linuxgamenews · 4 years
Dream Engines action RPG holds hope for Linux
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Dream Engines: Nomad Cities city building update for Linux gaming and Windows PC. According to details from developer Suncrash. Which is slated to made a debut on Steam Early Access and GOG this March. So we decided to share some further news. Dream Engines: Nomad Cities is an action RPG, flying city building game. Where players build, automate, and defend a flying city. All to survive in a wacky, nightmare infested, post apocalyptic world. A stunning looking world full of strange science and dreams. Having had my an eye on Dream Engines: Nomad Cities for some time. This gorgeous looking game mixes in a mix of city building with survival. While the Steam and GOG pages only show Windows PC support. Developer Suncrash are not ruling out Linux gaming in the future.
We have very limited resources. And will not be considering any additional platforms until the game is almost finished.
The main concern for Dream Engines: Nomad Cities is development. Like many developers, Suncrash are trying to keep resources in perspective. Therefore, early access is due to last between one to two years. But the good news, Unity 3D is the game engine of choice. This means the use of Proton during the development stage should be an option. And the developers are not saying no to Linux gaming. Rather they are just postponing additional platforms until launch.
Dream Engines: Nomad Cities Gameplay Trailer
Design a flying city, the last hope of your people.
Survive in a strange and dark post apocalyptic world.
Manage production lines when resources are scarce in Dream Engines: Nomad Cities.
Choose when to stand your ground and when to relocate away from danger.
Control a customizable steambot to explore a quirky world full of strange science and dreams.
Balance between expanding your city and building disposable infrastructure that will be abandoned when you are forced to flee.
Keep an eye on your city's weight and fuel supply, or you'll find yourself grounded at just the wrong time.
Suncrash, the developers behind flying city building game Dream Engines: Nomad Cities have just released their second major update. The Outskirts update lets players build entire industrial areas outside the city. Alls adding a lot of depth and interest to the city building aspect of the game. This new city building update is immediately avaialble to all alpha players.
Some of the main changes:
Players can now build outside of the main flying city platform. Dream Engines: Nomad Cities is encouraging players to build more of everything. While making the most of their time on land.
More automation – resource harvesters are now available from the start. So that players can build rails outside the city, instead of manually harvesting resources.
Each landing now lasts longer. Allowing for more city planning and exploiting more of the Dream Engines: Nomad Cities map before having to fly away.
Added a building add-on system that allows players to customize their buildings for specific needs.
Major re-balance of the economy to encourage more construction. Taking over more areas of the map. Also defending them for as long as you can.
New buildings and resources for a deeper economic simulation.
Players can now move buildings in and out of the city, and have to make hard choices of which buildings to keep and which to leave behind.
Dream Engines: Nomad Cities action RPG city building game is due out in March 2021. Releasing on both Steam Early Access and GOG. Arriving on Windows PC but Suncrash are not discarding Linux gaming. So stay tuned.
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eyesearing-fr · 2 years
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another little lore comic
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niche-gamer · 5 years
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Judgement: Apocalypse Survival Simulation Gets Free Desert DLC https://nichegamer.com/2019/07/09/judgement-apocalypse-survival-simulation-gets-free-desert-dlc/
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aratalatam · 6 years
Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation ya disponible
New Post has been published on https://wp.me/p9Ds3g-9h1
Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation ya disponible
Suncrash ha anunciado que desde este 3 de mayo 2018 Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation ya esta disponible en Steam por $167.39 MXN (trae 10% de descuento inicial que durará hasta el 10 de mayo).
Judgment es un juego de gestión de base con combate táctico donde los jugadores controlan a un grupo de supervivientes después del Apocalipsis. Después de un tiempo exitoso en Early Access, por fin ha visto la luz de esta de forma completa en Steam.
Es el fin del mundo, el Apocalipsis. Lo que comenzó como una serie de ataques misteriosos rápidamente se convirtió en una invasión total. No sabíamos lo que eran hasta que fue demasiado tarde. El infierno abrió su mandíbula y todo su mal se derramó. La humanidad ahora es solo una sombra de lo que era, restos dispersos, corriendo y huyendo como insectos. Todo está perdido, pero hay esperanza. Hemos encontrado un lugar protegido, un valle aislado. Hemos construido un refugio para otros sobrevivientes como nosotros. Juramos reconstruir lo que perdimos, para defendernos. Algún día, los conduciremos de vuelta al Infierno y reclamaremos el planeta. Es el Día del Juicio Final, pero somos los sobrevivientes y nunca nos rendiremos.
Con su recién lanzamiento, el juego trae nueva adiciones como:
Campaña para un solo jugador con una trama que abarca más de cinco capítulos, incluidas las escenas cinemáticas.
Nuevo modo de espacio aislado.
Decenas de nuevas tecnologías, armas, armaduras, equipos, consumibles y materiales que básicamente duplican la cantidad de contenido.
Nuevos enemigos: enfréntate a los demonios de más alto rango del Infierno, el Archidemonio, el Morax y el Shedim.
Un mapa mundial que ahora es 250% del tamaño original e incluye dos nuevos biomas.
Una versión nativa de 64 bits.
Soporte oficial para la localización en francés y soporte comunitario para idiomas adicionales como español, italiano y ruso (además de los idiomas soportados anteriormente: inglés, alemán y chino simplificado)
Banda sonora del compositor Alon Kaplans.
Sitio Oficial
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bygonebytes-blog · 8 years
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JUDGMENT: APOCALYPSE SURVIVAL SIMULATION GETS NEW COMBAT! Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulator by indie developer Suncrash gets even better with the Alpha 11 update. New missions come into play with new combat goals, and a new loot system has been implemented to enhance gameplay for each mission type. Grab your bible and your shotgun, and jump into the thick of Armageddon! Check out the details at KeenGamer.com!
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quietfounder · 3 years
Timeline of DuckTales 2017
Here’s a theoretical timeline of the show I put together based on evidence given to me and intended order.
December 2017 (Launchpad was born in September 1987 and since with where I theorize This Duckburg Life, this is the year I went with):
Daytrip of Doom!
The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!
January 2018:
The Great Dime Chase!
The Beagle Birthday Massacre!
The House of Lucky Gander!
February 2018:
The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!
The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!
Terror of the Terra-firmians!
March 2018:
McMystery at McDuck McManor!
The Missing Links of Moorshire! (spring is starting by now)
The Spear of Selene!
April 2018:
Day of the Only Child!
Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System!
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!
May 2018:
From the Confidential Case Files of Agent 22!
Sky Pirates…In the Sky!
The second half of Whatever Happened to Della Duck?! occurs (Della’s made more progress in rebuilding the Spear of Selene in the end of the Shadow War compared to this episode in the end)
June 2018: (Suncrasher confirms six months passed since the start of season 1 up to the point)
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!
Who is Gizmoduck?!
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck! (all of these likely occur in the same week for the sake of pacing)
The Last Crash of the Sunchaser (couple days after last episode)
The Shadow War
October 2018 (coincidentally when season 2 began airing):
The Most Dangerous Game…Night!
The Depths of Cousin Fethry!
The Ballad of Duke Baloney! (it’s four months after The Shadow War according to Roxanne Fetherly and for the sake of later episode time frames, the first two are only a couple days before this episode)
November 2018:
The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!
Storkules in Duckburg!
December 2018:
Last Christmas!
January 2019:
Within the first week of the year:
Friendship Hates Magic!
Treasure of the Found Lamp!
The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!
The 87 Cent Solution!
The Golden Spear!
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!
Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?! (kinda cheating a bit with moving it earlier but it bette flows the Donald on the moon plot given how it continues where Nothing Can Stop Della Duck left off with him being captured)
Raiders of the Doomsday Vault!
The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!
The Duck Knight Returns!
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!
Nightmare on Killmotor Hill! (a year after Lena’s debut according to the episode)
The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!
GlomTales! (end of the month since I’m sure the Scrooge/Glomgold bet referred to end of business year, not overall year and end of business year here could be February 1st-January 31st)
February 2019:
The Richest Duck in the World!
Moonvasion! (a month after Donald was supposed to go on his cruise and after his message was delivered to Scrooge)
March 2019-September 2019:
This Duckburg Life! (it’s after season 2 since The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee! events are mentioned in an episode of the podcast but before season 3 for obvious reasons like Webby/Scrooge)
October 2019:
The Trickening! (I know I’m going out of order but seeing how Astro BOYD is in March and another one later in the season takes place in spring break, I find it unlikely that they spent a year on the Missing Mysteries so holiday episodes go first)
December 2019:
How Santa Stole Christmas!
March 2020:
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks!
Quack Pack!
Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice!
The Lost Harp of Mervana!
Louie’s Eleven!
Astro B.O.Y.D.!
The Rumble for Ragnarok!
The Phantom and the Sorceress!
They Put a Moonlander on the Earth!
The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades! (spring break)
April 2020:
The Fight for Castle McDuck! (okay, kinda cheating again with different from creator order but it makes more sense for this to be before FOWL is revealed to the family as the blog points out)
New Gods on the Block! (same as above)
Let’s Get Dangerous!
Escape from the ImpossiBin!
The Split Sword of Swanstantine!
May 2020:
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck!
The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker!
Beaks in the Shell! (blog kinda points out it makes more sense for story pacing)
The Last Adventure! (I discounted The First Adventure since it’s fully in the past but just assume it’s like 25-ish years before the series began)
I’m so sorry to the person who sent this in months ago. I thought it was something I’ve done at first, but I uploaded it now and great recounting of events.
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mar64ds · 3 years
Could you info dump about ducktails?
Of course!! I’m not sure about what so I’ll just talk about my opinion of the show in general
Ducktales is a great show and one of the best reboots of all time. It’s funny, interesting, cute and emotional. The show is famous for having a really big cast of characters and all of these characters are great (you know except bad guys like Mark Beaks, he sucks)
Let’s talk about seasons:
I think the episodic episodes of season 1 were a bit weak, the writers were clearly still trying to find how the show and characters were going to be. However the story episodes and its execution are the best ones the show has ever done, better than s2 and s3, I think the show absolutely peaked with The Last Suncrasher and The Shadow War
Season 2 has probably the best episodic episodes, but I think the season finale was kind of weak. Apart of Della, who was great and I love her she’s my mom, there was practically no emotional stakes, it was way too much action without any depth to it unlike the s1 finale
Season 3 has the best crossover episode of the show, Let’s Get Dangerous, and yes the plot of this season was very rushed but I liked it anyway and I think the finale was okay!
And now let’s talk about characters!
The strenght of this show are the characters and like I said before, almost everyone is great. 
I’m not going to talk about every single character, I love them all and I could talk about them for hours so I’ll just talk about a few
-The triplets are really funny and great, I’m glad they are cause I feel like in other media they write Huey, Louie and Dewey as a little bit too mean. This is absolutely the best version of them there is no doubt on that
-Violet and Lena are awesome new characters, Lena has a great character arc that I can relate to a lot and Violet is just amazing in general and always has the best lines. I love their found family dynamic and individually they are both fantastic
-Della, my mom!!!! She’s an incredible character, you see really few female characters like her, especially mom characters, and she’s just a delight to see. I love that she doesn’t have everything figured out, she’s not an expert at being a mom yet, but she tries so hard and she loves her kids, and I love her so much for that
-Launchpad, Drake and Gosalyn. Family... :’(  They are all amazing, I love how they wrote both Gosalyn and Drake, and of course Launchpad is fantastic. PLEASE let the reboot be exactly like the Let’s Get Dangerous episode
-Fethry. My friend... :’)  I wish he could have showned up more, I love his episode and the very clear neurodivergent message it had
(I’m going to be a bit critical here sorry for that:)
-I love Scrooge, he’s a really fun character and his love for his family is great to see, but he’s not... a good person, and I wish the show acknowledged that instead of constantly glorifying it. I think it’s something that didn’t bothered me that much until The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck, god that episode is a really big mess, in my opinion it’s the worst episode of the show
-Donald is of course my favorite character and yes I have talked about it before but he deserves way way better. This is my favorite version of the character by far and it’s true that he has a lot of great moments, but god he had so so much potential and they completely wasted it and it makes me so sad. But I’m still happy for the good moments, I loved that he was showned to be the best dad ever and I’m so happy they made him canonically go to therapy, all of that was really nice to see
God I want to talk about all characters like Webby, Penumbra, D’jinn, Fenton, Gandra, etc etc but I’d be here all day. Just know that I love them all a lot
If you want me to infodump about anything more specific about Ducktales please let me know!
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My personal timeline for DT 2017
Let's assume that the series started in 2015 (since Launchpad was born in 1987 according to his license on Beware the Buddy System and he's 28 at the start (since it's been said by Frank ( https://suspendersofdisbelief.tumblr.com/post/190969656096/what-is-the-age-difference-between-donalddella ) that he's seven years younger than the 36 (35 at the start and 36 by the end of season 2) year old Della and Donald) like it did in real life and only partially using Frank's intended order ( https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/ducktales-watch-order-new-series/ ).
November 2015:
Daytrip of Doom
December 2015:
 The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest (takes place at Christmas)
January 2016:
The Great Dime Chase
The Beagle Birthday Massacre
The House of Lucky Gander
The Spear of Selene (makes more sense as it could Donald being there since they could be on their way back from seeing the cricket last episode)
February 2016:
The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks
The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra
Terror of the Terra-firmians
McMystery at McDuck McManor
March 2016:
The Missing Links of Moorshire (spring is starting in Scottland (where the episode takes place))
Day of the Only Child
Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System
April 2016:
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains
From the Confidential Case Files of Agent 22
Sky Pirates...In the Sky
Who is Gizmoduck?
The second half of Whatever Happened to Della Duck occurs since Della's made more progress in rebuilding the Spear of Selene in the end of the Shadow War compared to this episode in the end)
May 2016 (Suncrasher confirms six months passed since the start of season 1 up to the point)
The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck (has to take place closer to Shadow War to help with Lena's plot)
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck (probably the day after Other Bin for the sake of Lena's plot, only after due to Huey and Louie finding out and speeding the Della mystery progress up)
The Last Crash of the Sunchaser (couple days after last episode)
The Shadow War
September 2016 (The Ballad of Duke Baloney took place four months after Shadow War and first two presumably occur closer to that episode)
The Most Dangerous Game...Night
The Depths of Cousin Fethry
The Ballad of Duke Baloney
October 2016:
The Town Where Everyone Was Nice
Storkules in Duckburg
November 2016:
Friendship Hates Magic
Treasure of the Found Lamp
December 2016:
Last Christmas (mostly to make sense of the timeline in later episodes)
January 2017:
A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill (considering Della's absence and Dewey's dream having a picture of him crying on the moon implying he's still sad over Della's absence, it could very well take place before she returned and its before 87 Cent Solution since that episode being before Golden Spear gives even more reason for Donald's stress there (due to that fake funeral) and its supposed to be a year after Lena and Webby met)
The 87 Cent Solution
The Golden Spear (January 8th)
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck (January 8th and 9th)
What Ever Happened to Donald Duck? (considering the ending of Nothing Can Stop Della Duck and Donald's subplot here, it makes more sense for this to come after that episode) (January 9th)
Raiders of the Doomsday Vault
The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot (gives a bit more light on Webby's actions here if it occurs closer to the episode as well as Della and Launchpad's interactions)
The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee
The Duck Knight Returns
The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck (more sense for it to be closer to Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake considering Goldie and only after Della's return due to that episode's subplot)
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake
Timephoon (January 29th-30th)
GlomTales (day after Timephoon and assuming Glomgold meant fiscal year (that starts in February 1st and ends in January 31st in the Duck universe) in Ballad of Duke Baloney when making the bet)
February 2017:
The Richest Duck in the World (February 1st)
Moonvasion (February 8th since Louie said it occured a week before Moonvasion and had to take place a month after Della's return since the cruise everyone thought Donald was on lasted that long (and Donald claimed in What Ever Happened to Donald Duck? that the invasion was a month after that episode))
March 2017:
Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks
Quack Pack
Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice
The Lost Harp of Mervana
Louie's Eleven
Astro BOYD (it's March according to Huey and BOYD's picture)
The Rumble for Ragnorak
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eye-searing · 5 years
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i had this idea/started this like a week ago and IVE FINALLY FINISHED IT!!!
its an oc meme!!! 
Characters in order: Treasure, Wolf, Belladonna, Solar, Cloy, Mewko, Nightwave, Wither, Flora, Suncrash, Ricochet.
This is eleven of the twelve mc’s in Logicbomb. Chirop isn’t here, shes very probably the one saying “i love you” and would also prolly just respond with an “i love you too”
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thezombiechimp · 7 years
Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation Early Access Preview
For myself, there is always something intrinsically addictive about survival games. For those of you not sure on the term, in survival games it is up to you to gather resources, build bases and fight off enemy’s all while staving off hunger, thirst, tiredness, disease and boredom. This is made all the more difficult by the fact you often have nothing except your bare hands and, if you’re lucky a…
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delpad-week · 5 years
prompt : cleaning up the Suncrasher
I love it! Thanks for the suggestion!
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eyesearing-fr · 3 years
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new skin im most excited about!! a;
suncrash glow up time
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audubonbaybridge · 6 years
A Theory
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Where are Hortense and Quackmore Duck? Are they even Donald and Della’s parents? In the first episode, Webby tells the boys they’re Scrooge’s grandnephew’s on his sister Hortense’s side with Quackmore. But in The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!, Scrooge introduces Donald to his parents as their grandnephew. He also tells them that Donald is his ward. Then we have Last Christmas!, which showed Donald and Della sharing a room in Scrooge’s mansion. Based on the way their room was decorated, it seems they live there full time.
So. Scrooge says he’s their ward, and they lived at his mansion as a child. Why?
I think it’s possible something happened to their parents, and Donald and Della had to live with their uncle, just as Huey, Dewey and Louie had to live with their Uncle Donald when their mother disappeared. One of the comic book covers tells us that Dewey reminds both Scrooge and Donald a lot of Della. Selene also tells him that he’s just like her. And Dewey is the one who is obsessed with uncovering the story of what happened to his mom. Dewey is the one who goes to such great lengths that he actually risked his life crawling onto the tips of a plane as it dangled precariously above the ground, just to uncover a missing piece needed to solve the mystery.
Just how much of that is repeating history? If Dewey is just like his mother, and her parents were missing from her life, was Della equally as obsessed with solving the mystery of what happened to them? Is that why she’s gone now? Since the episode aired, I’ve been suspicious that there’s more to the story of why Della took the Spear of Selene than we’ve been told so far. For starters, the look on her face in the photograph as she climbs into the rocket is so serious, almost like she’s contemplating something heavy. It doesn’t strike me as the look someone has when they’ve discovered a fun surprise, and they’re about to take it on a fun joyride with no intention of getting hurt. The note she leaves for Scrooge also feels serious in nature. “I’m sorry.”? Again, if she was just taking it for a fun spin, I feel like the tone would be lighter, and probably with less apologizing.
What’s the real reason Della took the ship? I’m not sure, but I’m starting to wonder if it has something to do with her and Donald’s parents. In Last Christmas!, she mentions wanting to give Scrooge the best present ever. In The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!, Scrooge tells the boys that she wanted to give them the stars. Maybe she also wanted to give them their grandparents? Maybe she wanted to give her parents the gift of knowing their grandsons? We already have evidence that she was willing to take risks for other people. Maybe she wanted to find her missing parents. Donald thought it was a bad idea, and that she should focus on the family she still has with her, just like Huey and Louie tell Dewey on the Suncrasher. Neither Della or Dewey listened to their brothers. It worked out for Dewey; not so much for Della.
The biggest question to this theory is what happened to their parents? I’m guessing Hortense and Quackmore are still their parents, especially since we’ve already seen what they looked like and everything. I’m not sure why Scrooge would call Donald Fergus and Downy’s nephew, but maybe he’s mashing up the fact that Donald is his own nephew, but also practically his own son. Or maybe there’s something else going on entirely.
I’m also suspicious of Magica somehow being involved in this. In one of the photo’s we’ve seen of Della, she’s shown flying Scrooge and Donald away from a volcano, and Magica is known for living in Mount Vesuvius -- a volcano. In the flashbacks of Scrooge’s fight with Magica fifteen years earlier, the background does look as if it might be the same volcano that Della flies them away from. Magica also tells Lena that there’s a centuries old feud between the two families that we know nothing about at this point. Is it possible that Donald and Della’s parents somehow fell victim to this? And Della did as well? Was the storm she got caught up in somehow connected to Magica? It might be a coincidence. But just from a narrative standpoint, having Magica come to power due to an eclipse and trying Della to the moon in the same episode seems a little too coincidental.
So there we have it: my theory is that Della got caught up in solving a mystery about her parents in exactly the same way her son does, and it contributed to her getting lost in space. I guess we’ll find out if I’m right. or I could be completely off base, and Frank or someone else from the crew will read this and laugh their asses off. Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also noticed wile writing this that both episodes that give us history on Della have the word ‘last’ in them, but that could easily be a coincidence. 
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aratalatam · 6 years
Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation ya tiene fecha de lanzamiento
New Post has been published on https://wp.me/p9Ds3g-9b7
Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation ya tiene fecha de lanzamiento
El desarrollador independiente Suncrash se complace en anunciar que Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation , emocionante juego de gestión de colonias con combate táctico, se lanzará oficialmente el 3 de mayo en Steam.
El mundo está en llamas. Tu ciudad, tu hogar, tu familia, todo se ha ido. Los demonios están invadiendo todo el mundo, matando y quemando donde quiera que vayan. El Apocalipsis, está sobre nosotros. ¿Sobrevivirás al Día del Juicio Final?
Judgment es un juego de estrategia en tiempo real que ofrece una mezcla de manejo de colonias y combate táctico . Usted controla un grupo de sobrevivientes en medio del Apocalipsis, solo días después del apocalipsis. El infierno ha abierto sus puertas y ha desatado sus fuerzas malvadas en la Tierra, y tú eres la última esperanza de la humanidad para sobrevivir.
Tienes que construir y defender un refugio seguro, y para eso debes cosechar y recolectar recursos, construir defensas y entrenar a tu colonia de supervivientes, crear arte e investigar tecnologías pre-apocalípticas y conocimiento ocultista antiguo. También te enfrentas al anfitrión demoníaco en exploración, recolección y ataques a tu base.
Judgment ofrece combate pausable en tiempo real y permadeath, una experiencia táctica profunda y emocionante donde cada decisión cuenta.
Construye tu base en medio de un Apocalipsis demoníaco.
Explora un mundo invadido aleatoriamente con recursos creados por el hells y saquee recursos esenciales.
Lucha contra criaturas del abismo en combate táctico en tiempo real.
Sube de nivel y personaliza a tus sobrevivientes.
Diseña tu propio equipo, herramientas y armas.
Investiga tecnologías perdidas para desbloquear nuevas estructuras y equipos.
Practica el ocultismo y usa la magia oscura propia de los demonios contra ellos.
Crea poderosas recetas alquímicas para ayudarte en tu lucha contra el anfitrión demonio.
Negocie con otros sobrevivientes por los materiales y artículos que necesita.
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ankkalinna · 6 years
RE: death not meaning anything in DT2017- 
And, I guess in general some of my issues with DT2017:
I mean, originally I had hopes this was all leading to Scrooge being revealed as callous and as someone who put children at risk, after he had been built up as heroic and awesome. (And then you get the conflict with him and Donald etc etc he’s called out on it, Donald’s overprotectiveness is shown to have downsides etc etc)
But at this point, I highly question they’re going to pull this off in a way that satisfies me. When the show tells me Scrooge McDuck is awesome I accept it, not because I’m pulled in and think he’s awesome but because I feel like the cartoon would just contort its own reality into a pretzel simply to make him ‘awesome’.
Plus the conflict between Scrooge and Donald has just been handled abysmally, to the extent that I’m just convinced there’s some Disney meddling or restrictions involved... The treatment of Donald is just... bad in general. If I were more generous I’d again say it’s building up towards him just being super cool at the season final by presenting him as a buffoon until then but it’s... again I doubt they can pull it off in any kinda satisfying manner.
There are other things, I have a boatload of issues with the way they’re portraying Glomgold, of course, seeing how they took pretty much everything I hate in how people write him and made it worse... He’s like the absolute worst parts I hate rolled into a ball. And lot of it comes back to my issues of how this show writes Scrooge...
But I mean. This show obviously isn’t for me and if you get anything out of it, good for you.
I also don’t care if you like DT2017Glomgold... I think my opinion would be very different if it wasn’t an ‘adaptation’ of a pre-existing character. From what I hear he is just written as one of the voice actor’s previous roles..?
So, I guess. Maybe it is building towards something and going to ‘‘ha you thought otherwise but here is how things actually ARE!” but if I don’t enjoy the journey there, eh? I don’t feel like this about everything. I’m fine with Goldie for example because I am willing to have faith they’ll do more with her, and more importantly, even in the one episode she was in the seeds for her development were already sown in a way that feels satisfying for me... Maybe they’ll fuck up but with that I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
With something like Scrooge, or even the overall tone of the show (which includes how death is treated) they have chosen a road that doesn’t appeal to me. Again, if it does appeal to you, good. But I don’t get anything out of this show, so. I’m not following it.
EDIT: after the recent revelations with the suncrasher episode... yeah it was 100% how I thought it’d be. so my opinion is unchanged. I knew this was what they were going to do but the thing is, I was never in the story. With this show I constantly feel like I am watching a show. ‘Oh okay so the show is saying Scrooge is awesome’ instead of ‘Scrooge is awesome’ you know what I mean?
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comic-critic-squad · 7 years
Okay, trying with the new asking 'format'! Have you guys read the comic Frostbite by Sweecroc on deviantart? It's 153 pages by now (short pages, not a bunch of dialogue) and still regularly updated. It's a Warrior Cats spinoff with original characters as the main cast. Art is cute, plot seems to be heading in sssome fathomable direction but I find myself unable to get over how unlikable the [secondary?] main character is and the fact that I can't tell if it's intentional
FUFUFUFUFUCKFROSTBITE ANON YOU GOT ME HOOKED.It’s a good comic, I like it a lot!Art is A+ and the story and characters hold their own. This was definitely a good read and I’m glad to see that it’s stull actively being updated.Frostbite by Sweetcroc[For those that want to read]A warriors inspired comic that has a mix of canon and OC characters. -From what I got it of it Leaf-bare is the background controlling factor and it seems to be a mix of survival and mystery about windclan with a bit of love stuff.-Art is lovely, and I don’t say much about art since I have no preference but grayscale is my favorite so by page 80 I loved it. -Story is wobbly at first with so many deaths in the beginning but it evens out and finds a pace...like around page 40 it finds that pace.-Characters are solid but maybe not Suncrash...they seem to be a bit all over at first. -Conversation is flowing good. Dr. salt could probably prove me wrong but I like how the conversation isn’t static. -Gay couples. It’s nice to see a comic with this factor but the fan base just is wayyyyy too excited. It’s like okay..chill out we’re on page 120 and you’re still screaming about “the gay”. The author seems to be pressured to explain relationships which sucks cause the comic is more than just the love genre it has. Overall I really like this comic. -Shipumhard
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