#such is my way *throws confetti*
exdeputysonso · 28 days
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Brad Dourif as Camillus Fly | Desperado: The Outlaw Wars (1989)
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imogenkol · 7 months
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tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @v0idbuggy @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch
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dailyflick · 27 days
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Day 108: birthday boi 🖤
Happy birthday Flick!!!!!
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random-kido · 1 year
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some self indulgent drawings
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
dair + emergency
Dair + Emergency
Every doctor, nurse, and staff person in this ER is dodging Blair’s eye. Typical. It’s not her fault they’re all grossly incompetent. 
It’s just as well, if the previous ten briefings she’s had to shake down these people for are any indication, they won’t have anything useful to tell her anyway. 
She makes herself pace the length of the waiting area again, if only to calm herself down a little before heading back into the room. 
Her head jerks up at the nickname, and she immediately spots her father and his husband, the latter holding a drink carrier laden with to-go cups. 
“We brought hot chocolate!” Roman says, and Blair swears it’s only twenty percent forcibly cheerful. He’s a talent, Roman is. 
“How’s the patient?” Harold asks, coming in to kiss Blair on the cheek as Roman hands her one of their cups. 
“Fine, I guess,” she sighs down at the plastic coffee lid. “Apparently their radiology department is so very backed up, and because he ‘isn’t critical,’ he’s at the end of the waiting list. So far, all they’ve done is stick him in a room and dose him with painkillers, which any one who reads the New Yorker will tell you is precisely what’s wrong with our medical system.” 
Her father blinks at her, taken aback, and so she forces herself to take a breath, and then a sip of the hot chocolate. Oh, Maison, her steadfast friend. Her father hasn’t seen much of her prickly, ranting, bitchy side—by design—but her patience is looking pretty threadbare at the moment. Roman for his part simply looks bemused. 
“We just feel awful,” Roman offers, voice dripping with sympathy—Blair knows him well enough now to know its genuine—probably why he did so well as a model in his day. Genuity is difficult to fake, and for a Frenchman, impossible. “Wollman Rink does seem cursed for us, no?”
Blair grimaces around the lid of her cup, but when she looks Roman’s eyes are only sparkling with amusement. He’s too good for her. The same could be said about Dan too. At least this fall wasn’t her fault. It was entirely due to that group of twelve-year-olds trying to do their own Moulin Rouge routine, and poor Dan was too inexperienced a skater to get out of their way in time.
“Some twisted rite of passage,” Blair agrees grimly, making Roman laugh, and Harold smile indulgently, patting her on the shoulder. 
She takes another sip of the cocoa, its warmth and richness oddly fortifying. “Thank you,” she says sincerely, gesturing with the cup in her hand. “But you don’t have to stay.”
“Are you sure?” her father checks, concerned. 
“It’s fine,” she reassures him. “You’re only in the city for a few more days, you shouldn’t waste one hanging out in the emergency room.” 
“We’ve been here plenty of times before, you know.” 
Blair smiles, rolling her eyes. “I know. But we’ll be fine, really.” Plus, chances are she’ll have to dress down another George Clooney ER wannabe in the next hour, and she doesn’t really want her dads to see it. It would hardly be in the spirit of the season. 
“Okay,” Harold says reluctantly, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek again. “Give Daniel our best, okay?”
“Yes,” Roman adds, throwing an arm around her shoulders with a side-hug as he hands over the drink tray. “Tell Handsome Dan get well soon from us.”
Blair shakes her head, smiling. “I’ll do that.” 
She watches her dads round the corner, then takes another deep breath, forcing her shoulder down. Then, she takes one more fortifying sip of cocoa before putting her drink back in the carrier, and walking down the hall, slipping into the room where they’d been holding Dan since their second hour here. 
Dan’s face lights up the second he sees her. “Waldorf!” 
She makes straight for him, dropping a kiss on top of his head, trying not to focus too much on the temporary splint they have his leg in. “How are you feeling?”
“Oh me?” he slurs, “I’m great.” He blinks blearily up at her, his eyes, normally so sharp, are distant, unfocused, like there’s a light film over them. “You’re pretty.” 
“Oh, thank you, Humphrey.” She spares a glance at the tray in her hand, and decides hot liquids are probably counterproductive to this situation, so she turns to set them on the counter far out of Dan’s reach. He watches her the whole time, a dazed smile on his face, so far gone. 
“Sorry you’re stuck here,” she sighs, carding a hand through his hair. He bumps his head eagerly into her touch, like a cat, or either of her father’s pets when they’re drunk on attention. “I tried seeing if we could get you an x-ray or even just a consult, but apparently the holidays are rife with way more severe casualties.”
Dan gazes up at her, giving no cue if anything she just said registered. “Marry me,” he says. 
She freezes, gaping at him in confusion. “What?”
“Marry me,” he repeats, dopey grin on his face, yet completely sincere. 
Blair swallows, pressing her lips tightly together. She should not laugh at him, not in this state. “We’re already married, kitten. For over a year now.” 
Dan’s eyes flash with recognition, or happiness, or opiates, but she’s again not sure if he actually heard her. 
“You’re pretty,” he repeats. So…maybe?
“Oh, thank you,” Blair twists one of his curls around her finger. “So are you.” 
He has the audacity to blush, teeth digging into his lower lip as he grins. Then, after a beat, his expression turns so very earnest again, rife with cloudy-eyed sincerity. “Marry me.”
“Sorry,” Blair teases, holding up her left hand to show her ring, unable to help herself. “I’m taken.” 
Dan’s face falls, eyes widening and lips pouting, the textbook definition of pitiful. 
It’s going to be a long day. 
One word prompts
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Martin: What happened to your hands?!
Wraith: Oh! I cut them off ‘cause I met god, Babe.
Baurus: Wraith- what?
Wraith: it was ‘terrifying’
Baurus: … okay?
Wraith: Hard to theorize without your hands. You know what I mean?
Baurus: No, Wraith, and you sound mad.
Wraith: I really don’t think I do, but I can appreciate where your sentiment is coming from, Baurus.
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disast3rtransp0rt · 6 months
My gf makes me so happy I'm gonna blush furiously about it.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
“Hey…. Ummm… There’s…” Volt paused and looked to Bless and Node almost sheepishly as they sat by the campfire back behind the Inn. “There’s something I wanted to show you..”
Harmony had only glanced over at her father from where she was roasting a marshmallow, offering him an encouraging tail wag. Something he took to heart and closed his eyes. A spike in Chaos Energy within him all the warning before his body morphed and shifted into his larger form. Blackened sclera greeted them as he opened his eyes and ducked his head, ears folding by almost shyly.
“Remember how I mentioned being part Black Arms…”
The two had glanced cautiously to one another at those words, wondering if perhaps he was about to reveal some massive, damaging secret- something that would forever change their view of the hybrid. They figured, with words like those, this would be something that might even break the trio apart... But they were ready to hear, to listen, to understand.
Bless blinked for a moment, his tail trying to start a wag even as he forced it to still. His eyes narrowed, mouth forming into a thin line. Node's reaction was for their jaw to drop, eyes staring straight at the hybrid as he revealed this new form to them. Together, the two probably looked like a truly horrible reaction- eyes narrowed, mouth agape... It would be little wonder if Volt were concerned, even afraid.
But all that would change with one question.
"..... Why didn't you tell us about this sooner??" Bless expression softened as he hopped over the fire with ease, landing on the other side and offering the now-fluffier hybrid a hug. "I'm supposed to be the fluffy one of the group, Volt!!" His voice was incredulous, but the smile on his face spoke miles otherwise.
"...so fluffy..." Node murmured. They didn't jump nor teleport, instead their mouth finally closing before it formed into a smile, and then a faint laugh. "Guess you're not!"
"Shhhhh!!!" Bless grinned. "HE'S FLUFFY!" It would seem that was all the two really cared to focus on. They weren't stating it, far from it- but there was a truth in the way they were dealing with this moment. Neither had brought up that it was Black Arms DNA, that that was even involved. Silently, Bless shot Harmony a second of an inquisitive look- she'd known about this... And hadn't told them?
Well.. Volt did seem shy about it... And it was DNA from an enemy, so it was understandable he wouldn't be forthcoming... Although it hurt just a hint that he hadn't told the duo sooner, Bless and Node could relate, to a degree...
"Have you been shy about this or somethin'?" Node quirked an eyebrow. "... Don't get why, but lemme say this-"
"YOU LOOK SO COOL!" Bless interrupted. Node merely sighed, shaking their head as they gestured to the werehog.
"As he said." Their smile was only gone for a moment. ".... Now c'mere-" And they were on him. Both of them. It would seem neither had any qualms with his Black Arms form. "--FLUFFY!"
It would seem he'd earned a nickname from the two.
.... Volt, I am so sorry--
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the-potato-beeper · 5 months
first action of the 2024 was texting my friends happy New Year's. second action of 2024 was setting off the world's saddest confetti popper. i fear this may be a bad omen. but at least my friends were first!
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libraford · 20 days
Park Cleanup Pet Peeves
I'll be starting my seasonal gig at Parks and Rec in a couple months and I've got a couple things I wanna say. I know that this will probably not reach the people who need to hear it, but if ONE LESS person leaves the parks a mess, I will be That Much Happier.
-You're not supposed to smoke, drink, or have sex in public parks but I know that people will anyway. But if you are going to do those things, please dispose of the evidence in the trash cans. A human has to pick these things up.
-Dog poop goes in a bag. Bag goes in the trash can.
-The little wax paper liners in the women's room? See you're supposed to put your pad/tampon in that wax paper bag, take the bag out of the bin, and then dispose of it in the actual trash can. Don't feel bad, no one told me either. Also no one told the dudes I work with. But this reduces direct exposure to bodily fluids, especially as the summer gets on and it gets hot in those bathrooms.
-On that subject! The little bins that they go in next to the toilet? Don't stick trash in there. Don't put diapers in there. Also don't put beer cans crushed in such a specific way that I slice my hand on them as I try to jimmy it out of there. Literally, that bin is too small for most things. They are meant specifically for those brown bags. Please for the love of god, throw things in the trash can.
-As for the urinals, please no solids. Most commonly gum and chewed tobacco, but you can use your imagination.
-If you're doing a photo shoot or an event with confetti, please use a paper confetti instead of a plastic one- its easier to get rid of.
-If you're doing a pizza party, we'd rather you stack the pizza boxes in a pile next to the trash can instead of trying to fit them in the trash. Because then we can just throw the trash bag over the top and tie it instead of trying to fish it out. This kind of goes for any big trash- if it won't fit in the trash can easily, don't try.
-Please don't call cops on people sleeping in the parks if they're not bothering anyone. Even if they've been sleeping there all day. Dude's just trying to chill.
-Destruction of the toilets will result in the indefinite locking of the restrooms. You ruined them and now everyone at the softball tournament can blame you for it.
-Parks people are not the police. We are maintenance workers who are not trained to handle most emergencies and the most we can do in any situation is report to the proper department. Please don't look to us for answers if someone is starting a fight.
-Also please don't spit on us for driving on the path. We're permitted to. Its essential for us to drive on the path to do our job.
-please don't abandon animals at the park. Rehome them properly. I spent a whole week trying to catch a rooster last summer.
-look, I get it- 'oh no, your pretty building has writing on it!' Grafitti is so edgy. We get it. But it means Jacob has to sand it off now so that the kids at the birthday party don't see a giant drawing of a weiner. Acts of rebellion that create more work for the working class are not revolutionary.
-please do not set fire to the Tiny Free Library. Why did you do that? That's mean.
-please do not feed bread to ducks and geese. Corn, birdseed, lettuce- those are better for them. If you want to reduce tge amount of goose poop in the parks, shop feeding them bread.
-also do not anger tge geese. They remember what its like to be dinosaurs.
I'll have more later, probably, once the season wears on.
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jukednuked · 10 months
lyney the type of guy to 'recharge' his magic by kissing you
lyney the type of guy who'd send one of his hat pigeons to deliver you a love letter (it turned into confetti after being read)
lyney the type of guy to let you carry him on your back because he's 'tired' (blud wants to be as close to you as possible)
lyney the type of guy who'd apologize to you by making a bouquet of flowers appear out of nowhere
lyney also the type of guy who'd value what you both have a lot, he'll get real serious if he senses any type of resentment after an argument
lyney the type of guy to teach you a magic trick or two, like how to steal someone's heart maybe?
lyney the type of guy who'd be so good at pick up lines that it's almost frustrating how he can make you feel like jelly in a split second
lyney the type of guy who'd never, ever let you come to his house in hopes of avoiding a certain harbinger (blud doesnt want you to get put in a meat grinder)
lyney the type of guy to massage your shoulders frequently because seeing you all satisfied makes him feel like he can take care of you
lyney the type of guy who'd jokingly bite you one time because you just look too cute (it will become more than one time)
lyney the type of guy who'd beg you to become his assistant in one of his magic tricks involving a box and a saw because lynette refused
lyney the type of guy who'd trace shapes on your hands whenever you feel upset and just want to sit in silence
lyney the type of guy who'd get real sad if he doesn't find you in the audience when he's having a magic show, might fumble over his words and accidentally make a snake appear rather than a cat
lyney the type of guy who'd tell you to throw tomatoes at him like he's a medieval criminal if he ever fails a magic trick
lyney the type of guy who uses the thought of you as a way to cope with his past
lyney the type of guy who'd show off his magic to you whenever you compliment someone else just for you to go wowowoww lyney!!
lyney the type of guy who conveniently always chooses you as guest of the magic show
lyney the type of guy to get you a matching hat just like his one, just a different colour
lyney the type of guy to have a diary<33 every page involves your name at least 1-2 times
lyney the type of guy to slide notes with angry faces drawn on them under your door whenever you forget to give him his goodmorning/afternoon/night/literally-every-part-of-the-day kiss
lyney is that guy
A/N: my sincerest apologies @strawberrylabs if you look closely you can see the blood, sweat and tears i shedded writing this😓🙏 i secretly wanted to switch it to the most gut wrenching angst mid way but im soooo nice
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mrkis · 10 months
birthday treat. (m.l)
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PAIRING: mark lee x reader GENRE: smut WORD COUNT: 1.9k
SYNOPSIS: giving birthday boy mark his birthday treat
CONTENT WARNINGS: established relationship, 18+ content, kissing, light nipping, swearing, ass grabbing, oral (m receiving), blowjob, slight face fucking, unprotected sex, praising, creampie, cockwarming.
authors note| happy bday to my lil love♡
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You couldn’t hide your excitement as Mark walks through the front door of your apartment, tired face lit up in surprise and awe at the birthday decorations that covering your walls, green and red balloons filled with helium pressed to the ceiling and he jumps back in surprise as you pull the thread of the party popper, the confetti spraying him in the face.
He laughs, dropping his bag down by his feet as he opens his arms wide when you come running towards him, throwing yourself into his embrace and wrapping your own arms around him as tightly as you can.
Mark exhales softly as he returns the hug, nuzzling his nose into the crevice of your neck and breathing in your scent as he rocks your body from side to side, laying small, delicate pecks on your skin and you grin widely, leaning back from the hug to take a good look at him.
He looks tired, unable to keep eye contact with you for too long without his eyes fluttering close for a few seconds and reopening, dark prominent circles underneath. It makes you frown seeing how tired your boyfriend is, knowing he’s giving it his all during his schedules on the limited amount of sleep he’s getting. 
You almost feel a little guilty for asking him to come over after his schedule was over, knowing deep down that he should’ve gone straight to the dorms to get some well needed rest. But you missed him, and you didn’t exactly want to miss his birthday
You move your one hand to cup his face, caressing his cheek with your thumb as you whisper, “Happy birthday”
Mark gives you a sluggish smile, “Thank you, baby” He presses his lips to yours in a kiss for a few seconds before he trails them down your throat and you smile at the loving touch, goosebumps trailing down your spine when you feel his hands dip underneath your shirt and the warmth of his palms on your lower back. 
He nips at your skin, causing your head to tilt to the side to give him more access and your lips curl into a grin when his hands slip downwards, fingers splayed across your ass and gripping gently to pull you closer to him.
“Are you tired?”
“Not really” Mark answers, but he doesn’t stop his movements, pulling you flush against him as he nips down harder on your skin. “A little, I don’t know”
“Why don’t we go to bed?” You suggest, trying to keep yourself calm and collected when you feel his mouth brush over the sensitive spot on your neck as he makes his way back up to your face, lips brushing over yours. “Let you rest for a while and we’ll celebrate your birthday tomorrow?”
“I’m not that tired” Mark tells you as he reconnects your lips and you sigh into the kiss, arms tightening around his shoulders. It’s sweet and soft, the slow movements of your mouths, but when you curl your hand at the nape of his neck, his mouth moves hungrily against yours.
His tongue slides over yours and his chest vibrates with a low moan, the grip on your ass tightening as he tries to pull you even close despite you being as close as you could possibly be. 
You allow him to do whatever he wants, your breath getting caught at the back of your throat when he sucks on your tongue, when he nibbles down on your bottom lip and pulls it, when he rubs his front against yours and you feel his hardened cock beneath his jeans.
“Mark” You call out his name as you break the kiss, staring at him and noticing how his eyes are still closed, his lips swollen and wet, breathing heavily from the lack of oxygen. You gently tug at his hair and he tiredly opens his eyes, finally looking back at you. “What do you want?”
“You” Mark answers, licking at his lips. “I want you. I need you. I’ve missed you”
You smile at his babbling and take his hand in your own, leading him towards your bedroom and he follows behind closely, hovering behind you as he drags his feet across the floorboards, squeezing your hand every so often. 
When you reach the bedroom, he’s already heading towards the bed as you close the door, dropping your hand to pop the buttons on his jeans and pull down the zipper, ridding himself of the clothing and stumbling over his own feet. 
He palms his cock over the front of his boxers and you almost drool at the sight, having not seen him in person like this for such a long time it makes your thighs clench together, watching as he rubs himself over the fabric as he looks at you, waiting for you.
“How do you want me?” You ask him quietly and he groans at the question, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.
“On your knees. Please” His plea makes a warmth spread through your chest and you smile, walking over to stand in front of him before slowly dropping down to your knees and looking up at him. He finds you so beautiful, so angelic with your pretty eyes staring at him and he becomes flustered for a moment, licking his lips nervously as he tugs his boxers down his legs, tensing under your touch when he feels your fingers ghost over his thighs.
His cock slaps against his stomach once freed completely and he wraps his hand around himself, pressing his lips together tightly when he taps the head of his cock against your lips, moaning softly as you stick out your tongue to get a taste. 
“Put it in your mouth” 
You don’t hesitate to do so, spitting on his cock for extra lubrication before taking him in your mouth, reeling at the groans that erupt from his chest as he drops his hand from his cock to rest it on top of your head. 
He doesn’t grab your hair, nor does he control your movements as he allows you to do as you please, taking him further into your mouth and swallowing around him, almost choking as his hips accidentally jerk forward and his cock thrusts down the back of your throat.
“Fuck” Mark curses between gritted teeth, neck straining as his head tilts back. 
The sounds he makes for you has your mind whirling with arousal, wanting nothing more than for him to cum down your throat, wanting to swallow every last drop he gives you. So you change your pace, bobbing your head faster on his cock and using your hand to pump the rest of him, the other fondling his balls which makes him whimper softly, thighs trembling at the touch. 
“You’re so good to me, you know…” He suddenly praises you under his breath, stroking the top of your head as he looks down at you. “My girl, yeah?”
You hum, the vibrations around his cock causing him to moan loudly and the grip on your head becomes a little tighter, holding you still as he lazily rolls his hips forwards and you do your best to swallow around him, trying your hardest not to gag on his size. 
“I’ve missed you, missed your mouth… pretty mouth” He whispers, licking at his lips as his hips begin to stutter, edging closer and closer to his orgasm and your chest swells with pride. “Baby, you’re going to make me cum if you keep looking at me like that”
“I want you to” You tell him as you pull your mouth off of his cock but continue jerking him off, smiling as he thrusts in your hand. “Cum on my tongue. You deserve it”
“Wait,” Mark’s fingers wrap around your wrist and you stop your movements, staring up at him confused as he breathes heavily. “Can I cum inside you? I want to cum inside you”
Your lips stretch into a smile as you nod, standing up from your kneeling position to quickly rid yourself of your clothes, dropping them carelessly to the floor as Mark lays across your bed, resting his head on the pillows as he stares at you tiredly with his hand outstretched.
You take it, allowing him to pull you on top of him and he moulds his lips with yours, craning his neck to kiss you deeper as you settle yourself above him, resting your thighs on either side of his hips and he lets go of your hand to grip the flesh of your thighs, squeezing the skin between his fingers before he trails behind you, grabbing at your ass desperately and you fight the urge to laugh, lining the head of his cock at your entrance. 
Breaking the kiss, your brows pinch together at the stretch, your palm flat on Mark’s chest as you ease yourself down on him and Mark gasps, mouth falling open as he draws in a sharp breath. 
“Fuck, Mark” You gasp once he fills you up completely, buried to the hilt and you would struggle to kep yourself upright if it wasn’t for Mark’s grip on your ass, squeezing you reassuringly and you begin to start rocking your hips.
There’s a crease in his brow as he furrows them, mouth ajar as moans and grunts spill from his lips, the tightness and warmth of your pussy making him unable to think straight and his fingers flex across your asscheeks, rolling his hips upwards to meet your thrusts, 
Your pussy pulses around him as his eyes meet yours, filled with love and adoration that would’ve made you start crying if you weren’t so horny and desperate to cum—and for him to cum inside you.
“Feels so good,” Mark tells you. “You don’t understand how much I’ve missed being inside you, baby… I’ve missed feeling you like this. Think about it all the time… It’s crazy how much I’m into you”
“I hope so” You smile, grinding your hips down and rubbing your clit against the smooth skin of his pelvis. “I’m crazy about you too”
“Makes me feel like one lucky guy” He dumbly grins up at you but it slips away in almost an instant when your walls clamp around his cock, and he curses under his breath, his hips fucking up into you faster. “Do you love me?”
“Tell me you love me,” He begins to pant, hands moving from your ass to grab your hips, pressing his thumbs into your side. “Fuck—I’m gonna cum, baby… Tell me you love me”
You repeat the three words like a mantra as you rock your hips faster, your own orgasm building up and your voice starts to break, tears brimming in your eyes at the pace he fucks up into you and he whispers those three words back to you.
He’s filling you up in an instant, spurts of cum painting your walls white as your own orgasm washes through your thighs quivering around his frame and you struggle to keep yourself upright. He’s trembling beneath you, breathing heavily as his cock pulses, unable to control the jerking movements of his hips but gasps due to the sensitivity he feels. 
“Jesus Christ—fuck” Mark’s body goes limp, chest and cheeks flushed, hair sweaty and stuck to his forehead, eyes almost ready to give in and sleep. You even go to move yourself off of him when you see his tiredness kicking back in but he’s whining, tightening his grip on your waist. “Wait, no, baby. Stay”
“Stay?” You can’t help but laugh as you push his head out of his eyes, stroking his cheek affectionately. “We can’t stay like this”
“Please?” He asks again and you feel yourself crumble as you see his pleading eyes. “Just for a few minutes… I’m not ready to let go of my girl yet”
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 6
part 1 | part 5
It's Wednesday night, which means dinner at the Hendersons. Steve finally decided to show his face — and no, not because Dustin's doorstep song and dance had any effect on him; it was partly because he was sick of hearing muted metal music from across the street and mostly because he hadn't left the trailer in three days and he was starting to feel and smell like shit.
So, anyway. Dinner. Ma Henderson's pulled out all the stops: prepped a homemade lasagna, stocked the fridge with full-sugar sodas and bought the good brand of key lime pie; invited the Sinclair and Wheeler kids to make a little party of it. (Nancy was 'unfortunately too busy to attend,' thank fucking god.)
But then Ma got stuck late at work, so now it's all hands on deck. Mike and Erica are setting the table — Steve can hear Mike bitching at her because she told him the knives go the other way, dumbass; Lucas is at the fridge filling cups with ice and Pepsi and muttering to himself about how much better Coke is; Steve's got an eye on the oven, waiting for the cheese on the lasagna to bubble up juuust right; and Dustin is using "prepping the salad" as an excuse to corner Steve and annoy the ever-loving crap out of him.
“What do you mean it’s hard?” Dustin whines, dropping a handful of shredded carrots into the wooden bowl. “Just talk to him!”
Steve takes a deep breath. Mourns, briefly, for the night he could have had; the girls he could be doing hand stuff with in the back of the Beemer instead of putting up with this kid's shit. “I don’t wanna Just Talk to Him." He bends to peek through the oven door. "And, also: get off my ass about it, alright? I came to dinner, I'm heating up the lasagna. I'm, like, participating or whatever. What more do you want?”
“For you to talk to Eddie! Obviously!" Dustin's tossing the greens so aggressively that it kinda feels like he wishes he was pummeling Steve instead, and when he throws his hands up, little flecks of iceberg lettuce go raining to the floor.
Steve eyes the leafy green confetti. "You're cleaning that up."
"Come on, dude," Dustin begs. "It's been two weeks! What's the point of having friends who are next door neighbors if they refuse to get along?”
Behind them, Lucas supplies in a weirdly strangled tone: “This really doesn’t seem like the way to get him to talk to Eddie."
Thank you. Steve couldn't agree more. He turns to tell him as much and realizes the reason Lucas' voice sounded like that is because he's trying to make one trip to the dining room at any fucking cost. He's got an armful of drinking glasses and three cans of Pepsi tucked under his chin, and he's about to fumble the whole wobbly stack.
"Jesus Christ, man, cut that out!" Steve swoops in to grab the cans before they can join the lettuce shower Dustin just made. He doesn't care how much he loves Claudia, he will leave without helping if they splatter soda all over this floor. Mews the Second can lick it clean for all he cares, he's so for real. "Two at a time," he says sternly, taking the extra cups from Lucas’ hold and handing him back a reasonable amoint. He sends Lucas out of the room with a knee to the ass.
"Hey!" Lucas pouts.
"Hey yourself," he grins.
Lucas sticks out his tongue like a child (because he is one, Steve reminds himself), and when he shoulders the swinging door to the dining room he almost brains his little sister, who makes a graceful side-step and comes strutting through undeterred.
"Are you two nerds done playing good cop, annoying cop with Steve?"
"Ah-!" Dustin gawps. "I better not be the annoying cop!"
"Uh, yeah. Obviously, you are." She props a fist on her hip, a little tyrant in the making, and Steve’s ribs go tender with a fond, vaguely proud ache. He really loves her so much. "Now scram. I need to borrow Steve."
On second thought.
Surely at some point these kids, like, owe him money or some shit for the amount of weary sighs they've caused him to let out. Like, financial compensation for the years taken off his life? Something?
"Yes, Erica?" he asks, nostrils flared; eyes closed.
"You should talk to Eddie."
"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ." Steve looks up to the ceiling, pleading for anyone to grant him strength, then he turns to pull the lasagna out of the oven and watches the bubbles sizzle and pop in the hot cheese until he no longer feels like blowing up at a little girl. "Okay. Okay. And I should listen to you because…?"
Screw financial compensation.
He deserves a presidential medal for how calm he's keeping his tone.
Erica's glaring fiercely at him when he glances her way, and why is every kid he knows such a brave, confrontational little shit? "Because," she explains, "He's being mean to my brother."
Oh, fuck no. "What do you mean?" he asks, voice dropping to an urgent hiss as he feels his hackles raise. Like hell is he letting some Billy 2.0 hang around his kids. "Is he, like- Is he saying shit about you guys?"
She spares him from trying to find a tactful way to ask what he's really asking. "No," she says shortly. "But he is being a bastard about him joining the basketball team—"
"Language—" Oh, what's the point.
"—and those two nerds out there? Are obsessed with him. Especially Mike. Like, ob-sessed.” She writes the letters out in the air in front of her to really drive home the point. “Mike likes whatever Eddie likes, so you need to convince Eddie to like Lucas before Lucas loses his friends over this stupid 'jocks versus freaks' crap." She lowers her voice and jabs the skywriting finger into his shoulder hard enough to bruise. "And if you tell Lucas I said any of this? It is on. sight, Steve. I will crush you."
"Jesus Christ."
"So, we good?"
"Uh huh," Steve stammers. "Y-yep. Understood."
Wow. So dignified, Steve. Really loved how you let a ten year old intimidate you. He's saved from any further bullying by the sound of keys jangling in the lock.
"Dusty!" Claudia calls out through the door, "Dustybunny, can you come help? My hands are full!"
In the dining room Steve hears Dustin groan while Mike and Lucas start immediately tearing into him for the name, mocking 'Dustybunny; oh, Dustybun!' in stupid sing-song tones.
"So I'm just gonna..." Steve says awkwardly, inching toward the door. "Go get that."
"Mhmm." Erica gives him an unimpressed look. "You do that."
"Oh, Steve, sweetie, thank you!" Claudia says when he opens the door, cheerful and sweet as always. He goes to take her bags from her, but she drops them all at her feet and steps forward to give him a hug, a firm and tender thing that makes an annoying lump form in his throat.
"How are you?" she asks, stepping back to look at him; eyes raking over his face, hands on his cheeks. Really looks. She frowns at whatever she sees. "How's your mom?"
"Can you please just talk to me?" Steve begs, shivering in the hallway because they haven't budgeted for turning on the heat just yet. Wasn't supposed to get this cold for another pay cycle. He tugs the ends of his sweatshirt sleeves. His limbs feel stiff and tense, a budding anxiety like there’s a bomb in the base of his spine.
"Steven, darling, not now," his mother sighs as she sinks demurely onto the couch. "Then when!" he explodes. He doesn't want to yell at her, but, "Seriously, when? When are we going to say anything to each other that actually fucking matters, mom? I feel like I barely even know you anymore!"
"Yes, and I feel a migraine coming on; are you quite finished?"
"….She's fine," Steve answers.
Could be true, for all he knows.
The wrinkles between Claudia's brows deepen, like she wants to press the subject but decides to hold her tongue. "That's good to hear," she settles on after a moment, giving him a gentle pat on the cheek before stepping away with a subtle look that’s not mad, just disappointed.
Steve kind of wants to cry.
"Mom! Food!" Dustin hollers from the other room.
Steve rolls his eyes. "I swear I try to teach him manners."
"Well, good luck with that," she grins, the shadow of tension between them dissipating. Her mood is good like that. Resilient. Strong. Immune to outside force.
Steve’s moods, on the other hand, are more like those stainless steel fridges that promise to remain spotless but then end up covered in grubby handprints. (Exhibit A: he’s doing it right now.)
Thankfully Claudia’s got enough sunshine in her for the both of them. “Come on,” she says, extending a hand and wiggling her fingers for him to grab hold. “Let's eat."
part 7
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random-kido · 1 year
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Mermay drawing with some ocs i haven’t touched in a few years
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bbydoll18xx · 16 days
Spike Me, Baby, One More Time
Paige Bueckers x fem!volleyball player
Based on this request: Can I request like fem! Volleyball player reader x paige? Like Paige and the team getting so excited for the volleyball game and watching her star vball girlfriend play? And even like a post game party or just something cute and domestic!! Smut or not smut, idc!!! Thank you I love your writing!!!
Themes: some suggestiveness, fluff, proud!Paige
Word Count: 1.2k
“Guys, hurry the fuck up. The game is starting soon,” Paige grits out impatiently. She is gesturing wildly toward the doors of the arena, where you were soon playing. Paige Bueckers generally did not care much about being early to things, but she did not want to miss a single second of watching you destroy your opponents. Your mild disposition was shattered on the volleyball court, making you absolutely ruthless. 
And Paige fucking loved it. 
She and several of UCONN’s women’s basketball team were coming to your game, and you were looking forward to seeing their obnoxious signs and hearing their loud hoots of support. Your heart skipped a beat at the thought. You had a family in Paige and her teammates, and just as you loved to support them, the feeling was mutual. 
As you step out onto the court, taking a deep breath to quell the nervous energy bubbling up inside your chest, you hear several people over the roar of the crowd. Craning your head toward the bellows, you see Paige, standing beside KK and Ice. They were jumping, waving their arms in a way that had bystanders rolling their eyes in annoyance. A grin emerges on your face, and all the pre-game anxiety vanishes. 
The game begins, and you’re locked in. Similarly to how you are with Paige, the world fades away into nothingness. Nothing else exists except you, the ball, and the overwhelming desire to win. 
A few times throughout the game, you lock eyes with Paige, feeling her encouragement, and the gratification hits you like a drug, fueling you through the end. The game ends with you spiking the ball ferociously, and the stadium erupts in deafening cheers as the ball slams against the floor. 
You yell out ecstatically, jumping into the arms of your teammates and spinning in the confetti that was falling. Life felt pretty fuckin’ good. 
Once you are changed out of your sweaty uniform, you leap out of the locker room, nearly running straight into Paige. 
“Stalker, much?” You tease, a giant smirk plastered on your face.
“Duh, I’m your biggest fan, baby,” Paige quips, and she was wearing an equally smug look.
“For real, though. Thank you guys for coming. Means a lot,” You beam, looking up between your blonde girlfriend and the two younger girls standing at her side. 
“Be for real. Like we would miss it!” KK declares solemnly, Ice nodding her head in agreement. 
“I think my roommates are throwing a celebratory party in our apartment. You guys down?” You ask, already knowing their answers. No one was going to turn down free alcohol and a chance to be a little crazy. 
Paige was fucking plastered. And you were loving it. So was every other person crammed into your apartment for the party. 
“Babyyy, give me a kiss. I love you so much,” Paige whines, smushing her lips up in a dramatic pout. You giggle, your cheeks pink between the alcohol and your girlfriend’s declarations of love. You peck her on the lips to appease her, but she pulls you in by the waist, anchoring your mouth to hers.
The alcohol in your veins, paired with the delicious taste of victory, created an irresistible desire to just let go. Climbing further onto Paige’s lap, you can feel the muscles of her thighs tense under you, and you let out a quiet moan into the slick heat of her mouth. No one hears it except for Paige, and it goes straight between her legs. 
“Whoa, y’all might wanna cool it on the PDA,” you hear over the blasting of the music. You pull away from Paige to see Ice standing over the two of you with a slightly repulsed expression covering her face. You’d think she would be used to the two of you by now, but you know she was only being protective. 
“Just proud of my girl,” Paige retorts, looking at you on her lap with a fond smile. A new wave of butterflies erupts in your belly, and you attempt to scooch closer into her. Ignoring everyone around you once more, including your own friends, you lean back into her and connect your lips again in a passionate embrace. 
You tug at her blonde locks, for once free from the confines of her usual updos and braids, and Paige lets out a groan at the sensation. Your head feels fuzzy from the lustful sounds, suddenly wanting all the people to leave so you could enjoy your girlfriend fully. 
“Wanna go back to yours?” You mumble in her ear, quickly starting to feel desperate. 
Paige pulls back, sighing with a regretful look on her face. “Course I do. But we should stay. I miss my old teammates, and you will, too.”
The honesty was surprising, but it made you realize that you had all the time in the world to kiss Paige.
“Fine,” you whine, somewhat childishly. “But as soon as all these people leave, I’m having my way with you.”
“Good,” Paige mutters. Her desire for you hadn’t waned, and she didn’t think it would. She could survive a few more hours of loud music and polite conversation before following you to your bedroom and fucking you into oblivion. 
And she did. Barely.
The rest of the evening, Paige watched you with such intensity. She was obsessed with every little thing about you. The way your nose scrunched when you laughed. The pink in your cheeks. And the way you licked your lips seductively in her direction after taking a drink from the cup in your hand. 
KK and Ice had left, and as the party began winding down, Paige grew more and more needy. While you were high off of the victory, she was high off of you. And it had been too long since her last hit. Showing an incredible amount of restraint, Paige hides behind her cup, watching you dance around in the center of the room. You make eye contact, from where she is sitting on the couch, and you don’t miss the ways her eyes darken. Her pupils are blown wide with lust, and her widespread legs are beckoning you to come take your rightful place in between them. 
You march over to her, plopping down on her lap once more, loudly stating that the party has ended. The last few stragglers, get the hint, and begin to move towards the door. With some help from your roommates/teammates, the apartment quickly clears out, leaving you with Paige and the soft pumping of whatever Drake song was seductively playing through the speakers. 
You gaze at her, lids heavy with desire, to see those blue eyes staring right back at you with equal intensity.
“Can you fuck me now, baby?” You whisper, your voice husky with want. 
Paige lets out a dark chuckle, and pulls you into her. “Only if you leave that jersey on for me.”
Your heart jumps into your throat. “Deal,” you affirm, pulling her towards your bedroom.
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maapllee · 3 months
All The Stars~
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A/N: This idea has marinated in my head for wayyyy too many weeks, so here you go. There will be a part 2 to this.
P.S: Not proofread. Sorry for any mistakes.
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It was the second day of school after the summer break. You peeked out from behind the wall at the lockers- your crush's locker. Your stomach grumbled in pain- ah, the sacrifices you make for love. Maybe this was a stupid idea, why would Katsuki fucking Bakugou reciprocate the sickening feelings you harboured towards him? You were better off staying his secret admirer.
Bakugou was the last person you'd imagine a puppy dog romance with. He surely wasn't worth skipping lunch for. What were you thinking anyway, hoping his love for you would blossom? Well, that's all it would be. Hope. You told yourself. Not that it would matter, the gifts inside were unsigned anyway.
Sighing, you turned to walk away- maybe you could convince Lunch Rush to let you have a peck or two before class started. Walking into the hallway, you scratched the back of your head as you felt a headache come on. Looking up, you saw Bakugou, Kirishima and the others walking towards the lockers. Scrambling, you ducked behind the staircase- Holy fucking shit. This was it. They hadn't noticed you, luckily. Not yet, at least. Your knuckles were white from grabbing the wall as you stood on your tippy toes, trying to get a closer look at his expression.
That idiotic blonde was screaming at Denki for electrocuting his lemonade or whatever- at least he saw that coming; what he didn't see was the hellish amount of confetti falling onto him as he opened his locker. The rest of the Bakusquad looked with their mouth open as you cowered behind the wall, blushing. You were grateful no one had noticed you yet. "Ooh, looks like someone's got the fancies for Bakubro ;)" Kaminari said, almost emoting in surprise, along with Kiri.
"What the actual fuck is this?" Bakugou grimaced, stepping on the now confetti-covered floor. He rummaged around his locker, pushing the confetti around to uncover boxes stacked on top of each other next to his textbooks. Pretty pink boxes adorned with ribbons, must I add. A neon orange sticky note taped to the topmost box stood out in contrast with the monochrome textbooks and grey metal of the locker. Bakugou had half a mind to throw it all away or blow up the entire locker. It wasn't worth the hassle anyway.
Denki snickered, peeling off the note that read 'High protein chocolate~' "Woaahh, real thoughtful, ain't it?" Kirishima said, elbowing Bakugou in the stomach. "I wonder who it isss~~" Mina piped up, opening one of the heart-shaped boxes to reveal chocolate-covered strawberries. Popping one in her mouth, she sighed, placing a hand on her cheek while relishing the flavour. "I wonder how they got all that confetti into your locker."
You took a deep breath in, relaxing your shoulders. One step at a time- You walked towards Bakugou. "I wonder who's masochistic enough to have a crush on Bakugou, let alone express themselves, hahaa-" you laughed, interrupted by a sharp jab on your ribs. "Aahh that hurt, y'know?" You sulked, rubbing the sore spot. "What kinda coward leaves this unsigned?" Bakugou grumbled, tearing up the note and resuming rummaging through his locker for his textbooks for Present Mic's class.
Katsuki Bakugou was not a kind man. You more than most people, knew that well. But Bakugou didn't mean to push you out of the way as he made his way out the hall. He didn't mean to bruise your chest. He didn't mean to hurt you.
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