#sui ment
support · 11 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There are many support services that are here to help. For 24/7 peer support and other resources, message KokoBot on Tumblr.
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or dial 988 or (en Español)
The Trevor Project (LGBT crisis intervention) or dial 1-866-488-7386
Trans Lifeline or dial 1-877-565-8860 (en Español)
The National Domestic Violence Hotline or 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Rape Abuse & Incest National Network or 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
S.A.F.E. Alternatives for Stopping Self Abuse or 1–800-DONT-CUT (366–8288)
National Eating Disorders Association
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find resources for your country.
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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gayvampyr · 5 days
student loan forgiveness is suicide prevention btw
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zipmode · 3 months
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NAMI.... the Nami...... Why so plunderous?- the Namier
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lonely-paracosmos · 6 months
@sparklecarehospital this is just a genuine question, but will any character die by suicide in the comic?
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joeyclaire · 2 months
drinking game where every time you check kyle gallner’s instagram story if he’s posted something with the Light Leak II filter or with multiple 😈 emojis you shoot yourself in the forehead
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becquerel · 11 days
me at 17 grossly suicidal and having attempted recently before reading homestuck for the first time and hearing the line youre done with dying oh it meant something to me...
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hollowslantern · 5 months
your honor i did not tell that tumblr user to kill itself
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akuma-tenshi · 9 months
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part 3 of my coa posting but it's all one coherent meme
i'm sorry abt the first one i had no idea where else to put ada
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lavendorii · 1 year
suicide is not the natural progression of a poor mental state. self harm is not a necessary byproduct of depression. you dont need to have attempted suicide in order to be valid.
that line of thinking is what encourages self harm. people thinking that the peak of depression is acting on suicidal thoughts is encouraging people to do it so that they can be seen as valid.
your story isn't "less impactful" because you didn't attempt. you arent "less depressed" because you've never hurt yourself. don't let out-of-touch people make you think that your anguish is only acceptable if you destroy yourself, don't let them make you think that you have to hurt yourself to be taken seriously.
suicide is not beautiful. a failed attempt will not make your life better. ending up in the emergency room isn't the catalyst for recovery. you can start over today, you don't have to attempt suicide to say goodbye to the former self. people are still romanticizing suicide to this day and it's extremely detrimental to those susceptible.
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hanayanaa · 1 year
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1) well okay, first off, the classic rule that if a character dies off screen, they're probably not dead. classic time tested rule!
2) they made so much merch of her, not to mention she's literally the face of the franchise as one of the first characters liam made for the show. They aren't going to kill off such an iconic and integral character this early on. remember, we still have SEVERAL more seasons to go!
3) the lyrics of eternal dream, which are supposedly about V's inner thoughts and wishes, states that she is tired of this dream (life), which is more of a nightmare for her. I'm going to annotate the entirety of it on genius sometime this week hopefully /srs, but the last line is "I can't end this dream", a desperate cry, for she can't escape her living nightmare, where she is hurt and used and traumatized so much, but also, in our case, potential evidence of her coming back? nola klop, her va, also said that this version isn't the whole song, since she mentions being excited for the full version. and since it's about V, a full version, along with that line, implies she will return. mostly that latter point though, ill admit the single line might be a stretch LOLL but i figured eh might as well include it...
4) J's still off reading about stock prices or whatever in tessa's space ship lol. J's doing J things and she might've gotten bored and went exploring and ended up finding and saving V. we literally have no idea what she's doing besides getting a command to look after tessa's vehicle, which she can probably do from a relative distance. she's stated as a workaholic, but that means she'd also probably get bored quickly if she has nothing to actively do, if there isn't anything for her to be actively guarding, she might wander off while simply occasionally checking the ship. (I also want more J too she's so fucking funny)
5) she had her eyes closed during the final scene where we see her! If she had kept them closed, then she should be fine in regards to getting bootlooped at least. maybe she was scared, or was embarrassed in a way, not wanting herself or anyone else to see her in this raw, vulnerable state she hates and fears so much. and unless the sentinels tear out her heart/core, she'll probably be fine and can regenerate herself. (side note: alice has an id card like nori and yeva, doll's mother. she was one of the patient zero drones who were purposefully infected with solver in order to see it's effects and conduct research, so she'll probably be back as well, considering she's most likely a solver user. beau might be back, i can't say for sure, all depends if she decides to revive him or not. the disassembly drone corpses in cabin fever labs were probably because alice used a combination of sentinels and solver manipulation to take them down and remove their hearts, which we can see she keeps in an old oven, which is why they can't regenerate themselves anymore and are effectively dead. the hearts are the "worm" thing uzi mentioned would come out of V if alice cut her up.)
6) while the show itself has a lot of gags, it's also brimming with genuine love for detail and lore, like they're fucking around, but they're also not fucking around. V has a lot to tell us still, since she's been extremely mysterious and quiet about her own personal past, probably due to trauma and being terrified of being vulnerable, since she was so often hurt when she let her guard down. a lot of things about her aren't really directly mentioned, and are just IMPLIED, the most prominent examples being her genuine inner thoughts, since there are many zoom-ins to her face and expressions, but we are only left to guess on what she's really thinking. so they're not going to let her go just yet; in fact, i think the next episode will be one centered around her (probably more flashbacks? who knows, but i think since she's been important, but not centered on really until now, she'll recieve her own time in the spotlight.)
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7) similar to the point above, her character arc is far from over, and if she were to die now, it'd be a crime against her character and the entire story. she was and still is a vital part of the team, but everyone else was so wrapped up in their own plans or infatuations that poor V ended up getting almost completely ignored. even though she loves everyone deep down, and protects them with her life, she never once got a thank you, or asked how she's doing, or anything. all she got was mostly light arguements and insults back-- the last thing uzi said to her was "you, ew! you're mean!", while the last thing V said to uzi was "uzi, I trust you." one could argue that because of her snarky attitude, she's kind of walking into these scuffles, but...really? no one ever stopped for one second to think about that person right next to them and think about who they are beyond that snark? not even N, who's been with her since the beginning, and openly admitted to having a crush on her? or tessa, her superior, who presumably rescued her from the dump, gave her clothes and hair and companionship? she squealed upon seeing N, but didn't give a single glance at V aside from an argument near the end of the episode, and a reflection of V looking solemnly back in her helmet. i genuinely think that because of these mistakes, she'll come back... eventually, at least, so hopefully they can learn from their mistakes and treat her better this time around, for they are getting a second chance, and everyone can slowly start healing together. V has a very broken heart, so for her to fully heal, i unfortunately don't think that will happen for a long time, but she can begin the process slowly, if her teammates start treating her more kindly, as a peer, someone whose thoughts and opinions and feelings matter too, rather than just someone to be snarky and argued with.
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to summarize, she has an almost 99.9% chance of coming back because she's the face of the franchise, along with having a bunch of merchandise, it'd be kind like of shooting yourself in the foot to kill off the literal most iconic character, the literal icon. the final lyrics of eternal dream and the mention from her va that this current version isn't even the full length version, implies V will come back, especially since the song is from her point of view. lastly, her character arc is far from over, since while being a vital part of the team, her teammates have been ignoring her for the most part ever since episode 2, even though she's been there with them this entire time. bringing her back gives everyone a chance to make it up to her, and brings both parties to a point of healing. lastly, her character arc aside, she has much to tell us about the lore, since she is implied to know and be hiding a lot, but since she is so mysterious due to her painful past, it is hard for her to open up. the last two points are connected, as if she is more comfortable, she'll open up more, revealing more about the lore and story along with it.
Out of all the characters ive loved throughout the years, i genuinely do think she is the most tragic one. considering the only real decision she was ever allowed to make was sacrificing herself to the sentinels, possibly in an attempted suicide to finally end all of the pain welled up in her heart? yeah.
she's probably one of my favourite characters of all time, even though ive only recently watched it, she has already made a permanent mark on my heart. i really, truly do hope that she comes back, because she deserves it. she deserves to heal and be appreciated for who she is, and she deserves a space where she's comfortable enough to let down her walls and be her honest self again. i think if she comes back, we'll see a much more vulnerable and timid side of her we haven't seen before except for occasional rare moments. she'll still be snarky, but it'll take her a while to recover from the initial shock of all her emotional turmoil surrounding her sacrifice, as well as get used to all the new attention she's getting. after that, however, she'll recover and start healing and come back as a stronger, happier, and still very snarky V. ♡
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solidwater05 · 4 months
Lizzie is so iconic. Conquers a deep dark on day one and makes it her entire personality. Scams people and gets murdered for it. Out-bridges the bridge builder and then does it again because she can. And then she kills herself and takes most of the server out with her. Queen.
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
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this is another one of the parts of ntlis that really stuck with me :((. part of why it irritates me when ppl overlook the role everyone in the band played to the music's themes and emotions and messages, not only gerard. they all put a lot of themselves into it. it's my chemical romance, not gerard way and the hormones - and lyrics aren't the only way for musicians to express things really deeply and earnestly.
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petra-dot-png · 2 months
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Recent danganronpa stuff I did yippeeee
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ruinationz · 7 months
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i enjoyed that teaser on friday
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syn4k · 1 month
my thing about being trans is that the journey is infinitely more important than the destination. i dont even have a clear transition goal. to me asking about the destination completely defeats the point because i dont CARE what im going for all i care about is that im visibly trans for the people who cant be. i do not want to be quiet about it because silence is what drove my other queer friends to suicide who could not handle the pressure bestowed upon them. do you understand
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joeyclaire · 24 days
i don’t vaguepost ever if i have a problem with you i will tag your name and url
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