#sun maiden au
magicalgirlfumiko · 1 year
AU: Lady Higanbana
The kitsune's tail coiled around a tree. This area was once were Furuzeki stood. Instead there were old Japanese style buildings, a shrine to the maidens that were killed. It was as if the curse of the city had been lifted through some kind of brutal force of nature.
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"Typically, I try to take care of issues that occur in various localized variants of Furuzeki. However, it seems that there is a different Kami in this region that I cannot explain. This isn't typical in the local clusters." Chisato sighed.
She then moved quickly from the tree and crouched over the ruins of an old building. She moved some red spider lilies out of the way to take a closer look at the photograph. There was a picture in a broken frame. It was faded but Chisato could tell who it was.
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"Haya-Chan was in this world? Normally she is the first of Furuzeki's great heroes to die trying to save the city."
"Normally, she's from a different point in the past, like when Makoto was young. The fact that she's an adult here means that we're probably dealing with a world that doesn't have Makoto-chan in it. Again, strange for a local clusterverse." Chisato said.
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"Since you're a ranger, that means that you're more than capable of handling a more magical version of Furuzeki. I don't think you'll even have to hide the fact that you have powers. That new Kami has changed the landscape so much."
She once again coiled herself around a tree. Chisato then pointed off to the distance. "That tower. It used to belong to Haya-chan's family back in the day. But if you look closely...It's not typical of a modern building. It's been changed and covered in flowers. More than a little odd, right?"
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
Meanwhile, Wukong is... well, I wouldn't say he's chilling, but there isn't much else he can really do! Azure is reluctant to have him out of his sight and when he is he's basically just locked into his own rooms, forbidden from leaving unless accompanied by one of the Brotherhood and at least one of them is guarding the exit to the rooms at all times. Azure is basically toting him around like soem prize and it's very annoying, especially as the power begins to go to hus head and he starts getting more and more delusional, especially in regards to Wukong. His only comfort during this time is his cub, Yellow Tusk being able to see reason, and the Orchard Maidens who also refused to leave him behind, especially after discovering their little brother was actually their long lost spiritual nephew!
Azure is pretty much showing Wukong off as the ultimate war trophy.
Partly out of pride of; "Look! I own Heaven, and I own the sage equal to it!" + his own hidden desire that Wukong would be his Empress arm-candy.
And as the power of the universe chips away at Azure's mind, the lion becomes more... forward with his advances.
Wukong is grossed tf out as you can imagine. Luckily he's able to use the baby as an excuse to leave whenever Azure starts acting creepy. Xiaotian can smell a bad intention from a mile away and shrieks when Azure comes a little too close to Wukong. The baby can just sense something is "wrong" with the situation - he hasn't seen his Bama, or his fellow cubs, or his extended family for way too long to be normal. The cub even loses weight as the stress builds, making Wukong worry terribly.
I love the Orchard Maidens staying behind to keep the palace running/keep Wukong and his baby safe. They let their adoptive brother cry on their shoulders, and help him avoid the worst of Azure and Peng's treatment. The seven acting as his "ladies in waiting" as a few choice words have Azure agreeing with them about not stressing out "his Empress and Heir". Spiritual connection or not, they dont dare leave him alone with the Brotherhood.
Whilst Peng is happy to indulge Azure's whims, even they start to get a bit ick'd by the lion's maddened ramblings. But they choose not to say anything. Wukong's brat will make a good pawn in time.
Yellow Tusk on the otherhand is trying to contact the outside for help. If he was worried when its just the three of them, then Yellow Tusk is mortified to have Wukong and the cub in danger of Azure's fractured mind and wants. Mostly likely is the first one to run into DBK and loudly agrees with the bull's plan.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
I have a request, IAU Four being a mentor to Sun and Sky’s triplets in the future since well, I think the triplets refer to to triforce heroes Links, right? I say this cause well, why not? And I think it’ll be really cool so uhhh I hope you do not mind :D
Yep, the triplets are the tri force heroes Links :) I had to slip them in somehow, I’m too attached to them lol.
Another fic where Four is a little older, probably similar in time to that one with him and Wind I wrote the other week. Early teens. Ish.
(requests are closed)
Wild’s motorcycle pulled to a stop on the edge of the street, Four removing his arms from around his older brother as he turned off the bike.
“Alright Smithy, don’t take too long, I’ve got to go in like fifteen minutes,” Wild said, and Four nodded, taking his helmet off and handing it to Wild.
“No problem, I’ll be quick. Though if you want to make sure I don’t take too long, you could just come in with me,” Four said as he hopped off his brother’s motorcycle. “I bet Sky is home, and the triplets haven’t seen you in weeks.”
Wild’s face scrunched. “I’d love to, but you know Azy would just foretell my doom or whatever.”
Four snorted. “He only did that once.”
“Yeah, and he was right!”
“You fell down the stairs, Wild. You literally do that all the time.”
Wild rolled his eyes as Four smirked, and waved him in. “Yeah yeah whatever, go on. I don’t have all day, hop to it.”
Four let out a laugh, and walked up the sidewalk to Sky and Sun’s house, listening to the wind chimes on their front porch, and wondering idly if Aryll had talked to any rare birds lately. He paused to look at some chalk drawings of birds and oddly-shaped people on the path, and in doing so, didn’t notice a blond head pop up from behind a bush, or the excited gasp ring through the yard.
“Four! Four!” a voice squealed, and Four turned around just in time to see one of his cousins launch himself at his arms.
Four yelped and dropped the bag he’d been holding, catching Crimson just in time. The boy giggled wildly as he hugged him, rufous eyes sparkling, and Four sighed and ruffled his hair, glad he’d been able to drop the bag in the soft grass.
“Hi Crim, happy to see you too. Where’re your brothers?” Four asked as he looked around, and Crimson bounced back out of his arms, and began tugging him forward.
“Backyard! Sage zapped Aryll so Mommy kicked him outside, and Azy was keeping him company,” he reported as he dragged Four forward, Four just barely grabbing his bag. “Come on come on!”
“Just a second, I’ve got to return something first,” Four said as he was dragged inside. “Aryll?”
A blonde head peered around the corner, and Aryll smiled at the sight of him.
“Oh, hi Four,” his other cousin said, nursing a hand close to her chest as she walked into the room. “What’s up?”
Four saw some reddish marks on her skin as she turned her hand, and he winced. If the bandages were anything to go by, it looked like Sage had gotten her pretty good.
Little kids with powers were always something of a hazard.
Aryll was looking at him expectantly, and Four shook himself, reaching into the bag he’d brought and pulling out the box that was inside.
“I fixed your telescope,” he grinned, and carefully unwrapped and it handed it to her. Aryll’s face lit up and she squealed, running over and taking it gently from his grasp.
“Oh it’s perfect! You totally fixed it!” she said, looking through the glass. “Thank you so much Four!”
“No problem, glad I could help,” Four grinned, and then got tugged away again by Crimson.
“Come onnnnn,” Crimson groaned, and Four gave in and let him pull him outside with one last wave at Aryll.
They went out the back door and saw Sage at the swing set, flopped on a swing on his stomach, expression glum. Azure was happily swinging in the swing next to him, and he waved as Four came out, pumping his legs so he’d go higher.
“Look Four! I’m taller than you!” he called as he swung up into the air, and Four smiled.
“Wow, looks like it. Hi Azure. And hi Sage,” he greeted next, and Sage mumbled a hi in return, poking at the dirt.
Four hummed at the lackluster response, and sat down next to him as Crimson got on another swing, looking at his little cousin. Sage kept poking at the dirt, and Four gave him a poke in return, ignoring the light shock of static he got for his trouble.
“So, you shocked Aryll again, huh.”
“Not on purpose,” Sage mumbled, adding a head to his dirt stick-figure. “She’s just so bossy sometimes, and she wasn’t listening and then I got mad and I zapped her— by accident. Honest.”
“You need better control, kiddo,” Four said, and Sage growled, kicking at his picture to erase it.
“Everyone says that. Aryll says it, Mommy says it, Daddy—”
Sage went abruptly quiet, and Four raised an eyebrow as he went back to drawing in the dirt.
“...My powers are just trouble,” he finished quietly.
Four couldn’t help his chuckle, and he leaned back against a pole as Sage gave him a pouty look.
“Why are you laughing?!”
“I’m not laughing at you, calm down,” Four assured. “It’s just that I thought the same thing sooooo many times.”
Sage looked baffled. “You thought your powers were trouble?”
“What?” Azure gasped from his swing, and Crimson jumped off, landing next to Four and Sage.
“No way!” he added, and Four nodded.
“They were, trust me. It’s not easy controlling four separate things, not to mention splitting into four pieces of yourself. Sometimes I think I’d just go crazy.”
Crimson tilted his head. “Did you?”
Four gave him a look. “No. Well, not really, anyway. No more than what would’ve happened otherwise.”
Azure hopped off his swing too, and sat next to his brothers, giving Four a curious look. Sage still seemed grumpy though, and guilty as well, and Four sighed and patted his knee.
“You’ll get better Sage, don’t worry. You just need to practice some more. It takes time for powers to donwhat you want, trust me.”
“But what if they just get worse?” Sage asked, biting his lip. “What if I do something bad with them without trying? What if I give somebody marks like... Daddy has?”
His voice got quiet at the end, and Four took his hand and squeezed it.
“Sage, I know you’d never do something like that,” he assured. “Accidents happen, but they’re just... accidents. You don’t mean for them to happen. And I don’t think you would ever accidentally give somebody marks like what your Dad has.”
That’s not something you do by accident, he thought with a brief grimace.
Four shook his head. “You just need to work on them a bit, Sage. I know you’ll start getting your powers more under control,” he said encouragingly, and Sage sighed.
“If you’re sure,” he said quietly, and Four nodded.
“Totally sure. If I can get the hang of four different powers in four pieces of myself, I bet you can handle lightning just fine.”
He poked Sage’s nose, and Sage smiled, finally starting to look better.
“Four! Are you done yet? It’s time to go!” Wild’s voice shouted from the front yard, and Four hummed and stood up.
“Looks like I’ve got to get going,” he said, and the triplets all let out awws.
“You just got here!” Azure complained.
“Do you gotta?” Crimson whined, and Four nodded.
“Yep. You know how cranky Wild gets when he’s late for things. But before we go, maybe you should say hi to him,” Four mentioned with a grin, and Crimson and Azure jumped to their feet and ran around to the front yard.
Four heard a yelp a few moments later that signaled Wild getting jumped on by cousins, and he chuckled before looking back at Sage.
“Have you apologized to Aryll for zapping her yet?” he asked, and Sage shifted awkwardly.
“Well that sounds like a good place to start for now,” Four said kindly. “I’ll try and come over again soon. Maybe I can help you with practicing your powers.”
“Really?” Sage said, perking up. “Thanks Four!”
He jumped up and hugged him, and Four patted his head, wishing he could do more for his little cousin. Maybe he should at least talk to Sky about some things...
“Four!” Wild called again, and Four drew back and stood up.
“C’mon, let’s go see Wild,” he said with a smile.
Sage returned it and took his hand, and the two of them walked around to the front yard, watching as Crimson and Azure both managed to pull Wild to the ground, squealing with laughter.
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frostedclock · 2 months
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Shadows Under the Peach Tree
Chapter One : Peach Thief
Other related arts:
Coming soon
Support the comic with my Kofi or commissions
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rottonfishie · 1 month
A peach maiden waiting for Wukong to finish cursing Master Yuzhiqin
Dude already curse the living shit of Master Yuzhiqin ass in Chinese and start to curse in other language💀 The maiden just wait their while learning some language in process
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(if you want to know it's Kelantan. Find it funny because most Kelantan people curse in their daily basic like it's normal way to communicate with other)
The peach maiden just waiting for Wukong to tire himself out 😂
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 1 month
For the Eönwë Week prompts:
💋 A knight's kiss with Eönwë/Gothmog, Eönwë/Manwë or Eönwë/Arien (your choice :))
Alternatively, if this one's taken: 🎀 Seeking a favor with the same ships
Thank you!🤗
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How about both prompts, and for all three ships?
Day 7 for @eonweweek
Prompt: Freeform.
Pairings: Eönwë/Gothmog | Eönwë/Manwë | Eönwë/Arien
A/n 1: Since today is freeform, I have opted to use a little Medieval AU emoji game.
A/n 2: For those who want to know more about my Medieval AU read here.
Themes: Soft | NSFT
Warnings: Kissing | Mild violence (blink and you might miss it)
Minors DNI
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💋A knight's kiss with Eönwë/Gothmog, Eönwë/Manwë or Eönwë/Arien
Eönwë/Gothmog : The great feast held in honor of Melkor’s anointing as Crown Prince ends.
Eönwë and Gothmog go off to the gardens to sit on the grass and watch the stars while many others walk or stumble to their own bedchambers. 
Most consider them to be a most unusual pairing. Eönwë is a true-born lord from a proud and ancient noble family. Gothmog, on the other hand, is lowborn, with no father to claim him for their own. In addition, Eönwë is the Lord Commander of the King’s army and a knight without peer, and Gothmog is a mere foot soldier who prefers brute strength to finesse. 
And these things do not matter to Eönwë, for he does not care for birth or wealth or position. Gothmog loves him, and that is enough for him. And when they kiss, it is beneath the stars, with the wind sweeping through their hair. Eönwë does what comes naturally to him: he willingly yields when they kiss, allowing Gothmog to take a firmer hand as always. It is another thing many consider most peculiar: a great knight willingly submitting to one of inferior birth, and yet, it is what Eönwë desires and what he receives. 
They kiss, and they kiss. Eönwë savors the wine and the spices he finds clinging to his companion’s lips and the sweetness of the marchpane roses they all had. Then he pulls away, desiring more than just a kiss.  “Let us return to our chambers,” he says, his smile a mirror image of Gothmog’s own. “This night is far from over, my love.” 
Eönwë/Manwë : The prince never thought he would receive the affections of such an illustrious warrior. 
And yet, he finds himself the recipient of much of the Lord Commander's affections. They dance during the feast to celebrate the end of a successful royal hunt, and they talk and they laugh. The others are also dancing, and there is much music, and wine, and laughter. Eönwë pays no heed to any of it. He is too drunk on the magic of the night to care about what the others are doing. 
And, he knew, of course, that there could be more to this night. So much more. 
“Come with me, my prince,” he says, leading Manwë away from the others. “There should be more to this night than feasting and dancing.” 
They walk, and they walk, and then they come upon a little grove of trees bathed in starlight. They walk on, not stopping until they reach the very center of the grove. It is a beautiful sight: the cloudless sky, the stately trees, the dappled light, and the bashful prince who smiles expectantly. Eönwë seizes the moment and leans in, his mood high.
It was all he thought it would be and so much more. He gathers the prince in his arms as they kiss, relishing the warmth that flows into his mouth. He kisses the prince until they are both feverish and breathless, and then he kisses him until he feels, more than hears, the soft moan.
“Your tent or mine, my prince?” He asks. 
Eönwë/Arien : He is at his investiture at Starfall, where he is anointed as an Honorary Knight of the Grove.  
It is a great honor, one the Lady of Greengrove does not bestow lightly. And the one presiding over the ceremony in the place of that great lady is none other than his own beloved herself.
Eönwë kneels on a wide velvet cushion, trembling despite the warmth from nearby lit hearths. He remembers the cause for such an honor. Nevertheless, he tries his best not to dwell on it. Arien is safe and well, and that is enough for him.
The tip of a splendid sword forged especially for the occasion briefly comes to rest on his right shoulder and then his left. Then it is over, for the priest has already performed the anointing.
“Arise, Lord Eönwë, Knight of the Grove!” Arien cries, and gives the sword for another to take. It would be formally presented to Eönwë later, during the investiture feast. “And tell me, what boon does my savior desire of me?”
“A kiss from the one I love,” Eönwë says bashfully, then he rises. “That is all I ask.”
Arien smiles and says, “A gift I shall give freely, and with a glad heart.”
Eönwë smiles also. He frames her face with his hands and kisses her sweetly, sending a welcome shiver down her spine. 
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🎀Seeking a favor with the same ships
Eönwë/Gothmog: It is his first joust of the tourney. Eönwë digs his heels into his steed and urges it toward the gallery.
Many had gathered to watch. The low-born keep to one side, shouting and cheering as the one the minstrels call “Swordsman of the Dawn” rides past them. The high-born kept to the other side, shouting and cheering for him with equal vigor.
Eönwë tilts his head at them and smiles, but his eyes do not see those shouting his name and cheering him on. His gaze seeks but one person and one person only.
“My lord,” Eönwë says. He reins his horse to a stop before the lower seats, where the foot soldiers sit. “Victory throughout the tourney would be assured if I am given the honor of your favor.”
Gothmog rises, flushing from cheek to throat. “I have no ribbon to give you, my lord,” he says, “or a priceless trinket. All I can offer you is this.”
He removes the copper pin he wears upon his cloak and offers it to the Lord Commander. Eönwë leans down and accepts it with gratitude.
“I shall keep it safe, my love,” he murmurs, bringing Gothmog’s hand to his lips.
Eönwë/Manwë : The sun was shining, and the sky was uncommonly clear. It was most suited for a joust and the one that would be spoken of for many a turn of the moon.
Lord Tulkas charges atop his black steed. Eönwë charges atop his grey and white. The throng roars, and upon the royal balcony, gold coins and priceless jewels are discreetly slipped into velvet hats and silk purses. Some believe Eönwë would emerge the victor. Others believe Tulkas would emerge victorious, for he was the older and the stronger of the two.
The warriors' horses tear up the rain-softened earth as they race to the center, and then their lances collide, cracking and splintering as they smash against heavy-plated armor.
Tulkas is unhorsed. He falls onto his back with a loud clangor, and the crowd gasps and cheers. But he is unharmed and is soon helped to his feet by a squire. Eönwë, satisfied that all is well with him, rides up to the balcony.
“My prince!” He cries. “If you would do me the honor of allowing me to wear your favor upon my person!”
Manwë appears and smiles. “Here it is, my lord,” he says, throwing down a square of richly embroidered silk to the warrior. “May you have much fortune for the remainder of the tourney.”
Eönwë catches it, winks playfully at the prince, and then rides back to the far end of the field.
Eönwë/Arien : It is the first time he sees her. 
She is seated on the balcony, listening to the ladies she serves. Her eyes gleam like finely polished amber in the sun, and her hair reminds him of molten gold. Eönwë urges his steed forward, as he wishes to know more of her. 
“Fair and gracious lady,” he says. “You have captivated me with your beauty. Pray what is your name?”
“You are a bold one, my lord,” the lady says, rising from her seat. “But you shall have my name if it please you. I am the Lady Arien.”
“Maiden of the sun,” Eönwë replies, beaming. “Tis a most fitting name, I think, for you indeed look as radiant as the sun. Tell me, my lady. Would you think me impertinent if I asked for your favor?” 
Arien smiles. “Not in the least, my lord, for I have heard much of you, and I know you are a man of honor. Here. You may have this.”
She loosens a ribbon from the end of her long braid and throws it down to him. Eönwë catches it with ease and brings it to his lips.  “I shall treasure this token always,” he says.
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tags: @asianbutnotjapanese
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littlethingsrae · 9 months
🔆AU MASTERLIST🔆(and synopsis')
AU's from me: Flower Maiden AU - (Jin centric) Jin was born a regular celestial and became a Flower Maiden like her Mother, because of this she never had reason or want to leave the Celestial Realm. World's End / Blue Star AU - The Lady Bone Demon succeeds with her plan. The world is remade in her vision and those who would still oppose her are struck down or being hunted. Anguish and Grief have turned the Sun's flame a bright blue - the only thing keeping humanity alive and stable is the large bodies of ice from LBD, because of this; she's seen as their saviour. Mortality and Morality / Sundown AU - (Jin centric) The Jade Emperor is displeased with Jin's interference during S3. Not willing to let the next Sun be out of line, he strips her of her Status, Powers and Immortality in an attempt to teach her a lesson until she's willing to fall back into order. Guilt's Resurrection - (Nysa centric) (Updated) Seeking a way to bring her Clan back, Nysa tracks down the last threads of LBD that she can find, leading her to the false Mayor. He tells her that the only person who could reasonably bring her family back is his Lady or someone of her calibre. With the ‘help’ of another Bone Spirit (Bingxue) they manage to channel enough of LBD’s power into a new being: The White Bone Prince. Sun Shrine AU - Purely indulgent Bullflower AU - where Jin's family are all Mortals living happily and in charge of a prominent Sun Temple, that's when a certain Demon pops by under the guise of being Human just so he can get to know the Temple Head's Granddaughter. Hijinks ensue.
(more will be added as they are created...) --------
AU's from others:
Monster Kid AU (by @/doppel-doodles)
—> Growing Garden AU (collab w/ @/doppel-doodles) Sunfall AU (by @/doodlezpoststuff) Rescripted Twice AU (by @/chuitu)
—> Rescripted:ZERO (by @/chuitu)
-------- If you guys have any questions about any of the AU's on this list, please feel free to ask! :D
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phenioxflame · 4 months
Monkie Kid- Animal Fury Season 1 Chapter 3 The Last of me
Mischief walks up to the blue crystal clock. She spins the the big hand with her magic and the little hand lands of three. A blue flame is lit. mischief walks away into the darkness; the light from the blue clock making her look like a silhouette.
A bead of sweat falls down Mischief head. Her hair on the ground and her back up august the wall. Mischief had been doing a headstand for the last thirty minutes. In her mind, doing this action once a week was a good way to keep her blood flowing and strength high.
Sun walked outside and saw Mischief up august the wall.
“Are you gonna stand there all day”, Sun asks, holding a peach in his hand.
“You should try it”, Mischief said under the pressure. She uses her feet to push off the rock and picks herself up. “It helps with strength endurance and it help you think.”
“Hard pass”, Sun says, biting the peach. “You know I’m not good with my arms.” Mischief smirks and says, “That’s not what I heard from Ne Zha~” Sun stopped walking and almost chocked on the chunk of peach in his mouth. He looked over at Mischief and said in embarrassment, “Could you not bring Him up?”
“Why? What’s the problem”, Mischief teased. “Oh right, you still like him.” Mischief laughs and then says, “After a millennia and you still haven't told him?” Mischief continues to laugh while Sun burns a bright red and shouts, “Can you shut up?!” Sun starts to hit Mischief head and she still laughs.
“Okay, Okay, I’ll stop”, Mischief says. Mischief stops laughing but Sun crosses his arms in annoyance. “Go train Mk. I’ll see you in a bit.” Sun walks out to the training dojo. Mischief smiles but then holds her head in pain with both of her hands. She keeps her eyes shut and feels herself being surrounded by darkness. Even when her eyes where shut, she could see a being covered in a moon themed cloak.
“No…! Why are you here?!” The being looks back; her eyes glowing a light blue. She turns and starts to walk over to Mischief. Mischief raises her hand and cast a spell, but the being covered in the moon cloak faces Mischief.
I am you, as you are me. We are two become one.
Mischief opens her eyes once the pain subsides and sees that the world around her is normal. She looks around to see if anybody else is there. No one. Mischief looks at her hands and sees then shaking with fear.
“No…. not this night…! Please, not this night….!” Mischief walked back into the house and looked around for a quill and scroll.
Mischief walks back outside to see Mk and Sun training. She sits under a shady area near the entrance to the waterfall. Mk jumps back and lands on the mountains wall. She pushes himself off and charges at Sun from above. Sun smirks and jumps directly up while Mk crashed to the ground.
“Missed me again”, Sun said. He picks up Mk with his tail and asks, “Now how did I win?”
“Misdirection”, Mk guesses.
“Correct”, Sun says.
“That seams like a shady lesson”, Mischief yells.
“Too soon sis.” Mk chuckles a bit.
“I’m just saying the truth”, Mischief says. She walks over and whispers, “And I bet Ne Zha would say the same thing if he was here.” Sun gets an annoyed look on his face and says, “Whatever. And plus, I was always better at fighting than you.”
“Oh really?”
“Wait a second”, Mk interrupted, “You two have fought before?”
“Yeah. But it was for training purposes”, Sun says.
“Now that you mention it, we haven't trained in a while”, Mischief says. “What do you say, but brother?” Sun smirks and says, “Your on.”
Mischief and Sun get into their fighting positions on each side of the training ground. Mk sits on the stairs in anticipation.
“Not using your weapon sis?”
“I don’t need it”, Mischief said with a smirk on her face. Sun chuckles under his breath and says, “Your done if I land this.” Sun chares to Mischief at full speed. Mischief closes her eyes and smirks. She moves out of the way and pushes her brother to the wall. Sun blinks a few times in confusion and looks back to sees Mischief untouched.
“I’m waiting.” Sun runs over to Mischief and tried to hit her multiple times but each time, Mischief blocks his attacks over and over. “Wow, brother. Your getting rusty.”
“I’ll show you rusty”, Sun exclaims. He jumps back and starts to attack with his legs.
“Not really effective!” Mischief takes Sun’s leg and pins him down with her foot. “Moon: 1. Sun: 0. I win again.”
“Mischief, let me up”, Sun says. Mischief moved her foot off of Sun’s back and says, “I thought you fought celestial beings bigger than me. You sure your not getting rusty?”
“He’s not”, Mk says. “He beat Demon Bull King, Spider Queen, and More! He’s strong enough to fight the Jade Emperor!” Mischief could hear her thoughts snap in half. She chuckles to herself in annoyance and says under her breath, “Yeah…. Sure…” Mischief then holds her head in pain.
“Mischief, are you okay”, Sun asks. He holds her shoulders.
“I’m fine”, Mischief says. “It’s just a headache. And I don’t think I’ll be able to train Mk tonight.”
“It’s okay”, Mk says. “Plus, I promised Mei I would help her fix her bike”
“Thank you, Mk.”
The full moon shines from above the mountain; its rays passing the peek of the mountain. A being covered in a night themed cloak looks down on the city below. She turns back and jumps backward. She closes her eyes and summoned a portal under her. The portal was covered in shadows and it’s magic was a dark blue. The being fell thought the portal and landed on a roof with grace and elegance. She looks back and sees the lights on in each building from each block ahead.
“Now… where are you?”
Mk walks down the street of the city. He was walking home from Mei’s bike shop and he was hoping to get some well needed rest.
“This is the last time I stay out this late”, Mk thinks to himself. He looks up and sees a being silhouetted bu the light of the moon. “Who is that?” Mk squints his eyes and sees the being crying up at the moon. “Are they crying?” Before Mk could call to the person, they jumped to the next roof and vanish into the night. Mk runs to the end of the block but doesn’t see the being. 
“That person….. Why where they crying?”
“I’m sorry, say that again?”
“I saw a person last night”, Mk explains. “It looked like they where crying.” Mischief stopped in her tracks and hides behind the house. She looks to her right and back down to the floor.
“H-How, the, Hell, did he see me”, Mischief thought with worry, panicking in her mind. Her racing thoughts coming to a halt. Mischief touched her broach and thought, “He was with Mei that night. He must have been walking home when he saw me.” Mischief lied the back of her head on the house wall and says, “Damn you, Moon Maiden…!” Mischief sighs and thinks, “There’s no way I can control her at this rate.” Mischief walks back to the front and sees Mk and Sun walking to the top of the mountain.
“Where are you two going?”
“We’re going to train at the top of the mountain”, Sun says. “Wanna come?”
“Sorry, not this time”, Mischief says. “I still have a bit of a headache.”
“Oh… does that mean no training tonight either”, Mk asks.
“I’m sorry, Mk”, Mischief says.
“It’s alright. Take care of yourself. We can train when you feel better.” Mischief smiles. She then remembered how her mentor from years past was so understanding. She saw a lot of them in Mk. “Well see you later.” Mk and Sun walked up the path to the top of the mountain. Mischief looks off to the side is sadness. She hated lying to Mk and her brother, but she had to protect them at all cost. She could risk to lose them like she lost…… her….
Mischief sits on a rock near the edge of the cliff and looks up at the sky. It had almost been a month since she had been away from the celestial realm: her home. She wondered if the cheetah twins had been playing in the celestial forest around this time. She touches her broach and says, “I miss you, mother…..” Pink magic flew around Mischief and a scroll appeared. Mischief catches the scroll and looks at the wax seal. “This is Ne Zha’s crest.” Mischief opens the scroll and a necklace rolls into her lap. She looks at the necklace and then read the scroll as follows:
It’s good to hear from you again. I heard from your mother that you moved to earth. I hope Sun hasn’t been giving you too much of a headache. I did some research on what you told me about and it lead me to this necklace. And I also found out that the reason your alter ego is coming out on her own is because she hasn’t been bound. One of your ancestors had the same problem and they had a solution. The necklace I set you is called the moon of Apithaea. It has the power to control your alter ego’s rage. It might help you. I hope you get a handle on your powers.
Could you tell sun I said hi? -Ne Zha
Mischief chuckles and says, “Looks like Ne Zha hasn’t changed one bit. Still the same helpful prince I know.” She smirks. “And his interest in Sun hasn’t left at all.” Mischief looks at the necklace and then placed it around her neck. “Thank you, Lotus.”
Mk and Sun fight along the mountain Plato. However, Mk couldn’t couldn’t really concentrate. He was worried about Mischief, and he was thinking about the person he saw the other night. Mk was soo distracted that he didn’t realize that he had left an opening for Sun to hit him. Sun stops his attack midway.
“You got distracted.” Mk lowers his staff and shudders, “S-Sorry.”
“Are you okay? You seam distracted”, Sun points out.
“I’m worried about Mischief”, Mk says. Sun looked at Mk and the to the side of him, thinking of how to help Mk. she smiles and says, “Kid, follow me. I wanna show you something.”
“What is it?” Sun taps on the ground and a hatch opens. “Now way! How long had this been here?”
“A long time”, Sun says. He jumps and and says, “Come on!” Mk jumps down the hole and lands in a cavern like cave.
“Whoa…. Had this always been down here”, Mk asks.
“Yup”, Sun says. Mk looks ahead and sees a crystal floating above a pedestal; it’s light casting along the floor. Mk walks up to the crystal and asks, “What is this?”
“This is the crystal of the sun”, Sun explains. “This crystal has protected this mountain for a very long time. It was made over three millennia ago.”
“It’s amazing.” Mk takes a closer look at and then gets a vision.
Mischief looks back at someone; her face angry and upset.
She says something but her words are distorted and scrambled.
“She was your mentor!”
Mk blinks a few times and moves his hand away from the crystal. Sun notice Mk’s discomfort and asks, “Are you okay?”
“Huh? Oh, I’m fine”, Mk reassures Sun.
“If you say so.” Sun says.
“Hey, Monkie King? Can I ask you something?”
Mk and Sun walk along the roof of a building.
“Are you sure the person you saw the other night is gonna be here”, sun asked.
“I’m sure of it”, Mk says. The two look around. Mk looks to the north and sees the same person from the other night. “Hey!” Sun looks over to see Mk running over to the hooded person.
“Mk, wait!”
“Um. Excuse me?” The hooded figure looks back; her eyes covered in shadows. “I noticed you the other night and I wanted to meet you.” The hooded figure looks at Mk for a second.
“You know who I am?” Sun takes a closer look at the hooded woman and gains a surprised look on his face.
“Mischief?” The being blinks a few times and then says, “I’m sorry. I don’t know anyone by that name.” She tries to walk away, but Sun holds her by the solder which makes Mischief’s necklace break off. The necklace falls to the ground and Mischief’s head hands low.
“Mischief? Are you okay”, Sun asks. Mischief looks back with her glowing eyes piercing Sun’s soul from within. Sun could feel a chill go up his spine. “Um, Mischief?” Mischief rushes back and attacks Sun. “Sis! Stop! What are you doing?!”
“Anyone who get’s in my way will be destroyed”, She yells. Sun whips around and holds his sister down with all the strength he has within him.
“Mk, get the necklace”, he shouts. Mk looks over and sees the necklace. He runs over and picks it up. Mischief looks over in panic and rage.
“No!” She breaks free from her brothers hold and rushes over to Mk and holds him by his collar. Sun tries to rush over to Mischief, but she puts of a barrier. She looks up at Mk and says, “I will not be locked up like a prisoner!”
“What? I don’t get it. Who are you”, Mk asks, struggling to break free. Mischief chuckles to herself, looks up at Mk and says, “So she didn’t tell you? Your her apprentice. Surely you can tell the difference.”
“You don’t know? I am–!” Before she could finish her sentence, A ghostly rendition of Mischief, the real Mischief, Holds back her own body. Mk falls to the ground and looks up to see the scene taking place before him.
“Mk, I’m sorry”, Mischief exclaims. “I got you and my brother rapped up in this!” Sun runs over and helps up Mk.
“Mischief, who is this”, Mk asks.
“Moon Maiden”, Mischief answers, struggling to hold her back. “She’s my alter ego. I can’t control her without the necklace! Get it!” Sun and Mk run over to the necklace. “You have gone out of control for the last time! You going back where you belong!” Moon maiden holds Mischief by her neck and says, You really think you can control me?! I am half of you that lingers in your shadow! The dark side of light! You can’t escape me, Mischief Wukong!” Mischief puts her hand on Moon Maiden’s arm and says, “No…”
“Your right. You are part of me. But you are nothing but an alter ego! I have been through hell and back! I have lost my way over and over, but I never gave up! I have kept you back for over two damn millennia, and I’m not stopping now”, Mischief shouts, felling herself gaining power. Mischief breaks free and holds Moon Maiden with her magic. “NOW!” Mk and Sun put the necklace on Moon Maiden. Mischief lies up and forces herself back into her body. Mischief looks in the darkness and faces her alter ego. “I know you are part of me, and it’s time to make peace with the past”, Mischief says. She puts out her hand to her alter ego. “And I want you to face it with me. If you allow me to.” Moon Maiden looks down and says, “Then I guess we really are one in the same.” She takes Mischief hand.
“We are two become one. The shadow of the sun.”
Mischief gains breath and she holds herself up.
“M, are you okay”, Sun asks.
“I’m alright”, Mischief says.
“Alter ego, Huh? That’s a new one”, Sun says.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her before”, Mischief says. “I though I could control her on my own, but I can’t even do that right.”
“Mischief, you can talk to us”, Mk says. “We’re here for you.” Mischief looks at both Mk and Sun and says, “You know, I think me coming down here was a blessing in disguise. I’m glad you two are here with me.” The trio smiles.
Just so all you guys know, I ship Sun x Ne Zha. I expect a war in the comments below.
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tigertaurus22 · 2 years
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A short comic for my Dolls in the Daycare AU
How I imagine everyone’s favorite celestial body-themed animatronics first met the third Rozen Maiden thirty years after Traumend.
Again, this primarily takes place within the context of the Sun and Moon Show on YouTube but it can also happen outside of it.
I’m experimenting with not using shading or highlighting, or any sort of background, like in my other works.
Please me know if it looks okay or if I should shade and highlight this too.
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magicalgirlfumiko · 11 months
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"This witch's kingdom lacks...a certain kind of elegance. All she has is an ivory tower that she locked herself into. What sort of Kami does such a lowly thing? Once you bring the the weight of the Sun down onto the land, you cannot keep on pretending that you are not above lowly mortals."
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"Yet. you lack the silver tongue that is required to influence a witch. If I control a kami on this world, then I shall gain the attention of another in a different one. This silly experiment of hers in a perfect state for magical beings is a folly anyways."
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"Heh. You mages are so full of bullshit. You're just mad that your little simp mode plans aren't going well, and you goddess isn't paying attention to you. Remember, the Crimson Sisterhood has only joined forces with you because this Witch has caused damage to those that once feared the night."
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Erlang does tell, that's how the Peach Maidens and Gold Star learned about the baby. Or rather, that the baby had arrived. They all zip over to Lao Tzu's lab for congratulations. When the Emperor and Queen Mother learn, they also send a courtesy congratulatory visit, 'Twas the least they could do after everything
Yesss! Btw I had no idea that the seven maidens mentioned in JTTW were supposed to be JE and the Queen Mother's daughters until I drafted up the Celestial Family tree XD
The Orchard Maidens immediately drop whatever they were doing (fruit baskets, wine cups, ladders etc) to zoom over to Lao Tzu's lab and finally get a look at the baby!
The sheer amount of delighted squealing and awes that fill the room when the Maidens reach the lab nearly deafens Mac.
Yuebei is tiny, and has such lovely black fur and glowing ears. The Maidens praise and fret over Wukong as when he was a fellow attendant. Wukong is just smiling and wagging his tail like a happy dog getting praised. Yes! His baby is so cute and strong!
Meanwhile, Macaque is covering his ears and hiding at Wukong's side cus he isn't sure how welcome he is in Heaven rn... only for the Maidens to immediately recognise him as "their littlest sister's [PIF] friend!" and immediately start praising him for being so protective of his mate and baby!
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And ofc the second the girls see MK, they are asking so many questions! Who is this handsome little cub? Is he their son? Oh! His babas are the pig-man and the teacher outside? How adorable! A lovely mixed family! They are overall super adoring of their adoptive little brother's new troop, and act like delighted aunties towards Yuebei, MK, and Bai He (someone they swear that they recognise).
Erlang ofc got eye-lazered by a startled Yuebei, so he just left his congrats card and "It's a Girl!" balloon at the lab before heading off to inform the Emperor and Queen Mother. Lao Tzu jokingly suggests getting the shadowpeach couple eye protection incase Yuebei has "trigger eyes".
The Queen Mother is super intriuged by Yuebei's arrival, especially since it's become common knowlegde *why* Sun Wukong sought out so many immortalities. She is the first of the royal couple to come get a look and offer her blessing - she briefly stops at the sight of the baby girl's midnight-black hair and big blue eyes; the little face reminding her of her own daughters. She certainly guffaws at the knowledge that Yuebei tried to eat the Samadhi Fire before she was even born! Wukong is pleasantly surprised at how kind the Queen is to him given the circumstances, but evidently Yuebei's presence quells at lot of anger. The Queen Mother makes a point of sending many gifts for Yuebei's man yue (one month celebration) to show her good faith.
The Jade Emperor sends a bottle of peach wine in the mail. He's currently holed up in his office teriffed of what Yuebei will grow up to be/what his wife will do to him when she gets back from hearing about Wukong's troubles during the Journey.
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liroyalty · 2 years
@akumanoken Like for his sisters~
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An unusual amount of grumbling coming from Sun as she slipped on a ring, which, from Sun, should be normal, but when she's annoyed(at least more so then usual) it was easy to tell for her sisters.
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"I can tell someone wants to dodge this banquet."
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"Do you expect anything else?" Sun always hated the ideas of gatherings, but even more so these larger ones.
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frostedclock · 9 months
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Nap Time
Wukong enjoys the small moments now that he has the time to.
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rottonfishie · 24 days
For some reason I think Wukong shitting on Master Yuzhiqin style is funny. Like dude, monkey have better sense in fashion more than you. Shame 😒
Master Yuzhiqin cares more for practicality rather than style. He didn't exactly see the appeal of fashion, so he mostly allowed the peach maidens to have their fun dressing Wukong and Nezha (+ the harmless demons) if he didn't require them for anything.
While, the peach maidens were kind. But, they were insensitive in their own ways and treated the many demons in Master Yuzhiqin's manor as dolls.
(A celestial is still a celestial.)
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 1 month
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Day: 4 @eonweweek
Prompt: Romance
Pairing: Eönwë/Arien
Themes: Epistolary form (letters) | Medieval AU
Warnings: Just two people all loved up, your honor  
Word count: 800+ words
Summary: Eönwë writes to Arien, thanking her for her gift.
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Letter from Eönwë to Arien:
25th August 1453
To my most beloved Lady Arien, greetings.
Not long ago, I received your letter and your gift of a saffron ribbon richly embroidered in golden thread. It pleases me to hear of your prosperity and good health, and I accept the present that you have bestowed upon me with a glad and willing heart. If it would not offend, I will wear it upon my person whenever opportunity allows.
My lady, the continued demonstrations of your affections oblige me to love and honor you always. Such things I do not consider a burden, for what burden is there in serving the one whom I desire over all others? I shall treasure your words and your tokens, and I pray that I will continue to be the recipient of your esteem; there would be no greater punishment than the loss of it.
I compete next in the tourney at House Shield. Lord Tulkas has welcomed all, and the king himself will take his place in the lists. I yearn to see you there, and perhaps, if it pleases you, I could entreat you to join me in more private amusements, far away from the prying eyes of others.
I must now end this letter, my lady, for a lack of time, but know that I wish you well and that you are in my thoughts always.
Written by the hand of your most humble servant,
Letter from Arien to Eönwë:
02nd September, 1453
To my most beloved knight, greetings.
Your letter came to me on the swiftest of swings, and it was received with much joy. I made haste to write in answer, for the weather is slowly beginning to grow colder, and our birds do not fare well when it becomes even more so. The cold makes them weak, and too many of them become easy prey. Come winter, my letters will be a rare thing, but I will more than make amends for it when we are blessed once again with the glory of spring.
It would not offend me in the slightest, my lord, if you wore my token upon your person. And it honors me, truly, to know that my tokens and my letters, trifling things as they are, will always be treasured by you. Your words of devotion humble me, my lord, and I pray that I will always prove myself to be worthy of it.
I too will travel to House Shield, for the ladies I serve desire to witness the spectacle of the tourney. Lord Tulkas will see to it that no expense is spared, especially now, when the king himself wishes to contend with other knights. As for the other matter, that of my joining you in more private amusements, my answer is yes, my lord. I will be glad to do so.
For now, my love, farewell.
Letter from Eönwë to Arien:
11th September 1453
To the Lady Arien, my beloved companion in all things. Greetings.
Thanks, and thanks, and thanks again, my love, for your letter. Preparations are nearly complete for our journey, and the king has sent word for us to depart on the last day of this very month. The days will be long and hard and tiresome, but such struggles will be soon forgotten when I am finally able to see you and take you into my arms once again.
I too understand the difficulty that comes with sending letters during the winter. The road to Ilmarin is nigh impassable; the wind howls violently like a living, breathing beast and only the boldest, or perhaps the most foolish of hearts, attempt to ride up paths hidden beneath thick drifts of snow. Perhaps, my lady, you will consider wintering in Ilmarin before returning to Green Grove in the spring. You will find that the royal palace is warm and well-appointed even during the coldest and foulest of months, and you will not lack for any comfort. His grace the king has already consented to my request, and I will gladly speak to the ladies you serve on this score if you were to give me leave to do so.
By the hand of your most faithful companion,
Letter from Arien to Eönwë:
19th September, 1453
Most treasured companion, greetings.
My lord, I heartily accept your invitation to while away the winter months in Ilmarin. The ladies whom I serve will readily assent to your plea, and I gladly give you leave to speak with them when you see them next. I am told that Ilmarin is most beautiful during the cold months, with holly and sprigs of evergreen and gilded lamps wrought in the shape of stars adorning its chambers and halls. I have always longed to see such beauty with my own eyes, and I am forever grateful to you for granting me this.
I shall put down my quill for now, but please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers always.
Written by the hand of she who is always yours,
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tags: @cilil @asianbutnotjapanese
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lotus-n-l0ve · 11 months
— Ryomen Sukuna x Female Reader
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She Is A Wild Flower In A Rose Field.
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*⁠.⁠✧ SYNOPSIS : When the selfish merchant, F/N L/N, sacrifices his illegitimate daughter to the King of Curses for his own desires. Y/N starts to work for Sukuna. With every passing day they come closer, with every late night meetings, a feeling develops in their heart.
*⁠.⁠✧ WARNINGS & TAGS : True form!Ryomen Sukuna, historical au, husband!Sukuna, wife!reader, sacrificed!reader, master-servant au, cursing, offering au, use of y/n, kissing, blowjob, pet names, a lot of questions, misunderstanding, ooc!Sukuna, not proofread, 6.2k words.
➥ Heart Divider's by @cafekitsune
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Amusement is what Sukuna felt as he watched your adorable little figure sneak into the garden like a thief, looking left and right like a cautious cat who has stolen its favourite fish. Sukuna sat by the window on the second floor, blowing from the kiseru.
You still remained a mystery to the King of curses even after months of being here. Sukuna was known for wrecking havoc and destroying lands with a flip of his fingers. Kings and people from far away shiver in fear, when the monster will come for their neck next.
The kings and nobel heads offered him mountains of wealth and copious amounts of women. Sukuna never denied them but what he did with all that wealth or women was never known. To your misfortune or luck, your father, the infamous marchant, offered you, the illegitimate daughter, as the king's concubine. Then it was up to Ryomen Sukuna whether he would make you his queen or just another maid.
You were escorted to the estate in a carriage and then inside the shrine by none other than Uraume themselves. You didn't see nor hear from the king at the beginning of your stay here. Though you were made familiar with the other sacrificed maidens. Their fate was just like yours, sacrificed to the curse by their kings, fathers or even husbands, just to save their own life.
Every one of them was different from others. Some quivered when they even heard the name of their lord, while some were filled with rage for him. On the other hand some had developed the emotion called love for him. You waited everyday for him to decide your fate. It's not like you could run away from here. The estate was surrounded by dangerous curses who would kill you without a second thought.
Your days are spent like any other there. Waking up in the morning, then doing whatever work Uraume assigned you to. You were not still allowed to go outside yet so grocery shopping was not one of them. By the time the sun went down and the moon shone in the dark sky, most of you were permitted to go back to your own room. Only a few remain as per their schedule. You honestly like how your days were going but encountering Sukuna was inevitable.
It was three weeks after that you first came across the man, sitting by the inside pond. His back leaning on a round pillow. One hand held a book while the other had the wooden kiseru. The moonlight blessed down on him. Your feet stopped at the door. As he lifted his upper pair of eyes from the book, yours snapped down to your feet.
"I didn't know you would be here at this time, Master Sukuna. I'll take my leave." You bow down and turn to leave only to come to a halt when a deep voice sounded from behind.
"Stop right there." Sukuna watched as you paused before eventually turning around to face him. Sukuna beckoned you to come closer with two fingers, "Come here."
You walked up to him idly. Sukuna observed you from top to bottom. Just because it didn't seem like it doesn't mean that Sukuna doesn't know what goes on his property. He knew one and every person who worked for him. You were a new face he hadn't seen here before.
You stopped two hands length away from Sukuna, "You needed something, Master Sukuna?"
He hummed, pointing to the low table with his eyes, "Tidy up the table."
You tidied up the thin night kimono you hand on and sat down beside the table. You started with organising the books. Sukuna blew on the kiseru.
"You are new here." It was more of a statement than a question. His upper pair of eyes focused on the inked book but the stare lower pair weighted heavy on you.
You nodded your head, "Yes, Master Sukuna. I was brought here two weeks ago ………as an offering."
Offering huh? More like a sacrificed goat.
Sukuna scoffed inside. Of course this was not new. People of high status kept throwing slaves under Sukuna's feet like they meant nothing. More than half of his servants consisted of those offerings. Now Sukuna himself was not a gentleman, in fact he was far from being a gentleman but even he sometimes felt for their pathetic life. Sukuna would have rather died than being sacrificed for their selfish desires.
"Is that so? So, who were you offered by?"
You could hear the mocking tone lingering under his breath. If he tried to hide that, he did a terrible job but you doubt he was trying to hide it. You could not help but snort as you thought about the one who was behind all this.
"It was my father, Master Sukuna. He's a merchant from the West."
Sukuna saw no traces of sorrow in your expression as you talked about your father. As the matter of fact, your face was numb as if you don't care about him or your circumstances at all.
"You don't seem very upset with your situation." Sukuna carefully closed the book and dropped it in his lap, now just holding the kiseru. His all focus shifted on you and it made you feel a little jittery.
You stacked all the books away thinking to yourself, upset? You were far from that. Rather, you were liking your days here than you ever did at your father's house. Here, no one bore any hatred for you for your background. Your father wasn't here to remind you how much he despised you. Neither was his wife, who felt so jealous of her husband's affairs that she felt the need to torture you at every point of your life. Nor were your half siblings here who like their parents never hesitate to hurt you whether verbally or physically.
Others would call you crazy that you would rather work the vicious monster than your family but the uncountable faded marks littering on your body agreed with you.
You dared to raise your eyes to meet his', "I have no reason to be upset, Master Sukuna." With a small but content smile you put the brushes back in their place, "I am done. Now, may I go back to my chamber, Master Sukuna?"
"Hmm? Yes, you are dismissed." Sukuna waved you away.
You bow down one last time before leaving the room. Sukuna watched as you disappeared into the dark. Usually when people are brought here, they weep and sulk around. It takes them months to get over their pitiful state. And here you were, smiling as if nothing had happened in just two weeks. Nothing could be hidden from the King of curses but he could not figure out the void in your eyes. Too bad, Sukuna loved a worthy challenge.
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After that night meeting Sukuna became weirdly frequent with you. When you were in the kitchen, Sukuna would drop by to order someone to bring him snacks. If you were cleaning the shrine, you would see him roaming the halls. If you were mending the garden, from the corner of your eyes, you could see him sitting by the window on the second floor, smoking kiseru or reading books.
But most frequently you met by the pond, where you met for the first time. At night when you could not sleep, your feets would always led you back there unconsciously. First few nights when you saw him, you tried to excuse yourself saying you didn't want to bother him but then he stopped you and let you sit there, just enjoying the view or sometimes reading a book. After some time it became a habit that you came to relish.
Who could have imagined that Ryomen Sukuna could be a comforting company? You two didn't talk but that did not bother either of you. Until one night.
Sukuna sat in his place, leaning on a round pillow, while you sat a little away from him by the table. The thin black kimono you had on did nothing to help you against the cold breeze of night that twirled with your open hair. Maybe, you should have worn something thicker. Your body shivered, goosebumps raising over your skin. As you wrap your arms around yourself, you feil to hear the rustling noise of clothes moving. No long after a black haori was held in front of you.
You followed the hand holding it and saw Sukuna deeply emerged in the book he had been reading from last night. He grumbled without looking up, "Take it. You have been quivering all night like a reed in the wind."
You could feel heat raising up your cheeks in embarrassment. Like a reed in the wind of everything? You muttered a quiet thank you under your breath which was loud enough in the silence of the night and took the warm haori from his hand. You wrap it around yourself and bask in the warmth of the fine fabric. You picked up the paint brush again, twirling it in the red liquid, you started placing strokes on the canvas.
"You are Y/N L/N, illegitimate daughter of F/N L/N." Sukuna commented.
Your hands stopped for a second before resuming to colour the canvas, "Yes, Master."
So he did a background search on you. Not like he needed to. Your father made sure to write a three page letter, singing praises of Sukuna that you handed to Uraume, hoping to find it disposed of in the garbage.
Sukuna chuckled, "Your father really believed that he could get me to be his puppet by giving me his illegitimate daughter?"
You were not sure who those scornful words were for. Your father for being so delusional or you for being a result of a wedlock. You would not put it past him though. He was after all the strongest of them all.
He didn't say anything for the rest of the night as neither did you. It was the dawn when he finally went back to his chember, leaving you for yourself. You waited for the footsteps to get fader before you also organised your things to take back to your room. Your room was on the first floor at the very end of the hallway. You didn't take much time to get ready for the day that was awaiting for you.
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Night drawn upon, the moon dominated the night sky along with the millions of stars. You waited by the pond side for Sukuna but he didn't come. This was unusual, he was always here before you but today there was no sign of him. He was in the shrine that's for sure, you yourself delivered his dinner, though he was not in the room at that time.
Without his intense looming presence, you felt empty. Even his silence produced a comforting atmosphere for you which you missed dearly. You waited for him, one hour, two hours that turned into three hours but there was no sight of him. Sukuna was not entitled to work according to you after all you were just a mere peasant to him. But you could not help the disappointment heavy on your heart.
At last you got up with a sigh. Might as well get some sleep instead of dying of boredom. With a lamp in hand you started walking towards the library on the second floor to put the book at its place before going back to sleep. As you walked up the straits, out of nowhere a maiden ran past you, crying. You frowned your eyes wondering what on earth happened.
Standing at the top of the stairs, your eyes fell on the massive door of the master bedroom, where Sukuna resided. Many questions played in your mind. Did something happen to Sukuna? Or did Sukuna do something? You hated to admit but the first question worried you more than any other. Were you okay as long as Sukuna's fine even if it meant someone else's hurt?
You stopped in front of the shoji door, fidgeting with your fingers before you knocked on it twice, "Master Sukuna?"
No answer came from inside so knocked again, calling for him. Seconds later his deep voice answered, permitting you to go in. You took a deep breath before sliding the door open. Entering, you closed the door behind you.
Sukuna sat on the bed, the smoking pipe in his hand as usual. His chest on full display and red silken sheets hiding his lower half. Your eyes, unintentionally, cattled over the black tattoos that were inked on his body, from the smallest on his face to the strips on his chest. For being a monster, Sukuna seemed to be the favourite of God. Like God has centuries to create perfection, to you at least.
"What brought you here?" His lips curled into a smirk.
You quickly averted your eyes when you realised that he had caught you gawking at him like a shameless woman.
You clear your throat, "I-I saw someone running down stairs, crying."
Sukuna's face morphed into an irritated one, "So, you are here to see if I was the one that hurt her?"
"No, I wanted to check if you are okay." By the end of the sentence your voice reduced to mare whispers.
Now that you were saying it out loud, you noticed how ridiculous you sounded. Who on earth can dare or even think about hurting Sukuna. It was next to impossible. Well Sukuna noticed too because he was laughing like you have cracked the best joke of the century. You might have as well.
"Since you appear to be perfectly fine I'll take my leave. Good night, Master Sukuna." You were rushing out even before you could finish the sentence.
The door slammed shut behind you as Sukuna listened to footsteps running down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step. Sukuna wiped tears away from the corner of his eyes.
"O dear Y/N." Sukuna mumbled as he took a puff of kiseru, "You think that puny creature can land even a scratch on me?"
Though she knew how to piss him off real well. Sukuna thought back to the events that took place in his bedroom before you appeared. Sukuna wanted some good cunt to take out his frustration on. Like usual, Uraume made the arrangements.
Sukuna got up from the bathtub, water gliding down his muscular body. Quickly he wrapped a towel around his waist while he used another one to dry his hair. Sukuna was annoyed to say the least. Maybe he had gone quite soft nowadays because otherwise where do these peasants get the audacity to think that they can use Ryomen Sukuna?
Past days have been good for Sukuna. The reason? He has no idea. Or maybe it's those late night meetings with a curtain someone that kept his mood better. After all he anticipated the time when everyone would go to sleep and you would stumble upon the sitting area beside the indoor pond.
Your hair was always open, covering over your back. They always tempt him to just run his hands through them. He'd to clench his palms to not give in to his intrusive thoughts. Are you waiting for him tonight as well? How long will you wait for him? Are you thinking about him? Do you think about him like he does about you?
Sukuna walked into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed before finally addressing the girl who was kneeling on the ground a few metres away from. Her head was bent as ordered.
"Are you just going to sit like a useless doll?" Sukuna threw away the towel he was using to dry his hair, "Crawl on your knees here, pet."
Sukuna patted on his left thigh as two of his hands supported him as he leaned back a little. The kneeling girl got on all fours and started crawling towards him. Her back arched a little too much, putting her boobs and ass on show through the sheer kimono. She got between spreaded legs, sitting on the floor. She looked up at him with a cy smile as she slid her hands up his thighs.
She grabbed the hem of his towel and tied the knot, pulling it off. Cold air hit his two dicks making them twitch. The girl took one dick in her hand, giving him long strokes and giving kitty licks on the moist tip.
Sukuna grabbed a fistful of her hair, "What are you waiting for? Do what you came here to do."
Sukuna shoved his dick in her mouth, making her gag for life. She quickly calmed herself and started bobbing her head up and down. She hollowed the inside of her mouth, taking all in. Her small hands stroked the other one, giving them both the same amount of pleasure.
Sukuna threw his head back, groaning, as her tongue traced the throbbing vein wrapped around his cock. Images flashed in Sukuna's mind. Images of you kneeling between his legs instead of this no name girl. How good you would look taking his cocks like the good slut you were. Your mouth would puff up with his cook while your hands would work on his other one.
"F-fuck……. So good, you goddamn slut." His grip tightened as the thrusts became rougher and rougher. His red tips hitting the back of her throat. Tears swelled in her eyes in pain and pleasure.
"Y/N…… Y-Y/N, princess." His eyes rolled back as his hot cum shot in her mouth and chest. His hands released her hair, glancing down, disappointment filled inside him as he saw another girl instead of you.
"Master Sukuna, Who the hell is Y/N? I am Ayame." The girl cried out, "How could you call me by another girl's name?"
Her loud cries added to his annoyance. Before she could understand, Sukuna had grabbed her jaw in a tight grip, sneering at her, "Listen here you bitch, you are just a mare whore to satisfy me. Don't even try to cross your lines. You are nothing but a toy for me to play with, even that, you can't do right." He jerked her away, "Now scram."
She didn't need to be told twice. Her admiration for the king had clouded her mind, that she forgot his true nature. He was a notorious monster, not some prince charming. In a blink of an eye she was running for her room, completely ignoring the girl on the stairs.
Sukuna sighed, shaking his head. Too much drama in one day. At least your flustered face was worth it.
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Water showered from the watering can on the flower plants in the garden. You carefully watered every plant. It was early morning, you wanted to finish before the sun hovered over the head and dried them dead. As you came to an end, you saw something rushed past from the corner of your eyes. It was so fast that you almost missed it.
You dropped the can on the ground and marched up to the bush that it hid behind. Parting the leaves, you came across possibly the most beautiful bunny you have ever seen with the most beautiful white fur.
"O my gosh! You baby." You gushed over it but that only seemed to scare it more as you saw it stepping back in fear. You saw the white fur on its left back leg wet with blood, "Don't worry you poor little thing, I won't hurt you."
You slowly brought your hand over it's head to pet but the second your hand was about to touch it, it sprinted off in the jungle behind the shrine.
"Come on, don't run away from me." You shouted as you ran behind the rabbit.
But it didn't stop, going farther into the forest and you ran behind it without any idea of direction. You don't know how long you ran for but soon your legs gave out and you found yourself slumping down under a tree, out of breath. Minutes passed before your racing heart came to a steady pace. You looked around and reality hit you hard. You had absolutely no idea where on earth you were.
You got up from the ground and started walking from the way you came from. It was half an hour when you finally accepted that you were lost. Panic bubbled in your heart. There was only high greenery wherever you looked. Not a single idea what way you came from.
Damn you bunny! And damn you stupid Y/N!
But you didn't stop. You walked and walked till the forest became dark and the moon came up. Everything around you had covered itself into black. Big shapes taking the forms of the terrific monsters. Goosebumps arised all over your body, in cold and fear. Ironic. You feel comfortable with the King of Curses but here you are, getting scared of silhouette. Your steps got wobbly and slow.
À rustling noise came from a bush and that injured rabbit hopped out of it. You shriek in fear, stepping back without seeing and before you know you are falling down the slope. Your body rolled down on the ground, twigs scratching and digging in your skin and all you could do was cry in pain. At the bottom you slammed on to a tree. You felt like all the air had left your lungs.
Tears burned your eyes and sobs erupted from you uncontrollably. With the help of hands, you brought yourself up to rest your back on the tree. Blood ran down from the cut on your forehead. Your body was aching for some rest, fighting for its life to stay away. You felt utterly hopeless.
Will anyone even notice that you've disappeared from the shrine? Will Sukuna notice that you didn't go to the usual meeting spot tonight? It's as if you had gone back to those days in your father's house. Where no one loved you but everyone loved to take their anger out on. At the crack of dawn when you went back to your little room, your body would feel like hell with all the new marks added on your skin.
When your father disclosed the news that you would be offered to Sukuna as a peace offering, you didn't feel an ounce of surprise. You had already accepted your misery. Maybe it was the result of your previous life's sin that you would meet your end by Ryomen Sukuna. But what shocked you was that your life with the cursed king was thousand times better than you had back home. Though you aren't sure if you could call that home.
Sukuna may be known for his cruelty but you would not think twice if you were told to worship him, consider him your god. He was your god. You could live your whole life being his loyal priestess. But what does he think about you? Are you as important to him as he is to you? Or are you just a toy for his entertainment? Well play toys are replaceable. Like the girl from the previous night, he's got many.
Your eyelids became heavy and the dizziness hovered in your mind. Much to your resistance, the world around you disappeared and your body slumped against the tree, unconscious.
Back in the shrine heavy footsteps thud on the wooden floor, Sukuna's huge body moved down the dimmy hallway, eyes glaring into nothing. Behind him, Uraume followed with a poker face but a storm was going inside their head. Sukuna stopped at the end of the hallway and threw the door open that slammed against the hall. Few panicked screams came from other rooms but Sukuna paid no mind to it.
His jaw clenched as he found the room empty, no sign of you being there. His eyes flared in anger and hidden disappointment. So, you finally resorted to running away? Was your life that bad here? Or did you just hate him that much? Sukuna doesn't remember doing anything that will lead to taking this kind of step.
"Uraume." His voice roared in the hallway, "Since when is she missing?"
"We noticed her absence this afternoon, Master Sukuna."
Sukuna threw them a glare, "And why was I not informed?"
"You ordered us to let her do anything she wants so we didn't pay much attention there." Uraume looked down, ashamed, "I'm sorry, Master."
"If I don't find her, you'll be more than sorry." Sukuna grunted before walking past them.
Soon there was a crowd of curses in the manor. Sukuna ordered every one of them to find you before sunrise and inform him. Sukuna sat on the throne, waiting for any news of you as he reminisced over the moments you two spent together. When he first saw you standing on the doorway, moonlight made you glow. You reminded him of that myth, moon princess.
Or those times where you showed no fear, hatred or disgust for him. When you saved the best looking fruit to serve him yourself every night. When you coloured the blank canvas with his palette. Those nights when you dominated his dreams, from the filthiest to the fluffiest. When you looked at him with nothing but pure affection that made his heart flutter. Then why? Just why did you run away?
The door opened and Uraume hurried inside, "Master Sukuna, they have found Ms. Y/N."
In an instant Sukuna was out of the door and into the woods led by Uraume. Questions played in his mind. What state were you in? Were you okay? Were you hurt? Did any stupid curse spirit attack you? Uneasiness filled him from inside the more he went deeper into the woods. How far have you gone?
At last he caught the gimpels of your slumped body. Sukuna crouched down in front of you, sliding off the strands stuck to your sweaty forehead only to realise that you've fainted. His eyes ran over your wounded body, at that moment he wanted to punish you for putting yourself in this position more than anything.
Silently, Sukuna slid one hand under your knees and one underneath your back and picked you up. Sukuna went back to the shrine with you in his arms.
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When your eyes opened, an unfamiliar ceiling came to your view, too fancy to be your room. You frowned your eyebrows. What were you doing here? Then everything hit you from the previous day. You were not in the forest. That meant that someone had found you and brought you back here. Who was it?
You sat up on the soft bed, letting the blanket rest around your waist. Looking around, your eyes fell on the man sitting on the tatami mat with his back turned to you. His huge build and pink hair, hard to not notice. So he's the one who saved you? Again?
Your heart swelled up in happiness. Was he worried about you? Has he personally gone out to look for you? Did he miss you?
"Master Sukuna?" You called before you could understand. His back visibly stiffened but he remained still. Did he not hear you? You call him again but this time he roughly stood up and left the room. Confused is what you were with his actions. You wondered if you did something wrong. Seconds after he left, Uraume entered with a tray in hand.
They placed the tray on your lap, "Ms. Y/N, please drink some warm soup. You'll feel better."
Uraume said and took a seat beside the futon, on the tatami mat. Just as you were about to refuse, your belly rumbled embarrassingly loud. In the embarrassed silence, you picked up a little bit of steaming soup in the spoon, blowing on it and then drinking it.
You noticed that you were not feeling any kind of pain and there were no cuts or bruises on your body. After that fall you were sure that you would have at least one broken bone.
Uraume saw you inspecting your arms and they answered your unasked question, "Master Sukuna healed you."
You muttered a soft 'hmm' and silence engulfed you again. It was awkward, especially because the all put together Uraume was fidgeting with their sleeves.
You kept the tray aside with the empty soup bowl, "What is it, Uraume-san? You look anxious."
Uraume dropped their head on the floor, "Have we done something wrong that you had to take this kind of step? If so, please punish us."
Their sudden action sent you into panic mode, "Wait wait wait, What do you mean?"
"Master Sukuna is deeply hurt by your attempt to run away. Please don't punish him for our mistakes." Uraume answered.
Run away?
You threw off the blanket and grabbed them by their shoulders, bringing them up, "Uraume-san, I am confused. When did I try to run away?"
The next words that came out of Uraume's mouth sent you in a spiral. How they misunderstood you going missing. They also mentioned how hurt and angry Sukuna was. That explains his attitude just now.
You palmed your mouth, "O my lord! That's… um.... it's not, where is Master Sukuna? I've to clear this misunderstanding."
You ran out of the room, ignoring Uraume's shouting to not strain yourself. The first place you looked for him was the library where he spent most of his day, drowning himself in the poetic world of other's imagination. Unfortunately it was empty but there was a pile of books left on the table as if someone had tried so hard to read but just couldn't concentrate.
Next was the throne room but it also devoid any sign of him. Where could he be? What place would he go to? Then it clicked. That place. Where you first met him. Where you enjoyed the serene silence of the night. Where you slowly but surely fell for him. The indoor pond.
As you neared the place, muffled voices became clear. Deep raspy voice of you King and a higher pitched feminine voice.
"............. Please Master, I've surrendered myself to you. Why can't you see my love?" Tears streamed down Ayame's porcelain cheeks as she stared at Sukuna's back. Even while sitting down he almost towered over her petite figure.
Sukuna grunted, feeling irritated but otherwise decided to ignore her existence. If it was any other time, she already would have been sliced into million pieces. But at the moment, neither he had any wish nor any energy to put someone in their place.
The whole night Sukuna spent staying by your side and healing your wounds. In the process he discovered all the fading marks on your body when the maid changed you out of that dirty attire and onto a more comfortable blue one. Sukuna had a faint idea who might be the cause of those bruises. Of course who else other than that greedy bastard of your father.
It took every fibre in his body to not go on rampage and find that fucker. Sukuna wanted to give him the slowest and the most dreadful death anyone could even think of. But patience is the key to a satisfying result.
"Master Sukuna, that girl doesn't even love you. She didn't think twice before pulling that stunt."
Sukuna groaned in annoyance. Can't this girl just shut up for once. Ayame knew that she was crossing the line or may have crossed it long ago, it might cost her her life but today was her chance. If she could show him just how much she loved him and deserved his love, she might get to be with him for eternity. She could turn into a damn cannibalistic curse for him.
She gulped down the fear and approached him, "I love you, Master Sukuna, way more than that ungrateful girl could ever—"
Just as she was about to place her hand on his shoulder, a pair of hands grabbed her wrist in a painful fist. The huge one belonged to Sukuna while the one underneath his was much more skinny to be his. Both Sukuna and her eyes followed it and they saw you standing there but you were only looking at Sukuna. He instantly withdrew his hand back and got up, standing at the edge of the pond.
You jerked her hand off, "I do not appreciate anyone talking bad about me behind my back."
"You've got some nerves to say that after the atrocious stunt that you have pulled the night before." Ayame gritted words out between her teeth.
"Don't act so over smart. You don't even know what actually happened. I would never……" Your voice softened, "I can never do that."
Ayame scoffed, "You think anyone will believe your bullshit? If you really didn't try to run away then what were you doing that deep into the forest?"
"I don't owe you any explanation, whoever you may be."
"I'm Ayame—"
"I don't want to know." You ignored her fuming face and walked up to Sukuna instead, "Master Sukuna—"
"Ayame." Her face lit up with hope as Sukuna called her name but that soon turned into disappointment with his next words, "Get out."
Ayame took her leave with an already broken heart. Sukuna went back to being silent again, giving you a chance to explain yourself. You wait for the door to close and give you the much needed privacy but that never happened. You ignored that too.
"Master Sukuna, I didn't try to run away, it's a big misunderstanding." You explained everything, each and every small detail but you were not sure if he even believed you.
His back still faced you, Sukuna remained silent for some time before finally saying something to you, "Why should I believe you? For all I know all this might just be an excuse from you so that I don't kill you."
Sukuna's mouth worked without any thoughts, "Maybe you really intended to get as far away from me as possible. All this time that you spent with me was to make me let my guard down. I was shocked when you said that you aren't scared of me, that might have been a lie too right?......."
It hurt you to see him doubt you and your unspoken relationship. As you tried to interrupt him, his bombarding voice stopped you. Even you were starting to feel frustrated with the situation. At last you let frustration take over you.
In just three steps you were standing in front of the king of curses. You wrapped your arms around his thick neck and got on tiptoes, then your lips crushed on his rough ones. Sukuna didn't react instantly but then his stiff body relaxed. He reciprocated the kiss with much more passion. A hand tangled with your open hair while another rested on the middle of your back. Two hands wrapped around your waist and rested on you ass.
His tongue explored every corner of your mouth. Your hand sneaked up on the nape of his neck and twisted in his pink hair. Sukuna moved, taking you along with him and you followed blindly. Then you felt yourself falling and hitting the cold water of the pond.
You yelped in surprise, "Master Sukuna!"
Your fingers dug on the fabric over his shoulder in death grip. Sukuna kept a firm hold around your waist as he removed the hair on your face that was blocking his view. Water clung to him, making him appear more appealing than ever.
"You cannot live without me?" Sukuna said as his lips curled up in a smirk, using your earlier said words to tease you.
However the smirk was wiped off his face the next second when instead of shying away, you pulled him close till your breast was squeezed against his chest, "I, the loyal servant of the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna, can not live or even think of living without my King."
"You are getting bolder these days." Sukuna whispered under his breath and you reciprocated it with, "The effect of you, my King."
Sukuna wasted no time devouring your lips in his. Both soaking wet from the water, you let yourself be lost in each other, exploring each other's body. Clothes shredded, bodies entangled, and two cursed souls became one. Ayame stood outside, her back leaning against the wall as tears streamed down her cheeks and neck. Maybe she truly didn't deserve him.
Thus began the crimson love of the cursed king, Ryomen Sukuna.
"Come here baby, I brought you your favourite fruit, peaches." Sukuna watched as your kneeling form gushed over the white rabbit who hopped out from behind the tree, taking the peach and feasting on it without any care, "Eat fast before anyone sees you here."
It was the same injured one that had caused chaos in your life months ago. You found it wandering in the garden after that passionate night when you gave yourself completely to Sukuna. Sukuna sometimes wonders whether he should let you know that he already knows about him. But seeing you hop around, scared of him finding out is too entertaining.
"Y/N!" Sukuna called from the second floor.
"Bye bye baby." You shoo-ed the bunny away in fear. Sukuna could barely suppress the laugh as you sprinted inside the shrine, "Yes, Master Sukuna, I'm coming."
Yeah, he definitely should not.
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© 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒-𝐍-𝐋𝟎𝐕𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — all content rights belongs to LOTUS-N-L0VE. do not plagiarise any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
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