#supplier onboarding
procurement-insights · 8 months
Beyond Onboarding Continued . . .
Does onboarding end when the supplier is registered or is it an ongoing process?
Dr. Thierry Fausten • Chartered MCIPS | Procurement & Supply Management Advisor | Exclusive Country Partner CIPS for Business | Speaker | Trainer | Teacher Thanks for hightighting this article, Jon W. Hansen. Even though it looks more like a commercial than the kind of thought leadership Kate Vitasek is used to delivering. I extend the concept of hashtag#supplieronboarding to learning to do…
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taskmo · 2 years
What is Supplier Onboarding?
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Sometimes, vendor or supplier onboarding can be slow. It can be challenging to capture payment information and tax details while getting new vendors up-to-speed on your systems and policies. It could cause delays in payment processing and slow down your day-to-day business operations.
This article explains what is supplier onboarding and how you can improve your supplier-onboarding process.
What is Supplier Onboarding?
Supplier Onboarding (or vendors) is the process by which you collect information from them to make them approved sellers for your company. This process helps you do business together, purchase goods and services, and make payments to vendors.
Your company can use supplier onboarding to conduct business efficiently, buy goods and services, and make payments to the supplier. Supplier onboarding requires validation and vetting to ensure compliance with your corporate standards and laws.
The Importance and Impact of a Successful Supplier Onboarding Process
Although the vendor or supplier onboarding process may seem overwhelming initially, it can be very simple if managed well. Although the entire process can take between 3 and 4 weeks, it can be significantly reduced if you have the right tools and software. Even though it can seem complicated, an effective supplier management program requires a well-designed onboarding strategy.
Supplier onboarding is an essential component of supply base management programs. However, corporations are often in reactive situations and unable to use actionable supplier information efficiently. Important to remember that not only the most profitable suppliers need attention, but also large ones. It could be challenging to increase efficiency, reduce costs and capture discounts with all of your suppliers, which can lead to a lower ROI.
Organizations can avoid disruptions that may occur downstream or due to poor supplier governance throughout a supplier's lifecycle. Supplier onboarding is a transactional process. It is essential to understand all requirements of suppliers to operate downstream systems effectively and drive other strategic supplier processes, such as:
Strategic sourcing
Accounts payable
supplier risk management
supplier performance
Spend analytics
Compliance management for suppliers, including global and local requirements
Too often, an organization's success and growth, combined with the expansion of global supply bases, product line lines, and ERP systems, can make it difficult for suppliers to be onboarded, especially if the process takes several weeks. A merger, acquisition or another simple event can rapidly change the requirements for the supplier onboarding process. Companies can become hesitant to automate as they grow and change. This can lead to inefficient processes.
This can lead to organizations spending their time and resources trying to keep up with ever-changing workflows, information requirements, and verifications. Understanding the inefficiencies and roadblocks in supplier onboarding can help establish a baseline for improving supplier relations and creating "value" for all parties involved in the broader supplier-related processes.
How to make an effective supplier onboarding process?
A complete supplier onboarding process will involve several "micro-processes", which run in parallel, which speed up the process and get the supplier fully integrated into your systems as soon as possible.
You can implement these five strategies immediately to help bulletproof your supplier-onboarding process. They cover everything from sourcing and evaluating potential suppliers to daily procurement and top-line growth.
1. Approval and evaluation process
Surprisingly, very few supplier onboardings start with established policies and protocols for evaluation and approval. It's the first and most crucial step on our checklist.
At a minimum, establish internal guidelines for the supplier you will work with. Next, determine your team's steps to help potential suppliers move through an evaluation. This could include creating a company profile, assessing global capability, reviewing operations management, and assessing customer satisfaction.
2. Communicate your needs
You must establish clear expectations and requirements for suppliers to get the best out of your vendor relationships. These must be communicated clearly and effectively. You also need to create a system to maintain compliance. This could include defining expectations, lead times, support queries response times, return conditions, and other details.
These requirements should be established and defined in the vendor SLAs. This will set you up for a prosperous business future that is transparent and meets your expectations. Clear, clearly visible and easily accessible policies will improve trust and decrease the risk of confusion and friction later.
3. Supplier registration
Vendors won't be interested in becoming "expert users" for your doorway. They will likely prefer to work with another portal with more login information and functions to learn.
A vendor portal isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, it will not make the vendor onboarding process easier for you or your vendors. It is more likely that the reverse.
Instead, focus on making vendor registration as simple as possible. You should ensure that you capture all vendor information quickly and consistently as part of your supplier onboarding process.
You can create an embedded digital survey or form for the vendor that they fill out and submit. This includes contact information to help your team assess the submission quickly and register the vendor. You can also digitize NDAs and other binding documents that need to be signed.
4. Customizations and localized modifications
Supply chain strategies may emphasize the importance of dealing with high-priority suppliers "strategically" differently from other lower-impact vendors. While certain suppliers may significantly impact your business more than others, we recommend that you handle all suppliers with a basic supplier onboarding process that can be customized or localized to meet specific vendor conditions.
This will ensure that vendors are evaluated using the same criteria regardless of whether expectations or handling differ from higher-priority suppliers. This will ensure that your team can handle any new supplier easily and that each relationship begins on the right track, regardless of location, strategic priority or other requirements.
5. Data structure and integration
When building your supplier onboarding process, ensure seamless data exchange is included at all stages. Correlated data can be used in both buyer and vendor systems. Automating this exchange is possible, if necessary.
This is where your process's ability to integrate seamlessly with supplier and buyer systems is crucial. Learn more about the integration stage of a digital strategy.
Integrate your process with your ERP, data management software, procurement database, and negotiation sheets. This will make both sides more efficient and improve transparency.
You can also add a data integration layer into your process to eliminate the need for manual coordination and data entry. This allows you to spend your time focusing on building stronger relationships with your suppliers.
How to make smooth supplier onboarding process 
Although each business and every supplier partnership is unique, it is recommended to have an essential checklist. Digitization is even better, so you can benefit from checklist completion statistics and notifications.
Businesses who want to speed up their supplier onboarding processes can use this template. The template includes all the communication and integration components needed to quickly onboard new suppliers.
Onboarding suppliers can be complicated and time-consuming. It may involve complex tasks that require input from many stakeholders. A digital process can be built in three steps to help you quickly meet your business's needs and maximize your vendor relationships. This will reduce frustration and manual coordination.
Read Full Article here:- https://taskmo.com/blog/what-is-supplier-onboarding
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For @magellanicclouds - I wish it was happier but I am still thinking about the Gammas on that ship after being undercover for so long.
As soon as they're well enough to do so, the Gammas start patrolling.
The impulse is instinct beaten into them. Establish a basecamp and then monitor it and its surroundings. Two go and one stays with Mom. She nods and lets them because recon is important and just because ONI isn't on the Spirit of Fire doesn't mean they're safe. Someone is always watching.
The captain. The AI. The medical team. The IIs.
Red team may be apologetic about the circumstances they met under but IIIs don't do manners. Or socialization. It's why during a scouting trip past the onboard gym they heard themselves described as "feral".
At least you could count on marines to be too dumb to be anything but loose lipped and honest.
Years undercover aren't undone overnight. The tangled strands of who they were then and who they are now can never be the same. Some strings are cut to survive. Some parts lost. Habits that kept them alive are viewed as nervous tics and hypervigilance by people who had the luxury of sleeping through the worst of the war.
Maybe that's unfair, but so is their existence. The Gammas are the most volatile of the IIIs. They can never forget it. Revealing their need for smoothers meant handing over their leash. The need for a chemical tether never bothered them so much as the supplier. Nothing is ever certain but the mission. The mission's over now. Everything is uncertain and without each other to ground them, the Gammas would be lost.
Ash thinks of Onyx and Kurt. He thinks of being a leader and what sacrifices are necessary.
He listens to his brother struggle to breathe and wake up choking in the night. He holds Mark closer these days. He hears the sacrifice in his slower words and sees it in his far-away look.
"Exitus Acta Probat" - the ship's motto haunts his thoughts. Exploring yet another colony ship retrofitted for war should stir something in him, but Ash is tired. They're all so tired. Livi had gathered information on one of her patrols and then she had returned to their quarters and slept. And slept. Exitus Acta Probat: the end justifies the means. But what is the end? And where is the limit?
Ash doesn't know, but he'll lead his team as long as he draws breath. He makes Mark lean on him on the way back from patrol, shouldering his brother's weight with his head still on a swivel.
Eyes on them. Rescuers and witnesses to the means. In the end the mission was a success. Intrepid Eye was no more. The Keepers failed. Life goes on, for most.
A young man tucks his family in and then sleep takes him. He dreams of caves and phantoms and the sight of Mark still in the water.
Tomorrow he will get up and walk the ship again. There is no end, only the means and the ever growing middle.
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ca77um-ilo77 · 7 months
alright you have me convinced!! what should i know before i watch indycar next season??
yooo i'm so glad i convinced you!! this is a pretty long post, and is kind of all-over the place. i tried to break it up by general topic, but i'm adding randomly as i think, so just a warning. i'll add some info links i like at the bottom. (if you or anyone wants to talk indy or f1, asks or dms are so very welcome, i love making friends <3)
one thing about indy is unlike in basically every else, many cars look very different even when on the same team as well as special liveries that are nothing like their normal ones, so i'd recommend getting the indycar app (it's free and user friendly once you figure out the weird layout) as it has a spotter's guide. it also has onboard cameras and radios for free (!!!!).
indycar is (usually) a pretty friendly sport, but as is the case with american sports, we like chaos, so the drivers can pretty much say anything except swear words lol. there's a few different clips of drivers threatening each other, which is great. id say most drivers are friends or at least acquaintances, expect santino ferrucci (huge bigot, pay driver, got kicked out of f2 for extremely dirty driving, and i personally hate his hair) and often romain grosjean as he hits people a lot. as for 2024 rookies, kyffin simpson's dad bought him his seat, and kyle larson saying the n-word in 2020 means he has some really, really racist fans.
the safety rules are strict and the cars are very durable which is good for high-speed crashes. the safety people (shoutout amr indycar safety team i love y'all, amr the company i hate you more than i hate the fia) travel with the races and have extensive training. they are also stationed in places that allow quick access to any location on a track. this is most apparent at ovals as they are much faster and more dangerous. at the other races, they are stationed where there is higher likelihood for a more dangerous crash that needs faster reactions. they take trucks to the site that are full of basically anything that might be needed. this is especially important as indycar refuels and are at high risk of combustion compared to f1. the calling yellow flags is also a lot more liberal which is nice. during longer yellows, and reds at ovals they'll run a sweeper truck to clean the racing line so people don't slide into walls.
for flag code info, as i don't have the patience to write it out, it is is section 7.2 of the rule book (page 27). i've linked it at the bottom of the post.
with the cars, they're all required to have the same chassis and aren't allowed to change a huge amount, so the racing is mostly down to skill, though andretti, ganassi, penske, and mclaren are better as they have more money. there are two engine suppliers, honda and chevrolet, iirc (don't quote me here) chevy is a bit more powerful, but honda is a bit more handleable. fast pit stops are usually about 7 seconds due to smaller pit crews (7 people maximum) and refueling. each car also has it's own pit box as teams have variable car numbers based on what they can afford. firestone provides tires, and there are two compounds, primary and alternate, as well as a wet tire. primaries are the harder compound and have a black sidewall. alternates are softer and have a red sidewall, except at street circuits where it's green to signify all natural rubber. use of both compounds are required. on broadcast you'll hear them mention "sticker reds" which are just the brand new ones.
more tire info in section 15 of the rulebook (page 84). there's some complex rules if you like tires.
the biggest difference between indy cars and f1 is f1 has power steering, indy doesn't. if you watch onboards, the drivers are wrestling the car the whole time, and most of the racing comes down to skill. the actual racing is often chaotic (indycar app helps with this. i keep it open always) and since there are many pit stops in a race (the cars use a lot of fuel) the leaderboard will change a lot.
the points system is very different, i'll try to cover it as succinctly as i can but i'm going to put a link for the wiki on it at the bottom anyway. (this is going to be formatted real weird, but i want to be brief). p1 50; p2 40; p3 35; p4 32; 4th-10th decreases by 2; p10 20; 10th-25th decreases by 1; everything p25 down is 5 points. drivers get points for finishing the race, basically. (unless there's more than 33 finishers, then 34 down get nothing, but that doesn't really happen). there's some bonus points also, 1 for leading a lap, 2 for most laps led, and 1 for pole position. the final bonus is for indy 500 qualifying. top 12 get points from p1 getting 12, descending by 1, to p12 getting 1.
as for the circuits there's three types: ovals (6 races, 4 tracks), roads (6 races, +1 non-championship race), and street (5 races). ovals are very high speed with little to no breaking. road courses are just your average circuit made for racing, the roads tend to be a bit rougher than f1's but that's kinda just how american tracks are. street circuits are, well, on the street. american roads suck major dick. the smoothest indycar street circuit is comparable to the worst of f1's. very bumpy, usually some good crashes (watch 2023 st. petersburg start. shit was insane).
as a fan, i cannot recommend irl indy more. some races are busier than others, obviously, but it's cheap considering it's a big racing category. 3 day entry for the less major races is usually $60-ish, and paddock passes are an additional $120-ish. not 100% on the price for pit access, but that is a bundle with three day tickets usually. the races aren't super crowded and there isn't assigned seats which is nice. the paddock is super open (check my "fenrir indycar" tag, quick access on my pinned) and you are able to walk up to and touch the cars if you really want (i wouldn't) as well as have conversation with engineers if they're not busy. if you have pit access the drivers are usually just wandering around and are often happy to stop and talk/sign something when not busy. there's also a high risk of nearly getting run over by drivers on their scooters. will power is notorious for this.
for my non-americans, (love y'all) we are very happy to have a conversation with strangers. the indy fans are often thrilled to talk about their favorite drivers and thoughts with anyone. when i went id say the only bad experiences i had was getting overwhelmed (my fault, i went to a place that i knew would cause a meltdown) and my dad getting hit twice by a man in a golf cart twice (same guy, not my dad's fault, the cunt didn't try to move, warn him, or apologize, just hit him, let my dad stumble, hit him again. i'm still mad). the seats are usually right on the track, so it's extremely loud and smelly. 10/10 can not recommend irl indy enough. i am biased to the pnw and it's the only race i've been to, but the portland race is great. it's not got masses of people, you can walk right up to the track to watch with the only thing between you and the cars being a concrete wall and a fence, and as it's a smaller race with less fans compared to the east coast and mid-west races, it's cheaper. biggest con is its built on a swamp, so super humid. (another pro, i'll be there <3 [joke.])
any questions you've got or clarification needed, my notifications are on and i'll respond to relevant stuff as soon as i see it.
rule book (clicking on a section of the table of contents will take you there)
points format wiki
schedule (tickets can be bought here)
app link
2024 series wiki (so helpful)
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dracolichbitch · 3 months
Just Business Dealings
The setting sun cast a blazing glow over the city of Bauldur’s Gate, and as he made his way to the docks, he listened in on the inane chatter of the sheep around him. There was a married couple up on a balcony fighting over the husband’s drinking problem. Around the corner were a pair of children fretting about receiving a scolding from their parents for coming home so late. Down a dark and decrepit alley, a man was being mugged, pleading that his assailant take only his money and not his life. The sheep were in chaos, a chaos only his guiding hand would be able to set straight to order, once he claimed his rightful place above them.
But it wasn’t yet time. All the pieces were still in motion, and not yet in place.
There was still more work to be done before everything could be right in the world.
It was why he was going down to the docks. The foundry was running low on materials, and his supplier that had been late in bringing more was sighted earlier in the harbour. It was unlike her to be behind schedule, especially not to have sent word ahead.
Vinari detested being late.
He knew for certain The Blood Raven had arrived as soon as he reached the outskirts of the harbor. The fishermen bringing in their hauls of the day were chittering like frightened rats at the sight of the Voidborne’s crew as they quickly and efficiently worked to unload their cargo from the ship’s hold.
The Blood Raven was a schooner, relatively small and lightweight, and having seen the original blue prints that lead to its construction, Gortash knew full well that while it could only weather so many direct hits, it was built for speed and maneuvorability. He’d only been onboard the ship a few times when it was in a skirmish, but Vinari made an artform out of weaving in and out of larger ships, and usually ramming right into them, hitting them hard and fast.
The schooner’s ram was made of Tenebrium, a lightweight but sturdy material unlike any that he’d ever seen before. According to Vinari, it was one of the rarest resources the Void had to offer, and the amount it took to forge the ram for her ship cost more than all the other materials put together. He’d only ever been graced with the opportunity to examine a chunk of the material once, and he was still uncertain as to what it was, as it didn’t seem like any metal or ore that he’d ever used before, and when he asked what it was, what it really was, Vinari just grinned.
Now, in the dying light of the sun, the Blood Raven’s glossy black deck seemed to be covered in blood, but as Gortash stepped past the skeletal pirates carrying crates down, he was careless as to whether it covered his boots. In his approach, he’d noticed scorch marks on the hull, and as another set of undead worked the sails up, he could see that they’d been damaged as well.
Humming to himself as he made note of this, his attention was swiftly redirected to the captain of the ship herself as her voice as she barked orders to the crew hit his ears. Without hesitation, he made his way towards the helm of the ship, and he had no doubt she’d spotted him too.
He was halfway up the steps to the helm when she came down to meet him.
“Well well, I find myself flattered. The mighty lord missed me so that he trudged through the muck and the dirt of the lower city to come see me aboard my ship?” Vinari asked coyly, her wicked little grin showing the tips of her sharper than human canines. Her glowing crimson eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Or perhaps its my cargo you’re so eager to see. Hmph, most likely but such does not make me feel so good, so I think I will pretend such is not the case.”
Gortash didn’t bother resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the words, even as a loose smile tugged at his lips. “You’re late, Vinari. Considerably so, I might add. You’ll have to forgive me for being concerned.”
Vinari stepped past him, and with a gesture for him to follow, lead the way into her captain’s cabin. Once the door was securely shut behind him, Vinari procured two glasses and two bottles from a cabinet in the corner of the room.
As she uncorked the two bottles and poured them drinks, she spoke.
“The illithid empire has caught on. I suppose it is not shocking, considering the last five years I have been plundering their ships and settlements for you, but they’ve started taking countermeasures to deal with us. Their ships have started traveling in pairs, and some settlements have begun putting up barriers.” Vinari handed him his glass before taking her own and sitting back in the chair at the head of the desk in the room. Red velvet upholstery. Fancy.
Gortash likewise took a seat in one of the chairs across from her.
“If they’re putting up barriers to keep your ship out, then how were you able to get the cargo?” He questioned, taking a sip of the drink she gave him.
“By allowing myself to get captured and brought inside the settlement.” Vinari answered dryly before taking a long drink of the alcohol and setting the glass down. “Freeing myself once I’m inside, slaughtering all the mindflayers, and then finding the controls to the barrier to deactivate it. It’s risky, but it’s been working so far. Better than trying to attack through the barriers has been at least.”
Gortash raked a critical eye across the Voidborne from behind his glass. Her blood red hair had been chopped short again since the last time he saw her, hanging shaggily down to her chin, and it might just be the dim lighting in the cabin, but it looked more dull than usual, and that was to say nothing of the pair of jagged, crimson horns jutting back from her forehead, usually polished to shine, but not today. It was hard to tell if the shadows under her eyes were worse or not as the veins in her face by her eyes were already black and her naturally pallid grey skin, like a drow’s, hid them quite well. But from the sag in her shoulders and her expression as she regarded him in silence told him enough.
Vinari was tired.
“I don’t like that.” He stated finally. “Don’t do it again.”
Vinari blinked slowly before raising an eyebrow. “Don’t do it again? If you want your wiring, Enver, then I don’t have much of a choice. I can either do what I must to bypass the barrier, or go deeper into the Astral Sea to find other colonies that are less prepared, and if I do the latter, that means a longer trip and more time it takes to get back to Bauldur’s Gate.” She shook her head slowly before taking back another drink.
Gortash hummed softly, tapping his finger against the glass in his hand, the metal clink of his claw ringing with each strike of the glass. “How much more time would you need?”
Vinari tilted her head, brow furrowing. “I don’t-”
“How. Much. Time. Vinari?”
Vinari inhaled deeply, closing her eyes before letting out a sigh. “A couple weeks, maybe another month? I’d have to take a look at my maps and talk to Drakath to know how long for sure.”
Gortash mulled over her words. Vinari operated on a rotating schedule every three months to keep him in good supply of Infernal iron, illithid wiring, and Void oil. Every three months, she’d raid the githyanki, the mindflayers, or see her suppliers in the Void, and then the next three months she’d focus on one of the other two materials. The last three months of the year, she spent in Corvexus, working with the Drakengard. The schedule was perfectly balanced as it should be. He disliked the notion of throwing that balance off kilter.
“What about the Githyanki? Have they not caught on to your pilfering as of yet?” He questioned, rotating the pieces of the puzzle in his mind.
If I can cut short the amount of time she spends in the Void and Corvexus, then she should have plenty of time to deal with the Githyanki and the Illithid Empire. Hm, but I don’t doubt she’ll dislike the notion of shortening her amount of free time. But lowering the amount of cargo she brings me isn’t an option either.
Vinari shook her head. “The Githyanki ships carry more cargo so I don’t need to take as many of them to meet my quota. I’m sure they are aware of someone plundering their ships, but I’m not the only pirate on the Astral Sea. They probably have yet to pick my ship out of all the others.” She explained, watching him through bloody half lidded eyes. “As for the mindflayers, it’s generally their ships attacking pirates, not the other way around.”
Gortash nodded thoughtfully as he took in the information. “Your trips to the Void are the easiest, are they not? You primarily spend your time there restocking your own supplies as well as handling any repairs to your ship, correct?”
“More or less, that’s right. It’s not a long trip from Bauldur’s gate to the Void. If I push it, I can get there and back within a month, though if my ship needs repairs, then I’ll take the whole three months.”
He smiled to himself. “Then I believe we have our solution. Take the extra month, or even two away from your trips to the Void, and use them to deal with the illithids more safely.”
A crooked little grin crossed the Voidborne’s lips.
“Aw, you really do care about me, Enver. Who knew Bane’s Black Hand actually had a heart?” The little laugh that slipped out of her was nothing short of wicked and insidious.
Gortash let out his own chuckle, finished the drink she gave him, and set the glass down before rising to his feet.
“It would be a shame if you were turned into a mindflayer, Vinari. I dare say it would greatly inconvenience me, not to mention that, yes, I am fond of you.” He told her, letting his voice soften as he gazed into her eyes. He offered her a gentle smile. “If something were to happen to you, I don’t know what I would do.”
After all, finding a pirate willing to target both Gith and Illithid ships was hard enough, much less one who has a trading license in the Void. I can’t imagine I’d be able to find a second one if something were to happen to you.
Though he knew she was highly skilled, not just in seafaring but also in infiltration and combat, he didn’t like hearing the risky measures she’d undertaken to ensure she had what he needed. He couldn’t admit this to her, but he’d been filled with dread ever since she missed the day she was supposed to arrive back in Bauldur’s Gate.
The words came out more genuine than even he expected when he next spoke.
“Be more careful, Vinari. I can’t afford to lose you.”
Vinari’s eyes widened ever so slightly before returning to their halflidded state. She let out a quiet ‘heh’ at the words before shaking her head.
“Can’t afford to pay three other people to do all the work I do, you mean. It’s ok, you can say what you really think, Enver.”
Gortash snorted softly before shaking his head. “Oh really? Well, what I think is that some time off this ship would do you some good.”
“What? But I love my ship!” Vinari gasped in mock horror, covering her mouth with her hand, though Gortash could still see the glint of her fangs through her fingers. “I wouldn’t dream of leaving it for no reason.”
“Well the reason is that your employer thinks you deserve a nice, hot meal and to sleep on solid ground for once.” Gortash shot back with a dazzling attempt at a charming smile. “In fact, I insist upon it.”
Vinari raised an eyebrow and moved her hand from her mouth to rest her head upon it instead. “Insisting, eh?” She grinned, flashing her fangs that seemed to gleam in the dim lighting of her cabin. “I have half the mind to deny you outright because of that.”
“Don’t tease, Vinari.” He huffed, crossing his arms. “Its either yes or no.”
“Oh is the mighty Enver Gortash pouting? How adorable.” Vinari giggled deviously before slowly rising to her feet. “Well, I might be quite the ruthless assassin but even I can’t tell such a handsome face no.” She came around her desk and ever so lightly laid her hand on his shoulder. “In that case, why don’t you lead the way? Just so your precious little underlings know I’m not traipsing around your fortress uninvited. I’d hate to have to kill them.”
Gortash chuckled softly before leading the way out of her cabin and off of her ship. “This is why you’re my second favorite assassin, Vinari.”
Vinari scoffed, and had all the air of being suddenly incredibly offended. “Second favorite?”
Gortash grinned. “If it makes you feel better, you’re my favorite pirate.”
Vinari pouted. “That only makes me feel a little better.”
“Well how about this? You’re my favorite Voidborne.”
“I’m probably the only Voidborne you know!”
Gortash laughed cheerfully as he looped his arm around her waist, and knocked his head against hers gently, being mindful of her horns.
Without further teasing, he lead her home.
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valentinerose529 · 10 days
Please please PLEASE for the ask game I am intrigued by "Ikoma Left Behind"
As you probably guessed from the WIP title, it's a Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress fanfiction, and “Ikoma Left Behind” is sooo self-indulgent. I recently finished the first draft after kicking around the idea with some false starts, and renamed it “A Phoenix From the Ashes.” 
I started with the idea, “what if Ikoma hadn't gotten onto the Koutetsujou and managed to survive in Aragane Station, Robinson Crusoe-ing it up and stubbornly clearing the whole thing out of kabane?” Ikoma does just that—he doesn't have Mumei to tell him what a kabaneri is so he finds out everything the hard way. Especially his newfound need for blood. He teams up with a very old kotif oc of mine, Tomoyo, who is an average human and here becomes a blood supplier for Ikoma. (That’s the self-indulgent part—it's the first fic I wrote that both prominently includes an oc and directly contradicts canon. Every other oc I've made for fandoms has been able to conceivably fit into canon without disrupting it. But I had the urge to develop Tomoyo after five years, finish off this story, and ignore all my preconceptions about contradictory oc inserts, so I got this out of it!)
It's primarily an exploration of some kabaneri abilities and Ikoma's feelings about it—in canon, he wouldn't have gotten back onboard the Koutetsujou if Mumei and Takumi hadn't grabbed him. He fully believed himself to be turning into a kabane and had finally lost hope. my fanfiction picks up there, and details Ikoma's struggle to come to terms with himself without any support except Tomoyo (who, being human, can't share his experience), and he can't stop fighting even when he believes himself lost.
Since I stepped out of my comfort zone to write this, I actually found a beta reader (something I've never done before either) and it's currently with them. I expect to post it soon after I get their feedback!
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Comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko’s unexpected chemical complexity Comets are fossils from the ancient times and from the depths of our Solar System, and they are relics from the formation of the sun, planets, and moons. A team led by chemist Dr. Nora Hänni of the Physics Institute of the University of Bern, Department of Space Research and Planetary Sciences, has now succeeded for the first time in identifying a whole series of complex organic molecules at a comet as they report in a study published end of June in the prestigious journal Nature Communications. More precise analysis thanks to Bernese mass spectrometer In the mid-1980ies, a fleet of spacecraft was sent out by the large space agencies to fly past Halley’s comet. Onboard were several mass spectrometers that measured the chemical composition of both the comet's coma – the thin atmosphere due to sublimation of cometary ices close to the Sun –, and also that of impacting dust particles. However, data collected by these instruments did not have the resolution needed to allow for unambiguous interpretation. Now, more than 30 years later, the high-resolution mass spectrometer ROSINA, a Bern-led instrument onboard ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft, collected data at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, also known as Chury, between 2014 and 2016. These data now allow the researchers to shed light for the first time on the complex organic budget of Chury. The secret was hidden in the dust When Chury reached its perihelion, the closest point to the Sun, it became very active. Sublimating cometary ices created outflow that dragged along dust particles. Expelled particles were heated up by solar irradiation to temperatures beyond those typically experienced at the cometary surface. This allows larger and heavier molecules to desorb, making them available to the high-resolution mass spectrometer ROSINA-DFMS (Rosetta Orbiter Sensor for Ion and Neutral Analysis-Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer). The astrophysicist Prof. em. Dr. Kathrin Altwegg, Principal Investigator of the ROSINA instrument and co-author of the new study, says: “Due to the extremely dusty conditions, the spacecraft had to retreat to a safe distance of a bit more than 200 km above the cometary surface in order for the instruments to be able to operate under steady conditions.” Hence, it was possible to detect species composed of more than a handful of atoms which had previously remained hidden in the cometary dust. The interpretation of such complex data is challenging. However, the Bernese team of researchers successfully identified a number of complex organic molecules, which have never been found in a comet before. ”We found for instance naphthalene, which is responsible for the characteristic smell of mothballs. And we also found benzoic acid, a natural component of incense. In addition, we identified benzaldehyde, widely used to confer almond flavour to foods, and many other molecules. These heavy organics would apparently make Chury’s scent even more complex, but also more appealing, as Hänni says (see also the media release from 2014). Apart from fragrant molecules, also many species with so-called prebiotic functionality have been identified in Chury’s organics budget (e.g., formamide). Such compounds are important intermediates in the synthesis of biomolecules (e.g., sugars or amino acids). "It therefore seems likely that impacting comets – as essential suppliers of organic material – also contributed to the emergence of carbon-based life on Earth," explains Hänni. Similar organics in Saturn and meteorites In addition to the identification of individual molecules, the researchers also carried out a detailed characterization of the full ensemble of complex organic molecules in comet Chury, allowing to put it into the larger Solar System context. Parameters like the average sum formula of this organic material or the average bonding geometry of the carbon atoms in it are of importance for a broad scientific community, ranging from astronomers to Solar System scientists. “It turned out that, on average, Chury’s complex organics budget is identical to the soluble part of meteoritic organic matter”, explains Hänni and adds: “Moreover, apart from the relative amount of hydrogen atoms, the molecular budget of Chury also strongly resembles the organic material raining down on Saturn from its innermost ring, as detected by the INMS mass spectrometer onboard NASA’s Cassini spacecraft”. “We do not only find similarities of the organic reservoirs in the Solar System, but many of Chury’s organic molecules are also present in molecular clouds, the birthplaces of new stars”, complements Prof. Dr. Susanne Wampfler, astrophysicist at the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) at the University of Bern and co-author of the publication. “Our findings are consistent with and support the scenario of a shared presolar origin of the different reservoirs of Solar System organics, confirming that comets indeed carry material from the times long before our Solar System emerged.” TOP IMAGE....Data from comet “Chury”, collected while the comet passed the point of its orbit closest to the Sun, show a plethora of surprising molecules sublimating from expelled dust particles. On average, this complex organic material resembles that present in meteorites and Saturn’s ring rain, indicating a shared presolar origin. CREDIT © University of Bern LOWER IMAGE....Gas and dust rise from “Chury’s” surface as the comet approaches the point of its orbit closest to the Sun. CREDIT © ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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AFMC innovation team revolutionizing stealth fighter fleet
Published June 7, 2023
By 412th Test Wing Public Affairs
An F-35 from the 461st Flight Test Squadron recently took flight here with a complement of software applications developed by government and industry providers previously tested on the F-22 – demonstrating for the first time the ability to use the same tactical software applications on both stealth fighters.
That success was immediately followed by another milestone when those applications were updated by software developers at Hill AFB in Utah and flown at Edwards less than 24 hours later.
These F-35 flights were the latest successes of an innovation project developed by a team of Edwards test pilots, software developers from the 309th Software Engineering Group and the Air Combat Command Federal Laboratory. This project has now accomplished three key advancements that team members call game-changers for the future of the stealth fighter fleet, and potentially all DOD aircraft. These innovations are the ability to use the same software across different military aircraft; the ability to source that software from a diverse set of suppliers including software industry leaders and government labs; and the ability to update that software in less than a day, 30-60 times faster than previously possible. Together these improvements are poised to deliver cutting-edge technology to the stealth fighter fleet at a fraction of the current time and cost, team members say.
Historically, military aircraft have relied solely on the aircraft manufacturer to perform software upgrades or modifications, with limited ability to integrate software from external vendors. Additionally, because of the integrated nature of stealth aircraft software, development and implementation of software changes have previously required a lengthy process, limiting front-line aircraft to annual software updates regardless of operational developments and requirements. Further, each aircraft required a unique development and testing process, driving up costs and delaying implementation.
To change this dynamic, the team partnered to develop and implement a government-owned and -controlled “app store” for these fighters. This was accomplished by combining government-owned software architecture with advanced processing onboard these aircraft and setting up a government software space for new tactical software. The team is now working to populate this space with the advanced capabilities these fighters need to maintain their dominance in the skies.
“The ability to use common software across the F-35 and F-22 is going to dramatically change how we bring capabilities to the front line,” said Lt. Col. Raven LeClair, project co-founder and F-35 test pilot. “Now instead of having to define, purchase, test and field a software capability on each aircraft individually, we can gain a lot of efficiencies by developing a capability once and fielding it on all 5th gen fighters, saving hundreds of millions of dollars, if not more, in development costs and saving years in development time.”
The team also highlighted the benefits brought by access to a larger pool of software providers. “There has been a lot of attention on how the military can harness the best contributions from government, industry and academia to maintain its edge, but there have historically been sizable barriers to entry into the defense market,” said Maj. Allen Black, project co-founder and F-22 test pilot. “This has been especially true with aircraft software since only the aircraft’s manufacturer could develop and integrate software onto the aircraft. They produce a fantastic product but being able to add to that baseline with capabilities created by software leaders in fields like AI/autonomy and cybersecurity will be transformative. This has the added benefit of increasing the number of companies and personnel working to modernize and enhance our combat aircraft fleet, resulting in higher throughput and faster progress modernizing our aircraft,” Black said.
While emphasizing the significant benefits of cross-platform compatibility and a more open market for software, the team is quick to point out that speed of delivery is perhaps the most vital. “The National Defense Strategy identifies the need to rapidly experiment and then streamline acquisitions to get capabilities out to the warfighter on strategically relevant timelines,” said Maj. Cameron Jones, F-22 test pilot and part of the founding team. “It is vital that we are able to rapidly develop and deliver capability, because the best software in the world won’t make a difference if it’s late to the fight.”
The team has taken up that mission and is working to establish that ability on existing weapon systems that weren’t originally built to accommodate the modern pace of software innovation. “This project allows us to load new software and update existing software separate from the safety of flight systems of the aircraft so we can make changes in a matter of hours instead of months. This capability means that developers will be able to make quick changes based off pilot feedback, dramatically shortening the time to get a fieldable product,” Jones said.
“This project helps to set the foundation required for agile combat employment,” said Marine Corps Maj. Kyle McLeod, the project’s lead F-35 test pilot. “We need to be able to rapidly adapt and update our weapon systems based on emerging intel or changing conditions while executing distributed operations. We demonstrated just that with this test. We flew a set of applications at Edwards, updated the simulated threat dataset in the software from the development location at Hill AFB and re-flew the software in less than 24 hours.”
One of the team’s top priorities has been to leverage this new technology to help secure these aircraft from cyberattacks. Omar Morales, F-35 lead software engineer at the 309th SWEG, said, “In addition to ensuring cyber best practices in the software development pipeline, we’re also using this new software environment to add cyber protection tools from leaders in industry. Our test included cybersecurity applications that we are evaluating that can monitor the aircraft and identify anomalous behavior. We are working to leverage these types of products to allow us to identify and then fix potential cyber issues quickly, even between sorties, while also defending the aircraft in real time.”
Team members say this project’s benefits go beyond the improved software capabilities it brings to the aircraft. The project is proving to be a source of inspiration and motivation for those who joined the test world to make a difference. Jarron Lembke, project team lead at the 309th said, “Working on this project has been incredibly fulfilling for our team, as our people genuinely believe they are making a difference for our nation.” Lembke said one of his lead engineers said this flight was one of the proudest moments of his career. The opportunity to collaborate on a new and groundbreaking project that contributes to national defense not only yields immediate capability benefits but is playing a pivotal role in attracting and retaining invaluable talent, Lembke said.
The idea for the project, dubbed Project FOX, was conceived over coffee at Edwards. What followed were months of research with system and software experts and subsequent partnerships that proved vital in shaping and executing the idea. With a plan in place and a team assembled, the group turned to execute but was faced with the stark reality of not having an established line of funding. “The military budgeting process can take upwards of two years so we were worried we might be stuck,” LeClair said. “Fortunately, we had fantastic support from the 412th Test Wing and the wing innovation cell. We briefed them on our idea and plan for execution and they were able to assist us with securing the initial funding, which was vital. Those funds allowed us to get the idea off the ground – literally.”
The idea was submitted to the Air Force’s annual Spark Tank competition, ultimately advancing to become a finalist where it was pitched to the senior leaders of the Air Force including the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. and Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. Raymond. The project is now part of the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force’s Innovation Portfolio and is continuing to revolutionize software development and fielding, including ongoing work on software to control unmanned wingmen, team members said.
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sapbusiness23 · 1 year
SAP Business Intelligence
SAP Business is a software solution designed to streamline business operations, enhance efficiency, and increase profitability. It is an integrated suite of applications that helps businesses manage their operations across multiple departments, including finance, human resources, procurement, logistics, and supply chain management. With SAP Business, businesses can automate their processes, manage their data more efficiently, and gain valuable insights into their operations, helping them make informed decisions.
The Benefits of SAP Business
One of the key benefits of SAP Business Intelligence is that it helps businesses automate their processes. With SAP Business, businesses can eliminate manual processes, reduce errors, and increase productivity. For example, SAP Business can automate the invoicing process, reducing the time it takes to create and send invoices and minimizing the risk of errors. This can help businesses save time and resources, enabling them to focus on more strategic activities.
SAP Business also provides businesses with real-time data and analytics, enabling them to make informed decisions. With SAP Business, businesses can monitor their operations in real-time, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and generate reports to gain insights into their performance. This can help businesses identify areas where they can improve their operations and make data-driven decisions.
Another benefit of SAP Business is that it enables businesses to manage their data more efficiently. With SAP Business, businesses can store all their data in a centralized location, making it easier to access and manage. This can help businesses reduce the risk of data loss or corruption and ensure that their data is always up-to-date.
SAP Business also enables businesses to enhance their customer service. With SAP Business, businesses can provide their customers with real-time updates on their orders and shipments, improving transparency and reducing the risk of errors. This can help businesses build stronger relationships with their customers and improve their overall customer satisfaction.
SAP Business Applications
SAP Business consists of several applications, each designed to address specific business needs. These applications include:
SAP S/4HANA: This application is designed to manage finance, accounting, procurement, and sales operations. It enables businesses to streamline their financial operations, manage their inventory, and track their sales and purchases.
SAP SuccessFactors: This application is designed to manage human resources operations, including recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and learning and development. It enables businesses to attract and retain top talent, manage employee performance, and provide training and development opportunities to their staff.
SAP Ariba: This application is designed to manage procurement operations, including sourcing, contract management, and supplier management. It enables businesses to find the right suppliers, negotiate better contracts, and manage their supplier relationships more effectively.
SAP Concur: This application is designed to manage travel and expense operations. It enables businesses to streamline their travel and expense processes, automate expense reporting, and ensure compliance with company policies.
SAP Business is a powerful software solution that can help businesses streamline their operations, enhance efficiency, and increase profitability. With its integrated suite of applications, businesses can automate their processes, manage their data more efficiently, and gain valuable insights into their operations. By leveraging the power of SAP Business, businesses can stay competitive, improve their customer service, and achieve their goals.
For more info please visit our website: SAP Business Intelligence
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naxosmarine · 2 years
Ship Store Supplier in Bangladesh
Naxos Marine Service: Your Reliable Ship Chandler Company in Bangladesh
Naxos Marine Service is a leading ship chandler company in Bangladesh that provides a wide range of services to vessels calling at the ports of Chittagong and Mongla. As a trusted partner of ship owners and managers, Naxos Marine Service takes pride in delivering high-quality services that meet the unique needs of each client.
One of the key services offered by Naxos Marine Service is ship store supply. They have a vast network of ship store suppliers in Bangladesh that can provide all types of provisions, bonded stores, deck and engine stores, and safety equipment at competitive prices. In this blog post, we will explore the ship store supplier services provided by Naxos Marine Service in Bangladesh.
Provisions and Bonded Stores
Naxos Marine Service understands the importance of providing fresh and high-quality provisions to seafarers onboard. They work with reliable ship store suppliers in Bangladesh that can deliver a wide range of food and beverage items, including fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, dairy products, canned goods, and more. The company ensures that all provisions are sourced from reputable suppliers and are delivered to the vessel in a timely manner.
In addition to provisions, Naxos Marine Service also provides bonded stores such as cigarettes, and spirits, which are available duty-free for vessels in transit. They work with trusted suppliers who can provide these items at competitive prices, ensuring that seafarers can enjoy their time onboard.
Deck and Engine Stores
Naxos Marine Service also provides deck and engine stores to vessels calling at the ports of Chittagong and Mongla. They work with a range of ship store suppliers in Bangladesh that can provide everything from ropes, cables, and anchors to lubricants, filters, and spare parts. Their team of experienced professionals can also provide technical advice and assistance to ensure that the right products are supplied to meet the specific needs of the vessel.
Safety Equipment
Safety is a top priority for Naxos Marine Service, and they ensure that all vessels calling at the ports of Chittagong and Mongla are equipped with the necessary safety equipment. They work with trusted ship store suppliers in Bangladesh that can provide a range of safety equipment, including life rafts, life jackets, fire extinguishers, and more. Their team can also provide training and technical assistance to ensure that the equipment is properly installed and maintained.
Bearing Unit, Cylindical Roller Bearing, Double Row Self-Aligning Ball Bearing, Needle Roller Bearing, Thrust Ball Bearing.
Cutting Tools
Adjustable Reamer Set, Adjustable Round Die for Pipe Thread, Bevel Rolling Center, Boring Tool Holder for Square Shank Tool Bit,WhiteWorth Coarse Thread Hand Tap 3’s/Set Carbon Steel or High Speed Steel.
Hose & Couplings
Brass Screw Air Hose Coupling, Cam and Groove Coupling, Cast Aluminum Garden Hose Nozzle with Spray, Cast Bronze Air Hose Coupling M42 x 2,Water Rubber Hose Wrapped & Fabric Construction
Measuring Tools
(Sigma) – Meter, 20 Times Microscope Probe Tube, A.P.I. Hydrometer for Petroleum, Ammonia Compound Gauge, Wire Gauge
Painting Equipment
Air Duster, Airless Paint Spray Gun, Airless Paint Spray Hand Gun, Airless Paint Spray Hand Guns and Pole Guns, Spray Gun.
Metal Sheets & Bars
Adhesive Anticorresine Zinc Tape, Aluminium Hexagon, Aluminium Plate or Aluminium Sheet, Aluminium Round, Zinc Plate
Brushes & Mats
3M Nomad Mat – Extra Duty, 3M Oil Trap Floor Mat, Angle Paint Brush Japanese Style, Angle Radiator Brush (Dog Leg Brush), Yellow Duster.
Hand Tools
12 Point & Spud End Wrench 60 Offset, 12 Point Double End Wrench Both Head 40 Bent, 12 Point Double Offset Wrench Set 45 Double Offset, 12 Point Offset Wrench 45 Double Offset, Yacht Type Triangular scrapper.
Machinery Items
Air Pipe Head, Anti-Splashing Tape for Ship’s Engine Room, Emergency Shut-off Valve, Filter Element for Marine Can Water Filter, Marine Can Water Filter
Petroleum Products
Aerosol Product, Anti-freeze Liquid, Anti-Seize Compound, Asphalt Compound, Wire Rope Grease.
Pneumatic & Electrical Tools
Air Line F.R.L. Combination, Air Line Filter, Air Line Lubricator, Air Line Pressure Regulator, Water Driven Turbine Fan.
Valves & Cocks
Brass Bib Cock with Lever Handle, Brass Meter Cock with Lever Handle Both Female End, Brass Needle Valve Threaded, Brass Needle Valve with Corrugated Hose End, Thermostatic Expansion Valve.
Ashtray, Wall Type, Barrel Bolt For Cabinet, Barrel Bolt for Door,Book Case Bar Socket, Tumbler Holder
Marine Paint
Anti Fouling Paint Longlife, Selfpolish, Marine Paint Comparison Table,Miscellaneous Paint, Monolar Mastic, Varnish, Oil, Etc.
Packing & Jointing
Adhesive SAF-T-LOK, Air Filter, All Graphite Ribbon Packing for Valve Pillar No.6650, All-purpose Grand Packing Threebond No.5910, Wood Glue.
Pipes & Tube Fittings
Air Pipe Head, Anti-corrosive Coated Flexible Pipe Coupling, Brass Flared Elbow,90, Brass Flared Elbow,90 With Male End, Union Malleable Cast Iron.
Rigging Equipment & General Deck Items
Aluminium Alloy Rope Ladder with GS Type Oval Step, Aluminum Alloy Accommodation Ladder, Aluminum Alloy Wharf Ladder (Ref.JIS F2613-1990), Anchor Shackle, Wood Hand Fid.
Welding Equipment
Acetylene Gas Cylinder, Acetylene Gas Cylinder, Arc Welder, Arc Welder,Welding Helmet.
3.5 Magneto-optical Disc Drive (MO Drive), AC Adaptor for Calculator,Accessory for Electronic Whiteboard, Air Bubble Pack Sheet, ZIP Drive Unit.
Rope & Hawsers
3-Strand Heaving Line, 3-Strand Manila Rope, 3-Strand Nylon Rope, 3-Strand Polyethylene Tiger Rope, Wire Rope Slings
Lavatory Equipment
Bathroom Equipment, Bathroom Shelve, Combination Wall Faucet w/Overhead Swivel Spout, Combination Wall Faucet w/Underside Swivel Spout, Waste w/S-trap.
Tableware & Gallery Utensils
3M Scotch-Brite Cleaner, 4 Pcs Cruet Stand Set (Condiment Set), Air Pressure Type Thermos Bottle, Alarm Timer, Yosenabe Pan.
Welfare Items
8mm Video Camera, Bathroom Scales, Cassette Film for 8mm Video Camera, Cassette Tape, Weight Set, etc.
Cloth & Linen Products
100% Acrylic Blanket, Bed Sheet, Bed Spread (Counterpane), Bow Tie, Wool 100% Blanket.
Anti-electro-static Boilersuit, Aramid Fibre Gloves, Boilersuit (Coverall),Boilersuit Half-sleeved, Working Jacket Working Trousers Summer Use.
Bakery & Pastry Products, Meats, Beans And Peas, Dry, Biscuit, Cracker Snack, Wafer, Bonded Dairy Products, Tinned Vegetables.
Electrical Equipment
2-Flat Pin 3 Way Receptacle, Alarm Bell Explosion-proof Type, Alarm Buzzer Explosion-proof Type, ALCAD Nickel Cadmium Battery, Wet Cell Battery.
Absorbent Cotton, Absorbent Gauze Ribbon, Absorbent Lint, Adhesive & Elastic Bandage, Zinc Ointment
Nautical Equipment
Air Horn, All-Weather Stand Type Binoculars, Astro-Navigation Calculator, Automatic Chart Plotter, Xenon Searchlight.
Safety Equipment
Air Horn, All-Weather Stand Type Binoculars, Astro-Navigation Calculator, Automatic Chart Plotter, Xenon Searchlight.
Pipes & Tubes
Aluminium Tube, Welded, Aluninium Tube, Brass, Carbon Steel Pipe for High pressure Service(STS), Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temprature Service(STPT), Symbol of Steel Pipes
Screws & Nuts
Button Head Socket Screw, Cap Head Square Neck Bolt (Carriage Bolt), Cold Headed Rivet, Cross-Recessed Head Machine Screw, Wing Nut.
Cleaning Material & Chemicals
Acetone, CH3COCH3 (Dimethylketone), Activated Alumina, Activated Carbon (Activated Charcoal/Coconut), Aerosol Glass Cleaner, Zinc Chloride, ZnCI2
Naxos Marine Service is a reliable and trusted ship chandler company in Bangladesh that provides a wide range of services to vessels calling at the ports of Chittagong and Mongla. Their ship store supplier services are second to none, with a vast network of suppliers in Bangladesh that can provide provisions, bonded stores, deck and engine stores, and safety equipment at competitive prices. If you are looking for a reliable ship chandler company in Bangladesh, Naxos Marine Service should be your top choice.
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onethread · 1 year
11 Best ClickUp Alternatives In 2023
ClickUp is one of the most popular project management tools available today, but it’s not the only one. There are many other great tools out there that can help you manage your projects, tasks, and teams, and in this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best ClickUp alternatives in 2023.
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Asana is a popular project management tool that is used by many teams to keep track of their work and collaborate with each other. It has a clean and intuitive interface, and it’s easy to use, even for those who are new to project management tools.
Trello is a simple and easy-to-use project management tool that uses a card-based system to help you keep track of your work. It’s a great choice for small teams who want a tool that is easy to use and doesn’t require a lot of setup time.
Onethread: The Affordable and User-Friendly Alternative to ClickUp
If you're searching for a budget-friendly and user-friendly solution, Onethread is your answer. With prices starting at only $3 per user per month and a smooth onboarding process, Onethread is the perfect fit for smaller teams.
Though it may not have the extensive range of features offered by ClickUp, Onethread still provides everything you need for project management, vendor management, workflow setup, reporting, and more. This makes it incredibly easy for users to get started and only takes a matter of minutes to get up and running, with full implementation taking less than a week.
The customer support for both small teams and enterprises is excellent. Onethread offers support via chats, emails, and calls, and they provide handholding support during the sales process and even offer customization to fit the needs of your specific process.
If you work with external stakeholders such as vendors and suppliers, Onethread is the solution for you. It allows you to add them to specific projects and collaborate seamlessly.
Monday.com is a powerful project management tool that is designed for teams who need to manage large projects and multiple teams. It has a wide range of features, including a calendar, task management, and a timeline view, making it a great choice for teams who need a lot of visibility and control over their work.
Basecamp is a popular project management tool that has been around for many years. It’s a great choice for teams who need a tool that is simple to use and doesn’t require a lot of setup time. It’s also a good choice for teams who want to keep all of their work in one place.
Airtable is a unique project management tool that combines the best aspects of a spreadsheet and a database. It’s a great choice for teams who need to keep track of a large amount of data and who want a tool that is easy to use and flexible.
ProofHub is a project management tool that is designed for teams who need to manage a large number of projects and tasks. It has a range of features, including a task calendar, time tracking, and a Gantt chart view, making it a great choice for teams who need a lot of visibility and control over their work.
Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-style project management tool that is designed for teams who need to manage a large amount of data. It’s a great choice for teams who want a tool that is easy to use and flexible, and who don’t need a lot of project management features.
Wrike is a powerful project management tool that is designed for teams who need to manage a large number of projects and tasks. It has a range of features, including a Gantt chart view, time tracking, and a calendar, making it a great choice for teams who need a lot of visibility and control over their work.
Jira is a popular project management tool that is used by many teams to manage their software development projects. It has a range of features, including a task board, time tracking, and a calendar, making it a great choice for teams who need a lot of visibility and control over their work.
Podio is a flexible project management tool that is designed for teams who need to manage a large number of projects and tasks. It has a range of features, including a task calendar, time tracking, and a Gantt chart view, making it clear and cristal.
There are many great alternatives to ClickUp available in 2023. From budget-friendly options like Onethread, to more robust solutions like Asana and Trello, each of the 11 alternatives offers its own unique set of features and benefits. Ultimately, the best choice for your team will depend on your specific project management needs and budget. 
Whether you're looking for a user-friendly interface, robust integrations, or powerful reporting tools, there is a ClickUp alternative out there that can meet your needs. Consider researching each of the 11 options and choose the one that will help your team achieve its goals most effectively.
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procurement-insights · 8 months
Supplier Onboarding: The "True Measurement" of Success
How do you measure supplier onboarding success - afterwards?
“One of the most important questions I had asked Bob dealt with the actual increase in the distribution of business over the Commonwealth’s supply base both before and after the introduction of eVA.   In the year prior to eVA’s launch, between 5,000 and 6,000 of the 20,000 registered suppliers received orders. In 2006, 14,371 of the 34,000 suppliers received orders. So far, in FY07, the number is…
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reidio-silence · 2 years
i recently read fiat: the secrets of an epoch, which is a book by the engineering manager giorgio garuzzo who worked in executive positions in the car company fiat and its related suppliers from 1976 to 1996, and which is basically a corporate memoir about how fiat was able to survive in the world car market in that era and crush the workers' movement in their factories at that time. the whole thing was interesting to see what they had to do, how they framed it, and disputes the author has with his former fellow executives, but one part that really stuck out to me was his description of an incident in the early 80s, because it shows the balance of power between workers and management in the factory and how management was, unfortunately, able to break it in favor of themselves:
Labour relations in Magneti Marelli were still turbulent. The slogan adopted by the factory unions was explicit: “What passed at Mirafiori (the defeat of the union and the social peace that followed the March of the Forty Thousand in Turin in October 1980) will not pass in Crescenzago”. One time when I found myself complaining to the socialist mayor of Sesto San Giovanni, he gazed at me in amazement: “I am obliged to behave like this: are you perhaps unaware that Sesto is known as Italy’s Stalingrad?”. Noblesse oblige. In recent times there had been some signs of improvement. In that period, the workers’ leaders could enter—without running too many risks—even the most “advanced” (i.e., turbulent) departments of the Crescenzago factory, even those where they produced compressed-air braking systems for industrial vehicles, where some very ugly incidents had occurred. But internal demonstrations were still in vogue, accompanied by whistles and drums, always indecent events, but absurdly harmful when they were staged during visits paid by potential foreign buyers. One particularly disastrous event was organized for the benefit of a delegation from BMW, which we had been courting for years in a bid to persuade them to buy our onboard alternators. One day, I vented my exasperation on one of the trade unionists in Crescenzago: “It seems that the only one left here to defend the factory is me.” “Of course” he replied with an astonished look, “That’s your job, that’s what you’re paid for.” “So what are you trade unionists here to do?” “We’re here to defend the workers.” Their concept of defending the workers meant that the factory was frequented by swarms of extraneous visitors, including pseudo-journalists and propagandists of all sorts. These people could enter the headquarters of the trade union organizations, in accordance with rights granted by the Workers’ Statute, but from there, which was located in a barycentric building, they could then easily sneak in anywhere, even among the production lines. I asked the advice of the new Head of Security, a courageous veteran of the clashes in the Seventies by the name of D’Errico, who I had brought from the Holding Company in Turin, and he suggested the only practicable solution: the trade union building would have to be surrounded by a metal mesh fence that would then lead to a long walkway, also fenced in, which would lead to the outside. The construction work for this enclave was completed in a single weekend and my co-workers expected a tumultuous Monday. Instead the unionists opted for satire. They called the press and the television and, to highlight the terms of the management’s arrogance, they filled the fenced-in area with poultry. But the show did not make many waves and was followed by a long phase of attrition. I realized we had won when the union activists were spotted feeding the hens at five in the morning, thinking that no one would be watching them. After a few weeks the hens disappeared, the fence remained and those who went to the production lines were those who went there to work. I received a hand in getting through the “chicken coop crisis” from a young socialist member of the regional council with responsibility for labour matters, a serious and upright person who I remember with great esteem: Sergio Moroni. I was deeply grieved when I learned, ten years later, that he had committed suicide in prison during the darkest period of the “Clean Hands” legal inquiries.
i wish "pseudo-journalists and propagandists" could visit me at work.
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covalense · 3 days
Csmart Synapse IoT Applications
Pivotal Features and Enhanced Functionalities:
Device Lifecycle Management:
Administers the entire spectrum of IoT devices, from onboarding to decommissioning, ensuring seamless operation and optimal asset utilization
Automated Service Provisioning:
Deploys IoT services rapidly, with precision and minimal manual intervention, allowing for swift market entry and scalability.
Partner and Supplier Ecosystem Management:
Manages complex partner and supplier relationships and settlements, enabling service bundling and revenue sharing with ease.
Service Provider-Driven Marketplace:
Offers a robust platform for service providers to present an extensive array of IoT solutions and services directly to their customers, fostering collaboration with key partners and suppliers.
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nehamore09 · 4 days
SAP Empowers Your Business to Achieve More.
This title expands on the original version by highlighting the key benefits of SAP: streamlining operations, unlocking insights, and fueling growth, while staying within the suggested word count.
The Challenge: Fragmented Systems, Limited Visibility
In today's competitive business environment, success hinges on efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and the ability to adapt to changing market dynamics. However, many companies struggle with siloed data, fragmented systems, and inflexible processes that hinder progress. Disparate information across departments creates blind spots, slows down operations, and limits the ability to extract valuable insights.
Introducing SAP: Unlocking the Power of Integration
SAP emerges as a comprehensive solution, offering a suite of integrated applications designed to unify your business. Imagine a central hub where all your critical functions – finance, human resources, supply chain management, customer relationship management – seamlessly connect and share data in real-time. This eliminates data silos, fosters collaboration, and empowers informed decision-making at all levels.
A Symphony of Solutions: Tailored Applications for Every Need
The SAP ecosystem goes beyond a single platform. It offers a range of interconnected applications to address specific departmental needs:
Finance: SAP S/4HANA Finance provides a real-time view of your financial health, from accounts payable and receivable to cash flow management, enabling informed financial decisions.
Human Resources: SAP SuccessFactors empowers you to manage the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment and onboarding to performance management and talent development. This fosters a more engaged and productive workforce.
Supply Chain Management: Streamline production processes with SAP S/4HANA Manufacturing and optimize procurement with SAP Ariba. Gain real-time insights into spending patterns for better inventory management and supplier relationships.
Customer Relationship Management: SAP C/4HANA provides a unified platform for managing customer interactions across sales, marketing, and service functions. Deliver exceptional customer experiences and build stronger customer loyalty.
Analytics: SAP Analytics Cloud empowers you to gain a holistic view of your business performance with powerful analytics tools. Leverage data to identify trends, make data-driven predictions, and optimize your business strategies.
Empowering Results: The Benefits of a Unified SAP Platform
Implementing SAP's integrated solutions unlocks a multitude of benefits that empower your business to achieve more:
Increased Operational Efficiency: Automate manual tasks, streamline workflows, and eliminate data silos, leading to significant time savings and cost reductions.
Improved Decision-Making: Gain real-time insights from consolidated data across departments, allowing for informed, data-driven decision-making at all levels.
Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide seamless customer service with a complete view of interactions across all touchpoints.
Reduced Costs and Improved ROI: Streamlined processes, optimized resource allocation, and greater visibility into spending patterns lead to cost reductions and improved return on investment.
Increased Agility and Scalability: The flexible and scalable platform empowers faster decision-making and process optimization, allowing you to adapt to changing market dynamics.
Beyond Implementation: Charting Your Course to Success
While SAP offers powerful solutions, successful implementation requires careful planning and a tailored approach:
Needs Assessment: Define your business goals and identify areas for improvement to ensure the chosen SAP solutions align with your specific needs.
Change Management: Transitioning to a new system requires user adoption. Invest in training and communication strategies to ensure user buy-in and maximize the platform's benefits.
Customization vs. Best Practices: SAP offers customization options, but leveraging its best practices can expedite implementation and ensure compatibility with future updates.
Real-World Success: Businesses Powered by SAP
Countless companies across various industries have successfully implemented SAP, achieving remarkable results. From streamlined operations and improved customer experiences to data-driven decision-making and enhanced growth, SAP empowers businesses to reach their full potential.
The Future of Business Management: Innovation at the Forefront
SAP remains at the forefront of innovation, continuously developing and integrating emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into its solutions. These advancements further enhance process automation, enable predictive analytics, and personalize user experiences. Additionally, cloud computing empowers businesses with scalability, flexibility, and remote accessibility.
Conclusion: A Unified Future, Empowered by SAP
By unifying your business with SAP's integrated solutions, you unlock a world of possibilities. Streamline operations, gain valuable data insights, empower your team to make informed decisions, and position your business for sustainable growth. With SAP, you are empowered to achieve more.
Call to Action:
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your business? Contact us today to explore how SAP solutions can help you achieve your goals.
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globstarexhibition · 4 days
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In the ever-evolving world of maritime design and innovation, there exists a premier event that serves as the ultimate showcase of luxury, creativity, and excellence – MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024. Renowned as the leading exhibition for marine interior design and outfitting, this event brings together industry leaders, design visionaries, and maritime enthusiasts to unveil the latest trends, exchange insights, and shape the future of marine interiors. As a distinguished exhibitions stand builder and supplier, Globstar Exhibitions proudly partners with MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024, empowering exhibitors to make a memorable impact, stand out amidst the competition, and drive excellence in the marine interior industry.
MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024: A Voyage of Luxury and Innovation
MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024 isn't just an exhibition; it's a celebration of elegance, sophistication, and ingenuity on the high seas. From opulent cruise ship interiors to cutting-edge ferry designs, this event showcases the finest in marine interior design and outfitting, setting the standard for luxury and innovation in the maritime industry. Exhibitors from around the world converge at MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024 to unveil their latest offerings, forge strategic partnerships, and explore new avenues for maritime excellence.
At the heart of this prestigious event lies the exhibitions stand builder – the creative force behind the captivating booths that enchant attendees and inspire awe. As a trusted partner to many exhibitors at MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024, Globstar Exhibitions plays a pivotal role in helping brands make a lasting impression, attract attention, and foster engagement.
Crafting Immersive Exhibition Stands: Where Luxury Meets Innovation
In the competitive landscape of marine interior design, making a memorable impact is essential. This is where Globstar Exhibitions shines, leveraging its expertise as an exhibitions stand builder to craft immersive experiences that leave an indelible mark on attendees. From luxurious designs to innovative layouts, from state-of-the-art technology to exquisite craftsmanship, we ensure that every exhibition stand reflects our clients' vision, values, and commitment to excellence.
Our team of skilled designers, engineers, and project managers collaborates closely with our clients to bring their visions to life. Whether it's a renowned cruise line unveiling its latest ship interiors or a ferry operator showcasing its innovative onboard amenities, we ensure that every exhibition stand tells a compelling story and captivates attendees' imagination.
Driving Collaboration and Innovation: Charting a Course for Success
MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024 isn't just about showcasing products and services; it's also about driving collaboration, fostering innovation, and sharing knowledge. Throughout the event, attendees have the opportunity to participate in seminars, workshops, and panel discussions covering a wide range of topics, from interior design trends to sustainable materials. These sessions provide invaluable insights and networking opportunities for industry professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve.
As the exhibitions stand builder, Globstar Exhibitions plays a crucial role in facilitating these interactions. From inviting meeting areas to interactive networking zones, we provide the infrastructure and support needed to foster meaningful connections and drive collaboration. Whether it's a chance encounter with a potential collaborator or a strategic discussion with a key industry player, MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024 is where opportunities come to life.
Embracing Luxury and Innovation: Elevating the Maritime Experience
In an era defined by luxury and innovation, marine interior designers are pushing the boundaries of creativity and sophistication. At Globstar Exhibitions, we are committed to helping our clients showcase their commitment to luxury and innovation through innovative exhibition stand designs and practices.
From incorporating premium materials to highlighting cutting-edge design concepts, we work tirelessly to create exhibition stands that reflect the epitome of maritime excellence. By embracing luxury and innovation in our work, we not only elevate the attendee experience but also inspire others in the industry to strive for new heights of elegance and creativity.
Conclusion: Sailing Towards Success with Globstar Exhibitions
As MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2024 continues to set sail towards new horizons, Globstar Exhibitions remains dedicated to supporting the success of our clients and driving innovation in the marine interior industry. Through our expertise in exhibition stand design and our passion for creating immersive experiences, we help brands from around the world showcase their vision, forge connections, and drive excellence.
As we look ahead to the next edition of MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo, we are excited to continue our partnership with this esteemed event and to play our part in shaping the future of marine interior design. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of luxury, innovation, and sophistication, creating unforgettable experiences that set the standard for excellence in the maritime industry.
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