#sun saga
mini-games · 1 year
In the beginning, most everyone lived in Item’s (@item-shoppe) basement, eventually escaping one way or another to Nefarious’s (@nefarious-exclam) tower or to set up their own place.
I, Mini, came along through anon. An anon (a different one) had supposedly been quoting the lyrics to a song, but none of us knew the song and took it seriously. So we killed the sun. How? Well Nef tried (and failed) to shoot it with a water gun, and one of his gimmick posts was shrinking someone down to the size of an ant. So, if they’re able to do both of those things, I figured “Why can’t he do both on the sun?”
I sent in an ask, on anon (before I had become a gimmick blog. I was wanting to be one at this point but didn’t know what my gimmick would be) telling him to shrink the sun down to the size of an ant and shoot it with a water gun. It worked, the sun was extinguished, and it all went dark in the universe. And cold.
After figuring out what gimmick I wanted to be, I quickly made a profile picture for the blog and made the blog itself, now being able to interact with everything easily. The first interaction I had was with Vance (@advancement-made), and they asked me why I would do that. I didn’t think it would actually work, but it did and I have been advised to not underestimate Nef again. I was also forgiven.
Meanwhile, the Ice People had come out of the ice caves (looking at you, @solidwater05. I know what you did. /silly) and were attacking Nefarious, trying to get him to become an Ice Person as well. Nefarious uses a lot of mana during this period of time, trying to fight them off. Also Vance and Glitches (@glitches-and-bugs) can glow, we found out.
Boss (@bossfight-messages) ends up making a deal with the Ice People, telling them that they’ll be an Ice Person if they are given blankets. This deal was never completed, however, as Boss never turned into an Ice Person. Guess it’s too late for that now, though.
In the meantime, Vance and I forged a plan to relight the sun by making a large bonfire and throwing the sun in it, since Nef still had the sun in their hands. Small fires went out pretty quickly, but we figured a large bonfire would take a while to go out. Vance ended up leaving to get some wood, whilst I left to get something to light the wood with. I found some matches, before the Ice People found me.
The Ice People tried convincing me to join them, eventually telling me about how they are lonely and just want a friend. I ended up breaking, and they infected me, turning me into an Ice Person with them.
Before I could do anything as an Ice Person (infecting others, hiding away in the Ice Caves, etc.), the sun returned to the sky, having been re-lit. Normally, I would’ve melted since I was ice, but it was night-time. So I still had time.
Status (@status-updates) ended up watching as everyone panicked about me being an Ice Person, as he sat on a thawing machine. Nefarious ended up making a bargain with Status for the thawing machine, and when Status agreed on the price, he took 50 extra gold from Nefarious for renting the thawing machine. Nef used the thawing machine on me, thawing away the ice. I was back to normal, and everything was right and good in Exclamania once more. Well, except for Nef. Especially since he was angry at Status for swindling them.
Nef also gave me one of his cloaks, since I was still quite cold after having been frozen for about an hour. They also revealed that he knew the Ice People once. This seems to be a pretty big part of both Nefarious and Select (@character-selecton) lore.
If anyone else has anything to add to the Beginning Lore/Sun Saga lore, feel free to add to it!
If needed, I can also post a plaintext version. If you need a plaintext version, just ask and I can post it!
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glitches-and-bugs · 1 year
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It's dark :/
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status-updates · 1 year
Chilling with my dozen blankets and my thawing device what are you guys doing
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advancement-made · 1 year
Nefarious! Just in time!
Mini is succumbing to the ice people and I can't fix the sun on my own!
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bossfight-messages · 1 year
Boss! I know we haven’t spoken much, but please! We need to help Nefarious! - Select
What does he need help with?
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character-selecton · 1 year
Wait- NO! NO! I have to get back! I have to help my friend!
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objective-marker · 1 year
The Sun
Quest: Secure The Sun in the sky
Directions: … up?
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seventh-district · 4 months
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Making Incorrect H:SR Quotes Until I Run Out of (hopefully) Original Ideas - Pt. 5 - I Finally Finished the 2.2 Main Quest Edition
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2] [Pt. 3] [Pt. 4] [Pt. 6]
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morganbritton132 · 4 months
A girl makes a Twitter post that reads: Eddie Munson is on my flight and he’s currently arguing with the man next to him about his dog. Kinda a dick move ngl
They follow up with a post that says; NVM. I googled it. He’s arguing with his husband about their dog.
Follow up: EM thinks the dog should have the middle seat. Husband thinks dog should sit in aisle seat.
Follow up: Cute that they bought a ticket for their dog. Some people don’t.
Follow up: Insane to willingly sit in the middle seat tho
Follow up: EM says they’ll have extra leg room if the dog is in the middle. Hubs says dog should be on end so people can pet him as they go by
Follow up: They are so loud lmao. EM basically told the entire airport that you shouldn’t pet service dogs when they’re working. So true bestie
Follow up: Husband: Okay. Okay. Just say you don’t want to sit next to me if you don’t want to sit next to me!
Follow up: Munson: When did I say that? I didn’t say that. Just sit down wherever you want and eat your fucking granola. Cranky ass.
Follow up: Actually, I don’t think they’re arguing. I think this is flirting.
An Eddie Munson Fan: They’re definitely flirting
Fan who has seen every ‘Steddie’ TikTok in existence: Pretty sure this is just foreplay for them.
Someone else: Wait, who won the argument?
Official Corroded Coffin Twitter Account: Oz *pic of Ozzy sitting in the window seat*
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rochenn · 7 months
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Actually Cody needs ink as well
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historycrack · 2 months
Odysseus’ men need to stop killing random livestock that may or may not belong to a god/monster. Historically it doesn’t end well for them.
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mini-games · 1 year
(Happy 1 month since the sun incident, everyone!)
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glitches-and-bugs · 1 year
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epicthemusicalstuff · 2 months
Helios and his cows!!
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advancement-made · 1 year
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bossfight-messages · 1 year
The Ice People seem cool (pun intended). They gave me blankets.
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