#surely everyone knows what a prom is i have to pretend like i know things im a teacher i have to be knowing
moeblob · 2 years
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Byleth being a dancing professor is probably a highlight (and I love using Alfred so.... I had to boot up my game to get a screenshot of him with the Byleth emblem equipped lol...... and conveniently Diamant was next to him in the skirmish so I just moved him a space and then used engage to see the dance motion to screenshot. So Diamant gets comic honors doing absolutely nothing).
I just really like how 3H gives Byleth ALL these honors and titles and then Engage is like "yeah that's a teacher. that man is in the education system. he can dance, as a treat."
@arianne-blackfyre thank you for the ask!
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Okay okay I know I would kill for James and the urge to be his girlfriend is killing me but imagine being his girl bsf.
Like from kindergarten you and him where friends and now you two are inseparable. Just for him to be so comfortable around you makes me feel a type of wayyy. And you two tell each other like EVERYTHING.
Because your parents are always out of town, James would always come around to your house and stay for days on days.
(Like when you two are like 15 or something) You somehow manage to get alcohol and cigarettes. So you two would just get drunk to a degree and mess around in your back yard.
Like having that kinda friendship with James to the point where you are like brother and sister is so fucking cute like OH MH GOD SOMEONE HELP ME. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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Someone send help this boy is too cute
like as much as i literally wanna marry this beautiful specimen of a man, just imagine being his best friend in the whole world.
you would’ve been there for all his shit and he would be there for all of yours. i feel like james use to be the type of person who didn’t know how to comfort someone that much, like he’d be more awkward ‘how do i stop her from being sad’ he would mean well but he just wouldn’t know what to do
but with you? god you’ve been friends for lord knows how long, he knows that he doesn’t even have to say anything. he knows that you just being in his embrace, hugging you for as long as you need it and him murmuring sweet words to you is enough. he knows that you’ll be ready to talk about it on your own pace. he knows not to try and give you advice. he understands that you just need someone to understand and hear you
during classes, you two wouldn’t even focus. you would just keep talking and talking, shit talking everyone you can, drawing the weirdest shit you can think of in each other’s notebooks or playing games like tic tac toe.
most of the time, one of you, if not the both of you, were asleep. you grab his wrist slowly to be sure not to wake him up and draw on his hand or write meaningless notes or insults on him. or when you’re the one who is asleep, he’d mindlessly play with the ends of your hair. i feel like he would also take notes for you if you fell asleep during smth important. you couldn’t even count the amount of times you both were late to class because both slept throughout the session, james’ back slouched against his chair while you rest your head on his arm.
he would alwayssss make sure to walk you to your class first, not caring how late he would be to his own.
sometimes, when you both were sooo done with school, you’d ditch. you would leave early and go back to your house. you would eat whatever snack you found while he shows you something new he learned on the guitar, or you’d both be in the back yard, listening to whatever was on the radio while you pass a joint back and forth, talking about whatever came to mind since there were no secrets between the two of you
james would teach you how to drive since your parents didn’t have the time. he’d make silly remarks, pretending to clutch onto the seatbelt harder than necessary as he prays to god to forgive him for everything he’s done while you tell him to shut up and not be overdramatic.
during prom, you were sort of down that no one had asked you, although you weren’t surprised since you didn’t really interact with anyone from your grade other than james.
to make you feel better, he would buy you flowers and ask you instead. he’d do the whole matching his tie with your dress and even pick you up from the front door like a gentlemen.
when you guys were in middle school, you started using this camera that you found somewhere in your house. you would take pictures of the weirdest things or take pictures of james during the most unusual timings. he could be opening a can of beer, or picking out a record, or even tuning his guitar and every three seconds, he’d feel you take a picture of him.
it annoyed him a lot at first, which only made you take more pictures of him, but after a while he got used to it. in fact, he enjoyed it and would sometimes use the camera to take pictures of you or the both of you together.
james sees you as his little sister, so he hates it whenever you’d wear something a little showy. whenever you’d go to a gig with him or a club or just anywhere, he always makes sure to stay close to you, chasing off any guy that even thinks about making a move on you. you get annoyed at him most of the time but other times, you were thankful. although you did find it irritating whenever he’d pull your shirt up or your skirt down or even giving you his jacket, telling you to cover up.
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this picture of james is so childhood-best-friend trope i cant explain it, but he would totally smile this way with you only or when you tell him to smile big for the camera, he’d give you this goofy grin 😭😭
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 5 months
If someone were to make a tabletop game (rpg or otherwise) about smashing monsters consensually, what would you want to see in it? What would get you to take a look at how it plays? Very open ended question I know, but I’m sure there’s a market for this.
Marked sexual themes because obviously, and I'm putting a break in since I'm more straightforward than usual. And non rebloggable so my friends don't find me mentioning this XD
If a TTRPG, I'd go for something rules-lite to keep the game flowing and fun, like Rapscallion's Vice & Violence: Salacious Sword & Sorcery Adventures for the Uninhibited & Unhinged. Haven't actually played it, but back in college my group did try to make a game like it. And in my experience it just doesn't work as much once the novelty wears off? Fun for a session, but it's a gimmick, and those tend to fizzle fast unless EVERYTHING lines up perfect. Doubly so with one like this, as it's hard to just keep that up that energy the whole time, for EVERYONE to, and to match desires for how the smashing goes. It could work for some specific groups, but I feel like the market for a TTRPG of that isn't anywhere near as large as people think it is. And this is the sort of thing that's up my alley, my first video as an adult was me and my pals reading naruto hentai. My voice went on the internet for the first time by pretending to be Hinata full of dicks, everyone laughing cause I actually shoved something down my throat for more realistic line reads (I always FULLY commit to a bit). So it's not like my group is prudes or something, we would talk about or read or watch shit together without batting an eye last I tried this sorta thing. but playing is a whole different beast.
Now one of those fancy board games could get really interesting, THAT I think has more staying power. A card battler where you're trying to wear opponents out, or a game where you're trying to get (and keep satisfied) a variety of monsters partners, or maybe just a normal board game where you're scoring by...well, scoring. Maybe different monsters are worth different points, or you're trying to fuck as many as possible? Hell, just a board game version of monster prom would work wonderfully! So to answer your question I guess, to draw me in it'd have to be more like a party game. Rules-lite TTRPG based around one-shots and short campaigns, or a board/card game that takes a few hours but commits hard to the theme.
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azrielgreen · 2 years
The Way It Shouldn't Be - Part Three
It goes like that for a while.
It's different now.
Steve doesn't let himself examine it, so rarely does with Eddie because everything is confusing and yet really fucking obvious too.
Obvious that he likes him.
For more than just sex.
Which really is unexpected.
Because they have nothing in common, or they shouldn't. Their tastes are wildly different, everything about them runs in stark contrast.
But that first night Steve throws his thigh around Eddie's own, traps him with sweaty skin and aching muscles, and he whispers, 'Stay?'... that changes things.
Because Eddie does.
Yeah, he looks at Steve with a degree of wariness that borders on suspicion, sure he scowls when Steve delights in keeping him for the night. But he does actually stay.
And the next day it's Sunday and Steve is greedy for him. Demands he try the coffee machine and the waffle iron, help Steve make mess for the cleaner when she arrives later.
'Because you're messy, Munson. And I like mess.'
Eddie glares softly. He's still all beat up from those fuckers, he's still bruised.
'You're hardly squeaky clean,' he grouses, but he hangs out. Cooks, makes coffee, smokes with Steve outside and they cautiously spend time together that's not frantic fucking or the cleaning of wounds.
Eddie doesn't relax for a few hours.
But then he does.
And when Steve drapes himself over him, when Steve straddles him with slutty grace, Eddie exhales shakily and puts his hands on Steve's hips.
They kiss.
They make out.
Then they order pizza.
And it goes on like this for a while.
Until prom.
Stupid fucking bullshit, Steve is already so grossly over it. He wants to leave this town, he wants to take his car, pack a bag and go other places.
The thought of popularity and comfort keeping him here like a lure makes him vaguely sick.
Eddie's got his hand around Steve's throat, his cock buried deep inside him and he's pounding him for all he's worth. It's brutal and painful and it's usually enough for Steve to forget his own name, along with everything else. They're in the back of his car, parked up right at the back of the school lot and anyone could come along.
Steve really cannot deny anymore how much he wishes someone would come along. Discover them, see them, tell everyone in the fucking world because then...
Then he'd have a reason to leave.
To drive, see new places.
And maybe, grotesque though it is to even think it, if Eddie was discovered too, he'd want to go with him.
They could run away together.
Eddie smacks him across the face.
'You're not here with me.'
The pain blossoms, it hits Steve's bloodstream like a drug, makes him moan and gasp as his cheek fills with blood and sharp, exquisite agony.
Eddie grunts, shifts.
'You wanna stop?'
Steve hides in the curve of his neck, trying to catch his breath. Eddie stills.
'Just. Pause?'
Eddie chuckles, wraps his arms around Steve's bare back and makes swirls with the tips of his fingers. 'You're not subtle, Harrington.'
Steve smiles against his damp skin. 'Don't know what you mean.'
'Uh huh. Brat.'
Eddie kisses his throat and thrusts teasingly, nudging against the place that makes Steve see stars. It's big and it's deep and they take turns with this, they switch often now ever since the first time Eddie fucked Steve on the kitchen floor, held his wrists and took his virginity.
They try new things each time, confidence growing. Steve loves when Eddie smacks his cheeks, especially when he has to go back to class and Eddie likes when Steve leaves deep, love bruises in his skin, framed by teeth marks but he always pretends to beg Steve not to.
'Not where people will see,' he'll beg, cock throbbing, nipples red and abused and swollen. 'Everyone’ll see and know what a slut I am for you.'
And Steve will laugh open mouthed and breathless, he'll cover him in them, he'll mark him up and abuse every inch of flesh he can feast on and them afterwards, Eddie will press on them when he thinks Steve doesn't notice.
So Eddie knows Steve wants to get caught.
He knows it.
But he maybe doesn't want it like Steve does.
'Can I come see you play tonight?'
'You and the three other barflies? We might need a bigger venue.'
'I'll bring people.'
'You dare.'
'Can I come or what?'
Eddie gets hold of his face, makes him look. Dark eyes search Steve's own, intent and serious.
It's his go-to question with Steve. He wants to know the reasons, always.
Steve is increasingly honest.
'I wanna see you.'
'You always see me.'
Pretty much every day.
Steve tries to look away but Eddie won't let him.
Then Eddie sighs, seems to have found what he was looking for and is disappointed. That... hurts.
'I'm not your boyfriend.'
And see, months ago, back when this was all just sex and the vague thrill of secrecy, Steve would have laughed in his face, smacked his cheek and said, 'Thank the neglectful god,' or something equally derisive.
But now.
Things aren't the way the world tells them it ought to be.
So Steve leans back, expression slipping into a thunderous sulk and he demands, 'Why not?'
Eddie stares. 'Are you fucking serious?'
'Am I not good enough to be your boyfriend, is that it?'
'Oh my god, get off of me.'
He tries to move Steve away, but cramped and contorted like this, Steve has all the control. He pushes Eddie back down into place and starts working himself up and down the length of the man inside him.
'Tell me why I'm not good enough to be your boyfriend, Munson.'
He bounces, he stretches and squeezes, thighs burning with the ache of such effort and he knows lunch ended a while ago, they're both missing. Anyone could come along looking for them.
Eddie groans, hand fisting in Steve's hair right at the back, yanking cruelly and it makes Steve moan like a whore, makes him work himself harder up and down, back and forth, grinding.
'Don't be a little bitch, you know what I mean.'
Steve sneers, squeezes so hard Eddie makes a pained sound, eyes darkening.
'Why. Not?'
'God, you're such a fucking brat. You have no idea how the real world works, do you? Living in a bubble and you want me to burst it, huh? You're so dumb.'
'Fuck you, you backwater trailer trash.'
Eddie slaps him and then he kisses him and then he fists Steve's cock, hard and painful and perfect.
And into his mouth he whispers, 'It can't be me, Stevie.'
And that hurts more than anything else.
It hurts the bad way.
It makes Steve sob for real.
'Want it to be you. Want you.'
'It can't be. That's not how--oh fuck, god--how this works, baby boy.'
Steve kisses Eddie like it'll make it untrue, like it'll break the spell of dull-ass grey skied Hawkins.
'Only want you.'
'Stop it.'
'All the time.'
'I love you, Eddie.'
Eddie comes inside him and Steve's orgasm blindsides him, knocks him for six better than any hand across his face.
Kissing, licking, whispering things and all of them burn like a delicate glowing copper wire pressed into living flesh.
And when it slows, Steve kisses Eddie for real. Kisses him like he loves him... which, oh god, he does.
Fucking hell.
Eddie won't look at him.
The car will need a clean.
Steve takes a deep breath. 'Eddie, I'm so sor--'
But he cuts off when someone knocks on the window of the car.
Continued next Saturday.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
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She knows he’s wavering, something she’d counted on as she watched Penelope force a third glass of punch into his hands only twenty minutes ago. He was always desperate for her, but anytime he was drinking his ability to hide it was diminished.
AKA the one where Emily and Aaron hook up at Quantico's annual 4th July party, despite the fact no one knows they are together.
Hi friends!
I did a poll the other day asking which smut you guys wanted next, and secret relationship smut won by quite some margin.
So, I hope you enjoy this. I'm sure I say this every time, but I think this might well be the filthiest smut I've ever written haha
Let me know what you think <3
Words: 2.7k
Warning: Smut, 18+
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily hated the annual Quantico July 4th party. 
It reminded her too much of all of the parties she’d been forced to go to by her mother when she was younger. She spends as much of her time as she can standing in a corner, hiding away from everyone who wasn’t on the team, sipping the punch that Penelope had forced into her hand. 
The definitely spiked punch.
It had become a tradition of sorts over the years. Penelope would sneak whatever alcohol she deemed appropriate into the punchbowl like it was prom night and the next working day everyone would pretend they didn’t know it was her. 
“I think she went for tequila this year.” 
She smiles at the sound of Aaron’s voice, turning to look at him as she takes another sip of her drink, “It’s definitely tequila,” she says, looking him up and down. He’d taken off his jacket and tie, leaving him in just his suit pants and his white shirt, the top button undone and his sleeves rolled up, “I saw the bottle in her office.” 
Aaron chuckles and steps closer to her, staying far enough away for it to be considered appropriate in their current setting, “You look nice.” 
She looks down at herself, her red tank top and black pants the exact same outfit he’d watched her put on that morning. She hides her smile behind her glass of punch, taking a sip in a failed attempt to calm herself down, well aware that this was not the time or the place. 
“I was just thinking the same thing about you,” she replies, finding some comfort in the fact he looks as affected as she feels, a look in his eyes that she only usually saw in his apartment or hers. 
It had been almost three months since their first date. Aaron had been paramount in her finding her place in her life again after Paris. He was the only person who hadn’t expected her to be the same as she had been before. He took her as she was, welcoming her into his and his son’s life, both of them helping her piece herself back together. Over time she felt her affection for Aaron shifting from purely friendship to more. Although, if she was honest with herself, she knew those feelings had been around for much longer. 
He’d asked her out, something that surprised her because she was so sure she would have had to be the one to cross that line. He’d been nervous, tripping over his words in a way she’d never have expected from him, and it made him all the more endearing to her. Later, when they were curled up around each other in his bed, he’d admitted he’d never asked anyone out before, that Haley had been the one to ask him on a date all those years ago. 
They loved each other. They’d said it to each other on their third date, timing that would have scared her with anyone else but with him, it just felt right. As if they’d been slowly walking towards each other their whole lives, the bright light they both needed after the darkest of nights. 
No one, except Jess and Jack, knew about them yet. Emily knew that they had nothing to hide, but finding the right time to tell the team seemed to be impossible. It’s how they find themselves almost 12 weeks in with their relationship still a secret. She can’t say she doesn’t enjoy that aspect of it, the sneaking around and stolen moments with the man she loves, but she was also excited to be able to show how much they loved each other to their friends. They’d decided they’d tell them at Dave’s 4th July party in two days' time. A deadline that still felt so far away when all she could think about was kissing him even though they were in the office. 
Before she can say anything else, Penelope bounds over, clearly already a couple of glasses of the punch down, a wide smile on her face. 
“What are you two doing over here?” She asks enthusiastically. 
“Hiding,” Emily replies quickly, “You know I hate these things. Hotch was keeping me company.” 
They exchange a look over Penelope’s head, and something slightly dangerous flashes in Aaron’s eyes, making Emily’s stomach flip. 
It’s a couple of hours later when it gets too much for her, the heated glances across the room driving her crazy. She gives Penelope and JJ an excuse that was going to the bathroom, hoping that they’d actually think she was going to sneak a cigarette like she sometimes did when she was drinking. She walks into the supply closet on the same floor as the bullpen and closes the door behind her, firing off a text to Aaron before she pushes her phone into her pocket. 
He’s knocking on the door in less than two minutes, walking in with a curious look on his face. 
“Is everything ok, Em?” He asks as he closes the door behind him, walking towards her. 
She nods, reaching out for his hand and tugging him close, her arms around his waist as she stamps a kiss to his jaw, “Yes, I just wanted a moment alone with you.”
Aaron raises his eyebrow at her as he pulls back and looks down at her, “Em, you text me 911.” 
She shrugs, biting her lower lip as she grasps at the open collar of his shirt, “It is an emergency,” she says, kissing his cheek and then the corner of his lips, “I need you.” 
He groans as she pushes her hips against his, “Sweetheart,” he says, kissing her quickly, “We only have to stay for another couple of hours,” he pulls back, “Then I’ll take you home.” 
She looks up at him through her lashes, “Honey, we both know Penelope will convince us all we need to go to the bar,” she says, pouting in a way she’d later deny, “We won’t get home for hours.” 
He smiles at her and tucks her hair behind her ear. He wanted her too, he always did, but he knew logically this wasn’t a good idea. But he’d had a few glasses of punch, tequila and desire for her clouding his usual ironclad judgment. 
She knows he’s wavering, something she’d counted on as she watched Penelope force a third glass of punch into his hands only twenty minutes ago. He was always desperate for her, but anytime he was drinking his ability to hide it was diminished. She smiles as she pulls him back in for another kiss, her hands grasping the back of his shirt, creasing the material in her fists. He deepens the kiss this time, any apparent hesitance to this happening long gone. 
She reaches down and cups him through his pants, smirking as she feels how hard he is, groaning as he nips lightly at her neck, careful not to leave a mark that the others would see when they went back out to the party. He kisses his way back up her throat before he grabs her ear lobe between his teeth and whispers in her ear. 
“Turn around.” 
She shivers as his breath skips over her skin and she does as she’s told. She knows she should hate it, hate that she so quickly follows his demands, but she can’t bring herself to. He presses himself against her, trapping herself between his chest and the shelving unit as he wraps his arms around her, his hands drifting down to the button and zipper of her pants, undoing them with ease. He pulls them and her underwear down, letting them fall to her ankles, the material gathering around her boots. 
Aaron steps back to look at her, a growl rumbling in his chest at the sight of her. He crouches down behind her, his hands spreading her thighs as far apart as they will go with her feet still trapped in her pants. He lets his fingers trail over marks he’d left behind last night, bruises of his fingerprints and teeth tattooed into her inner thighs. She gasps as he kisses one of them, his name escaping her breathlessly. He knows they don’t have time to waste, that the others would come looking for them soon, and he feels his need for her becoming desperate. He buries his face in her, licking through her once from behind, groaning at the taste of her, at how slick she is.
“So ready for me already, Em,” he says, turning his head to nip at her thigh. 
“Fuck,” she grunts out as he does it again, her hands reaching out and grasping the shelf in front of her. She shivers as he hears Aaron stand up, followed by the rasp of his zipper and the sound of his pants falling past his hips. He steps closer, his hands on her hips as he tilts them towards him before he guides himself into her, her breath catching in her throat at the familiar stretch of him, her nails scratching against the metal shelving. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he groans, resting his forehead against the back of her head, his grip on her hips tightening, “You feel so fucking good.”
She nods, her words stolen by the feeling of being overwhelmed by him. He doesn’t move, making her feel every inch of him as he remains seated deep within her, smirking against her temple as she clenches around, desperately trying to move her hips as he holds her in place. She has no choice but to let it happen, trapped between him and the shelves and his large hands, totally at his mercy in a way that she loves. In a way she’d never let anyone else do to her because she trusts him completely. 
“Aaron,” she breathes out, her lungs stuffed full of desire, “Please.” 
He’d loved to keep her here, to make her beg for what he knows she wants, but they don’t have time. They’ve already been gone too long and were walking a dangerous path. He knew the team would find out about them eventually, but he didn’t want it to be because they found them in a supply closet at work with their pants around their ankles. 
He finally starts to move against her and she rests her head back against his shoulder, turning to kiss his jaw. She smiles as he tilts his head so their lips meet, the kiss as messy as it was perfect. They fall into a familiar rhythm, both giving as good as the other, the small space they were in filling with the sound of their breathless moans and skin slapping against skin. She clenches around him as he thrusts into her, moaning as he hits so deeply inside of her because of the angle that she’s sure he’s carving out a space for himself, ensuring that she’ll be feeling him for days after this. 
He moves his hands from her hips, making her hiss as he does in a way that lets her know he’s left bruises behind, more evidence of his desperation for her left beneath her clothes. One of his hands moves downwards to draw soft circles against her clit, making her break their kiss with a gasp. He smiles as her breath skips across his skin. He grasps her chin with his other hand, holding her in place so he can watch her face as she falls apart. She grasps his arms, her nails digging into the bare skin of his forearms, 
“Aaron,” she gasps out, her hips stuttering against his. She can feel it building in her belly, fire threatening to spread throughout her body, her vision starting to go white. 
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he says, his words muffled against her cheek, “Let me feel it.” 
He swipes his thumb over her clit again and it pushes her over the edge. He captures her lips in a kiss again to swallow her moan, still just about aware enough of their surroundings to not want to draw attention to them. 
She knows the only reason she stays standing is because he’s holding her up, her legs feeling like jelly as her orgasm makes them shake. She feels him start to speed up, his thrusts getting messier and less consistent, his hand that had been on her clit drifting up and under her tank top, cupping her breast through her bra, his thumb pressing into the hickey he’d left the night before next to the brand mark. 
“Come on, baby,” she says, gasping again as he continues to thrust into her, her body still sensitive, she pulls back to look at him, ignoring the pull in her neck as their eyes meet, smiling as she repeats his words, “Let me feel it.” 
He comes inside of her with a growl he muffles into her neck, his hold on her tight as he lets go, the breath knocked out of him. 
It takes a few seconds but his grasp on her becomes softer, his lips gentle against her cheek as he kisses her, joining in as she chuckles. 
“Ok, now I really don’t want to go out with the others,�� she says, stamping a kiss against his lips. He laughs and pulls away from her, both of them slightly bereft as he slips out of her. She’s quick to pull up her underwear and pants. She grimaces as she feels him leak out of her into the seat of her underwear, and she shifts her hips back and forth. She looks at him and watches as he pulls his pants back up, “When we get back to yours we’re doing that again, and then showering,” she says, smiling as she wraps her arms around his neck, “And maybe we’ll do it again in the shower.”
He wraps his arms around her, his hands on her hips, his touch more gentle than it had been just moments before. 
“Think we can get out of drinks?” He asks, already knowing the answer before she shakes her head as she laughs. 
“Absolutely not, you know how persuasive Pen can be.” 
“Just follow me.”
Derek groans as he follows Penelope down the hallway towards the supply closet, JJ, Dave and Spencer just behind him.
“Baby girl, I believe you ok, I don’t need to find people I work with hooking up.” 
“It happens every year,” she says, ignoring his protests, “And no one ever believes me.” 
“Maybe thats because you spike the punch,” JJ quips, smiling when Penelope turns and narrows her eyes at her.
“Where are Emily and Hotch?” Spencer asks, frowning as they turn the corner to the hallway with the supply closet
Penelope shrugs, “Emily is having one of her shame cigarettes, and I don’t know about Hotch.” 
“He said something about stepping out to call Jack,” Dave says as they all come to a stop outside of the supply closet, “Ok, we’re here. Are we going to burst in or wait whoever is in there out?”
“Well, I…”
Penelope drifts off as they hear voices coming from inside, the words dulled slightly by the closed door. 
“When we get back to yours we’re doing that again, and then showering, and maybe we’ll do it again in the shower.”
They all stand in stunned silence, and JJ is the first to speak, “Was that…Emily?” 
“Who would she be in there with?” Derek asks, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead. 
“I’d usually guess Mick Rawson but he’s away on-”
“Think we can get out of drinks?” 
The team audibly gasps this time, Aaron’s deep voice even clearer than Emily’s had been as it travels through the door. 
“Oh my God,” Penelope squeals, the laughter coming from inside the closet enough to ensure they won’t hear her. 
“Absolutely not, you know how persuasive Pen can be.” 
Emily’s words kick Penelope into action, and she opens the door, the smell of sex and sweat filtering out into the hallway.  
Emily and Aaron jump apart as they’ve been burned, both of them open-mouthed and staring at their friends, every one of their faces painted with a mixture of confusion and disgust. 
“You two are definitely coming to drinks,” Penelope says, her hands on her hips, “You both have a lot of explaining to do.” 
Emily’s shock wears off first, and she turns to Aaron, her eyebrows creased as she lightly hits his chest, narrowing her eyes as he grabs her hand and squeezes it as she glares at him, ignoring the team momentarily as she whispers through her teeth. 
“You didn’t lock the goddamn door?” 
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artistic-endchamber · 4 months
MORE incorrect Quotes!!! (Ft. Neva, Solara, Giana, Josele, Helena, and their s/os!!)
Giana: What are you in the mood for? Yuno: World domination. Giana: That's a bit ambitious. Yuno: You are my world. Giana: Aww... Yuno: Giana: Yuno: Giana: OH. -- Solara: Hi, I'm Solara, and only you can prevent forest fires… seriously, it has to be you. I'm sure as hell not gonna do it. -- Nacht: Can I ask you for a favor? Josele: I would literally die for you, but continue. Nacht: We need to talk about you starting sentences that way.
Josele: Help, someone at prom has been killed! Morgen: Calm down, we don't need you to Panic! At the Disco.
Yuno: Here’s the cold medicine you asked for. Yuno: dumps 3 shopping bags of wine on the table Nacht: …Thanks. -- Nacht: Josele, we tried things your way. Josele: No, we didn't. Nacht: I did it in my head and it didn't work.
-- Solara: Does everyone know their job for today? Josele: Water the flowers. Helena: Vacuum the carpet. Nozel: Wash the dishes. Yuno: Pretend to be a wolverine. Solara: Close enough. -- Helena: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room. Solara: It’s called arson and those people are called witnesses. -- Josele: Helena, don’t go picking a fight with Nozel. Don’t forget, they’re powerful, they could make life difficult for you. Helena: Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life.
uhnmkoiuhnjkiouhnJKIHBNJIUHNJKI THESE ARE F U N N Y . @lyranova @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @kalolasfantasyworld @loosesodamarble
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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If your still doing requests can you do one where Arturo,David or Charles from DRDT dating a Girlfriend who just like Carrie who suffers mistreatment from bullies and her mother and suffers the blood prank when crowned Prom Queen only difference the girlfriend didn't kill anyone and doesn't have powers like Carrie
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This was a difficult one because I don't know much about Carrie (I have honestly not seen it in YEARS) and it sounds like you wanted a minific for it. I hope I can make up for it by including all of the characters and turning it into hcs/scenario instead as i'd hate to otherwise screw up your request because of my lack of knowledge. I hope you are still happy with this!
NOTES: Non-Despair AU, romantic Character/Reader relationship, Fem reader, hurt-comfort, David isn't "good" or "evil" he's just a guy going through things, cw for bullying; public humiliation and a bad home life for the reader, cw mentioned blood, cw briefly mentioned vomit on Charles', cw Charles going through an episode
~ David C., Charles C. and Arturo G. with a Fem s/o who suffers the 'blood prank' during Prom!
David Chiem
To David you meant absolutely everything, he must have trusted you a lot to get into a relationship with you- so in turn you probably trust him just as much; meaning he probably already knew about what you go through on a day to day basis
He hates that someone as wonderful as you has to suffer through such horrible treatment from the people around you and silently wishes they'd get whats coming to them
He's absolutely making sure to be around whenever he can, because while he isn't the most intimidating person in the world- his social status is no joke, and he even flocks some people towards him as fans who he's quick to brush off; he knows what they did to you and he refuses to pretend he doesn't
It actually does keep some of the heat off of you and although it's not a lot, you're still thankful he's around and make sure to tell him how appreciative you are of him
You do remind David that you don't just keep him around to feel safe from bullying, and that he means a lot to you no matter what, to which he's very thankful for because even if he knows it's still nice to be reassured!
When you told David you wanted to attend Prom this year, he had his doubts and made sure to voice his concerns. It's not that he didn't want to see his star shine, he just didn't want to see you 'fall'
However when he saw that determined look in your eyes and how hopeful you were- he just couldn't say no to you; you could say you inspired him in a way
David was happy to help you get ready for Prom if you'd let him, you even invited him as a +1 to attend!
He made sure to look his best for you, but took into consideration that you wanted him to look the way he wanted; since you've always told him how you love him for him being himself and not someone putting up an overly positive front
On the night of prom David was there to help you sneak out of your house, when he saw your outfit for the first time he was left starstruck, but you had to drag him out of it because you were on a time-crunch for attendance!
So far so good, people only spared a few glances at the two of you.. but the night was left unbothered as the two of you went to town! David knew he'd be longingly remembering these moments with you for a long time
As you were crowned Prom Queen, David was looking at you from below the stage with such adoration and love in his eyes. He was so happy for you in this moment but.. David of all people knew good things never lasted long
The second the blood fell onto you he was in complete shock. When everyone around him started laughing at you, he was overwhelmed with rage- he snapped and began yelling at people, running to your side as he shoved people aside
He knew he couldn't do anything in this moment, not about them, but he could do something about you. He had to get you away from there
Watching you just except your fate on that stage, covered in blood.. thats going to haunt him for a bit, it really irked him; but he understood how you felt in a way
It's part of the reason it was easier to comfort you, he made sure to assure you wholeheartedly that he wouldn't let you get in trouble with your mother or anything like that..
Instead, he snuck you back to his dorm at Hopes Peak, making sure to get you something to change into even if he had to dig through his wardrobe, or show up to at Levi's door for the key to the Ultimate Fashion lab and "borrow" some clothes for you
He made sure to respect your privacy and leave the room while you got cleaned up, but afterwards he was very adamant on you staying the night at the very least.. he didn't want you to have to go through your mother's scolding after the night you just had
David planned to have a long discussion with you about leaving your school, or at the very least a possible method of helping you. He couldn't stand seeing someone like you getting hurt like this over and over again.. and he wasn't going to.
"Y/N, this can't possibly go on. I can't stand seeing you laughed at and bullied anymore, please at least consider what I have to say, even if it's not what you want to hear…"
Charles Cuevas
Charles was honestly new to this whole "love" thing, but he was certain that he cared very very deeply for you and seeing you hurt frustrated him to no end
He's a bit… ignorant of your struggles at first, not intentionally- he just couldn't quite grasp it in full, until he saw what you had to go through for himself
He couldn't believe your mother could be so? unnecessarily cruel to you- and for what?! Then ontop of that, seeing you being subject to teasing and harassment at your school that was honestly completely unwarranted? He was royally pissed
He wasn't quite sure how to help you though. He's not very good at comforting you and he's not exactly in any position of power to stop these things from occurring
Of course, he would still try; going to your principal or teachers and informing them of the intense bullying that students go through and how they should be taking responsibility but they do lackluster PSA's that honestly.. don't change a thing for your situation
You might reassure Charles as best you can, saying things like "I'm fine, really." or "It's nothing new, i'll get through it." but he isn't buying it whatsoever, not that he blames you for thinking that way.. he knows it's just how the people around you have shaped your mindset
Charles found himself seeking Whit for help on how to comfort you, since he's not very good at it really; he'll try his best to at least be there for you to help you through these struggles knowing that it makes you feel even a little bit better
Now the day you told him you wanted to attend prom at your school, he thought you might be "joking" or something
When you informed him you were actually very serious about this and were asking for his help, he was both concerned and conflicted on how to approach this
On one hand, he thought you were out of it to be asking this of him- you knew what would happen, didn't you? But on the other hand, he wanted to fulfill your wishes and at least give it a try; longing to see you happy and at peace for once
With a bit of convincing he caved and decided he'd help you, but only if you brought him aswell as he wanted to keep an eye on you
He seemed quite irritated a lot of the time, but truly it was out of care for you- he just didn't want to see you in a constant state of hurting like this. You thought this would be a good opportunity for the both of you to let loose a little, maybe nobody would even notice you were there
Charles probably helped you pick out your outfit, insisting you wore something that didn't stain easily as a preemptive measure against any disasters that may occur, which ended up proving useful in the end to some extent
However, the night he helped you sneak out of your home, he was still left in awe with a large blush on his face seeing you dressed fancy. He was at a loss for words, but tried his best to let you know how amazing you looked in your outfit
Arriving to prom, you could tell he was nervous just from the way he was gripping your hand- honestly just as nervous as you might have been- but you both were somewhat prepared for anything that might happen and that you would look out for eachother
And what do you know? Nobody had even said a word to you the whole night, you two were able to spend prom wordlessly pouring your hearts out to eachother, despite your shared anxieties
When you were crowned as Prom Queen, Charles was not only shocked, and happy.. but concerned? I mean, didn't most of the students in your school think lesser of you?
He didn't really have time to wonder, because in his eyes time seemed to slow when the bucket of blood was spilled over your head, soaking you in it
Charles wasn't even sure what happened at first, he felt sick to his stomach and immediately hurled. It was honestly horrible, he didn't even hear everyone laughing at you and started going through an episode
You were honestly more concerned for him, you probably didn't know of his phobia of blood until just now; you didn't even want to get near him because you were covered in the stuff, but you had to get the two of you out of there ASAP
You wiped your hand on some table cloth and covered his eyes, running out of there in tears. This couldn't have gone more wrong, and all at the last second no less
You were unsure of what to do, you might not have even had any experience in this sort of thing- not that you could help Charles anyways since you were soaked in blood. You ended up fishing out his phone and calling Teruko to come pick him up
However when she saw you there she immediately understood what happened, bringing you both to Hopes Peak and escorting Charles back to his room
She gave you the key to her room and told you that you could clean yourself up and borrow some of her clothes, she had to at least.. attempt to help Charles through his condition
After all was said and done, you were just about ready to leave and just go home.. wanting tonight to be over. You were surprised to see Charles, still quite shaken up, but asking you to stay the night
You agreed, as you felt you had quite a lot to apologize for; but when you and him were alone in his room, all he wanted to do was apologize to you and try to plan some way to make it up to you, even if he wasn't thinking straight enough to know what exactly he'd do
"Y-Y/N.. I apologize for my.. reaction. I-I don't know what happened, truthfully. But.. it's not your fault, and I w-want to make it up to you. Please stay the night, you shouldn't have to go home after that."
Arturo Giles
Arturo loves you as his girlfriend very deeply and makes sure you absolutely know it, which is why when he was informed of your bullying, he was absolutely livid.
He couldn't possibly understand why anyone would ever treat you with anything but respect! They should be bowing to you as you walk by, so what gave them the right?
Unfortunately Arturo isn't the best at shielding you from the bullying, but he will stand up to your defense if it happens in front of him and tear into your bullies' physical appearence until you either pulled him away or he got you away from them
He probably knew the mistreatment didn't stop in school, he may not seem like it but he's more aware of the little things about a person when he sees them as a person, and he definitely views you as such even if his obsessive tendancies still get the best of him sometimes
He himself doesn't have the best home life either, so it's not as if he can swoop you off your feet and take you away from there, no matter how much he would love to
When he heard you would be attending Prom this year, he was quite excited for you! He wanted so badly to see you in a beautiful dress and living out your dream as the Prom Queen!
But he had his doubts. No matter how much he had already seen you as a queen, he knew better than to assume everyone else in your school would; Arturo isn't one to give people like your bullies a second chance or even a first
You knew your mother was against the idea of this, but she didn't have to know you were going right? It didn't take much for Arturo to buckle under and help you, he only had one condition: that he'd attend as your +1
And so he did, he helped you find the most beautiful dress that fit you- or if you already had one in mind, he'd try and help you with accessorizing! He wanted to get a sneak peak at your outfit so he could dress similarly, but also wanted to be surprised with what you'd wear
He was just so excited to see you that he was practically seeing stars when he saw you fancied up; he was left tumbling over his words and praising you all the way to your destination
So far the Prom went smoothly, it seemed as though your bullies had finally learned their place! He had hope that it'd continue on like this for the rest of the night
And it did! Words couldn't describe how happy he was to see you crowned as Prom Queen, the smile you had made it seem like time had slowed down just for him to savor the moment until..
Everything just went wrong right before his eyes. He wanted to scream when he saw the blood spilling down- but it was already too late and you were soaked in it
As soon as people started laughing he absolutely lost it, lashing out at everyone and anyone no matter who it was. He couldn't believe it when you stood there and accepted it
Your perfect moment was ruined right before his very eyes and he simply couldn't stand for it, he felt even angrier at the situation when YOU were the one comforting him and telling him to calm down.. of course the anger was never directed at you though
He dragged you away from the party, he could tell how upset you were and he was just as devastated; both of you knowing your mother would punish you severely for returning home like this.. so he made sure that didn't happen
He assured you that he was not letting you suffer through this treatment tonight, he would not stand for this any longer; and he snuck you into his dorm at Hopes Peak
He let you change and shower there, making sure to give to you fresh clothing (he was going to do give it to you as a gift but that didn't matter to him now, he just wanted you to be clean and happy) and when you were done he immediately went at it; pleading with you to switch schools even if you wanted to stay because of how good the school was
He helped you as best he could that night, and made up for the crown you lost by telling you how much he sincerely loved you and promised he'd do whatever he possibly could to make you happier
After that night, he started saving money up that he got from his surgery work to get you enrolled in the reserve course by roughly next year even if that meant you'd attend for only a year or two, he would not let you suffer like that again and he would pay any price for that- because to him you were priceless
"Y/N, my beautiful, perfect angel.. They may not see you for who you are, but I certainly do. To me, you are everything; and I will prove it to you."
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theflannelwizard · 1 year
@anonymous-tals requested headcanons about the Bluth siblings as kids, so here's some of that! It gets long, so I'm putting most of it under the cut.
They had family game nights. George started mandating them so he could get photos and publicize them as a happy family but the kids actually got really into it and kept playing board games together even once their parents ducked out.
Lindsay was George’s little princess, especially as a preteen and teenager. He wasn’t always the best at showing it in ways other than buying her things, but he loved that girl so much.
Oscar came by for every single one of Buster’s birthdays, and he brought little presents. He wasn’t nearly as good at remembering the other kids, but nobody read too deep into it. Blatant favoritism is normal in this family.
Speaking of birthdays, Michael and Lindsay always got the best birthday parties because they had to share. Also because they were George’s favorites, but the sharing was the excuse everyone actually said out loud.
GOB’s birthdays tended to go forgotten or ignored by his parents, but Buster has never once forgotten him, Lindsay was usually pretty good about at least being around and wishing him a good one, and Michael would organize little celebrations if Buster bugged him about it. Which he always did, and which Michael always got to feel like a hero for. 
I’m not getting into the whole “who pushed Mimi down the stairs” thing cause I know what canon was going for but I also just don’t think Buster would do that. However I DO think the whole “I’m just a boy so nothing will happen to me” was VERY ingrained in him from very early on cause when he was actually little Lucille couldn’t bring herself to ever be upset with him. She could mistreat him, sure, but always out of some twisted form of protective love. 
Because of this, Buster took the blame for a lot of shit his siblings fucked up. Lucille usually didn’t believe he did it, and it usually got shifted to GOB, but Michael and Lindsay at least got a few freebies by saying Buster did it and getting him to corroborate. 
GOB had frequent hyperfixations and the bees and magic special interests have been on and off since he was pretty young. Buster never found him annoying. Michael did but was good at more or less hiding it for the sake of being a good brother. Lindsay would tell him to shut up.
Buster also had frequent hyperfixations but his were on things like medieval farming and ancient Mesopotamia and learning a new language and other Scholarly Pursuits so he wasn’t treated like he was annoying, he was treated like he was a very intelligent young man with a bright future in academia. Or a loser and a nerd, depending on who you’re talking to.
One time, and I mean literally ONE TIME, Lindsay asked George if he had a favorite child and he sarcastically said “Of course I do. It’s GOB.” assuming everyone would get that he was dodging the question by answering a kid who was most definitely not his favorite. GOB didn’t get that he was being sarcastic and was the happiest boy alive for about twelve seconds before both of his parents started laughing so hard they cried. 
I need to stop being mean to GOB. Here’s something nice for him: he was surprisingly popular in school, and even though he never made any real friends he could usually get strangers to high five him in the halls. People chanted his name at lunch sometimes if he stood on a table to do his illusions. He got bad grades but people thought that was badass.
Buster would have full blown panic attacks at any grade lower than an A. Even an A minus would have him crying on the floor. This is projection but it’s also true.
Lindsay was homecoming court every year of high school and prom queen her senior year. GOB was prom king. Micheal and Buster were never anything like that.
Buster has always been GOB's biggest fan and would beg him to do illusions or tell bee stories or just be himself but with an audience of one. GOB pretended to think his little brother was lame but he secretly loved the attention and they still have that special bookend sibling bond. GOB was (and still kinda is) Buster's hero and Buster was (and still kinda is) GOB's baby brother. The fondness in the phrase "baby brother" is hard to explain to people who don't have a sibling with a 6+ year age gap but trust me, if anything happened to Buster in their childhood, GOB would be immediately up in arms.
I have a lot more thoughts, actually, but this is getting super long so I’ll stop here for now!
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venturismcdonald · 1 year
We've all acknowledged that Casey's the one who theoretically lives in delusion as far as her relationship with Derek is concerned. But the rest of the family knew. Everyone knew except for Casey and I find that so beautiful.
I headcanon Derek accepts he has (ugh) feelings for Casey in the soccer cheating episode (my beloved) because he spends an entire weekend that could have been spent doing literally anything else walking around the house like a zombie in existential crisis. Which, to be fair, is probably an apt description of Derek at the time: the girl he knows he's never been neutral about is the girl he happens to romantically care about and be attracted to. It's made worse because she's the one girl he could never have, but she's right there. All the time.
Edwin realizes that in that episode as well; he's the one who witnesses Derek's scheming and crisis the most. Derek calls Edwin in and there's way too many feelings on his face as Derek's barely able to conceal that he cares. He already knows he cares about Lizzie and there was no crisis about that, no moping around for three days. But Casey? This is the most emotional thing Edwin has witnessed in the entire show from Derek.
Sam probably figures out Casey's feelings around when Casey blows off their monthaversary to spy on Derek's date with Emily. I think the fight in the bullying episode is when he realizes Derek actually has feelings that are deeper than base level attraction, though (I will die on the hill that the fight was a huge moment in their relationship). He's a little dumb, alright?
Dennis, for all that he is neglecting his daughters (because boy, he wrote the fucking book on that one!), realizes once Derek calls him. It's implied Derek basically guilt trips him into coming back and that is, to his credit, exactly what happens. Derek wouldn't do that for someone he doesn't give a fuck about, like he pretends not to. Dennis assumes it'll go away (it doesn't) and that even if Casey reciprocates, it'll never be acted on (it might be.)
Marti realizes in the forcefield activated episode. She's witnessed the largest extent of both of their feelings in that episode: Derek's genuine care and kindness as far as her anxiety goes and Casey's determination to help him succeed because that's how she shows her care. It's all culminated (for her, at least) in the scene where Derek finds out he passed his exam and him and Casey do their dorky high five thing before she asks him to help at the camp for another week. Derek agrees and he's grinning at Casey and Casey is giving him her best puppy dog eyes and grinning and Marti knows because, well, it's pretty damn obvious.
Emily knows at prom, junior year. Yeah, she has to help clean up Derek's mess, but he wouldn't want to fix it if Casey didn't matter to him. She's known that Casey matters, but Derek even showed up to the stupid dance to make sure she had a good night. And once she realizes that Derek has feelings, well, it's so much easier to see that Casey does too. Knowing one of them is in love with the other makes everything click into place.
Max figures it out after the breakup. It makes sense; Casey had ditched him for Derek a million times and every time, Derek had grand gestured his way back into her good graces.
Kendra probably realizes that Derek loves Casey around the episode where she tries to set her up. He attempts sabotage, which is normal, but he gives a shit about her and it's gross and she kinda likes him more for it. (I headcanon Kendra, Derek and Casey all stay friends because that's basically canon anyway.)
Truman... When Truman first comes to the school, I'm placing bets that everyone tells him Casey's dating Derek. Teenagers are brutal and they weren't super far off the mark. And I assume his actions after that are with the understanding that there's more truth to those words than either of them would admit.
Ralph, I love him very much, he sort of assumes they're dating from like a week after she moves to London on half the time. I also presume he's high for half his screentime.
Lizzie realizes at the dance competition. She sees that and there's this chemistry she can't deny and it just clicks.
Nora and George live in willful ignorance from the bathroom scene in 1.03 on. They just will not acknowledge there's anything going on there because there isn't anything, technically.
Sally probably figures it out after her and Derek break up. It's probably very casual, just happens on a Tuesday or something when she sees a picture of the two of them on Facebook or something.
Casey's the last to know. She only realizes it when they actually have to acknowledge they're going to university together, four and a half hours away from the family, the people who have been the forefront of her denial (which she quite liked, it's incredibly rude that it had to be interrupted for this emotional crisis) and that's why she says "same difference." It's obvious she doesn't mean it, but she's trying to place the boundary: introduce me as a sister so I can shove you into the brother box, please.
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
Hughes brothers for the character ask meme?
im going to be real my first impression of quinn was from noted quinn scholar tanya txstars talking abt him. i dont even know what the first little bit was about because i was like “yeah everyone i follow just has that one guy they’re obsessed with” and then i actually saw photos of quinn and then started to Get It.
jack was the more famous of the three from the getgo. I knew he was a devil but didn’t know which one was jack and which one was nico for a while so there is that
and i’m like 90% sure my first thoughts on luke were THERE’S A THIRD ONE???
Quinn: he is my scrungly. More than the generic fact that i find him hot in a wetpathetic roadside cat kind of way and that i am impressed and delighted by his skating and his ice time, I do really genuinely like him. He comes across as somehow both an idiot well-meaning jock and as an honestly intelligent man; maybe he’s just an airhead stoner. He’s the eldest daughter of our dreams. He should absolutely be the next captain of the Canucks. He’s level-headed and stands up for his teammates off the ice (talking openly about how he thinks they mishandled an injury!?) and is just… an ideal man. He’s also definitely got ghosts after him.
Jack: NIGHTMARE CHILD. I probably first started to hear his name from all the xreader writers who wanted to take him to prom, but once you actually start looking at and seeing him beyond the Boy Band Fluff, he’s… kind of a greasy sharp-toothed demon child? I do like him -- quite a good deal, to be honest, but the instant he let sweat slick his hair back and the playoffs knocked a tooth out he immediately became Interesting to me, as opposed to just some mouse.
Luke: Luke’s relative lack of screentime means my impression is a lot less nuanced than the other two: he both terrifies and excites me. Terrifies because the Devils are in my conference so i’ll have to see him three times a year… and excites because Quinn, Ellen, and Jack all say that he’s the best of the three of them. Can you BELIEVE how good that would make him. Quinn’s one of the best offensive defencemen on the planet (and pretty good defensively, despite what you might think!) and still has a few years before his peak, Jack’s a hundred-point forward at 21, and Luke is BETTER THAN BOTH OF THEM. 
Quinn: the “taking his ESL teammates out to the movies” is endlessly charming to me… even if he picked rather a terrible movie to show to his esl teammates. also pretending to be a really bad driver at petey. Older brother supreme
Jack: either aforementioned tooth loss or any of his comedic falling-overs. Third place goes to snarking to the media… that boy wants nothing to do w any of it. If he was in toronto they’d have ripped him jaw to tailbone
Luke: overtime gwg w jack assist!!!!!!
Quinn: what if i told u im partway through a quinnfic as we speak… he is dealing with the horrors surprisingly well all things considered
Jack: i am not of the opinion that he should get like. romcom fluff. he is as of yet not that type of girl. Get his ass to the mobster movie/wizard maze/indiscriminate pwp. Send him to something violent and a little bit horny and way too complicated for his little brain full of titty magazine and bits of lint. Bamboozle him and cover him in blood and let him top badly. many people are saying this
Luke: until such time as we see Character Traits from him (im not a umich girly dont tell me anything you’ve seen from there) i am content to let him remain for now a background character. he’s big and he has jack’s nose and quinn’s eyebags and he’s the baby. That’s enough
Quinn: i am a quinn will become a leaf eventually truther. not that every born leafsfan will become a leaf at some point in their career but he will. Not because he hates it in vancouver because im pretty sure he doesn’t… just that there’s destinies out there u can’t escape. Im also a quinn will become a devil eventually anti. he’s not going to do that he likes offseason brother time and offseason brother time only
Jack: the beard is a good look on him
Luke: tall people shouldn’t have older siblings it’s wrong
Quinn: quinnpetey kissa time. petey’s cringe little gay romanticism is now going to lead him away from brock to A Person With A Sustainable Future As a Canuck… quinn is going to let petey infringe on his space and his feelings and his bedsheets. they will hold hands through the horrors (vancouver canuckdom)
Jack: now hear me out i want us to explore whatever freudian attraction he had to pk subban. nico is cool and all but there’s more out here
Luke: not in an incestfic way but i do love his relationships w his brothers… siblings i do not understand them
Quinn: there was once a canucks raffle, where you could win bags each of the canucks had chosen stuff for… most of it was kind of generic. wine, a trip somewhere nice in the city, sometimes you’d get a sweater or a record or something. quinn chose cast iron pans and a cookbook. he wants to know how to cook well, he drives a reasonable car instead of petey’s fancy sports cars, he gets esl teammates to repeat his meaning back to him so he knows they understand. he’s grounded in a way few hockeys are and this is part character analysis from what we know and part extrapolation but that’s SO fascinating to me. i think he also knows stuff like how to sew on a button and clean an oven and tie a tourniquet.
Jack: could do sweet tricks on the trampoline
Luke: i dont think he’s going to take after either of his brothers in the personality department… he cares too much he’s going to suck up to the media way more when they want him. He’s avoiding that for now by being shy but he very much did puke into that garbage can at the frozen four he CARES
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kur0m1sblog · 2 years
Dollface & The Greaser.
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summary: You were a soc, and the not really the good type. You always hung out with bob, randy, and his other friends. You just didn’t like greasers, they had nasty grease in there hair, listened to horrible music, and were careless 24/7. There was one greaser and only one that caught your eye, and no it wasn’t that idiotic flirt Dallas Winston. It was Two-Bit Matthews, he was a little nice…always made you laugh from time to time. And you might have caught feelings, but you didn’t even realize it. But obviously a lot of females at school did, he also started noticing too and wanted to make sure his theory of you having a thing for him was correct.
characters: keith “two-bit” matthews
warnings: intimate touching. flirting. minor cussing. kissing.
genre: enemies to lovers. fluff. romance
reader: fem! soc! reader
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
You were digging inside your locker for you’re light pink hair brush, your hair was a tiny bit messy but always wanted it to look perfect. Like you of course. You bent over a little covering the back of your skirt, when you felt a warm pair of hands make their way onto your hips.
“Guess who?~”, The mysterious voice cooed in your ear.
“Two-Bit Matthews, you better get your nasty greaser hands off of my hips before I-!” You yell at him, before you can finish your statement he takes his hands off your hips and you stand up straight. You’re now just realizing how you knew those were his hands, by the warmth, the shape, and the grip he had on your hips.
“Geez, sorry dollface. I knew you were feisty, but not this feisty.” Keith says with his hands shaking up in surrender. You didn’t know if he was trying to piss you off or actually piss you off.
“Why do you even bother me? Go bother Marcia or something. Maybe even become Dallas and go try and talk to Sherri Cherry.” You say as you finally grab your long and beheld light pink hair brush, looking into the white decorated mirror on your locker and fixing your hair.
“Uhhh, cause they’re not as cute as you. Andddd they clearly aren’t catchin’ feelings for me~” Keith finally says and you suddenly start choking on air..?
“W-what?! Ha! Catch feelings for you, as if! Why would I fall for such a hood, that’s nice, sweet, kinda cute, and-“ You were about to finish your sentence until you realized what you were saying.
“Pretend you never heard that! Just pretend this is all you’re imagination!” You panic and wave your hands infront of him with your eyes avoiding his, trying to convince him this is all just a stupid dream.
You then suddenly felt a warm pair of hands, already knowing who it was, wrap around your own pair of hands and entangling it with yours.
“Aww, and ya’ really think all this about me and your over here pretending ya’ hate me?” Two-Bit whispers into your right ear. Sending shivers down you’re spine at the his hot breath hitting your neck.
“I-… look just like I said, pretend this never-!” You try and yell but as you try, you open you’re eyes and finally realize what’s going on. He was kissing you. A grease kissing a soc, infront of other greasers and socs. You are heard multiple gasps, wooing, and more as you had finally kissed him back. Wrapping your arms around his neck and accepting the fact that, now everyone probably knew from this kiss you guys were something way more than just friendly rivals. Not just a greaser always flirting with a mean soc that pretended like she didn’t want to spend a minute of the day on him.
As you broke the kiss you looked up at him shocked, you just stared into his eyes as he stared into your e/c eyes. You didn’t know what to say, you started hearing clacking of multiple heels behind you but you didn’t care. You just slowly went to hug Keith.
“I love you, stupid greaser.” You say taking in his smell which contained of chocolate cake, cigarettes, and beer.
“I love ya’ too, dollface.” Two says, as he’s about to return the hug he didn’t feel your warmth and touch anymore. He looked down a bit to see other female socs dragging you away, yelling at you, saying that you shouldn’t have done that, and that you mind as well be a greaser too.
He just smiles at the sight of you still looking at him, until your friends take a turn and you are no longer seen.
“What a doll.”
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togafuka · 8 months
I feel insecure that I like this ship for some reason how can I feel more confident liking it
This is a really late answer, I apologise!
My advice is to ignore what people who dislike it say and focus on the positivity. Create ToFu content, consume ToFu content by people who like it, talk to other shippers! Try and curate your feed and what (and who) you surround yourself with. Fandom is supposed to be fun. Block freely. Don't be afraid to interact with other shippers, we love it! When I got into ToFu, I didn't know anyone in the fandom except a friend who funnily enough doesn't ship ToFu. I just wrote a bunch of fics and met people that way.
But I know that can feel difficult. Sometimes you begin to doubt yourself or worry that what people say is right and you're in the wrong. Sometimes you need people to remind you there's nothing wrong with this ship. Seriously. There are far, far more problematic ships in other fandoms and heck even in danganronpa. TogaFuka isn't a 100% 24/7 fluff no issues everything is gentle and rose-tinted ship. Hardly any ships are, even if people pretend they are in canon. IMO when I read what a lot of anti-shippers say about it, I find myself disagreeing and realising that hey. they're not actually correct.
Fukawa is in love with Togami. It's in official bios. It's in game. They're often coupled together in merch (the prom merch with Togami holding a bouquet and Fukawa holding some flowers from it are my fav). Togami isn't abusing her. He's mean like he is with everyone sure but it's not abuse (I'm not saying how he treats her is ok though!! He can go too far, as can she, but they're messy individuals who do messy things and aren't perfect). When Togami tells Fukawa to go away, she doesn't keep stalking him. She goes away. Togami doesn't actively avoid Fukawa, he avoids Syo. They both have character development pointing toward them becoming healthier people who will become closer with time. Some people aren't interested in that or don't see it that way so there being people who dislike the ship is okay and to be expected. But it's not okay to harass people over shipping it.
Also certain ships that involve Togami and Fukawa with certain Naegi siblings have a lot of shippers who like to claim it's homophobic to like ToFu and not their ships. And well I'm a lesbian so yeah that doesn't work. Homophobia is having someone you once considered a friend tell you that they're not reading your fics anymore because you came out as gay.
Mod Chiaki
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violetfairydust · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for tagging me @dear-massacre <3
I have the opposite problem. I usually have so many WIPs going on at once I'll do a little of each and then barely anything gets done lol.
Derek didn’t mind if his friends were too busy having eye sex to notice him. Erica and Boyd didn’t have many overlapping classes and lunch was the only time they could lose themselves in each other without getting yelled at by Mr. Harris. Isaac spent most of his time trying to flirt with Cora subtly enough Derek wouldn’t notice. So far Isaac had not succeeded in evading Derek’s attention. It wasn’t something Derek enjoyed hearing, especially as the only single friend in the group, but sitting outside in the March weather made it a little easier to take.
The lacrosse team typically sat outside for lunch. Derek sat on the bench as his eyes skirted over the players scattered around until he found the one he was looking for. Even just glancing in his direction made Derek’s cheeks warm. It was good his friends were busy, they would tease him relentlessly if they knew about his crush. It was easy to get away with pretending most of the year, but the gold and blue colored posters littered the hallways promoting prom. Almost every day Erica asked if he had a date or if she would have to set him up with someone. He couldn’t say anything. It was out of the question. He’d never hear the end of it.
He could have tried out for the lacrosse team for a single chance to stare longer, but he didn’t have talent for the sport. He thought about swim for the months leading up to the season. The second he saw him in the uniform, he dropped the idea. He would have been dropped from the team in two seconds if not for staring, but probably making him uncomfortable.
“Derek!” Erica called.
He blinked and turned his attention to her. He reached for his soda can casually. “Sorry. What did you say?”
Her lips curled into a smirk. “Prom? Don’t make me find you a date.”
He was tired of her pushing it. “I don’t think I’m going to go.”
She straightened her back and twisted towards him. “You’re not going? Why not? It’s supposed to be a group thing.”
“Is it because you’re a loser without a date?” his sister prompted coldly.
“Any guy would be lucky to have you,” Erica continued. “Seriously.”
“Is Erica too pushy?” Isaac asked. “Even I’m getting tired of hearing her yap at you about prom. Just find a date so she'll shut up.”
Derek dropped his head. He wasn’t going to tell them. If his sister was mocking him enough already, how bad would it get if he said anything? He sighed. The guy was gorgeous, obviously. He also had a girlfriend because that’s how things worked out for Derek. He didn’t want to admit to the jealousy that festered in his chest every time he saw them walk down the hallway. He didn’t know which would be more embarrassing to tell his friends, who he liked or that he was jealous of Lydia Martin.
“No, it’s not that,” Derek said. “I’m not a great dancer if you haven’t noticed.”
“I have,” Cora said unhelpfully.
He ignored her. “And everyone already has a date that’s going.”
“Maybe not,” Erica pushed. “Who are you thinking of?”
“No one,” he stammered, “I’m just saying.”
“Oh, come on. Who is it?” Erica smiled playfully.
There was no way around it, not an easy way at least. And he was not about to say Jackson’s name. Derek’s eyes scanned the crowd in front of him. Two guys were practicing backshots and one of them tripped over himself and smacked into the ground. He groaned loudly, but recomposed himself and tried again. Yeah, sure. He worked.
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mrsvalbaker · 1 year
Speaking in Tongues
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Part I
Disclaimer: Not proofread and inappropriate content I guess.
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Minka's POV
I never tire of premieres. In high school everyone looked forward to the prom, why they looked forward to seeing all your peers on a Saturday, finding the ugliest dress in the store and being monitored by teachers while horrible music played was beyond me. Even in my adolescence I fantasized of premieres instead, spending forever in mamusia's room putting on her makeup and perfume, her dresses and pretending to be interviewed by E! and whoever was hosting the Oscars or the Academy Awards. 
My favorite part was always choosing what to wear, fashion is like art to me. You don't just choose what looks cute you  choose a palette, a theme, what will make your body flow and strut naturally. It is choosing your personality and displaying your interests, even a simple pair of nomination jeans with a t shirt and a pair of docs decide what you feel for that person and who they are.
I'm the only celebrity without a stylist, dressing myself and doing my hair and makeup is an emotional thing for me, maybe it's the punk rock roots from my now teaching father, but I don't even go to get my hair done. My signature black, bob is of my doing.
It's why there's so much footage of me on camera weeping whenever my ensemble is complimented, I put so much thought and heart into it. 
Tonight, beside my friend and director, James, presenting the premiere of Spellbound  at the Houdini mansion, I was Minka Farrah, but I was Minka Farrah inspired by Miranda, my malevolent two faced witch, the character I played in the film. 
It was a risk to wear the gloves but once I slid them on, it made my Morticia tight dress  pop, and with their occult imagery they too told the story. No one could hardly believe I had bought them off etsy, handcrafted and one of a kind, I made sure to heavily promote the artist behind them.
I felt so much worry and anxiety with this movie, like any remake. Yes the name is a tad different and James added and took away some things but, it's a classic, a niche cult classic, but a classic all the same. I worked so hard to be the perfect Miranda, taking from the original played by the late Kelly Preston, I also took inspiration from Lisle von Rhuman, and funny enough Miranda from the film Miranda about the mermaid. I was ridiculously overjoyed with the wonderful feedback I got in return. 
I was on cloud nine tonight, and then my confidence faded when Tom told me Timothée Chalamet was here tonight. I nearly threw up, that wicked Saxon, he knows the crush I harbor for the greatest actor of our generation. Longing was more a fitting word. He's the first boy in a while who's made me feel…well to not put it lightly, horny, the word ecstasy, inadequate, and…longing, all at once. I don't just want him to hold my throat during a movie, I don't just want him to fill anything considered a hole in me, I don't just want to talk about our influences, I want him to consume me and devour me. 
I have never met him, ever. But my brother, Stone, one day mentioned me as his favorite actor or actress of all time on Graham Norton's Show, and at the time I had no idea who he was. So Stone put on Call Me by your Name, and then showed me his Tumblr and the entire Chalaverse and I was hooked. I was very judgmental before watching his Little Women Christian Bale was the only Laurie for me I swore by him, but Timothée Chalamet ruined that for me. I think I went crazy for him watching him play Laurie.
And he's so gorgeous, long and tall and lean, I love skinny partners because it makes their shoulders and hands look even bigger, not the only reason but it's a major one. His hair is romantic and long and curly and just.. he's perfect, his mannerisms his voice, he has me hooked. And to hear that he's here…I mean it makes sense, he's Tom's friend. 
I hoped I looked good enough, when I think of him I feel too big for my hair…what if he likes long hair on girls…thankfully there was another photo op with James to distract me, I felt in my element until I turned around to whoever asked for my attention. "Yes?" I still wore a red painted smile laced with a laugh, and when I turned around it fell the mask fell because there he was, and looking at him and smelling his cologne and knowing he approached ruined my Agent Provocateur thong.
I was breathless, speechless.  I said nothing and just nodded with a smile.  
He tugged his bottom lip in with his teeth and I stared for a moment. "I thought y-you w-were– I mean–" he laughed breathily and ran a hand through his messy curls and I felt light headed. I sucked on my lip and he stared at me for a moment and I must have looked confused because he started to talk again. 
''I'm sorry, I'm sorry  I'll uh– I'll leave you alone." Before I could even scream for him to stop saying that I never want him to leave me alone, he walked away disappearing in the sea of tuxedos and gowns. What did I say?
Feeling disappointed, I made a beeline to the wine, I had the bartender fill up my glass all the way to the top with red champagne. My favorite, Chandon's red champagne, was a Shiraz of strawberry, raspberry, and cherry notes. It was my absolute favorite and right now I was going down as much as I could to forget how I ran off Timothée Chalamet.
Did I offend him? What was it?
Two glasses of red Chandon later we were heading to the after party at Chateau Marmont .
I was in the middle of talking to Lana when Tom walked up to me. "Hey, what did you do to Timothée?" 
I looked confused. I felt confused. "I didn't say one word to him."
I furrowed my brows "Tom, sweetie I'm not following."
Tom laughed.  "He thinks he offended you or annoyed you. But knowing how you feel about him, it's all starting to make sense." He smirked.
"Oh my God, shut up!" I squealed, which made him laugh louder. "I'll go talk to him, God he must think I'm such a snob!" Why did I have to get starstruck?
"No, no, he just thinks…." But Tom stopped himself, trailing off. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "Tom…"
Lana laughed. "Oh I think I know…" She and Tom exchanged a look and a brow waggle before laughing and I let out a cry of frustration.  "I hate you both, tell me right now!"
They just laughed harder and I shook my head. "Whatever, I'm going to apologize, do I look okay?" I gestured to my ensemble, honestly no one can say I didn't stick with the theme of the movie, it was an ode to Matt and Miranda's bdsm scene when she gave Matt the false sense of hope that he was in charge of their "relationship". It's a black latex suit, arm, body neck, everything covered, even had on fetish boots, but my breasts were completely out and my nipples covered with black latex pasties to match my black painted lips.
Tom choked on his drink as Lana eyed me with a slow and appreciative nod. "Minka bloody Farrah, the only person on the entire planet that stands there posing shy and cutesy in a fucking bdsm body suit asking if she looks okay!" He laughed in disbelief.
I pouted. "A simple yes would have sufficed.'' He shook his head. "Where is he?" I asked.
"In the bathroom having a smoke." I took a deep breath, some of Tom's IPA and headed to the French styled bathroom.  I knocked and a muffled "Occupied.' Spoke through the door.
"Um Timothée? It's me, uh Mink-" Before I could get my name out the door was opened and he stood there towering over me gorgeously in all his Capricorn glory, a black vintage fit blazer open, a white tooth shirt and faded jeans with combat boots, a necklace wrapped around his neck seductively and rings adorned the long, skeletal fingers that held a cigarette. He smelled like a writer, cigarettes, espresso, and alcohol. There was a spicy cologne with a hint of sweetness and a small amount of sweat. I wanted to eat him. His verdant eyes were naturally and dreamily hooded, but right now a little wide as his raspberry lips hung parted.  
I blinked and bit my lip as I twisted my fingers. "I wanted to apologize, Tom told me you thought you annoyed me–"
"I'm gonna kill Tom-"
"But you didn't! I was just…I love your acting so much, I was caught off guard…I'm so sorry, I can't believe I was so rude–"
"N-No, you weren't. " He finished softly with a breathy laugh before leaning against the doorframe. Stop posing or I'll drop to my knees.
I felt elated when I noticed his eyes roam my outfit, but then a little fear lingered in those depths of satisfaction. What if he thinks I'm too easy? He probably likes classy girls, he dated Lily-Rose Depp for God's sake. 
"You like my acting?" A smile tilted his lips up.
I shrugged with a smile. "You probably hear that all the time." His eyes drifted from my mouth to my pasties, maybe I should have worn something else.
But he stepped aside and gestured in. "Please, join me, there's a lovely seat on the toilet."
I giggled. "But then where will you sit?" 
"In the tub of course."
@meetmyothersouls @sufferingstarlight
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galaxysharks · 1 year
Ej was such a big brother to Maddox. Just the pure joy when he saw her having fun, he humors her so much and it means everything.
Imagine Ej's earlier years at the camp:
Jock!Baby!Elton gets sent to Shallow Lake cause camp 'builds character' and Cash can't be bothered to raise his one and only son.
Ej figures he will coast by in the ensemble/security/person who can lift things.
Realizes quickly that all the fun tools and props are locked up to keep unsupervised children away from them, as instructed by the director.
Trys unsuccessfully to charm director because the old man can tell when a kid is helping, and when one just wants access to things that can make fire.
That's when he notices that the weird little tween that only speaks to the director and tinkers with the tech equipment has the only other set of keys.
Que: Operation: get keys to fireworks part 2.
Report: Mission failed because Maddox doesn't understand metaphors for stealing minor explosives and won't break rules anyway. Also never leaves them anywhere, so he can't just take them.
Ej decides to pretend to befriend this girl until she trusts him to have keys, and because he is at this point a proto-Cash, he does this by suggesting she do stereotypical 'camp' behaviors like playing reveille at 7 am, or asking for secrets in the cabins, or any other amount of behaviors that would get her socially eviscerated. He figures most of the camp would follow his lead, so he just needs to play nice for a few days, then they can do whatever while he gets to explode things. Starts calling her Gadget, cause he can't remember her name.
Except Maddox Loves Camp. To her, Ej is rapidly becoming her best friend because he actually wants to be around her, and do the things she loves. Sure Val listens to her, but Maddox's too awkward around pretty girls to have any real conversations, and Ej is even giving her suggestions to make this summer even more like the old movies.
Val pulls Ej aside like: Don't you fucking dare make fun of this child, she's going through things right now..
Ej get 0.001% into this plan and realizes, oh shit she's adorable, I can't let people ruin this for her.
Cue Mr. Elton Jock wholeheartedly throwing himself into every one of these stupid challenges and traditions. Taunting and egging on everyone and generally becoming the helpful kind of menace to society that makes the weird parts of a summer camp seem fun.
The first night the camp serves tacos, and that's awesome, but Maddox tells him it's not usually a great idea to eat twelve of them at once.
Spoiler: she's right. Ej spends a morning dedicated to vomit and pain in the medical cabin. Maddox sits with him and helps him read lines for his different ensemble characters in between laughing at him and dodging Val bringing him more water and crackers.
They are assigned to the same tent in the wooded camp out night, because the director has noticed, and she usually takes a solo tent, which is not a good look for their safety rating.
She's jumping at shadows and hiding as soon as the tale of Susan Fine is over. She knows it's not real, but she's still freaked out by it.
Ej tells her that they're going to make it real, and she won't be scared cause she'll know what 'susan fine' will be doing all night. Maddox is going to be the woman in the woods, he'll be a shrub monster and they can scare people together.
He buys a large pack of twizzlers, some geodes, and candles from the local shop, and they set up the first ever Susan Fine shrine.
They collect a record 11 full screams and 1 full tackle from some kid named Johnny that breaks things alot.
After they've had their fun, Ej and Maddox spend the night making up a dumb camp song. With references to the taco disaster and the scary stories.
They perform at a mid-week talent show, and get a request for an encore at camp prom.
During color wars, Ej notices Maddox was missing, and Val tells him she helps the director set up the fireworks every year, but she'll be back in time for the sing-off.
At this point Ej is having more fun doing the color wars than he would have had stealing the fireworks to begin with.
She saves him a bottle rocket. They launch it later and Ej catches his shorts on fire. once he is put out and in his boxers, Maddox and Val try to find something between them for him to wear. When cleaning Val notices a patch on the inside lining of the burnt shorts 'Elton John Caswell'. Maddox laughs at him and calls him Rocketman.
Most of camp thinks it is because of the bottle rocket, but Val and Maddox know.
Uses his call from winning color wars to tell Cash that he'll take some business courses in school if he gets to come back to camp every year.
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smalltownfae · 1 year
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Books Read in 2023: Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green
Rating: 4/5 ⭐
I never expected at my age to enjoy a YA contemporary romance book, but this was so much fun and I laughed out loud several times.
The premise of the book alone showed me that this had the potential to be the kind of mess I would be into and it was. The story follows two 16 year old boys, Jack and Nate, and the book is told in first person with a dual perspective. Both of them are dumped by their cheating ex-boyfriends at prom, but since Jack’s ex is so popular everyone seems to be on his side. Jack wants to be a social media influencer and he gets angry when his ex, that claimed to not like instagram, creates a joint account with the current boyfriend and wins a lot of support and followers. When Nate’s parents invite him to go on a trip with them, Jack sees an opportunity to compete with his ex by making a joint account with Nate and pretending both of them are having an amazing time. Nate just wants to be left alone to cry but that isn’t written in the stars when his old best friend Jack is around. The scheduled trip on the van is full of terrible sights, but they try to make the best out of it.
This book made it clear to me that I like romance about opposites attract since it’s the 3rd one of that type that I really enjoy. Jack is loud and wants to be popular in spite of being wildly disliked at school. Nate is very introverted and just wants everyone to not notice him. Jack was the first boy to come out as gay at school and he always wears something pride related. Nate decided to come out at prom with a big announcement and instantly regreted it. Their dynamic is great and it was really sweet to see them becoming friends again.
On the trip, Nate’s father is trying to decide what to do with his life now that he is unemployed and Jack meets a popular instagram influencer that he admires and makes him see that maybe he doesn’t want to be popular after all. The book has that kind of morals we all heard before about how fake everything posted online is, but I still appreciated that it was there and that there was character growth.
As usual, this book contains unrealistic moments and some scenes that look to didactic to me, but when I pick up these kind of books I just ask for a laugh and to be entertained so it was pretty successful at that. It wrapped up the conflict with Nate’s parents way too quickly though.
Elliot, Jack’s cousin, was also a fun character with a sunshine kind of personality and I enjoyed the dynamic between the three boys on the trip.
Now, I will just add this scene here to show the ridiculous humour in this book that I am into:
“You know, that’s not completely what Jane said, but reading between the lines...”
“What lines? What’s he done?”
“Taken up the ukulele and joined an LGBT youth group.”
“OK, only one of those things is indicative of him definitely being gay, Mum - he might have gone to the youth group simply to support a friend.”
I am not sure if I will attempt more books by this author because I don’t like school settings anymore, but I might for the silly humour.
Edit: I forgot to mention this book is set in 2020 and yet there is no mention of COVID. I am sure it was written before that and there was no way to predict it, but bad luck with that timing since none of this would be happening in 2020...
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