adhd-clones · 4 years
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Finally! The last group of expression meme requests!! Thank y’all so much for sending these in, I had a lot of fun with them!!!!! <3  And of course I’m still down for other random requests, even if not just from the expression meme!
I loved drawing Anakin, especially the intentionally sketchy lines. Also poor Cody; someone messed up the first pot of caf
I think there was one last request that got sent in but I somehow managed to accidentally delete it. So, apologies to whoever sent that!! (and someone send help for my fumble fingers deleted asks before I can answer them)
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smokeyloki · 4 years
What species would you be in Star Trek and in Star Wars?? :)
a h 
good one 
I’d be...Nautalan in Star Wars because they’re pretty and I could swim really well and maybe if I could have some cool bioluminescent lights and stuff that would be cool too.
And for Star Trek..as boring as it might sound..I think I’d just wanna be a human. Yeah. 
How about you, @supesofherown?
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tinymintywolf · 5 years
8, 11, and 15 for Alexandre! ❤️
What is their back story? 
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(without giving too much away-- he ran away from home as a teen, eventually became captain of his own pirate crew as a young adult!)
Do they have a romantic interest? 
not at this point-- the story overall doesn’t really have much romance in it :o he DOES, however, have a complicated relationship with a certain mermaid,,,
Can you name 5 personality traits they have? 
🤔 arrogant, impulsive, insecure, temperamental, and independent (such winning traits, i know)
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manny-mg · 4 years
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I couldn’t resist coloring the last lineart pic... I know it’s far from perfect, but I kinda like how it turned out : )
I hope you like it, @supesofherown ^^
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lilac-vode · 4 years
If they could change species for a day, what would Noyali, Ngona, and Chips choose to change into?
Omg that’s a fun question!!
Ngona: she would love to have horns. Zabrak, Togruta, Devaronian, she’s not too picky. anything that will let her have cool horns!!
Chips: Pantoran, because he wants purple hair, and also because his general is like the coolest person ever
Noyali: a tooka.
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melty-artz · 5 years
Feel the need to tell you that I love you and your art
Feel the need to tell you THANK YOU and I really appreciate that. :) 
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kreckdeck · 5 years
*soft gasp* your Raoul... hes.. he’s gorgeous..
omg thank youuu 🥺............hes big fave 😔💕
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yukipri · 5 years
The way you draw Xanatos is all kinds of pretty
Thanks so much ^ ^
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emily-escott · 5 years
I just found all of your Qui-Gon and Dooku art and I’m CRYING it’s all so perfect
THANK YOU I’m glad you like them now I’m crying 😭❤️
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red-winters · 5 years
You always like my stuff and I always like your stuff but we never talk .... so I just want you to know ,,,, I appreciate you
Right back at you, 100%! Thanks for taking the time to drop me a note.
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smokeyloki · 4 years
“You’re not my dad,” Sky and Lit’guse (We kinda share Lit’guse and you write him so well so I figured you may write him...?)
Why would Lit’guse just..up and leave?  What on earth had Sky done?  Or not done? He and the boy had been so close. From that day they first met each other, Lit’guse a little boy of four or five, squatting in the chalk square on the sidewalk, Skylane in his late teens, a young sorcerer still reeling under the weight of his dead teacher...from the very beginning, the two shared an undeniable bond.  
And now he was leaving. Lit’guse was leaving without so much as a goodbye.  His bags were packed, his robes folded neatly, his bed made.  He was always so orderly and neat.  So unlike his tutor, who left his papers strewn everywhere, his covers a tangled mess, his books in haphazard stacks for others to trip over.  
Skylane didn’t understand it.  Was it because of Lit’guse’s source of power?  Did the fact that he had a relic placed inside of him trouble him that much? Skylane still remembered the day he had found out the truth, himself.  It stuck in his mind, fresh and odd and frightening.  But he had hugged Lit’guse. He had held the boy tightly, assuring him that they could figure it out together, like everything else.
As long as they were together, then there wasn’t any reason to be afraid of anything.
So why..?
“Yes, Sky?”
Lit’guse had turned to face Sky.  His expression was unreadable, almost apathetic.  Sky looked back at him, his own face clearly riddled with the confusion and pain of something that he couldn’t understand.  A pain that Lit’guse, his student, his son, was causing him.
Sky opened his mouth. Closed it.  What could he say?  He had no other question except..except...
“..Why?  Why are you leaving?”
What did I do?  Are you angry at me?  Was it something I said?  Didn’t say?
Lit’guse swung the suitcase in his hands.  They’re a pale purple in tint, a barely-noticeable blush of violet that crept along his skin.  It was caused by the relic, it was said.  The object’s power had been placed inside the boy when he was a baby, and its changes were external as well as internal, at this point.  His eyes were a deep purple, too, dark and empty, staring at Skylane without really seeing him. 
“I have somewhere else to go,” he responded.  His words were brittle, crackling and snapping as they left his mouth.  “This isn’t my home, anymore.”
Sky blinked.  This answer, the vague handful of sentences that leave him flustered and more hurt each time they spoke...these words were knives in his heart.  Each time he spoke to Lit’guse, those knives were twisted deeper.
“Lit’guse..”  Sky reached for the boy’s arm.  A final cry, a plea of confusion and fear.  “I don’t understand.  If there’s something I haven’t done..or if there’s something I’ve done-..”
His hand was wrested aside, his fingers worked loose as Lit’guse brushed past Skylane.  The boy’s eyes were fixed on the doorway, not on his teacher’s scarred, pale face; not on the shadowed eyes that haunted his waking moments and cried in his dreams. 
“You’re not my father.”
The words curled about Sky’s heart, slicing into his chest and closing his throat.  Sound vanished, devoured in a consuming silence that chased Lit’guse out of the room with a bowed head and smarting eyes. 
He left Skylane alone in his bedroom.  The silence screamed with the unspoken words, a final plea that withered into nothingness. 
He didn’t even say goodbye.   
Written while listening to “Wait for it” from the Hamilton musical
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tinymintywolf · 6 years
Just wanted to let you know that I think you’re a fantastic artist and I hope you’re having a great day!! 💖💖 Your style is so cute and you’ve definitely influenced me as an artist.
THAT MAKES MY DAY, thank you for your message! hope you have an excellent day as well!
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edgar-allan-possum · 5 years
Sooo.. you like musicals?
A few, yeah. I had an embarrassing phase a few years back when I was absolutely obsessed with Cats though. Fortunately before I was on Tumblr, so there's no record of it.
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lilac-vode · 5 years
Your art? *chefs kiss*
WAH!!!!! THAT IS SO KIND!! thanks so much ;O;
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melty-artz · 5 years
Saw your Qui gon Jinn.... burst into random tears... twas.. beautiful...
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Thank you! :’D Ugh i wanna draw him again...
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princess-faelivrin · 5 years
Can you tell me a little about Amrod and Amras? I haven’t got the Silmarillion but I have seen a lot about them and they seem like a lot of fun :)
Sure! I’m not really an expert on them lol but they’re the two youngest sons of Fëanor, and they’re redhead twins who get like 0 characterization in the book lol 
I think uhh Amrod is the older of the two, and has darker red hair when they grow up, and in a different version of the story than the one in the published silm, Fëanor accidentally burns him to death at Losgar
in the published version tho both twins die at the Havens in the Third Kinslaying iirc 
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