#survey analysis
system-of-a-feather · 8 months
Short Term Memory + CDD; Survey Data Analysis
Hey its been a while XD I finally am getting around to computing some of the data analysis while I have time during my recovery from top surgery. With that being said, to increase the likliness of putting *anything* out, as I crunch the numbers and what not, I'll post them in updates.
With that being said, while I'd like to invest the time into doing proper statistic measures to test statistical significance, I am currently Too Lazy to do that for a small fun project. Maybe if I get bored and have time I will properly run those statistics, but for now, yall can get what you get
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knowledgehound · 2 years
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In this digital world, companies rely on survey data to gather information about their targeted audience and their preferences. Businesses employ different methods to collect the survey data and analyze it. There are various mediums used to collect opinions and feedback from customers. While conducting a survey, researchers often choose multiple sources to collect data. KnowledgeHound shares the different methods used to collect the data.,,Learn more
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researchers-me · 10 months
Empower your brand with the knowledge to make informed decisions, uncover valuable insights, and stay ahead of the competition. Researchers.me is your key to success through data-driven strategies. We are your trusted partner in delivering exceptional statistical solutions to enhance your brand analysis and decision-making.
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In the AO3 Demographics Survey 2024 - an unofficial demographics survey of 16,131 AO3 users - 44% of respondents used AO3 to consume art or comics, and 17% used the site to read essays or meta.
To see more analysis, including transcripts of all the data shown on the graphs, please view the full results on AO3.
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sonofthesaiyans · 6 months
Hats off to Jean Kirstein, the Scouts' unlikeliest hero.
Honor dictates that I say a few words to honor the birthday of one of the 104th's strongest and most naturally gifted soldiers.
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Jean Kirstein is a character who, at one point, I would have said had one of the most impressive arcs of any individual character in Attack on Titan. Once content to keep himself to the sidelines in service of the royal government, Jean has really come a long way from when we first met him in the early days of season one.
Jean has always been abrasive and cynical, holding on to no fantasies about the miserable world he and his friends have long been trapped in. But in spite of all he's gone through, he's shown a keen sense of judgement and natural leadership that has allowed him to survive again and again in a situation he at one point would have been all to happy to look the other way, and never turn back. In a world where insanity dominates between the Titans and humanity, Jean always seems to know what to do even when he's at an utter loss of what the outcome could be, and he's so often been a voice of reason when faced with the panic of his comrades or the zeal of his friendly rival turned mortal enemy, Eren.
His old pal Marco recognized this potential in Jean, and it seems Marco's words have resonated strongly with Jean long after his own demise. Understanding what was at stake, he took a hard look at what he signed himself on to and charged at it head on. Through and through, he's proven a dependable ally to those serving by his side and ultimately, under his own command. One of Jean's greatest assets, and perhaps in his own mind his greatest curse, is his nobility. Whatever his faults and failings, Jean has always sided with the greater good, and is one of the most incorruptible characters on Paradis. He's been pushed to his limits every bit as much as the rest of his circle......And through it all still stands tall.
By no means flawless, and I actually have some far stronger opinions about Jean in spite of the fact that I rarely ever comment on him around here.......And that's a discussion for another day.
For tonight though, gotta acknowledge the impressive track record of a guy who probably never should have been a Scout in the first place.......And somehow has lived to speak of the experience after going through Hell and back time and time again.
Seriously, Jean Kirstein would have been a worthy contender to become Commander of the Scout Regiment, or second-in-command under Hange and/or Levi. Whatever the case, he's certainly been an asset to the greater cause of freedom, and perhaps understood the meaning of what that was far better than Eren himself EVER did.
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Keep moving forward as you always have, Commander Jean.
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Happy Birthday to a man worthy of wearing the Wings of Freedom.
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Oh, and one last thing; If you really do truly love Jean, then for the love of all that is good and just.........
Do NOT even think about it with the lame as hell Horseface jokes. I think the fact that I acknowledged not just Jeanmarco, but also "Jeankasa" up here is being pretty generous as it is. So please, don't push it, alright?
Besides, I can name five other characters who look more like horses than him.....
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re-locative · 6 months
Research findings: How are people creating a sense of togetherness online?
The everyday inventiveness of translocal relationship maintenance
I'm excited to share some early insights from our latest study. Some of you may remember it from when it was distributed: a survey about how people who sustain relationships online create a sense of being in the same place, even at a distance.
Even now, online platforms are marching towards a future of standardised, formless, and profoundly placeless design. But relationships need place (Tuan, 1979), and people will continue to fashion new tactics to address their everyday needs. So, how do people in translocal relationships play with/around these technological limitations? How do they foster shared places on platforms that aren't designed for it?
That's what our study sought to uncover, and here's what we found...
Our deepest thanks to all who participated in the survey! We had 44 respondents—almost twice as many as we were hoping for—and more importantly, we got a pretty broad slice of translocal connections across the world:
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Our original focus was on long-distance families and romantic relationships, mainly because people conventionally assume physical closeness and cohabitation in those relationships. But in practice, the data we gathered contained accounts of all kinds of relationships, so we expect the findings to be relevant (in varying degrees) to many kinds of online connection as well.
Across the data, a few themes showed up repeatedly, and through an extensive process of coding and clustering, we've distilled it into five themes, or key drivers of practices in virtual placemaking:
1. Synchronicity ⌚
People seek to act in concert and in temporal proximity, to feel a sense of relatedness—be that by experiencing media together, collaborating on a project, or just feeling collocated via a background voice call. Voice calls often scaffolded these kinds of synchronous activities—sound is a great vector for conveying simultaneity/"at the same time."
2. Persistence 📌
We talked about synchronous interactions above. Asynchronous interactions, on the other hand, assert the "being in the same space." This requires virtual spaces to not simply disappear or refresh when the session is closed: you're able to leave artefacts for others to discover even when you're offline or "in the background," and they accumulate over time. That's a core trait of a real place (as discussed in past research).
3. Emotional connection/depth 🫂
We know from other research that long-distance couples favour text messaging. Verbal communication is paramount in relationship deepening because it supports precise expressions of care and affirmation. But it can be asserted by other expressions too, like offers of help, favours and gifts—implicitly or explicitly indicating that one has the other person in one's thoughts, as well as their interests, well-being, and goings-on.
4. Physical linkage 🔗
Despite the focus on virtual spaces, many respondents saw great importance in anchoring their bonds in physical space, and used technologies as windows, or bridges, linking those spaces together. Using video calls as "windows" to have meals together, virtual house tours where the smartphone acts as a surrogate for the person on the other end, buying the same game board and playing against each other by replicating each other's moves...our data was replete with creative ways of bridging physical divides.
5. Co-creation 🖼️📝
Collaborative narratives and creation uniquely allow for interactors to explore and cohabit a shared mental place, in which they have an equal stake and are emotionally engaged. It's a way of being psychically co-present through roleplay and active imagination. Our data was full of mentions of collaborative creative work and narratives, from Dungeons and Dragons to building worlds together to making art of imagined alternate realities.
Other neat insights:
Rather than ever being confined to a single platform, almost everyone inhabited and interwove practices across different platforms/media types, each with its own utility, affect, and meaning: this is what Madianou calls "polymedia life." Think playing games on a virtual board while discussing it in a text chat, watching a show together on a streaming website while discussing it in a call, playing Wordle independently and checking in with the group chat to see what others thought, etc. This was almost universal across the dataset!
There were a lot of unique practices described in the dataset (i.e. instances where one respondent was the only person in the dataset who did that thing) - and yet it was never described as a practice we deliberately designed to solve a problem. This everyday inventiveness among people in translocal/transnational relationships has become the core of our research interest.
Lots of intergenerational connection (parent/child, grandparent/grandchild, aunt/uncle/niece) was evidenced - and a strong skew towards text chat, video calls, and voice calls for these. Video games are far more common among romantic relationships.
That's all for this post—I'll be back soon (very soon) to talk about what comes next.
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nebyneby · 5 days
And the version preferred by the majority is:
🎉Qilby S4🎉
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(I remind you this is a 100% objective survey)
To respond to some who shared their feelings about the character, I must admit I was hypocritical when saying one version is better than the others.
For me, there’s no real change between the seasons. That’s why I prefer to consider him an anti-hero rather than an antagonist (even though 14 years passed between the two seasons…). It’s also why I don’t like calling his sacrifice a "redemption." He maintained the same mindset between the two seasons; only a small part of his character was shown in Season 2, the Season 4 just added a bit more development. In my opinion, after thousands of years of isolating himself in his solitude, Qilby gradually distanced himself from certain emotions. Everything bores him, nothing van distract him enough to pull him out of this loop. He's distancing himself from his family. Don’t get me wrong, he loves his siblings deeply and would do anything for his people, but his solitude was so crushing that when he saw an opportunity to escape (through the Mechasms), he didn’t hesitate. Even though the consequences might hurt those he loves, he also knows that one day they’ll forget everything and start a new life where they’ll adapt to their new environment.
Now, Qilby is completely neutral—he does what he wants, acts according to his own choices, and doesn’t care if others dislike his methods (especially since his view of "good" and "evil" is entirely different). The Necromes were a common enemy, he had nothing to gain by letting them succeed, so he sided with the "allies." In retrieving the Eliashpere, Qilby knew that he wouldn’t survive, which is why he saved Yugo—because he knows Yugo has the potential to eliminate that threat. However, His dreams of traveling through the Krosmoz haven't been abandoned, that idea has just been set aside for now because ensuring his people’s safety was more important. He’ll probably resume his mischievous schemes in his next reincarnation : )
My God, there’s so much to say about this character. I’ve tried not to make it a headcanon version, but developing one’s own interpretation of his personality is fascinating...
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ultimateempath · 3 months
If I may, I have a little theory about how our decisions in Deltarune are going to effect things in the future. So Toby stated that there will only be one ending, and if he's to be believed then our choices really wouldn't matter much in the end.
...except there's one thing we seem to be forgetting: the entirety of Deltarune is an experiment being conducted by an unknown entity, theorized to be Gaster due to the various connections to him that ya'll already know about.
So my theory is that while the ending of our adventure won't change (if Toby is telling the truth), our actions in-game will instead change the results of this experiment and thus also change whatever dialogue we'll likely get from Gaster afterwards. We still don't know what exactly he's trying to get out of this though, so there's no telling what he'll actually react to.
Either way, I wholeheartedly believe we'll hear from him again at the end of the experiment...and he'll have much to say regarding our chosen actions.
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flecks-of-stardust · 9 months
Independent Research on Experiences with Imaginary Friends
Hello Tumblr! Some of you may have seen this poll I made going around. As of writing this post, the poll is still going, so if you haven't voted and would like to you are more than welcome to do so. However, this post is to more formally announce the survey I made that expands on the idea behind the creation of the poll; you can access it here.
The survey polls on experiences with imaginary friends, but also includes questions about social experiences and neurodivergencies, in particular system experiences. You do not need to be a system to respond to this, and in fact I encourage singlets to also take the survey. People of all neurotypes and all ages are allowed to respond to the survey. The survey is primarily multiple choice with avenues to elaborate on your selections, but it also has three long answer questions. The whole survey should take around 15 to 20 minutes to complete. You are encouraged to be as specific as possible, even if you're not sure about how to answer a question.
All responses collected will be seen by my eyes only, and will be analyzed only by me; this endeavor is a one person effort. The data gathered by this survey will not be formally published. At best, if enough people wish to see the results, the results and analysis will be posted on Tumblr, on this same blog.
It would be much appreciated if this post is spread around, but I highly, highly encourage you to share the link to the survey outside of Tumblr as well. Data collection will cease on March 1st, 2024 or when there are 500 responses, whichever comes first.
Thank you in advance for indulging my curiosity!
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velvet-vox · 4 months
My second pipeline of future ideas: Part 1
As of right now, I'm making an analysis on Noximilien Coxen the Watchmaker from Wakfu, and it's going pretty smoothly, I should be able to publish it as of tomorrow.
In the meantime, I thought about making a second survey to see what each and every one of you wants to see first between these projects:
Lord Shen's horrifying humanity: an analysis of Lord Shen in the same vein as my Tai Lung's one; I've recently rewatched both of the Kung Fu Panda movies after so many years, AND IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOD. While watching the second one, however, I've noticed something that I've never seen: how the film focuses so much on Shen's emotional state, and how it helps him to become one of the greatest baddies in all of animation.
Doll and Andrew Graves comparison: remember all the times when I've said I was going to make a comparison post between Nox from Wakfu and Doll from Murder Drones? Well, I'm still going to do that once episode 8 is out, but in the meantime, since both The Coffin Of Andy And Leyley and Murder Drones are unfinished products, I thought, sure why not? My only hope is to get the Andrew part right, I'm especially worried since there're new pieces of information regarding Julia and Rene that I still haven't seen, so I might need to get my facts checked.
How and Why Liam Vickers wrote Doll as a rather unsympathetic character: I feel like, when you really love something, you must be able to criticise it. And this is exactly the goal of this analysis, as I break down all of the problems with Doll's writing right from the conceptual issues down to her future and legacy.
Female villains tier list: a long time coming, and still a long time in the making. The problem is that I've accidentally published it ahead of time only to then remake it from scratch and still accidentally publish it, again. Also I've decided to watch the Kerubim movie to see if Julith was as good as I've heard. I imagine so, since it's a Wakfu antagonist, but I have to wait and see.
Dark Vlad analysis: I want to make an analysis on every main antagonist of Wakfu, and since I can finally watch season 4 and maybe the movie, that includes Toross and Julith. But there's one minor, one-off antagonist that I also want to talk about; what is, in my opinion, the best villain from season 3 and the single greatest twist villain in all of fiction: the title itself is actually misleading, as I'll be talking about Goultard himself.
To find a way to spend the time while the survey ends, I'll be writing about the insanely untapped potential of Rebecca from Murder Drones.
@rad10active-ketchup , @rebecca-babe , @zobjilan77 , please, send me your ideas if you want to see them discussed as I'm not normally a Rebecca fan so I could use some help to get everything right.
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doodlejoltik · 2 months
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surprise rei moment in the UB meet and greet story
being adrift in an unfamiliar and sometimes actively hostile world, viewed as strange and different and powerful. having to actively strive for acceptance. knowing what can come from fear and distrust, knowing rejection.
wanting to help bridge that gap.
(he won't let it happen to anyone else, whether person or pokemon.)
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knowledgehound · 2 years
Effective Data Insights — A Game Changer for Businesses
Data insights are crucial for businesses to make informed decisions and remain competitive in the ever-evolving market. With the increase in the volume, variety, and velocity of data, it has become necessary for organizations to have the capability to analyze data and derive insights that help them make data-driven decisions. This article will explore the importance of data insights for businesses, steps to achieving effective data insights, best practices, tools, challenges, and future of data insights.
Introduction to Data Insights
According to KnowledgeHound, Data insights refer to the process of analyzing and interpreting data to extract meaningful information that can be used to make informed decisions.
It involves using various tools and techniques to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in data. There are many resources available for beginners who want to learn about data analytics, including online courses and guides.
These resources cover topics such as the role of a data analyst, tools used in data analysis, and the entire data analysis process. With the increasing demand for professionals with skills in data analytics, learning this field can be a great way to kickstart a career.
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Importance of Data Insights for Businesses
Data insights are crucial for businesses as they provide valuable information that can be used to make informed decisions. By analyzing customer data from various channels, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can help them provide a more personalized experience.
Historical data analysis can also help businesses anticipate fluctuations in consumer demand and make better business decisions. Companies that embrace data analytics initiatives can experience significant financial returns. Data analytics helps businesses optimize their performance by identifying areas for improvement and making strategic investments.
Implementing data analytics into the business model means companies can stay competitive in today’s market by making informed decisions based on real-time data.
Steps to Achieving Effective Data Insights
Achieving effective data insights involves several steps.
Firstly, it is important to align the data strategy with the business strategy and identify relevant business drivers that could be positively impacted by data and analytics.
Secondly, organizations need to implement processes such as data cataloging and governance and embrace culture changes to achieve effective analytics programs.
Thirdly, businesses should use deep learning to get value from unstructured data.
Finally, carrying out various analyses on the data is essential to obtain insights. The four types of data analysis include descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analysis.
By following these steps, businesses can turn their data into actionable insights that can be used to make informed decisions.
Best Practices for Data Insights
To achieve the best results from data insights, businesses should follow some best practices.
It is important to define business objectives and identify the key performance indicators that will be used to measure success.
Building high-performance analytics teams and promoting data literacy within the organization can help ensure that everyone understands how to use data effectively.
Collecting, storing, and organizing data correctly is essential for accurate analysis.
Segmenting the audience can help businesses gain a better understanding of their customers’ behavior and preferences.
Using data storytelling can help promote insights by making complex data more accessible and understandable.
Utilizing new infrastructure technology and more advanced analytics can help businesses stay ahead of the competition.
By following these best practices, businesses can turn their data into actionable insights that drive growth and success.
Tools for Data Insights
There are many tools available for data insights that businesses can use to analyze and interpret their data. Some of the most widely used business analytics tools include Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Sense, Excel and KnowledgeHound.
These tools are designed to help businesses visualize and analyze their data to gain insights into customer behavior, market trends, and other key metrics. These tools offer a range of features such as data visualization, predictive modeling, machine learning algorithms, and more.
By using these tools effectively, businesses can turn their data into actionable insights that drive growth and success.
Challenges in Data Insights
There are several challenges that businesses face when it comes to data insights.
Managing vast amounts of data can be a challenge, as it requires the right tools and techniques to analyze and interpret the data effectively.
Seelecting the right analytics tool can be difficult, as there are many options available and each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Data visualization can be challenging, as it requires businesses to present complex data in a way that is easy to understand.
Dealing with data from multiple sources can be a challenge, as it requires businesses to integrate different types of data into a single system.
Low-quality data can also pose a challenge, as it can lead to inaccurate insights and decisions.
Other challenges include cultural dynamics within the organization, inaccessible data, lack of system integration, excessive costs, complexity and skills gaps.
By addressing these challenges effectively through proper planning and implementation of best practices for data insights, businesses can turn their data into actionable insights that drive growth and success.
Future of Data Insights
The future of data insights is promising, with several trends emerging that are expected to shape the industry in the coming years.
Businesses are expected to emphasize business intelligence, edge data, and cloud-native technologies.
Data democratization, artificial intelligence, and real-time data analytics are expected to become more prevalent.
Adaptive AI systems and metadata-driven data fabric are also expected to gain traction.
Real-time automated decision making and no-code solutions are also predicted to be important trends in the future of data insights.
Data quality and observability will continue to be important factors in ensuring accurate insights from data analysis.
By staying up-to-date with these trends and adopting new technologies and techniques as they emerge, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and turn their data into actionable insights that drive growth and success.
Also Read: Different Types of Survey Data Collection Methods You Should Know
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ravenoftheskyes · 6 months
Hey, everyone! I’m doing a survey on diversity in media for a research paper! If you could take a few minutes to take it for me that would be really helpful!
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ctntduoarchive · 2 years
how to write c!tntduo's characterisation, and where people normally go wrong
1. must be as invested as each other in their rivalry and must be invested for the same reasons
with their rivalry, you can't have it so one's doing it for attention and the other is just doing it in retaliation. they both want this.
you see c!wilbur purposely seek out somebody to help with his burger van business to piss c!quackity off, and then see c!quackity do the exact same thing. they both try to get at each other and are both super invested in their dynamic.
making their thing sort of 'unrequited' (or something like that) completely defeats how they both are obsessing over it and trying to win.
"but c!quackity said he doesn't think about c!wilbur at all!!!!!" c!quackity lies we know this. go watch this stream where he rants a lot about c!wilbur.
2. they are as worse as each other and make each other worse
they are both as bad as each other. they both hurt the people they love and don't know how to fix it. it's one of the reasons their dynamic works so well. they both have the a lot of the same problems, and when pitted against each other they amplify the others' problems.
they bring out the worst in each other, by agonising and indulging in their need to prove themselves - which ends up in them taking it too far and hurting the people they love (and not knowing how to fix it <- they try to learn this in their finales)
"oh but c!wilbur did-" "c!quackity did-" this is about their motives and how they interact with each other.
3. they hate each other. but also care
this one's hard to get, i don't blame you if you fuck this one up.
if you go back to the elections era, (im going to talk specifically about the white house stream and the elections night stream) you can see c!wilbur, while building the white house with c!q & c!tommy, that he "[felt] he really with Big Q [that night]." then, when the c!quackity says he is joining c!schlatt's party, you hear c!wilbur say "i thought [c!quackity] cared [about l'manburg] but..." showing that he believed when c!quackity said he wanted to better the nation.
then, later on in the stream where c!quackity joins pogtopia, c!wilbur brings c!q & c!tommy to the button room, yet refuses to press it once they both say they'll die if he presses that button.
finally, in c!wilbur's finale, he drags himself, a little shamefully, to las nevadas to make sure he apologises. and c!quackity leaves him his own book after his own finale. they want to make amends, because they care. their dynamic has had so much of an impact on each other, and they couldn't have just left it to get lost in the sand.
4. they are as smart as each other
c!tntduo are both very smart. c!wilbur is known for his silver tongue, being able to talk his way out of almost ever situation. c!quackity has been lying since the goddamn elections and has become absurdly good at it, getting what he wants out of people.
they're both also really good at figuring out what people want.
in the stream where c!wilbur recruits c!ranboo for the wilburger business, you see him go to c!phil first. here, you see him tell him that he's doing it for taking down capitalism and helping to stop gambling. but, when he goes to c!ranboo barely five minutes later, he tells him that its because he's changing and that he wants to get better. both of these are lies, we can tell because then c!wilbur just rants about getting back at c!quackity for the rest of the stream (really fucking slick king).
then, we see c!quackity do tactics like this to get people to join las nevadas. he figures out what they love or what's scaring them or what they have, and use it against them for his own greater purpose.
are these good things? not at all, this can go in the they are as worse as each other point as well, but it also proves they can both be very smart when it comes to social mind games.
TLDR; they balance each other out. they are literally yin and yang (refer to c!wilbur literally calling c!quackity his yang). they are meant to balance each other out. and they both want their dynamic equally.
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sonofthesaiyans · 6 months
Quick question for you all.
We all like to ship Hange with Levi. We love their opposites attract chemistry. Their friendship is practically legendary at this stage.
But what about Moblit Berner? Her loyal right hand man who gave up his life to save hers?
Does anyone think that he might have had deeper feelings for Hange? They clearly worked very well together and he clearly placed great value on her life to do what he did. But rarely does anyone seem to ship them much these days.
Hey I'm a guy who's content with platonic relationships, as a rule I'm averse to shipping. But some things you cannot help but wonder about.
So, what do you guys think?
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Also, justice for Moblit Berner! He gave his heart and soul to the cause. ⚔️
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danvillecheese · 1 year
six months til the next dwampyverse survey whos excited
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