#sw tcws
warsamongthestars · 6 months
The thing about Echo, is that he's a contrast / parallel. The difference is, he isn't a contrast / parallel to The Clone Trooper's Clone Trooper, Captain Rex.
And he isn't the Contrast Parallel to Fives.
( And he sure as fuck isn't the contrast / parallel to Darth Vader, or whatever the hell TBBshow tries to claim )
... He's the Contrast / Parallel to Darth Maul.
We're talking Two Brilliant Tacticians who run on Loyalty, who were placed through straights that resulted in the loss of limb (specifically the lower body), who are the trail blazers of their brother duo (Maul with Savage, Echo with Fives) for whom they are in the lead of, and inevidably lose to Sidious (Fives indirectly, Savage very directly), who are well read in their respective philosophies (Echo with clone regulations, Maul with sith doctrine)...
( Both have a terrible neurotic tendency of getting into everything, impulsively, and acting like they were meant to be there all along--they're like Tookas, I swear. )
"Resurrected" with a purpose, and each wear a Crown after their respective "deaths", with only their skin up their bones as a cost to surviving.
That's the truest parallel.
The contrast is that Echo never Broke. Born into a system that would use him and his brothers, seeing far too much death, and experiencing it himself-- Echo bounces back from his experiences.
Just because the system wasn't loyal to him, doesn't mean that he compromises himself or goes on a war path (though I can imagine he would want to--but not without just cause, and that means not sacrificing your brothers for it).
Just because he can no longer fit with his brothers, doesn't mean he stops caring about them.
He remains solid because he is truest to himself, and the self he gives is the kind that remains a loyal steadfast soldier, who understands that he is likely going to give his life to a bigger galaxy, but that's no reason to destroy the people around you or yourself.
Maul is the opposite. He broke. He had all the opportunity to walk away, and instead, he went on the warpath. He could have walked away and learned to dettach himself from the darkside, and instead, he spent 20 years on Divergence, Vengeance, Vengeance, and destroyed everyone near him for it. Eventually, the only way to stop him, was that an aspect of the bigger Story, Obi-wan Kenobi, finally encountered him and made him stop.
Thanks to Rebels, there is implication that Echo's story is not going to end with him living.
( But TBBShow has told me "Fuck you" before too, and its never been in a good surprising way... )
And like how Rex brought Echo back into the fight, Echo's death will likely be Why Rex leaves the Fight.
This would complete the parallel. That the bigger good would stop Maul... and the bigger Evil, will stop Echo.
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redn1ghtcrawler · 29 days
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Was supposed to be a warmup but eh…
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adh-d2 · 5 months
One of my favorite pieces of canon continuity is that clones cannot lie for shit
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ofburntorangesuns · 3 months
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Rex ol' boy
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cobaltbeam · 1 year
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Rex won't stand by that bs
Consider joining Patreon for extra content!
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raphaerolo · 8 months
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My favourite father son duo
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clonemmunism · 3 months
Everytime i read an AU where the war ends and the clones get rights and everything i cant help but wonder how they would dress.
You have these guys who have literally NEVER had to dress themselves. There were always uniforms and they have primarily been around clones and jedi and then the war is over and they just have to start?? Wearing normal clothes??
I feel like this scenario would end in some of the most horrendous outfits the galaxy has ever seen. Just millions of very very badly dressed men.
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amarcia · 25 days
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I've had this silly headcanon for a while that Anakin simply saw Padme give birth in his vision and got absolutely dramatic over it. "She will die!" "No Skywalker it always looks this way"
@jedijune 04 Cross-lineage mentorship
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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sabellart · 1 year
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he was the cool uncle
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inspired by this post^
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captain-mozzarella · 2 months
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Obi and his padawans :3
I wanted to redraw this but I thought it would be more fun if I did a continuation instead :))))
My original file was apparently too big X)
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echo-coyote · 4 months
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Ahsoka and Obi Wan having a chat at the Jedi temple
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warsamongthestars · 4 months
Ever notice how TBB, inspite of teasing a Clone story line, is not actually about clones?
Yes, we get new Clones. They are a joy, as any clone are.
Yes, we get a brief skim over the problems of having a Clone Army under a Corrupt governing force--especially if that Clone Armies secret objective had been the overthrow of the last governing force.
But name a clone, that isn't the super special awesome squad or the mary sue, that actually had impact here.
Lemme tell you, anything you answer results in:
They're dead now... and the survivor never got involved in the plot.
They only serve to keep the Super Special Awesome Squad out of any significant plot, and then they stay off screen.
They left and haven't been heard from since. (and their absense of exit or acknowledgement of thought processes, made it so that their impact was negligible at best.)
TBB, inspite of literally setting itself up to be the Sequel of the Clone Wars from the perspective of clones, does not, in fact, have a clone story line that contains Impact.
And I'm gonna tell you now--the Super Special Awesome Squad? Does Not Count.
You do not count the outlier of the statistic. These guys are the outsiders, they are design and specified to be outside of the norm for Clones.
Look, I love these boys, but they are literally introduced as the super special awesome totally original characters of the Clone Wars--The difference between them and the Donut Steel of TBB, is that the Super Special Awesome Squad did not take away from the main characters of the clone Wars, but actually added to them.
Their appearance left a lot of questions, and their writting left us wanting for more--the issue is, we did not get either in TBB. They do not have the set up necessary to make them capable of having a Post Order 66 Era Impact. ( IN fact, TBB does its damnest to ensure a total lack of impact at all. )
As their greatest strengths as characters that would push them to have impact and meaning, and into a greater storyline or series of stoyrlines--Their Character Dynamics--was destroyed episode 1 and would never be repaired in this show.
TBB show is not about Clones, which is an almost hilariously contradicotry thing, considering it features clones and parts of the aftermath of Order 66.
Because not a single one of them had impact beyond speculation.
And that also includes the Super Special Awesome Squad.
There is no impact here that doesn't involve cutting the tree down to save a single branch.
The show's actual intent is, making you watch other shows... mostly those who have Omega in them, and giving you just enough to keep going, but not enough to give any substance.
[ Surely, hat's totally why I want watched the Bad Batch--to see everyone but the Bad Batch. I sure do love watching shows that go out of their way to have nothing to do themselves. ]
Yes, we got a totally of 1 Episode dedicated fully to normal Clone Troopers and the aftermath of Order 66... but only from the perspective of the destruction of Kamino as opposed to the perspective of the Clone Wars. And while it was awesome; because it was actually focused on being what the Sequel of the Clone Wars would've / should've been. This episode, I'm afraid however, is the Spiders Georg of TBB here... And even then, it still holds the issues of TBB of attempting to be a self-contained alternate universe whilst also attempting to tie and bury everything and anything. (The Kanan comic, Dark Disciple, Republic Commando--frankly whoever has been writing here, has gone out of its way to insult and spit on other SW works by ensuring they rob all impact. TBB Writing isn't just poisonous to itself... it also actively poisoned the wells of other Works)
Project Necromancer doesn't count, because 1) Any Acknowledgement of the SW Sequels will already negate any meaningful impact of Star Wars period; and because 2) The TBB never got involved with the Clone Plot to begin with, beyond the Super Special Awesome Squad (Who didn't have the setup) and the Mary Sue. ( Whom we weren't here to watch. Some folks might've been drawn to her--But I wasn't and neither was the Trailer or the Clone Wars. I'm already here for a group of TCW OCs, I'm not here for an additional super special awesome donut steel... Her appearance literally robs the impact of Fucking Everything because Nothing has the Set Up to allow for her. She would've been a great character in Clone Wars, because Clone Wars had that backdrop to support her character--TBB doesn't. TBB went out of its way to avoid the TCWs foundations, so now it cut itself off from any meaningful story it could've made. )
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anakinisvaderisanakin · 4 months
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There they all are. In live action and cartoon form. Glorious.
Most people seem to willfully forget Padmé. I'm not most people.
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phantasm-echo · 4 months
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Cody and Obi-Wan are such parents—
they mean so much to me ;-;
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blackseafoam · 3 months
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✨ Nerra ✨
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voidartisan · 5 months
we talk a lot about the Jedi being the only group of people in the galaxy who consistently see the clones as people. but what if it goes both ways. if clones are little more than droids, then Jedi are the knights out of fairy tales and romance novels. the galaxy's perceptions and preconceptions are much like anakin's in tpm. the jedi are immortable infallible unkillable. they are paragons of virtue and light and intelligence. they are not people so much as concepts. legends. superheroes.
these people are as removed from the Jedi as they are from the clones. maybe even more so. the clones work with the Jedi every day. the clones see them make mistakes. simple human* errors. they see them mourn and rage and laugh. they see them try. so hard. they see them fail. they see them fall.
their Jedi are people. and the clones love them all the more for it.
subhuman clones and superhuman jedi
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