#super mario bros 2023
toonsforkicks22 · 1 year
So we finally see Mario and Luigi’s family, especially their parents. And they (minus the mom) weren’t exactly the most supportive about the brothers quitting their jobs and starting a business. And their dad hammers it home how Mario is “going to drag his brother down with him”.
Before the brothers end up in Peach and Bowser’s realm, they were still in Brooklyn trying to fix a flood.
So no doubt their family saw them rush out of the apartment, the brothers (mainly Mario) attempting to “save Brooklyn”.
That was at night.
So what the family believes, the brothers left and never came back for what might have been an entire 12 hours. Or more depending on what time of the day it is toward the end of the movie.
While they don’t exactly look worried, assuming the boys are continuously pursuing their plumbing business…imagine if more than a day passed since they last saw the brothers. Because if a person is missing more than 24 hours, that would be BIG UH-OH.
And their father would slowly get that guy-wrenching feeling about what was possibly the LAST thing he said to his eldest son.
And the last thing he saw him do was leave to “prove him wrong”.
What a movie, y’all.
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capsource · 1 year
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The Super Mario Bros. movie caps
Available for anyone who wants to use them, no credit needed but super appreciated. All these caps are 1920x1080. Most of the characters have sub folders to divvy up the caps into more manageable downloads, but if there are any issues, please feel free to let me know!
In this folder, you will find: Bowser | Cranky Kong | Diddy Kong | Donkey Kong | Kamek | Koopa Troopas | Luigi | Lumalee | Mario | Mario Family | Other Toads | Penguins | Princess Peach | Spike | Toad
Folder can be found [ here ] Buy me a [ ko-fi ] if you’d like!
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Bowuigi High School Au: Toad drags Luigi to spy on Bowser's football team's frat party to get ideas on how to beat them at the next game, but then, during that team's frat party (no alcohol), Bowser sits at the piano and sings ''Piano Man'' to the cheer of his mates. Toad groans, but Luigi blushes in amazement. He didn't know that mastodon could play and sing... O//O. Luigi's eyes half-closes...Until Toad snaps him outta it to escape before trouble.
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shantalangel · 1 year
A plot that would make me very happy in a sequel :)
Some villain wants to unite in his atrocities with the Great King Bowser, but learns that he has been captured by the "terrible Mario", and decides to release him in exchange for agreeing to cooperate. But in Peach's castle, Bowser of the size of a hamster tells the new villain, that he is absolutely satisfied with life and is not going anywhere.)) The beloved woman is always with him now, takes care of him, loves him even more than Mario; yes, not as a man, as a pet, but it's better than nothing and her love is sincere. Because yes, let's face it, it's natural not to love an enemy and an obsessive suitor, but when his status changes to your adorable pet turtle, it's a completely different matter!
Can also get on Mario's nerves.)
By the way, if anyone wants to write a fanfic about it, you are welcome!
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sarasalandhistory · 2 years
Just Something I Wish SUPER MARIO BROS 2023 but Probably Won’t Happen
I wish they had a sub-plot featuring Luigi, a prisoner of Bowser, teaming up with Princess Daisy, who had surrendered to Bowser in exchange for Sarasaland’s life, in order to sabotage Bowser and his whole regime from the inside. 
I imagine it would start out with Daisy breaking out of her dungeon cell and refuses to help Luigi at first believing he’ll just get in her way, until he says he wants to escape to stop Bowser before can do something terrible to his brother. This makes Daisy pause before she reluctantly frees him as his plight somewhat reminds her of own. This starts their subplot, they slowly develop feelings towards each other despite Luigi’s cowardice and Daisy’s abrasive tendencies.
I know this probably will never happen but it’s still a fun idea.
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acecykes-dono2 · 1 year
So as far as I can tell the only confirmed females in the world of the Mushroom Kingdom are Princess Peach and Dixie Kong.
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earlgraytay · 1 year
My gods, I did not expect Super Mario Bros. (2023) to be a solid 7/10, but here we are
That was a movie with a severe identity crisis that it didn't ever quite pull out of, and as an original story, it was kind of a mess, but as a love letter to Mario it was spot on
it was a fucking ISEKAI????
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poorboypictures · 1 year
The Mario Movie was awesome! I enjoyed so much of the movie that talking about what I didn't like would be a much shorter post.
First off, I was disappointed Mario and Luigi's dad didn't sound like regular Mario, which could have made a better point of disappointment for him, like this guy is upset his sons are risking everything on a business that never runs out of customers! 30 people need a plumber, you can go to ten if you're good enough, and the fact Mario and Luigi are both enthusiastic about and good at plumbing means they will have plenty of business. If Papa Mario sounded like Classic Mario, it would make more sense for him to be mad/disappointed in Mario, thinking he and Luigi were making fun of him just to promote their business, when in reality they emulated their father because he is still such a confident guy despite being made fun of for the way he talks all his life.
Second, I don't like that Luigi's nickname in the movie is Lou, yes that is a typical nickname for someone named Luigi, but the game nickname of Weegie/Weeg sounds so much more personal and like a sibling came up with it, like Luigi was bugging Mario when they were kids and to retaliate Mario started calling him Weegie for a few days, only for the nickname to stick with the family and Luigi just got used to it and actually liked it eventually.
Thirdly, Toadsworth is not in the movie and that is a shame.
Finally, I know Illumination has a thing with old music, but there were to many old songs in this movie, four is too much for a video game movie, there are two scenes in the film that would make sense to have them: the training montage, and the end, but only one of them should have had an actual song in it, and I hope that someone edits the scenes with real songs so they have the music from the soundtrack that was left out of the movie so we can see how it sounds, and will most likely be better than what we got.
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jellyfishinc · 1 year
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Trying out a new fandom while the iron is still hot
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thejdblog · 2 years
Super Mario Movie teaser poster. 🍄
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ponreviews · 1 year
Super Mario Bros Movie - Letsa Go!!
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Categories: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Rating: 9/10
Mario and Luigi are just your average plumbers starting their own business in Brooklyn. The brothers find themselves investigating some strange happenings within the sewers beneath the city. The next thing they knew they were warped into a strange universe. Separated, Mario desperately does all he can to get his brother back, teaming up with a princess and a.... mushroom?? to do it all while protecting the Mushroom Kingdom in the process.
For the first time, I'm going to make this review spoiler free! I think this is a perfect opportunity to get you to watch the movie if you haven't already. I'm still going to attach stills throughout the review like I normally do, but in this case, the stills shouldn't be huge spoilers (especially if you have seen the trailer).
I'll start a bit negative because let's face it, this movie is an obvious cash grab. It primarily feeds off of the nostalgia of older generations while also appealing to younger generations who enjoy Super Mario games. Because of this, there's not a lot of substance to the movie. Unlike other critics, however, I don't believe that makes this movie bad. I went into the theater with little expectations other than "the references should be there."
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I was pleasantly surprised by the flow of the movie. Not one part felt like it was slowing down. I liked how animated and exaggerated the movements were. It's very fast paced and for Super Mario, that's perfect. I was surprised to find out how deep the references went. Like that rival plumber (Foreman Spike) does actually exist in the Super Mario lore. It was fun to learn a little bit about the references I didn't know about. I do wish they gave Charles Martinet a bigger role than just a cameo.
I had my concerns about Chris Pratt being cast as Mario, and I hate to admit it, but he was right when he said no one is gonna care about the accent. It's explained pretty well early on in the movie too. An exaggerated Italian accent for a commercial for their plumbing brand? Makes sense. I still don't like Chris Pratt as Mario, but that's just because I don't like him in general. I will note that my bias against him does not affect the rating would've been docked a whole point if it did. He plays the role well, but it's forgettable compared to the rest of the star-studded cast.
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Jack Black as Bowser was PERFECT!! His personality fit the character they were trying to go for with Bowser. Same with Charlie Day as Luigi. We all know that meme. The conspiracy theorist Charlie Day meme. Need I say more? Also Seth Rogan?? As Donkey Kong??? That laugh solidified the casting for me. Anya Taylor Joy works as Peach. It would be wrong for me to say it was the perfect casting, but she does make it work. Overall, great performances by the actors.
Illumination should be proud of the animation. They were able to maintain integrity of the games' original designs while sticking to their signature style. It's hard to pull that off and have overwhelming praise. I particularly liked how bouncy (for the lack of a better word) everything was. It really was enjoyable. Going back to the "cash grab" complaint I had, I do respect them for it. It's smart to market the movie for kids while building on the nostalgia of the adults who grew up on the games. I see you Nintendo and Illumination marketing teams. Geniuses all of you. The best part about it is that it wasn't that weird mesh of animation and live action. It was all animated and all wonderful.
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Overall, I definitely think this movie is worth the hype it's getting. You could tell everyone involved was just having fun, and that's where you find the best projects. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's even more amazing when the cast has fun in that project (and the premieres - shoutout Anya Taylor Joy and Jack Black for those wonderful outfits). All in all, if you haven't watched it yet, go! Watch with friends, family, or even alone! If you have watched it already, watch again if/when the movie hits streaming sites with others. I feel like it's a nice comfort movie, and we haven't had one like this in ages.
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hippiehusk · 1 year
Hey guys. I am finishing cosmetology school and for the first time in 5 years I am NOT working. I will be graduated and licensed up by June/mid July (hopefully!). In July, my family immediate is going to visit my family in my home state and possibly sightseeing at an extremely meaningful location for me. I have not been to my home state or seen this family since 2019. If I can't raise a little money now, I will not be able to go, because I'll have to start working right away.
Many of you have been faithful fans of my work. If you would like to commission artwork or writing from me I would greatly appreciate it. Here is a doc explaining what I can do.
This money would not be "fun money" for the trip. I didn't take out loans for school, and financial aid left me with a few thousand to pay. My savings right now may not cover my car insurance for May, June, and July. This money will make it so I can see my family without going into overdraft due to car insurance payments. My "fun money" is whatever cash I make from taking haircutting clients at my home. My checking account goes untouched.
Here is my PayPal. Here is my cashapp.
If you can't purchase a commission nor donate, please reblog!! I worked very hard on my fics for you guys for many years 💖
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
Zooey Deschanel and Will Ferrell | Baby It's Cold Outside | Elf 2003
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kamenwriter · 1 year
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starburst2000 · 1 year
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Yo, just came back from the movies!
Saw the Super Mario Bros Movie with 2 friends, LOVED IT, and ADORED the easter eggs in every scene.
SPOILER! Mario and Luigi's family have an Italian-style coffeepot!
Go watch this movie, if you haven't.
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hellishunicorn · 1 year
So, even if I have not yet seen the Mario movie, I have listened to the Peaches song about a thousand times and got an idea. Stede on the boat, with the marooned crew with him, right beside the revenge, looking up where Ed is standing by the railing (correct me if it's called something else, didn't fact anything before writing this down) singing a little song he wrote for the love of his life to both say he's sorry and that he loves Ed.
so basically I tweaked the Peaches song from the new Mario movie to fit OFMD, the lyrics below:
This one is for my one and only true love, Edward Teach 
Ed, you're so good And in my heart, there’s only you Ed, understand I'm gonna love you 'til the very end
Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward I love you, oh Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward I love you, oh
Oluwande, Lucius, Jim, Frenchie, Roach too. A thousand different warships couldn't keep me from you Edward Teach, at the end of the line I'll make you mine
Oh, Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward,  Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward, Edward I lo-ove you, oh! Edward, Edward Ed, ED
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