#surprisingly it went for a lot bc everything was in really good condition and the series was out of print by that time
yoru · 11 months
picking up initial d after years of watching my dad be obsessed with it when i was younger is really something else
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 5 months
You know how in that one Overblot AU you have where the Overblot boys transform into their Overblot form when tired and stuff. Consider that Idia and Ortho technically both have Overblot forms, and thus cue the First Years having a heart attack when they see Ortho in his Overblot form for the first time since Idia and Ortho overblotted at STYX, away from everyone else. And all the while Yuu is like 'Yeah, that's Ortho'.
That's inky Aftermath, I believe, anon :3
Anyhow, you brought up a very good idea of this Au, mainly how the Shroud bros work, bc, out of all, their overBlot conditions were different by all means.
When I was a wee wee dumb child... Surprisingly, I had a lot of toy cars and trucks. Some of them, I fucking dismembered to see what's inside and then reassemble them. What was interesting out of this was that I tended to put random shit inside if they had space, then close them back together.
I brought that up, for the sole motive that it's similarly to how Ortho works in this Au.
Imagine that for him, his whole Phanthom/overBlot being shoved all in the memory card. Taking that as the safe and sturdy material source from whom Ortho could take a more human-looking form.
But it was different.
You see, as I debated in my various double Isekai aus, the og Ortho was a completely separated entity from robot Ortho. So in the Isekai series, them meeting is 2 people interacting and becoming friends, showing how many differences they have in between them.(the best examples I could give were the magical girl Isekai and jjk Isekai, where there is literally a whole mountain of differences)
In here's not the same. The og Ortho and the robo Ortho have way too many similarities, to the point where, when they merge together, they become 1 entity that is a total mix of both. Kind and efficient like robo Ortho, but also outspoken and a bit more rash like og Ortho. Thus, he would experience moodswings sometimes or very visible changes in behavior.
How Ortho would be post book 6 is a whole other can of worms.
Like at first, when he presents back, everyone has a surprise when they see a fully human Ortho. He was moving and looking like a completely normal human, down to everything.
Then he goes back to a robot look the very next day. Sometimes he's half and half, but most times is either fully hooman or fully robot. No one really was trying to question it, or more like, they were afraid to question it, in case Ortho would show heavens know what.
The answer was painfully simple: it's his overBlot form, all toned down. When he gets extremely tired, his overBlot form constricts down into the robot body, thus relying more on the mechanical aspect of himself. When he's in high energy, he's looking fully human.
The only instance when you see his full overBlot form is when he gets mad or very scared. It's the fight or flight reflex when he's scared, hence if he's not running away, expect a bigass punch.
It's also a bit terrifying to see him changing forms if you don't know what really went down with him. Mostly because blot literally pours over from his robot body or gets sucked in. Pretty scary if you think about. :D
I guess Idia is also a bit guilty of the, sometimes, bratty attitude, bc he keeps spoiling him. :'3
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cheemken · 1 year
will augustine actually look for diantha? what would happen if, or when, he finds her? what about the others?
I think he would try and look for her, he just can't accept she's dead, he knows she's not dead, she can't be dead, bc despite everything that has happened, he still loves his sister, he cares abt her so much, she's basically the one who raised him and gave him everything he ever wanted, and... And she can't just die like that. No, she's not dead ofc, and he'll find her.
But, a month had passed, almost two, he searched the entirety of Kalos, and still nothing. But... There is one place he hasn't really checked yet, the abandoned Carnet Manor. He didn't want to go there, he honestly didn't, but he has to find her y'know. So he called in Cynthia, the only Champion he could really trust, and the two prepared themselves before heading to the manor
When they got there, there was already a strong and negative presence even before they opened the gates. Augustine had said he hasn't really set foot here, only now, being really young when their parents divorced, he never really knew their mother, and Diantha outright refuses to talk about her.
The place was eerie, there's smth preventing them from entering the manor itself, but the two went on their way, they already got this far.
The manor was in bad condition, the exterior painting coming off, some pipes and windowsills dangling from their places, moss covering the pavement heading to the main doors, and a lot of plants and flowers wilting and rotting around the makeshift garden. As they got to the main door, it creaked loudly, Cynthia cringed and Sycamore had to swallow his fear. They entered the manor, the interior of it was.. better than the outside they had to be honest. But there's this stench that they don't know where it's from. A strong and mettalic stench, a hint of burnt... Something... Something they don't know. It was horrible, but they should've expected it as the manor was abandoned for years.
They ventured the ground floor first, checking the rooms, the halls, the kitchen. The fridge had no food, of course that's to be expected, the plumbing no longer working as no water ran down the sink, and still that stench overpowered their senses. Cyntia had suggested to go outside for a bit for fresh air, Sycamore said no, but Cynthia just said she'd investigate the outside, the backyard, and the greenhouse. Sycamore continued his search in the ground floor, waiting for Cynthia before they proceed to the first floor.
He went to the living room, the fireplace was there, and a few feet away from it, dust piled in a specific place just near the broken coffee table. He went to investigate, his hands trembled as he reached out to see if it really was dust, dust wouldn't pile like this. The texture, it was smooth, and yet in a way rough, the smell... The smell was this. This isn't dust. Ashes. These are ashes. Beneath the ashes, the floor was burnt, a cursive C on it, just hidden from sight, and smudged across the letter was what he could only conclude as blood.
He swallowed a lump in his throat, and he could hear Cynthia coming back from her own investigation. She reported back how there's nothing out of the ordinary, just smth one would expect, broken wine bottles scattered around the backyard tho, but it's the same as the front lawn, moss creeping up on stone pavements and walls, and plants wilting and rotting. Sycamore has reported that he finally found the source of the smell. Cynthia almost gagged, she said now that she thought hard on it, it smells like rotten flesh.
The two finally decided to venture the top floor. Their pokeballs clutched tightly in their hands, preparing to fight stray Ghost Types that may come their way, or were inhabiting the place.
The two checked every room. The bathroom, surprisingly was in good shape, the water was running there, and there were still some expired medicine left in the cabinets. The mirror tho, it was shattered, the remnants of the glass on the floor, as if someone purposely broke it in a fit of rage. The two were careful when they entered, and decided to just sweep the broken glass to the side, and once they're done, they left and checked the other rooms.
The master bedroom, it's in horrible condition, everything is a wreck. The walls had scratch marks, too big, almost as if a large and strong pokemon did it. Frames were shattered, glass also scattered around the room, the awards within those frames were either ripped apart or burnt. The bed also had scratches, it did not smell great, the room was just a mess, and in the corner of his eyes Augustine can see a portrait of what he could only assume his mother with Diantha, a slash across his mother's face.
And finally the room at the far end of the hall. Diantha's room.
Surprisingly enough... It's in good condition. Everything was in it's proper place. The books sitting idly in the bookshelves, her desk was clean sans for the journal and pen left there, just... Everything was so different from the rest of the manor. The two looked around the room, no signs of Diantha. The closet was empty, the drawers were too, the cabinets had a few unused clothes, but when they looked at it more it seems those were Diantha's clothes when she was younger. And they decided to read what's within the journal.
Augustine had started reading, Cynthia was too busy looking around, she said it's not her business to read what Diantha had written.
And so he started, from the beginning it seems his sister already had a lot of pent up rage. Pages upon pages of her hatred towards their mother, oftentimes he'd read something about their father. There's a text he read how she was happy he was happy in Sinnoh, she wished she could see him. And he proceeded, it got to the point where Diantha wrote about how she finally got custody of him, and she's so glad she managed to save him from their degenerate of a father. And he read more, and more, and more, until he got to the most recent entry. The date was set today. He read. And it shook his core, his hands trembling even more, his breath caught in his throat.
Written in Diantha's cursive writing, it read: "I knew you'd come back to me, Augustine."
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moonslove7 · 3 years
Hi :3 Can I request a post Hogwarts (both married) reader cooking with no magic and running a bubble bath for professor Remus after he goes back home from his first day of teaching classes at Hogwarts.
Istg Professor Remus is my ultimate soft spot so yeah, just know I am blushing the entire time while writing this. Also Imma pretend you have like a family inherited cottage thing somewhere near hogwarts for this and remus doesnt like staying at hogwarts bc he would miss you also idk how to cook so you can just make up the food.
“(Y/n)! I’m home!” 
The sound of your husband Remus announcing he had finally come home, you were in the kitchen, cooking dinner, the smell louring him into the kitchen while he held his briefcase and had his robes still on, he watched you for a second as you kept looking at the oven making sure nothing was being burnt and then you turned around and smiled at the handsome professor.
“Hey Rem, how was the first day?” You asked pressing your lips to his gently, he put his briefcase down on one of the chairs at the table, took your hands in his, your fingers interlocking as his smile matched yours. “It was pretty good surprisingly, it’s good to be home though.” He then pecked your lips with a kiss this time, making your smile grow, you let go of one of his hands to check up on the food.
“Here, let me help.” Remus mumbled and started to put all the ingredients you had chopped up into a pan, turning the stove on. “ Why don’t you go rest love? You’ve been at work all day.” You asked him, he shook his head ‘no’. “ I’m fine pup, I can help you finish making dinner and then we’ll both relax, you’ve been working too.” You never felt like what you did was an actual job, you helped people with divination, or sometimes they payed you to find out if someone they loved was cheating or liked them back, Remus knew how emotionally exhausting it could be, to him it was a real job.
“ You look so good in those robes by the way, I didn’t know you becoming a professor would somehow make you even more attractive but here we are,” You joked and giggled while Remus, said “Hey! Are you calling me not attractive ?” He started to walk slowly towards you to tickle your sides making your knees buckle, “No Sir, course not Sir,” You joked making Remus crack a smile and a giggle, he continued tickling you, “NO REMUS PLEASE- THE FOOD-” You tried to yell between the giggles until you were laying on the floor, Remus on his knees as he continued his torture. 
“You’re a Menace (Mr/Mrs Lupin).” He said quietly but loud enough for you to hear, he stopped tickling you to kiss you, leaning down he brought his right hand to your face to hold you while he pushed his lips onto yours making you stop giggling and instead you sighed into the kiss, bringing your hands up to play with his messy dark brown hair, before he could deepen the kiss though you mumbled his name on his lips, getting him to lean back a little so you could speak without his lips smothering yours. “Food first, that can wait my love.” You said while standing up, leaving him pouting on his knees, he stood up following you, the pout now joined with his puppy eyes. 
“Jesus Christ, people will think I married a man-child.” You sighed as you noticed his face, he smiled his pout dropping as you leaned in close to him, kissing him once more, “You love me though,” He said teasingly, going back to the stove to check on the food, you replied, “that is true, I love you very much Moony.” At your words Remus smiled while turning the stove off and took the plates out from the cupboard with you gathering the food up and placing it on the table, then putting it on the plates, Remus went to the fridge, opening it to retrieve wine he remembered you brought, he grabbed two glasses before sitting down next to you, he poured you a glass and then himself. 
“Congrats on your first day.” You held the glass up to him, to do a toast as this job seemed the best one he had managed to find in a long time that complimented him in everyway, he had history there, unsealed wounds, and he was smart enough to be a professor any day. He brought his glass to yours making a clanging noise, you both took a sip of the wine and then started to dig into the food, unconsciously yours and Remus’s hands had found each other while you ate one handily, you both held hands the entire time.
When you had both finished Remus insisted on taking the plates to the sink to wash, you both were still drinking your wine, you got up with Remus anyway, “Hey, don’t look at me like that, I’ll put away the plates and cutlery while you wash them okay?” You asked while he looked a second away from pouting again. “Okay, deal.” After ten or so minutes everything was cleaned and put away, so you took Remus’s hands in yours and pulled him towards the bathroom, the Sun had began to set as you closed the bathroom door, and Remus closed the toilet seat to sit down on it. 
“Thank Godric, I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” He says when you put the plug into the bath and began putting in relaxing bath salts and of course bubbles, turning the taps on you smiled at him as he just watched the water fill the bath. “I know Rem, that’s why I got you an extra treat.” You walked over to the cabinet that you kept the clean towels in to use and move the first towel to reveal two chocolate frogs you had managed to get during the day, you showed him the chocolate making him smile lovingly at you, “You didn’t have to do this pup, you really are too good for me.” He says while you put the frogs on the bath table at the very bottom of the bath, when the bubbles were made and the bath was full you turned the taps off and started to strip making Remus stand up and do the same. You also played a song on your phone, the one you had your first dance as a married couple to, Let’s Go Home Together by Ella Henderson and Tom Grennan.
Both standing there nude you went into the bath first, laying down and then opening your arms to invite him to join you, he stepped into the bath, grabbed the chocolate frogs and leaned back, you sat up, letting him rest his arms on your knees as he opened your chocolate and fed you it, you doing the same for him, you both closed your eyes enjoying being so close to each other while the song played quietly in the background.
‘you seem like someone I could pick a fight with, dance all night with,
Maybe you’ll like me the way I am,’
All of a sudden you felt Remus kiss your nose, then your cheeks, opening your eyes you saw the giant of a man looking at you with so much love in his eyes it made you melt, you violently kissed his face all over making him laugh. 
‘Feels like I know you so well,
You could be everything 
That I’ve been missing,
I’m coming out of my shell,
And I never do that,
How did you do that?
It feels like I’ve known you my whole life.’
You both looked at each other with pure love and affection, this song reminded you both of yourselves, how everyday you help him learn to very slowly love himself and believe maybe he is allowed to be loved the way you love him, and he helps you grow confident in yourself and realise you also deserved to be loved too, and you both always knew what the other needed without words, finding neither of you could properly relax anymore unless you were cuddling.
For Remus he fell in love with you instantly, he met you through the order, the first time you two met he would stumble over his words as he learned you had managed to predict some of the death eaters attacks saving a few people including fellow members of the order, you radiated such warmth and comfort as you talked to him about your life that night and he did the same leaving his little furry problem alone for now, he even saw Sirius grinning at the two of you, knowing you two instantly clicked and connected. He didn’t need a tarot deck to figure out you both were drawn and comforting to each other.
‘I’m never that good in a crowded room, 
But everything stopped when I first saw you,
You seem like someone I could, 
Be myself with, 
No defences,
Maybe you like me the way I am,’
After Remus had told you about his condition, the full moon after that brought him to tears, because he didn’t expect you to stick around but you had gone above and beyond, helping him to his room, running a bath for him, massaging his shoulders and bandaging any wounds, you even made him some food and a quick drink, you would say it was nothing but to Remus it meant everything, to him it was a sign that you liked him just as he was, and he loved that a lot. It was probably at that moment he fell deeper than he thought possible in love with you.
I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it’s kinda short 
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satchihatchi · 3 years
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College king / pet AU
Dipper is studying physics and astronomy at college. But he's also the target of jokes and ignorance because of how big nerd he is. In addition, during his puberty, he grew up surprisingly a lot, now about 2 meters tall, along with a thin, not very muscular body (thanks to which he gets the nickname Pinetree from a "certain group").
And then there's Bill - the most popular guy at the university, more beautiful than most girls, trendy, rich, and always surrounded by fans and his group called "Weirdmageddon". Someone like him has never noticed a loser like Dipper, so he just lets his "friends" tease Dipper with their pranks.
One day, however, Bill (who is not interested in studying at all) gets into big trouble and is in danger of being expelled. Dipper, who would like to get rid of the terror he is experiencing, thanks to his (little crush) good heart, has mercy on the blonde school king and manages to persuade the principal to leave Bill at school and also says that he will make sure Bill improves his marks. Bill is surprised that "Mr. Nobody" stood up for him and wanted to help him. What's worse for Dipper, Bill gets interested in the boy and has the plan. Bill wants to repay Dipper by inviting him to a party, where he takes him to the bedroom after a few drinks, where he takes Dipper's virginity (and secretly takes pics of naked Dipper). What's even more embarrassing, everyone at the party are peeking and listening to them through the door, and when the couple leaves the bedroom, they start clapping and congratulating Bill for taking another virginity, making fun of Dipper and his whining as he came too fast. Dipper, realizing that Bill just wanted to use him like this, runs away with a cry from the party and hopes that he will never have to talk to Bill again...
But Bill has other plans with a tall nerd.
He sends Dipper (thanks to his contacts) a message that he wants to see him in their Weirdmageddon clubhouse, otherwise, he sends everyone Dipper's nude photos. Dipper is horrified and goes to the clubhouse, begging Bill to delete the photos. But Bill, pleased with his new toy and his begging, agrees not to send the photos on one condition: Dipper will now be his little pet, who will do as he says and will also do homeworks for him. Dipper is forced to agree and then receives an ear piercing with a triangular earring from Bill, as a sign that he is from now on his pet.
Dipper is then obeying Bill's orders and watching the blond boy get one date after another. But what Dipper doesn't know is that Bill soon finds out he can't get hard if he doesn't think of Dipper. Desperate for good fuck, Bill decides to order Dipper to have sex with him again. But Dipper absolutely refuses and says that Bill can send the photos to everyone at the university, but that doesn't force him to have sex with a blond man. They even get together in a fistfight that Dipper surprisingly wins. Bill is surprised that Dipper is so much against sex with him and realizes that he has a big problem. He left to return to school three days later, apologizing to Dipper for his behavior and hoping they could start over as friends, and that Dipper would become an official member of Weirdmageddon. And he also offers Dipper compensation for all the problems by paying him for tutoring. Dipper finds the sudden offer a little suspicious, but at the same time tempting and trustful enough, so he agrees.
Bill is still a big jerk, but now he treats Dipper with respect and for the first time in his life he becomes interested in Pinetree himself and not just his body. Dipper begins to turn Bill's desire for sex into something more and more.
As they became friends gives Dipper a little makeover, goes to the library to study so Bill can improve his grades, or just having lunch in the school garden. Bill even begins to trust Dipper so much that sometimes, after his quarrel with his parents, he either calls or comes to Dipper's place and asks if he can stay there for the night, playing Mario kart and chilling until he feels better again.
However, a few months later, during one of the class teacher collects Bills phone bc of his 24/7 texting and after that actually finding by accident the blackmail nude photos of Dipper (at this time Dipper and Bill are friends and Bill just uses photos for “lonely nights” ) so the teacher talks to principal who calls Bills parents and gets Bill to principal office. Of course, Dipper saves Bill by saying that he is "dating" Bill but that doesnt change that his parents know about blackmailing, bullying and Bills bad grades now and wants to punish Bill to learn some good manners.
For the first time in his life, Bill is punished hard by his parents, and although he tries to explain everything to them, he still has to face punishment. He no longer has the right to wear expensive Gucci clothes or anything other what is “inappropriate”, his parents sell him his car and forbid him to go anywhere but to home and to school - to be grounded (even though he is already 21). But that's not all they want to teach their son to behave properly and regret his mistakes ...
It takes a whole week for Bill to be allowed to go back to school, and when he comes across Dipper, who was very worried about his good friend, Dipper hardly recognizes him. Bill no longer wears piercings in his ear, nor other jewelry, and his hair, previously his long golden curls and the greatest pride of his appearance, are gone, left only in a brief wavy mess. Also, for the first time in his life, Bill is forbidden to wear concealer, so Dipper can see that Bill has freckles. What's more, he loves it on Bill. He accepts Bill's official apology for all the problems the blond has ever done to him, noting that Bill looks so much better now and looks finally like "his true himself."
Bill is surprised that Dipper likes this and when he confides that he has been wearing contact lenses all this time (and then showing what he now looks like with the glasses his mother ordered him to wear from now on), Dipper says that Bill with glasses is incredibly cute and it convinces the blonde to wear only glasses from that moment on.
And as time went on, Bill became more and more interested in astronomy, improved his grades, and even managed to transfer to an astronomical major so that he could study what he really enjoyed and could study with Dipper as well. Not to mention that it turns out Bill always was as big nerd as Dipper was, but due to his lifestyle and being pampered in the past he had to supress it and act more like rich asshole.
They both begin to feel more and more feelings towards each other, and eventually they finally manage to confess their love and become an official couple...
Do you like this story? Let me know!
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Fandom: Chicago PD / One Chicago
Character/s: Jay x Reader, Intelligence, Will
Warning/s: blood, gun shots
Word Count: 2,424
Request:  Hey sweets! Can you write a Jay x reader where she's been his partner since Erin left but in the meantime she fell in love with him but she only told Will about it. When a uncover gets out of hand and Jay is kidnapped, she's the one to take down the person holding him at gunpoint. While they're at med so he can get checked out the adrenaline wears off and she talks to Will about the fact that she didn't even think twice about shooting bc she was so scared of losing him, but Jay ends up 1/2  Listening to everything but didn't confront her about it. After some time passes, they talk and get together. I'll leave the reason why to you lol. Hope you feel like doing it. Thank you anyways, I really enjoy your blog. Stay safe 💕 2/2
Summary: When things go south on a mission Jay is left in critical condition and the reader is left to think about how she really feels about her partner.
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You’d been partners with Jay since Erin Lindsay left, it’d been a rocky beginning but you couldn’t really blame him, losing a good partner was hard enough, but when you were also in love with said partner... It’d taken a minute for you guys to get in sync but now that you were, you were practically unstoppable. You’d grown close these past few years, bonded, and well... you’d just had to go and fall in love with him didn’t you? 
He didn’t know of course, no one did, well, except for Will Halstead. You’d gotten close to both Halstead’s since your transfer to Intelligence, and the eldest brother had eventually figured out your feelings for Jay and cornered you about them one night at Molly’s. You’d sworn him to secrecy, but that was next to a year ago now, and he still didn’t understand why you never made a move. It was complicated, he was your partner, your friend, would you screw it up if you told him?
You’d been thinking about it more recently, you didn’t want to put your life on hold waiting for Jay to make a move or not, this job was day to day and you didn’t want to waste your time pining after a man who had no interest in you, but you still couldn’t get him out of your head. Will had been pushing you to rip the bandaid off, and you were going to, you really were, soon, you kept saying. 
But now you were driving to an abandoned warehouse, vest on and guns loaded, praying that you got there in time to save your partner, head full of regrets about what you never told him.
It’d been a straightforward buy, at first, and then one of the bangers had recognised Jay as being the cop who picked him up a few years prior, and shit had hit the fan in a big way. Everything went so fast that you only just made it to the site in time to see their car speeding away, an unconscious Jay in their trunk. The unit had kicked into gear, but it had still taken two days, two long and painful days, to pinpoint the location they believed Jay was being held. 
If he wasn’t here, or, God forbid, he was and he was... You shook your head, thinking the worse wouldn’t save your partner.
“You good to do this?” Kev asked, and you nodded, hand tightening around your gun as the car slowed to a halt just around the corner from the warehouse, out of sight of any perps occupying it.
“I’m good, and we’re going to get him back,” you replied but the look on his face told you that wasn’t what he meant, and you knew it.
“But you can’t get yourself killed doing it Y/N,” he told you, patting your shoulder as he slid the door open, climbing out with you following close behind. The rest of Intelligence gathered around Voight, double checking their weapons and comms. 
“I know, I swear,” you tried to reassure him as you joined the others. He didn’t look convinced but Voight was starting to give orders so he didn’t have time to argue.
“Okay, Burgess and Ruzek take the front with me, Rojas, you and Upton take the side, Kev I want you with Y/L/N in the back.” You all nodded. “Now this isn’t like our usual case, they have one of our own, and we’re going to bring him back, but don’t forget that the mission is to all come back, am I clear?” Everyone agreed but the final comment was very much pointed to you. You nodded to hid and put your earpiece in, taking Kev’s six as you all spread out around the building.
Breaching was easy, the back was unlocked so you went in slow and quiet. There were lots of open spaces but you used the boxes and crates stacked around for cover, not that you really needed any, it seemed... empty. 
Kev caught your attention and gestured to a side staircase that seemed to lead into a basement. You crept towards it and heard movement below. It was him, it had to be.
“I’ll call for back up,” Kev said and you hesitated to step back, what if they were hurting him as you spoke? 
But before either of you could do anything you heard gun shots from the other side of the building, heads snapping in the direction of the noise you heard Adam calling for backup over the radio. At the same time you heard yelling and a gun shot from down below. Jay.
Kev looked divided between going after Adam or going down to the basement, but in that moment you didn’t have anything to think about. “Y/N, wait-”
“Go to Adam, I got this,” you told him, heading down the steps.
“No, Y/N-” He started, but Adam’s voice over the radio made him pause, but you could barely hear them as you made your way to the door. Kicking it in as hard as you could and stepping in, gun raised.
The room was dimly lit, with a blood soaked table in the middle and various instruments around the side. In the middle stood a man with a gun, a gun pointed straight at your partner’s head.
Your mouth opened in shock at the sight of Jay, hands bound on his knees, tape over his mouth and a bullet hole in his stomach.
“Drop it,” you said forcefully, hands surprisingly steady as you aimed your weapon.
“I drop it you shoot me, I know how cops are with one of their own,” the man snapped back, fingers inching to the trigger, glancing between you and Jay.
“Yeah, he is one of our own, he’s my partner, what do you think I’m going to do to you if you shoot him,” you retorted, lining up your shot and the man shifted, placing Jay more as a shield between you and him.
“Guess I’m dead either way,” he laughed dryly, the gun flat against the side of Jay’s head, “at least I can take out a pig when I-” Bang.
You didn’t even think about it, didn’t hesitate, your ears ringing as the bullet left your gun, straight into the man’s head. He dropped in an instant, his own gun falling to the ground as Jay sagged forward, straight into your arms. 
You didn’t even check if the other man was alive as you held your partner, Kev running down in time to radio for an ambulance as you held him, taking off his restraints and applying pressure to his wound.
“Hang on Jay, just hang on,” you whispered to him as his eyes glazed over, his pulse getting weaker. The rest of the team followed down, it was clear they’d all been in a shoot out, but it was also clear that they’d won, and you’d got Jay. He just had to hold on...
Everything was a blur after that, you’d ridden in the ambulance with Jay, all but ignoring the warning look Voight had given you, you knew you’d get a lecture about going in alone later, but right now Jay was your only concern.
The look on Will’s face as you brought his brother was almost too much to bare as he was all but immediately rushed off to surgery by Dr. Marcel, already having crashed in the ambo on the way to Med.
And then the waiting began. God the waiting, if felt like you sat in that hospital forever.
Kim eventually convinced you to change and have a shower, but you were straight back to the waiting room when you finished. The others came and went, a case still to work, but you wouldn’t leave. 
“How is he?” You all but jumped out your chair as Will approached, his face was tired and their were circles around his eyes, but there was hope there too.
“He’s out of surgery, it was touch and go but he’s been moved to the ICU for observation,” he hesistated before adding, “Crockett’s hopeful, but it’s still.. too early to tell.” 
You took his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Can I see him?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I’ll take you to him now,” you looked back to the rest of the team who gestured for you to go. You followed Will, not wanting to get your hopes too high, but you just had to see him...
You blinked away tears when you saw him lying there, tubes in his arms, machines beeping all around, god he looked so pale... It was all you could do not to breakdown seeing him like that, so you stood in the doorway as Will entered. 
“He’ll be alright,” Will said, but you weren’t sure if he was trying to reassure to you or himself. “He should wake up... soon.”
“He’d better, finding a good partner is just going to be tedious,” you laughed, clamping your mouth shut when it turned into a sob. 
Will smiled weakly, “can’t replace someone you love,” he said pointedly.
“Of course I love him, God I love him,” you admitted; Will had always known you liked Jay as more than a friend or partner, but you’d never said that four letter word out loud before now.
“You know, I haven’t always been the world’s best brother, there’re a lot of things I’ve never really said to Jay, I should have told him I love him more, how proud of him I am-” Will choked up, “but I’m never going to waste that time again, you shouldn’t either. When he wakes up, you should tell him Y/N, or you’re just going to regret it.”
A tear slid down your cheek, you knew he was right. “I will, not... not right away, but... God Will, it’ll change everything between us,” you fumbled, picking at the cuff of your jacket.
“But you don’t know if that’s for better or worse until you tell him,” Will told you, patting his brothers arm as his phone beeped. He checked in and frowned. “I have to go, and you should really get back to the others, I’ll let you know if anything changes with Jay,” he promised. 
You reluctantly left, forcing your eyes away from Jay as you headed back to update the others. 
It wasn’t long after you left that Jay finally woke up. You told yourself you were giving him time to heal, to get better, you’d tell him after that... but you always seemed to make up excuses to avoid it, Jay was on the mend, he was alive, and he was your partner, why ruin a good thing?
“What do you know about sports anyway?” Jay laughed, opening another two beers and passing you one as you sat in your apartment living room, the events of the shooting months past.
“Well, honestly Halstead? Basically nothing, but I did learn a fair bit sitting with you in your hospital room, do you not watch anything else?” You countered, and he shook his head at you. 
“I never really thanked you, for staying by my side while I was recovering,” Jay changed the subject, and a more serious tone filled the void left by the laughter ending. 
“You don’t have to Jay, you’re my partner, you’d do the same for me,” you put your hand on his arm and smiled, aware of how close the two of you had ended up sitting.
“I guess finding a good partner would have been tedious huh,” he joked, smile dropping a little as you looked at him in confusion.
“I- I didn’t say that to you,” you realised and Jay froze, unsure of what to say. “No- I said that to Will, while you were unconscious...”
“Y/N-” He started but you shook your head.
“Were you awake? Did you hear that?” You asked, realisation dawning as you saw something else in his eyes, “did you hear that entire conversation?” 
Oh god, oh god, did he hear to say you loved him? Shit, shit.
“Y/N-” He began as you quickly removed your hand from his arm.
“Just tell me Jay,” you interuppted, putting your drink down on the coffee table.
“Yes,” he admitted after an excruciating silence. You turned away from him slightly, avoiding his eyes, 
“You never said anything- Jay, what I said-” You fumbled, unsure of what to say. Truth was, you’d planned a dozen ways to tell Jay how you felt about him, but for him to overhear and not say anything... every plan was gone from your head as you stopped talking in your tracks, trying to figure out your next words.
“I didn’t want to make it uncomfortable, you said you’d talk to me, so I figured if I left it you wouldn’t- I don’t know, feel embarrassed?” He tried.
“Oh I feel embarrassed alright,” you told him, “God Jay I’m sorry, I know I screwed up, but it hasn’t affected the way I do my job, and I don’t want this to ruin our friendship, or or partnership-”
Jay cut you off, taking your hand. You swallowed, looking directly at him again as you felt his skin on yours. “That would never happen, you’re my partner Y/N, and my friend, and... whatever else this is, because honestly? It’d... be a lie to say I didn’t feel something for you too.”
You let out a breath, a tightness you didn’t realise was squeezing on your chest loosening at Jay’s admission. His fingers tangled in yours as you sat there, stunned at what was happening.
“Y/N?” You realised you hadn’t said a word since he’d confessed his feelings. Right, you should probably say something, but all thoughts had left your head at that moment, all coherent ones anyway, so you settled for doing something a bit more spontaneous, something you’d wanted to do for longer than you’d like to admit.
You leaned in to kiss him, Jay leaning in to meet you in the middle as his hand went into your hair. When you finally broke away you both smiled, You’d kissed Jay, Jay had kissed you...
“So what now?” You got out, still very much aware of his hands on you, and his face so damn close to yours. 
“Well... we could just keep doing this?” He suggested with a smirk and you laughed.
“That,” you said as you closed the gap between the two of you, “I think I can do.”
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If you'd be willing, could you do some hcs about smatcher & moonie who have a S/O who has ptsd, kinda similar to them, but from their biological mother? I see my mother a lot in Venessa, so I tend to mentally cling to snatcher n mj bc they remind me a bit of what I went through, I wish I could be there for them to help ease over the pain, yaknow?
Sure! I can understand having them as comfort characters! (But if you don’t mind, I won’t outright say the S/O’s previous abusive relationship and keep it very vague, that way it can be more inclusive. I’ll also throw in some extra HCs with Snatcher and Moonjumper dealing with their own trauma/PTSD) Also! Just a fair warning, I know nothing about this but I’ll try my best, so if any of these HCs seem insensitive please let me know and I’ll fix them right away! (Warning for mentions of abuse and past trauma under the cut!)
We all know that Snatcher is generally loud with his voice, even when speaking normally. However, if S/O tends to cringe at loud or heightened voices, Snatcher actually starts to become more quiet around them. He speaks softer, in hushed tones, and even when he’s angry or upset he reassures them that everything’s alright and that he’s not too mad at them. It’s rare to hear Snatcher speaking so normally, but if it comforts S/O then he’ll speak as quiet as he possibly can around them. And if S/O happens to be having a traumatic episode or a panic/anxiety attack? He will be especially quiet around them, showing the softer side of himself for once by holding them in his arms (if they don’t mind) and promising them that they’re okay and he’s here if they need him.
Moonjumper tends to be very clingy, wanting plenty of hugs and cuddles from S/O. But once he finds out that S/O is uncomfortable with sudden physical touch (after the giving them a surprise hug on accident), he makes a vow right then and there to always ask before even thinking about touching them again. If they say no, they’re not comfortable with that just yet, then he’ll be sure keep his distance while still giving them encouraging words and compliments. But if they say yes, he’ll be extremely gentle with them, hugging them so lightly he’s barely even touching them, or being very considerate when holding their hand, asking them again and again if they’re alright with what he’s doing before going any further.
Snatcher has a habit of sneaking up on people and scaring them as “pranks”, but with S/O it’s actually quite the opposite. They are the only one who he never does his normal routine with and/or tries to jumpscare (he made that mistake when he first introduced himself to them, and now he’s promised never to scare them like that again). He tends to tap their shoulders lightly and tries to announce himself before teleporting next to them or popping out of the ground randomly. It’s tough, because Snatcher really wants to be his normal, menacing self, but he puts their comfort first because he wants them to feel safer around him.
If S/O has depressive moments and/or deals with intrusive thoughts because of their PTSD, Moonjumper tries his hardest to encourage them and find ways to make them smile and feel happy. Like with a previous HC I mentioned, Moonjumper gifts them blankets, pillows, and/or plushies, but now he gives them to S/O whenever they’re in need of comfort or as a way to de-stress. If they’re okay with more physical affection, he’ll cradle them in his arms gently, telling them just how much he loves them and that they’re perfect just the way they are. And while he knows he can’t make their depression or intrusive thoughts go away completely, he will try his best to make sure they know that they are loved, despite what their brain tells them.
Now, with both Snatcher and Moonjumper, they tend to have nightmares about their trauma from the past. But if S/O has the same problem? They’ll both try to wake S/O up gently, making sure they’re alright and wiping the tears from their eyes if they’re crying. Neither Snatcher or Moonjumper will try to push, so S/O doesn’t have to tell them about the nightmare if they don’t want to, but they still hold S/O close, hushing and comforting them until they can fall back asleep again. If S/O has trouble falling asleep, however, Snatcher offers to read one of his law books to them and Moonjumper will offer to sing a lullaby for them. Neither of them will fall back asleep until S/O has, making sure they’re safe before doing so (they’re both ghosts, so sleep isn’t really necessary for them).
No matter who the person is that S/O has distanced themselves from (an abusive family member, a past lover, or even just a toxic friend), both Snatcher and Moonjumper promise S/O that they will both keep them far away from said individual(s) as possible. Both of them become very protect around S/O, even Moonjumper, and they reassure S/O that they will never let anyone hurt them ever again (even if no harm was actually done to S/O, they’ll still be protective of them and make sure they’re safe). Snatcher and Moonjumper also take note of things and tiggers that remind S/O of there past trauma, making sure to avoid the topics all together or help them through those issues, whichever it may be.
Snatcher & Moonjumper HCs:
During winter, Snatcher becomes very...distant, for obvious reasons. He doesn’t like the snow, ice, or the cold in general, because it reminds him too much of her. He’s very reclusive when this happens, refusing to go out into the cold at first. But, with a lot of convincing, S/O helps Snatcher overcome this, bringing him out into the snow slowly, hand-in-hand, showing them that there’s nothing to be afraid of. S/O might even convince him to have some fun playing in the snow; having a snowball fight with Hat Kid, Bow Kid, Mu, and even the Subconites, making snowpeople, snowforts, and snowangels. And when all’s said and done, Snatcher and S/O get to cuddle up close to one another, with some hot cocoa and a good book as the snow continues to fall outside. Snatcher mutters a quiet “thank you” to them, for helping him feel happy for the first time in years.
Moonjumper has a conditional sense of perfection, scolding himself whenever he thinks he’s not acting politely enough or even when he makes little mistakes (I bet you can guess where that came from). It gets so bad, to where when he really does mess up badly, he flinches at S/O sudden movements. It’s a reflex, as Vanessa used to slap the Prince across the face if he ever made her upset. And while he knows very well that S/O is nothing like Vanessa, and they would never hurt him, it still brings back some unpleasant memories and he apologizes to them for “not being good enough.” If S/O reassures him, telling him that he is enough and that he shouldn’t worry about trying to impress them, Moon will then embrace them, crying happy tears and saying how much he loves them over and over.
Snatcher has a similar thing like with Moonjumper, where he doesn’t like sudden or abrupt touches. If someone were to hug him or touch him suddenly, with no warning, he’d flinch, before calming down once he realizes there’s no danger (unless it’s someone he really doesn’t like, then they’d better run). It takes awhile for Snatcher to become used to physical contact, but it takes surprisingly less time with people he trusts, like S/O. He finds it very considerate when S/O asks him for permission before hugging him, holding his hand, and especially kissing him, liking how slow and patient they are with him. And when Snatcher displays some of his nervous habits, like fidgeting with his claws or grabbing at his wrists, he finds it comforting when S/O asks him what’s wrong and offers to cuddle him, which he gladly accepts.
(This HC is a bit more angsty, so fair warning) Moonjumper has scars that he, at first, hides from S/O. He has slash marks (ones that look eerily like claw marks) that adorn his chest, shoulders, arms, and thighs; white marks that stand out from his blue skin. No surprise here, they came from Vanessa (after she had turned monstrous) and he hides these scars because they bring back unpleasant memories of his time locked away in the basement... that, and he’s very self-conscious about them, fearing that S/O might find them disgusting. But when he finally does decides to show them, after S/O convinces him, he finds their reassurance heart-warming, with them showing empathy/sympathy for what happened to him and letting him know that he isn’t ugly or unattractive because of his scars.
Back to the nightmares HC, whenever Snatcher or Moonjumper wakes up from a nightmare, they usually wake up S/O in the process. With Moonjumper he’s immediately crying, curling up to S/O suddenly and hugging them tight, like he’s afraid they’ll disappear. With Snatcher, it’s rare to see him cry, and at first he’ll be defensive about it if S/O finds out... but eventually he’ll give into them trying to comfort him, holding them close and reluctantly asking for cuddles so he can calm down again. In both cases, both of the ghosts feel much better talking it out with S/O and having them in their arms, falling back asleep once they know they’re safe and, more importantly, that their S/O is safe.
Whenever they’re reminder of Vanessa, both Snatcher and Moonjumper act differently. With Snatcher, he becomes more distant and irritable, shutting himself down emotionally and keeping away from others. With Moonjumper, he becomes reminiscent and sorrowful, knowing that while he doesn’t love Vanessa anymore, little things still tend to remind him of her, so it’s hard for him to let go of the memories of what they once had. In both cases, it helps tremendously when S/O offers to comfort either Snatcher or Moonjumper. It will take plenty of time patience with Snatcher, as he normally pushes anyone away who even tries to bring up his past, but eventually he welcomes S/O help and kind words. And with Moonjumper, even he is reluctant to open up at first, thinking that his feelings are unnecessary or foolish, but when S/O offers to listen to him it’s a huge weight off his shoulders. In both cases, both ghosts make it clear to S/O just how lucky they are to have such an understanding soulmate, and that they’re so happy they gave love another chance.
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habibialkaysani · 4 years
okay so. a lot has been going on lately and I haven't had much time to be on here or time in general. now that the week is over tho things are starting to die down hopefully. and like I do with work emails I'm gonna just write a list, of all the things that have been going on, because I feel like my brain is about to explode otherwise.
lots of rambling, potentially triggering stuff under the cut:
1) pain. so much pain. I thought I'd moved past this endo thing, or at least that the pain was contained because of the meds the gyno gave me plus the progesterone that was definitely easing the pain for a bit during the month. but the ones my gyno gave me, they can only be taken during my period and mine isn't starting. so I've been in agony, like in so much pain, and the only relief has been a hot water bottle and codeine. and I don't want to take more days off when I've already taken sick days this year - which is not like me, at all. but potentially that might not be an issue for a while if I end up having to work from home. and in terms of addressing the root cause of the problem, that's unlikely, because the mri I had of my pelvis came back normal. no indications of endometriosis which I expected because this shit doesn't show on ultrasounds or mris. I do think there might be a chance it shows on a transvaginal ultrasound but they outright refuse to do that which really fucking pisses me off bc it's on the basis of me never being laid before which as I've mentioned is ridiculous.
2) speaking of. this motherfucking coronavirus is doing my head in. seriously i had to order hand sanitiser for the office and it still hasn't arrived. I did manage to get a few masks but god those were expensive. and just generally it's all anyone will talk about at work which is driving me nuts. and what makes it worse is that I'm going out of my mind thinking about speedy and if she gets it, because she's got a heart condition and her immune system isn't very strong even for regular flu. this shit will hit her hard and I'm terrified of that esp after hearing boris fucking johnson saying in his speech that people are going to lose loved ones. I don't know what I'll do if I lose her. actually I have an idea and it would not be good. I spoke to my brother who is a healthcare professional and he said that it's best to get in touch with the cardiology team that look after speedy to see if we can do anything preventative or get her tested.
3) in better news, my brother just announced to our family that he's getting married. already its causing arguments and his fiancee comes from a more well off family (the bar is low tho admittedly) so we're all gonna be scrambling to get our tiny house somewhat in shape for when my bro's future in laws visit in a couple weeks. but it's still good news I think because my bro is smitten and that's just nice to see. his fiancee makes him happy and that's something I'm really glad he found. they want a small wedding too so hopefully we'll have like 200 guests max, which would be sacrilege in any desi household lol.
4) I've been looking for a new job for a while now. things at work have been tough, ever since my old manager gave in her notice. I don't mind my current manager all that much, but she's in hr, and she's clearly never managed anyone before because she is nowhere near as good a support system as my old manager. I could go to my old manager and complain about something and she'd listen, and she actively made an effort to monitor my workload. this new one, she just doesn't put the same effort in and she also just doesn't understand the role I'm in either. she seems to think the job I do is easy and straightforward when it is neither, on the basis that she thinks admin is something anyone could do, and she does nothing to try and ease things when my workload gets heavy. plus my managers manager who is also in hr is just really not nice. she enjoys a power trip way too much. that and the fat cats that are our clients - well suffice it to say I think my time here is up. so I've been looking and I found a nonprofit that was hiring. I did my first interview with them and it went surprisingly well. and now I've got my second one next friday. I really hope that goes well too and that I get the job, just so I can see the look on my managers managers face when I give in my notice 😂 and this new job if I get it would be five fewer hours and I think that could do wonders for my wellbeing. and my sanity.
5) writing. I've done none of it. it's a problem. I don't know what to do to make my mojo come back because I write the best when I'm alone, and I'm never on my own nowadays unless I'm in bed in pain, in which case writing is the last thing I feel like doing. but I also really want to write. so badly. I feel like I'm emotionally more stable when I'm writing. I'm happier. and I just do not have that right now which is not fun.
6) reading - now this is something I have done. my dear friend reen recommended a series of books called reluctant royals, by alyssa cole, and omg. they are so good. I powered through three big novels and two novellas. like I devoured them. and I'm being reminded of how much I love books. good ones. they made me laugh a lot and I'm really glad my friend recommended them.
7) speaking of devouring. a few weeks ago I found on several occasions that people were offering their seats to me on public transport, presumably because they thought I was pregnant. it was this combined with my doctor admitting my bmi wasn't normal (tho only when I asked if this might be causing the pain) that made me realise that I needed to lose weight drastically, and to eat better and walk more. so I've been eating more veggies and salad. trying to put more greens on my plate. not have fast food as often. in all honesty I'm not sure how much of a difference its actually made, but I do know that I feel a little better having done so over the last few weeks. my brother also said I looked like I had lost weight. I've also noticed it a little in my tummy going in a bit too. but I also know that this is a rabbit hole I don't want to go down too far. I worry I might have already with the weighing which I've been doing far too often now that there's scales at work (for weighing big packages). I don't want this to spiral out of control. but I think I've done okay so far, minus the weighing thing - I've always eaten when I've felt hungry so it's not like I'm starving myself. and so far I've only lost about 3kg. which I feel is significant but also nowhere near enough when it comes to the nhs bmi calculator.
8) my little brother has been acting up for months now, and tbh it's starting to give me anxiety. my mother found weed in his room and he's just been rebelling in what I see as normal teenage ways like smoking and staying out late, but it's also affecting his school and I'm worried he won't leave with decent a levels bc he already failed once. and his school keeps emailing my dad about him supposedly being absent, and my dad's response to this for about two months now has been to post a screenshot of each email into the family group chat and demand where my bro has been. it doesn't help. and I don't need to be notified every time he skips school or whatever like that is not my fucking problem to have to see when I'm at work and have enough stresses as it is. my dad is an idiot and honestly some days I would dearly love to punch the man in the face.
9) I start my group therapy in a couple weeks. it’s for generalised anxiety and I am really, really hoping it will help me because the other group therapy I’ve done previously, like a couple months back, has proven to be really helpful. here’s hoping.
10) if anyone is still reading this far - I realise this sounds a lot like I'm feeling sorry for myself. maybe I am to some degree. but my life is just a lot right now and I'm genuinely a bit shocked I'm still in one piece and that I haven't had a nervous breakdown yet. everything is a lot and I feel like I'm going through a lot of change. that's hard. but I'm trying my best to get through this and I hope somehow I can. I actually left tumblr for a bit because for various reasons I didn’t feel as safe talking about my problems on here, through no fault but my own really. I’m hoping I’ve moved past that now.
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ad1thi · 5 years
More title asks bc im bored : 'everytime I turn around you disappear'//'that's the kind of love (I've been dreaming of)'//If Tomorrow Never Comes (basically kal ho na ho but im shit at translation)// I'll send more when i think of them zkzkzk
oof okay strap in
everytime i turn around you disappear:  (this is super long so ive broken it up into paras)
so its spooky season right??
so an au where tony “dies” after im3 and leaves his assets to the Avengers Initiative. After the events of winter soldier, Pepper divides his assets amongst the team; since the will explicitly states “The Avengers Initiative” and not the Government. 
Bucky doesn’t run away at the end of the film; and instead Sam and Bucky hole up in the Malibu mansion while Steve work with Nat and Pepper to legally exonerate his name. (there’s a side pepperstevenat here btw). JARVIS is alive ofc, and one of the things that helps Bucky out of his disassociate states is listening to stories about Tony. 
This is cuz, initially Bucky still associates Tony to Howard, and its a sense of familiarity- but slowly Bucky starts falling for Tony; and the idea of Tony starts pulling Bucky back into normalcy. Sam warns him that its no good for his psyche to fall in love with a ghost; but is otherwise understanding and supportive.
And the more Bucky learns about Tony, the more he gets obsessed with Tony. He learns everything there is to know about Tony- and he starts noticing some gaps in the story; things that don’t add up. Like the way JARVIS seems to go offline for a couple of seconds every couple of days, even though Steve swears that Tony’s tech was the best of the best. The way that Pepper always seems to be, distant and worried about something. The fact that Rhodey didn’t show up for his own bestfriend’s wedding.
He does some investigating; and basically he figures out that Tony isn’t dead- but that Aldrich somehow survived and kidnapped Tony while Tony was under anaesthesia from the surgical suite. Pepper had him declared him so she could get access to his funds, and Rhodey and Pepper have been looking for him ever since. 
Eventually, Tony breaks himself out- because essentially he would’ve been Aldrich’s guinea pig which had the bonus of being continuously pumped with variations of EXTREMIS that, once stabilised, just made him strong enough to escape
But Tony’s been under capture for almost 2 years now; and the only people he responds to are Rhodey, Pepper and surprisingly- Bucky.  (it later comes out that those times that JARVIS went offline was Tony hacking into his systems through EXTREMIS and trying to send a signal but he was never strong enough to keep the signal. but he was there long enough to catch glimpses of Bucky’s adoration of him)
And there’s a lot of emotional healing but eventually buckytony happens and rhodey&tony are besties yay
thats the kind of love (ive been dreaming of): this would be a rhodeytony fic; probably just pure fluff- maybe mit era?? or pre im1 era?? or just post im2
kal ho naa ho: 
i would straight up write kal ho na ho. with tony as shah rukh, rhodey as saif and pepper as preity; complete with the heart condition- kanta bhai thinking that rhodey and tony were gay for each other and tony’s undying love for pepper. i would also write a healthy amount of rhodeypepper because i actually really like that ship. 
or actually, i could even do stevetonybucky with steve as shah rukh; bucky as saif and tony as preity. i could see that happen as well. 
idk im conflicted now but basically i would just straight up write kal ho na ho (maybe i SHOULD damn)
send me titles and i’ll tell you what fic i would write for it!
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saltyslack-toast · 4 years
How I deal with my puberty
“Teenagers are the most misunderstood people on the planet. They are treated like children and expected to act like adults”  – Anonymus.
Facing the ‘youth age’ seems to be very interesting for most of the pre-teen age kids, they thought it will be filled with good memories, cool friends, hangouts, parties, and probably some of charming boyfriends. Well for some of kids, teenage phase is the way it is, they called it for a ‘stupid phase of life’ because they have been through all those reckless and dumb things yet so exciting and memorable events at the same time, but for me teenage life is probably the most broken phase of life.
Start in my early teenage which was in the 5th grade of my elementary, I started having a crush with my one year older senior. Everything was went smooth, I used to have a lot of guts to actually approach him and surprisingly he responded it very well, I’m gonna count that shit as my real first love (since I already have a crush to boys since I was in kindergarten). He was soon graduated and I CRIED SO MUCH, I don’t even understand why would I cried so much back then, but it is kinda sad because that was the first time a boy actually like me back lol and also bc me and him not gonna be in the same school again because he decided to continue his education in Islamic boarding school which was so far away from the area we lived and obviously school which my parents not gonna approves me to go to. Last year of my elementary was the first time I got period, the changes all over my body was so appalling, my voice was getting more shrill and my breast swelling so much i started used a fucking mini-bra that has a cute character printed in it. Also, this stage filled with academics stuff to prepare the junior high school and fighting with my own teacher (she was terrorizing me through anon messages, dude not gonna lie but that shit is scared me as fuck) because…. That’s a fucking long-ass story I’m going to tell you a whole complete story on different page. I got a very terrific result for my academic stuff but I also start to received a lot of bullies from the boys in school, well that was poor but I still have a very good girl pals in school that always accompany me until I managed to graduate elementary school with a very keen grade and also knowledge that my body is changed A LOT.
My middle school life would probably the darkest stage of my life, I did enter one of favorite school in Bandung which I wanted to, but I’m not as happy as I thought to be. I’m amazed with all the bewitching seniors and that’s quite tempted me to have another activity outside the academic stuff which I hoped I could get close with the seniors and try my luck to actually dating with one of them (I was so obsessed to approach to the seniors because dude just admit it, u need that RECOGNITION to survived a new phase of school life, especially when u had a popular life back in previous school stage), but I joined a fucking scouting which was the most unpopular extracurricular activities in school (Pffffttt……….). The first year was quite so so, and up to the next years I really gulping a lot of bullies from the boys (again) more than I received my whole life that was so awful I even got scared just to attend the school. At this point, my level of confidence just dropped so bad until it penetrated the last form of earth soil, I was so insecure, I can barely made any eye contact with people, since then I became more closed to people, I was so scared for getting rejection, bad and all the harsh word from people I met. And for the record, I still remember all of their names, I’M NOT GONNA TO FORGET ALL OF U BITCH, U’VE RUINED MY LIFE.
Due to all the bullies I seized, I’m not maximizing my potential and have to accept the fact that I didn’t went to the high school I wanted so bad (which was the number one in Bandung, perhaps in Indo as well), instead, I have to go the high school (still one of the most-favorited high school in B-town though) that is filled with the most popular peeps in Bandung and known for the superiority of the all the seniors there, CAN YOU FUCKING IMAGINE THAT? A girl who was traumatized so bad, scared of might get bullies since she’s not as beautiful, popular, rich or even attractive as most of the other girls in school. I was crying so bad to accept that difficult truth that I might got bullied again. But hey, there’s always a rainbow after the storm, turns out I did quite well in high school, I joined the student council and got so many good friends and capable of having group of girls squad (eventhough I always be the duff) and more active in non-academic stuff that lead me to a very bad grade result.
The relationship with my family is not went so smooth at all, I used to buried all my problems deep down on myself alone, and the result is no good. I was overly sensitive and got upset and explode VERY EASILY. My family doesn’t help at all, they also blame me for anything, made me hate myself more. I need to run away from this situation, I need to shed my resentment over something, AND THAT’S THE BEGINNING. I started to slashed my fingers with a cutter, not really bad, just until I saw blood drops over my fingers. But then the problem got more serious, I am addicted, after I had through a big fight with my family I start cutting up all over my hands, the blood is overwhelming (yet, I still had the time for doing the documentation, but obviously I’m not gonna post it in here anw, or maybe I will, ofcourse with a proper sensor), even when my sister have taken away all the cutters, I still use my nails to scratching my skin harshly until it get bleed terribly and left a very bad scars on my hands until now.
I failed academic stuff in high school miserably, and had to be genuinely accept the reality that I have to go to not-so-favorited-private uni in Cimahi, I took International Relations because that is the only major that is accredited with an A, lol but yeah my sister realized that I like to talk politics a lot and I’m not so bad in English (kinda true, nah still sucks). And yeah until now I just currently finished the 3rd semester very well. I got a very good grades (Probably because I regret my academic stuff so much in high school) and hoping that nice event will come up to me. My goals right now is to graduate college as soon and as perfect grades as possible, and got a very good job soon after I graduate, Oh God I want… No, I really need that things so bad.
Now I am 20 on April this year, so much things has happened in my teenage life but most of all is not that impressive because I came to be more ignorant(?), but geez I grew up doesn’t care about people, they are all so mean and cruel. But at the same time, people are so interesting to learn, including yourself. Teenage phase could be so difficult for some of you (just like me, or perhaps worse), but chillax that shit will over soon if you able to learn about yourself, finds out about anything you like and don’t, stop hearing all those shit opinion about you, what matter most is what makes you happy, focused on it and leave all the bad and negativity behind, and TRUST ME you’re gonna get over your hard-teenage-life phase soon! And if you were angry to your parents (I’m pretty sure that fight with parents happens all the time in everyone’s teenage life), take a deep breath and thinking something funny in your head, after u have control all the madness inside yourself, get over your parents nicely because that shit will never get over if you were just as emotional as them.
The more you grown up the more you understood about people around you, there are people that is fake, people that is actually care about you, and other types of people out there. Puberty might be shocking for some of you, you finds a lot of changes both in your physical and mental conditions, no need to be worry about that, is normal and very understandable. The passion for being ‘seen’ would be very strong, it would be good for you to use this ambition to achieve many great things in life but don’t forget to take care yourself and those people who care about you.
“Tough time never last, but tough people will do” – Robert H. Schuller
So yeah, that was the end of this boring and so weird writing of mine. I am so sorry if this shit was that bad and also the grammar errors that is whack (even though no one probably read it lol), this was my first experience to actually writing and posted in on any platform online, hoped my writing will get better next time!
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karasunocurry · 6 years
Atsukashiyama Ibun Paris report
So I’m home and I feel like I’m in a post-convention depression more that I’ve felt after recent cons xD I was kind of sad that I wasn’t at Japan Expo Paris, I didn’t actually know beforehand they’d be there ^^; and I couldn’t take days off or afford to go either way, but I’d been looking forward to the musical for an entire week (including losing sleep over it, oops). I went to Paris on Friday and met up with Edo and did some shopping for items we needed (or didn’t need but I have a backscratcher that acts as extendable Ishikirimaru prop now xD). Later met up with Mai & Katy and then had a late but well-deserved dinner at a Japanese restaurant.
Saturday I attended the fanmeet near the Louvre. It was warm and we tried to stay in the shade of the trees. Some people came in cosplay (brave! but not smart xD) and it was fun to see all the itabags gathering. I didn’t talk to that many people but it was great meeting @sohmariku and talking about Japan and subbing. There was a lot of things going on in terms of ‘what we can do for the boys’, like signing a flag, writing short messages for Kitazono Ryo and even recording video messages (which I fucked up- and once I make a mistake I’m done for xD). Took a break early in the evening because I was tired and started getting a really bad headache, but met up with a group of people for dinner, and then went to bed. For some reason, woke up way too early every day but *shrug* it must be a jiji thing.
Sunday- performance day
Aaand then it was Sunday. I’d also decided to write letters on a whim but I only ended up writing two (for Sakiyama & Ryuji) and a get well soon card for Ryo.  I went to the venue around 10, to meet up with Edo and Katy again and check how everything would be organized. It appeared that goods would only be sold 45 minutes before the show. Uhm. I didn’t think too much of it at that point, but luckily Edo was very much set on getting in early for merch, so I was also pretty much in front of the line of one of the entrances.  Good thing too, because the goods stand was too small and too slow to allow many people to actually get their stuff. I managed to buy bromides, the pamphlet and a penlight - decided against the DVD bc I can get it cheaper online - and after I went to the toilet, they already announced that not many more people would be able to buy goods. I went in and took my seat and was later joined by Senta, who’d never watched the musical before so it was fun to afterwards hear what she thought of it and explain some more about the connection between the swords and their former masters. I wasn’t very much at the front but had a good view on the entire stage. At first the full cast and the producer (and writer?) took the stage to explain the Kitazono Ryo’s medical condition - he’d been diagnosed with retinal detachment and was advised not to act on stage, but he could do his lines and vocals. They then called him on stage, and you could tell by his posture and face that this was a very difficult thing to do. Ryo cried through his words and could hardly speak, it was so very sad to see him like this, apologizing for not being able to be on stage. He got a big round of applause and took a spot behind the audience from where he’d act out his lines. [spoilers ahead]
The musical started off differently, with Mikazuki doing a dance - immediately making the link to Tsuwamonodomo stronger - while the ‘human’ story played out behind him. They also added that smithing song between Mikazuki and Kogitsunemaru. There were some obvious changes to the musical, but mostly subltle changes in conversations and little things added here and there. The overall flow of the story remains the same, of course, but the musical has evolved through time and you can tell that there’s improvement in all aspects (although it was always great haha). The presence of Kogi on stage was not a big problem for the course of the story, since his interaction is mostly limited to speaking to others, aside from the song he shared with Mikazuki and ofc in the group scenes, there is an empty spot, but even so his character was there. It was still sad to see everyone looking at that empty spot, but I’m just glad that at least he was allowed to and able to perform by speaking.
I love the scenes with Benkei and Iwatooshi - let’s be honest, Iwatooshi is the new guy at the citadel in this piece and he’s so fucking strong, bless him. Just like his former master, he’s a good man with a strong sense of duty and good intuition. And his doubt and resolve are played out very well. Araki Kentaro is also great as Yoshitsune, in every performance he’s been able to express the duality between human Yoshitsune and possessed Yoshitsune very well. 
I also think everyone grew in their respective characters and the singing was also better than before. Everyone’s performance was outstanding. Mikazuki’s elegance, Iwatooshi’s strength, Ishikirimaru’s protectiveness, Kashuu’s vigor, Imanotsurugi’s enery and Kogi’s empathy, it was all there. I just love how these characters influence each other. At the end, the fighting got more intense than it was before, adding some dramatic despair that I don’t think I felt before during that scene, and I don’t think anyone would ever complain about Daichi’s bare back :) The Idol Live part was all new!! Surprisingly, I wasn’t expecting that and as people later pointed out, it was nowhere hinted at either - no idol outfit bromides for us yet, but I’d love to get those!.I love the new outfits, they were very nicely coordinated, the original character colours were used very well, and the jackets with connecting lines look so fabulous <3  The songs were also very good! Very upbeat and catchy and boi the dance moves!! I was really impressed and as Ishikirimaru fan I’ve been eyeing Sakiyama most of the time - hard to ignore his tight pants and smooth moves xD I have a vague feeling they also gave him more center stage time? His popularity has climbed since the first Atsukashiyama run so I guess they might take that into consideration? It made me happy to see that they looked like they were having a lot of fun, despite everything, that they were giving their all in a foreign country, and by the amount of pen lights and different colours, everyone had fans and I hope they felt our love~
They also kept up with the misogi tradition where someone has to say a line in repsonse to a given situation. Mikazuki got picked and instead of giving us a line, he had to flash his back, this kinky mofo. Mario ma boy you  know what you’re about don’t you. <3 At the end they all presented themselves in French (v cute baww), aaand it ended with otokomichi as usual but that entire song/act is just A+++, it’s such a motivating song. Everyone looked happy. They got a lot of applause, a standing ovation WELL DESERVED and in the end, all pen lights turned yellow to wave at Ryo as he left his spot. I hope he got some strenth and courage from it, and felt less burdened. I went out... Edo and Katy went to the evening performance too. I was thinking of just hanging around or maybe going to the hotel but - France had just won the world cup and Paris had exploded into a chaotic soccer mess that I wanted no part of - so I bought a rank 2 ticket and went in again. (yolo is a thing, this might well be the only time to ever see a toumyu live) Things about seeing it twice:  - Ryozono had regained his composure. I think that the successful afternoon performance and the fan’s reactions had made him feel at least less worried. He apologized this time with a strong and confident voice. Bless him. - There was a scene where Ishi wanted to draw Kashuu’s portrait (ref to Mihotose), but he forgot his pen xD He glossed it over real smooth. GJ Sakiyama <3 - It was misogi time for Ishikirimaru!! I may have screamed. I wish I’d remembered exactly what he said but it was about hugging, I think my brain just melted hence the bad memory. ^^;;;
- For the idol performance we took different seats at the side to see the actors from closer by.<3  - Sadly there were a lot of empty seats for the evening performance. It would’ve been hard to get home when the musical was over so I understand but I also think they should have done a better job at promoting the entire event. It’s alway been hard to get information, most of it  had been translated by fans from the official Japanese site. People came from all over Europe and more people would come if you’d done proper promotion beforehand. Uhm... I think that’s it. It was great. I had an amazing time with the people I was with and talked to and I wish I’d been there today as well to talk about it even more but HMU ok.
Can I just say I’m into hell even deeper now? That I fucking love Tsubasa? But also Daichi? But also Mario? Actually EVERYONE??? I’m really really really happy I decided to go, best decision, kill me now (but I’m already dead), I haven’t been able to think of anything else and I’m definitely not ready to go to work tomorrow. I hope this does still open doors to more (tourabu) musicals and/or stage plays to come to Europe. It’s very niche but it’s still a growing fandom. I’m more motivated again to do some subbing to spread the love for the stages/musicals that I like and hope people will join us in this hell and start supporting the boys and their work.
more random stuff on twitter
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musicallisto · 6 years
Hi❤️ Can I have a ship w/TMR & HP(male), pls? I’m 5'7,have a long black hair,dark eyes,fair skin. I'm ENFJ,the eldest of 4,making me reliable & a good leader. Very caring,affectionate,kind,strong both physically & mentally,competitive & fearless. I'm a good listener so as a good adviser. I adore animals,children & LOVE cuddling,skinship,coffee,theme park & advanturous things.I hate heat & worst w/directions. I'm always there for my sis. Smile's always on my face & I hope everyone can smile,too.
(Thank you so much and take your time with my ship if you’re too busy, I understand! Hwaiting ♥ I’m supporting you~ 🌹🌷🌺💐🌼🌻 I hope you have a lovely day filled with happiness, smiles and love.❤️❤️❤️)
I Ship You With…
• If Thomas had to describe in one word everything he felt when he looked at you, it would be admiration. He was completely mesmerized by the way you moved, the way you talked, how good of a leader you were, how everyone seemed to rely on you, how you were so tender and yet so brave, how you were so altruistic and generous, how you were determined to save everyone no matter the price. It was what drew him to you. Your personalities were so alike in many ways. Although you weren’t one of the official leaders in Group B, you quickly became the head of the operations because the girls soon realized how good you were at taking the lead, scheming and making plans, and leading people to victory. You were a rebel, a fighter, and Thomas loved that about you. You didn’t try to talk him down, to tell him what he was doing was worthless. You believed in him and he believed in you, and it was enough for the both of you, despite all the death and the chaos surrounding you. You showed your utmost potential in the Scorch: you were an absolute badass, saving Thomas and the others Gladers several times. Your fearless and commander nature was Thomas’s favorite thing about you.
• Besides being one of the strongest and most physically capable ones in the Group, you also valued intelligence a lot, so it was very important for you to keep doing mental puzzles and things like that after all the situation died down. You taught Thomas how to play chess and even if he didn’t understand a lot at the beginning, he was more than happy to play with you. It often ended up in Thomas being frustrated because you won extremely easily, in only a few minutes, and he didn’t understand how you did it. You laughed and told him that he was just really bad at that game, and you wondered why WICKED had even bothered studying his brain. He smiled light-heartedly; your little jokes never failed to bring a smile to his lips, no matter how pained he was by all those he had lost. Evenings in Paradise were spent playing chess on a makeshift board as the sun was dying down behind the horizon on your right, and it was peaceful and quiet: everything you wanted and deserved after the trials.
• Since you loved children a lot, you tried to convince Thomas to have some of your own, years after the dreadful events of the Maze and the Scorch. He was skeptical at the beginning, not wanting his children to live and to be raised in a world so dark, a world so cold, but you told him how amazing of a father he would be and how incredible the kid would feel having a dad like him, and eventually, after a few months of asking and persuading, he accepted. Your first born child, a boy, was named Newt. It felt like a proper tribute to your best friend, and although you wished he could be there to see his small alter ego, you were filled with happiness with your little family. Thomas turned out to be a really good father, treating his child with respect, love, and being firm when he needed to. Sometimes, you could hear Thomas’s voice crack when he called your son by his name, but you shared a comforting look and he smiled lightly. Everything was going to be alright.
• Minho must be your best friend, there is no discussion here and it seems OBVIOUS to me that you two fit each other perfectly. Like honestly I don’t see a romantic relationship between the two of you but sign me up for the bff stuff. You both get so competitive and teasing when you are around each other, especially because you were both the best runners in your respective Mazes, and Minho can’t have his ego beaten by *cough* “a girl” (he regrets those words as soon as he realizes that you’re indeed going to beat him God knows how and that you’re actually one helluva girl). You’re always throwing snarky comments at each other and being what others would think is nasty, but you both know it’s just for the laughs and it’s your way of being affectionate.
• HOWEVER, as soon as the other is in danger, shit gets wild. When Minho is threatened by WICKED because of his immune condition, you’re the first one to react and try your best to protect him, and Minho would be the quicket to jump in front of danger to protect you (I mean, Thomas would too, because they’re both such hotheads). Sometimes, and especially in the Scorch, when everything seems desperate and after Minho gets hit by the thunderbolt, his playful banter slowly turns to more philosophical and deeper conversations that he shares with you at night around a bonfire. At first, you’re taken aback, because it’s a side of Minho that you don’t know, or are not used to seeing. You find some stupid joke to make because seeing your lively best friend so down in the dumps is very frustrating, and he uncontrollably laughs because you know him so well. He’s uncapable of keeping a frown when you’re around.
• After the Scorch and all the Flare shit, when life goes back to normal, you suddenly realize that animals must have suffered as much as humans, if not more, and you instantly find a new goal: adopt and care for any stray animal that you find near Paradise or on the roads. And every g o d d a m n time you see a wounded racoon or a pathetic-looking dog, you must take it in, to the great displeasure of Minho who doesn’t understand that fascination at all. From his point of view, it’s already hard enough to keep humans alive, let alone furballs. However, when you pick a little blind in one eye kitten, pleading eyeing Minho with his only blue orb, and literally shove him under his nose, he can’t help sighing and agreeing with you. From that day, he helps you put up an animal shelter in Paradise and surprisingly becomes the most whipped and gaga in front of the baby animals.
J A M E S   S I R I U S   P O T T E R
(faceclaim: Blake Steven)• So you didn’t specify which era you wanted so I thought you were okay with any, and I never wrote anything about Next Gen (actually, yes, I did. I wrote a Lorcan x Rose fanfic years ago and it was actually quite decent. It was called Kiss From A Rose bc, yanno, the song and the wordplay, rose, haha, lol, so funny 10/10) so I thought why not? So you two would be King and Queen of mischief™ just like the two amazing bastards he was named after. You may not be the most malicious, and that’s exactly why you make an excellent duo: teachers never suspect you because they know how intelligent, mature and responsible you are, and therefore would never do anything as childish and frivolous as putting pranks on people, right? but they fail to remember that you are dating James Sirius Potter, grandson of James Potter and nephew of Fred and George Weasley. (actually, McGonagall knows very well what’s going on, but she doesn’t interfere a lot because she misses the lively and funny atmosphere in the castle from the Marauders time, or the twins time).
• Soooo many dares, tournaments and stupid challenges between the two of you. At first, they were light-hearted and simple, nothing too extravagant, like “I bet you can’t eat two turkeys in one dinner!”, but as days went on and neither backed down, it escalated until it reached the point of “One hundred Galleons if you dye Professor Longbottom’s hair green in his sleep”. You always come up with the w o r s t dare ideas, or at least the most maleficent, and the thing is James Sirius always executes them. He never backs down from a challenge or dare, partly because it amuses him a lot and partly because he doesn’t want to be seen as cowardly. When you fear it’s going too far (because you have the most common sense, so even if you find it funny, you know when it’s time to stop and be serious), you tell him that it’s okay if he doesn’t do it, and it will absolutely not degrade his reputation or the way you view him, but once he has an idea in mind, he doesn’t let it go. Which leads him to detention quite a handful of times per semester, and as a consequence he receives a lot of Howlers while you’re laughing on the other side of the table.
• Because you both adore animals, and because that kind of stuff seems to run in your blood, you decide during your fifth year to become Animaguses, or at least attempt to do it. It takes a lot of months of preparation, and at first, you are very intimidated by the processus, but James Sirius convinces you to try to do it with him because it will be so much fun and imagine the endless possibilities if you can transform into an animal at will! Finally, after months and months of bizarre spells and disgusting concoctions, after several times escaping from detention because you were brewing potions after hours in the bathrooms, you finally manage to make it. It’s very confusing at first to change shape and become an animal, and not knowing what animal you would change into when you first transformed was very stressful, but after a lot of practice and training, it became easier and easier to get used to changing into an animal, and you could use that new, secret ability to meet with him without anyone knowing.
T E D D Y   L U P I N
(faceclaim: Chace Crawford)• So despite being much older than you both and therefore leaving Hogwarts years before you, Teddy is your best friend because of his mischievous, happy-go-lucky nature that really mirrors James Sirius’s personality. You get to hang out with him a lot, because he is a very good friend of the Potters, and also because you get on well with Victoire too. He is your favorite partner in crime and when he gets a prank idea to pull on someone in the castle and James Sirius is there to follow him, he basically is unstoppable. Your trio is very well known in Hogwarts when Teddy is still attending because of your creative jokes and pranks, and, to tell the truth, a little feared.
• Even after Teddy leaves Hogwarts, you still are in touch with him and talk a lot via letters. You tell him everything that’s going in Hogwarts, the classes, your friends, your family, gossip about the professors and the students, every little thing that he never would have thought he would miss when he was a student himself. He’s the only person you tell about your Animagus journey, and he’s very impressed because he knows it’s a very advanced form of magic and few wizards are ever capable of doing so. He doesn’t need it, obviously, but he loves hearing stories about your adventures and animal escapades nonetheless. Your letters are always the highlight of his days because he loves hearing from you and James Sirius and you are the closest thing he’s ever had to a brother and a sister. He loves hearing from you, your friends and your handwriting always reminds him of the times when you would spend days scheming jinxes and hexes to traumatize the poor other students.
• During the holidays, instead of staying at Hogwarts that becomes completely empty and dull, you would go back to the city and spend one week with your family and the other with the Potters, who basically adopted you as their second daughter. You love spending days with them because most of the time, the Weasleys and Teddy are there too, and it’s one giant family gathering where everyone knows each other and everyone gets along. You usually take long walks in the countryside with your best friend, trying to catch up the time you’ve spent without talking to each other, laughing and running in the corn fields, laying in the grass and laughing at the clouds that ominously look like McGonagall, or that Malfoy kid, reaching a pond and pushing a fully-clothed Teddy in there, then fleeing from the crime scene under his infuriated shouts… You’re so grateful for your friends and the amazing family that took you under its wing.
bigger version
Muse - Knights of Cydonia
Martin Garrix - Virus (How About Now)
Eminem - Not Afraid
The Cab - Angel With A Shotgun
(the playlist & moodboard are mostly TMR related, but I was much more inspired, hope you don’t mind!)
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justmysicklypride · 7 years
Fuck you Jessie smh1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? Idc who it is I would just say "get the fuck out of my bed" regardless2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?Well they don't exist so nothing3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?No bc it's his life he can live how he wants, I'm not his babysitter or mother4. Is your last name longer than six letters?No5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?It was non-existent 6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?Not really7. What does your last received text say?It's just this insurance company thing talking about like terms and conditions, and I'd rather not say bc I'm legally not supposed to8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?Zero, bc they don't fucking exist 9. Where was your last kiss at?Nowhere10. When is the last time you saw your sister?Don't have one11. What do you drink in the morning?Idk milk probably 12. Where did you sleep last night?My house in my bed, where else?13. Do you think relationships are hard?Idk if they're hard but they're fucking high maintenance as fuck which is why I don't want one bc I don't have the time nor energy to deal with having to care for another person for once smh14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Yes bc I fucked up my taxes so I'd go redo them 15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?Fucking hell they don't exist16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Rainy bc the rain is calming17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?Considering the fact that I'm Asian, I have two middle names so the chances of someone getting that specific combination of specific characters is quite unlikely18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?Pyjama pants19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?I hope not20. Does anyone like you?Idk I never bothered checking but probably21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?Never kissed22. Is the last person you kissed gay?Never kissed23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?Heaps of people you have no idea, I measure people by how much they piss me off on a daily24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?I mean I've thought about it before realising how dumb it would be bc I'd get tired of it in a day25. In the past week have you cried?No26. What breed was the last dog you saw? I actually don't know what breed my dog is tbh like it's a type of terrier I think 27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Both, it depends on how much in a hurry I am 28. Have you ever kissed a football player?Never kissed29. Do you think you’re old?Yep30. Do you like text messaging?I don't really care I mean I also prefer talking on the phone or irl bc it's less time than typing smh and voice diction is stupid sometimes 31. What type of day are you having?One filled with annoyance, though to be fair I'm like 90% annoyed at everything32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?Yes but only bc Vic Fuentes, before deciding that I wouldn't suit one33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?Couldn't care less, but it depends34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?Not really I mean men are predictable af so probs no 35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?A not-serious relationship so something in between those two, bc I don't have time for commitment36. Are you a simple or complicated person?Depends on what your definition of simple and complicated are37. What song are you listening to?Nothing at the moment but the last song I listened to was Alone Together by Fall Put Boy (acoustic version) 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?Not really39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?Other than myself, hell no40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Well there's no one I like now so nothing41. When did you last receive a text message?Couple've minutes ago42. What is wrong with you right now?Well I have to work two jobs and I'm a full time university student, so between that and trying to run this forsaken blog and maintain any form of social life, both irl and on the internet, I'd say a lot of things43. How well do you know the last female you texted?It was probs @2thingsfunny bc let's be real you're probably the only female I text on a regular basis who doesn't annoy me to no end, and I'd say eh I guess I know you a decent amount44. Does anyone disgust you?Idk probably not bc I don't like that word so I never use it45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?Depends on the guy but shore why not46. Are you in a good mood right now?I'm in an "eh" mood tbh47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?My mother48. What color shirt are you wearing?White49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Probably idk I don't really keep track50. Anyone you’re giving up on?I give up on a lot of things so probably? Again, I don't keep track51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?No, I'm not that short tempered smh52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?Nope I'm good at giving up things tbh53. Do you like rain?Yep but not heavy rain tho54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?That would be very hypocritical so no 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?I guess56. Do you like to cuddle?Heck no57. Are you shy?Not at all58. Do you get along with girls?Hell no, my friends are 98% male59. Have you dated the person you texted last?No60. What do you carry with you at all times?I don't think there's even a thing I carry with me at all times? Do my glasses count bc I can't see jackshit (out of my left eye) without them?61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?Probably, but only if the house isn't like an abandoned house with like dust and insects all over it62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?That is such a long time shit idk, I've never tried one?63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?No64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?I mean I'd probably be annoyed bc it'll just remind me of how fucking short I am65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?Not that I can think of, I mean I saw a cat so that's p cute66. How old are the last three people you kissed?Never kissed anyone smh67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? I don't get them done often but I would choose to pay (if I can afford it smh) bc I'm lazy like that68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? Leopard69. Do you have any stickers on your car? Don't have a car70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? I don't listen to Luke Bryan so Lil Wayne it is71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone? I mean I own an iPhone so that72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? The last time I remember was in high school, the guys (my friends) and I would always order heaps of pizza and eat together during lunchtime bc one of our friends' dad was a teacher so he'd let us use the classroom for that, and he'd lend his son the car to pick up said pizzas73. Do you like diet soda? I don't mind it74. What color are the walls in your room? White 75. Are you 16 or older? Yep76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? Nop77. Do you have a job? Two, actually78. What are your initials? They are N.O.Y.B aka none of your business79. Did you ever have braces? I need them desperately but I don't want them so no80. Are you from the south? Southern Hemisphere yes81. What does your last status on facebook say? I don't use Facebook much so I never make statuses82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? Ffs I've never kissed anyone83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? Don't know tbh but I don't really care much84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? Thing about Malaysian primary schools, during sport carnivals, they wanted to encourage participation so whoever doesn't want to do actual sports have to do cheerleading or like some form of cadet thing where you march around with like flags or whatever, so I tried cheerleading bc none of the athletic events interested me at the time, instantly hated it and went to become a cadet85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? I think it might've been Ant Man when it first premiered86. Do you smoke? Nope87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? Both tbh88. Is your phone touch screen? Yep89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? Straight90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? Never had a need to91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? Pool bc it's actually /safe/ (for the most part)92. Have you ever made out in a car? No93. …Had sex in a car? No94. Are you single or in a relationship? Single95. What were you doing last night at midnight? Probably sleeping96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? Chinese New Year this year97. Do you like the camera on your phone? Could be worse tbh98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? No99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? Surprisingly no100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? I don't like a lot of people so yes101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? No102. Name your favorite Kesha song: TiK ToK bc I'm basic and don't listen to her much103. Do you have any tan lines right now? No104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? If someone paid me or if it's for cosplay then yes but otherwise probably not
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Onyango Simba Lyons -- Character Sheet
and he shall be Levon / and he shall be a good man / and he shall be Levon / in tradition with the family plan / and he shall be Levon / and he shall be a good man / he shall be Levon
Levon's sells cartoon balloons in town / his family business thrives / Jesus blows up balloons all day / sits on the porch swing watching them fly / and Jesus, he wants to go to Venus / leave Levon far behind / take a balloon and go sailing...
Archetype — The Hero Birthday — August 18, 1991 Zodiac Sign — Leo MBTI — ESFJ Enneagram — 8, the Challenger Temperament —  Choleric Hogwarts House — Gryffindor Moral Alignment — Lawful Good Primary Vice — Wrath Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Fire
Mother — Sarabi Lyons (nee Adoyo) (Jaden Pickett Smith FC) Father — Mufasa Lyons (deceased) (Isaiah Washington FC) Mother’s Occupation — Homemaker (though she has a masters in Cultural Anthropology) Father’s Occupation — former CEO of InterPride Family Finances — extremely wealthy Birth Order — only child Brothers —  none Sisters — Nala (honorary) Other Close Family — here’s a list of Simba’s family! Best Friend — Nala Calame, Berlioz Bonfamille, Silvermist Jeon, Jane Porter, Pegasus Hippoi Other Friends — don’t make me list them all, i beg of you Enemies — Taka Lyons Pets — Bowie, golden retriever, a little over a year old, male. Home Life During Childhood — Very happy. Simba grew up with two loving parents, who were also very much in love. Even though Mufasa worked often, he was home almost every night and always stayed for dinner and to tuck Simba in at night. It was hard on him when he had to go to boarding school, which was the turning point for him. Town or City Name(s) — Swynlake, England; London, England What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — His childhood bedroom was massive and it had all sorts of toys in it--it was always messy because Simba loved playing with his toys. His bedsheets were always colorful, kind of a patchwork design. He had these fading African animal decals from when his bedroom was a nursery, that are still there though they’re peeling away. It’s light blue. Any Sports or Clubs — Simba was in a TON of clubs like literally almost any club you could think of. He was captain of the rugby team and the football team both in secondary and uni. He also did rowing, polo, and cricket. Favorite Toy or Game — Simba’s favorite is football. He really liked rugby and horse riding too. Schooling — Swynlake Primary, expensive co-ed boarding school in London from the time he was 10-18, graduated Oxford University with a BA in Business. Favorite Subject — History Popular or Loner — Popular, everyone knew who he was Important Experiences or Events — Going to boarding school, accepting his fate as CEO (at 16), his father dying, meeting Berlioz, finding out Taka killed Mufasa. Nationality — born English, his paternal grandmother was American, his maternal grandmother is Yemeni, and his paternal grandfather is Kenyan Culture — Kenyan, he believes in big families, that family is most important. Religion and beliefs — Muslim, but also kind of a more spiritual version of it. He prays three times a day, but doesn’t beat himself up if he misses one. He keeps himself very clean. He reads the Qu’ran. He doesn’t eat pork. He practices shahada, salat, zalat, sawm, and he took a Hajj when he was 18 with his mom and some cousins. But, at the same time, he doesn’t believe the harsher views that some Muslims hold, his is a more all-encompassing, full of love version.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Alfred Enoch Complexion — He had some acne in his teen years and he definitely didn’t take care of it properly so he has some scarring on his cheeks. Otherwise, he has a beautiful coppery complexion Hair Colour — Black Eye Colour — Brown Height — 6’4 Build — Sporty, he’s still pretty gangly with too much limb but he’s also pretty broad and filled out, sinewy. Tattoos — none but not opposed Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — keeps his hair short but long enough that it is a bit of a fro, keeps it well groomed (he’s obsessive), has a beard about 7ish months out of the year spring/summer. Keeps it short but full. Clothing Style — Colorful! Simba loves color. He wears lots of fun patterns too. But he dresses pretty “preppy” and classic, wears a lot of khakis, but more fitted Mannerisms — gracefully clumsy, he trips but manages to make it look graceful, knocks things over but picks them up before they even fall all the way Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nah, he got his appendix out and that’s the sickest he’s ever been. He is the biggest baby when sick. Physical Ailments — He’s got a bad right knee from an old rugby accident, it acts up sometimes if he puts too much pressure on it or turns it funny. Neurological Conditions — depression/PTSD/ADHD Allergies —  grass/hay. He has super sensitive skin. Grooming Habits — Very, very clean, at all times. He’ll take more than one shower a day (normally one at night and one in the morning, any time after he has sex unless he’s going right to sleep.) He keeps his nails clipped and grooms his hair and beard every day. He uses lotion (well, coconut oil) a lot too bc he’s got kinda dry skin. Sleeping Habits — Simba is a very deep sleeper. He rises early no matter how late he went to sleep and survives on catnaps throughout the day. With his nightmares, he’s much more volatile than he used to be. Sleeps mostly on his back with his legs splayed. Occasionally sleeps on his side. Eating Habits — Will eat anything and everything, any time, any place. Exercise Habits —  Runs a few kilometers both in the morning and in the evening (unless he has something else to do at night.) In the summers he will trade running for swimming, or do a bit of both. He needs to stay active or he’ll idk combust. Emotional Stability — 4 out of 10. Simba is a volatile personality. He’s quick to react--either in anger or excitement, and often steps on toes because of it. He is very easy to provoke into action. Also, after everything that has happened he just overall feels a little broken. Body Temperature — Simba is definitely someone who runs a little warm. Though, he really hates the cold weather. It saps his energy, even if he stays physically warm outwardly. Sociability — Just the friendliest. He’ll strike up a conversation with almost anyone, unless that person inherently goes against his particular ideals, then he is very quick to judge and dismiss someone. Addictions — Alcohol. Drug Use — Smokes pot occasionally; used to do party drugs in secondary/uni recreationally. Not anymore though. Alcohol Use —  lol he’s an alcoholic.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — jumps into things without thinking, always fidgeting, quick to judge people, he’s an alcoholic? lol Good Habits — takes care of the people around him, is generous with his time/money/affection, exercises a lot, is a surprisingly good listener Best Characteristic — his generosity Worst Characteristic — his willingness to spring into action Worst Memory — oh gosh. Definitely waking up in the hospital to find out his father was dead; also finding out Taka was the one who did it; also when Kiara was missing; also when Taka kidnapped Ber...I could go on Best Memory — his dad telling him he was proud of Simba for graduating (bc mufasa knew how hard it was for simba); when ber told him he loved him; getting married--even if he only remembers vague bits; when he won his case against Murphy and Alana and got custody of Kiara...I could go on. Proud of — his little family, Ber and Kiara and Bowie (and Nala, and all his friends by extension); his family legacy (even if he is reluctant to continue it) Embarrassed by — not a lot tbh, when he isn’t strong, when he feels weak Driving Style — Now, Simba is a very safe driver, but he used to not be. He used to be pretty reckless. He had an Austin Healy that could get up to like 120mph (idk what that is in kilometers fight me), and he’d drive as fast as he could all the time. Though...tbh now that he knows he didn’t kill his dad he may get another roadster and fix it up (Simba loves cars.) Strong Points — he’s a generally strong person; he’s full of love and isn’t afraid to share it; is a genuinely caring person Temperament — he’s pretty laidback, though, he’s also kinda highstrung lmao. He’s quick to anger, though he only yells when he’s scared about something. If he’s truly angry he has this really callous and cold kind of anger. Attitude — Generally optimistic, though he’s gotten more pessimistic lately. He has a good drive. Weakness — he gets taken advantage of by being nice and he also jumps the gun a lot; also it’s hard for him to admit to being weak, which means he shoves things down and doesn’t process them Fears — that he will fail and not make people proud. Phobias — he doesn’t like snakes, or the dark really. Secrets — none, not really, not anymore Regrets — wasting so much time after his father died; hurting the people around him; not figuring out Taka sooner Feels Vulnerable When — he feels vulnerable. lmao Pet Peeves — people who don’t listen to him LMAO or pay attention to him, life is hard, ain’t it simba? Conflicts — what he wants to do VS what is the best for everyone else VS what is best for his Family Legacy Motivation — to keep the people he loves safe and happy Short Term Goals and Hopes — live and love and heal from the past four years Long Term Goals and Hopes — marry Ber (and have kids with him) Sexuality —  Bisexual, and he’s pretty 50/50 on it, though he may sway more towards boys tbh. He doesn’t give a lot of thought to it because he’s also hella demi, so he doesn’t think about anyone else. At this point he might as well be Bersexual. Day or Night Person — Day, definitely. Though, he does catnap because he has the ability to stay up late/he has nightmares. Introvert or Extrovert — The biggest extrovert. Optimist or Pessimist — Kind of 50/50, he’s optimistic to other people, but about his own life he can be rather pessimistic.
Likes and Styles:
Music — favorite artist is Elton John. He likes older music a lot--Paul Simon, Nina Simone. But, he likes newer stuff too. He’s a fan of acoustic, but he also likes things that he can jam to. Basically, he’s got a wide range just depending on his mood, and it’s getting even wider as Ber introduces him to new stuff. Books — Simba doesn’t like reading (mostly because he thinks he’s bad at it, his reading comprehension is pretty low), but he reads the Qu’ran pretty much always on like a constant loop. Sometimes he asks Ber to read to him after he’s had a nightmare, but that’s more for the sound of Ber’s voice. Oh, his mum used to read him King Arthur stories as a kid, so he likes those too. Magazines — Simba is eh about magazines for the same reason he’s eh about reading Foods — Simba will eat ANYTHING but his favorites are sweet peppers. He loves sweet peppers. He’s also got a massive sweet tooth, so he loves chocolate. Drinks — Waterrr. Simba drinks a ton of water. (His fave alcoholic bev is whiskey js). He also likes juice--apple juice, orange juice, etc. Drinks coconut water too Animals — Lions! Simba loves lions, but he also loves elephants and dogs and all animals are good to Simba. Except snakes. Fuck snakes. Sports — gosh, i mean simba plays/played/will play any sport. He loves sports. His favorites are football and horse riding Social Issues — Simba is very passionate about Magick-rights, LGBTQIA rights, and he’ll be the first to speak out about systematic racism and islamophobia.   Favorite Saying — “It were better to have an army of sheep led by a lion than an army of lions led by a sheep.” -- Proverb, unknown. Color — Gold! Also burgundy. Jewelry — He has a watch that was his father’s that he’ll probably wear now. He also has woven bracelets from Kenya that he wears usually. Games — most of the games simba likes to play are outdoors, tossing balls around, he doesn’t have a lot of patience of card games/board games, he’s very competitive. Websites — eh he’s not big on the internet, probably surfs facebook and by proxy buzzfeed the most TV Shows — likes shitty reality telly, probably watches football god that’s awful. Doesn’t have a whole lot of shows that he follows bc they don’t keep his attention Movies — he loves musicals or romances or action films. Anything that’ll keep his attention the whole way through. He’s not good with like slow or nuanced stories. Greatest Want — to take care of those around him Greatest Need — to reconcile his family legacy with his own wants.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — a lakeside cabin, it’s got three floors; 5 bedrooms (though one is Ber’s studio now); an observatory at the very top, a game room with a full on theatre system. He owns about two acres of land, but he hardly has a backyard or front yard because it is almost all trees. Household furnishings — Everything is bright, though it’s gotten a bit of a modern touch to it now that Ber has moved in. All the walls are wood, so none of them are painted (though Ber’s studio will probably get soundproof walls and therefore will be painted.) He’s got colorful tapestries from Kenya all over, as well as pottery and artistic paintings of the savannah. The furnishings are based on his cabin that his family owns in Kenya. It’s all warm colors, very cozy and inviting despite its sheer size and high ceilings. Favorite Possession — The note he keeps in his wallet that Ber wrote for him last Christmas. Most Cherished Possession — Anything of his dad’s. Neighborhood — Jim is his next door neighbor, but it’s still a few minutes to get to his house since all the houses around the lake are pretty spread out. Town or City Name — Swynlake, Wiltshire County Details of Town or City — Magick-friendly. His family helped found the place 1001 years ago. Married Before — ...technically yes? To Ber, for less than 24 hours... Significant Other Before — Catherine (broke up with him because he was “too nice”, dated for six months 16), Kamaria (broke up with him bc she moved away, his most amicable break up, dated for a year, 17-18), Megan (broke up with him bc she realized getting his money would not be as easy as she thought it would be, dated for a year, 19-20), Andrew (broke up because Andrew didn’t want to be his “housewife”, dated for a year and three months, 20-21). Children — none; though he is legally Kiara’s primary guardian. Relationship with Family — Simba is very close with his mom’s side of the family and sees them whenever he can. He was very close with his paternal grandparents until they died. Estranged from his Aunt Alana and his Uncle Taka bc they’re both shitty people/ Car — A 2017 Maserati Levante named Tracy (Chapman). He used to have a 1963 blue Austin Healey 3000 named Kasi Pepo (Speed Demon in Swahili). (Will probably get a new roadster soon, tbh.) Career — (soon to be) CEO of InterPride Incorporated Dream Career — Primary School Teacher Dream Life — A primary school teacher, married to Ber, raising their (kids) dogs. Love Life — Happily dating Berlioz Bonfamille. A year and 5 months today and still going strong. They have lots of sex and love each other v v much. Talents or Skills — really good at math? An excellent cook, a great dancer. Good at thinking on his feet. Intelligence Level — Simba is a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for. He is very people savvy, even if he isn’t booksmart. He’s got a strategic and analytical mind when he’s at his best. Finances — Literally just so rich, disgustingly rich like 9 zeroes rich.
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — Bartender at Pixie’s, volunteer at his Aunt’s home for abused children, head of several clubs at school, and an intern at InterPride. Biggest Mistakes — lol so many Biggest Achievements — graduating university; seriously that was a big thing for Simba he was so proud of himself bc he thought he couldn’t do it.
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saeranoppa · 7 years
im not really sure if this is scenario of headcanons (i came back to tumblr for fan art and stuff about mysme not that long ago so im kinda behind on this, sorry >o
Okay sooo… I’d if I’ll be any good at this so I hope they’re okay. This won’t be sectioned like it usually is. (OMG I JUST HAD A DEJA VU. OMG IT’S NOT STOPPING AHHASFLKJAS) Btw, I’ll add just a tiny bit of jealousy from MC because why not.
It all started when Seven sent a screenshot of his lockscreen to prove to everyone that he had 150+ notifications only from the messenger.
But what everyone noticed instead was the beautiful girl in the background. 
She had flowing red hair and was quite endowed.
Yoosung said: Ooooooh, who is she?
Zen said: Seven… it can’t be… is that your… is that your girlfriend!?
Everything was chaos after that.
Jumin started saying that he thought it would be an astonishing thing because not everyone understood Seven’s nature.
Jaehee just stared at the young woman and was just… wow. 
Zen was already sending Seven a private message begging asking him to give her the girl’s number.
Seven was staring at his phone, a stupid grin on his face. He was trying so hard not to break the news to them. 
Jumin said: I don’t get what’s so special about this particular female?
Zen said: Trust fund, are you blind? 
Jumin said: No, I am not. I had an appointment to the optometrist about two weeks ago and he said everything was in top condition. That said, I believe I am far from blind. So please refrain yourself from assuming such things.
Zen said: Ugh, you just manage to suck the fun out of everything. Anyways. The girl’s beautiful! 
Jaehee said: I don’t think it’s okay to say those things about Seven’s girlfriend.
Zen said: But he hasn’t confirmed it yet.
Yoosung said: Why else would he have the picture of a girl as his lockscreen then!? 
Yoosung said: Ahhhh, I wish I had a girlfriend T^T 
Jumin said: Elizabeth the 3rd’s my lockscreen and she most certainly isn’t my girlfriend.
Zen said: Don’t agree with me, Trust Fund Kid!!!
Jaehee said: What do you think of this, MC?
Seven was just chuckling while reading the conversation until you were brought up. That’s when he realized that throughout this entire time, you hadn’t said a single word.
He checked again to see if you were active and, in fact, you were.
MC’s typing…
Why was the red hair getting so nervous?
MC said: Ah, haha, yeah… 
Zen said: Oh, MC! Oh no. You saw my true nature! 
Jumin said: It’s not that hard to see.
Zen said: Shut up, idiot!
Jaehee said: Now, now, let’s calm down everyone ^^’
Jaehee said: MC, do you think that’s Seven’s girlfriend? That answer was pretty vague, haha ^^’
Jaehee wasn’t particularly interested in knowing if that was or wasn’t Seven’s partner or not, she was just tired of the endless bickering between Zen and Jumin. 
MC said: Oh, uh.. Haha, I don’t really think it’s any of our business, guys. The girl’s extremely pretty and all, and I’m happy if Seven’s happy with her.
You were being honest. As long as Seven was happy so were you. It didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt.
Yoosung said: Oh, MC, you’re so kind and thoughtful! i wish i had someone like you.
Jumin said: It was a nice thing to say, MC. I expected nothing less. 
Zen said: Ahhh, why even bother with someone else when there’s a beautiful princess right here chatting with me! ^3^
Jumin said: She’s not chatting with you.
Jaehee said: Oh! That’s a very nice thing for you to say, MC.
Zen said: Again ruining the fun, jerk.
At that precise moment Seven was typing the big reveal.
But then…
MC said: Hey, guys, I think I’m going to sleep. Sweet dreams, everyone!
MC has left the chatroom.
All that happened a few milliseconds before Seven hit send.
Seven said: Lolololol, that’s not my girlfriend. That extremely pretty individual’s nothing more but tHE DEFENDER OF JUSTICE 7 0 7!!!!  ! ! !! lolololol
But then you were gone. He wasn’t stupid. He knew why you left so suddenly. He had been calling you a lot recently, he knew he shouldn’t be, that he should keep his distance.
He just couldn’t help it.
Zen has left the chatroom.
Yoosung has left the chatroom.
And surprisingly,
Jaehee has left the chatroom.
Jumin said: Well, if I do say so myself, the dress does suit you. Everyone’s extremely rude, unlike MC, they didn’t even say goodbye. Anyways, I should be heading to bed now. Goodnight, Luciel. 
Jumin has left the chatroom.
I honestly think that Jaehee, Zen, and Yoosung were equally shocked.
Zen and Yoosung would trying to erase that thing from their minds while Jaehee felt extremely betrayed (she wasn’t mad tho lol).
Maybe Yoosung would have a bit of trouble trying to erase it. maybe. But that would be his secret lol
Seven couldn’t help but chuckle at his friends’ reactions. But was still thrown off by yours. You usually just followed along or figured it out before anyone else did.
He called you.
“Oh, hi, Seven.”
“Hey! You just missed the biggest and most wonderful revelation of the entire universe!”
“Oh, did I? Haha, I didn’t know. Sorry. I’m really tired right now, Seven. Would it be okay if I called you tomorrow?”
w h a t. You usually wanted to keep talking, one time you even asked him to stay for a bit longer.
Was it that you were… jealous? He couldn’t help but grin at the thought.
“Oh, but MC, aren’t you just d y i n g to know?”
“Seven, I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to stay up talking to someone who isn’t your partner. I’m going to bed, have a good ni-”
“That was me!”
You were completely silent. Not even your breathing could be heard and that only made the poor man panic.
He checked the CCTV footage only to find you running a hand down along your hair with your head thrown back. You looked relieved.
“So…” he continued, “Am I ‘extremely pretty’?”
“I… You.. So you don’t have girlfriend?”
“Nope. I told you I’m already married to the world of binary numbers.”
You could hear the grin on his face.
“I’m glad.”
Ngl, Seven’s heart was beating loud and frantically. 
“Awwww, MC. Were you jealous!?”
That shut him up for a change.
When you got no response you decided to end the call.
“Oh, and you make a beautiful girl. Goodnight, defender of justice.“
And the line went dead.
And so did his brain.
Zen’s sitting on his couch reevaluating his life.
Yoosung’s slapping both of his cheeks at the same time.
Jumin doesn’t care lol. He’s sleeping soundly in his bed.
a/n: first, pls don’t get offended if jaehee feels betrayed, i don’t meant for it to be taken in a rude way. like, she feels betrayed bcs that was seven and well she feels no attraction towards him whatsoever. so yeah. at least that’s how i picture it. and two, i’m sorry this took so long.
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jess-oh · 6 years
dear journal,
hey! I’m actually getting pretty good at consistently doing this! Things started to fall into place today and I’m happy! I was right in believing I wouldn’t want to do anything this morning. Honestly, the places I wanted to go would’ve probably been closed anyway. But I really dreaded going to hangout with Claire today. I purposefully fell back asleep and dreamt that I bailed on her after Joyce did. I just really wanted to be alone and recharge by myself but I also hate being a flake so I ended up going. I was late but it was still nice! We chatted on the roof for a bit and I vented about everything I have to do and how I’m already so stressed. And while she wasn’t super interested, it was nice to share with another person. We talked about our summers for a bit before heading back down to her room to eat pizza rolls and watch, “The Good Place” which is actually a gr9 show! I’m so glad we started watching it together! Neither of us had seen it yet but had been wanting to and it’s not bad! I like it so far. I think we got to episode 6? But yeah! Even though I was dreading being social at first, I’m glad I got to spend some time with Claire.
After that, I headed to Elder Jisu’s and no surprise, I was a little early but was the first to arrive. I thought more people would come since no one had school today but surprisingly, only P. Josh, Jason, Johnathan, and myself went. But it was still a really nice time! I had a slightly awkward conversation with Linda at first but once everyone else arrived, we sat and ate together as the “adults” of the table which was pretty weird for a change. But once we started talking about my political and philosophical topics, it was really interesting to learn more information from Elder Jisu and Linda! They shared a lot of their wisdom with us and I do really value the time we get to spend with the adults and just having the opportunity to learn from them! They’re like NPCs on our quest to becoming adults! Haha. I think the biggest nugget that I took from our conversation was when Linda talked about how she’s a workaholic but learned that it’s better to live in the moment bc you really only are that age once and once it’s gone, it’ll never come back so you may as well make the most of it. I’ve definitely been conditioned to not rest but I think I am getting better. I’ve recognized the origin and see how this is an issue so now I can actually make active steps towards overcoming this bad habit. But yeah! I’m really glad I went! Then I talked and laughed with Natalie for a bit once everyone was preparing to leave. Jason still teases me a lot but I don’t mind it as much anymore. I think that’s just his sense of humor. But then P. Josh offered to take me home and I told him I was fine with taking the bus but he insisted so I accepted. We talked about the experience at Elder Jisu’s for a bit before discussing P. Josh’s plan for the coming semester! He explained how there would be small groups for the whole entire within Movement and how one of the adult life groups would almost “sponsor” each one every so often(per quarter/semester). There would be 3 life group leaders and 3 “helpers.” Jason, Christine, and I were assigned to be helpers while Amanda, Johnny, and Johnathan will be leading. Jason and Christine are supposed to reach out to their specific gender while I’m in charge of admin stuff like scheduling, dealing with money, communicating, posting announcements, etc. I think of it like a secretary/treasurer job. Which isn’t super exciting and tbh, I was kinda surprised to be assigned to that. But I think it’s because I’m so much more logical and organized and apparently trustworthy and it might not be such a big commitment in comparison to being a leader. Which I do respect and I’m thankful that P. Josh took that into account. I also think the 3 leaders do have a stronger spiritual life than the other 3 of us so it makes sense. But to be honest, I was a little bit salty that P. Josh didn’t choose me to do outreach bc I have been constantly reaching out to people throughout the school year last year. I’ve already proven myself so why not appoint me to the job? :/ I understand Jason bc he for sure is constantly reaching out to people but I feel like Christine keeps to herself a lot! But maybe P. Josh is trying to push her to reach out to people more and expand her bubble? Idk. But whatever the reasoning, I want to trust in His process. And plus, nothing is solidified yet so we’ll see what happens. But I am curious to learn his appointing process.
Finally, I got home and took care of some tasks! I prepared my backpack for school tomorrow and found all the necessary materials, cut and taped the new mailbox names, did my dishes, chatted with Rhyarna and Emily briefly, prepared my lunch and water for tomorrow, and now I am here. Overall, today was pretty productive and I’m glad that it unfolded the way it did! Now I’m just hoping to keep my eyes on the prize of the Lord and do my best in my fellowship and studies tomorrow!
Oh also, Andrew and I still seem to be on good terms during our brief conversation today in the group chat.
0 notes