#sullivan? dying??
xatsperesso · 2 years
Do you think that Nishi could kill a important character?
I mean Sully will probably die at a point, the question is more "when will we die" that "will he die?" Everyone (or almost everyone) can guess that it will happen soon or later, even if we want it to be later than soon.
But i think to a more important character. Like Ameri for exemple.
Can you imagine the effects ot if?
Oh im sorry people think sully is gonna die???? How?? Since when??? Why am i only hearing about this now??!
Like sure i know someone is bound to die or get irreversibly damaged -this is a story where the main antagonists are terrorists, they're not pulling punches- but i never saw sully as someone who'd just die. I thought someone who had more screen-time, someone we-and iruma- had more time to get attached to will die like kalego or opera
Or maybe im only thinking that cause I'm more emotional attached to some characters than others, and if watching jojo taught me anything, those i get attached to will die, so im preparing myself. Just in case (not like preparing myself will stop me from ugly-crying all night)
But anyway, how would ameri's death affect iruma? I dont think it'd affect him too much. I AM looking at this from a reader point of view AND NOT from their point of view, and i understand that this would be a very traumatising experience for iruma, and it'd need him a very long time to recover, especially if she died in a terrorist attack, and he'd have to deal with a lot of unfounded guilt.
But i just think that ameri's death wouldn't break him. Ameri, at the end of the day, is a friend that he doesn't meet up with all that much, or not as much as other people. He doesn’t see her alot, or not as much as he sees other people. So yes, it would be a very horrifying experience, someone whom you see as a close friend dying-probably in front of his eyes- but hed still have his support system to help him through it. He'd come out of it mourning her death but still standing.
But what would happen if we took a very essential part of iruma's support system. What if azz died? Now that would shatter him.
His first friend ever, the one who vowed to be with him till the end of time, the one that nishi time and time again emphasised their relationship and how close they are to the point of being soulmates.
Azz's death would absolutely destroy him, and the difference betwee azz's and ameri's death is that in ameri's death, his friends wont really be grieving her death because to them she's an upperclassman, not a friend, so they wont feel as much as iruma's feeling which woul surely feel frustrating because no one understands.
But azz's death will affect everyone in the misfits, which could go one of two way. 1. Everyone feels grieve over their friend who suddenly died, or 2. Everyone is shoving their feelings down because surely iruma and clara are feeling worse, right? They've been so close, and as their friends they need to help them, right?
And both are worse than each other cause on one hand everyone is having the worst time of their lives and there's no way iruma will do anything or will reach out to them for help, but on the other hand everyone would give him and clara a special treatment which is just the worst.
And can you imagine if all the misfits are in a battlefield and they suddenly see one of them die right in front of their eyes? We saw a lil sneak-peak of what iruma's reaction may have been when he saw azz almost die, but what would his reaction be if he saw the light leave his eyes?
Azz's death would break a lot of people, while ameri's wont affect as many people, and I'd honestly be very frustrated if ameri is the one who dies, cause then why keep dropping hints of iruma amd ameri dating?! Her death just wouldn't make sense!
And clara isnt allowed to die. That just wont happen. She's more likely to find a solution and bring someone from their death than die herself. She's just not going to die.
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moonamite · 4 months
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Mmfhhgggg. He’s so expressive I love it. I can’t even autistically add on to his design because it’s already perfect. Actual peak char design.
But as much as I love his evil smiles, I’d love some more genuine happy smiles…. Too bad the MAW writers most likely won’t give him an arc or build on his character or give him more depth or do literally anything interesting with him. Sigh.
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cosmicbeatles · 7 months
I do genuinely think it would be cool if there was one scene that was exactly the same in each of the 4 films
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monstertroll · 1 year
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Some doodles I've done for MAW! Val and Tylor are amazing protagonists but I'm very happy the show also still gives my hubby Sulley a part of the spotlight. <3
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
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then-be-a-warrior · 2 years
Is it safe to assume the show's cancelled?
At this point I don't even remember what happened these past 3 seasons.
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nrcbookclub · 5 months
catch me lying face down in the forest cause my mama told me shes being featured in a campaign to normalize aging
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sarcasticteapot · 1 year
I just had a dream about me helping Sullivan with solving a case. He got shot and I had to save him because otherwise he would die in my arms and now I'm just like
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nonesuchrecords · 2 years
Cécile McLorin Salvant performs “Optimistic Voices / No Love Dying,” from her Grammy-nominated album Ghost Song, live at Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York this past spring, with Sullivan Fortner on piano, Keita Ogawa on percussion, Marvin Sewell on guitar, Alexa Tarantino  on flute, and Yasushi Nakamura on bass. The songs were written by Harold Arlen/Herbert Stothart/Yip Harburg and Gregory Porter, respectively. 
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braaainnnn vomit because i am dying from growing pains, some ideas go to this one lady i saw on youtube shorts (ty queen) FEM READER, pink is reader thoughts wrote this at 3 in der morning forgive me
thinking about subtle sarcastic reader, especially to the type of man she'd encounter while working in the army. being a civilian and a woman many on base just looked over her, or looked too intensely at certain parts of her. but after months of working she's found her place, she's now respected by those who surround her. but what happens when some higher ups come and visit?
working closely with the 141 was no easy task. going from mundane paperwork to the flurry of movement from a mission was difficult for you to handle, let alone helping them. you'd grown closer to them though, no more bouts of shyness stopping you from being yourself. instead you'd grown in to steady workplace banter with all.
unfortunately today couldn't be one of those days as some ever so important higher ups were holding a meeting with the 141, and since you handle the majority of the paperwork you were so graciously invited to attend. you wished you had a little bit more time to prepare for this. these were important people, who wouldn't be nervous? apart from soap who appeared with a shit-eating grin at your office door, gifting you another surprise meeting. or gaz who could charm any conversation his way a bit too easily, with suave compliments and easy-going humour. don't forget ghost who doesn't even need to look engaged because of his mask, or be expected to speak due to his... unique personality. oh and the captain has been to countless of these meetings, so he can't empathise with you either.
but, one thing you could all agree on is that meetings were incredibly boring. for two reasons mostly. either the attendees were so dense it seemed they hadn't stepped on planet earth before, let alone a military base. or the subject matter was so bland you all wondered why there needed to be a meeting in the first place.
as your heels tapped hastily along the hallway you wondered which it would rather be. arriving barely on time with a tight clutch on haphazardly organised documents and a cup of coffee you opened the door, and had an inkling it wouldn't be any. you were met with two male voices. one high, clipped and plummy, the other harsh and american.
" -- that's what i expected from someone of her- oh hello! nice to finally meet you" the man at the head of the table said. an older, short and stout man with thin wire-rimmed glasses and a black tailored suit. a typical english man in an authoritative position. "ah, sorry i was late you'll have to excuse me. i thought to bring my extra notes, i hope i didn't make you wait long." you replied. "not at all, my colleague mr sullivan and i were discussing stories from our base". your gaze flicked over to what must be the source of the american voice. perfectly gold hair stuck down with copious amounts of gel, paired with lightly tanned skin and a too white smile didn't make it hard to guess. "civilians eh?" the taller man began "don't know what's up with the ones here, especially the woman we were just talki-"
"right" prices deep gravely voice cut over the grating one "we should start the meeting now we're all here". murmurs of agreement filled the room, and so did glances between the 141 that you didn't pick upon. however you did notice they were unusually quiet though you brushed it off, they were probably tired. "gosh where are my manners" the man at the head of the table exclaimed "my name is mr buckton and i'll be leading this meeting." briskly taking a few steps towards you he shook your hand roughly. being polite you attempted to make eye contact, yet his eyes were still looking straight ahead? lingering only on your chest for a moment he then made eye contact with you, a wide grin plastered on his face. "come, your seat is next to mine" he prompted, gesturing you to walk infront of him and take your seat. as you walked infront of him his eyes now travelled further south. a small grimace shared from gaz to soap went undetected by the three sitting at the top of the table. mr buckton at the head, you to his left and then the captain and ghost next to you. opposite was mr sullivan, with gaz then soap next to him. with you all seated the meeting began.
for once the meeting was actually worth being held. despite it not being anything too serious you did well, even with your nerves. you answered questions and expanded in the points of others. as you suggested plans of action mr buckton steadily kept his eyes on you, while mr sullivan constantly scribbled notes down. soon enough the meeting was a breeze. well for about ten minutes. across from you, mr sullivan was very inquisitive about anything you said. asking you to back it up or to show proof. not thinking much of it you obliged. it was a little odd but you knew your stuff and why not show off infront of higher ups? however the sentiment was not shared with the rest of the 141. who even asked for evidence about evidence? they understood wanting clarification on certain things, but it was growing incessant now. you were capable of your job and they knew that - that's why you were there. price especially helped you in the growing awkwardness; his job had never been so easy with you working underneath him. gaz and soap constantly gave eachother questioning glances, not wanting to explicitly speak up if their captain didn't. ghost was pissed he couldn't hide his eyes rolling as well as his scowl behind his balaclava. although they were growing increasingly annoyed the meeting continued, with more ridiculous questions being asked. professionalism was continued with a grim expression for another twenty minutes or so. hardly.
until mr sullivan basically dislocated his back by stretching in his chair with an exaggerated yawn leaving his cavernous mouth. "thought you woulda brought coffee since you kept us waiting for so long, cant believe you didn't make me some fresh". with beady eyes on you he smiled lazily. oh he has to be joking you thought to yourself there's no way this guy is real. play them at their own game. "why would i make more coffee? i've already made some for myself" you smiled sickly back at him back, one that gaz has used on you many times when he's late giving you a report.
the table fell unusually silent again, and that's when you noticed it. the crackling of unease filling the air. sharp eyes from the 141 darted from eachother to you, to mr sullivan and back again. "don't be so mean, i'm literally a dying man" he snarkily replied, eyeing you coolly. "i have urgent needs that need to be taken care of, won't you help?". you felt your cheeks warm at his badly hidden innuendo. he smirked at this, finally affecting you after bugging you the whole bloody meeting. fuck impressing him he's an arsehole.
"well, i'm sure you'll be alright by yourself again. seems it happens a lot." you said back, indifferent. as soon as that left your mouth a strange sharp bark that hastily turned in to a cough came from soap. all heads from the table whipped to look at him. "pardon me" he shakily said with an awfully contained smile. taking a sip of his drink his watery eyes didn't stray from the blank wall above ghosts head.
"let's get back on track hmm?" mr buckton suggested "so cheeky, must be that time of the month". he turned to you with an eyebrow raised with an impish grin.
what. what the actual fuck.
price coughed uncomfortably and turned away. gaz and ghost looked at eachother in disbelief. and soap was finding that wall even more interesting. surely it could not get any worse
"oh you all know what women are like, don't pretend. especially when they're frustrated" mr buckton let out a giggle "you know from work".
you actually spluttered, eyes wide with disbelief. the feeling of unease in the air was now a full crackle of electricity. just as you felt price boiling with anger you grabbed me bucktons hand. if everyone on the table wasn't watching you, they certainly were now
"tell me" you said. mr buckton looked at you shocked, mouth gaping open. "tell me what women are like. you know i've been so airheaded this last week i hardly know my left from my right!". just to amp it up a little you slowly crossed your arms just underneath your chest, accentuating it. "you've explained so much to me this meeting surely you could explain this?"
the 141's eyes grew to the size of saucers, there's no way these two would actually fall for this? right? how are you getting away with this, they thought. at this point mr bucktons and mr sullivans jaws were practically falling off. the latter was sadly the quickest to start talking 'so, when women start-". a smart rap in the door interrupted. a male voice said seriously "emergency call for you mr buckton".
"oh, oh you must excuse us. i have to end this meeting" mr buckton declared "i simply cant miss this". messily shuffling their papers together both men swiftly said their goodbyes to you all. with that they just about made it out the door without tripping over their own legs.
a second passed after the door banged shut before gaz burst out in howls of laughter, clutching his ribs, soon joined by soap who could barely look at the wall for any longer. ghost stared at the door muttering who knows what under his breath and the captain sat there with his gaze fixated on the table mortified. he turned his head to you apologising profusely and asking if you're okay.
you just nodded vaguely and replied "men"
all likes, reblogs and comments are so appreciated!! this is my first time writing something properly so i hope you enjoyed it
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Mike declaring his "love" for El is what Henry has been waiting for.
Will, the well-intentioned selfless idiot that he is, has accidentally set in motion Henry's best chance to finally achieve his goals of...world domination? What exactly is he after, anyway?
El was on her way to becoming a stronger person. She faced her demons. She accepted her past mistakes that led to Henry's massacre, confronted Dr. Brenner and rejected his manipulations once and for all, and stopped seeing herself as Mike's idealized superhero girlfriend. It seemed that she was set to move past all of her biggest insecurities, which would allow her to face Henry without any mental weaknesses for him to exploit.
Then Will saw Mike moping about El. He couldn't handle Mike talking badly about himself. He wanted to let Mike know how he sees him, but, of course, he felt it wouldn't mean anything coming from him. So, he put El's name on everything, not even noticing how Mike's initial excited reaction at seeing the painting was dulled at Will crediting El with it. Nevertheless, Mike was overcome with emotion at someone seeing him exactly the way he always wished he would be seen. And, because of Will, he thinks it's how El sees him.
It remains curious that Mike and El never had an emotional conversation after they reunited. Yes, there was initially no time for that since they had to get back on the road to escape Sullivan. However, even with their need to plan what they needed to do to save Max, they could have talked. They were in that van fairly long considering it was daytime when El was rescued and night when they reached Surfer Boy Pizza. Perhaps they didn't want to talk in front of everyone else, though that didn't stop Will. They didn't really get a chance at that until everyone else was preparing for El's saltwater bath.
What may well have been a gentle breakup or, at the very least, an honest conversation about their relationship issues, instead was interrupted by Argyle. Indeed, Mike seemed eager to goof off with his blackout glasses and then seemed nervous when El took his hands with that "we need to talk" look. That conversation was their only chance to have a real talk, but they had no chance, and El was soon in the pizza freezer trying to save Max.
This brings us to the second part of Will's well-intentioned mistake. El is in danger. Henry managed to get the upper hand. El appeared to be dying. In an effort to give her strength, Will prompts Mike to talk to her. He's the heart. Mike had been hesitating, but he tells her he loves her. It's a bit unclear just what sort of effect this had on El, whether it helped or distracted her. However, she does eventually steel herself and, seeing that Max was about to be killed, summons the strength to fight back. Max is partially saved, but we never see Mike and El talk afterwards.
El is naturally rattled by Max's fate. She lost, and Max suffered for it. However, she makes no apparent attempts to find comfort or reassurance in Mike. Aside from the hospital room, she was quiet, going off on her own. The strong, determined, self-assured young woman she was growing into has fallen back into insecurity.
Meanwhile, Will has sacrificed his greatest desire for what he thinks will give Mike and El happiness. That will be Henry's opportunity.
Make no mistake: Henry knows that Will loves Mike. He had Will integrated into the hive mind. Brain scans showed that Will's mind was almost entirely taken over. He knows Will's every secret, and he also knows that Mike was the one who finally broke through to him in the shed. Mike trusts Will completely, and Will is able to sense Henry's presence.
Mike is the fly in the ointment, the spanner in the works. He's been far more of a problem for Henry than he even realizes. Mike is a problem for him. Will is a problem for him. Mike and Will together would be an even bigger problem.
In order to win, Henry needs three things to happen. First, isolate El. She is the only one who is capable of facing him one-on-one. She is stronger when she has something to fight for, something driving her to overcome the odds. If she doubts herself, he has a chance. He needs to take away her support system by either killing them or separating her from them.
Second, Mike needs to be taken out of the picture. Will was right. Mike is the leader, the heart. He knows how to rally an group of ordinary kids, now teens, to do things that should be well out of their abilities. Mike is caring, brave, and intelligent, but also very insecure. If he can get Mike doubting himself, then he won't be able to support El, Will, or anyone else.
Finally, Will has always been special to Henry. We don't yet know why, exactly, but Henry targeted Will from the start. Even after Will was rescued, Henry tried again a year later to bring Will into his control. It could be that he hates losing that much, or it could be that Will has some yet to be revealed asset that Henry needs. Their mental connection, at the very least, is a huge liability for Henry, but it has also been an asset for him in the past.
It seems to reason that any plan of Henry's needs to address these three, and I think it fits with what we know so far.
El seems to largely be isolated. She's apparently in hiding, which is likely since she's essentially a fugitive from the government. This would eventually take its toll on anyone, but El is also a teenager with a lifetime of trauma. She saw her best friend die. She has to hide from hostile forces while trying to protect the world from literal monsters. Over time, the stress could make her snap. Henry just has to keep her busy and away from the others.
We know that Holly is targeted by Henry, and Karen may end up in the hospital with severe injuries. This could very well be a calculated plan by Henry to get Mike out of the way. Killing Mike would probably enrage El to the point of her becoming too big of a threat, and it would also make it difficult to bring Will back under his control. Instead, he can target Mike's family to sow enough doubt in him to force him out of the picture. At the very least, he can distract Mike from being able to support the others if he's worried about his family, instead.
This would leave Will vulnerable, as well. We have reason to believe that Will has flashbacks/visions, possibly right away in episode 1. It's reasonable to think that the others could worry about Will being a spy for Henry again. Mike would trust him, but the others might think it'd be safer for Will to be away from the action, so Henry would be unable to use him. Rejection is a fear of Will's, not only from Mike, but in general. He wouldn't take it well if his friends saw him as a tool of the enemy. If Mike were to be too caught up in his own head to reassure Will, or, worse, start to see reason to doubt Will, himself, then Will could fall into a downward spiral. Will loves Mike. Needs him. Any rejection from Mike is painful to him. He may try to pretend that he's moved on, but feelings like those don't just go away. This would give Henry an opportunity to tempt him or outright possess him again.
Of course, we know that Henry will ultimately lose. This is all just how I feel he will try to attack what I see as his biggest obstacles to victory. Any thoughts?
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lexkent · 24 days
Why Lionel Luthor is the True Villain of Smallville:
Threatened to expose Clark's fake adoption records unless Jonathan Kent persuaded Pete Ross’s family to sell their factory to him.
Kidnapped Clark and put him in a vat of kryptonite solution to be studied in an attempt to discover his secrets.
Kept Clark trapped in a cage made of kryptonite in a separate incident.
Impregnated his dying wife's nurse while he was in a position of power over her as her boss, denied he was responsible, and had her locked away in a psychiatric ward for 7 years after taking her baby away from her. Lionel insured the child, Lucas, remained in poverty in the foster care system and prevented him from ever being adopted.
Forced the second woman he impregnated while married to Lillian, while in a position of power over her as her boss, to give their child to an orphanage where she was tortured. He soon found another home for Tess where she grew up in poverty and extreme physical abuse.
Forced his wife to have another baby despite her objections and was then dismissive of her postpartum depression. "I told you I didn't want any more children. I see how you treat Alexander, chipping away at his spirit."
Found a child, Davis Bloome, in a cornfield and believing him to be The Traveler, ran experiments on the boy until he realized he wasn't who he wanted and proceeded to dump him off alone on a dark Metropolis street.
Created a clone from a dead little girl, Emily Dinsmore, and locked her away in a lab, refusing to let her father ever see her again. "You can't take her away from me. She's my daughter." "She's the property of Luthorcorp."
Was such a terrible father to Lex that Lillian Luthor killed her infant son to spare him from the cruel and twisted parenting Lex endured from Lionel. Was such a horrible husband to Lillan that Lex took the blame for his baby brother's death knowing Lionel would have murdered her in retaliation.
Lied and told Lex that Lucas died in infancy, like Julian, knowing how much it would hurt Lex to hear.
Paid someone to kill Lucas once he became a potential threat to his power. Clark stopped the bullets, and Lionel had the shooter killed in police custody before he could talk.
Forced Lex's mother figure, Pamela Jenkins, out of Lex's life following the death of Lex's mother because he didn't want her to make Lex soft. Convinced Lex that Pamela never loved him and was only ever interested in their money. 
Blew up Chloe and Gabe Sullivan's safehouse in an attempt to kill them and prevent her from testifying against him at his murder trial. Hired a mutant hitman to kidnap and kill Chloe after she escaped the explosion.
Had Oliver Queen's parents killed in a plane crash leaving him orphaned at the age of 5.
Ordered the murder of Andrea Rojas’s mother who was an activist who worked for an organization that fought back against gangs, dealers, and large business corporations. In addition to losing her mother, Andrea was stabbed in the heart during the attack.
Resurrected a teenager, Adam Knight, to get close to Lana Lang and spy on Clark Kent. When Adam failed to retrieve useful information, Lionel refused to give him any more of the serum he required to stay live. As a result, Adam suffered immensely before dying of organ failure.
Resurrected Vince Davis who lived for a short, painful period of time before his body deteriorated without access to Lionel's serum.
Poisoned Lex with a lethal dosage that would've killed 99.9% of people.
Told Lex he loved him in prison only to persuade him into accepting his hand so he could use a Kryptonian stone to body swap them, leaving Lex to rot and die in prison in his place while Lionel escaped with Lex's body. Instead, Clark intervened and Lionel escaped inside of Clark's body, leaving Clark trapped to die in prison. Shortly after the bodyswap occured, Lionel looked down the front inside of his(Clark's) waistband while smiling to himself. While in Clark Kent's body, Lionel initiated a hug with Martha Kent where he was turned on to the point of shooting heat vision from his eyes. Lionel-in-Clark's body flirted with Chloe, a teenager, and was centimeters away from kissing her. And when Lionel-in-Clark's body encountered Lana, a teenager, he said to her, "A man would travel around the world to pluck your succulent fruit," and forced a kiss onto her, smiling to himself after she slapped him and ran away. Lionel proceeded to attack Lex, choking him, slamming his head against a desk, and demanding 57 million dollars using Clark's super strength. He then went to the Kent Farm and threw Jonathan across the room into the kitchen cabinets. Lionel told Clark he would murder Lex if he didn't cooperate with his demands.
Pretended to be blind. "Playing the handicapped card is low, even for you." "But I was able to see more clearly than ever. It's amazing what people try and get away with right in front of your eyes when they think you can't see."
Fired 2,500 Smallville citizens to force his son back under his control. When Lex attempted to organize an employee buyout of the factory, Lionel bought the Smallville Savings and Loan and threatened to foreclose on every employee's mortgage. When Lex continued to organize and fight to save everyone's jobs, Lionel threatened, "I'll bury you and everyone in Smallville who takes your side."
Blackmailed Smallville sheriff Ethan Millar into digging up dirt on every Lexcorp shareholder(Smallville factory workers), so Lionel could blackmail each one into selling their shares to him in order to take over Lex's fledgling company. In addition, Lionel threatened to expose the sheriff if he didn't do him various favors.
Once again tried blackmailing Jonathan Kent leading to a physical altercation between the two. Lionel fled the scene as Jonathan suffered a fatal heart attack.
Installed hidden cameras and microphones throughout Lex's office, so he could sabotage him and steal his business deals.
Took over Lex's company, which Lex had invested everything he had into, leaving him with nothing and immediately kicking him out of his home.
Insisted an ill-advised, life-threatening surgery be performed on Lex after he had been shot and wasn't stable enough for further surgery, making it clear he'd prefer a dead son over a physically disabled one.
Set Lex up for the murders of Dr. Teng and her entire team at Metron Labs after Lex refused to work for him.
Had sex with Lex's lover, Victoria Hardwick, while they were still sleeping together. 
Hired Dr. Helen Bryce to seduce and spy on Lex for him. Helen later attempted to murder Lex on their honeymoon.
Gave Martha Kent a watch engraved, "To Martha, with deep affection. L.L." while she was his employee and happily married to Jonathan Kent.
Refused to come clean about his past sexual involvement with Rachel Dunleavy and the existence of their son, Lucas, despite Lex being held hostage and his survival depending on Lionel telling the truth.
Refused to come clean about Level 3 when it would have saved the lives of a group of teenagers and his own son. 
Ignored and denied any care to his employee, Earl Jenkins, who was poisoned by kryptonite on the job which led to uncontrollable, dangerous seizures.
Created a deadly fear toxin for the military that leaked into Smallville.
Drugged, gaslit, attacked, and framed his son, orchestrating a scenario where everyone would believe Lex to be crazy after Lex discovered Lionel had his parents murdered for insurance money. Lionel had Lex committed to Belle Reve Sanitarium where he had Lex further drugged and put through electroshock therapy, forcing 600 volts of electricity through Lex's brain. When the doctor insisted they pause the procedure for Lex's safety, Lionel ignored the warning and demanded they continue. This brain frying could have easily destroyed Lex's mind, as it did for others who endured it, and ultimately wiped away months of Lex's memories, allowing Lionel to be off the hook for his parent's murders. Everyone involved in Lionel's plot, all loose ends, met untimely deaths.
Threatened, manipulated, controlled, hyper criticized, denied affection, and lied to Lex constantly. Lionel mentally, emotionally, and physically abused his child throughout his entire life, raising him to become a monster and then denying any accountability for what Lex became in the end.
This list is far from complete, so feel free to add more!
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Unpopular opinion: I dont like chief Ross at all and I dont think she is a good chief or person.
She showed clear favouritism towards Sullivan in s5 by promoting him immediately and then him being first choice for interim captain. When maya figured out they were together told beckett to punish maya and torture her from the inside to keep her quiet abt her secret affair and just sitting back and watching it happen while continuing this secret affair I'm not defending the blackmail obviously she should be punished but ross could easily have dealt with maya professionally? Like write her up, caution her or just talk to her? Its just cruel to make her life a living hell. Becketts bullying which she encouraged led to maya's injury which happened at the station and firefighters getting injured in their own station is concerning enough nevermind them almost dying and then being forced into a psych hold by their partner then mandated therepy by the department and ross didnt even bother to check in with her. As the chief surely she has a duty to and the team that claims to be a "family" did nothing either.
She ignored multiple members of the team when they came to her with their concerns abt beckett. She knew he had been drinking on the job and let him off as he knew her dirty secret and proceeded to do nothing after he still showed his incompetence. Her not holding beckett accountable for his past mistakes actually led to his breakdown aswell. If he had been stripped of captain before the explosion in training then he might not have spiralled the way he did. Then when she was found out she played the victim. Its understable she would want a relationship aswell as a successful career I'm sure most people want that but what she put others through in order to get that? I can just never respect that.
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ya-what--ya-erster · 5 months
Goodbye Don't Last Forever
Javey. Kind of funny ngl. Enjoy.
David Jacobs was eighteen and newly graduated when his girlfriend, Francis Sullivan, left for Santa Fe, leaving no goodbye and no way to contact her.
David went crazy when she left. He loved her and she left without a word to him. He made some stupid (but not too regrettable) decisions in the time after. Dyed his dirty blonde hair a dark shade of brown. Started wearing his glasses again. Went outside only when required (as in almost never). Stopped talking to many of his friends.
Only two of the habits died, and fortunately it was those last two. He found himself to be pretty fine within a few months of her being gone.
Six years later, David Jacobs was 24 years old and getting a new roommate.
"Hi, are you David?" A confident voice came from behind him.
He turned to face- woah he's hot- the person asking the question.
"Yeah, yes, that's me. David Jacobs. Hi."
The man smiled and held out a hand to shake.
"Jack Kelly."
Those eyes... that handshake. So familiar. But the familiarity was out of reach in David's mind.
So he stood up a little straighter, smiled back, and said, "Nice to meet you in person finally. I mean I trusted Albert enough to not find me a serial killer roommate but... I feel very assured now, haha..."
"I won't kill ya, Davey."
"Good to know. Same here. Do you need help taking anything up?"
Jack shook his head. "All I's got is this." He nodded to a moderately sized suitcase that he was gripping.
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't-"
"It's nothing, Dave. I just had to leave kinda quickly and didn't have much anyways."
"Well, uh. Let me uh... I guess, follow me?"
David was down bad for his roommate. And, down bad as in like, Taylor Swift "if I can't have him/I might just die it would make no difference."
Something about him, Jack, felt so familiar in all the most wonderful ways. His smile was a smile David felt like he had seen dozens of times.
David wanted to know why. He wanted to know why this boy felt so natural in the environment. Why he seemed to be the missing piece in David's life.
He was going to find out.
Not today though, he decided, when Jack entered the apartment looking like he was about to burst into tears.
"Hey, are you okay?" David asked slowly.
Jack nodded stiffly, putting his head down and throwing his bag and coat to the floor.
"Jack, you look sad."
"I'm fine."
"I ain't- you don't gotta be all in my business." Jack was heading to his tiny bedroom, so David grabbed his arm to stop him.
"You can tell me, you know?"
Jack leaned forward, hugging David, beginning to cry.
"Woah, hey. Hey, it's alright, let it out..." David wished Jack would hug him more often, and not while crying.
Jack continued to cry for maybe three minutes, David didn't know exactly. What David did know is that when Jack made eye contact with him, he looked like he had done something horrible.
"I ain't a real boy, Dave."
David's heart could have shattered just then, hearing Jack sound so broken.
"What do you mean, you aren't a real boy?"
"I wasn't- I'm not- I am a boy. I know and promise that I am but I just- wasn't born that way and I feel like a fraud and I get sad sometimes."
"That's okay to be sad, Jack. But you're a boy, I know you are. If you say you're a boy, you're a boy. No, how old are you?"
"Okay, Jack Kelly, you are no boy, you're a freakin' man."
Jack smiled a little, wiping his eyes dry.
"Thank ya, Davey."
David was having none of this "stay up until 3 AM painting" bullshit.
"Jack Kelly, you will start going to bed at a decent time or so help me-"
"I'm fine, Dave!" Jack defended himself.
"You drank four coffees today and three energy drinks. I don't even know how you're still alive!"
"Fine, fine. I will be in bed no later than midnight."
"Is that the best I'm gonna get?"
David sighed, deciding to give in.
"At least show me what you've been working on into the ungodly hours of the night?"
"Maybe someday." Jack smiled mysteriously and disappeared once again into his room.
David was not staring at his fine ass as he retreated. He wasn't.
"Davey, do you got any food?"
David was regretting getting a roommate but also enjoyed having someone around. He didn't appreciate having to buy random shit every other week because Jack had a craving and pretty much no money. (He spent his money on rent and art supplies, which David didn't mind because his apartment was cheaper and Jack's art was amazing.)
"We have fruit snacks and spaghetti-o's if that qualifies as food. We might also have a banana."
Jack strolled into the kitchen area after David's previous statement and pulled out a packet of fruit snacks, a can of spaghetti-o's, and the blender.
"What the fuck are you doing?" David asked, shocked and amused all at once.
"I'm making me some dinner, you want some?"
"Jack, there is no way in Hell you are going to eat- drink spaghetti-o's and fruit snacks put through the blender. It's gonna be terrible."
"Actually, no it isn't. My old friend dared me to do it and it actually tastes good."
David had a brief memory flash through his mind.
"Francis! I dare you to put the two most different things you can think of in the blender and then drink it." Race shouted.
"Okay, I'll do it." Francis smiled that daredevil smile of hers and got started. Spaghetti-o's and fruit snacks.
When it was complete, Francis took a long drink.
"Wow. That's actually not terrible."
"Davey, you good?"
David nodded. "Sorry, just. You just reminded me of something."
"Yeah. Ex-girlfriend."
"Thought you said you're gay?"
"She kind of helped me out on discovering that."
"Well. That's nice of her. How so?"
"Uh. It's a long story."
"I bet I can handle it. Besides, I have an abomination to drink. I'll listen."
"Oh. Okay. Well. Basically, she decided she was going to Santa Fe and wasn't going to, you know, say goodbye to me or anyone. And I spent a long time angry and then realized I didn't really miss her romantically at all and just was pissed, and then me and my friend Albert accidentally fucked when we were drunk and I was like 'wow that's allowed?' and anyways uh Al and I aren't and weren't interested in each other at all, we were just drunk like I said, but then it all made sense why I wasn't like, sad over the 'love of my life' leaving because it was just a high school girlfriend and I'm not even into girls. So I'm not even mad at her anymore really I'm just gay and confused and I've talked a lot now sorry."
David looked up at Jack for a reaction. He was wearing this face... David could not name the emotion.
"What was her name?"
Huh. Weird question.
"Well, I was just wonderin' if maybe I met her, since I's come here from Santa Fe and all."
"Oh. Yeah, uh. Her name's Francis Sullivan."
"Have a picture?"
"Yeah, one sec." David scrolled through his phone's camera roll until he found her. "Here."
The picture made Jack frown, and David kind of would have done anything to make him smile again.
"You know her?" David asked.
"Yeah, uh. I knew her."
David's heart sped up.
"Really? Is she doing okay? Is she alright? Do you know where she lives, cause I might need to go-"
"Davey. Stop."
"You can't exactly go visit her."
"Why not?"
Jack seemed to be looking inside himself instead of at David when he spoke.
"She was... the real depressed type, Dave. Always sad. She never smiled, I don't think. She was in a real bad state of mind."
"What're you-"
"She ain't alive no more."
Everything stopped in David's head.
"I'm real sorry, Dave. She just ain't... But I'm here."
"What's that supposed to mean? 'You're here?'"
Jack hesitated before opening his mouth. "She didn't exactly... die the way you're thinking. She, uh. She just... more... changed? She ain't Francis anymore. She cut her hair and went on T and got top surgery and goes by a boy's name now, and he/him. So, uh, tellin' ya she died was probably not the brightest idea but that was an in-the-moment decision."
"Good for him. What does that have to do with you being here?"
Jack made absolute eye contact with David, wondering how he could be so fucking stupid, and held it. Held it as he crossed the room and held it up until the moment he pulled David into a hug.
"I'm sorry for leavin' you. I just had ta get away."
David jerked away from Jack in a quick movement.
"You? You're... You- I can't-" David's brain was moving too quickly and all he could think to do was punch Jack in the face as hard as humanly possible.
Which he did.
"Son of a bitch- Dave! I only told ya cause I thought you said ya weren't mad anymore!"
"Yeah, well. Now I am, asshole. You... You deep friend burnt-ass dino nugget dickhead. You absolute.... I can't even. How dare you? I fucking loved you, yes even if I'm gay now, and you, you just ran the fuck off and never bothered contacting me for six years. I would have understood if you needed to leave, needed to leave me, needed... whatever. I would have given you your space. I hate you."
Jack looked hurt. It made David feel good. All that pain he went through and it was being passed on.
"Right, sorry. David. I'm really sorry. I don't- I never meant ta hurt you. To be honest, I thought you'd be glad if I left and never came back."
David felt less good.
"I just- I wanted to feel like I could be free. It didn't really... go as planned. Because I just realized I wanted to come back. Mostly for you."
David didn't stop to think. David just kissed Jack like he was hungry for it.
"I fucking hate you." He said, pulling away.
"No you don't."
"Don't test your luck."
A small moment of touching silence passed.
"So..." Jack started. "You slept with Al?"
"Now I actually do hate you. Get out, I'm calling him. Maybe he'll be nice to me."
"Davey... I love you. I always did."
"I'm... good to know. I can't- I'm still mad, bitch."
Jack just laughed, and he knew right then that it would all be fine.
A/N: hope y'all liked it :) It'll be on ao3 asap
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sanityshorror · 4 months
Introducing...Sullivan Sweeney !
Tumblr media
Sullivan Sweeney is a character from The Hellcrew Project and the newest to be officially released as of June 2024.
[Proper ref art coming soon]
Click read more for info!
Basic Character information
Full Name:
Western Name: Sullivan Feng Sweeney
Chinese Name: 鄭勁風 [traditional Chinese characters]; Zheng Jingfeng [Anglicized]
Alias(s) & Nickname(s):
The Wigmaker
The Hairdresser from Hell
Current: Demon [incubus]
Former: Human
21 (locked)
152 (true age)
Birth Date:
January 29th, 1872
Nonbinary; masc-fem fluid
They/Them/He (strongly prefers they/them, however)
Sexual Orientation:
6’3” (barefooted)
6’4½” (in boots)
Dyed/Colored: Dark vibrant blue with bright purple highlights
Natural: black
Current/Demon: bright yellow iris; white pupils
Former/human: golden-brown
Body Type:
Lean and fit but not all that muscular
Irish-American (father's side)
Chinese (mother's side)
Place of Birth:
Luoyang (洛阳市) in Henan (河南) Province, China
Luoyang was known as Henanfu (河南府) in 1872
Current Residence:
Boston, Massachusetts
Tall, slender but healthy. Dresses in a punk-goth style but wears bright colors.
Notable Features:
Yellow iris and white pupils
Long black claws
Bright blue-purple hair
Always wears white boots (which match their white corset)
Thinks highly of themselves
Seems very quiet at times due to selective mutism
Hard worker
Easily annoyed
Calm but quick to fly into a rage without warning
S tier troll; pretty funny; good sense of humor
Easily bored
Very bossy
Doing hair
Fussing over Octavian
Make up
When others listen to them
Pissing off Lucien for shits and giggles.
Spa pamper time with Sera and Duvessa
Helping Seamus and Julius with ‘work’
“Making wigs”
Being pestered
Questioning they feel are “stupid”
Their human life and their death being brought up
Killian, not a fan of Julius either, but they are more tolerant towards Julius.
“Uncooperative customers”
Kids (they kind them annoying but they don't hate them)
Being fetishized(they'll cut you)
Family Members:
Father (deceased)
Mother (deceased)
Siblings (deceased)
Relationship Status:
Taken, in a relationship with Octavian Doherty
The Hellcrew
The entire ass world
Crimes/Criminal History:
Classification of Murderer:
Sadistic serial killer
Method of Murder:
Art, beauty, turn on
Kill Count:
Inhuman strength
Can read minds
Can control people's thoughts
Their boots are chains to hell and they can never go further than a 10 mile radius of the pocket dimension
“Now, watch what I do next!”
Other Notable Quotes:
“Wouldn't you like to know?”
“Shut the fuck up, Westerner!”
“You need to log out of life.”
Theme song:
Coma White by Marilyn Manson
(will be added soon I'm rushing this out sorry)
Additional Information:
(Coming soon)
Fun Facts:
(Coming soon)
Want to know more? Ask me on my Tumblr https://SanitysHorror.tumblr.com/ask
Hellcrew Master post: x
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outsidersheadcanons · 3 months
Dally will lie abt random celebrities dying just to mess with the gang.
“No way man Ed Sullivan just died”
and since it was the 60s no one could call him out on his BS by googling it, so there were a few times when they genuinely believed him.
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