#supernatural Gabriel
reallyunluckyrunaway · 3 months
Sam trying to explain the time loop in Mystery Spot be like:
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kapellputs · 6 months
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Coming out as a sabriel enjoyer
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gilverrwrites · 7 months
Their Perfect Date HCs [Angel edition]
Rating: General
Human Edition | Monster Edition
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Please remember: There is strength in softness.
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Absolutely brings you flowers. 
Hear me out: fruit picking!
Something like strawberries
Spend the day outdoors in the sunny weather, chatting, walking, picking and comparing fruits. 
Maybe a picnic at the end where you can refuel, and Cas can bask in the sun. Enjoy people/nature watching together. 
Then you take him home and make your harvest into something; a pie, wine, jelly/jam.
Put him in a frilly apron and boop flour on his nose, he’s in love. 
Cas won’t partake in the consumption, but he’ll enjoy watching you, and earnestly listen to your review.
Brings you chocolates/candy.
(Obviously, he has ideas, plans, and wants of his own, to a dangerous extent but) Gabe at his core just wants to impress you, don’t give him choices because he’s very much a ‘whatever you want’ kinda guy in those scenarios. His ideal date is whatever your ideal date is. 
What do you want for dinner? ‘Whatever you fancy sugar’, your wish: my command.’  Do you prefer the red outfit, or the black? ‘I think you look smokin’ in both, pick whatever you feel good in.’ Do you want pasta or pizza? ‘I want a pizza you. Do you want pasta or pizza?’
Plus, he loves simultaneously using indecisiveness to wind you up and to force you to make decisions for yourself, to voice your own wants and needs.  
Ultimately though, I think his ideal date would be something surprisingly simple. 
Like a coffee date.
Or hot/boozy hot/chocolates and pancakes at a dessert restaurant. 
Tell him about your proudest moments, your favourite everything, your biggest adventures, your fondest dreams, so he can soak you in. 
He’ll tell you about his own escapades, drops some big names, about his early days on earth, and so on. 
Somewhere you can spend hours chitchatting, sharing stories, and getting to know each other, while getting high on sugar and playing footsie under the table. 
Isn’t sure which is most appropriate or which you would like most, so he brings you all the gifts! Chocolate, flowers, soft toys, you name it! 
But then he gets nervous and thinks it’s too much, so he only gives you the flowers.
Until you’re halfway through your date, when things are just easy and relaxed. He confesses and gives you the other stuff at the end of your date. 
As for the date itself it would be something classic but fun; bowling, mini golf, roller skating. 
If it’s score-based, he won’t be competitive, but also will not let you win. 
If the venue does food, and you’re struggling to pick he’ll order your second choice so the two of you can split and share.
Will find any excuse to try and hold your hand throughout. 
Does not bring a gift. Come on, he’s all the gift you need. 
Lucifer is not easy to take on a date. (He’s not easy in any regard really.) Especially when you take into account his distaste for all things human.
If he’s earnestly asked you on a date/agreed to a date, then the only salvageable factor is you. No pressure.   
And it's not like he can just fly you away to another galaxy or something, cause you know, human bodies don’t tend to do well in the vacuum of space. 
Plus, he’s so contraire you could spend hours listing ideas and he would bat down every single one. (Secretly loving every moment because he gets to spend time with you, making you laugh as he comes up with more and more ridiculous reasons to reject your ideas). 
Really though, just take him with you on your daily routine, or even like, your ideal day. Let him bitch about all the humans in the grocery store, let him try your favourite foods, him laugh at the kid who dropped their ice cream, and let him watch you geek out at the book/video/hobby store without embarrassment. Just let him experience your true self, while letting him be his true self. 
No policing him, just pure unadulterated freedom with the person he loves.    
Brings you chocolates, but not like fancy ones. Adam advised that gifts were customary in human dating culture, but didn’t specify which kind, so he got you a selection of candy bars, the same kind that Adam seems to enjoy. 
Something outdoorsy and active but with a view; Hiking, rock climbing, or even just a long walk on the beach. 
Something where you can find a nice place to settle and watch the clouds and/or stars together. 
If stargazing, he will teach you about the different constellations, their creation, and their stories. 
Will be absolutely enamoured if you already know some of it and are able to have a back-and-forth conversation. 
Adam also tried to teach him some other dating tricks, like fake stretching to put his arm around you, but that seems redundant. If he wants to put his arm around you, he will simply do so. 
Short circuits a little when you lean in closer and rest your head on his chest/shoulder. 
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winchesterszvonecek · 9 months
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“I killed you.”
SUPERNATURAL | 13x21 - Beat the Devil
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angelicbros · 4 months
Gabriel: can't you take a fucking joke?wha.. now you're not talking to me? so damn sensitive
his jokes:
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asbeel · 2 months
The brothers Winchester (+Milligan) and their angels' shenanigans
#1: the angels say "I love you"
Castiel: Dean... I love you
Dean: Hey man, that's kinda gay.
Castiel: We've been dating for months now, of course we're gay
Dean: I know. I was just using humor to distract myself from the traumatic flashback I just got
Gabriel: Hey Sammy! I love you~
Sam: No, we can't have a threesome
Gabriel: Dammit
Michael: I love you.
Adam: I love you too, Michael.
Michael: I love you!
Adam: I love you too, Michael?
Michael: I LOVE YOU!
Michael: You want sushi for dinner?
Adam: Aight bet
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sepulchralss · 1 month
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marksmarkers93 · 1 month
Behold- his bastardness, GABRIEL
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Gabe is one of my favourite characters and i had SO MUCH FUN DRAWING HIM!! i actually drew him before rowena since he was ahead at the start of the poll before they tied and rowena won
He has 2 pairs of wings both of which he can make invisable. His magic is so potent that it takes on a sharp appearance. He has feathers on his hooves to make his movement lighter cause magic.
His cutie mark isnt actually real either! None of the angels have cutie marks but because gabe is so powerful he can summon one to "blend in"
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ALSO IVE BEEN LISTENING TO SIR MIXALOTS NASTY DOG ON REPEAT AND ITS LITERALLY GABE @ SAM!!! HE IS A NASTY DAWGGG + a doodle of gabe, his size difference with cas n a destiel doodle
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couldyouimagine-that · 3 months
Take a Moment
Genre; hurt/comfort, fluff
Word count; 1.8k
Warnings; description of reader feeling overwhelmed, reader having a little doubt as to why Gabriel is helping them so much.
Pairing; Gabriel (Supernatural) x Reader
Gabriel who is absolutely smitten with the reader sees they are feeling overwhelmed whilst researching a case and offers to take them somewhere quiet – comfort and cuddling ensues.
I’m back! I really enjoyed writing this one (I'm rewatching Supernatural at the moment and my love of Gabriel has been rekindled) and I’m considering doing something similar with Lucifer – let me know if that’s something you would want to read. Enjoy!
You didn’t even have to say anything for Gabriel to know something was wrong. Castiel was never likely to notice, but the archangel had to forgive him that. His brother wasn’t the most perceptive when it came to emotion. The Winchesters were very perceptive, but they were only human and you were covering your discomfort well. Your breathing was regular and steady, there were no signs of a tapping foot or a repetitive hand movement, or anything that would signal how you felt.
But Gabriel could actually feel how you felt, one of the perks of his true form being an enormous series of celestial wavelengths. It was incomprehensible to you, he was sure, but you understood enough about angels to get the gist. He watched as you sat at the end of the table in the bunker’s library, having put yourself there so that no one would sit down next to you. You had your legs crossed tight at the knee, your arms crossed where you leaned forward on the table. Your posture looked closed off, but there was a mug of coffee by your side and you had been reading lore for hours. The others would assume you had slept poorly or were bored senseless. What that posture really meant was that you were protecting yourself, consciously or not.
Nothing had happened to trigger it, but it was clear to Gabriel that you felt incredibly overwhelmed. He stayed were he had set himself up by one of the bookshelves, one hip cocked against it. He had seen you leave situations like this in the past, when things finally did get too much and you needed some space to yourself. Equally, he had seen you try to tough it out and pretend everything was fine more times than he wanted to count. He truly wishes you knew you didn’t have to, regardless of if that meant you wanted his help or not.
Sam and Dean were sitting far enough down the table that it didn’t seem to be affecting your clear need – or clear to Gabriel, at least – for personal space. Castiel was browsing books along the shelves on the other side of the room, so whilst Gabriel wanted desperately to intervene and help you, he was glad for a moment to think that he wouldn’t need to.
That was until the idiot brothers decided to open their mouths.
“Hey Y/N, did you find anything on that weapon?”
Gabriel would have liked to snap Dean’s mouth shut. You told him that you hadn’t with a small smile, short but not unkind. Gabriel could see the effort it took for you to regain your focus on your reading. Just a few minutes later and Sam was the one to interrupt you, asking for the title of a book you had mentioned to him the previous day. This time it was harder for you to concentrate on your task again. It was when Dean disrupted your work for a third time, asking if you wanted more coffee as he stood and made his way to the kitchen, that you couldn’t take it a second longer.
Your refusal was decisive and your chair legs scraped against the floor as you pushed back from the table. You left the room quickly with a muttered excuse about going to look for a different book. Gabriel took his chance and flew ahead of you, leaving the library without anyone noticing. He was leaning against the wall outside your room when you arrived in a flurry from the speed at which you had been walking. You jumped in surprise when you rounded the corner to see him standing there and promptly tried to push straight past him in an effort to get a moment by yourself.
“Sorry Gabriel, I just need a minute.” Your words were quiet and your breathing had turned heavy. He knew that he would be making things worse for you in the moment, but he also knew he could help in the long run.
“Hey, sugar…” he murmured, voice even softer than it normally was when he spoke to you. “You wanna go somewhere quiet?”
You paused, hand on the door to your little closed in space in the bunker. No windows, not much by way of fresh air, and a whole group of people in the library just waiting to interrupt your alone time. You trusted Gabriel, knew he would never do anything to hurt you. And you desperately needed a break from it all.
He could have jumped for joy when you nodded, but he kept his reaction contained. He offered you a hand, palm up, which you took hold of immediately. The bunker was gone in the time it took you to blink. Instead, you stood in the main room of a sunny villa-like house, all open plan and large windows. Orange sunlight streamed in from a setting sun and to your right, double glass doors led out onto a sprawling patio. Bright blue pool water glimmered from its centre.
Gabriel let your hand slip from his as you took a few steps into the room, looking around with a beautiful if not tired smile.
“Is this yours?” You asked, a hint of wonder in your words that made Gabriel’s chest swell.
“Just a bit of real estate I have over in Cali.” He gave you his classic playful smirk as you looked back at him, amused by his dismissal of such a nice place. “Make yourself at home, sugar. You want a drink?” You seemed to consider something for a moment, rolling the sentence around in your mouth.
“Actually, I – this is probably silly, but can we just sit down for a minute?”
You wanted to sit down with him until you felt better. That was how much you trusted him, how safe you felt with him. Outwardly, he just gave you a smile and sauntered over to one of the couches arranged artfully around the room.
“Course we can! And don’t ever worry about sounding silly with me.”
He held an intense moment of eye contact with you to make sure his message sank in. You took a seat on the other side of the couch and Gabriel couldn’t resist stretching an arm out along the back of it, behind your head. Not touching, but the invitation was there. You smiled to yourself at his less than subtle antics. He grinned like a cheshire cat when you shifted further towards him and rested your head on his shoulder. He slid his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in close, resting his cheek atop your head. You in turn curled into him fully and wound an arm around his neck.
Gabriel didn’t bother to fight the warm feeling in his chest. He felt no need to deny to himself how fond he was of you, instead just enjoying the moment. He felt you relaxing against him physically, but he also felt your mind becoming calmer. His breath shifted your hair as he took in the scent of your shampoo. He had years of experience passing time in the company of humans, but this little display of trust you were putting on meant more to him than a lot of that put together.
His other hand alighted on your hip as you moved closer still, mindlessly seeking comfort. You tucked your legs up onto the couch and the movement allowed you to put more of your weight against the archangel. He wrapped an arm around your waist and you reached your own up over his shoulders. He smiled at you ever so warmly as you tucked your face into his neck, watching your eyes close as you let out a contented sigh. He began to card his fingers through your hair, lightly scraping his nails over the back of your head, and all but basked in the way your head tilted further forwards onto his shoulder.
“You know you can talk to me when you feel like that, right? Or any time. I’m always here if you need me to be.” You tightened your hold on him for a brief moment. “And you can come here whenever you want, just give me the word.”
You leaned back a little at that, catching his eye.
“Gabriel, thank you. Really, thank you, but… why are you doing all this for me?” He rolled his eyes playfully without missing a beat.
“Oh no, the big bad archangel Gabriel looks like he might actually give a crap about some human.” He waved his hands around for dramatic affect before placing them back on you. He then tilted his head forward, narrowing his eyes and raising a brow. “Seriously?” The half shrug you offered had him muttering heatedly to himself in Enochian. “Seriously? Is it really that shocking that I give a damn about you? Why is this coming as such a surprise?” You were planning on not answering that verbally but he refused to let you look away. “Come on, sugar. You must know I care about you by now.” Gabriel’s hand started on a steady path up and down your back, waiting for your answer. You stumbled around your words for a lot longer than you would have liked, still unhappy with what you settled for in the end.
“I – didn’t really realise.”
“You think I bring anyone else here when I can see they need some space to breathe?” He wasn’t mocking, or even upset, he was just being direct.
“I’m surprised you brought me here,” you muttered, very quiet. He didn’t deign to answer that in words, but the look he gave you said come on. You gave a soft sigh of your own. “Gabriel, look. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t realise you cared about me so much, I really didn’t.” He went to hit back, likely with something disparaging, so you tapped his nose to get his attention. The self-righteous expression of how dare you had a grin pulling at your lips. “You can complain about me not realising later, alright? You were a much more calming influence when you weren’t saying anything.” He repeated that back to you, absolutely exasperated by your nerve, but you tucked your face back into his shoulder instead of replying. You felt him shake his head, even as his arms wound back around you.
You knew you wouldn’t have much time left before you needed to return to the bunker, but for the time being, you simply enjoyed your moment of peace.
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genekies · 10 months
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this man??? this man!!!! this man 😤
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Any piece of modern media involving biblical figures/themes: What if the archangel Gabriel vanished from heaven under mysterious circumstances?
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kapellputs · 5 months
Hi! First of all, your art is AWESOME. I like your style!!
I also have 2 requests, feel free to do either one of them or maybe none, it's okay!
So, first: Gabriel and Loki, something tense.
Second: Sam grooming Gabriel's wings🥰
Ty and have a nice day!!
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Thank you!! Y’all know I had to pull through with the silly sabriel foolery.
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gilverrwrites · 6 months
Heyy I was wondering if you could do a friends to lovers with Gabriel if you do write for him (if not just ignore this haha) I don’t really have any specific requests other than the friends to lovers haha :)
Aware Of Your Stare
AN: I do, I do! Hope this is the kinda thing you had in mind 💛
Pairing: Gabriel/GN!Reader
Words: 2K
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Content: Friends to lovers, grumpy/sunshine, kissing, petnames, (mild) arguing, but mainly fluff.
Please remember: Your feelings are valid.
Ko-Fi || Masterlist || Request Info
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You’re woken by the feel of something soft tickling the tip of your nose. You lean away and glare up through half-lidded eyes at the perpetrator. Gabriel, who is lounging beside you in nothing but his vest and boxers. Angels typically don't sleep, so they often find themselves trying to kill time. When there isn't an imminent threat or apocalypse on the horizon anyway.
Castiel patrols the bunker like a guard dog, watching its residents (mainly Dean) sleep. Michael lets Adam sleep to give him that sense of human normality. You weren’t really sure how that worked, but you assumed he found some kind of respite in it.
Gabe, however, despite being able to go anywhere and conjure anything with anyone, liked to set up shop for the night in your room, where he would binge-watch TV and get pastry crumbs all over your comforter.
“Quit it.” You mutter before shutting your eyes again and nuzzling back into your pillow.
“You quit is.” He responds, following your nose with his finger. “You’re too loud. Nick is trying to cheer up Jess after she broke up with her boyfriend at the holiday party, and you’re snoring right over it.”
“Ugh.” You reach up to bat his hand away, and he briefly retreats. With your eyes closed, you don’t realise he’s simply relocating his attack before it’s too late.
You kick and flail at him desperately, crying out for him to stop, but it’s no use, damn his archangel strength. You’re at his mercy until he lets you go. When he eventually subsides, you shove him away, and he plays along, rolling back to his side of the bed. “You’re the worst.”
“Nah, you love me really, sugar.” He replies, opening his arms wide and grinning at you.
You feign a glare before following his lead and crawling into his arms. With the snap of his fingers, he rewinds the TV, and you slowly fall back asleep under the gentle feel of him stroking your back.
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“Hey, I don’t care what or who you do in the privacy of your own room, but could you keep it down? A man needs his sleep.”
You blink at Dean over your morning coffee. The caffeine must not have kicked in yet because there is no way he just said what he said. “What?”
“Don’t make me say it.” He shrugs at you, exasperated, as he pours his own coffee.
“Say what?” You push, irritated by the implication.
“You and Gabriel. You know….”
“No! I don’t know!” You stand from the breakfast table, too charged to sit still but too engaged to leave. “Nothing is going on between me and Gabriel. We’re just friends.”
The expression on Dean's face shows that he doesn’t believe a word out of your mouth. “The way you two look at each other. Nah, there’s nothing “friendly” about it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You rack your brain, trying to recall how you look at him and how he looks at you, but fail to find anything not ‘friendly�� about it. Sure, he was handsome, fun, and easy to be around, but that doesn’t mean anything. “How do we—I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The sound of wings fluttering makes you jump. Gabriel now sits opposite your spot at the table, and you can’t help but look at him now to examine his honey-tinted hazel eyes; they were beautiful. But they weren’t looking at you differently than you’d expect. Shit, were you looking at him funny? Like you wanted him?
Your skin tingled with embarrassment, and you forced yourself to sit back down and look away from him.
“Friends?” Dean wiggles his brows at you as he swiftly exits. Dropping a spanner in your brain's inner workings and exiting stage left. Asshole.
“What was that about?” Gabriel asks as he leans over to take your coffee. He sips, scrunches his lips, and proceeds to add an unholy amount of sugar. Old habits die hard. When you spend too long contemplating he nudges at you. “Hey, what’s up, hon?”
Hon. You’d never batted an eyelid at that or any other pet name he’d given you since becoming friends. So why was it making you feel funny now?
“Nothing.” You assure him as you stand once again and begin heading to the door. “I gotta go, I’ve got… stuff to do.”
“You want some company?” He swings around on the bench, ready to follow.
“No! No, thank you.” You shake your head as you leave without another word.
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You didn’t see him again for a while, having taken off to hunt a pack of werewolves a few states over. You couldn’t deny that Dean had shaken something inside you. The fact that your instinctive response was to protest so adamantly was your first clue. The distance had given you time to clear your head. Enjoying someone’s presence and appearance didn’t mean you had to pursue anything more. He is your friend, and that’s all you need. You weren’t going to mess with the balance.
That’s what you told yourself as you entered your room to find Gabe inside. He’d clearly been making use of the space while you were gone. The trashcan was overflowing with empty candy wrappers, the bed was unmade, and a puddle of something fruity smelling seeped out from under your bedside table. One would think he didn’t have the power to clean all that up in a second. You might have complained, had you not also noticed that your laundry basket was empty, and your desk had been organised precisely the way you liked it. Priorities.
“You’re back!” He smiled as he crossed the room and engulfed you in a hug. He smelled warm and inviting, like mocha and malted sugar. Had he always smelled so good? You wondered as you melted into him. So engulfed, you almost missed the subtle way he sniffed in your own scent. You couldn’t help but hope he liked it. You’re not sure how long you stayed like that before Gabriel broke the silence. “Come on, get ready. The circus is in town.”
“The circus? Really?” You groaned as he released you. “I’m tired, I just want to chill.”
“You can chill later. We'll have a good time, I promise.”
“Why do you even want to go?” You ask as you dump your travel bag on the floor and dramatically collapse onto your bed. Trying to emphasise your tiredness.
“Why don’t you?” Gabriel approaches, standing over you and looking down at you sternly.
“Ummm, the crowds,” you lift your arm into the air, lining your hand up with his face as you count the reasons with your fingers: “the loud noises, the clowns…”
“I’ve seen your dating history.” Gabe bats your hand down before pointing an accusatory finger at you. “You love clowns.”
Usually, you would have laughed. That was a classic comeback, but he would almost certainly take your laughter as a victory, so you force a straight face and push back any creeping notions that maybe he was jealous of your exes.
“How long have you been on earth?” You ask him, readying your next argument. He shrugs, and you can sense his amused interest in where you’re going with this. “You could go to any circus, anytime, anywhere. Who gives a shit about some two-bit, washed-up roadside circus?”
You wonder briefly if you might subconsciously be comparing yourself to the circus. He’s an angel, after all, an archangel. Of all the beings on earth, why does he choose to spend so much time with you? Again, you shut down the thought process before it gets away from you.
Gabriel is looking down at you, brows furrowed. Instead of answering your question, he crosses his arms and asks, “Jeez honey, what bit you in the ass?”
“A werewolf.” You reply deadpan.
“Seriously?” He tilts his head, and you notice how his eyes wander down your body. He can’t see your ass from his position, but you’re pretty sure he’s trying. The thought makes you feel flushed.
“No.” Playfully, you kick your leg at him until he gives way, allowing you space to stand and face him. “Okay, fine, but you’re paying.”
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As you watch the trapeze artists flying across the tent, you admit to yourself that you were, in fact, having a good time. The acts were good, the clowns weren’t that scary, and the atmosphere was lively. Everything smelt like popcorn, and the stands weren’t as sticky as you’d feared.
You glance over at Gabriel, who is on his third cotton candy cone (you are totally not jealous of his metabolism). You could never confess to having a good time; he’d never let it go. Besides, if the smug side-eye he's giving you is any indication, he already knew.
“Want some?” He offers you the cotton candy, and you can’t stop from grinning as you lean over. Your fingers brush against his as you steady the cone to take a piece, and your cheeks start to warm up. 
The candy is sweet on your tongue, and you let your smile grow to show your approval. Gabe laughs in response. You begin to shift back to your seat, but you’re stopped by the feel of his warm hand on your lower back, tenderly holding you close to him as he quietly speaks. “You have got to stop looking at me like that.”
Your eyes widen, and you must look like a deer in the headlights because he’s laughing again. Laughing at you, is he teasing you.
“Looking at you like what?” Your voice is quiet, nothing like it had been when Dean accused you of the same thing. 
“Like…” He tilts his head back briefly, searching for the correct words. “Like you want me, in the biblical sense.”
If your eyes weren’t about to pop out before, they were now.
“Tell me I’m wrong.” He continues, now tilting his head forward until his face is almost pressed to yours. He’s been this close before, closer, in fact, so why was your breath hitching now? “Tell me to stop, and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
Maybe you should have slowed to think about it, although your answer likely would have been the same. You answer quickly, instinctively. “Don’t stop.”
Clowns and acrobats forgotten, you initiate the kiss before you talk yourself out of it. His lips are soft and sickeningly sweet, his stubble itches at your skin, but you immediately want more.
Sensing your neediness, Gabriel pulls your body closer and deepens the kiss. You’re about to open your mouth, to try for more access, but the sound of someone deliberately coughing distracts you both.
Your heads turn simultaneously to see a rather unimpressed mother glaring at you, and you both laugh in response.
“Wanna get out of here?” He quirks his head to the exit, and you nod. He holds your hand and follows close behind as you lead the way, down the stalls, outside the tent. As soon as you’re free from prying eyes he flies you back home. The perks of having an angel best friend, a boyfriend, a lover, a something who still has their wings. It only takes a second, but it still gives you a brief stint of motion sickness. When you’re steady on your feet again, you look over to Gabriel, suddenly feeling shy and unsure how to proceed.
He’s smiling at you, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. It’s a smile entirely for your benefit. “If you’ve changed your mind, we don’t have to do anything.”
“No. No, I haven’t.” You assure him, reaching out and gently holding onto his upper arm as you step closer until you’re chest to chest. “I want this. I guess I just didn’t realise until... very recently.”
“Yeah.” The cheery glint in his eye returns. “I want you too.”
You initiate the kiss again, enjoying the now familiar sugariness of his mouth. This time he deepens the kiss without disruption, then your tongue brushes against his for the first time he lets out an involuntary moan that makes your brain go fuzzy. 
When you pull away to breathe, you watch his expression. Clearly aware of your stare, he darts his eyes over to the bed, then back at you, and gives his brows a suggestive wiggle. “Shall we?”
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winchesterszvonecek · 10 months
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“Lucifer, you’re my brother and I love you, but you are a great big bag of dicks.”
GABRIEL in every episode | 5x19 🍫
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spnsabrielbang · 2 months
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if you're part of the bang: make sure you submit your masterpost form on time! You can find it on the Discord events or send a DM and one of us admins / mods can get the links to you.
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asbeel · 2 months
I love the idea of the spn angels being genderless
I can imagine some have a gender identity they identify with (very human lol) and some literally don't give a shit and just adopts the pronouns of their host
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