@kimchaybrainrot!! You had a birthday!! sorry it’s a day late BUT I have some soft kimchay headcanons JUST FOR YOU! 
When Chay starts staying at Kim’s place, when he wakes up in the morning he says “I’m hungry what’s for breakfast” and this sends Kim spiraling down through guilt memories. He decides then that he’s never going to ever ask Chay to make them breakfast. 
The problem is he wants to have a nice quiet morning at home cuddling with Chay, but he doesn't keep a lot of food on hand. He usually just grabs a protein bar on his way out the door and orders in for his other meals. So for that first day he orders them coffee and pastries from the cafe down the street, but any breakfast food more substantial than pastries always arrives cold so this isn’t a great long term solution. 
BUT fear not, Kim is a PROBLEM SOLVER. He decides he’s going to learn how to cook breakfast for Chay so that they can spend the mornings cuddling in their pajamas AS IT OUGHT TO BE. 
The problem is, he’s never so much as cracked an egg before. When Chay isn’t around (because gosh, Kim isn’t going to let Chay see him fucking up miserably when they JUST got back together) Kim gets a carton of eggs practices cracking them open and frying them. He’s not a disaster, he has to know how to have a delicate touch for both music and murder, but he still gets some eggshell in the pan and the yolk runs everywhere so he ends up with scrambled eggs. On his second attempt the eggs are burnt on the bottom and raw on the top. On this third attempt he gets it fully cooked, but then the egg is FULLY COOKED and not at all runny in the middle the way chay likes. 
That’s when he realizes okay, huh, this cooking thing might be a bit more of a skill than he anticipated. 
But he is COMMITTED to not CORRUPTING their newly flourishing relationship with BREAKFAST SINS. 
So he cracks his knuckles and loads youtube and gets to work. As it turns out, he has a lot to learn. He’s pretty good at knife skills already, but it turns out there’s a whole different kind of technique to chopping up an onion than there is to twirling a switchblade. And he learned enough chemistry to know what common bathroom cleaners he can weaponize and turn into harmful gaseous clouds, but the chemistry of just making some bread is a whole different level of complex. 
He still orders in breakfast for him and Chay while he’s learning and just deals with slightly cold delivery for now, because he’s not going to serve anything but the BEST for his boy. 
On the morning he finally feels ready, he slips out of bed early and gets cracking. When Chay finally wanders out he’s a little grumpy he didn’t wake up with his cuddle buddy, but then he’s quickly stunned by the feast in front of him. There are pans of sausages and bacon, and crepes loaded with freshly made whipped cream and fruit, and multiple types of freshly squeezes fruit juice, and then Kim is pulling a quiche out of the oven. 
Chay says something like “good morning P’Kim and also what in the world is happening?” and Kim responds “good morning my love I made you breakfast?” 
Chay gapes, and Kim realizes he might have gone a little overboard, but then Chay is kissing him and hoisting him onto the counter because Chay is overwhelmed with so much love, but Kim has to stop him because “i love you chay but I am NOT eating another cold and and soggy breakfast.” 
All the food is delicious and delightful - Chay would have been perfectly happy with a stack of pancakes to be honest, but the big spread of food is super awesome and Chay knows without Kim having to say it that this is another way of helping them move on from their turbulent start, so he extra appreciates all the effort. 
Kim watches Chay eat carefully and glows a little more with each compliment and when they’re done eating Chay pulls him back into the bedroom for more kisses and cuddles and a nap to sleep off all the food. 
( And then later Chay will show kim exactly how appreciative he is by bending him over the kitchen counter and fucking him slowly and thoroughly until kim is begging. ) 
From then on Kim makes them breakfast while Chay sits on the kitchen island still looking rumpled in his pajamas and demanding kisses whenever Kim passes him to use the sink. Kim loves it and despairs because sometimes they get a little too distracted and Kim burns things, but it always makes Chay happy, so its a sacrifice he’s willing to make.
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scully1998 · 9 months
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excited to be the main character at work today
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sugarcraftcinemas · 8 months
since your name has cinemas, do you like going to the cinema? and if so have you ever just sat down beside a stranger at the start of the film but then mid-watch your hand creeps to the stranger's thigh to squeeze it or do you completely focus on the film? (assuming you do go to the cinema regulary, sorry!)
I havent gone to see a movie in a theater in a while... I like movies but theres kind of not really an incentive to go to a theater unless you have someone to go with you ^^; Only one of my friends and I havent drifted apart since college and Im not particularly close with my coworkers. I dont think Id do the next part with a stranger, but going to the movies sounds like a cute date idea so maybe I would do it on a date!
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vocaloid-tunes · 10 months
A Sugarwork Cinema Street | Tsukiri feat. GUMI
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femchef · 1 year
The Cake Decorating Finals were due today!!! Everything is made out of sugar (except the columns and the styrofoam cake forms, but all the piping and flowers are sugarwork) LOOK:
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seramakyuriii · 11 months
砂糖じかけの電影街 (A Sugarwork Cinema Street)
Traducción al inglés: nymphedesfleurs en (reddit.com)
ちんちんちんちちん ちんちちん ちんち ちんすこう
ちんすこうの個数 ちんす個数
ピュッピュッピュッピュピュッ ピュッピュピュッ ピュッピュ ピュルピュレ
クリクーリ クーリにピュルリ
Chin-chin-chin-chichin chinchichin chinchi chinsukou
Raciones de chinsukou, Raciones de chinsukou
Pyu pyu pyu pyu-pyu pyu pyu-pyu pyu pyu pyuru pyure
Cooly-coulis, babeando por coulis
濡れ濡れのカヌレ なんか濡れ
Canelés humedos, algo humedos
no veo a muchos que no sean dulces
Cansada de estar inmersa en dulce, dulce amor
Mi corazón ha sido cubierto de glaseado
Give me 甘味 Give me 甘味 お菓子くて
焦げてしまいそうで 好き色
No se derretirá aunque haga frío
leche fluyendo
Dame dulzura, dame dulzura, es tan extraño
El color del amor parece arder
I want the 甘味 キミ 甘味 ハニカム構造
まんまんまんままん もみまん もみじ饅頭
中身はつまり 餡 餡
Dame dulzura, dame dulzura dorada, la dulzura de tu panal
No me despiertes del dulce, dulce sueño
Man man man maman momiman momiji manjuu
Estoy llena de an an
パンパンパンパパン パンパパン クリームパン
クリクーリ クリームドロリ
Panpanpanpapan panpa pan kurīmu pan
Cre-cre-crema pegajosa
Un lujoso batido de color ámbar
No veo a muchos que no sean dulces
En la playa y noche de dulce, dulce amor
Mi corazón es un sugarcraft
No se romperá si no lo tocas, pero
La leche se desbordó
Give me 甘味 Give me 甘味 お菓子いね
でも染まっていくの 好き色
I want the 甘味 ヤミ Yummy ハニートラップ
Dame dulzura, dame dulzura, es tan extraño
Me voy a teñir de el color del amor
Quiero la oscuridad con sabor dulce, yummy honeytrap
Dulce, dulce…
おかしいなあ あなたがちゅきちゅきで もう
ちゅきの気持ちが抑えられないの どうして
Give me 甘味 Give me 甘味 お菓子くて
焦げてしまいそうで 好き色
Es gracioso, estás encima mío
Me gustas tanto que ya no puedo contener mis sentimientos ¿Por qué?
Dame dulzura, dame dulzura, es tan extraño
El color del amor parece arder
I want the 甘味 キミ 甘味 ハニカム構造
おかしいなあ あなたがちゅきちゅきで
Dame dulzura, dame dulzura dorada, la dulzura de tu panal
No me despiertes del dulce, dulce sueño
Es extraño, que seas tan lindo
No se cuando ocurrió esto
No puedo detener mis sentimientos
No puedo detener mis sentimientos de amor
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averythebusinessman · 8 months
((I'm so sorry gfosh;fljbd I know I just sent an ask with Esmee but the Vincent thing... I was Compelled... u.u))
Ah... I think I know that man. The Sugarwork Theater guy who cannot afford a Tesla. Not that I can afford a tesla either. Or that he would use one even if he could...
Sorry that was a bad intro. Hello Avery :) I just ah... Wanted to let you know that helping that man get power might not be a good idea! He's unassuming, but genuinely awful and he won't leave me alone. I shudder a little to think of the things he would do if he had confidence. Ahaha...
~ @poorsadorphanposting
(Sorry about what Esmee did to your tires by the way :( I will try to make it up to you...?)
Oh. Is that so? Well, thank you. I do think I can judge his character for myself, but thanks nonetheless.
I wish your sister was more like you, but oh well. Will I be seeing you this weekend, Edin?
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wardenred · 11 months
Flufftober 11: Sweet Tooth
Another flashback about Miq and Elair from Champagne Problems being sweet together.
“What is this?” Elair asked weakly, his eyes fixed on the outrageous confectionary creation that dominated Miq’s desk. It could be, he supposed, called a cake, if one was seriously into underestimation. He was more inclined to call it a baked tower.
There were four tiers to it, the bottom one made of spongy, syrup-soaked biscuit the color of rust. If he squinted, he saw bits of crushed berries peeking out of the pastry’s pores. Next came a thick layer of airy meringue, rough with handfuls of nuts that contrasted with the gentle swirls of colorful, creamy frosting. The third level, as far as Elair could tell, was mostly some sort of soft whipped cheese, perhaps with crumbled cookies mixed in, and it alone looked like the most divinely delicious thing he’d ever witnessed. At the very top, perched like a regal crown, lay a spiky ball of hard-baked dough that was likely a lot more brittle than it looked and, if he were to make a wild guess, probably contained a lot of filling. The entire arrangement was adorned in intricately crafted flowers that combined sugarwork and real petals dusted with a fine sheen of edible gold.
Elair couldn’t fathom how much effort and skill went into constructing the entire thing. Or how much money.
“You said you were too tired to go out tonight,” Miqualis explained, coming up to pull him into a loose hug from behind. “And I know you always crave something sweet when you’re tired, so I wrote to my family’s chef this morning and asked them to come up with something.”
“But... what’s the occasion?” Elair quickly ran all possible dates through his mind. It was ages until his birthday. There were no successful exams or school projects to celebrate in the middle of the trimester. They didn’t have an anniversary, unless Miqualis attributed some extra special meaning to “eight months, two weeks, and three or four days.”
He felt Miq’s shrug against his back. “You’re too tired to go out and you have a sweet tooth. Isn’t that enough?”
“But. This.” Elair gestured helplessly at the egregious dessert in front of him. “You could have just ordered an apricot pie from the tavern down the street. Or a bar of chocolate.”
“Yes, but you have apricot pie and chocolate bars all the time.”
“Only because you keep geting them for me!”
“Well,” Miq said sensibly, “that’s why I’ve decided to shake things up.” There was a hint of vulnerability in his voice when he added, “Do you... not like it?”
Elair exhaled slowly through his nose. This is why this isn’t going to last, he reminded himself. Because he does stuff like this, as if it is totally normal, and I’m—me.
I’m just me, and I can’t even let him know.
“It’s just too much,” he said. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Why not, though? Listen, the cooks at the estate are bored. My father and sister are away on some boring business trip, and my mother is attending her fourth cousin’s wedding. They’re lonely and lost. I just found an excuse to give them a sense of purpose! And to make you smile, hopefully. Are you smiling?”
“I’m somber as can be,” Elair said, but it was really hard not to grin when he turned his head and met Miq’s eyes. “Thank you. You’re very thoughtful, especially to the cooks. Do you even have a knife in your room, to cut this monstrosity up?”
He was going about this all wrong, wasn’t he? He was supposed to be saying something different, curtailing all those ironic responses that he always fell back on when he was flustered. He was probably hurting Miq’s feelings, he was—
Miqualis grinned back at Elair and leaned in for a quick kiss. “Of course I do. I’m taking Rituals and Sacrifices this year, remember?”
“Oh the gods. Please don’t tell me you’re going to cut the cake with the same blade you used on some poor dead rabbit fetus.”
“It was actually a mummified bullfrog, and I know three different purifying spells.”
“You know what? I’ll just practice conjuration.”
This couldn’t last. Not forever. Not in any conceivable version of the future.
Then again... Elair was literally here to learn how to make impossible things true.
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My top 5 songs for the year so far…..sugarwork cinema street just keeps climbing the ranks. I genuinely do not know how Corruption got up there
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syniesparis · 2 years
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Touches of texture emphasised the delicate white on white sugar hydrangeas that adorned this delicious champagne and berries cake for the very stylish Kelsie and Samir. Planning, design & styling: @rachaelellenevents Photo: @MollyCarrphotography Video: @annalord Music: @pianodeluxe HMU: @Trinejuel @mademoiselle.m.a.n.d.y Rentals: @maison_options @bbjlatavola Venue: @chateaubouthonvilliers Gown: @reemacrawedding Invitations: @inkandpressco #chateauwedding #frenchwedding #francewedding #syniesparis #syniescakes #syniespariscakes #pariswedding #parisweddingcake #weddingcake #franceweddingcake #bridetobe #weddinginspo #weddinginspiration #sugarflowers #hydrangeacake #cakeartist #cakedesigner #loirevalleywedding #destinationwedding #fineartweddingcake #2023bride #castlewedding #weddinginparis #cakeart #sugarwork #destinationweddingfrance #weddinginfrance #weddingcakeinspiration (at Château de Bouthonvilliers) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpws8zmsXWB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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socialacity · 2 years
Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks
Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks
Overview Website:  https://www.morsefarm.com/ Address:  1168 County Road, Montpelier, VT 05602  Operational Hours:  They are open year round, but check the website as operating hours change based on season  History One of the favorite activities that are part of Vermont Experience has to be tasting fresh Maple syrup.  Visiting a Maple Syrup farm and conducting your own research as to what…
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sugarowlsweets · 3 years
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More stuff from pastry school.
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kobbisoven · 3 years
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pool table themed cake  #poolcue #snooker #eightball #cuesports #bilyard #biliard #billiards🎱 #cakesofinstagram🎂🍰 #fondantcake #sugarwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CWNGiJnohEA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Rococo style ~ the art of sugar
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miriamvowen · 6 years
Sugarwork - A Review
Sugarwork – A Review
Sometimes people ask me why I like jazz and the best way that I can describe it is that often the music takes me on a journey.   Sugarwork, the debut album by Sugarwork, took me to a place of summer transformation.  One of those summers when something inside you shifts and by the time autumn arrives you realise you have lived through it and changed.  Perhaps this was in part due to the album…
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karpendonk · 6 years
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Marinated Dutch Cherries, Cherry made of Sugar Work filled with Goat’s Curd and Cherry Ice Cream.
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