#supersonic sue
multimonorail · 1 year
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Go Go Tomago v.s. Supersonic Sue!
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liza-lilly · 2 years
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drama-glob · 2 years
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Today is the 3 year anniversary since the premiere of “The Present.” ^_^ <3 I thought it was such a sweet, sad episode as we feel for everyone’s pain at celebrating Christmas without Tadashi, especially Hiro. ;_; I’m pretty sure everyone teared up a little as well as laughed along with it; I’m also pretty sure we all knew that present wasn’t from Aunt Cass like Hiro thought it was.
Even though there is no way this episode could be canon and not just because of the time this episode takes place, the fact that the team and Globby aren’t wanted fugitives, or because there are new villains that they wouldn’t have met until the second semester of school, but above all else, it is because Krei remembered that his assistant’s name is Judy. There is no way that this happened, especially since the credits still list Judy as Krei’s assistant too. ;) XD
*Side note, I am still mad that as of this post, I still have not heard them play “Globby Holiday Song” on Disney Hits, both for this year and last year. >:( It’s a cute little song and it’s the season for it. ^_^<3<3<3
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burritello3000 · 4 months
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myloveforhergoeson · 6 months
big time movie should've been about oasis and not the beatles- WHO SAID THAT??????
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drkineildwicks · 1 month
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More BH6
Been working more on the sequel to (Not So) Hated by Life Itself this past weekend (read it now on FFN and AO3), so have some more art for it.  For those of you just tuning in, the Live and Learn AU involves Obake accidentally being blasted back in time to a little before the events of the movie, as a teenager.  Shenanigans ensue, as they do.
This is one of those traditional art sheets where I fill a page out for my art for the day, polish it up, and then post it.  In this case, it’s all for the sequel, Ready To (Live Life Anew) and is mostly for the vibes.
Starting from the top left:
I learned that March was Noodle Month and it seems like the sort of thing Noodle Burger Boy would celebrate. XD
Mini-Max is always great for filling in a tiny bit of empty space.
Below that, Hiro and Tadashi were really excited to learn about the revival of the Pirates of the Caribbean Online MMO.  Obake is less excited.
To the right of that, Obake is quoting the “Cluelessness” demotivator to Hiro, punctuated by Fred quoting Louis Stevens in the Even Stevens episode “Snow Job” (quote starts here)—yes that is a very young Shia LeBeouf, and that one girl is Christie Carlson Ramono, AKA Kim Possible AKA Trina Aken.
To the right of that…was listening to some videos critiquing the Jurassic World series (as they should) and one guy was saying how genomes are not the same as genetic code…since Obake is taking a few Bio classes in the sequel it seems like the thing both he and Karmi would say, to everyone’s annoyance.
Below the PIRATES!! one is Gogo taking Obake out to birdwatch to wind them both down, something that probably takes place after the “Fate of the Roommates” episode when they’re on better terms.
To the right of that—the boys also have a writing class and Hiro has been writing about their escapades in the Pirates MMO for those assignments, here he’s brainstorming Obake’s backstory; Obake is unamused.
To the right of that is something that takes place in the “Supersonic Sue” episode—Obake and Megan have an antagonistic relationship for most of the fic and right here is right before that falling out starts up.
Bottom left takes place during the “Fred the Fugitive” arc—the Hamada brothers do up some Shadow the Hedgehog shoes for Obake to test, Gogo takes it upon herself to help him learn how to skate.
Bottom right is Hiro testing a combo of Knuckles’ and Vi’s gloves, although they require the nano-dex in order to lift them.
Bottom center…Trina does not need the nano-dex to lift those gauntlets. :O
So.  So far we’re at 381 pages, 155+k words, 27 consecutive chapters, somewhere between a third and halfway through, and I’m once again in the situation I was in last year when I suddenly had the big burst on the first book: stuck on my laptop in the living room because my big computer decided to go blooey.
Hit it.
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Pencils.
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Counting down to the Year of the Dragon! 🐲🧧
Summary: Hardy agrees to teach the nerds about lion dance after they realise that she is unable to perform in the upcoming Lunar New Year celebration in San Fransokyo. However, what started as a joyous performance turns into a showdown when Supersonic Sue and the Mad Jacks show up at the event to commit a grand heist.
Updates: daily
Chapters: 4/4 (part 3)
Status: Complete
Link to story:
Previous story: click here
Next story: click here
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ditzydisaster13 · 9 months
Blood Runs Hot
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For anyone familiar with my previous posts related to big hero 6, I have a 1shots book in progress on another account (link and or account name provided to those who ask). So if you want, here’s some angst.
Before anyone reads this chapter, I understand that I’m like really late to the game or whatever. And by that, I mean that I understand that Big Hero 6 as well as its characters belong to Disney and Marvel respectively.  And the fact that it came out in 2014. 
However, as of recently. I’ve become obsessed. To the point of watching the film at least once a week, typically every other day if I can, quoting specific moments a little too perfectly, and having the ability to notice things nobody else would make connections to without my outside knowledge. I’ve watched the movie loads. The Baymax series is a great 6 episode spin off. And the BH6 series is something I’m currently watching. Baymax dream shorts are funny, and I’ll soon get to the mini-series.
As for my stories, please be prepared for many levels of angst. Each Chapter, unless mentioned, will have no relations to the chapter or AU before it. Or the characters (canon character do not apply to the information) and will typically follow the canon plot line with minor details absent or changed. Some will have Tadashi alive, a discovery that takes place after the movie. And sometimes the movie just plays out as normal. As always, I fully recommend watching at the least the movie before diving into this book. But I hope you enjoy it regardless. 
And as always, any characters continuously used, unless said otherwise, belong to marvel and Disney. Such as. Hiro Hamada, Tadashi, Baymax, Cass, Mochi, Fred, Wasabi, Honeylemon, Gogo, Judy, Krei, Yama, Callaghan, and Abigail. As well as characters from the series like, Granville, Obake, Karmi, Megan, Noodle Burger boy, Globby, Felony Carl, Momokase, Liv Amara and Diane/Di Amara, Minimax, Richardson Mole, Barron von Steamer, supersonic sue, and others. 
-> Basically, any names you don’t recognize, probably belong to one of the many OCs I have planned for this book. I also like last names, so look out for that. 
A few more things before I start the book. Most are 1shots, and few have multiple parts. As many as 6 possible parts and as few as 1. For the sake of 1shots. Each chapter will be properly titled, in a way that doesn’t say too much, summarized through a series of tabs, given an Angst rating of 1-10 as the book title suggests, and then the ending will contain room for a quote, an authors note, the word count; room for suggestions of later chapters, and a goodbye with a nickname that relates to this book specifically. 
[ Blood Runs Hot: Big Hero 6, Angst, Angst shot, Hiro Hamada, Fredrick (Fred) Fredrickson, Fredmelion, Tadashi has past, Set slightly after movie Au, regrets, fire, adrenaline, loss, catching up with mentality, fears, anxiety, 6 out of 10, reminders, hiro realizes he’s not a fan of fire, regrets Fred’s costume, weirdly wise words]
Hiro Hamada is an Idiot. Well, technically, he’s a genius. But for the moment, he’s feeling really stupid. Like big time. Air had become harder to breath since he realized. The fire…
And he started ignoring all his friends. His phone still pinged with unread messages. Buzzing from his desk as he simply laid in bed. A relapse. Of the depressive rut he had been thrown into when Tadashi died.
Well it was back full force.
Ever since the adrenaline wore off…
Hiro had realized something. Something fairly important. And now that his brain has fully registering what all of this means. That this was pretty much his fault. He couldn’t take it. Couldn’t face his friends. 
God damnit! He really let himself get this far. This far. Blindly. Without sight. Why had he gotten so angry? It was all back to the fire. Fire. All of it. 
Honeylemon had left him multiple messages. Majority of them asking if he was okay or if he wanted to talk. “Hiro. We all love you Hiro. I’m not the only one who’s worried. Please talk to us about this. I’m sure we can solve whatever it is.” That one message spoke to him.
He wasn’t actually reading the messages. Never even opened the app. Just skimming the texts as the notifications appeared on the screen of his phone. Hiro sped his way through Gogo’s messages next. A surprising amount of concern showing through the few messages the girl sent. Phrases such as how worried honey is. How he doesn’t have to deal with it alone. How Callaghan was in jail. To stop beating himself up. And “Whatever it is kid, you’ve got us to talk to.” 
That one caused him to tear up. Like it was clawing at his chest. His breathe came out in stutters. Hiro blinked past the water in his eyes, how it tickled his cheeks and wetted his eyelashes. How it bubbled up in his throat as a barely strangled sob. He went on to Wasabi’s messages. Kind ones. About spaces and time. Hugs and coping. Hiro laughed when Wasabi had said he could throw things through his laser induced plasma. “Maybe cutting things up inti thin little pieces will make you feel better. The apple was pretty cool” the man even went as far as to recommend a therapist, at least an online one he could message, to help him through this.
Hiro blinked and looked around his room. Empty. Silence aside from his crying. Cass was downstairs giving him his space. But he really just wanted a hug. Hiro glanced at his phone and then turned to watch as his hand almost uncontrollably fished around in his pocket. The decision ti do so, not within his memory. Tadashi’s chip. Green and gold. Tiny wires and circuit boards. And the little smile face with the stethoscope. Baymax.
Hiro wanted a hug. From Cass would be nice. Baymax would be awesome. But that marshmallow doctor robot wasn’t with Hiro to hug him and pat his head saying “There there”. But most of all, Hiro just wanted Tadashi. Not just to see him in dreams or night mares or memories. As an angel or a ghost. Even as some sort of weird hallucination. Hiro at this point doesn’t care how real any of it is. But he knows he doesn’t wanna wake up from it, and barely remember a thing. 
Hiro blames himself. For Tadashi’s death. Maybes two weeks earlier, Tadashi had been trying to keep Hiro out of the bot fights. Hiro had gotten locked up in jail for a night and Cass had gotten him and Tadashi, poor Tadashi had been roped into Hiro’s mess, in the late hours of the evening. Cass had told them off and Tadashi had done his job as the older brother and gave him some wise words. Hiro had tried to go to another bot fight. His third that night. Tadashi had tried, to get a point into his little brother’s brain. Hiro wasn’t listening. And he fell for Tadashi’s trick. Hiro met new people, and he learned of his opportunities. But if he never did bot fighting. If he never made his product based off of megabot. If he never made those stupid microbots. A way for the villain to survive the fire. Tadashi went to save the bad guy. Like he always did. But he clearly never knew that Hiro was also among the villains. Clearly. Or Hiro would never would have added fire to the fight. Why did he have to get so angry?
Why hadn’t he thought to put up more fight with Fred? Hiro basically turned the blonde into an alien-dragon. A flame thrower. And Hiro’s blood felt like it was boiling. Self pity bubbling through hiss veins. As he sit in his bed, disgusted with himself,  teeth clenched and hot tears running down his face. Hiro was sick of himself.
But he can’t be mad at Fred. He’d been selfish and angry. Blind. Crazy. So sure that somehow, taking down Callaghan would bring back Tadashi. Hiro had been running on an adrenaline high when he made the hero suits. Hiro had been made that Tadashi was gone. That his brother was trying to be the hero. Tadashi was a good guy. But for some reason in all of his selfish anger, Hiro never saw the red of the flames that caused Tadashi’s demise in the first place. Hiro blames himself. He never should have made Fred a superhero flamethrower. But Hiro was now scared of the flames. 
Hiro can’t blame Fred. Or really himself at this point. Hiro has the rights to be upset. Maybe even upset with himself. But it won’t fix anything. Or change the past. letting his emotions bottle up and over flow worked so well last time. His blood ran hot. And then cold. Like his own body temperature was fighting with him. It sucked. He could cry. And scream. And sob. And nothing would happen anyways. Being upset wasn’t the answer. The fire didn’t really take Tadashi away. Hiro had just given up on the fact that he was still there. He knows there will always be living parts of Tadashi. Nothing would do much good. But Hiro could try to do better. So he went ahead and messaged Fred back. 
“We have to talk” 
It was a short and simple message. Hiro saw that Fred had read it. Fred would surely tell the others. That’s okay. He was ready. This would be his confession. 
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Quote: What Fire does not destroy, it hardens -Oscar Wild •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Authors note: Hey guys. As I said earlier, I understand that I was late when I decided “Hey, I wanna write BH6 FanFiction!” And as always it was made into an angst. I hope to post every Thursday, my time, and I hope you will enjoy these future chapters. As of now, I have over 100 summaries of chapters and ideas. This, in the beginning, was what I hoped to be a shorter book, maybe 60 chapters at most. But it’s easy to see this will likely end up with double. So I hope you can bare with me for as long as this book takes. 
Many thanks. Feel free to leave suggestions here: 
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Word count(including basically everything above): 1711 Hope you liked the chapter Microbots (it’s a nickname) see y’a next chapter! Post date/quotev:  Thursday September • 21st • 2023
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m00nz-artpad · 8 months
A new and improved Melanie Kulani Palakiko!!
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For anyone who may not know (which is likely everyone who comes across this post) Melanie is my spidersona. However, I have updated not only her name, appearance, and style, but also her storyline.
Instead of being a normal spidersona, Mel is actually in the X-Men. When she got bitten and was given her abilities (super sonic speed, accelerated regeneration, and electricity manipulation), she wasn't able to control them like Peter could. She instead ended up attending Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters to help her and she ended up joining the X-Men after thorough training. She also goes by just Arachnid now instead of Supersonic, because I just think Arachnid is better. Simple, but better.
Melanie still exists in the Ultimate Spider-Man universe, but I say fuck canon and live your best life. Her story spans over the live action X-Men movies, though she can work for just about any iteration of the X-Men.
She still has her silly little pack on her back that aids her in getting around faster since she can make web shooters like Peter can and she's far too lazy to ask for some. Besides, having 8 foot metallic legs take her everywhere is way more fun. She can wall climb and do parkour, but she prefers the legs because it's easier.
Melanie is two years older than Peter, and she's still from Honolulu. Also yes, she is very bright and colorful because she's a scenemo. I don't care if anyone calls her a Mary Sue for following scene fashion, meaning obnoxious colors because why not?
I'll probably finish the other sketches of her. I'm tired now, so fuck it.
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twisting-echo · 2 years
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An Adorable Moment~
Taking place in the "Better Off Fred" episode, Stu is performing his "first solo heist," although Supersonic Sue and Juniper still accompany him. and Juniper can't help but give her adorable BF some encouragement, all while Sue is recording.
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mediamonarchy · 23 days
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/20240830_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Retracted trailers, predicted reunions and gaining traction + this day in history w/cigarettes are 13 dollars a pack and our song of the day by Prezence on your #MorningMonarchy for August 30, 2024. Notes/Links: James Evan Pilato has a mega phone that’s 100% listener funded for over 20 years. The dude never waivered, flinched, folded, cucked on any of his principles. Awesome resource and does New World Next Week with Corbett. Steam roll the MSM genocide propaganda machine. https://x.com/RahnC7/status/1828771191685014008 Francis Ford Coppola says “Megalopolis” isn’t ‘woke’, features actors ‘who were canceled’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/news/francis-ford-coppola-says-megalopolis-isn-t-woke-features-actors-who-were-canceled/ar-AA1pu4yD Video: Francis Ford Coppola says Megalopolis isn’t ‘woke,’ features actors ‘who were canceled’ (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TwjfQVmPWM INXS – “Just Keep Walking” (Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/902080-INXS-INXS // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Keep_Walking // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOn2f_vdVww Ramones Legal War: Joey’s Brother Sues Johnny’s Widow, Claims She’s Exploiting Band’s Legacy; Mickey Leigh says Linda Cummings-Ramone is a former “groupie” who’s using the misleading name “Linda Ramone” and infringing the band’s IP. https://archive.is/mIbx6 Isaac Hayes Estate Granted Emergency Hearing Over Trump’s Unauthorized Song Use; “Donald Trump, the RNC, Trump, Trump for President Inc. 2024, Turning Point and The NRA are required to appear in court September 3rd, 2024,” singer’s son says https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/isaac-hayes-estate-granted-hearing-trump-unauthorized-song-use-1235087714/ Shaboozey’s “Bar” Fight // HOLD UP // ANTI-HERO? // DAME’S UNPAID TAXES // DIDDY CASE UPDATE // SNEAKER SETTLEMENT // OUTKAST TRADEMARK CASE // SHKRELI SEIZURE https://archive.is/TgvUb A Beatles Historian Found a One-of-a-Kind 1965 Concert Recording. Now He’s Looking to Sell.; Piers Hemmingsen owns two high-quality audio tapes of one of the Fab Four’s Toronto concerts. So who will buy, for how much — and will the public ever get to hear it? https://archive.is/m6uH6 Gallagher brothers tease Oasis reunion https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce80nm88kjpo Oasis ticket prices and extra dates – everything you need to know about reunion https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg1ljn80geo Video: British rock band Oasis announce 2025 reunion tour | REUTERS (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvpgYz2k6bM Oasis – “Supersonic” (Audio) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supersonic_(Oasis_song) // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJKpUH2kJQg 10 Artists Whose Debut Singles Were Covers: Nirvana, Rush, And More https://www.musictimes.com/articles/25520/20150121/10-artists-debut-singles-covers-nirvana-rush.htm 120minutes.org search: oasis https://120minutes.org/search/oasis @rabbishmuley: Excited to see my two close friends @tulsigabbard and @robertfkennedyjr lead the @realdonaldtrump transition team https://www.ddinstagram.com/p/C_NFc_kuYDx/ Post Malone’s ‘F-1 Trillion’ Revs In at No. 1 on Billboard 200 Chart; The singer’s third No. 1 also becomes his first leader on the Top Country Albums chart. https://www.billboard.com/music/chart-beat/post-malone-f1-trillion-debuts-number-one-billboard-200-chart-1235760603/ Swifties for Kamala Harris Aren’t Waiting Around for Taylor Swift’s Endorsement to Take Action; Some of the pop star’s fans are mobilizing their community to support the Democratic nominee. https://www.billboard.com/culture/politics/taylor-swift-fans-kamala-harris-not-waiting-singer-endorsement-1235761235/ Video: Swifties for Kamala group holds kickoff call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYkmU6JoG0U Video: Harris and Walz campaign in Georgia as ‘Swifties for Kamala’ movement gains traction (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrLqilbK9A8 T...
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robpegoraro · 1 month
Weekly output: Biden-Harris cybersecurity efforts, X sues ex-advertisers, election security, security meets usability, Black Hat network follies
This week took me to one place I know far too well, Las Vegas, and one I’d never visited before, Mojave Air and Space Port. I’m not done writing about what I learned at the first destination during my fifth time covering the Black Hat information-security conference, and I haven’t started the story I owe from my second stop checking up on Boom Supersonic. 8/7/2024: The Biden administration has…
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tarditardi · 2 months
Ross Roys: techno in luoghi magici in Toscana ad agosto
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Ross Roys tra luglio ed agosto 2024 sta facendo ballare luoghi davvero particolari nella sua amata Toscana. Lo scorso 13 luglio è stata protagonista di The cave 2k24, ovvero un evento a base di dj set all'interno della Cava Henraux, una cava dismessa, situata in Val d'Arni nel Comune di Stazzema (LU). Con lei si è esibito il dj Erick Domina. "A breve il video della nostra esibizione sarà disponibile nel mio canale YouTube", racconta Ross Roys. "E' stata davvero una grande emozione".
Non è tutto. Sabato 3 agosto con Kikka Dj e ancora con Erick Domina Ross Roys si è esibita in un dj set sul Ponte del Diavolo a Borgo a Mozzano (LU), un luogo magico e particolare. "Si è trattato di un evento storico perché non è mai stata data l'autorizzazione a nessuno in quella location, tranne che ad una cantante lirica qualche tempo fa", continua Ross Roys. L'evento dedicato alla musica elettronica è stato organizzato in concomitanza del raduno delle Harley Davidson, in particolare dei gruppi "Langanster Harley Group- Langhe, Randage Free Chapter Lucca, East Coast Free Chapter Treviso, Free Chapter Urbe Scaligera Verona, che si sono radunati nei pressi del Ponte del Diavolo, al termine del loro giro. Appena i motociclisti sono arrivati al termine del loro giro e hanno posteggiato le loro moto, è iniziato il dj set. "Dopo la nostra performance ci siamo ritrovati tutti a cena nel Borgo. Protagonista è stata la musica techno, così come lo sarà nei prossimi eventi in arrivo", conclude Ross Roys.
Ross Roys su YouTube
Ross Roys su Instagram 
Ross Roys su Spotify 
Rosaria Giudice, al mixer Ross Roys, vive di ritmo. Ha iniziato a farlo in discoteca, come ballerina per mantenersi mentre studiava come medico veterinario. Ama gli animali e la natura alla follia, ma dopo la laurea l'amore per la musica è prevalso ed è diventata dj. Con il suo sound techno / tech house da tempo fa scatenare i club tra Toscana, Liguria e ovviamente pure a Ibiza. 
Vive a Luni, un piccolo paese in Provincia della Spezia e ha iniziato a suonare in un piccolo locale a Bocca di Magra. Poi pian piano ha iniziato a spostarsi di club in club: Fusion Club a Marina di Massa (MS), Supersonic Club a Lucca (dove ha diviso la console con leggende come Francesco Zappalà, Roland Brant e Roberto Francesconi), Mambo Studio, Hush e Decibel ad Ibiza… 
Tra le sue produzioni discografiche ci sono "Take" e Zwong", pubblicate da K-Noiz e "Waves" uscita su DVS Records. Il brano a fine novembre 2020 viene poi pubblicato in un nuovo remix curato da Luca Guerrieri. Ecco poi la sua label, Ross Roys Records, dove da tempo pubblica la sua musica.
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drama-glob · 10 months
Cutscenes #36
Back in the Game: Supersonic Sue finds her passion again to commit crimes.
After fishing the TV remote out of the cushion, she sat down and turned the device on. When the screen lit up, the first thing playing was “Beat the Odds,” where contestants had a 50/50 chance of a 30second shopping spree in the store they set up or be dropped into a vat of whatever they felt like; it could be whipped cream, mud, gelatin, wet sponges, or just about anything that was likely to make an inconvenient mess. Sue watched with mild interest as she continued to sip her drink, occasionally making snide remarks or bursting into fits of laughter when someone landed in the yucky pit.
“Ha! That’s what you get for not wearing a swimsuit you idiot,” the retired skater yelled out to the TV with a cackle. Oh, seeing these kinds of acts reminds me of the time Boss Awesome thought he could stop me in my tracks with a slick trap, Sue thought in sweet reverie before returning to her program. Eventually, that game ended to have a quiz show called “IQ Smashers” play on after it, giving the grey-haired woman the chance to mock the players once again since she fancied herself as fairly sharp.
Here's the link on AO3:
@spyrkle4 @enbydemirainbowbigfoot It's shorter than most, but I hope you enjoy Sue's sass all the same. ;)
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djs-party-edm-italia · 2 months
Ross Roys: techno in luoghi magici in Toscana ad agosto
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Ross Roys tra luglio ed agosto 2024 sta facendo ballare luoghi davvero particolari nella sua amata Toscana. Lo scorso 13 luglio è stata protagonista di The cave 2k24, ovvero un evento a base di dj set all'interno della Cava Henraux, una cava dismessa, situata in Val d'Arni nel Comune di Stazzema (LU). Con lei si è esibito il dj Erick Domina. "A breve il video della nostra esibizione sarà disponibile nel mio canale YouTube", racconta Ross Roys. "E' stata davvero una grande emozione".
Non è tutto. Sabato 3 agosto con Kikka Dj e ancora con Erick Domina Ross Roys si è esibita in un dj set sul Ponte del Diavolo a Borgo a Mozzano (LU), un luogo magico e particolare. "Si è trattato di un evento storico perché non è mai stata data l'autorizzazione a nessuno in quella location, tranne che ad una cantante lirica qualche tempo fa", continua Ross Roys. L'evento dedicato alla musica elettronica è stato organizzato in concomitanza del raduno delle Harley Davidson, in particolare dei gruppi "Langanster Harley Group- Langhe, Randage Free Chapter Lucca, East Coast Free Chapter Treviso, Free Chapter Urbe Scaligera Verona, che si sono radunati nei pressi del Ponte del Diavolo, al termine del loro giro. Appena i motociclisti sono arrivati al termine del loro giro e hanno posteggiato le loro moto, è iniziato il dj set. "Dopo la nostra performance ci siamo ritrovati tutti a cena nel Borgo. Protagonista è stata la musica techno, così come lo sarà nei prossimi eventi in arrivo", conclude Ross Roys.
Ross Roys su YouTube
Ross Roys su Instagram 
Ross Roys su Spotify 
Rosaria Giudice, al mixer Ross Roys, vive di ritmo. Ha iniziato a farlo in discoteca, come ballerina per mantenersi mentre studiava come medico veterinario. Ama gli animali e la natura alla follia, ma dopo la laurea l'amore per la musica è prevalso ed è diventata dj. Con il suo sound techno / tech house da tempo fa scatenare i club tra Toscana, Liguria e ovviamente pure a Ibiza. 
Vive a Luni, un piccolo paese in Provincia della Spezia e ha iniziato a suonare in un piccolo locale a Bocca di Magra. Poi pian piano ha iniziato a spostarsi di club in club: Fusion Club a Marina di Massa (MS), Supersonic Club a Lucca (dove ha diviso la console con leggende come Francesco Zappalà, Roland Brant e Roberto Francesconi), Mambo Studio, Hush e Decibel ad Ibiza… 
Tra le sue produzioni discografiche ci sono "Take" e Zwong", pubblicate da K-Noiz e "Waves" uscita su DVS Records. Il brano a fine novembre 2020 viene poi pubblicato in un nuovo remix curato da Luca Guerrieri. Ecco poi la sua label, Ross Roys Records, dove da tempo pubblica la sua musica.
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sounds-right · 2 months
Ross Roys: techno in luoghi magici in Toscana ad agosto
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Ross Roys tra luglio ed agosto 2024 sta facendo ballare luoghi davvero particolari nella sua amata Toscana. Lo scorso 13 luglio è stata protagonista di The cave 2k24, ovvero un evento a base di dj set all'interno della Cava Henraux, una cava dismessa, situata in Val d'Arni nel Comune di Stazzema (LU). Con lei si è esibito il dj Erick Domina. "A breve il video della nostra esibizione sarà disponibile nel mio canale YouTube", racconta Ross Roys. "E' stata davvero una grande emozione".
Non è tutto. Sabato 3 agosto con Kikka Dj e ancora con Erick Domina Ross Roys si è esibita in un dj set sul Ponte del Diavolo a Borgo a Mozzano (LU), un luogo magico e particolare. "Si è trattato di un evento storico perché non è mai stata data l'autorizzazione a nessuno in quella location, tranne che ad una cantante lirica qualche tempo fa", continua Ross Roys. L'evento dedicato alla musica elettronica è stato organizzato in concomitanza del raduno delle Harley Davidson, in particolare dei gruppi "Langanster Harley Group- Langhe, Randage Free Chapter Lucca, East Coast Free Chapter Treviso, Free Chapter Urbe Scaligera Verona, che si sono radunati nei pressi del Ponte del Diavolo, al termine del loro giro. Appena i motociclisti sono arrivati al termine del loro giro e hanno posteggiato le loro moto, è iniziato il dj set. "Dopo la nostra performance ci siamo ritrovati tutti a cena nel Borgo. Protagonista è stata la musica techno, così come lo sarà nei prossimi eventi in arrivo", conclude Ross Roys.
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Rosaria Giudice, al mixer Ross Roys, vive di ritmo. Ha iniziato a farlo in discoteca, come ballerina per mantenersi mentre studiava come medico veterinario. Ama gli animali e la natura alla follia, ma dopo la laurea l'amore per la musica è prevalso ed è diventata dj. Con il suo sound techno / tech house da tempo fa scatenare i club tra Toscana, Liguria e ovviamente pure a Ibiza. 
Vive a Luni, un piccolo paese in Provincia della Spezia e ha iniziato a suonare in un piccolo locale a Bocca di Magra. Poi pian piano ha iniziato a spostarsi di club in club: Fusion Club a Marina di Massa (MS), Supersonic Club a Lucca (dove ha diviso la console con leggende come Francesco Zappalà, Roland Brant e Roberto Francesconi), Mambo Studio, Hush e Decibel ad Ibiza… 
Tra le sue produzioni discografiche ci sono "Take" e Zwong", pubblicate da K-Noiz e "Waves" uscita su DVS Records. Il brano a fine novembre 2020 viene poi pubblicato in un nuovo remix curato da Luca Guerrieri. Ecco poi la sua label, Ross Roys Records, dove da tempo pubblica la sua musica.
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