#(ua as in universe alteration. instead of au)
What if when Sophie came to the lost cities the black swan had been overthrown, and their leaders arrested. So by the time she arrived, she doesn’t have that same support. I think it’d take the story in a crazy, but fun new direction.
oh that would be very interesting--not only would she have significantly less guidance at the start of the series, but depending on how the Black Swan were handled, the attitude towards Sophie could be quite different; she'd be the product of known convicted criminals, not just the odd human girl.
She was observed when she first arrived, but I imagine that would've been much more intense in this situation. I wonder when she would've arrived, actually. Because Alden didn't find Sophie by his own work, Mr. Forkle led him to her. So without him, when on earth would Sophie have been brought to their world? Would they have discovered that sort of information through a mind break and located her around the same time, or would years pass?
I'm imagining the Mr. Forkle who posed as her neighbor might've escaped being arrest, which would create an interesting dynamic with her having one singular influence and resource.
But that aside, without the rest of the Black Swan able to work masterfully behind the scenes, there'd be no notes, no clues to prompt hidden memories. It would require a lot more work on Sophie's part to figure things out--which, depending on when she was brought to the lost cities and how (agreeing it was the best decision vs council forcing her, for example), she may or may not be capable of.
I'm also curious how that would impact her morals and sense of right; we see her learning from and guided by the Black Swan for most of the series before she branches out, following their methodology and beliefs on the limits. If they were never there, what's stopping her from going a step further much sooner? Especially if she's being more heavily monitored/judged and in order to make any impact she has to push harder--side note: I feel like in that case she might become similar to Tam in her disdain, she didn't do anything but exist and need help and this is what they did?
Would she be allowed to attend Foxfire with a significant association with a serious criminal organization? Even if she hasn't done anything yet, she might. And if she doesn't go to Foxfire (or is too old when brought), her friend group would be entirely different. She might not even have a friend group and it would instead be her against the world, perhaps a few misfits gathered along the way. Fitz might still be around because he found her, but Biana might stay bratty. She wouldn't meet Marella or Jensi, and she wouldn't have been adopted by the Ruewens (because confirmed huge Black Swan association when he thinks they killed Jolie? no way) so no meeting Dex. If she doesn't go to Foxfire, I could see them sending her to Exillium, in which case she might keep Tam and Linh as friends--but with a very different dynamic, since I think Sophie would be incredibly bitter.
Actually now that I'm thinking about this maybe she'd be picked up by the Neverseen. At least temporarily and in the same way that Rayni was--not that she's for their atrocities, but because they extended a hand when no one else did. Which!! Could then be an interesting exploration on how she wasn't a criminal, but via seeing her as one/as dangerous they limited her options and made her into one. She wouldn't have joined the Neverseen if they'd treated her properly, but they didn't, so now she did. Except they don't see it as their fault, as a consequence of their boxing her in, but instead as confirmation of what they always feared.
indeed, Nonsie, there is a lot of potential for a very different but fascinating story here. I've barely scratched the surface of all the implications and everything you could do with it!
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ladylynse · 5 years
Miraculous 3 sentence fic. Because I low-key ship them after seeing Desperada. Anarka X Vivica(Desperada) "romantic feelings"
Vivica looked kinda young to me in the show, Anon, so I checked the wiki page, and they have her at 13-15–which is probably not too far off even if it’s not right because Luka and Adrien were replacements which were considered. I don’t feel comfortable writing this ship without doing an aged up AU. I’ll happily write a mentor/mentee or mother/daughter found family sort of relationship for them, where Anarka could love her as another daughter, but not romantically with their canon ages.
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babycharmander · 2 years
Tiny nitpick: I keep seeing the term “AU” misused.
AU stands for Alternate Universe. It indicates fanfic (or fanart/fan comics/fan content in general) that takes place in a universe where you have changed something major. (There’s also UA, or “Universe Alteration,” which is a lesser-used term for when one thing is changed in the universe, like a single event not happening, but that’s another topic.)
For example, if canon is a fantasy story and your fanfic rewrites the story as a sci-fi, that’s an AU. You might call it a “sci-fi AU” or something more specific suited to the story.
If the characters in canon are humans and you’re drawing a comic where they’re cats instead, that’s an AU. You could call it a “cat AU.”
If Bob dies in canon and your fic changes that part so he DOESN’T die, that is an AU. You could call it something like “alive!Bob AU.” (This is also one that you could call a UA, as I described earlier.) EDIT: Okay so this might not be entirely right? IIRC back in the day you used to call this an AU as well, but I’m told the more accurate term used nowadays is “canon divergence”, since you’re only changing one thing, not the entirety of canon? Though I’m also seeing this called a type of AU, so I’m not entirely sure now.
It is NOT an AU if you decide to write a post-canon story where the characters have a funeral for Bob and work through their grief. It is not a “grief AU.” Nothing has changed from canon—it is a continuation of it.
It is NOT an AU if you decide to write a pre-canon story where Bob adopts a cat (unless you then continue to rewrite the rest of canon with Bob’s cat present and changing how the story unfolds). This is not a “pet cat AU” because nothing has changed from canon—it’s just a story that takes place before canon.
I say this because there seems to be some weird misconception spreading that ANYTHING that does not take place within the canon timeline is an AU, which is just not how the term works. AU specifically indicates something that CHANGES canon, not something that EXPANDS canon.
I also say this because a lot of people avoid AUs! Personally I will read them occasionally if I’m in the mood, but for the most part when I see a fic labeled “AU” I avoid it. If you are labeling your fic/art/whatever as an AU when that’s not what it actually is, you are potentially turning other viewers off to your works who might have otherwise given it a chance.
Please do not use “AU” for your fan content if it is not actually altering the canon universe in any way!
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crim50n-r8er · 3 years
Undertale: The Expansion Pack … Possible More Content?
Tbh when I first made my Undertale UA (Universe Alteration), I was influenced by many things in the fandom.
• Sixbones AU by a person named Zarla shown on the Fanon Wiki
• Seraphim Sans AU from the comic “The Thought” by @tratserenoyreve
• Glitchtale Human Soul Trait Magic by @camilaart
• Disbelief Papyrus AU by FlamesatGames on YT
• The Three-Part theory over W.D. Gaster by Game Theory on YT
• The fact that Chara isn’t the villain by Judgement Boy on YT
• And my own ideas and what we already know about the game
But I really want to add more content to it like Season 2 of Glitchtale with Betty (without the heartbreak) by @camilaart and all of Underverse by @jakei95. I really like using more fanmade things in this story to basically make it feel one big passion project for the entire fandom to be apart of, but I’m not a big enough artist to make it happen. I just hope these amazing Undertale artists see this and take a liking to my idea of The Expansion Pack and help me reach my goal of including Glitchtale Season 2 and Underverse.
I am perfectly susceptible to constructive criticism of my Undertale UA, so please don’t be afraid to read up on everything and come back here to reblog this post giving your thoughts. I would love to hear about what you think is good and what needs improving. I’m wanting you to use reblogs instead of asks for the constructive criticism because they help spread the word about this idea of mine.
Here’s the link to a post holding all the videos for you to watch
Here are the links to the Undertale Expansion Pack idea and a bio for the player avatar.
The Player:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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noctusfury · 3 years
My Future Fanfic Projects
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Thanks @valiantwarrior37​ for the tag!
These are my list of WIP projects that I’m doing in the next couple of years:
(UA stands for “Universe Alternation”, which, unlike AU, is basically changes made to the canonverse or characters, but it’s still the same universe.)
Also, keep in mind that despite the placement, these works won’t exactly be in chronological order. I’ll be doing this more on an “as-inspiration-hits-me” basis.
Return of Mildew’s Son (a HTTYD short-story)
Months after Mildew’s disappearance (and treason), his land needs to be worked and lived in. Eventually, a man comes to Berk with his family, claiming to be Mildew’s son, and claims his inheritance. Of course, chaos and hilarity ensue. He is, after all, Mildew’s son. Will Berk come to accept this new resident, or will they wish to give him the boot?
Macey Comes to Life (a Tuffnut/OC short story)
Folklore/Fantasy AU
Inspired from the classic tales where a man wishes that something of his creation was real, and it comes to life as a woman that he then marries.
Tuffnut gets lonely and jealous when the rest of the Gang each get married and have families of his own, while he gets left behind, still a single bachelor, and no family has come to his to offer their daughter’s hand in marriage to him. Sad, he snuggles with Macey and wishes that it was real so that he could have somebody. Next day, he wakes up to find Macey, alive, as a woman, and is overjoyed. Will this be a dream come true? Or will Tuffnut get more than he bargained for?
Bury the Axe (a Snotlout/OC story)
(Snotlout / OFC) An UA story where a Jorgenson MARRIES a Hofferson. But it’s not Astrid whom Snotlout marries, but rather her older sister, in order to end the feud between the Jorgenson and Hofferson clans. Will he survive this union and find love at last? Or will he become eel bait?
This will be set in HTTYD 2 and a little into THW.
Also this story will be loosely canon, as I’ll be fixing up HTTYD 2 and HTTYD 3 and changing the plots to where they’re compatible and make sense. Hiccstrid marries much sooner, Stoick is alive, Hiccup isn’t an idiot, Drago and Grimmel don’t exist and are replaced with the Warlords, instead. And the Berkians will remain on Berk, New Berk will be greatly altered, and instead of colonizing, the focus will be more on exploration of the Western Archipelago, and perhaps even as far as the British Isles and Iceland. 😉
Based on this conversation in the final scene in RTTE episode “Snotlout Gets the Axe”.
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Snotlout’s Saga (Snotlout Leaves Berk UA)
Snotlout loses the Thawfest Games, and has to deal with the aftermath. When things get out-of-hand, Snotlout and Hookfang are forced to leave Berk and become Outcasts. This saga will focus on their journey, their struggles, their successes, their losses, their sacrifices, and their growth.
This story will be set during/after the RoB episode “Thawfest” onwards and ends after RTTE but before HTTYD 2. And because Snotlout leaves so early, much of the plot shall be changed. I have, in fact, been watching the show VERY closely and have been taking notes at what exactly gets changed and how to write accordingly. Surprisingly, Snotlout actually affects much of the plot. Some episodes will be gone, others will be greatly altered, and others not much will change.
I might also do a companion story for this that gets into the Gang’s POV during Snotlout’s exile, just so that you guys can see the changes caused by Snotlout’s absence. I don’t plan on doing this for the other Gang members. Only for Snotlout. Because he’s fun. lol XD
This story will be part of my X-Leaves-Berk Series, which will be loosely connected but not much. It’ll mostly be a series where each of the Gang members will be leaving Berk for one reason or another and at different times. Simply because I’ve never seen any fanfics where the rest of the Gang leave Berk besides Hiccup (and sometimes Astrid who goes with Hiccup). So I’m deciding to fix that. I’m actually quite excited about this series! ^_^
Aside from the Gang, I plan on doing stories for Stoick, Spitelout, Alvin, and Valka for this series. (Valka’s saga will be original and won’t follow the “canon” backstory given to her in HTTYD 2.) Heck, I might even do some Sagas for GUSTAV and MILDEW, of all Vikings. lol XD
Gobber, Dagur, Heather, and other characters might also have Sagas of their own but won’t be part of this Series (since they don’t leave Berk). Or maybe I will... who knows?
Family Bonds || PRE-HTTYD 1/HTTYD 1 Retelling (the Berkian Sagas)
A fix-it fic starting from Pre-HTTYD, with Hiccup as a baby. Essentially fixing the mess-ups of the plot of this film, beginning with Valka and having her not get taken away (which will eventually result in Hiccup having more siblings later down the line), Hiccup having a group of friends (OCs), a stronger Hiccup who knows how to fight but still isn’t good with dragon killing, a better graduation of Astrid and Hiccup’s relationship and better explain how she eventually ends up with Hiccup, getting rid of the “Romantic Flight” and the kisses (or maybe keep the one at the very end). Also, Hiccup’s oppression and ostracization will be more obvious and heavier than the film since it was a “kid’s movie”, though with his group of friends to protect him, it won’t be as dark as you’re fearing.
The biggest changes to this plot will be those but also focusing on Hiccup’s childhood and the others as well. Another one is that Hiccup will be having an adopted brother whom he’s close with (I really wanted to implement the historical adoption and foster system of the Vikings into this franchise, since that was a huge part of Viking culture — and an important one at that — and because I got tired of the whole twin sibling thing that people keep giving Hiccup, and nobody had ever come up with a story where Hiccup gets an adopted sibling). We’ll also be using characters, locations, Tribes, and plot-points from the HTTYD Books as well.
This will literally be a fix-it series that will change and fix anything in the various plots in the franchise that was badly written. I’ll also be adding OCs to help balance the cast and also to make the families more larger and emphasize on their interactions with their families (I was a little miffed that we didn’t really get to see everyone else’s families, aside from Snotlout’s and Hiccup’s fathers and the occasional extended relative on the Twins’ side, and various mentions of family, there wasn’t really a whole lot of family interaction); there.will also be OCs to help increase the Dragon Riders, aaaand also to become Hunter fodder so that Berk and the Riders will actually have suffered losses and make this an actual conflict. (Also because Hiccup trained with a lot of kids in the Books, so Hiccup being with only 5 other kids his age is way too small for my tastes.) Many of these will be essential to the plot of the overall franchise, but won’t hopefully change the plot TOO much — just enough to make it interesting and unique.
There will also be politics involved and new adversaries to defeat, as well as dwarfing the plot armor and making sure that the Gang actually USE armor and weapons and shields when they go to battle. I’ll also be fixing the Defenders of the Wing and the Wingmaidens and making them more Viking-like. I’ll also be implementing various headcanons into the stories to give various characters more background depth to help explain various circumstances in the canon. As well as several other changes.
Obviously, this will be a rather ambitious project — one that will definitely take me a good chunk of my life in doing (since I’m writing for several other Fandoms besides HTTYD). So I’m definitely don’t plan on posting these until I get the outlines or even the entire fics written. Though there WILL be a scattering of short stories and one-shots that I plan on adding into these series for various characters and what-not. Such as “The Return of Mildew’s Son” and “Rig’s Impossible Quest”, etc, etc.
Unforbidden Friendship (A One-Shot Collection)
A collection of one-shots that, obviously, will be focusing on friendships. There’s really no limit, people. The platonic pairing can be anything or anyone — human, animal, or inanimate object  — and be up to 3 people (because anything more than that’s a crowd).
Anyway, if you have any platonic pairings that you’d like to see, send me an ask and I’ll add it to my list. It can literally be anybody or anything. Create your own combo that nobody has even thought of that you’d like to see if you have to. Have fun with it!
Enemy of My Enemy (A One-Shot Collection)
A collection of one-shots that, obviously, will be focusing on antagonistic pairings — essentially two or more people who are either antagonistic or hostile (aka villainous, evil, or enemies) towards each other, with absolutely no romantic or platonic notions for each other. There’s really no limit, people. The antagonistic pairing can be anything or anyone — human, animal, or inanimate object  — and be up to 3 people (because anything more than that’s a crowd).
Anyway, if you have any antagonistic pairings that you’d like to see, send me an ask and I’ll add it to my list. It can literally be anybody or anything. Create your own combo that nobody has even thought of that you’d like to see if you have to. Have fun with it!
The Whumpfest Games (A One-Shot Collection)
A collection of one-shots that, obviously, will be focusing on whumping characters. There’s really no limit, people. The whumpee(s) and whumper(s) can be anything or anyone — human, animal, or inanimate object  — and there’s really no limit to the number of characters either (because anything more than that’s a crowd). That being said, 2 people would be preferable. This may include heroes, neutrals, antagonists, and villains. And animals and inanimate objects, even. (It would be interesting to see Tuffnut emotional whump for the loss of Macey, and also Macey’s “thoughts” as its being... well... whumped.)
Anyway, if you have anyone whom you would like to see whumped, send me an ask and I’ll add it to my list. It can literally be anybody or anything. Create your own combo that nobody has even thought of that you’d like to see if you have to. Have fun with it!
Hiccup the Weaponsmith (A Hiccstrid Story)
(Saga AU) A story where Hiccup and his brothers Snotlout, Throk, and Fishlegs are out hunting and run into a group of Valkryies bathing. As they watch, they see some ne’er-do-wells trying to take advantage of them and corner them, so they decide to come to their rescue. Afterwards, the Valkryies introduce themselves as Astrid, Heather, Minden, and Ruffnut. They then offer themselves to the men, each of them choosing the man they wish to marry. But they warn that they’ll be off to join in Odin’s wars after a long hiatus. So for several years they end up happy living together and even starting to have children of their own. But eventually they disappear as promised. Saddened, Throk and Fishlegs abandon their homes as they go on a journey to find their wives again, leaving Hiccup and Snotlout, and their children, to remain, having faith that their (Hiccup’s and Snotlout’s) wives will return one day, and thus continue life as usual. 
However, Mala (or Griselda), Queen of the region where they live, hears of them and how Hiccup is a legendary weaponsmith and warrior, along with Snotlout, and with a prophecy which foretells of this, and also wanting to increase her martial abilities, Mala/Griselda sends soldiers to take them and tries to pressure Hiccup to marry her. 
Will Hiccup and Snotlout be able to get out and escape? Will their wives ever return?
Melotraumatic/Saving Snotlout (Snotlout whump story)
Originally created for the Whumptober event, this story will be essentially me whumping Snotlout. Set after RTTE, Savage abducts Snotlout in an act of revenge and, with the help of his witch, Norna (unofficial name), they inflict torture on Snotlout for information, and use an unknown dragon species to instigate it. During this, Snotlout meets two other prisoners who are Savage and Norna’s slaves — adolescents from Meathead Island who had been captured during a raid. Despite being in great pain, Snotlout’s determined to protect them as well, and his fellow Riders, while trying to find some way to escape. Can he hold out long enough for his friends and allies to rescue him? 
(May or may not become a part of the Retelling Series.)
A Most Dangerous Game (A Hiccther Arranged Marriage UA story)
(Hiccup / Heather) After the events of “Twinsanity”, when Dagur and his Berserkers leave, a letter arrives to Stoick from Thorvald, Dagur and Heather’s cousin, asking for him and Hiccup to meet him secretly, at night, on Berserk Island... with their dragons. With their secret now out, they go to meet him, where Thorvald tells them of the political situation on Berserk and gives them a proposal to help them take Dagur out, preventing a potential conflict between their two Tribes, and helping Berk with their conflict with the Outcasts. He then offers a pact between them. He also reveals to them a secret he’s been keeping for many years: Heather.
However, Thorvald also offers an ultimatum: either Hiccup marries Heather to seal the deal between them, and to ensure a lasting peace between their two Tribes (as well as to protect Heather), or Thorvald will expose their little secret to Dagur and use it to his own advantage in his struggle with Dagur for the throne, bringing Berk into a costly war they don’t need.
Will Hiccup step up and do what’s needed for Berk, or will he plunge his Tribe into a costly war?
Snotlout’s Bride (part of the Bride/Groom Series)
(Snotlout / OFC) It’s the time in every Viking’s life when he or she settles down and gets married — and Snotlout is no different. When his clan go to the Althing in search for a bride, Snotlout explores the various tents in search for the ideal wife. He eventually catches sight of a young woman who’s struggling with sewing a shirt — and her relatives aren’t encouraging at all. Snotlout, seeing himself in her, decides to help her discreetly with her task, much to her surprise. 
While he takes his leave and tries to move on, his mind keeps wondering to the girl with the downtrodden face who doesn’t seem to be very competent as a housewife (he knows she’s not a shield-maiden because she wore no armor not had any weapons around like many shield-maidens are wont to do). Before he knows it, he finds himself going back to his family’s tent and talks it over with his father. Spitelout, of course, isn’t too pleased, expecting Snotlout to do as he had asked and find a strong, competent wife from a great family to help strengthen the clan’s prestige. Needless to say, they eventually get into a disagreement, resulting in Spitelout refusing to use any of his money to buy the girl’s hand, and asserts that Snotlout, if he’s so persistent to have her, can go buy her himself.
Not being allowed to bring his dragon, nor having much in the ways of wealth aside from what he took with him, Snotlout decides to go to the girl’s father to make a deal, and at least offer a down payment until he can acquire the rest. But when he sees who the girl’s father truly is, he is shocked.Eventually, after a lot of haggling, he’s able to acquire her hand in marriage, and the wedding date gets set.
Will Snotlout be able to live happily with his new blushing bride for the rest of his life? Or will this turn out to be the greatest mistake he’s ever made? Will this chance bride become the woman he never knew he needed?
Hiccup’s Saga/Wilderwest Saga (Young Chief UA)
A Hiccup-Leaves-Berk story with a ton of inspiration and elements of the Books, this story will be placed before the events of HTTYD 1. When Stoick goes off to search for the Nest, 10/12-year-old Hiccup and his adopted brother Drift get abducted and taken by Danger-Brute warriors to the Dungeons at the behest of the Chief of the Shivering Shores. There, the Chief of the Danger-Brutes imprisons them so that they don’t escape. While in the dungeons, they meet a fellow prisoner, Heather, daughter of Chief Osvald of the Berserkers, who has also been abducted and imprisoned.
Meanwhile, back on Berk, news of the “deaths” of Hiccup and Drift send shockwaves to the villagers. Even worse, a week after their disappearance, Stoick is still nowhere to be seen. Stoick’s brother decides to take over with his son Snotface Haddock (Book Snotlout) as Heir and declares Stoick to be dead. Not wanting to accept it, the Gang decide to go search for Stoick and warn them of what’s happened.
Can Hiccup and his brother escape the Dungeons of the Danger-Brutes, a prison said to be inescapable? Can they survive? And what happened to Stoick? Will the brothers be able to return to Berk and reclaim Hiccup’s birthright? Even more important: Can they do it without ending up with the Slavemark before then?
Zephyr’s Hero (a Zephlout short story)
(Inspired by “Sense & Sensibility”) When 18-year-old Zephyr gets injured and trapped after a fall, Snotlout finds her and rescues her and takes her back to her family. He later comes and keeps her company while she recovers. Zephyr eventually develops feelings for him, and the determination to have him as her husband burns strong within her. Will she claim him as her own, or will her heart get broken? (This is a crack ship fic.)
The Berkian Berserker (Berserker!Hiccup UA)
This story idea was inspired by Berserker!Hiccup fanart by @baisleyarts​ , and whose gracious permission allowed me to use this idea for my own use. 
Wanting to solidify their alliance, Stoick exchanges his son Hiccup to Chief Osvald of the Berserker Tribe to foster in the hopes that Hiccup will become more Viking-like. As the years go by, Hiccup becomes more warrior-like and strong, adopting the Berserker life as his own — albeit a difficult one to deal with due to his mild and kind-hearted personality, as well as looked down on for being Berkian, despite not feeling any loyalty to them in the slightest. Still, he was nowhere near the derangedness of his foster brother.
By the time he’s 15/16, Berk has been slowly weakening from the Dragon attacks and the Outcast and Meathead raids. What’s worse is that Osvald mysteriously vanishes and Dagur claims to have slain him to take the throne for his own in a coup. Alarmed, Hiccup (renamed Hauberk or Brandur) and Thorvald conspire to overthrow him, find Osvald, and reinstate him as Chief once again. 
When they go to Berk to sign the treaty, Dagur sees the weakness of Berk and reveals his cards to his relatives, causing Hiccup and Thorvald to secretly send a message to Stoick to warn him. 
War is coming. Will Hiccup and Thorvald, with Berk’s aid, thwart Dagur’s schemes and also find Chief Osvald again? Or will Dagur succeed in his ambitions?
The Furian Sagas
This work(s) will focus on the POV of my OC “tribe” and the OCs who come from it — Norrik and Nidhoggr, among others. You’ll see parts of this be in the Retelling Series, including the Rogue Riders that I plan on introducing in the series (because RTTE indiscriminately neglected that particular plot-point in the “Have Dragon, Will Travel” episode about the Rogue Riders! The potential was staggering and was a crime for that plot-point having been wasted!). Essentially, this will get into the history, background, and day-to-day life of the Furians behind-the-scenes that we won’t get to see much of with the rest of my stories. (Or that’s the plan, anyway.) 
The main focus will be on Norrik’s father, Norrik IV Nottrikr and his brother, and will be more or less in his perspective. We’ll see his sons from time-to-time, but since they’re usually off with the Gang, we won’t see much of them. 
The Accomplice (A Viggo Grimborn-centric Story)
(Canon Divergence AU)
Did Viggo REALLY die in the cave? What if the Skrill wasn’t the only accomplice up Viggo’s sleeve? Created from one of my pet peeves where one of the plot points — in “Wings of War” — was never used at all in the series.
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In my headcanon, this Hunter was the other “accomplice” that Viggo had up his sleeve and he comes in the nick of time and rescues Viggo from impending death, smuggling him out of the cave and away to somewhere isolated where Viggo can heal his wounds. When he recovers, Viggo, keeping his word to Hiccup, leaves the Archipelago for his Tribe’s home. While he has a new respect for dragons, he still wishes to continue dragon hunting, and even in the human slave market. He decides to take a page in Krogan’s book and form his own Dragon Flyers.
This story will follow Viggo and his new subordinate as he gathers the remnants of the scattered Dragon Hunters and reorganizes his organization, his ambitions no longer residing in the Archipelago, but in other parts of the world.
Memoirs of a Dragon Flyer (part of the Memoirs Series)
An auto-biographical/fiction story that goes into the perspective of a Dragon Flyer freshly recruited into Krogan’s ranks. It will showcase his thoughts, his experiences, the people he meets, the dragon he rides, the enemies he fights (mostly the Riders, but other foes too), the ideals he inherits, and the various adventures he undergoes as an up-and-coming Flyer. Will he survive long enough to return home? Will he remain a Flyer even after his service is over? Or will he perish — either by the hands of his enemies, the dragons, or by Krogan’s own hand?
Or will he join Viggo in an act of treason against Krogan?
When Love Washed Ashore (a Johann/Atali story)
Based on my headcanon that Minden is Atali’s daughter — and that Johann (who won’t be following the Traitor arc) is her father — this fanfic goes into Atali’s story before she became the Chieftess of the Wingmaidens. When she was young, she lived in a Tribe that was dedicated to the preservation of the Razorwhips. According to tradition, only female members of the Royal Family of the Chieftain could fill the role. But doing so meant giving up the idea of get married, raising a family, and dedicating most of one’s life to Freya.
Young Atali is 17-years-old and her father has plans to marry her off to the son of an old ally of theirs. While she doesn’t protest, she’s not accepting of it either. She has no idea what her purpose is in life and doesn’t know what she wants to do. But she knows that duty to her clan comes first. That is... before Fate had other plans.
When she finds a young man unconscious on her island’s shore due to a shipwreck, her life is changed forever. He is a young merchant by the name of Johann Johansson and he fascinates her and her people with many tales of his journeys and adventures, as well as those that he has heard from his travels. Her heart stirs with a desire to explore and travel to places that she’s never seen before, let alone heard of them. 
As he recovers from his injuries, Johann and Atali fall in love. Unfortunately, her father is adamant for her to marry the son of their old ally; and with Johann being a merchant now with nothing to his name, and Atali being of royal blood, just the mere suggestion of their union would never be considered. Nonetheless, this doesn’t stop romance from blossoming between them.
Will they be able to live a happily ever after? Or is their love condemned to the fate of never being together? Will she choose love, duty, or will Freya make things more complicated by throwing the Wingmaiden option on the table?
Saga of the Berserkers (HTTYD Retelling Series)
(HTTYD) This story focuses on the narrative of the Berserker Tribe -- namely the Royal Family of High Chieftains who rule Berserk. Osvald, Osvald’s Wife, Heather, Dagur, their extended family -- we will see them all. We will also see the shifting political plates as characters grow up and things heat up as Osvald disappears while on a Quest with Lady Valka to find a way to end the Dragon Wars. Dagur starts butting heads with members of his own family, namely Thorvald (OC), his cousin, and others. This saga will also detail the relationships between the characters and how this’ll result in the eventual Berserker Wars with Berk.
Savage's Saga / Savage's Revenge
(RTTE / Post-RTTE) Savage may have lost his opportunity to rule the Berserkers thanks to the Dragon Riders, but that doesn’t mean he’s out of the fight yet! When his backup plan is activated, he and his cohorts are able to escape captivity and flee Berserk. However, Savage’s heart is fuming for revenge for the humiliation and defeats that he had suffered at the hands of his former masters and the Dragon Riders as well.
With this in mind, Savage gathers his followers and goes into hiding, determined to build and grow his strength for when he can strike his enemies. When that opportunity arises, Savage is determined to finally become a Viking Hero of Legend.
Will Savage be able to overcome all obstacles and enemies in his path and claim the Title of Ultimate Villain?
Savage Regression (Reincarnation/Regression AU)
(RTTE / HTTYD) While dying from pneumonia while in prison after having failed in his coup, Savage is left with the bitter regret of not having become the Great Viking of Legend that he had always promised himself (and his mother) that he would become. However, when he wakes up, assuming to be in Niflheim, he’s instead back during his days as an Outcast. How did he end up here? Regardless, Savage is determined to not let this chance go to waste. It is also time for him to change the past, and reverse choices that he had regretted having made in his past life. 
Will Savage be able to come out on top as Ultimate Viking?
Savage Rematch (Reincarnation/Regression AU)
(RTTE S5 E3) Not wanting to take any chances of him escaping and starting a coup again, the Berserkers decide to kill Savage and his followers by beheading. However, an unlikely ally decides to step in, and, upon his death, he has regressed back in time to before the Dragon Riders came to Berserk.
Noticing this, Savage decides to monopolize this second chance at life and change things up, now armed with the knowledge of past events, and setting up countermeasures against that happening again, will Savage be able to change history and alter his fate? Or is he only setting himself up to lose again?
Into the Archipelago (Nonfiction)
Similar with the How to Pick Your Dragon work, this work will be in a “non-fiction” format in the guise of Hiccup and Fishlegs writing this for the future generations of Vikings about the nations of the Archipelago. This work will detail the geography, history, politics, culture and customs of every “Tribe” (even though they’re technically communities or chiefdoms) in the Archipelago seen and/or mentioned in the HTTYD franchise.
Even though there are probably many “Tribes” in the Archipelago, most of them aren’t mentioned or shown, so I’ll only be focusing on those communities that are shown and mentioned. Some of the communities portrayed are inaccurate and so I’ll be altering them to fit the HTTYD world better.
Please keep in mind that the majority of this content will contain my headcanons, theories, and my perceptions of these Tribes, since much is unknown about these Tribes and I have to fill in the blanks to the best of my abilities.
The rest of the Retelling Series.
Riders of Berk Retelling
Defenders of Berk Retelling
Race to the Edge Retelling
HTTYD 2 Retelling
HTTYD 3/THW Retelling
HTTYD 4 Epilogue/Next Generation(?)
Aside from these fics, I also might work on other stories that will bridge the gaps throughout the franchise: Pre- and Post-HTTYD 1, Pre- and Post-RTTE, HTTYD 2-HTTYD 3, and HTTYD 3-HTTYD 4 (fanon).
The rest of the Bride/Groom Series.
Hiccup’s Bride
Astrid’s Groom
Fishlegs’s Bride
Ruffnut’s Groom
Tuffnut’s Bride
Gustav’s Bride
Dagur’s Bride
Heather’s Groom
There might be more, but let’s just stick with these characters for now.
The rest of the X Leaves Berk Series.
Astrid’s Saga
Fishlegs’s Saga
Tuffnut and Ruffnut’s Saga
Alvin’s Saga
Stoick’s Saga
Valka’s Saga
Spitelout’s Saga
Gustav’s Saga?
Mildew’s Saga?
Drift/Rig’s Saga (OC)?
And maybe others...
The rest of the Memoirs Series.
Memoirs of a Dragon Hunter
Memoirs of a Warlord
Memoirs of an Outcast
Memoirs of a Berserker
Memoirs of a Viking from the Shivering Shores
Memoirs of a Mercenary
Memoirs of a Bounty Hunter
Memoirs of a Wingmaiden
Memoirs of a Defender of the Wing
And maybe others...
Fateful Consequences (A Brave trilogy)
(Canon Divergence / Historical AU / Arranged Marriage AU)
[Eventual Merida x OMC]
In an alternate universe where there is no magic, Merida’s rebellion has real-life consequences, and she has to witness her misdeeds tear apart the former unity of the Four Great Clans and have it start a civil war between them once more. As a result, the Viking-held earldoms of the Scottish islands take advantage of this turmoil and invade the Kingdom of Dun Broch. When they try to claim the castle, Fergus orders his family to ride to one of their relative’s clans for safety, and battles them out as his family rides out from the castle to escape the invaders. But they end up getting captured by Norse raiders.
Elinor and Merida are put into a tent with other hostages. Merida is left with feelings of guilt and sorrow for what her selfishness caused and afraid of what their fate will be. But her fiery heart is determined to right the wrongs that she had caused and restore her Kingdom. She and her mother also befriend two royal adolescents from a Scot-Norse clan who’ve also been taken hostage. When the camp gets attacked by a warband and the hostages rescued, she meets her new friends’ elder brother, a ruler-in-exile by the name of Heimir (called “Hamish” by the Scots), who heard about his siblings being taken and rushed to save them. 
Later on, when they return to his base, Elinor and Merida ask him to help them reclaim their home and route the Norse invaders, but Hamish’s court isn’t willing to participate in a war that was of their (Dun Broch’s) own doing and tell them that the only reason they would go to war was if Merida’s hand was proffered in exchange for martial aid.
Will Merida learn her lesson and sacrifice her freedom for the sake of her people, or will history repeat itself? Will she fix her mistakes and defeat the Norse invaders with Hamish’s aid, or will their new union fracture under the weight of different cultures, beliefs, customs, and idealogies? 
The Pirate Life (Brave 2012)
(Pirate AU)
[Eventual Merida x OMC]
Merida is the boisterous daughter of an infamous Scottish pirate in the Caribbean. When a raid goes horribly wrong and ends up in prison, a mysterious ally comes to rescue her on behalf of her father. He is the complete opposite of her -- and everything she detests. And yet... why does he draw her mind in like a will-o’-the-wisp?
This trilogy will consist of this fic, along with a prequel fic that will dive into Hamish’s past and the events leading up to his fateful meeting with Merida and Elinor, and then a sequel fic which will not only focus on their future, but also on their quest to find Merida’s missing father and brothers.
In addition, I plan on there being short stories or semi-full-length stories which will give alternative scenarios in Hamish’s case spouse-wise — since he had a couple of past love interests whom he couldn’t get together with — and how they would change his fate. Including a what-if fanfic where Hamish marries Elinor instead of Merida (due to Fergus dying) and how that would change the current plot only slightly.
The Boy King (A Frozen story)
(Historical AU / Light Supernatural AU)
[OMC x OFC, later Anna x Kristoff, mentioned Elsa x OMC]
This story is part of the same universe as FTN and Han’s Redemption, being around 1830s-1840s, and will be focused on a foreign nation that’s in dire straights. Prince Nyrriki, the youngest and only surviving son of King Haappi of the Kingdom of Tulemar, inherits a political hot potato stuffed with explosives when his father dies under suspicious circumstances. With Nyrriki being too young to rule, his grandfather decides to take up the mantle until his grandson comes of-age — only for him to share the same fate some time later, leaving Nyrriki all alone.
But since birth, there were omens and a phenomenon that only a couple of people noticed and saw: Nyrriki was born during a fierce storm during the night — possibly foretelling that he will live during a tumultuous time and dark period in the Kingdom’s future. Not only this, but Tuumi Varyoya (”dark shadows”) — evil spirits of the spirit world in folklore — tried to kill the boy, or at least put a curse on him, but was stopped by the Fire Spirit, Tulisydaan (”Fireheart”), considered by many, according to legend, to be the Guardian of and Guide to the Royal Family, and is said to be the living spirit of the volcano by the same name. Ever since he was young, Nyrriki was able to hear the whispers of this Guardian Spirit and even see it when it decides to show itself. Besides his siblings, this spirit was his only friend for a long time.
8-year-old Nyrriki, considered too young to take up the throne, is forced aside so that the Council can rule in his stead until he comes of age (even though there are notable exceptions in the laws that exempt him from this rule). Even from a young age, Nyrriki has had a powerful urge to rule despite his young age, and rule like the Warrior Kings of Old — to protect his people from any danger and exploitation thrown at them. But such ideals are considered old-fashioned and “no longer applicable” in this current modern age. But with a Council who seeks their own interests, enemies on all sides, claimants who wish to take the throne for themselves in Nyrriki’s place, and with the kingdom on the brink of economic and political collapse — on top of all the bias and prejudice towards his age and inexperience — the young heir definitely has a steep uphill climb to the top if he wishes to be the monarch his people need. It’s up to Nyrriki to search for some trustworthy allies and friends who can support his dream, vision, and ambition.
On top of all of this, their trading partner, Weselton, adds to the turmoil by imposing economic and political pressure onto the already-struggling nation, sensing weakness like a shark to blood. What’s more, Weselton is rumored to be meddling in Tulemar’s administrative affairs, and could also have been the culprit behind the deaths of Nyrriki’s father and grandfather. And war is a grim possibility not only from Weselton but from other nations besides.
Can Prince Nyrriki survive this tribulation long enough to be King? Can he pluck his kingdom out from the metaphorical furnace and bring them into a golden age that they haven’t seen in a century(ies)? Can he overcome his adversaries and his country’s enemies? Or will he lose everything and succumb his people into a period of conquest and foreign rule and darkness?
From the North (A Frozen story)
(Historical AU / Arranged Marriage AU)
[Eventual Elsa x OMC(??) and Kristoff x Anna]
In an AU where Elsa has no magical powers, and, as a result, bears the consequence of Elsa and Anna’s parents still alive (thus making Elsa a princess again) and there’s no war that happens — for now. And since Elsa is now of-age to look for a suitor, many candidates come from many countries. One of whom is Nordrik X of the Northern Isles, and also the Duke of Weselton’s son, Lord Waldo.
However, between assassination attempts, kidnapping attempts, and suitors wearing masks of charisma while hiding barely concealed daggers of ambition, who can Princess Elsa truly trust and proffer her hand to in eternal matrimony? 
Then Prince Nordrik X offers his assistance. Can Elsa trust him, or will he prove to be another Hans? Just who is he? Can they be able to defeat the conspiracies, or get swallowed by them?
Hans’s Redemption (A Frozen story)
(Prince Hans x OFC)
This story idea has been a great source of internal conflict for me over the years. I’ve heard of and read several Hans redemption stories, and also of how much flak they’ve gotten over the years due to how badly written several of them have been (among other things). However, I’ve been vaguely outlining it with a friend or two of mine and I think I can confidently say that I can do this when I decide to do it.
Set in a Historical AU — where cannons, muskets, and pistols exist — Prince Hans of the Southern Isles has been dealing with his punishment for 3 years, his reputation tarnished and his plans foiled. And the persecution of his Father and brothers has gotten worse due to his failure and shaming the family name. However, he gets a surprise one day. His brother, Lars, who gave him the idea of marrying into the Arendelle royal family and ruling there (but not the murder part), comes to him and gives him a chance to escape their family and the Southern Isles... forever. Lars arranges for him to leave the Southern Isles on a ship and gives him new clothes and money and they say goodbye for the final time, before Hans leaves.
Hans arrives to a distant small country and accidentally ends up becoming the Heir when an ailing King is appalled by his son’s antics, which is bringing the Kingdom down and causing conflict within his Kingdom. Hans is basically offered the Throne on a silver platter — provided that he marry the Princess, along with a few other conditions. Of course, as is routine, many of the nobility and the son don’t approve of this new move, and when Hans does eventually become King, he’ll have a devil of a time proving himself and winning their favor.
This story will focus on Hans’s journey and will detail his slow and gradual reformation, in a *hopefully* realistic and believable manner. One that will hopefully keep Hans in-character while giving him the chance to change into someone better... in time.
This may or may not end up being connected to my Boy King and From the North stories.
There’s also the myriad of one-shots that aren’t included in this post. I’ve also been thinking about writing some HTTYD/Drifting Dragons crossover fanfics. Because it’d be a crime to pass that up! lol XD
Note: Of course, I’m not working on these projects all at once. But these are projects that are in my files that I outline from time-to-time. The top-most ones are the ones that I’m currently focusing on. But this list isn’t exactly in order. It may be that I get inspired and do one of the fanfics that aren’t one of the foremost ones.
There are also several other projects I plan on doing but they’re either far-off into the future or belong to my other profiles (such as @minlout3heathlegs3ruffthrokfan @companion-of-the-dragonmark profiles). 
Plus, also, the myriad of one-shots that I have planned. Hehe. ^_^
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hiatus-for-forever · 4 years
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader Soulmate AU
Summary: You want to start a business early revolving around your quirk but it leads you to find a rare case in your new school
Quirk: Red Strings. You are able to see the red strings that connect each person to their soulmate by a red string on each of their pinkies. This quirk is received by the oldest daughter in the family once they turn 4 (the parent still has it even when the child does). Sons can also have it but as a secondary quirk, it immediately gets passed down to the daughter and leaves the son with one quirk. You are able to cut it and/or tie it to yourself or other people at the cost of one year of your life for each alteration.
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, cursing
WC: 1,725
You still remember when you got your quirk. The day you turned four you saw the bright red strings appear, connecting everyone to each other. Some had strings that were long and crossed the streets and went around buildings, and some had their stings attached to the person next to them. They were on the floor for most of the time, occasionally stretched when two people had a strain on their relationship. They never broke though, always connected and paired by the universe, whoever it may be who controls it. They got longer when people are far from each other, and shorter when they were close. 
You saw sometimes the people who were connected, passing by each other without a second thought, strangers who rarely looked back at each other as the strange feeling overcame them. You were always happy when you saw two soulmates holding hands, and felt sorry for those who passed by their soulmate with a significant other in their arms. Some people even has two strings and you thought that was so cool. 
You liked to follow the strings when they were going in the same direction as you, and eventually got used to seeing them around not paying mind unless it was a short glance at two loving soulmates. 
Your mom and you were the only ones who could see and interact with them, your grandma dying before you were born with not many stories left behind. She would step on them while you avoided doing so, until she said it was fine. You still didn’t like to walk over them, only the accidental step sometimes but you mostly subtly avoided them. You remember that one time you tripped on a string and those few times you had to duck or go around strained ones. 
Then came when you looked at your pinkie, no bright red sting there. When you asked your mom why you didn’t have one she told you she didn’t have one at first either. She did though, you mentioned, and she said that she cut your dad’s string and tied it to her. You gasped and asked her why and she said that your dad asked for it, his original soulmate was “probably really far away anyway”. She said there was some guilt of course but 20 years of going strong it had melted away. 
She even told you of a story of someone who was bitter of not having a string, she cut every string in her path and ended up dying early, passing the quirk to her first niece. 
“Do you help your friends find their soulmates!?” you beamed, she smiled but shook her head. 
“I can’t, I don’t have the time to with all my work. Plus, you don’t even know if they want to know. They could be happily married or something“ she said. She was right, but you wanted to lead people to their soulmates! But you couldn’t do that under the circumstances you mom had just helped you realized.
Then the thought hit you, it could be your job! You could help people and make money all at the same time and it would be the best job ever! That thought was what started your continuous studying to get into a good school, and getting into that school. To be honest you’ve never been as driven about something as much as this.
So here you were now, at the doorway of UA.
You got stares from everyone as you confidently stepped into the building, then immediately jumping and tiptoeing about in the hallways avoiding the red strings you would soon shorten. Word had already gotten around after you explained to one person why you were walking funny. 
Days later you were already getting requests but you would just turn them down. Maybe just pointing to where they headed. Soon you were already making friends, especially with that one Ashido girl from the hero course who wanted so bad to find her soulmate. You wanted to tell her who it was but you couldn’t make exceptions, you guys weren’t even friends for long. 
Eventually, right when the class was going into the pricing lesson, Ashido immediately jumped on you to show her where her soulmate is. So, her first initiative for today was to drag you to her table for lunch. You met the nicest people ever, the first 10 seconds that passed were great. But your pink-haired friend had already cut to the chase.
“Here, just point me to where my string leads” She said as she slid you a 500 yen coin. You took it and pointed to the kitchen, your eyes trailed from her finger to where the string led, presumably outside a window or something.
She squealed, “Okay, now do them next, they’ll pay” she said as her other friends, except Bakugou, leaned in with interest. 
You chuckled and said, “Sorry I can’t. My teacher said I can’t offer services ‘til my business is official. My pricing itself isn’t complete either. I’m thinking of doing an up-front price along with a price according to how far the trip goes for them to find their soulmate. This of course will include an all expense pair trip if we ever leave the country or go on a far trip. It might be expensive for a lot of people but I really want to show them to their soulmates. I’m thinking of refunding them a portion if they cancel but if I keep doing that the business will get nowhere and no one will find their soulmate. I’m also really concerned for the people who might not have as much money so I’m thinking that the prices shouldn’t be that high. Hmm, maybe I should-”
“Geez, Y/N calm down. You’re starting to sound like Midoriya there with all your rambling” Ashido interrupted, “But I get it, you don’t have to. Dang the business course is though” 
“Not as tough as the hero course though. At least then you’ll be hella rich and I can help all of you find your soulmates”
 “Great!” She chirped. 
They all went back to their food, and out of curiosity you looked at their hands. seeing the red string on either the left or right pinkie. But one caught your eye. There was a set of hands, no red string on neither the left nor the right pinkie. You looked up at who it belonged and were met with glaring red ruby eyes. You got a good look at him, his spiky ash blonde hair. He was pretty attractive, sad he doesn’t have a soulmate though. His glare seemed to get sharper and so you had to stuff your face in your bowl if you didn’t want trouble. 
Whoopsie, how’d you get into this situation? Backed up into the wall of an alleyway by this beautiful blonde. This blonde is of course mad and glaring at you like you stepped on his dog.
You did, however, find out who this man was. Bakugou Katsuki. From the sludge incident. Got the highest score in the practical entrance exam. He also got chained to a block of cement when he won gold at the sport’s festival that you couldn’t attend, not wanting to watch the strings get trampled by your doing the task given. As well as getting kidnapped by the League of Villains during the hero course’s camping trip.
You don’t know why you didn’t recognize him, not really paying attention to what all others do. But now you truly felt sorry for the guy, going through all that, probably blaming himself for All Might’s retirement, and not having someone to call his own. You don’t have to date your soulmate, and sometimes soulmate relationships fail, but it’s hard when they’re the perfect fit for you. 
This man didn’t have a perfect fit. I mean, neither did you but you were fine with making people happy, and you haven’t endured half this man has. 
“Let me ask you this once, why were you looking at me funny?” he gruffly demanded answers
“You sure you wanna know?” you asked nervously
“SPIT IT OUT WOMAN” he slammed his fist next to your head
“You don’t have a soulmate!” you said out of impulse
His eyes widened and his angry demeanor went away, “What?” he mumbled
“You don’t have a string” you clarified
“Well I don’t fucking need one, “ he puffed his chest out, “soulmates are bullshit anyway, don’t wanna have to trust someone like that, they’ll just become a weak spot”
“Well you wouldn’t think that when you tip over and self destruct in anger at yourself for stuff that’s not you fault” you commented as he neared you dangerously
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about”
You sighed as your lips pressed to a thin line, “Maybe I don’t, but no one will if you keep it to yourself”
“I’m fine with that”
He must still be in shock, you just know he’ll add it to the baggage sooner or later. You had to do something about this, he doesn’t deserve it, before he could walk away you called out, “If it makes you feel better I don’t have one either, most people with my quirk don’t have any either”
“Why would that make me feel better?”
“I can cut some string and tie it to you if you want, can’t force a good relationship though”
“No, I don’t want anyone else’s partner”
“Fine then,” you pondered, how could you help this guy out? 
“Lunch. Tomorrow” he stated and left
“Huh? Okay I guess” you said hesitantly. At least it was something.
You rubbed your arm nervously. It was a Saturday and you had asked Mina for his number, where he confirmed to meet outside your dorm. No one really cared that a hero course student was coming over, instead everyone used this time to do work on each of their own businesses. 
You sat at the small table set up in front of the entrance, it was circular and had a small vase of flowers at the center. You then heard a grunt and footsteps getting louder. You turned and saw Bakugou grumbling to himself as he made his way to you.
He plopped down on the seat next to you and before the awkward silence could commence he spoke up, “Why the fuck do you want to help me?”
You chuckled, a smile had danced on your lips, “Right to the chase, huh?”
His glare just hardened.
You felt your hands get clammy, “Heh, well, it is my future job. I want to make people happy”
“So you’ll just change peoples soulmates if someone pays you? Seems pretty shitty”
You gasped, feigning exaggerated offense, “I do not! For each alteration to strings I lose a year of my lifespan,” you explained
“So you’re willing to lose two years of your life to get me a soulmate?” 
You nodded
You sighed, you contemplated whether to take his hand in yours sympathetically but decided against it, instead opting to lean forward and lower your voice, “You’ve been through a lot more than most people should at your age, I just think you would be good with someone who will fully understand you. But, now that I think about it that may be difficult so that’s why...” you trailed off
You realized how no one will fully understand him, he’s a really complex person from what you picked up. You let out a small ‘Huh’ when the thought came to you.
You looked up when you heard him sigh, he mumbled something under his breath along the lines of ‘I cant believe I’m doing this’
“Look, you can’t just take someone else’s soulmate, it won’t work out for me or that person” He then groaned, “and it’s not like you have a soulmate either so...”
You looked at him puzzled, trying to put two and two together. When you did, you had a big shit-eating smirk on your face, “What are you trying to say, Bakugou?” You asked smugly
The infamous ‘tch’ was heard when the reddening on his ears proved true to your suspicions, “Wanna go out sometime?” he begrudgingly offered
You giggled. This hotheaded blonde, known for being aggressive and somewhat the villainous type, was asking you out to a date after two conversations. One was admittedly intimate but only two conversations nonetheless
You figured, why not ply with him for a little bit? 
“Hmmm... Nah, I’d rather waste two years of my life”
He growled, “Stop playing around! You’re lucky I’m even asking you out, I normally hate everyone. Plus, you can’t just connect me to some stranger!”
“We’ve had two conversations, we essentially still are strangers”
You froze in shock. He really was serious about this.
“...Why me?”
He relaxed, ready to give his explanation, “You’re probably the only one who gets an inkling of how I feel because of what I’ve gone through. Everyone else either holds it against me or thinks they understand me”
“Well then-”
You paused again, you saw his flushed face but it was nowhere near the steam coming from the boiling pot that was your head. 
“Uh, y-you too I guess”
“Yeah I’ll see you next week, we’ll get dessert after lunch or some shit, whatever girls want to do on dates”
You scoffed at the stereotype, “Yeah, whatever you have my number,” You saved him a wink which was what made everything worth it for the sight of his face that now matched his eyes.
Part 2 cuz this ends too abrupt but its long already
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queenangst · 4 years
Hey, do you know any fics like "things my heart used to know" by alonintherain? Like alternate universes and things like that
i feel like that’s a good question to ask @captainkirkk​. but you are correct in that i am the purveyor of fic recs, so let’s see what i can put together!
i’m not sure what specifically about things my heart used to know you’re looking for (general AUs, time loops, time travel) so i’m just going to be reccing fics hopefully that fit into those categories. if you’re looking for something else or have another idea please let me know!
some of these you can already find in: my ‘fic rec’ tag / bnha fic rec tag / weekly fic roundups
Time Travel AUs: 
Secondhand by achievingelysium
gen; 17k; chapters 5/? ongoing; nana, all might, gran torino, midoriya
A healing Quirk cannot raise the dead. Instead, they say, time heals all wounds. Shimura Nana wakes up in a future that is completely unknown to her. A future that she is apparently not a part of.
What do you do when your future is failure?
A story about death, and time, and healing. And living.
notes: please read my fic :) 
The Erasure of Eraserhead by RomaStache
gen; 48k; chapters 12/? ongoing; aizawa, yamada, all might, class 1-a
Being a hero is about averting tragedies and saving the people you can- but sometimes that’s just not good enough. The USJ Massacre resulted in too many body bags with too few answers, sending shockwaves that threatened to topple the entirety of hero society. At the center of the storm, UA homeroom teacher Eraserhead is given an unexpected opportunity to set things right. Sent back in time by a former student’s powerful quirk, teenager and aspiring hero Aizawa Shouta must dramatically alter the timeline to avert a tragic future.
Reliving the last 15 years of his life is a price he’s willing to pay.
notes: this fic is pretty dark (see: massacre) but it’s also, in my opinion, absolutely filled with comedy. it’s a blast. i had a great time reading this. i’m also fueled by angst, so take this with a grain of salt.
hollow lungs by dreamtowns
gen; 12.9k; chapters 6/? ongoing; todoroki family, todoroki & class 1-a
When Shōto is eleven, Fuyumi asks if he’d like to watch a movie with her and their brothers, and he looks at her as if he’d seen a ghost.
notes: i haven’t actually read this fic, but it’s a time travel messy fic. i trust the author. so i’m reccing it. 
look at us now by dreamtowns
gen; 3.9k; chapters 1/1 complete; class 1-a, minor/background relationships
On a mission, ten or so years into the future, a few members of Class A arrest a villain with a time travel quirk. They switch places with their younger selves one at a time.
It is very inconvenient.
notes: a fun time travel fic! 
yesterday i died, tomorrow's bleeding by Child_OTKW
gen; 19k; chapters 3/? ongoing; midoriya & aizawa, class 1-a
Izuku frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know you.” Aizawa said bluntly. “You said you were my student, once, wherever you came from – that you were a part of my current class, but I’d never seen you before you showed up at the USJ.”
In which after a fight, Izuku found himself in a world much like his own, but with one key difference.
notes: this fic does not update frequently but i love this fic. i miss it so much. it’s so good. the premise is just fantastic. 
Ticked Off by Xenolis
gen; 201k; chapters 55/? ongoing; midoriya & class 1-a, aizawa, all might
Midoriya Izuku attracted trouble. It was just a fact of life – the sky was blue, the grass was green, and Izuku constantly found himself in an absurd number of deadly situations.
He was okay with that. Mortal peril was an average Tuesday afternoon for a Pro Hero like him. Being kidnapped was practically a holiday. Saving civilians as a building collapsed around him was easier than facing his worried mum afterwards. He had dealt with All Might's disappointed dad stare and only cried for two hours afterwards.
A serial killing villain with an unknown Quirk would be no problem!
...but even Izuku had to admit that being sent back in time to his first day at UA wasn't on the agenda. Still, there was no-one more spitefully determined than him – he was going to make the most of it.
Yeah, good luck, heroes and villains alike! Deku was here to cause mischief and love his friends!
notes: who doesn’t read ticked off honestly. iconic time travel fic. 
Quantum Displacement by ChiwiTheKiwi
gen; 23.5k; chapters 4/? ongoing; midoriya & everyone
“What is your name?”
The man gingerly raises his head, enough so that now Naomasa at least has view of his eyes past the green curls that hang down over his forehead. He repeatedly opens his mouth as if to respond, though no words come forth. Eventually, he simply closes his eyes for a solid minute before reopening them. They land on him first, then move to contemplate the handcuffs that still restrain his wrists to the table. Finally, both of them lock eyes, and Naomasa can see the newly found sense of composure. His lips part, and he speaks.
“My name is Midoriya Izuku.”
notes: i love this fic. thank you chiwi. i would do many an embarrassing thing for this fic. 
Remembrance by Gentrychild
gen; 15.8k; chapters 3/3 complete; ofa holders
During a random errand, Izuku is hit by a quirk that sends him back in time, back when the Symbol of Peace was nothing more than an idea.
notes: thank you gentry we love to see it. time travel! meeting the past ofa holders! yes!
Time Loop AUs: 
Closing the Loophole by blackice
multi; 17.1k; chapters 1/1 complete; gran torino/nana, nana & toshinori
Toshinori inadvertently uses One for All to enact a time-loop the evening Nana fights All for One. And just like that, over and over, the board is reset.
notes: i absolutely loved this fic and i absolutely think more people should read it. 
One Thing After Another by DrAphra
f/m; 13.4k; chapters 1/1 complete; dabi/miruko (minor), dabi & miruko 
Miruko was in the middle of a fight when she got the call that Hawks and Endeavor were in danger.
She leaves the fight, never knowing that she'd been hit with a time loop quirk - not realizing that she would pass it on to the next person she touched. It's something she finds out the hard way, when she kicks Dabi in the face... and then finds herself facing him again. And again. And again.
In between time loops, the heroine and villain reluctantly get to know each other.
notes: such a fun interesting premise and dynamic. crack treated seriously in the best way. 
hope this helps! let me know if you’re looking for something else
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Hihihi!!! Hello <3 I’ve come with news of yet another OC and a fun plot line I’ve been thinking of….
OC info stuff
Name: Reika Todoroki
Gender: female
Age: 24
Physical Appearance: Red hair with multiple white streaks (due to stress and generalized anxiety disorder) tied in a messy braid and bangs, grey eyes, casual academia aesthetic
Personality: a more meek and conflict avoidant type though very protective and motherly
Occupation: grad student in psychology
Quirk: quirkless
So backstory she’s Touya’s twin and wants to be a nurse due to how his training seems to hurt him constantly. After he died tho she did not come out of it mentally healthy (no one did honestly). Her school life was similar to Izuku’s in that she’s constantly bullied for being quirkless. Her anxiety was horrible and only got worse with the tea kettle incident. Seeing how bad her family was falling apart she decided to alter her dream into healing mental injuries instead of just physical ones. Currently in the series she’s in college finishing up getting her psych degree so she can be a psychologist.
Now plotline: due to someone’s quirk 5 different variants of Reika end up in the canon universe. Now they need to be gathered up and sent back to their respective universes. Now here they are!!
Name: Reiji Todoroki
Gender: male
Age: 24
Physical Appearance: same hair color and white streaks drilled in a messy undercut, grey eyes, wattpad bad boy aesthetic
Personality: unlike his female counterpart he’s a lot more aggressive and hot tempered which is used as a defense mechanism though he’s much softer around his family
Occupation: same as female counterpart
Quirk: quirkless
Mentally healthy!AU
Name: Reika Todoroki
Gender: female
Age: 24
Physical Appearance: loose red wavy hair, grey eyes, casual formal wear
Personality: a more bubbly and compassionate persona though very childish (basically how she’d act if Enji was an actual good father)
Occupation: Nurse at a local hospital
Quirk: quirkless
Name: Mirai (she went the Dabi route and ditched her legal name)
Gender: female
Age: 24
Physical Appearance: black hair (she dyed it so she can’t be found by her family and the police) styled in a bob cut, grey eyes, tech wear aesthetic with a mask covering the bottom half of her face and a giant katana strapped to her back
Personality: while aggressive she takes a more calculative approach to end her enemies and is known to be sarcastic or flirty with her colleagues
Occupation: LOV member (joined a year after touya left and a few months after being homeless and was found by AFO who preyed on her insecurities about her lack of a quirk)
Quirk: quirkless
Name: Reika Todoroki
Hero Name: Shift
Gender: female
Age: 24
Physical Appearance: same hair color as canon styled in twin buns, grey eyes, grey jumpsuit with black leotard on top as well as black combat boots and gloves
Personality: extremely protective and motherly as well as mature and sarcastic
Occupation: Pro-Hero
Quirk: Temperature; can shift the temperature of her body to be extremely cold or extremely hot giving her semi immunity to higher and lower temperatures
Quirk Weakness: staying at more extreme temperatures leaves her immune system weakened as well as causes colds or heat sicknesses
Shoto Twin!AU
Name: Reika Todoroki
Gender: female
Age: 16
Physical Appearance: same hair color held in a ponytail, grey eyes occasionally covered by reading glasses, standard private school uniform (mostly black with red lining on the blazer and skirt) or casual nerd aesthetic
Personality: very much akin to middle school izuku where she’s very stressed and meek as well as people pleasing though she’s very compassionate and wants to help others
Occupation: High School student at local private academy
Quirk: quirkless
Plot wise only 4 of them showed up at UA while villain Reika shows up at the league base. After is a series of found family stuff mixed with action, angst, and fluff. That’s all I got so far :)
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scarletscarveszines · 4 years
New Home Fanzine: Frequently Asked Questions
🏡What is a fanzine?
A fanzine is a fan-produced magazine/book that highlights works like art or writing from various artists. Usually fanzines are centered around a theme and/or a specific TV show, game, book, etc. In this case, our New Home fanzine is focused on the theme "found family" featuring the characters from Undertale.​
🌻​​Is this zine for-profit?
Yes, this zine will be low-cost but will take profits.
🏡 ​Will you be offering a printed version of this zine?
No. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the mods are uncomfortable with printing right now. The zine will be available digitally only.​
🌻Will you be selling merchandise?
Yes! The zine will include merchandise that will be available digitally only. We are seeking 1-2 merch artists to produce these items as bonus/bundle options. (See our Applications page for more info.)​
🏡 Can artists/writers sell their work after the project is over?
The artist/writer may sell their work anytime in-person (e.g., at a convention), but must agree not to sell their pieces online until one month after sales end. After that date, all contributors retain the rights to the art and writing they submit and can use their own art however they wish.​
🌻How do contributors communicate during the Creation Period?
Contributors will join the New Home Discord server for the feedback process, announcements, check-ins, etc.​
🏡 ​How much will the contributors be paid?
After fees and taxes have been deducted, mods will each take an amount equal to the equivalent of two zine pieces (see next question). The remaining profits will be divided equally among contributors based on work contributed. All contributors will also receive a free digital copy of the zine as well as all bonus digital merchandise.​
🌻 For payment, what do you mean by "based on work contributed"?
Visual artists/illustrators get paid more for making 2 pieces Writers get paid more for doing one of the following:
2 pieces around 2,000 - 3,000 words each
1 piece around 5,000 - 6,000 words
Merch producers get paid more for two complete merch sets. For example, a set of Discord icons would qualify as one set.​
🏡 Through which payment processor will contributors be paid?
Contributors will be paid via Paypal.
🌻 ​Are AUs allowed for this zine?
We are not allowing traditional, defined AUs (e.g., Underfell, Underswap, Xtale, Dreamtale), but we are allowing interpretations of what may have happened before and after the events of the game (Pacifist, No Mercy, or Neutral routes) in the zine. For example, if you want to draw or write a piece where Flowey is in a flowerpot on the Surface, that is okay. If a Frisk who uses sign language appeals to you, that is fine too. As long as it is compliant with canon materials (i.e., it is considered either an interpretation of canon or a Universe Alteration (UA) instead of an Alternate Universe), it is fine! You can send us a question on our CuriousCat or here on Tumblr if you have any questions.
🏡 ​Are ships allowed for this zine?
Canon ships are allowed, but this zine is mostly focusing on gen (i.e., non-romantic) content. However, if it fits within the theme of the zine, it is fine.
🌻 ​Will there be NSFW material in this zine?
No, this zine is entirely safe for work (SFW) and family friendly!​
🏡 Is traditional art allowed?
Yes. Please make sure to provide a clean, high quality scan of your work (at least 300dpi).​
🌻 Are two-page spread pieces allowed?
No. Since we are a digital zine, we are aiming to be mobile-friendly. However, if you're considering a spread piece, you may want to consider applying as a merch artist and doing a desktop wallpaper/background!
🏡 ​Will we be allowed to create content that is set during Deltarune?
No, we want to make this an Undertale-focused fanzine.​
If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us through an ask, we'll be happy to answer!
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ao3feed-tododeku · 3 years
Kotodama: The Sacred Sound
Kotodama: The Sacred Sound by SurvivingBankerLife
Izuku is the youngest son of All Might, The Number One Hero and Midoriya Inko, the famous Politician who strives for equality in Japan and is rumoured to be the next Prime Minister of Japan. Not many people know about it since it has been kept as a secret from prying eyes. Izuku himself is loved by the people around him. Who wouldn't? He is cute and smily. His quirk is also very useful to make people feel calm and happy. However, due to the danger of his quirk, Izuku is forbidden to be a Hero and instead, was scouted as a teen idol on second grade of middle school and ended up went to private high school full of celebs instead of UA. But, it didn't make him give up his dream as he saves people at night with his alter ego. The Vigilante, Lenne. One day he was caught by Eraserhead and offered a spot in UA. Let's see if he can convince his worried parents...
Another Idol!Izuku fic mixed with omegaverse AU, overprotective parents and pining boys in UA. Izuku is a troll and he really is the definition of "Problem Child".
Words: 1614, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 12 of Side fics
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Toogata Mirio, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Melissa Shield, David Shield, Hatsume Mei, Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Tsukauchi Makoto, Tamakawa Sansa, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shinsou Hitoshi, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Monoma Neito, Midoriya Izuku/Yoarashi Inasa, Midoriya Izuku/Shindou You, Awase Yousetsu/Midoriya Izuku, Rin Hiryuu/Shishida Juurouta, Kaibara Sen/Tsuburaba Kousei, Hatsume Mei/Melissa Shield, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Ojiro Mashirao/Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina/Hagakure Tooru, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Natsuo
Additional Tags: Family Drama, Drama & Romance, Teenage Drama, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Singer Midoriya Izuku, Musician Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Midoriya Izuku is a Tease, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is Midoriya Izuku's Parent, Parent Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Alpha Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Established Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Protective Midoriya Inko, Politician Midoriya Inko, Worried Midoriya Inko, Omega Midoriya Inko, Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Toogata Mirio Has One for All Quirk, Alpha Toogata Mirio, Midoriya Izuku and Toogata Mirio Are Siblings, Older Sibling Toogata Mirio, Alpha Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Older Sibling Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Toogata Mirio is a Dork, Angst, Idol Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Tsundere Bakugou Katsuki, Pining Bakugou Katsuki, Older Sibling Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30466431
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I’m kinda confused because in one post it says that the next au raffle will be on June 14th but another post it’s June 31st, can you explain the dates so I’m not confused
Right, so the schedule changed a bit.
Here's the current one: (with blanks because spoilers.)
Tumblr media
Week 1 is an AU of my picking because I have a few I'd really like to get done. (Not many though.)
Week 2 we get a break and nothing happens. I may substitute this for something else later down the line but for now, it's just a break.
Week 3 is a follower input AU like the zombie one we did last week.
Week 4 is a UA. What's a UA? A UA is a universe alteration where instead of changing the location and keeping the characters the same, we mess with the characters. For example, what if the convex never had anything to do with the vex? What if Iskall revealed he changed the sigh from the start and was on team star? What if we paired hermits up with each other and then switched aspects of their character (similar in fashion to Underswap?) Things like that. They're typically on a smaller scale than a regular AU.
Week 5 is another follower input.
Week 6 is a break again.
Week 7 is a UA.
Week 8 we repeat the cycle and go back to where we started with my own AU.
It sounds super complicated but I actually have a schedule for up until April 2021 so we should be good.
I may change the schedule so that my picks for AU's are even more few and far between but I dunno yet.
TLDR: My choice of AU, break, follower input AU, UA, follower input AU, break, UA, reset.
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babycharmander · 3 years
I KNOW IT'S TWO DAYS LATE NOW BUT I'M DOING ONE MORE I DON'T CARE!! I wanted to recommend some fics! But I'm gonna specifically be recommending some that I haven't seen anyone recommend yet, so here we go!
Fic title: Las Memorias by abelrunner (@wee-chlo) What it's about: A fic showing some snippets of Héctor's afterlife as he's slowly forgotten, and also a bit post-movie. What I like the most about it: This was a much older fic in the fandom and one that introduced a headcanon I quite liked--that the dead can feel when someone who remembers them is forgotten. It's also got a very nice, brief look at Héctor's afterlife and the friends he made in Shantytown. The OCs in it are good too! Favorite scene: It's SO HARD to say for this fic because there's so many good ones. But there's one specific moment in the fic where each of Héctor's family members says something (I won't spoil it because it's a great moment) and it about destroyed me. Why other people should read it: If you want a really good oneshot about Héctor's afterlife and also some really good moments with his family, you should definitely read this. Other thoughts: This one influenced some of my own headcanons, haha. It's good!
Fic title: Elegy by @dogbearinggifts What it's about: An AU where Imelda is cursed and sent to the Land of the Dead, where she encounters a recently-dead Ernesto as well as Héctor, and... things play out from there. What I like the most about it: Living!Imelda interacting with dead!Héctor was really cool. It's also just an overall very cool way of showing how the story could have gone. Favorite scene: The scene where Imelda and Héctor realize what really happened. Why other people should read it: If you want to read a really fascinating AU and see some really well-written interaction between Imelda and Héctor.
Fic Title: For Whom the Bell Tolls by @im-fairly-whitty What it's about: Ernesto decides to settle some unfinished business in the Land of the Living post-movie. What I like the most about it: This is one of the first fics I recall that dealt with Ernesto's character development post-movie, and it does a pretty good job of it. Favorite scene: Héctor and Ernesto's conversation. I don't want to spoil it--it needs to be read. Why other people should read it: If you want to read something Ernesto-centric, this is a really good one!
Fic Title: Ojos Que No Ven by @endless-existential-crisis What it's about: Post-movie, Miguel dies in a tragic accident, and is taken care of by his dead family. What I like the most about it: In spite of its tragic premise, it's an incredibly sweet fic. There's a lot of really wonderful moments between Miguel and his family, though also a lot of sad ones too. Very well written overall. Favorite scene: Héctor and Miguel singing together! Why other people should read it: If you want some angst and h/c and Miguel interacting with the dead Riveras post-movie, this is a great fic. Other thoughts: It is currently unfinished, but what's there is still very much worth reading! Fic title: Recuérdame (Remember Me) by Xandynz What it's about: A universe alteration in which Miguel does NOT get cursed, but instead discovers Héctor is his real great-great-grandfather, and begins to unravel the mystery. What I like the most about it: THE STYLE IS SO COOL OH MY GOSH!!! If you've read Ernesto de la Cruz VS The Court of Public Opinion (which by the way is also an absolutely fantastic must-read fic), it's kinda like that, but with even MORE variety in the types of formats it uses. The story unfolds through a variety of formats--Reddit posts, news articles, text messages, and so on. It's SO COOL. (I think this type of fic is called an "epistolary"?) Favorite scene: I don't know that I could choose just one--every chapter is a surprise with how the story unfolds. Why other people should read it: It's a really cool UA (where, while Miguel avoids going to the LotD, things DON'T end tragically for Héctor) and seriously the style is so cool it really needs to be read. Other thoughts: This one is unfinished! I have no idea if it will continue, but it's still worth reading!
Fic title: Who Tells Your Story by @papergardener What it's about: Post-movie (pre-epilogue), while Héctor and Imelda are still in the middle of reconciling, the media is hounding Héctor and writing up a lot of sketchy articles about his past in the Land of the Dead. Imelda has a lot of questions, and Héctor is not the best at answering them. What I like the most about it: This is SUCH a detailed look at Héctor's afterlife--all the original characters have so much depth, and the historic details are really, really cool. A lot of research really went into this fic and it shows. It also covers some really heavy topics in a very respectful way. Also the way it's presented--we often see the tabloid articles and hear Héctor's shoddy explanations before we see the flashbacks, leaving both the reader AND Imelda wondering about things before they’re really revealed, so there's a lot of "OHHH" moments, as well as "OH... OH NO!!!!" moments throughout the fic. Favorite scene: Oh gosh it's really hard to say. I like the flashback with Héctor and Maris (the second part of it specifically), but I also like the moment where Héctor evades the press and mulls over how he's going to talk to Imelda about things (and winds up talking to a goat alebrije at one point, haha). Why other people should read it: If you're okay with reading some really heavy angst and dark subject matter, and/or you want a really really detailed look at Héctor's past, and/or Héctor and Imelda trying to navigate their relationship around all the post-movie chaos, you should probably check out this one! Other thoughts: HEED THE TAGS AND WARNINGS!! Also, fic is not finished yet, but you should still absolutely read it!
Fic title: Bitter Sweet Symphony by @tomato-bitch What it's about: Pre-movie, Héctor attempts to confront Ernesto and things go... poorly. Long story short, Héctor winds up as Ernesto's personal assistant, and it's... not the most enjoyable job, to be sure. What I like the most about this fic: This is such a different premise, and it's very well written. It's honestly kindof a nightmarish situation (being stuck in a massively stressful job that you have zero training for), but you really, really want to see Héctor succeed (and get some sleep, please get some sleep man). There's also a lot of really really good OCs in this one! And also Héctor essentially gets assigned a pigeon alebrije assistant and she's great. Favorite scene: Aaah this one's hard to say but I really like the scene where Héctor gets to go to the staff party. Other thoughts: Fic is still in-progress, but still absolutely worth reading!
Aaand that's all I've got for now! There's others I could recommend but I am Tired. @__@; But I wanted to highlight some fics I really like that I didn't see get recommended on Saturday, so... here we are!
OKAY I'M DONE NOW! Thanks again to everyone who participated in the event on Saturday!
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adrrianraines · 5 years
choose me.
—chapter i. | chapter ii. | chapter iii.
genre: romance
fandom: playchoices: the royal romance
pairing: LiamxMC (Riley Brooks)
characters used are owned rightfully by pixelberry. all rights reserved. this is a trr UA (universe alteration) original idea storyline. unlike an AU or Alternate Universe, Universe Alterations or UAs are set in the canon universe, but with "alterations" to accommodate the plot.
grammatical errors, misspellings & typographical errors that i might have overlooked are to be expected. **also, my apologies for the long delay! thank u for doing the proofreading with me, @bi-cookie 😘
–of course, hmu if u wanna be tagged for an update! for these lovely people who wanna be tagged in this mess, thank you! ✨
@miss-raleigh-carrera @sunandlemons @wolfychoices @juminssi @onomatorina @ao719 @vaticanwaltz @texaskitten30 @princess-geek @janezillow @cordoniaqueensworld @thecordoniandiaries @omgjasminesimone
Sometimes, the most scenic roads in life are the detours you didn’t mean to take. — Angela N. Blount, Once Upon an Ever After
Four rowdy guys stood outside the breezy New York City night, ready to take on whatever it’s willing to offer. One of them, however, was not as patient as the others.
“Who are we exactly waiting fo—” But when Drake turned with an expression that equates bafflement, he was caught in an loop of awestruck surprise instead. “—woah... You look… different. Wow.” Drake’s tone alerted the others, their gazes then focusing towards the figure coming out of the bar. Maxwell gaped before swallowing several times. He was able to regain his temporary immobility by nodding in eager appreciation.
“You look hot!” The Beaumont Lord blurted, totally unaware of his surroundings. One gentleman was not very pleased with this. Liam’s eyes narrowed, mouth preparing to reprimand Maxwell’s choice of words and behavior.
Riley, on the other hand, had a different thing going on inside her mind. Her prompt reply immediately silenced Liam’s attempt for words.
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.” Her tone was saccharine, face producing a smooth wink which caused Maxwell’s cheeks to flush. Liam stared in shock at how, in an instant, the empty and almost translucent bars on top of Drake and Maxwell’s heads appeared then began to be filled with a shade of red.
Much like his own.
Now, how does a gentleman deny such an obvious display of attraction?
He felt a tug of pain inside his chest and the yearning that was caused by her absence grew. This was a reality in which Riley never met him yet but the longing he felt negates the rational thoughts he was trying to settle himself in. Liam watched how her hair swayed against the wind, how her lips curled into a smile as she conversed with the others, how she smoothed the pleats of her green dress as she straightened herself. Then, he immediately stopped.
You wouldn’t want to scare the lady now, would you? He scolds himself.
Riley’s gaze caught him. It was as if, all in slow motion, the wind got knocked out of his pipes, rendering him incapable of coherency. Liam carefully kept his mouth shut and pressed a smile on his face as he watched her approach him. His heart thundered while a million thoughts ran rampant inside his head. Yet, time seemed to slow down for them.
“Liam.” She called, her eyes twinkling against the dimly lit city lights. He was quiet, unbearably so, that Riley looked worried. “Are you okay?”
“My apologies, I…” Liam, who always was a master of his own emotions, did his very best to push the lingering tinge of jealousy at the back of his consciousness. He slowly reached out to take her hand in his to brush his lips against the softness of her skin. “It’s just that... You look breathtaking, Riley.”
“Oh…” Her cheeks flushed, and he almost did a somersault. Riley quickly recovered by teasing him. “Thank you, kind sir.”
“But the night demands us journey and you will be our navigator.” He grinned, letting his fingers brush against her own for a bit longer before pulling away. It wasn’t hard to ignore that Riley’s cheeks flushed red before clearing her throat.
He was pleased.
“I have the perfect place for all of us tonight. I promise you guys won’t regret it!” She says, and Liam, as the one who already lived through this moment, smiled to himself. He knew where exactly they would go.
“The beach?” Drake put an emphasis on the word as they all found themselves sinking mildly against the fine sand of the shore in a beach somewhere in the city. The moon was shining high in the sky and the waves were calm. There were not much people in sight.
“Oookay. Not what I had in mind, exactly.” Maxwell commented then stunned everyone by removing his shoes and folding the edges of his pants up. “Hah! I’m not gonna say no to this!”
Drake only shook his head and followed with Tariq in tow who’d been grumbling about how expensive his shoes were. Moments later, all three of them were splashing each other and laughing. Maxwell and Tariq were focused on attacking Drake which deliberately almost pissed him, if only he weren’t attacking them himself.
Liam removed his coat and slowly laid it down against the sand. He turned and urged Riley to sit with him, in which she followed without question.
Silence passed and Liam grew antsy. He wasn’t sure of how to tackle the changes that were beyond his control nor grasp.
“So pray tell, what exactly brought all of you here?” She broke the silence first, her gaze searching. He looked at her while biting his lip, as if unsure how to respond.
“I should thank you first... that was rude of me to forget. Forgive my rashness.” Liam smiled. “This was a great idea.” Being this close with her only drove him at wit’s end. His mind travelled to how he wanted to kiss her that moment. How he missed her touch. It took a good amount of self restraint as he focused on the more important topic at hand. “The guys are having fun because of you.”
“You’re welcome…” Riley trailed, smiling softly as she leaned in a bit.
Too close. His mind did a little scream.
Focus. He commanded. This is not the time. He knew better. Yet, his body move of its own accord, ignoring the warnings his thoughts deliberately showed. Easily, his hand found itself caressing the side of her face. At first, her eyes widened... then she bit her lip, and slowly... she closed her eyes.
The tiny string of sanity that was keeping him together snapped.
Liam leaned to close the distance between them, lips just lingering a few inches away from hers.
It’s not too late to back out. A voice inside his psyche reprimanded. And for once in his life he didn’t listen.
He kissed her and the flame in him, slow and deep, flickered alive. Their lips stirred in sync, mouths doing a little dance together. His hand now held the back of her neck, while the other firmly held her waist. Her hands gently curled against his chest, as if pulling him close. He couldn’t stop himself, not if he’s obviously aching to be with her again. Everything around them seemed to vanish like thin smoke in a clouded veil.
It felt forever. She tasted angelic.
And once upon a time, she married him.
When the kiss ended, they were both gasping for air. Liam briefly closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers as Riley let out a small giggle.
“That’s a first.” She commented which made him chuckle. “But you didn’t answer my question.”
Oh dear. He let out a soft sigh. Riley noticed the change in his expression and almost began to take back her question. Liam straightened himself, gaze never leaving her. She deserved the truth, much like how he disclosed the information the very first night that they met each other.
“It’s my Bachelor Party...” He breathed. Riley’s eyes widened.
“What?” Her voice faltered yet it was loud enough that he could hear the surprise in her tone. “You’re going to be married?”
“Yes. However... whom I’m yet to marry remains unknown.” He smiled sadly and she looked more confused than ever.
“I don’t understand. What do you mean?”
“The truth is… I’m the Crown Prince of a Kingdom.” Liam began and he carefully studied the different emotions that presented themselves in her visage. Surprise? Confusion? Disbelief? Amazement? It was all present.
He leaned back when she didn’t answer. “I have to carefully choose a bride for my country before the end of the year.”
“Wow… that’s… a lot to take in.” Riley’s voice trembled the slightest. “So, you mean to say that you’re a real prince…?”
“I believe so, if you’d like to humor me.” He laughed at how that almost sounded like a joke. But the weight of the crown always kept his sanity rooted to the ground. Riley was the only one who could shake him to the core.
A Prince must never let his emotions dictate his decisions. Much less a future king should let his internal turmoils affect his governance. But right that moment, with her features being illuminated in the moonlight, the sound of his friends’ laughter and the crashing waves against the shore rendered him vulnerable.
Liam thought long and hard at how empty he felt since he woke up without his wife by his side. The idea of losing his family churned his stomach into knots and the possibility of him losing her this time, albeit permanently, left a sour taste in his mouth.
“Liam?” She said as a tremulous smile graced her lips. The wind carries her voice to him. He gazed that it hurts to even look at her, knowing for a fact that right now, she isn’t his to hold. But he can’t not look at her, not when the breeze that came from the sea swayed her hair, fingers beginning to itch to hold her.
It would be so easy to close the distance between them once more, just to kiss her, and declare his love then. The heat of jealousy whenever he thinks of how mesmerized both Drake and Maxwell were with her earlier produced a writhing sensation in the pit of his belly. It was unbearable.
Then, Liam reached out to take Riley’s hands against his own as he whispered the words he never thought and couldn’t keep himself from declaring, “Come back with me to Cordonia.”
Liam woke up with a start.
There was a reverent knock on his door as he tried to rub off the remnants of sleep from his eyes. He swung his legs down the carpeted floor accompanied by a soft groan then moved towards the door. With a soft click and a twist of the knob, his eyes widened upon the visitor who made themself known in front of him.
“Bastien?” He asked, a bit confused.
“Your highness.” With a curt bow, Bastien greeted Liam. “May I come in?”
Still bewildered, he stepped aside and was immediately drawn towards the familiar decorations of his surroundings. His eyes immediately narrowed, thoughts slowly forming a riot inside his head. He turned sharply towards Bastien who looked as equally alarmed as he is.
“Where am I?” Liam blurted, almost as if he didn’t know where he was. The King’s Guard only looked at him, certainly caught off-guard with the question.
“...You’re in Cordonia, of course.” Bastien answered, voice firm with certainty. Liam almost toppled over his feet but he caught himself immediately. In a swift motion, Bastien was immediately by his side.
Cordonia? He rubbed his forehead, as if he was trying to recall the past events that transpired. He recalled being in New York—his Bachelor Party. Right! His Bachelor Party!
“Liam.” There was a mixture of worry within the depths of Bastien’s eyes and Liam couldn’t afford to provide an explanation of such bizarre events that jarred his mind. “Drake told me about this. What’s happening?”
“I…” Liam began, doubt lacing his thoughts. He bit his lip then shook his head after. “I’m quite alright. Thank you, Bastien.”
“Tonight’s the Masquerade Ball. The King asked me to check on you.” Bastien gave him a do-over before stepping back. “Then, I will leave you to prepare.” The knight nodded, though unsure, but proceeded to walk out. When Liam was sure that he’s finally alone, he slumped back to his bed, head hanging low, mind trying to remember the events from the night before.
Masquerade Ball… So, it hasn’t been a full day yet since he last saw Riley.
But why was his memory extremely clouded? It was as if he couldn’t remember ever going out with her. From his previous night’s memory, he knew they went together to the beach and had a magical night that was unbearably hard to forget. Yet, he wasn’t sure if they ever went to the Statue of Liberty. He wasn’t sure how their short trip to the beach rolled out after he told her he is a prince.
Something was amiss.
“Tonight will be the start of the Social Season.” His father’s voice - King Constantine of Cordonia - gently reminded him. The orchestra inside already began playing and they were only waiting to be announced. Liam squared his shoulders and nodded as an answer.
So far, so good. Just like how the previous events happened.
“I have an announcement to make, son. Be sure to be there.” His father said as they all walked towards the large ballroom doors. Not a minute later, the trumpets sounded and he could hear his father’s name together with his step-mother being announced.
“His majesties, King Constantine and Queen Regina!” The herald’s voice echoed and the grand doors opened. The lights basked the royal couple in shimmering glitters. There was a round of applause as he watched his parents walk together towards the center stage, surrounded by all other nobility present inside.
The herald stepped outside and looked at Liam as a signal before he nodded for confirmation. “His Highness, Prince Liam!”
He squinted at the blinding luminscence of the ballroom—ears tingling at the unanimous chorus of claps from what seemed like a hundred pair of hands. He walked and smiled to each noble who greeted him. Liam’s eyes caught several noble women giggling while coyly smiling at him, masks hiding their countenance.
He never expected to undergo the pain of choosing a marriage partner once more. Never in his lifetime had he dreamed of going through similar situations again. His heart constricted at how ridiculous and pitiable he was before he met Riley, nestled in all these fake visages. Pleasing and making sure to never commit a single mistake while being forced to marry for the Kingdom he was expected to take care with as much as what his hands could handle.
One by one, the ladies that were present to win his hand in marriage were announced. He heard a couple of names he knew but none of them mattered when he didn’t hear Riley’s name being called nor the house she was supposed to represent being declared.
His vision caught a few familiar faces in the crowd—Olivia, Hana, Penelope and Kiara. They were huddled together on one part of the room, then several noblewomen he couldn’t even remember and some other figures of Cordonia’s circle of nobles. He carefully scanned the crowd, trying to find the face he wanted to see the most. Yet, all were futile as most of the ladies wore masks for the ball. As what he could remember, she wore an ensemble of clothing so stunning it knocked his breath away. But to his surprise, no matter how much he scanned the crowd, he couldn’t find her. Nor Drake and Maxwell for the case.
Wouldn’t she have arrived already? He asked himself. Or has he missed the announcement? Truth to be told, he couldn’t actually recall hearing her being announced. He was that preoccupied. Yet, even seeing her in Cordonia back then was what surprised him the most.
The herald blew his trumpet again, the sound gathering the attention of everyone inside the crystalline ensemble. “The King would like to say a few words!”
A flood of shush echoed throughout the men and women alike as they halted their business to listen towards the esteemed King of Cordonia. His father beckoned him to step closer. Liam’s feet gingerly walked towards his father, unsure of why he was suddenly being called in the middle.
“My dear citizens of Cordonia, I welcome you all! I hope from the bottom of my heart that all of you are enjoying the festivities our Kingdom offers tonight. Truly, all of you are shining brighter than the stars in the sky.” His father, through practiced pleasantries to diplomatic talks, announced. The nobles slowly clapped one by one until it became a chorus of deafening noise.
“However, as much as my family would love to extend our personal greetings to each lady who graciously presented themselves for this year’s social season, the Royal family has come to a decision that would benefit the entirety and all the while, securing the Kingdom and its future. I, as the current King of Cordonia, do announce that we have already chosen the most suitable candidate for the throne.” There was a hush amidst the crowd. King Constantine took this opportunity to continue. “Hence, the Social Season for this year is going to be postponed.”
The sudden announcement not only shocked Liam but also collectively earned gasps from the people itself. Murmurs then began to break out as furious ladies expressed their grievances of the sudden change of plans. However, Liam stayed rooted, eyes wide and unbelieving towards his father.
“Ah, we would like to extend our deepest and most sincerest apologies. This is selfish, I’m perfectly aware. But for the circumstances that presented itself, we would also ask for the gracious support from the people of this Kingdom as we announce the chosen Lady.” Liam’s ears rang badly, breath turning ragged, gaze in a daze as he tried to process everything. “I would like to formally make it official that I will be stepping off the throne and... therefore, paving the way for the Crown Prince to be crowned as the new King of Cordonia!”
Everything happened impeccably fast, almost like a haze or a gust of wind. Liam couldn’t even process the information himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Queen Regina with a lady wearing a mask from behind the stage. Then, the two of them made their way towards the center as the crowd collectively gushed and murmured among themselves.
He couldn’t think straight.
He heard Olivia’s voice from the crowd, fiercely stating her defiance against the sudden decision.
“I’m insulted, dear Prince. It wouldn’t be a good image for the people to see their future leader caught in a binge.” The masked Lady strutted to his side, voice familiarly eerie and calculating. The smile on her face impossibly cold yet determined.
Liam’s eyes shifted in a frenzied manner as he tentatively took a step back in perturbation. The familiar blonde hair and piercing gaze cut through his facade despite the mask she wore.
It wasn’t supposed to go this way… it wasn’t supposed to go this way. His mind ranted.
And then louder. This wasn’t supposed to happen...!
“Here we present, the new Queen-in-Waiting together with Crown Prince Liam!” He breathed several times as he tried to relax himself. Then, Liam squared his shoulders and plastered the fakest of all smiles he could ever managed and focused his gaze ahead. He could feel Madeleine smirking by his side as she gently wrapped her hand on his arm, pulling him a bit closer to her. The herald continued to announce. “Please, help us welcome Countess Madeleine of Fydelia!” The herald’s voice boomed in an excited cheer as he presented the two of them, standing side by side.
King Constantine clapped his shoulder before breaking into an applause himself. The herald then stepped closer and bowed down before offering the microphone back to the King himself.
“Beautiful, indeed. The future of the Crown are in good hands.” The mirth reflecting on his father’s face was no match against the blinding chandelier lights. “I’d be more than delighted to share with you all that preparations are in tow and the wedding will be happening in a month’s time!”
A month?!
Liam heard the large double doors creaking, and when he tilted his head to take a look, his world came crashing down in an instant. She heard. Dear god, she heard everything. His eyes softened at the sight of beauty that was beyond his reach, dressed like an angel and the most captivating pair of eyes he had ever seen hiding beneath a masquerade. Riley was there, rooted to the spot together with Maxwell and the Duke of Ramsford, frozen and completely stunned in silence as much as he was.
Then, as the trumpets collectively played a congratulatory tune and the crowd of nobles slowly loosened up from the surprising news then started cheering. His emotions only screamed in pain as his thoughts wildly raced towards the lady that just made her grand exit from the ball just after a few moments.
Within the chaos of his own mind, the enclosed space inside the dance floor, the fast beating of his heart and the utterly problematic situation he caught himself into, Liam couldn’t breathe.
His hands curled into fists. His ears started ringing in silent frustration. He froze in place.
And when the love of his life exited the grand doors, he couldn’t even move to run after her.
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sun-spark · 4 years
Collection of My Star Trek Fanfictions
This is a collection of my Star Trek fics to date that I will update as I go and post on my fandom account as well. 
Mostly Spock/Kirk centric, but there may be others in the future. 
Any feedback or notes  would be very much appreciated :) <3
You Would Leave Me, T'hy'la?
Links: KSArchive , Ao3
Summary:  During a triennial light spectacle on New Vulcan's surface, Jim Kirk overhears a conversation between his first officer, Spock, and some of the Vulcan councilmen and women concerning Spock's future. Unintentionally, Spock indicates he will place nothing higher than the needs of his people, and Kirk, used to being left behind, takes it the wrong way. In pain and misunderstanding, he flees and Spock is left to try and pick up the pieces.
Relationship: AOS Kirk / AOS Spock
Du Dotorun tor klau, Ashayam?
Links: KSArchive , Ao3
Summary: This is a retelling of the 69th episode of the original Star Trek series (Season 3, Episode 14), Whom Gods Destroy, from Kirk's POV. In this version of events, Spock and Kirk have an established relationship and we get to see how this may have affected their mission.
This was meant to be an altered version of the original episode, but it can be read as if the reboot versions of Kirk and Spock were experiencing the adventure their older counterparts once did.
Relationship: TOS Kirk / TOS Spock , or, AOS Kirk / AOS Spock
Sometimes, Interference Is Worth It Selik.
(My oldest, I’d had little writing experience at the time.)
Links: KSArchive , Ao3
Summary:  A scene that could have happened between Spock and Selik (Spock Prime) in the first Star Trek reboot movie. In this scene, Selik tells Spock just how important James T Kirk is and warns him not to waste their precious time together. Star Trek UA (Universe Alteration instead of Alternate Universe (AU))
Relationship: AOS Kirk/ AOS Spock; Kirk & Spock; Romantic and/or Platonic
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risualto · 5 years
"Worked themselves to exhaustion" for Tai Lon?
Hooo boy, this one was both really, really fun and really, really hard to write.  I could have done it all from Tai Lon’s point of view, but for some reason, my brain wouldn’t let go of the idea of writing it from an outside perspective.  “Which one?” I asked.  “All of them,” it said.  So, here’s my semi-triumphant attempt at third-person omniscient prose after not having done this for almost 6 years.  I hope it’s not too confusing and that it doesn’t suck, because I honestly really like how it turned out.
As a note, the timelines in this fic are a little screwy for the sake of Drama, so I think it’s technically a Universe Alteration (UA, like AU but less severe) from Tai Lon’s actual quest progression.  She did Beast of Winter really, really late.
worked themselves to exhaustion + Tai Lon
Tai Lon was utterly sick and tired of all of this.  Between the Vailians asking for help securing another adra vein, the RDC on her butt regarding slavers, the Huana sending her after an island that may or may not exist and may or may not be evil, and the Príncipi putting her on the defense from a revenge quest?
Not to mention everything her actual friends needed—
The jobs were each little bubbles in her mind, but as she sought ways to pursue each of them, the details seemed to grow and grow, inflating the problem with more potential ways for it to blow up in their faces.  Pressure was building in her head, and Tai Lon wasn’t sure how much more she could take before she exploded.  
She had to solve at least one.  At least give herself room to breathe.  Just focus down a single quest and finish it, instead of worrying about the most efficient way to solve everything.  Maybe she could start with the slavers.
(There was a knock at her door, but above the noise in her mind, Tai Lon didn’t notice it.  Aloth, outside, assumed she was asleep.)
 It took almost a week for anyone to notice, but for every job the crew of The Defiant completed, two more seemed to pile up.  Yet, even with Maia’s sharp eyes, Serafen’s supernatural awareness, and Aloth’s unparalleled intellect, none of them saw past the carefully funneled objectives that the crew was given, one at a time.  Of course, it burned in the back of each companion’s mind when their personal objectives and the ship’s objective didn’t line up; but it was easy to forget the complications of having so many people’s goals, dreams, welfare, survival wrapped up in the judgement of a single pale elf.
Later, they would wonder at how she kept standing when the weight on her shoulders had already begun to crush her.
When the letter from Harbinger’s Watch came, Serafen and Maia watched her fingers tremble as she pried open the seal.  When she moved to tell Eld Engrim to change their course, Aloth and Tekēhu stopped bickering for long enough to notice how half her weight was leaned against the ship’s railing.  Pallegina and Ydwin saw how her slow, careful walk up to the Harbinger’s Watch was meant to seem casual, strong, solid, but was in fact weighed back by some unseen phantom.  Xoti and Edér noticed the shadows around her eyes as she was made to run back and forth across camp searching for the one who summoned them.
Separately, no one had the pieces.
It was in almost the worst possible way that they came together.
When the rotted bones of the Messenger fell upon the camp, skeletal form obscuring the sky like a cat’s cradle descending to choke Eora, Tai Lon didn’t move.  Even as her companions fell back (Aloth even tugging on her hand but losing his grip) and the Harbingers circled the creature in some kind of twisted reverence, Tai Lon simply stood there as though her boots had become part of the glacier.
If they could have seen her face, they’d have seen her open eyes staring at nothing, too clouded over with the haze of exhaustion. But they didn’t.  The creature roared, and Tai Lon fell, crumpling atop the ice like her bones had turned to dust.
Aloth cried, “Watcher!”
Edér barked, “No!”
Ydwin hissed, “What is that, what did it do to her?”
Xoti screamed, “Not on my fuckin’ watch!” Even as part of her murmured, But it did happen on your watch.  On all of yours.
The power of Gaun brought Tai Lon up to her feet enough to fell the creature with her party, but she collapsed against Edér’s chest the moment the adrenaline faded.  As her eyes fluttered, her breath froze against the metal of his armor as she whispered, “Sorry, just—jus’ a second…”
Xoti lifted the Watcher from Edér’s arms, pouring healing spell after healing spell into a body with no more wounds.  Yet, even as Aloth drew up beside them and threw his cloak over Tai Lon, she continued to shiver through deep, slow breaths.  
“Your magic’s no use, priestess,” Ydwin finally said, cutting Xoti off mid-incantation.  Three sets of eyes turned to her.  “She is not injured or poisoned, but exhausted, and there’s no magic to fix that without making her body suffer the side effects later.”
Aloth blinked slowly, turning back to brush some of Tai Lon’s hair away from her cheeks, revealing skin so pale that her snowy freckles were nearly eclipsed, save for the deep bruises wrinkling up under her eyes.  “How did we miss this,” he muttered, feeling something squeeze at his chest in a way he hadn’t felt since—since Thaos.
“She never—she never said anything,” Xoti muttered, letting her hands fall, helpless and fidgeting, to her lap.  “She was always standin’, talkin’, plannin’, and with a smile on her face.”
“She didn’t want us to know,” Edér said thinly.  “But we should’a seen it anyway.”
Ydwin sighed, putting a hand on her hip.  “You should have, yes.”
And her words stung, deeper and with more toxicity than most any blows they had endured, to see this near-stranger understand their (Watcher, Captain) friend in an instant when they had failed for—
Only she could say, and she was unconscious, body seeking desperately for a moment of rest.
When the party finally brought Tai Lon inside, back to where that High Harbinger had lauded her with yet more responsibility like it was a prize and not a death sentence.  And in the wake of the other Harbingers flitting in and out, searching for their leader, the four of them sat like shields beside Tai Lon, deflecting demands for the “Duskspeaker’s” aid and wisdom like xaurip arrows.
“She can’t help you,” they said.  “You’re supposed to have a leader already.  You’re not her problem.”
As the influence of the gods and their suffocating designs became obvious, Xoti muttered, “If the gods try to make it her problem, then what do we do?”
Aloth ducked his head, hands curling into fists, and Iselmyr barked, “Tae Hel with th’ gods an’ their ninny spats!”
“I’d normally agree with you,” Edér said, “but she don’t usually get much of a choice.  So, this time, we gotta help her.  For real.  Even when she’s gonna tell us not to.”
The wizard looked up, and his eyes burned so brightly that Edér was sure there was Hylspeak on his lips.  But, “Yes,” said Aloth.  “She might be holding up Eora, with all its kith and its gods tangled and failing, but it’s our job to hold her.”
“We screwed that one up,” said Xoti. The words fell flat from her lips as she leaned against the freezing wooden walls.
“Well, we won’t do it again,” Aloth answered. He reached out slowly and folded one of his hands over Tai Lon’s beneath the blanket, squeezing like it would seal the promise between their palms.
Across the room, in the midst of sketching the dracolich, Ydwin quirked her eyebrows.  Very well.  Maybe there was hope for this Watcher, after all.
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ao3feed-helsa · 4 years
Fear Will Be Your Enemy
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZhbuUA
by kissmyapplejuice
What if Agnarr and Iduna hadn't locked Elsa away for her powers, and had chosen instead to listen to Pabbie's words? How would their story have changed?
Words: 3886, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Helsaweek 2020
Fandoms: Frozen (Disney Movies), Frozen - Anderson-Lopez & Lopez/Lee, Disney - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Elsa (Disney), Pabbie (Disney), Agnarr (Disney), Iduna (Disney), Hans (Disney), Hans' Family (Disney), Anna (Disney)
Relationships: Elsa/Hans (Disney), Agnarr/Iduna (Disney), Anna & Elsa (Disney), Elsa & Hans (Disney), Anna & Hans (Disney)
Additional Tags: Helsaweek, Helsaweek 2020, what if, Universe Alteration, UA, what if au, Alternate Universe, what if Iduna and Agnarr had actually done what Pabbie recommended?, tbh they weren't the greatest parents
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZhbuUA
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