#swan twins au
candy-cryptid · 11 months
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accidentally received therapy from gay skeletons
Alternates + ref under the cut
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I honestly couldn’t decide which one I liked more
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syscciht · 15 days
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3 am incest is wincest ft haze and antitehr friend muahahah
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fangirltothefullest · 2 months
How many AUs have you made? Any and all fandoms, if you had to count them. And also, what was the first AU you ever made?
If I went down the list of AUs for EVERY fandom I have ever been in it's going to turn into this:
I have WAY too many, I have ADHD, and if I invent an au for one fandom it's been reused in EVERY fandom I've been in....
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i very honestly and wholeheartedly love the fanon interpretation of emmett and bella as 'the chaos twins' and i will always need more of them™
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dyinggirldied · 1 month
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She can be Jen's evil twin. Just saying.
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thatwritingho · 10 months
Strap... Pregnancy?
Pairing: Relish Rating: Explicit Summary: What the title says! A direct follow up to Strap Breeding. Completely AU! Inspired by the posts going around about strap getting you pregnant in the mtl universe, and by my buddy m3ga's strap pregnancy post! Also featuring Robin Greeves, who belongs to m3ga! Tagging: @m3gahet
Read on AO3 here!
It wasn't until weeks later that news of a mysterious new strap-on which was magically causing pregnancy caught Pickles’ eye, the drummer freezing at the headline, blood running cold. He didn't fully understand the science of it, nor did he care to, as the important facts stood out — the strap increased libido of the wearer, allowing them to cum harder, mixing in their own bodily fluid with the cum lube, warping the structure of their genetic makeup only enough to allow copulation.
Pickles had been ravenous these last few weeks, fucking like an animal while mostly using his favorite new squirting strap-on. A strap-on, it was now dawning on him, that made him cum really, really hard. A strap-on that he rarely had to refill.
Olive had her tubes tied, but��� she had been waking up sick the last few days, had been moodier than usual, and come to think of it… when was her last period?
And… when was Robin's?
When he made it to Olive's room, he found her in her bathroom, staring at the pregnancy test in hand, another on the black marble counter. He could see the two lines on both sticks from where he stood.
When she didn't speak, he inhaled a breath, floundering for words but beginning a sentence all the same, "Oliv-"
"Did you see the news, too?"
Mouth dry, he nodded, "Y-yeah."
"Incredible, huh?"
Pierced brows furrowed, "I-I guess, dat's one words fer it, but-"
"I mean, like, scientifically. That this can even happen at all... it's incredible, huh? Like, how amazing is this? For humanity as a whole? For all the couples who couldn't have children together before, and now they can? Like, holy shit!" Olive's face had lit up, eyes sparkling as she spoke. It was adorable, but Pickles' stomach sunk further the longer she avoided the problem at hand, "And, the doors that have been opened, here, altering genetic material to this level without compromising the integrity of-"
"Olive. Honey. Sweetheart," Pickles interrupted before she could go further, approaching her with weak knees to grip her shoulders in trembling hands, kneeling to her level, attempting to be strong for her, "...yer pregnant."
Dark eyes closed for a moment, and he could tell she was grinding her tongue ring on her teeth. Her gaze met his again, and she nodded, 'Yeah. I know."
Pickles released a shuddering, shaky breath, 'O-okee. So, uh," he hated to ask, because it didn't really matter, but it also did, "Do you, uh, yanno. Do yah know who's it is?"
Pursing her lips, she nodded — Pickles had been insatiable for weeks, and as such she had been largely tangled up with him, sleeping with the other guys less frequently.
"No one else has cum inside in weeks."
Blood turning to ice in his veins, Pickles nodded, nervously thumbing over her shoulders, "Okee. Okee. So, uh... what-" he licked his lips, closing his eyes, head spinning a bit as he attempted to process this whirlwind of circumstance. Again, he hated to ask, but it was a question that needed to happen, "what do yah wanna do?"
Her small, warm hand cupped his face, and Pickles leaned into the comforting touch.
"Hey. Breathe. Don't need you fainting on me, baby."
Nodding, Pickles inhaled a few deep breaths, laying his head in her lap.
"What do you want to do?"
"It's yer body, babe. It's up to you if yah wanna go through with this."
Silence enveloped them for a few moments, his hand finding hers. Finally, she spoke, voice soft, "I- I can't believe I'm saying this, but... I don't know. And... I guess my answer not immediately being "No," like I thought it would, means..."
Pickles lifted his head, green eyes meeting dark, a flurry of mixed emotions in both their eyes.
"So... you wanna have a baby?"
"I- I think so..." Olive couldn't believe herself, couldn't believe the words she was saying. But as she gazed down at Pickles, she knew her answer, "Yeah. Yes. Do... do you?"
Swallowing, Pickles felt tears burn the backs of his eyes, throat tightening. Lips pressing to her knuckles in a kiss, he nodded, "Y-yeah."
A smile lit up her face, and Pickles melted, "Olive, I-"
A swift knock to the door frame interrupted, a shock of soft blonde hair popping through the threshold, and Pickles blanched.
This was not how he wanted to talk to Robin about this!
"Olive, I really need to talk to you. It's important," Dark eyes took in the scene before her, widening as they landed on the two sticks on the counter, "Fuck... you, too?"
Dark eyes mirrored hers, widening comically, shocked, "Me, too? So, then you're..."
"Damn...” With a small, nervous giggle, Olive shook her head to clear her thoughts, then held out a hand, reaching for the blonde, “What're the odds?”
Robin hesitated for a moment, glancing down to Pickles, then back to Olive, but strode forward to hold her hand nonetheless, squeezing tightly as Olive ran her thumb over Robin's knuckles.
Robin knew the answer already, but had to be sure, so asked with bated breath, "Do you know who the father is?”
“Yeah…” Olive nodded down to the drummer still knelt before her, "Crazy, right? What about you?"
The atmosphere became tense, the air thick. Robin was quiet, then exhaled a held breath, murmuring a small fuck it. Squeezing Olive's hand, she nodded down to the drummer, as well.
When Olive froze, Robin feared she would be angry, somehow, despite Olive knowing Robin and Pickles were involved. But after a few tense moments of Robin and Pickles both squeezing the absolute life out of Olive's hands, she giggled.
And kept giggling.
Continuing on until it became full blown laughter, releasing their hands to cover her face as she snorted, Robin and Pickles staring at her in shock. Though, Pickles couldn't help but begin to laugh as well, Olive's infecting him, and soon he was doubled over with his head in her lap.
It took a few moments longer, but, when Olive leaned her head against Robin's stomach for support, weak with the laughter shaking her, and placed a soft hand on Robin's lower abdomen, giggling out "We're... we're both... he got us both... with a STRAP!" Robin broke, too, giggles overtaking her, snorting her laughter right along with Olive. Robin’s hand sought out the one over her womb, laying softly over Olive’s, a gentle warmth filling her chest as the three continued to laugh over the ridiculous situation. With a snort, Robin managed to speak between giggles,
“Pregnant by a fucking strap.”
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 29 days
Don't mind me just imagining an au where Bells had twins, Demon Spawn and a boy who upon seeing him named him Charles Emmett for her dad and her new brother Emmett.
C. E is basically identical to Bells, and once older looks identical to Charlie but with wild curls
And Bells and the others pay more attention to C.E bc turns out he's more human, and due to the rushed pregnancy he looked like a premie baby born at 6 months.
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What if when Sophie came to the lost cities the black swan had been overthrown, and their leaders arrested. So by the time she arrived, she doesn’t have that same support. I think it’d take the story in a crazy, but fun new direction.
oh that would be very interesting--not only would she have significantly less guidance at the start of the series, but depending on how the Black Swan were handled, the attitude towards Sophie could be quite different; she'd be the product of known convicted criminals, not just the odd human girl.
She was observed when she first arrived, but I imagine that would've been much more intense in this situation. I wonder when she would've arrived, actually. Because Alden didn't find Sophie by his own work, Mr. Forkle led him to her. So without him, when on earth would Sophie have been brought to their world? Would they have discovered that sort of information through a mind break and located her around the same time, or would years pass?
I'm imagining the Mr. Forkle who posed as her neighbor might've escaped being arrest, which would create an interesting dynamic with her having one singular influence and resource.
But that aside, without the rest of the Black Swan able to work masterfully behind the scenes, there'd be no notes, no clues to prompt hidden memories. It would require a lot more work on Sophie's part to figure things out--which, depending on when she was brought to the lost cities and how (agreeing it was the best decision vs council forcing her, for example), she may or may not be capable of.
I'm also curious how that would impact her morals and sense of right; we see her learning from and guided by the Black Swan for most of the series before she branches out, following their methodology and beliefs on the limits. If they were never there, what's stopping her from going a step further much sooner? Especially if she's being more heavily monitored/judged and in order to make any impact she has to push harder--side note: I feel like in that case she might become similar to Tam in her disdain, she didn't do anything but exist and need help and this is what they did?
Would she be allowed to attend Foxfire with a significant association with a serious criminal organization? Even if she hasn't done anything yet, she might. And if she doesn't go to Foxfire (or is too old when brought), her friend group would be entirely different. She might not even have a friend group and it would instead be her against the world, perhaps a few misfits gathered along the way. Fitz might still be around because he found her, but Biana might stay bratty. She wouldn't meet Marella or Jensi, and she wouldn't have been adopted by the Ruewens (because confirmed huge Black Swan association when he thinks they killed Jolie? no way) so no meeting Dex. If she doesn't go to Foxfire, I could see them sending her to Exillium, in which case she might keep Tam and Linh as friends--but with a very different dynamic, since I think Sophie would be incredibly bitter.
Actually now that I'm thinking about this maybe she'd be picked up by the Neverseen. At least temporarily and in the same way that Rayni was--not that she's for their atrocities, but because they extended a hand when no one else did. Which!! Could then be an interesting exploration on how she wasn't a criminal, but via seeing her as one/as dangerous they limited her options and made her into one. She wouldn't have joined the Neverseen if they'd treated her properly, but they didn't, so now she did. Except they don't see it as their fault, as a consequence of their boxing her in, but instead as confirmation of what they always feared.
indeed, Nonsie, there is a lot of potential for a very different but fascinating story here. I've barely scratched the surface of all the implications and everything you could do with it!
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NADA !!! be pretentious and press release about Children of Dust
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I think I became too pretentious with those two specifically that I'm this close to forgetting Martín doesn't have two biological children in canon LMFAO.
My press release is, though, that I sadly had to postpone the sequel because of the Swan's Symphony.
I intended to write both of them at the same time the same way I originally wrote Children and Who in the Sunshine. It worked well with the balance of a serious, darker verse with something light and hearty like Children.
BUT for a good moment there, I forgot that the Swan and Sequel are both heavily heist-oriented, which complicates things and annoys me because I'd have to keep track of how two heists will go, a decent amount of action scenes, multiple povs in both fics, etc.
However, I'm nearly done with the first part of Swan, and I think I might take a break from it then and write a couple of Sequel chapters. I'll see how it goes but that's what I'm hoping for.
Another thing to announce is that baby twins are now old enough to earn their own povs alongside the others!
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etherbonded · 2 years
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Yoshizawa Sumire was left hurt badly by the accident that day, and while most believe she died on scene she didn't. No, she was alive but it was kept secret from Kasumi in order to keep her future successful without Sumire 'holding her back' and she's adopted by a family friend of theirs. She heard the conversation while on the hospital bed. She knows her father just wished to get rid of her, but she was okay with it. For Sumire was tired of feeling like a shadow to her sister, and besides, her sister would be able to probably move on over it.
Sumire hadn't known that her sister wasn't aware of her being alive. When she tried to reach out during the very beginning of her first year when she was at KOSEI by a letter, the letter she received back made her turn her back on her sister. Not caring to reach out anymore because of the fact it's perfectly written in the same way Kasumi does and it says that she's happier now without her and she'd prefer to keep Sumire out of her life forever to put it in short.
She thrives in Kosei's environment, she's a brilliant mind who seems to be able to do just about ANYTHING she tries to do. Though, very quiet, she also is known for her kindness too. Though, her surname is no longer Yoshizawa, she doesn't want anything to do with that surname. You could evern say Yoshizawa Sumire DIED that day,
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djdiamond18803 · 5 months
AU where Apollo joined Kronos after Zeus imprisoned him as a punishment (based on this post AU I did years ago)
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I wanted to make his design look mysterious but have a hint of something powerful underneath (like being pissed at Zeus) Also here's his form during the fight in New York.
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I made his hair wing like to represent his patron bird, the swan (which I found out is considered a symbol of harmony and beauty).
Also, I gave him horns is because I was inspired by some AUs where the twins have horns because of their Titan side.
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skzhua · 7 months
'down into the hollow' series (coming soon)
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synopsis: pixie hollow has never been better. each fairy fulfills their responsibility as they should. all of them? some may be distracted with a certain visitor called love.
genre: fairies!stray kids, fantasy!au, tinkerbell universe, fluff mostly, slow burn, genre depends on each story.
warnings: swearing, suggestive for some of them, all are female reader.
note: they can be read individually, but they are all interrelated. (i used the same names as my 'your eyes' series because i have no inspiration when it comes to names)
note 2: click on the hearts to read!
status: coming soon...
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♡ "Follow the melody in your heart."
pairing: music fairy!bang chan x dust keeper!reader.
genre: strangers-to-lovers, fluff, angst.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, lots of complaining, chan is clueless as hell.
summary: unlike your friend, jisung, you adore being a dust keeper. getting to participate in the magic of the fairies makes you ecstatic. or maybe, it has something to do with the musician who practices near the pixie hollow tree almost every day.
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♡ "Can you keep up?"
pairing: fast-flying fairy!lee minho x fast-flying fairy!reader.
genre: enemies-to-lovers (everyone's fav trope), fluff, angst.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, insults, talks of depression.
summary: as much as minho loves the simplicity of his life, a new fairy arriving in pixie hollow comes in to ruin his perfectly quiet routine. not only that, but she dares to steal the show as one of their fastest fairies they've ever had.
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♡ "I'd build a house for you."
pairing: tinker fairy!seo changbin x animal fairy!reader.
genre: slice of life, friends-to-lovers, lots of fluff.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing.
summary: as one of the best tinker fairies, changbin is the fairy to go to when in need. when a squirrel accident occurs, the only person you think of is him. only, this wouldn't be the first time you'd visit the kind fairy.
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♡ "I followed the current until I reached a waterfall that made me fall for you."
pairing: water fairy!hwang hyunjin x light fairy!reader.
genre: fluff, angst.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, hyunjin is a romanticist, talks of loneliness.
summary: you and your brother have a specific routine. in charge of the sunrise and the sunset, you are used to watching them. when you are tasked with rainbows making one day, the water fairy you are paired with takes your breath away.
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♡ "Sometimes, you only need a little bit of dust."
pairing: dust keeper!han jisung x music fairy!reaader.
genre: fluff, fluff, fluff!
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, jisung stares a lot.
summary: jisung never liked being a dust keeper. while the others get to play and fly around all day, he stares at the golden flakes for hours on end. on one of his many staring sessions at the other fairies, the music crew begins to play what can only be described as the most magical melody he has the chance to hear. their singer? you.
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♡ "I never thought I'd see something shinier than the light."
pairing: light fairy!lee felix x garden fairy!reader.
genre: best friend's brother, fluff.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing.
summary: befriending someone who is a twin means two things. one; you are blessed with all the family secrets. two; you might ask about the other twin's a little too much.
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♡ "They say swans find their forever partner."
pairing: animal fairy!kim seungmin x music fairy!reader.
genre: forced proximity, fluff.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, suggestive.
summary: as you fly over to the daily rehearsal with the music fairies, birds coming your way changes your path and leads you to a dark cavern where the clumsy animal fairy misguided the flying beasts. it might take a while before the both of you get out, might as well make the most of it.
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♡ "Growing flowers is kind of my thing."
pairing: garden fairy!yang jeongin x dust keeper!reader.
genre: strangers-to-lovers, fluff.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing.
summary: he comes every day at the pixie hollow tree, and you observe him every time. you don't know him, he doesn't know you. somehow, the pink flowers he brings every now and then begin to grab your curiosity.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard | @jihanlovic | @soobin-chois | @jinxwhore28 | @purplelandsworld | @yeojoongiee | @smugrogerina | @jaehyunicecream | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @syprosight | @thesassy-mia | @chaotic-world-of-the-j | @heartsforlevi | @miyakoa | @seungincore | @skzsilentcryy | @kpopsstuffs | @tinyelfperson | @chrizzztopherbang | @yukichan67 | @realrintaro | @nujeskz | @cookiemonstermusic258
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Copyright © 2024 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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Noirceur | JJK | Main Part
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Pairing: demon! Jungkook x fem! human! Reader
Summary: A kiss. A curse. A tangled fate. A dark soul. His love breaks your fate, your bond cures his death. And a poetic dance that he traps you in, along with your own song that only he can hear. A story told wrong or in which Jungkook finds his lover after swimming through centuries of lost time and cursed minds.
Warnings: fluff?, angst, demon! Jungkook, black swan! Jungkook because I'm obsessed, toxic love, soft yandere?, obsession, implied kidnapping, dark fantasy, magic, curses, spells, blood, minor injuries, anxiety and feelings related to it, non-con kissing, kinda creepy, mentions of death, poetic writing, (let me know if I missed anything!)
Word Count: 3.1k words
A/N: I wrote this one in one sitting O.O, let me know what you think in the comments, darlings! Also, who else is obsessed with Black Swan Jungkook? Because I certainly am and this fic was inspired by the music video and my own ideas :D.
ALSO, this au is open for further parts if you request anything, darling! My inbox is open, lovelies xxx. This story will go how you like and I'll link all the parts into a Main Masterlist when something is requested for this story.
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
Noirceur: (noun). The state of being pitch black in colour; a state of lacking illumination.
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The stories you have heard all your life were true. You didn't doubt it anymore.
From purity to evil. From light to the darkest night. A loneliness that turned into love, it morphed into an obsession. A claymation of a life, a soul. A being. A heart.
In the depths of hell where shadows writhe,
A demon walks, his heart alive.
His eyes, twin flames, burn with desire,
To find a soul, his dark empire.
The legend had changed, because Jungkook did not live in hell. His empire was situated over this very Earth. He had searched for centuries for that part of him, that part of him that was still alive. That part of his heart that was still beating and that should not fear him. That soulmate that was given to him by fate itself. That soulmate he wanted to claim. That lover he needed to possess.
He felt it when you entered the abandoned castle of arts, the large opera house where he had died many moons ago. He could no longer remember how he stopped being in the land of the living but he had never come across another one of his kind.
He was cursed. To live forever and torment the unfortunate souls of this world. He was cursed. To be alone in his long time punishment. He was cursed, his heart burned to ashes and his power rose from the depths of the earth.
But since you came across his path, Jungkook's punishment became a game for him to play. A game for you to endure.
You had been running endlessly through the infinite halls of the large opera house. Your naked feet were painted in crimson red as they bled with every step you took. You ran, passing through many hallways with many paintings hanging on the walls. You ran and ran, a soft music in the background made the hairs at the back of your neck stand up with nerves, with fear.
Footsteps were heard behind you. Those footsteps that had been chasing you for so long you could no longer remember when was the last time you had actually been outside of this abandoned castle of arts that was now your prison in hell.
"Come out, little dove. I only want to play."
You bit your lip as the words reached your ears. Those words that dripped from the mouth of your captor. The man who chased you to the end of the world, however you doubted he was actually a man.
You hid behind some curtains worn out by time itself. Your hands clenched the fabric of the dirty dress that was only enough to cover your dignity. It made you shiver. From the cold, from the fear. Maybe both, maybe neither.
"(y/n), (y/n). Dearest, (y/n)...STOP HIDING!"
You flinched when his voice boomed around the place you didn't doubt had once been beautiful. Blood oozed from the bite your teeth inflicted over your tender lip and you sniffled, hearing the footstep halt before they began echoing around once more, this time coming closer to you.
Through realms of terror, he roams the night,
Seeking a heart to claim as his right.
A soulmate bound by fate's cruel hand,
To join him in the demon's land.
In fear, you ran once more. As if you could ever leave his poisonous claws. As if you were able to leave that hideous place that played with your mind, with your soul, with your heart and memories as if they were toys at his reach. For him to use as he pleased. 
Curtains hung from the tall ceiling that once had a beautiful pattern painted on it. It made you feel lost. As if you were running in circles. Always lost. With nowhere to go. As if you had ever had a choice. Or better said, as if your choice had been willingly taken by you. 
Because there had once been a choice. A choice you made. A decision you chose. You entered that place by your own will yet your freedom in leaving was never yours to be held in the first place. It made you sick to the stomach, as if a storm was closing in on you and there was no way out of it. No sun ripping through the curtains, no wind blowing the clouds away. 
Jungkook could hear your frantic breathing, your hurried footsteps and suppressed sobs. He could hear your beating heart resonating so strongly in his ears it only sent a chill down his spine at the chase.
He remembered the sweet scent that suddenly invaded his own prison the moment you entered the large opera house. For only the kiss of his soulmate would free him from the shackles of fate, only the purity of the heart would be able to set him free and roam the world as he pleased.
In whispers cold, his voice does call,
A siren's song, a chilling thrall.
He seeks a soul as dark as he,
To walk with him, for eternity.
"Don't you know that I love you, sweet (y/n)? Why do you run from your lover, hmm? If you come to me willingly, it will hurt way less, love."
You ran and ran, ignoring the pain in your feet, the pressure in your chest, the harsh beating of your heart. You weren't going to give up that easily. You weren't going to surrender without fighting back.
The hallways carried so many paintings on the walls. So many paintings of beautiful women. Pictures that you couldn't pay enough attention to. Paintings that resembled absolute fear and sorrow, something you didn't know but felt utterly familiar.
You stopped running when you made it to the main theatre as you stood on the old stage. The wooden beneath your feet was dusted with the remnants of time, broken glass was scattered along the dark wood from the frail chandelier that hung from the ceiling with its crystals tainted in greying dust.
The pain in your feet was ignored as you walked across the stage. You didn't hear Jungkook's maniac laugh, you didn't hear his approaching footsteps or his sick declarations of love. Of obsession. Yet the silence made you even more nervous. You didn't know where you were, you didn't know what day it was. Time had become a foreign concept for you, a thing your mind could no longer grasp.
How long had you been trapped in that hauntingly beautiful place? Has it been hours, days... months? Did people search for you? How about Taehyung, the man who sent you to that place to begin with? Was he wondering why you never came back to work? Was he wondering if you were still working on the story of the broken opera house to publish in his extravagant magazine? Did he even remember your presence or did he keep you around because you never questioned his orders and demands?
But there was no use in blaming others for your current situation because there was nothing to be done. You walked in an almost monotonous way to the centre of the stage, blood staining the ground below your feet as more and more cuts opened your precious skin.
Jungkook watched you from behind the curtains, he watched you wander around the open space. He watched you with haunted eyes glimmering in golden magic that cursed through his veins. He watched you with desire and delicacy. As if you had been crafted into a perfect doll for him to care when all his hands had ever done was to destroy and taint.
Your tears adorned your face like small diamonds over your soft looking skin. He wanted to wipe them and treasure such pearls of pain and fear within him. Your hands trembled as you gazed around you, eyes fixing on the fallen glass on the ground, the broken chandelier that hung from the ceiling and that seemed to snap at any moment, the crusty wood beneath your feet and the old paintings of women around the grand place.
"You don't have to run anymore, little dove."
Beneath the moon's unholy light,
He searches for his love in fright.
Through haunted woods and cursed moors,
His longing heart forever lures.
With a choke gasp you turned around, watching as Jungkook emerged from the back of the stage, the curtains giving him an aura that made you shiver. He took a step forward and you took a step backward. The need to keep as much distance between the being that kept you in his grasp and your own sanity was stronger than your actual fear of him.
"I have waited centuries to finally meet you."
His words only made more tears roll down your cheeks, eyes red and puffy as you glared at him in fear. You took a step as he approached you once more.
Your sweet voice enchanted him like a curse. Desiring to hear you speak once more, he remained silent and listened, taking another step towards you and instinctively you took once back.
"...please, let me go. I p-promise I won't tell anyone about what happened h-here today. I'll never come back and disturb you but, please-"
He laughed, a sound so harmonious it echoes around the empty opera house. You found it alluring, like a siren's song but you had to physically refrain yourself from falling into his arms.
"Do you really think I'll let you go after searching for you through so many lifetimes? You are mine, little dove. Forever mine."
Jungkook smiled, ever so sweetly you felt sick. A smile that got engraved in your memories forever. You shook your head but couldn't look away, taking another step back as he insisted on getting close to you.
"Look around you, love! Look around you and deny me that we aren't meant to be! We are destined, little dove. Tangled by fate. Look! Look around, (y/n)!"
And you did, not hesitating to follow his command with the force in his voice that made you suppress a sob. You looked around, eyes landing on one of the many paintings of the large room. One of the paintings that decorated the dull walls. The paintings that were old and worn out by time. Your eyes widened when you saw it. When you witnessed that the demon in front of you spoke nothing but fact. A sudden realisation dawned upon you and you felt as if you were drowning in a well with nothing to hold on to and nothing to hope for.
Because the lady on the painting cried tears of blood, the lady on the painting resembles your soul. Those were your hands, fisting the fabric of your dress in a deathly grip. Those were your tears rolling down your cheeks. The woman in the picture was the reflection of your soul trapped in a timeless mirror of blood.
"You see now? This whole castle of arts is our sanctuary. Our palace, Queen of mine."
You shook your head, in shock, in rejection. In fear. In anguish. You shook your head as you took step after step backwards even when he wasn't doing anything to get close to you.
Was your fate really next to him? Were you really tangled in such a web of lies you weren't able to escape? Or was he just playing with your mind?
"Stop it, (y/n)."
Jungkook spoke in alarm as he saw you getting closer and closer to the edge of the stage. But you didn't listen, your mind acted on its own in a fragile attempt at getting you away from this nightmare you had fallen into.
"Stop it!"
"Get away from me!"
Your scream resonated all over the place, your feet didn't stop moving until you stood at the edge. The height was enough to hurt you and the sole idea of it made him feel his heart beating, at least for a second or two as you stood on the edge while you faced him with shock written all over your beautiful features.
You took another step and a gasp escaped your lips as the floor disappeared from beneath you. Your eyes closed in instinct and your arms flailed as gravity pulled you down towards the hard ground covered in broken glass that was surely going to break you.
Jungkook acted in an instance, his eyes glowed in golden yellow as his large and black wings spread behind his back and he moved across the stage in less than a second, a path of ice was left behind him, freezing the ground below him, the curtains around the stage and his heart as well as he caught you in his arms before you were to succumb to nature's own force.
But in his quest, he leaves a trail,
Of fear and anguish, deathly pale.
For those who cross his path beware,
The demon's love is naught but despair.
Your eyes met his in a dance of emotions that made you dizzy in its nature. His hands found home on your waist just as your own rested on his forearms. His eyes, ever so beautiful, hid so many secrets you felt curious about yet you wished to remain in the darkness as well.
"I won't leave you. Not after burning in my own grief with your absence. You are the key to my existence, love"
His words pierced your soul like a sharp dagger. You sniffled, breathing in deeply as you found yourself gazing into his golden irises.
"You'll never leave my side."
One of his hands left your waist as it cradled your cheek softly. His touch burned you with an ice cold feeling it made you shiver in his arms whether from the coldness itself or fear of your current position, you really couldn't tell.
"You will learn to love me, (y/n). Just like I have loved you all this time. You'll learn."
Jungkook never broke eye contact with you as he allowed himself to swim in your (e/c) gaze. Your skin under his palm felt soft, the softest he has ever touched in both his lives as a mortal and as a demon of death.
You gulped, wanting to run away from him. Disgusted at his unwanted touch but strangely craving it more. As if you had been deprived of it for so long. Maybe your soul has. Maybe it was your soul that missed him, that missed that other part that was to complete your existence yet your heart and mind rejected that very own idea.
His eyes glowed once more, his wings extending behind him as he looked down at you with his golden eyes that prevented you from looking away. You found yourself enthralled by his magic, his powers and strength.
Your rigid body relaxed in his arms and he suppressed the growing smirk that threatened to appear over his lips. For he had captivated your mind in a glowy golden trance that would allow his freedom.
Jungkook leaned forward and he found no resistance from you so he continued until his lips met yours. His spell had worked over your mind even when your heart was beating wildly against your chest.
He kissed you and golden magic radiated from him. He kissed you and the chains of fate released him. He kissed you and was now a free demon, free to roam the Earth as he pleased. Free to do whatever his heart wanted for as long as you stayed next to him.
He escaped his own jail, that castle of arts was no longer his prison but was now his palace with you as his Queen of darkness.
He kissed you and he tainted you. His golden magic erupted from the very depths of his soul and enveloped you both as he was crowned as the king of darkness, with you as his precious queen.
Forever and always.
For all times to come.
For all lifetimes to last.
And you'll learn to love him, maybe not as much as he loved you. But you'll learn. Eventually. Why shouldn't a Queen love her King? Why wouldn't you love him when he gave you the world to your feet? Why wouldn't you love him when your souls were tangled?
Jungkook would wait. Wait until you'd love him completely, wholeheartedly. Absolutely and undoubtedly. For you were the reason for his black soul and now beating heart. A heart that only beats for you and you alone. His Queen of Darkness.
And when he broke the kiss and your body grew limp in his hold, he carried you in his arms, his wings extended and he flew. He flew to the skies with your body in his hold. He flew away to a place no other mortal knew about. His own palace. His own hell. His kingdom. That place where his home was, that place he’ll share with you. 
Because Jungkook had waited centuries for you to finally find your way to him. He’d wait more if it meant you’ll love him in the end. Another lifetime felt like nothing if he knew you would give him your heart with your very own hands as you wore your crown of darkness, matching with his and ruling his kingdom of evil. 
What was heaven compared to your love? What was light compared to your heart in the night? What was obedience compared to the sins of his own mind? Did it matter? No. It never did. And now that you were finally his to love and cherish for eternity, he could burn the world down for you to smile at him ever so softly and delicately, like an elegant rose with deathly thorns. Like a true queen of his domain. 
His Queen. 
So if you hear his haunting cry,
Beneath the starless, moonless sky,
Beware his love, a twisted fate,
For in his arms, darkness awaits.
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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rumpelree · 23 days
💕Pt.2 of my Animal Crossing AU!!
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Fell in love with this so much that I made a second part!!
Biologically, I don’t know how a swan and a rabbit ended up with a sheep daughter and hamster son. Went for what animals I thought best fit each character, I’d say they’re adopted but they’ve got traits from both parents XD Was going to make Evan a bear but decided I had too many bears in this cast, and that a hamster would fit his meek personality.
Elizabeth is a sheep because lots of wool(I usually draw her with fluffy hair) and the whole “sheep are followers” thing, to go with her following her father’s lead! Made her phrase “Control your shock” in reference to controlled shocks, and I changed the wording so it sounds more like an ego thing. Like she’s just so full of herself that she’s telling you to chill out about how great she is or something XD
For the twins, I purposefully made their goals a little more day-to-day basic, because they aren’t as burdened like the other kids and only have to worry about normal kid stuff, like getting good grades and such, compared to broad general ideas like freedom, comfort, or approval. Their phrase said together is “Sand- wiches”, to reference the whole “we finish each other’s- sandwiches” joke, since they’re twins! I imagine they finish each other’s sentences XD Or did, I should say.
Drew a short little gif animation of William and Clara being all sweet!! She’s the Jessica to his Roger Rabbit (If you forget the infidelity and murder.)
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the-kr8tor · 15 days
Thank you for voting for the name Octobie! Now for the themes! I've combed through every single suggestion you gave me and categorised all of them into 12 themes.
So what I'm gonna do is post the 12 (right here) and from that 12 the 5 most top voted will move up for another poll until the top 3 wins! (Reasons/ and where I got the themes from your suggestions are listed below the poll/cut. W/ brief descriptions also)
Note: Theme names aren't finalized but the meanings will still be the same. (They'll have a cooler name once they get picked!)
Wondering why there will only be three themes? Well the third week theme is called wild card where anything goes! So if your chosen theme doesn't win you can always wait for the third week of octobie to come around and you can do whatever you want in that week as long as Hobie's in it!
Fantasy— fairy! Hobie, Dragon tamer! Hobie/Dragon rider! Hobie, Mythical creature, Sailor/Pirate! Hobie x deity! R, Time-looped historian! Hobie, fae, Mermaid. (Literally anything to do with the fantasy genre)
Halloween- Cloak Hobie, Witch R & familiar! Hobie, Witch! R and demon! Hobie, accidental summoning, pumpkin, Demon! Hobie and angel! R, death reaper! Hobie and target! R, vampire! R and human Hobie, serial killer! Hobie and detective! R, zombie! Hobie, pirates, thriller! Hobie, (anything spooky or scary!)
Eras swap/ through the decades- Modern! Hobie x 1970s! r, modern au, 1800s, different au Hobies meet and different au readers meet, aged up meet cute (they meet in their 60s), decades, (time is the main gist of it, whether it's hobie through the years or some decade specific scenario)
Music- guitar, record play, music lessons, backstage, concerts, rival bands/musicians, band practice, battle of the bands, (anything that has to do with music!)
Comfort- stray cats, nicknames, arts and crafts, london tings, hate the am (mornings), flowers, cats, snow, cozy/chilling at home, library, favourite au/trope, cottage core, (anything that wakes the butterflies in your stomach or makes you feel the ooeygoeey feeling fluff!)
Anarchy- ACAB, battle vests, protest, punk. (Anything that Hobie would be proud of doing)
Slice of life/ family life- swing date, the twins, first dance, just cozy things, cozy/chilling at home, morning/nighy routine, handsy, date day/night, meet cute, sick day, childhood friends. (Cozy or family related!)
Crossover- villains and/Vs heroes, magical girl! Hobie, tokyo ghoul au, DC Crossover, Hobie meeting batman, android! Hobie and human r, baldur's gate 3 au, hobie and mutant x-men! R, hobie and deadpool!, deadpool! Hobie, gambit! Hobie, ghost rider! hobie, spy family au, nightcrawler! Hobie (whether it's a video game, anime or a different genre of comic, that goes here!)
Medieval- royalty, royal! R and rebel! Hobie, (anything that makes you sing the game of thrones opening lol)
Villain au- black cat! Hobie, deadpool! Hobie, mystique! Hobie, prowler! Hobie x villain! r (evil! Hobie? Evil! Hobie! Or any au pertaining to villainy!)
Movie mashup- scream killer! Hobie and caller! R, freaky friday/body swap, rom-com, will they/won't they?, swan lake au, mad hatter! Hobie, phantom of the opera au, the greatest showman au, avatar au, (general movie au or theatre au)
Runway ready- patches, runway, hair, piercings, braids, dress up/ fashion show, draw in your style. (Fashun!)
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hellbornsworld · 1 year
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✨Hostess | BTS X Reader | Author : blingchick | 47 Parts | Completed
"A whore is someone who sells their body; a hostess is someone who entertains guests to make them feel welcomed and loved. There is a difference."
✨𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐑 | BTS | No Reader | Author : godlycurse | 140 Parts | Completed
In which Kim Taehyung tweets at a Dora the Explorer twt account and gets a creepy dm from them. Soon , he realizes he got himself into some deep sh*t and has to discover who's behind the account before it's to late.
✨Survival | BTS X OC | 1000% | Slow Burn | Author : BangtanArmies | 155 Parts | Completed
A tragic love story filled with pain, betrayals, miseries and deadly plot twists.
✨Buttons | BTS X Reader | Coraline!AU | Author : TaeTae_lyfe | 31 Parts | Completed
"Nothing's changed. You'll go home. You'll be bored. You'll be ignored. No one will listen to you, really listen to you. You're too clever and too beautiful for them to understand. They don't even remember your name."
✨ Mask Parade | BTS X Reader | Author : blingchick | 33 Parts | Ongoing
"Sometimes it's not the people who change, it's the mask that falls off."
✨killjoy | Only BTS | Author : taenology | 50 Parts | Completed
a computer game can't hurt anyone, right?
✨The Keeper's Tale | BTS X Reader | Author : TaeTae_lyfe | 45 Parts | Completed
They witnessed her destruction, They were left to wonder why, She saw nothing but darkness, Though the stars shown in her eyes, But maybe they'd forgotten, When they failed to see the cracks, That a stars light shines brightest, When it starts to collapse.
✨Singularity | BTS x Reader | Author : mociminji | 36 Parts | Ongoing
You were stolen by the devil. He claimed you as his own. Little did he know, you are going to be the death of him.
✨The Seven | BTS X Reader | Author : TaeTae_lyfe | 45 Parts | Completed
"I'm crazy? No, darling. What's crazy is that the world refuses to let me be with you."
✨Black Swan | BTS X Reader | Author : blingchick | 17 Parts | Ongoing
"What are you going to do to me now, Swan?"
✨The 7 Princes | BTS X Reader | Author : FireTiger8 | 82 Parts | Completed
Surprise! Your parents have been keeping a secret from you - you are royal princess and sole heir to the throne. To break the news to you, your parents have sent you to a neighboring kingdom where seven handsome, irresistible princes will teach you all you need to know about becoming the next ruler.
✨The Blue Eyes Series | BTS X Reader | Author : TaeTae_lyfe | 4 Books | Ongoing
# BOOK 1 The Four Kingdoms |
There's a fire in her. If loved correctly, she will warm your entire home. If abused, she will burn it to ash.
# BOOK 2 Pyramids |
She didn't need a crown, because she wasn't a queen.... She was a goddess.
# BOOK 3 Dynasty |
You can say she's crazy, but her eyes see the spirits of the past.... She talks to them.... And they talk back.
# BOOK 4 Mist |
You watch her walk away and it hits you that she is an entire ocean And you were wrong, so very wrong Because you let her go Thinking she was just a girl
✨Gods of the Sea | BTS!Vocal Liner X Reader | Author : FireTiger8 | 87 Parts | Completed
"My name is Captain Jeon Jungkook. I'm here to kidnap you."
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In which you are a prude theology student and one day, your sneaky twin brother sent you a link to the livestream of an infamous camboy, Park Jimin.
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