him reality check and remined him that no one cares (bitch)
* Like Kung lao you and Johnny have that one thing in common: a character. Both of you act a certain way and have built a character to show off to people. People know ,,Johnny Cage” but do they know John Carlton. As more time passes you and Johnny start working on tearing those walls down and showing your true honest selves of course without loosing those confident attitudes
* Clubbing, going out, after party’s all the time most weekends will be endend with you and Johnny at his house not knowing how you got back home but not really needing to know because you’ll be too busy cuddling one another
* Has definitely asked you to be stunt performer because he knows that you can strut your shit like a its a performance
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「 ✦ Kitana ✦ 」
* You captured Kitanas attention right away
* Kitana enjoys her status and work as a princess of Outworld but it does become dull at points. The people being careful around her, underestimating her and treating her almost like a porcelain doll
* Not you tho you treat Kitana like a normal person, tell her things honestly and aren’t afraid of what she can do
* Kitana is very observant she sees that you hide behind jokes and when she finally confront you about you let eveything out. All the toughts of self doubt, anxiety are washed away with promises from her to protect you and keep you safe for as long as she is alive
* A lot of time with Kitana and you is spent sparring or you telling her about Earthrealm, languages and culture (Kitana is prob a history nerd sue me)
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「 ✦ Syzoth ✦ 」
* He was enamoured by you at first sight
* Because of his zetteran liniage Syzoth understands your struggles. Wanting to be yourself but the world rejecting it deeming it ,,too much” or even distasteful. He assures you to the best of his abilities that he’ll never leave you and will stay by your side no matter what
* ,,mother? But im a man” ,,slay ? Slay what ?” Her a little confused when it come to slang but slowly starts to understand it
* If you do drag or are interested in drag TELL IT ALL TO THIS MAN. Syzoth absolutely loves learning about earthrealm its cultures and norms and how people express themselves
* You insulted him once in a joking way and he didn’t understand that you were joking and it ended up in a hugs and kisses session for like 30 min and a long as hell explanation
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「 ✦ Smoke ✦ 」
* The walking definition of polar opposites
* Smoke is quiet ,reserved and introverted meanwhile your loud, not afraid to make a scene and get dirty and extroverted
* ,,Excuse me he asked for no pickles” you say as Smoke stands in the background like a wet puppy
* Smoke is the only person who knows about your anxiety’s he does his best to assure that you are loved for who you are
* If you do nails he’s constantly asking you to do his. Smoke just really enjoys having pretty nails that match with his beautiful partner
*. ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
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itsbuckytm · 6 months
A Lumberjack's love story / Coriolanus Snow (ft Treech)
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summary : You found yourself appointed as Treech's mentor. You had believed that falling in love, especially with someone from a District, was an impossibility. The idea of developing feelings for your tribute seemed even more far-fetched. However, it became unmistakably evident that Snow had become somewhat obsessed and jealous of this unexpected connection. The love that was once rumored to be a mere Game strategy now revealed itself as undeniable truth. Snow is determined to assert your allegiance and make you aware of where your loyalties lie, employing Treech's memories as a strategic tool in the process.
p.s.: english is not my native language, so I apologize for any errors or mistakes. Additionally, I am open to writing about other tributes, like Treech x reader, or any other characters. Feel free to make requests; my ask box is always open!
Snow was never inclined to publicly display the bond between the two of you. Given the stakes of his family name, he recognized that their relationship was merely a facade. As time passed, it became not only unattractive for a woman of her youth but also jeopardized her reputation as a young aristocrat in the streets of the Capitol. Such thoughts that became fueled within your mind as you were compiled with a reminder of your mother’s desire to know what were your plans upon graduations. And to be completely fair, you had zero idea. 
While the Academy expected you to maintain unwavering focus, Snow found himself increasingly intrigued by you. However, he wasn't the type to initiate things. Instead, he expressed his interest through subtle glances, careful not to be caught observing you during class. Despite his reserved yet confident demeanor, it was evident that Snow harbored an attraction towards you during his time as a student at the Academy. If only both of you were aware of the mutual sentiments brewing between you. If only. 
In the initial weeks of the 10th Games, he witnessed you under the relentless summer sun of the Capitol. Your forehead glistened with a sheen of sweat as you struggled to maintain professionalism with your tribute. Treech.  Recognizing the challenging nature of the task, he found himself increasingly captivated as your vulnerability became more pronounced each day. It was this vulnerability that marked Snow's first overt fixation on you. From the way you pampered Treech’s wound after training, to how you carefully swiped his sweet, making it slightly harder due to his curls peaking beneath his hat. How he had envied to be in Treech’s place.
The following day, as you prepared lunch for your tribute, he offered his suggestion. His very first interaction with you. "I'd recommend the sandwich." He said. Having noticed your early arrival in the cafeteria, he quietly approached you from behind, his gaze fixed on the softness of your skin as your fingers delicately folded the freshly cooked food into an aluminum bag. The aroma lingered, a distinct scent that had left an indelible impression on him since the first day he could approach. You responded with a smile, taking his advice to heart and adding additional sandwiches based on Snow's recommendation, expressing deep appreciation for his input. 
On that very first day, Snow found himself unable to divert his thoughts. Whenever both of you shared the same space, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy when you attended to Treech’s skills during training. At times, he pondered whether your sentiments were equally directed towards someone like him, someone he considered beneath you. This notion offended him, yet he couldn't deny that he, too, harbored affection for his tribute. However, for Snow, it was more about care and presentation than genuine emotions. 
Unlike Snow, you had gradually developed deep feelings for Treech. Similarly, even though he needed to take care for his female tribute, especially in your absence. Treech could only think about you. He often expressed his longing for you, complaining about how much he missed your presence or simply wanting to catch a glimpse of your face when you served him his regular meals. These seemingly ordinary gestures were significant to Treech, and he was determined to make you proud once declared the victor. To run away from the Capitol– To build a family of your own. However, that aspiration crumbled when, in the end, Lucy—Snow's tribute—claimed victory herself. Despite your efforts to conceal any sorrow and refrain from openly grieving for the person you loved, Treech's name appeared from Flickerman's announcements, and he was declared as deceased. 
On that fateful evening, during the closure event of the 10th Hunger Games, Snow observed you closely. A sense of pride welled up within him as he witnessed his tribute not only surviving but excelling. However, this sentiment quickly shifted when he laid eyes on Treech's lifeless body in the arena, just moments before his demise. In his mind, he could almost hear Treech's voice pleading. "Be proud of me, Y/N." Despite suspecting that you might not be able to, given the emotional toll, Snow couldn't resist locking eyes with you, even with other tributes still alive. 
Before just a few minutes that Lucy was announced the winner. Snow had yearned to approach you, to envelop you in a comforting hug, assuring you that everything would be alright. He wanted to commend your efforts in standing by Treech's side, supporting him in his quest for victory. Yet, a conflicting feeling gnawed at him, a sense that he was supposed to be the one you cared for, the one you cherished as you did Treech. It was a realization that he, too, would soon need to confront. 
It was inevitable that you will be compelled to pay homage to your District. The profound impact of your care for Treech had touched his family, leading them to extend an invitation for you to visit his home District. Gratefully acknowledging this gesture, you agreed to be present at Treech's funeral. Simultaneously, Snow, prompted to return to District 12 himself, sought a distraction for his troubled mind. Before his departure as a Peacekeeper, you seized the opportunity to express your congratulations, a sentiment you had unintentionally neglected during the Games. And informed Snow about Treech’s funeral. "Treech's family invited me to their son’s funeral... I'm uncertain about the duration of my stay, but can you promise me something before I go?" 
Your melodious voice, as you spoke to him, almost turned his stomach. He observed every nuance of your movements, noting the way your gaze traversed from his body to his lips. The awareness of your attraction to him lingered in the air, though you attempted, albeit futilely, to conceal it—thanks in part to Treech providing a convenient distraction. Or was it only in his head?
 As you prepared to share your concerns, expressing the challenges of being a Peacekeeper, a role your sibling had also undertaken, he sought to reassure you. His fingers tenderly traced the contours of your soft cheeks, creating an irresistible desire to kiss those plump lips of yours. They appeared too tempting to resist, with a fleeting fear crossing his mind that Treech might have been the first to experience that indulgence. Despite the conflicting emotions, Snow found a peculiar satisfaction in Treech's demise. Yet, he remained steadfast and resolute in ensuring your promise. "I'll promise. I swear on my father's grave." 
"Promise me you'll be cautious? When I return, let's meet at your grandmother's garden. No questions asked." Clarity was crucial, and Snow understood your aversion to ambiguity. Even in the aftermath of the Games, with Snow away during your grieving for Treech, the uncertainty gnawed at you. You couldn't shake off the nagging doubt about whether Snow would indeed come back from his duty or, worse, not return at all. "I will." He assured you sincerely. Leaning in, he planted a gentle kiss on your forehead just as his name was called to depart the Capitol and head back to District 12. What you didn't know was that his decision to serve as a Peacekeeper and be in District 12 wasn't solely an act of care; it was driven by a desire to reunite with Lucy. If only you were aware that things weren't unfolding as expected, and Snow was returning as a completely different man. "Noon?" He asked quickly before nodding to his colleague, indicating that it was his cue to leave. 
Snow detested every moment of his stay to District 12. Honestly, witnessing how he treated Lucy served as a constant reminder of you back in the Capitol. Your image would casually infiltrate his thoughts, diverting his actions as he found himself doing everything with you in mind. Forgetting that the Games were still being aired, the revelation of the strong opinions on other Districts held about the tributes and their mentors left a bitter taste in Snow's mouth. It was especially repugnant if your name was uttered by those with the filthiest tongues. Snow harbored a visceral reaction, ready to eliminate anyone who dared to disrespect you with tasteless comments or words he hoped you hadn't heard during your time in Treech's District. Since emerging from that harrowing experience, he vowed to ensure that those in District 12 who spoke ill of you would suffer the consequences, every bit of it. 
And the memory was etched in his mind, vivid as if it happened yesterday. Snow hadn't intended to be invited to the Hob, yet he found no reason to object when offered. Lucy remained a distraction for him, seated just a few tables away when he overheard those contemptible words. While he tried his very best to remain his eyes on the silhouette that was on the stage. The one he “Loved”. He imagined as each words began to fuel his determination to make their speaker cleanse their mouth with the foulest soap, a gesture to demonstrate that such opinions should be worn like armor, wielded like a weapon. "You know, Treech's mentor? Apparently, they fell in love during the Games... I can't even imagine, let alone see the person you loved in such a distraught situation." Although the speaker may not have sounded offensive to an average person, to Snow, it was the complete opposite.  
Without a moment's hesitation, Snow unleashed a punch. He paid no heed to the gasps around him or the attempts of other boys to pull him away or defend themselves. In his mind, you belonged to him, and he couldn't fathom, let alone accept, the idea of you being with anyone else but him. The mere thought of enduring more distasteful words about you from the most insensitive individuals during your absence was unbearable. Regardless of the consequences, he was determined not to let it slide. When Snow, meant he’d do anything for you, he meant every words. 
As Snow neared the end of his tenure as a Peacekeeper, with only a few months remaining, his anticipation to reunite with you grew stronger. Fortunately, he had the opportunity to receive updates about you during his breaks, thanks to calls with Tigris. Hearing her speak about your successes in university brought immense joy to Snow. Knowing that you were thriving and well was what mattered most to him. However, there was an underlying concern that continued to nag at him. Despite your objections, Tigris felt compelled to address it, especially considering Snow's already demanding role as a Peacekeeper. "She hasn't been coping well with Treech's death, Coryo. There are times when I see her crying in her sleep. She mentioned how she wishes he were here, sensing his presence, you know? I can’t believe I am going to say that but– I think they were genuinely in love. And it wasn’t just for the show."  
Truly in love, the revelation that struck Snow the hardest was the hidden well of genuine skill that only emerged when necessary. Lucy lingered in his thoughts, a constant presence, while you were navigated the grieving process for you first love as well. He too, had doubts that Lucy was amongst his first love. Although genuine doubts crept in as he questioned whether the efforts he invested were truly worthwhile. The chaos he instigated at the Hob last night, the desperate plea from Sejanus – all of it was orchestrated for your sake. Yet, the realization that you hadn't given up on Treech, your former love, dampened his spirits. Snow, however, knew that your heart now belonged to him. Upon his return, he vowed to assert his claim unequivocally, free from any expectations. 
Anticipating his imminent return, Tigris meticulously selected the most exquisite dress she could envision for someone of your stature. While the occasion might have seemed extravagant, she understood that her cousin Snow would value the effort, especially since your meeting was set to take place on Snow's rooftop—an ethereal space where innocence, purity, and passion converged. Restlessly, you began nervously nibbling at the cuticles of your fingers. "Don't be too shocked when you see him without his curls." Tigris quipped as you arrived at their apartment.
Since Snow became a victor, you noticed a shift in the opulence of the place compared to your last visit. Tigris's room now exuded her fashion sensibilities with a palette of pinks and light beiges, while Snow's room contrasted sharply with bright white walls and accents of crimson red. A broken frame holding his father's portrait captured your attention, and as you surveyed your surroundings in Snow's empire, you couldn't help but see a parallel with yourself—a broken frame that Snow seemed determined to mend with his love. 
Before encountering you, Snow had a few errands to run, one of which involved settling the score with Casca. The second stop was to finally meet you. As the gentle rays of Capitol sunshine transitioned into the evening darkness adorned with stars, anticipation for the exciting yet thrilling meeting with you heightened since his return. "Where is she?" Arriving just in time at the entrance of his apartment, although he was well aware of your whereabouts. He played the part to make it appear otherwise, a little trick that didn't escape Tigris's notice. Her chuckle prompted him to follow her, momentarily catching his breath as she revealed. "At the rooftop. Waiting for you." 
A wave of relief swept over him, and he expressed continuous gratitude to his cousins. Tigris attempted to assist him in catching his breath, noticing Snow's heightened excitement upon seeing you. She, too, was well aware of his intense fascination with you. However, witnessing the spectacle involving Treech and you, she grasped the potential threat her cousin might have posed.  Bound by blood and family, she couldn't deny the reality and opted not to pretend. If Snow was genuinely in love with you, she had to believe him. "Just be gentle, okay? She just returned from Treech's District. Even if it’s been a few months. She might need more comfort than one can fathom." 
She might need more comfort than one can fathom. Was read like butter to Snow’s ears. As if this was his very own speciality let alone being with the one he truly learned to hear that she was the one for him. He did not approached this statement as a sort of threat. In fact, he was going to use to his full potential and let you completely be compiled by him and emblembed the relationship between the two.
Upon entering, the familiar fragrance of fresh roses enveloped him—a scent he had sorely missed since his grandmother used to present him with one during the reaping ceremony. Despite his absence, the care bestowed upon the flowers was evident. It became clear that, much like him, you had also been away for some time. However, upon your return, you diligently attended to the flowers daily, diverting your focus from Treech. Among the many qualities Snow admired in you was your meticulous attention to detail, a fact he subtly acknowledged as he casually plucked a fresh rose and delicately inhaled its scent, all while listening to your sweet voice. "I'd be careful if I were you." he remarked nonchalantly. 
And there you stood, flesh and blood. Your skin bore a slight tan from the harsh weather of Treech’s District, which quickly faded upon your return to the Capitol, where the grief over Treech proved more challenging than anticipated. Tigris noticed the change in your complexion, the lack of color that had manifested in your skin. Fortunately, you maintained the bold red lip, a shade crafted from the lipstick your mother often made for you—a detail Snow admired, especially as it harmoniously blended with his own colors.
"Thank you.” He managed to say, though in his defense, he was so captivated by your beauty that he found himself absentmindedly caressing the rose, which had fallen on its own. "You've picked the wrong rose. It was about to wither." You added, your words revealing both concern and almost boredom.
Snow detected a subtle tremor in your demeanor, observing how you had become fragile and adrift amid the chaos of your own emotions. Despite your efforts to conceal them, your vulnerability remained apparent. Inwardly, Snow acknowledged that he, too, wasn't immune, having fallen for a Snake that led him back to a recurring beginning. "How are you doing?" Was all he managed to say, careful not to exacerbate your grief for Treech or delve into the complexities of Lucy's memory. This one-on-one interaction became a delicate balancing act, particularly since you were well aware of the romantic display he had been showcasing. 
"Okay, I suppose." Was your cautious response, accompanied by a hint of uncertainty, as if contemplating whether to revise your answer. In truth, you hadn't been doing well, resorting to sleeping at Snow's place to hide your tears. It added another layer of complexity to rest in Coriolanus's room, knowing he would return soon. You were aware that upon his return, you'd need to find your own place, a life independent of others. Yet, it seemed this wasn't part of Snow's agenda. "How was District 12?" You inquired, steering the conversation toward another topic. 
"Could ask the same, sweetheart." Snow retorted, a reluctance to recall evident in his expression. Yet, for you, forgetting proved to be a much harder task. The memories of moments spent with Treech haunted you – sneaking him out of the Capitol's Zoo, hand in hand, discussing a future that now felt lost. Memories of him teaching you to wield an axe, his relationship with Lamina, and the dreams of building a family together. The breaking point came when you saw his eyes on the screen, calling out your name, almost begging and apologizing for deciding your fate. In that moment, you desperately tried to erase it all, but it only resulted in a torrent of tears. Your trembling fingers betrayed the pain at the thought of Treech. Sensing your anguish, Snow reached out, comforting you and reassuring. That it wasn’t all your fault. "Hey— Hey— I'm here." 
Snow, despite his aversion to everything, understood the pain of losing someone dear. Despite his pride and the incident that involved being bitten by a snake, Lucy had become a memory he learned to rely on, blurring the lines between that memory and the reality of you. "You did everything you could..." He spoke, the resonance of his voice echoing the tone he maintained during the Games. "You taught him everything, prepared him to be a victor, and yet—" He paused, a moment of reflection taking him back to his own experiences in a similar position with Lucy. 
"Please..." You pleaded, attempting to bury the remnants of memories. Yet, as your gaze locked onto Snow's, you found yourself fully engulfed in his eyes, surrendering to a state of vulnerability and desperation. You implored Snow silently, begging him to restore you to the woman you once were. Snow was prepared to undertake that task, ready to unveil the true essence of himself.
"Stay with me." You uttered the same words spoken that night with Treech by your side, the eve before the Games commenced. Feeling Snow's arms enveloping you, he whispered the same reassurance Treech told you, that everything would be okay, that tomorrow would bring us all home. Unfortunately, that promise remained unfulfilled. “You are at home now.” Snow implied on reassuring you the best he can offer. An offer of love, protection, and making sure you were the queen in his very own eyes. The same way Treech did. 
"I'll ensure your protection, shower you with love, and take care of you." Snow vowed, his words echoing those once spoken by Treech when he confessed his love to you. With that commitment hanging in the air, Snow approached, and this time, with no Peacekeepers present. Snow was fortunate enough to feel his lips meeting yours for the first, and not the last, time. As he leaned in, he silently and gently brushed the bottom of your lips. Unbeknownst to you, Snow had been well aware of the connection between Treech and you. He had observed the way Treech looked at you and noted the similarities in their demeanor just before a kiss. Everything had been meticulously calculated to make you his own. 
Every details were orchestrated to convey the authenticity of a man you had once deeply fell in love. 
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Cozy Secrets || Chp 2
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Character: Spy!Bucky x Roommate!Reader
Summary: Y/N found herself at her high school reunion, accompanied by her unexpected fake boyfriend, who also happened to be a spy.
Chp 1 , Chp 2 , Chp 3 , -
Main Masterlist || buy me Ko-fi 🥹💓
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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Bucky, raised by spy parents, embraced espionage early in life. Constantly moving, he found comfort in blending into diverse surroundings.
His nomadic existence shifted when a mission led him to an apartment owned by Y/N, a hardworking individual who works as an interior designer.
Amidst a stakeout from his ideally located residence, Bucky grew attached, especially during rainy days. He revealed his spy identity to Y/N and confessed he didn't want to move out.
Offering to be her fake boyfriend, he declared, "With my skills, I could impress everyone."
And so, Y/N found herself at her high school reunion, accompanied by her unexpected fake boyfriend, who also happened to be a spy.
The day of the reunion arrived, and Y/N felt a familiar knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach. Even though she had a secret weapon in the form of Bucky, the thought of facing her high school bullies again sent shivers down her spine.
Bucky, on the other hand, seemed unfazed. He had donned a sleek suit, his hair styled to perfection, and he exuded an aura of confidence that Y/N couldn't help but admire.
As they walked into the venue, it was like entering a different world. The once awkward teenagers were now transformed into polished adults, some more successful than others.
Bucky's charm worked its magic as soon as they entered. He effortlessly navigated the social scene, engaging in conversations with old classmates and making new acquaintances. Y/N, initially hesitant, found herself drawn out of her shell by his infectious energy.
As expected, they soon ran into the infamous mean girls. The leader, Tiffany, still sported the same arrogant smirk Y/N remembered. This time, however, Y/N was prepared. With Bucky by her side, she felt a newfound sense of confidence.
"Hey Tiffany," Y/N greeted, her voice surprisingly steady. "This is Bucky, my… boyfriend."
Tiffany's eyes widened in surprise. "Boyfriend? Since when?" she asked, her tone laced with disbelief.
Y/N, summoning all her courage, met Tiffany's gaze directly. "Let's just say we reconnected recently," she replied, a subtle smile on her lips.
Bucky, sensing the tension, stepped forward and extended his hand towards Tiffany. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, his voice charming and smooth.
Tiffany, unable to resist his charm, shook his hand. "The pleasure is mine, Bucky," she replied, her cheeks flushed.
Y/N watched in amusement as Bucky seamlessly played the role of the loving boyfriend. He engaged Tiffany in conversation, asking about her life and career with genuine interest. Y/N couldn't help but be impressed by his acting skills.
As the night progressed, Bucky continued to weave his web of lies, telling elaborate stories about his "exciting" life as a high-profile businessman. (Easy for him to lie).
The other girls, impressed by his fabricated persona, showered him with attention, leaving Y/N to observe in amusement. She couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction seeing the tables turned on her former tormentor.
However, the act started to wear thin as the night progressed. Bucky, unused to such social interactions, began to lose his composure. He stumbled over his words, and his carefully crafted facade started to crumble.
Fearing things might escalate, Y/N decided it was time to cut their losses. She grabbed Bucky's arm and led him towards the exit.
"Let's go," she whispered. "I think we've had our fun."
Bucky, visibly flustered, agreed. They slipped out of the venue unnoticed, leaving behind the fading sounds of the reunion.
Once outside, they both burst into laughter, the tension of the night finally releasing.
"Wow, that was… intense," Bucky chuckled. "I almost blew my cover a few times there."
Y/N smiled. "You did great, Bucky. Even if it wasn't exactly the truth."
Bucky shrugged. "Well, you never told me you wanted a knight in shining armor, just a date to the reunion."
Y/N couldn't deny that Bucky's presence had boosted her confidence and allowed her to face her past without fear.
Because of his help, Y/N told him that he could stay. As long he never ruined the apartment again. Bucky, relieved to have kept his apartment, was up bright and early the next morning.
The following day, Y/N found Bucky ready to leave. "Don't wait, and try not to miss me too much," he said with a wink. Y/N understand he's going on a mission.
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn't deny the emptiness after he left. The apartment, once lively with his presence, now felt oddly quiet. As much as she craved peace, she couldn't help but miss the chaos Bucky brought into her life.
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Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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coolkat223 · 24 days
And the results are in by a landslide is yes!! So as promised I made one. So here it is my first Genshin Impact SAGAU Idea. I hope you all like this.
~Unintentional Flirting~ Sagau Xiao, Diluc, Wanderer, Alhaitham x gn!reader
The creator found themselves transported into the world of Teyvat, where they encountered characters like Albedo, Zhongli, Cyno and every other characters. Despite their best intentions, the creator's every word and action seemed to unintentionally flirt with some of the characters especially a very flirty nickname, causing them to become flustered and/or try to hide their blushes.
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"My beloved Twilight Muse."
Xiao, is mostly stoic demeanor, found himself at a loss for words as the creator's nickname for him slipped past his guard. He most likely looks away from them so that they won't see him blushing. (If Zhongli is around he will probably be more pleased like a proud father.)
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"My precious Blaze Phoenix."
Diluc, usually composed and confident, stumbled over his sentences as the creator's charm caught him off guard, his cheeks tinted with a faint blush that he desperately tried to conceal behind his usual mask of aloofness. (If Kaeya is around he will be teasing Diluc but also feel a little jealous of Diluc for getting a nickname from the creator.)
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"My adorable Feisty Windblume."
The Wanderer, known for his mysterious aura and his cocky attitude, found himselves unexpectedly charmed by the creator's genuine interest, causing him to fumble with his own responses as he struggled to maintain his enigmatic facade.
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"My darling Starry-eyed Sage."
Even Alhaitham, with his confident swagger, couldn't help but feel a rush of embarrassment as the creator's playful banter left him momentarily speechless, his smooth-talking demeanor momentarily faltering in the presence of such unexpected flirtation. (If Kavah is around he will be shocked that Alhaitham is showing more expression than his unreadable expression on his face.)
And so the creator traveled through Teyvat, they found themselves unintentionally leaving a trail of flustered and stuttering characters in their wake, all struggling to maintain their composure in the face of the creator's accidental charm by them by giving them nicknames.
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kisskawa · 9 months
— leylines cw major character death, lots of grief, injury, blood, ghosts of the past, love is the most twisted curse of all, bittersweet ending
gojo keeps up the facade. the jokes fall from his tongue as usual, grin on his lips, but there's something else. something wobbly and wrong as it spreads out too far, too thin. and no one misses the quiver of gojo's lip, no matter how slight.
he knows he's not faring well, each chortle harder to sound than the last. and as the moon creeps into the sky, every fibre of the strongest man sinks, heavier than the day before. everyone else can see it too, can see how he struggles. and so, they laugh alongside him and whisper their concerns to one another when they're sure he's not paying attention. it's not hard, gojo can't seem to find focus at all anymore.
for it'd only been two months since they buried you.
two months since they'd dragged your body from the cursed domain, too much blood and too many tears. two months since you'd become a casualty, remaining only as a name on reports and nothing more. two months since gojo had begun missing you, and two months since he had last stopped.
you'd come in like a storm, utterly captivating as you drew others in, magnetism in the air. all it took was a single sharp smile and a flash of lightning behind your eyes for you to peak gojo satoru's interest. it'd taken a bit more time for your relationship to advance, you weren't a fool. you'd heard of gojo, of course you had. a man with extraordinary power and a face to match, his persona of confidence came as no shock, a string of reverent men and women alike behind him, all wide-eyed and jaws dropped in their admiration. it took a while for you to see past them, see past the illusion gojo let his rumoured reputation build. but then you grew tired of the push and pull - all too aware of the quips and smirks gojo saved just for you - and pressed your lips to his, hold firm on his collar and smile curving as his breath hitched in surprise. and just like that, you had him wrapped round your finger.
it was unfamiliar. for the both of you. you'd spent your days focused on sorcery and techniques, hardly letting yourself find distraction as you climbed your way up the ranks. and gojo, he hadn’t let himself feel so committed to anyone, anything in a long, long time. he was picky with who he loved, pickier even with who he let love him. being a jujutsu sorcerer - let alone such a high level one - was tiring and dark, he did his best to separate it all from his time outside of missions. and yet, he found himself letting you reach out and pull at the mask he had worn so comfortably. bare for you to see, he was willing to quieten down and let his lips drop, exhausted, into a frown; gojo didn’t seem to mind, not as long as he was with you. and sometimes, he pondered amusedly, if you had put a curse on him.
but now gojo was stumbling, grappling for a sense of security that he could no longer find. not in the front he used to put on and not in you who he so desperately wanted, who he so desperately needed.
the night he first saw you for the second time was suffocating. he'd spent the whole day locked up, initially in his office and then in his room, hardly able to get past how everything now seemed to remind him of you. so gojo had turned in early, clamping his eyes shut as he tossed around in a bed intended for two.
he finally gave up some time closer to sunrise than sunset, eyes bleary as he ultimately granted them their wish and allowed them to stay open. and it was as he blinked away the false sleep that he saw you.
he wished he had smiled at the sight of you. maybe even screamed, that'd be logical. but instead, gojo stared, awestruck, loving, blinking only when his eyes began to burn. he didn't know it was tears, rather than disbelief or confusion, that pricked at them, not until your name lurched from his throat, a sob more than a question.
like gojo, you didn't react how expected to, no gentle hello, no admission of love but a simple "you need to let me go." you were never one to sugarcoat around satoru, knowing he'd take your words and twist them into a playful tease, stealing a kiss or two from you in the meantime.
"no, i can't," gojo replied snippedly, somehow falling back into that easy flow of conversation you two always had, no matter what form you took now.
you were about to protest, lips parted as you weighed over demanding him to or assuring him he could, when you faltered. for gojo sat in a too big bed, shaking his head petulantly as tears slowly filled his waterline and yet, you could see, clear as day, how the corners of his lips twitched upwards ever so slightly. 
"ok," you whispered acceptingly instead into the air and that smile grew.
since then you'd stuck by gojo's side, though, you supposed, that was nothing new. he wandered down the hallways, you right behind him with your silent footsteps, talking to the thin air and no one dared to mention it in conversation. (“he's grieving, let him be.”)
you kept him company as he taught the first years too, lilt in his voice faded and energy sapping throughout the day. but he bore through it. the kids only had him now, and he couldn't let them down like he did you, he wouldn't. in return, nobara sought gojo from his room most nights, words firm and attitude stubborn as she grasped and tugged his sleeve tightly. she sat him down with a solid hand on his shoulder and he'd watch as itadori waltzed around the kitchen, the other two providing aid when they could. "eat," megumi ushered each time with a nod as they crowded round the table, waiting for gojo to take a bite before he allowed himself to follow suit.
you'd always been fond of megumi, having known him the longest of the first years. he was polite though stoic and sarky, and from the way he greeted you in the hallways with a low nod of his head and a call of your name, it was obvious he favoured you too. more often than not he'd turn to you to ask for guidance on training or to complain about gojo's antics and with a tender expression, you'd tried your best to provide him what assistance you could, even if the advice wasn’t always so helpful, you both knew gojo wasn’t going to to stop in his teases, he loved the boy.
but one day megumi returned from a mission battered and broken, blood caking his features and matting his hair. a bruised gojo stood by his side in the infirmary, paler than you had ever seen him. you'd watched carefully as he double and then triple checked if megumi was okay before meandering to his office, footsteps too slow, too heavy.
you'd waited as he slumped in front of his desk, body sinking until his forehead was pressed against the wood. all it took was a tremble of his body and then "fuck!" - a shout as gojo slammed his fist on the table, voice thick. it took a moment for his breathing to even out and another for him to force himself mostly upright, head supported by his hand which was slowly blooming red. still, you remained silent as gojo filled out the mission report, grip too tight on his pen, ink as thick as the blood that trickled down from the gash on his cheek.
"it was the same one," gojo broke the silence with a mumble. any louder and his voice would tremble. "the same one that...you…"
"oh," you hummed, no longer trying to peek over his shoulder at his scrawled handwriting.
"yeah," gojo swallowed thickly, "it--uh it went for megumi first, made him see you when…" his voice is even smaller as he whispers, "i couldn't help him."
something foreign begins to swirl inside you, eating at you as the cursed spirit comes back to haunt you in pieces, grotesque and deformed. thick and wilting skin, limbs twisted every which way and too many eyes glowing a bright yellow. too many teeth too. curved into a ghastly smile as it wracked an arm through your abdomen. you wondered if megumi had felt this same fear.
gojo couldn't bring himself to look away as you remembered. your eyes turned empty, hollow, as your body shuddered in aggressive heaves, growing ever more sunken with each faux breath. your form became greyer, save for the wounds that had returned, marring the remains of your skin. your blood, seeming so real, dripped onto the floor in a consistent stream and all at once, a hole formed in your stomach, baring your insides. the pain, you realised, had never left, simply pushed down and you let out nothing less than a howl, anguished and tortured, ridden with agony. it's gojo's turn to watch now, all too aware that, for the first time since he had seen your ghost, you were well and truly dead, and the tears were endless as, for the second time that day, he remained utterly useless.
a second later and you had gone. disappeared into a wisp and gojo's ears were left ringing as he wondered if any of that - of you - had ever been real.
whatever you are, it took you a week to return, just in time to witness how gojo had restarted his work on tracking down that damn cursed spirit once again. the pair of you carried forward an unspoken deal, pretending you hadn't had a meltdown on supernatural levels and gojo hadn't spent the last few evenings talking to the thin air, begging you to come back. it reminded him all too much of when he had gripped your body, unmoving and still, chants and cries falling endlessly from his lips.
gojo threw himself into the work, stomach churning each time he took a break to visit the infirmary and check on megumi's recovery. not wanting to disturb, you had gotten into the habit of sitting perched on the edge of megumi's bed in the meantime, fingers attempting to smoothen his unruly hair though only ever falling through. there's something about the sight that makes the guilt double, rising up onto gojo's tongue and threatening to spill as it burns his throat, stinging and bitter.
it paid off though. of course it did, it had to. because a month later, gojo found himself trailing after the ugly thing, just an inch from his grasp. it turned, still running, with a taunt, smile curved unnaturally wide as it laughed and spat. in a rage, gojo locked eyes with the cursed spirit and his breath immediately hitched, megumi's injuries entering his mind with a flash. 
gojo felt his jaw ache, teeth clenched together painfully as he zeroed his focus once more. he moved swiftly past the illusion, the memory, of megumi - the boy now fully recovered and fighting a lower grade curse behind him - only to fall into another. this time one of you.
he stared unwavering at the curse, unable to tear his eyes away, stuck in the grasp of haunting yellow. you’re sat in the midst of that, between the pupils and the lids, a dark shadow dancing against the unnatural colour. you run and run, trapped unknowingly in a circle, until finally, the inky cloud you were formed from reaches over and tugs its way through your core. 
gojo doesn't realise he's sobbing, doesn't realise he's screaming either. not even as the tears drip thick from his chin and his throat rubs raw, hoarse. instead all he can think of is you, and how the last thing you'd seen on earth had been the curse that stood in front of him, eyes glowing and smile mocking.
his instinct takes control as a domain takes form, curving over himself and the cursed spirit - and you. it's messy and sloppy, not up to gojo's usual standards, but he can't find it in himself to care, not when the curse stands right in front of him, your death swirling in his irises and yet still, somehow, out of his reach.
it takes but a minute for you to realise you're inside the incomplete domain, pulled in by your connection to both gojo and the curse. this - and the failed mission before - had been for you after all. that much was clear, no matter how much gojo brushed it off and pretended it wasn't. and with him in the forefront of your mind as he so often resided, you ran towards the sound of an obvious fight. and try as you might, you couldn't prevent the feeling that everything was too weighted, too slow. it was clunky as your feet slapped against the floor and your eyes, though darting, couldn't take in the sights before you. a fist, a snap of a jaw, all gone in a single blink.
it was entirely impulse when you found yourself behind gojo, a counter to the curse's inhuman speed and the angled blow it had aimed at his back. your arm was raised protectively, a makeshift shield imbued with cursed energy. there’s no time for gojo to drink you in, no time for him to appreciate you once more. instead all he can do is clap his hands together with ease, confident smile on his face as your joint technique shoots the curse back with an echo.
it doesn’t take much more for gojo to finish the curse off, refinding his stride and proving his worth as the strongest. you provide a helping hand here and there, battling it into position to receive gojo’s hits, but it’s clear to see he needed only a nudge to return to himself, his demeanour familiar and certainty reassuring.
gojo doesn’t waste a minute after the curse finally falls with a telltale thud, tugging on your wrist until you whirl into him, your mere warmth enough to have tears pricking at his eyes. there’s a newfound fervour that he kisses you with, lips slotted against yours as he pours out pure love, desperate for you to receive it all. your chest swells, heart beating rapidly until eventually you can no longer ignore how heavy it feels in your ribcage, a punishment for using borrowed time.
pressing another kiss to his lips, you cup your hands delicately around satoru’s face as though he might break, and mumble softly again: "you need to let me go."
"no, i can't," he repeats, a whimper more than anything this time round and the tears drip down from his eyes and onto your thumbs.
"you have to," you murmur in that tone you knew always soothed gojo as he began to tremble in your hold, "the curse is dead and we both know this domain won't last, can't last forever. let me go satoru, it's okay."
there’s a pause, filled only with sobs as both your hearts constrict and all gojo can do is cry his farewell, “i love you, i love you so much.”
"i know,” you smile, shaky and weak, and still, satoru can’t resist returning it, “i love you, and i'll always be with you. i promise."
one final kiss is shared, gentle but with all the passion of a million goodbyes and the love that should’ve been kindled together for the rest of your lives. satoru keeps you as close to him as he can as the domain collapses and you fade away, nothing more than a wisp of a memory. the first years all clamber towards their teacher, megumi the first to ask "what happened? are you okay?" as the trio barely catch a sliver of red rimmed eyes before gojo slips his blindfold on.
satoru hums positively, smile more assured than it had been for a long while, "yeah i'm alright" he rubs a hand in megumi's hair, "they're gone."
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flower-boi16 · 8 days
What's your opinion on the overlords over all?
As characters or what they do for the world building?
As characters they are actually pretty good. They aren’t amazing but they aren’t terrible
The Vees are actually some of the better villains in Hazbin tbh. I’ve gushed about Velvvete before but Vox is legitimately interesting with how he initially keeps this cool, chill attitude to him which completely shatters once Val brings up the mere mention of Alastor, revealing just how much of a petty, childish asshole he really is. He may keep this facade on the outside, but deep down, Vox is just a petty childish asshole stuck in a rivalry with Alastor who he’s obsessed with one uping.
Now, that I think about it, Vox and Alastor’s rivalry is legitimately entertaining because it is essentially a petty childish tv headed asshole vs a calm, confident charismatic radio host who frequently pokes fun at the childish asshole. Stayed Gone shows this rivalry perfectly; with both characters’ verses being about one trash talking the other, though Vox’s verse is about how much better he is than Alastor and how Alastor and his medium are getting outdated, and Vox’s medium is the next best thing that everyone should care about.
He calls Alastor a “loser” “fossil” and a “coward”, which is pretty much just him baselessly insulting Alastor, and the “who gives a shit?” line pretty much communicates Vox saying “who even cares about him?”. Alastor’s verse meanwhile is, like I said, him poking fun at Vox for his childish insecurities and throwing in actual roasts into it as well.
Stayed Gone does a good job of showing the rivalry between the two, and like how Respectless does a good job of showing Velvvete’s personality, Stayed Gone does a good job of showing Vox’s personality and his rivalry with Alastor. Hazbin is honestly an improvement over Helluva in terms of antagonists.
It’s still not amazing (this is still the show that has Adam and Lute in it) but with characters like Velvvette, Vox, Alastor and Sera its a major step in the right direction since these characters have REAL DEPTH behind them beyond them being one-dimensional assholes.
Vox is an asshole but there’s actual DEPTH behind his assholery that characters like Adam or most of HB’s antagonists simply don’t have. The only real exception here aside from Adam is Valentino who is the least layered of the Vees. But even then he’s still leagues above characters like Crimson or Stella in HB.
Now, where was I…oh right the overlords as characters. Like I already said, I enjoy Alastor as a character. I like his charismatic personality and he has this mysterious air to him that makes him very intriguing as a character. I would like to see what they do with him in later seasons (assuming they dont find a way to fuck it up). Oh and Rosie. Rosie is cool. She’s neat.
And Carmila too I guess…? Carmila’s fine tbh. She’s a character that the show instantly expects you to care about the second she’s introduced in and she gets an emotional ballad that was completely unearned which hurts her as a character but she isn’t bad in episode 7.
So overall as characters so far the overlords are actually pretty good. But then there’s the world building part and…its bad.
The major issue with overlords world building wise is that it’s never really explained how a sinner becomes an overlord. I’m assuming it’s by gaining a high economic status and having a lot of souls, but like…how many souls do you need to own to become an overlord? How can someone gain more control over the area? Are you just an overlord when you have high economic status?? Do overlords rule over other sinners in the area?? What kind of power over their areas do they have??? What specific way can an sinner rise to power to becoming an overlord???
Ya none or this is really explained…its amazing how every time I think about viv’s world building I notice more holes in it.
So overall overlords are fine. Character wise their good, world building wise they suck.
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scintillyyy · 4 months
actually though, to me (and this might sound a bit meaner than i intend, truly, i'm not trying to mean here, just spitballing some thoughts), sometimes with fanon concepts it's not necessarily the transformation or alteration of characters into something they're not that bothers me so much as. hm. the general unawareness that something is a transformed concept. if that makes sense.
so like. overtly and excessively abusive and terrible drakes for example. i, clearly, am not a fan of it. but that doesn't mean it's not a concept that couldn't potentially be interesting so long as there is a general understanding that the person is aware of some of the actual canon behind the character & understand how they're specifically twisting and altering for the explicit purpose of transformation & exploring non canon things. so not like 'never touched an actual full issue of a comic at all & are only going based on what i think they are in my head' or genuinely thinking that the character or event is actually like that and are completely unaware it's going against canon & canon intentions (and this is not a 'there's only one true read thing' this is like 'the basis of how things work in canon would mean that this is probably what was meant'). if that makes sense.
like for example. a jack who is much more malicious than he is in canon & a tim that is trying to navigate being severely abused by his dad could be interesting. how does this tim handle it? does he struggle with being a victim yet having the power to stop his dad and yet also can't. is he having issues with tim drake is being abused, but robin is not (the tim/robin dichotomy). is he hiding things from his friends, like ives. is he flittering around dick, wanting to confide in dick but not wanting dick to think less of him? (does this take place during canon events, like prodigal?) are things like that happening? if so, then it's an interesting angle to me.
hell, you could even take dana and completely transform her into something she's not--rather than just a nice woman who's doing her best, is she a gold digger who preyed on her rich patient? is her niceness towards tim a facade? is trying to kill tim & jack & take the money. this clearly isn't true of her at all, but it could be a potentially interesting transformation if you have jack & tim at least acting like their canon selves around this. when does it take place? right after the wedding? when jack loses his money, does she take out a life insurance policy on him? (should she have lbr) does dana push for tim to go to brentwood to get him out of the way? does this end in bruce/jack endgame after batman saves jack? does it have references to nightwing annual 1 & the black widow story there for dick? the world may never know. (knowing dana even exists is a sign that there's some awareness of the canon that's being altered.). this wouldn't offend me as much so long as it was clear that it was an intentional alteration of canon dynamics and a clear what-if exploration.
just my thoughts.
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great-cats · 6 months
The Compress Analysis (2/?)
(From: This Post) Ⅰ - Ⅱ - ...
Part Ⅱ: The Mask
Yep, I see the mask as a key part of his character to the point where it simply must get a section of its own in this increasingly more insane ramble. One may immediately assume that the thing is used for identity concealment. While this is partially true, I reckon that its primary purpose is the concealment of his emotions, as implied in the ultra analysis entry for him (attached below). He may have a near perfect handle on his body language, but I will personally headcanon that he has a terrible poker face until the day I die. As a villain, his identity is going to come out at some point, you know? Even after the Kamino raid (where he got doxxed the hell out of), he continued to wear the mask up until his ta-da moment in 294. So with that info, we can reasonably assume that identity was on the back burner, and emotion/dramatics took centre stage. The latter option is thrown in because he obviously was saving that reveal to an extent. One can even go so far as to assume he hadn’t even taken his mask off around the league, which would be pretty interesting. We don’t ever see him without it while he’s with them, after all.
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Beyond keeping his facial expressions behind closed doors, the mask may very well bolster Atsuhiro’s confidence. We don’t particularly see much of this in action given he wore the thing for so long and has only a select few moments of casual interaction, but I still like to think of it as a very real possibility. For all intents and purposes, Atsuhiro Sako is just a normal man with an interesting background and some past poverty. Despite this, the villain that is Mr.Compress– or what quite nicely amounts to a stage persona –is flamboyant, clever, and has a penchant for monologuing. I quite like to create a separation between “Mr.Compress” and “Atsuhiro Sako” because of this disparity. The latter is the flawed man behind the mask whilst the former is a faux, ideal identity put on for the audience. Only in those rude remarks and reckless actions do we see the facade begin to slip. So, what of the moment in the climax of chapter 294 in which he throws that covering off? Well, for starters, he couldn’t not. Jeanist’s quirk could nab anything fibrous, and the fellow couldn’t take any chances. But, beyond that, Atsuhiro thought that moment would wind up his final stand. What’s the use of concealment if you’re going to die soon? He might as well make things flashy.
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A big thing in my opinion regarding the mask is how it often reflects Atsuhiro’s status. While I do like to make the distinction between him and Mister as mentioned prior, again, there’s that smidge of him shining through. When he lost his arm, the mask was solemn and in the times he was at his best, it portrayed a smug/snide grin. That grin in particular is by far his most iconic design! It gets the cogs turning in my head when his real emotions don’t seem to match it, though, Regardless of how Atsuhiro is really feeling, that mask keeps up the smile until it’s either broken or otherwise removed. It circles us back to that emotion concealment point, if that wasn’t already obvious. In pursuit of the perfect villain and the next in line for the illustrious goals and teachings of the late Peerless Thief. Atsuhiro has no room for error with that heavy load on his shoulders and must keep up appearances, even if he has to hide behind a smiling mask to do so. But why hold this legacy in such high regard? Atsuhiro claimed that it was the very reason he was there with the league, so what could’ve possibly gotten the man to be so dead set on the wishes of a long gone relative he likely never met? Perhaps, answers to questions like that could be found in what minimal information we know about…
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Ah dear! That's part three exclusive content!! Tune in for "The Upbringing" later in which we'll pick right back up from where we left off!
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immobiliter · 12 days
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okay so i have been thinking a lil about furina lately and how, even though i love her dearly and want to write her always, for me she is a tricky muse to throw into a situation or dynamic without any kind of plotting whatsoever. so i wanted to make a wishlist of sorts to help guide interactions with her~
obviously i crave post-AQ interactions, though there are some caveats to this seeing as i am very much of the belief that furina shouldn't and wouldn't want to be any part of any future form of government over fontaine. i also do not think she holds the kind of popularity within fontaine that she did prior to her trial and that, no matter what kind of explanation is publicly given for the thwarting of the prophecy, she is still a polarising figure in some circles. so i'm here for exploring director furina and her return to the stage in her SQ, as well as how her dynamics with other fontaine characters might change post-trial ( for those in the know and those who are not. please do not hold your muses back in this regard, fontainians are allowed to dislike her post archon quest ), but she will no longer involve herself publicly in any political stuff. privately, however? she has a great deal of experience and is an asset.
and this doesn't just mean for fontaine; furina offering expertise ( whether accidentally or otherwise ) to other nations, particularly those that have faced recent upheaval like inazuma or sumeru is very interesting to me. furina's not perfect by any means, but she does have five hundred years of experience in ruling a relatively stable nation under her belt. she knows how to manage appearances and how to be loved and adored by her people.
pre-AQ i am very much down for too! i wanna explore how furina hoodwinked an entire nation for five hundred years, i want to explore her cult of celebrity, her time on the stage, the critics of her blasé attitude towards trials at the opera epiclese ( hi navia, hi lyney ), her diva tendencies, her governing style and the work she actually did for fontaine aside from the prophecy stuff. i don't just want to write the uncertain post-AQ furina figuring things out, but the confident version of her who ruled fontaine for all that time and is sometimes incredibly unlikeable.
i also want people to get close to the truth. this is a tricky one because she kept up that facade for five hundred years and the only person who could and nearly got it out of her was the traveler, who is noted to be from another world. but arlecchino got incredibly close to figuring it out, plus it's rp so why can't we rewrite the AQ from an alternative perspective and push things a little?
shipping is suuuch an incredibly low priority for me ( though, as always, i will never say never ). i don't really ship any of her fanon pairings but even without the romantic aspect i want people trying to get close to this girl and seeing just how much of a struggle it is. try to get close to a girl who has lived behind a mask for five centuries. do it. i dare you.
visiting other nations! whether this is furina seeing the rest of teyvat post-AQ or matters of diplomacy between nations pre-AQ, i want them all. i do also think that any reputation she had outside of fontaine would have been less damaged by Events so distancing herself physically by visiting other places ( such as when she goes to chenyu vale during lantern rite ) makes plenty of sense for her.
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nspwriteups · 1 year
Pehla Nasha | Kundavai x Vanthiyathevan OS (Modern AU)
A/N:This had been sitting in my drafts for weeks... finally found the confidence to post it. Happy reading 😊
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Kundavai = Keerthana , Vanthiyathevan= Vaishnav, Aditha = Adithya and Arulmozhi= Amal
Keerthana stood at the return section of the public library, glancing at the news channel in the tv mounted on the wall. She waited for the staff to return her library cards and made her way to the book section. She scanned the stacks for the book she had been searching for weeks. It was too boring for her to use the Web Opac on the library computer to get the book of her choosing. She preferred searching through the long rows of paperback until an interesting title or an attractive book cover caught her attention. But try as she may, she wasn't able to find THAT book yet. She looked around for a minute. Maybe because it was almost noon or maybe it's because it was a Sunday, there were only two people in the book reference section there - she and another guy,who seems to be in his own world - whistling an unrecognisable song and staring at the books ahead of him with hands in his pocket. She was again too lazy to go all the way over to the staff section to enquire and so she briefly glimpsed at the seemingly oblivious guy again. Her friends always called her out on her introverted nature. She wasn't really introverted, she just preferred to listen and observe others over talking non stop. She slowly walked over and tapped the guy's shoulder. He was taller than her and when he turned around she noticed his brown eyes meet hers in a look of confusion and curiosity. 
"Hello. I was wondering if you know where I can find Kalki's Ponniyin Selvan novels?" She put on her friendliest smile and politest tone. He looked around for a moment before turning back to her with an embarrassing expression. "I am not the library staff.. I'm just browsing books like you" 
She knew that. Of course she knew that but still she couldn't help but feel awkward all of a sudden. Maybe he noticed it because he quickly added "But I have time to kill. I can help you find the book". She gave a quick nod and together they went to the Tamil literature section and started digging from the opposite sections. As she searched, she couldn't help checking out her helper of the hour - his olive green jacket fitted him well and his entire body language gave him a laid back demeanor. He looked like a Wattpad male lead character with his tall frame, boyish outfit, silver chain peeking out of his jacket collar and striking brown eyes. She saw him turning slightly to look in her direction and quickly turned her attention to the books in front her. Get a hold of yourself Keerthana! She thought to herself.You are a research scholar for God's Sake! Don't act like an infatuated teenager. Keerthana prided herself in being clever, practical and disciplined -  a complete opposite to her brothers who were prone to spontaneity. Even though her friends teased her for shooing away even the slightest chance of a relationship coming her way, she never told them the real reason she wasn't willing to give her heart away. She had her moments of checking out the cute guys she met now and then (like now for instance) but deep down she was waiting for a romcom version of love - an unexpected meeting followed by a series of chance encounters until the hero says something like "You have Bewitched me body and soul" (She absolutely loved Pride and Prejudice) - that was her secret, that behind her calm,composed and strategic facade was a girl yearning for a silly and magical romance. She was snapped out of her thoughts with a book waving in front of her."Found it" He declared with a grin. She smiled and said "Thanks a lot. You were such a great help". It was true, he was such a friendly person."How can I not help someone as beautiful as you" He replied with a smirk. Huh, friendly and flirty then. "I am Vaishnav. And you are?""I'm Keerthana" She said as she made her way to the book issue section. He caught up with her easily, a book called Exploring the World tucked in his arms. So a wattpad-ish looking person with a love for reading travelogue? This guy seems to be the dream vision of many of the reader girls out there. "Keerthana as in Keerthana Viswanath? Adithya's sister?" He asked and Keerthana stopped on hearing her older brother's name. "Yes. How do you know?""I'm in the same football team as him. He always talk about you and your brother Amal. It's so nice to finally meet you" He said with the same grin as before, looking at her amusingly. Aah, so that must be why she felt a familiarity with him. They exited the library together, both unintentionally walking at a snail's pace, engrossed in their conversation. She learnt that his favourite colour is green, aspired to become a travel writer and was best friends with her brother. He got to know that she was a bookworm with a love for classics, loved boat rides and was as impressive as her brother. They faced each other once they reached the parking lot.
"So.." He began, not knowing what to say despite the fact that he prided himself in being a sweet-talker.
"So..." She also initiated, feeling the awkwardness climbing back up
"I hope I can see you around. Maybe another encounter at the library? " He joked
"We'll see" She joined in on the joke, with a playful smile and a thumping heart.
Later, when she was in her room, already pages deep in the first book of the Ponniyin Selvan series, she imagined him to be Vallavaraiyan Vanthiyathevan and herself to be Ilaiya Piratti Kundavai. Because she couldn't picture anyone else to be the flirty and enthusiastic Vana Kula Ilavarase. And the more she imagined, the more she felt as if maybe there is something about this boy that is pulling her towards him, a sort of feeling that somehow he will come into her life as more than Adithya's best friend. She placed a hand over her heart beating faster than usual at the thought of such a possibility. "Silly heart" she whispered with a soft giggle.
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @harinishivaa @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai@rang-lo. @willkatfanfromasia@thelekhikawrites@thegleamingmoon@deafeningflowercat@yehsahihai@whippersnappersbookworm@itsfookingloosah@gemsmusings@chiyaanvikram@elvenladysakura. @matka-kulfi. @madatdisney@bumblebeeskywalker@vahnithedreamer@nkarti@dosai-maavu@utterlynotperfect@winter-birds@happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore@rapunzels-stuff@celestesinsight@mairablue@rationalelderberry@existenceiswhateven@arachneofthoughts@spider5884fan11 @cara-2003 @nirmohi-premika @stella12
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gutxpupz · 1 year
I wrote a whole essay on davekat
i turned this whole thing in for a grade last year. i got an A, which 100% should make you question the education system
Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas, two main characters from the webcomic Homestuck by Andrew Hussie, have long been a popular ship among fans, who value their complex dynamics, witty banter, shared interests, and mutual respect. While some argue that other pairings, such as John Egbert and Vriska Serket or Rose Lalonde and Kanaya Maryam, are more canonically supported or thematically resonant, DaveKat fans insist that their ship is not only valid but also the most interesting and meaningful one in the story. In this essay, I will explore the reasons why Dave and Karkat make the best Homestuck couple, based on their character traits, plot arcs, interactions, and symbolism, and how their relationship embodies some of the core themes and messages of Homestuck as a whole.
First of all, let's examine the personalities of Dave and Karkat, and how they complement each other. Dave is a cool and ironic dude, who often hides his emotions behind a facade of sarcasm and detachment, but who also struggles with deep insecurities and unresolved trauma from his upbringing. He is an accomplished rapper, a skilled animator, and a dedicated friend, but he also tends to push people away, both physically and emotionally, and to doubt his own worth and purpose in life. Karkat, on the other hand, is a hot-headed and passionate troll, who speaks his mind candidly and sometimes aggressively, especially when he feels challenged or insulted. He is a natural leader, a strategic thinker, and a loyal ally, but he also tends to overreact, overanalyze, and overcompensate for his own perceived weaknesses and failures. Together, Dave and Karkat balance each other out, offering each other support, challenges, and perspectives that they would not have on their own.
For instance, Dave helps Karkat to loosen up and to appreciate the beauty and creativity of human culture, which he often dismisses as frivolous or inferior. Dave's love for music, fashion, and irony inspires Karkat to explore the human language, fashion, and humor, and to express his own feelings more openly and creatively. Dave also understands Karkat's need for validation and recognition, and often complements or follows up his rants and plans with subtle gestures of affection or admiration, such as nicknames, compliments, or ironic references. Karkat, in turn, challenges Dave to confront his demons, to share his feelings more honestly, and to pursue his dreams with more confidence and courage. Karkat's blunt criticism, tough love, and honest confessions make Dave feel seen, heard, and valued, and encourage him to open up his heart and soul to Karkat, and to trust in their bond despite the odds and obstacles they face.
Another reason why Dave and Karkat make the best Homestuck couple is their plot arcs, which intertwine and reflect each other in various ways. Dave's quest involves time travel, identity crisis, and self-discovery, as he tries to find a way to prevent his doomed timeline self from succumbing to his own ego and despair, and to overcome his fear of failure and mortality. Karkat's quest involves leadership, loyalty, and acceptance, as he tries to unite his fellow blood caste trolls against their corrupt society, and to reconcile his own role as a mutant blood and a descendant of both the betrayer and the sufferer. Both quests involve themes of legacy, destiny, and choice, as well as the consequences of one's actions and decisions. Both quests also involve past and future versions of themselves, and how they relate to them, either as mentors or rivals, inspirations or warnings, reflections or projections of their own potential and pitfalls.
Their interactions throughout Homestuck are also memorable and iconic, ranging from hilarious memes to heartwarming moments of tenderness and vulnerability. Dave and Karkat's conversations often revolve around their shared interest in music, fashion, memes, and movies, which they analyze, deconstruct, and remix in creative and amusing ways. Dave and Karkat also tease and roast each other, often in a flirty or affectionate manner, which shows their mutual respect and trust, and their willingness to push each other's buttons without causing harm. Dave and Karkat also share intimate moments of physical closeness, such as hugging, cuddling, or sleeping together, which demonstrate their comfort and familiarity with each other's presence and body, and their affectionate nature despite their tough exteriors.
Finally, Dave and Karkat represent some of the core themes and messages of Homestuck, such as inclusivity, diversity, and agency. Homestuck features a large, diverse cast of characters, who come from different cultures, species, genders, and orientations, and who navigate their own challenges and choices on their quest to save the universe. Homestuck also challenges the notion of a predetermined fate, and celebrates the power of choice and creativity, as the characters invent and reinvent their paths and identities, and shape their own destiny in ways that surprise and inspire each other. Dave and Karkat embody these themes in their own ways, as they challenge and complement each other's expectations and stereotypes, and as they find solace and joy in each other's company and support. Dave and Karkat also embody the queer subtext and potential of Homestuck, as their relationship defies gender norms and expectations, and as their feelings for each other blur the lines between friendship and romance, irony and sincerity, masculine and feminine, human and troll.
In conclusion, Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas make the best Homestuck couple, because of the way they complement and challenge each other, the way their plot arcs intertwine and reflect each other, the way their interactions are memorable and iconic, and the way they embody the core themes and messages of Homestuck as a whole. While other pairings may have their own merits and nuances, DaveKat stands out as a ship that captures the essence and appeal of Homestuck as a story of friendship, creativity, inclusivity, and choice. Dave and Karkat may not have a happily ever after, or a canon confirmation of their romantic relationship, but they have something more precious and enduring: a bond that transcends genre, media, and fandom, and that evokes the joy and wonder of discovering someone who gets you, challenges you, and inspires you to be a better version of yourself.
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
Larry’s Facade, Bravado, and Karagenki
Larry’s Facade comment has really fascinated me, and after thinking it over, I realized how it doesn’t make sense at all. I will be comparing the English and Japanese lines for this analysis, but please let me know what I missed/mistaken in the Japanese translations, I am not an expert in any means!
Thank you @hcrogasm for the inspiration!
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His iconic line in English is “I think it’s time to show you that real life isn’t all just being true to yourself,” before using Facade. A Facade is the concept of an (usually happy or kind) outward appearance made specifically to conceal true feelings. It can conceal any type of emotion, but the dictionary definitions of this word tend to be more negative, seeing facades as deceptive masks that hide hostility and despair.
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In Japanese, he says something along the lines of “Let me show you the special move of us working adults” before using からげんき, the romanji being Karagenki. The kanji for Kara (空) means empty, and the kanji for Genki (元気) means energy. So the literal translation of Karagenki (空元気) is ‘empty energy.’
From my understanding, Genki is a very abstract term. To break it down further, 元 means origin or source. 気 means air, spirit, mind, or life energy. So the direct translation for Genki is “source of life energy.” Since Kanji is based on Chinese characters, 気 is also Qi, the life energy that flows in every living being or even the universe. Genki can refer to this vital energy! But it is commonly used as a way to express your health, energy, and mood.
It’s interesting to me that 気 literally translates to air. Was this another sneaky foreshadowing Larry being a Flying Type Elite Four member? Maybe not, it’s just kanji haha. But there’s the possibility!
The actual definition of Karagenki is akin to ‘false cheeriness, health, or energy.’ It’s pretending that you’re fine and happy when you’re not, which is very important skill to have for work. It is often translated as Bravado, but accuracy of this word depends heavily on the context. Bravado is the concept of putting on a brave or confident face to impress or intimidate others. Karagenki can also be translated as “Dutch Courage,” the courage you get when you are intoxicated…but this is a game targeted toward children haha
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The Pokémon move Facade/Karagenki makes a lot of sense because it deals double the base power when the Pokémon is paralyzed, poisoned, or burned. The Pokémon is putting in more effort despite suffering from status ailments. Larry states he does his best work when it’s crunch time. The connection between the Pokémon move and his worklife is so brilliant for his characterization!Additionally, Larry’s Staraptor has the ability Intimidate (Ties in with Bravado). I would say case solved, but there’s this slight dissonance between his dialogue and these definitions. Karagenki is his special move- but does he use truly use it?
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Larry is extremely upfront at how he doesn’t like his boss, that he’ll get a pay cut, that he just wants to get the battles over with, etc. Larry just dumps all of this to a 10 year old without much regard for appearances, he doesn’t pretend to be happy or motivated at all. He even says that Geeta, his boss, won’t catch him doing his work for fun! He doesn’t shield his personality and true feelings behind a Facade- he’s very forward about his own values. The only moment he looks somewhat happy is when he’s eating onigiri in our gym badge photo.
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It’s also implied that he wouldn’t have Terastillazed in the gym battle if it weren’t for the encouragement from the restaurant crowd. Additionally, his gym leader blurb states “he helps run the Pokémon League,” but “is not the best rated worker.” He puts in the bare minimum in his work and has no pride in it (valid).
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Some people say that everything Larry was before the Elite Four reveal was his facade. That being a gym leader and an office worker was his “disguise.” But I don’t think is the case. After examining the dialogue, I believe that Larry was a Gym Leader first, then became an Elite Four member. He was told to use a different type other than his Normal Gym type after all. Plus, Larry has no personality change or satisfaction with the E4 reveal. To the players, we are shocked because we never would’ve expected to see him. But to him, despite the extremely impressive accomplishment of being an E4 member, it’s just another job and routine.
So looking this over, what in the world is Larry’s Facade? As usual, I’m not sure. I think the closest answer is that he’s forcing himself to work despite his lack of energy (Karagenki). But this doesn’t entirely line up either. His English line is interesting because it implies that he isn’t being “true to himself” in some way, just like what a Facade is. He’s faking something, lying to himself and others. Perhaps referring to his usage of Flying Types later on? Or is it something else more mysterious?
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I also understand it from the point of view that he just wants to eat good food and relax without having to work. He is based off the stereotype of the overworked Japanese salaryman after all. But I’m still conflicted, because his lines give the impression that he’s a workaholic. He was strictly told by someone to cut down on his overtime hours, likely by Geeta because it sounds like it wasn’t his decision to make. He overworks himself despite already having three jobs.
Edit: there’s a really good comment regarding workaholism in the notes! Sometimes a person’s/character’s actions aren’t as logical as we’d like them to be, and come from unhealthy habits and cycles of guilt. It’s entirely possible that Larry also just developed this habit of overworking to the point he can’t really stop himself.
The game is keeping its secrets for now, but this is very cool for any personal theories/headcanons you have for Larry. Autistic Larry is real haha. Jokes aside, I think the complexity of dialogue and behavior is really fascinating. So much can be revealed about a character in well-crafted subtleties. But what do y’all think about this analysis? I love hearing everyone’s thoughts, advice, and headcanons!
(Many thanks to Jshay Translations on YouTube for translating Larry’s line. Please let me know if there are other translations/interpretations!)
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yanderefairyangel · 7 months
Alright, comming back to the theory part 1 and 2
Hanging near the jpn side of the fandom is always interesting, really cause someone pointed out how Elyos and XenElyos are ... twin world.
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“Twins in Japanese Culture: Superstitions and Beliefs” – Asian Journal USA
This is how twins are seen in jpn culture. Now, if you remember what the devs said about the DLC
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There is something that lead at least one of the twin in pair in the DLC world to die. Nel lost Nil, Rafal his twin, Veyle hers too. Only one twin in the pair of twin survive. Only one 片割れ remains.
Apply this logic to the whole Engage world and you have it.
There is 2 Elyos : only one Elyos knows a bright future, the other one is a dead land.
There is 2 version of each indidvidual : one of them die, one survive. Alear dies, Alear survive in our world. The Royals are all dead, but in our world they are safe, Veyle is dead in that world, she is alive in ours. Marni, Griss and Zephia are dead, Madeline, Gregory and Zelestia are alive. Mauvier dies in the DLC, Mauvier lives in our world and is the only surviving member of the Hounds.
A japanese player pointed out that they spotted one of the Royal solider we fight in Firene's castle for training having a double in this world as well, and we kill him meaning we kill in the Fell Xenologue all the soldiers with whom we fight (can this game get any less darker ?)
And of course the fact that Isekai Alear outright refers to Alear as their 片割れ/fragment/twins
I already said it : Isekai Alear is the only one who use the word kataware to refer to their other self, in the Xenologue, Nel and Rafal use it exclusively to mean "twin".
It should also be noted that Nel Nil and Rafal's characterization and design are meant to mirror each other : similar yet distinct. Nel had black hair, Rafal and Nil white hair. Nel wears blue, her brothers pink. Nel is at first introuduced as cold and Nil as warm until the point where we realize that Nel hides her sweet character behind her cold facade which is as true for Rafal, but he is more arrogant. And the fact that Nel and Rafal's quote very often mirror each other. In the same way all the "kataware" are mirroring each other and even those that seems very alike such as Alear, Sombron and Mauvier end up with having distinct personality : Alear being more confident in this world, Sombron having different origins therefore motivations and Mauvier not being as passive.
This means that Elyos and XenElyos are twins world, forming a whole, a fragment of each other and it ties back to how choosing Alear's gender determine on whether or not they belong to the Fell or Divine dragon tribe, but also which world. We choose the world that survives, the "twin" that survive. (this game cannot stop can it)
In the fell xenologue's world, Fell dragon and Divine dragon are "twin tribes" from a common ancestor. This might not be the case for the MG story, but it also contributes to the whole "Fell/Divine duality" and it is once again a case of race surving over the other : in the Fell Xenologue, all the Divine dragons are dead. In the MG world, one survived with Alear.
This however means that Nel and Rafal didn't existed. Keep in mind what I said, they are refering to each other as a whole, a fragement of a whole. Yet only one twins survive, that's the rule of the Xenologue for each of the Fell children : if they are born as twins, this means they already have a 片割れ in this world, therefore they can't have one in our world. The surviving twin in the pair of fell twins corresponds to the surviving counterpart in the pair of alter ego.
And when you think about it, Rafal and Nel refering to their twins as half also explains why they need to be two to form a greater whole. Rafal lost his 片割れ, hence his other half when he was young and was feeling alone, incomplete this whole time. He then meet Nil that he describes using the same words as Nel, his hanshin/other half. And Nel herself lost that other half yet Rafal and Nel both replaced that missing half.
However, Sombron and Veyle have 片割れ/twin from another world, even if we do know that this Veyle would have a twin sibling. So the only way it can come together is comming back to this one idea : that they are splitted from one and only Fell children in our world.
For one Fell child we have two 片割れ who are 片割れ to each other. The one exception being Alear of course as they are not tied to Sombron between universe. In fact it seems that our Elyos is the only universe where Alear is linked to Sombron cause one of Rafal's pact ring wake up event is him going to your room and asking "hey, I wonder if there is a world where I can summon you as my Emblem" (my brain hasn't been the same ever since). Sombron also isn't linked to his ancestors since this isn't a universe constant (same for Maddie and Marni's parent) and the fell kids to their mother (since Veyle can't be half Mage dragon in the other world) but in Alear's case the whole 片割れ logic doesn't apply to them since they have the same 片割れ as the other member of the cast. For Veyle however, as she is dead in the begining of the DLC, we can assume she had a twin.
Regardless, the same way that in the DLC one 片割れ in a pair of twins dies, one 片割れ in a pair of "twins from another world" die with XenElyos, the twin world dying.
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antonettaalleyne · 1 year
Antonetta Alleyne
Heir to the wealthy silk charter, her mother dotes on her, dressing her in lace and ruffles and grooming her to marry Prince Conor. She and Kel barely speak, but things weren’t always this way. When they were children, they were the best of friends. She, Kel, Conor, and several sons of the wealthy Charter Families formed an unbreakable group — or so Kel thought. He even gave Antonetta an engagement ring woven from grass one day when they were playing at being pirates.
But everything comes to an end. Antonetta’s mother whisked her away from her friends, determined to turn her into a proper young lady. Now she hardly acknowledges Kel. Though when she does, he can’t help but feel she’s hiding more than one secret . . .
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It would be odd for me to confide in you, Antonetta,” Kel said. “We hardly know each other now.” She blinked; looked away. He said, “I remember the girl I was friends with when we were children. Who was bold and sharp and clever. I miss that girl. What happened to her?”
  “You don’t know?” She raised her chin. “That girl had no future here.”
  “She could have made a place for herself,” said Kel, “if she was brave enough.”
Antonetta sucked in a breath. “Perhaps you’re right. But how lucky for me that bravery, like cleverness, is not much valued in women. Since I lack both.”
  Kel thought for a moment he had spoken, said her name. But it was Conor, calling…
It’s been fun writing Antonetta; she’s such an interesting character. So much of her is hidden behind a facade of a certain kind of perfection. Here she is, as imagined by Sasha Coleman - this image is so great because it hints that there's more to her than meets the eye. There are roses, sure, but there’s also a bloodstained handkerchief and a blade.
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