#super fancy
monkeymeghan · 1 year
Our super fancy free food
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The view from our seats
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Our wristbands, me and my sister
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attleboy · 4 months
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QUICK GUYS while it's still relevant!!! do your thing!!! 📸 okay good you can go now
original by glitch...you've probably seen it 10 million times by now
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now for bonus content... flat color version
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andddd individual characters... jax is a little halfbaked in spots sorry you weren't seeing those bits in the full thing anyway
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i also made some doodles based off eizouken clips i found but i ended up making a lot so i'm just gonna give that its own post tomorrow :)
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greywoe · 2 months
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child ward in search of belonging indulges in juvenile fantasies as a coping mechanism. sad!
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justsayun · 2 years
Really a Violin Camp?
Boy, they don't make plastic like they used to. Have you ever heard someone say that?  Like NEVER! But I did hear it muttered recently and thought, wow I'll never hear that probably ever again. I also learned this week that some people sent their kids this summer to "Violin Camp". I'd never heard of a Violin Camp before. I can picture it being super fancy. The kids might wear dressy clothes, no tank tops, and flip-flops. And imagine the fun swanky snacks they're served? An endless supply of Snapple in glass bottles. No cheap O freeze pops, but expensive Popsicles. For desserts, each kid with their ice cream gets a bottle of Magic Shell. One table probably has just gourmet chocolates and Sushi. If I find out that they serve things wrapped in bacon, I'm going to apply for a counselor position next summer.  At the camps, I attended we had pretzel sticks and orange slices for snacks and perhaps a pitcher of orange kool-aid.  The instructors moved us around with cattle prods. Don't get me wrong I love the violin, I just didn't realize they had a special camp.  Can you name one well know violin player?  Not me either.  Can you name any famous harmonica players?  Most could.  Off the top of my head, I'd say Stevie Wonder and Bob Dylan. I would love to attend a Harmonica camp. I'll admit I hang out with a more harmonica crowd than a violin crowd. If I showed up at my buddies get together and pulled out a violin they'd give me a load of crap. But if I hauled out a harmonica they'd say "Go at it, Boxcar Willie". Where I grew up I'd be afraid to let kids know if I attended a Violin Camp. My Uncle Bob when I was growing up had six boys who would have beat the heck out of me if I bragged about attending Violin Camp. Heck, I spent part of my youth up a tree to stay safe from them after they heard I played dodgeball in school. (They claimed dodgeball was a sissy game.  I was told at their school they played dodge rocks.  Yep, you think movies like Halloween and Friday the 13th are scary.  That's nothing compared to an afternoon with those cousins.) I think if you have a kid that plays violin you need to give it a badass vibe. Perhaps a few questionable tattoos. How about a hand tattoo? A couple of funky earrings? Getting a Mohawk haircut is not off the table.  What games would violin camp attendees play during breaks?  Perhaps "Ring Around the Tesla" or "Pin the Tail on the Au Pair"?  I am a music lover, I just was curious when I head about Violin Camp.  Oh those ruff-neck cousins grew up and I ran into them at a wedding.  I was surprised how good of dancers they all were.  I asked my Uncle about it and he laughed and said:  "I think those six boys always waiting to get in the bathroom helped them develop some good moves."
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thunderc1an · 8 months
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Hold me one more time, so that I never forget how it felt to hug the sun
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frenchonionsoop · 9 months
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some hoshikawa BEAST studies!!
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belladonazeppole · 3 months
The Many Suitors of Miss Fortune
"I fucking knew it!" Adam yelled while pointing at Husk, this asshole reborn as a sinner and didn't took him long enough to come to the hotel asking for a place to stay since it look that lot of sinners could recognizr him and they weren't happy.
Charlie, the bleeding heart that she had, accept him even if she wasn't excited of him be here but she believe that everybody deserve redemption even if that person was Adam who took a liking on Husk.
"You almost convince me that you were a dude!" For some reason Adam believe that Husk is a woman. Maybe it was his chest fur since Angel gave him a shampo that gave Husk more volume or maybe Adam is into woman with deep voices or he's just a fucking moron. "You look so hot that I can get over you having the bitchest personality in this dump."
"I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD YOU CAN'T BE THIS FUCKING STUPID! " Husk yelled angrily at Adam, he has this argument to many times and just fially he succed in making him see reason in that thick skull of his."I'M JUST IN DRAG!"
The fact that he comes from Adam just makes him lose hope.
Sadly he can't make this moron see reason but he was right in one thing, he look really good. Husk has to congratulate Angel for making his grumpy old ass look this great. Husk was wearing a golden-yellow backless dress with a slip on the side, golden heels to match, a short wig that was the same color that his fur. It make Husk remember his youth when he do some drag as "Lady Luck" but that was when he was alive.
"As crude and imbecile Adam can be, he is right for once, you look quite wonderful tonight, my dear Husker." Said Alastor while spawning out nowhere in the stool of the bar while glaring at Husk. That was actually kinda sweet from Alastor since after their deal was broken their relationship was.... weird. Alastor sometimes tried to treat still like his pet but now Husk could actually refuse.
Alastor still was a bitch in deer clothing but maybe they can move on from their owner/pet relationship, maybe even making Alastor see Husk as an actual person and not his cat.
"Thanks, Al. That—
"Your welcome! But I do have a problem while the dress fits you like a glove the color just don't see like the right one." He squints his eyes while looking at him up and down to then snapping his fingers making the dress changing from golden-yellow to red, "There! It isn't better? Red was always a color that look better on you, my friend."
Or maybe not.
"No thanks. This color fits me way better than red." He said with a smug smile while snaping his fingers and, return the dress from Alastor signature red to his original golden-yellow, which make one of Alastor's ears twitch.
"Just ignore them you can't deal with stupid or batshit crazy." Said Angel while not giving Adam or Alastor much of a thought, the first just flip him in return while the latter strains his smile, "Now give me a spin! I want to see all my hard work before your date ravish you!"
"DATE WITH FUCKING WHO?" Adam yelled now angry knowing that the hottie that he was trying to bang was gonna be bang for somebody else.
"Husker!?" Alastor was shocked that his former (pet) associate was having date he believe that he and Angel were going to one of their silly "going out" but that somebody was having interest in his oldest... friend. It make Alastor feel angry and possesive. Meanwhile, Husk just rolls his eyes and ignore the outburst of these dumbass but still does what his friend ask him, after all Angel did help him and looking like this-
"This is just a first date, Angel."
"Just do what I'll do."
"I won't do anal in the first date." He cringes at bit at the sound of radio interference but refuse to giving Alastor the attention, "Buuh you whore!" Angel said jokingly while Husk just snorted at him.
"There you are!" A new voice make himself know, that was coming from the TV, it was Vox, who succed in coming out of the TV before Alastor could destroy it. "Fuck you old fossil!!" He yell while giving the finger to the radio demon.
Ever since Vox saw Alastor defeat agaisnt Adam he become more bold in entering to the hotel to mock the other overlord and old rival much to everybody else annoyance. Even fake dating Husk to have more info but the dumbass become more invested in Husk.
He may become Husk unofficial sugar daddy.
They don't even fuck.
Vox just gaves Husk money like an idiot for doing nothing.
Again Vox is a moron.
"Are you gonna fuck a fucking TV instead of having me? The Dickmaster?" Adam asked in disbelieve, fuck he fall really hard in this one. "He looks soo desperate."
"Inded and needy." Alastor glare harder at Vox, "I would expect that you have a better taste than this, Husker." At hint of dissapointment was in Alastor voice. Vox, for the first time, didn't put a lot of mind on them, "And you two are better?" He asked while crossing his arms to them point to Adam, "You! A broke fallen angel that is so fucking desperate that come to the place that tried to destroy in the first place!" Now pointing at Alastor, "And you! A coward who escape in battle and treat him like a pet at best!"
Now looking smug, "While I'm a powerful overlord that has tons of money and can make any of his whishes reality."
"I mean he isn't wrong."
"True, but Husk has a date with somebody waaayy better than any of you guys."
"WHO?" The three of them ask in anger.
"Hoo Mama!"
The three sinners slowly begin to turn around to see Lucifer the King of Hell with a bottle of apple cider and his mouth wide open at the sight of Husk, so he was the date.
That motherfucker.
Lucifer seeing that there were more people watching him pulled himself together as best he could, failure of course, "I mean…uh- You look beautiful tonight Hu- I mean Miss Fortune, yes, that color suits you excellently." He said hurriedly as he handed the bottle of apple cider to Husk who only smiled at his reaction.
He hands the bottle to Angel, "Thanks, Duckie." He laughs a little as the redness in his cheeks appears, "But you have Angel to thank, he's the one who made my geezer self look this awesome."
"Uuhhh, thank you Angel." He said a little awkward as with the use of his magic made another bottle appear, "A thank you for making Husk look amazing…I mean more! More amazing than you normally look, you always look good but now? I almost fainted…"
He really was Charlie's father.
The same verbal diarrhea when they're nervous.
It was adorable if he was honest.
"I understand you look amazing today too, Duckie." He said once again using Lucifer's nickname which only made him smile more and more relaxed, "I'll wait for you outside."
"Thanks, Short King" Said Angel with the bottle in his hand and leaving to his room, "Have a good fuck you two!" He just waves his hand a bit awkwardly, "Don't worry I'll make sure Husk has a night he won't forget."
He was ready to leave until he sees the three sinners looking at him with daggers in their eyes, his awkward posture changes to an arrogant one while he flashes them the finger, "You three want to be me so badly right now."
"Adam, looks like third time's the charm after all. Alfred I'm sorry for not being able to stay for a conversation but I have date right now…. and who are you?" He said the last while pointing at Vox but shakes his head nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter if I'm honest. I have go to my date with Miss Fortune and if I'm lucky it will soon be Mrs Fortune." He said while sticking his tongue out between his fingers.
"Toodles!" He cheerfully as he leaves the three of them alone.
The King had a date and felt really lucky if he is honest!
(This takes inspiration by a small convo that @adyophene and I had it was too good for me not write.)
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rapidhighway · 1 year
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a sweet redraw of this sweet piece
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karlydraws · 6 months
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"What if No Man's Land was a snow world"
....that was what I begun with but I just ended up drawing modern day winter sports theme
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hajihiko · 7 months
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tiny doodle before I run
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aliencatart · 3 months
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having himerita thoughts and missing them everyday of my life
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nuctua-larc · 11 months
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thinking up some alternate designs for the gangs alchemized outfits
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nerdierholler · 1 month
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IT'S DONE! I made a book! I never thought I'd ever be able to make a book. Sure mistakes were made but it was still a fun process and I learned so much from making this first one.
This a binding of The Wayhaven Chronicles IF but with my personal Detective's choices included and the resulting text smoothed out to read more like a novel.
Honestly, I thought something like this would be way beyond my skill set but it wasn't as scary as I thought once I got started. Definitely check out @renegadeguild for some book making and typesetting guides and their discord is super friendly and helpful as well.
If you want to learn from my mistakes I'll go into some trials and tribulations under the cut.
I'm not sure how well this book will hold up long term but that's ok! It was more about learning and I'll make some adjustments and try again with the same text probably.
Margins - need to make them bigger. I mostly read paperbacks so I was going for that format with narrower margins but then when I ran into paper problems, I didn't have a ton of room for trimming.
There was an option on the imposer to add dotted lines to the center fold and I clicked that but they're visible still even after binding. Could be that I needed to sew my signatures tighter and that would help but regardless I don't think I need them in the future so I'll be skipping that feature.
The font was intentionally small, along with the margins, because I was trying to minimize the number of signatures I was dealing with for a first project. I'll bump it up in the future.
Paper (so much wrong)
So the grain should run parallel to the spine but I couldn't find short grain paper. I read at some point that someone recommended using sketch books instead because that should be the right grain. It was not, at least not what I bought, so it still ended up going the wrong way.
The sketch note book I bought had perforated pages. It made them easy to get out but I didn't realize that the page widths were inconsistent until everything was printed out. The paper width varied by at least 1/8 of an inch. I wasn't planning on trimming my pages but my top was super uneven because of this so an attempt at trimming was made. It could have gone worse (there was no blood) but the trimming could have been a lot better too.
Should have just used printer paper. The results would have been the same.
Making Book Cloth
Used the Heat and Bond method with some spare fabric and it worked pretty well. The problem was when it came to adding backing. I'd read tissue paper or even plain paper so I grabbed some piecing paper that was close at hand. That was a mistake. It was good quality fabric so it was thicker already and the paper backing made it too thick. I could barely fold it over and it kept wanting to flip up. It's the spine fabric and I'm still concern it's going to do this in the future.
Used tissue paper for the marbled looking fabric and it was much easier to work with.
Book Board
Not measuring right was all on me. The rice box worked in a pinch but I think it will be prone to bending. Got me the experience I needed be wouldn't be my go-to material for a project of this size.
I used Elmer's All Purpose and it got the job done but, again, probably not going to hold up the best long term. However, I'm glad I didn't buy PVA and basically waste it on this project. Elmer's was good and cheap enough for practice. I'll be getting some PVA for future projects.
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chirpy-chi · 3 months
A sneak peek for an animation WIP I'm doing. I really enjoy animating his double eyes >u<
Edit: Full animation now done and can be found in the link below oOuOo
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teatape · 4 months
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Lady Farina’s annual ball
+ small bonus sketch :>
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thequantumranger · 3 months
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Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (2003) | Platform: PlayStation 2
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