#i also wasnt there in the beginning lore which is why its so short but i dont think there was much in the beginning anyways
mini-games · 1 year
In the beginning, most everyone lived in Item’s (@item-shoppe) basement, eventually escaping one way or another to Nefarious’s (@nefarious-exclam) tower or to set up their own place.
I, Mini, came along through anon. An anon (a different one) had supposedly been quoting the lyrics to a song, but none of us knew the song and took it seriously. So we killed the sun. How? Well Nef tried (and failed) to shoot it with a water gun, and one of his gimmick posts was shrinking someone down to the size of an ant. So, if they’re able to do both of those things, I figured “Why can’t he do both on the sun?”
I sent in an ask, on anon (before I had become a gimmick blog. I was wanting to be one at this point but didn’t know what my gimmick would be) telling him to shrink the sun down to the size of an ant and shoot it with a water gun. It worked, the sun was extinguished, and it all went dark in the universe. And cold.
After figuring out what gimmick I wanted to be, I quickly made a profile picture for the blog and made the blog itself, now being able to interact with everything easily. The first interaction I had was with Vance (@advancement-made), and they asked me why I would do that. I didn’t think it would actually work, but it did and I have been advised to not underestimate Nef again. I was also forgiven.
Meanwhile, the Ice People had come out of the ice caves (looking at you, @solidwater05. I know what you did. /silly) and were attacking Nefarious, trying to get him to become an Ice Person as well. Nefarious uses a lot of mana during this period of time, trying to fight them off. Also Vance and Glitches (@glitches-and-bugs) can glow, we found out.
Boss (@bossfight-messages) ends up making a deal with the Ice People, telling them that they’ll be an Ice Person if they are given blankets. This deal was never completed, however, as Boss never turned into an Ice Person. Guess it’s too late for that now, though.
In the meantime, Vance and I forged a plan to relight the sun by making a large bonfire and throwing the sun in it, since Nef still had the sun in their hands. Small fires went out pretty quickly, but we figured a large bonfire would take a while to go out. Vance ended up leaving to get some wood, whilst I left to get something to light the wood with. I found some matches, before the Ice People found me.
The Ice People tried convincing me to join them, eventually telling me about how they are lonely and just want a friend. I ended up breaking, and they infected me, turning me into an Ice Person with them.
Before I could do anything as an Ice Person (infecting others, hiding away in the Ice Caves, etc.), the sun returned to the sky, having been re-lit. Normally, I would’ve melted since I was ice, but it was night-time. So I still had time.
Status (@status-updates) ended up watching as everyone panicked about me being an Ice Person, as he sat on a thawing machine. Nefarious ended up making a bargain with Status for the thawing machine, and when Status agreed on the price, he took 50 extra gold from Nefarious for renting the thawing machine. Nef used the thawing machine on me, thawing away the ice. I was back to normal, and everything was right and good in Exclamania once more. Well, except for Nef. Especially since he was angry at Status for swindling them.
Nef also gave me one of his cloaks, since I was still quite cold after having been frozen for about an hour. They also revealed that he knew the Ice People once. This seems to be a pretty big part of both Nefarious and Select (@character-selecton) lore.
If anyone else has anything to add to the Beginning Lore/Sun Saga lore, feel free to add to it!
If needed, I can also post a plaintext version. If you need a plaintext version, just ask and I can post it!
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l-flyhight · 10 months
Kung fu panda the dragon knight characterisation and scene analysis. (Shipping problems aswell)
(This has been a long time brewing)
Disclaimer : this analysis is strictly from my trained observation using proof and layout of a scene. Thusly any scene signifiers and connotations used is viewed not from an audiences eye but from the perspective of a media analyst and animator view. Consideration under the ruling that this is merely by anaysis. disagreements while valid are not to be posted"
(Also take a shot for how many times the word subtle is mentioned)
Right so where do i begin? Where all things start i suppose. The premise.
To cut a long symopsis short two weasels travel to china to gain magical relics and po must stop them. Along with a knight from England whos agender relies heavily on revenge.
Simple plot. Nothing special. I can deal with it. Fine.
But things get complicated along the way as things do. While season 1 and 2 are flawed its fun. Like paws of destiny. Just a pinch of salt. Fun.
But i still have issues and one such is the nonsensical chaos that is implied in shipping. I was quite happy with the subtle chemistry and bonding po and blade had. Subtle being the key word.
ive a degree in snimation and excelled in character design, lore and characteristic signifiers. The subtlety here is how po would look at her during the moon festival. Its not platonic. Why you ask? He looked her over up and down in a way that signfied a hint just a hint of developing affection.
Now fast forward to when blade was angry with him saying po took advantage of her anxieties so she could let her gaurd down and unwind a little.
So lets look at how po spoke suring his response. The cues as it were dictate
"I just wanted you to see what you'd miss about china - and...what you'd miss about me"
The last part wasnt as strong at the opening statement. Their was a pause. That pause shows sadness and the rest of it was said in a gentle vulnerable way. Perspective? One of two things po is an innocent guy so it could be construed as him just wishing to be missed but due to the cues again can be caught as something else.
Blade throughout season one and two actually likes po for him. They've bonded through thick and thin.
So now we come to the simp himself Collin. So here we had emphasis on had a bad ass tracker who was tracking down blade because she was a wanted criminal. Po was collateral or at the very least he saw as an accomplice. Now this comes to an important analysis. Towards the end of season 1 blade and collin are fighting on top of the mountain. Collin is very vehement on doing his job. Fair enough. But lets for a moment fast forward to season 3 where he literally simps for blade because reasons? If he hesitated during that fight in season one just for a moment that the stones for s3 are set. But nope.
Also lets look at some signifiers that suggest romantic scenes. Or at the very least implied. Back to season 1 end. Po and blade share a very long hug. Po even leans into it nose to neck. Intimate. But we also see the romantic view of the mountain scape. Its drawn out to say the least. Ooookay subtle doesnt need to have any emphasis on it really.
If po hugged tigress like this then people would be frothing and loving it and i digress the scene sets itself. You do not hug fruends in this manner as its considered affectionate or intimate.
Bored yet? Annoyed that theirs analyse? Well its not over yet and it only gets worse.
So season 2 is littered with what we can call growth between our band of heroes. Po and blade holding hands all the time. The bit that comes later worth note is when blade is at her most vulnerable and po writes in a book about the rules of being a dragon knight. He doodles master masterdon giving po a piggyback. When blade mentions it po gets all embarrassed which again is subtle like he doesnt want to look like a dork in front of his friend. He later grabs blades hand and fistbumps the air. Staying like that for a bit. Now while this is sweet and hes very much riding out the high.
"You can let go now"
"Not yet"
But again it shows chemistry and banter of growth. A huge contrast in season 1. Growth.
Season 3 is such a mess. Pacing of story issues. Character cringe. Twists that actually made no sense and at one point they could of very well summoned captain planet.
So collin still wants to bring blade in but hes not subtle about showing he very well has a crush on blade. Now this gets rather intrusive as the episodes continue. Collin doesn't really add anything to the group. Akna has her ingenuity though is socially awkward. Ruhkmini is the literal voice of reality but brings the group together with hiw resourceful she is. Collin just stumbles along. Which again is a shame considering what he brought in season 1. Weiman was also wasted potential.
So season three kills off the main villian which is somewhat derivative. Veruca was such a poignant character with a goal in mind to ravage England from those that rejected them to create something new. Fine this was fine and they should have kept it that way. But no.
So lets cue to season 3 where blade reunites with po. He runs to her picks her up, spins her around and they hug? This is very romantic coded. You would not pick up your sibling this way nor a friend. Later we find po is so depressed that blade does all she can to help him (the episode is one such pacing issue) so both are in a gorge po is paralysed by a plant and cant move and blade is literally high of a plants pollin. I wish i was joking. So po does everything in his power not to get up or attempt to rid the paraylse but to hold her hand. Again subtle.
So lets cue to the end if we can even call it that. Collin asks blade out finially asking her i suppose and she just shook her head. Keeping it open i guess as her response could be taken in a few ways. But theirs a but. Then we see blade returning to china to star gaze with po which is a stark contrast to season 1. They also share baobao buns. In a moonlit restorant outside in a seating area. Signifiers, the moon has such strong romantic connotations.
England has nothing for blade anymore. Shes a wanderer free to go as she pleases. Unhindered and in no ones shadow. So if she actually said yes to collin it would complicate a lot. She doesn't want to be a knight and being a debutante is something she voiced very clearly thats not what she wanted. Whats she going to do wait till hes fone with the dutys for the day and thats it? Collin would possibly like that. No actual chemistry between them. It'll be like zuko from the legend of Aang falling in love with after after chasing him all over the globe.
Blade is independent and from what we do see she comes back to po?
The whole bestie signifier just isnt convincing nor is this oh they act like siblings. Its as if they were queer coded. Like perish the thought po would be into another a bear.
This is long overdue and again i really wanted to get into alot. So much more about pacing issues and when the script contradicted what we actually saw.
Po and blade for the record never actually wanted to officially get together. I was quite happy for them to be hinted at, subtle and sweet.
End of shipping/character analysis. Now piss off im tired.
(British humour)
(Will need revising at some point)
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the-red-mafia · 10 months
hey everyone, fortis (@iamf0rtis) here. i just started working on the finale of part 4, which is a two-parter that will start on december 23 and finish on the 30th. so i decided to hop on here and get sentimental about the red mafia for a min. when we first came up with the original idea for the red mafia, it was a stupid bit. we had all shown up to homecoming one year with something red on and jokingly called ourselves the red mafia. the dance came and went but we took the bit further, as we do. we created alternate personalities and storylines that we were going to "play" online, mainly on the tumblr we made. it wasnt until a week or so later when i was like "hey wait, i could write something with this". and so the red mafia loUre doc was born the beginning of the end, in a way lol the original idea with the doc was just cute little short stories that wouldnt have any like overarching lore. think a sitcom but with velvet, mad, and maroon. oh yeah, the others were barely ideas at this point. the people who were supposed to play them had some idea but i hadnt been given character files until later, so they were cut from the initial bit. thats why the red mafia didnt start completely together and part 1 is spent collecting solana and thorn. there was also another guy named krim, whose only lore was he was an anarchist punk who really just hates the government. yeah, suffice to say he was cut lol. theres a lot of other funny things that were cut in the final character designs, but i want to save those for some posts after part 4 is over, which once again is december 30th, 2023. make sure you all are caught up, cause its gonna be a banger :) i just wanna end this sappy ass post with a thank you. the red mafia has grown from a small bit me and my friends have to a 512 page, 162,000 word project that has taken over nearly every thought in my brain for the past two years. because oh yeah, the red mafias tumblrs 2nd birthday was in october and i missed it cause idk how to check my email lol. all of this couldnt have happened without the support from our tumblr followers and the near 700 people who have read the red mafia on wattpad. so yeah, go read the red mafia. i think thats enough sappiness for today. ive got a finale to write fortis, signing off
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tinketi · 3 years
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Since Charlotte’s outfit is going to be available for free, I can happily use the temporal threads I have left to get an exclusive costume but ALAS. I can’t decide if I want Lucillica wearing her tiny green hat and cute green suit or just.
Dressed in black.
Krom in black is nice too but i strangely prefer the blue suit? (except d Krom, a total looker in black). Nine’s outfit really grew on me, wasnt too fond of it in the beginning (the first three seconds) but now it’s probably my favourite. He’s so… adorable… Tho I’ll admit when i go to the plaza its so painful to stare back at his lifeless eyes, specifically because he’s dressed like a normal child would for Halloween. The contrast isn’t so eerie with his normal outfit. But then he does his *greeting* and *photogenic* and tries so hard not to imitate his father?? He looks so shy?? So I’m not getting Laphlaes and Nine their exclusive outfits. cause they should be both in shorts OR both in pants. I refuse to destroy this balance. Mother Nature wouldn’t want me to. Not even Cesaire would want me to. Pretty sure Mu would auto-destroy herself if I dared to.
I really wanted to get the Halloween set for everyone, which is why I’m glad the new Charlotte is coming (havent used e Charlotte in a long long time). Also really digging the lore where she’s supposedly a warrior but somehow she can REVIVE other characters, almost like she was forced by circumstances to abandon the usual passive role of a cleric and assume a more offensive one (warrior) but her fucking powers are still those of a healer (pretty sure she’s the only warrior that can heal/revive someone other than herself?). Not to mention she looks really nice. Why does black make everyone look so goddamn good in this game.
Wish we could know a bit in advance which banner are going to be next because if Joshua or Baretta are coming back (with their outfits ????? !!!!!) then i should just wait for them. This year we still didn’t have an Alev/Solphi/Baretta rerun so maybe? If they were new characters we would have gotten the “ready to serve” notice so it’s almost sure the two next banners are old acquaintances. Old acquaintances in new stylish outfits.
Why do I like this game so much
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insomnihan · 3 years
han’s Entire Thoughts & Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “BEcause”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hello hello for the dance section i will be using THE mcountdown performance yEAH THE ONE POSTED BEFORE THE ACTUAL MV/ALBUM DROP- FIRST OF ALL THE INTRO sorry i have to talk about this theyre so creepy and doll like and jiu is so menacing lIKE WHAT THE F UCK IS THAT (someone answer me what iN THE F CUK did she feed yoohyeon)- NOW ANYWAY I HAVE THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THE ACTUAL DANCE-
OFF THE BAT THE MIRROR INTRODUCTION IS *CHEFS KISS* and then gahyeon choking jiu?????????? LORE????????? IN CHOREOGRAPHY?????????
LISTEN. L I S T E N. ALL OF THEM LIFTING YOOHYEON AT 1:29 LIKE THATS INSANE AND SO FITTING FOR THIS SONG AND VIBE plus yknow………………… handong doing a lot of the lifting………… 👉👈
this specific video doesnt show it during suas verse (which is like Rude™ but fine they show it elsewhere obv) but when shes singing and the rest of them are dropping down slowly………………… yeah-
DAMI UNHAND ME UNHOLY DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the bridge…………… the rocking from side to side…………… whatever the f uck handong and yoohyeon are doing…………… it was almost like sua was controlling everyone right like deadass im scared-
the ending with everyone bowing but gahyeon…………
BICTH……………… BICHY- THE VISUALS JUST KEEP LEVELING THE F UCK UP THATS LIT RALLY INSANE I LOVE THAT FOR THEM- the moment that mystery code was revealed and we were getting demented creepy carnival i waS V I B R A T I N G™ WITH EXCITEMENT the creepy scenery of the  dark hotel lobby and the rundown carnival with the merry go round and teacups AND WITH A CULT and the hallway with the mirrors and the lights (like the use of SO much red and green……… the symbolism………) JUST EVERYTHING IS SO F UCKING ABANDONED AND S HIT- THE LITERAL MIRRORING AND DIMENSION S HIT WHAT THE F UCK!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT CREEPY ASS ROOM WHERE THEY KIDNAPPED GAHYEON IN AND SIYEON WAS ACTING ALL TWITCHY OR WHATEVER WHAT WAS THAT-
(jk ☺️)
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…………………… i just wanted to put this here-
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i just wanted to put this here too-
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id like to think that the real handong is one getting dragged away and the one standing is the doppelganger (for Plot™ purposes)
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yeah sure let me take this apple from this broken mirror where another me lies within the walls of this creepy hotel anD EAT IT
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W E L P-
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………………………………… F-
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whaT IN THE F UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SCENE IN THIS SCREENSHOT IS ALREADY A LOT the way she looks seemingly unassuming and harmless in that reception desk that brown and white outfit (is her hair in like………… pigtails???) and then the smile to the instant glare you jusT KNOW youre gonna d*e in that place- MAAAAN BANGS OR NO BANGS SHES STUNNING EITHER WAY AND THATS SO RUDE………… the white dress and those red ACTUAL TALONS will be the d*ath of me
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if i counted correctly she had three (3) different outfits??? outside of the dance ones??? white and red then black and purple then that green and black one??? i think of all of those i really like the red and the green one theres SOMETHING ABOUT THEM i think the green one with the big puffy sleeves more NOT BC ITS MY FAVORITE COLOR I SWEAR the green looks silky and then she also has the thing on the side of her face the pearls in her hair- AND THEN THAT RED ONE with the white sleeves and the frilly collar dude whAT THE F UCK LIKE I KNOW WE SAW IT A LOT BUT I WANNA SEE MORE THO……………
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OKAYOKAYOKAY LOOK- THIS OUTFIT IN THIS SCREENSHOT I FEEL LIKE I SHOULDNT LIKE IT YET I DO????????????? two completely different looking patterns that animal print and the strips and then that big ass belt (???) around her waist like this shouldnt be like a GOOD look i dont think……… truly only She™ could make this look work 😔😔😔 i got A LOT A LOT to say about the red and orange plaid crop top and skirt with the different colored clips in her head but the only thought going through my Dumb of Ass Stupid Brain™ iS HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY NATURAL BLONDE BELOVED this white dress and the BLACK BOOTS AND THE CHOKER SHE BETTER S TOP- AND DO NOT I REPEAT D O N O T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPEAK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ON THAT SHORT WHITE DRESS WITH THE WHITE BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOEVER STYLED HER YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ME AND THE OTHER HANDONGISTS YET I ALSO LOVE YOU SO MUCH the one with the pink dress dont talk to me dont approach me donT EVEN F UCKING LOOK AT ME IM GOING THROUGH A LOT RN
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im really Dumb of Ass™ i thought that one pink and (maybe???) super light blue dress had a clock on it- BUT MOVING ON FROM THAT the space buns and whatever those accessories those are and the pink makeup this is sO- then the white dance outfit with those (mesh??? lace??? i just know that its see through-) sleeves and those big ass earrings THAT LOOK AT 2:24 the boots (yeah i gotta mention that first since i just ALWAYS have to mention them) the white blazer all those pearl long ass necklaces and whatever that is on the side of her face why do her visuals HURT SO BAD-
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bicth…………………………………… B I C T H- WHAT HAS THIS WOMAN BEEN DOING??????!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?! THIS OUTFIT IS SUCH AN ATTACK I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS ON HER FACE THIS WHOLE LOOK IS SOMETHING ELSE™ her tattoo 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 that bottom part of her hair is kinda clapped tho honestly- the pig tails?????? braids?????? in the dancing part on the black and white tiles IM DOWN YALL IM DOWN SO BAD AND ITS F UCKING RUDE™ THAT WE DONT SEE S HIT OF THAT DRESS AT THE END-
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IM GONNA SAY IT AGAIN LEE👏GAHYEON👏MAIN👏CHARACTER👏I👏KNOW👏THATS👏RIGHT👏👏👏👏👏👏👏!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS RED HAIR IS A BLESSING (especially in that high ponytail i-) SHE IS ATTACKING ME BUT YKNOW WHAT THATS OKAY- im SURE theres a plot significance to her two different dresses the mostly black and the mostly white but my brain can only register WOMAN PRETTY that white one in particular…………… the choker with her hair up and those boots…………… i saw it clear as day and im d wording over it-
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (thoughts and parts i liked)
i usually expect the intro to be like SUPER HYPE AND INTENSE yknow which it kinda is! however it is consistent that it fits very well and captures the overall vibe of the entire album the calm beginning with the bell like were walking into an establishment and at the halfway point it picks up its intriguing and the ‘i like you’ adds a subtle eeriness that adds just enough to make one wanna continue listening its v good 👌
im pretty firm on believing these b sides represent different times of a summer day and this is the late evening or twilight like not nighttime but CLOSE- i thought i wasnt gonna like the whistling part but that only makes it catchieR THIS SONG IS MAKING ME YEARN AND TRYING TO RECALL LOVELY MEMORIES I DONT EVEN HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then again……………… theres always usually a song on their albums that make me unlock and feel hidden emotions………… THIS SONG GOT ME MISSING A PERSON THAT ISNT REAL this is such a mellow yet so powerful in the way they sing and express each syllable- they all did so good on this song but i gotta mention dami again for her part like oH mY gOoOoOooOoOOOooOD
JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the way this song was inspired by a hug jiu got from yoohyeon…………… THIS IS NOT A JOKE she said ‘i wanna try city pop’ anD SHE DONE DID IT- i have NO IDEA how this song managed to hold so much joy and light happiness in every word and instrument used in this but im :ccccccc i literally wanna hug someone after listening to this 😔😔😔 this also makes me yearn for something but at least this one isnt unrealistic or unobtainable i dont think! there are some songs out there that make me cry from its lyrics and its sound but THIS ONE the lyrics and just how happy this song is bro reading the lyrics im about to cry for like the fifth time- they who im love so much… :ccccccc doesnt it make you just wanna hug someone and tell them you love them????????? that you appreciate them??????????
해바라기의 마음 (A Heart of Sunflower)
i knew FOR A FACT FOR👏A👏FACT👏 that they were gonna have a ballad for this album bc road to utopia didnt have one i will admit i was one of the 🤡 that thought jiu would be credited on this song 😬😬😬 ANYWAY- AGAIN WITH THE DAMN YEARNING FOR SOMETHING BUT THIS TIME IM F UCKING SAD AS S HIT why must this song be so powerful to make me emotional before i even got to read the lyrics to fully grasp it……………………… now im truly yearning in the Sad™ way and waiting for some imaginary person who i dont even know will even come back…………………… those damn adlibs are pretty as hell it was sua (and i have to mention dami again okay shes really killing it on this she woNT LET ME LIVE-) who got me feeling this the most like yeah…………………… i am a fool…………… im a fool for loving and missing someone who just disappeared from my lifE G O D D A M N IT-
LIKE this is COMPLETELY surprising album BUT IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE as its described it really is a ‘special’ album as while the title track still has their music style and sound theres still an element of summer (a very Terrifying™ summer BUT a ✨Summer✨ album nonetheless) like the b sides are SO different and COMPLETELY caught me off guard when i listened to the highlight medley YET this group of seven amazing and talented women pulled it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its extremely obvious at this point that their steady and organic growth has grown VERY HIGH this time and (although im still very confused by how everything was released and announced BUT i digress) this different kind of method in performing the song the day before seemed to work?????????? I DUNNO WHAT TO SAY ANYMORE this section could literally be summed to just I LOVE DREAMCATCHER SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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lightning-girl · 4 years
So there’s this fic...
So those of you who follow me know that I don’t really post my own stuff and usually just reblog whatever shit I find. And whenever I do post my own stuff it’s a short snippet or joke or something.
That’s not the case right now.
No this is not serious or anything I just want to share an amazing fic and talk about it: The Otherness Came (and I knew it’s name) by @pumpkinpaperweight
(Yes this is a School for Good and Evil fic and it’s really good)
Starting here there will be spoilers from the books (specifically from TCY) and Kate’s fic. You have been warned.
So I’m really new to this fandom and this is my first sge fic so you could say there’s some bias but I don’t think it would effect much.
(Disclaimer: I do not know @pumpkinpaperweight and have never interacted with her. I just love her fic(s) and headcanons)
So where should I begin. Ah yes. Never! Tedros
The thing I love about this is that he never really changes personalities. He’s literally the exact same Tedros but he’s got a sexy villain outfit with a chest slit (who’s idea was that? Sophie wasnt there) Its basically like if tedros didn’t always have to worry about the good rules we learned in book one. Which half the time he doesn’t listen to anyway and is the idea this entire fic is based on.
Now the thing is: this actually fits in better than the actual Camelot years. Most people who have read that know this and basically just forgo the original final two books and the ending of QFG. Honestly I kinda have too. But here’s the thing: would we enjoy it as much not knowing the actual canon version? I mean I feel like never! Tedros definitely could have happened easily but would we feel the same about it? I hope we would because it’s an amazing and interesting concept but I don’t really know. Nonetheless it’s still so enjoyable and fits with the never ever theme better.
Anyway the stakes were WAY higher in this one and a lot less deaths because let’s face it: there were way too many deaths in TCY. And yeah I get it deaths are needed but legit if you were an adult? You. Were. Not. Gonna. SURVIVE. Like im pretty sure a lot of them didn’t necessarily NEED to happen to still get to that final point. Like I’m not saying it didn’t flow but there was probably a different way. And no I’m not hating on the series. I love the series. It’s still good but I just thought of these things after seeing something like Kate’s fic. Like Robin’s and Betty’s deaths were both completely unnecessary. But in the fic, they don’t die (hell Robin isn’t ever in it). And THE STAKES. Agathas LIFE was on the line. It keeps Agatha from even having the chance of interfering after Rhian becomes king. SHES the one scim-washed instead of Sophie and it breaks them BOTH. The trial too. It’s rigged and when Rhian finds out he didn’t have a claim he SURRENDERS. It shows his pure Goodness simply manipulated.
Also did I mention Tedros’s outfit and stuff? Because yeah, that needs more attention. It’s fucking hot. Like when he’s put into the bad boy role, he will fucking play it and slay it. It’s a shame that outfit was ruined with Japeth’s blood though. I mean Sophie approved of it so what do you expect. Who knew Tedros had an eye for fashion?
Not to mention Tedros is just a bit darker with his humor. Not much where it’s not Tedros but it’s there. But what do you expect when you find out your soul is evil? It actually makes for a lot of fun jokes. My favorite one is when he breaks everyone out of prison at Rhian’s wedding and is like “hail to Rhian Pendragon, the one true king, on this glorious day of his wedding” (of course he says this sarcastically) and let’s face it: ever!tedros wouldn’t make that joke. But never!tedros? It’s free real estate!
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(Of course it’s way funnier in context)
He’s also a bit more dramatic too (like the amount at the end of OTK where his head is chopped off and then he’s like BITCHES IM ALIVE) like it’s otk ending all. The. Time. Which there is NO reason to complain about that. Once again it’s just the never showing and it doesn’t really mess with the personality that much. It’s just a minor trait turned slightly more major.
Also also actually actually Tedros becomes friends with a bunch of nevers (specifically Ravan which is a friendship I think ALL of us never knew we needed). He legit gets the support of a lot of the never kingdoms which is why this is much easier for him.
Plus we have the coven being badass too in case you were wondering.
And there’s a lot more Arthurian lore in this too. Like the crest Tedros adopts (because he shouldn’t be confined to lion, eagle, or snake) is a dragon like it originally is. I mean it is the PenDRAGON line. I’m surprised Soman didn’t use pendragon in the books anyway, so seeing it here was a relief.
Anyway I think that about rounds it out (I don’t want it to be too long even though it already is) but all in all: I love this series but i love this fic more so go read it.
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frogmentarii · 4 years
Haaaa ok so I am doing this cause i saw @fallout-lou-begas steal it from @tarberrymentats and they both looked like they were havin hella fun so i am commandeering this for my own purposes. So lucky for yall its Emi time (art by the dearest @yesjejunus because yall need to see more of her work)
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A) Why are you excited about this character?
Because she's an older woman (57) that breaks a lot of moulds and I love to see it. Aside from just enjoying older characters, Emi isn't a sweet old lady and she isn't here to try and mother anyone. Her drives are entirely her own and while she prioratizes herself and her sister before anyone else, its not always due to complete selfishness and just due to growing up in the wastes (I try to keep her character true to a fend for yourself setting as possible). I think Ill go into detail in another question with this, but I went through a lot of concepts and personalities for Emi before settling on someone who was seasoned and very much a product of the wastes. I think after seeing a lot of other couriers I finally figured out what I wanted to do differently, and that sort of helped guide her to become what she is today.
B) What inspired you to create them?
I think my last line there sort of short answers this. I wanted someone different from the other couriers I saw, and wanted to make one that was distinct or even juxtaposed against some tropes. She's a woman in her late 50s that doesnt try and play mom/granny to the companions, she very much has no stake in what happens to the Mojave, she doesnt care about Benny or that he shot her in the head (such is life in the Mojave, but she did have a job to complete so ripperoni him), and a lot of her motivations are selfish or exist to benefit her sister. She doesnt act 'old' in the fact that she isn't a wise caring soul or a grumpy old man, but rather her age is shown through her experience, and this also shapes her personality. She's never had to formally 'grow up' so she can come off as immature and irritating for her own entertainment, but she doesn't have youthful ignorance for how the world works. She knows how to be responsible but she doesnt have to act like it outwardly, even with her Tragic Caregiver Backstory.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
To a large degree in the beginning, yes, and to specific degrees now, also yes. Writing in general isnt my strong point though I did know what I wanted for her. The main image is there but the details are funky, and Ive been slowly hammering those out as I work along with her and Camila's stories. There's been some huge changes along the way that help push both of them towards an ending I like and that fits them, and even if it takes forever and I never actually write a fic, I'll be happy when she finally feels completed in New Vegas.
Aside from that, she kind of fits in anywhere in regards to AUs. My friend @yesjejunus and I have probably like 40000 fucking aus for our OCs and all of them feel just as organic and their canon stories.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
So I know I have an 'original concept Emilia' art on here where she looked like Laura Croft and had aviators but that wasnt even her first concept. I had originally wanted to make a petite southern belle type from Louisiana who used a shot gun and had a mean streak, but as I kept playing with concepts Emi really started to lean other places. Another huge change was her personality. Even when her concept got settled as a sniper from Mexico, she was suppose to be an early 30s caravan guard who was way too sure of herself. While there are reminents of that concept still in her, she has a lot more experience in the wastes and in think-on-your-feet situations to back up her attitude. Another thing she required was dropping her "take me seriously" personality with more goofy "i do what i want cause why not" traits.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Emi can get along with anyone at a surface level, for a small while, if it will benefit her or she wants to pass time. She really doesn't have interest in folks who arent interesting or beneficial in some way. Since I don't really offer her much, and am a bit of a wet bag, she might yank my chain for her own funsies or she'd have no interest.
And while I did indeed give Emi my go with the flow attitude, I think I wouldn't be able to keep up with her. Emi is very fast paced and doesnt necessarily have regard for those she decides to pick up as drinking buddies for the night. Def dont trust her with my life, and knowing the shit she gets into I'd def want to steer clear of it....like a trainwreck its much better to watch her from a safe distance, lol.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
A lot of affection from a meta standpoint? I've worked with Emi and Cam a lot since creating them, and they've def come a long way since their original concepts. I wouldn't say their story is quite where I want it yet, but I am quite happy with it overall.
That, and Ive met so many awesome writers along the way with Emi. Not all of my friends have posted fic but the amount of world building and having our characters interact and talking OCs ive done with them has placed both Emi and their OCs in a special place for me. Sure her having her own story is fun but I much more prefer the bonds Ive created with people over OCs and I think thats a bit more of a cherished component to character creation for me.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Literally? That she likes to be irritating if she feels she can get away with it (or even if she cant). Actually? That she has a very "I shelter you and feed you therefore I make the rules, period." stance on how she takes care of her charge. She lets a lot of shit slide with Camila but things get very Rapunzel-esque at times.
H) What trait do you admire most?
How sure of herself she is. Even if its to a fault, she trusts herself and her judgements. That sort of confidence is something I strive to have haha.
To a lesser degree, and more of a meta point I wanted to make with her, just...her appearance I suppose? To me she's attractive, but she also has a lot of traits that aren't conventionally attractive and that's played a lot into how Ive wanted her to be. Again she's 57 years old. She has age to her body, her skin wrinkles and droops, her tits sag, she has the body of someone who uses chems, and yet despite her age and breaking of beauty standards ive made it a point to show that she is desired or thought of as attractive in non fetish specific circumstances. She herself, while aro, also still has an active sex drive and I really wanted this to be a backseat part of her character, as I feel like fandom in general shafts older women in this department (this also goes for a lot of her non 'old lady' traits I give her too). She still has sexual needs and is still very much sexually active, and she is still found to be a regular sort of attractive and is desired by those she gets involved with.
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
Yes? Ish, to a degree. I didnt have to but I wanted to. I also did a lot of headcanoning with post Mexico for her early life which, afaik is free real estate for lore/nothing super detailed has been given in canon.
Given that she and Camila both shape their stories as individuals, I did have to split up some canon elements to follow two seperate characters, but other than that I really just had to make sure Emilia's story wasnt "boring" in the fact that she again, has no real stake in what happens to Vegas/the Mojave.
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
Cackles in 'which au will I obsess with today'
For the most part yes, however I love placing her in new things or different stories. She may be 'my courier' but really shes just the frog granny that goes into whatever au I am feeling at the time.
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zanguntsu · 5 years
what are ur thoughts on each bleach arc o: like quality wise!
oh boy this got longer than expected. Whoops.
substitute arc: i rlly like this arc! its short but i love how it sets up the characters and i adore the integration between ichigos human life vs shinigami life And i like the monster of the week set up its a fun and its a lot more character focused in the beginning. the fights were very character driven, like with grand fisher, sora, the hollow that went to hell. all the fights felt like they had a meaning that had a strong impact on a character, like ichigo having closure after defeating (he should have killed him tbh) grand fisher.
soul society: one of the best if not the best arcs imo. theres a good amount of development, the fights are good and have emotional weight (ichigo v byakuya, uryu v mayuri, chad v shunsui, yoruichi v soi fon) and the newly introduced characters are interesting! very iconic and cool! there was a lot of character arc conclusions? Closure? like with uryu and yoruichi as well as rukia. the characters are a strong point here too and the introduction of soul society brought in world building and it was something we really needed to see. soul society as the villains was pretty good and it did show them as a threat. its a good arc and had a good cliffhanger ending to the next arc
arrancar arc: its a pretty good arc but this is where i feel like bleach was starting to fall off in quality since kubo didnt plan for the series to go past ss. like the plot was a little repetitive with the rescue arc the placing was pretty bad and its where the kubos problem of having too many characters started forming. there are some pretty good moments though, i really love the ichigo vs grimmjow and ichigo vs ulquiorra fights along with rukia vs aaroniero (rukia development time,,). the arc just felt pretty slow at times ig? But there are some very good moments
fake karakura arc/deicide: i like this arc even though i know half of it was bullshit. there are some good fights, soi fon vs barragan is one of my faves bc her bankai and it was just interesting to see the captains more involved even though i wish they didnt just stand there. like cmon the fate of the world is at stake gang up on ppl u have numbers. i do think its bullshit to have aizen be That powerful (i will excuse the hogyoku use bc thats his trump card and was set up) but having him take down everyone like that was eh. like i know it was meant to show how powerful aizen was but honestly i wish there was a better way. maybe make them all fight amongst each other like with momo but its all mind games and shit i feel like that was a better way of showing how strong aizen was. also speaking of aizen i wish there was more character to him like take away his manipulative badass thing and its just nothing. what drives him to kill the soul king and why? was it loneliness (which is a poor motive tbh), injustice? what brought him on this path? i feel like tousens goals had more to it then aizen tbh
the deicide arc was pretty okay i love mugetsu but im sorry there was absolutely no lead up to him. i love that form but its pretty bullshit that it didnt get as much as a mention in the past and i wish it did bc that would have made mugetsu have a lot more impact. i remember how ppl theorized that it was how isshin lost his powers even though it was proven otherwise but i wish they went with that. but i did like seeing zangetsu again and that touching moment with him and ichigo was good also the rukia and ichigo goodbye was very emotional. was it a good arc? maybe not plot wise but its pretty beloved
fullbringer: oh this is where the quality definitely dropped which sucks because i feel like this arc had a very interesting premise and plot set up. i know that i havent watched/read all of the fb arc but i do know enough of it just not much in between the beginning and end. i wish that the fullbringers had more focus bc they were all forgettable except maybe riruka and they should have had more screentime and the concept of fullbringers is genuinely interesting?? humans with hollow powers is a good concept and its a shame kubo didnt expand upon this more
oh and i have some beef with the villains bc its a fucking tragedy of wasted potential. ginjo is like. almost there to be considered a good villain. hes the previous substitute shinigami and u only bring it up at the end?? thats such a huge chunk of information and it sets up a connection between ichigo and ginjo. idc about tsukishima he can be whatever but i do think ginjo could have been a pretty good villain if he wasnt as blatantly evil. like i know the betrayal schtick is getting old but i would have preferred him as a villain with good intentions, like having him against soul society is a good motive bc ss commits war crimes but it was never clear in this arc (aside from ss monitering the substitutes) but it just didnt feel as strong as a motive to make him do what he did.
one good thing i do have to say about this arc was i do like ichigo in this arc and how much conflict he experiences and we get to see him commit murder although i do wish this had repercussions on him. i feel like soul society’s intervention was unnecessary but thats just me. the fullbringer arc being centered around humans was a good idea, bringing the series back to its roots and i just wish we spent more developmemt with the humans before jumping back to soul society, like more time on the aftermath of the last arc. also this arc should have been the chad arc im dying on this hill.
tybw: wow! this was a trainwreck of an arc! i have. So Many issues with tybw and its where kubos writing weaknesses truly shine. the biggest issues are its pacing which is absolutely abhorrent and it takes up at least a third of the entire series (literally. tybw had 206 chapters out of 686 since tybw officially starts on 480). we had periods where the main cast dont show up for like. 50 chapters. the other biggest problem were the characters. why did kubo think it was a good idea to introduce 26+ characters. why. there is absolutely no time to develop them and while some may receive screentime the majority have no impact to the plot beyond their fights with the characters we actually care about. there is no reason for people to give a shit about them. i can barely remember their names, much less their backstories
and one of the bigger problems was the antagonists themselves. they have a motive and while i understand hatred towards soul society. yhwach’s motives were the worst out of all the villains. i cannot fathom what motivates him because it went fucking everywhere. did he have beef with ss? was he waging war out of self preservation? did he want to end death? like the narrative hints at all of these but it just feels like a mess of a character! i never liked yhwach to begin with since his very concept is awful (seriously? giving a previously thought group of people who experienced genocide a nazi motif? what the fuck kubo). hes a villain but theres no substance. his powers could have been cool but it was on the point of needing a deus ex machina to take him down.
and the fights are forgettable with the occasional good ones (shunsui v that one fuck, rukia v that other fuck) but there are some bad fights (askin v yoruichi, the quincy thor guy). there are some good moments, like all the bankai reveals, it adds more to the characters but it also causes so much jumping around in the plot and this is what happens when u have this many characters and some will be forgotten (so sorry chad). it sucks. some of the fights dragged on longer than necessary and it was just. so much. all of these issues really downgraded the arc and thats what made it the mess it was.
and a lot of the ideas brought in to tybw are criminally underused. ichigo being a quincy may have been wack but i did like the idea but it really only had some sparse moments like masaki and zangetsu development, creating a connection between ichigo and yhwach but that was really it. it was not like his hollow powers which coexisted with the plot and had huge moments and was just a constant presence. you could forget that ichigo was a quincy tbh and we needed more quincy moments. and the soul king was horribly underused because it did have set up from the arrancar arc, it was aizens entire goal! but kubo never really explores the ideas of the soul king and only in cfyow do we really get more info about it and thats no good because the soul king is a vital piece of bleach lore and worldbuilding.
anyways thats my two cents sorry this was rlly long
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sometipsygnostalgic · 7 years
Been thinking about Jesse Moynihan’s work. How I’d have criticised it as a fellow creator, rather than as a fan.
In my opinion, the best episode he ever worked on was The Vault, while the biggest miss was Something Big.
Yes, I have much more issues with Breezy, but that wasnt so much to do with its completeness as an episode as it was to do with whether the content belonged in the AT world. If Breezy was in Jesse’s own show, it’d be beautiful, but as an Adventure Time episode it’s plain uncomfortable. Something Big, meanwhile, is… Disappointing in general, and the easiest highlight of Jesse’s weaknesses.
So let’s first talk about why The Vault is Jesse and Ako’s best episode, and perhaps my personal favourite in the series. This ep has decent visual imagery from the start with the Magic Hexagon joke. It has a solid beginning with Finn breaking his house at the ghost vision, leaving us curious. It slowly feeds this curiosity by showing us his past lives. Then we get onto the middle section where we see what happens with Shoko, which has its own tense conclusion, hitting the climax of the ep. Then we have the end, where we are back to Finn retrieving what was lost and returning it.
The entire storyline was filled with a sense of mystery, suspense, and tragedy. Shoko’s story could have worked as a standalone by itself, making her a sympathetic, interesting character to follow, but AT took this several steps beyond… It was *jampacked* with interesting lore that the series had been building up to for years, and it executed this *perfectly*. How could we have expected The Vault to give us an important glimpse of the Candy Kingdom’s creation? To show us the younger Princess, interacting with past iterations of Finn and Jake? To give foreshadowing and hints of what was to come, from Finn’s life as a comet to PB’s amulet? The whole arm shit? It connected so many things together, leaving an overwhelming sense of payoff.
The ep, importantly, was hilarious too. Jesse and Ako’s humor is so *on point* when they work together. Finn vibrating at the beginning and breaking the floorboards at the end, PB bragging about being a technical wonderchild and wanting to do two-arm stuff, Shoko beating up that one bath boy… It made the tragic end to Shoko’s tale hit that much harder, followed by the bittersweet melancholy of Finn making amends in his new life.
Now, let’s talk about Something Big.
Unlike The Vault, where we only knew about the green ghost lady (admittably an exciting premise) and got a huge surprise, Something Big was approached with enormous expectation only to be disappointing to just about everyone. What we knew was that Maja was planning to finally attack the Candy Kingdom, using the magic from PB’s tshirt she traded for in Sky Witch. It was implied that Maja was conducting a huge plan using the enormous magical potential Peebles had given her. When Something Big finally came, the preview promised an awesome battle between Maja and the Candy Kingdom, showing off the episode’s more actionpacked moments and a bit of humor. Excitement hit the roof!!! How was the princess going to deal with this threat that she helped create, even?
Well when the episode came out, it suffered from serious structural, pacing, and tension issues. The start was promising with showing multiple casualties, and pb saying she didnt want to use her ground troops, but it’s hindered by the distracting and pathetic death of Root Beer Guy. This random execution of a character we thought to be important reeked of Homestuck level immersion-breaking insensibilities, and Jack Pendarvis’s weak justification for the decision did not help at all. I’m not sure if Jesse or Jack was responsible for how poorly it was executed though.
Then we cut to a flashback of Maja summoning Darren, and this is where the episode’s structural weaknesses start to show themselves off. The way Darren is summoned is deeply intimidating and Maja’s explanation about the shirt is interesting, but too much time and focus is drawn on Darren himself considering his role later in the episode.
Then we cut back to the candy kingdom, where Colonel Candy Corn employs his defensive strategy and does something cool. Yay, i guess? It’s funny and I enjoy seeing candy people do their thing but once again, the episode loses focus, and doesnt put enough on these guys for it to have any real stakes. Then FINALLY we cut back to Peebles, who realises the boys are gone and decides to defend the kingdom herself. The only truly tense scene in the episode occurs when PB gets knocked off her swan and nearly *erased* by Darren, but this is interrupted before it can be processed by Finn appearing straight out if nowhere with the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant. Now, this is where the ep *really* gets off the rails.
Darren and Eli talk about the old days, which in a better episode could have been an amusing addition. Finn defeats Darren by going up his nose and punching him. Thats it. No drama, no investment, he just does that and it’s over like no big deal. Everybody EXCEPT RBG is healed by miracle juice and doesnt care anymore. Peebles doesnt give a shit either and everyone celebrates, then we go to the Elephant having some sort of breakdown over being nothing but a weapon. Finn peptalks it and he goes to help Mahja recover from a coma, saying you cant light a candle without a match. The ep ends with two cards that go “In memory of Root Beer Guy” and “Crunchy is OK”.
Jesse said that this ep was originally going to be the start of the movie. This makes sense considering how poorly structured it is, and how much content it tries to cram into a short 11 minutes.
The ep’s humor is… Decent at best, not the most lolworthy but ice seen worse. However the biggest criticism I have is, what - and who - was it *about*? It wasnt about Maja cos she just hovered in the background and had no meaningful dialogue. It wasnt about PB, even though it looked like it should have been, because despite the character study Maja gave for her, she had no development, serious dialogue, or real action in this ep. It wasnt about Darren cos he unceremoniously died. It wasnt about the Elephant cos it only appeared for the last few minutes of the ep. It wasnt about the Candy Kingdom cos Finn, Jake, and Eli withdrew any focus from them at the end.
The only theme I can identify that applies to most of these things is that it’s about old people not being able to move on. Peebles harbored the shirt and built the kingdom, empowering them with the sentimentality of her past hopes and regrets. Maja was hellbent on destroying the Candy Kingdom to use one of her dumb spells. Colonel Candy Corn was moping about his exes and not talking to girls his age. Eli and Darren explicitly felt stuck in the past and unable to veer from their original purpose, but after uhh talking to tje goddamn Sun, Eli decides to take a new path. He becomes the candle and the match, caring for the person he comatised until she heals.
This theme is so halfbaked and scattered that theres no way any person would care for it. The characters they use to express it are unimportant and get no focus throughout the episode. Was it really right to hamper the expectations fans had, also crushing many other things like poor root beer guy, just to try expressing this poor idea? Eli could have had their own episode pitched at the very least… Consequentially, Something Big fails to be anything more than a series of poorly connected events with no emotional core and not nearly enough humor to pull it off like Apple Wedding did. It wastes the potential that focusing on Maja vs the Candy Kingdom could have had. We could have seen Maja and Peebles antagonizing each other, elaboration on why the latter carries so much sentimentality into everthing she owns to the extent that it nukes Hambo in comparison… We could have seen more candy people being candy people, the gumball guardians having a non halfassed reason for fainting, Root Beer Guy having a meaningful sacrifice, Darren having a satisfying defeat… The ep wastes avenues for lore, tension, emotion, and character development, wasting it on a poirly built premise that it fails to deliver effectively. Its attempts to poke fun at itself with the cards at the end only serve to further jar the mood and insult the audience, rather than be funny.
This is why Something Big is the worst episode Jesse has ever storyboarded. Future work like Astral Plane, and the previous episode Breezy, despite also having poorly built philosophy and that general author mouthpiece vibe they had cohesive beginnings, middles, and ends, focusing on specific characters and showing at least limited growth. Astral Plane was funny and followed the adventures of numerous people, and Breezy nearly made me cry, so they definitely had some emotions in their core.
The Vault, meanwhile, highlights the best of Jesse’s potential. The philosophy presented in this ep is directly meaningful to a relationship between two major characters, and the payoff delivers perfectly for *seasons* worth of work. It is a x3 combob origin episode and one of the best Adventure Time has ever had to offer, humorously, analytically, and emotionally.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
December 6th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on December 6th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Pin Porter Girl Detective by Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Pin Porter Girl Detective by Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett~! (http://pinporterdetective.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Tenor | Shinavar
1) Spense's backstory for how he came along is probably my top fav? It was short, concise, but also revealed the personality of him, King, and Queen all in one go that I feel has definitely helped develop the characters in a way to really flesh them out further and has me curious where it's all going to go now what we know whose 'stakes' lie where. /wording yay.
(Also Shadow!Pin is adorable fight me )
yeah i liked how spense's backstory was executed. cause at the end it didnt just develop spense, it developed the world, other characters, and so forth. which is not usually something you get with backstory so i liked seeing backstory actually further the story in other ways without it suddenly being a story about spense.
my fave scene is the one where pin is being kidnapped for the king and then she just 180s her opinion cause of the evidence being in her face and then she kicks the fairfolk out. i not only enjoyed seeing a character who wasnt stubborn and basically went "this is my life now," but i enjoyed how many things we learn about her personality from this single instance (like the fact that for someone who didnt believe, she sure knew a lot of those fae rules).
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd like to blame her grandfather for that one a little? But yeah, her survival skills and adaptability and good to see - she'd have been royally screwed if she hadn't been willing to.
(Except, y'know, throwing your only weapon you have )
I just started on this comic and I just wanna say I really love the noir style of writing its going for its really enjoyable
tbf to pin, shes still a kid. so still gotta make those kid mistakes of throwing the weapon and hoping for the best.
welcome Han~!
i enjoyed the noir style writing as well, though i enjoyed that it took a comedic turn. like the opening scene was not where i expected it to go at all with them commenting on the line quality
Tenor | Shinavar
On Pin being a kid: True! I suppose all her detective work she hasn't had to deal with violence too much.
Hullo Han~ :D
yea!! Im really enjoying it
Tenor | Shinavar
The speech patterns threw me off initially honestly - I thought everyone was much older than they were because it was stuff I've only heard from old detective movies wheeze
the comedic and weird creepy vibes scattered throughout are really nice, definitely stuff thats right up my alley
I assumed a lot of it is Pin is kinda playing it up as kid tend to do, but then everyone started talking the same and I was like oh!!! its a reference, but it seems to be set in a sort of alternate reality to ours
I like how theres no explaining really it just hops in and allows the story to make the world-building as it goes
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes, I did enjoy that too~
Like Spense's introduction just made me go "wat" and need to keep going because "Can't believe in people disappearing but we have a talking bird a'ight what's going on"
i feel some of it is kind of playing it up. i mean tbf most of the characters are kids or the fae. the only adults have been i think a ghost and pin's mom for 5 seconds? so in a sense it could be like a group thing of playing it up. cause kids do that too. play pretend in large groups.
not to say i think it is pretend. just the noir thing i could see still as the kids just hamming up their weirdo lives
although wait prudence had that whole backstory
although that seemed less noir to me too
more wild west
Tenor | Shinavar
-Nod- That was the impression I had. But yeah could be kids playing it up - considering the fae did it too maybe it's a weird influential thing - - What if it's because they picked it up from the local fae trying to be under cover over the years?
I just have this amazing image in my head of them watching old human films to get an idea how to emulate humans wheeze
that could be. although i think the kids at least have some sense of difference given that iola corrected that one fae for saying thy(edited)
I'm now here, for the moment. ^^ I got as far as about page 150.
Yeah, I really liked the opening as far as setting the mood, the detective and noir style.
I rather liked that flashback scene with Penelope "Pin" (I wonder where the nickname is from) going off on the town history, being very suspicious of the founder. Thought it rang true to her character.
Hey there!
Just felt like dropping in and saying ello
gonna be a bit busy tonight but I'll see if I can return later
Tenor | Shinavar
Math: I agree~ also showed she seems to have always had a history or knack for looking at odd things and picking things out that weren't quite right
Right. I wonder when she decided to go into the detective business.
QUESTION 2. Pineburg is not just filled with the supernatural, but numerous human characters up to their own things. Do you believe that Iola is truly on Pin’s side now? Alternatively, do you think Iola might betray Pin in the future (and if so, what for)? Do you believe that Riley will overcome his addiction, or might he find some other way to get Fruit? Besides withdrawal, what long term consequences do you think Riley might suffer from his past usage of Fruit? Will Iola and Riley be a boon to Pin’s detective work, or are they going to end up becoming burdens? Also, do you think it’s significant Pin doesn’t know what her mother does for a living? What role might her mother play in regards to events going on in the town?
Jonny Aleksey
I read from 100 to the current page so I probably missed a lot. I did get confused. Best part I saw would be that whole backstory to Penn's ancestor. Most interesting character stuff.
Yeah, that fruit thing really threw me when it first came up. Oh, which reminds me, another scene I liked visually was when Pin got sucked into the other place and there were just all these street signs floating in the air. Great callback, how things made sense later (like the fruit).
yeah i totally forgot about the street signs thing until they were in that place and i was like "gasp it all makes sense now"
but yeah i agree the fruit thing made me what
oooooohhh the twist with the founder of the town is really cool
pin has a super interesting family line going on
so many threads
Tenor | Shinavar
2. I believe Iola is on Pin's side as long as her revenge is being sated by the Queen, and the Queen seems interested in Pin if just a little bit. I'm waiting for Riley to drip back into addiction, sadly. I don't believe this will be something he can 100% beat without something to literaly cure it <_<; Magic n' all that. On Pin's mom: With what's all been hinted with the family I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to keep away from Pin fo rher safety due to what all they're wrapped up in. Sure her father might have been the link but who's to say she wasn't aware/told some shit?
Seems like the only way to cure a fruit addiction is to have another fae do it, like what happened with Spence.
Tenor | Shinavar
Maybe! I wouldn't be surprised, at least
Pin's mom doesn't play a role... but her Shadow does! Gasp!
Tenor | Shinavar
Her shadow wants to be Johnny Badass, I love it
spense might of been a special case though being a bird and all. and tbf it seemed everything with spense happened in one day? and while magic is involved, you dont usually get addicted in one day. at least in a way that comes with withdrawal
i...actually also think riley is gonna fall back in with fruit if he can get some
cause his withdrawal seems pretty long term atm
without signs of getting better
and that sounds like hell on earth
i feel like her mom has to know something given the fam she married into. but then again pin's mom was kind of oblivious to pin dying
Tenor | Shinavar
IDK man - magical addiction might just wreck the body - though usually depending on lore Fae magic is pervasive but slow, often with intent to make permanent damage. But, that is kinda hinted too with how Riley describes how the fruit tastes and what it's like, and how eventually that goes away and what you're left with. I'd say that at least has shown a long term addiction.
TO BE FAIR - did anyone notice all the street signs were gone too? <_< How much do we know can be seen by others? Her sickness might be seen as lesser and just like, exhaustion. Though at least a doctor's visit c'mon. If my kid can't walk for a few days she's goin LOL
(I'd also want to know wtf my kid is doing to being so exhausted but it seems like Mom is pretty... not on the ball about her kid)
The Spense thing on one day? I thought it took a bit of time to get hooked, then he was with the Queen for a little bit too. Though he was unhooked in a day, I grant. Riley needs to find a fruit substitute.
Well, the whole town was exhausted for a while, what with passing out while walking their dogs and things.
Incidentally, I didn't immediately clue in that the King was the graffiti artist, and that's how he was doing his thing. Only dawned on me when the shadow thing came back up.
Not sure if that's a me thing.
but i guess it depends all about what mom is going. like what if shes fighting the forces of evil and if she stops everyone in the town dies? i could understand just kind of hoping pin is fine for the sake of the multitude of other ppl to save.
i realized it was him when he was revealed as the king
just cause the graffiti artist stuck in my mind
cause he was creepy
complimenting shadows and all that
who does that king
thats how you give yourself away as a fae
He kind of stuck for me what with Pin pointing him out near the start, but I'd kind of forgotten later on, reading in batches. ^^;
Tenor | Shinavar
Shhh he was hiding, so good at hiding
That and speaking weird.
He was fae-king it all along.
brave math, bravo
but tenor brought up a good point. who all saw the missing signs. cause we are walking the borderline between whether this is real or whether this is pretend.
like i think some adult would go "wtf is going on? im gonna catch the punk kids who did this"
cause its an adult's perogative to assume it was punk kids
Probably more like, "About time the mayor took those in for cleaning".
Though it could be one of those things you simply can't believe. Like, all of them gone? Must be a problem with me or my eyes. I won't let on, I'm acting normal, yup.
tbh I feel like if it was spread out over time eventually people wouldn't notice they're gone anymore
Tenor | Shinavar
Some fae lore falls into a veil-like magic - which I htink may be applied here. It's hinted Prudence had the ability to "notice things" and this system has been used a lot - basically, you see what should be there because you know it should be there, you can't see the magical reality because your brain either wouldn't handle it, or you haven't been brought into the magical influence yet.
an adult whos busy with jobs etc would become unobservant, and also Im assuming a lot of them could be fruit addicted
yea thats also very true tenor
yeah i do feel like we are going by veil logic if everything is reality.
Ohhh, good point, about the noticing. (A handy skill for a detective, incidentally.)
Tenor | Shinavar
So how much do we the audience get to see?
oh man yea...
and the tree and overgrowth signifying the queens rise of power now that the king is gone is a nice touch
aw man Im all caught up now and I want more
I've most definitely have saved this comic to my bookmarks for sure, its too interesting to pass up
Tenor | Shinavar
Yeah I have def enjoyed this and am keeping it on my read list :D
I honestly just feel bad for poor riley at this point, this kid didn't ask for this magic addiction...hopefully he's cured of it eventually
QUESTION 3. Much of the comic’s conflicts are driven by the supernatural Faeries around Pineburg. Do you believe we’ve seen the last of the King, or do you think he’s planning some sort of comeback to once again take the town? What do you make of the King’s ominous warning before he left? Do you believe that the Queen is relatively benign, or is she up to something considering the sudden overgrowth of nature? Could it have something to do with the boon Iola asked the Queen for in order to get rid of the King? If the Queen is up to something, what might her goals be? What other rules of the Faeries might trip Pin and other characters up in the future? Have we seen the last of the Fruit with the King’s departure, or will it come back somehow? Lastly, what do you think the Faeries’ interest with Pineburg is specifically?
hmmmmmm well I have a feeling that Pineburg has some sort of easier connection with the faerie world
like, maybe its easier to journey there and live among humans
either that or because its something they've owned for what I assume almost 100 years they're attached to it like a stuffed animal
Tenor | Shinavar
3) THe Queen clearly has a temper, but I'm not sure what she's up to be. I imagine they're eventually going to be in a territory spat - the Queen understands she can't control the area yet due to the deal, but they could influence things, persay, to garuantee this generation is the last generation <_<
yea I agree, I don't trust the Queen one bit
Heh, a lot of that is after where I've read to. As to their interest though, didn't the humans kind of come along and settle there? Technically the fae were there first.
The Queen has clear motivations for sticking it to the King most definitely
Makes me wonder about their marriage.
im assuming the overgrowth is the queen claiming what is originally hers---maybe shes upset the king gave away the area that the town now overtakes and is trying to claim it back?
like I know the deal with the founder was kinda like an yea sure u can have the town for a while but its an iou situation eventually, he would've had his way if pin didn't outsmart him
if they are married
im really confused on that
yea I am too?? I feel like they arent actually married and are in actuality two seperate factions of fae
thats how I interpreted it anyway
yeah thats how it feels
although the queen kind of acts the jealous wife to a degree
so idk
i could make arguments on both side
mmm yea, maybe they had a fling and it dropped out
its a battle of bitter exes and the town is smack dab in the middle of it
tho i think at this point they are representing two diff factions. so it might be a political marriage
tbh i would be kinda funny if it just wound up to be like a very long winded version of some sort of divorced couple custody battle over the whole town
The liberals and conservatives thought a marriage would unite the fae politically.
im also a little suspsicious of lola, seeing as how she seemed to switch sides so quickly
Anyone think Pin might become the new ruler?
Tenor | Shinavar
I think they just need marriage counseling
Hm If Pin were offered, I don't think she'd accept it unless she has no option.
Like life or death over people levesl of accepting
i think that is a good descrip of whats going on between the king and queen tho. this is just some custody battle XD and yeah im with tenor. i dont think pin would want to be the new ruler unless circumstances dictated it was to protect the town
yea I agree
I feel like Pin is a protector of sorts
i 100% think the queen is evil and is just more cunning to the king. i think her ultimate goal is to completely push the people out of the town and let nature reclaim it. cause that seems to be her thing. and i think theyre going to be forced to go get the king and say "hey king the queen is worse than you bro"
oooo yea
and then its like the villain becomes the gruntled protagonist
which is a trope I adore
King would probably want them to do him favours in exchange for help though.
Tenor | Shinavar
Oh god.
Personally I hope they just manage to mend whatever is allowing such a strong fae connection and just boot them all out because no fae can be trusted
Gotta outsmart them somehow.
i feel that that is more the inevitable end
they somehow get all the fae booted
decide to add to the history books that dealing with fae is the worst thing and just dont
Gotta defeat them with iron.....y.
actually ya know
maybe that is what will play a role
is the iron
cause i forgot about that
Tenor | Shinavar
Iron dome around the town
but this comic is good about bringing up stuff again
in conjunction with the last question, i trust Iola as far as i can throw her. i think she knows exactly what the queen is trying to do and is just riding the train to the end
and even if she doesnt know
Iola is a side switcher
never trust
Tenor | Shinavar
Well at the ssame time, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and apparently she's taken what the King's done as one hell of a personal slight. Which if he was truly pretending to be her BF I can't blame the rage, but that's dangerous lol
maybe this is the real lesson from the comic
dont scorn women
because then they go to the fae
and nobody wants that
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd believe it <_< Los of pissed off ladies. Even Pin's ancestor was a woman scorned
Maybe Pin's mom is a fae. And Pin is part fae.
the twist of a century
Tenor | Shinavar
Actually that is a question - why was it her father would have been the end of the contract, and not her? She's still alive. THey hint Iola's family is because the family line was assumed to not continue there so...
QUESTION 4. Despite overcoming her trials with the King, Pin has many other problems left at her doorstep. Will Pin be able to solve the issues plaguing Prudence and free her ancestor? What do you think Pin will have to do to be able to free Prudence? Do you think she’ll have to consult the King, or might someone else have the answers? Do you think Prudence is being honest about just wanting to rest, or do you think Prudence is going to betray Pin after being set free? If the latter, what do you think Prudence’s ultimate goals are? Additionally, do you think Pin will be able to maintain a good relationship with her shadow, or will her shadow attempt to leave to be her own person? How might the split with her shadow continue to help or hurt her?
i assumed it was a generation number thing?
Tenor | Shinavar
4. Even if she has to consult the King I doubt he'd help her - it's his contract in place. Unless she gives up something good I can't imagine he'd be willing to try.
cause its not iola herself who stays the fae hands
its iola's father
so once iola's father kicks the bucket
Tenor | Shinavar
Oooh, then that would make more sense.
I feel like Prudence is sincere, because after hanging around for that long, you'd figure it's time to move on. Unless she really wants to struggle with what an iPad is.
i wouldve thought prudence was sincere
but then her backstory
her backstory is not one that makes me go "ah just sincere old lady"
Hmm, guess I only got about halfway through that. Still, centuries to reflect.
Tenor | Shinavar
I do believe she may be sincere in he "I'm done, I'm tired, I want to leave" because "immortality" can be baaad. And boring, esp if she's by herself
It wasn't what she signed up for either.
i feel like she wants rest, but that doesnt mean it doesnt come with strings. like for example, i doubt shed care if the only way to free herself was for pin to take her place in that mirror limbo whatever it is
Mirror limbo... how low can you go.
Is it mentioned how Penelope got the nickname Pin?
Tenor | Shinavar
Rbeel: Oooh that's a good point God forbid she get tired of waiting and trying to make that deal wheeze
i dont think its been mentioned yet, how she got her nickname
but it might have been said in passing and i just missed it?
but yeah i dont think prudence cares how she gets out and at whose expense
hey everyone, i'm super late but I arrived! was eating fruit but am trying to stop...
Tenor | Shinavar
I didn't catch it either.
FFF also hELLO
I really loved this comic, writing was very good
the fruit thing still makes me laugh to a degree cause at first i was like "pin why are you mad about ppl eating fruit? most kids dont eat enough fruit so this is a good thing"
glad to hear you liked it
It's all about the veggies.
maybe thats how riley will get over his addiction
hell start doing veggies
Or birdseed. O.o
haha stay away from fruit children! oh man the birdseed stuff I was dying
and before I knew it I was eating out of his hand!
also the lock picking ad that pops up in the middle
im reminded of that page
now what i expected but horribly hilarious
That reminds me, I was amused at the end of Spense's story when Pin saves him and he talks to her and she drops what she was holding.
@mathtans another great moment. This comic was full of wonderful pacing and humorous beats.
the character expressions were tops too
Yes, the pacing was really good in places. I also liked insulting the shadow ... cut to everyone in a dungeon.(edited)
Hanging in chains, no less!
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes, I loved that. I am curious how much of Shadow's personality matches Pin's more basic in he sense of someone who hasn't been taught to be human. How violent can Pin be, for example? <_<
That's a good point. Does a shadow represent our darker half? One that our soul still needs to survive?
that usually is it although im not sure id describe the shadow as dark
less cunning and without the same regard for polite behavior
but not dark persay
the id, in other words?
Except shadows are kind of dark by nature. Because the light is blocked.
i was really surprised that the shadow did not recombine with pin tho
and that shes still around
I kind of suspected there'd be more to it. Maybe because of the one banner showing the shadow behind her.
Tenor | Shinavar
I think because hey've been seperated, they can basically let go and back again? Which may be contributing to Pin's health
Which reminds me, I mentioned this a couple days ago, but interesting that there's, like, three different banners for the comic depending on what page you're on.
did the shadow not rejoin Pin? I could have sworn it did, and that was why she got better?!
One needs to be as observant as the characters.
Not permanently, I think?
Anyway, will be interesting to see what the fae get up to. When road signs aren't enough.
yeah, page 124 http://pinporterdetective.com/index.php/comic/page-124/ did I misinterpret this as the shadow rejoining pin?
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett, as well, for making Pin Porter Girl Detective. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://pinporterdetective.com/
Robin’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/RlittlemissG
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about My Dad is a Magical Girl by Shinavar / Tenor. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, December 13th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://mdiamg.shinavar.com/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: https://tapas.io/series/My-Dad-Is-A-Magical-Girl
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So what are my favorite games Part 1
So just to make things clear i haven been writing 1.because this is actually my second attempt at writing this i accidentally closed the tab the first time, uh and i only lost a few hours of work. and 2.because I’ve been working at my job a lot more frequently as of late. anyway, i could probably write an entire full length essay on all of these games but I’ll try to shorten things up, oh yeah uh some games on the list might not be that good, as I may include a game from my childhood that i have fond memories of, but maybe wasn’t as good as i remembered it, anyway its a top 10 so lets begin.
First of all id love to start with some outside looking in, all these games are incredible to me and i would love to put them in the top 10 but i couldn’t, if you want to hear my opinions on them (wow thanks, you actually care) you can ask me on twitter and ill do my best!
15.Sonic Generations                                                                                              14.Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege                                                                      13.Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum (Waterpark&Zoo DLC is amazing)                12.Splatoon 2 (specifically the Octo Expansion, that was really good)                    11.Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition (Def. edition because its portable with good FPS and the extra 3DS content)
OK then Ill get started now :3 Thanks a TON (and I mean it I appreciate amy support i get or constructive criticism) for reading it!
Number 10: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess                                              Developer and Release year: Nintendo, 2006/2016 remaster                                What it can be played on: Gamecube/Wii/Wii U                                                                                                                                                                                              The Legend of Zelda is my favorite game series of all time, thats obvious if you know anything about me, and twilight princess is one I’ve played more recently, and from the start you notice Twilight Princess is definitely going for that early 2000′s edgy tone (is that a coincidence or an actual trend, i dunno i was really young in 06 so...) which works fine, and its a really long game, I mean I spent a week or two beating it, that being said i had work and other things going on at the time, but any way it has been said by many more before me, that it is basically an edgy, long,Ocarina of Time remake with motion controls....and they aren’t wrong, though i have called it edgy but i think its more...dark i guess? any way i actually like this better than Ocarina of Time, before you assault me i loved Ocarina of Time, i just tried to put as few Zelda games on the list as i could, and i just enjoyed the Twilight Princess story, characters, and length a bit more, but back to the remake opinion, i sort of agree yeah, but i thought the mystery around Midna and Zant and the Twilight realm, and the mirror, were all something that sets it apart, so in the end i enjoyed it a lot.                                                                                                                                                                    Favorite Part(s)? Arbiters Grounds. AW MAN, I love the Arbiters grounds, the sneaking, the spinner, the boss, the setting, all of it is on point, even the wolf part is unique with the poe chasing, and also the Final Ganon boss I liked all of it, though his appearance is a bit late i thought it was a fun, long, and intense fight
Number 9: Lego Universe                                                                                      Developer and Release Year: NetDevil and Lego, 2010-2012                                What it COULD ( :( ) be played on: PC                                                                                                                                                                                                              IM GONNA GO AHEAD AND SAY IT THIS IS A PICK COMPLETELY ON NOSTALGIA. Yes, this is one of my favorite games of my childhood and since i cant go back and re-evaluate the game because it’s closed unfortunately (except for some server projects that are happening) I’m talking about it completely based on my memories. One reason I love it is, the game’s story and lore at the time captivated me so much that i decided to write stories about stuff my character(s) did, which basically kick-started my interest in writing, as bad as those stories were, I loved the game, I had it’s official LEGO set (Still do it’s a nice little orange rocket ship that could be used in-game) and convinced my cousins to play it too, and we all enjoyed it, now of course i was an MLGPROBOI at the game so I had rare pets and the best weapons and a RED PARROT GUYS (I believe it was super rare and a big deal) so I loved being really cool n’ stuff, people would ask me to help them take out Butterscorch (that was the hardest boss in the game, a purple dragon, BUT SINCE I WAS AN MLGPROBOI I COULD DO IT MYSELF BUT I WAS NICE SO I HELPED) and even sell them secrets on how to do stuff, yeah i was a cool guy, cant relate now, I’ll never be as cool as my alter-alias Square Von Pancake :(                                                                                                                                                                Favorite Part(s): Me and my brother played i t together all the time and we loved the combat at crux prime the most, Crux Prime was the place with the hardest enemies and bosses and it was really fun to be challenged for a while. plus though it was out for only a year we still have countless memories of it, and they added Ninjago in it which I was SUPER into at the time and enjoyed having my character do Ninjago stuff...  
Number 8: Mount and Blade: Warband                                                                    Developer and Release Year: Taleworlds, 2010                                                      What it can be played on: PC, PS4, XB1                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mount and Blade Warband and its expansion Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars, is one of my favorite multiplayer, and story games, the story mode is fun because you can do what you want, YOU choose the faction you fight with or not to at all, your class, your stats, and you can make some uh *beautiful* characters, the main story, i believe the objective is to become the emperor of Calradia, and rule the dang place and be rich and cool and have people like you, but I dont usually do that i just fight for factions, make money in the arena and at tournaments, and hire mercenaries and win against armies of 200 with like 30 people, its fun, now second talking point for me is the multiplayer, this is where Napoleonic Wars comes in, it is a fun shooter with muskets , or swords....or screw it you can play the bagpipes, that last one is totally not something me and my friends would do late at night. The Maps are super well designed as well and each look nice, and are usually not unbalanced. The third thing is the modding community, if you have this game, and don’t have the Anglo-Zulu war mod, that is just wrong, I mean it is so fun to get your friends and survive against large waves of zulu, or have some friends with the Zulu, it is just a unique experience for me, and other mods are cool to like the Civil War mod.                                                                                                                                                                    Favorite part(s): The Story mode is awesome in the way that it was a time in m life where i was without internet for a good month or two, but i had my laptop and the story mode kept me entertained for basically the whole time, also there are so many fun memories of the AZW mod and late night spent surviving waves.  
Number 7: Lego Battles                                                                                          Developer and Release Year: Warner Bros., Hellbent and Lego, 2009                  What it can be played on: DS                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lego Battles is also a nostalgia pick, and also happens to be a Lego game, but the difference is it still holds up to me today, and i can still play it today...any way I love the gameplay, it’s a basic RTS but with fun themes like Wizards and Knights and Pirates and Aliens vs Humans, and each has a different play style, but not too different that it didn’t confuse me as a kid, I always liked the pirates and the aliens, I dont know why, but uh a drawback is that it can be too easy, at the time I wasnt fast or good enough to beat the AI with my first base, but i quickly learned if i just escaped after the destruction of the first one and just built a stronger second one, i would have more time because the AI couldnt find me and i would win pretty much every time, but despite that I enjoyed all the campaigns and loved the cutscenes and the extra characters like Santa and the Skeleton Guy (tm) and the Conquistador and the Alien Queen etc. and the way to unlock them was to find red bricks in the campaign levels, and/or collect studs which i thought was a fun challenge at the time, and today i sometimes like to go back to it for some casual RTS action                                                                                                                                                                                                     Favorite Part: The Gameplay, it’s simple, fun, and  doesn’t take too long, so if i just want to pick up a short game of the RTS genre I usually spring for this
Number 6: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Classic                                                              Developer and Release Year: Pandemic Studios, LucasArts , 2005                      What it can be played on: PC/PS2/XBOX                                                                                                                                                                                                      The fact that this comes in at number 6 on my list really doesn’t tell how much I love and appreciate this game, this is probably THE game I played the most in my childhood, and even still I play it online with the new servers (I disagree with you sometimes Disney, but thanks for those) This game is so replayable and I haven’t even played through the campaign yet, yeah, what I have done though is beaten all the Galactic Conquest stories, probably more than once. So for those of you that don’t know Galactic Conquest is a mode where each team starts with one ship and one type of troop and you fly around a map of the galaxy and take over enemy planets and defend yours and buy troops with the money you earn from the battles, and if the two ships run in to each others then they do a space battle, and Im gonna say it now i grew up playing the PS2 version with my cousins, but now I play the PC version and when we play with our cousins they play the XBOX version on Xbox One, any way the PC version is the best in terms of FPS and general gameplay smoothness, but the console versions have Galactic Conquest multiplayer which is something that we have spent countless hours playing, and in the end Battlefront 2 will be one of the best shooters of all time, and better than the new Battlefront 2 because that one is no where near good enough to share a name with the classic one, any way, i will always love Battlefront 2                                                                                                                                                                  Favorite part(s): Galactic Conquest and shout out to the maps Kashyyyk and Tantine IV, they’re the best
Hey thanks for reading through this whole thing, uh as you can tell this was super long, i planned to do all ten in this one but i figure it’s gettimg pretty long and I’ll just stop here and I’ll have 5 through 1 tomorrow, Thank you so much!                                                                                                                -Ben :3                                                                                                                       
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