seraphiix · 7 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
five things that make me happy!
1. my beautiful loving boyfriend @punkedout 2. my friends !!!! 3. my animals (cats + dog ,precious bbys)4. cloudy skies boost my mood like 300%5. mango pineapple Svedka™ bc its pretty and has positive memories behind it
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I genuinely dislike Sailor Venus. It's not just that she's my least favorite. I have an aversion to her and I have no idea why.
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mclaughneal · 7 years
Top six GMM episodes
I would link them but I’m on mobile so I’ll give the ep number!
#999#627#970#1065#1120#781These aren’t in any particular order
Thank you for the question!!
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toyourliking · 7 years
@survivormind replied to your post “it’s just after 5am and you know what i’m awake thinking about? how...”
Stop what? (Not straight, just curious)
just y’know
if i’m perfectly honest i could probably write a 20,000 word essay on this. 
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*UPDATED* DID/OSDD YouTubers Masterlist:
Here is the official UPDATED masterlist of DID/OSDD YouTubers:
Acrylic & Aether (OSDD & Large DID system videos)
Solar & Co. also @solarnco (OSDD-1b system)
Secret System
MultiplicityAndMe also @multiplicityandme
The Rings System also @the-rings-system
DissociaDID also @dissociadid (A great place to start for people new to having alters)
Jeremy: An Alternate Perspective
The Labyrinth System also @thelabyrinthsystem
The Entropy System also @theentropywe (snd @survivormind, @thenighttimeplace Also a must for those new to having alters)
DeviiUniquelyThree also @deviiuniquelythree
AlexMax Han
System K
The Galaxy System also @the-galaxy-system
Me Myself & Aleu
Bobo & Co. 
The Starlight System also @ourstarlightsystem (Videos coming up next week!)
**If I missed anyone, please let me know and I’ll edit this!**
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mrowposting-blog · 6 years
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dissociative systems pride flag aesthetic!!
i got bored and thought "hey that would look cool" so i did it lmao. there's one with borders and one without, too!
@theentropywe @survivormind hope y'all enjoy this!!!
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iamthecutestofborg · 5 years
Shout out to all the Systems and former Systems out there, from a grateful ally. I've learned a lot recently from Systems on Tumblr and YouTube, and I'm so grateful to be educated and equipped with the knowledge I can use to help end stigma and support Systems. Thank you all for educating me, especially The Entropy System @theentropywe @survivormind whom I have become a big fan of on YouTube. You are all so brave and so valid. Have a great System Pride Day!!!
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altersanonymous · 6 years
hey! so, mod M here decided that we’d make a survey for DID/OSDD-1 systems. you do not have to be diagnosed to take it. the only requirements are that you believe yourself to have DID or OSDD-1 and you are 13 or older. please take it or boost this! thank you!
we’ll be posting the results in a month or two’s time.
@survivormind @dissociadid @multiplicityandwe could you please promo this? thank you so much!
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kpuff-gifs · 7 years
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Source #1 (****)
Source #2 (****)
Gif set requested by @survivormind :D
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Send the happy! Reply to this with 5 things that make you happy then send it to the first ten notifications!
my chemical romance
monster energy drink
stuffed animals
my boyfriend
(tagging bc too lazy to send thru asks)
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afangirlsplaylist · 7 years
Dear Rhett and Link,
As a kingdom of Mythical Beasts, we (particularly your LGBTQQIA fans and allies) wanted to thank you for choosing the Trevor Project for Gifticality this month. So several of us have written to let you know what it means to see you supporting LGBTQ people. 
“I think of all the young LGBTQQIA Mythical Beasts who just saw two people they admire say “you’re wonderful the way you are.” I imagine how much it may mean to a young person who doesn’t have anyone else in their lives who support them for who they are. You just offered them light in a world that can often be dark. Thank you. <3″
- @mythosethan​
“I haven’t identified or accepted myself as bisexual for very long. I’m lucky enough to come from a family I know would accept me but I’m still partly closeted because I’m not ready to say anything yet. Through your show, I’ve talked to so many other Mythical Beasts that are LGBTQ too, and I’ve really been able to be myself. So one day soon I think I will be able to come out fully - thanks to you guys and your fans. It means the world to me that you’ve done this.”
- Simone, @afangirlsplaylist​
“It took me so long to accept myself as bisexual. When I was in high school in the early 2000’s there was little to no representation of the LGBTQ community in the media and almost no place to find genuine, caring support. I felt alone. I know that there are a lot of teens and young adults that watch your show and many of them are probably going through something like I did. I want to thank you for openly supporting the community and giving us two smiling, friendly faces to remind us we matter.”
- @survivormind
“I barely recognize myself, but it’s a good thing. I was in fifth grade when I realized I was bisexual, but I hated it. I was raised in a conservative, Christian home. My parents and community were not overtly homophobic, but it was understood that it was a sin, that it was unnatural. So I suppressed my feelings and explained them away whenever they would resurface over the years in response to a crush or a fantasy, chalking it up to confused feelings.
I married a good Christian man, and I loved him. I still do. But for the first time in my life, I’ve begun to accept who I am in a way I never allowed myself before. I don’t hate my life. But it’s painful to know I didn’t give myself the chance to learn more about myself when I was still free to do so. Now I don’t know if I’ll ever get that chance.
I was able to adapt, but I know not everyone has that luxury. Being bi rather than gay made me able to just focus on my attraction to men and try to ignore the other part of me, but that wasn't the healthiest way to handle it, and neither is it something every LGBTQ+ person can or should do in the face of adversity. Your support shows that you see us, and it gives more people the courage to not hide themselves like I did. I wish I could go back and have that courage sooner.
- Gwen
“Hi! I am asexual, akoiromantic, and genderqueer. Nothing in my life has made me feel better than figuring those things out. When I found out not only that asexuality was a thing, but that there were others who were like me, it felt like a pressure I didn’t even know was there was lifted. I wasn’t weird or a freak. And when I finally realized that I didn’t have to live in a binary that made me feel small, I couldn’t sleep from excitement. So for me and all my siblings, thank you so much.”
- Erika, @one-true-houselight
”I went to high school in southeastern Illinois in the 80s and that was not a safe place to come out. So no one ever did. The people I graduated with that have since come out had such a hard time, the Trevor Project would have been amazing for them to reach out to. My kids and their friends fall in the age range the Trevor Project supports and I am so grateful they have much better resources than my friends did. Thanks, Rhett and Link for letting people know there is a safe place for them.”
- @mousehill83​
“Recently, I needed to become more of a big sister as I learned that I needed to protect my trans brother from my parents and the transphobic and homophobic people in the world. Knowing you guys - R and L and the crew, support this and also introduced me to this charity, brings me joy. It’s not just knowing that you guys support this charity, but also learning how there are so many sources out there to help and support my brother and others. So thank you.”
- Anonymous
“Growing up in a conservative American family, I knew nothing about anything LGBT. Then I started learning about it from the internet as a teenager. I wanted to be accepting and ended up labeling myself as the most outlandish and accepting thing I could find: pansexual and trans. I don’t know if I am those anymore, but I am grateful for the LGBT community being accepting of anything. It means a lot to me to see allies like Rhett and Link supporting an LGBT charity like this.”
- Anonymous
“I’m so happy that they picked an LGBT+ organization, especially for Pride Month, it shows not only support to the people that they are helping with the money, but it also shows support to other LGBT people out there, the international Mythical Beasts as myself, I can’t be prouder of R&L (I’ve always been proud, but this hits home and I can’t help but feel personally loved by them)”
- Anonymous
Dear Rhett, Link and Crew.
“Thank you for making The Trevor Project the charity for giftacality this month. It warms my heart to know you are fellow allies against bigotry and hate. To some it might seem like a quiet, small gesture but it speaks volumes, and makes me proud to call myself a Mythical Beast.”
Love, - Liz, @613liz
“Re: the Trevor Project- it is great to learn this organization exists to help and provide crisis intervention for this specific group of dear young people (people who face a frighteningly high risk of harm in this world). Kudos to Mythical Entertainment for supporting them and for spreading the word!”
from, - honestly a random Christian dinosaur
“It brought a smile to my face when The Trevor Project was revealed as this months GMM charity of choice. I myself am not LGBTQ+ but I love and support the community with all my heart, so the fact that Rhett and Link are outwardly showing their support and donating to The Trevor Project makes me extremely happy.”
- Anonymous
“For the Trevor Project- as a semi-closeted bisexual woman who fears losing family if I fully come out, and as someone with a serious mental illness and past suicide attempts, this hit my feels. To know that two people I admire greatly are supportive of my community in this way and are trying to address a serious issue like LGBTQIA suicide means so much. Thank you, Rhett and Link, for standing up and saying you support the community like this. I’m sure it will save lives.”
- @elloellerose
“It means so much that ME has chosen to donate to the Trevor Project. This is not just you donating to an amazing and important organization. It is you showing that you and your brand stand up for everybody’s right to be who they are and to love whoever they want. Something that should be a matter of course but sadly isn’t. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for contributing to making the world a better place for me and my lbtq+ friends and family. I am proud to call myself a mythical beast.”
-  @mythicalpatterns
“I grew up in an environment where I was different from everyone else. My family and most of my friends are conservative and I couldn’t be who I was when I was a kid/teen. As a mythical beast, this made me happy to know I am welcomed as I am here and showing support means a lot to me.”
Thank you, -  a 30-year-old bisexual man
“I just want to say how proud I am to call myself a Mythical Beast when our leaders are being THEIR mythical best by supporting such an important cause. It shouldn’t be controversial to do so, but it is. It may be a small gesture, but it means something huge.”
- @whilhelminaprince​
“Thank you so much for supporting an LGBTQ+ charity. It means more than you know to countless Mythical Beasts to know that you two support us and view us worthy of your attention and love. I am so gracious and thankful.”
- Anonymous
“The support for The Trevor Project makes me so happy. 🌈💗👬👭”
- @rileyrooin​
“Ever since I was young I knew something was off, I just didn’t know what. As I got older I started looking at boys, but not because I was into them, I wanted to BE them. I told my closest friend, who was extremely supportive, then one year later I wrote a letter to my mum before school explaining everything. Now at school, my name and gender have been changed. I’m proud to be transgender. :)”
- @linklovesrhett​
@loulougoingsolo left a message here
Thank you @rhettandlink !
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mclaughneal · 7 years
@linkslipssinkships @mythosethan @misbegottenmoon @rileyrooin @mythicaliz @twinkneal @survivormind @willneverbeordinary @missingparentheses @linksbootay @arel-rhink @one-true-houselight @rhettlationship-goals @heatgeneratingtechniques @mythical-izzy @afangirlsplaylist @thegreyhenley @mythicalpatterns @d-k-a @mythicalea @lindz04 @rhinkycelestey @awkwardkermitfrog @angeliquefangirling @killthenaughtyboy @rhinkagainboy @rhinkipoo @gaymythicalmorning @sourfizzy88
these are all the amazing MB that volunteerd to be in the survey! Just wanted to let all you know that the quiz is up and the link is on my blog! I will post the results when the quiz is over. I had so much fun and i can’t wait for everyone to get their answers. 
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toyourliking · 7 years
survivormind replied to your post “Pullin’ those receipts: AO3 Edition (Part 1)”
Fox, there's a difference between writing and fetishizing. The Color Purple and Girl With The Dragon Tattoo had child rape. But you know what? The acts were betrayed as unforgivable and inhumane. Not described on a pornographic level so some sick bastards could get their jollies off to someone else's trauma.
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hey-im-kpuff · 7 years
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Got tagged by @unofficialrhettandlink in this thingie!  
The rule is to pause and take a pic of what you’re doing at the moment you see the notification, so this way you can stop and admire life for a bit. XD
Listening to Rammstein and browsing Tumblr and reading fanfics lol. Feel like I shouldn't put a pic up of my desktop for some reason but w/e lmao. I don't think theres anything important or w/e up XD
I tag @sourfizzy88 @survivormind if you wanna XD
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karadavers · 7 years
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@survivormind thank you and you are right. I have marks on my neck from what she did to me last night and I could very well go to the police. But I won't because I still feel sorry for her even though she basically tried to kill me. @ladymormontlyanna thank you! I'm staying at my grandmas house until I find a job and get my own place. I'm gonna have to quit university though because it is the last year of my masters degree and my professors say there is no way I can work and finish it at the same time. @take-what-i-can-get thank you so much for offering your help. I really appreciate it. You're lovely 😊
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galaxies-in-my-eyes · 7 years
20 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @survivormind
Name: Birth name is Ashley but I really don’t feel like that name describes me right now. Currently I feel Zen is a better fit in that regard 
Nickname:I don’t really have one? 
Zodiac Sign: Gemini. I know my sign gets lots of hate but I’m 100% a Gemini in every aspect its kinda scary haha
Height: Around 5′5
Orientation: Pansexual. I really don’t understand gender at all so it doesn’t matter how my partner labels them self. I just fall in love with personalities. 
Ethnicity: I’m a huge mutt but mostly white European ancestors. 
Favorite Fruit: Either raspberries or pomegranates. 
Favorite Season: Autumn when it’s still warm enough to stare at the stars in a hoodie and jeans with a beanie on my head and not freeze to death
Favorite Book Series: Currently the Devil’s Line series
Favorite Flower: As cliche as it is I love roses.
Favorite scent: The smell right after a downpour and the scent of the ocean
Favorite Color: Black and deep red
Favorite Animal: Shiba Inus! and most other animals but I love those puppies (especially my puppy Edward)
Coffee/Tea/Cocoa: Depends on my mood but I drink all 3
Average Sleep Hours:4-6 if I’m lucky
Favorite Fictional Characters: hahaha the list is so long but I guess some of my top favorites are Nagito from Danganronpa, Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, Trunks from DBZ, Levi from AOT, oh god i could go on FOREVER. 
Number of Blankets: One comforter
Dream Trip: A Cruise around the world or a trip to Japan that lasts for like half a year so I can see lots of stuff
Blog Created: I don’t even remember but I just started using it again a few months ago.
Number of Followers: 18 I think
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