#suki RANTS
coralpaperthoughts · 4 months
I will never understand ppl who hate/anti ANY of the members of the Gaang, or even any of the other kids. coz they are just kids. in the middle of a fucking war. of course they're gonna fuck up and make mistakes and be little shits, THEY ARE 12-16 !! ALL OF THE GAANG (including Zuko but excluding Suki) HAVEN'T HAD PROPER SOCIALISATION WITH OTHER KIDS THEIR AGE UNTIL THEY MET EACH OTHER !!
and yes, you could argue that Katara and Sokka had each other, but that's siblings and siblings are not the same as friends, and also Sokka was the only teen boy left in the tribe and I think Katara was the only teen girl too (might be wrong there tho)
you could also argue that Aang had friends before he got stuck in the iceberg so he did actually have that socialisation, but bro is fucking 12 and he was stuck in an iceberg for a hundred fucking years and had the whole avatar thing weighing down on his shoulders, cut the boy some slack ???
Toph and Zuko were both Rich Noble Kids™ so they automatically did not get proper socialisation with other kids their age. Toph was sheltered from the outside world because she's blind and a young girl, but yes she did go to that underground boxing ring but that was mainly adults, I highly doubt she was hanging about with kids there and definitely not in normal circumstances.
And although Mai and Ty Lee were there, they were Azula's "companions" (not originally meant to be friends but may have ended up as so after the war) and they weren't there for Zuko, they were there for Azula only. I'm pretty sure Zuko spent most of his time with tutors or with his mother before she left, he didn't get any socialisation with normal kids and he definitely did not get a normal childhood.
None of them got a normal childhood, so can you really blame any of them for being manipulative or assholes or doing dumb shit, whilst still being a kid/teen !!! and then being bad parents too, when they literally have no good role model to go off of (love Hakoda but bro was not there for his kids for a good couple of years and that does a lot to a kid)
edit: also Azula deserved a redemption/healing arc because she was a victim of abuse as much as Zuko was. she was in fact just a child, as much as the rest of them were, and deserved better. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk 🙏
edit 2: Jet also deserved a chance at healing. like bro watched his village burn and was the sole survivor, he probably has mega survivor's guilt that isn't touched upon in the show, like his hate for the fire nation is pretty rational and his actions (to an extent) are justified. all I'm saying is that if he had anybody else in his corner, that wasn't more angsty, out-for-revenge teens or kids, he could have had a much nicer life. one that didn't lead him to his downfall.
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tokyosmega · 1 year
the atla universe if languages existed
hey there! ever wondered what avatar would be like if the nations actually spoke different languages? me too! here's my idea of how it would go:
(set during avatar: the last airbender, might add more during korra times another day)
quick disclaimer: i am an american who speaks american english and conversational france french. all of my language knowledge comes from youtube or school. this is just a silly little headcanon i needed to write down.
Within the water tribe’s language system, there are two main languages: Northern Water and Southern Water. Northern Water is spoken by the Northern Water tribe and Southern Water is spoken by the Southern Water tribe. Despite having similar names, the two languages are very different. When the Water tribes lived as one on the water lionturtle, they all spoke the same language (which we will call Olde Water), but after separation, they evolved independently. Think of the relationships between the two water languages as the relationship between French and Spanish. Their words can be similar (sol/soleil, luna/lune) because they share roots from Latin (or in this case, Olde Water). Northern Water and Southern Water share roots to the point where a Southern speaker and a Northern speaker would not be able to understand each other but could probably pick out a few key words from their speech. Similar words are things that are native to their area, while less common things that did not exist/were unknown during Olde Water times have differing words (the word for “polarbear-dog” is probably similar in both languages, but the word for “badgermole” is probably different). If the tribes met often for peace/community reasons (perhaps annually), then both languages would contain loanwords from the other tribe. For example, if sea prunes are a Southern Water tribe staple, then the word for “sea prunes” in the North is probably the same as it is in the South. Neither language has any sort of written component- it is completely oral.
Another, more niche language also exists within the Water language family, and that is Foggy Swamp. This language also originates from Olde Water, but has a great amount of Earth influence, since the swamp itself is in the Earth Kingdom (influence specifically from Omashu). Someone who speaks Olde Water would understand Foggy Swamp to the extent that someone who speaks American English would understand Pidgin English (that is, they would have to focus intently and would be able to get the jist of their speech). A Northern Water or Southern Water speaker would not be able to understand them at all, since their languages have developed so drastically from Olde Water. However, one could trace roots of words in Foggy Swamp back to Northern or Southern Water. An Earth speaker would not understand them at all either, but would be able to trace back loanwords and modern terminology (the word for “swamp” or “cat-gator”, for example, would be a lot more similar to Earth than it would be to Northern Water or Southern Water). Foggy Swamp also does not have a writing system.
Because it covers such a vast space, the people of the Earth kingdom used to be incredibly linguistically diverse, with almost every city speaking differently than the next. During Kyoshi’s reign, Chin the Conqueror took over most of the kingdom and standardized the writing system (similar to the Qin dynasty in China), and therefore heavily influenced spoken language in the Earth kingdom. As an after-effect, Common Earth, also known as simply Earth, is the most widely spoken language in the world, to a similar extent as English or Mandarin Chinese. It is taught as a second language in every nation and it is hard to find a city where there are no Earth speakers. Everyone in the Earth kingdom speaks or understands Earth. Omashu Earth is an accent that is spoken primarily in the city of Omashu, and has tonal differences from Earth, similar to the difference between New York English and standard American English. Aside from Omashu Earth, the other areas of the Earth kingdom that were taken over by Chin do not have distinct accents. There are some slight variances, especially in the Southern islands between the Air temples, but all speakers of Common Earth can understand each other perfectly. Common Earth has a stable writing system that does not vary.
Despite Chin’s attempt to standardize language within the Earth kingdom, the places he did not conquer held fast to their respective languages. Ba Sing Se Earth, which can also be called Upper Ba Sing Se Earth, is the language that differs the most from Common Earth due to Ba Sing Se’s impenetrable walls cutting them off from the rest of the kingdom. Since both languages are derived from Olde Earth, they share similar writing systems, but neither language can understand each other (similar to the relationship between Cantonese and Mandarin). The walls between the Upper and Lower ring also created Lower Ba Sing Se Earth, where grammar is more simplified, due to the hasty lifestyle of a lower-class worker. Both Upper and Lower Ba Sing Se Earth speakers can understand each other, but Upper Ba Sing Se speakers might not be able to understand Lower slang. Their writing system is exactly the same. Kyoshi Earth is spoken solely on Kyoshi island, and is very similar to the former language of the people of Yokoya. It is not understandable to any other Earth speakers and functions similarly to the relationship between Japanese and Mandarin Chinese, with a different yet similar alphabet to Common Earth. The Si Wong tribes, who inhabit the Si Wong desert, speak various independent languages, but are collectively known as Si Wong Earth. Their languages have many loanwords from Common Earth due to trade. Their written language is syllabic and simple, similar to Cuneiform. 
Most of the Fire nation speaks the same language, but there are three main dialects within the Fire Nation language system. The most commonly spoken dialect is aptly named Fire, but is also known as Common Fire. This language is spoken within the Fire nation capital, Caldera, but is mainly used within the greater land mass of the Fire nation. It evolved from Olde Fire and is the most basic form of Fire nation speech. The most similar dialect is more of an accent with some different slang terms and is known as High Fire. It is spoken by the citizens of Caldera, especially the nobles. It is completely understandable to those who know Common Fire and vice versa. The relationship between the two languages is similar to the relationship between Canadian French and Quebecois. The main difference between High Fire and Common fire is pronunciation of words and tonal patterns within sentences and phrases. The last dialects all get looped into one group and are collectively known as Provincial Fire. Provincial Fire is spoken on the outskirts of the mainland and into the chain of islands off of the Fire nation. It varies greatly depending on what island or area of the mainland it is spoken in and has differences from Common Fire that are similar to Korean’s differences from its provincial dialects (speech pattern and tones, different slang terms). The further out one gets from Caldera, the stronger the dialect. Written language within the Fire nation is the same across all of the dialects and characters are similar to Mandarin Chinese as they are pictorial and syllabic (from canon). 
The Sun Warriors are the only ethnic group of the Fire nation that speaks anything other than Common Fire. The Sun Warriors speak Sun Fire, which originates from Olde Fire as well, but has changed greatly since it was spoken within such a small group of people. Someone who speaks Common Fire would not understand Sun Fire at all, but could probably pick out a few words that have similar roots to Common Fire. Sun Fire has two written languages- one is reserved for spiritual leaders and spiritual texts, while the other is used by all people. Visually, it is similar to the differences between Japanese’s Kanji and Kana writing systems, where one is more simplified and one is more traditional. Spiritual written Sun Fire is more similar to written Common Fire. 
The people of the Air nation only have one language: Air. Due to a high need of proper communication, as well as people constantly moving from temple to temple, or growing up at one and working at the other, Air nomads developed only a single language from Olde Air. Air nomads have a robust writing system to allow writing of incredibly complex ideas and air nomad journeys. Most nomads learn multiple other languages as they age, so they can succeed no matter where they find themselves in the world. Due to the destruction of the Air temples, Air is almost a completely lost language. Remaining speakers include Aang and his children, as well as a few Earth kingdom elders who learned the language from friends and passed it down to their children.
Cities born out of the 100-year war, like Cranefish Town (Republic City), are another story. The Fire nation mandated that all colonies only speak Common Fire in hopes of destroying the culture of the city, but despite that, a hybrid language developed: Earthen Fire. To a non-speaker, Earthen Fire sounds like Common Fire, but the grammar structure is very Earth based (a Fire speaker can understand Earthen Fire in the way that a Dutch speaker can understand Afrikaans). It also incorporates many loanwords from Earth. The writing system involves the exact same characters as written Earth, so it almost sounds like Fire spoken with an Earth accent. 
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carlandoxlestappen · 5 months
I think that the adults Avatar movie that’s going to come in 2025 should completely IGNORE everything that had been said about the original Gaang in LOK:
Toph did NOT become a cop and she definitely didn’t have any children.
I would love to see her lava bending, although that’s not that important.
Sokka definitely DID have children.
You cant tell me that Sokka didn’t want to have his own little mini me’s running around, driving everyone crazy, his own little water tribe/Kyoshi army.
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sukirichi · 27 days
i’m gonna sound stupid for saying this but i’m acc very upset that real life is keeping me away from being a loser here 😔
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I just remembered that in like 2018/2019 I wrote the most articulated plot for an atla fanfiction trilogy in which Mai and Zuko got back together and married, but had to fight three dangerous ladies: a watertribe/fire nation girl with bloodbending abilities and blessed with the sun spirit (give me a break I was like 13), an earth kingdom lavabender with vitiligo, and a firebender with combustion bending. And the plot was basically that the bloodbender was believed to be a nonbender and was Zuko’s betrothed, but she was playing everyone to get to the throne and conquer the world. And since she knew Zuko was in love with Mai they kidnapped her and brought her to Lake Laogai and brainwashed her, and she got back to normal when Zuko told her he loved her. and then the first book ended with Zuko and the gaang visiting Azula in prison to ask her for help. But then in book two Azula became an ally of the dangerous ladies and their spy, but at the same time went through a redemption arc and sacrificed herself to save Zuko from an explosion. And then the third book was Azula kidnapped by the three dangerous ladies who wanted to crash Maiko’s wedding and kill everyone, but Azula escaped and killed combustion girl. Then a big ass battle began and it was a complete mess
I even made the coolest drawing that I can’t find for the life of me, and the cringest trailer to have ever been created.
It was so cool yet to cringe and stupid, but it was my baby. And then one day I just hated it and deleted everything AND NOW I WANT TO PUNCH MYSELF BECAUSE THE IDEA COULDVE BEEN SO GOOD😭😭😭
Anyways here’s my little breakdown because I can’t believe 14 yo me just deleted everything and 19 yo me just remembered the whole ass plot on a random Tuesday.
ALSO the whole “kidnapped and brainwashed but saved by true love” thing was an idea I loved EVEN BEFORE I became a marvel and Stucky fan. I call this fate lmfao
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teddy-bear-queen · 1 year
Bro I have to say this I swear-
I see people trying everything to make it seem like Wukong is a lot worse then he is. I understand you like Macaque, I do too! But the entire point of their relationship is that they’re both in the wrong. The difference is, Wukong got, well, character development. It just feels super annoying to discredit Wukongs hard work in JTTW because of things he did prior.
I’m not saying Wukong is some saint, or an amazing person even while the story is taking place, but he is NOT as bad as some of the people in the LMK fandom make him out to be. I assume it’s because Macaque is the goth shy boy (/hj? /lh), but Macaque literally comes out just to manipulate MK and steal his powers. He’s making the exact same mistakes Wukong did, fighting for power so that he can protect himself. Get stronger. Etc.
Season 4 Special Spoilers:
I don’t think Wukong was ignorant in saying that Macaque doesn’t come to help him. I mean, he got beaten by the Jade Emperor and presumably everyone just left him there and ran off. I’d be pretty mad too. Of course, Macaque was hesitant to begin with, and that’s fair. But he was already there, he could’ve tried. But Macaque has a habit of shying away from fights, only really fighting others to settle a score (S1 E9) or if he has to (LBD arc - both working for and against her, but the S1 E9 relates here, too.) I’m not saying this as an insult, more of an observation. He’s not a coward by any means, a coward would be Peng, who leaves mid-battle in fear of being hurt or losing. Macaque finishes his fights (still knowing when it’s reasonable to retreat), but more often then not prefers to prevent them in the first place. (WHICH IS WHY THE DIVORCE SCENE HITS SO HARD, you know he’s been bottling that up ;v;)
ANYWAY back on topic. I definitely think everything Wukong said there was true. I don’t think he was trying to lie or manipulate Macaque by saying ���everything I did was for us”. This is further confirmed when we see him later, tired and completely defeated.
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He has nothing to hide here. He’s at his lowest point, stuck in a mountain, tensions high from being abandoned by his sworn brothers, being abandoned by people he held dear. Macaque was trying to be nice, but if I were stuck in a mountain and offered food from someone who left me in such a vulnerable state? I probably wouldn’t take the it either. ALSO. We still have NOT seen these things from Wukongs perspective! Every single time something is revealed from his past, it’s narrated by Tang, Azure, Macaque, etc. Wukong has never (from my memory) spoken about his trials first-hand. This is why I love the guy so much!! What’s going on in his head? How does he feel about these things?
These are such complex characters who have been through so much, so it really bothers me when people look at Sun Wukong and decide to demonise him because of the past which, not only has he moved on from, but we have never even seen his side of the story on. Why did he kill Macaque? Did he kill Macaque? (I’ve seen theories he didn’t, we don’t know rn tho)
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Wukong went through a lot of pain to change. Wukong is haunted by his past and in genuine distress over it. You can’t tell me this isn’t a man filled with deep remorse for his actions.
He’s not perfect, but he’s a hell of a lot better. It just really frustrates me that people disregard and discredit the work he put in to get to this point.
This is really disorganised I’m sorry, I just keep seeing people act like Wukong is the scum of the earth and I honestly just do not get it.
Please don’t send asks about this post, just reblog or comment.
I don’t want to deal with passive aggressive (or just straight up aggressive) people.
As a final note: No, Wukong is not perfect. He’s still a deeply flawed character even with his development. No, Macaque isn’t the scum of the earth. They both have their own problems and they both fucked up. They both did something wrong. That’s the point.
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rorysreallyrandom · 7 months
I read a fanfic the other day and it had me thinking.
I whole heartedly believe that whenever Suki is trying to justify some kind of gratuitous violence she looks at aang and says something like
“Kyoshi would agree”
Or, “Right, Kyoshi?”
Because she knows full well he has connections to his past life and knows even better that Kyoshi would 100% approve of said gratuitous violence. And she definitely found ways to show Suki her approval.
Plus we know Suki and Kyoshi are buddies bc of the comic, “Suki, Alone”
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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giyuulatte · 6 months
that godforsaken avatar community is about to be my last straw. it is terrible take after terrible take after terrible take!!!! i’m beyond convinced that most of em watched it with they eyes closed or just trying to be part of something bc ain’t no way they lacking this much media literacy and comprehension i’m crying
it’s either
aang v korra
kataang v zutara
powerscaling EVERYBODY especially past avatars
katara slander.
KORRA slander.
quite literally the dumbest shit ever
someone tell me why SUPERMAN is in it. talking about “superman v korra🤓” STOOOOOPPPP. i will beg. frfr.
today i literally saw someone say that zuko should have been a villain and he would have been better than ozai…i had to put my phone down and walk away bc you did NOT understand my boys character. at all.
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panikk-attackkk · 3 months
There is this guyyy,
He has this adorable giggle like child, which makes me feel warm and fuzzy
His eyes shine like stars, making mine turn into hearts as I stare at him
He has this curly mess of hair, makes me want to decorate it with daisies
He is like a foot taller than me, makes me want to jump and hug him swinging with happiness
He looks so scary and intimidating, makes me want to grab him by his ear and bring him face to face so I can boop his nose
My good looking boyy🤧
He is such a POOKIEE!!!🎀🌷🍒🧸
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moisok20 · 7 months
Zuko was really fucking that drawing up LMFAOOO
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the-power-of-stuff · 7 months
bestie whats your opinion on this vid? it got me Angry. ANGRY! https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=64wpVnM6dlE4b9kc&v=cglBnKGWlP4&feature=youtu.be
Ahhhh yes, this video! I've seen it floating around in the tags but hadn't watched it until now.
I guess my opinion on this overall is that it's a little...unimaginative? I mean, it makes valid points about how the writers hadn't originally planned for Suki to be in the show beyond "The Warriors of Kyoshi," and how she doesn't interact much with the other members of the Gaang. But to me, that's where the fun of playing in the fandom sandbox comes in! Reading between the lines, over-analyzing little details, and finding space for our own interpretation of the events to thrive.
For instance, how many days did the group spend together on Ember Island? Do we really think Suki wasn't hanging out and bonding with anyone else that entire time? What about all the time they spent running around looking for Aang and Iroh right before the comet? Like, they went all the way from Ember Island to Ba Sing Se! That's basically a trans-continental road trip! Road trips are prime bonding opportunities! There's no way Suki wasn't making new BFFs while they were stuck in Appa's saddle all night.
What's the point of trying to prove that Suki didn't actually earn a place in the Gaang when instead you could imagine Suki and Katara connecting over the similarities in their fighting styles? Or Suki and Toph playing pranks on Sokka together? Or Suki and Aang getting emotional with one another while discussing Appa's rescue?
Same with the assertion that Sokka and Suki break up for good... First of all, I don't put much stock in "proof" that relies on material that's auxiliary to the show, the consumption of which isn't necessary to understand and fully enjoy the original source material. This stuff is basically professionally-published fanfiction. But even if it did hold the same "canon" weight as the original show, again, there are still a multitude of ways to interpret what's in the book. And what's not in the book.
Let's say that when they're both ~40, Sokka is back in the Southern Water Tribe and Suki is on Kyoshi Island. So what? From this one scenario, I can still spawn a million different universes in my head wherein Sokka and Suki end up together. I guess I just don't really see the point in claiming that there is an ultimate truth to Sokka and Suki's relationship in this fictional universe, when instead you could write thousands upon thousands of words finding different ways for them to fall in love with each other over and over again. *whistles innocently*
So, yeah... Is Suki part of the Gaang? She is if we let her in! (yes) Where is Suki? Wherever we want her to be! (in Sokka's arms)
I'll leave off with one counterpoint to something said in the video. There was a claim that Sokka only thinks about Suki when she's right in front of him. Otherwise, she's not on his mind at all. To argue this, I would like to present exhibit A: "The Swamp." Sokka has his vision of Yue, and afterwards he tells Aang and Katara, "I think about her all the time." Do we have any evidence of this? No. He hasn't mentioned Yue since his brief conversation with Arnook at the end of the season 1 finale. Does that mean he was lying when he said, "I think about her all the time"? Of course not. Something we know about Sokka is that he tends to keep his emotional cards pretty close to the vest. He's demonstrated that he is capable of thinking about Yue constantly without Aang, Katara, or we the viewers being aware of it. Therefore, it stands to reason that the same could be said of Suki. And I would go so far as to say the fact that Sokka immediately starts crying when Azula mentions Suki while taunting them on the day of the eclipse? Means she's been weighing on his mind an awful lot. Cuz that boy doesn't cry so easy. Not even when Yue died.
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Genuinely wondering if Suki is setting up my farmer with Ben or if I'm just reading too much into this sunset outing...
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aesukhia · 5 months
i have to stop watching atla because every time i see suki i want to cut my hair short
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notnerdenough · 7 months
!ATLA spoilers!
Rant time!
I just watched the first 3 episodes of the live action ATLA show with my partner, and listen I had low loow expectations,,, but I was still disappointed!!☹️
First off: They did Katara sooo fkn dirty. Katara is such a loud, confident, stubborn and sometimes angry character! She’s also incredibly sympathetic and empathetic. But in the live action she’s not even remotely as loud of a character which makes me so sad..! she feels a lot more quiet and almost insecure at times, but she also just feels kinda sad… I don’t feel her anger or frustration! I’m hoping this will change when they get to the NWT but we’ll see~ another this was in the scene where Jet tells Katara about his parents getting killed, she just looks sad and kinda insecure..? I was waiting for her to show sympathy..!? Mby say “I’m so sorry to hear, Jet” “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Jet” “That must’ve been really awfu, Jet”..? She does proceed to tell him about when her mom was killed, but her whole response n reaction to Jet’s story just doesn’t feel like Katara.
Katara doesn’t feel like Katara. Like where is her personally??!
Sokka doesn’t feel like Sokka.
Aang isn’t nearly goofy enough.
2nd: where’s Sokka’s wolf makeup in the first episode!! Where’s the Kyoshi armor and makeup when Suki is training him??! 😤
3rd: The writing is P A I N F U L~! Character interactions and dialogue? Awkward! The whole show feels awkward majority of the time! And on top of that, shit is too spelled out! They don’t show you what the characters are thinking or feeling, they instead have the character spell every-single-thing out! They really didn’t get the ‘show, don’t tell’ memo😶
4th: I just feel like the show takes itself too seriously??! Or the creators take the show too seriously.. there’s not as much comedy and silliness as I’d like, but sure! mby they wanted to take a more serious approach with the live action show? Except the comedy they do have is.. again, awkward! The thing I’ve laughed at the most so far is Jet rizzing up Katara, gosh he’s fluffing his feathers so hard for her~ that should not be the funniest thing in the show 3 episodes in.
But hey! The visual world building? Beautiful! I love a lot of it! Especially sceneries, including the cities/villages we’ve seen so far. There’s also a lot of beautiful costume designs!
I went in simply hoping it could be entertain enough, not good, not a masterpiece like the cartoon, just entertaining. And generally I’m easily entertained! But unfortunately I wasn’t quite as entertained as I’d hoped for😐
There! These are just my thoughts so far, 3 episodes in.
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hyperfi · 11 months
Katara is a perfect example of how you write a "good, pure hearted" girl.
She has to come to terms with her own flaws, apologize for mistakes, and is generally not propped up as an infallible figure- unlike Kagome, who is exonerated for all her shitty behavior and never has to apologize for anything. The few times she apologizes to Inuyasha are strictly to placate him and shown as more a joke than a sincere admission of guilt.
While Katara is able to own her wrongdoings, apologize in a sincere way, and then grow from it, ultimately strengthening both her character and her relationships.
Not only that, but they don't have to push this hard narrative about her "purity" by spelling it out to the audience. Katara SHOWS her quality through her actions. She routinely stands up for others, using her voice as well as her actions. She always shows up for Aang, often acting as the voice of reason, without talking down to him or treating him like he's some idiot child (cough, not like Kagome...)
While Kagome is shown to stand up for others and defend the weak, this quality is undermined by her consistent lack of consideration for Inuyasha in particular. She can forgive Koga for murdering countless villagers, kidnapping her, being a sexist pig, and treating Inuyasha like dirt, but for Inuyasha she doesn't extend the same grace. Yes, Inuyasha treats her poorly in the beginning, yelling at her, calling her names, being disrespectful - but he is called out on his behavior. He is not meant to be seen as correct. Whereas... When Kagome is petty towards him, she is excused. Somehow, Inuyasha always deserves it, even when he is just as much a victim.
Kagome doesn't seem to want to consider the fact that Inuyasha is a deeply traumatized and wounded individual, who is coping with A LOT. Especially when you consider that he was shot through the heart by the woman he loved and trusted, who also looked just like Kagome, and oh yeah - is actually Kagome's past life... The amount of work he has to put in just to work through that and see Kagome as her own person is incredible. But rather than give him any credit, it's taken for granted. Rather than extending the bare minimum of understanding or compassion when Inuyasha must contend with Kikyo's resurrection, Kagome manages to make it about herself and her own feelings.
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The new A:TLA reminds me
I was way more interested in the Gaang’s children than I ever was in Korra and her friends, and I was honestly disappointed when I first saw that LOK would have the next generation be middle-aged. 
We got so little of them as kids and teenagers, too! All the flashbacks involving Lin and Suyin were just building up to a traumatic moment where Toph is corrupt for a day, and the fanart I’ve seen of the Gaang kids is so good that I wish we focused on them instead of Korra. I mean, I understand it’s meant to be about the reincarnation of the Avatar, but Aang was already such a great character and for him to die years before the events of the series began was sad. 
We barely saw any of Sokka as an adult, and we don’t really know how his relationship with Suki went. We don’t know how Suyin turned into a little shit when her mother was the literal chief of police, or how people treated Bumi because he couldn’t bend. The fandom is split down the middle about how Aang was as a father, where some believe he was awful and blatantly favored Tenzin and the others think he was great for, I don’t know, some reason. 
And I’m super upset we didn’t get to see Zuko and Mai overcome their childhood issues to raise their daughter and break the cycle of abuse. Why the Hell couldn’t we see any of that?
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