#susan hargrave
someonelookingpraediti · 10 months
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Currently Reading...
The Winter Spirits - various authors
Two years ago The Haunting Season was the first Waterstones special edition I bought, and the first book I owned with stencilled edges! I was just starting to discover books as collector's items, rather than just for reading, and in the two years since, my collection has grown to an unreasonable size.
So when this follow-up book was announced, of course I was going to order the matching special edition! This one has a lot of the same authors as the first, but it also has some new authors too, including Susan Stokes-Chapman. Honestly, I'd have bought the book just to read her story!
I did try my best, while reading these short stories, not to look at the author until I'd read each story, so my expectations weren't influenced by anything I'd read by the author before.
Host - Kiran Millwood Hargrave In the last book, I called this author's contribution "pleasant but unimaginative". This year's was a laborious read. It cut off too early, with no real resolution.
Inferno - Laura Shepherd-Robinson This author wasn't included in the last book, and I haven't read any of her other work. This was a good story, but incredibly predictable. It was a little heavy-handed, and probably would have done better if the plot had been more drawn out in a longer story.
The Old Play - Andrew Michael Hurley I liked this one - the plot was very obvious, but it was suitably suspenseful, and it ended in the right place. The was a nice surprise, as in the previous book, this author's story was one of my least favourite.
A Double Thread - Imogen Hermes Gower This one was an interesting read, because the characterisation was great, but again, the ending was very predictable, and felt rushed. This was what I was expecting, based on the author's story in the last book.
The Salt Miracles - Natasha Pulley This was one of my favourites - a great, creepy, religious story, which I was anxious to finish. And it ended brilliantly! In the last book, this author's story was also one of my favourites!
Banished - Elizabeth Macneal This was an okay read, it was quite nicely written. But there were no revelations or surprises, it was very obvious. Strangely, last year's story was really gripping!
The Gargoyle - Bridget Collins This one was weirdly nice?! It has an ending which could have suggested something sinister in the future, but is more likely just a nice, happy ending to a misunderstood monster. That's the ending I'm choosing to believe. I liked this one, which is interesting, because I didn't like the last book's story at all!
The Master of the House - Stuart Turton This is another new author. I wasn't expecting this one to make me cry! In fairness, I was already emotional. This one did start to trail off in the middle, but picked back up, and had a strong ending.
Ada Lark - Jess Kidd This was a lovely story! A nice friendly ghost, and a welcome break from the mostly sinister stories. I loved the way this one was written, and the author's contribution to the last book was also one of my favourites.
Jenkin - Catriona Ward Another new author. This was one of my least favourite stories. It was a really childish, fairytale-type concept. The ending was uninspired.
Widow's Walk - Susan Stokes-Chapman Another new author for this year, but an author I've read (and absolutely loved) before. This story was definitely one of my favourites. There were no hidden twists, but it was beautifully written and definitely creepy!
Carol of the Bells and Chains - Laura Purcell This one seemed fairly good while I was reading it, but actually was much less interesting on reflection. I would have expected more, as I loved the author's previous contribution, and have read one of her novels, which was brilliant.
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world-of-ryan · 2 years
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Madeline Pratt
Susan (Scottie) Hargrave
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forevermytom · 4 years
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“Howard was my inspiration. My partner, my friend. Standing next to him you felt like, no matter what the day brought... Nothing was gonna touch you. You've been told we lost our son. He was on the beach one moment and gone the next. Well that's not true. “WE” didn't lose Christopher. "I" did. He was with me when it happened. And when I told Howard, He held me. He told me he loved me. Howard never blamed me. And he never gave up hope we'd find our son. My hope is that... he's finally found him and that when, my time comes, we'll all be together in the next life and further on up the road.” - Scottie Hargrave
1.01 Leland Bray
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vodka-and-tvshows · 6 years
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100 Celebrities Challenge
Day 59: Famke Janssen 🎬
"I like to go from mainstream movies to more artsy films. I don't sign on for the money. Maybe I should, but I don't. There's always a good reason for doing something"
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sweetbrunch · 3 years
agnes used to be with her grandmother when elizabeth couldn't taker care of her, no idea why she was handed to harold...
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miss-musings · 6 years
My List of Top 10 Recurring Blacklisters
For my ongoing "Top 10" lists about different aspects of The Blacklist, today I'm tackling recurring Blacklisters who weren't already included in "My List of Top 10 Blacklisters."
Just for an FYI, I'm also disqualifying Tom Keen and Dembe Zuma, as they both have been regular cast members at different points in the series. I am, however, including non-antagonist entries -- that means that some of these Blacklisters didn't actually end up being 'bad guys,' but instead, either were or later became allies of Red and/or The Task Force.
There actually weren't too many Blacklisters to work with as I'd say about 70 percent of them are one-offs (and I already did a list about them), and many of the better ones who are recurring were already on my other list. But, of the small pool that did qualify, I'm judging them based on:
How much I personally liked them / how compelling I thought the character was
How well the guest star did
How much of a threat they were to Red, the Task Force, the public in general, etc. OR if they were an ally, how much the character adds to Red's or the Task Force's goals
I don't have quite as much time to tackle these entries as I have my previous two lists, so I'm only going to put like a paragraph of explanation for each. Also, no honorable mentions this time.
So, without further ado, let's begin:
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I don't really care for Isabella Stone, but it was either her or the Pavlovich Brothers, and I care about them even less. I don't remember much about Stone, other than she was played by that actress who played Jan on "The Office," and at the end of her namesake episode, Red has her chained up in a walk-in freezer or something. I don't remember what she did, or why she was a threat to the Task Force/Red. I know she was hired by Kaplan to do some bullshit, but I don't remember what it was or how she did it.
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I'm not really one for all the cults that this show does. It seems like they try to have 1-2 per season; but I actually didn't mind this one and thought it might be the best cult we've seen so far. It had kind of a "The Village" vibe to it, although I'm still trying to figure out how Moore convinced all those people to join him out in the woods. Anyway, the only reason I included him is because I like the actor -- he played The Warden on "Shawshank Redemption" -- and I thought the way he tricked Aram into getting him his Bible so he could kill himself was kind of clever.
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I also don't really care for the Major, but I thought the actor did well in his scenes with Spader. Plus, he seemed to create a lot of problems (read: drama) for Tom and Liz, with trying to tempt Tom back into a life of crime when he was trying to go straight in S3b. (Am I remembering that right?) Again, I honestly don't really care for or about him, but I thought he was around enough and played a big enough role in Tom's, Liz's and Red's lives that he deserved a spot.
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Another Blacklister I don't really care about. (Almost makes you wonder why I bothered compiling this list.) Don't get me wrong. I think Famke Janssen is an underrated actress, and I enjoyed her weird dynamic with Spader in their scenes. I didn't like how she ended up being Tom's mother; I didn't like her ham-handed way of telling those one random dudes about her backstory. She's so open it's like she might as well be an audio-book version of her character. But, again, I think that's more how she was written than how Janssen played her. Even though I don't care about the whole Hargrave/Tom spin-off with "The Blacklist: Redemption," I still think she was an intimidating enough villain in her own right, as she was responsible for breaking Mathias Solomon out of prison and sic-ing him onto Liz while she and Tom were trying to get married. It's interesting that Hargrave was ultimately responsible for attacking her son's wedding and almost getting him killed, and endangering her future daughter-in-law and granddaughter. It's the kind of irony you'd see in a George R.R. Martin work. So, even while I don't like her, I think she deserves a spot because of the impact she had and the threat she posed at the time. Plus, I did think it was badass when Red shot her in the arm and she barely cared.
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Okay, NOW we're starting to get into "I actually kind of like these people" territory. I mean, I don't actually like Tom Connolly. If he were a real person, I would want to punch him in the face. But, as a character, I think he's more compelling than any of the previous entries on this list. Granted, he became a little cartoonish and over-the-top there at the end, but he posed a serious threat. And even though he was introduced to us as "a little too good to not want something" from Cooper / the Task Force, I appreciate that the writers at least TRIED to make his loyalties a little ambiguous or 'on the side of the angels' when he was first introduced. Granted, I don't think it really worked, but they tried. The actor also did a pretty decent job, and I thought his final confrontation with Liz and Cooper (where Liz ends up shooting and killing Connolly) was well-done. It was certainly the most shocking death of a Blacklister I can think of. As mustache-twirling as he was, he still posed a serious threat for Liz, Red and the Task Force. In threatening to kill them or end their careers, he pushed Liz into a no-win situation where if she shot him in an attempt to stop his machinations, the Cabal won by being able to turn her into a criminal. And if she did nothing, they would still win. Okay, anyway, moving on:
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I really like the character of Smokey. He's a little wacky, but cheerful and light -- which is something the show desperately needed after the morbid, dark and depressing S4b. Granted, I think how the show introduced him (as someone for Red to track down as a bounty hunter-type person) was a bit forced. But, oh well. I like what Smokey brings to the show and to Red's crew. I also think the actor does a good job keeping up with Spader while also bringing his own bit of weird flair to the show.
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So, I really just love John Noble, and appreciated that the show was able to nab him to play one of the Blacklisters. And a pretty unique Blacklister at that. I thought his gimmick was really cool and unique, and while I could've done without him killing off all the people he recruited to be doubles, I guess it makes sense. I actually enjoyed when the show brought him back to turn that one guy into a double of Ian Garvey -- that was a nice little twist. I thought his interaction with Spader at the end of his namesake episode was a little too long, but still a hoot to see those two sharing a screen.
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Our first-ever female Blacklister on the show, Gina Zanetakos was a serious badass. She was clever, fast, brutal and sexy. She absolutely demolishes both Ressler and Liz in fist-fights and she nearly kills Tom. She was quite a force to be reckoned with, both in her initial appearance and in subsequent episodes, and I really appreciated when the show brought her back in S3b. (Which, side note, did she get killed off on the show? I don't remember.) If she wasn't killed off, I certainly wouldn't mind her making a return appearance.
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So, fun fact: Karakurt is actually played by two different actors -- one in S2 and a different guy for S3. Not anything I hold against the character. It’s just interesting. Anyway, Karakurt is probably the most threatening Blacklister on this list for our Post Office crew. He easily manipulated Liz into killing a U.S. Senator and even more easily set up the OREA bombing to make it look like her fault. In comparison with his S2 showings, I think his S3 appearances are less-than. He just kind of hung out as a plot device for Tom to track down, beat up and threaten. Much less intimidating, although I appreciate that he didn’t give up trying to get one over on Tom, et al, and escape whenever he had the chance. Just what I’d expect of a Russian assassin and Blacklister extraordinaire.
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A weird choice to put at #1, maybe, but I really like the character of Marvin Gerard. He’s just so different from most of the other Blacklisters that we see, in no part because of the fact that HE WAS ALREADY IN CUSTODY when he was introduced. Instead of Red giving the Task Force a name so they can track them down and put them IN JAIL, Red asked for Gerard to be brought to him so that he could break him OUT OF JAIL. Unlike most Blacklisters, or hell just characters on this show in general, Marvin Gerard is very calm, collected, calculated and can talk sense into Red when few other people can. But, he also feels very grounded in reality. He just kind of seemingly wandered into a hostage situation in 3x02 like “IDK what I’m doing here. WTF is going on?!?!” and then just kind of got back into a groove with helping Red and Liz with their plans -- both in 3x02 and throughout the rest of S3a. And, speaking of: whatever happened to Marvin Gerard? I feel like Red called him in Cape May about shutting down his business or something, but I don’t think we’ve seen him since 3x10. Hopefully he makes another appearance on the show, because I really appreciated how unique he was as a Blacklister and what he brought to the show as a character and to Red’s team as an asset.
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Change of Direction
Bucky was a fighter. Always had been. Since he was a kid, he was always getting into fights, even if it was unintentional, and sometimes it was because he was standing up for Steve. He never regretted it if it was for Steve. Considering his past it was surprising that he couldn’t shake it. Fighting was what he did. It was what he was good at, and with no other real skills other than the ones necessary to be an assassin what other choice was there? The result was to take part in illegal fights. It earnt him money and let him survive and live comfortably. He got paid quite a lot if he won and played by their rules, but he never kept it all. It went elsewhere. One night, Bucky was fighting. He won, which didn’t surprise him. He was trained and these were nothing but people off the street looking to earn money. In a sense, it wasn’t fair for them. Just as he was getting his jacket on and ready to leave to go to bed and bandage himself up he was approached by a woman. Tall, long black hair that was clearly dyed. Her eye brows were thing and she had a sense of authority about her. It was a little intimidating. Even for Bucky when he saw her. She was just stood there silently as she watched him. She must have seen the drugs slip into his pockets and the money too.  “Can I help you?” He asked when he saw her. Now this woman he hadn’t seen before. He was certain of that.  “Perhaps. You are James Buchanan Barnes, are you not?” She had an accent, he wasn’t sure from where but she wasn’t all American as much as she put on an accent. He gave a nod. “Roman send you? I swear to go I’ll kill the bastard. We had a deal. So, what are you, part of the FBI or Sandstorm?” “Neither and I’ve no idea who Roman is.” She said and took a step forward making Bucky take the step back. For some reason this woman put him on edge. “Then what the fuck do you want?” He was starting to lose his patience with the woman. She just needed to answer the question, but he could see what she was doing. What everyone did. “And no mincing around the answer this time.” “To help you. You are a marvellous fighter and one we could use. You see we have the smart one, the computer guy, the two that partner up and the boss. We don’t really have someone only for fighting and we know you can do that. And more I’m betting. I will make sure you’re safe, off everyone’s radar. And the drugs… We’ll get you off them.” She seemed to think that this was fair trade, and for some it may have been. Not for Bucky. “So, I fight for you and you keep me safe and keep me off drugs.” He shook his head and laughed. “No way. I’m done being owned by someone.” The woman sighed and sat down. Why couldn’t people just leave him alone? He was coping. He was managing. Poorly, and he knew that but he would always deny it. Ignoring his protests she started speaking again. “My name is Susan Hargrave. We are a company compiled of criminals or should I put it, people who have been in trouble with the law and we do the job of the police but privately and often we do it… with questionable ethics. Join us. You’ll be safe and able to make a living legally and safely. You won’t have to fight anymore. Well you’ll be fighting for us. You’ll like our team. Tom Keen, Matias Solomon, Dumont and Nez Rowan. You’ll like them.” She was obviously trying to put him at ease. Listing out the names like that. It was also a risk. If he decided that he wanted nothing to do with them he now had names. “What exactly would I be doing?” His interest had peeked. Maybe this was what he needed. Steve might be happy to realise that he wasn’t fighting anymore. A smile cracked on her thin lips. Hargrave did seem to actually care which was strange for him. “Helping us on cases. Obviously being undercover isn’t your thing. Your arm would give you away, so would be standby and questioning.”  “That’s a nice way of saying the decoy, bodyguard and torturer.” “Yes. Problem?” Bucky smiled and shook his head. “I’m in.”
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ventingblacklist · 7 years
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I regret what happened to Elizabeth Keen. But her kidnapping was simply a business decision. You of all people should recognize that. We all do what we have to in order to survive....
Survival is all relative. There are limits, even for people like us. Especially for people like us.
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Susan Hargrave
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krism23 · 7 years
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Tom Keen Week Day 3: Favorite Mother/Son Moment...What are you gonna do? Shoot your own son?
An unconventional pick, this was almost my heartbreaking moment but I loved the interaction so much that I chose it as favorite scene. It was raw and cold and Ryan and Famke brought it. She was conflicted but cold enough to still beat her own son if it meant getting what she thought was necessary. And his face of being conflicted and hurt through all of this charged the scene with a lot of emotion along with the action. His changed of expression right before he twists the gun from being pointed at his head is amazing. 
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world-of-ryan · 3 years
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Tom Keen aka “Christopher Hargrave” & Scottie Hargrave
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Petition for Scottie Hargrave to come back! 
Maybe she has some unfinished business with Red. 
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they can bond over their children and grandhild
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asktheblacklist · 8 years
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The Blacklist RP group will be accepting applications for Scottie Hargrave until Monday, March 13. We will be choosing our new team member early next week.
If you are interested in applying for the amazing Susan “Scottie” Hargrave, send your app in here:
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blacklister214 · 8 years
Scottie’s and Tom’s “Sexual Tension”
There have been a few comments on my dash about the Scottie’s leg, keycard scene. I believe that Scottie’s comment and accompanying look was meant to be sexual in nature, however I don’t think it necessarily follows that Scottie has sexual feelings towards Tom. I think a number of possibilities exist for why she would make the comment:
1) Scottie is trying to figure out if Tom knows he is her son. I realize in early interviews they said Scottie doesn’t know, but in later interviews they seem to walk that back, making it a question. There was a Friends episode where two of the characters were secretly in a relationship and their other friends found out about it. The other friends forced the couple to admit the truth by hitting on the man until he became too uncomfortable and cracked. We may be seeing a version of that here. Scottie is doing something the would maybe piss him off if he didn’t know they were related, but would majorly freak him out if he did.
2) It  was purely mission related.Tom needed an excuse to be grabbing that card and given where they decided to stick the reader, the look and the comment would help sell it. 
3) Scottie is trying to figure out the best way to manipulate Tom, in order to keep him working for her. She is assessing if sex would work as a possible tactic. Remember when she put the oil guy’s hand on her boob? She was not sexually attracted to him, but she was attempting to use sex to control his behavior. I’m sure its a habit of a life time, given her beauty and her business. 
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gateruner · 8 years
I can’t wait for this!  I love me some Tom Keen! 
I hope this spinoff is good.  Plus I love Famke Janssen.  So it’s got potential.  Also loved Edi Gathegi as Solomon.  I hadn’t ever seen him before Blacklist but his character is so intriguing.
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